Q T'TT'K ' OIUAITA DAIL Y .C TUESDAY. ATTUTTST n. THE CITY , Judge Shields will cnll the docket this nonilng for the August terra. There are 187 CIISOH on the docket , Frnnlc tlollor hat ) cucil Mnrcus J , Jloscnstock and "William L. I'tehcr in the county court for 8175. CO on notes. Gcort'o D. llurdctt of D , M. Stcclo & Co. , IIHH Icon lying qulto 111 nt his homo In tlili cily for Home diiyH. IIo hopes tote to able to ( jo out on hl usual run to day..Six .Six "boys will bo nrrnlpncd before Jtidgo C'lurkson ' Saturday inorninj , ' , charged with incorriRlbillty. They are John Ginyrioii , Joseph Colvllle , Jolm Kognor , L.OUH ! Knocks and Herman lijorklund. All are out on tall except the hitter , who isln jiill A meeting of the publishers ol " * fi- tent inslilOH" wns held ut the 1'iixton hotel yentordiiy siftornooa , Among thu r'ji'c.uoiitiitiu'a ( In iittciiiliiiico wcro N. H. Jlnkcr , ninnngcr ol thn Kansasnovs- nn pur union , To pel * a , nnd John C , Kcl- toy of the Sioux C'ity Tilhunu. Thcso ponllcmen visited und Insiiccted Till' biii ! building. Tlioy Arc Iinli iniiit , Saturday night a number o ( prominent citizens called at the council chamber In quest ol cotninlttoo meetings. Ko ono could bo found , Member * or the council liavo not of late mot In committee Satuiday aswas onr-o tlio custom. The clll/.em wcro very Intllijnnnt nnd de clared tliat they could not bo expected to hunt Uiroujrh private offices of coundliaen every tlrau tlicy had business to tnnsuct. Complexion powder li nn absolute necessity of the rvllncd toilet hi this climate , I'ozxonl's cotnblnciovcry ulcnicntof beauty and purity , TloIicnor'H Appoint incut. Customs Collector Alexander has received n circular from tlio treasury department , staling Hint the late assistant secretary of tlio treii'iiry , George ( J. Ticlicnor , lias hcca KiM.n eliargoof tlio hoinl of tuogeneral ap- pj'nlscr.sstutloii atiVew Vorlc , Collcc'ors ' at other polls lll ndvisotlio de- puitincnts of the appeals to reappralscincnb nt Iholnesixvtlvoposts , when u generalap- prnkcr will Iw unsigned to the duty ol reap praise men t. Jteappr.iiscincnt districts will hereafter be entalillslicd n the need of the service ro- quios. ! _ _ Frnnlt Stew art , suit. ) Rock Island'dinlns1 cnrsorvlcc , li inniiagins Hotel Colfiu ut Col- ' " ' ; to the satisfaction of all visitors. Ito.sdiml I.il < | iior. Mrs. IlUody Iloffinnn was brought to the city from Cherry county , charged \vlth scll- ini ? liquor to the Indians on Kosebud reser vation. Shognvo bonds Tor her nppeuranco nt the next term of court. Her huslauct was bronchi down on the same charpo last \vecl mid bound over. Both arc honest looking people and His the opinion of thopcoplu frou that pint of the stsito tbat thch1 arrest If splto work on tbopnrtof a certain individual who bus hinisolf been suppljhig tbo Indians in that neighborhood with largo quantities of firewater and tben getting them to testify afjalnst other whlto people. The imllvidua In question Is a man nlwutwhom dailc liltits nictliiown out respecting his past life and who is considered n dangerous character. Tlio only complexion powder In the \vorld that is .without vulgarity , without Injury to tlio user , and v.lthout doubt a beaulillur , is In IlnitKcom Park. 0.1-Aiit , .August ! , 1800. To the Editor o Tin : Ben : I huvo been working iu Hivnscoir pail : and feel perfectly ashamed of the man ncr in wiiich Ibis woik is beiiifeargricd on. think It my duty to mitko it known that itnii be remedied. There nre men who arc doing work llioy kao\v nothing about , and as aimit- tfr of course it takes so much longer to do it For instance : Laborlngincn are doing pur dcnlnir while tlio irardeucrs are dolncr llbor writ , 'riiero aionisomen wnonro not doing an lioncst hour's work In a day nenrly , but nothing Is said about it , while others may bo working bard all day without appreciation. Sun dny there was a fifrlit in the park be tween the laborers anil tiothhigtias been dons about It. AN OMA.IU GAHUBSCU. M\ch has been said about European cham jMgucs , Once tlioy had the market , but Cook's extm dry Imperial has knocked tlieni out. HlH Olrl U.-MI Aivay. DnnD.iiloy bai been courtiiiff Amelia Kil- lion for many irccln. Ho thought she re turned bis affection. Sunday they look n day's outing and visited several pintles of amusement and attended an entertainment that night together. Dnn was happy until the tinio came to no homo , when bis fair but llclclesxvcctlieait fiiilthlin for another man. Ho got n gun and ( , 'olng to the homo of Ills love announced his arrival by banking away with his pistol at intuloin. IIo then Mclced the door In and in formed Mrs. Killion that ho was going to shoot the daylight through her daughter. Amelia hud ilcd , and the rcnmlndurof tlio household soon followed , and soon after Dal- ley left tbo premises. A yuriimt lias been sworn out for his ar rest. Hot Wcnthcr anil Accidental. Take no chances on headaches orsunstrolto Thishot weather is fcurfulbutlf you wllltalte a few of Kniu'Q's HcaiUijho Capsules each day you \\ill Und the temperature will bo ro- duccd and tlio likelihood of sunstroke or prostration absolutely counteracted. ITor sale by all druggists , aim Solid SoTitli Is solid on the prnnt "Qermnn Remedy , " Telegrams and letters tire received avoir tiny dui'liie thU heated term for ICraiiso's Head- ncho Capsules. Tlio people from that section say tlioy mluro the tempcrnturo miil prevent cuiibtralvcj and headaches. For sulo by all druggists , Hun Stroke , No\v \ is the tune the , accepted time , to pw- vcntsunstrokes , hoaduclies , etc. lly ix'ducing tlio teaiiionitnro all tlieso dUtrosslng evils will bo prevented. ICrauso's Ileadueho Cap sules urottio thing. Ono or two ICrrtuso'a Ileadaeha Capsnlo token dxuliiK the day will prevent any head UL'hc , also attacks ofsunstrolto. Ml d rugKista J. ! : . no YD is IT Tpudor.'d tlio Nominal J on for Gov ernor tlio n.v-JInyor Will Accept It , The democrats of Douglas county do not seem to know whom they \\\ll \ support in the convention for the nomination of governor. TUITO lias bwn inucU Ulk among them as to \vlio would bo thu prohiulo c.uull.l.ito. . It has boon rumored that lion. James U , 13oyd might possibly refuse toulloiv hiannino to bo used , Seine ot his friends pay ho would ac cept the nomination , others that they do not bollovo th.it ho would. > lr. Doyd vas told about thcso rumors by a BEI. i-cporter , and asked whether , if nomin ated liy tnc democratic convention , ho would oct'opt the noinlnntlon for governor. I lr. lloyil replied th.it , If the demounts saM'tit to noniliuito Ulin , ho would accept. IIo also bald that ut thotimo tbo county convention met ho was nb.M'nt from the city , and It MUS only a few days after It had t > o- lei-tcd itt delegates tliat hU fileiuh a-sliud him to run , uud ho iliudly m.ulo up his mind to accept the nomination if tendered him. The Sacred Ilotvrt academy for day pupils , bittiiitod on St. Mary's avenue und " 7th st. , IB an institution do voted to tlio moral nud lntolloctu.il education of young- girls , The courseliioludos ovcry- thltiK- from nn olomontury dopnrtmout tea a finished cais3lcnl | oducation. llosldos the ordinary ncftdemlcjtl course , music , nalutiiig , dawing and the lniijuijjos ( : nro taught , French Is IncludoQ In the ordl- nnry course , Difference of religion Is no obirtaclo to the rocclvln" : of pupils , pro vided tnoy conform to the general rojju latlons of the echool. The Hoholastlc term commenced the first Tuesday in September. Clashes begin ut 0 n. m. and puplla are dismissed at 3:30 : \ \ in. OOUGIj/VS ANDOMiVlM LAlKS. TlioscVlilcIi IIa\e Been mill Arc to 1)0 Held. ThoDougta * county fulr association Us iSsued - sued announcements of Its fair , which is to Iw held in Omnhn the llrst week of Scpteni- Icr , hut noannouncetnonthas been made of the ground ) on which the cntcrtnlment will ho given. This point has not been ilnnlly de cided upon , hut the probabilities mo tluit It ll 1)0 ) held upon the old grounds in the northern part of the city. The lease of thcso grounds expired In July , nnd Mr. Drown offered the grounds totho association for its fair free of charge. There Ian poutbillty thnt the fair may beheld held on the new grounds of the Omaha driv ing park aiioeiatton , which IIo in tliosouth- western part of the city , dhectly south of tlio now Jilnuvood park onVc t Lcnveiiwoith street. The f3ivork > en these groundi Is progressing rnji- Idly. The grading of the inilo tnclc Is nearly complntcil and way le cnmplctca If neccMiiry within ten days. This truck 1 * to bo 10) ) font \viilo and will bo tbo only inllo truck In the state. 1'orty teams mo working on tlio grade. It is proposed to have a prom- cnado Hcvcnty-llvo fuel wtdo around the In- sliluof the trad : and within thU , at sonio futuiodny , Is to bo constructed uu urtliiclal lake. Tlio lumber is on tlio pround for the con struction of the grand stand , tlio stables nnd tbo fence around the ground * . 'J'hc latter is to 1)0 built in ttio niostsubstuntl.il manner , with Iron posts , and is to bo eight feet hi h. Thogrand stand , stnbles and Tenco wlllbo ejected nt once , and next year amagnilicont club house and other substantial buildings will bo constructed nnd tbe ( 'rounds beauti fully pa iked. Tno ditt'ctortao \ \ atout concluded that It will bo best to complete the track nud nllo\v \ It to bo used through the full nnd winter for driving , in order to put it in proper condition for racinc purpo ses nnd for that ro.uon are not nartlculady anxious to secure the fiilr this fall. The ofliccriof thenssoeiutloii moV. . U.S. IIiiRhcs , president ! It. S , Berlin , sccrotuiy ; VS. S. Hector , treasurer , The Omnhn fair imd exposition n sodatlon Is in Innocuous desuetude. It is settling up Its ull'ahs , butu-illiiiakunoen'oit to hold a fair this full , Tlio Dougl.u county associa tion luissccuied the portion of tlie Omaha nssodntion in ( lie raeirujcimiit \ C'iej > toti. In..Lincoln , ' 1'opeka and Kansas City , ami soiuogood racing h expected. The dlicotors of the latter association arc : D. II. AVhedcr , president , .John Bauincr , seerotary ; Henry Holln , tix-.isuier ; IMiJnh Allen. II. It. Avriy , Omar AVhitiioy , 1 ? . l iiiorson nnd Julius 'J'ml- tsehko. Tbo datei llxed for the Mir are Scp- tembor Ito -J , Inclusive. \Vlint it Docs. Hood's Sarsapaillla 1. Purllles the blood. 2. Creates an upiwtito , 3. Stii'iigthens tlio nerves. 4. Makes the weak strong. 5. Overcomes that tired feeling. 0. Cures scrofula , salt rheum , etc. 7 , Invigorates the kidneys and liver. 8 , Relieves headaches , indigestion , dyspep sia. _ AVIm is Tills AVheeler ? The boird ; of health met at the mayor's ofllcoyesterday morning. Councilman Chaffce , Scavoy , Morrisseysanltary , olUccr.Dennis , Inspector specter of plumbing , and Dr. Gapon , present. Mayor Gushing occupied the chair. .Aftortlio reading of the minutes the reso lution requesting the council for financial aid tociiablo the hoard of health to doits work \vas vigorously diseusscd. The request Iso Iss denied upon an adverse report of tlio linanco committee. The chair suggc'tcd the advisability of the board discontinuing its muetiugs , as they were useless unless the laws and regulations could bo en forced. Dr. Gapen obnervcd that thocouncil could mandamus the board und compel it to meet. "Tliat would suit us exactly , " explained ChatTeoj "that would elvo u ? nn opportunity toshoxvitp the condition of things. " Dr. Gapcn reported that ho h.id conferred , with. Chairman " \Vliccler of the finance com- mittco of tbo council , who said Unit the hoard should go abend make out its bills , and if they \vero 'QIC' the council would pay them ; but he ( Wheeler ) added that lie thouirht tbo woik ol tlio board worse than cnild'splny , in fact all poppycock. Chief Sonvoy wanted Councilman Wheeler sitmtnoiicd befoi-o the board and requested to dellno the vord 'poppycock. ' Dr. Ocipen said tbo dully reports of infec tious diseases -were iiudo to bim , but bo wa4 powerless to do any thing because of wuut of funds. A lonff discussion ensued as to the advisa bility of repeating the request lor money , and how theeomeit could he barnionl/edwitb the equity und necessity of the request. Dr. Gapen stated that SfiOUO per month was appropriated by Denver lor sanitary work , but Omaha bud not appropriated us many pennies. lie considered a proper sanitary condition ono of the most urgent necessities at the bands of the council. A number of residents near Gibson sub mitted a complaint against the burn and barnyard of .Tunics Segar , which they claim is in n horribly unclean condition. Tbo secretary was Instructed to notify Mr , Setrarto abate the nuisance forthwith. Mrs. A. Cofl'eoreported a nulsanco against .Assistant Sanitary Commissioner O'Toole. She was advised to tuko ber trouble into the couits , as It was dovcloped that the complaint arose out of a neighbor's ' quarrel. O. E. Coombs complained of lot 17 , Heed's ' second addition ou Twentieth street as being In n foul condition because of an adjoining livery statlo. The board ordered the nuisance abated. Herman Schulfor complained of vaults In the rear of Fanmin street ne.ir Tourtoentli btreot , and the plumbing inspector vas in structed tomalio u. proper connection with the sower. A. pool of stagnant water was reported at Nineteenth uud Cumhijj , which wis ordered abated. Dr. Oapjn stated that ho rnl employed a man to make n record of births mid ( baths , but Mijor U'beeler had lefuscd to pay him. Tbo board then proceeded to roast the miler - lor ton turn , ami iiutliorirod the secrotury , to test tlio matter In the courts. The plumbing inspector's report showed ( Ki.Siil worth of work done. Adjourned. Miles' Nerve imd Ijivor Pills , An Important discovery , Tlioy not on the liver , stomach and bowels through the nerves. A new principle. Tbcy speedily cure bllllousness , bad taste , torpid liver , piles and constipation. Splendid for men , women and children. Smallest , mildest , surest. 80 doses forM cents. Samples free at ICuhu & Co.3 ' IC'tu and IDouglas. Fumisiuxa A.M > 'Iliu Commissioner * * to Have Another \YhlrI\Vltli the Hospital. There wore only thrco bids sent in to the county commissioners for furnishing the new poor-houso or county hospital , Tlioy were N. U , Falconer , Omaha mattress company oudDowry AStono. The bidders uuvosimply given figures on various materials , articles of furniture , etc. As ono commissioner remarked , "The mer chants might just ns well bavo mailed us u few more prleo lists. " Dcwoy & Slono by their manager , IMr. "W. I. Klcrstend states : Having1 furnished complete the different asylums and hospitals of tlio state of No- brmku , Including the lus.uio asylums at Lincoln , Hastings nnd Noifolk , tbo reform school at ICoair.oy , tbe deaf nnd diuub insti tute ut Omaha ami inanyotbcr public and private hospitals and schools , we tire confi dent wo will K i vo yon better eoofls for less money than any other fuinlturo establish ment in the country. Mr. ICicibtcad refers thu board to tint pabllolandr and Imlldlnt-s oulcd at Lincoln , and to tlio Union Piicltlo milroad. Wr , Fiilcouor snys that boquotes the lowest iiossiblowticlosnlo prlWs uud enclodC4 a pi'lco list of various linens , etc. , etc. * " M'ho Uiuaha niutl'i'obs coinpuny bidi simply 011 nuittrosso ) , 'Tho contract for furnishing the now buildIng - Ing will bo let on Friday. bids for Minting the building have also been receive , Sherlock & \ Vaguer will do the Job for f3llA ) or 40 cents par scjuaro yard ; Omaha wnllipaixjr and paint company , | } , li2l,00 ; Van 1'clt & Co. . make a Ion ; bid , but It is not Iu accordance \vlth tbo board's advertisement ; J. J , Worthy's Is diatauccd ; D. UarUon , with mineral paint , $ .IKW.30 ( , or with lead HW3.85 ; Vosi Btostliers send In lengthy Itemized hid. Thcso pilntlnRS bids will also bo decided upou next Friday. aud Douglas. no IK ; i.\c ; ins : : ] IlovtlicProprietorof the Old llopub- llonii Makes A lllilavlln. ThoonieooJii ( IIce Shawat the cornerof Slxtccntli and Caw streets , vas eromV'd \vithtbo \ 100 plaintiff * In the 10J suit * eo.u memcd ngnliist tlio Ucpubllean Newspaper company , The defendant was ropiesonted by Sherman Wilcox , the juvenile bustniss iniinngcrof thodcfimctsheot , Aflldavlts in each of the 100 cases , sipncd by .1,0. Wileovero Introduced , asking for acontlnuaueefor thirty days on the ground that "new nnd matcilul evidence" AMIS wanted. Tho.iflldivitfet forth that the nftl- antJ. | C.Vikox \ , ut u meeting of tlio direc tors or the cojipnny , li.ul been delegated to tnko en tire charge or the buslnest ot" settling up the affairs and tint lie wished further tlmoto prepaio his csiso. On this sho\v'ln \ > 'nll of the eases were con tinued for thirty days and the tcion ofVI1 - eox departed , jtibil in t at tlio thought that the defense had scored the llrst point , An indlj-natlon meeting1 was at once held In vliiob thirits of all kinds wow nude nj alrnt the senior U'llcox by thocxatpei'nted men , sono ofwhom had not received any piv for four weelM , and nearly all of wham im > l received only a small portion of their sal.tiica for six week * before tint time. Tlio stinditiR committee which had been appointed to ramni0 [ the nfTulr.s or the men bold a slioit seisloii to determine tbo best comso lonnrsiie. AV. M. Smith , -Aho wns mamtinc editor , niulJ..M , Olllaa. city edlfnr , hotli of whom weieinumlieisoC Hie board of direclorj of tlio conipaiiy , stiitiil Hint no moot iiif ? of the dircotois had been railed und that , conseqticnlly , J. C. Wilcox had not been appoiutello t.n o clinrgo oftlie iiflMlri ofthocomi.iny | , us stated in Ills alll- duvlt. It ns ulso stutcu that ailllieevl- ilenic liearlupr ujiou the accounts of the cm- plojcs of the roitipiny wtis contained in Hie lioolts of tholiitUv , which wcro In the posses sioii of the dufi'iulaiit , and nil the testimony which could be produced was that of the foreman , who mule up tbo accounts of the printers ; thoinaiiigiue editor , who inudo up ihoai-fotintsof tlio cdltond force , nud the bouidcecper , who hud m.idoup the list of thu uci-ounts on which thosuitsycio lbcd. ; 1'litj foroiii.in and inan.i > ; iiii ; editor lire plnlntiih in the suits nnd were toady to tf"- tit'y , as was the boolfkcopcr. The committee * considered nil these points carefully and do- elded to bring charges of perjury njuinst J. C. U'ilcox incachof the Iftl sulur In aecordimec with the decision of the ( Otn- mittec Iho iihintllTs rcpaiicd inn body tothe olllco of County Attorney Mnliotiov , 'xvhcro 100 in formations , cli.ugintrJ. 0. Wilcox with pctjury , were itiodu out and given to an ofllocr It was rumored on the street yo-itc'rdaj that ariatiKcments haJ been made to Import a lotof non-union printers nnd attempt to get out l.hoKopablicau inllio morning. Nervous debility , poor memory , diffidence , scxnril weakness , pltnplcscured by Dr. Allies' Nervine. Samples free atlCubn < Sc Co.'sl5th anj Douglas , The Opportunity ofu Idle Time. Sam W. Gregory , president of the Slide Minlntr Co. , On ray , Colo. , is at the Piixton , I'oom 15. If yon , have a little spare oasli vou vl U to put into u snfo Jind pi'oiitablo investment , cnll on liim ut onco. As to his reliability and cliaracter ho refers without pcrinibaion to the wholesale grocers of this city. 3IA.1LS ON Till * MOTOKS. Tlio > 'ew Jfetluxl Introdiiued K\te n uliiu ti > South Omaliit. The local mail service between this city and Council' UluiTs was Increased yesterday by trans ferine the mail route bstwecn tbo two cities from the Union Pacific railway to the motor railway. The new service \vas tried for tbo first time yesterday , and mails , until further notice , will bo carried according to tbo following schedule : EAST-HOUND. ArrUo LeavoOmalia. . Connc-Il lllnlTs. 0:2(5 : ( a , in. , , , . , . , , . . . 7:00 n. in. 0:11 : n. iu . li-J5 a. in. lli't : a , in . . 11 : . " n. in. 115 : ! p. in . -OJ p. in , 4 ; n p. m . r > : ( i' > p. in. 7:10 : ji. m . TOo'Jp. ' m T.eave Con nil ! HlulTs. Arrive Omaha , 8:2t5 : a. m . D:00u. in. 9 : S n , m . 11:1- . in. J2I7 : p. m . U.Vi : p. in , 3:4t : > ] i. m . . * . 4'JOp. in , 6ai ; li. m . T:0" : > p. in. Tills schedule , however , is only an cxpeil- nieutal ono and la likely to bo chunped ut any time. It applies only to lo"al mull between tween tbo two cities. For the present , and until other arranpomeuts may bo made , mall matter to and Irom eastern points wll bo carried on tbo Union Paelllc dummy , as bore- lofoi'o , There are two trains each -way In the morning and the same number In the afternoon. The authorities liavo recom mended that these mails , bo carried on the dummy nlso , and It is expected th'it this change will bo made soon. Tbo motor company has detailed a man tenet net ni mail agent and bavo charge of the mail between the two offices. Ho will take it from ono ofliconnd deliver it nt the other , so that the iiostofflco employes will have nothing 10 do with It while In transit , The advisability of extending this service to South Omaha bns been suggested to the Washington oBlco and it Is probable this will soon bo done. The service on the Union Pacific dummy is very poor , There are no truliis from South Omaha in the morning , the 11 rat ono arriving hi. Omaha ut 112 : 15 p. in. From tbuttiino until (5:15 : p. m. , the bcrvlco Is good , but from the latter time until noon the next day there Is no train so thut a letti'r mailed in South Omaha after ( J p. m. would not bo leceivcd In Omaha until elphtcen hours afterward. Theie nrothreo trains out , of this city to South Omaha , ut5a. in , , } ( ) u. in. nnd 2 :50 : p. in. The postolllco people say that the conduct of the Union 1'acillo company in reducing the mail service without notifying them of Its In tention , was reprehensible. The llrst know ledge thcOmnhn oftlcoh.id of thactinnRC was through the postmaster at Council Uluffs , who saw not ices posted in the railway com pany's offlco at tbo Bluffs , announcing that certain trains would bo discontinued. Heat oucocaino to this city to see If any arrange ments bad bcfamadu to counteract the effects of this change. This was the first intimation thoOmnha ofllco had of tbo matter and the trains were taken off the next day. The postolllco officials nt oyco took steps to bavo the malls transmitted by tbo motor with the result as nbovo stated. The service lias m-ovcd highly satisfactory so far and with a few changes it is thought will excel all previous service. PURE ItinapiMoretcellencopraTeiila rnlllloniof Jiomo formorttlmntquirtnr of H reutury. Itliuujdbr the United Mute * < ] oTernm at. KnJoncd b ; the lu'ili al the grant unl < or ltlei at tlio blrorzo-t , I'urmt and Mot' Heiltliful. Ir ) , I'rloe'n Crc&m 1UL > Inil'uwJer do ni/lcouUIn suruonla , llun or tluu. HttfToik. QUcuo. Baaftao U a. Both tlio method nud results wliei Sfrup of Figs is tnlcon ; it is plensan mid rcfrcsliing ( o the tnstc , and act ccnllj' yet promptly on the Kidneys Liver and Bowels , demises tlio syf tcm ell'ectimll } ' , cli pelu colds , lieiit ) aclics and fevers mid cures hubittin constipation. Syrup of Pigs is th only remedy of ils hind ever ptx dticed , pleasing to the taete and nc cqitalilo ( o Llio slonnu'li , prompt ii its action and trnly beneficial in its effects , pu'pared only from the moss healtliy nnd agreeable substtiuces , iti many excellent qualities commend i to all and have nmdo it the popular remedy known. Syrup of Pigs is for sale in COc and 61 bottles by all leading drug gists. jVny reliable druggist who may not liavo it on Laud will pio- euro it promptly for tiny ono " \vlic \vishc3 to try it. Do not accept anj Biibstitutc. CALIFORNIA FIG SYRUP CO SAfJTKA HCISCO , CAL. E. K\ \ ' Drs.Betls&BBtts Physicians , Snrgcous and Specialists , 14QO DOIJOI A-S STR.1HET OMAHA , Tlio most widely and fitvnrablv known spec ialists In the Unltodlhrntcs. Thulr lon'ox- .licrli'iice , rcniailtiiblu.f > klll and nut vorsal suc- t'oss in tiio tiontiiiuiit mid oino of Nervous , Chronic und HnrKlCal Diseases , eutltlo tbcso cmltiiMit pliv'slcliind in tlio full confidence of tlio atlllctodovcrywlii'io. Tlioy Ptuaranlr > o : A CERTAIN AX1) ) 1'OSITIVH CUKE for thu awful vltuctsof oirlyvlco nnd thu iiuinor- ous ovlls tlml follmv hi its train , 1'JIIVA.TH HI.OUIJ AND8UIN PISICAPES Mioi'dlly. viiiiijilctply ami pcrinuiiontly cured , NCllVOUS IlKllir.lTy AND8BXIIAL.DI.S. OKDICUS vleld icndliy tothoir bUIllfut tieat- j , I'llW , riSTUfiA. ANn UEOTAL UI CEKS Ruarniitpuduuiid wjtliuut pain or Jotontlon fioin biislnoss. HVDItOC'KLK ' AND V.MUCOOELE pnrma- upiitlyund siicee'-sfully eured In ovorycasc. SVl'IIILIS. UOXOIllllUA , OMSKI' . Spor. matorrhusi , Soir.lnal Wcaknoxs , LoitManhood , Mxlit Kiiilsslons , Ociy : : < : ( l Faiultlos , Kotnulo lVtxaness ! iiil nil dclli''ito dlsoulurs peculiar toolthor soi jiosltl ely cured , ns well us nil functionalcllsoulers tlint result finm youth ful folllosor tlipcxcei'i of in at u ro years. 'rPlfTIII lJ O'liranlcutl porinnnuntly 01 IMU l U i\u oiireil , rcnioial couiiilotc , wltliout cutttiij , caustic ordllutatloii. Oiirua nlfoutcd at homo liy iiutlciit without a mo ment's iiiiln or unnnyiince. TO YOUNG AND MIDDLE-AGED MfcN. A QllttU flll lJ The awful elToots of OUlVli v UIV.li curly vice which lirln s orpanlo wraUncss , < lcstroyiiK ! both mlii'l ' utiil tody , with all Its dieadeil ills , lieiniauotity curcil. 111 ? Rl"l"l < ( \ Ailrtrt's * these who liave Im- Ul\o. ijljl JO paired tlieni-iOlveH by lin- proct | liidulKonca and solltair h lulls , wlilch ruin both mind and body , uiillltln them for buslni"sludvnr m.irrliiKC. MAIiaii ( : ) Jin.V or tlmsc rntnrlni-ontiint happy ) ircawaroof physical debility , quickly assisted. OUR SUOOB S Isbnscd upoa facts. KlrU 1'raotlcil exporl- pnue , .Second Every cn o Is Mici-Inlly studlud , thus slartlns right. TlilrU-Modlelnos are pronucd In our Inljniulory CNsmtly to suit each ease , thUhi-ffuetliiKCuicswIthout Injury , Drs. Betts & Betts , H09 DOUGLAS STREET , - - OMAHA. NEB. GRATEFUL-COMFORTING EPPS'S ' COCOA BREAKFAST. "IJT a thorough knowlo.leo of Ilio natural Inwii vlilcliKovcrn tlioopuratloninf illaeitlon nnd nutri tion and tirn onrctiil iiiiiilli'iillonnt tlii'llna prnKT- | tlcH of wull sok'cti'd Cocon , .Mr. ip : | > ! mi provliled our bronkfnst tnblet with n ilollfntclr llnrnrc-d bover- ntu nlilcli luny MIVO utnmnr heivy : iloitor'n bills. It Is by tlio Juillclout > i.- > iif Mull iiillolot of diet that n cotiHtlnitlun innr l > o gradually bnllt up until etrunx cnouirli tort'sist cvorir toii'li'iicy ' to illsoaso Hun- clreiliof siililU ) m.iliKlfcii arciloatliu arnund us ron.l , to atliiiU Mlic'roior llii'io Mu wrnk point. Wo innr p cnpt'innny u fatnl Klmft bykeoiiliiRouMelios well fortmoil vrlth pure hlooil. nml u | irii | > cily nouilsliod fninictlvll hcrvlco ( iu/ctto , Mii.lu . Hliuply vltli Ijullliinwatti'r ( irinllk. Solil unly In half pound tins , byirioccrs , labeled llnis : lAAII. I'l'PS ' * Til Honiu-oniitlileClrmlsIs , JaJll.0 Ml . 0X ( tUv Loiiiioa. KuslunU. Drs. Merill & Merill , SI'KUIAT'ISTS ' IX Chronlc..Vervou . Illood nnd Snrglp l Dlocaion and UlucjifB of tuo Kyo. lar , Xo o , Trout and tboit. Sjieciul Attention to llncn Uj oT AVo- inou nntlUliililrcn , Tlio elector * IIRVO h d leira of oxperlenoo In the ] io | iltiilio ( llrooklyn aim Now York , nnd nro annum tlioiuoat iiicci'iifuiand widely known tiicilullUti In tlili country. 'li > Yiiuncaiul l HiUtlf-\B * ( t Mon. Ixjit lanhond , Nerroni Dollllly. Bpcnnalorrliio , HeinlnnlI.OSSM , 1'lijilcnl Doc-aynrlalnic , from Imlls- crrllon , produclni ; alceploinoaj , ituspondoricy , pliu- plvion Ilio fm , iivfrslon to nocloty. easlli ill'coiir- iicrd , lack of conndcncn , dull , unfit for Hud/or Luil- nuii , nnd Rntli Ufa oburJcn , cafely , iwnmiiaUly and potiJIly cured , Illond and Hlfli * DiuoaHPH. 5ri'lillU a dlienno moit dreadful In Iti results , completely eradicated. Uciilii.-Ur'iiuny Kurenry , Honordiie , Gleet. SypliUM , llydrorele , Varlcoocle anil Htrlfluru radically and safely cured without imfnor detention from builnom. AIISoxiul Uofor- mlilei and luipedlcuenta touiurrlaicuiucco-ifully ro- uioted. All Itcctal dlieitici nafclj nnd pornianontly cured. llours.Uu. in.tltlBp. ui. Uundityn.lU tllllJ. N , II. rcraoniumblu tiiTl > Uu > inir botrtfattlat tlulr homes by corr < | > end uc-o. * > todk-lne < anil la- mructlooiicntby eipruM. t'oniultttlun fre . bend ( ccntilu Btamu * la Insuie reply. S18 Fiflociitli HI. , Oppoilto Onora Ilouic , Oiu lin , Neb. We had the crowls among the odd suit Pants and they almost cleaned the tables on\y \ , few of these very arc left. This pants week we to have propose just as many customers in our Shoe department. AVe are closing out all our summer shoes and be rid We will must of them in a few days , make it worth your while to visit our shoe department this ' week will show you har- 'gains you ' have never seen before in the shoe line. All shoes adapted for summer wear must go , Men's Russet Goat Oxford Tics , $1.40. A'len's ' Russet Goat Lace Shoes. $1.75. Men's Coffee Brown Goat Lace Shoes , Goodyear welt , $2.25. Of the last lot there is only a small quantity. These shoes are not of the common trashy colored stuff of which , nowadays , so many are in the market. Ours come from reputable makers , are of good , honest stock , well made , and we can recommend them. The shoes are extraordinary bargains , and you should avail yourself of this opportunity. Shoes of color pos sess many decided advantages over black shoes for summer wear. They arc much cooler , re quire less care , are less expensive and more comfortable. In black summer shoes \ve offer a lot of very fine Kangaroo hand welt Southern Tics , which were delayed by the manufacturer and only received last week , too late in the season to sell with a profit. It is a shoe which we would ordinarily mark $4.75 , but for above reason we of- cr them at $3.90. \Ve still have a small quantity of the Patent Leather Shoes at $2.50. We shall not get in any more of them this season , so if you want a pair better come soon. TO MECHANICS AND LABORERS , "We have again a full line of our celebrated all solid leather $1.25 shoe. This is by all odds the best low priced shoe cveroffcrcd. * Corner Fourteenth and Douglas Streets. Our store closes at 6:30 : P. M. : : : Saturday at 1O P. M. THE OHLY LOTTERY PROTECTED Of THE NATIONAL GOVERNMENT , OF THE BENEFICENGIA PUBLICA , ( PUBLIC CHARITY ) JOST 1B78 , In tnul t > eotincclctl llh nil ? olbvr C'utuiiauj UhliiielUu > uuiu iiuuic. TJJE KEKT MONTHLY DRAVflHQ A.UGUST 7th , 180O. THE CAPITAL PRIZE BEING 5fi fi O . 0 O O ° o Iljr terms of contrnct tltc company mutt deposit tlio luui uf nil prlres Included In tlio t > nhcnm licloro s ll- iiiriiHlnglu ticket , nnd receive tlio fullouln olllclal ( Eiir'lHOAlK-l lierolij certify that tliu Ilnnkof xinilcin nml .Movlci ) tins on ( li'poult the r.uri'siary ' 'uniln tumiiirnntuullio payment of nil piltes drawn by tlio I/jturl.lilu In IleiiiMicem'H I'ltblloa. Al'UMNAll UASIII.III , Intorvcnor. Fnrtlicr.thPrompany lirerinlrwl todist-lbiiti ) fifty- Hlxpor lent of tlio value of ulltlio tnkuts In prl/c" < - a l.ii k'or portion tlmn Is irlven by liny other lottery. 80,000 TICKETS AT $4.OO , $320,000. 1'rlcoof Tickets , Araci lean .Money : Wholes , til ; Halv , $ iJ ; ( itiarteri , 1. 11ST OK I'llULH. 1 Cnpltal I'jlzo of fiO.OilJ l fM.OOO ll'iipllnl 1'rl/oof WU * ls WM ) 1 Cnpni l'rl/u of 10. ( | il Is KMXXI liirnnd 1'rl.uuf L'.tM ) Is .WW 3IM/e of tlKU ( ) TO ; | . < ) W (11'llKMof ( MO nro Ji.UJU Jjl'llH'SKf 'Ml ! 1IO 4.00J JOOI'rl/CHof 100 nro 10.0UO HOl'rl/MOf l irj IT.OW M rno ll.OiO AriMKlMMAIION 1'aiZKS. 1f Pi Iroi of M npproxlinitliK lo $ , 'HO prlio 0W ( ) IBOI'rhcsof 60iivro\lm tliifto ) JUOJ'Jprl/o , ! M KOl'rlrcnof 4(1 ( upiirnxlniiitliu tu 1(1 ( OOJ jirlio H.OK ) 7W ) Turmlnali of till Ucclilad by } UI.OOJirlzo | 15'J.tO 1'S J'rl7n imiounllnK lo 1176MO All I'rlrcB polil In the United Slates fully | > aUl in U. S. Curn-iicy. untcd crerywlicrc. t by nrdlnnry lollor , contilnlnu Money Onlcr.i I 3UOJ by aimxpicasCumi > nnlaicr.Vow York Kxclmiizc. ll ? tunoncy must Inrnrhibly bo sent Hoslitcrcil Adiiicss U. IIAHSKTU , City ol * Blcx co , SIcxico. OrtoTiiAS. n. JlANTKl.r. A Co. , Kooiii 401 X. Y. 1,1 fo llalldliiK , Uinuhn , Neb. DeneraLolterii Denver Colo. , . , Capital Prize $7,500. , TICZtlUTS 50 CU.Vrs * BA.Cff. $26,370 , PAID EACH MONTH BANK OF COMMERCE PAYS ALL PRIZES. Address , I ) . R R1IODUS , DENVER COLORADO. , - - - . Tlie Specialist , I * nn.urpn < i'l in thu trratniont of nil forms of 'UVATKIllhl'AhKS , LoMllunliooil.bTlllUTUIlK. or pain InriMIUTlnK tlio libUilur. aVI'llll.W cured In ; XU ) > . ' ' ( . ' ( hya. Skill DNuain. I'alnrrli , nnd all Uli- ei > : ieiul the Illool , llcurt nnd I.HIT. rrnialoDUc.i- til cured nltliiiiitliiNlrunii'nta or "local troatrncnt. " I.ocllci fromto4 only , rH'iul Btimip for circulars irlIn ; parlk-tilars ubout uuch of the uboro illseines , unit tlxmlni : ui.niynf tlio moat reimrkalUo cures , Ulllcc , N. K , Cor 14th nnil runuiui hts. , cntrnnco on clUu'rftri'Ct , Ounlia , Nub , ELECTRBG BELT iMmvw-zfjttziiir.mc BUT AK. * irRIHS.li9-iijU ! ! < ilNm , Hill for llI..MtlBe ' l > o , Cur l Cto.nllt nnknrn , cl'lnt tr l > . JllMJ > < - ! , taulUiao lirr'iill or ri.Mriclu thlouih 111 U l-rkTB.r.it..rlugll > rulollk-AUIIn'4 ll"HI : s i'it\.rii. ! ( EUelrlV tiirrfflt t.H mu llj , or . fcrr.il ISUOIn ub UKLI BMO bai > eirr v , - n | , i r f - - u - p. - - ir.lfiinKr. ucirnllT iir > 4 lo ihr . monlii. hul.J | > ai > ' ein . BARDEMELEOrRICCO..I"ll'iCHICAaOllt. ! . t . t T 77TI \IK\6afTurlii \ froripfTC'ts \ ' I A/ / LA'A / lA ' ' " " of ' ' "it ilenlio'id , VV LA/AI / Voiitbful Hrrors. In.iio- . 1 * * * 111 Vteni7nnd DUeiisonnf .Mi-n canle cure 1 pormiinontlvurul i > rlvntclyby our icx- ualnpuclUc M-nl t > j in ill for f I. Hook sentoeiled ( fur Hump. Ilcacou Jlcillcal Company , lil > Ya > lilnK- tuu tjlruvtlloiton , n , GOOOniClI , lAvyorlKt Pearbnra St. . Clilcajjo , M years' buccci'ful i.iri"lgo. AUvIco 1'icol 1 no publicity. SpccUl facllttlo * . I Protect and Improve Your Sight by Using a Pair of Our "Perfection" Spectacles or Eifeglasses 1 .L J. They are The BEST in the WORLD v We make a specialty ol' high grade goods , using tlio regular ecu list's Prescription Frame , and only first , quality crystal lenses , which are scientifically ground to correct the various defect3 of vision. Every pair is fitted by a Practical Optician of many years' experi ence , end we GUARANTEE SATISFACTION IN EVERY CASE. FOR Thirty Days AVe Will Sell SI'ECLACLES and EYEGLASSES at REDUCED PRICES. SOLID GOLD SPECTACLES OR EYEGLASSES , ANY STYLE , Worth $5 to $10 ; now $3 to $5 FINEST STEEL SPECTACLES OR EYEGLASSES , Forl and $1.50 ; worth $2 to $3 BLUE OR LONDON SMOKED GLASSES , for shading the eyes , from 50c UP Beware of using common Spectacles , which are sure to injure youi * eyes , but take advantage ol our reduced prices and buy the best and. have them properly adjusted to your eyes. OCULIST'S PRESCRIPTIONS FILLED. * ? ? MAX MEYER & BRCJ JEWELERS AND OPTICIANS. Established 1866. 16t hAND FARNAM STREETS , Omaha , Neb The Omaha Medical and Surgical Institute For the treatment . * of all CmiONIp ANf ) HORGrCAf. IIISKAflCS. Braces , Appllaneoi for Dcformltloa , nd ' Tru * e 'i. ' Host I'acilltlciii Ai'irirnlus ' aiiJ Kcuiutlci for iifcritful tri'ilinont ot o cry form of ill-ca fi ro qulrlni I.Mcillcnl or Hiirulcn ! Trnnlmciit. NINKTV UOO.M8 KOlt I'ATlK.VrB. llonr.1 of ultuaduni'O. llci Aecommodiitlnni Wont \Vrllo for clrculnr ou Deformities und llr ceo , Truvuri , Club 1'Vtt , Curmliiry-e jioUon renioTcd from tliu ynm wiuioui mercury Now UeBtcritive Trontnicnt for f/ii of Vltnl'l'ower , I'lirlles uimble lo vlilt u nmy bu tieitcd nt homo l > r ll.J t4 Omaha Medidal and Surgical Institute , Corner Oth and HnrneySts. , Omaha. Neb. WHIN Tir Dt rHi li cinto FRENCH SPECIFIC. MCASLE8CATAHMH.0. - . , > r THt U I OfTH inVIIIBLI A POSITIVE intl pertaanint CURE for all SOUNDDISG miei cttbe URINARY .ORGANS , Owii wbit ctliiftr ( tr30-t Mil. rnlldlrecloni with each boll.U | . ea JclUr. S e ilgnatate of L- BIAUI. , For Sale By A I DrujSB tu. . U. . Xf ALt-S. lltU < r