Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, August 06, 1890, Page 2, Image 2

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fldnnco In the luccess of the republican
ticket , and said from the InUrost tluit was
being tmuilfoiUd ho didn't look for much of
n derrciisn In the old tlino mnjorlty .
"Tom Cwf ] , \ \ hut hu\o joutoBnyon the
" \Vill , I mil \ciy confident thowliola tltket
will go through with inujoiltlfs timglng from
debt to twelve ; thousand. I figure on a Inrgo
per rent of the alliance votcbclnirdrwn from
the oldl line republican parly. IIo\vcu > r , tbo
ul 11 mice nny not possess the strength itnbett
friends conrcde , nnd If ttint proves true , our
iniijoiity will run up to ! iO,00 ( > or moro. Hut ,
nlUmlng them rturj thing that Is chimed or
alli-gcel , I don't see how they can cut it down
und ( i SKX ( ) .
"The prohibitionists nro nothing iiko us
lively as the-y wore thico months since.
They hu\o been lulled Into a becoming
tmic'tudo. "
M H. Mnllny , of Long Pine : The nlll-
iineoln Hrown It very nttong , and It is evi
dently golnir to stl ( k to its ticket. Tlio
ilemocnic ) still remain vciy Irmotivi1 , but It is
quite ( t-rtaln tlu-y will undrirso the alliance
ciitidldiite for congress in tbo Third distilc't ,
Mr. ICein For governor there Is llttlo
fpu Mtion but what they will iMpouse the
cnuwnf .luincs\V. Sivagnof this city. The
prohlbs ino vorlcing , but nobod ) isery
b idly st-aii d on their account.
Tom Hurtoij was full of bustle nnd good
humor and talked llko ti man but
llttlo disturbed over the prospect of
reverses. "K\erythlug looks us bright
as the new dollar , " snld the genial Thomas.
"nnd tln ro Isn't ' n que'stlon but that wo will
go through with a liniidsDino majority. I be-
novo In a thorough organlrutlon of the p > rty ,
ho\\c\ernnd tight .may Oiganlzitlon
will miikciis doubl } auro and the party owes
it to it-self to "HC that this picllminary work
Is dotio and iiulckly "
Orlando Tofft is the comniltte > einim from
Cii'is county. Hu is a consc-uathc.1 , dellbcr-
ate gentlcmin , nnd when ho "peaks ho
si > eak.H bj the mrd Tcfft iiovcrtalks thiough
his hat "itather early to prognosti
cate , Isn't It } " ho asked , in resinnie to a
\igoioustluteh on the handle of the pump
by the interview or. "However , I think wo
nro all light nnd will win as usual by n fine
surplus \\'o have a good ticket in Cnsswith
tii wo alliance men out ol Iho. I consider
Hicliiudsan nce'cptiblo mail , and t'uink ho
iv ill swing through safely. Thu iilll.tne-u is
fit i on L' , but will not hold all its members
as a largo piopoition of the bettor element
will go biek to the tvpubllcun ticket without
a sludow of adonbt. Don't know nnjthhig
nbout wli it the prohibitionists are doing , but
iiotmucli , 1 think , just now "
Major Ilaitling oj Nebraska City declared
unbounded faith in what he denoted as the
lepublie-iiii p.uty's ability to got thcro wltli
ono of IU usual off-jcnr majorities , \ \ bile
Judge AVHght of 'JVcuinseh predicted n clean
sweep. Thu Judge has no fears of side
Chairman Jeihn Watson is very confident
However , be icalizes that it ivlll bo uecessaiy
toikiHomu linnl vork , to put good speakers
on tlio stump and make a well organized can
vass of e\cryiounty
Of LoiiiNo all the candidates say they ex
pect to win. Tom Mujort anticipates a w alK-
\vn , and Geoigo Hastings says thoio must
b < ; sttouirer fixjf. than any that have jet aji-
po.ired liofoio ho will bo rcncry to admit of
berious danger.
s/,1 i'/A" ini : srji'ii
JIc Aiitklpnt ( > 9 \Viillcuuay ivltb
isoa li\i \ Jitma < } unl < /leimelM /
LOVDON , August 5 [ Now York Herald
C.iblo Siwcial to Tiih nir--I : ] saw Jack
Lewis tbo other aftei noon and asked him how
his man Shu in was getting on with his pic-
immtions for Ills 11'ht with MuAulIffc.
'That's ' junt whit I want to know , " an-
b\\cred Juek.
"Hut jou'rohis ttuiner. "
"No nutter , haven't scon him these three
dnjs can't llnil him anywhere. "
Iho biino night I found the Australhn in a
v < > iy guv humor ntn very giy club. Ho de-
cliiieil ho had been having a glorious tlmo on
tlio live rand edsowhoro.
I said "Joo McAulilTo has begun ti nlnlng "
'TbatS all right ubout McAulino bethinks
thinks he's n great pugilist because bo's
fought ten times to a llnish und won nlno
times. Why , Unit's nothing l'\o fought
t\\cnty live times to a finish and won cveiy
rime. My bud hitting is whit does it. Scl-
jiieo is nil right and I've ' ot seine of that ,
TOO hut theio's nothing will settle ainimso
< } ulck as a fc'w solid pune-hos that htuo
kcot tbo stuiT behind them. 1'or Instance , I
TV as lighting once w ith Mlko Douloy , and at
the end of the eighth lound tbo hottingvas
two to ono against mo. My face was like a
blubber und both of invovcs were shut , but
somehow I managed to get in on him twice
only twice , mind you aid that ended the
.light. Hu keeled right over. "
"But how about tiiiiningi" I suggested , hi-
U'lrupting this How of lominlsccnccs.
"O , thoie's time enough for that jot ; I
haven't got the lend of f it oi | mo that ISIe-
Auliffolms. I will begin to train no\t Mon-
diy at Ilniwich , Dover couit. Come down
nnd see us. "
cu r * is K it . i r/o.v.
A 1111 llitpoilcd Wlilcb Absolutely
1'iolilbits it.
WASIIINOTOS- , August n Kepresentntlvo
loirow of California , fiom tbe lominittcoon
foi-oign ulTaii-s , today repoitod to the house
his bill to absolutely prohibit the coining of
Chinese persons into the United States ,
bother \ subjects of tbo Chinese
empire or otherwise. The bill pro
vides to exclude ! nil Chinese1 oven these
v ho nuy hcieafter leave the United Status
nnd attomptto letnrii , excepting diplomatic
und consular oflleors and agents.
und the coining ot Cldiioso to the United
Sinless for transit-is expressly prohibited. A
line of fTitlO for each Chlncno brought into the
United States is piovlded for the punishment
of vessel inastcs biliiging them. I'rovisloa
is nl > o niado foi the punishment of jxjrsoas
aiding Chinese to enter the Unitid States
by land orotlieiwiso. Cbalrinm llltt pio-
scmtiii n minoritj leiiort dlssonting fiom the
! fnvoiablo netlonof tliomnjiuitj upon the bill ,
as lie bays it is in conflict vlth tbo treaty
now in loun , tohieh thofaitliof tbo United
Status is pledged and vhieli declares that tlw
I "Unitid States may logulnto , limit or sus
pend such coming or losideucc1 , but may not
absolutely piohlblt it. "
: Olhl
lle\ilutlinislH ( Cajituro an Important.
Tow ii 1'retn's DcMimmls ,
S v SiVIJOH , August 5 , ( icneral Trun-
par.iynL thu head of the Guateinalm revolu
tionists , has taken Chhiuiinidu , ncai the capi
tal. Tlio loss of this place lias obliged the
Guatemalan government to concentrate its
tioops tow.ud the capital.
A Quntcmalau dispatch sijs ills untrue
that an attouipt was made to aasosb-huit
I'rosklciit ISailllns niici domes that the revo
lution is of luipoit.mco. 'llio diplomatic
corps linsofTeted to ne'gotiatu for pe.ico and
the offer bus bc'cn accepted. It is oxpectoc
thntapoaeofulsuttlcinent will bo arranged
within a few clays.
PivsUient Darlllas snys ho vv 111 not resign
and that bo prefe'ri. dcnth to starriulci * . 1'res
idont U/ota's only teims nro llio lecogultloi
of bis government and the ntm-lntervciitiot
of other powers in the intoiloi goveininent o :
Snu SulBelor. .
/ vrrr * S jttiitv.
> Argoiitlno Covoiiiiiicnt AVI11 Issue
IltiHliels ol' 1'apcr.Mniicr.
BKrvosi Atucs , August n. Xotnithslnnd
lug the fac t Unit tbo insurivctloii hero ha
terininnted great excitement prevails
throUktliout the citj' . It is nmiorc-d that a
ncv Issue of ( . ' OOO.UOO in paper currency
will ho iiiuclo. A bill has been Intioduced n
the chamber of deputies providing for a
forced eunency. The nntloiml b ink has nv
sumnl pj > incut. The bourse is still closce
and the panicky feeling In commoidid circle
continues. The press U forbidden by the
govciimu'iit to comment on the. crUls. Th
premium on fold Is "O'J per ccut.
AIonkK nnd HcrndiM Cromatod.
LOVDOV , August 5. Advice's from Atheii
say n HIM oa Mount Albas , tba holy inouiitui
of the Orock eluinli , destrojcel nlurgo nuiii
her of Creole moinistorles und twenty monk
und hermits iie rishod In tl'iliiimcs. . Th
duaiage U e tuimlcd tit S,0VUOO ( franco ,
Slgiit-ti the IVt. lid's Pair Kill.
Si'UiMii IKID , 111 , A < i e , -Tbogo\orno \
today sli.J ; Uiooiif's fa1 r I ill. Havini
anpuiurjcar ; i-emiso , it will go into otlcet a
Imaged Spectators Force Bauswlno to Tly
for His Life.
> no ol'llio Itent Ontnus liver Been on
the Iiocnl GroiiiitlH TJOS ! Through
Hank DculsloiiH Other
13aus\\lne lobbed Oiniha out of the only
frame she bus won fiom Milwaukee this sea-
on nnd in such on open-faced , outrageous
lanncrthiit the CIOVM ! took the flight into
heir ovin Itiiuls at the termini tl in of the
tc'd and niado a dosporuto ntto npt to wipe )
lintonicial froiii the fuco of the ourth.
lie vva.4 too llect for them , however , nnd es-
jicd to the diessing room bcforo hnmls
ould bo laid on him.
And jet the exi ite'd throntf refused to bo
ppcnscd nnd thej crowded around the llttlo
paitmcnt under the west c-nd of the grand
t-and Iiko a lot of tonlcr * around a trap with
rat in It.
They were yelling andhooting Iiko crazy
ncu , and it was a patent fact that IJnusvvlno
iUl only lu ivo the place nt tlio risk of bis
Ife Hocov\crcdInside1 , pile and trembling ,
nil bcsgcd Slantye'f Lronatd andthoOmihn
> liivoranot todetert him , nnd Avhile they die !
stay bj him , thej put In tbo tiino in relntlntf
o him , in Inniniugc ! more torelblo than elo-
fjnfc tlelr opinion of Ids dirty work.
Joe "Walsh literally biollcel the yotinfr man ,
; nd it vas plain tint it was all thoplnjcrs
ould do thcmselies to keep their lianda off
Tlio police were seat out to escort Baus-
vine to his hote-1 , but before tbej arrived
lurry Mi Connick succeeded in getting him
awnvin his huggv.
ImswIno ) robbed the Omnlios nt every
tage , on balls and stilkes , on thu lines and
it the base's They couldn't get justice by nny
look or crook , and tbo treatment they ie-
ceivcd was sufficient to have disheartened
any team.
In the ninth Inning his decision calling
Wills out on second -wns a most out
rage , nnd lost the game for Oninhn right
.hen. Then aifuln in the tenth , after ICcmns
lind made a three-bagger , ho dcllb-
cratolj called thu next three mc'ii
out on stiikes , when not a
slnplo ono of them had struck
it tliej ball moro than once , and Giifllth , vvho
relieved Unvios lu the lost lulling' , v\os very
So much for Jlr Dauswlnc. His days of
mpiimg in Omaha aio over
Novv the game1
Omnba placed an eiroilcss pnmo , butitwus
nconlllet for bloi > d und no mistake ,
"It is victory todaj , bc s , " oxelaiine'd Cap
tain Him rah in , as his team drew themselves
In battle's stern irrav , ' 'or the turbid depths
> f the mud Missotiii Tike jour choice ! "
And brushing biik his sunset cmls from off
ils classic brow , lie took his position intho
coachcr's box.
And the light began.
These who witnessed it vv ill never forget
it , It w us so sin agolv fought , so replete w ith
reckless coin-ago nnd during.
The spectator ! ) became delirious vItb ex
citement over the vnrying fortunes of llio
sable legged gentlemen.
Uackward and forward , forward and btck ,
wnvomi tlio cemtending hosts , iho Omahns
bittllng haul andjieioically against liopo and
ten mint
In the second inning Omaha begnn the
scoring by making two eained runs , the only
wav HIO ! could possibly ha\o gotten them.
Me'ran made n hit and Clarke n three-
sucker. Then after Cnnavan had secured his
jaso on balls Dad came homo on Walsh's sau-
In the seventh they got In ono moro earned
lally on AVillis' single and Claiko's sce nd
: hrc > o bagger.
Alilivaukoo scnrod In the third a homo run
by Pcttit over the fence ; in the bcvcnth on
two singles nnd a rotten decision of llaus-
vvino's ' and in tbo eighth on Krcig'b bonier.
ICoarns opened the tenth with a in ignillccnt
: breo bag cliivo , but it was no use * , Huusw hie
calling olnnd-Haurahan and A ndrovvs out
on stnkcs in quicTlc succession and Omaha
Then Poorinnn onmo lethe bat , and after
, vvo strikes had been called on him , niado a
single. Ho went to scconu on Pet tit's out , to
lard on n passed ball und homo on Uul-
rj'tu pie's sieriilce.
Th it ended the gamf , but onlj' the
umpire's matinee , as has been told in the
opening paragraphs.
The score :
il. II lU. Sll. fell. I'O A.
! iiinrnn. If 4 0 1
Wulsh , HS 5 0 . ) o
Kuariis , rf 4 o a u 0 0
'luvclaiul , Hit I It 0
lliuirali.iii.-b 4 ooo 4 0
Andrews , ] ! ) J 0 o o o 10 i 0
\\Ulls , m 4 1 2 o o : i u 0
Mortm , e 4 i a i o a o 0
CluiU.p 4 1 2 0 0 'J 4 0
Totals 11 .1 10 II 1 ? ) IS 0
All. 11 111. BII. 11 I'd A. F
I'OOIIIlllll. III. 1 U 0 1 I
lettlt.t.'b 4 7
) . ) ] ) , K 4 0 0 a o
ICiolc , it 4 1 0 0 i i
SllOlk , HS 4 0 U 0 1 4
Morilssi ylb 4 120 0 13 1 0
Jnntrcn. c ' 1 0 0 0 0 7 U 0
, , : ib :
p : i n no o oo o 1
Totals 14 0 .W 17
Oimhn. . . 0 .1
MllttimUco 0 4
Ituni cuiH'd Oinahit I.Mnuiiulvro'J , Tlueo-
lusi Iitls-C'lnrko JJ , Koains ' . ' lliiinu inn- .
1'itttlt. Kirlc. Hiit-Ps cm bulls Otr Cl.irKo J ,
nil Dtvlis .t Bttiirlc out lty L' , liy
Duvlc-,4 , by lirllllth .1. Passoil h ilia Moiun f
I'lino of Biiinu Two homo Uniiitio llaus-
_ _ _ _ _ _
Sioux City 0 , les Moines 7.
SiouxCiT\ , . , August fi [ Spocl-il Tele
gram to TIIB Ilnn. ] Following is the score
of today's game :
siurx ciir. I1KS MIHNtS
n u o A K a ii o A i :
hlrmm , Tf. . . 3 30 ( I I'ntton , Sb , . ' . ' 3 2 2 U
Itlnik , in , . .2 4 a 0 0 Irntllry , o. . .1 J T & 0
( linn. If . . . . .n 3400 I hllm/Hll. It ) 2 1 a 0 0
Knut'l , oh , . ,1 . ' 1 0 I'helan , JlJ .1 2 II 1 0
llri nnn.i > . .0 J 10 I lure , m . . . 0 : 1 00
IMvtcll , Ib . .11 0 0 O llrlinliUtmiiri 2 1 ( I 0
< ; tMiiMin . .o u 4 6 Mnctill ir.Ki .0 1 1 ,1 ]
Cru9 ln > , c .10 ft 1 U Hurt , rf 0 1 0 U o
Jl nilui'-'ijii , p.I 0 1 1 S M > IT | U 0 0 1 C
Ue-vllu , v U U U U U llcmcli , | 0 0 U 1 U
. . . . g ii ST r 4 Totnii . . 7 it ai ii "i
Qlcnn Sill by tnttc.1 bnll ,
siou\city . i ft o n o a o o o-n
DiSMoinoi . . .4 300 t 0 0 0 07
r tilled runs f-loux City 4. Hot Mnlnes 4.
T -luw lilts Glenn , Illae-k , Trnlllcy. Tlireo-
biiMi lilH 1'holiin. llavs on b.illaOH lli'M-
ilcrioa l.olT lluvlln 1. oir Mycrs.'i. nit Uiiaub 2.
Minclcoiit lly lliMuli'r-oii 1 , by Dovllnll , by
Murs'J l > v Itiac'li4. I.efl on bases bloux City
( > . Uiis Molncfi U. \ \ dd pile-lies Itoach 1. bai1-
rlllen hllh U it. liases htolein bliuix Ulty 5
Meilni's v. limn o t'liiue Two hours
J > onvrr 11 , St. Paul 1.
Dcxvm , Colo. , August 5.- [ Si > ocial Tele-
Kiam toTuuUEi- : ] Follow Ing isthoscoro of
today's game :
Turned rima-lioiiviir a , Two-liaso > hlls
Abln'j , Konc , Tivndwny , I'liuilinit.lld \ \
lilielit't UlillclivadS. Jlt'ukla 4. liases fctolt-n
l > . 'incrr > , bu 1'anlU l.otUiu liases Denor
. t. Paul . lluublu iliiTh-Ur ) < | iihnrt to
( I Hi Ii ii. 11 isi's nn bnllt ( ) ir VVIiUt'hvacl 3 , off
MeeH.lO. Hruck otitllylillchcul & , by
McoUluV. I'ltsscd bulls- htuwL 1 , llrouirh-
on 4. rrqitlmrtl. Tlmo of Riimo Two hours
and twcntrnibiutos. I inplio llcnglo.
Knnsns City I , Alliinenpoltn 0.
1C\\svs Cirr , Mo , August 0 [ Special
Telegram to THE Her. ] rollovvlugls tbo re
sult of todav's game !
n n o nno A E
Mnnnlng , Sb.,1 13 Andrew If. . 2 VI 00
Pmltli , 1 0 I 0 1 I Mlnnolmn , r(0 ( 10 00 0 0100 lljn , 111. . . . . . . 1 0 13 0 J
leiover.r. . 0030 nlDnr.21) t 1 i } [ '
Htc.ini , tl > .1 14 10 Oiumll. m I 1100
nriicnler. 3li II 12 00 Mlllor. M..I 0 I ) 3 n 0
lullnnil. Ks.,1 0002 IMivlo.31) . . . , 0 2 S 4 0
Ilinnmi , 1. . ,0 1 S 1 0 lirolicr , o. . . 0 2 (1 ( 0 0
loniiliue,0..1 0 U 0 1 Mitchell , p. .1 1100
Totnli 4 621 5 fl Tolnlt . . . . B 11 27 10 j
city l oo oo o n o o 4
. . . oo s a oo oi c
Horned runs Knnsis City 1 , Minneapolis 2
. 'nouselilt ' ( Manning , HUMS on bulls OIT
Snlh ( l.oll MIIHic'IKI. PlituU out-IJ ) ' inllli
' , Mlleht'll 4. vMld pitch .Mitchell. l'u--id
ball-Twohc'.v. Tlinu I.W. Unifies CusIcK.
ill * the Clubs.
I'luvod. AVoii. Lost , Tor n.
' " " " '
liiii'iii "ipoMs" . . 81 4H in Mt
vain is CltV. 77 41 III .571
) unXT. . . . 711 4J : i7 .ft !
> lou < r CltV . . . . 77 TO M .r i
hilllliil 70 Jl 4) .410
) c-s Molncs . 80 fl 47 .411
bt. I'nlll . 70 .13 CJ .f.
National Iicagnc.
_ levelnnd 0 a 00 000 .10 0
Jhicago o 1 0 5 0 S 1 1 * 10
lilts Cleveland I , Chicago 0 Errors
Cleveland ! ) , Chlctgo 2 Untteries Bcatln
mil /minor ( ; Stein und Ivitticdgo. Umplio
IMayors' Iieii iie.
Tbo Buffalo game vas postponed on ac-
ountof uin.
AT ciiiLtao
Jliicngo 0 0 'J 0 0 1 0 3 0 ( J
Ulcvi'lnnd 00 300 00 00
Tilts Chicigo P , Cleveland 7. Eirors
JhU.moI , Cleveland Si Batteries Iliddv\In
uuirarrell ; O'Urien ' and Suteliffo. Umpires
Snj der und Pcaivo. Association.
ATCOI.tVtllt S.
Columbus (50100024 0-10
Athletics 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 1 1
Hits Columbus 17 , Athletic 4. Errors
Goluinbus 4. Athlotie 11) ) Uitterlcs ICnnuss
uidDojlo , Hughes nud Kappell. Unipiro
BrooUlvn 0 1030041 0-8
oulsvlllo 1 0010010 0-y
Hits Urooklvti 12. Louisi illo 4. Errors
Brooklyn 4 , Louisville ( i. HattorioJ Mur-
thv and Bovvers , Me-aldn and Uvun. Umpire
English. _
Toledo I 1000 5-7
Jochester 0 0-
lioi'hcster refused toabido by the umpire's
Jeclsloiiiiiid the piuie uns given to Toledo , 0
o9 Bittoiich Cushiiinii und Sago ; Darr
md McGuitc. Umpiio Peoples.
St Louis 0 0000 000.T-S
Syracuse 1 0004 130 * - 9
lilts St. Lou is 10 , Syracuse VI. Errors
St. Louis fi , Syracuse I ) II ittcnes IJainsoy
uid Muiphj ; Kccfe anil Buggs. .Umpuo
Till : bt'MKt > HJTAK.
Tlio Uco Tips.
1'irst Unco Fellowship , i'riiicess Aniilo.
Second Race Uancocns , Taiiy Queen.
Tliird IJaco rjni'le Hob , Wat } ,
rcmrth Kaco Mrs. Ueittiett , Tounst.
1'ifth Unco Satis faction , Niiunio I' .
First Ilaco The Bourbon , IXtrnvuganco.
Second Kaco Hrait , Diunistlek.
Third Ilaro John M , Xcnobli
rourth llace IJallston. St. John.
I'ifth Monsoon , Kiuedoin.
Sixth Haco Civil Sei vice , Fitzray.
Untiles for Tuduy'H Ituccs.
AT nmniiTOV.
First nice , ono mid one eighth luiles , sell
ing Eblis , Blcdsoe , Gcudnrinc , Tbo iour-
bon , Ciisphi , Couit Dudley , " \Voodburn \ , Bo-
aaii/u , Harrison , Bxlmvit iice , Pilot , Light
liouse , Franco , illddlcstone , Lady Winlde.
Second race , scvcn-clgtitlis of n inllo Ster-
LiiifT , Ovid , Biait , The Doctor , llacquot.
Drumstick , Gratitude , Glen mound , Wilfred
f , Tappaiiii'inoek.
Th ml race , tin co-quarters of a mile , sell-
lug Lady Grace ) ( gelding ) , Keiry ( Jovv , Au-
ixcoln ( colt ) , John A I , VnP'io , Alma ( lillyi
Part In , Barthenle-l , Jieiiobia. Sbeim Van
( ( oltFrauds S , Good Boy. Bblclie Doyle.
Fourth race' , ono mile- , handicap Seymour ,
Ball&ton , Lalltto , Sorrento , Guard , St. John ,
Olu , Miss Cody , Village Kins , Maid of Well-
Fifth race , tl'reo-quaitcrs of a nillo , selling
Nevvlmrg , ficcdom , Monsoon , Speedwell ,
Gjdn , Hover , Ileniet , Ilerincn , flavcller ,
Jamcatovvii , Uoger , I'hinuoldgelding ( , ) Nug-
gctt , Cora Tanner.
Sixth r.ieo , livo-ei hths of a mile , vieltcr
v\eights C'lmmuly , Lorris. Itopaitee , Jim
JIurphv , Fit/roy , Dublin , Gray Gown , Spoil-
sir , Sallie Harper , Vollett , IloidenCivilBer- ,
vlcc , Guard , Ve\.i. " "
First race , ouo iiiilo l'ollo ship. Princess
Aune , Gypsy Kingt iVrohltoot , Uluuiator.
Second race , tlacofo'iitlis of a mile F < iirj
Queen , Moltc'iio , Trestle , Alora , KadclllTo ,
h HUM Davidson , Tom Hood , Vidctto , Jack
Kose. Maulnna , Haiico < ws
Tliiid r.ieo , ono nnd ono-sixtoonth miles
Undo Bob. Caitor H , AVary , B. I ) . Million ,
Oiiiyson , Australit/ .
Foutth race , tliivcfoui ths of a mile , tvvo-
vcar-ohls Llttlo Scissors , Hello of Oiange ,
illntbeau. Siritea , TZd Lconiuci , nuguuia ,
TounstVodbcuu , MtipBio VuidMis , Den-
Fifth into , ouo inilo and seventy jards ,
selling ZVIaeaulev , batlsfuetion. Sallie O , 0
W , Sophist , P , Kugcula , Buirister ,
Gunvvnd , hiiuiijluook.
Weather clear and track fast.
Saratoga Itiuios.
SAi'ironA , N. Y. , August 5 [ SpecalTele !
gram to TUB 13i u. ] The \veathor was clear
and the track fast. Following Is a bummary
of the i aces :
First race , ouo inllo Kupcita won , Belle
D'Orsecond , King Crab ( the fnvoilie ) thiixl
Only throa out of eight entries stinted. Time
-1 : llf.
Second r.ico , ono and nuo-f ighth miles , Ah-
b inin stalies hlnoloi won , Kinlnonco second ,
U.iisj f ( Iho favoiito ) third Time l.SU'f '
Third race , three fourths niilo-Objcction
won , Bradford second , roxnicnd third , Hu-
iwrta scratiiheHl. 'liino-1 ilS'f. '
Fourth race , ono and one-half miles , Kear
ney Angeles ( the favorite ) won ,
Cusslua sevoiul , Flood Tldo third. Tiino
Fifth i-aee , threo-q.uiirtoi'a mile , selling-
Billet Hctiout Illly won. Berth i Campbell
second , Julia G third. Tiino 1:18. :
Monmontli I'nrk Uacc'H.
MONMOLTII IHiuc , N. J. , August C.-Suui'
nmry of todaj's races :
Three-quarters of n mile Clarendon won ,
Tipstaff second.Major Dily thlld. Time
1:11) : ) .
Tlirco quarters of a rnllo Potomao won ,
Fairy socwnel , Arroguaco third. Tlmo 2 : l'l.
Pallsado stakes , one and ono-eighth miles
JiulfTO Morrovr won , Ueinuth second , IJniidcss
third. Time l :55'x. : '
Ono and one-eighth miles Stockton won ,
Her Highness second , Cynoiuro third , Time
Three qtwia'ers ' of n mlle Tilhigo Rlnlil
won , Kismet second , llnrzburg third , Tlmo
- -11)5. )
Ono inllo Meriden won , Chesapeake second
end , Wzpah third. Time 1:41. :
Hrxsllngs ItnecH.
IU&TINOS , Nob. , August 5 , [ Special Tclo-
gi-am to Tin : Hun , ] The races at the driving
paik tltli tiftcinoon were very good. The air
wus cool iinet the tniclt In line shape. In the
free-for-all tiottlng ruco Gray Cloud won in
2:4,1. Tbo 'J W ' Dr '
: ruc'o vuis v\oa \ by Lynn's
Toiler in Jll. : Maud M , owned by I'utton of
HotclriUgc' , won thu three-minute race In : ill. :
Ti > o p > ieing ruco asoii by Tom 1'urtor in
The Bocly'of ' Qcorgo Harris , n Muktto ,
fit Spring Grote , Neb.
Independent Senatorial Convention
lit Old . .Meeting ot *
, < J > vcr Hie fitntc.
Ei.Mtom , Neb , .August 5. iSpeelal Tele-
mini to Tiir llrr. ] J. C , Kcc\es of Spring
Jrove , four miles south , found the bod.v of n
suicide on the * roul side close to his iihuo this
evening. Ho liad shot hlnisolf tlnough the
Ightluneuitlia IMcallbto revolt cr of the
jull dog vittoni ,
The su hide hn mulatto and his name h
Hipposcd to bodeoivo Harris , ns lie had in
ils [ toclcit nu Omibn pawnbroker's re
ceipt foi u quantity of barbers' tools
which hchnd put up for ( J. The receipt bow
ho date of August I Jlr. lleovcs hnil fot-
rotten tbo pavviibiokcr'sijumo furthoi than
t commenced with B
Tbo bodi was found nbout 0 o'clock this
'veiling. Mr. Uoevcs , together with several
lotghbors , moved the body oil the roml and
nit it in the Spring tro\o ! \ school house1 ,
v hero it awaits the coroner , \vho \ has been
notified bj telegraph
In.jurloH to n Italic.
Nib. , August 5. [ Special Tclo-
; rain to Tin , BKI 1 While Mt and Mrs
Yedeiick Staiiton of Vullcvtio ) on tbeir
, vay to this place today their horse , which
was nttncbod to n road call , stumbled and
ell , throwing Mrs St union and her eight-
nonths-old bubo to the giound.
Mrs. Stauton cscipod with nothing more
serious than i shaking up , but the child wiw
hronu under the wheels , uno of thorn pass-
up over its Medical aid was sum-
iioncd as soon us possible , but the child died
of its injuiies at 7 : K ) this ovuihifj
t Senatorial C4)iivcntinn ) ,
Oiut , Jeb , , August 5 [ Special to Tim
Jur ] Tbo independent people's lomention
for tbo rifteentb state senatorial dlstilct will
iiectut Sai-gmt , Ctister comity , on August
.0 , to nominate n candid ito for state senatoi.
O < > nlliitu UnsliHSS Jft'n Meet.
O < UM.\IA , Neb , .August fi [ bpcchl
to Tun HIM ] A meeting of the busl-
icss men of this phco vis hold in the ciuit
louse on Saturday evening to talte seine
iction in logud to tlioOgdlnla irilgutioii
nfiii water power cmal. A. little over.i year
ago the pie < inct voted lionds to the cxtontof
* n,000 , tonid In constructing the said canal.
Mr. Rilov , the contractor , commenced work
mt uftir paitinll ) doing1 tbeorl , local
lartics be'iMine dissrtislicd nnd bov is
> ought out bu companj consisting of three
or four of Ogallaln's business men T ho new coniiuenced their vouc and the coin-
nissionus. hare granted thc'in moro time re-
> eatcdlj iindas the last extension is about up
md still no uittcr in the canal the dtl/cus
uavu entered an emphatic protest ngaiust
iajmg any moio money or gran tint ; uuy
fuithor extension of time.
A proposililn vvis made thntif the ptecinct
votid tbo ubmo bonds thcv would put from
8r,0,0K , ( ) to 8/1,000 moro into Hand thereby
? ivo the products on o of the bust wntir pow
ers known. t'p to the present date- the com
pany hnsieOi\ed MOUO , , mid ills estimated
.hat Urn hii\o not spent in thocoiistiuctlou
over 8l > ,0l'0 mul furthorinoro , some of the
TOprcdcutntives of the coinp.inj claim tint
by the contract theyaro nut compelled to
liavo any wall r , but people wo alive to the
interests of the piiclnct and are determined
that thtyvill not bo swindled by the slid
companj. liuffalo .Tones , a candlduto for con
gress in Kansas , Js thu piosiclcut , and the
people whp.hayo worked Tor the coinpjuy
iimo notbeca paM , thu socretarv anj 11111111-
gcr constaiith putting thoniolT till Mr. .Jones'
nnival , but ho falls to nut In an appearance.
rtomtbo bofjinhiug thoiohiis boon a good
dcd of dibsiitibfnction , m the company
seuned to luvp their o\\n way , and tbo
county comiiil'jsioiiei-s ' claimed th it under the
contract thojveio compelled to pay out the
money , and the citizens have talceii it Into
their hands to see the commissioners inre-
gnrd to this matter and glvolta thorough
Ventilation. Thocommitteo appointed culled
upon the commissioner this morning and
wire informed tint the resolutions mot thtir
appi oval and would bocariled out. Fro in nil
ajipoiiinnccKlt looks as if the eonipiuj desired -
sired to get hold of the bakmcoof the money
and tliiii lot the matter diop. Tor almost a
month they have done iiothiii } ; tow.i cltlio
completion of tlio canal , and people of the
precinct are Indignant
Another meeting will bo rnlloilm nboutton
ashing tbo lotnnissloncis to proceed
boudsinen of tbo uboo company.
at Foi t Itoblimoii ,
Ton ? ltnui\bON , , Neb , August f . [ Special
toTiif Bin 1 Piof Scott of Piinoeton col-
lco ( ; , l\Te\v Jcrscj , vlth Prof , Jtl.igeo and
R. 1 ! . Ljou , A B Gladttln , II. \ \ ' .
Gioen , C. T. Mixer , K A. S. Lewis , C. U.
and G B.Agnau united Sntuuiay moining
and ore guests of tbo officers of the pobt.
Ihoy liuvo all theh outfit except horses ,
vhich it is understood Mr B S. PadJock
IRS the contract for supiiljin ? Their dos-
tlnntion is the bad lands of Daltota , to gather
fossils for their iolhjo. Tlioj ai-o rustling
around this moining picKlng up thtir own
mounts , as the contractor failed to connect.
Lieutenant MMXiy , in addition to bis
duties us regimental qu irt imaster of the
Hinth cavalry , hot been tiiipointcd post
quartet muster of this post nnd has assumed
the veins of ollito
A ne\v set of ijuniters U in process of pon-
stiuctlon forPwl .IaniC ! > Watcis , biudleadoi
of tlioXintli cn\nlrj
Mr. E. A. S Louis of tbo Princeton College -
lego scientific ptity , is sick a-bed hero vUth a
sciious stomncli ttouble.
Gi5\nvA , Neb , Auust5 ( ? [ Special to TIIE
Hi i : . ] Tlie dlixttoi's of the Fillinoro countj-
fair let the continct for n laigo floral hall ,
which , with the old one , will give us advan
tages that fov , counties ha-\o Tor display
AVorkhuscominrncedin earnest on the ne\\
JI.500 hotel ; Adaim Brothers of this city
liuvo the contraet llio CitUina * bank Is al
mostilnlbhid and the titj is justly proud of
Company G ofthiscitj loit this morning
for Superior to t.ilco part In the Grand Arm }
of thohenublio.uncjmpnient , .
Wo hu\o .had two good showeis of rain
which has Imitrbvcd things wonderfully The
former estimate on crops , given in Tun But
some cla > 8 stpd ) will bo verified. Thix will
uin filmsheH t the acre , outs 15 and com 25
avenge in ( hb unty Ko day to speak of.
' '
Couhlir'l'.Staml the J'rcs < iiirc.
YOIIK , Nbb. , August 5. [ Special to Tnr
HKU. ] TbqCjitj council granted permits lethe
the druggists at their mooting last evening
nnd passed ij , ordinance giving the police
authoiitytoiisnUsr private dwellings to arrest
pei-sons In n stito of intoxication. When the
now council"toftlc " their seats the druggists'
penults veni ? uvuliod and the council wn <
totibutod helwjly foi Its m-tion , They couldn't '
stand the lu-itVuro any longer and annulled
their f 01 mer action by le-granting the per
mits by avotODf Oto2.
Atfaici i t
, Neb , , Augn-itS. [ Special to TIIB
A match of b.iso ball was
plujed yesterday nt Doiehcstor between the
Tricnd baseball c-lub nnd the Dorchester club
lu the latter town. Although the Dorchester
clul ) "run In" a Lincoln battery the Frit-nil
nine scooped tbomto the tuiio of 41 toll.
Farmers m this , section uio lookint1 moro
pleasant today Troin the f let wo had good
Blionors Satuulny and Sunday. The present
outlook- for com in thla section is from llf.
teen to forty busluU.
PulValo Comity DunuicrntH ,
KIIUIMV , Nub. , August fi fSpechil Tolc-
gramto TiiuBKi- : ] The dcmocmts of Buf
falo county held their convention hero today
undetected delegates to the state coincuticn ,
The dclegatos will fe'o uupleJpfd. A serleaof
resolutions wcrorcatlnnil nilorled. A para-
? rnph regiinllnu sumptuary legislation pro
voked nwnrm discussion , but llwiis ad opted.
It wits the * enao of the convention that Its
platform A\as opposed to the prohibitory
amendment , \V , L. Urccn , vbo | i rooog-
iilzed as a domoerntlo louder , siiicl that the
adoption of such n platform uould slleneo
miny democrats dnilnif the eiunpalgn , and
Hi it ho U'as otic of them.
SIio "XViilit cd Mrr Sbnrc.
iA Cnr , ICcb. , August 5. [ Special
Telegiani to TUB Err. ] Upon iiiforinntlou
from lied Oilc the polleo at a Into hour last
night otrested u white wonmn nimcdStoinor
on theihargo ol stealing ntoninsho \ drlv-
\Vhileundcr \ auueillnnco nt ono of tbo
liotels a eonl black negro nrrlvcil. claimed tbo
Uaiu und ntnted that the MonmnwaihN .
raho stated that nho gio\v tired of her colored
tiushntul anil loft him , taking the team usher
share of propci ty. The man and N\omati 10-
ttirncdto lfd Onlc thU morning to divide the
propotly equnll } andsepaiitv.
Still Sliioiidril In Ijsor > .
CouMiir , Xcbygttst5. . JSiuilal Tele-
pinm toTm Bii ] llio Iwdy of the young ;
limit found dead near the Union Pndllo track
on Monday Is still in thn possession of the
nndoitaUoi , nualtitig the nirlvnl of his
father , who lives nt Silver Cm-k , thla state.
Mhe nnmo of the \ounp man is 1I. . Hnrtfoid ,
mill his fntliur Is n promiiKiit dtirtn of
Mcrric county. Ho wna on his waj to 1'ic-
inont when ho met bis cli.ith , the cuuso of
\\hicbHtilli-nnlii4 ! niujsteri 'riiooflliluls
nro bun * nutkiiii ; in\cstintioiis \ mid further
developments tins e3iected |
ItRnlniHl Just In 'IIinc.
ATKINSON , N < b , August ft. [ Special Tolc-
piamto Tim Hi n. ] Aliouc 4 o'clock this
afternoon riin beganfiillittK and at 1) ) p. in it
is still pouting down 15\ctybady is rejoicing
as t lie rain hits ( oniejiist In time to sn\ous.
'llio be'st cions will bo harvested in this sec
tion , especially corn , evoi befoio known , Tbe
i.ilii is general In this section.
IVnolieis' Institute.
r , IS'eb. , Autrust 5Special { to
Tun Hnu ] The Oailleld count } iiistituto
opened heio this moniliig with nu unusial tit-
tendiinco for the first day , Uho teachers are
cnthusinstle and the Iiistituto promises to bo
tbo most successful cor held In the county
Mrs. M. R Illllhotise , county supeilntcndi'iit ,
Is in charge , and Superintendent .T M. IIus
sey of the Aurora seliools. . Is conductor.
/V I'loiiMiro ' Trip Cut Sliort.
isTcb. , Augusts. [ Special toTnn
Unr..l .Tudgo Sbope , chief justice of Illinois ,
ho has been spending three1 works in New
port nnd Ucinlty hunting and llshlng , both
for the lltiuv trlbo and health , was recalled
Monday morning b } tbo icc-cipt ol a teligiarn
announcing tbohcrlous illness of liU bou
Mo Will l'i-hall ) lie i\cciitcLTIiIa
IMorn in ; ; .
Aiutio , N. V. , August o-Oti the best
judgment possible to bo formal with thfl in
formation at hand , It is thought ICcnimlcr
will bo oscoutcd tomnrron * inornin ? . Some
tboso-\\lio are to witneis the taking off
liuve alieady ariUod. Is'o tidings of
[ Cennnler's ' eoudition ha\o c'oine out of tbo
piison today , and iiKjuii ) about itlus nlinobt
c ° ascd to bu undo.
It Is now thought likely that Andrew
Ctoota , aeotnlet , Mill bo the man who will
pull the deadly Icier. The announcement
IMS not yet been maJo pnslthcly , but ciicum
stnmes all point tint way.
\Vivdoit Dunston has llnally decided to
cbango the execution loom , and , utidci the
direction of leetucian ) ! Davis , who artivcd
Lhls moining , tbe wires and nwltcli boaul
werciiio\ed. llio KooiK.i-d' mesa room will
bo the new exeeiition room.
The coneleinned in in luakipt up his pluck
In a wonderful } A gentleman who will
be pieaunt at the u < ccutloa Mailed Keinniloi
tbu afternoon. Ho found him perlcctlj
lm , but suftciing from the heat. Keimnlii
ailfl his will asain , lci\iug his boolis ana
oth'T traps to Mrs. Duiston , Daniel anela few
others 'u no liavoJjeen kind to him
This afternoon holy eommuiiiniw ad-
inlnlstored to ICoinnuo" by Chaplain Yntes
and Kev Mr. Houghton
Sciotulsopamto K. G. S. N. Y ,
Captain Kirbj , lias been ordered out for this
ovenlng , Obtenslblj for , \ pande and street
drill This means that n cordon is to bo about
the pi ison gates.
33r. Southwli-k of DufTalo said Into this
afternoon that it vas not at all likelv that
the autopsy v.otild take plaoo bofoio dalight ,
110 natter N\ hat tinw the execution occurred.
Sailors iUako
f "VouK.August 5 [ Special Telegram
to Tin : lit K.I Tbo United States ship
agols Ijlngat the Biookljnn.iv } yard. Of
late there has been a low , ominous grumbling
forward , vvbieh bus shaped itself into n big
heavy Idek for the retuin of their gro0' ,
which \\as reccntlj refused them. The crew
endured the iriltatinec thirst for beer till they
could blind It no longer and then , It Is al
leged , some of them , thinking to get square
with tbo olllccrs , let out a stor > which re
sulted In no little annoyance to the latter ,
paitlcululy Captain ISImchcr. This vas tint
.Chrehci had permitted the sale of beer to the
crow and binned the profits.
The cmtaiii at tot denied that ho had per-
niittod tlio sale of beer to the men and held
that ho had done so under the limy
regulations The last installment of been-
re < clv d aboird the ICcamgo consisted of
eighteen bairels , and Gunner's Ma to LJoul
said it was retailed to tbo sailors nt 3"i cents
for two bottles. Captain IClineher said it
would hive been ugilnst the lawlo ha\e
sold ail ) spirituous liquors to tbu sailors , und
under no condition woull bo allow any
among Uin crew if ho could help
It. Then ho argued that the sdl-
ors wore bound to have some
kind of liquor and iiithcr than ha\o them
smuggle it nboaid tbo regulation wus pio-
vided fur theilLstilbutloii ofu cei tain amount
to each man ,
An incident , snld to ha\o been the direct
outgrowth of beer drinking aboud the Kcn-
sagc1 , was the rumpusklcKed up aboird the
vessel by Dennis Tuic/g , the boatswain's
mate. Tvvigg got loafing diimk on tbo
Kursngoliilo at sea and ho came
in ran tact vvith most of tna. now and bat
tered some of them soveicly. Tor this bo
\vas court-martidoel und sentenced to six
months la tbonauil piison Captain Elmcher
said tluit Twigp got drunk ahoie. . 'Iho
Knirsiigo is awaiting orders from t ho depart
ment , which Captain lilmoher thinks will
tnko him to Central Anioiiea. In the niem-
tlino-tho marines aio trying to llguto out
tlioprollt on the boor and some are guessing
Held to tliorand ! Jury.
Gnmoo , August 5. Curious circuin-
stinces werodovelopod at the inquest on the
babe -which Mrs Frances Hussell is uccusc'il
ol having stariod to death. Mrs. Russell
admitted when placed under oith that not
withstanding tlio geneially accepted be
lief and her own proUous btiitonicnts
tlio Infant is not her * . Tlio woman
timii stated that she obtained the ilillel
from an orphan asylum ami palmed it oil on
her husband as their offspilug The r'ensoii
she assigned fortbo deception wus toprou'iit
trouble la licr family. By me ins
of drugs taken . to quiet her
nerves she had unintentionally miscarried.
To hide it from her Inishuui .sho brought
homo the child. Tlwinas Hiissoll , the befooled -
fooled husbiiid , was IntfUbcl ; angered on
bearing liiii wife's ' testimony. "I didn't know
It until this moment that Iho child vvas not
ours. " Mm. Kmsollwas hold without ball to
mvaittho aaiouuf thu grand juiy.
Ho I'lealcfiiDtHVItliIIlH Orniiilniii.
LOMION , August 5 [ Sixjeiu Cablegram
to Tin : DiB.jIJinperor'illla nl who ia
visiting' liJs grandmother , Queen Victoria ,
nt heriesldimce , Osbornohouse , on the Isle
of Wight , rose early this morning and onjo ) ed
n ride on liorsebaelc to thu village of Itjde.
Upon his return bo took bioukfast with
the quceu in the gnreli'ii attached to
Osbo-ne house Lulcr In the day , In tom-
uanywith the prince of Wulos , hisinncsty ]
drove to ( owes , vvlielo lie * embarked upon
the Allii'Mhe imnccof Wule-'viteht , v\lllih is
to iMttic'Ijuh * In th' < iiicnfor tbo queen a cup ,
, 'lh' iii la no wind , bin vcr , and pro pects for
. ug od race uro not cucujuraging.
A Most Hidical Departure Front Old Molhodj
Will Soon Bo Adopted ,
Xcntly IJ\-cry Hoard of Trniln in tlio
Uiillo-1 hlates AMU Ho Itoprc-
ffeiitcd Ji ( Ilio.MoolliiK In
Chicago Toilit ) .
CIIICAOOugust 5. [ Spoilnl Tele riitn to
Tun BiF.lIho uniform classification , the
most radical elopnrture from old methods ever
adopted by American iiitlroiuls , is In A fair
vvaj to become oporatlie on oveiy iind in
thoUiiitcel Slates and pet Imps InC'niinila , on
Jatmarj-1 , 1811.
Ohiiliinan Widgloy of tlio iinlform chssiil
cation comniltteo nniuniiicevl todiy tint the
work of his committee , eve-opt for tlio Inevit
able change's , was completed Said heVo
ha\e \ combined into one classllicatlaii oil tlic
exiting c'lasslflcatloiis It has be'on a loiit (
anil laborious iiiieleitulilng. but the committee
too was a most oxeellentone , niidall niliycil
the necessity of jioldlng pet iJensvhicli \
could not bo maelo to apply nation illy as well
as Icvully
"All of the thousands ot ilHTe-rent articles
shipped on rnllrotuls bn\o \ been KOIIU oter ono
by ono nnd lint into ele\eii \ dllleiviit ( liissis
When ofllchlly in foue the result u 111 h >
that it Mill boa perfectly simple instead of
niti'xccfdliiglr c-ompllratecl task to tell tbo
rate oil anv possible attlclo between any tvo
iwlnts. Tbo whole niovo was staittd b\ \
eongrossin September , lsj > S , and our piojrross
sinee the committee ! \viis tippoiiitcel tias been
cxtromolj' sullsfaetory "
Cliairmim Midgloy will iwotuniciidtluita
fh ilriumi and three sei ictailes to apinliited
as oil leers of a i > Hispcxtlvi > uiiifoiiii fre'ight
classilliatlon coniinlttee , to whom
all lomplaints anil ( bailees Hha'l '
boioferi-ed. Tbosue'c'essfiiloiiti'omo of mil-
fonn c'liissiihntionls dm-iiniiniy toChalrinnn
Allilglet The wliolo plan was naiversall\ \
deiidoilby iiiilroail inc'ii , even sueh nil an-
thoiity as Albert Fink , ox eliaiinuui of tlio
Tnuik Uno association , sajlng it was impos
sible ) , bo fur as kuovn theru is not a solitan
line In the United .Slates which vUll nfuso to
put thoimifoini cl.issilleation iiitoufToit.
'Ihorois suavely n citj in the United
States , containing a boanl of trade , whiili
nillnotbe represented at tomoirow's ' meet
iiif ( in Chicago , called for the purpose of
formulating1 objections to the new nulfoinl
bill of lading. Although CVIMJ railroad In
the c.ibt except the ( h mil Trunk nmlVit -
bush bat adopted the now foi m , the shlppus
aieconlldeiit thev ean iifcht itout ofoxist-
eneo. So far as known not a ruihoiiilcxeopt
tlio two uioiitloiicil will bo preaent at tomor
row's meet Ing 'limy know the ten Union tU
inntiiiiDUslj ugalust them andhopoto
bj blmply tiling out the opposition ,
soiTH ( tjitii.t A'iirs. :
TlicCouiieilinniilu IiucHllgntloii.
The countil room was well tilled lust night
to listen to the eity council Investigate itself
oiiLTCiuial Illinois of boodle transactions In
tbo South Omnhnlec eoinpiny claim.
Superintendent A. C robtcrwaslirstputon
the stand , and in icleaijSti.ilgbtforward-vv ij
defiled that any member of the council bid
asked for boodle or compensation fiom nn\
incinbci of the icoeoinpiiiy , or tint an ) iiicin-
Oer bail rceclvcii mi ) roiishluutioii or com
pensation whutover.
Colonel .1 C. , secretary of the
Union stockyaids , placed Iho damin'o
of tbo ice companj nt ? l,000 , imel deii'ed
in positive terms the statuiients thit nnv
nicmbci of the eouivil hadieceUecl or had
asked for money
Cashier II C. ItostvUck , cashier of the Ui-
tlonal bank , who Is u member of the com-
imiy , placed tbe dainngo at ? i5"iX ( ) . No nno
had over asked for tnoiiej or efliuponsatlou
1101 bad nnj one m.ulo promises to am of the
councilinoii The companj decided to t.ike
? JriUO , to moid litigation In ansucr ton
question fiom seine ono In the auclli'iico ,
Jlr. Uostwick explained that tbo compatij's
claim for WOO was clbeetl ) after thu llrst
storm that did any damage , vUieii onlj' a
llttlo dunauo hul been clone. Ho fixed the
damage by the fact tint the building ) iilonu
cost $ I,20O. , und they were a total wreck ,
caused by the water ovorliow.
John A. Doe , who is prescient of tlo com
pany , thought the company's dam.iKu vw
? , SOOO , The plant cost flO.OO ) Slueo tlio
viaduct wus built the property is a total loss.
Ho liad been adusod bv tbo nttoinoy that the
eompanj' could recover ? MOOD. No monitor
Cior : i3kedfor inonuyfor Ins itilluemoor vote
on this claim , 'iho building win not bract d
as such buildings usually are Ho nuor si d
that hovvnsBUipuscclat tbo amount allowed
by tbe council.
Juclgo .T. Levj , onoof the sl iicrs to tbo pe
tition fortbo Injunction , bud heiud com
plaints of fraud , had reid tlio complaint
cisuallv , but -was notsuieof Its contents
The Judge lefusod to tell who niado tlie com-
phliits of Iraud IIo thought tbcra weio
( 'rounds forsiisplcion .Tuclio Joiepbl IJi-cen ,
U. K Bajlcbs and John T. llitchhort
had phcedtho cost of the buildingit ; i/iTO.
Ho know of no fiaud either in bottling the
daiinor lucntcrliif ? the judgment , nuithc-r
were thero.iuy undue means uiuplo ed.
O. M. Hunt had novel bend that fraud
was chained lie ) had signed the
bond Ilo never know of a citi
zens' meeting to protest ajrainst pty
ing tlio clnlm. Iho coininltteo appointed to
invostlgatc the d imago Hist ispoited '
nnd aftorv\aidsaroiKjit for $ .711 * WH
A ceitain member of tbo coumll llrst told
him to nialw n kick.
Peter Coekrcll knew of no fraud. IIo stnto 1
that JudgoLovj brought him tlwHalm's intho
InJuuetionpioeeediiiL's toslgii. A conversa
tion took place In whic.h Judge Levy clcniud
hiving taken thoixipers to Postmaster Coclc-
lell ci eve'r Having tij thing to do A\lth them
except when ho sl0'ned tlio paper * on the
street I'oatnnstcr UoiKrell closed his
btatement by declaring in the most
positive teims , and in hngungo
whichbrouirhtoiit a heartv laugh , that "ho
didn't think tint a member of tbo council
would take a cent foi aiij ciucstionaulc pur
pose "
On motion Messrs. Johnston , Tovvo and
Durke wcra appuluttd u eominitteo to duiw
up aruportof tbo icsultof tlio Imestifjnlioii
and the evidence , to icport at the next
1'df lll liway llohliorj ,
J. Austin states that ho was held up near
the City hotel last night und robbed off 12
and a silver v\atch George Iluieett , who
answers to the description of oao ot tbopor-
potiators , has been airested nnd will have a
healing ut 1) ) o'clock todaj bo lores Judge K\\\e \ \
. .
Western AfisoolaU'tl I'ITHB Mo tln r.
DmtoiT , Wlch. , August 5 The annual
meeting of the Western Associated prem was
held today with a laigo attendance An ex
cursion to Oakland was taken on the Htounoi
Citj of Cleveland. The boaul of dhectorti
anil otlleers woi-o elected as follows
Iticlmrd Smith. Cincinnati Comino tlnl ,
\V. N. IJnldeinan , Lomsvillo Coui'Icr-.rouinal ,
Victor I1 L..mM > n , Chlciigo News : J A
Maim , KnasiwC'ltj Journal ; A. J Hlcthen ,
Minneapolis'Irlbuno , K1J Morse , Indlanuno
lishentiiiPl ; .Il llarr.l'lttsburgl'ost. 'j'ho '
llrstthrca named lonstltuUi tbo pxeciitlvo
committee. President , I V. MackSanduskj ,
Ho'lstor. ( vice piuidont , AV 1C bullUau ,
ChicigoJournal ; secretary , II. K , llaket ,
Dctiolt Tubuuc.
DitHhcil Into \Vasliont. .
IS'EII : > IPI , Cal , August n A cloudburst
in the eastern p.ut of Mojn\o \ count } , Art
zona , lastnightwashed out alnldij'otvvomlles
west of Yucca. A freight train vas precipi
tated Into the i Ivor , hilling thu fireman and
wounding the engineer and biakuman The
Sail Francisco express , which wus delayed
bv washouts , only reached Yucca a 'low
minutes after the freight , having a narrow
St. IionlN Kuflcrini ; I'nmi Dinnlli.
ST. Louis , August 5. Kot since tlio sum
mer of 1SVI ln > St. LotiU sulTetecl from such
a dustiucthi ) and protracted drouth
IIB nt moscnt. The acmigo HOWII In
wheat has jjohled cinly m nvonigo nt
twelve buishels to llio acre. Coin is
Ir. bid condition , Thou it vop lin total fall-
mo , caused ' "un I"1l''f ' ike appls varletj' ,
andvi rfCUb.u of nil li' * are' tucticuic-iy
recii'iar ' In coiiibinilloii , fropotllon , non
prepatatlonjt Ingredient i , llinvh Harsapa.
rlllaisse | sC3 tlio curittvimluool the bent
knovvii rcmelJj - _ _ ) _ lK's of the
voROtablo nOOCS 5 Kingdom ,
Peculiar lulls strfiigthnnd rconcmy ,
Susiparllltlsthconlyincdltllie olwlilclic.
tmly bo said , " Cno Hundred Ooscs One 1
lar. " i'ecullar lulls imilleiml merits , llaoU s
S.ars.iparllh ae-coiiipUilies cures lillheilo un <
known , < 2 * - - indhai
Iho tllle of "Tbo greatest Mood inrlllcfcver
dlsoniered" rccullar In Ils "food tnmo
at lumie-thcro Is moro of Jluod's Sirso
parllli soil liiiovvolt tlnu ol nil olhcr
blood pniineis. Peculiar in Its |
record o' '
no othot
ever attained 60 upldl/ nor held
steadfastly Ibu coufldcnco of all clisscj
of people. IVeulhr Intho I r.ihnunk which
It ifprejcuts. Hoods Sirsapirllla com-
blurs all the knowlulgo which inodeiii
rescarchrj m. . ijrlii medical
selemo ln 1 O llSci developed
with man ) years practlci ! ciperlcnco m
preinrlug medicines. Ho sin o to get onlf
Hood's Sarsaparilla
jlilxrorS. | I'ropnmlnnl ;
bye' 1 11OOII VK ) , A | lliointlu > iflwellMuis : , ,
IOO Doses Ono Dollar
.I.V VI , AX
A lor tlio XVoiId'n I alr
lilvcSl < M'l ( lOxhllill.
Cuutno , August . " . ! II. Siiulen , p l -
llsherof Ut IJtcidr i-s'Oii7etU ' , li.w vvMttcnik
letter tu the vvoild's fair heiidqttarteib i-ela-
the to an unique ami thnroiighl.v oiiginal
plan foi a live slock cvlilblt lit the I-\KI- |
sltloii I Its plan embodies the following f cat-
iiros : Iboio shall bo silc'eted and pbievd on
exhibition n thoroughly chirailcrisllo und
fully leprcsentatlvu male undfoinalo inatiiivl
speeltiien ofeMc'li und ovcij brevd of
nnd cattle , sheep md swiiio raisenl in
kii , the breeds to bo classified and
with te etxnco totlio spee-i il adaptatliin and
tlio uses of utch The1 spcdnioiH sokoleclcd
nee'd not necessarily bo the best nt * the ) most
expc'iiilvo imubtbo found , tiut In evil }
( nse must ho such as are most tborouirhh
ehnr.Kte'i'isticoftlio breed iepre > cnted liilht
selc'otion of tlio speelniuiniiono but iiitlinils
bred nnd raised In the United Mates should
be' considered 'Jlio secret irv of ugrlenltuio
1ms a'suredftlr Kaiidcti that ho feels dis
posed lo adopt this nspirtof the plan for the )
exhibit to bo made under the diiectlon
of his depiitnunt To reap the
greatest possible benolit of this
pirt of the exhibit , asnn attiaolloii to dnw
the * public Mr tiaiidorssivslnvilitioiuslioiilil
Iwsont all over the worlcl solicilintv foiiilgn
couittrios to furnish icpi'e sintntlonsofbix'eds
not yet inticduecd in this l
St. 1'niil's CCIIMIIN rroubloi ,
WAMIIVUTOV , August 5. The elti/ens' com-
mlttecof St Paul bad niiolbor eon ference to
diy ivitll thosceietai ) of tbo Intoilor witli
reference to the [ iMiyjscd recountof thopojiu
lationof tint city. . The committee , wbllo
ficeljaelmitllncthiittlie woikofciiunic'ratintr
nine of thecltj distilets bid bun m CMIT-
loslv and inaieiir.itelj clone as to lender
further iw estimations and coiie'etion-j of
eiioiaiieeessiirj , tbej strongly objt'i'ed to a
recount of the whole ) uitj as imiiirossniy
and unjust to its people , 'llic commltlce piu-
posc'd tint a lull recount lie iinule
uiidei the diice'tlon of Bupirititcnde'iit I'oi-
ter of these nlnu < llstrlet-s or return the
schedules ot the districts mentioned to St.
1'iiulnnd thei'oeorieetandveiif ) them.
secretory stated that ho w is not prtpiredto
leseiud tbo order form eioiiut , but It was
his desire that the \voik of invcatlKiitlon no\v
in piogre-ss bj Poitei' bo pushe'd to u con-
ilusiou , and vvben that w.u clouo ho would
further considci the question of tlio necessity
for n iccount.
A 1'i-oiitlfiitiiil JjHe'apo.
JliOMio ? , , August n fSpecial Ciiblpgr.iiu t >
TIIK Hi r. ] A Jl accident occurred nt Atbci-
sloiio , Warivickshiie , yesterday , Injuring ; u
minib"r of | H.'oplo but proUdontUlly killing
110112 An linincnse grand stand had been
eroded from which to view the military tour-
nii'iicut in piogtess at that [ dace , Anil at thu
time of the accident It was occupied by Ifi.OJO
people , while ! 10,000 , moio were closely packed
on either side * . Suddenly a craili AMIS heard
mid a section of the slam ! foil to tlio ground
cirrjing with Itoveiono thou'imd ' persons.
\ \ hen tbeciaah came the Imiiicii'O g tbeiliiK
bjeuino ) > iiuli ; btiieken iiiidtrainplnd upon thu
( uosliato ones in their frantic t'fort * to es-
cipefiomdangei Dr. I'nvkc , nnrifnon of
Stanley's expedition , was pusniit and ho , local physicians , dressed "
wounds of the injuicd.
I In TlucjitciiM to
iOMioN , August 3 [ Special Cablegram to
TniIii : ) : : 1 A Tiinea dcspitoh horn Buenos ,
Ayroi sijs : A lie-PixibUlcnt Uclllnfli ) ,
throito'is to iwiRii Cchnan hm ofcel
ovei ) i Ostln the cabinet to the opposition
loaders hat c.aJi ono lias declined the olfor.
Ofllceis of regiments iceently opposed to
each either now fratriiiiro and rtBchiro that
henceforth tbo troops will bo united Naval
olll < cis luvo lesumed tlu-Ir commnnds.
I'olltemen and H union defend ( Jelnnn's
house against a surprlbo \ tbo cnemj .
Iho ( liolcrn. In I'/vpl. /
CAIIIO , August 5. [ Special Uablt rani to
Tin Iliu ] A commission , consisting of tbo
leading physicians , has been appointed by
thoitoveininent to considci ttuins to prevent
thoiutioduotiuii of eholoia iutol gjpt.
1 'arums' Alliance.
HATIV Itonor , I a , August 1 .Members of
the state fanners' nlliaimj assembled at noon
tody. The committed credentials nske-d
fuitiiur tlmo torepoiland tboioiivcntlon ad-
] ourued till tomorrow inoriiiiig
Strnmrr liillevfil to lie l/osl ,
VOIIK , August . " -Tho British
T-.ord Ilvglnn , left ban Kmuclsco IMuiiary "ii
last for Cork , Irulnnil. Slncuthat line sbu
hasnotUcii licimlof , nnd bei OVVIIOI-H have
about tjhcn her upas lost.
SportH at .Mnimuii.
Thu coming lace botueuii Ned Ilnuloii , ox-
champion oan-man of the world , and John
Teenier , the Aineik.ui champion , of 1'itts
bing next Sunday , is exciting much Hpcculu
tion nnd Interest in spoiling ; clrclrs A Kre.u
cruud vUll assuredly assfinblc at the lulty to
seethe stiugglo. On Kiturdiv M'cciner lows
ngilnst tbo Council IJlulTs foiir-ouol yj ,
and feels confldentof.vlunlng 'llicro will
also be a tub race , with nu vcn cat lies , Mver.d
H\\nnnlii [ ( , ' inttcbrs , and an oMilbitlon of
wnlkln'iin ( Iho wntc-f. Tbo proitiuiruno li
boidied for tlio hours betweenti and U o'clock
ouch duj _ _
AI.Ll X Infant claujfhtur of Ur ami Mis ,
i ; T. Allen.
1'unc'nl at 1 o'clock v m. today ,
A orf p. il WL Illifluil
ol ( nit i - - . . * - u Gr > ctnimut liu-
curt. Aif. H , Usa