THE OMAHA JDA1JL.Y . BEJiV TUESDAY AUGUST 5. 181)0. ) KEWS ABOUT THE BLUFFS , Another Important Dooumont Filed in tbo Celebrated Orick Oaso. * A MAN OFMANY HEAVY SORROWS Jlnnk Mull , t'u ; .Miirdcrci1 , Iinproxlng - Dli'd HI Nlnc.l- Non-Hoard IIIH u run UP Council I'rouoctl- -.Allniir . Mciillim. Another lnijoitnnt ( Instrument xvns filed In thnl'rick case last ovcnhiLr , which , It is claimed , xxlll foicvcr sot nt rest the feats of the innocent purchasers xxho hold the titles to fconid veiy valuable propctty that once be longed to the Peter Smith estate in Council lllutTs and elsowhere. The Instrument was filed for iccord In UK * count } recorder's ofllco nnd is a quit claim deed fiom Mabel Crick nnd her husband , conveying all of her Inter ests In the familj estate to'J. 1) ) Smith , who is hci grandfather Instead of her uncle , as erroneously stated in Tin HIM when the Jlrst documents XX'MO llled a few dns since. It will bo recollected tint tbo lirst quit claim tl'-od that Mrs Crick paxe in considera tion of SI.VH ) signed only by herself mid the usil iiinciit and wiirnint } dwd gix'cn N M Hubbard was siKimd Jointly b > hcrsolf and husbind After Hub- bard rccnnojid the Interests thus acquired It kit the matter in tbo same condition thnt It x\-ns In prior to the attempt made bv Hubbard and othen to get control of the gill's interests The,1 husband had not deeded axvay Ids Intelosts acnulicd by mat i IIIKC , mid tlicie .vas a possibility of sonic tioublo in the future Iho deed executed bx both \csteidix : , and safely tcinrdcd , sets at Kst all these apjiu hensions , and leivos the gill's intcifotj in Iho ostnte xvboily In the control of th ( giandmotbcilio xxas one of tbo nilmliiNtrators of the estate , and still has the ] > o\V ( r to make a l < val settlement. Tills Bhe has uheadx htguii by BixiiiRqulttlalin deeds to all persons \\lio liavo purchased portions tions nf the e'stuto whether fiom the admlnis- tiatoi-s or from p it-ties xxho held tbo ptiipcntv by vhtuoiif snei cssioii of deeds fiom the ad- minlstiators to the present time. J Cl Tipton , real estate , flj" Broidxvay. Wall D.ipor at ! ! ' ; ( cuts pet toll : not rem nants , at C L , aillette'3 , U5 Peailbt. A Man ol' Miiny Tionliles K i : . ICntflesini Is a .xoung man of many tioubles. Last xveck he xx-as the plaintiff in a long and expensive litigation with the Txvin City dye works The suit xx-as foi the iccov- cry of heavy damages .for person'il injury nllcgpil to have been sustained xvhile in the employ of the compmy , and xvas clatinod to hax-c been caused b.x the use of gasoline in cleaning old clothes , Ho bet up the plea that ho-xv as injiuud phjsltMll.x and mentally b } be liiK compelled to ( ontlntially bieatlio the fumes of the lluld , but tbo Jmy thought otheiwlse , and denied him the theiapiitlc ii'ent ( asked for in the sli ipo of a judgment ak'iiin-t his emplojcrs Immi-diately after the case was concluded IU appealed In tbo loll f an Informer in saloon uues under the line manipulation of Judge lioiilton. This bionght doxvn upon kirn thu xviath of the saloon men , and ho was made the victim of fcovcu.l iiorsonul assaults , ono \vhichxx-ould have been soiious for him if he had not been icsciicd bv Maishal Trmplcton and txxo oill- cer < , who happened to bo In tbu vicinity of the saloon on Koxvcr Muln sticct xvhun It Of- cut red. Hmnjlujr nvor his he'.id xxas the lineal of an indictment by tlio grand Jury upon the complaint ol Sehocilsack , the djo- woiks man , for the emboli'inent of about f. " > 0 which bo had collected fiom custoinct-a while In tbo einpln } of the xvorks and neg lected to tmn it aver. On Saturday afternoon - noon UP found himself In a very str.i ightcned flmmclal condition , and ho Marled out to raise the xx ind. Ho applied to AV. H. Cooper for the loan ef $ ! ! ) , but being a stranger ho wns lofnsed. To secure Mr. Coopnho ofTeted to exccuto a short time note xxith npptovod scinrity and nlloxv u liberal ratoof intciest The offer xvus accepted piovidod the security xx-as good. Cooper drew up tbo note forfc- , and Un lesim took It and wont axvay In a rtbort time ho i-eappearod with the note .signed jolntl } by himself and .lotm Mer- gen , the Soutli Main stieot gixuer. The se curity was all right , and Cooper plxo him n check. Immediately after the lelloxv loft Cooper became suspicious about the Moi-gen bignatiiro , and telephoned to the bank Htop- ping payment of the cheek. He then called upon Mcrgcn and shoxxed him thu cheek and ho promptly pronounced It to bo a foigeiy. In the meantime Knglesuu bad cashed the check in a ntoie xxhero he was kiioxvn. Cooper was anxious to get his money bneknnd did not i-epoit thocaso to tboiollco , but started out to find Knglesim. This ho did in a short time. The felloxv confessed ttio forgery , but claimed bo did not Know why he bad com mitted the crime. IIo xviillngly gave Cooper all the mono } he had left fiom the proceeds ( of tbo check , which amounted to yiS , and piomiscd to i.ilso tbo remainder if ho was not prosecuted. His icqucst xxas granted , but up to ycstciday moining lie bad not been able to got the money. Satuulay afternoon ho Hindu ncontuiot with C.A.Macban , pioprictor of the Council BlutTrt .steam du xvoiks , to woik for him , aud yesterday moiiiingho com menced work. At noon he got hold of some of Maclmn's uncollccted bills , anil he stalled out to raise some money. Ho collected § < ) f > 0 at ono place and ? J.50 at another , and then ho quit the collecting business nnd also the em ployment of Mr. Mac-ban. The d0 xvorks man soon found that the bills had been paid to ICnglosun , and hoard that he had left the city. For the purpose of putting a check upon the career of tho.unuig man , ho filed nn information In Justice Sclnir/ ' point charg ing him with larceny. A win rant xvas issued nnd the oniccrsxeie hunting for I > nglcsun last evening. The young man is either Insane or else is uniting very ci editable prctcntUms in that line , and xvhen ho is arrested his defense will undoubted ! } ho Insanity. Hull lnir | < ) xln . C. Hank Hall , \xifomurderer , is resting very comfoitiiblo In his cell hi the county tail. Ho Is improving rapidly from the effects of bis .selMnlltetod wound , and no longer re quires the nttcndance of a nurse ot physician. Ho has not. changed his opinion rcgaidlng the crime , nnd is still very tueltuin and morose. Mandcl Ss Klein are offering great bargains in every dcpaitmont.'o \ bhoxv the best line of cookstoxe's und ranges in the city , from ? IU to f 10. In ihixvaro wo carry the best only and sold at bottom pi Ices. Caipets , "Oh , myl" xxo Just beat the world , founer price of 1111 pets ( V ) cts. , now -10 tts. , and so on through thii entire lino. Wo shoxv a largo line in novelties In our pallor goods depart ment. In bedroom suits xxupridei ourselves ofeuriing tlio most complete assortment , choice of ill ) style-i. Hook oases , rockers and dining chairs of every description. Side . boards , xvardrobjs and center tables go along with this unloading sale. Get prices elso- txhero and compare Mandcl & Klein's a20 Uioiulway. Died at NIIC-H\ | ( | . John Johnson , aged ninety-six } ears , ono month nnd eight days , died at the residence of bin 3011-In-laxx * , ICllj ih Moss , in Crescent township , } esterday , with whom ho has been living for several yc-ins pest. Death resulted from general debility , produced by a cancer , lie will bo burled today in Orescent City. P. C. Miller , the painter and decorator , at home to his ft lends , 81s South Sixth street. The 1 miles of the lloyul Neighbors of Americ.ixlll gtvo a laxvn social nt the resi lience of Mrs. M. K. Uolknap , IX)7 ) South First dttvet , Tuesday evening , August 5. Dalby'a orchestra will attend from 8 to 11 o'clock , llofituhmcnts xvlll bo served. Woodmen , their ladies and all friends are cordially iu > \ltucl to attend , Will KHtiilillnli Non Hoard Agency. I < ocul insurance circles are considerably exercised over the contemplated movement of some Omahu Insurance men to establish n non-board agency in this city , and xvrito all binds of Insurance at reduced rates. An Bgcut el Kttvcrnl uou-board companion that have been doing business In the west for some Uino , xva * In the city yesterday looking over the Meld nnd making arrangements to begin xvork. The now ngcncy proposes to tnko business ' 4 of n cent less thnn the os- .ubllshcd rates , and to push for nil the busl- ness to bo had at the cut rules. "Tho attempt to establish non-bonnl ngcn- clcs In Council HlufTs Is not n ncxv thin ? , " said an Insurance man > cstcrduy. "It has ijccti tried n number of times In the lost few .rears , nnd has nlxx-njs fattvd in n 'exv months. Several fli-st class companies have been represented , hut the trouble has been that there has not been enough ot them und people area little sldt- tisli about insuring with an agency that only tins ono or txvo companies for the insured to select fiom. Thov inny bo nil right but it Is html to muko tin1 public think so Let nil the non-bomd nircnctcs como tli it xx-ant to. They xvlll bo Illio everything clso of n perishable nature , only come to go at'iiln. i'his noxv non-bodid iigrnry , If it comes nt all , xxlll not bo nhlo to ntand the hosts of onofxvlntcr " "Thobusiness men and nil other propcity oxxners of Council UltilTs xvill not bo sorry to se > e nn aggressive non-board ngency cstab- lishrd. " said n business man Insurance rntcH In Council HlniTsarocntliely too high. The losses h > tire have been so small and the iuti'8 so high the people have been en comagjil to carry their oxxn Insurnnco and the Insurance i > coplo hax-o no right to kliknlnut the sin illness of their business If you oxcent the p icklng-houso lire and the burning of thu sheds at the driving paik , xxhere so ninny of Stexxnrt's valuable horses xxcio Dinned to death , the lire losses In Conn- eil IHtifls for tbo n.u.t live ve.trs xxlll not equal tlio amount'p.dd the insuranio torn- t ) inlos In premiums for any ono of the live. \\o huxu the best ( ire protection In the xx-oild and ix-o have to pay for it , too , but if the In surance1 companies tii'jo n dlffcicnt vlcxv of tlio situation mil persist In keeping up the picsent liitth rates , x\-o xx 111 hull the advent ot u good , nc-tivo and reliable non-board itgrncy as a deserved cheek upon the greed of the companies.1 The ; Manhattan spoiling headquarters Hitmd 11 ay. Ti-y Man Jix-n beach , neu- hotel , cnlaiged , iiioioand , nice bottom , clem rooms. If you xvlsh to sell jour propoity call on the . .luililVclls Co , C. H. .Itldd , presl lent , 00 J llroadxvuy. Money nt ieduc-cd rates loincdon chattel nnd i eal estate scuurltybv IX II. Sheaf o & , Co. A cnod hose tcel fieo xvlth excrj' 100 feet of hose pin chased at Bhby's. Council I'rouoetllnirs. The regular monthly meeting of the city rouncil xvu9 hold laat evening with the mayor nnd nil the members pi-cbent but Kicrettand Mikcscll. The pint of Morning Side uddltton was pro- scntcd aim the oidinance appioving the s.mio vyas ) ) .issed. , Contractor Kelloy's bill for the excavation of the Cunning hill cut on the Ch.iutaiuiu.i load xvas presented. The bill called forST'.K ) , xxhlch xx-ns the full cost of the xxork Alder man laiey objected to the alloxv.mce of the bill for the teasoa that the citj hud an ngrce- inent xvith the county tomndbtio'icrs bx nliie-h they \x-c-io to paxonehalf of the bill On motion of Kinonhcr , IO llcj xx'iis nlloxved one-half of the amount The whole amount for Krnding , light of xxny nnd the cut is t.VHio , one-halt of xxhii-h tlio city t > i\s. .lolm Jlunn piespnted lil bill for -iil-l p-iid into the e-lt.x tu.isnry in the form of saloon licenses It XXMI i ocelvcd and placed on tile The chief of the lire department submitted his teport foi the month of .Inly. It shaxved that nine ilarms had been icspDiided to dur ing the month and thnt th < ; cost of maintain ing the clep.iitment for the time for sahuies of meu und feed for hoi-i > ch xvas > IWO. I'litiolnian liariingt'Mi xx'iisiepoitcd sick by the thief during tlio entiio month. On motion the council allowed his full sulniy for the month A communication locelved from the Preston hose cart cnmp my announcing the speedy completion of the noiv cuit oideied by the council. Alderman Casper Announced the expiration of the contract for the gasoline lights. Alderman - man Lacy inoxed that the committed of the xx hole ire out this ex'oning and relocate the g.iboliao lamps and decide upon the points xvheio thoj can be dispensed xx-ith : idso , to determine the number and location of the me lijrhtto bo ordeicd fiom the eleotilo lldhteomp.inj- . 'J'lio witcrxxorks company ix-as nlloxved tin co lire hj'dranUi for laj-lng water mains from Hroulxviiy to 1'iereo on ( iiacc , and fiom Grace to IVanlc stieet , also ono hydrant on TwentyfirstitiPet. . The cleik xvas ordered to advertise for bids for gi.iding South First stieet fiom Paul Kjlbold'sto the east line of J. 0. Brock's piopi'rtjbids to bo received Monday night. Tlio ordinnnco regulating the running of street cais in tlio city xvas brought for its icconil reading. Aldeinian Casper moved that the otdlnunco lay over nnd the council accept Kiiperlntendc'iit Reynolds' ' invitation to rldo and bo shown what six miles an hour means. Lost. Cnsper moved to make the hpccdtxvelxo miles an hour instead of six * The motion lost , nnd moved to accept Superintendent ItojHolds' invitation to tnko n lido , nnd the motion xxas rinried. The council xx ill bo Mvcn u special train and a six milo speed xvill be maintained for three miles , J. C. Blxny , stoani homing , sanitary en gineer ' .Ml Life billdln O.iuhi * , ? , , JJ ) Her riam block , Council Clults. \Vo have customers for Inside improved propel ly , terms nil cash If you have a oar- pain to offer call oa K. H. bhenfo .S : Co. at Dr 1 Joxx-crs' ofllco innycd to . ' ( ) N. Main. Kni-iiicis' Cdiigicss. It is to bo icgiettod thnt the Funnels' con gress , which xx ill con VCHO in Council Bluffs on tlio "tlth of this month , xvlll not have n chnnco to hoar Senator Jones discuss the silver - ver ( | uestion. Olllcial duties in Washington xvlll absolutely prex-ent the great champion of this question being present , Hon. E Koso xx-ater of Tin : UKI : xvill take tils place. SOUTd OJ1AMA HOODIji ; CASKS. Dougherty and Iloxley to He InvcHtl- Kitted by tlio Council. At last night's meeting of the South Oinnha council the following communication from City Attorney Edgerton xvas read : ' To the Mayor and Council of the City of South Omaha -Gentlemen : In rofoienco to the matter of charges of bribery nnd cor ruption in the passage of ordinance No. 'J.'O , leforrcd to mo for Investigation , I would say that I have investigated as fully as possible and find no evidence of improper conduct except on the part of Councllrncn Hovxloy nnd Dougherty , who recelx-ed checks fiom a p.uty la the employ of tbo Hock Islnnd railroad company , nnd fiom all the evidence obtainable- must conclude that said checks were iccelxed xx-ith the intent to realize thu full amount for xvhleh theywcifa drawn. If I am coircct in my conclusions Uoxvloy and Dougneity are guilty under Section No. l * . " e\f the code , of neeeptlng bribes. Tbo report xvas accepted nnd tiled. Councilman Johnson illed sworn charges against Councilman Dougherty , charging him with fraudulently , unlawfully , felon iously nnd eoirnntly receiving and accepting from Michael D. Uoehe as a bribe , n certain bank cheek for WOO on the Commercial National bank of Omaha , with intent to have him act as a councilman with pai Utility in the passage of ordinance No. ' ! JO , knoxvn as the Hock Island ordinance. Second , that on July 8 , Councilman Dough- el fraudulently , un lawfully nnd corruptly solicited und proposed to receive from Michael U. lOhofflOOh In money as n brlbo in the Kock Island railroad oidlnaiu-o. Third , that on Juno 80 James J. Dougherty fraudulently , unlawfully nnd corruptly did solicit W. S. King , the city euglneer , to manipulate the sen or contract so that they could nuke money out of it. Fointh , that about Juno 2 ! ) .lames J. Dougherty fra/.lu- . lently , unl.ixvfuUynndporniptly did propose to John II. Durko to make some money out of n certain sewer contract and demanded $100 bforo entering Into u contract. " Similar charges to the first txvo in the complaint against Councll- niiu Dougherty were llled against Council man Patrick Hoxvloy. The tlmrgcs were llled and thu hearing set for Wednesday oven ing. On motion of Councilman Johnston thu council xvlll meet Tuesday evening to Investi gate the charges of boodle made against counailmeu lit iho matter of the leu company claim. I FROM THE STATE CAPITAL , Young Forger's Brilliant ( forcer Out Bboit by Arrest. " * IE BETRAYS A FRIEND'S CONFIDENCE , Moiillilj llrport of tlio Slnto I'ciiltcn * tliu-y lilnunln Still In linrkiirss 'UotilioUVlill ( ! Clly .News LINCOIV , Neb. , August , 4. [ Special to THE KP.1 I'1. C. Ilrobst is an unprincipled dude , vho , though of respectable ) parents nnd line duration , has piostltuted Ids talents and Is loomed for the penitentiary. Ills homo is at Instliigs nnd about tlirco xvccks ago ho caino o Lincoln and stopped at the Tremont hotel. Vmong his ncqmiintnnccs hcto x\-as n cleric in Jenkln's ten , stote , nnd ho asked this fiiend o Idcntify.hlm ut ono of the banks so that ho could get u draft cashed calling for 3120 on hoVeyl mil state bank of Kansas. The rleml identified htm , ne\-er dreaming that Brobst had turned foigcr. The draft xvas u-oscntcd nt the Ameilcan l xchangc bank uid cuslied. By the time the draft md touched Wej-himl , ICiin , and the paper vas found to bo a forgery lliobst eould lot bo found. The matter xxas placed In the minis of Deteetix o Croxvo and the difficult xvoik of tracing the fugitive commemcd. It xx'ns dlscoveied that he first went to Ointiha , xvhcio he mtisquci.ided under tbo name of W. Curtis. wlloviA then tracked to St. Joseph , rroin there It xxas dlscoveied ho mil gone to St. Louis. At the latter place ho listliigulshed himself by running axvay with mother man's xvlfo. fie Hew with his Illicit love to Kansas City. At the town on tlio Ivuw he ran out of money and found it ncccs- saiy to commit another forgery to raise n few hundred dollars. This time ho gave the naino of 1 ? C. Kinsbury. Again ho had to make himself .scarce und diteeted his faeo back to St. Louis , accompanied bj- the faithless female. All this network of trips and donning of aliases xvas carclully untangled by the detectives and Ilrobst xyns ilnallj captured a fen' d.ixs ago at St. Louis and In ought back to Lincoln yestordiiy. Toduj ho xvas arraigned beloie Justice ( Jochnin and was put uniterij.'yx ) bonds to appear for trial later lliobst Is consider- ill ) ! } crestfallen over Ids cnpttno , but does not express a xvoul of regret for the series of ciimes ho h.n committed. In case the authoii- ties heio fail to convict him the Kansas Citj- ofllcors are anxious for a xxliack at him. ouiLc.rii : ) ro A little over txxo months ute Clarion W C. Smitha Kill of sixteen , uctltloncd the county court tint her guardian , Jiibn/ Ciooker , make an accounting of the money he receixed for CCM tain ic.d estate belonging to her that ho Imd sold and the receipt * * for whtuli bad niystx'iiously ells ippeaicd. A few days later Ciooker lilod a report with the couit which the ( jiil claimed was incomplete and iiuor- roct She then llled chnrKcaairabibtCroolicr , claiming that as her guardian hu had been un pleasant to her , that It was disagreeable to moot him , tu transact business xxlth him , and asked for his removal , She also intimated that ho Imd been dishonest in in.inlpnlatlnt ; her pmpeity. In the litigation that fol lowed the Bill's charges xxcto found corivet aud , Tud o Slaxvart was convinced that ? ! 'JUS Ml Hud not been accounted for. The jndK'o then mod the guardian \vho-n it was claimed was lobbinj ? tlio fnl of her piopoity. The yet dirt has bioucht so niuch apiuotnium upon Ciooker that ho is deteimined if pos sible to stem the tide of popular condemna tion nnd today ho appealed tlio case to the district couit. AIT Mils AT run rnNiTnvrunv. Tlio niontly rcpoit from the stat" > K-niten- thry shoxxs the follo\vlii facts and HKUIPS : dumber of convicts received dinlutf the month , 11 ; niiines , Neil , Womniulsdoiff , Sufc- ler. Wilson , Enrle , Drawn , lioberts , 'U'un- dcll , Isdalo , Peterson , number of convicts in pilson July 1 , UsJ : number whoso term ex pired ( luring July , 'JO ; number pardoned during July , ! i ; number role iscd on commuta tion dniiii July , ; number remaining in pilson July ill , yjl ) . Theiepoit of the prison phjsiclnu shows that the irtontcst number icpoited sick any day was 'il ) , but 2.1vero ordered to woik that clay , as their indisposi tion was cither .slight or was shammed. Threoof the remaining 7 wore injured \\hllo at woik. The lowest number sopoited sick nny day during the mouth was VI and S of these were ordcied toh | ) to xxorlc. Two of the remaining I were hurt while atork. . During tlio month the following convicts hud to bo put in the solitmy as a punishment : Summer. } , for refusing to work and being in solent to his keeper and foreman. I'our days bionglit him to time. Ciawfoul and UIcK- ford , for making disturbance in cell house , two days of din'MiCas c.ich ; Allen , for Inso lencc to Ills keener , three days in the soli tary ; Welcome , lor refusing to xxork. tx\-o d i.vs. The commutation of Frank II. White expired August 1. LINCOLN STlll , DAltKS'KS" . Nothing could bo moro ox-asperating than the duikness tliat pervades tlio streets of Lincoln after nitht on account of the spas modic-action ot tlio ( ouncll to ovcicoino an ovenla | ) caused by its unbusinesslike meth ods. On cloudy evenings , llko hist night , it U afosoluttlv dunirerons font pei-non up toxvn after i1 o'clock in the evening to KO home on account of thu numerous embankments caused guiding and the raised and depiessecl pliu-cij In tlio bldoxx-nlks. In addition to this , midnl'jht ' tldevurips and burglaries are be ginning to multiply nnd this class ba oxery ad vantage of their victiu.s oit account of the 1'gyptlan dm linens pervades the city. At the meseut mto thru will bo moio than tivico as much stolen under cover of d.nkness as would pay for the lighting of the stieotsdur ing the month. Tills moining the gas inspector specter said that the lamps in the business portion of tlio city will bo lighted after this evening , but the tiUO sticct lamps in the vari ous pai t-s of the city will not all bo used until the Jlrst week of no\t month. itoimii > WIIII.Bsircr. . Some thief stole into Otto Michael's room at 113J 1 street after midnight last night am took $10 fiom one of Otto's pocKots. The garment was hanging at iho bead of the bed. but when Otto arose this morning ho found It lying on the floor and his pocket book near the door , lilicd of its contents Neither Michael or any other member of the house heard any nolso during the night. The thief's entrance was effected through an open window. llVlllimr WILL IMIOIUIII.T IlKCOVEIt. John Kabshnw , the niun so inysteiiouslx shot through the lungs tome , time HiturJ.iy , is still alive and the phj sici ins believe thai ho may recover. He is still reticent concern ing the cause of the shot that brought him so near to death's door. Today it was learnci that bo bud been boarding with Mis. Clark at * * > ' University avenue. On being called on I Iis. Clnrlt said that bo bad been board Ing with her only n day and a half. She know nothing further concerning him oieopl that thieo ycau ago she Hist mot him and at that time ho was papering the depot hotel Siiieo that time she ) Imd not seen him untl ho applied at her plaoa lor board a few days ago , KuMmu- speaks of having como 'to town to sco a woman named Mrs. Morgan , at Twentieth and U. Ho is about thir'y-Jive years old , 1IOTII WAST THE NINITUCN TIIOL'SAXn , \V. J. MeUillln nnd the Kit iCarter cattle company have n difference between them of HP.UOO which both parties claim. McCilllln says In the suit he brought against the com piny today that ho bought at a receiver's sale a big Job lot of horses and cattle belong ing to the Ilnrlcm cattle company on a Judg ment obtained by the Kit Carter company When MeUillln attempted to sell Nl.xty-tlve head of horses at a public salotho Kit Carter company attached them , claiming that tlu stock belonged to K , M. McCilllln Instead ol W. .1. The sale was allow ( U to proceed , how ever , and W. J. M ( Olllln placed the fclU.OOO received for the liors > cs into tlio bank , pei agreement , until the matter should bo bottled Ho now presents his claims to the eouit , nslt ing that thnt sum of money be tinned over to him , as it is rightfully his. Tin : MOOI.KXMIU.S. The entcrpilslntr owners of the woolen mills , who lo-.tTOOW in the flames last Satur day , uro not discouraged over their mlsfor tune , but huvo determined to rebuild the csUibllshment nnd are already engaged h drawing up plans for the sumo. This will bo good news to the m , plo of Lincoln , vbo feared tliftt one of IN best Industries had been nnnlhllntcd. JOHV n it urn's iirMilv. The body of John U Clnilt , Lincoln's cnii- | tallst , who died so suddenly Snturdiy even ing with heait disease , will bo buried tomor row at Wyukii remotny. The funeral cxnr- clses will lie hold at : i p. m , at the First Pies- bjterlan rhiirch It will probably bo the largest attended funeral held In this city for jeirs. The father , mother and other rela tives of the deceased wilt bo present. The death of Mr. Clark lm caused uni versal icgrct nnd resolutions of respect hive been pissed by the fallowing , ; spcietical'lrst Christian church , First 'icsbytcrlan ' I'huich. Y M. C. A , , Lincoln branch 'Irish National league and the IlnnkOnt1 association. bTlTB lldtsi : NOTi : ' " , Theftranlte State 1'rovldent association of New llamp-shlro accepts the provisions of the stiito laws of NcbrasKn enabling coiporatlons o become domestic cornoiations , and have lied nitlelwof Incoiporallon with thosccie- ary of state. . John Ulbiou nnd Aiuhew Albright , both 'clous from Cherry county , weie brought to ho penitentiary this morning to s.ervo sentences for cilmes committed. M A\ NOT vines. The follow Ing notarial appointments were natio louny uj uo\ernor U'liuyei" cnnnes Stut7iicr , Chnlio ; if 1C. Pailsh , Do Witt ; tobeit U , llmilln , Whlttier ; William J. Wunzcl , Lincoln , ICilwin S. Itood , Omaha ; i'ledcilck W. While , Omilia ; Klmer ! 2 Thomas , Omaha ; 1'red K Hood. South Omaha ; A II. Hint , Omaha , ; N. II Tun- nlclltr , Omaliii ; Uriah Brtinor.Vest \ Point ; losopb E. Douglas. Weeping Water ; "W II. Mentor , Clear Spiinga. OI'KICini MOIMtls lrJY I IIUOI ) . I'lio Cliargps or ( Yiiclly Sus-nlned by the Comnihsloii. Neatly two hours of the time of the Uro and police commission were consumed last night by heating testimony in the ease Of Oftlecr Morilsscy , who so brutally abused Mrs. Ilasfoidon the last day of last month. ' Commissioners Smith and Bennett weto reunited absent on a two Weeks' vacation. Moulssoj was present together with an nt- torney who conducted his case. Christian lianscn testlllcd that ho heard Iho bet earns ot Mrs Hasford , nnd went ovrr to Seventeenth street to sec what the tioublo was. Ho tcstilled that Monhsey was unwarrantedly cruel In hand ling the woman , who at that time was in a vcij delicate condition. The woman , ho bald , IMIS compelled to walk six olocks. At one time ho heard Monlssoy say , "Ifou , don't keep still 1 wilt put chains on \ou. " Ho said , also , that when the woman had finally been htmled to the box that she asked a boy near b > whom she knew to go and tell hci brothoi In-law that she had been arrested , and that Ofllcer Morrisboy had driven the 003 awny Ir\In Green was tlio boy in question , and testified to the same facts , and sw < uo fmtlior that the oillcer bad Kicked the woman. Commissioner Gilbert asked the boy how many policemen were gathered around the patiol box when the woman was taken there. "Uhree , " said the boy. ' G'ood , strong policemen ? " suggested the mentor of tlio board "Well , I don't know about the men's strength. I didn't trj it , " retorted tbo joung witness. Mis. Ilasjford.on bpingcallcdacknowlcaged that her husband wasdinnit , and that , she was taking him homo when they met Morris- sey. A light ciibucd between her husband and Moirissoj , ntulblici took part , hammer ing Morrissey over the head with a pail She told how , as has been published in tbo papeis , Moriissoy enfuo out hisynul and was accosted with the , "Got n head on > oti last night , didn't you , .lohn ? " from the husband. Monlsboy lespondcd by saying bo would got him. Her husbanil went down the alloy , , and soon after bho heaul a shot nnd her husband catno in swear ing that ho was shot Who went out to tell his boss that ho couldn't work that day , when she was arrested by Morrissey , who called her vile names and told her to hide her shame , and abused her. Hasfoul tcstltlcd that two shots were fired , nnd ono went thiough his hat. Ho also claimed that ho knocked thoofllccr down in the mcvnlnir. Cuiules Ogburn tostlllcd that his little daughter came running homo in tbo evening , saying that a man had been shooting in the alloy. She saw Moirissoy tlio next day and said that was the "cra/y man. " Ho tes tified that Moiu'ssuy shot ono shot aoovo Hnsford's head , and told of the abuse of Mrs. Hasford. Tiireo or four other witnesses testitled to the same facts. The uttoiney for Ofllccr Morrissey , in opening , stated , in the lint place , tint his client wished to state that ho had withdrawn his charges against Mr. Kinney , aim then put Morrissey on the stand. The latter tcstilied a-s follows : "On the evening of the 30th , about 8:30,1 : was going down to get bhavcd , I met tbo IlnsforUs. The follow said : 'Theio is that . That's the last I knew until I staggoiod out in the stroH. I flrcd flvo shots out in the air. I wont to No. 0 engine house and asked the captain to call up tbo patiol wagon , .is I did not wish to go homo covered with blood , as my wife was ill , " Ho piodueed a ecrtilicate showing that bo had been under the doctor'b care , owing to wounds iecei\ed at the time of the fight. Ho refuted all the statements made charging him with using force with the woman and in dulging In ptofnnlty. Olllcor Fiddes U'stliied that Morrisboy had not abused tbo woman. Ho said thnt she had refused to go with Moirissoy , but consented to go with him. William Mulhalo presented his charge of assault against OfllcerS. P. Drummy accord ing to tcgulations , nnd it went over until next meeting. Chief Gnlligan asked and was given fifteen dnjs leave of absence to attend the national convention of Hie chiefs nt Detroit on August 1 ! ) The reports of the chiefs of tHe flro and police derailments In legaid to absence on accountof sickness weie read and placed on tile. tile.Fireman Fireman Vandeiford was grunted ten dajs' leave of absence. Jailer Pat Hovcy was givca ten days leave without- pay nnd flvo with. He will go to Connecticut. The appointment by the mayor of Thomas Harrington and Oustav Hold as special po licemen at the city dump was confirmed. Penults to bell liquor as druggists were granted to Swanson & Hoist , tAJJ Cumlng street , aim Stlckney & Brinstcad , 1811 South Twentieth street. The boaid gnvo permission to lames Stover to inoyii bis saloon f loin 412 South Thirteenth street two ( tool's south. Little & MuTugua iniy move their liquor house fiom iJO ! Soutli Fifteenth street to 1300 Furnum street. A man had his buggy smashed In an alloy byahosocuit nnd wanted damages , The boaid refused to allow It. In executive session Moirissoy was dis missed from the foico nnd Cullen rcpii- mandcd , DlMrlct t oiu-t. H. II Howard & Co , are butchers occupy ing one of the store rpoms of Goodrich ball on Saunders street , belonging to Goodilch ledge I.O.OP.and the fiimbnshronghtsult in tlio district court ngalnst the hall associ ation to have a certltlpato of .stock which the Hi m holds declared a" legal Indebtedness ngalnst the association , and dccliut'd an olfbet on the latter's bill for rent. It is claimed that the hull association brought a suit against the linn for rent , which was decided In fa\or of the association and nppeilcd to the district oouit , and the plaintiffs usk that the associa tion bo rcwtralned from "bringing a suit each month for rent. Itourd of I'nltllo U'orkH , The board of public works held a bhort meeting yesterday afternoon , nt which the following estimates weio allowed : Final es timate of Ed Cnllahnn for guiding on Seven teenth street , from the B. te M. tracks to the alloy south of Centre street , ( l.OK.OOj ICnlght Ill-others , final estimate grading on Spring htrcot , from rarnam to Vlrst stiect , f I.r T,7 ; Kd Phalen , 11 mil estimate for giadlng bu\en- toonth street , liom Jackson to I.ea veil worth , tllil.r ' ; L. H. Tower & Co. , linal c tlmatoon culveit under Doilge street at .Saddle Cicek , * -l.VI.j.1 ( : ; Mellugh & MiGavock , llnal eitl- mate on bower on Lcavenworth sticet , from Thirty-fifth to Pleasant street , and on bewor in bcfden Hticct , from Lcavenworth to First sticct , fJ.-ilT.OS. or iiiToVTiox. : X VIIHI Aiiioinil or ItuilncHs I'nt Thfiiuuli \ \ ltd n Utmh. The board of education held n busy meet- ng last night The session was consldcr- ibly shelter than Usual , nnd a great deal of Important business was put tluough with n rush. The members picsent were Mcssw , Bali- cock , Smyth , Coryell , Vchrcr , Cobutn , 'olnts , > lorrlsou , Ko , Kelly , Spaldliifc' , Almtlii , I'opplctou nnd Oibbs. Vice" President IteeJ occupied the ebalr nnd ClirnloConnoyer presided nt the secio- tarj's desk in the old familiar st le. The lobby was tilled with applicants for up- > olntmcnt or icappolutmcnt to positions as anltors , Ex-Member Hobl'-on occupied a seat Inside .ho railing , ami ex-Secretary Piper was seated in the pit. The secret uy reported that ho boil received Ive resignations of teachers , iniinoly. Mr. Icnshaw , Mrs. Davidson , Miss ShurtlelT , Miss Illanchard and Miss Ilrlggs. Ten enchei-s have not accepted their npppolnt- ni'iita. Tlio tcsiirniitioiis wcio nccentcd. The superintendent of buildings reported a lumber of repairs needed In vat Ions school wildings , involving the expenditure nf over M.lHili. Kefeiied to committee ! on buildings mil property to uxnmimi nnd report. The report of Tu-asuror Kush showed tlm lOlloxvtm ; amounts in the vuiious fumls : Ocnernl fund ? Jil , IM-10 ) Slnltlng 4l U r Site mid building fund H.lKMSl (1 S. Ambler submitted n communication stating that the state supreme court h-ul de cided that the title in the Ambler school site was x'csted in him , nnd isKed the boatd to allow him Inteicst at per cent on tlio value of the ground , * .1OIM , dining the time the DO nil had been In possession , from Kebrumy , Ibss , to August l , isUi ) Hefcrred to judicial- committee. The resignation of Miss Prune M Uripgs of the Central school lias ac cented. ilr.Vohrcr , ehairiinn of the coiinnitteo on lie.itlngand ventilation , picsente-d n repoit recoininending the appointment of Janitors of sex oral ol the school buildings. Mr. Wolirer stated that the jimltois which weio repotted uiion bad not been objeetec' ' to b.\ the other members of the bo ml , Those which had not been icported upon xvero ob jected teen iomoaccount hj members of the board or residents In the vlehutj of the school buildings. Mr. Martin proceeded to some ono by sit } Ing Unit ho , asu memb.'r of thu coinmit- teoon licatlng nnd ventilation , hul ; not been consulted in making up the list of janitors , and thought the commitleo should hax-o si meeting and net upon the seveial applications IIo said that if it xvns Intended tofitiiko off the list ceitain jiiultois xxho had not voted a certain ticket at tbo last election bo would like to know It Mr Coryell explained the situation in tlio same stiiuti us MiVchier. . Mr. Wehicr stated again that those janitors \\holiadbcenrepoited upon had rondcied good scrvhc , nnd no objection hid been raised by nnionoto their ivappointment Mr. Martin insisted that hexxas entitled to u notice of the committee meeting. After considerable moioxianglintr Mr. Mn tin moved that the repoit borofeiied back to tlio committee Mr. Smyth sttpjiottcd the motion In a spir ited speech , In xxiiich he saitl that the chairt' man and oncmemberof mi } eonnnitteo should not bo idloxxed to get Into.i corner und make up a committee icpoit The pimciple should bo established that such action should not bo ullovved. .V general discussion followed , in xxhleh several inciiibtiis of the bonul took put , duiing which it appeared thnt Mr Miutin had received sexornl protests ag'iinst the 10- lipointment of certain Janitots whom ho de- -.ined to name. IIo said migtily thai ho would not surx-oon anj committee if he xyitb not notified of its meetings Tlio motion torofei bac.f to the cominlttco ix as carried , av d the Janitors lu the lobby dispensed. The couimittoo on teachers icnorted a list of sixteen teachers to be assigned todiitv as occasion might icqnlro. The icpoit of tno committee xvas adopted. Mr. Coburn nsKcel permission to present other names for election as teachers. Tliohuirruled that nominations orclor nnd several were made. Sovenil nan'ies iiero piesented which hud been omitted Irom the list because there were numerous objec tions to them. The question of order was raised and the election of teachers xxas declared out of older The high school committee recommended the appointment of l'iof. Lovinston us assist ant of the high tjdiool The report AX as adopted and tlio secretary oideied the ballot of the board for Prof. Lcvinston , Mho was declared elected. The c-ommitteo on claims reported bills ex amined t" the amount of $ i.ill.l ( : > . The report - - port was adopted and the bills ordciod paid Mr Babcock offcied a resolution bised upon the idea contained in the Inter view with Piof. James in Tin : HII : : , to the cllccb that the supeiintendent shall bo nuthori/id , in the interest of economy , to discontinue teaching in rooms ixhoiotboiouiolcbs than tlihty-Jlxo pjpils for the sp.ioo of two \ieeks. Keferred to committee on rides. Mr. Babcoek olTcicd another icsolution xi hieh stirred the bond to the center , and throw everything into confusion. The icso lution proxmed that "It Is the Judgment of this board that the jnnitois of the several wind schools of this city shall not , in justice to themselves , ho nlloxved to spend tiny of their time while in the cmnloimcnt of this board In tij ing to influence votes at a school election for or against any ticket , having in xiexv the election rif members of the boaid ot cducitlon Any jani tor so acting shall bo suspended from further set vice This resolution shall constitute n rule of this board " Before the sound of tbo secretary's voice had died away Mr. Moriison xvas on his feet to nmvo that the resolution bo laid on tbo t'ible. Then followed a scries of amendments to Include ) all the teachers , the supeilntemlent , all tbo employes , otci. All amendments were declared out of order nnd the motion to lay on the table was lost. The icsolution was then referred to the committee on rules A number of bids for suppljing fuel , stationery and other supplies weio oideied lefeired to the proper committees. Mr , Martin called for tbo report of the judiciary coiiin.ltteo on the right of the "old bonnl" to elect teachers , The ropoit was to tbo effect Unit tlio election ol teachers by the board on .luno 23 was legal , and the only means bj' which u teacher would bo remox ud xvas by preferring charges , etc. Tlio report was placed on lllo , The boaid thc'ii proceeded to the election of teachers , with Messrs. Kelly and Gibbb us tollers. The balloting resulted In the election of the following : Ada Annstiong , .lennlo Stitll , Wimilo Knoiilton , KV.I llartlctt , Nolllo Uausei-maim , Hello Humphrey , Mabel Ilyclo , Lulu K. Knight , Mary Ki-ebs , Knto.L Meyer , KosoIJ. Nickel , Job1'arcell ! , Nellie Thomp son , Anna "U'ltitiau , Iicne Byino , Cariio Drown , .Towel McCunc , MinnieSxvartzlandcr , Clara KuiilfT. The boaid then adjourned until Wednesday evening , when It will consider bids for fuel and various other supplies. Mr. Kees nimoiincoil that the cominlttco on supplies would meet tonight to open bids und prepaio Us icpoit. Han Salvador' * * Situation. PAXNM , AugustIt ! Is bellovcd hera that L San Salvador Is now in a very precarious situ ation , Her wholes available ] strength , 20,000 troops , has been thrown Into Guatemala , Flushed xvitli repented success this little uriny is groxvlng smaller with c.ich engugo- incut and Is pushing fotvrard Into thoheartof the enemj's countiy It Ib to bo feared , how ever , that xvben ( luntcmulu and Ilonuuras have moblll/ed their forces they will over whelm this little army , which seems to Imxo already xvawieied beyond the lines of possi ble lett-LiiU 'llien , It Is thought , xvill uo the time for N'lrnminia nn ( I Costa Klen to tnko the Held. liven then , however , unless Mexico comettothoalilof tlio tunallcrstates , thoprob- nblllties ai-o tlmt Guatemala will be inublod to impose her rule upon the cntlie country and substitute u rontiali/ed mlmniy KOXeminent for the iiiopascd fedeial union , Meinxviillo Ouateinala Inn hud to bf-ttlo a serious account xvllh the ITiiltud .States on ac count of the scl/uio by Guatemala of war supplies on boaid the I'aelflo Mall steamer Collnm. legally xblppcd at San Francisco for San Salvador. No intlnuitlon IIIH been given of a stuto of slego having been dccluroil bo- foio the Collma sailed. It h understood hero that Blaluo has taken promjit action in thu matter , Asldo from this episode strong hopes are entortalnod among n largo circle Unit the United Stite > .s will put forth Its bestendcavon to smooth over the quit fir I and stop tboiir ere It goes too far. 0 J/.IM ; ii.ii.i. , National Knifiue. AT lIHOOhU X , Plttsburg 0 004 00 'J ' 0 0 n llrooklvn 5 2 ! i U U t 0 ! i * 1(1 ( Hits Pittsurg II , Biookhn IS. V.rrow PlttslmrKIt ) , Drookljnri Batteries tilbson mid Decker ; Lovctt and Daley. Umi'lit ' ; Powers. AT CI.KX ILIV : , Clovelnnd 0 001 001 2 > exv Vork I o 0 0 0 I 0 'it Hits Cleveland „ ' , New Vorlc . Errors Cleveland : ! , New Ymk .1 Batteries-Smith nnd Ximmer ; Welsh and Umpire McDetmott. Called at the end of the scu'iith inning on account of rain. AT cine too. Chicago 2 0 0 0 0 n Hoston 0 0 0 1 a 0 0 0 * 4 Hits ( IhtiMiiil S. Ilrwtnn l\ ir.imi-u niti. eagoL" . Boston K. ll.ittvrics HuUliltmon ami ICittrldjroj Getzeln and Ueiinett. Unmlio- Lyncli. \T CINC1NNXTI Cincinnati . . . .1 0 U 0 0 4 0 0 0 7 Philadelphia. . , .0 0 0 1 3 0 0 1 1 fi Hits -Cincinnati s , I'hihuiclpbli 10. Kr- rors-Ciiielnnatl T , Philadelphia ! ) . Batteries Unities und HariliiKton ; Smith nnd Clem ents , Umplio McQutild. IMny Ms' lic-tigm * . AT llfl-fAl O. First game litilTiilo 0 0 0 0-S Boston ! ) 0 ( I 2 0 0 0 0 ( ) . ' Hits Iluirnlo II , Hostoun. Kirors-Buf. falo . ' , Doston a Imtteries-Iltiddoek and Mack ; H.ulbuin and Sxxelt. Uinphos-UnfT- noy and Sheridan. Second - BiUTalo 1 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 2 Boston 00 00 1 HO : ) 0 7 Hits Huflaloli , Hoston S. KuorsBuf falo 2 , Hoston 1. Batteries Haddock nnd Mack ; Madden ami Murphx. Uniphes Uafhicy and Sheridan. AI i-i r i sin no. 1'lttsbnig . . .30 J (5 ( 20 2 0 0H Brooklyn . . . . ' , ' 11 Hits -I'lttsbiirgKi , Biookljn IT , Errors- Plttsburg fi , Brooklvn J. Iwtterles-Gal- vlnand rieUUVeiliingnndICtnsloxv. ; . Urn- piivs Jones and Alack. AT ( I I-VI I , XVII. Clo\ eland 0 0 2 0 5 100 0 S Philadelphia. . , . : i ! i 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 rt llits-O'lovelaiul III. I'hilnuVlphla 11. Id- rorsCleveland ; i I'liil , idclphla fi Hatterle- , Uiubber nnd SntelllTo ; nwnington and Hnllmnn , Umplio rerguson and Ilol- bort. AT OIIK VOO. New Vorlc 1 000010000000 0-2 Chicago . . . 1 0 0 1 0 U U 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 i ! Hits Chlc.170 fi. New York (5. ( ICuors- Cliicago a , Now York fi. Imtteiles-lving and Put i ell ; Crane nnd ICxilng. cJinplies Hnjder and I'ieue. SI. Paul n , DCIIXCI- I. DI.NXIU , Col. , August -1--Following Is thosroio of the game pla.ied at Colorado ' Sp'ings j ' ted u } i . Ilenver . 00 12 1 St Paul 1 0 1 0 I J 0 0 * : . runs Denver 2. Sacrifice bits Denxor B. St. Paul. I. Txvo luso hits Curtis. Mm phy Left on bases , Denver ( I , St Paul ! l. Stolen 2 , O'Urien Doable plays \Vhlto to Ueuiolds. llaso on balls Wains 4 Hit by ball-Wilson. Struck out -Mains 1. McN'abb 2. Passed b.ills- Utqunliait , Wilson 1. Time 1 .40 Umpire Ilengio. A Casi of Li M\K" , In , August I. [ Special Telegram to Tin : BII. ] A case of meanness was repelled polled in tbo city council room tonight. A Ciciman inoichant named Miller carted a sick gill away to a neighbors , when the attending phjstclau repotted her ill with diphtheria The neighbor carted her back. Sbo is dying at tills writing in nn old bugcy shed in the icar of the house. The olilcials went to the house to sco about the case , and both Mlllnr and his wife ) denied anj knowledge of herwlicic- nbouts , and then the manlml In looking aiound snxv bomo light shining through the chinks of n shed , and going in through the cow yard found the glil alone and fastened in She stated that they put iuhor food nnd medicine and she had to get up hei self and get them , and jet the dodor icpoits it is a bad ease. Steps will bo taken b > the city to have the sixteenearold patient cnii'd for. The citizens at u furious , Among I lie Missing. Noimi PI.XITI : , Neb , August I. fSpechl Telegram to Tin Bi.r. ] Dennis Hedinoini , an old and icspetted employe of tbo Union Piiclllcat this pliue , left bomo .Inly SO and fcais moentcituincd foi lilt , safety , as an ex tended search 1ms been mule and no trace of him found. Ho is about sixty je.ii-h of ago , live feet nine inches In height , weighs IT'S ' pounds nnd is supposed to Have wandered off while tempor.nily liis.ine. . . - _ < , Steamship Atrivals. At Now York The iidei from Ihcmcn ; the Hci man , from Antwerp. At Southampton The Kms , irom New York forBwincn At Giconock The State of Georgia , from Now York for Glasgow. At Havre The Ln Normandic , from New York. At Li/aid Passed : The Salkhn , for Antwerp. When Unbf wnn itck , wo gnvp her Coatoria , When the WM a Clald , slio crii'il forCastorla , When she became MUs , olio clutig to Castorla , Whva shu had Children , ebo t'avo tlieiu Castorla , ALL , WORK WARRANTED. DH. J. D. JACKSON , Dentil Sur eon All Undsof nnrlc doni ! . Von con MVO onn- iilf on y ) iir iolil iiml Hll voi Hlllm ; bv culling ut loom iM-i.Monlam hliiiU. Council Ululls A HOTEL BARGAIN Hotel Jameson C'niincll HliHK In. , for irnt. I'lirnlBliod : uiil In ( iinl r.iptlrs Host hotel lu the city. Utntialiy lee ill i . Djliuu llrst- Tills Is n biiin'iiln for toino good liololimm. Apply to JAMESON BROS , Props. Coimoll Iluirj . . . . Iowa. F. M. Ellis & Co. , ARCHITECTS And Dullllng Superintendent ! . Knoius 4 > l and -It. lloo lliillil < im , Oniiibii Xol ) . , and UOOIIIH'11 and 'I'l ' tlloi-k Council lllullri. lu. < 'ono4piniluiie-u ) hot lulled BETTER THAN GOLD. nESTOIIKI ) 11KH IIE VLTH. For 85 years 1 inffcnnl from bolls , crjdpcliu and other blood trtectlcns , liking during thnt Umo peat qnantltlcs ofdlHrrcntmc < lldnc wtth cut Riving inu nnjr porccptlblo relief. FrlcncU InduccJ nioto trj B. . 8. Itlmproxcd mo from the f tort , wl nfler tokmn tcxcrnl buttled , ro- tlon-cl my liialthas far * a I eonld liopo for ni ray ngcvhlch l noxv [ cventjf flvo years. Mils. 8. M. I.ticii , Uowllns Orccn , Ky. SLMSCIA COUNCIL BLUFFS. I , i ( ) K " V I nf-oTu IllTrado fur asimd rn I t Icaiii * t illlon No lilt ) . loxUtt'iod InVa laio II ) li Aiihlt ) ilil , dim by KtMituuK Clay , "ijcan old. Applj to Dr. Mac-tai- iniHlorn lionws. V 1 \V. lillucT. ! ! S IVarl tin-tit " \\rAN I' I'll A ( iltl for m'liciat | IIMI O xxorli I tl iiMiiull fittnllx. Tint il.rlit ) pill ) can l CMI1O II | l'l IIIIIIICMlt plnil ) lit L'lHXlMHM , lit I en MCIMC-.IICI | | . ( all nl l.'i Soi tli boxi nth hi Cmnu'll lilillK li ft 01 * August 1. KKM' ' K-IIMIIII lion'o un Onklnii nxc Aliului n linniox uincnls , Aililic a C I , " \\TA.N I'lCD Clonil gill for mneral hoiM woik. Mm A. 1' . llancholt , No , U Tout-Ill nl ted. \ \rANT I'D-Girl foi cencral lumsrxxorli 11 t'onx ( Milont house. Onlj t\\o In fiiiulu Mis ClV. . , ( - , , ! AxeniiolJ , Ju.i I mall iiiHiKi tiinoli ( 'miliiliilnV $ X li i riiiii'iicvaml V. M t" . A HoKi'ls. hiiltabli iiMutnl foi Its leliirn to tlits olllc'iV. ) . 1 Jlunsilihl. 171OUi-Vi ! ; or ItiMit C ! inlun land , will J-1 , Ule-u. leii.Mala St. , Council llliills " \\rilS puy rent w lion x ( HI ran IMIV a lioinnni t tliusiiini ) torins , mill Inc moot voiir dcitl ntiiii } llniuli1 ivo xiMir fiinilly tlio homo olo.U on tliu follmvlni ; ti-i ins : A lioinei HIII 111 JI.IDI .it * 12 pur month A Inniu1 XMiitli 11,1)1 ) at * IH per inontli A home1 XMiitli i'n" ( > nt JJI put1 imnith A IKMIO urn-Ill tl.i K ) .it iU pur nionlli A lioino ivorth Jl.oilul f IS per month Otlui inliod lioniosiin tliosaiim tmius Tin abnvo nionthlv | > ivincnt" ln < * luilo prlnc-lpv1 mid Intorost. Korfnll ii.nlk'iil.iis call on in aililn'Wtlio.ln liKVVolls Co. . ( ill Uroidw.iy , Coaiicll ItlnllM. In. NT The store ron n , No. 18 , frontlni tl it. W ' .litnirs _ " \\rr.l \VKio\cr.iI bo nit If n I mo lorn hn nu T > tlmt XMlll \ Ir.idofi- iniilmru I * .iuu lots InOniiili LorUoiincll 'iliilTs The Jndil j \\oll.s'o ( . Council ItlulK Ii J I ) IIiiMi'Mi ON I'rr * I ! I , Slll'iHIlT Xlco-iroi | ni\Hi.l-s U HASSAN. Oa liler CITIZENS STATE BAM ot o Paid up Cnpitnl . $180OOG Surplus niT-l Profits . . . BO.OOC Liability to Depositors . 33O.OOG Dll K iniKt I A Mlllui I' O ( iliMMin , i : lj I i : II. nl. . I l > . rilinuiison , Charloi j ( llammn. Ti ins.n t linikln , ' bust I ni'ss I. invest ( iipllil .mil siniilns of anj bank -oiitlixxosimn IOXN i. INTEREST ON TiMt DEPOSITS. ST , FRANCIS ACADEMY Boarding nnd Day School , Fifth Ave. and Seventh Street. Cnn bo reached from any of the ilupoti on inotor. Comlncted by tlio SKtors of Chariti 13. V.M. TERMS For boa.'d iiml tuition ptrv brauliKj- all ta7anclies of a lininhc < l ydueti lion for JOUIIH ladies $75 for ne slon a live months , roninnMiulng- first Mmuliij in Si < | ) tom1ioi' and Kobriniry icspecthely. For fmtlior | ) irticulm-.s address SIHTHLl SUPCI1IOR , yt. Francis ) Aciiiioniy , ( 'ouncil UlulTs , loxvn THE J. A. JIURPIB CO. , 1st. Xiiinuo anil . ' 1st ht. Sash , Doors and Blinds Hand and Scroll < < itxln ; . Ko-S.inlng nn < rhiiiln r , - n. In , ' of nil klu U. 1'nu-li Iliackots Klndl u ; wixuHJ Ml ] ) > t loiil dcllxoiol. Oluai i.iwduii bj tint biuul.t ; . All xvoik to bi tlis.1 elnss -lcpliini ) n. OFFICER & PUSEY ANKERS. Corner Mulno nnd Ilrcmdwiiy. COUNCIL BLUFFS , IOWA. ' Di'.ilciisln foirlgn ind donustlo nxoliiuiKo Collections iniulo anil Inlctc'hl paid on tlnii MAXON & BOURGEOIS , Architects and Superintendents , TINE INTERIOR DECORATIONS. HoomSV ) Xloirlam Illoclc , Council llluuV. [ ovn KooniUAON. V l.lfo llnlldln , Uniuliu , Neb. DR. BELLINGER'S Surical Institute - AMD Private Hospital , Cor. IJrotulwny and iiflth Stroot. Couiiull Ululls , la I'or I he treat im-ntuf ulUiirulcii ] und olironli disc is ( " > and dUcMiscs of tlm lili oil. I'rhatudlhci s of the niliury dnd us Hjiilillls , Htrle-tiiKi , ox'htltlH , per inutiirrolio.i * . lo t iniuihonil , scxnul lialiotonti iiml ncakncsstruatcil Hiieccssrnlly. I'liltloiilur attontlnn juld todlsensort nf tli ( liin'i. as Astlniia , ( onsiiiiiiitliiii. llrniiuliltli Cularili , I'.lc. I'm dyils ICiilmiy IHI | | ) SI-H in Dlaliutt's , III iKlil'H DlMi.iM' , Hliiiiini itlniii , I'llca Ciinecr , Vai-liii'nl < i. llydrnct'lu , Dioiwy , TII. MII r. DUuasisnf tlm ( ixitiiiiil Cluli font , -liml | ciirviiliiro nnd iiilill * MP > in > f tlinhiini1' ' ) . \\nliiv\ii \ u ilcpurlmout diixini-d uxulnslvoly t < > Illll I ICHtllM Ct Of I'tlTlllll ( IKl'-IM'S Miilk'liuH'Mtsiciiroi > imi'Kul and frvufium ot > sor\alli > n. ( \n ) < " .p inilt'iico ronlldi'iitlul Aililrusii DR. BELLINGEH'S ' Surgical lihtitutc an : ! I'rlvdtc ' Hospital , Cur llroiiilnuj uiiililtti l , Council DlulTa , la. C. A. BEEBE & COMPANY , - \\liolis.ilo \ \ and He-tall DcaliirHln FURNITURE. I.iirxcHt Stock und Low cut 1'rlces. Deult-rH , hond forOittalogno , NOB. 205 uud U07 Uroadxvuy , und 201 und 200 Plorco Street , Council BlulTa , J