Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, August 06, 1890, Page 3, Image 3

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    rrrrt T7i TL TT . " "
A TT/.1TTl3rn ionn
PTIII PtifTitT I'pttfi n 4 inrTiTr *
v - _ _ _ -
Local Bmlueu Onuses the "Wheat Market to
Bo a Lively One.
Onls ItrnulioH nnd Clones iit tlic
'rlcc of ! U ) 1-2 Cents
T-'rcc Action In All
CitiCMCo , August ! > . LSnoolul Telegram to
Tim I Jm--The : ] wheat market today was a
lively one , built vtA onluual Hciitlinont ntvl
local buslnos' , rather than on any Important
onlildoiiowHor onWdoor < ler < . Altar the re-
intirkulila bnlso yesterday. Just hoforo tlio
close , tin ; market was nt first about ! io under
last nlfilit ntnl acted heavy. Tlio sealjilnx f ra-
tcinltyproceeded to sell fur n icautlnn. A
minibcrof pliuiKeMHolt' to smash the market ,
utscrviitlvo houses tcall/cd on their
Ji"iilltiXifor live purposes to take profits unil
prlceHbauk to u lower lovcl torn new
Will nil thlsaiialint the market ,
t lioprlccof Htptpniboryluldul only ? c from
tlioopenlns. Thl wasasutprlso. A set back
ode or more WIIH thought to bo nn easy mat-
tcr to brln ? aboutYliou this did
not occur tlioro was sonio liuug-
Inj ! nt onco. Hrtoro tlio oiul ot
tholioiirthonrh'c of Si-plrmkor not only re-
rrivc-rwl Us sllrlitrtrclliie , but went uji lo tbu
closlntfprlc-cypstcrilay. This
win notwhole-
Knmo fortbiw wholct Iliolrwliont p ) uurly.
They wniiu-il It baok niul liot'aii bldtllniror /
It lint Hut tiiiirkcl inovod away from tin-in.
They bid Ueovcr tlio innrknt. and yet no
RlP.ltlntof Wlicnt could linhad. Tliixu who
minted n roinitl liiljf KiO.OflO buiholsDrnioio
linil topny whatcvoi-van tisked. TlilsMatoor
alTalrsL-n-iiti'd n lltt lop in lontnoiig tlio biiycM
nnd Inluss ( him half an liunr urlrosa \ > iitnp
1Uc from IIo'clock ileure.H iiiKl fiillySeoAer
Ilie Ijotloiii prlecsiif the morning. Tlicnctlon
wnst .uc | teiiiln-rl ! ) ? otol lic ! totCo tolU'sOlo
( IV o toll' " loO.JMo to Wi'.i hofoio 1 oVlook !
Dcvotiihcr Di'Sc ' toOSo toWJicto Ifcho toll'IColo
Kilic t < l ) c : Mny sold nt $1.0114
tnfl.oi. : Tlii'io ' vcro BOIIIO points on tliu bull
. ( ( ! ( ! . Mvi'rwool cables wcnillrnior ( sjiot nnd
future' . Vhlblo sujiply Inures were inado
even more lailllsli by a collection niiilclnua
( IceronHiofKI.OOObiiHliclM for tiin wccli. The
Pioneer PI-CM of St. 1'anl vas tlio nutlioilly
for fi-csli lamiiKolo Kprlua vlusatln thcnortli-
M'ht. ' Houth Dakota illrtiutclus ald sonio
UirpHlicrs wcio Relthijbut six bimliol.i tollio
' " iici-o. MliniPiipolls rcporti'd niiit-li of Iho
f' Hirlim wlu-nt Kainplos rrcelvod NcLARrnuo.
fTlio last foif lulnnlns In wheat , IniiiiKlit no 1111-
Anualaut Ion. elitoinber. iitlorloiiuliliiK IVi jc.
Void atll57ciUHlclosi'ilat ftliji ; , or JJouvor Iho
elosonf ycsliTilajr : Di-cciulior c-Ioscil at. tUXc
and .May. after Helllm ; nt SI.Hi. ' closed at
II.G 'iCi AllKllst Rlosl'd lit fll c. I'ltO 1:0,1 : L
onilsworntiikcnfoi exportiit Nuw.Yoi-k.
Tlic notion In eorii today wiis eon ervatlvi : .
but the undertone win Ktroni ; . The riinun In
Iho prlco iilHutitciiibcruii to 1 o'clock was just
lo and Hint wnsnll ueloarsalii ovurthe i-lnso
yi-stcrduv. Advlcortfiomlhi ) cntlra corn tor-
rltory for llio past foi-t.y-ulsrht bourH slunv
that lov.'u Is ( homily ltniortant | state wltb
enonjli i-.dn for tlio priM-Mit. lfansa . No-
bi-nslia , Jllssotirl anil puts : of Illinois have [
had lllit ( rains and M'ry few showers llio past
twonly-foiirboiirs , tiud tlio nocils oflho crop l
for inolHturo mo i.nt ue.irljlatlslled. . Tlio
market , tliorufon1 , rests on tlio snruo founda
tion onwhich It was built ui > from -40C to 48c' ,
vl7.-si-i-Iou Injury lot'i-opi In llio ( jrcat sur
plus stain. Mvi-i-iiool caniu stronj and 'id ' ,
ilouicr all around. Hiiylni ; was ( ic'iioral niul [
all oIVtirlH lo si'll the mm-lut _ down
were cautliMH one1 * , fcptciaber 47jC to [
4SUO to 740 to 48 < jo to JS'ic
lo8tu ! : May M'ie toKio tont'fc to S2 o to
BI7sOto.'J'o ! to-V4o. A fieri o'cloohtlio lirloo
of Septcinhoi-A\eiib t)4lo. ( ! The corn ninikut
closed with llttlo slan of roacllon fionihusl
prices. Aupit.stfioldiip to4-8Canl clo'-ed , itt
4S ado 41k1 ! October,4'J'Scl ' ' Miiytouchuil Kljsc ,
closliij ; at rv''o bid. Traclo took matters lol
uroly caily , but the market , vas linn oven at
tliubtin-twliun other cureals told unUurlust
nlnlil'H pilccs. itf
Oals opcnuil at Uioliost prlons of yesterday ,
_ * .ftt SCo for Aiijust , u | > U < mlior und October.
Mnydld evnii but tor , starting at ' .iclo s ond-
vaiico forall nimitlis and about nooiiHopli'iii-
liurwuiituii tolHIo nnd May tofc. Tlio at font ;
notion nml hlpluirprices lit nthwr pits , to-
Kotlier with tlic buying oMr. [ llu ehliisonnn id l
Roineoluvator innn. putprlcci to llio top for
thii day. AtiRiist olotod atWicSoptomlior _ :
nmlOutnlior iitlll'ic , whllo Alny wc'iit
ami closed ut Hint vxtruino prlco.
/ I'ackonnronot nhln tolonjicrdojireisprices
In provisions. Today tlio action In all pro-
Values followed the load of oeie.-iK corn es
pecially , and \vero \ the satno as uttlio close
ycsloiilnr , Hoptonihor ribs. J3.5 ; lard. K5.2.1- ,
pork , $ U./i. : .Innuury products started a Ilt-
tlollriner. as out Ido buyliiR Is principally In
Hint month. Septi-inliorrlba sold up tof. > .4. ) ,
lanlto Jim , pork to * ll.Hi. cloaliu at lll.Wi.
January prices vcw : lilbs , } . "i.75I5.lJO ( } ; lard ,
t < i.7CSO.H ( ! porlf. $ ll.MXiillJ.ati , closing al best
llpiucH all around. Tlu'iols a fair outaldo In-
tcieut In tlio market at present.
, AiiRUst 5. [ Special Telegram to
TUB HKE. ] OATTi.K-UusIiiessvfiisonly inoilor-
ntcly uctlvu as compared with yesterday and
wnsratlior slow , jot prices underwent llttlo
oriiochaiiKoand valuesmaybo quoted sub-
L htnntlally hlithor than this tlmo lait week on
f pi line stooi-s that are scarce so far this wook.
Medium and grassy cattle remain about tlio
name as last wcok anil Ills linrd , to get any
thing llko the prices shippers o.vpect. Cliolco
too.xtrabooves. If 1.5X3) ) 1.30 ; ineillilin to ( rood
steers , 1 , : 3 to lM > 0 Ibs , tl.WMJUO : 1,200 to LOT
Jlii , M.7.r > < 31.00 : OoO to 1,200 ll ) ,
1.00 : slookcrs and fcodors dull
nt f..00I.IO : COWH , bulls and
inked slow at ILSIXZWO ; hulk , Sl.fOfW.flO ;
Texas cattle , innrkot stonily ; MoorsKit ) to
l.ftJO Ibs. , * : f,40ZK3 ! ; ; 730 totW ) lbs. , .Ml iL'iO ;
cows. ? l. < UvB > ' ! .iiO ; vpHtvrn rumors , steady ; ua-
tncs nnd hiilf-breeds , t..7r ® l.7. > .
teiilayand the irencral market Is In butter
bliapo. Tlio frcsli iveolpls anil numlioi- rlcd
en PI- made til-nutenonon : ! snip , yet a bulk of
tlifl bostiulAcd nnd prlmo heavy hold about a
nli-kol llljjherwhUncommon porkers undthoso
left In llio liandsof speculators wont nut. at
about.llio Hiiinn astho elosovcstcrday-J.'l.rvi ®
! U' > . with host in l.xed at } . ''i ; best heavy
at W.77iG ! > 'J. . and lljslit sorts at S.l.aVHk'1.00. At
llio uAlrunio uloso tlio irtMierul market ivas
< lull andprlees riithor wouk wltli tlio outlook
tluit iilnrKuiiutnlicr would booiinleU ovor.
Nnw VOIIKunust 5 , [ Special Tolcfrain lo
TIIK IICR. ] Nothing gives any llfo to Wall
MrcetM ) f..ras stock trade actions nro con
cerned , Kneh day l > ilnx * * Its llltlo ups and
downs la Suiar Hoilnerlus stock , which no
t loiiKurffivtMtnuo to tlio market cither way.
v Tublldntoiest la entirely out of tlio market.
Leaders are cither absent from stock circles
or tire/simply speculators. Local tradoi-s dip
In lightly. nioaiiwlillowiitchliiK forolKn action
hi our stock ? , the prospect Oi'tluiRolflofporK
outlook for eroiu ami the futiiro earrylni ;
business of many rallrords. Thiibollcf Is veil
founded tliat (41,000,000 , In cold will boMilpneil
this veek. Kullroad t-iiralnei conllaueO'llii | ( )
lieurly all nunrters and yet a bi-arlsli fooling
provnll' . The KMSS onrnlnss of kfl rallwa v Iu
the third will : oUulviunoiiiiU'il to U4d. > , IK' ,
on fncroneoof ( ill'.i.T-Jl ' , or lu.SOior ( ] cent over
tlumuof lust your. 1'lrst prices wot-o rather
IrreKiilur lint Kouerally small fractions lo er
Ilia ii lust ovunl nil's llitures , wlillo raelllo Mall
was pxooptlomilvllliadroiioffipereonlat
- . 'JJi _ . Sn armi tlioiitliorlinnil. misupij. The
ini-s.s \rasreiu-\vodniKl furtlutfiacttoual
losses ensued Inllio early liad'nr. Hiijra r ri > *
llrliiKat'jMlswiurl , l'aeillCiiillturlliiKton& ' !
( juliicy'i and others Miiullcr ainoiinls , Tlio
pressure was then reiuovt-d and Iho
market becaiiio much duller and prices
n-i-oveied sll htly. Now Kiiffliiuil bclint
Mieelally prominent la the iidMinuo , thouuli
Its Kiiln wnsoiilyii small fraction. Diilliios.4
and stitKiintlim nnirki-il tlio ilealliiRs for the
leiniilniU'rof ' tliohour. Itcforo noon Missouri
'uulllmlroppod ' loiMPj and n-ooAemd In70 , St.
1'uul reacted to 7Si and AtcMson to 4l'i.
- -
L--nrroc'i ; ) > ei-eilfroiiiK3 toK. , Kock Island
. . ahniist lu-slect d nt. IKIli and l.iivlawunna
was dull around 140 , No now feature
liotlceatUe. lliMiisconlrollrd tbustoekinaikot
to t huclOMllnderii ) | reports eauseil selllmr
In sonio iiuiu-toiH. lllililliiitof -
nioiiny toi-j
in-l > % pi r eeiit uiado buyers tliulil. MUnouri
1'aelllu was the weakest , on tlio 1M , Kulnn
to tiOli , Silver van elf to IU"i. tculmt llll'iat '
Iho opening , iitiiai-linikufiiiiiilC > toWAi. C'DS-
liiK at8-'li ? , TliKhhort Intcrt-ht was lilt-reused
unil Bhariireactions may boat hand ,
The following wore tno closing quotations :
V. coupon . ISiH Ntirlliprn I'liclllc. , .
IT. S. liri > ular. . . . . . . llHi ilnprofrrri-'U. , . . . . . klli
1) ) . KISia rrgular , , , . . ! ' C.1N.V Ill
If. S.Ot . oiimii | .lUJ/ / ( It ) prvfi'rr * 4l. , , . ,
I'lkClllOliM Of ' . . , , , . . ! Ne VorKViilul.
Ccnlinl I'.ndtlc. . . . . . . Wi i' . . n. AI : a )
I'lilrnio V Allen 1 ] | lliH'k iHlnml uiu :
L'lilcnto , llurllnitoii C..JI. AM , I'uul I
.V Oulurr 10H < < M | iri < fi-rrt > d
II. . 1AV ll.'ilj HI , I'nuU Ouiiha.
Illlnoli Central Ill do prvfrrriHl , , . , .
,1. , II. i W Unlun 1'aclilu aa2
' i KIIIIIII .t Teinn IV'i \V. . St. ! „ & I' . 1SJ.J
IjikoMiori' 11U itu | irt > fi-rct > 0 J.STi.
> tlcMifAi > t'entrul W \Vi > > turii Union , W > 4
Mlxumirt I'tolllc I''S. ' .
MOMUV-Tlnhtut 4)iiWer ) | ) cent ; lust loan ,
6 r > 'i rout ,
I'n iK .Mmic.tNTi.r. I'Ai'Bit .VJ5V4 per cent.
Suiu.i.Nn KsdiAWQK Oulet but linn ; Uty-
fiuy Lilllb l > 5i demand. l W.U ,
Mining Hlooki.
KIT Yonn , AusuitS. IByuclal Tdegraiu to
Tnr. Hfj ] Tlio followingarclho lulnlnjstock
A'lio ' tn llornPllrer H4) )
Atlnms Con Hi .Mcxirim * W
Ir > lc Mini ntlllii lilo
I'.oillr Vnrtlillnlloliili * IV )
J.'neilonlsll. II . Ill ) N. Coromuncnllh.AV )
Co.i. . Oi li , a tnl Vn. . . ir ! , ' Ontnrlo tlVi
rVnninonirofittli . WJO I'lrinoutl . . MD
ItMllfffMKlT . IM I'liuenlv , Mt II )
IIKO I'olotl. . . . 01
Tlio Oofl'cc Murknt ,
Xn\v VoitK , August B.-UolTco ( Iptlon ?
oprni'd hardy steady and iiiu-lninRvil to 20
po'iitu ilotvni cluscil stt-aily ntuftio \ points
down ; dilr Itinlnon : Ailitustl7,7DaiW > ; t'op- '
tc'inlor , l7.l .l7. : ! Octolu-r , HivVTOlrt"No : -
vwnM-r , ' criir. . .
.Tniiunry. $ l.Wi : IVhriiiiry , - ; March , SIV4. , >
Ol.'i30Jiimi. ' : ir . ( W3lS.95i spot llio tlnu ; fair
fair cir 'oe.sat-0lo ! ; No. 7 Hal bean ,
: Jii it K ITS. ;
f'Micno , AnatiU. . Ii4. p. in.
I'lrini c-n > li , Uliio ! fc'optciiibcr , IKtei May ,
( 'oin-Ktrm ; cash , -ii\c \ lild : September , JS.'i
l'io ' : May.Kto.
Out-i-1'ii-iiii cash , SOB-Wtici Scplonibcr ,
Hyo-Stendy : Xo. 2,51o.
llarlcy > ' < > . 'J. qulut ,
riux-.Vo. I , firmer ntl. :
I'rlino Vlinotliy-Uulot at $1.1221.43.
WhMv 1I.W.
Mt-si I'oikr-KIrm : cash , tlS.OO ; Scplcintcr ,
( II it. , ; , Iiiiiiiarytr. > . : tO.
hni-l-l ( - | cish. } ( ! . ' - ' . ' ; Sojileniljcr , $ U" . ;
Jatniary. * 'l > . "i.
Slmit KIM KlriiM cusli , f.VJJj Scptcinbor.
t.i.4.i ; Jiiiiiiaiy , iV.rJ ! .
lluttor Ill lit'n ci-ciinicty , i : 310c ; dairy. 12
? l."o.
1'lnnr Klrin nnd iin'cliaiisi'il : winter wheat ,
. . . . . .
Hulk Mrnlft i-lioiiltlurt , D > 7'l'fl'5.COi ' ' short
cleri r. H.IJ.W.7. i short Hl > s l"i.i'lf'i.i : ; ! , : : ) .
Ilu tier I'li-iii anil lilglic-ii ui-umiiury , liVSlOc ;
dairy. lolSlle. , . _
Clittio lliisli'rt full cream clinddars , 7'.ito ' (
* ! ic ; Hats , 7 ia7'io ( ' ; Voung
ir'iM-Plouly ; frcsli. irvTillc.- . ,
lli l'S--UiicliiiUHli ( : heavy linil llsht
Keu'lpK Shipments.
Plour.bbls . ifVnw ) : iww
Wlionl , mi . :0.0 ( ) KI.OOil
t'orii.bu ' . : H.IKK ) 07ui)0 )
O.Uf4bti . 2ii-J.IllO ) M.OOO
XnwYoiiK , Aiistii tf. . NVhoiit-UocelptslK.WO
Imsliils ; txiuiits , IH.OHO bmlioli ; siot | lil lmr !
No. S r - l , liBi'i ! ' ? c In olcvator , 0.e'e.l.iKi ) { ? ,
nlloat ; uuu l.uu1 ! f. o. I ) . ; oiitlons closoil llrni
and hljtliurt No.2rod. A must , closing utOS
Coin KictIpls , llfi ) , JO buslioli ! OMports , 111 ,
CM birfliuU ; npothlttlipr ; Xo. M,5l1.i@J'ic Inulu-
vat ori l > tMV" > . * > iictifloit : ; uiiKrnilcil mixed , K
ftttiic ; options closud atrong ut Ii01 !
Outs Ipcoliitst5.000btislu-ls { : : exports , nniio :
spot hlBlicr : No. B white , 4i : iffitlJo ! : mlxuu
WL'sicrn , 4Dw.4ci : ) wlillo wcsto , -'iffl. > 0c ; 011-
tlon tronxur , Aueml closlnKiit 40'c. (
UolToo Options c-losliiK sti-iuly : MKUl points
down. Snli'i. 4''i" ' > ) ILUJS ; Auuust , M7.7IXlM7.tW !
Soijti'inbcr , il7.l"3 > 17.H : : OctcJiwr , JIi.r ( > tX3l .70 ;
November. SlOOKtilVii ; swot Kto Urnii fair
Sii ai -ltiiw 'liriu ; fair rellnlns , 'ic ; icntioil
niilvtaiKliiiiciiaiiRt-il ; "V , " 4 ii-irc : ; wliitc , ox
lr i ' ( } , " ri'iao.'i-lil ' ; yellow , 4 ? ffiliic.
I'etroli'iiin Unltoil , spot , closed utOOc.
Kmy ; wu.sti'm ' ,
I'oik I'll in , hut , qillt't
I-urd Illffhuri wi'iturn atoarn
ilii'tter-Kancy lirm ; others steady ; % \e > io
dairy. ( VQllc ; ereamery , ! © l7o ; KlKln. lS' ' c.
ClicRHu-Kiitbcr uusy ; p.irt sklusV&tYiO.
ST , Lorn AiiKiistB. M'hoat-IIIt'hor ; casli
W.ic ; September , 'Jl'ic. '
Corn lllphci ; ciifli. 4fi'je ' : k'ptcmlicr,4.'sC
Oats lllKher ; cash , 'Mia ; SeptemberUti ffl
' Vork lllitlierut $1.1.50.
wJlsky-St'eady atfl.12. '
' - " ' e. hUlmrl others unchanged ;
cromuory , lK3Wc : iiKln,19S : ( Ak ; ; dairy , iiUc. :
JIlNNKiror.l ? , Anu'iist 5. Wlioat-Hccoipts
! H curs ; sli.niM.'iits142 cirs : ; dimiinu for No. t
hiinl mill S'o. 1 iiortliern Improved ; No. .
noillu'rnaiKl wheat irrnilcd liclow tliat.Runur-
allyslow , Cliwliifii No. 1 haul , August. U.c ;
oiilr.iol.-Sp..ii ! ( ! ! ; > i > . t tortlivrii. Aniii > ttri > ic ;
f-uiiliiinlii'r. lil'ic ' ; on triiuki U4 ( , ii."icro. ; . i !
noilliurii , A ujust , We : on truck , Wv.rJc.
A uRiist flVJieat I'Mi-in ; No. 2
" ' " No. 1 iiortliurn , Obo.
Com firm "it 17847 5-ic. , . . .
Cats I'lriiij No. S\\ Into , cnsli. MliSMiC.
llyo Qiilot ; No. lKJJ5a.,4u ,
llarloy Klrin4 Ko. , Me.
rrovltlons-l'li-iiicr ; pork , Jll.SO.
KANSAS Our , August 5.-\Vlicat Hlirhcr ;
No. 3 haul. t-nOi. 8Jc ; August , 83J4C bid ; No. a
rcil , cuhh. feSohld.
t'urn-lllKlici ; No. 2 , cash , Kci August , 4Co
bid. . . . .
ri all Ullgur.
i , August 3-Wlicnb HlBlicr ; Xo.
Corn S'trong ; No. ! ) mixed , 50.Mc.
Oats In f domanil and easy ; No. 2 mixed.
iviilsky $1.12.
Ltvr.iii'oor . ' . dc-
, A\ixust > Wliont-Flrm ; -
innnd poor ; holders olti-r sparingly.
Corii-Stuady : iloniand poor ; new nilsca
, 4n "il poreontal.
CtiiCAno. AiiKiistn. Cattle TJecolpti. 10.000 :
slrnilyiHlowi beeves. 5l.r > 0 < 34.fO : steers , tll.Cl ©
1.40 ; btookvu and feed or * . Ji.fO ' .10j COWH ,
Dulls and mixed. fl.2aS'U)0 ) ; To.viuw , Jl.l'J ®
i5 ! ; wcatcrnn riiiitrcrs.t..Tr l.Tn.
HoKS-lU-eclDt.s , l .TM ; cliHCil wcakl inUed.
$ ; i.Vii.8. : ) ; licavy , $ J.4i5i-l.b.'i ! light. * 3. SWOfLU'i ;
SlilllH. } . ' . .ViO. ) ) (
Slu'eii-lJecelpti , 7.000s stoiuly ; natives. } .1.)0
< a" > . . ' ! 0 : ncstirn. iiOV&tM ; Te'Caus , JJ.5CKai.tOj
ST. Louis , AiiKiHt5.-Cutllc Ilrcolpts , 3,300 ;
* lil | > rncnts , flK ) : iimi-kotstroiiKi'ri fiilr to faiiey
nntl voDtoois , 3.w > aJ.70j sttukurs mid fecilcra ,
. _ . . _ i,4,700shipments : , 1.100 ; nmr-
lietsloadv ; heavy , ifH.i'.KiiJ.M ' ; packing. Kl.fu'Qv '
a.70 ; light , $ i.iu ; < OJ.7. > .
IVAKSAS CITY. August 5. KceolpK .1,800 :
4.50 ; covvsi { l.--Vfil..00 ; stockei-s and feeder.- ! ,
lloss-l 'colpt , 10,20,1 ; slilnnint , 5,100 ; aar-
lid stroiiK ! "II Kriules , W. .V l.TO.
Sioux Oliv. lu , , . " > . Iloss liecclpt
: MO' ) ; market nuiot : it } . ) . 15(53.00 ( ; bulk
} l 5"15S1I S3.
Cattle itecelpts , 278 ! inarkot fulrly active.
( fJI.UI.l Ml\'K S'A'HCJK ,
Estimated receipts of caltlo I.5W. compared
tilth I'i7 ypslonlny nnd J4i ? : Tuesday of last
veuk , Thoiiuukct opened lOo higher on thu
lot beef nnd export steers , and steady on all
olliurisrudt'S of stet'H. Tlio receipts of cows
\vero \ heavy nnd tlio iiiallty ] fair , The maiket
on butchcis' Mull' was slow nnd lOo lowor.
I'ractlcallynotliliiK ' UTrlotng In the feeder und
ktoclicr imilketaiid prices aroteinilng lowor.
Kstlmatoil receipts of liojs. 10.00D , potnpnrc-d
wllhlO.V > Jl-atiiiili.v ! mill ll.b Tiii'rtdav of last
of l nst wticlc. The market injoni'il ni'tlvonuil
klrojijur. Hoon nfterllio iiiiiruvt opvucil a bot-
tur frulliii.-til/i'd ' iliu innrkot mid prices bo-
i-anio sti-onper.closliijj Ht-in with allhnld at a
, H ) iiilvaiii'o ovrr yc > tui-iliy's : market. The
raiiKowast.'U i'i&'l.iiU ' , tlia bulk MI Hint ; : it Ji.5i : ;
llclit , J'l. Jlidt.'l.U'i ' : inlxoil , $ ; .IV5ij..Vj : ) lieavv.
it..V yi.iiO. Tlio aveniKU of Iho nrlcos paid
was Jl.M. tuiniiiiiutl ultli t-1.11 yesterday und
HI. 70 Tuuhiliiy oflnsiwuck ,
Kstliniito'.l roi'oiiits of sheen l0. roinnarod
wltli Iiri yrstunlny and imnu Tuesday ot last
wuok , Tlic ili'iniiiiil continues fur food inut-
1'rcva Illun I'rloes.
. InjiH a tabloof prices pale In this
luarkut , fortbei-a ) ! < loof ilook inentliiiie'l :
. iiiO : tol4)Jttn ! ) iN.itt ai.fiO
ILVOtO II.V ) It'S ' 4.00
.lavto iMjiiis as.- ,
1'alr , 1110)10 I IMlhs 3M
C'oiiinioii.SIU tnU'OO tn 3.M
toiiimoii caiineis 1.0) )
( jrdluury lo falri-owi. . ( X
( i'ood to vhiilee eow.s " . " . " > : )
Cliolco to fancy couj -i. : ' >
1'alrtOKiKxl bull- . 1.7.1
Cholio to fanoybnlU ? M
l'Vdir < . ttvi tolioo lb < ! ' . - . ' > tti.i.i :
KnIr to cliulco lUlithOK-s 3.fJii5jl.47i !
l-'iilrlo I'linlco heavy hos * 3'.15 W'.ft )
Kail to ohoIcoinlM-dliOKS 145 if'J.55
Coniparnt i vo 'l nblo ,
Tlio folluwfiij table slio\\ < the range In
onliogtifiirlin ; thhaiid lastueoKi
11.IJS. \Vcok. Jjist Wcok.
Alonihty .
Tnmlny . 115 MH 7i
. . 3 M MA <
Thurtdiiy. it .
40 tU C.l
sto as ia
3 40 IAS I'D
iio ( est of
The followIIIK tulitu Klu-s the avrraso cost
of hojison tluulatesiiiiMitloni'd , Ini'luilii the
g j i
euM todny , usb.tsed upon sales reported : j
.ItllySS $ 'IM > 4 Ausust 1 | ; | M
.UllyS ! ) 371) ) AuicustS. . , : MII < ; i i
JtllyUO 3M AiiKii-t4 a 41
JulySU Jlf.'Vi Augusts , U 55
nn Loweit Sales of
Today. Vcstcrdny.
cst < 3 co nighest. t3 ro
Loitcst 341'Ii Lowest. . t 40
Htnok ItcculplA.
Official Vcitcidnr. f > MtimUi1Toltiy , ,
Cattle 67eirs. l 73 rattle 73cni- < , I..VX )
llojis. . l.Vintt , lo\VJ HoiHv.iiltJOcnr ! ) , lu.txW
"lieep. . . Seat" , 3M fchcep. . . . Icar , 1st )
IIoi-M's. . . SCUM , 4'J
Avornue I'rlco of lloi ; .
PlifiwInfMlionvoMfio prlco pild fur load * of
liom the " J ' " "
on days Indicated In 1S37 ,
and 1MW.
Disposition or .Stock.
Showing tlioiiiiinbor of eattloboimht liy the
paekersnnd lend lug buyers on todays mar
ket ,
Swift * Co -IffJ
Thud. II , llamiuoiid company " <
Thu Arinoiir-Ciidaliy packing company. . . "is
Hamilton & Stephen 101
lli-i'kt-r & Down 4" >
I.oliinaiin Si TraHermann 'M
\\.II.ViiiiSuiit 3
Oilier buyers Wl
Ht'prcK'tuntl vn Sains.
UltUSSEt ) llttF STtUUS.
Xo. Av. 1'r. No. Av. 1'r. Xo. Av. Pr.
15. . IO.-J { 100 20..IOIV ) J'l 40 CO. . 113) )
. , ' iaio ? , ° i ? 18. . O.M 3 4.'i aw
4J.1U7 II 5U siiirSi 4 CD
20 ! ! : i ito 21. .1103 3 70 4 13
KJ. , 1071 a 40
40w AND nXl'OUT f5TElitS : ,
IS. . 1209 \w
COIT. ' .
12. . Oil l 70 1 . htt ! ) 1 M 12. .1017 SM
1. . MM 1 70 -iori a oo . inn an
' I 70 ! . . H7l ! - ' ( JJ
. 1)70 1 75 a.iitu you uj ; 'J - ' . ' >
' SlJ.IOl ! ) U' 10
. : > o i 7r > j..iot7 ; a 10 . .
' 1 7r 17. . ivj ! a i : > , ioJ7 U.'iO
.IK.'O 1 hO 2. . o.-o u r > I..IHD aw
1 bU i ? . . tt'o a MI 5..iiQi aw
CANSKIli > ,
. 700 1 PO 31. . 7bS i 50 H" 700 1M
. 8h5 1 i"l 4. . 1I.M i 50si > ' Ml
.1040 1 " " ) 1..1CSJ i si it ! . IKS 1 BS
. 81 : i 1 > 1..1010 i siM 4. . KW
.lwo ; 1 40 ' . ' . . t-il ( i ra 10. . 812 100
.10.10 1 40 43. . 881 i rasa so. , KV. ICO
.mo 1 iV ) ; i..iuuJ i B. , tM itr >
. USD 1 50 10. . t-a'i 1 M CO. KH i c.-
. 810 1 M 4. . ! W 1 fO 1. 11CO 165
. 70U i r > o 3..10CJ 1 60
inw : 2 oo 111. . 87.1 3 Si . 020 240
. 7UJ a to . 741) ) ! MO
. 7i ; > 2 10 M. . a ; ,3 . 040
. iuij : a 10 : u. . a Si . . 000 SBS
. f > 7l ( a ao 41. . ni. .itf > s
. r > ( xj s a.1 a. . IMI a 10 ni.W. . .IIM S0.1
. lone a a.i 10. .
y 33
Ill'M.S ,
1230 1 23 i..uai i co . .
IHCO i no 2.i4ii tn 1..1JW 1
1400 1 00 1. . 'ill ) 1 70
0. . 103 2 M 1. . 2.10 1 CO 8. . 230 130
1..10IO 2 W
Mixii ) .
9. . 7CO 2 73
No. AV. 1'r.
Swan land and cattle company
11 culver l'i * $ .100
10 eows 72 1 40
8 COWH 781 1 10
2 steers 107i ) 8 00
2 feeders 703 3 25
No. Av. Sh. I'r. I100.HNo. . Av. Ph. I'r.
! ) . . . .1.10 I.WJ ! ) 2.1 C ) . 200
0. . . . . ' . > . " ) : i : n lilt. iliSEJ 1150
70. . . .2.V ) 12.1 ? ? 5 . . . . .2.1S ; t.riO
8. . . .2.'iO 40 " , 41. . . . .20(1 ( 'IBO
0 . : i 10 1:12. : 200
0. . 340 47. . . . . 8) ) : i ho
SI. . .i-a ) : eo 1)40 ) 1C ! ) . . . . .185 100 : > r > o
.515 120 a jo k1. . . . .2.-5S 200 : tr > u
0. . .210 II421J . . 201 : i .10
r . 3 421J ; § : : . . 10:1 : so : j .10
ii. ) . .ii-,7 120 3 41- , ' , IS ! . . .i.lS'J 2JO
to. . .K1.-I 100 3 42 4 .S . . . ) l 120 3 50
3 42'5 . . .210 40 ; ir > o
, . ' . ' 27 K ) 34. > & : : . . .ari : 120 D.10
, .2tr > 120 345 61. . . . .2.V. ) cao : ire
& > . . , .2-'rt 210 II 45 4'J . , . 172 so a.TO
tt . . .IliO 12 J 3 4.1 27. . . . .2112 SJ a.TO
ov.M . . . -.T.O 120 : i 4.1 61. . 240 a BO
M . . .2(10 ( 80 II 15 io. ; . 240 a w
. .20i : 'MO 3 45 02. . , . . . 1'iO ' a so
. L'K ( ) I ! 45 71. . . . .a42 120 ar > ese
0. . , . : KK 40 345 CO. . . . .aiw so a.TO
71. . . .174 200 U45 42. . , . , .202 120 a.TO
w. . . .211 280 345 , . . .100 so ar > o
71. . . . --'I 2110 3 45 a co
85. . . . ! ! ) ! ) 200 3 45 20 are
11.1. . . .171 200 3 45 2so a no
. . . . .IS ! ! 100 345 M 2UI 200 351) )
. . . .170 240 345 C > 1U1 100 a.10
3 140 345 VO 22.-1 120 350
0 214 100 a .15 KJ. . . . 170 200 350
0 2.H 200 345 W 208 120 a 50
1 2-3) ) 200 a 45 K ! 20) ) 120 350
,8 2.11 100 a 45 70 art 200 are
II. . .152 240 II 45 81 228 KiO 350
JI 170 120 a 4.1 C8 218 1GO 350
2 21/0 / SO a 4.1 30 ' .167 40 a.r 0
.1 1SJ 343 CO 2M 100350
{ 212 8034.1 lit ) 1M ICO 3fi'J
1 222 i20 ! 345 72 . . . . 235 KiO 3.10
2 KM KiO 3 15 04 232 120 3 f.2',4 '
M 227 200 345 KJ 247 89 3G2tf
1 221 200 34.1 30 283 bO 3 5'rtJ
JI 187 6034.1 48 213 40 3V..i
2il 2S1 240 34.1 4S 231 SI ) 31V.i !
. ' 8 211 40345 3 I'M 300 35.14
h'J 32S 4SO 34.1 ra 2.VI 40 f > 2l4
> l 2l/2 / 210 34.1 SO 272 2SO 3 fW4 !
17 . . . 2i7 80 3 475 ! 57 207 KW 352'i '
i7 20) 120 3 47JJ U7 281 2M ) 3 5-JM
84 213 2i)0 ) 34714 170 247 100 : CW4 !
- id U. 320 3 4Ji ! 50 . . . .2 ! I H ) . ' 1M'/
; 2cito : a 47'i ' 40 ' , " .17 w a ray
W 22 , bO 3 41''j ' 72 210 N ) 3 fti ! !
0 ! ) ail 2feO 3 4"1 ! 57M KJtt 3 .12Ji
77 2JO 40 3 4ii ( On . . . . 2/i 249 3 ft4 ! !
(1 ( 210 2i-.0 3 471i (13 ( 2J < 1 1G3 3 S3 Si
4\ \ 237 SO 3-I7i ! 50 2:8 : 38.1
71 . . . . 2is w a 4Ui 40 2i" to DM
, ! ) 211 ; ua a 4'i ; ' rci : a.v ,
o y KW a 475 ! ra : .oii so 3.1.1
ii 2:11 : 120 a 4'/i os : ro 240 a.v. .
zi 210 M 34715 40 aH 12) ) a.v
; n 2ii si 3 4ti ! 101 a'.i ' to a.ii
1.1 2W KiO 3 47'J ' 511 21)7 3 5"i
j- > 2.VI 240 3 47'J ' , 57 tt.1I - 3 f,5
85 HH 12J 3 47'i ' t" Ml 203 3 .M
lilt 2-Jli 2.0 ( . 34' " . Kl Sill VJO 3.V >
! 1(10 ( 3 47'J M 7 200 33,1 ,
i'il N ) a M 54 ; mi : wi 35,1
241 8) ) 35) ) 54 iUI 2JO 3.V.
iii ) x'.ri i2ii a M 5.1 M : is.i
Kl S4S t-0 1J BO ( U S81 80 3 S.1
( it 2(11 ( 2H ) 3 M ( il. . . . -'Sl 60 3.V >
73 217 120 3 BO (10 ( 201 3 3,1
M 1 ! 1 - 3 M 55 .TO 335
o : ti ! - a : r > 3 : KI 100 3M
01 2ri 41 3 W 73 Ml : ' ) H 3,1
51 2ii7 2N ) 3 VJ 5 ! ) 4M 240 3B.1 .
o-i an IM a K ) r > o : B4 203.1754 )
,0 211 280 ! l 59 ( II Ml WW : jft754
't , . . .S'i7 - 3 .10 ( M 2)7 ! ) 40 a.175 ,
II -.Ill 200 3 W 47 : )74 ) 3 , ' > 7'i
U7 OT 40 35) ) 54 312 RJ 357'J
lit . .irj - 350 121 WS 10J 36'J
IIHJ 40 3 M
Murkot .Aleutian.
Host stcorshlKlicr , otlicr.ssteady , and butcli-
oiVsliilT 100 lower.
Col ton A ; Kutclipeiit In u car of hogs from
J. Ni'iily was licro with two cars of cattle
from Vesta ,
0. M. ( lur'loa came In from Hoc with two cars
. _ s & Johnson sent In a cnrof hogs from
} . ' . C. Oiirncs brought In three cars of cuttlo
from Archer.
S. .1. Kothwoll eamolu from CrelKliton with
near of cuttle.
1' . Giiiiiilsoii niaikctid three cars of feeders
from Hardy.
Lunilcen , V Ilennotthad hogs on the market
from llennitt.
J. ll.lllL-kson had a car of eattlo on the innr-
Ki'l from llcnnett.
I ) . Detrlck wiisou the market with a car of
hogs fioin Upluiul.
I. N. AtkliMin was licro with two cars ofeat-
tlu from licruyn.
II. ! ' . Downer of Arapalioo hail two cnrsoi
IIO''K on theiuaiket.
W. II , Combs mill J. Johnson were la froi
Gaudy with hoss.
Howllu & 0o. hail near of hogs on the mar
ket fiom llroialleld.
John Iliiktlu ns nt thu yards and took buel
coiuu fi'i'deis.
K. T.Urnlmin had two cars of cattle on the
market from Urcxlon.
Ueorito Thomas hail n ear of c.ittlu on th
market from \'i'r < ll rl.s.
Mi : Hi n Slatury wax on the market nltl
tlin-ocarrot cutllo from t'lieltnn ,
William Wallace , the ucll known btockman
of Coin , la , win over with a ear of Im s.
The Swan l < anil & Cat tin Co. seat hi a car of
rungi'n from C'hiujwater , Wyo.
The North A inorloim Cattle t'o.hnil five car
of eons on the market from Cheyenne ,
( Jeonru Miilllan , mi extensive feeder o
North l.oup , waidunu with t\vo ears nf eittlc. ;
\Venhol7. fc Kills had two cars of hojri , up j
from Orleans .Mr , Wcnbulz canto In with I
. |
I'eiry Walker , a prominent and successful ; '
( tockmanuf Cass county , cauio-up ultli u cur
uf I
Joseph Schmidt , a prominent and extensive '
feeder of Wyworo. was up with u car of ,
The grievance committee of the I.lvo Block
KxchaiiKometat 4 o'clock nnil orKiinlzcil by | )
eloctliiK David L. Cumpbull chairman unU W. !
11. Wuliworlc Korutiiry. 'llio cominltU'o will ' ;
meet every afternoon between a anil 4 o'clock
during tlienext thirty days to receive written .
couipialuti , l
An nrdnr went Into rlTectoiUhjtulliTorent
rnuls riitinuu into Son ill OMI I * , .Monday.
Anuii-it " . li Ihe Plfoct thatn mil" wouldii1-
o vo a return pass unless ho hud two or 111010
car * .
Tlirro wotoll.OOUiiMS hero lint they wpr.i
tirnctlcally till Knlil lioforo lOhVliick in llio
imiriilmr. nl the bitjcrt were "kleldnc" ho-
cattso IIIIMO Koro-iiot more. On * order for
notbo lined.
W.W.I/f.l iniOfJCNALE Jl.tJtltETS.
Prod live.
bo.littiK * . 1'Kt.T.i ANMI TAt.unv-Oivrn salted
hlihv-i. No. I. GhWie ! No. 2 ; Mfc-ViP : illy salted
lilihis.So ; ilrv Illut hides , oiiwct calf hldef ,
5't@'iU. ' ' DamilKi'd hldel , 2o less. Sheep pells
k-roeii , each , ! ! .1eRil.2J ! sheep ptlts. dry. per lb ,
UI-.KSWAX 1'crlh , Me.
TAM.OW-A No. I. iiufl-l'ici No. J , . ' 1fttc : :
lireaie , white , 3ii&lcl ! yellow , yi ! < 33ei stearlno ,
c ,
loNlis ( ( Juolalloni are for delivery In Chl-
L llUll/l * ' rr buffalo , per ion. S10.ooQIf.Od ! dry
country lilcachoil. JlO.oOTJH.OOi dry country ,
damn and meaty , N.WX ltMM. ;
I'icKi.i-.s-.Meilliiiii , per bbl , $ .V > 0 ; small , M..10 ;
gherkins , J7.50.
POUI.THV 1'erdon'ti , eholco lien * . } .10K3.2.1 ? ;
choice mixed , | 2.V ifi.UOi roosters. W.rWJ.W ;
nprlnRchlcl < oti < i , JI.KVA2.UOfoifinalli $2.2.-ni2.5'J
for meilliliiii 2.'iOii2.4 ( fiirlarjTO.
HUTTKii-l'ieamery , fiinuy roll" , print , in ®
'icj creamery , fancy , solid parked , rllc ;
UIOIIIIIIM-VI I'lmlce. IVicUVi dairy , fancy tolls
nnd prlnK I25J13e ; ilulry , fancy , solid pnekt'd ,
lOSftU'o ; dairy , cholcn. liQiinci country roll.
fnucv , ( i < il'e ! ' ! choice , Type ! Inferior. 2iiu. (
K os uaiOo fur atrlctly ftcslii stale not sal-
I lii.Nr.Y-gti-nlupd-CO-lb cans , per Ib.Oci new
comb honey , lIMHOo.
HKASS-llaiid-tli'lcl ; ( navv. JI.7.V7i2.00 ; haiid-
pleked navy medium , JI.(4X3l.i" ( > ! liiind-iileked
country , iMO'tjUiO ; coed i-loan , tl.liKfil.UTi.
l-'aney. ' K' ffiiSc per Ib.
CoroAMJrii-l'or ' IW.W.OH.
WATr.llMKi.oxs- J-0.0'W.7..V
- 1'er 100. ! . . ) .
OANTUi.nui'H IV.rdofl.2.V3l."i. .
rn.\'iiis ( : Ai-ltausa" , 'i linshel bo.\.7. > c < 3l.0fl !
iillfotnla , nor box. tJMffi3 ,
Citl.u'lis Uiiltfornlii , per crnti ! , ? . ( flj Arkan
sas. 21 < it case , $2.5 ' ! Ouorirlii , 10 Ib basket. 75c.
I'l.t'.MS I'nrplo Dunne , C'oliiinblii , etc. , per
box , ! wild BOOSC iilums , bu box ,
: . - .
1)uissii ) : ) VIAI : , Cliolco medium , & 37c ; llsht ,
li.\sinu Oib-ltnw , OOcs liollcil , fii : ( .
ClliKli-IVr lib ) , lellneil ? > I. : > 0 ! half bbl. , $1.50 ;
Imril elilcr , pure , psr hbl , * ( > . ( ) ! oraiiso elder ,
linlf lib ) , ( uai pour elder , hn If hbl , { 'UK ' ) .
Wool , -l-'liio unwashed , 14ICe ; medium un
washed. IKiWIieoaibi ; ! unwiiftheu. 1N&2UC.
I'OI-ATOKS-l'or llll.Jl.MKiTil.30.
lwu ) 1'erbox , Kodl Mulorl , fancy , tO.OO ®
10.W ) ; c-holco Mei-slnas. J7OJS. .
To.MATOKH I'ur liu-bov , * 2..iOB3.C.O.
O.vioss New MJiithein. per bbl. { J. OfS-LOO.
IMiAits-llaillutt , California , per box. J.OO < 3
T'iiu.s'i-.s ' Rorman , per box , $2.00 ; Trench.
$2.00 ; gros , J2.73.
riiKsiiMKAM Packers' price1' Fre li hanii ,
20 His averiiKC , 7Jac : fresh naiiH.ltllbs average ,
S'e ; fresh bains , l-'lbs averattc , Ue ; fresh shoul
der * . 5o ; pork loins , 7io ! ; pork lendcrloini ,
Do ! loaf laril , not lendered , tilje ; spare ribsIc.
Pouiv AND HiiKi' lliurols .Mesa imrk , new ,
81-J.7.1 ; clear pork hiickt. heavy , 112.23 ; eleal
pork backs , medium , J1I.7. ; short cut clear
pork. fl.50j family pork , lean , JI0.50 ; butt
pork , bean pork , jilu pork. tU.Vl. Half barrels
New extra mess beef , f2.-JT 3 > . "j..1' ' ) ! new extra
plate beef , , f l.75' < { . ( ! . .10 ; now pluto lieef. $ 't.5l < J
ii.W ( ; new rolled boneless beef. ? 4.0'i < ( ? > 7.r > 0 : new
rumps , ta. ; now boneless rumps , J4.10 ®
S.W ) .
SAUSAOK--llolognn , per lb , smnkoil. Ions
i-ouiKt laiuu bass. a ? e ; frunlifurts. Ol5c :
toiiciiu , 7'/ic ; 4ie ! ; liver , 4Vic ; head
eliiese,4'4e ; Collsh , 7c.
TAI.I.UW A Xo. 1 , 4Uc ; steiirlne , OUc.
l'irici.ii : > IIKKP ToNdUKS Half harrels , fO.CO ;
uiiai tor barrels , J.1..K ) ; elsbt harrels , $3.00.
liAiiii Tli'iccs Hollned larili-ompimnil , 5' < e !
pure leaf , lUio ; kettle.C ? iAdd ' /sn to 'jo IIDI
lb for smiillerpaekiiBes. Leaf lard not ren-
I'lCKi.f'n Tiilln-Half barrels , $2..n $ ; iiiartei |
barrels , il.a' . ; elKlith bmrcls , bOc ; kits , Mlb.s
HAUSMIK CASINOS Cattle Tierces and bar
hujr'oa-ilriss. IScperlli ! Iio l > iin s , No. I , 4 ! 6
eaeh ; loiinili , perset , 1)0 feet , 124u ! ; inlddltB ,
per set , 57 fiet , ale ; weasanil- , le.-.s than I.OiiO-
pleco lots. 3Uo each ; small bladders , less than
AOO-dozlots , l < o pordo. ' . ; largu bladders , less
than 500-dozlots,30o nor Aoi.
I'nis' TONOUKS Half liarrels $11.00
15 Ibs each , t2.25.
IMIIU OILS Ubis , extra lard ol ) , w s , 47c : ex
tra No. 1 lard ol ! , Me ; No. 1 lard nil. 33o ; No. 2
lard oil , 31 ; pure neatsfoot oil , 3Co ; 5gal ecu ,
V > D gal ; extra nettsfoot oil , 43c ; Xo. 1 noats-
foot oil. 3Tc ; tallow oil. lie.
llONKVCOMii Tiui'H llulf biirrcls , ? 37. ; quar
ter barrels , 12 10 ; eighth barrels , 81.1.1 ; kits , 15
1'ouK TOS'OUES Uncooked Mild -cured
Half barrels , UO Ib.s , $7.5 $ , ' ) ; ipiurter bairols , 50
Ibs , $1.00.
DIIY HALT MIIATS Lean backs , Oc ; c.xtra
short clears. 5'ic ; bellies , 10 to 20 lb average ,
fie ; short rllis 55c { ; shoit clears , o'ic ; lout ;
clears , 5'ic ; slioulilers , 5VjC.
SMOKI-.D MIJATS Canvassed , unless other
wise ordured lliims. 12 toll lb aveinge. llo ;
lii-lb avernsre. lo'i'o ' : 20 to 2211) average , 10S4e ;
skinned slldnir , 18 t < i20Ibsavoragu , lie ; Cali
fornia liam , 7ii'i- ; shoulders , 7Ue ; shculilrrs.
skinned , ( Hie ; shoulders , o to 8 Ibs a.'crago ,
7iu ! ; boneless ham , 8i4o ; breakfast bacon
( ( . ( oar ) , 5 to7 Ib strips 7Siij ! breakfast bacon
( ill ) ) , b'.io ; dried beef ( > ats ) , lOMc ; regu
lar. Site ; clods. 74C. ?
Puy HALT Cuiui : > Ilneon , lone elcars. CUe ;
short clears , fi4c ! ; extra short elcars. fi'ic ; Del-
lies , clear strips , ! So ; short rlhs , 0341 ; j .shoul
ders , (1'jC. ( '
litKS ! < ii ; ) IIuiJF-Stci-rs , 5OT to CflO Ibs average ,
native , G flliiiCi steers. 4iX ) to .110 Ibs nvnrauts
native , OU'J'ic : cows and liolfori , 400 to 50' ) Ibs
average. 5 ! e ; liliidiiuartui , stours. lOc ; hlml-
iniartciB. cows , 7o : foreiiuarters , steers , 4'sc ;
forequartcr" , cows. ; crchsed ; hugs , 4ie.
Diti : > HKii JIUTHX Cliolco dremcd multon ,
! He ; ineksof multon , 14ei saddles of mutton ,
lite ; breasts of mutton , 3e ; legs of mutton , lUc.
Surun 1'er lb. Cut hiaf 7'je ; Caboo , 7c ;
I il Ll ! 11 Jl rt Uf tlTH-t tIII " * * " /4 v.r "l i\/n * _ ( n 4 1
MAPI.K SL-iiAH-1'or lb. .lo enkes , :10 : II ) lioxra ,
l.'le : 10 cakes , 30-11) boxes. IDiSi : ; 1-lb bricks , tt )
Ibs In lio.v , pine , 14c.
COKfKi : Koasted Ailosa , 2."iVjc ; Itunola ,
KHScj McLiiuuhlln XX.XX. 'iii ' ; Oerninii ,
25UC ! DllwortliV. 2'i'io ; Won. 2.1 ! ' e ; Miill-
pouch. 23 > jcVoolui ; , 3le : 0. CJTavi : , : ! 0e.
Coi-pKi-Or : 1'aiiey Golden lilo , 22' ' c ;
faneyold pealii-ii-y.Sl'ii1 ' ; Itlo.choleo to fancy ,
22'icj Ulc , prime , 2-'o ; Itlo. gnoil. SlJio ; Juntos
and coininoii Itlo , liri 'U- ; .Mocha.-.lo ; Java ,
gennlno 0. O. . 2tc ; Java , good Interior , 25u ;
Svuui's-Amlior Pyrup-In bbls , No. 70 grade ,
; ; 0o ; half hbls. No. 7ngraiU' , 32c | 4-sal kegs , No.
"OKi-adi- . tl.35-sal ; kills , No. 70 grade , 7bc ;
givl ciiii-i , 10 In case , per ca o , $ .1.00 ; ! i-gnl cans ,
111 Incase , par cusp. Jl.IO ; will tuelovor drills , In
bbls , XV ; ha If bbls ale ; 4-gal kegs each , fl.4.1j
2-Kiil palls , uuch , bSfj roukcundy drlns. In bbls ,
35i- ; half bbls. : i7c ; 4-gal ( Pegs , each , JI.OO ; S-cni
iilN , oncli. We : Ciillfoinlii lionoy , bills , IIT
half bills , liUu ; 1-cul kcKs , Jl.tBjtf-Ku | kltts o : > oj
1-K 1 , 10 In case. * 4..V ) ; 1-pal , 10 la case , J4.1" ) .
Cilocor.ATK l'-ll ) noM'S yW oj German
swcot. ysHe ; I'arlsliin , 33c.
CocuA-l'or 11) , IttvSIOc.
IlKOUA-I'urlli. ittc.
CocoAMJTd-1'er " Ib , In pkgs , 2JS.S7c ; bulk ,
Stiis-Mlxed : : bird , l-lli pkg ? , So ; canary , 5c ;
lienip , 4"tc anKc. l c ; poppy. lOc.
fji'iciw IVpper Singapore sifted , I6S19ct
shot , 22e , Allspice , lOo. Cloves IVnanir , se
lected. 20c. Canilu-t'hlna , 4-lbinats. Be. Nut
megs No. 1 , 7'K- ; fancy , larfsvj tw ) .
KAIIINACKOUS Goons Hurley , 3ic ! ; farina.
5c ; lirus.Jlo : oatmeal , P.i 'l'.ii. ' ! macaroni , 1145
Heiirnilellll ; , lOiillc ; rice , chplue , Vie ; fiincy ,
( ic ; heiid.S'tc : sago and tuploeu , Vtt'c ; lima
beans lie ; split peas. 3o ; splglltl. He.
Moi.ASsi'.fi llbls , NO fancy per gal. X&H'o ;
nholeo , l.1T447e ; good,30a2e ; Cuba baking , 2&40
30c ; black strap , i'oa u.
WiiKi-i'iNO I'Ai'Kii-Straw. lb ' <
per , l'i 32lic ;
rag , li'ei Manilla II. 5Tf.Cc ; Na 1. So.
On.s IM prime white , lie ; M water white ,
13ej 175 lieadllcht , 14'iu ; 74 gHMillne , ilk- .
SALSODA llbls , l.'io ; tranulatoil,2e ; In bbls ,
tfo'iiA 1'kgs , 00 Ibs to box , S.HSj c ; ketss ,
'c'ltCKsn Wlwonvln 10. . , , twin flats per lb. ,
fl'iiVlscoinln ! 1' . C. . young Ameilea. lOo ;
brick , 12Hu ; domefitlo Swisrf , ] 4c ; Kdiunln foil ' ,
each , tl.uo.
DIIIKII I'miiTfi Turkish prunes , loss than
hlids , Ibs9. 7V4c ; oiUlnal hhds , > ' , o less ; llosnlii
urunes , CO Ib boxes , 100 to 110 , fau ; applei ) .
evaporated , new ring choice , lie ; evapurateil
now , ring , prime , lOc ; nprlcou , fancy , In luuka ,
17e ; blackbenles , now , 5 i i Ho lox ; , ft'Si- ; ;
raspberries , 11 Ibs to box , : iPe ; currants , new
li'k ; original uuslis , UQ less ; Vostl/za cur
rants , extra , la boxes , li'jc.
DATKS * Persian. 10 lb box , 7e.
Husi.vs London layers , California Rtand-
aul , per liox , t2. : < 3i "liorso shou , " W.UO ;
mnseati-N , California Btaiiilard , (2.00horio ( ;
slioe , " f.'Jkl ; "star , " loose muscatels , H.tW ; seedless I-
less C'allfornln , tlM ; C'ullfornla ei'dlk-hs hiil-
tanas , la sucks , per In. , RL'allfornlu ; iiuisen-
teN , In sucks , 8c ; now Valencia , Uc ; vulciiulus ,
olil.iie ; nndnra layer , old , Tc ,
ItASKKTS I'Cr 1102. 1 Ullnliul , imi'l O\V llilllll
atitre , ulm , II. 80 ; l'i ' luislicl. nurrow band
bluve , elm. J..W ; 1 b.inhrl , Htuvo bruud band ,
olin " , t-'Si ; Ui busliul , stuvf , broud liand. elm ,
t-3 ; I biiHhi'l , elm H uvc , balu Imiidlu , ( I.N ) ! 1
busliel , oak stave , I'lQji IbuUiel , llrlpss , { 2,7Jj
fi doz , ti.K > ; li ! busliol , llrlzn , KI.UI 1 biiobel i ,
oak bpllnt , ! J.O : m biiihel. oak splint , IGA Ji ) :
1 bublitl , bamboo , W.uui li ! bushel , bamboo ,
7.00) ) laundry , iTlliDvv , larsa. : iKundrv.
willow , medium , t < J. Oj laundry , willow , tmall ,
. . . , miitkpt , ohu. spill 4lkl niiirkit , oltiL
ivct bandit * . t Xiii.irktt , elm , covered , 1
> eiUi J'0 ; willow , market. Iniae , K ( M wll
ow , imnket. 2 In nest ( I smiill. 1 medlumi ,
tor Host , tl.V'1 nsbi Niitehel linsket , covered,0
u r.cst. per ntst. 1l.lO ; > < iiiill bamlxvi delivery ,
1.3.1 ! iiifdliiiu bamboo del h try. Kl.7.1 ; Inrco
iiiinuoo delivery , J.VW ; waste paper binketx ,
2. ID.
CoittuoR-Manllla tope-All sires from 7-Ifl
o 1 In , l.V ; s ! al rope , nit l/e < from 7-111 to 1
u. ll'ie ' ; "now process" all sites from 7-10 to
; hi. so. .
' " 'nrrox Koi-K-Vj In. lOo.
' -I'oltou twine "Itlhti " '
, , very flue , .
b bales , lie : eotton twine. "Daisy" brand. .1
b bales , l c ; hemp twhip , 1.4 lb bales IH-t sail
ivlue , 2iVi candle wick , 22ci 40-ft cotton
lollies lines , gv ; CO-ft cotton clothes linen.
| . < : uu-fnof euttiin HneM , fl.lOTO-ft | slttal lines ,
I.TJ : CO-ft Jute , H.W ) : wool twine , ( " 40.
NUTS Almonds , I.V.HriulK ; Nc : flbcrt ? ,
' . ' 'U1 ; pi'Oiiin. llui wnlniilri , l"K-i ! poaiiut
-'oek , OIK" roasted '
- , 12'ioj Tennessee penntitii ,
illtooMS-n-lle , parlor$1.00 ! J-tle. W.Trit H-tle ,
.u'.V.'i : ll-lle. philn. Jl.Vi ; wtueliouse , W.W ; toy ,
1.'JJ ; whisk , il.oo.ff.1.3.- . . .
ti.ivis-Qiini-t ) . per daz , $1.00 ; plats , per do/ ,
KM ; bulk. IHT Kill , lOu.
OAS.NKII MKTSCorned beef , 1 Ib , $ I.2J ;
'orned ' beef. S Ibs. fS.10 : liliu-h tongue , 1 11) .
.MiO ; lunch toiiKiu- , ' . ' 1IJ. ) Sl,7. , > ; brawn. I Ib ,
Jl.I ) ; bi-nwn , S HH , ti.OO ; ox toittiles. | l'i Ib ,
> . ( Wl ox tongues -Jibs , Jil.OO ; ehlpped beef , 1'S '
b , round uiini. f l.'Jii ; roust beuf , i ! Ib , lounil
: : in , $ J.OJ ; potted Main , U Ib , lounil onus < v > o ;
.Kitted liani , > i 11) ) , round eatis , il.'O ; deviled
limn , ' .jib , loiind wins , tvioi deviled hum , "t II ) ,
round eniiv , JI.-O ; potted ox tonituc , "t Ib ,
round eaiis , tl.VO ; eompieused ham , 1 Ib , siniaro
, 'iins , tl.-'O ; eonipi-eHseil bant , ft Ib , square funs
$ X'.7"i ; tt-lpe , a 10. round cans. Jl.8)i ) inlni-ed col-
OIK , 'i 1 b , lonnd oiin- > . $1"0 ; boneless pigs' feet ,
" Ib , BIIIIUIV cans. ii'-j.v
VwtCTAin.m-Ttinatoi's- i > xtrn , ? 1.00 ;
n-lb Htmidanl wenlern brand" . "Oe ; Riilloni ,
trU-tly stiindnrd. tU.lM. L'oin l-'lnest Krown ,
Jl.lMsullt edged snvtar corn , vciy line , J1.M :
cliolroJlbsiiunr corn , JI.10lb ; extra western
branlls , MentH-fidi S-ll ) standaid westein
brands , C.vr , r.v. Mushrooms -Mb Kronch , c\-
trn llne.'iWitIlb : l-'ieneli , UUP. IMff 'e ; M-lb
Kieneli , oidlnarv , ItVUISe. IVm-Trcs , lino.
pereanS5e ; ilcin-lln ! < > , per ean , liicilb sifted ,
jl.iiO ; i-ib early .lime. fl."i'J-lbinnrrow ; , stand-
aril , brands , il.10lb ; soaked. ( Wo. Sli-iu : ;
beans X'-lb lilKli Rrade , Ki-fimei' , Wi i-lb
( olden wax bi-an , Tt'ulb : Btilnubeans , liOo.
I , Ima 'beans 2-lb soaked. 7.'ie ; Iloston baked
Iionns Il-lli Lewis , Jl.iVij frown brands" , { 1,111.
S eot. iiolHtoes.Mb New .lur-ey. $1.00. I'liiiip-
klns-iMb. * I.IO. Okt-n. and tomatoes-Sl.OO ;
okra , ifl.ti ! ) ; succotash , $1,20.
1'irtii-Codllsh , extra ( JeorKt-s , now , fi'lo ;
Si-mid bank , new , 4' ' je ; silver , 2-lb blocks , ti'ie ;
snow \\liito , 2-lb brinks now.SJie : Turkey eod ,
InrKo middle bricks. t > white ' '
ej snow , unites. I'-
5-lb boxes , ( Hie ; niedlina scaled horrlni ; . ' . ' . ' > c ;
No. 1 sealed lierrlnir , txic ; domeitlo llollaiiil
lieu-Ill ! , ' , 40c ; llanibuiK spiced lierrlns. WD :
Hnssliin surdlnea , Hpleed , II.HHiisslau ; sir- :
illiii's , plain , Me ; Impoiled Holland liurrlni , ' ,
crown branil , Wcj do fanev inllkcri. I'Oo ' ! niaek-
orol. No. 1 shore , half libli , tll03 ; bloaters ,
half liliN. J1S.OO : whltellsh. half bbls iT.
tiout , half bbls J. .00 ; family wliltelbh
, . .
C VMNKU 1'isii I-lb inaokerel dierrln ) , $1.00 ;
1-lb llnnan huddles. $ ; 1-11) )
2. ' . ' . " > ; 1-11) ) Alaska salmon , Aleut , Sl.clb : oysters -
ters , 10-07. . } ! . ! : 1-lb ovsters , r > - > o/ . * 1.1. " > ; i'-lb
wliictH. ll-nz ! , fc'l. ! > ; l-ll ) I'liims , llttlo necks ,
SI.23 : Mb elnniM , little necks. JI.JS : 'i-lb sar
dines , Imported , pur case , UWs , Jl.VOO'.Wil.OO ; U-
Iblmpoi-tod boneless sanllncs , key. JiVUO 9-
' ' " "
erubV.'KJ..V ) ; i'V&\V."l-Tb fln-
n-in huddles Jl.UO ; Molr's hupoited 1-lb klp-
peio.l borrln ? . ? .Mi5.
UANNKII I'lttiiTalb Boosnberrles , Jl.IO ; 3-11
strawberries , Jl.1.1 ; 2-lb i rasplmrrles , Jl.l.'i ; 2-11 :
blueberries , Ode ; 2-iblilaekberrles , JI.O , ) ; 1M !
strawberries , $ I.M ) ; 2-lb raspberries , JI.SO : 2-11
blackberries , $1.2,1. IMnenpples llahaniii
chopped. J2.00 ; liahama sliced. JI.S" > ; llahuniii
sliced , choice , $ I.11 ! ; 2-lb lliiliiiinn sirated , &V1.V
Mb Iliihaina slli > ed , t..Hl ; 2-lh Klandard sliced
ll.2."il..r)1i. Cherrles-2-lb '
) - - red. 41.10 ; 'J-lli wlilte
JI.W ) . l'eaw-2-lb. fl.iiO. I'caclicsJ5llea tnn
standards. JI.S'i ; il-lb eastern seuoiuN. il.l.VQ
! . ( " . ; : Mb pie , $1.10 : Slorru Mailie. 8.MK : an-l- | ; pp.-irs. Ji.O.I ; plums , ozs , f I..V > ! plums
{ trcnn KII O' ' . * I..Vij cherries white. 31A > .
VisKdAil-'iOsr. elder. 10o ; Kood , ISc : white
wine , l.V : fancy , fruit. Xo.
STOVI : 1'OMsii i2.03iW.S7 persons.
HAOSAm , ptir 10. ' . * 17.T. > ; I.o lston , per 100 ,
} 17.7. > . Union i-niiitic , 'MffiM't jier cent elf list
SAW niilrv.a-loilM In blil. bulk , W.IObes ;
Crude , liO .V , 2.,0 ! ; best grado. 10t ) 'Is. ti 40 ; lies
Kiade , 18 Ids. , * 2. ' . ( ) ; lock talt , eruslied , { 1.80
common , bbl , $1.-- " ) .
SOAP I'iistllo , mottled , per lb , 010c ; d
white , porlb , lli\
Tlr.ocK TIN Small pig , ; 0o per lb ; bar. I0i !
per Hi.
Uoi'l'llli Planlsliod bollor sl7es. 31o per 11)
eohl rolled. 2llc pur Ib ; sheeting , Illo per lb ; pi
and lints , : te ! peril ) .
OAIVANIXIH : tiiir.KT luo.v Discount M-10 po
c'tiit ; pat. plan , iron , Nos 21 and 27 , A , 10rie !
TIN 1'i.ATK J. O. , 10.\24 , $ S.7.1 ; I. X. , 10x14
TIN 1'i.Ain-CoUe , 14x20.112 , T..2.1. , 1. C. , 14.\20 , 112 , t.1.53 ; I.
X. . 80.75.
SllKKT IKON No. SB , * ' 1.50 ; No. 27. J1.00.
SoMiKit-Strlctly half and half , ICc.
STCKL NAILS liasr. S2.20.
KTIKL : WIHI : NAILS Iliisc. $ " > .
Wlltu Jap. barb , 1.2,1 ; galv. , $ J.8o.
QUININE I'eroI' . & IV. , 4io ( ; German , "Ic ;
-iidlgo , per lb , 7."c ; Insect powder , 2lci oiiliim ,
$4.Id ( ; moiphlne. peroJII.u.1 . ; hops , per lb , 30u ;
glycerine , 20c ; dextrine , lOo ; ciittli-bono , : i.1u ;
cream tartar pure , ICc ; eonimercliil , 18c ; cam
phor , 50e ; am , earb. 14e ; blue vltrol7Sc. !
Afin Unrbollu. aWM2c ; citric. 432i4tfe ; tar-
tnrlc , JIOvMle ; sillplmrlc. per Hi , Sc.
OILS Siiorm oil. $1.10 ; turpentine,48c ; Tonca
bonus , ! 2. ! ! ' < R&VI.1 : balsamtoiiln,41(511 ( ; enlomi-l ,
. - : i-a itharldes , $ l.i : : : eussla buds. : . ' 0
® 22e ; ehlorofoim , 4.12aj ! ' crsnt , 4"i3.12o ; gum
arable , 5i&lV > c ; lyeopodliini , 4lCJito : ; muruui-r ,
Diy Goods.
HriAW UIIOW.N COI-TONS Atlnntlo If , 7'Je :
Atlantic II , 7c ; Atlantic I ) . fiJir ; Atluntlc I1 ,
( ii- ; Aurora 0,5e ; llnck'n , ( j'4'iCabot ;
\V , li'ie : Dai'llnston , ti'iei Karinurs' No. I , I"i ®
4'ie ' ; Ilo-sler I./ ) , . * > 'se ; Indian Head , 72c ! ;
l.awreneu liL , , " > 'ie ; Henrietta I < l..Vc.
KI.NB llKOWNCorTON's-Atlaiitlu U , . ( ' / < ; Au-
loru 1 ! , ( i'io : Auiuia K. eye : AtlasUN 11,7'ie :
cloth , 4e ; ( 'Hilton PI' , flJiu ) Pepperell
K. H'.i'o ; Iniigdon ( i li , Kp.
lli.iA : < ; iiKli CorroN.s IterUolev cimibrlc No.
O'J , te ; llest Vet , ( lic ? ; Iliutcivlolh XX. 4'Jc ;
Cabot. 7'jp ' ; KlrstCall , tl'fi'j I'Yult of the Loom ,
. ; Mill Semper Idcm.Hlliiusokeupei' ! ; , .S''iC !
King I'lillllpcambrli- ; Langili.iiU . II , ! ) ' ,4o ;
I.unsdale. Mc ; I.ons.ljilo cambric , lOc ; New
Yoik JIllls , He ; Oak Lawn,7e.
Net-l'epr.eicll.HM-ln. . lOo : 1'epperell , 8-1 , 4He ;
I'epperell. 0-1. 0-1. 20c ; IVpiiuTi'll , 1U-I. 22c ;
Ptlca. 4S-ln , Me ; IMIa , fiS-fn , lilio ; Ttlea ,
72-in24c ; Utlcr.Vl-ln. : 2ii < ; ; l1tieaiK-iii,2S'4i- | ) ;
Hloaohoil Not IVpporol ) , 4-ln , lOo ; I'cp-
peiell , 41-In , lit1'epi eroll , (1-1. ( 14'e ' ; IVii-
perull. M. 20f ; l'eiieiell. | | tl-4 , 22c ; I'upporiill ,
10-1,221 ' ! ; Utlea , 8-4 , 2lu ; IJtlca.O-l , 2lu ; Utlcii ,
OlNCiiAMS Amoskeag , C'ic : Amoskeag ,
Hi-ess , K'io ' ;'ie ' ; U'urwlun , dress , 7'ii- ;
I.unciihter , < iiu ! ; Ulcnalro , U4c ! ; Wliltleiiton ,
dress , SiC. !
I'IIINTS Indigo hluo Net Martha Wash-
liiKtoiifi ( < i American , C'4c ; Arnold , ( i > ic : Ar
nold li. long clotli,20e ; rUlfcl A , 12e ; Morrl-
mauk , \ , ll'i' ! Cold leafSUe ; Hamilton , 5'ic ;
Allen 1'lnljs , li'/Je ; Allen ( Jlnimbrny , lie ; Gloii-
ci-slur , ,1 ! > c.
PIIIXTSKnnclcs rddytone , CJSo ; Steel
Ulvor , lie ; Uaiiuiiio , 4'/ie ; St. Ledger , 5'c. Slilrt-
Ings MalthaVnshlilgton , 4'e ' ; Merrlninck ,
4'ie. 'I'urkey reds I'onntalii , ( i4c ! ; tinier,7c ! ;
Cicnllelil. 8'i'e ' ; Hcrlln , li'ic. '
WICIANS Not , Thistle,7'.ii'i Ked Pro-i , 7c.
Coi. ) lin ! : CAMlillll'H ( 'lov.n. 4'Ci lied Ktar ,
4'i < < ; lolled Clover , 5c ; Slater. Uu ; high eolor.s ,
I'ltAHU Stevens' 11. Ifi-ln. 5'io ; Storiiiis' D ,
18 In , Oc ; Slovens'A , lli-lu. "e ; .Stevens' I' , H-
In , 7JiC ! Slovens' M , IS-ln , 8u ! } ; Stevens' N , 21-
In , t > 4e ; SluviW NN , ai-ln. U ! e ; fctovens' SKT ,
20-ln. ll'io ' ; bleaelied le extra.
DKSIMS Net Anioskuajr , H-o/ , lO'jc ' ; Vork
ciunlut , 12oi lOverett , sCiiiilaid , I2'4cj Hay-'s , 7 ! c ; Old York. XX , lUHc ; l.awri-nce ,
220,13'ie ; Lawrence , t-o , l.llje ; fancy stripes
and checks , HVio.
( 'OTTO.XADKS York Nankin , 10'io ' ; Everett ,
BoIHJ ; l.ewlston , ID-o/ , 224eVorkiiiHiiian's. ! ; .
laijc ; L'orkbcrow cashmere , 22J4e.
A Cliolco I > lNt of Hiiiiiinor RosortH ,
III the lake regions of Visconsin , Min
nesota , Iowa nnd tlio two Ditkotus , tlioro
i huiulrctlH of liharmin loculitlos preeminently -
eminently fitted for Btiininutr lioinos.
Amoiifj the following Boloototl lint are
ntimcH fiimlllar to miiny of our renders
tin tlio norfcotion of not-thorn suinmorro-
sorts. Nearly all of the WiscoiiHln points
of interest at-o within n Hhort ( llstiinco
from Chicago or Mlhvaukco , nnd tiono
of them are HO far away from the "busy
marts of civilization" that they cannot
' 1)0 reached in a few hours of travel ,
by frequent trains , ever the finest road
in the northwest the Chicago ,
Milwaukee & St. Paul railway :
Ot-onomowoc. Ws. Clear Lake , lawn.
Mlnocmw , Wls , Lake Okohojl , Iowa.
fWuukoshn , Wia. Spirit Lake. Iowa.
1'olmyra , AS'U. Frontennc , Minn.
Tainnlmwk Lakes , Lake Mliiuotonlcii ,
Wis. Minn.
Lakeside , Wte. Ortonvillo. Minn.
IKllbourn City , Wis. , Prior Lulw , Minn.
( Dells of the WisVhlto Hear Lalco ,
cousin. ) Minn.
nuavcr Dam , Vila. nitf Htono Lake , Da-
Muilison , Wis. kota.
For dutalled Information , apply at ticket
ofllcc. 1501 Farnam street , Uarkcr Block.
K A. NASH , Gon. Agent 1 .
J. E. PnusTON'Puss ,
1002. Sixteenth and Furnam streets In
the now Itock Isliuid ticket otllco. Tick-
eta to all pomta cost at lowest rutoi
The IlrltlHli Ciiiiiinny Hn.s ItottRlit OIT
Iho Aral ) Tent vt > ,
There is nn interostiiiff story bncl < of
the ( snblo report from London * that the
Ih'ltish Kiist Africa coinjiaiiy has re
leased -1,000 slaves , who had let-n
drnpRod to the coast from tliolr liuiiu'8 in
the interior , pars the Nv York Sun.
The company , in ftiet , invcntoil a now
way of dealing with thoslavo tnuli over
uyonr nco , and it has worked very well.
They tlct'ldcil to establish friendly relations -
lations with the Arab nioroiiiintson'tho
coast controlled by the company. These
Arabs had about four thousand slaves ,
tlio frulta ot former raiiU , in their entab-
llshtneiita The British company olTcrod
to buy tin-so slaves , and in the lasl fif
teen months about , four thousand of them
have , veolved their papers of freedom ,
tlio company imyliitfSllinpieeo for tbom.
TrnotH of laiiil whore thov eoutil Hupport
themselves were given tnoin. and many
of them are working : for wages arounil
Then the company told the Arabs that
If they would agree not to sol/cany
moro ulavus their eiiravans would bo
Dt-ovideil with trntlo poods to ttiko into
the interior , and the company would
buy tlio ivory they brought to the coast.
The Arabs aercpU'd ' the oiler , anil to
day all the capital needed In trtiillii } , ' en
terprises that is not supplied by the
Arabs themselves is advanced at a Miiall
rule of interest by Iho company , audit
buys all the inorehantllso brought down
to tlio const. In short , the company has
become a partner of the former blnvc-
dealers in their trading operations , and
Mr. Mack.ony.lo , the company's superin
tendent , expresses the opinion that the
slave tr.'ulo question is settled no fur as
the " Uritlsh past coast Is concerned.
"When white enterprises like this cor
poration and the African Lakes com-
JKiny are in ono way or another lesson *
iiifj the evils of the slave trmloand re
fuse to sell liquor or firearms to the na
tives it cannot truthfully bo said , as an
Eiif-llsh magazine has asserted , that all
the white trading ontoi'in-isod la eqnu-
torlttl Africa tu-o Increastiif' tlio degra
dation and misery of the Inhabitants.
A Pure and Hcllublo Medicine. A com
pound lluld extract oC roots , leaves , barks
unit berries is Hui-doek Hlooil Hitters. They
euro all discuses ' o fill e Wood , Hvor and kid
neys. _
A. X < jw llniiipihlro AVoiiiaii 1'rcvciits n
Trrrlblo Kailroad Wrcolc.
i\Irs. \ Kinily BraiiHon is a lioroinc , says
a Boston upcullu disimtch to the Globo-
Duniourat. She wivctl tlio lives of MO
pasdongora on tlioVhito Mountain ox-
pi-css train recently. Tlurdly had tlio
train passed the station at North Wake-
Hold , N , II. , nt1:50 : when the engineer
saw a woman upon tlio truck just uhoiul
of him , franlieallyvaviiiKawliitocloth. .
Evidenlly thoi-o was dtmjfei1. A push nt
the throttlu shut oir the motive jiovvcr ,
and a quli'k pull of tlio nlr-briiko lovur
wits instantly rospondcd to b-y a slaekon-
intr of upeud , The train Htnppcd with
the cow-i'iitclioi1 of the great lucomotiro
almost in front of the woman.
"What's the nmtloi- ? "
"Tlio tracl ( around the cui-vo ia nil
covered with treeu. I cnmo to warn
you. "
Just nhciul tlioro was u sharp turn In
the shining lines of steel over which the
train would have passed had it , not boon
halted by the bravo woman. So sharp
was the curve , that uftor an obstruction
upon it hart come into the engineer's
view , no human power could have pre
vented an accident , and tin accident
under such circumstances mount ) death ,
to how many human belnirs no one can
ten.Mrs. . Emily Branson , from her house
near the track , saw the wind hurl sev
eral htiffo trocH across the rails. She
was alone with her two little children ,
but who know that the express was duo ,
and that the great trunks which had
been Hung down in ils path were on such
tlS curve that they would bo hidden from
sight until it was too late. "I hated to
leave my children alone in the storm , "
said she , "but I know there was nothing
clso to bo done. So I caught up a towel ,
the first thing that was handy , and ran
up to moot the train. I'm L'lad I L'ot
lioro 1 in time , " slio. added , ' in n quiet
tone. It required the use of axes to
clear the truck , occasioning an hour's
delay . , Tim passengers raised a pui-co of
$500 and gave it to the plucky liltlo
woman. Among1 the passengers were
.Judge B. W. Harris and Mr. Henry
llobart of I2ast liriclguwator ; Messrs.
llit-iim Jenkins , George O. Jenkins nnd
Charles II. Kdbon of Whitman and Emil
lirinner of Now York , a friend of Judge
TJio now ofnc"of the great Rock Is
1k land 1 route , ] o02 , Sixteenth and Farnam
fclreot , Ointmn , tire the finest in the city.
Call ( and sco them. Tickets to all points
cast at , lowest rates
Provisions and Stocks ,
SOB South 13th Street , - Omnhn.
N.W. HARRIS & COMPANY , Banders ,
193-IOS Dearborn Street , CHICAGO.
70 State. Street. HUSTON.
Accounts of Ilanifp , lUnk ri anil Corporations no-
llcltcil , '
Ouf fncllltlo for COU.KCTION3 nro excellent , nnd
wo ro-dlattiiint for tanki nlicn alancol wnrrnnt It ,
Iloilon H u Iti'ifirvo Cltr. nnd bahinco wltli us
from banks ( not located la oilier Kescrvo Cltlei )
cnnnlai areinrvo.
Wo draw our oirn cicliingo on Lonilon end the
Continentand inoku ctblo trnnifers undplacoinoncj
bjr tcli-srupli througbout tljo Uoltcil titatei ouj Una-
\Volmrnn mntkrt for prime flnt-clnn Invcstmcnl
Securities , and lurlto propoviU frum blutej , Conn
ties nnd Cllloi irlicn liiulriKboiidi ,
\Voilo n general Lantliitf liuslnim , and InTltocor
lni4lllU unj Ci-riilii ton ila ; or money ro.
funded. Tly in H W. Srciirt-ly lealej frum ob-
.emtloo. COOK JlKMEin' CO. , Omah , Nu ! > ,
" W.vsiiijsoT-o.v , on
"FAIRHAVEN I'uBot Bound. I'nciaol'osst
I HI HUH hIV 'I'Muilnm Great Nor-
th rn llr. Vint reioimei
InCoMna Citil , iron an > l 7'lnt r , BlrraUr uillliUiir
tlminuiuli or pienn amllllt'ii ufiloll ri ! . Milchln
hurbor.iirBretttlmoiicn fiea.VuilililpplniMnteruiii.
'Jhreo rallmuili , t-olM uronlli Inuim jur fromnolh. ;
1112 to populullon < if ( , IIO ( ( | ; . H. ( ' < niuiland iiictica
valuation ot CJ.IUOIOU. Klectiln llBliti.electrlo Urtei [ |
rullnnr iK " . ' ' 'urnor i. Dnequallail ouportiml.
tlei ( or pronuble InTcilmenti. Hci-clnl inrtnco.
menu toinnnuliclurers. Addr n * ' - - - -
1UA.MJ to , , I'alrliUTd "
. Omaha Manufacturers ,
Hoots mill
Wholesale Manufacturers of Hoots & Shoes
Agents fcr lloMon Uiitber Shoo Co. , IIM , 1101 ( nil HIM
Ilinivy glirol.Oiunlnt , Nob.
La cr Beer Brewers ,
IMI Ndtli Iflli Street , Uninhft , N'cb.
Coi-nloo ,
Manufacturers of ( Jalranlzcd Iron Cornice
Window cap * niul mplilli'XrU M . Jolin I'l'i'iU'lcr ,
tiri'l'Motor. ' IWiuid IIUSoiilli loth Mtri-t.
Artists * Material * .
" '
A. HOSPE , Jr. ,
Artists' ' Materials , Pianos anil Organs ,
1M3 DoiiKlM Street , Oroiilm , Neb.
Ciml , Cokr , Kto.
Jobbers of Hard anil Soft Coal ,
S. K. Cor. ICIh ami Doughs Street ! ) , Omiilin , .Neb ,
Shippers of Coal anil Coke ,
114 South 1,1th Slreot. Oinnhn , Neb ,
DEAN , ARM&ritONQ & CO. ,
Wholesale Cigars ,
403 N , ItltliStruct. "Itollol" 1410.
Dry Cioodti iintl Xollotii * .
M. E. SMITH & CO. ,
Dry Goods , Furnishing Goods anil Notions
Corner lllhnmt Howard Street' .
Importers and Jobbers in Dry Goods ,
Qenta'1'uriilililnn llooil * . Corner lltli ami Uurnay
Hlrei'ls , Omiilui , Not ) .
Wholesale Dealers in Furniture ,
t-'nrnuni StructOmnlia , Nebraska.
Omalin , Ncbrnakjv
Wholesale Grocers ,
l-lhinil r.enrcnnorlh Streets , Omaha , KebrAttn.
, Kto ,
O.V. . DOUGLAS A : CO. ,
Dealers in Hardwood lumber ,
Y rcl 1310 N. Kith til. . Oiiuhn ,
Wholesale Umber , Ktc , , Etc.
ImportC'l niul Amerlnnn I'orLlaiiil Commit. Btatf
agent for Mllivniiki'o Itrilrmilla Cumont , unit
Oiilmy tVulla I , line ,
Dealer in Hardwood Lumber.
Wood carpets ntnl pnrqnet llnoilng. Hth nnd DouglnJ
Strccli , Umnlm , Xubrnik.i.
Lumber , Lime , Cement , Etc. , Etc ,
Corner t'tli nnd Douulas Street * , Om.thn.
Mlllfnoi-y tiiul Notions.
Importers and Jobbers in Millinery ,
SOS , 210and 312 South lltli street ,
iVholesale Notions and Furnishing Goods ,
1121 Homer utrci-t , Omnlio.
iYIiolcsalc Refined and Lubricating Oils ,
Axle grcaae , etc. , Omaha. A. II. Bishop , Mnmigor.
Wholesale Paper Dealers.
torryo nice utork oi printing , wrniipiiB and wrttlnf
piper. Special attention given to card jinpor.
Snf'oH , Kto.
A , L. DEANE ic CO. ,
Uenoral Aganlt for
Halls' ' Safes ,
i nndM.I Eolith 10th St. , Onmhn.
'Joyn , K tc.
11. HARDY le CO. ,
JolilitTi at
Toys , Dolls , Albums , Fancy Goods ,
Home l-'urnlMilna Ciourtv Cliltilrim'H Car r I lines. 1209
fc'iutiam all cot , Omaha , Neb.
Steam and Water Supplies ,
> rliiil mills. ulSnnil { UOJonr * t. , Omalix
( J/F. Him. AclliiK Miinuifur.
Iron Works.
Wrought and Cast iron Build ing Work ,
'n , trnsi work , Koncrnl foundry , mmlilnoaud
li woik , Olllcit unit iriirkn , U , 1 * .
r. end 17th ilruet , Omuliu.
Manl'rs'of Fire and Burglar Proof Safes ,
Vaults. Jull work. Iron nhuttern nnil Hro o npo .
U. Auilr enproi'r. | Cor. Ulli anitJiicknoii SH.
Sllhll , I)001- ,
Wiolosale nianufncturcnof
Sash , Doors , Blinds and Mouldings ,
Dmncb otllcc , 12tlmnil Imrd itrccti , Oinnlin , Mcb.
S ou. tli
01 Soutli Omnlia. Limited ,
National Bank
Capital , - $40OOOO
Surplus ,
omecn nnd Dlrpctorn K , At. Murrainin , 0 , M.
Illta.icuclc , Joih ( | ( iinicnii , Jr. . A. Henry , K. A
Anilsrion. Winiiim < J. Maul , vlco-ironMc-nti | U I
Williams , A. I' , lloiiklni. rrmtilcnt : A.
caslilur ; K. 11. llrtunt , msHUnt tu-hler
National Bank
Capital. - - - - $4OOOOO
Surplus Jan. 1st , 180O - B7OOO
onlren and Dlreotun-IIenrr W , Yntri , rreililcnti
xtwIiH. Itci'd , Vlc 'I'ios'ilunli JanionV. . HUVUJIV
V. Mono. Jotin 8. Collins , It. O. C'mhlu ; , J , N. tt
I'utrtckV. . U. H. Ilntdit" , catuler.
Corner 12tb auil Varuiu 8U ,
A General IJunklnu Builncsi TracaacteJl j