IHETyPOS OF THE MTION , A Danger in Connection with the lablio Printing Office , ' PRINTERS NOT SWORN TO FEALTY , Hotv tlic GoTcrntncnt ll ht He 13m liarniSHcd by a Stillco at n Crit ical I'crlod Ilio licitrlnjr Sea Controversy. "WtMitMJTON , Atijust 2. ( Special to Tim Ilnr.1 An Important feature undoubtedly the most Important ol nll-of the recent threatened strlkn of tlia composltorant tha Kovcrniiicnl pritr inif o.lleo appears to have C3enp < vl niibKcuttuniloti , nnd If COORVOM does not take iomocognlani.0 ' of It thcro may boa longtlivy of regret , sometime. A strike ) of llio employes In any branch of the government or n threatened itrilto Is a menaceto federal interests anil unquestion ably disloyalty , A strike nt the government printing odlco during u threatened war , would , as jmicli M almost anything else , tend to prcolpltnto the government Into ro- belllon , m nil Of tlio government printing Is under wtlrol of tbo public printer , whether conduct'il ' In the ono government printing ofllco or any of thovnriSus structures where executive departments are locutcd. Unfortunately the compositors , pressmen , nnd bookbinders and other employes at the government , printing ofllco , nro not required to take llio oath of allegl.mco when entering upon 11 ignition. Therefore In luff and moral teclitinllty it I ? not disloyal to menace or bar- rasi the Interests of tlio government In tbo public vi'lntlng ofllco. If an ofllcer orii man % In the army of navy , vrhovas iwlgncd to do 'printlnc ; should combine to bilng- about a strike ho would bo immediately court-mar- tlulotl and become a subject to the severest penalties for disloyalty and mutiny , llo- cuuw U'O pressmen at the government print- inRonicosomo tltnougo concluded that they woulel or/iuiUo under the lutlonil orgunira- tlon u local pressmen's union , to bo con- ducU'el exclusively by men who run presses upon I'm ' same principles und all the 1 general rules which govern tbo or ganization controlled by compositors , tlio hitler flew Into arms , nnd while they did iipt exactly doinaml tlio removal of the press man who wished to organize a union , under pain of a strlko , they broadly Intimated to I\lr. Palmer , the public printer , that there would bo trouble if bo did not either dls- elmrguthnninr compel tlirm to ngalu take out canl-i under tlio 1 nternationnl'rypoKraplil- cal union. They distinctly told Mr. I'ulinor that tliiw men ought to bo discharged , nml forthwith the compositors summoned to Washington the head"olllccr of tholiitcmii- tionnl Typographical union , nnd vent Into secret session fe > r the purpose of formulating a plan to compel the public printer to whip tlio pressmen iiitolinol In the organization of n pressmen's union the pressmen diel not jiropohoto work longer hours nt lower wages , totiikuinorothiin the maximum number of Jipprentii-os , or infringe upon any rules of the Intorintional Typographical union ; they Hlmply wanted representation iti national convention ! ) by their own representative's , men who know their business antl looked out for their interests , llcsiiles this there are nbout twenty pressmen's unions organised iilrciuly in dtlos where them uro strong typo graphical unions , and no fiiiMiiinded mull can dispute the right of the pressmen to have n local orgnnl/ntlor. of their own. The only objection made to the organization of a prcss- incn's uniejii by the members niul ofllcers of the ItiU-rnntlonal Typographical union was thut such an organization would decimate the Tmiks of the latter and decrease thereforotho luwurof the local International Typographi cal union. For tno purposeof averting what tlucat- encel to ho serious trouhlo , the public printer rceincstcd the pressmen to abandon the union nnd to again take cards in the typographical union , which tlioy did out of respect to that oftcor. ] What Injury to. the government's Interest * might have resulteel from a strlko no ono knows. Congress Is in session , and there Is an enormous aineiuut cf printing Jono every day , What Injury -8triUo of this character coulel bring ujioii tlio government in thu event of an Impending International controversy or a threatened war no ono can fortell. One thingIs sure , however ; there are foremen In tbo yovernmontprintlngonico who nro a menace to tlio liest interests of tjio Kovernniont , and whondvked n strike against iko government recently on nccount of the orgaiiUatlon of the pressmen's union , and who would not hesitate atthe inostcniouiTn-i- sing nnd i-rillcal period to advise and engage In a strike , without any regard whatever to tbo Interests of the government. The serious aspect of this whole business lies If the fact that the system of employment of moro than twenty-live hundred men imd women ut the povcrntnent printing olllco makes It easy for that largo army of employes to menace federal Interests nnd upon the slightest pretext or whim to bring- about Irre . parable damage , Beyond any question of doubt nil of theio men and women should bo required to take the oath of allegiance when they entorlho employ of llio govornmc-ntiind , the fact that they arc loyal American citizens should alone bonsufllcientstandard , together with the iipparcn'i , fnot that they nro capable of performing the duties to ho assigned to thorn , for their employment The govern ment sots the example In lixlng rates of wages and hours of lubornnd , they nvo larger imj shorter thitn those llxcd by private par ties , iinel Umust ho apparent to any ono why ' It is Improper for any organization to dictate the detuilsof the government work , if cong ress duos not take this ni.ittcr 111 hand nnd forestall thu possibility of such an emergency M was- recently threatened It will over look ono of its greatest elutics. Fealty to country and patriotism should come before that to trnilo or ether organizations , nnd those who enter upon the service of the government should bo corapellcel tosubscribo to thU dot-trino , It Is dangerous to permit persona to remain lu the employment of the government who would strlko at its best in terests ucforo they would abandon their loy alty to secret olhor organizations. In "Foreign Itolatbiis , " ISSS , part -2najo { 1.85-t , is reproduced u letter from United States Minister Lolhrop to Secretary IJuv- ard under Unto of St. Petersburg , Hussla , Decembers , 18ST , which contains an import- aut Intimation lu connection witti tbo impending pending- negotiations respecting our seal ilsh- ery Interests. Minister Lothrop la his letter says this , along with similar language , upon the same subject : "lli'hrlni } sea partakes largely of the char acter of nn enclosed seas two great nations own and control all Its liifjoslng shores. It posswsos n peculiar llsliery , which , with ref erence to its preservation , onn only bo legit imately piireuod on Und , uudovon them only under strict reputations. To allow its mi- - . restrained pursuit In thu open waters of tlio sen is not only to doom itto annihilation , but hy necessary consequence , to elcstroy all its coast Inhabitants. If tliU result is conceded It follows that the doctrine of common rights can have nn application to sucli a case. I have thought it might not bo uninteresting to Klvo thU as a view which has found expression hero , nnd , If found neces sary , I think it not iinprolmblo that Kusslu would feel that she was driven to net oa it , " Tbo significance of this language lies In tlio last chuiso of the last sentence : "If found necessary , I think It not Improbable that Uuasln would fful that she was driven to net on It. " This means that , Uussla regtmU Bolirlng sen , In the Alaskan Islnnds , as tlio private roadway nnd property of Hussla and the United States , ami that If nuy other na tion , estnvlally roferriiifc' to the llrltlsh KOV- ciiimout , considers It o publio highway and public property , Kussla woxild fed obliged to defi'iKl her rights und take up arms to force , If necessary , the closing of that hlRhwny. ThU Is undoubtedly thostrunijestpossiblo in- tlmatloii that If the United States ut any tlina wishes to ili-ivo out the piratical ItrltUh &eid- crs front the seas In und about Alaska she will bo supported to the very breech l > y Uus- Bla. Bla.In In another plnco Minister Lothrop said In his letter to Seerotnry Day unit "Tlio earnestness felt hero In the matter Is plainly iiultcntcd by the language of the note , which sjicaks of uiirostrulncd seal hunting- n thing'which not only threatens the well. boliif , but oven thooxlstencoof tbo i > ooplo of theoxtremo northeast coast. " Itcuu bo seen by the above language that Russia rcRuriU the scaling Interests of her own country ani the United Stale * in the Alaskan waters M a sacreJ matter , neeomry tothowoU-belnsandexlstcncoof the people oft the cxtrcmo northeast coast , and that the notions : of JlrltHh aonlers durlnzthopastfour years are creating Indlirnntlon throughout the realms of the czar. It has been broadly Inti mated by domocrntio nowspatwrs during the recent talk over the publication of the seal iWierycorrospondenco that the united States reallr have 110 rights bcvondthotlmlt ofthe three miles from the shore Iliioi. nml that thenj Is such a thing nsa publld highway between the Inml3 In Alaska. Minister Ix > - throp , after conference wlti tbo-Iiusslnn nuthorltlos ( at St. I'otersrmri ? , states In hU letter that the Husslau government does not look at the question M the American pes simists do , Ilesad on this point : "Tho i seal fishery on our llatirlnff coast Is the only rowurco our people thcni have ; It furnishes tlioni nil the necessaries of life : without it they polish. Noxv , International law conceded to every people exclusive Juris- dlctldn over aono alon Its coasts sufficient for : its protection ; mul the doctrlno of tlio equal rights of nil nations on the high seas rests on tlio idea that it Is inconsistent with the common welfare nnd not destructive of any essential rights of the inhabitants ot the neighboring coasts. Such common rights , under public law. rest on general consent , and It would lo absurd to afllrtu that such consent had "neon given , where its necessary result would bo the nhidluto destruction of ono or moro of the parties , Itenco the rule cannot bo applied blindly to auunforsecn case , and these alleged common rights must bo limited to cases where they may bo oxer- cUe < l consistently with \velfaroof all. " Tlio moro the .American people look into the position taken by Secretary IJluIno the stronger will hcconio their ndhcrencoto liis doctrine mid the firmer nnd more ciithuslastlo will beconio their endorsement of vlmt ho has proposed. Secretary lllnlnovants to bring about nn amicable adjustment , of the differences between the United B tales and Great Britnin respecting the seal fisheries ; but ho would rather light than to throw down all our claims to property Interests which wo have in Alnslca. In connection with thlsstr.tcmcnt it will bo Interesting to learn a little unpublished his tory respecting the ncojremcnt of Alaska by the United States. It was sorno years after thodosoof our civil \var when the United States purchased Alaska of llussla. I just learned the ether day that when the pur chase money wis paid over the United Stales government made an overdraft of i00 ! , < M ) for an Horn which was never explained to the public. These who were old enough to keep track of the movements of tbo troops on both sides very distinctly recall the fact that at a criti cal moment , -when , Ureat Britain threatened to Interpose her Influence in behalf of the confederate states on tiio pround that the federalists were blocking ilrltish commerce by rcfuslnc to permit the con fedora to states to export cotton to Great Britain , that Alexander II. , the great philanthropic c/.ar of Russia , who was assassinated in ISSII. Imme diately dispatched his most formidable men- of-war to thonssistanco of the federal gov- ornmciitimtl placed them in the vicinity of Ilumptonlioaus , "V'n , Those monster battle ships cruised around like nngcU of r > caco the HritWi withdrew their until men-of-war nndnntioimccil that they did not in tend any Intorforenee. It cost the Kusslan povcrn- inent about f00OOU to send those ships to our assistance. After the war was over and wo begun to realize the service which the Russian government had been to us , the ad ministration very much desired to repay Russia , for her outlay. In coming to our relief , but our intentions could not bo inndo public , because they would offend the British government , an announcement that wo intended to repay Kiissia fer her outlay iu Rending men-of-war to our relief would emphasize the friendli ness existing between the governments of Russia and tlio United States. However , when Alaska was purchased it became an easy matter to overpay to the extent to which the Russian government had been coming to our assistance. In acknowledgment of the friendsblp shown by Hussin and tbo prompt manner In which It was done , Kussia bus con tinued to Rrow stronger In her friendly rela tions until today she vould undoubtedly cotnotoour relief in the event of war with any nation with -which the empireof the czar is not in some way associated. It tins always been a kind of open secret that the United States wns largely In fluonced in tlio purchase of Alaska by u deslro to help Russia out of distressed liancinal condition. X'citiit S. Iln.Yiii. Mrs. Wlnslow'ssoothlngsyrupfof clilldrcn teething softens the gums and ullayaall i.uln. Ii5 cents a boltlo. Dr. SussdorfC makes a specialty o dis cuses peculiar to women. 1501 Farnutnst. IIAVI2 (1U1K\TANDES. Conductors Insist. Hint They Shall lie Kespeotcd. Thirty-liveor ) forty brotherhood conductors of the Union Paeilio held a big meeting Sunday afternoon at their loJgo room on Douglas street. They discussed grievances which they thin k need adjustment. Several members of the order wore also present from ether roads though they took 110 part In the proceedings , Among other things It was decided not to call Chief Conductor Clark hero until the local committee had fully demonstrated that it was not capable of bringing1 about a satisfactory - factory settlement. " .The fact Is , " said a member of the order , "wo have only ono diftl- culty loft aialnst which to make serious complaint. When Vice President llolcoinb stipulates [ strongly In n sot of rules that runs of 10J miles and over shall bo made in the tlia chain gang that is , Jirst in , llrst out wo think these oniciuls ought to bo compelled to livouptolt. Our kick comes on trains 111 and US , fast freight , andvo have been accusing Trainmaster IToloy of working the favoritism act on us. At llrst ho assumed all responsibility , but lias since dropped n fo w pegs , and now says the matter Is controlled by higher authority. So far as the boys are concerned , 1 don't think the iwys rare verv much about it , fur ther than this : Should any of tnem violate a sitiRlo nile tiioy would be .discharged very quickly. Via simply w.mt thoolllcials to act fair with us. " Jlmkcnicn Itavo Griovniiic ) < t. The grievance eommitt co of the Union Pa clllo brakoinenvlll meat In Denver this weeK to consider and adjust , if possible , trouble ) on tbo Oregon short line , \Vlmttho complaints nro could not bo lo.irnnd , though thuy have reference to the running tlnio an.l pay for extra hours. The chief of the bralccmen's bwtbeihooJ will bo thorn Ills unduiMtood that during their session they propose also to consider the proposition of federation with the conductors , engineers audswltchmeu. PiiHhliig tt o U'ork. The Union Paclllc Is pushing the work on its Salt Lnko & Southern line at a rapid rato. U'ho grading has already been completed a distance of 10U miles from Milfordand largo men nnd teams ore strung along the baluiiro of the route to Plocho. Track laying will boconimeiicod atMilforel this week. The company says it Is short of nion and would like to have 500 more. \Vllli It.lln. Geaeml Agent Phlllippl , received a dls- dispatch ycstenlay morning Informing him that the Missouri PaciHe's'territory from Atchlson mfar as ICerwinas well ns along the boundary line between' Nebraska ana ICan- " sas was" blessed Sunday night with a heavy and timely rain. A Series of Concerts , The Union Pacific company hasurrangoi with Slgiior Campobello , to cotnmenco a series of line concerts at Garileld beach , nexl Ved nesduy evening. 11U proposed to have two eoncerts every week during ; the balance ) of the season nnd some of the very best tal < cut to bo had has been engaged. Notes anil I'rr.soimls , Tbo Great Northern , P. P. Shelby's road , has let contracts for the construction o ; seventy-seventy miles of now line from Sent tlotou junction with the Northern < Xc Fair bowcn. H. 11 , Koosor , travelliiRfi-elshtngentof the Missouri Pacific , left Sunday forSommer sett , Pa. , mid will bring a bride back with htm. . E. A. Cooper , passenger agent of the B. M. at Denver , Is In the city. General .Manager Holdivpo of the B. Si M. vent west yesterday moralni ; , IMntt'a Cliloritles as u Disinfectant for tlio sick room is Invaluable. IS COUNCIL * . The State Central Committee of llio I'nrty TVlcotsToOay. The republican stata central oommlttoo will tncot at the Mlllnrd nt 10 o'clock this tnornlu ? . It consists of the following ! lion. John C. Watson , chairman , Nobr.nka City ; Io\vl Herbert , Scotia ; J.T. Mallalleu , Kearney ; J , O. llurcn.Vymoroj 13. A. (111- ( bert , Yorki T. U. Calllhni , 1'MendjV. . II. Necdham , Coleridgol L , 1J. Gary , Sidney ; M. . H.Slzcr , John E. Haas , Lincoln ; .A. J. Wright , Tecumseh ; \V. A. IWworth , Has- tlnps : George L , Day , Superior ! II. C. UIH- sell , Schuyler county ; OrliiiidnTotTt , A vv .1. A. I'ipcr , HlooimnKtonV. ; . It , MOHO , Clarksi C.I ) . JIarr , Fremont ; J. H. U'llhlte , Falls City i M. 11. Matloy. Long Pine : L , . T. Shanncr , O'Neill : J. U Trobcr , Klwoodi A. Jj. Evans , Duvld Cltyt G. U Carpenter , Kilruury ; II. H. llirtllnir , Nobraikii City ; J. L. Chain , St , I'uul ; S. Skinner , I'cltanuh ' ; Jacob Horn , liroken IJow ; I ) , A. Scovllle , Aurora ; 1' . J. Hall , Memphis ; W. li\ llcchcl , AVIlllnm Cobtirn. John il , Butler , Omalu ; Jamejs Ilrittcn , Wiiyno county. Hon. .rohn C.Vatwn , chairman , nml two or three other members of the committeev arrived In the city last nltrlit. Itwii * nicery ( allied that the puriMse of the meeting Is to elect a secretary , treasurer and executive committee , and to plan for the coining cam paign. Aslilo from the election of officers , the meet- lug- will bo somewhat on llio private order. " I'U HOSTON . Open to ISvcryliody. On August 6 to 10 inclusive , tlio Chicago cage , Mlnvnukeo & SI , Paul rullv foil round ti'lp tickets to lipston , iintl return for $ ! ,75. Gootl lo return until Soptotnbor SO. The cheapest ex cursion of the year , Don't fail to lake it in. Mir further infoi-mution apply tvt Union ticket otlico 1601 L'nrmim stroot. J. 13. I'HIBTO.V , P. A. Js'ASII , 1'nss. ' Agl. Gen. Agt. Mnriiiiu ! ! Iiiucnses. Judge Shields issued the following mar- rlngolicenses yesterday : Naino and address. Ago ( John H , Black , Omaha 2'i 1 Annie Toft , llluir 'JO jValfredJacohson j , Otiroliu ; .S8 | Airs. Hannu Anderson , Omaha L'O I Henry 1' . Anderson , Omaha 21 I Mary Ilcpplcy , Omalu 18 Dr. SussdorfT treats successfully all diseases of the kidnoya , bladder anil rectum. 1601 Purnain at. HOUTII < ) JItllt XKft'N. Cut Ills l''oot.Vearly ' OIT. A son of A. Uoylsou of Albright stepped on aplccoof ( jlass or tin Sunday nml cut a piislinciws tlio instep of the rl ht foot. Be- bi'osiii'Kk'ul aid arrived tlio hid nearly blcil u death. . Henry Reese , ngcd forty years , residing in ho Third ward , lather of three motherless hllJren , died nt 7:30 : o'clock yesterday norning , .John , aged three months , son of Mr , and .Irs. John Kotrca or ISoelcck , died Sun- lay morning and was hurled nt U o'clock yes- erday morning in St. Jlary's cenietory. INIrs. i'lmple , wlfu of G. A. Fiinplo , died at " o'clock Sunday morning and was buried in iatirc'1 Hill cemetery at U o'clock yesterday norning. Injured at llio I Ionic. Mra. 1'ivonkavlfe \"nclav Pivonka , on icr way homo Sunday troin the 1'latts- nouth jilcinc grounds , to tlioB. &M. depot , vns hadly injured by the carriiiRO breaking town while the driver was raclnp. IMrs. lji- /onkl received n bad cut over the eye and jrulsos on the face. Her ripht arm was so itiilly injured that it was thought to have > ecn broken till a surgeon made au esaiuiiia- ion. ion..A .A number of other occupants -were more or ess Injured In the accident. 1'iissvnircrs wci'o highly Incensed nt the owner of the carriage" line , who refuted to carry the iiijurod pimsciiKCi-s to the depot In one of liln other carriages , although the fares lad been collected. OM neil men. The hearing in the bribery cases against James .T. Dougherty and Patrick Liowley has been fixed by Juiigo King for 10 o'clock this morning. St. 4Kiics I'ienlo. At meetings held in St. Agnes hall Sun day afternoon , further arrangements were made lor the third annual picnlo mid Uvwn party to bo given In Syndicate park Satur day afternoon and evening , August 10. The committee on arrangements reported prizes for contests as follows : Potato race , sack rack , wheelharrow race , boys' race , putting the shot , swinging the hammer , tug of war and the bostlftdy and gentleman dancer. Committees were also appointed to canvass the city and solicit contributions. Ijivo Stock Exchange TMeetlng. The regular monthly meeting of the South Omaha Live Stoclt exchange was held Mon day afternoon with President J , A. Huko in the chair. Messrs. George B. Greene , S. S. Ileaity , A. T. Miller , J. C , Bimey and L. Coltrin were elected inemhers. A written complaint , aliont Irrcfpilnrltlcs in the yards brought out an animated dis cussion , Charges or complaints of delay in handling and unloading stock , anil instances cited where ) stock had been lost under such circumstances as to cast sus picion on employes of the stocl ; yards company , were made. A committee , consisting of Messrs. B. 1" . Savage , \V. 1) . AYiillwork , Andrew OIllospio.David li , Camp bell and Joseph II , Hlnnuhard , was appointed on abuses in tb a yards.ri'his committee will meet at ! o'clock this nftcrnooa torecelvo written complaints and will hold n session dally. The commltto will make a written re port at the next meeting of the eichaniro. 'rlio committee on railroads made n rupcrt and was continued. 1002. Slxtcontti and Farnam alroots la the now Roolc Island ticket olllce. Tick- ets to all points ea t at lowest rntun. Daily Hear is ( Joiic. The little blade boar presented to the City mirk of Portland by Councilman See glns some weolcs iifjo Is no moro , says the Olympla ( Wii&h. ) Tribune. Its career ns a pot and a ward of llio city \vas brief nnel its end was Had very wild. It died and was burioel within the stomach ach of the largo ciimtnon bear. It is the same old story "bigllsh cat little llsh , " only In this instance it was a boar instead of a lish. I'ark Olllcor Meyers hart tlio onb in the bear pit several days , and ns the largo bears scorned to bo pleased -with the In crease of the family , anil nouo of them ventured to lay a paw on it , lie thought Ills ciibshln was perfectly snfo. But ono jnornlnpf the cub was gone. My. Movers looked high and low no bear. Taking- u look at the other boars lie noticed an jilmormal onUrgomcnt on onoslcloof tlio tody of Uio guilty-looking cinna mon. T'lils solved tlio invsterious dipap- pciirnnco. Ltttlo "Polo" ( that was the cub's nnmo ) was eaten for breakfast t , and ns Mr. Meyors examined the floor of the iwn moro closely lie found n few hnnil- fula of hair , all that was loft of Pote. The now offlwa of the tfroat Hock Is- land route , 1002 , Sixteenth nnd Furntun street , Oinnha , are the finest in the city. Call mid eco thorn. Tickets to all points cast at lowest rates Tlio Proper \Vuy to Study KIII-OJM\ Amonfir the ronovutlnpr forces of my latoryoui'sl raust name three seasons of Muropoiin travel and sojourn , each of them when I was in special need of rest and relaxation , writes Prof. A. P. i'ea- liody in the Forum. I returned each tlmo with the fooling that I had thrown oft iv full hulf-scoro of tlio years reck oned ns niluo. I was between fifty nnd sixty years of iijo when I first -wont abroad , nnd I have been glud that I first saw Europe so lute In life. What a. man ffota by forolpn travel cloponds on what ho carries with liltru Ho finds ivnswors only to the questions which1 ho Is pro- pnreil to nak , nna the longer ho lives the more numerous nro the Interroga tions which ho hM In his mind to nut to and concerning tlio places niul objects that : ho visllH. Thwi , too , the power of enjoyment ns to whatever Is grand or beautiful grows , 01' oiiffhl to grow , with ono'a years , and. il lake or mountain , u palneo ' or cathedral , n. piuturo or a stnluo , Is inoi-o , means more , and tolls moro to a man of llf ty tluin to a man of twenty-live. i 0 ; A , is. . Excursion to Boston via the Wubash Lino. Everybody iiivltod to join the Wabash oxcursfon for Hoston , leaving Omaha , August ; 0-7-8-9 and It ) , gives oliolco of routes ! . Kntos nS low as the lowest , lie- dining chnli'iind Pullmim btilTot uloop- ing ears on all trains , All njjontH In the west sell tickets over the Wubaih via St. Louis or Chicago. For tickets , slccpinir-car berthy and folders ( 'lvin routes , limits , tliuo-tiiblcs\vith u correi-t map ol Boston , showing1 locations of de pots , etc. , call nt the Wabash tlekot olllce , 1501i Fariiiini st , , orwrlto ( J. N. CLAYTON' , Northwestern Pass , and Ticket A gout. Through ' coaches JLAilhmn pnluco aleopors , dining curs , free reclining chair curs toOhiciigo and intervening points via the great Hook Island routb. Ticket olllco 1UUU , Sixteenth nnd Farnam. Tj.-ilmr-Savltijj "Oars. " Rather a novel method of Bulling was scon in the htirbor this \veok , says the .Marblehead ( Masf. ) M ( > ss.enger. . A party of boys and girls from tlio Neck raised n huge klto and attached' thb string to the bow ol their boat. The wind was about east , quite strong anil tlio boat vus drawn through the water at ft [ food rate of speed. Whenever the kite dropped from Its clovutioii It wtn made to rise again by dragging an oar , thus causing a backward pressure. On Hearing the opposite shore the Idto wis niado to drop by rowing straight ahead and relieving the tension of the string. The boat would then bo roved kick against the wind and another trip enjoyed. Cures Backache. Backache , _ _ Backache. Jlattl ticz , Oil , , October 2 , ISSS. Tcnulcl hardly wulk or lie down from linno- bnck ; euflcrccl several weeks. KLJncobs oil pcrm.mciuly . cured me , other remedies hav ing tilleillo do so. _ KIIED 11ITTMAN. Clnveni\lo ! , Iml. . Feb. 8 , 1SS7. From n bad rolil pains tdtlodln my hnck and I suOcrcd greatly ; conflucil to bed and could hardly mote or Hint. 1 tried St. Jacobs Oil. whi-'a ; curc'ilme. I do not four recurrence. MRS.1' . M.KE1.N11KIMEK. GRAY'S SPECIFIC MEDICINE . , . / , . < ! . . . < . . . Til E ( I Itr.AT K. IDV. An unfall- 1/iK / euro for Sem inal Wnikncii , Hporiinturrlic/ii. ini | > oU'iicy , nnd nil illsiMiu'i that follow m n do- quonce of Self- atu < u ; nn IXAS ' 1'nln In the Hick. IMimi'.iof Vlilon. I'ronmlliro Old ABO , iiiul ninnf otlipr ctlHo.i * fa that lo.ul to Itidiinlty urvonmim | > tlun nnln iirt'iuntiiroUravo. ly" ! ' ' ! ! ! ! iKirllciilarnlu our ii.imphlet , which wo do- ulro toM'ncl frco liymallto ovcrr ono. CT "Thu8po- dtlc tneillcl licit snMut tl | > or | i.ick.in ? . or nix p.ick- UBC > H forf. " > . orwllllnsont frt'ob ? malloii the receipt o ! the monuy , by luMruashti ; THE GOOD MAN" UUUG CO. , 1110 FA. UNA 31 STHKHT , OMAHA , Nun. On account of rountcrfclta vo liavo ujoptcJUio rcllornrap | > er , tlmoiiI/Euntilno. "THIS ts AN AGE CF APOLLINARIS WATER. " H'ltller Friant. j HIT HEM YOU ORDER APOLLIWARIS BEWARE OF IMITATIONS. TJie weH-howt Yellow JLaliils of the Apollinaris Company , Limited are protected ly Perpetual Injunctions of the Supreme Court. Bnuare ofto tiles bearing the genuine Apottinaris labels but re-fllcd with a spurious article. LOOK AT THE CORK , w/iich , * f genuine , is branded with the name of the Apollinaris Company , Limited , and the words "A around an anchor. Vatt's liver Pills , SURE ANTIDOTE TO MALARIA , c , S2fic. FOR Insect Stings Spra Eyes Eruptfons Sore Fee ) : Soreness Chafini Catai EJriu Spi Bof Cuts i I Piles Female Complaints Mosquito Bites Sunburn j % inflammation REFUSED SUBSTITUTES BE SURE THAT BOTTLE WITH BUFF WRAPPER MASlirACTUBED ONLY OY POND'S EXTHACT COMPANY , . 76 FIFTH AVE-HEAVYOHH. " . " The figure 0 In our ditca will unite a lone 'tny , No man or woman now living will ever data i document without wing tlia figure 9. It ( tancli In the third plaoo In IS/0 , whcn-lt will remain ten years and then move up to socoml place In 1000 , where It will rest for ono hundred yean. There Is nnollicr " 9" which lunnlMocomotostny. It htmllke the HnrcO ( tnour il'ites ' In the respect that It has already moved up lo first place , whore It will permanently rumnln. It U called llio "No. B" lllijh Arm Wlieulcr it Wilson Sowing Machine. Tlio "No. l " wns endorsed for first plnoo by the experts ol riirce | uttho 1'nrls Exposition of 16S9 , wlicrc , ufter nscvurcconti'st with the leading ina' chlues of the world , It was awarded the only Grand I'rizu given to family sewing machines , all others on exhibit having received Imrur nwarSs ot gold medals , etc , The French Government also recognized Its fupor iorlty by tliudccorution of Jlr. NatlunlenVhocltr , rresiduitof. the company wltli the Cross of the Lcylou of Honor. 'fho "No. 0" Is not an old machine Improved uyon , but is AD cnllrely nu\v nmchlno , nml the GrnnJ 1'rlze nt Paris \VILS fwunltxl Has the grand cstadvanco iniuwiueniachhioiiu-cnanisiu of the ago. These \\lio buy It can rest assured , there ( ore , of havine the very Intent aud WHEELER & WILSON M'F'G ' CO. , 185 nml 187 V/abafih Avo. , Chicago P. E. ITIjODMAN & CO. 220 North Sixteenth Stroot. CTETSON'S U A TQ OOFl1 AND STIFF Hrl 1 0. Boyd's Opera House Block. orpiiino imi.ii rrilln loto . OJiri. No piytlllcured.Un.J.EXEPUCNiLebanon,0. I fc * MVD wi 4'vuy UQUA lna , I QICU JJofErroriorEice6sc . fn01iloryoun ? i'iMllh7KL < lKIlllyANa l'AnT(1OHIOIir. ( lliioliitflr un.nir HUSK TllKlTIIkNT-IKtienii lu D d j ! If on Ifttlllj Tntntlt tiUlr and > 0rUneoanlrf : ! . Hrlte them. Dfitrll > tlA llmik , rzpliQKtlooftJKl crotrmllrdiMUd > rrre. utna ERIC MEDICAL CO. , BUFFALO , N , V. * * < 7\w vr/ * * > * wvrwv w v The Famous Cocoa of Europe. The Coming Ono of America. Van Houten's \\asjiftjper \ \ cent more of the flesh-forming elements of cocoa tlian is obtained by the best processes of other manufacturers. 11 BEST & GOES FARTHEST. " Doctors and analysts of tlie highest standing all over the world ' , certify to this immense saving , and by VAN I-Iou- TKN'S special process only can this be attained. C3-VAX Ilotrrra'a COCOA. C'onoo ' tried. tlmju Bd" ) possesses the Bruat mlTanUno of ? I nvlnsno InJurlouiorToctson tlio nonoiu tyatoin. No wonder , therefore , thnt In all p rt J ofihewnrltl , tlila < > trentor'i Cocoa lirccitmntnndol liy tiioillciil nii-iilii tc.-iil fiftpu ? iintl cnlTcenr utlirr COCIMH or cli c < > ; nluB , far dally mo l y clillili-uii i > r udult , 5 liuluiuxl licit , rich und i > or. Aik for VAN HOUIEN'B unAliilxntotfur. M ? irf-fjff ffl When , slovens get1 tidy they polish the bottoms of the pans'-When are'givcrf 'they ' a never tired of cleaning up servants in two neighboring houses But differently their daily labor felt ; Jaded and \veary of her life was one , Always atwork , and yet 'twas never done. The other walked out nightly with her beau , But then she cleaned house witl ALLAN LINEOCEAN STEAMERS it and Irom Great Britain and ad parts ol Europe. Montreal-Liverpool route , by the waters ol SI. Liwronce. shortest ol all. Ulnsrawta llotton , tu I'MM'U'lhhl.v Liverpool to nml from Unltlmot' , Thirty Stonmom. r ln oicclclot. AecomnMlntli > nn niuuriiAMrd. Weekly sailing ! , AU.AIV.V lO.IonVc8t. : . Aft'tfl. C.I. Sundcll , kiuuict. It ! ! I.a Hallo ( St. . Chicago , 11. HEW I YORK. lOHDOHDfRRY AND OLASOnW , IIKVO.VI.V. AUK 9. I AM IHMIIX. AlitV.I I IUCA tSI V. All ; } ttf. | I''rill'H'IA All U XIMV Vorlt , Quoonstuiva anil l.lv.-vpool. ThceVlobrntivl I Au . ! MO. Sept , 9Jlh. CITVOf KO.Mll I OftJ th. SALOON , SECOND-CLASS AND STFERACE rtitr on in ctC tirnm tnatul friMti tlit t rhirhnl SC3ICH. EHEIISH. IRISH A 0 Alt CONTIIKNTAl POINIS. l.x-urflou tlrkrln n'.luo-.l , m-.ili < n-.nllnblo In return lijtrltluTlhn | ilrliiroi iuiU'lil ) < ' . Illri'r ila i'y.Vuitli or tH > uth of Iri'lnixl NnllcHtirtlltirnltAr. CIRCULAR LETTERS OF CREDIT AND DRAFTS in lovviit ciirirnt rnlc . Ai'nlv to nnjr of our local OKInt , or to HENDERSON ftKOS.i ChlCQRO. Local nuciita nt Oinnhn : Harry I ! . Moore ChnrlcsMaii'S \ \ . \ \ Valll , 11. V. Iouol ) , Cltl zcus Hunk. Otto Wolf. GLASGOW , LONDONDERRY , BELFAST DUBLIN , LIVERPOOL & LONDON. ritO.M NKW TOnK KVnilV THDWSDAV. . Cabin Passage $35 to $ GO , according to location ol stateroom. Excursion $65 fo$9S. Btcomitu tonnil Irom 1'iiropont Ixj cst Itntcx. AUSTIN BALDWIN A. CO. , General Agents. G3 Broadway , NEW YORK. Jno. HloKPii. Oi'iiornl Vcstcin Aitcnt. 121 Ttntidolpli Stiucl. Chicago. Hurry ] ; , Muoro us , Oaimu LAHILS' COLLEGE - COHSERVATORY a Hue Diamoml I I < > Mionli , \VAIchei. I'll ci I tl 'I flight r , In Art l > n > l. | M rrorr or . PIANO ' " it"i i A04nnn MUML i-t'l'IL. Vine crnriiuU nnd ImlM- . ii : -'lil < - l.lKlllnl Vear. Jli.VI : > , .110. A hrimol lor the liiKbcr o < lueaton ! \\oHKtt , An unu ii.\lly ilnocori nf I'lofo-M.rs for lbOO-91. Llteru- turo , Art and Mmic l y niM-clnliatii. Loratlun Uol nmbf.iMu.ln aaOncrojmrk just north of city llmltn. Forest trrodaiHHiixI.ljlUfi ff raps , an aliumlnnceuf ii > ace for cnit-iloor otrrt-Uo. Katulronio lAilKlln'jrs. Jtoml tone of pchool oxrrltont. A rhrUttaii hotnp with all the frtn'ilntn nml all thn ( inTo ftu.inta of a well unlenx ] homo. XV rite for ottnlotrnc. AdJro x , W. A. OLDIIAM. ITCBldciit. COLUMBIA BIO. MQNTICELLO. Now Bulldlncs , New FiirnlUiro , Now Pianos Now Equipments , Beautiful Situation. Opens Sept. 2i5. 1'ull nndsnpeilnr Knonlty. Dopnrt- tncntii for llnKll li , Latin , eirock , ( iorinaii. Krvncli , Science , Music , Art , etc. Hond for Inforiiintlun to Iliad II. N , IIAS-ICMI.U rrlnelpiil , V , ll.l.l.MIIS. AMERIClOofiSER'MQRY.OHIGAGO ' . , rilllkPKIMl IU1ItAIIIH11 AU : . A J II KS1I1 M. All hraiu'lif ( > r Mucic , nrainitlc ; itIcli irt ( ' . Tcarlicrs' Ti ill HlnK School. Unsurjdt.MJiliui\rtnt < iKi'sat lunder-it * * cubt. Catalu malloarrvt ! . J * J * UlTlblAKIH , Itlrprlur. MILWAUKEE COLLECE Jlllwiiiikuo , Wls For VntiiiR Woiiicn. Forcatulosuo aeltl 0. U V , I'll. U. Pros' t. M < > riiml'nrlcncnrCilcnco ( ! ) . ItoanllnR [ r nd YOIUIK Kidl < ; a. Forjfci seJ. U'llAYKll. Ui. I > . .tcil , HIorT7Uaill9oiiiitrcct , cuicaeo , 111. ILLINOIS MILITARY ACADEMY , MoffiiV,1r ; ; ! " Clrculnrof IIK.VIIY J. STEVK.N3 , A. 11. , 1'rln. CONSERVATORY . . . OF MUSIC All department * of Musical Instruction. MiJcrn tan * . Vine Aru , etc. il i' . JIXLAIU ) > , Juckjouvlllc , 1IL ERRORS OF YOUTH. SUFFERERS FROM A'crvnu * DcMllty , Youtliful InJIicrutluni , I/o t Manhood. BB Your Own Physician I j . Ifjinjr mon , from thn effects of youthful C Iinprutknce , liuvobroiiirlu nhoutnatnto ot , [ . nvuknoga that hai red need tlie nemtral tjs * [ teni ro much us ta ImJuco Almost erurjr J ether disease , and the rent cause ot thu J t troulileACurcttly ever bflrttf Biifperti'd , tlier < ( Rro dwloreitfnr everything but the rUht ! > one. Not ithatn.nllntf tlio innny vnlnnbln j > r mnll AthAtmuillcaIicl nruIiA' ' produced < j for tlio iclit'Cuf thisclus1 * of jmtlcnta , none | t of thonnllnfiiy ino < ] eii of treattiiont c-lTectn ' f euro. Ifurln utirtiittJnRlro collide nnd hnit * I > ltn | rnellruwo have oipurlnunU'il with ulUwcovtrfilnpwflrKlcoiicfiitralodrfnio- i > . -nil na H rrrtaln ninUprnly rurr.na | ) mnilreiluofcas4 > Mlnouri < rnctIcuImTulxt. ii 1 rottori'il to verfirt Jirnllh \ r l' uo ftftcr j J nil otlitfrremwilos fallal , I'crfiTtly purolnj j i 'ndkiitiiim t LouiwdlulhoprcparutiuaoC , \ tins proscription. : Jtt Krj tliroxylon coon , 1-2 dracUm , Jerubctin , 1-S driuhm. Holoiii-uDlolcii. 1-SiJrachiu. Kit.iffiifttlaftm/irntfAlcoiolIcKralnj ) ) ; > xt. IfiiUntJra bcrurli-a. Ulyoerlno , . * . Mir. akoCOi'IUn. 1/iVel r'Unt3p.m.nnlan. ' ' ntlicrou tcolnsf toU-d , ] ii omuuitwill i ; lieiiweK ivrjforthot'nticnttotalotwopUJ j nt l > filtlinomnkin { l ) nunilKrthr'oAdft / in thoio cA f rfsultln from < . The rtcuitratlvp ! powrri of \ thliH'stonUtvonrotnilyaitorihtiJiik'.iUHlUa f use L'onllnued fur anhurt tlmechanift-s tlio i M , dtbllltAliH ] , nent'U'fd cuiiclitluu lu i I oiinof ft-newt-d life And vf or. noitsnr nrw po ofmo lelnUvo to tldfiretiiiMly , we would Hew England Medical Instilole , 31 Trrmont How , lloilnn. Mam. OcnijrrlKht. 1881) ) , by V. 11. HII.MIII. 1 BAILEY , Greidiiatc Dentist , A Full Set ol Teeth , on Rubber , For Five Dollars. A perfect fit guaranteed. Troth nxlrnotcil without pain or Uanitor , anil will out anaes- tlictlos. Hold und Hllvcr IlIllngH at lowest rates , Ilrldfto and Crown Work. Tooth with out plates. All worl ; warrantod. OFFICE PAXTON BLOCK , 16TH AND FARNAM Rntrunco , ICth streut cluvalor. Open ovcin- lues until ti u'clook. W LATEST" H ANI ) PATENT ei. NV.HL'U.S A CO. , llco Bullillnz , - lOmalia Neb SYPHILIS dm lioourcd InDOtofll diiys liy use uf tlio mar- vulnus iliiK'l" Itoinetly. , VaJ.t ) Jfor ncasy It will not on ni. UAUTION tottia tlai uciiiiini ) roni- dyYrllo or oullmi KU. Joslyn. 2JU Har- uuy Si rci t , Umaliu , Nubrusku , SOMETHING EVERY ONE SHOULD HAVE TllKMOSTCOMPUiTli Reference Library "INTHH WORLD , The Culture and Genious.of the Jkst Minds of the Century. Riviscd and Amended For American Readers , up to June 1st , 1890. Offered in Connection wltU THE OMAHA DAILY BEE. OUR PROPOSITION THE OMAHA DAILY BEE offers n year's subsci'iptlon to the pnpor , including the Sun day Issues delivered nt your nddrcss nnd a completes sot of the Americanized Encyclo paedia Britnimicn for $ O SO per month for ono ycnv. The first five volumes delivered on payment of $2.CO nnd tlio balance pnynblo $2.00 per month. The ether five vol umes to be delivered within four months. A.11 our present subscribers ore entitled to nil the advan tages of this great offer. People living outside of Omaha can avail themselves of nbovo liberal offer by hav ing the monthly payments guaranteed by sfeme respon sible banker or merchant In their town. Sheep and half morocco bindings can bo had at a sllghtadvancoonaboveprico. A Special Feature The Encyolopn-illa Itrltiiiinlcn cont-ilni no lllerulliy ) of IIIMMIIIH. IID iniittor how nntoil i > r prouilni'iit In nioulcllinr tliu pvunH of to-iliiy Uioy may 1)0 , until sucli IHTSCIIIS nro Ui\U. : 'I'lio Ainurloiiil/.i'l : ( KncyiMo- pii'tlta lirltniinlun eontalns tlio Illimrjiiliii" ) oovori.MU : ) not til poisoiuifos ( if TO-DA i , not rnohtloncd In tliu Kimllsh oillllon. 1 no Kncyclciiiii-'iHu llrltannlua Hiiy nntliliiK nliout lllsinarolf , Ulndstoni * . Victor HIIRO , llliilnn , LlluvnliimlVhlttlor , Cliliinwidor- ilnii , I'.iriuill ' , Oriint , Hhcriiian , HhiTUluii , .Tplforsoii Davis , Hliinloy or ICillsou. Tlio Ainorlinnl7tMl Kncyclnpii'illa llrltnnnlca clvps HloKi'aiililoj , not only of tlio proiiilu- unt nicii of to-day nml UMNO recuntly tlo- i-oascd , bat WXH ) otlicra whoso ininio' ) am IJIIOWM uiul spulcon ot tliroiiKliunt tliu enllru worlel. Where tlio KnKlluli edition < lovote > from Iliruo to ten column * iiliout nn KiiitllHli county ( ir town und from liulftii two col umns aliout an American Htttti1. the Amiir- Irniilroil KnoyolO | ) : illa llrllnunlca rover-sin this onlor , Klvlnxtlircu to ton cnliinislo an Ainorli'iin Stale mid from half to two cul- UIIIIIB to tlio KiiKllsli county. AN HUnUSTIZATION. Tlio IlncyelopaMlla llrltnnnloa ilvos nn oxliiiiistlvntroutl'.ooii mi KiiKlMi county , lldrlfiinlHlilrii , und only nliiiitiM-MlliHSlo nn Ainorlcaii city , viz. , Montgomury , Alabama. Americanized Encyelopeedia Britannica liovorses llili onlnr , cniidpnslns tlic | iiro : clvon lo tli KiiK'llsli cnuntyftlioiiKli rutiilii- \n'f \ all tliu facts ) , itnililoulilliiKtlit ) Hp.-ico ( in tlio Amorienii oily. ANo brlnijlnjc tlio In- fiiriiintlon on luith tlio Knullhli county unu Aiiiurlciinclly DOWN TO DATII. Americanized Encyclopaedia Britannica. A Ilk'tlrinury of Arts , Scle'nccs , I.ltoru- turo , to wliloli Is milled a ( iouiiilnto list of Aiiicrlcuii flllcH. with iiucimitu InforiniitlDii t tliulr sltuutlun , proiluotK , poiiiilutlon , do. IHoHrapliloiil ski-tclics of pui-sonusns llvlnf ( iiiulelniid , lioilKlit down to ( lull ) . It Is thuKiicycloi | ) ; ! < lln llrltainilru Iuli'Htedi tion ruiiinilolud ho as to III It fur American IiemitM , It IIIIH lionn rniirnuiKvil ItyAintirU onus for Hie ) nsouf AinorlcuiiH. The latest edition of the orlelnul "llrltaimlca" wns ( oinplloil niiiirly llfteon yciiis IIKI. Tim Anu'rlfitnlzcd cil I Him has been rnvNod and rorrrutotllo tliu present your , This Work Is u library of tlio most iihoful anil cntur- taliiliiR ruiulliizun nn almost Intlnltu vurl- ety of HiiljJectH , It. con tiling tlio history of iivory country In tlio world , thu l > lo niiiliy of oveiy fcleioratud liullvldiial of ancient or nioiloin tlniuH. Il tells llio stories of ( unions VOVIIKOH uinl travels , tliu hiililts nnd customs of every pnnjili' . exl\lns | : \ the prln- clples of eivury HUlentlllo Invention , ills- ciia M the profjlenirtof iiolltloal and hoclal iiconiiiiiy , and , lu fact HpreaiU bcfuro you thn heht work of inoro than IIXC ) of tln > ablest writers of tlio a o. Thin work should lie Inovory honio , anil all wlm In nny way viilno kiiuwlud u will uppreclnlo lla Im- poi-tuncu. Thn tnerlls ot this llnnral nnd inanimoth literary HClitmiucun only do Jmliti'el liy careful - ful InvustlKHlInn , Wo unnifNllv solicit ovury rnudcrtu Klvo lila attention totlilHurandolTur tliat Its linportauuo und llliurallty dOM rvo. liavo already Kitbsurlbeil for thu work , n nd tlio popularity nf thoenterpri-sulias been doniniistniUid Iwyoml nil Head carefully our jiroposltlonnnd the ofTorwo iniiko tnovtirv -adnrof TIIK HUM. THIS WOUK OAN ONhV IlKMItTAINKI ) In FOiiiiiu-tlnn wlthTHii ; > AIIV III'.I- : . IT MllH'L1 UK HKKN TO in ; A IM'KKOI ATKD. The Limi- Intr Isnot uumlKlit bonupposodliy the noun- mil ( irluet ViU oll'erlt for , a slip HIO ) il thrown to- Kuthur work , but A No. 1. UN re urdHtypc. p - ner and bln'llnc. In faot It U nari'xoelli'iii'o. OAl.r. AT OiJH WKUl\ti OJ.KK'H. . ' I1IU5 IIUlliDINO , 'cornor ollloo , Kroiinil floor , and examine the merits of thu ttrrat work , or drop u a postal oard and our ronrcsemtutlvu wlu cali oil you ut oaco.