Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, August 07, 1890, Page 2, Image 2

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    rYivrATTA TiArr.'v Trnrr ? mrrrmem A V Armr-ram r ?
Ohainuan Jones of the National Oommittco
Bays it Benefits Farmers.
A Hpcclnl Itnllotln from till ;
OJHcn Kliow.s 'I'M at Ncbmsku Is
Not Alillctcd M'lUi
> ! ' Till-Ill.
BntRvoTiin O\rmv nnre , 1
filJI FoUUTKti.XTIl STIl KKf , >
WASIIIXOTON , D. C. , August 0. )
Hon. OC'OtxoO. Jones of New York , chulr-
man of the natlonnl greenback coininittec , Is
the latest to give an enthusiastic endorse
ment of tbu uew silver coinage law. Mr.
Jones said to your correspondent this after
noon ; "Sincenbout April Slant , when the
price ofliver began to advance , the price of
wheat hiu gene up 15 cents per bushel , corn
about 12 cents per bushel , cotton between t
and' ' cents per pound mid butter nnd cheese
In nearly the same proiwrtion. The .averago
wheat crop of this country during tbo past
fifteen yearn lias been nbout 450,000,000 ,
bushels. The nvorugo corn crop for ten
years has been about 1SOOWO,000 ,
oushcls , Iho cotton crop nbout 17UOOtXK )
pounds , the butter product about l',000lOO (
rounds and tho-clieeso product about 18,000-
001) pounds. This advance would have
uniountci ! to over $ HXOiX,0X ) ) ( ) if It bad come
in time to cover Iho whole of last year's
product of these II vo articles. The advance
in the price of silver during that time has
been 18 cents per ounce , which , when applied
to the fiO.O'JO.Ouo ' ounces of silver annually
produced in this country , would amount to
only .Jtl.OJO.OOO. By these llgurcs you will
sec that the fanners have been benclltted
forty times nt much us the silver minors by
this advance , Yet I am toltt that a pnpor
called the Financier , which claims to repre
sent tbo farmers' alliance , Is complaining of
the silver lobby securing the passage of the
silver bill. "
"Do you think the advance will hold ! " was
"Yes , " snld Mr. Jones , "if the nrescnt bil
Is honestly curried out nnd asufllcient volume
of greenbacks issued to meet the require
ments for the money among American pro
ducers. Silver alone nor silver mid gold
combined will not meet onumartcr < such
requirements , especially for tha next few
years , during which nil onstanding national
bank notes must ho retired. "
"Do you believe the present silver bill will
ho faithfully carried out ! "
"Thnt depends on the president nnd secre
tary of the treasury. I have not aeon either
of them since the bill passed , butamtold that
both hnvo said It will be , and It is sincerely
to be hoped for the sake of American pro
ducers lliatsuch will bo the case , "
"Do you expect a largo attendance nt the
national greenback conference to bo held at
Indianapolis on August " 71"
"From present Indications there will bo ix
fair number present. Of course it Is called
nnd will bo held as n conforcnco of national
grcenbacUers , who will then nnd there pre
serve the great fundamental principles and
name for which they have so long and hon-
i'.stly labored , I do not expect much time
will tw spent on the history or theories of
money. Its history is now generally under
stood by most well informed people , and the
theory of greenback money issued by the
vororinnunt for value received by the gov
ernment has been decided to bo constitu
tional money. Tbo various theories now
being put forward for Issuing paper nionov
Fll Ull IILIlfl IFU313 U1U UUL
Jl .ICllU.ll WIU I1UV131
Will bo enacted into law. Their tendency is
to retard the day when paper money shall
oring forward u now and hotter civilization
by its use. "
A special bulletin was issued tonight from
the census ofllco showing the indebtedness of
states In 1880 nnd Ib'.K ) . The bonded debt of
Nebraska la 1880 was $ IWi. < > 7 , while in 1800
it is nothing. There was no floating debt in
IbSO , nor is there in 1S'H ) , nor nro there any
cash and funds on hanii for these years , In
1WO Nebraska's not dobtwua $100,20" , , while
for ib'JO no debt Is given.
Iowa in 1SSO had 100,000 bonded debt , but
Bho has nonolnlbOO. In 1330 the state had a
flouting debt of $ ; M2-I2S and in 1800 she has n
floating debt of MI,8 , ! > 3. Iowa's cash and
mills on hand in IS'.K ) is SI.GXI.SoT , against
! ) ,51l,8.t ( ) ; lu 18SU. Bor excess of assets over
debt IniS'.K ) U $ l , : 10 , < m , against SS.ilM.ttH i
run WH.SOX onimxAi , rACKAbi : HIM ,
Tbo original package bill was before the
house again today on the conference report ,
Which recommended the adoption of the Wil
son bill without the charge of the dot to nn
" 1 , " or tbo cross to n "t. " As soon us the re
port was presented .ludgo Heed of Iowa
moved the previous question on its adoption.
Mr. Oates of Alabama sought , but in vain ,
to get an opportunity for discussion and present -
sent certain ptoiioaitions in the nature of u
compromise ) to tlio house upon which to gel
instructions fora further compromise. There
was a roll call , the previous question was
ordered and after forty minutes' talk , which
was almost entirely 'bj' Judge
Heed and Mr. Gates. the vote *
was taken nnd the Wilson bill passed by a
vote of ISM to IM. The democrats almost to a
man voted in'opposltion to the bill and they
were joined by n handful of republicans , who
were opposed to the extreme stringency of
the measure. Said ono of the latter when
Kikcd why ho opposed tlio report : "Tho bill
was a most remarkable ono and the objections
to it wore pretty fully set forth when the
subject was in the house before. It proposed
to have the police regulations of a state , and
uny that may enact , attach liquors the mo
ment they cross tbo borders ol a stato. They
nmy therefore bo made liable to conilscation
not merely when offered for sale or In n cellar
of u man who has Imported them for bis per
sonal use and that of Ills family , as admitted
by .Judge Hoed , but , If lungimgo means uny-
thinp , o\oi : when in transit , though not des
tined for a point within the state. Thus a
keg of beer .shipped from Chicago to a point
in Montana would bo subject to the police
laws of the intervening states through which
it would have to pass , nnd , If these laws
authorized confiscation , would render itllnblo
to bo poured on the ground in Iowa or any
other stnto on the way. Such legislation Is
not merely unwise , but In my judgment will
not bo upheld for a moment by the courts. I
want to see n law enacted on this subject , but
I want one which will afford some practical
relief , not ono written by a r.ealot who can
not look to tlo effect of the possl-
blllty of tbo enforcement of thnt which
ho bus framed. This was the reason for my
, vote , but there are others almost equally
strong , and 1 cannot understand how gentlemen -
men who hnvo largo dairy interests in their
districts in states where oleomargarine is
prohibited voted for this bill. The house sub-
Btltnto afforded them n jirotectlon which the
Wilson hl'l ' does not , nnd the adoption of the
conference report leaves oleomargarine , low
grade oils mid a host of things in a position
to take advantage of the Lelso decision , with
no hope of any remedial legislation as fur as
they nro concerned by the present congress.
Tains my word for it , " ho continued , "bo-
fore tlio second session assembles
vyou will hear a protest against
this action far louder than that
which followed the announcement of the de
cision o ( the supreme court. This ni-tlon es
tablishes n precedent , ono which other Inter-
cats which ilestro like action will not bo t > low
to tuko advantage of , mid you may now look
fora II Mil of suggestions for llko legislation
which will only servo to point out the luck of
wisdom of this. In its effect , therefore , Ills
us far reaching If not ninro so than any meas
ure which has been acted on ut this session ,
now famous for the important subjects dealt
with. " Tim member whu thus spoke voiced
fairly the sentiments of tha republicans op
posing tlut Wilson bill. All of them have
snld publicly that they itwlrcd legislation ,
but they di-alrcd It along well known path * ,
not measures which , nlmlng to accomplish too
much , full to bring uny benefit.
The necessity for accuracy in legislation at
all stages was demonstrated by an Incident in
congress today. 1-nst April u bill wus passed
establishing u land oftlco at Lewiuton , Mont.
In the course of events tha act went before
the commissioner of the general land oftlco
to bo executed. That onlcml discovered thnt
tliaimma of the town win Lowlstown , mul
thnt bu wus not authorized to establish nn of-
tlci < ut that place , In this view the ecrctnry
pf the luUmor concurred uud today the dllll-
cully was remedied br the passage of a Joint
resolution changing tlio spoiling of the nnmo
from Lewiston lu Lt-wLitown. The consider
ation of the resolution afforded nn opportun
ity for the tisunl criticism uud complaint of
errors by the clerks.
siiifiiu : ox TIII : oniflls.vr , I-ACKAIIK.
HeprcsonliitlvoStrubloof the Sinus City ,
la. , district was ono of tbo staunch advoc.ttes
of the Wilson bill , nnd since his Is n prohibi
tion stnto ho has given tbo siiDjoct close at
tention. Unsaid to your correspondent this
morning : "President Harrison will sign the
bill very promptly IM promptly a * ho did the
silver bill for ho Is In thorough ticcord with
the proposition to so amend the Interstate
commerce law that prohibition stated may
have prohibition desplto nny Interference b.v
the operation of the interstate commeivo
clause given us uv the- constitution ,
lown is in favor of the amend
ment by a largo majority and
It will cut a promlnontllgura in the approach
ing camnalgii nnd will do away with nny ox-
cnso whatever for running the prohibition
candidates against republican nominees for
congress. The republicans have given them and it would bo u grou in
justice for thu prohibittonlsU to put candi
dates In opposition to the regular republican
nominees. Tlmro was some semblance of ex
cuse for the prohibitionists in placing their
candidates In the lield ugiilnntnspulillcaus be
fore the adoption of the amendment to the In-
ter.state commerce law , as they held that a
republican sunremo court bus overthrown the
features of a law which permitted the states
to enjoy prohibition. Now it republican con
gress bos come to the rescue with nil the leg
islation necessary for the status to help en
force the strictest prohibition laws. The
tcmpcranco follts know they have friends
only in the republican i-nnks. "
rol'UTU Cl.VISO1TMAiTiil5 | : Al'l'OIXTKD.
Js't-bniska Kmorick. Madison county , A.
II. Hlrhard < ion , vice J. L. Urunt , resigned ;
Harrison , Sioux county , K. 0. Hough , vice
1) . 1J. Davis , resigned.
Iowa Central City , Linn county , II. G.
J'orter , vice U. H. Crane , removed ; Cylinder ,
1'nlo-Alto county. C. H. Terwilliger , vice
J. Godes , removed.
run riinsinnNT A\-I > m.Aixn eoxrtiit.
The telegrams from Capo May regarding
the conference between tbo president nnd
Mr. lilalno on the reciprocity question have
excited public interest hero touay , and the
report that they had decided upon a line
of policy for the administration wild
reference to the tariff bill is generally
accepted as true. The president has always
agreed with Mr. Dhiinooa the main points of
the Issue which the latter has Invoked with
so much courage und ability , although ho has
not been so sanguine as to the degree of ad
vantage that might uo gained by
the United States from reciprocity
treaties with the American republics
and the Spanish colonies. This , however , Is
duo more to a difference in temperament
than u difference of opinion. Mr , lihilno Is
an optimist by nature , while the president Is
not. It Is true also thnt the president has
recognized the political advantaged and the
popularity of the propositions Air. Ulnmo has
advanced. There has been no suggestion
concerning legislation for years that has
awakened so much Interest or so much gen
eral approval among all classes of people
irrespective of politics. The president has
watched the development ot public opinion
very closely and is too good n politician to
overlook the effects of its adoption upon the
fortunes of bis party. At thu same time he
has regretted that Mr. liluino's propositions
hnvo not been approved and accepted by the
republican lauicivt in congress , particularly
those in charge of the tariff bill. For some
weeks bo has been holding interviews with
them with the purpose of lindlng some
ground of compromise , some method of secur
ing the advantages Mr. Ulalno seek * that will
meet with the support of the McKinley
faction. It is nn open secret that the I'ierco
amendment to the tarilf , which is njtiodiliud
form of the liluluo proposition , was intro
duced utter consultation with the president ,
if not nt his suggestion. That Mr. IHuino
invited to Capo May by the president to dis
cuss the situation there Is no doubt , and
it may bo announced uijon the
very highest authority that ho
cordially accepts the Pierce amendment as
[ juiious good iinu equauy as eitectivoos ins
own. 'Tho president and Ids secretary of
state nro therefore of ono mind upon this
subject and will use their united iniluenco to
secure the amendment of the tariff bill so
that the duty on sugar shall not
bo thrown away but utilized in
diplomatic negotiations so as to- secure
the free admission of our brcadstuffs , provis
ions and other peculiar products into the
sugar growing countries , which constitute
nine-tenths pf the urea and population south
of the Citilf of Mexico and the Klo Grande. It
is belloved that the president has de-
cidcit to address n message to con-
irress on this subject at an early day.
IIo goes to IJoston next weeic to
attend the national encampment of the Grand
Army of tbo Kepubllc and may not be able to
prepare it before that time , butvlll undoubt
edly endeavor to do so. The effect of such n
messngo upon congress will bo very great.
The Semite Is prepared to accept the Pierce
amendment , but Speaker Heed and the
house committee on ways and means would
bo likely to reject it under ordinary
circumstances , but they would not dare to dose
so if the president should tuko a linn position
in Its support and announce it to bo the policy
of his administration ,
The appeal of Thomas Thompson to the
secretary of the Interior from the land com
missioner's decision iitllrming the local
officer's Uniting In cancelling his homestead
entry for the northwest } { of Hcction 10 , town
ship 110 north , range 5T > west , \Vatertown ,
S , D. , laud district , was today re
jected by Assistant Secretary Chandler.
The entry for the land in
question was contested by Arthur U. Davis ,
who alleged tlio usual charges of abandon
ment. The secretary , after reviewing the
evidence , tLlnks the charge Is substantiated
and nlllrms Commissioner < ? roll's decision.
Senator Paddock today again Joined with
Senators Plumb and Ingnlls nnd the minority
in voting for n reduction of tlio duty on iron
ore.First Assistant Postmaster General Clark-
son was naked If the statement was true , as
reported , that ho was connected with the
syndicate which is reported to have bought
thu Hooky Mountain News nt Denver.
Hero is his reply : "I do- not know
anything about the Denver News matter ,
have uo interest in mid have not heard of it
before , " Mr. Clnrkson's friends say bo has
not made and will not make nny Investment
in newspaper property beyond thu Missis
sippi river. Pmiuv S , UUATII.
Third Day of the Annual Competition
nt tlio llcllcvun ICnn o.
Bcu.r.vun , Neb. , August tt. [ Special Tele
gram to Tim BEL- . ] Following are the scores
made on the third day of tin ) annual rillo und
carbine compctltion < nt Dollevno range :
nm.i : ( o
Fnlnilln , A. , 1st Hiit , Cu. I , 8th Inf , lil.s , 4M
tijiimi'cr , I' . II. Corp. . U > . K , Uth Inf. . . . ! U1 IDS ,
Mulr.C. 11. , Kill iiif Ml ) lO'IIUS '
Illuzcli , .latuoi , Co II , IMIi liif ; ttM |
Oilili-r , Mini , S 't. , Co. A.IMlnf tt.T.JI MI ! us
Sloiirn * , Krcil. lntSnt. , Co. C , ICtli Inf. : ni : in > m
( icrlnT. KilinuiutSul. , ( ' , F.SI t Inf. . Mil 11.1
l.ivl ) , . .lanii'iV. . , Hut. . Cu. II , hitlilnf. , ! h III
Dnvliliun. K. N. , Corp. . Co. K , Stli Int. . ' .II 4\'l \
Morrow , William , SKI. . Co. V , 17th Inf. HI 411
Coulirun. C. II. , .M Ilout. , 7th Inf ! < > 411
Krnim.VlUliuii.t - < t . 1'n. < i. liitll liil' . . ID. 4'W '
iMiini.M ! / oxrin'ino.v.
l.nil.1 , K. K. , Utl.l. , 1st Cav 110 ttl
Juckiun. Jin. K , , l t Siik. Co , ( I. , Uili CUT I'J.-t ' 4 < l.l
Wrluht. II. II. . t t I.U Vtk Cuv ! ! Ml
K.ii.tcn. Cliurloi , SKt.Co. I ) , 1st Cur. .
Tulcr. Miller , Corp , 'o. | ) . .l\Ii Cuv
llynnir J. ( ' . , ; M I.I. , tih Cav
Thorp , I. . V. , I'vt. , Cti.ij. , MhCnr
riunmior. I * . K.Sat. , Co. ll.Hli C'nr. . .
Thumns , .1. II. , I'vt. Co. A.ViU Car
Muntuo.Vlllliiui , I'vt. , O > . M. SthCuv.
I'miil , ChnrlM A. , Sxt. , ( ' < > . ( ' . , 1st Cav. .
Keimnlir. I'aul. lit 8 > rt. , Cu. K. , htUL'ar. ,
Tha Grunt I'utrlarc'h
COXST\STIX < H-I.B , AugustO. | Spi > einl Ca
blegram to TUB lJuu.1 The pilrhmw
lioixi luis resigned as a protest nx.iiu.-iV the
portc'a disregard qf tlio ( Ireel ; ctiuivti ,
JtMKI ) .
UOUCHlF.UTV-On Wednesday , A"'it n.
Mary , daughter of Patrick * nd Nnry I
Douglm ty , .ife'ed 1U months i
A Minister Iti-traj-H Kin Trutl.
ML COOK , Nob. , August 0 - [ Special Tclo-
gram to Tun Bin. : ] Kollglous mul society
etrclca nro nil utulono by the events of the
past few bouts. Hov. Joel S. Kelscy , pastor
of the Congregational church of this city , this
morning was forced by the brother of n
wronged girl to confess thnt ho had niinetl
her. Kelsey has iiwlfe'nnd several children
mul lias occupied the pulpit in tlio Congregn- .
tlonal church In this city for nbout four years ,
wlillo his victim Is one of the accom
plished young ladles of the city. ICi-lsey cnmo
hero from some town In the southeastern
purt of the stale.
Attention was attracted to the scan-
dnloiis actions of tlio inlnUti-r nnd Ills In-
ainoratii b.v tlio neighbors. Various hulls-
erect iii'tlons were noted mid the iilTali1 bo-
ciimo ho scandalous that a watch was dually
placed on the collide. This resulted lu the
discovery of Mr. Ivolsoy mid the girl In a
vacant house lint Friday night. Several
gentlemen surrounded tlio house and Inter
cepted the guilty parties as they were leav
ing the building. An explanation wns risked
for and the reverend gentleman had the as
surance to say that ho WHS preparing the
.voting lady for tlio teachers' Institute.
Both Krlsoy mid tho" girl held to this story
until this morning , when the latter broke
down and n full confession was niado.
It la now nllojjed that Kelsey numbered
four young girls among bis victims nt Ids
former plnco of losldonco In southeastern
Nebraska. His wife and family have renounced -
nounced him forever.
As 5,0011 as lie \vas forced to confess , and
before a warrant was obtained for bis arrest ,
ho bad centered bin buggv anil was on nls
way tot Iio Kansas lino. Ho will probably
escape. Had ho rcmnlned ho would doubt
less have been lyncboil before morning ,
I'rohlbitlnti linking Ground.
Tnci'.MSKii , Neb. , August ( > . [ Special to
Tan HIK. : ] The third- party temperance
workers , Smith and Hucklns , hnvo been In
this city for n week talking and singing to
small crowds. Their nlin whllo speaking in
public is to say very little about third party
prohibition , whllo on the side they nro doing
everything for the third parly movement they
can. T hey Ignore the question before the
people and are very profuse lu picturing to
the young ladles the awfulncas of marrying ,
so long as the high license law is in force
In Nebraska. Prof. Bowlers of Ohio , on tlio
other hand , In an address be fora the Sunday
school convention of this county , said that
many good people expect the niillunluiii in all
Its glory upon the advent of prohibition , but
such , was not the cnso. Ho further said that
homo should bo made so attractive thnt the
young men would not sock their companion
ship la the saloon. 1'iuhibltioii is losing
ground in Johnson county.
A. County Ulurk Married.
PncMONT , Neb. , August J ) . [ Special to
Tin ; Him. ] The wedding of Thomas Kil-
Icon , county clerk , and Miss Mary Gaughan ,
took place yesterday afternoon nt the rosi-
dc-neo of the bride's parents at , their comfort
able rural home in Union township , about
twenty miles northwest of Fromoat. The
ceremony was performed by Key. Father T.
I' . Itoitly of Broken I3ow , assisted by Kov.
Kinzig of this city. There were present
about three hundred gueats , and the nuptials
wore among the most elaborate of any
over held in Dodge county.
Turner Festivities at K
FUE.MOXT , Neb. , August ( ! . [ Special to THE
BKI : . ] Arrangements are nclng made on an
elaborate scale for the reception of the active
turners of this district in this city next Sun
day , August 10. The dUtrict includes
all of Nebraska and n portion of Iowa , and
it is therefore expected that the attendance
will bo large. Tlio ceremonies will bo help
in n sbcnutiful grove Just wfst of tb.o city
limits and convenient to tlie railroads. -
Death ofn Well Known llo'.tlcitlturlst.
Fnn.MOXT , Neb. , August 0. [ SpecUl to
Tun BIR.I : OrrinV. . Hedge , an old resi
dent and well known among the horticiiltur-
sts of Nebraska , died at his home last
evening at 0 o'clock from cancer of the
filopcil With 11 Cowlioy Ijovnr.
iVsiiKoiin , Nob. , August ( i. [ Special to
Tnc BKI ; . ] About midnight Saturday night
Miss Clark , n domestic in tbo homo of Mrs.
William Ashford , "tip-toed" out of the house ,
und mounting u broncho held by her lover at
the door , rode away toward Cheyenne. The
over was n eowooy named Mills , from Horse
Jrcck , AV'yo. Thocouplo met for the first
time Friday and little Cupid played havoc
from the beginning. Love ruled supreme ,
The cause for the clopcimmt was the fear of
objections from tlio girl's ' parents , and it is
likely objections would hnvo been raised to
the hasty union , as Miss Clark has already
been a victim to ono haty marriage. Th < >
hifih standing of Mr. Mills leads the people
hero to bcllevo In his sincerity and that the
union will bo a happy ono.
Ccnovii Incidents.
Gi'.xnvA , Neb. , August 0. [ Special Tele
gram to Tun Uin. : ] The people of Exeter
are without n saloon. The deputy sheriff
took a search warrant and confiscated thir
teen kegs of beer , four ban-els of whisky ,
two of ( ; hi , etc. , nil the wet goods they had
on hand for their victims and brought them
to this city today for storage. Certain people
ple are very friendly to the sheriff just now.
The base ball game between the Geneva
club and Obiown , resulted In victory for
the latter , 14 to 5.
A I > roliilltionUt and Pop.
AstiFonn. Nob. , August 0. [ Special to
TUB BUG. ] Mrs. E. M. J , Cooley and her
husband , Itnfus , hnvo been doing Banner
county for prohibition the past week. They
would have accomplished incro tor the cause
if Mrs. E , M..I. had not evinced a doalro to
"thump1' the country editors who dared to
say naughty things nbout Hufus. And
Unfits , too , s > ays ho was not drunk , but some
of the bad boys say they told him it was pon.
Of course pop is not intoxicating and his hi
larity is attributed to his naturally merry
Hull for Six Thousand Dollars.
OSCKOLA , Neb. , August -Special ( [ to Tun
Ben. ] The First National bank of Howard
commenced an action in the district court
yesterday against Nelson Ilartson for the re
covery of 60,000. Wright and Allen of Sow-
nvd owned cattle , nearly two hundred bead ,
nnd tbo bank loaned thorn money on them , on
chattel mortgage. The cattle were sold to
Ilartson nnd the sheriff has gene out to re
plevin them.
Hog Strulers in Custody ,
BEATIUCI : , Neb. , August -Special [ Tele
gram to Tar. Bin ; . ] Charles and Milton
Hogers were lodged in tlio county Jail this
afternoon charged with stealing a number ol
hogs at Blue Springs. They were given u
preliminary hearing nt Blue Springs am
bound over to the district court for trial. The
fall term begins September 20.
Now I.odgo Instilntod.
GKXOA , Nob. , August 0. [ Special Tele
gram to Tun Br.B. ] A Knights of Pythias
lodge was Instituted here tonight , consisting
of twenty-four members. A largo delegatiot
of visiting knights from both Columbus inn :
Fulierton was present. Carl Kramer of Co
lumbus was the Institutingolllcer.
A Voting Man Goes In sane.
fii\Tiucn , Neb. , August 0. [ Special Telo
grain to Tin : UEK. ] Marshal Jones , n young
man of Nemahii township , went suddenlj
and violently insmio yesterday , IIo will be
examined by the board of insanity com
mlssioners tomorrow with a vlow to sending
him to Lincoln.
Urldgo Hjtan GVOH | Way.
NOIITII HKXI > , Neb. , August 0. ( Spocln
to THE BKI : . | About 4 p , in. today a spai
of the I'lutto rlvor brldno gave way and lot n
team and wagon , with tlio owner , go to th
bottom of the rlvor. They were rescued aw
brought safely to shore. No serious
Kullni't ) ut
HASTIXOI , Nub. , August 0. [ Special Tele
grain to TUB BEI ; . ] C. N , Jorgcmson's KC"
oral merchandise store win closed this nftei
noon by the First National bank. Th
extent of the liabilities is unknown. In
ability to collect outstanding book accounts
caused tbo failure.
Adoption by tH6"'IIous8 . of the Oonforonco
Report , on the Measure ,
JCtic Rcnci-nl Jloflclonu } ' Hill Consid
ered In Cointnltuc ol'tlip Whole
SeillUo , IIlMUIRHC * * tllO
Itietnl Kulieilulo
x , August fi. In the house to
ny Mr. Heed of low a presented the confer-
nee report on the original package bill ,
The report leaves the bill exactly us it
insscd the senate nnd is dissented from b.v
Ir. Oatc.s of Alabama , ono of the conferees. ]
After debate the conference report was
dopted j ea.s , 120 i nays , WJ.
The hotiflo then went Into committee of tlio
vtiolo on tlio general dellcioncy bill , but witli-
ut disposing of the bill the committee resend
nd tlio house adjourned.
Hen nto.
\VAsitixnrov , August (1 ( , After routine
mslnessof little importance the senate pro-
ccded to connlder.ition of the tariff , the pend-
ng question being on Mr. Morgan's amend-
nent In regard to Iron ore.
.Mr. ( lorman.sald the metal schedule was
> urhips the uinhki&iportnntono In tlio bill ,
mil the paragraph under discussion practi
cally the hey to tlio wliolo schedule. Ho
spoke nt great length In favor of a reduction
u the duty on Hessomcr ore , having in the
ourse of his remarks collocnilca with Messrs.
Sherman , Uullom , Spooner , Blair , nud other
senators. Mr. Gorman snld with the re-
luction of duty on foreign He scmer ores
the result would bo thnt steel ships could bo
milt us cheaply in Daltlmnro ns on tbo Clyde.
With that advantage.ho said , the prediction
of the great republican secretary of state
would bo fulfilled ,
Mr. Fryo said the * secretary of
state had been quoted sovcnt tlmeH in thu
scnato as arguing that the MoKlnlcy bill did
lot In any of its features open up markets.
Now the secretary of stnto was dealing in
; lntt letter entirely with foreign and not
liomo markets. "I do not understand that in
i protective tariff there is an especial pnr-
> o < u to open up foreign markets. It is the
iiirposo of a protective tariff
: o create n homo inaikct , which
is worth infinitely inoro than
my foreign market , und that was undoubt
edly the understanding of the secretary of
state , nnd not a purpose to reflect at nil on
the McICinloy bill except so fur as that there
was nothing in it Intended to open up foreign
narkota , nnd ho deshed to have something
; nit in it in the way of reciprocity , by which
fort-ign markets might bo opcnt'd up. "
Mr. Gray spoke of the "reinnrlcuhlo
put by Mr. l-'rve on Illaino's letter , " and ho
went on to rend extracts from the letter to
show that Mr. '
Fryo's Interpretation of it was
not a natural or correct ono ,
Mr. Fryo stated , ' in reply to Mr. Oray ,
that Blaine had criticised the bill in simply
one regard the provision making sugar freo.
[ 11 his Judgment lllaine had criticised it b > -
cause the five sugiir provision was not ac
companied with a provision thnt would open
up the markets of youth American countries
to the products of 'American ' farms. There
was no other criticism made by Bl.iino on
the McICinloy bill ] und bo himself sympa
thized strongly with that criticism.
Mr. Gibson denied the statement that
Ulnino's letter referred to sugar alone , nad
asserted that it' referred also to hides
and wool and oiiis. The secretary of state
stood committed , Mr. CJIbson said , to n
hrnid : nnHnv nf iv > rnf-itv ivlth T1m Wiinth
American and Central American stntea.
Mr. Morgan withdrew his amendment in
order to allow Mr. Gorman to offer nn ninuid-
mcnt reducing the duty on Iron ore from 7fi
to f > D cents per ton/
Mr. Plumb inoyed to amend tbo amend
ment bv making thor.Uo I'D cents.
Mr. Gorman ar-copted the amendment.
The amendment was rejected yeas. 21 ;
nays , 29. . /
The paragraph was then agreed to ns re
ported by the finance coininittec.
Mr. Viineo moved to reduce the duty on pig
Iron , the next paragraph , Iromit-loot 1 cent
per pound to $ T > a ton ,
Without disposing of the amendment the
sciiato adjourned.
d xiurs.
Per Rt.
Mlnncnpolls. . . n 48 . ' .r > ! ) . |
K'unaiis Oltv. " . . 77 41 : . ; ,71
Denver - , . . . 7rt 42 i7 ! .Kti
Sluux t'ltv . 77 : M .
Omiili.i . 70 : M 4. > .4IW
Dos Molnes. . . . SO l 47 .4111
St. 1'uul . 79 35 53 .Iffl
A Croat Hie : at
Ned Hnnlnii , the ivorld's ' famous oarsman
of Toronto , Canada , and Jack Tcomor , the
champion of America , of PIttsburg , Pa. , will
row n mlle race , two best out of three , nt
Lake Mnnuwu next Sunday afternoon , for a
purse of § 750 , hung up by the Manawa motor
line. The two scullers called nt TUB BIK
ofllco last ovcning.uml agreed upon the sportIng -
Ing editor as referee and arranged all the mi
nor affairs of the race. This is un event thnt
should certainly attract a largo crowd to tbo
lake. Ned Ilaiihin is probably tbo bst
known rower in the whole world , and has
rowed in every country on the face of the
globe , winning 117 races out of 1(50 ( rowod.
IIo is a modal athlete , n handsome man , edu
cated and retitied , and has amassed a fortune
of u innii'tcr of a million with bin oars. IIo
bus beaten Teenier In five races out of iovcn.
Tcemer is nn ourstnan second In renown
only to Hnnlnn , IIo has beaten every native
sculler who has been pitted uguin&t
him , nnd In addition to this extraordinary
record , has bo.Ucn the great Ilniilnn , himself ,
once for * i,00 ( ) , ut Toronto , in August 18S7 ,
and again ut Pleasure island , between Al
bany and Trov , N. V. , in ISSH. IIo is now In
superb condition nnd feels confident of down
ing Ned on Sunday next. Tcomor said to
Tin : UKIJ man hist night that G umlaut1 can
not ' only have nny kind nf n r.ico ho wants
out of Haiilun , butthiit hi : , himself , b not
only willing , but anxious to go ng.ilnst the
St. Louis champion in u three mlle race for
from f 1,000 toSn.OOO a side.
On Saturday afternoon Teetncr rows a two
mlle race against the four-oamd crow of the
Council IIlufTscluliforapursooffiOO. There
will also bo n tub race , with seven entries , n
numlKsr of swimming matches and an exhibi
tion of walking on the water , A like pro-
jrunnno will nlsoti , 'arranged forBundav.
Ilanlan and.TakeGnudaur , arc still talking
of their proposed match and the chnnces of
ono being rntiflud begins to look probablo.
Hnnlnn certainly sdoms to bo more willing
whllo Gaudaur's iinxiousness appears to bo
rather distant , ns'ho ' apparently desires to
rest on his laUrcls won last week. There
ire several realmswhy that will add addl-
.lonal Interest to tlio match. Moth men will
liul the major paitof the stakes themselves ,
Secondly , theiv'ls it bitter feeling against be
tween the mcnVtUfhougli Ihinlan denies it.
und thirdly , thoy'fl .slro to wljo oat an old
frndge of thnM.vcin > s ago. Ilnnlan has been
Ivlng like n kingtor over three years and
iii.s never done 11117 ronl hard training In that
timo. Gnudaur'on'J.ho ; other hand is rowing
at his best now and'ninny of his admirers b'e-
ievo that today" , Vo is the champion of the
vorld. Ilanlan's/lrglon / of ndheronts still
stoutly claim , ho < vuver , that JaUo Isn't in it
with the TorontO'maii , and it doo.s really look
is If Gaudaur is not half us anxious for a
racoas ho pretends.
Tim 1'roliilm Today.
The Dos Molnes ball team arrived hero
ast evening for n series of games , Thursday ,
Saturday and Sunday , The prohllw , whllo
hey have been dining right along at the
same table with Mr. Tough Luck and Mr
lollow-Eyed Defeat , are putting up a cork-
US good game nnd will make tlio Black Sox
hustle to beat them. But the Ouialms nro
bout as ina-1 now a tb cy can possibly got
this season ovi-r tlio outrage i n > otratodoi
thorn Tuesday by Utnplro Bauswlno , lint
they cun bo expected to Jump Into u winning
streak again ,
Next Monday the Omaha team goes
to Kansas City for a series o
three games thence to Denver am
f ttlV3 ; tll\JMVV > tv * * V ? / >
homo again on the ! 20th , when Sioux City wll
bo hero. On the 23dMlh ! ami 'iMh Omahii
plays In Sioux City , then back hero for
games with Denver on the 20th , 27th nnd
.Mh , with Kansas City on tbe SWh , ! Mth ) and
Hist , after which they leave on their last
iortbcrn trip.
l'cl - rajililo 'MnlDli at (3rand Island ,
OIIAS-O iM.Axn , Nob. , August O.-lSpoclnl
Telegram to Tin : lUi.l : : Tlio following Is the
euro of the Ur.uid Island and Salt I.ako-
) gdon gun club telegraphic match of August
i , ten men , thirty blue rooks each , twenty-
one yards rise , for -SIOO n side :
lilt. Ml < . IIII. Ml. . .
' . . '
P. 1'orrr . 7H IiKd. llrnwnln * . M
. . . ,17
V. II. lnrrl ( on..2il 4 W. II. Wrlulit . 57
. . M. Srnltli . a s'ldl. ' KnilKti . -n
I. Wllllnnn . S7 , 'IW. | D.'rnuMljr . t ) I
I. II. Fk't'k . Vt 6 Ilonry Spotu' 4
.t'.crr | inTlicr..SS K'.lalinrilinrii ' . 27 : i
. FSloiurvr ' . * l T H. llnntiiliic . ? .l I
Id. Hlo'ilur . 'tl SlW , TriMimync . M 4
.J. Cujrlo . 'U T.M. llrndlvr . 81
. . .
A sti-ong wnd was blowing or the score
vould have been much closer , yet it is good
us It Is.
Another match will bo shot soon bcUvocn
ho same teaiiH.
The Ciiimd Island club would like to shoot
i friendly teh-praphic mutch with any team
n tbo state , Align Mt : ) , ton men , thirty blue
nuks each. If the Om.iha club is ngiveablo
uclrsecwtnry sliould address J , O. CJer-
prachor , secretary.
Iiiniiclti-l ! ( | the ; Club.
NKIIUASKA Cirr , Neb. , August ( ) . [ Special
< i Tin : Dm : . Tlio Xebraska City base ball
hit ) was given a banquet last evening nt tlio
Morton house by Dr. I'uhok. A very cnjoy-
iblo time was had.
National League.
AT llltOOKl.Y.Y.
Boston 1 000 H f >
Brooklyn { 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 U
Hits Boston 10 , Brooklyn 10. Krrors
Boston ! I , Brooklyn 0. Bntterips-Clarkscn
Powers. mid Bennett , Terry and Haley. Uuipiro-
Philadelphia..a -
New York 1 0 0 2 0 t ! 1 2 * 0
Hits Philadelphia 10 , New York 14.
Errors Philadelphia n , New York 1.
terles Olonson and Clements , \Vulsh and
Clark. Umpire Lynch.
Cincinnati I ! 0 7 2 10
Pittsburg 2 0 00000 1 0 H
Hits CinciuimlilD , Pittsburg 10. Errors
Cinchnmti H , Pittsburg S. Batteries
Mullnno and Ilnrrington ; Ilcckcr nnd
Decker. Umpire McQuude.
First game
Clevi'land ! J 0-S
Chicago 0 0-1
Hits Cleveland 11 , Chicago .1. Errors
Clovolnnd 2 , Chicago fi. Battcrios Young
and Xlnnnor ; Ilutchiiison and Kittridgo. Um
pire Bonnett.
Second game
Cleveland 0 0000 100 0-1
Chicago 2 * 7
Hits Cleveland ( i , Chicago 1't. Errors
Clnvchiml 2 , Chiciigo H. Batteries Oarllcld
and Ximiner ; Luby and ' Nagle. Umpire
1'Iaycrn' lj < ; njiic.
Boston 1 -
New York 0 00000000-0
lilts Boston 12 , Now York . ' 1. Krrrors
Boston 8 , Now York 0. Batteries Guin-
bprt nnd Murphy ; ICeenn and Kwitig , Um
pires Ferguson nnd Holbort.
AT 1'iTT.sninid.
Plttsburt ? 0 1002 4
Bun'nio y o o oi i o o * -s
Hits Pittsburg , Buffalo 11. Errors
Pittsburg , Buffalo . Batteries-Sealoy
and Fields : Uumiiinrham and Slack. Um-
nres Kiugiit nnu .lones.
Bruoklyti 0
Philadelphia 0 0 0 2 i > 0 1 1 'J9
Hits-Brooklyn 14 , Philadelphia 10. Errors
Ilrooldyn Jt , Ohllndolphln 8. Batteries
Weyhing andlUnslow ; Sanders and Milll-
gan. Umpires Cafl'iiory nnd Sheridan.
AT uiiiu.\no.
Chicago 0 4
Cleveland 0 0
Hits Chicago K , .Cleveland 7. Krrors
Chicago 4 , Cleveland 7. Batteries King
ind \uTcll ; O'Brien ' and Sutclltle. Umpires
Snyder and Pearce.
Amorlcnii Assooiatluu.
AT Toi.nno.
Toledo 1 ( >
Rochester 1 0 O'O 1 0 1 0 0-a
Hits Toledo 12 , Rochester 7. Errors To
ledo .i , Rochester ! i. Batteries Ilealy and
Kogers ; Titcomb mid McUulro , Umpire
St. Louis t 8
Syracuse 0 2
Hits St. Louis 11 , Syracuse fi. Krrors
St. Louis 2 , Syracuse 2. Batteries Hart
and "Wells ; Cajoy and Briggs. Umpire
Curry ,
AT j.omsviu.n.
Brooklyn 0 1 2
Louisville 0 2 7
Hits Brooklyn 7 , Louisville 10. Errors-
Brooklyn s , Louisville . " > . Butteries Daily
nud Bowers , Strntton und Bligb. Umpire
Columbus 2 2 12
Athletics 0 0
HiU-Colunitms II , Athletio 11. Errors
Cohinibus 2 , Atbletiefi. Batteries Hastright
and O'Connor , Howard and Baldwin Umpire
mx s ft : Kit
The lice Tips.
First race Devotee , Chaos.
Second r.ico Contribution , Cas atitt.
Third race Clarendon. Uoinutli.
Fourth race Tenny , l-'irenxi ,
l''ifth race Groy IJawn , Nowburg.
Slxlh rnco Sluggard , Gloaming.
Seventh raeo-Che.snpe.ike , Kings Own ,
First race ( Iranito , Longshore.
Second nice Recluse , Hsmcocas.
Third race Los Angeles , Lavinia Belle.
Fourth r.ico Olocknor , ( Joldon Heel.
Fifth race AVhitenoso , Satisfaction.
Hntrios for Today's Hauos.
First i-ace , ono mile Chaos , Defaulter ,
Belle B , Fitifjames , Major Dally , .My Fellow ,
Urlmiildi , Stately , Devotee.
Second nice , tlireo-fonrths of a mile , Cain-
don stakes Beauty , Kildcer , Cnstatia , Wiro-
pi-.iss ( colt ) , TwollpH , Larimer , Iloughniin ,
Contribution , Sequence ( coltj , Peter , Gull-
dean ( lllly ) , Vngabond.
Third race , ono "and oiio-clglith niilrs ,
Trenton stakes IConipland , Monroe , Jltixlm
( coltj , Clnrciidon , Dcinuth , Lady Jane ( colt ) .
Fourlh race , ono and one-half mile , Fiehold
stake : ! Kircnzl , .ludgo Morrow , Tcnny.
Fifth race , sevcn-eii-'htlis of n mlle , selling
Vivid , Lady Jane ( colt ) , Guy ( Jrny , Lady
Agnes , Grey Dawn , Item , Newburg.
Sixth mice , mlle nnd imo-cighth Sluggard ,
Niagara , Urimaldi , Oloainlng. Fitxjnnu's.
Seventh race , extra , ono mlle Dutch Girl ,
ifonnlo ( lilly ) , ICiups Own , Monroe , Chc ! > a-
peak , Donloy , Ilnrzbarg.
Weather clear and track fast.
First race , six furlongs , three-year-olds
Worth , Longshore , Granite , Ben AlcCree ,
Stryko , Onward , Knven Hill , Mom , Ocypeto ,
Princes Llmo , Lordllko ,
Second nice , ono mile-Allen Bane , Freiie ,
Gaunymedo , Hancoeas , Ludy PuLslfcr , Hu-
pcrtu , I'rlnccss Limn , Ilirtnday , Heclare.
Third nice , ono mid llvo-clghths miles ,
Merchants' stakes Floodtlde , Lavinia Belle ,
Log Angeles , Khono.
Fourth rnco. nlno furlongs , handicap
sweepstakes Wilfred , Hancoeas , Clio , Glock-
nor. filyton , Hamlet , Golden Keel.
FUth race , one mlle , selllng-Whltenoio ,
Carrie O. , Marie 1C. , Dyer , Butljfiictlon ,
Bonulettn , Bliss.
" \Veuther clear nnd track fast.
Rnraloga Itaecs.
SinvrooA , N. Y , , August0. [ .Special Tele
gram to TIIR HBIIJ First i-aco , ono mlle
I'rlncess Annlo won , Fellowship the favorto !
second , Architect third. Time 1:47 ! .
Second race , three-quarters of u mlle
Morn won , linneocas , ttio fnvorltc , second ,
Fairy Queen third , Time -1 d7' ' 4 ,
Third rncc , mlle an'd a sixteenth H. 11 ,
Million won , Anstorllti ! , the favorite , second ,
Undo Bob third. Time -1 : ft'/ .
Fourth race , thrco-o.unrtoiy of n mlle , for
two-years olds Mn , Hi'iu-tt , the favorite ,
won. Hello of Or.mgo second , Woodbeua
tllrtl. Time IsirV
Fifth mi-o , mile ami seventy yards Selling
Sunnyhookwon , Satisfaction , the favorite ,
second , Macauipy third. Tinici 1 iJO ; ' .
Mrlglilon IliMii'h Itiuri.
BitmiiTox HiMcir , August(5.-Spt'clal ( [ Tele-
prnin to Tin : ] Suinnnry of today's '
races :
Ono and one-eighth tulles The Bourbon
won , Harrison second , Count Dudley third.
TimeIT' : ' / .
Seven-eighths of nmllu DoMd hwt between
Jlralt and Glcnnrtiimd , Drumstick third.
Tlmo-1 : ! . ' Ilralt won the run off In 1 : fKI.
Tbrco-foiirths of a mllorrnnces H won ,
Vlrgio second , SheiiiiVnii ( Colt ) third. Time
1 : lTaj.
One mlle Seymour won , Dullston second ,
Miss Cody third. 'I'lmvI M.
Thrco-iiuarters oa mile
mileSpooilwcll won ,
linger second , Monsoon third. Tlinoir ! : > Vj.
' Five-eighths of a inlliCivil Service won ,
I'lljtroy second. Snlllo Harper third. Time
Uncos ,
GfTTKMiruti , N. , f. , August (1. ( [ Special
Telegram to Tm : Hun. j Summary of today's
races !
Eight and one-half fuilongs IJr'illlglit won ,
Coldstream second , Vigllanto third. Time
1:2JK. : (
l''ivo-eij'litlig of mile
n Uuhy Uoy won ,
Toulon second , Samaritan third. Time
1 :0.Vf. :
Three-fourths of n mlle Woodcutter won ,
Vigoon second , Favorn third. Tiine-1 : it'l4' : .
Ono and one-oiulith iniloa CJurdncr won.
Juggler swotni , lilplon third. Time -1 : < ) ; ! , ' . , ' .
Six mul oiio-hulf furlongs -Ingo won ,
Uracln At second , Haftcr third. Time 1 :1MJ4' : .
Tlireo-ijimrtcrs of a mlle -Anomaly won ,
Arizona second , Lanc.istor third. Time
Crjiuil Olrunit Hnees.
BLTKAI.O , N. Y. , August 0. This was the
opening day of the Grand Circuit meeting.
Summitry :
S.TU : --2,0H-Leopard ( Uosowon , I'riiico
Warwick second , St. Alicante third , Vespas
ian fourth. liest tliiie-2:18J/ : .
2:21 pace , iiVXW-Uallas won. Cricket sec
end , .fooko third , 1'iiinlc Uorch fourth. Best
- .
2 : ' . ' ( ) trot , $ a,000 Margattat won , Betty Jones
second , .1. H. Shedd third , Wiss Alice fourth.
Best time 2ISij. :
Tlio AVocHofti lolyunnilHt.
SAW LiKii.Utah , Aurnst I ! . [ Special Tele
gram to Tin : Bir. . | James II. Jenkins is an
aged Mormon Who has been availing himself
of tlio privileges of his religion until he rim
igainst a snug in the way of deputy marshals.
Yesterday morning Dennett and Kcdllcld
went out for Jenkins , but Jrnnnrtto Jenkins ,
lis aged and legal wltV , catno to the door and
leelared that ho was not nt home. P'lireo or
four small children were in the house , and n
baby live weeks old was in the old lady's
inns. To a question by tlio deputies , the ngod
natron , who Las crossed the boundaries of
: hrco score years , replied that , they were all
lors. This of course silenced tbo niarahnl
.nit a pair of old man's shoes clinch I his eye ,
ind ho commenced an Investigation imdnrthe
led and in every possible place ho could
hiiik of , but no Jenkins. At List a rip in
: ho carpet was noticed , anil pulling it
to one sldo ho founda trap
leer , It was only n minute's work to open
; ho trap and haul out old man .Tonkins , to
gether with the genuine mother of tlio baby
Lhutthoold woman hnd endeavored to p.ilm .
ofl" n.s hop mni. Vi'sloi-ilni' itflpfiinnii .l * t > -
cins was brought before Coiiiinissioiier lllll
on the cliargoof adultery , and thy evidence
of this legal and plural wlfo being plain ard
direct , ho was bound over to tlio grand jury
in bonds of { 1,000 , and his plural wife as a
witness in the sum of ? 'WO. '
The Florence Saloon War.
FLOII.VCK : , Nob. , August0. To the Kditor
of Tin : Hin : : Tlio saloonkeepers of Florence
liavo overloaded the market this year and
now , like tbo famous cats of the Green Isle ,
they am in u deadly light. Hut so long ns
they conflno their mud efforts to eating and
iiinsticatlng each other the nverago citizen
will bid thorn godspeed and devoutly pray for
a light to the liiilsb. But when your corre
spondents leads the general public to believe
Unit any reputable citizens are engaged in
this fraternal warfare thov do the community
an Injmtlco ,
You have at Omaha a convert of the late
lamented Francis Murphy who claims to
represent the "law and order citizens ot
Florenro. " Instead of this , as nearly us
diligent inquiry has developed , this li-llow
is employed by four men ono a Florence ox-
mayor , ono a Florence saloonkeeper and two
notorious ox-saloonkcepcrs of Blair. With
such a law and order combination Is it any
wonder that oven the hoodlum : * of Florence
should feel constrained at the council house
and literally plaster this law and order attor
ney with rotten eggs in order that thu atinos-
phero of tlio hall might hem least purified i
Your paper also does an injustice to Mr.
Eller of Blnir , who is now city attorney of
Florenco. True , ho defended a Mrs. Brown ,
who was in court charged witli tbo Infraction
of .somo state statute , andi-ndur the impres
sion that aho was on trial fora violation of
some city oi'dlnunco , and being defended by
Mr. ISllur , ono of the councilmen promptly
introduced a resolution to remove him , but
when the whole matter was explained in open
council session the resolution was unani
mously tabled. Now , Mr. Kditor , lot loose
all your local war dojs and Intensify if possi
ble tnis saloon war , but In tlio Intiiro don't
attempt to mix decent people with It.JOIIX.NV.
The St. Cecilia Society.
Ni'.w Yomc , August . [ Special Telegram
toTiin BIK. | The annual convention of tbo
Saint Cecillii society , which U composed of
priests , bislmp.s and musicians of the Itoman
Catholic church , wus called to order yester
day in the church ot St. John the Baptist by
itov. Kitbcr Lammol of this city. The mem
bers of the Halnt Cecilia society desire to
bring about a reform in the nature of the
music nowusod in the Catholic church on
the ground that it is too oparatlc. The head
quarters of the society nro in Homo and Car
dinal Homella Is its proteutor. It has
branches In Italy , Germany , Austria ,
Franco and Ireland , and the papo lias given
it his blosslug by special rescript. In the
United States the society has 5,000 member *
who have bound themselves together for the
reformation and cultivation of ecclesiastical
iniislo with the viewof having churuh melody
brought buck to what it was originally.
A Kalnl Family Fight.
CHICAGO , August 0. 1'YodurlckVilkc , a
Herman cabinet makui *
aged slxty-flvo ,
went homo last night la aa intox
icated condition ami hcgan to light
with his family. IIo shot mid
Instantly killed his hon Albert , nineteen
years old. During tbo ineleo U'ilKo was stub
bed in the miek and struck on tbe head with
mi Iron. Tlio blow fractured his skull and ho
cannot recover ,
KoHAii el < ; I'rlntiTN Strike.
LoiANfiii.i ; : < , Cal. , August O.-Tho union
printers employed on the four daily papers of
this city struck yo tcrday nftornoon asainU
a reduction "f wages and to compel tha pro
prietor * to sign u contract to maintain pros-
cat rules.
Sliould Goto the fiufl'crers.
I'lTTSiiTiin , I'n. , Juno I ! . It has about hccn
decided by the members of the South Fork
Fishing and Hunting club to donate the prop
erty at Iho famous South 1'ork dam to the
1'itUburg fresh Air Fund imoclutlon ,
njjypt's Cotton Crop ,
CAIRO , August C iSpociiil Cablegram to
Tim BII : . ] Thc report issued by the cotlou
association states that the prospccta of the
Kgyptlun cotton crop nroinoro favorable.
The number of cotton worms has decreased.
A ICnnsiH IJnnlc
K\.SA < CITV , Mo , , August ( ) . A U'lohlta
special says the State National bank of Wel
lington rioted IIM doors thlsaftTnoim , l.ln- .
bllitlei 4IJXXJ ( ; ubsuts .tuihttcd ut $1 1,000. , I i
' loltIrrly cured Ljr |
CARTER'S tin-so I.tltlu Mils , P
They also relleio Uls-f
trcsa fma : lyspeivla , In-f
ITTLE digestion and Too llcartjg
Kiting. A perfect reiu-ft
edyfor DlHlncss. Nmisca , (
Drowslncs. ) . Dad TostcJ
In the Atotith , C'oattdJ
Tongue , I
regulate tbe Bowels. Purely Vegetable.
The fttrnngo Allldnvll of n Utlll
MrniiKi-t' Woman ,
There it nt least one S.irpy. comity fanner
whoso ideas as lo the success of the imirrlngo
relation have imdorgono n decided change In
the past forly-t'lght hour * , and there Is u
f.iriiilionsa.alniost within thoshndow of IJelld-
yuo college whew doine-stlo happiness Is n
sad iiil.siiomormul iiiailtal felicity will heie- f
after bo a thing unknown.
The change * thnt have occurred wllhln the
past few days have been as sudden us they
were unexpected , and they are directly
traceable-to the erratic movements of a mys
terious woman In black , who for the present
shall remain nameless.
last .Monday afternoon this mysterious
porsoiinj-e , clml in black and heavily veiled ,
cnllca at the nfllcoot Slalwugh , IMIU , t Kush ,
In the Kow YoncLifo building , nnd mildly
stated that she wanted to mike a deposition.
Bho was Informed that It would not be possi
ble to tnl < o her deposit ion in a case unless by
order of the court and both sldui were
pro ont , but that she might miiko nllldavit to
anylhlngslio wished. After demurring fora
while she Jitnilly consented , nnd recited the
following story :
Although now living nt Minden , la. , she
wns formerly engaged in the family of a well
known S.irpy county resident iw a domestic.
Wlillo working there in that capacity she
miulo the acquaintance of the other resident
of S.irpy county nliovo referred to , who Is not
only ono of the oldest and most successful
farmers of that section , but Is Ilkowlso the
head of nn Interesting family. For the pres
ent It is suniclcnt to call htm'liiirds , although
thnt Is not his namo.
According to the story of this mysterious
"she , " "tbo woman In bhuk , " or "tho
veiled Iiuly , " Harris visited her frequently
Htlll ri < IIViMI tlli il flint lint .lull * it-iio li.t n ut.iivl.k
man but ho was likewise heart whole , and ho
proceeded to lay siege to tbo citidel of her af-
iections. llgw could it bo otherwise than
that ho was .successful ! Ills luck exceeded
thnlof the wonderful four-time winner , and
the besieged capitulated. Tho' terms wuro
unconditional surrender , and ns time pussed ,
on things went not as they used to be.
Tlio nillantdeolai-es
thnt thoirilntimaey un
duly ripened , and when she finally suggested
a sperdy marriage she found t hat Harris had
been a happy husband for lo , those many years.
This knowledge was of course depressing ,
still it caused no chiingo in the relations or
the pair , as she declared that she still loved
him. It so happened that at length a child
wus bom to her , and in duo coin-so of time/
nnothor , nnd then the woman went toMinden
Is'ow comes the part of the story that yet
remains to bo explained. From tiio time of
her departure to'.Mlndca
) until her appear
mice last Monday In imOinilm law ollice , a
great change had iipp.irenlly taken pluco ,
which she did not seem to
deem It worth whllo to explain.
Khe said that sin- wanted to maUo affidavit to
all of those things and to the fuct Unit Harris
had also paid more attention to a married
woman of hi-s acquaintance thin a neighborly
friond.slimvnnld 1n. ttfV. ( ufl
tin-so statements In iiiuuic anil wliitu , and then
she very positively swore to them.
Hhibnugh , Lnno & Uusli concluded that
they did not want to handle thoense , and the
woman was sentaeroas the corridor lo the of-
lice of E. T. Cook , where Iho nllldavlt was at
lust .secured. Then the mysterious black
dross and veil with their still more mysteri
ous wearer quietly departed and have ap
peared no more in that rolo.
Tbo following day Mis. Harris appeared at
the oftlco of MV- Cook , und with her was n
woman who bore a striking rosomblaiiiw in
form and carriage to the heavily yelled visi
tor of the day before. They produced the
anldavit and wanted to got n divorce. Mrs.
Harris win righteously indignant but her
companion inulinvd to silence. They at
leugtu dopnrlcd. and the next hi-ard of the
case was yesterday. That was Mr , Harris'
day , nnd ho impaired on the sccno of action.
IK-said that his wife hud loft him and also
proposed to sue fora divorce. Ho declared
tlwt bo knew nothing of the woman In black ,
but ho was sure that It was a deal of some
kind to break up his family.
Ho stoutly denied having had nny Improper
relations with anybody as charged , and Mr.
Cook believed him. ' Cook had known him
for thirty-live years , and what could ho do
but licllovoliim when ho so positively as
serted Ids innocence I That only added to
the mystery of the case , and there was no ex
planation to bo given.
This is the condition of the c.iso nt present ,
ami now developments nro being awaited ,
The theory of the few who have heard of tin1
case is that It Is a cut nnd dried scliemoif \
twcen the tolled woman uud Harris to in
duce his wife to get a divorce , but his friends
will not entertain the Idea , and It remains to
ho explained why the woman has nudu ,1
sworn statement of her past relations with
1 he Salt Iiako Klrution.
SALT L.VKI : , Utah , Au gust < ! . [ Sjieelnl Tel
egram to Tin : BKI : . ] The liberals liuvii
elected all ofllccis In Suit Lake county except
sheriff and recorder , and today Irregularities
vuro discovered in several ot the Mormon
wards which may result in their losing tho'-ii
too. and If so it moms tlio addition of W
votes to tin- liberal majority. Numerous re
ports have boon sent out by the Mormons , nil
of which claim the city forthu church. They
nro The liberals carried Salt Luke ,
AVober Summit , and Box lUder counties ) ,
which means the control of the territory.
Iioiilsinmi Winners' A11 In nor.
BATON Kouni : , La. , August ( i. The farm
ers' nlllanco is bitting with closed doors. Jii
Ids nnnuiil address , referring to tlio iiHItudn
of the nllianco toward the Louisiana lottery ,
1'resident Adams cites the fact that tlio an *
anco was the first secular organization lo an
nounce its opposition cither to rccliarieridg
Iho Louisiana lottery or another lottery This
opposition stands us a pli-dgoon the puit of
the order which must be kept inviolate.
Klfjhty 1'anscngers Injured.
VirNNA , August ( I. A railway Irani was
thrown from the track near 1'INei Bohi-mu ,
today. The cars rolled down tlio cm
bankmont Into a mmvdi. The stoker uud M'V-
oral passengers were killed and nearly eighty
passengers injured. .Mint of the passengers
were emigrant , who were bound for tlio
United States.
Prchlili-nl Celiiian Will Not llpsljjn.
I'AIIIH , August 0. A dtspUch received
from Buenos Ayres dated 1'ist oven ing.snt :
president Oilman has withdrawn his resig
nation , tlio senate having refused loiuwpt it.
Abaolutuly Pure.
A. or ini of Itirl'ir1 akn s powlor.
oMoavonln'f triuialliU. . S. CuvcriuiiCnt Uc-
r-ort Auz. 17 , lii > .