Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, August 07, 1890, Page 5, Image 5

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A Eenwtional Arrest Made by Ormaby Yes
terday Morning ,
Exciting Hccno on I-'nrnnm Street in
Which n DnrliiR Arrest \Vns Mnilo
with Ki > inrkut > l < : ConlncHa
Sergeant Tom Ornisby had nn exciting
time ulwut 8 o'clock yesterday morning.
As bo was passing down Fumam street ,
near Fifteenth , lie met two men whom ho re-
inoinbored having been mixed up with a
numlier of robberies , nnd stopping , told them
that thc-y were both unttcr arrest.
Hut they weren't , not just then.
Both pulled revolvers and made for the
World-Herald office , which they entered , the
nflltvTund the crowd upon the streets follow
ing them.
Ormsbygot the drop on ono of the men with
his revolver and seized him , while Dick Mot-
calfe , a reiwrtcr , disarmed the follow. In the
meantime tlio other man had announced his
intention nf killing the first
that Rot in front of him , nnd presenting his
revolver dctinvi a pimngo way through the
crowd that had gathered , walked out into the
streot. darted around a corner and was gone
llkon fla-h.
The other man was taken to the pollco
illation in the patrol WIIKOII.
The Hum arrested Is Frank Bruce. Ho nnd
the pal who was with htm yesterday morning ,
whose naiiio Is not recalled , were arrested
Ihrco years ngo for the Jmiuscn diamond rob-
bcryand before a Jury were acquittedthough
the evidence against them was strong.
JJrucc Is as smooth a thlof us there Is going
nnd Is known nll"6vcr the country , IIo is an
educated follow and his father is n Highly i-e-
hpectcd citizen of Mlssotiri.who believes that
Ids boy Is perfectly btraighl and the object of
police persecution. IIo Is a small , but ut tbo
Mime time u powerful man , with a smooth
After bflnp taken to the station ho was put
in Scavoy's sweat-box and the chief nnd Detective -
tectivo Ilazo put tlio tnumb-scrcws on him ,
but learned nothing.
Bnico and his partner nro safe-blowers and
diamond thieves and supposed to bo tbo men
who blow the safe of the Boston store some
jnontlii iigo , and who stele Mrs. Mayor Cush-
ing's diamonds more recently.
Ormshy deserves credit for tackling the
men nnd Dotting 0110 of them , us ho wtu aloiio
at the time and knew them to bo desperate
In each cell In the jail thcro U a water
closet for the use of the prisoners. Shortly
nf tor norm , n prisoner in the main corridor
called Captain Mostyn ana told him that
Bruce was escaping. Upon running down
into thu robber's cell , the ofllccr sawntn
glance that tlio man was gono. The
manner of his escape was also visible. IIo
' had torn up the ctoct and escaped througli
ttio drain. Capt. Mostyn I m mediately ran
out In front of the Jail and found thu man
under the sidewalk , beneath which there is a
space excavated to permit light to enter tlio
basement. Bruce was found attempting to
pry up a portion of tlio sidewalk with a crow
bar , which ho had found beneath tlio side
walk. Ho was recaptured and taken back to
his cell ami placed In irons.
His partner was located In Council
Bluffs nnd Sergeant Ormsby went nftcr him
yesterday afternoon.
An informatfon was Hied yesterday in po
llco court charging John Uoo , real niiino un
known , with assiiult with intent to kill. Uoo
is the partner of Bruce and Is the fellow who
drew a revolver on Sergeant Ornisby. When
Bruce was hero at the tlmo of the Jonasen
robbery bis pals were two desperate crooks
known as Eaton nnd Shaw. His confederate
on tbo present trip is neither of them , but
Is a stranger to the local police , who would
like in have nn opportunity to cultivate bis
A Call for nJloctlus to I' , i-l'cot an Or'
OUAIIA , N"eb. , August R The Importance
of the coming election demands the immedi
ate organization of the republicans of Doug
las county , and for that purpose a mooting Is
called to bo held oil Thursday , August 7 , 1SOO ,
n't 8 p. in. , atGarileld hall , Ko. 1511 Hownrc
street , to organize a republican club , to bo
known at "The Douglas County Republican
All republicans are earnestly requested to
attend thu meeting und participate in the or
M. L. Hooder , H. A. .Toplln ,
C. J. Ualllngcr , A. H. Klchtor ,
A. I ) . White , W. F. Giirloy ,
Kd Walsh , Kdwln H. Crowell ,
Moses P. O'llrien , Gcorgo M. O'Brien , jr ,
IV. 8. Strawn , Albert B. Hoeder ,
Frank Kosper , A. U. Souer ,
Elijah Dunn , P. Grldloy ,
.T. A. Fitzgerald , D. K. Uocdcr ,
AVIllIiuii Cobuni , Frank 1C. . Moo res ,
f C } . W. Ambrose , Adolnh Meyer ,
v Morltz ' Meyer , Morris Morrison ,
Xco'Helsloy Isaac S. Hate-all ,
K. C. Cooper , K. Hose water ,
Dim C. Hhelloy , William F. Bechol ,
It. I ) . Duncan , T. 1C. Sudborough ,
The : ins Swobe , E.V. . Simeral.
J. H. Krlon , W. S. Cool : .
0. M. Glasgow , .1. K. Hart ,
1C. P. Savage , 1C. McAulay ,
I ) . K. L. KrnhoutJ A. .1. Ilaldwin ,
J. P. Hayes , 0. W. MaUcpieco ,
U. L.Mi-fuekin ! , N. W. Peterson ,
J. D. Koblnsoti ,
Overworked Combine ct. al. Ii
Son roll ol' Ileorent Ion ,
Th councllnmnlo excursion to the far wcs
left at G-.UO last evening over the Unloi
Pacific. Tlio following made up the party :
Councllmen Bluincr , ChnfToc , Dims , Kits
par , Moreurty , McLenrle , Sen river , Sander
Osthoff nnd Wheeler , Comptroller Goodrich
St. A. D , Bulcombo and Assistant City Clerli
Counsnmn. The three last named gentleruei :
go by special invitation of the council ,
Councllmoii Bechel , Cooper , Donnelly nnd
Lowry Und their business such as to make 1
Impossible for them to take the Jaunt , \ \ hll
his Koyal Highness , Pat Ford , Is "doing"
Probably no excursion of well known mon
over left Omaha with so llttlo keenness fo
the start as does this one. Several of tbo more
prominent ones of the party said , however
that tboy had no doubt nt all but that when
started everybody would "limber up , forget
tlio bitter contentions which have Leon ex
perienced In council affairs , nntl would throw
their coats fora great old timo. "
The first stop will bo at ( Jhoycnne , where
half a day will bo spent in looking over public
The party will RO dhvct to Salt Lake ,
whore u stop of mi indefinite length will bo
Comptroller Goodrich says that ho pro
poses to challenge any member of tlio party
lor n IOIIK distance swim In Salt Luke ,
nnd bo has no feari whatever ns to the r -
fiiilts. Mr. Goodrlch has had a very coy llttlo
bathing suit made , und it Just ills lib vest
Alter a ramble 'round among Mormon
ruins and several dips lu the briny pond the
Sirty will continue their Journey on to
' gden , then to Portland. Krom Portland
there will bo several sldo excursions.
On the return trip , the travelers will make
quite n stay In Denver.
Tbo trip will consume about two weeks.
' No outsiders will accompany the party.
The train was on time , and In their special
car weiu the gentlemen whoso names are
piven above. They worn all arrayed In plug
hats and Priuco Albert coats , and had settled
clown to playing- high live half an hour before
the train pulled out. Tucro was no party of
patriotlo constituents present to bid them
farewell , lu n word , It was the most lone
some , dreary , friendless departure of excur
sionists that porhnpj over was pulled out of
Omaha In a Pullman.
civse.s of boor accompanied tliocouu-
cllumnlu ct r , _
Fits , spasms , St. Vltus danro. norvousnoM
- niid liyHtoriu uro soon cunxl by Dr. Miles'
f- J Ten'iue. Fixto sauiplcss utKuliu & Co. , Utb
And Dougloi.
Tlio Monojr Prnnlc MorrUnoy I'lmls ns
HanltnrjCoiiinilssloiicr. .
If nil thi ) roiK > rt.H Unit ere clrclulatlng
rougli the ntinosjihoro bo" true , Snnl-
iry Coinnihslonor Trank Morrissey Is In
Boon after Morrlsscy's appointment In
unc , lie had ono of liU friends hi the council
ntmtluco nn ordinance changing thu ix' ulu-
.lous governing the removal of garb.igo and
.ho clciinlnf } of cess-pools.
Tlio second section of this ordinance i-catls
at follows :
It slmll bo unlawful for nny ixrson , except
n person n-hohiis boon nutliorizud by the sun-
"tary cominlMloncr , to clean , remove , or con-
, -cy tiwny the contents nf tiny vault , cess-pool ,
closet , or oilier receptacle , according to the
, > rovislons of this ordinance.
This ttavo the sanitary commissioner nrbl-
tr.u-y power , niul If the stories of certain
nicn ciif'iigeil in this business nro to bo bo-
"loved , ho used this power to the fullest limit.
Attc'r the passage of the ordinance , the san
itary commissioner prior to tlio appointment
of Mr. Morrlsscy to tlio position , Issued u clr
culnrns follows !
The only iwrsonsnutborlzed hy the sanitary
commissioner to cnpigo In tbo business of
cleaning nnd removing the contents of vaults ,
cesspools nnd closets , accordlnif to bectlon 2
of the ordinance , uro the following : , lolm
Nelson , No , 4M South Fourteenth street : A.
Travis , Webster , between Fifteenth nnd Six
teenth streets ; 0. W. Uole , No. a : b I'uclllo
street ; L. L.uzarus & Son , No. 1SU
uming street : Ole FredcrieUson , No.
H3 South Ninth street ; James Leo ,
Thirtieth nnd Half Howard streets.
U.V. . Cole and L , Lazarus claim that
after limiting these appointments .Mr. Morrissey
rissoy demanded of them 'J5 per cent of what
tliov bud received for doing sanitary work.
Tito men refused to aceedo to this coin-
numl , nnd then the uominl sloncr told them
that ho would bo willing to take 0 per cent.
The other fellows , however , were still
obstinate , nnd even refused to niako that
offer to tbe gnrbago muster. Lnzurus told
him that ho bad many customers on htslist
\vlio Imd been with tilm for years , nnd whom
I'V.mUMorrlssov ' didn't even know , and ho
was not inclined to pay n commission on the
work ho got from them. Ho was
willing , however , to pay Mr. Morrlssey
tU ! per cent oil all now business ho sent the
: irm.
The war waged and John Nelson , Lnzarus
& Son audO. W. Cole drew up n petition
nUing for a repeal of the objectionable elnusu
in the ordinance , which was signed by siuih
men m J. I. Hedlclc , W. A. Hedk-k , the
mes real catnto agency , .1. P. Coad , by P.
1' , Salenmn , agent ; M. O. Maul , O. J. Men-
ter , Adam Snydcr , Charles Wedell. Milton
Kngor& Sons , M. Ilellmtm , P. P. Williams ,
W. II. Urecn. M. D. Hyde , \V. P. Allen , Sid
ney Smith , Chnrles Ilniiulies , Hvron Heed it
Co. , H. D. Sliull , J. T. Wlthrow , M. Toft , J.
(1. Snilth , 1' . U Perlne , W. H. HusscllV. .
W. Lowe , H. O. Dovries , C. C. Goorire , KH-
kenney it Co. , Dull Green nndV. . 'L' . Oiii-
Thh petition was prcsoutcd to tlio council
nnd referred to the commltto on judiciary
where It now rests.
A few days ngo John Nelson informed
Lazarus nnd Cole that bo had withdrawn
from tbo case. Ho said that Morrissey had
olTcreti him the exclusive right to tlo th is
work for the year for 1,000 and tbat bo had
accepted tlio offer
As u result of this all tbo garbage men in
tlio city who clean cesspools were notified
Tuesday that they must quit the work and
that their license money would bo refunded
to them ut tlio couiu-il meeting Unit evening.
Lazums it Son and Cole retained attorneys
to represent their interests.
When tin ) regular nppronrlatlon ordinance
was presented to tbo council thcro was
a paragraph in it providing for the re
funding of tbo license money to those men.
The attorneys representing the garbage
mon wanted this paragraph stricken out and
Councilman Davis moved that it should lie ,
but Ostholt , iKssldo whom Morris.-oy was sit
ting , opposed the motion and said bo would
nsk the council to listen to the commissioner.
Morrissey iniido u speech. IIo said that nn
ordinance had passed and was now a law giv
ing him power to iiiimo tbo men who should
bo allowed to do this class of sanitary work.
Tbo paragraph In theappropriatitmordinance
under disiuasion simply refunded money to
men engaged in tbo business who had paid
tbo license , but were not authorized by him
to do tbo work. IIo said tbat the council hud
bocoino mixed up on the matter.
Mr. Wluirton wanted to present the other
sldo of thocaso. but was not allowed to nd-
drcss the council. When the latter took up
tbo passage ot the appropriation ordinance
thu objectionable paragraph was stricken out ,
and thereupon Morrissey loft the room , de
claring that If any of tbo men attempted to
use the city dumps that eight or any time , bo
would arrest them.
Lazarus it Son were- the only ones who
hauled Tuesday night and tboy were told that
thov would bo arrested ,
Mr. Morrissey was scon yesterday nnd
suld that it was true that ho bad shut these
mon oft and that ho had dona so because they
had failed to stand by their agreement to pay
him 2U i > er cent of their earnings. Ho and
Mr. Nelson were interested in tbo work
together and had put their own teams on tlio
work. IIo had a perfect right , ho said , to
do this. Tbo fees in his ofllco were optional
and ha was supposed to make what he could
out of it. His garbngo districts ho leased out
and the other work ho was doing himself ,
together with Nelson. They received 10
cents a cubic yard for removing tlio rofuso.
Through coaches 1'ullnmn paluco
, dining cars , fi-eo reclining elinir
to Cliicn < ; o and intervening points
via the } , rroit ; Hook lulum ! route. Ticket
ollico IGOii , und Furruuu.
Mow They ro Approelntcd hy Soldiers
GoliiijJo KoHtou.
Grand Army tickets to tbo national re
union at Doston and return , went on sulo yes
terday , und mattoi-3 nbout tlto various city
offices wei-o j unusually lively. Long before -
fore 7 o'clock Vnlll nnd his hustling associate ,
Colonel DowlIng , hiv.l the Burlington corner
gaily decorated with gorgeously colored ban
ners , announcing their Hue as tbo only of-
flcml route nnd its superior accommodations.
" \Vo have been doina : a rattling good busi
ness" said Colonel Ynlll-ovur since our doors
opened , but they h'tivo only jtut commenced
to come us yet. "
Matters .seemed to bo nbout as lively nt the
Northwestern , Milwaukee , Missouri Pncillc ,
Hock Island nnd AVabash ollicus.Waro
not the alleged ofliclal route , " oxolalmej ono
of the men , "but will get our shnro of the
business just the sumo. "
The rate yesterday was $31.1 ! ) , but whether
that will bo maintained or not is being
discussed , Some predict n cut this
morning.All roads out of Ivausns City have
dropped tbo rnto to the Missouri Padlle's
schedule of $ : .7r > 0 , thus giving the Kansas
veterans nn advantage of & ) . , ' ! . ' > on the round
trip over their Nebraska brothers. Asa consequence -
sequence , u sort ol dissatisfaction has nl-
ready been raised among the Nebraska vot-
onins. The latter full to see any convincing
or Justifiable reason why the rate
from Oinnlm should not be ttio sumo us
from Kansas City when the distance is about
tbo same. A Burlington oftlclnl attempted
to explain wherein this seeming' discrimina
tion in favor ol Kunsis : City was Justilled by
calling attention to the fact tbat the regular
rate between Kansas City nnd t. Louis Is
J7.50 , while from Omaha to St. Louis It is
Jll.fiOuiidto Chleiuro Sli..7.r . Roads east ot
St. Louis first cut the ono fare nitu by reduc
ing it ftom ? io to $ -0. The \Vabosh is in'that
swim. Not being n Chicago road , its only
clmuco of getting nay of the Nebraska bust-
ness lies in muring the sumo rate , $2 * . " > ( ) ,
from Omaha as the Missouri I'ucilio does
from Kansas City. All the Chicago lines ex-
licet it to do this. If It does they will then
liuvo to moy t the rato.
AVhoro the Kick Com H In.
A prominent freight oQlclul , returned from
Chicago , where ho devoted several days to
i-ato matters , says that the opposition shown
by the Chicago roads n gainst the Interstate
commerce commission's order for a reduc
tion hi grain nnd food-proiluat rates from
Missouri river points east Is based upon nn
alleged supposition that It would work a ills-
crimination against their town nnd lu favor
of St. Louis.
"Hero , " said ho , "I * the idea ; Such reduc
tion as that proposed would establish u differ
ential on wheatfor iiistanco.of six cents to St ,
I.ouls. while the difference hereto
fore has been only been flvo cents.
With n six cent differential , there
fore , St. Louis would luivo nn advan
tage over Chicago of ono cent on through
shipments , or in other words wheat could
bo shipped from the Missouri river and points
; > cyond , as far as Omnhn , to the sea-board by
way of St. Louis at ono cent per 100 poun < li
heaor ) than by way of Chloigo. Of course
he Chicago roads might imko a IP Instead ot
JO-ccnt rate in order to equalize matters , hut ,
f they should , St. Louis would still claim
.ho six cent differential and also drop down
'rom M to ii : cents. On com the differential
n favor of St. Louis , would bo llvo cents
a hundred as It Is now nnd always bus been ,
but In her greed , Chlc.itro claims that the Mis
souri metropolis is entitled to no such fav
oritism , She generously concedes that It
would bo nil right to glvo St. Louis a
" cent differential from Kansas City , but can-
lot understand why she should liuvo the
snmo from Otnnhn , when the distnnco from
the latter place to St. Louis h nearly tbo
same as to Chicago. Olvc St. Louis a differ
ential of a cents and then Chicago \vlll gladly
accept the commission's ruling and udopt the
reduced tariff. "
Stolen Thtitulcr.
The claims sot forth lu a Chicago dispatch
.but Chairman MIdgley deserves more credit
linu anybody for having formulated the uni
form classification soon to bo adopted by all
American railroads , makes old freight .men
smllo. Ono of them said yesterday that
' .Tanvos H. liutler and George It. Dlanchnrd
promulgated the scheme about six years ngo ,
mil long before MIdgley thought of such a
thing. In fact , after they had proposed it to
the various roads of tbo country , MIdgley
spent more than ono year compiling figures
.0 show wherein it would c.mse a loss to the
western lines alone of fully $2,000,000 n year.
This allowing naturally startled the general
nnnagers.wlio refused to accept Messrs. Kut-
, er and Hiunchard's proposition. Then MUg-
oy stele tholr thunder nnd now flashes it us
an original idea of his own , "
A Surprising Clmiijjc.
A dispatch to Tim Dm : from St. Joe says
that General Manager MeNcal of tlio St. Joe
& Grand Island division oftho Union Pacillo
will bo transferred to the management of the
Oregon railway nnd navigation company's '
incs ut Portland. The news was qulto a sur
prise to officials nt headquarters. They
claim not to have even heard that such a
change hod been contemplated. Jlr. Hol-
? omh is in Portland , or nt least was there
.Tuesday. Notwithstanding the sudden
ness , of tbo Information , speculation is rife ns
to who will most likely succeed McNoal at St.
Joe. If Mr. Holeomb observes the civil ser
vice rnlo in this case , .T. M. Hunis llrst in
line of promotion , being tlio ranking superin
To Clileaun d Ui'ttirn l'orf ) .
The roads from Omaha nro engaging
in a lively llttlo war on the Oddfellow rates.
The rate is $13.75 , but scalpers are selling
tickets for ? ' , ! .
Notes and I't-isonal.s.
Harry 13. Potter , a bright nnd popular
young man , has been ntmointcd assistant
solicitor for the Merchants' Dispatch ,
E. 1' . Hipley , late general manager of the
"Q , " entered upon hU now duties lust Mon
day with the Milwaukee as third vice-presi
dent of that road. Ho has chat-go of the
company's trafllc affairs.
The oflleial G. A. R. train of Nebraska will
leave Omulin on Pritlay. Reserves have al
ready been taken to llll seven Pullman
Mrs. Winslow's ' soothing syrup for children
teething softens the gums and allays all pain.
Uo cents u bottle.
Tiio nowofiicod of tao proat Rock Is-
Innd route , 1002 , Sixtuorith and Farnain
street , Omnhn , tire the finest in the city.
Cull and KCO thorn. Tickets to all pointd
east at lowest rates
Full 1'rojiraniino ot" tlio Coining Meet
ing ; nt Council niiifl's.
Great preparations are being made for the
tenth annual session of the National farm
ers' congress , which meets at Council Bluffs
August 2 < i , 27 , 23 and 20. The sessions will
bo neld at Dohany's opera house , and tlio fol
lowing programme has been prepared for tlio
occasion : ,
rntsT DAT.
10:00 : a. m , Called to order by the presi
Music by the band.
Prayer by Uov. C. W. Bloclgett , D.D. , Dos
Monies , In.
Welcome to Iowa , Hon. Horace Boise , gov
ernor of state.
Address of welcome by Hon. L. S. Coflln ,
Fort Dodge , on bcbiilf of the fanners.
Welcome to tbo city , by Hon. D. Macrao of
Council Bluffs.
Music by the band.
Original poem by Hev. G. W. Croft.
Kesponso bv Hon. A. W. Smith , of Kansas ,
and Prof. JJ. Puryear , Virginia.
President's annual address.
Call of states and appointment of commit
tees on resolution , liminconnd credentials.
2 p. m. Music by the band.
Itcport of committee on credentials.
Miscellaneous business.
"Existing facts and Laws that Injure
Agriculture , " by W. J. Chambers , president
Iowa agricultural college.
"Legislation Affecting Agricultural Inter
ests , " by ox-Coiigressmun James A , MciCln-
zee , Kentucky.
Introduction of memorials and resolutions.
Heport of .standing committees.
10:00 : n. in. Memorials and resolutions.
Miscellaneous business.
"Farmers Alliance" ( by its originator ) ,
Hon. Milton Oeorgo of Chicago.
"Tho Silver Question , " Hon. E. IJosowater ,
OM.UII BII : : .
Address , Prof. B. Purycnr , Virginia.
2 : IX ) p. in. Miscellaneous business ,
"Tho Farmer In Politics , " ex-Comptroller
United States Treasury , Hon. William
Lawrence , O.liio.
"Agricultural Department at Washington , "
by a member of the department ,
THIltl ) DAV.
10:00 : n. m. Ilesolutions and memorials.
Keports of committees.
Address ,
"Farming tbo Best Business , " lion. P. B.
Norton , Wisconsin.
"Agricultural Interests of Maine , " Hon.
William Freeman , Maine.
J:00 : p. in. "Tho ' Progressive Agricultur
alist , " by Hon. William Bushncll , president
suite agricultural society , Minnesota.
"ImiKmdiTablo , " Hon. II. E ; Work , In
7:00 : n. m. Reports on resolutions. *
"Political Obligations of the Farmer , "
Hon. Alon/o Wardell , South Dakota.
"Legislation for Farmers , " Hon. Josluh
"Wheeler , Kansas.
10:00 : n. m. Miscellaneous business.
Call of the states for ton minute speeches.
Speakers to bo designated by tbo president ,
nnd in no case to run over the ten minutes , to
bo timed by tbo secretary.
The only railroad train out of Omaha
run expressly for the accommodation of
Onmhn , Council Bluffs , DCS Molnos nntl
Chicago business is the Hock Inland
vestibule limited , louvlti Omnhn nt4:15 :
p. in. daily. Ticket ollico lOOU , Sixteenth
and Furnam sts. , Omulm.
Graduate Dentist.
A Full Set of Teeth , on Rubber ,
For Five Dollars.
A perfect fit gmiMiitoed. Tt'oth extracted
without pain or d.-inai-r. and \rltLoiit nnaob-
thotk-s. ( Joltl and sllvur IlllliiKS at lowest
rutos. Hi jjpo niul Ctqwn Work. Teeth with
out pluto.i. All work warriintcd.
. Ifith street oluvutor. Open ovcn-
In s until 8 o'clock.
A POSITIVE and permanent CURE for all
dlieasci of the URINARY OROANS. .OnreJ !
where other troatucnt fills. Fall directions witne&nu
bottle. Price , one dollar. Bee signature of EL -
BXAUL. For Sale Dy All
Sunburn , W8LL CUKE Piles ,
Chafings , Cuts ,
Eruptions , Boils ,
Sore Eyes , Burns ,
Sore Feet , Wounds ,
Mpsquito Bites , Bruises ,
Stingsof Insects , Catarrh ,
Inflammations Soreness
Hemorrhages DOTTLE WITH Lameness.
POND'S EXTRACT CO. , 70 Fifth Avenue , Now York.
Now that its manufacturers are drawing the atttntion of >
the American public to t\usjirsf \ andcvcr , since its invention , I
the best of all cocoasit , will soon be appreciated here as well 2
as elsewhere all over the world. All that the mauufnctur- \
ers request js simply oiiQ trial , or , still better , a compara
tive test with whatever other cocoa it may be ; then VAN
HOUTEN'S COCOA itsdf will convince every one of its great
superiority. It is because of this superiority that the
English paper Health , says : " Once tried , always used. "
e3-To avoid the evil elects of Ton ml Ooffoo. two constantly VAN HOUriJN'S COCOA.
nhlcliU < iSTnUNOTllKNEHolthoNERVi:8 : nJarofr sliliiE ndnoirlslilnBboTcr ! so. [ 52
jThe Ghastly Record
of death * tlmt result from innlnrl.i I * fright *
fill. Thcro ID no ( Ihrmci Hint Is no liiHlilloii *
In It.s allaclt , It.snii > riuiclilHHtfiiltIiy niul
It pcrnifiitcn o\tirj' Hiiro nftli l > < > < lynml
rcinoillcsiltlcli Ifiippllotl utthnnutsrt , l > y
delny lese tlii-lr JIOIVIT , Dr. Tutt'H Llvor
1'lllH Iinro proven the inontnlunblo liuilii-
rlal antidote vor < ll rovt < r < 'd. A notcit
Mcli-r iyiimii nfNiiiv Yfirlc i > ronounri'H tlirm
"tlio Krculcnt Yilr Alni ; tif the iiint-trmtli
fontury , " nntl nays : "In tliisko days of dr
tlvo plumbing and niiwur pas , no family
hl loultllio Avlthout tlicm. " Tlii > yuro plrns-
tint to lululiclng covered \vitti u vuuilla
nugnr coiitlng. ,
Tutt's liver Pills ,
Sold Everywhere , 125e.
The Ninety-third Session Will Open on
ruii conitus is
Clns Ios , Ijnw , Sc-liMici1 , Matlicinsitlcs , Mcolian-
Ical and Civil KnKliirerliii ; , Mmlu and a
Tliorough Uoininurcial Courso.
tTTSpoclul ndvantaa" ' nro ollo-otl to student * or
tlio Law Uefartiuont and of the Dopartnicnt of Mo-
cliunlciil KiiKliK'crliiK. St. Kdwnrda Hall , for lloya
under 1:1 : joars.h unliiuo In tlio comi'lotcnoniof Its
oiuliL-ont | | . Cntitldk'iioa , Klvlnx full partlculurj ,
will bo cant trcu on n | > i > lluntlon to
KEV. T. E. WALSH. 0. S. 0. . I'n-fltdcnt.
Tlio "Oth Academic term will open Monday , Sent , bill
Conservatory of Music
The ( \eiiilomle Course Is thorough In Clio Prepiirn-
Inrj , Senior Mini c'lniiU-nl Urmloi. Simla liupiiit-
inont , on tlio plan oftho t ; < > n crvnlurkia of Kur-
jpo , U under oliafKU uf H couiplt'tororpHof tcitehurs. .
HIT umureil lliuiur l < i. AJIIMJ tor cnimtiuuu in
DAMK l' . a , ST josw'ii COU.NTV , INDIANA.
Ettabllihoo I
A tcliool lor the bie'icr education of WOIIH. ( n
nnsuHllynno corps of I'rofoxori fur 1190-91. Litera
ture , Art and Muilc by ppcl ll ts. Location Co | .
umbia , Mo. , In a 20 acre park Juit north of cltjr limits.
Vorcxt tree * abounil , blue ( trim , n bun.tinreot < pace
for ont-door exerciso. JJindsomo bulldlrfk * < Moral
tone of Hchnolf xrrllent. A ChrUtl&il hem with til
the trecilom nml allthn lafuiruarili of a wollordtrci ]
botno. WrltttforritaloKtto , AiMress.
W. A. OUHIAJ1. rreilctrnt.uOLUMBJi , UO.
Now Bulldlnss , New Furniture , New Pianos
New Equipments , Beautllul Situation. '
OpciiM Sept. Sit. Full anil Jiiporlor Karulty. Dopart-
niL'nti * for Kiijjlljti , LutlnM.rtu , ( ioriimn. French ,
bclenco , Music , Art , i'tc , K-nil for Information to
MISS 11. N. HAtiKKI.U I'rlnclpnl ,
( iODFIIKV , ll.l.IXOIS.
( IIICktlllNU IIALL , WAIUDHUfc J. JllkSO.l hi.
Allliranclii' uClu > ii-liriiiiullirAitlii > l8arttf. Tiuohen'
Tlillilnui'rhoul. ' Un nruwotla | < lrintiiit < 9at liia'kruto '
luit , UaUloci mallea Irro. l.i. IlillBtJtUT , lllrtclur ,
Mllwatikoc , WIs
For VoitnijAVoinpn. 1'or cutulogitu uild O. It
KIN SLE\v.l'lu D.l'res't.
All dcntrtnifnta of MtiaifAl liutrurttoti , kltxjtrn Tjin *
| etc. . * . UtrU4iu > , JuckAOurillo * 111.
I BMonrnnl'i rUnCirChlcjBO ( ) . Hoarding I
R.flSchool for Girls aud Yourw I.atlloa , For I
- /C4tttlOBU > < wl < Jr < J.1'HAYKll.J.I < . " . ,
Vorcaiil'ttrUIll.irT7MuiJlioiiHtroiJtClitcigo , III.
Clrcul rofHK.MlV J. 8YKVUNS , A. U , 1'rln ,
itualntrlr ixlliblo , jifrtwlllf iwf o.mwt powiTfulf.-iinIi
ntrtil4torVnn u. iicT rfaUj 4nlM > ciicMi4ivttJiuii < but
lullk-U'DU .Mli-ttM IJIlN liltl'ti ( XI " fltlfoloN. V.
Hiiiil "
AOOODItlC'H , hitwycr.tlSI nourlMirn St. ,
Olilcugu , 'M yonrx' uuccoHsdil prac-leu.
Aclvlcul'i-ou ! noiiiiliilclty. bpoulal ( aullltlub.
luuiany btatos.
Tim : " 0. "
Thodcun'Olnour ilntcs nlllmnkon long itny ,
N'o mun or woman now lit Ing Mill ever date a
document without using tba IVguro 0. It stands
In the third place in 1890 , wltcro It will remain ten
years and then move up tosccouJ placa in 1000 ,
where It will rest /or onu hundred years.
Thcro is another " 8" hloh luis nlso oomo to utay.
It I.s unlike the flguru 9 In our clUes : In the re * peel
that It has nlrcudy moved up to first place , where
It will permanently remain. Ills called the "Ko.
B" High Arm Wheeler & Wilson Soivlns Machine.
The "No , 9" was endorsed for first plnco by tha
experts ol Europe nt the Paris Exposition of 1SSO ,
where , after a sevcru contest with the leading ma
chines of the world , it wiu nwanlod the only
Grand Prize given to family sewing machines , all
ethers on exhibit having received lower award *
of gold mcdais , cto. The French Government
also recognized Its superiority by thodecorntlon of
} fr. Nathaniel Wheeler , I'resldcntof the company
with the Cross of th Legion of Honor.
Tbo "No. 0" is not nn old machine Improved
uj-on , but. u an entirely new machtno , nml Urn
Grand Prlz ; ct Paris was awarded It ns the grand'
est , advance in c\vlnsmuchlnp mcctinnism of the
ngo. Those who buy it can rust assured , there
( ore , of baviug the very latest and boit.
16T nml 187 V/ubnnh Avo. , Chicago
P. E. FLODMAN ft , CO.
220 North Sixteenth Street.
Passage to and from ( treat Britain and all
parts of Europe. Montroal-tlvoriiool route , by the
waters of St. Lawrence , shorloat ofall. UIHSKOW to
Itoeton , to riilladolphlR. Liverpool to nnd from
llaltlmorc. Thirty Stoaraerp. UlnsB excelsior.
Accommodatlnns nnsurpaescd. Weekly sailings ,
AIiI VN & O..Uen. West. AR'ta.
C. 1. Sundell. > nwr. 112 Lu Hallo St. . Chicago , II
most NEW YORK Evnnv TnonsDAr.
Cabin Passage $33 to $50 , according to location ol
stateroom. Excursion $65 to $95.
BteernRfl tonnd Irnm Knroi > oatl/wwt Hates ,
AUSTIN BAtDWI ! ) & GO. , General Agents ,
Q3 Broadway , NEW YORK.
.Ino. Hlezpn. ( iiMicral Wt-stcin Apont , 121
nitiulolli | ) Street , riiluivgi ) . Hurry h , Blooro
09 , Unnno
S'- il
The Iurtc t , } 'n lrt onil Fine * ' , lu Itio World ,
lAju > ciiKfr afcoTitwlntloMs un < * ic < ? llt 1 *
unvo.MA , AUK. a , | ANCIIOUIA , Aug. 2.1.
C1KCASSIA , Ann. 1C. | r.TUIOI'IA , Auz. 'M.
New York , Quoonstown and Liverpool.
Thn C lelirnto > I I Auif. 2. ! < 1. Rapt. Wth.
C1TV OF UOMK. | Oct. IMIi.
iRtvrf on lowfeittrrmi * to un < l from th iirinciivtl
iicur luntlrkit > rt litcfl. made v IUIji | to return
liy f ither tlie | iicturti iuo ( 'lydo ' , Hit er U triehorth or
huultinr IrpLind Nanlwor ulttrnltnr.
at lav vtl rurrrnt rntr > . Ainly i any of our local
ffeiiU , or to HENDERSON BROS. ) Chicago.
Local iiRents ut Uuinhii : llHrry K. Jloore
Clmtlos Mart ) * , W. K. Vulll , II. 1' . Iouol , Ultl
zi'a allunk. Otto Wolf.
IT till curia. lH.J.brEPUEtlBL tluon,0.
from pffeots
WERKS of l.imt .Mlllihoiiil ,
Voiithful Krrnrn , Iinj > o
tciH-ytiiul DIsouiiCij of Men
cnu locuroil | > onuuiiuiitlir IIIK ) iirlvntulybjr our nui-
tiulhi illlc SenlliT mull forll. Ilnuk uiit ( c l ll
fur l m | > . Ili-HcuuMmll
tun blrcet , llohtou , Mu >
. . .
T. H
-AND TI-lCl-
Two Dollars and a a
On payment ot the first monthly installment you will rocolvo the first flvo
volumes of the Enc.yclopudia , and your siilweriplion toTIIK 13EU will bc ln im-
tncdlJitoly. The rcniaininK1 llvo volumes of tlio Vjioycloptediu will bo tlolivorotl
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liulf dolltirs you will conio into possession of the complete sot of this rcnt work
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Why Americanized Encyclopedia Britannica ?
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terest to Etiglibhmon. Tbe Ainoricani/.ed ICdltion devotes special attention to
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About so'von thousand pjigoH. About fourloon thousand columns. Bntwoon eight
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