rnuATTA r > Amv TTRTC WEJNRsnAT. ) ATOTTST' n. HEN ON THE SKIRMISH LINE , A Day of Exceptional Pleasure at IMlovuo filflo Ilange. IN CAMP WITH MILITARY MARKSMEN. Bomn Itnimrlcnblyflood Score * Heine il tlio Anininl lllllo anil Cm-1)1 ) no Competition of U'lilfi Dcjinrtmuiit , Even to a. civilian's cnr thcro U something planing In the tti-ra-ta-ra-ta-ra of n trumpet. Did you ever live near a military just , and cnrly In the tnornltip , just as you wcro roll ing over to take nnotbor nap , hear tlio buglers of a military station play : "I ain't get 'cm up , I can't got , 'uni ' up , I ' 'cm ' thl " om'tgct up ? monilngl" In summer tltne , when the dew Is on the pms niul the birds nro singing from the fence junta , Unit "Ctin't ' get 'ein up" cornea through the windows of your quarters and tells you tint a nc\v chy has been bom. It IH llk < j thu heralds of old. nniiounclnR the race the bugles nunouuclng tlio advent of a day. Yesterday moinlng , when tlio rovclllo rang out at llollovuo rillo range ! nlticty-nliio tired Boldlcrj ttmiotl In their cots , yawned and in u twinkling wcro In tlwjjr uniforms. IJrcnltfastwnssooTi dispatched , and tlicn cnmo these sweet uotcs of llrst call. It wis n iiioiniii ) , ' . The oM Missouri looked us lluihlil us u liiko in the early morning sun- rlso. ' ] Inspniy of dew that had covered tuo trer" diirliti ; thonight RlUtt'iuxlniid gleamed Bodtizilltitily tliatonostarulliiglnofllcor'srow could sruitely sco across tbo ratine. A gentle litticxo fuiiiifd the soldiers as they uat at lireukfnst , and despite nil tills loveliness , the veterans of the Lingo suit ! it would bo a poor day for shooting. llut the do\v dried up In the sun and Idndly clouds flouted by und excellent swres vero mnilo. This was tlio first el ny of real Interest to ( spectators In the competition. It wis a day otuiiciTtulntics. Thu day previous the men Imd shot at known dlstanccn , but yesterday they wurc- upon the skirmish line , droiiplng mid firing at the sound ofllio bugle , It wns n pretty sight , tliono blue find white imlJoriiiedinenunsliliig over thu range , drop- laK and iiilug and away ugiUn. Behind the skirmishers Major Benham , the Inspector , lode , with trumpeters on cither eldo togivo thoronimands from tbo brazen UirnnU of tlioirlnstiumonti. From tho.shndo of the stntistlcnl ofllcors1 tent bright eyes watcliodtho progicss ot the contest. It rcniiiuk'd one , in a small degree , of West Point. TIILTO were the girls in white , the fluttciing fans and the dclicnto appluuso. Among the vlsltois to tlio c.imp yestor < laj' irorclienrnil lliooko , the department coin- mumli'fr ; Alra. Wilde. Dr. Uncho nnd daugh ter , Mrs. Bettcns of ITort Itobitison , whoso hiisb.uul is a range oflleer at the camp : Mrs , I'ahner and Mrs. McAndrew of lA > rt Sidney , ivhoso hu ib.uids urn also at the ranpo. Major lienhaiu , after the shootitiR was over , entiituined tlio visitors elegantly , and until ttio evening train ariived the tinio bconied .short indeed. Tlio inii'ksinen ' uro doing magnificently this year , and the nrcmxo is fur ahead of what It was on the second day of the competition last , season , and It must bo remembered ttiat the carbine pr.iclicolms boon united with the rillo coiiirctittun this your. The skirmish firing is particularly good. Hero is the score of yesterday of thotwolvo leading ii.cu in each class : IlltLB COJII'ETITIO.V. ' UAIUI1M UONI'UTIllOIs' . Hnndoin SInitH. Sergeant Ste.iriisof 0 company , Sixteenth itil'antry , scored thirty hits out of a possible forty at a Inieeling llguro la the skirmish run. Corporal Dnnncry made a wondciful per- fornmnc-L1 yesterday. On the day before , up to COO ynids , ho scored over an avorngo of bu percent. AtCOO yards ho made ten direct misses , placing him uniouij the lowest of the roinpotiiora. Yesterday in the skirmish lie scored lit ; on the first run IUHI 117 on the second , and Jumped up to vlthin the huloof thu first twelve. The chances nro that ho will ho In thadepnrtinent team as ho certainly hns wonderful ncrvo nnd n clear vision. lituutcimiit Henry Wright , "Light Horse Harrj" " ho is called at the ranpo , is hi tlio competition again this year nnd declare * that wticn It comes to the revolver competition ho will scow the highest iwrcentage. Lieutenant Groto Hutchcsou Is the most Industrious oflleer in the camp Ho has to score while tno other fellows shoot. Duncan of the ' . Captain .Twenty-first Infan try , who has been commissioned to take ehnrgo of the department rillo team , Is ltcei > - ing sli.irp lookout over tbo leaders. Cuptulu Dtmcnn. bv the \\nv. is the son of that ills- tlngulshixl oflleer , General Duncan , ono of tlio most prominent ofllcors la the service. Lloutennnt Purko of the Twciity-ilrst , talks ot his rapid transit project at nil limes. Lieutenant 1'nlmor of the Twenty-first and Lieutenant Amismlth of the Second talk and talk of cushion caifcmsnnd inusso shots. Major Hcnlmin cannot do too much to en tertain visitors from the city. In his quarters everyone fools at home , Mrs. 1'alinor and Mrs. MiiAndrcwaro stop ping iitBcllcvuo college. $20 St. Louis to Boston nnd return via tlioOlilo & Mississippi railway , account G. A. 11. reunion , with choice o ( routes via Now York and Sound , steamers via Pouphkcopalo , Hudson river brldyovia Nrnvbiirtr nnd via Troy. Tickets good .August 8 , 0 und 10 , nnd returning until September lit ) . Proportionate rules from till polntH west. Cull on ticket ngonts of connecting lines or uddrcsaA. J. Ljtlo , general western passenger agent , St. Louis , Mo , _ Hiiilillui : I'onnlu. \ Permits ' ivero Usutxi as follows by Super intendent 'NVluUock ycstenlay : V. n. InKlirnni. Di-Btnry f rnmo dwolllnir. Tlil rly-soenad und Ohio itrocls . 11,000 1' , 1 , . ( Julidan. 1-slury frame rottago , eiilili'i'inhiiii < l lou\eu\\oitli tlrtuMH. . . 1,000 O. 1C , CulnfctDry fraino dwelling , Twoiity-foiivtlunuiLucusl streets . 2.r > 00 Kama . " .r > o > ) 2..V * } Huinc 2,500 II. Itroun , Hi-story frniuo rortj-socoiidunil Glmrlei streets . f > 00 600 . Olson , 2-story brick tviiuinuiit block , Twenty-nlutli and Uatd struuta g,400 Totul . . . ; . . . JII.500 For physical nlltnents , especially these in cldent to dedlnln ? ycara , thcr Is no remedy that produces such satlsfuetory results us Dr , Ml. Mcl > uu'8llvorand kidney lulm. Its tonliil nnd lu vigoru ting effect oa liver and ildueys is renmrkablt , ( : I ) ox Tin- : Mrd , TJiclln IInrrlii ton Hun Down by n Ijouoinotlvp. Mrs. Tdelln Harrington of Council I ) luffs , a widow forty-eight years of age , warfMruck aby a Uock Island freight train yesterday * morning while walking on tbo tracks and Instantly killed. d'ho uufortunato woman had been In the employ of Dr. Gordon , living in the southern portion of the city , nnd had also done domestic -work at the detif nnd dumb Institute. : She had been inlho hnbitof com ing Into tlio city nt nn early hour walking on the railroad tracks. Uho train wis of M. Illbbard conductor , 1'red Kcbultz engi neer and G.Zennor llicman. The track Is perfectly straight where the ( iccldont oo- currod , and the train crow sa\v the woman when slioas n mlle away walking In the mltldlo of tbo truck. When the train pot within n quarter of n mile of her the engi neer \vdstlod | for n crmtlnj ? , nnd ho supposed HiS woman lic.ird the npproacbof the train. Soon < nltor ho whistled again , hut the woman seoincd not to heed it , 1'ho train wm runnitiK at a speed of t\\olvo miles an hour. The woman's neck was broken , and sbo wns otherwise bruised and mangled. Tlio supposition Is that the -woman thought tbo approaching train was on the Milwaukee track , whlfh runs parallel -with the Hock 1 sland , and heard Its approach. Sbo leaves a family of four children. The coroner held nn i Inquest. The verdict wus In accordance with the aliovo facts , and wns n complete ex oneration of the railway cmplojes from uuy for the accident. Dr. StisidoVfl miiltcs a Bpcdnlty of ills- onoea peculiar to women. 1501 Funiiuu st. District Court. BurltO & I'razier , commission men of South Omahn , luxvccouimenccd suit to recover SIf , > 00 from Llllio May SIgmoro , who li In the cattle business nt Beatrice. The nlalntiffs allege Hut sometlino ngo Llllio wrote thorn that slid had shipped a lot of cattle , consigned to them , nnd that , slio had drawn on them for $1,000. As the plaintiffs had been in the habit of ensiling her drafts , they cashed this ono nnd waited for tlio cattle , which never cnmo. The draft wns made through the Ne braska National bank of Heatrico. "When correspondence , was opened up with this bank information was forwarded to the plain tiffs tliat Llillo hnd reoeiml the money and converted it to licr own xise , hence the suit. Henry Ostoft has tiled Ills bond in replevin nnd commenced suit to gain possession of the stock of paints und oih tioiv held by Jolin F. Hey d , as sheriff , taken from Hobbs &Co. , who were formerly in business nt 510 Korth Sixteenth street. "OstolT claims that ho is the owner of llio stock , and besides wanting itdelhoredto him , ho thinks lie should liavo $100 , us danmges t County Court .Iiulf iiionH. Judfo Shields cnllcd the county court docketln the presence of a gathering of law yers that taxed the caiiaeity of the llttlo court. The called embraced 180 casc < * , of which sixty-five wore , finally set for trial. A number of judgments were entered ns follo\\3 , the plaintiff being winner in every Instance : Willl.un \Vhalen vs 0. H , Cnln ct nl. SJS1.28 : Gcorgo W. Freeman ct nl vs Rachel Sehhink , ? Ua.S5j Omaha coal coak nnd lltr.o coin piny vs Charles Johnson , $ .J7U34 ! ; Wil- Ihm H. Bridge vs T. I51. Mulligan , S < KU ; NolnMska savings and exchange bank vs Hit-hard A. Stevens , $511.73 ; William Cohen vs Alexander 1'olaclc , ? :3-ll.0. : In [ the county court yesterday John R , Harris , trustee , brought suit against J , L. and Althouro Ilico. The plaintiff alleges that on tlio 10th d.iy . ol February , 18b9. the defendants made thcii ; promissory for j7-12 , paynlilo to one Charles It. Jacobs , uudthat thu sane Is duo and unpaid. D. H. Edwards has commenced nn action In replevin to recover ] wssesslou of n lot of personal property mortgaged to plaintiff by uno llllon MuNauiara.rl'uc amount in con troversy Is J300. _ I'rogress. It Is very important in this ago of vast ma terial progriiss that a remedy bo pleasing to 'tlio taste and to the eye , easily taken , acceptable - able to the stomach and hc.ilthy in Its nature and effects. Possessing these ( iiinllties. Syrup of Figs Is tlio ono parfett laxative and most.getitlo diuretic known. XEirs. Hoard The bonitl of education met Monday evening with President Pei ojis and Secretaries Carroll ' roll and Funstoii an'd Hicbaid Swift , John D. llobinsoii and " \Yaltor J. Slate present. Tlio president appointed Ulcuard Swift temporary secictary. An effort to elect a secretary failed for lack of a quorum voting , Tlio president appointed the following standing committees : Finiuico nnd Claims Messrs. Richard Swift , John D. Robinson aud Frank J. Per sons , Teachers , Janitors , examinations and sala ries Messrs. John G. Carroll , 0. T. "Van Akcn nnd Kichard Swift. Buildings nnd grounds Messrs. Richard Swift , C. T. Tun Akcn and John C. Carroll. Text books and course of studios Messrs. JobnD. Robinson , Walter J. Slate und Frank J. Persons. Repairs , furniture nnd supplies Messrs. John C. Carroll , John D , llobinson and Uich- ard Swift. Rules and regulations Messrs. Walter J. Slate , Frank J. Persons und John D. Hobin- son. Sanitary affairs Messrs. C. T. Vnn Akcn , Walter .1 Slate and John D. Hoblnsoii. Tlio bills of KgRcrs & Bock , $1,500 , ; Con tractor Htzgerald , $1,000 ; tlio superinten dent's ' nnd teachers' salaries , and a few smnll bills wcro ordered paid. Messrs. Richard Swift , John D , Robinson nnd Franl ; 1. Persons \\cro appointed a com mittee to terrace and drain thu high school grounds , A school will bo opened in the IVmrth wind. President Persons WAS appointed a custodiim coininittco of llio keys. .Adjourhcd to uuet Saturday evening. Telegraphic advices from Washington hare been received that Dr. John M. Glasgow Is sure to bo appointed postmaster nt South Omaha and that the president will send His murio to the senate today for confirma tion. _ Notes Aliont tlio City. A daughter has been bom to Air. and Mrs. Edward C. Ryan. A delegation of Good Templars , headed by Grand Secretary Watts , came from Omaha nnd attended the Installation of the ofllcers- elcct of lodge 100 Monday night. U'uo ladles ot tlio Baptist congregation hold a social and ice cream festival In the church , Twenty-seventh street north of N , this evening. Liidvlc Kratsky , nn employe nt the pack ing houses of Swift & Co. , accidentally cut his right hand Monday , C. B. Moore & Co. have been appointed wholesale agents for the celebrated waters of liM-elsior Springs , Missouri. I > ariilnK to Uritent Forty. Jnines Robinson , tall , robust , with a sandy complexion nnd forty years of ngo hiu spent almost his ontlro Hfo mining in the mountains in the west , says a Kiinsua' ' City dispatch to the Chicago Herald. T\\o months fro ho caino from Plironk , A , 1Ho could neither i-eiul nor write. During1 the past clgrlit years ho has boon ongnpod in the transaction nf business involving the buying and solllnpfof nilnoH , throupfh which ho lias been placed In comfortable circumstances financially. Ilia "inark" hud boon at tached to det > ds and contracts BO often that ho wns hrouglit to realize tlio no- ( vfesity of tin education. Ilonco his pres ence in Ivnnsns City , Ir. Itobinsoii hns nnplicd hiinsoU a tliluoii8ly Undoi- the dlruetlon ol a privjito tutor nnd can now rend nnd write , Ho says ho will remain another month In Kansas City and then return to Arizona and look uftorhls mining interests. After the lapse of a. few wculcs ho will return to pumio his educational course , In three years' Hint ) ho oxpocta to have a good business education , supplemented vrlth the em- of Utomtuio. /R4UDS / IS OUR DAILY FOOD , 3omo of the Adulterations Traotlccd on an Unfuspccting Publlo. i ' INNAMON MADE FROM CIGAR . BOXES , Fnvorlte Kcftti Workc l Over Into Oltl Jnvn Coffce-Tlio Gov- j crniiicni Clicinlstfl nnd the ' Work tTliey 1'erforiu , _ \VHli all duo respect to politicians and xlitorsvo Americans hnvo a very dci ient sort of a government , state and 'ederal ' , over our heads. Ills clumsy and tupld , and if wo bcllvo what wo hear nG read , It does an Incalculable amount of linrm. On the other hand , It does u ivorltl of fjooil. And , stnuifjo to si : } % of his side of Its career and conduct \vo lenr much less than wo ought , says tlio LJostoii Olo'oe. IJroad and butter are probably the nest important element ' .n the llfo of every citizen. Our daily food Is of greater importance than our nnnunl sulTrnfjc , and in this field the govern ment has long been doing a quality nnd quantity of work that are admirable to the highest degree. Al this point you naturally ask , what a the -work , who dolt , and -\\liat Is tbo practical result ? tiho uorlds tbo o.\amination , analysis : uid valuation of every kind ol food and ill-ink tluit comes to this country from ibroutl , as well us of many kinds that : ire produced at homo ; the suppression , confiscation or destruction of unwholesome - some and Injurious food ; tbo punish - nent of offcndors of all sorts and tbo puldicatiori of all tbo transactions in volved In sclotiflo and sporiliu form for future rofoicnco. The worl ; , It must bo confessed , Is ( lone in ratbor a hapbuxard vay. la the first place , the national government em ploys aseoro ofslcilful chemists , who are attached to the custom houses of Non- York , Boston and such other leading cities ns are legal ] > orls of entry. Second end in importaneo is the national hoard of health , which every year publishes ono or more ponderous volumes of its proceedings. Tlio third muchino con- bisls of the btfito boards of health , which two of all sorts , varying from that of Massachusetts , whiui lias a , world-wido name and fiinio , to that of Delaware , which has no name at all ; and , last , the local Tjoards of health , which are likely occasionally , to do boinothitig of value , but seldom indulge in tlio luxury. So far as our daily food is concerned tlio most interesting , if not the most valuable work has been done by tbo cus tom house choiuists and n few of tbo state hoards of health. They are tbo bulwmks between our stomachs , If not our health and life , and the mercenary niorchautsandmiMiufacturors who are only too glad tr turn an honest penny bv adulterating iind Imitating valuable goods , repairing and disguising- -tli- less goods and substituting good , oad and indifferent articles for tbo.so which tuo the bcbt. The struggle between tlio two is very much like that between tlio Bafomakerand the Bafobroakor. or the banker and the burglar ; llrst o.iois slightly ahead and then the other The dishonest merchant and manufact urer ; ire men of bruins , nnd rely upon science to obtain jvioixr l prolits. Und or various pretexts they retain great savjints to colvo chemical and technical quosti ins whoso solution moans a now way > f deceiving the pub- Hc. Hc.As As an illustration of this , any number of queer tricks can bp glvun which nro now n matter of ollicial record. In the tea trade , for instance , bltick tea. was found to bo adulterated with nloo and other leaves in over increasing proportions tions and green ton to bo weighed -with impurities and colored with copper salts. The -wealthy Eritisb tea dealers in the cast were the guilty parties in every case. When tlio government declared war on both frauds they dwindled away immediately. As cheap teas remained -universal for several years thereafter as they had been before , another investigation wns made , resulting in the discovery that over twenty domestic concerns "wero buying spent and damaged tea leaves , recurling and rccoloring them , and then soiling them , as a bonalido first-class commercial article. Moro romarkaolois tbo story of cheap popper. Within the memory of rnnny readers pure popper Avas the rule and irapuro the exception. Our foreign dealers began to adulterate their goods until the condition of affairs was re versed. The government llnallv took a hand in , and the bogus popper business forthwith began to decline , at least , so far as the custom house was concerned , hi our own market , on the other liand , it increased with even greater rapidity. A careful analysis by the Missncluisotts bord nf ho'.tlth showed that two or more of our leading dealers in cocoanut - nut were Increasing their profits by pulverising broken cocoanut shells which hud formerly been thrown tuuiy , and mixing tbo resulting powder with ground pepper. When the attention of the authorities was called to the swindle which , strange to say , is confined to Boston , Now York , Philadelphia , and Baltimore , the general quality of ground all over the country took a , 6dd- don rise. The improvement did not continue a a long time , for the the trade price-lists had hardly more than reached Europe when some enterprising French and Italian manufacturers began to send us huge bags of "poivrollo , " This de lectable compound is made by grinding up almond shells , oli\o stones , cherry twigs nnd other ligneous fibres. It is utilized by flavoring it with a few drops of popper extract , or mixing it with from ono-bulf to one-tenth its weight of genu ine ground popper , Amusing to relate -when the wholesale grocers and spice dealers founil out about , "poivrotte , " which they did a few months after its appearance in the new world , the loudest denunciations of the nowodultoraint came from tlio lips of the worthy cocoanut-slioll grinder. Ho was so anxious for the health of his fellow * countrymen ns to urge the passage of n law making it a crlmo to sell or treat "polvrotto" as popper , under any or all circumstances. Sometimes the custom house chemists cuuio out ahead. 'At ono time when the sugar duly depended upon the color of the article , Mnglowot upon the raw dark brown and highest upon pure white , the officials noticed a sudden fal ling off In tlio imports of the latter and an unincnso increase In the former. To the eye nnd judged by the ord inary stan dards the stuff seemed the poorest and Impurost raw sugar imported. The chemists went to work with a will and in a short time demonstrated that tbo sugar had bcoti refined in the "SVest Indlon and then to iimko the tariff ai light as possible had been mixed with fine clay until It looked more like mud than anything eweot. When bought by an American rellnor it only needed to bo dissolved lu water , filtered In tlio ordinary way , boiled down , nnd then It , was as tmro and \vhllo Sc sugar as can be pioduced. On account of this fraud the government changed its system of valuation nnd now uses tlio polariscopo [ to determine the strength of Imported raw suimm Equally slrildng- was nn experience of the Massachusetts tlato board of health , in examining vbtit was Bold all through New Kngbind us powdered cinnamon , but which lost Its * strength BO rapidly ns tooxclto complaint , they voro ninnred to find that it did not contain a particle of thnt fnmouj-niiminllo lark , and on. the otbo other hand they could hot dis cover a trace of the Bubstancolth \ vhleh powdered cinnamon is usnally adulterated. Finally in the red powder they found something green , wliich under the microscope turned out to ho t fragment i of an Internal revenue stump , such as is used for tobacco. This guvo the duo ami enabled thorn to show that the mysterious stuff wai old cigar boxes , dried and ground ii | > and IlavoroJ with u few drops of essential oil. The Imposi tion vas so outrageous that the authori ties not only published the discovery forthwith \ , but attacked the brand so vigorously thnt in the next month nil that there was In the nm-ltet hud bcou confiscated and do trojod. The action of the oJllclals is said to havu cost the gu i 1 ty in ako rs o ve r S10,1)00. , ) The nrlltlccs In this Hold are number less nnd tbo ingenuity and oven gonltis at times displayed In cheating and falsi fying are simply \\ondcrful. In Boston , a man lias a mnclilno which takes the favorite food of that city , Hpllts each bean into two grains , channels and llti- Ishos these so much like collco Unit when they are mated , they'll deceive the nvorngo grocer. In Chicago , another commercial crook lias a machine which makes a roast cof fee bean out of coarse nnd damaged wheat flour. The diet wliich cut out the grains are eo well contrived tli.it out of iX ! ( ) no twoaroalilfo. Tlio iciuicoffco is sold , eliielly in New Kngland and Canada , ( ho wheat-paste cotVeo in the west and southwest. The government , whether fedoial or state , does not interfere with these preparations , bec.iuso although ur- laiit frauds upon the consumers , they -wholebomo foods rather than other wise. Sophisticated wluos and liquors were formerly very common , but in Into joars have become very raio. One house in Hamburg and ono inlh-cmoii not Miry long ago did a largo business with the United Slates. They were quite honest in their dishonest ) and sp-irctl the gov ernment by announcing in their bills of lading that their rliiunnagno was""car bonated gooseberry'their old cognac , flavored "potato spirit" or "indmtrini alcohol , " tuid their Roncdictinc , "medicinal couliul. " They loft the lying to the Ameilca.ii customers , knowing probi.l : > lv that the now world is far superior in this re gard to the old world. Barring brandy , of which two-thirds is fraudulent , It no longer pays to Import imitations and adulterations. Tim false wines will no longer compete-with the vintages of Cali fornia , Ohio , Missouri and Kow York. Tholiqucuors haio gone largely out ot fashion , and even the sale of imitation cognac and otard has fallen way down 011 account partly of the excellence 'of American brandy and partly tlio in creased popularityof rye and bourbon all over the land , In spite of the cheapness and ivholc- sameness of our natnowines , the ofli- cials occasionally run dovn people who make a tcant livelihood by compounding poor imitations. The New York hoard of health found n "vineyard" in the cel lar of tin old wnrchoubo in the heart ot the business center. It consisted ota lot of old hogsheads in wliich the proprietor was fermenting- damaged raisins and de cayed otirranls. The resulting "wino , " after being filtcied nnd fortified , was not altogether vile. Tlio oftlcors threw 10,000 gallons into the sewer and ar rested the vintner. His defense was novel if not ludicrous. Ho said : "lam a geiitlcinh.ii nnd n , Christian. That wine may notseein good , but issplendid. And I wish it distinctly under&lopdthnt it Ii respectable because I sell it lo a thou sand churches for communion wind'1 In the manufacture of jollies , confec tionery and bonbons , the soul of the adulterator runs riot. Aehenp crabapple - plo jolly made in Now York lint sold by the trade , generally consists of water , glucose , burned sugar , cider vinegar , oil of vitroiaiid vegetable gelatine. It is sold as cheap as G cents a glass and is said to cost less than 3 , the tumbler in cluded. Of the Turkish , fig paste , Ara bian delight nnd jujube paste , inuuli of which wis once and all of whloli is still believed to bo Imported , nearly every ounce is made in the great manufactur ing cities of the country. It is cheap and coarse tmd is made from wholesome ingredients by poweiful machinery. It contains nolning hut glucose , starch , a little flavor and a little coloring. These are cheap and uteam power is cheap. For this reason the falsifier of tlio past wlioubcd sugar nnd torraalbiifor nuiter- iulb and hand labor in their elaboration is unable to compete in this line of goods. It is very difllctiltwith chocolate , plain or confectionery , whether im ported or domestic. Of 200 brands c < - aininedonidally not twenty were puic. Sugar , starch , glucose , terra alba barytcs , brown oclu-o , clay , Venetian brown nnd otheradultorntiomaro added to Ituntil in wine caws , , there is not more than 15 per cent of the genuine article in what is offered under its naino. Recently , in the factory of one of the largest manufaeturois in tills country , the board of health found u ton \\metiaiibrown iiithoworkroomwitli the workmen busy mixing it In the machines vith Ilia chocolate. The man uiaciurer , y mo way , is one wnow standing and much advertised claim for patronage is "nbrfoluto purity nnd the lincst workmanship. " The national government takes notice of those de ceptions only when any ingredient is polbonouB or ciista in largo enough amount to do harm. The boards of health seldom give the matter the slightest considonvtion. In conclusion It is but just to state that the adulterator is in a ininorltvind that our foods and drink are goodfresh * and wholesome nine times out of ten. UnsoUnll IIoixt.sBull Fighting. Baseball has taken a popular hold upon our Spanish-American neighbors 'in the island of Cuba. I inot Chailes lloyor of Brooklyn who lias just re turned from Havana , bays a writer In the Now York Star , "Baseball will .fcoon ho the national sport in Cuba , " bo wild , "if its popu larity Increases itl the same proportion as It has during- three or fouryeurs. Every ono is interested In it nnd U prom ises to bo ns gcnoral a pastime ns it hns been in Now York. "Ono thing soonu strange , the natives do not understand English , yet all base ball terms are In Englihh , and iiiBpenk- ingofa gnmo the Cubans use exactly the same words and phiaHusas are u.-ed here. How they got them nobody knows , ami to hear a Spnnlard , fcpeahlng no other language , talking of liorno runs , errors , daisy cutters and rod-hot liners , sounds very funny. At any rate It looks now us if baseball would ovcntunlly take the place of bull lighting ns anainiibo- meat among our tropical cousins , " Tickets nt lowest rates nnd superior accommodations via the great llouk Is land route- Ticket omco. ICfti Sis- ecu th and Purnum streets , Oinuuu. WHAT UKA.11S .AUK 51 ADIS oi \ lie- Perform Un-fti ! nt Well n Snnlliiicntnl Fiinut Ion. It Is said that people sometimes voop 'or ' Joy , as well as for sorrow , but auea nses are at least rare ; tiny way there U lot probably any difference In the mv oHnl ot the tears MJ shed , Bays the Jrookl.in Standard , They arc both i.ido oftho sanio stuff. The principal lemon tin the twin position of a tear , ns my readily bo suppgrod , Is wator. The thcr elements are snlt ixla , phosphate f lime , phosphate of soda , iintl mucus , inch in small proporllons. A dried tear seen through a micro- cope of good average power prevents a ecullnr appearance. The -\vntor , nfter vnporntlon , leaves behind it thu saline ngredicnts , which amalgamate and ot'in themselves into lengthened cro < 3 lues , and look like tuminborof tnlnulo "is h bones. I'lio tears nro socroteil In what tire tilled tbo "lachrymal glands , " situated > ror the eyeball and miilerncath the lid , The contents of thot-e glands are can-Jed Ucng tnid under the Inner suifnco of the * ycllds by means of six or seven very ino cliniincls , and are d ibdiarn'od a little ibovo the cartilage Bii piHirtlitjj the lid , The iH&elrirgo of tear : ) from tlio luch- 'yinal ' glands is not oucntlonal and acci dental , as la commonly supposed , but continuous. It , goes on bom tliy and night though less nbitndaiitly at night through the "conduits' ' ami spreads equally over the surface of the lick After serving its ptuposo the Howls cnrriodawny by two liltle drains situ ated in that coi-nor ot each eye nearest the nose , into \\bk-lithoy mil , and called the "lachrymal points. " The usefulness of thi.H quiet llouof toun to both uuu .uid be.iit is niaiilfebt. Tboro is nn innuoiiso quantity of fine. chut Halting in the nirimd constantly getting into the eyes that , but for It they yotild popn become choked.'ory little is luqulsiteto Keep the ball fieo , nnd when some obnoxious uutaltuica smoke , : ni insect , or tbo like , that atl'ucls the nerves does make Its way in tin. In creased flow is poured out to sweep it a . vay. _ _ Through conches i'ullnnn , palace sloep-jm , dlningcaiv , frcorcclininj chair cjirs to Chicago and intervening points via the great Hock Wand route. Ticket otlico 100i , Sixteenth and ITanium 'J Iio I'l-liKjesf nf'Monnco. Nearly overjbody i ? intore'.ted In pretty women. Their beauty is , first of till , u card of Introduction , and after tliaL , if they have a little histoiy , o\on if it is only a llttlo bit of anecdote , a ' oautlul ( v'omini will coinmtind more In- t < -rest than ono who depoiids on her In tellect or clinrm of manner to ftibci- nato. Vmoiif , ' the most famous ivomcn in 1'aris today Is the jnincc s of Monaco , about whom illicit has boon wiitten , but curiously snough it is never told that she is thu daughter of an Atncriuan woman , sa sa French wilier. Tier mother was a iliss Mlltenbergor of New Orlojins , who 111,11-- i-led the ileh banker , Heine ) , and bad two children , a son nnd a daughter. The daughter Inheilled the mother's uxcop- Lional beauty , and nt seventeen rears of ugo married tlio Due tl e Richelieu. After three yours of man-id life ho died , and for oightyears tbo beautiful young widow , rich , not only in inero dilcats , but very fascinating , wnseouilecl by all tlio men who o attention as worth t-oiisldoration. llor most ardent wooer win the prince of Monaco , nnd utter a long -wooing she said "yes1 to liis proposal and was married last spriiijf. In appearance the princess Is much more like aiuVnierican than a French voinan. She has blonde hair , dark Thrown eyes anil tlio poauh-llko ' kin that , is so often soon hero and to seldom in Prance. She wites and npeaks Kngllsh , 5'rencli , Gorman , Italian and Spanish smd is a wonderfully line musleiiin. Her llttlo son , the present due de Klcheliou , is about ton yearn old , It is most rc- iniirk.iblothat oiiu woman should have Tjoi-iie two o'f the oldest nnd proudest titlofin the world , and that woman tlill -under th lily. Nobody pro tends lo doubt that while she was born in Prance , and "hor dowry was of French money , that "her charm of manner , her fascinating speech and her extreme beauty are merican. _ _ A. Countess Out near the CHIT IIouso there sits every day a we.iry looldng woman who plays a. hand org.inotte , says the San Francisco ISicaniincr. A. placard calls the attention of the pnblie to her desti tution and that of her two children. The dimes und nickels of the charitable passers-by are all that give her and the children food and shelter. Yet HUH jumiiu has a title that half the heiresses in California would gi\o themselves nnd their fortunes for. She is Comtcs. o Von Sehlaegon , the vluovr of an Austrian nobleman. Slio comes of ti noble. Polish family. Von Sohlaegen squandered her little dowory , at. bo did hid own fortune , and when bo died ten vears ago the- was loft almost penniless with two babies. Shocuino to America , whlilior her brother had emi grated some years before , but found him nick and crippled nnd almost as poor tui boi-hclf. lie lived but a short time nnd then she went to work. She first tried to teach drawing , but did not Know enough of the art. She so\\cd for a time , but her eyes could not stand the strain , and finally she became a factory operative. Tlio poor food and other hard ships broke her health , until at hint there Is nothing she can do but ask forehnritv , She is sensitive about her former life , however , nnd never speaks of her title , The story only bccanw known through an application she once made to u local benevolent society for assistance. Dr , Suisdorff treats successfully all diseases of the kldiwyn , bladder and rectum. 1501 Furnainht. Diamond \Vout Up a Flume , Ahruiiswu'lc man who was the owner of a line diamond stud -was cleaning it in front of the Btovo recently , when fconwof the bystanders attracted his at tention , hays the KuigmAle. ( . ) News. In turning lound , the diamond slipped from Jiis lingers ami How in the btuve. Tliotftovo was immediately cleaned out , butno trace of the diamond could bo found. Probably he will clean the rest of his diamonds in front of the register rather than the took btovo. Ncrvoui debility , poor memory , ninMonce. sexual weakness , plmpl , cinwl bf ) Dr. Milcv Norvlno , Kuraiilesfreeut ICuhti A Co.'s ' 15th und Douglas. Drs.Betls&Betts Physicians , Surgeons anil Spcciilisti , 14OO DOTJOIiA.9 STlililKT OJIA.HA , Mill. Tbo most wtildy nml favnrablr kno\rn \ spoo- Inllstilii the llnltod Stnlos. Tholr loujux- purlcneo , romnrkublosklllnnd mil vrroilmio- co a In tlio trcitiiicut and oiuoof N't-ruiim. L'hronlo nnd Siirtsk-al DlmMttM t-ntlllo tlioso cniliifnt iilivslcUns to tlid full confidence of the nllllctod overywlii'to. Tliurcuiirintioi A. OUITAIN AND I'OSITIVJ : OUHK for llio nwfulfllooti of cirly ilco nnd tlio iittmor- 011-4 wits tlriL follow III 11 ! truln , 1'HIVA'in. lll.OOH AMSI ) < | X DISKASnS tpopilllv. eninpli'lolv niul poi-ninnojiilv oitu-cl. Niivots : ; : inniii.irv ANDSKXI'AI ' DIS- OUDl.USyluld toadlly tolholr slclllfut trcnt- miuns. rtSTur.A. Axn URcr-vrj menus Pliiiiriinti-cil oiucdlthont piln : or dutuntlon AND VAKICOOEW : pornm- notitlr nml sttienHHtully cured In oioryraso. SYl'lllUS. UUNimiUlCA. III.KIM' . Kpor- matdrihu'i. Soii.lniiUVi'sikiiPss , Lost Man Imod , Mjjlit KinUsloii ) , Dcdiyi-il I'ui'.ill lei , l'"eiiiilo : WuiikiicssnnU nil dollouto ( llsDriluriiiooiillnr to olthor ( iev iw-ltlM'ly I'urml.niioll mull futic'tloiiahllsotdura that ru.sult from yoilth- lul follli-sur t.lio oxicis of muturi ) yoiua. * \TkMr"ni RK tSuiriintoert | ) oriiinno ntl y o J. livl u L\LI enroll , ivtiininl couipleto , ultliont cut ti ; , ouiistlo iirUIlnt.itluu. < Juroa ftfTccHHl nt liomo by Jiallcut KlLliuut nmo- IIICIII'H pnln or aniintnurp , TO YOUNG AND MIDDLE-AGED MhN. A < ! inl ? fill ? ! ' > n o awful tiTooti of tOU1I . . \ < V-.UKIJOU.y ! | vlco wliich lirlnsH nrfrnnlo w.iknc" ' , dpHlroyln * ; liotli mtnU und lioily.vllli till Its druu < led ills , i > umiuciity enrol , IM.'Q THrPTQ Aihlrrsjlliowwlioliatclm- Ui\J. IJlv i 10 pnirocl tlioiiwlvri by lin- ) irnicr ] iinliiltrencu nnd volltiiii'li iblls , vhloli tu liibotln.il . IK ! und hotly , uiillttlns thorn for biitlnoss. slutlvor nuirlin'c. AlAKltlM ) > 1HN or tlimiitorln ? oiithat luippy llfo.awuioof physlc.il tlobillty , uulclcljr assisted. OUR. SUOOB33 Is li < etl upon fiets. FIr-t I'rietlcil oiporl- I'licc. ' Sc'conrt nvury ciisnlssie-lnll'fitiiillocl ] ( ) , tli in starting rlfjlif. Tlilid-Moillcliioi art ] proiurcU In our laboratory cvnully to suit each ruse , tliuirfrcitliiRuiicsw tJioiit Injury , Drs. Betts & i 1403 DOUGLAS STREET - OMAHA BCH1TO OUARGZ. Undcrtlio Zlannscmontor tba Na\bn IntcrnalionalBankicg Co. , ContRsioniricn. Incorporated By the Stale of Chihuahua , Mexico ice , for Charitable Purposes. wllltaknplacolnpubllnatthocltrof Juarez ( for- rly 1'aiodolNurtoj.Moxlcu. W cdncsday.Aug1 .20tK tinder tlio ppr on t Rupervlslun rf O n. IOMIIV , unit fllr. OAllll.n \ , botllKUtitlomcnot bltll ntandlnp , CAPITAL PRIZE , $60. OOP. lickels ! Tickets ! OnlyBO.OOO . Only 60,000 WHOLE TICKETS $4 , HALFTICKETS S2 , QUARTER TICKETS , 1. fPrhoofSGO.OQO $60 $ ,000 ll'rlzcof M.lKM ) 10,000 H'rlxoof 6.00O 6,0110 SU'rlxcsoC l.OOO ( noli 3KX1 IQI'rlxosor " ,000 " fi.ono ItXlj'rlzi'ioC M onoli. . . . . 6KW UU cnub 7,500 A ] > proxlinitluu : 1'rUon , norncli Jfi.OOO iidoncli 11,000 2,500 Tofinlnul \ ' risen. r 'j < J'roriJiiiiiaatold , Xl'rUooflOoa ) } 1914 Prizes amounting to 125.970 \ie , the nnilcrHliMcil. liorobr CPI Wj tint tlio Hnnco tSAdoimtnt luxlco.li Clilliunlitm liiiflon lit' * nohll f rtini ttioMixlran lnu niitlonul Ilinklni ; Co , thonuccHiiry luntlA tn i-'iuin ntoo tlif- | > n > imnt cji ull prlroii ilravii In tlioC iiti X.iilri'liitl ikiui-a ; . \\o \ f urlhcr ccrtlfylluti i wlilBunurilfn all the arraniri'incnttMiml in porsun inannin nml control ulltlm < lraviii:4 : if this i < > Urynnd ( tlmt tliti vuino uroroiKlurtodwItli lioin'al ; , luirnesa , lul In tool lilllll tonanlH nil uarllPM. JOHNS. NlOSBY.CommlssIonor. C-tMII.OAlUnT.t.I.FS , Bupcrvlsorfor the Goverrmont Hnny llckotilniwlnz u i-tlrn Ijiont to thoiindor- nliinoU. Ill fnce valun will Im cell rtett iiml rimlttcd tolbe u nur tberuoffrooof rtixrird. 1CDOAU II HIKIVSOV , 1'ros. 1 riuo Nutlonul llauli , LI Puw.Tui I'or ctnb rnUi or nnrotlicr Infornintlon. vrlto to tlinundcri'lKncil , ntnlmi ; ynur nililrcx cluarl/ , with StHto. ConntySir4 etunil Nuinlnr. Aluru rajiltl de livery will bit nssurcit by ) our enclOHliiK tin cuvcl- opo baurlntf your f ulliulcircm. JlliSlC AN iNXt 1IMATIO.VAI.I1 A NKI NO CO. . City cf Juarez , Jloiloo. XOTICK. Send remit tanccu lor tickets IT orillniiry letter , conlulnlni fttoniiy Onlnr. hMindlir nllnprFiii com. li.mlos.Nn tvorl : Vicliiinio , tiiufc drill or postll note. Aildrcfinll rwlatorel Icilirn to _ Cltrof Ju ro/ , Mexico , via 1)1 ) I'UBO , Tex. FOR MEM ONLY BUGIC CURE YOUS HKllliaTV. MoaUi of JJolv Mini ; lltrui'ls ' of KtroHor dxcohscn In ( )1 < I or TOUIIL' IC < ilui < .tXol > Ii ) MAMIOJI ) fully 10- btnrocl WoRiiurnntoo ovi-ry oiso or uionuy > rcfiiiuli'il. Suinplo min-M' ' , ( Ivo ( lain ttcnt- inent.llj full pourso , ( i. Hiicuttil/nuiiM from ol > sor\atlt > n , C'nnk Itcini'dy I'o. Oinuliii. Noli. Bufferlnj ; from tlioilli-cunt yfjuthfulfrrornrnrlf itetiy. wostlni { ' kiii'Mlo e luanUixxl.cto , ! will wml a vnai > blu trtAtlixi ( ti-ululi ojltaliilnif full fartlcuUrH f > r lioitio cure. I'HKK < i ( clmrtn. A rpli'mlMinivllrat vurk : should In ) nml bvctrrr man vlin In nt'rvniiH uiul dcMlltatcl , . f , ifo\VLjiu ; THE GREAT LIVER anclSTOMAGH REMEDY nil cliSir ( < ld-H or tlio ! - tniiiacli , lilvor , Ilmvli , IC ilii ; j , Hlailclrr.Ncrv- ntii DikimHrn. TJDIH iif Aipciltf. | Ili-ntlnolic , ( JiiiiHtlpiitliui , l.'o-iclvi ! t > o " , lnUii-n- ttoii , Illli < > n in : s , Hovrr , I'llos , Il'O. , nuil roiulnrs tlio syHtciu leu lloblo li > con tract UAniVAY'S , . , . . . . . . PIM.Siirw . ftcinofor - . - , . . this cunipuii . . . . Tluiy . tone . . up the Internal Boorottons to Iiualtliy action " , rostoruitruiiith to tliojlonmcn. and nuhli > lt toiiorfonn IU fiinttloin. Vorlc l'rlta" r < alox. Sold by all UruK liU , or mulled bDVAV& \ CO. , X'U'untu titruutN'uiT , ourucclpt of price , SOET1IIXG EVei' ONE SHOULD IIA\G \ THK MOST COMl'LETI ! Reference Library II\"nili \ WORLD , Tlic Culture and Gcnions of tlio Best Minds of the Century. Rivisecl and Amended lor American Readers , up to June 1st , 1890. Offered in Connection Nvltn THE OMAHA. DAILY DEE. DUE PROPOSITION THE OMAHA DAILY BEE offers nyent-'s subscription to thopnpor. Including the Sun day Issues-delivered nt your address and n corn plo to act of tlio .Americanized Encyclo- pocdln Britnnnlcn for $2.130 pcrmontliforono year. Tlio first five voKunos dell'vered on payment of $2.BO nnd tbo bnlanco payable $2.BO pci- month. The otneiflvo vol umes to bo delivered within fouimonths. . .All our present subscribers nre en titled to nil the advan tages of this grant offer. People living outside of Omaha can avail themselves of above liberal offer by havIng - Ing the monthly payments guarExnteed by some respon sible banker or merehont In their town. Sheep and half morocco bindings can bo hafl nt a slight udvanceonnbove price. ASpecial Feature Tlio Kucyclopii'dh Ilrltiinnlca cotitilns no IIIOKniphy of iwrsom , nn mitlur lio\v init < ! ( lof ii.nnlni'Mt In iiiiuiNlliu tlio I'vcnts of to-ilayllicy may 1m. until such porsmis nro IIKAH. 'lliu Aiiioilciiil/i' ; < l nui-jclo- | , - ( ] ; Itiltaiinlc.'i roiitiiliii t liu IUiirn plilcs ( if over Il.lWJ iiolcil ii.'i.sonaui'Hor 1O-UA V. not iiioiitlimoil In tin' l'"tr'llilic < l Itkm. Tlio ] : ncjuIciiL'illi | ISilliiniilca mys nollilns nhuut liUiniiiok , Uliulhtnuo , Vli-tor HIIRO. Itlulno. ClovclaiiclVhllllor \ , C'lilni-.sutlnr- don , 1'iiinnll , ( Iruiit , Miurinaii. Hiurliluti. .lollcrson la\K ) M.inhy or IXllsiiii. Tlio Ainuluiiiil/ed ICiicyal < i | > .nllii lliltn unlcui Rtvcs ltlorui > lilus , not , i/nly of tlioiroinlii- | I'litinon of tD-day nncl these rcH'intly ilo- cotLsod , lilt , : iHK ( ) otluii1 ! ! wluso minus nro kiiouiiuiulBpokuii o ( tliraiiil > oiiL the cutlro wo rid. Wlioro tlio JIiiKlltli edition devotes from irc'O to ton culiiiniis nliotit : in ICujllHli coiintv or town unit ftom Imlf txi t \vocol- tin Aincilcuii Kttlu , HID Aiu r- . llilMUKU'r , KlvInK tlni'o In tunooluuiH touri AiiicrlcunStilc iinrt from liulf to twocol- tlio The KnoyclniKpilla Uiltitiiiilca nlvot mi vliniisLlU ) t icittlsuon nn Uii llsh oount/y , iMlforilsliIro , anilnnly iilnclfdiilliioslouM Aiuirlean olty , vl-/MoiitgoiiieryAlulmiiui. , TL-I& A.m erica nized. EiicyclopEX3dia Britannica RourscslhlH order , tMjMil > nsliiK Die spuco elvcn tolliu Kn llsli fouiitydlioiifli roluln- InKiill Lhn fiuU ) , nml dimlilliiK thiiRpiiru on lllKAllH'llCllllUll.V tllllltjlllS tllll III- forinatliiii on both tli < ; 1'iiKlKli I'uiuity and A-iiicrlcauoJty DOWN TO JJATK. Americanized Encyclopaedia' Eritannica. A nicllonury of Arln , Sclcncei , TJIora- tare , to which IH milled a cnniiiloto list nf AtiicrlcMin cltlcH. wllli ncuuulo inforimitIon of tholr Hltiiitlon , priiiliKlH , imputation , otc. Hiu'i-iiiliicil ( | nkclelios of | ict > . ( mUK'i ' ll\ln nml ( Iniil , ImiiKlit down to cliilc. It Is lliu Kncyelnii | > < lln lirltiiimlcit Itiltitocll. tlon reriHxlclcd MUM Inlltlt for A mirli-an IKJIIICH. It lius bom rearranged liy Ainorl * c-nns for lliu nso < > ( Ainorlfiuis. Tfio lutmt oclltlon nf llm cirlulnal "Jliltaiinloii" ( ( jiipllcJ : nt'Krly fifteen years ujjo. 'i'lui Aliiorl < ' ! | / ( . odllloii linn IUHIII ntvli > il anil roriiM-U" ! to llio l > ri.sopt ! ynir. fhlHVork \ Isalllimry nf tlio most iisoriiliiiKlt'iitor ' tiilnliiKiuiKlliii ; on nil iiliiiuit , Inlliulu vail ctyof H'lbJoctH. ' ItocinU iiHtlio lilHlory uf o\iry oiintry In llio wirl ( < l , tliii | ilt 8riij > ) i/ of OVUM colchruli'U Inillvliliial ( if iiiioimit or iiiocfiin tliucH , It tolls tliOBttnk-H nf and tnivulMlieliiitjItu , anil oiulonisof < ivcryi | > | il . expl'ilm tlioprln. of JPMTV Hotontllln In vpiitlon , ill ? . ( hi ) imiblinm of polltli'iil uiuUoclal i ) ' , ami , In faut hprcudH In foil ) you tlio hotl work nf nuiro thin 1,000 , nf thn SllllcHt rlt ! IKOf lllU IIJU. 'llllH rUkll'Jlll | | belli uiory hoiiiu , utid nil who In uuy wi\j \ vnluo knoMludgo will iii > | iioclato Us Im- poituiKO. The mortis of this llhnral anil uiamniotl literary holtcmo can only lie ju < lt > 0 hy com fill lnv(8tlKiitlon , Wo canifstlYMilliiloviT i oiulurtii Kl\u lilsnUuiitloii In tlilsuraiiil olfu Unit it.s liiipurtitnco niul lltKiriillt.v ilu urrc Jiumlrulx liavo ulrunily Mibsc-rlbc l forth work , it nil t lie popularity of t jo tiiU > ririnuliu | liocn Ueinointrat il luyon < l nil cxpcitutiuiu Hi'Uil ciiri-rullyoiirpnipuHltlon tinil tlifilllnru oiTrr urointidntixivfrvrciiilci of'l'lll ! III- : ! ! . IIIlHWOltK t'AN IJ.N'I.VIII OUT AINKIII fomii llnii wltli'UIKIIAIIiY KI . II' M US1 Hl.hKKN T01IK AITJIU IA'1 J II. Thu ulnd InillH not UHinl lillie hUixiicil | liy thci nuiiii iinliirloitwiMillfrlt foru , hil | > ' .oil tliroivjiu uclliL-r orl : , lint A Nn I. in i ( unK ty | > oia | per mid lliidlii . In fuc'llt liii rnxi ulloii-'ii. JIAKI , ATOITIC HI'KCIAf , OIKK'B. III ! ) lUill.DINtJ , corner olllro , ground lluur. ni t'xuinlnu tli iiiirlUof lliu Kri'iitworkor < lro usu poitiil tiartl nnd our myrt sontallvo wll cull oucm ( itunu.