Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, August 05, 1890, Page 3, Image 3

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While Active , Wheat Was Qalto Narrow
the Greater Part of the Session ,
N Onts AfTootutl Ily tlio Cloilnx In Oilier
Ct'foalH I'fovlHlong
Ijitok luilc-
o Tim Cuttle nnil
Ho ; ; Miiikot.
CMICAOO , August t. [ fcpeclal Ttlt-jrutn lo
file llr.i-Tlu'ro : ] wns no > or > iluclsho non *
In toility nnil llio jimrUcIlillu itutlsu
nil < luv. win ( | itltn iiurrow thoKr'nitnr | nrt of
tliu session. Tim first Inlliirmuof tlic day" was
lliu ilmiiKdti STUulliuruandltluiis from fc.iltir-
dny ThisInul : i wunkcnlni ; cITcca nt tliooion- |
IIIR. TliiMins tlio sltuiitltm was iiiorn Uior-
ouslily ( . niivuscul 8tronjtli ! rotiiriuil to tlio
iiiiirkot. Outnisoti for this mis only HRIUCS
onlslblo Hiipply Hlioulng u liberal de-
ci'pa o nt HiilTatu , u du'ti'iiso of o\cr
) Kilf a inillloii luishcls ut MliiiK'upolls niul n
pooilil 'I'icus Hit tniiiiy otiii'r iiolnts. About
niMiiitliu llnitl llmirui wciu In nnd a In run In
aiPitiuiitl'oludo mm olsowhcro clmngcd tlio
outlook am ] K-IVO tlio liicictisu for HID s\cok nn
ttBttlomituof 4VWO Inisliols. Oil thl4 tliuu was
sell nit and iniiph I oualit tally wsts let
f)1 > . I'rlcfHuoiiloll nliutitIonllaroiiiiil fiomtlio
b Nt HKIIIUS of the' inot nlnn nnd theIOM points
for Ho ( In ) veto toucliiil. 'Jlicn li nn tlio
lonrltiK hull in.irUctof the listlionr 1'ilcos
reuote-rcil' fijiilloinodttutclj iiixltliiu wont
up with n hound. 'I ho notion for Soiiiviiiljtr
tip to I ti'elot'U svns. Uienlnmit | l\c lo H.L- |
touj'io ' toiri'e tolilo to '
ill'p. NVIifii tlia nitir-
Ki'ttuinul uHurdnml | ) putlcsniiiiMl \\ht-it \
tli'iuuni Mono for iiilc. This iniido tioth
IOIIRI nnd hitsMitit It wor-n thin
o'i nnil nn mlviiiico fnnn | r.v to itPtU us
niiiilu In short null r , 'Iho hiislm In nln it
htmtfd luf itc 1 o'llook ilcM'loiiiMl Intoii > ! ! < !
null iiinikul Ijcfoiu HID cloM > . 2t ( > i ) its of t't-
Iitliiylnif at Nmv Vorlt. sill s oC Hour at
caHfiii points nnd liulllsli tojorls fioni tlio
) iorlliwi' t t'M.IU ( I liiidu nml Ilicy ran prlecs
nil liciiM ly on Kood liuilnj. ; August
cloa-d ntiUJfc-I'lilnniliL't toiichcil Ifi'ie1.
ln atljt' ) ! Doe't'iiibui tll'iu ' , closing at l
Miivtoiielit'iltl.r. ( > .
'llio corn inaii.ct was not uninthcd viry
linilly today , nltlioiiitli tlio fusr Ijtars left In
tliotraduinedluttdlt on tlio llrsl stnull of tlio
ruin Italns of yesterday anil last nlKhtwiin
prt'ttv Kine-rnl O\IM Iowa nnd IllltioK with
tinly Unlit lalns over | iottloiiHof Kuiisis and
Ntlir.isK.i. All i olnls lii'iird fiiitn luportod
in o-ucolsot a fin Ihui intn ( .ill and cxtiuini'
IiiMt lit nn end for tlio pit'suiit On tills sort
of nuusllioviol > opened with St'ploinliurcorn
uuoiit 1'icotl ftoin > atuiday This w.isqnlu
a 11 roil , but oonsldeiud with trccnt advances
It WIIH not a hi-rloiis sithae-lv. The niuikut
wai ii lively line and tiudhiK Kencral
for holli I DIM I and nutsltlo partlos , Very
many cautiously unlo.idtd and IhM made
the inntki't lioiuy. 'llioiu was no fuitlie-r
ducllno of Inipottane-c. IlHiute-lie > s o\e > n fioni
the ie-Kloii tfKiod ) rains S'lld tliut tlio Riound
waswut only an Inch or two and tliu
tlatnaKo could not bo inailo uotitl hy nny
am unit of rain no\v. A llrnior fnolhiK do-
volopt'd after tliu llrst hour and huforo 10
o clock prices woru up lo or nioio from tlio low
llKiiie > s early. SiMitombcr sili-s ranged ftoni
4 ( > 1icto 47'Bo to 40'iC to I7o to 4i'c. ( the low
) > olnt , to 4ll' ' o to J)34c ( to IT'-St' ' . 'Jlio torn
iniirKftMaSKlvuiinow life hv the remarkable
jump In tliu pilfoof whuut the list few minute
ute- . August coin , whlcli sold as low as 4S'c
rally , riiso to47p , uloilnt ; at Id'ic ; beutuinbur
ndvanud to < ft-or \\ltiilu 'leof tlio oloiu
Haturda ) , nnd closed rU47V ; oetoborloutlicd
4blioiinilolost > dat4l > < 1e'i Maj lose to ol'.o and
elo-cu at .il'Sc.
The outs Market showed no spce'Ial feature
until tlioothoi uraln in irkelsnuulo thulr clos-
liwail\inpe The olloe-t was fi-lt In all pits.
Aiuiisln itssold iluihiK the innrnliu at . ,4'ic'
nnd on tn .14'aC , but lose bofoic thuclosi'to
a. > 'oc ' , tlosliiKnt.irip. 01c o\ui Satutday : S-cn-
tcnihof-old at Ill'io to IH'Je toillcand ad-
Mincedos..c. ( : closing at : il'c ; Oi-lobcr acted
with i-eplenihoi all day ; Mil } -sold ata4u to
Ib'nC ' 10.17' | 0 10 IJSC tO .rf'nC.
Iho piovlnliin trade falls to act liidcpenilcnt
of eoinandothiir inaiKots. K.uly liilluenccs
were bo ulsli Tlii'io was siino nsiill/liiK hy
In il lonj's also. Januaiy pork started lot-
li wisr at ill V ) . we'til oil to ill.V > and iceovcrod
toJII.KSal tlic close , with S'pti'tiiher at 811 M'
inttjinher lard sold oil' tuny to $1 IJ'i , iud
milled to K.'M , with .lanuaiy filin'iii' the
closoj.rlhs forboploinlicr touched * .S.7'-i and
ruoiVe'tl loM.'li ) .laniiaii , M.TSiit the clnso.
hi fuel ull maiUctb on the ; Hour acted to
cu i c. t'tt 1,1 rusrtt ai { .
Omcmo , August 4 [ Special to
Tun lli.p.l-CArn.K Good oviwrt anl prime
aie oil uouf stiicisscarce anil wanted In many
liittiuices , soiling a good lOu hlghnr than oilers
inido at tlio close on 1'ilday anil i-uturd ij- .
On tliuotliiT hand ujininoa and thin natives ,
of which lliL'to wai .1 worldbarely sold as well
ushiitwo K.thtihulkp Ine at c.itohiscitch -
em prices. .Nulhucoin slock and butchers'
block MHict.iJIy showed no sl ns of Improxu-
nicnt , eolllnt ; down to low water murk for
common and ciumliiR stock. TUMIIIS
vero alho re-ported as slow with llttlo
or noehiuiKo Inalucs us e-oniiniud with
virdtiy btoddatd & Howard have fouiteen
ears and the .Murphy eattlo eonipan ) thhteun
cms of ranyeis on tno niaikot today , C'lioluo
to oMia l > eoi % JI.W2I.N ) ; inodlilin to ( totMl
Mi'oia , li.rJ ! to 1.500 lls , JUMcai. . ; 1.20) ) 13 1,1150
Ibs. $ .l'ViS4.l,1 ; UMto 1'JOJ lln &IUO.IT.-i ; slook-
crs and feodoisslow at Ki & : i'a' cows , bulls
nnd mixed stondy at $1.,02-I."S ; hulk , < l wv < ? ,
" .SO ; 'IcMiscattlo mniKet stioni ; and steady ,
ttcuts , KM to l.rSOltis , { ' . ' .40132.73 ; 7r 0 toiWOlhs ,
fj IDC'U'.tO ; co\\h , Jl.iriii'J.d ) ; westoin uiujjeis
Mead } ; natives and half Inueds i..H.V&
lions llusliu'ss low , with another down
tin n nf 5 to Ilk1 , closing dull , wlthularKoauin-
belli ft. I'acUi'is at the close we'll * b.ddlni ;
fJBO ; hest mixed , and best nsiorlt > ( l
would not bringo\erS.J.73 ;
Nr.w VOUK , AiiKtist t. [ Spoclil to
Tin : HiiK.l feaocicrt lltillfoiocs In stocliscon-
tlimo losc'o lions In the u.iy. A four to not
until ill iuhorioliillnonee'3 uro out e > f sljlit.
leaves tlio inurliot without any support. A
Mtlu i unfavuiablo showing nf tliu li.uilc . stato-
nie'iit on Hutiirilny , together * wltli
tlio ( nut that toil.iy Is n liolliluy In
o-i 1 in , jjivM bam soni'i one oiirase'iiii'iit
to nnou their prcssiiru upon tlin list this
inoriilni ; . 1'itst pikesvoio Kt'iioiiilly sIlKhl ly
lonortliun Iliiul IlKiut's u ( Saturday nnd o.irly
( IpulliiKs weni rfOne'i.illy attoinlcd livslljjht di--
ell in \\lilk tlio.ittiKiU \ \ , is d lieu toil t > biielii | ( Ily
ii ulnst AtcliKiin anil .Missouri I'uollle. tlio si- !
Irotlon of tliosostocksbt > liiKfi\uu > il bystorle s
of ilniiKi o In tlinciiin onii | In Kauris niul Icil
nptotliei clionl.itlun oT Illinois of u posslblo
fiilliiro to pay Intoicst on Atchlson ( nronics
unil insslni ; of illvldcnil upon Hist prcfe-i icil
Hock of 1'iit wi'clc. llothoio unusiiiilly ac
tive unil MUsmul I'uctiiu retired in to
70JJ tuiil AtcliKon l'B to Il'i.bllo
Itook Isliincl nt lifl'a was Ji below Its
Iliiul prleesof Siiturduy. On tlio otlii-r liand
bt. I'nul ' wns Nlmng , rfslni ; u hiniill fr-ictloii ,
untl StiKar rosn 9i. l.atuln tlinlioiu tbt'ro was
u riilly , and Htiiini ; stooUs inuilu further pro-
. touuul lilftliet pilous , llofoio noon
tiKiir bi'i'iiino inoro active , rosoto M' , anil
( Hopped Imak yt to h."i > Kiillrtmtl Kloe'Ks
nonkonoil iiKiiln nnd M. I'uiil lost Y from 11
o'clock to noon , KOliiK tol'annd Union I'aolllc
bold ' iinilor tlio opening at Ul' > . \ \ bllu the'io
\MIH no iniitorliil locoxcry In prices before tlio
closu tburouasa lrtci-M.'iitiuiMit ( ( on the bull
sldont declines noted. A tuklnir of $ lmoOO
gold for export did not help bu > urs liny. Mis-
kourl 1'iicllio was \\oiikcston tlio list , with
nearly points ileollnc. Coal toKs nuioealc
ulso , f-uuar bold up to tJ at tlio closo. Sulos
Tlio followliiRcro ttioclosln ; ; quotations !
Tlio CoHV-o Market.
NEW Yoitx , Axiunst 4. ISpocIul Ti'
to Tin : llKK.J CorrKL Oitluns | opened Ilrm
und 10it20 points up ; closed 10820
poluta tip ; inndurntcly active. Fnles ,
M.iOJbiiBs. InclndliiK Aiiciisl.f IT.TiVSIT.-fl ; K' | > -
trtnbor. ( iT..lxrtlT.iDi October. Jlll ( ( < ir.lil.75 ; No-
\eiulier. HOSij Dcecinncr. JKKOiiHI.I'i ; 1 cb-
ruury , tliw ) ; Miux'li , I5M > U1.M < < I ; April , ( li < 5
U.1J.JO ; Muy , H5.IOuilS O ; June , H2u ; knot Itlo.
Jliiuur ml quiet , ( ulrcarsott , t.VOO ; .No. Tllat
Cult AOO , Ansnsl 4 Iir > p. in. clo < s < > Wlicat
stronzi ctuli , HiUcj > > cpteni'jei , O UVic ;
Mnv Jlitt.
lorn ritm * cu li 4 ( ! , o hid i September , 47'ij
Miv , ll'to. '
Outx llrinl en'li. UI > iO-V ci Scptombcr ,
3IHc : Mny.W'.Wlic.
Ilv-Htenily : No.S.ra-iP ,
ll.irleNo. . 2 , cish , niitnlnil atCT > c.
I'liiNo. . 1st ondy ntJl-tlV. .
Prime TlmntlivQuiet at ll.423l.4a.
\\lilsky-Jl.l' ' . '
Mes rork Klrin ; cash , tU.7' ! Scwteinbcr ,
ill Vi ) Innniiry. til b.r >
1'inl-riiin 1 ; ciisli W03 ; ' eptcmbor JS.1 ! } ®
31.liiiuiiiiv. . M70.
031Sl . IMis rirm ; eisli. MSl'i'JW.S.'i ' Fciitcm-
1 er > ) ; N > 4@'i. IT ; .Innil iry , Ci."i J.1V . 7V
1 lour- nun ; inn h nitfe-il ; w inter wheat , } ! . 00
0i.Wspilu' ) ; | wheilt. Jl TOSI1 10.
llnlk meitH ' liouliltitH-t" > 1 ilS'M.fO. ' ! Short
cleur , fV.VVii i W ) , S-hoit I Ills. $ - > . .a.2i. .
lluttor ( jiilcti croamarj , IKBIOlic ; dairy , OQ
. . _ vrinlor ; full pteain clioddnri , ft ®
8VJc ; Hats , tlM * 4 < ! \ Younu Ameileas , k'i ©
Kirci-Dull ; fiesh. 12'aivc. {
llldM-rtii'hniiKcdj lioavy nnd llsht preen
silled , GU5i7e ; salted ball nt l > ' 4e ; picen
salted calf , ( i'i(3,71o ( ( ; dry Hint , ( / & < " , dry
silted hides , IK ; ; drv calf , IViJIc ; ileaeons.20o.
.Tallow Unch.iniwl ; No. 1 , holld pickcil , 4c ;
No. 2 , Jhc ; cake , I'iC. '
Hecolt | . Shlpm'ts.
riour 10,000 2.MKW
Wheat 72.00.1 : i"U)0 )
Corn 2:11,003 : 1M7.000
( J.ltH 2m,000.NS.tKW
KASSAS CITV , Ainnst 4.hunt \ \ Kitsler ;
No. 2 Irii d e-nsb,8'l ic ; Aiik'ust , 8)iU ) ! bid , no of
ferings ; fo. 2 icd , cash. Sic.
Coin Illv'hei ; cash , 4" > c ; Auziist. 41'Jc.
Oats -bteailv ; No. 2 c.ish , J5o bid. nooffcr-
IIKS ; August , u."o.
.Mi.ssKAi'oi.lH. August 4 'Wheat Receipts
for two tin ) B , fiJcnrii shipments. SO ears ; local
demand for simple wheat UiMit ; there w us
fomo oiitsltlo buvliiK of s ( Uetlons of .No. 1
haul t losing : No. 1 bird , August. Vd'tc ;
on track , Use ; No. 1. northern , August ,
If'tci yi pK-mber. Ol'io ; on tr.icU , IHT
Die ; No. 2 iioiMiern , Au ust , tieon ; trae'k. K"
. I.ouii > . August I. Wheat Higher ; cash
Kc ; K'teiiilcr,1H'lie | )
Corn Lnwei ; cash , ll'ic ; Fi pteniber. Wic ,
Outs llUhei ; eusli. .H ieeiteiiiber ; | , ! n-4e.
I'ork Quiet ut tll-'i '
I.nrd liulet nt M.7Mir S3.
Whlskv-tl.l- .
Itiitter-fetendy ; creamery , Hfflirn1 ; I lfc'ln , 18
ilUe-iduIiy bOI-'c.
OI.NCINNATI , August 4. Wheat No. 2 icd ,
t'oi n No. 2 mlved , Me.
Outs No. S ml\cde > ld.Iic ; new , We.
MirWAUMK ! , AtiRiist 4 Wheat I'll in ; No.
J. s | > rliK. ) e.islift'5 ' ) Uc ; No. 1 nortliern , H3o.
( Join HisleiiNo S , 4j'c. (
Onts ( inlet ; No. 2 while , J0'c.
Kyo Qult't ; No. I , 5lc.
Ilailey-tjnli't ; No. 2 , r > Ce.
I'riKlsloim-liull.riibU'ri I'ork. JI1.23.
N .w YOIIK. August 4. Wliunt Keeelpts,6fl.COO
bushels ; exports , W.403 busl'i-ls ; spot closed
II nn , No. S ieil.ifiii'a1nelnele\ator | , ! > > jlll ( H'sc
iilloat ; DJ'aettJI.OO'i ' f o. boptloiiM ; imencil la
' 1C down , reacted IMJW'ie uud closed Him ut
ubotil lilihcst ; closliiK No. 2 ted. August , 07'Jc.
Corn Keeolpls , 0hiislie'l-o\poi ; ts. U.V)0 ) )
bushels ; spot eloied Ilimer ; Ni2 , MH'SJ.I'ii ! In
eloMilor , 5lc ulloiit , unxr.iiled mixed. , " > l ® . " > 4c ;
options hteaily ; Aeirfiiite'loseJ at MJ.- > le- ,
O.its Itee-elpts , JO.OOO busluds ; o\iiorts ,
noiio ; spot hlBliei ; No 2 wlilte.44844Je ;
mixed westein , J' > 24'c : white western , 4J50c ;
options Ilrm ; Annnstclosed utiKlMe1.
G'olTito Oiitlons eloseil Ilrm : 10i20 ! nolnlfl
blither. Siles , .VMiiflbaKs ; August. tl7.T04D17.8J ;
Heplembei. $ l't < iJI7.(0 : ( ; spot Itlo llrnijf.ili car-
Bees , J2J'r .
Siuur Haw. nun ; redned stonily ; eentrl-
fiiKnls , IMti'sl.ri'to ; lellned , ienernll > ilnll nnd
unsettled ; "O.4 1.1-lOc ; nhltc , extra " 0 , " 5
55 llj ; } ullovk,4V'7'.l3iL ' .
I'etioleum Unlte'if closed for September at
-I'linci , flini , others c.isj , western , tC'5
I'otK rirni ; mess. NIOOlftMOO.
l.nrtl i\cltcd : and nctlve ; western steam ,
W.27Wfl UsSeptembei closed at * < i 41.
lliitteirancy. . Him ; ncstirn d lry , C&lle ;
cre.uneiy , IXSHc ; Ll ln , 17'illjc.
i in : s'ttvi ( .
CHICAGO , AIIRIIS ! 4. C.ittlo Uccclpts , 17.010 ;
mnrl'etstendj ; bUliei un eholeo beo\C3 , $1 'fi
CftlfiO ; steers , tlllCT4.rOj ) stiKkersanit fetilirs ,
if-'JO'lfl.riO ' : uo s , hulls and ml\ed , Sl.'OifiaJJj
Texas c.ittle$1 40ji-.T5.
llius Ki'ct'lnts. . 11,000 ; market dull : lowoi ;
mixed. ? IV . ? .l8."t ; lieny , U.45 < iiJ.bO ; lljjlit ,
j.i.via-1 o. ) ; skips.orf.i.j. ; ( .
f-heop-Heeelpts , H.OOO ; imirkot weak , un-
nvin ; nitlvcs , f.lW'Cj ! 0 ; western. SJKK&.IW ;
Tex.ins , S.l. ( iai..0 ; lambs. $1 IlK UTt
Tlio Diovei's .loiiriinls | > London cable-
Kiam quotes Ameilenncattlu in heavy supply ,
bill eiii nil supplies light , demand \\iil : ; and
prlees 101'te lower at lUjc per lb. for clioleu
Amei le.m IHB\CS
hr. Louis , Ansnst 4. 0 ittlo Itocolpta , 1,800 ;
Hlilpnients. 1)00 ) ; nrirkct ) ; fair to
fancy native steeis JJS03400 ; stoekers nud
lloiH-Kecolpts , 2,8:0 : ; shipments. S/iOO ;
nmiket lowei ; licuvy , 3.i.70U.lbO ; packing ,
* J.wa ( H ; light , JUOCSJhO.
KA.SSVS OITV. Ausuat 4. Cattle licoolpts ,
4,000 ; hlilpincnts , 10.00. ) ; mnrkut strong ; steers ,
5.I.1W14 I'i ; cuwb , $12.V25 ; stockei-s and fted-
01 s t2.-iii.2'i. :
llo sKecolpts. . 11,700 ; shipments , 7,100 :
in uketoiikantl20o lonui ; all sraeles , * 1.00 ®
: ) .d/s.
Sioux CITV. Auzust 4. UORS Itccolpts.
1.K.O ; market weak ; quotations , $ J4bJCO ;
bulk , W.V. .
C.ittln \encailrals of Brass cattle from
Nmtb Dakota wtio ieeel\ed. Uuo bunch of
40 fat euttluboldiit M 7 > .
Ilio Vlnililo
CHICAQO , August 4. Tlio visible supplj for
tlio week ending Aiifnist - ' , as comjiiled by
tlio secietniy of the Chicago board ot trade
is as follows :
Mheat . 18.IM.000
Coin . 120,400.000
0its . 2.MO.OJO
lt > e . 4llHd !
Itailoy . . . 400,000
OJIA ff.l Itll'lfs'rOCK.
Cattle ) .
Jloiuliiy , August 4. ,
Estlm.ited receipts of c iltle 1,100. coinpnicil
with 2 , 20 i-atiuil.iy mid l , < m Moml.iv of last
\\eetv. \ Tlie < | iinltyof ! thuiue-iilptsniisvoiy poor
and s lies will MIOW low. 1 Iteiu Is MJIIIO du-
m. mil for export steeis , but tlnioteto none
iiinong tbo reuolpts toilay. I'ho markut opened
slow at prlees iineh.insed fromo sn is Hero
reporto l stronKiindipilto as many weak. C'on-
slilorlng tliOUiillly | of tbniccolpts
inaiUet stc.idy on stceis antl biutcheis'
htnir. Tbo Hieolpts of cows netu fairly liberal ,
the nu.illty commoit und pilees tin jlmnned.
Hst limit ol receipts of lio.-s. fl IOD , cninpnrctl
wltb ll. . ' > ! U ! > uttiilny and 0,705 .Monday of last
\\cek. \ Tliu market opened SiilOo lower1 , soon
becainoautl\o and utionger , closing with all
told at.i shade U ) 5o decline fioni fc ituiuay's
nmiket. 'Iho rniKo was t.1. 40 1 M , the bulk
( .ulllnir nt U4' > ; Mirbt , M.4).l.41 ) ; inhed JI4JM
< nJ47'j ' ; lie ivy , $ .1.4J2J.f 0. Tim averat-e of
the pilecs p.ild was tM4l compared wltb * J4S 1
biituiduy and tll > lS. Mouduy of last week.
Shcop ,
IMImati'd icceipts of Mieeo : H2 , comp.ited
vrltb I.'I S.itnrilnv. 'Iho market opened active
and the demand Is good fur choice muttons.
I'rouiilliii ; 1'rioos.
Tbo following Is u tublo of prices p. Uil In
this nut kot for the jMiloof stojk inuiitlnnod :
I'llmostecrs , 1.1) ) ) to 11)0 ) ttj . . . , fl.rt &JI V )
Ooodsteors , lillto HVlths . 4 OJ " ' '
( loodsteen 1D.V ) lo 1JJ ) tea . . . ; is'i
I'.ilr , 10UO lollM Ibs
Common. W ) to UK ) Ibs
Common cinnners
Oidlniry to fair vows
I'alr to Koodcons
( loodtocliolcoeows
Cbolee tofunc- , eons .
1'alr to Hood bulls . 1.7t
( 'holeo to fancy bulls
llghtstoelei-.aiid fteJura
IVtHll'ln , Uil ) to lllKtti ) < 2SJ )
r.ilrtocholeo llijht lie s . : nu
Palrtocboleo hunvy ho a . : r > 0
1'alr tu liliolco inl\edho s . Ul. ,
Comparative Table.
The follow lia tublo shows tbo rin o InCest
prlct-son line's duiliu this und lust week :
Cost ot" Hn s.
Tbefollowing tnblo Blvcj tlio a > eraio cost
ot lioKh on tliu ilntosmuiitloiiuil , Inaliulliij tlio
cost today , ns I ) isitd upon H ilos icporteil :
July.S a ill'i Ansiiitl 35(1
Julji'i a TO Aiiitiiftf.
Jul ) JO II M
Juliil a 5. " ' ,
Avoraijo 1'rlco of UOK .
lii ) ! tlio aorjxu prlco | ) ill forlovhof
on tliu iluyd iiidlcAtuJlu ISJJ , ISa ) , ISiJ
Day. July "JJ Julr'tO. July ' 63 July -ST.
U & - < b 87 bumtnjr
A u ir. ' A ut 'dJ. A u ir. 67 Auir 7 ,
MM Ute I M U 10
8 i 11 e U4 6 111
6 nn ilo ; 4l \ o see &u
8 4 < Sumluy e 13 (1)4 )
anil Ijj.vjjt , Salui
Today. Saturday ,
Highest S3 M lllnhent . . (3 60
Luwuit . . U i3 Lovrest J id
Stock Il-'Oelpts.
oni'ialSaturdny Eillnmtcil Toilny
t aitlo IIH cnr . ! 120 Putllo M earn. 11V ( )
lleZ < . Kle-prs 1I.5JO MOB ? . . 140cnrs. IHOO
Sbfcp 1 ear , 121 Sheep , 2 curs M'l
Hur c U'.ir , Xu Horses. . Scan , 48
of Stock.
tlio number of caltlt ; nnd
liy tin ; I'ackiirs ' nmlk'iullns liujois on
tocluy's nmrkot.
swift x-ro . ru
Tbollcorjto II llninmnml Co . . . lit )
Tbo Ariiioiir-Ciiibihy Packing Co . -vlX !
Onmlm I'ai-kliiK Conip.itiy . 40
lliuiilltoii A : MOM.M . ( V >
Viiniaiit . W
Ile-ckcr.t Dtitcii . *
Other lluyurs . ' . . . ' -1
non- ) ,
Tlio Armoiir-Cuilnliy 1'uukhigCo . W4
Onnha I'auldngt'o . . . . . . I. " ' "
Suirtl'o . ! .
Tim CtforKo II. llniniiiond Co . 4'-
.1. I1. Piiilre < t&Uo . . . f-'O
Klnsan.V : Co . T''l
.lours A. tllM . . ' . . . 1M
Armour , K'.U . l.i' ?
C. II. .Nnrtli . -Til
Waller & ! . "To
Olbbs 5.\\lilte
The Week.
. . Mil
Tliofl. II. llntniiinntl Co . 1.IM >
Armotir-Utiilnliy I'liuklni ; Co . . . S.-tK )
Unrilia Packing Co . ( .0
Other buyers . 3/9
Total . . . 10,710
1100" . '
Armour-Ciidnliy Packing Co . 21.010
Onmliii Pae'kliiK Co . i . I'l'il *
I lie O. II. Iliuninuiul Co . i'.ini
.1. 1' . "ijiilies * . Co . 4.ill (
Klnsnii & Co . Ul * > ?
tlo\olin I' A. I' Co . IS
Cuiluhy lliotliers . l.Kii
llalsle.ul . j . 7 < jS
llr.Unnul III us . XS (
. 2,40- >
. ( onus & , Son . 7IS
llilttnln.Co . UM
J. i : . IliniRU . 40
co . mo
Total . . . 61,411
biiiti' : .
lftA.Co . 4'(1 (
Aiinoiir-Uudnby 1'ucUlngCo . IW
Total CW
I t ) HfcKlf 8T1 tllS.
o. A > , i'r. .No. Av. 1'r. iNo. Av. 1'r ,
si imtm 8 looi $ .1 o" . is inx )
0 bll .100 21 ltt'1 ' .115 'M 1217 . ' 170
6 .lies a co as liis ass 20 1J20 373
) Itel 3 OJ JO 1J07 J 50
cows ,
3 1)17 ) ICO 39 072 2 11 1 1070 2 HO
1 lltiO 1 75 37 . 052 S 15 C > Ml 2 UO
24 70S 1 7" 2.1 . 070 2 20 1 1200 2 30
1 8UO 1 85 41 1001 220 J 1120 230
110) ) 3 00 a 1147 220 1 ! U ) 2 : tO
18 IC5 S 00 fi 8 > 4 li 20 44 1004 2110
0 N 201 1 1JOO 2 2. > b 111)1 ) 240
20 817 U 10 1 1JIO 22'i 4 1177 250
18 OKI 210 J..t57 230 . bSO 250
7 . OTJ ' - ' 10
22 SCO 1 r 1 1JOO 1 50 5. . 1010 1 CO
3 fcCO 1 2,5 1. 840 150 10 (128 ( 1 GO
1 . 8K ! ) 1 2o 1 filO 1 50 0 71 'i 1 ( .0
1 lN ( ) 125 1..1MO 150 1. HIM 1 ( .1) )
83. MI 150 15. C50 1 CO 1 1020 1 GS
1 HHO 110 5..01J 150 II OJ3 ! ( > )
I 10V ) 1 50 1 . KtO 1 50 17 . WX2 1 05
8. ICtJ 150 1. 810 1 50
3 TO 1W ) 10. . 2 7 2 2" 10 151 275
5 SiiJ IV ) 2 415 22. . I 250 275
II : i7 150 11 271 ! 2.M S LTD 27.-I
1 270 21"i 21 277 250 5 178 a 31
t ) . . TOJ 215 4. IbO . ' 75 1.211) ) 3 2r >
2 1110 1 ; i5 I 1130 1 fiO 1 1320 1 71
1. H'K ' ) 1 00 1 1100)1 05 2 1350 1 7"
1. 1,170 1 OU 2.1123 170 1 .15(0 200
3 . PJO 225 4. . 720 240 3 000 2 21
14 CJ ) 2oO 1.010 250 81. . IWO 2 CO
2S ) . Cfl5 1 C5 14. . 018 300 30 10sS 300
1 .1100 2 50
No. Av. Pr.
UGRtonri. cornft'd . 1,37 , 3 CO
ConjersA. Wllllania
nfocdcis . 5ffl 2 ffii
Sfcutloi'b . 5')5 ) 2 SIJ
ti fceudcrs . 5 ( > 0 225
r.'eowj . f-'U a 70
lienus . Ml.1 CO
12cows . SM 1 70
No. Av. Sh. 1'r. No. Av. Sh. Pr.
11 . 3fl8 120 $120 01.S7 -.145
10 . . . .123 80 'I 31 08 . . .W 80 a 4' >
8 . 2'W 120 a 31 ( VI . . . .2H7 1M > . ' 145
ss . . . .210 200 a : io 0.1 . . . .201 40 a 41
4 . . .it'Ji ' a : u to . . .212 so an
01 . I'VI ' 100 340 77 . . . .JWJ 2J II 45
57 . 273 210 340 bS..Ua 60 341
71 . 211 4D 3 40 W . . 241 IW ) 341
7S . . 210 HO 3 40 O'J . . . 243 240 3 41
73 .20.1 200 340 71 . . . .21fi 'M 355
50 2.4 2tW 340 75 . . . . .lit 80 343
88 207 100 340 Itf . SB 311
85 . . 170 100 340 71 _ 2tJ ICO 311
80 . 177 JIM 340 188 . 2t4 ! 500 341
71 . 41 M 340 40 . SIC ) 341
fxS . . .211 120 340 Ul . 2 J 80 341
74 . . .217 - 340 07 . . . 21.1 341
01 . 2U 40 3 40 00 . . .2111 - 311
fn 2211 200 3 40 Ti7 . 2i)2 ) l.'O 341
2t)8. ) . . 2-JO 800 340 24 . . .lf.0 - 341
70 211 2X ) 3 40 51 . . . .151 100 341
71 .ij 80 3 40 UO . . . .2V ) li ) 311
73 . . .2K ) 200 340 70 . SM UO 343
41 . . . .111 3 40 M . . . .211M \ 341
110 . . .2JO 240 310 37 . . . 'M 40 341
72 . . . .108 120 340 0.1. . SKI 28J 341
37 . 14S 10 310 73 . . .2W 80 .111
74 . . . .210 120 340 70 . . .2JO 80 ! IJ3
7(1 ( . . II1M ' ) 3 JO CU . . 140 8 ] 341
4' ) . . . .218 ICO 340 C'J . . .2:0 : 120 .141
( , S .211 ICO 340 -01 . . 273 11,0 , 341
70 . . 207 2SO 340 0) ) . . SH4 M 341
RO. , . .1 % I.'O 340 135 . . .211 IJO 311
74 . . .210 I.'O 340 M . . .22 ! 120 341
7J . . .2-.0 1GI 340 32 . . 153 341
71 . . .2-0 200 340 m . . .247 ICO 341
S > . .20 ! ) ' . ' 10 340 rn . 210 SSO 341
77 . . . .214 210 340 1,0 . 24S 8) ) 341
41 . . 2U 240 340 120 . . .2.17 UO .145
5 . . 1JU 40 3 40 M . . . 251 40 345
< > 8 . . .201 210 3 4. " 5 78..2W : 80 311
42 . . .171 40 n4JJ ) 61. . . . 'SM 120 341
Id . 201 ISO 34-i's ,7) ) . . .237 ] 0i ) 341
71 . . 2.11 80 3 4J'4 118 . . 170 40 341
70 . . .11 200 34J&S & 41 . .2.10 l.M 341
1'ir ' . . .2.11 SOU 3 4J-/5 lit ! . . . .llfl 1.0 341
l.TO . .211 2U : i4. i Ul . . .215 440 345
hJ . . . .200 80 3 4"i 55 . . ' 'H 2.KI 341
72 . . .2l UO 34J'-J IIS . .2)0 2SO 341
73 . . .2S.I 100 34JH in . . . .Ki2 315
M . . . .274 40 34. " ' , 57 . . .2.8 100 .145
21 . . 201 200 34 , " ' , III . . . .147 345
74 . . .I'M ' 40 : iti\t M . . .SB 2 0 341
07 . .212 34.1' , ; 118. . 218 2 0 347'
51 . 203 150 34.'i , { 0 . . .272 120 347JJ
70 . . .211 80 34J'/ ' 71 . . . .85.1 80 347'/
156 . .231 'M 34."J ( ill . 211 210 347"
5'J . . .211 60 34J ( , (11 ( . 272 1.0 347'J
I.I . l ( - 34jej M . . .24J 80 .IV )
Rl . . .27(1 ( ) X > 34 , ' " , Ul . . 2M1 40 .150
0' ) . /.TO l.H ) 34."J 5.1 . 205 40 3V )
8J . . M ) I.'O 34.'li 11 . . 204 UO .150
150 . . .204 320 34ii ! ( U . 2WI I.'O .150
03 . .217 UO 341 57. . . 200 40 .150
OS . . .8,13 UO 345 40 . . 31.1 350
01 . . . .214 80 341 V ) . 3CI UO 350
70 . .227 40 341 5S..8ID 80 150
3(1 ( . .IIS 341 59 . . 2IH SO ,150
71 . . . .2-18 200 3 41 51 . 2hl 40 350
M . .213 SO 341 M ! . 'JfM 80 350
07 . . 231 40 345 7 . 3JO 350
Market Mention.
Cattlestonly. .
It , W , 1'liuir of Arcntlla liad two cars of hogs
11. llodgua of Atlant i was boio wltb u car of
( loorKO Deninun ciiniu in from AUla with n
cnr of cattle- .
.1 , P. raiiniaii marketed a cur of hogs from
II. T , Jusiics e-anio In fioni Mernti wltb u cur
ot uattlo.
T J Tuylor bent In two cars of eattlo from
SIlL'ltOll ,
U. II , Dollnnipof Arapalioo was up with a
car of e uttlo.
W. 1' . lloan of Woit Ualou wus In wltb a car
of lio-s from Arcadia.
llulr.V McCombs hud tHocnrj of eattlo on
tlio niurUutfrom Ausloy.
htoMinson Hiotborb , cxtonsho dealers of
Annloy , niurKutcd n o ir of bo .
John Qulnn , tliocttjran ablppcr of Wool
1th \usdi\\n with a uur of Im a ,
D. Nownmn of IllrU k Mnwimnas up with
two c lira of hogs fioni ( lOthonbiirt ; . '
Alexander CrillcliiluiuU , tlio well known
Ciutu btiK'kinuu , uumu up wltb
II. A. Greenwood camnln from Kim Creek
vlth three CUM of IIOB'S for I'otler \ . lllaclc.
William llolinlmum of A. Mlllnor k Co , e \ -
tensho dculeis utViioo , oaiuo up with two
cars of hogs.
Nicholas Jncquot of tlio flrm ofJacquot & .
Dearilorf , lioavy denleriiof .Meriui , was Uowu
with six cars of eattlo iintl tbixo of heirs ,
John Hustle , the well known southeastern
> obnislai shipper , as up with tlircn ours of
I'fUtlo from Auburn anil a car of hots from
J. Aultman of Stuart , la. , a prominent
miner of thoroiiKhbreel hliort-boru cuttle , on
Ills way west , flopped oil to visit 111 * iou , 11.
li , A.ulUu4n.
liiiin , I'r.LTt AMI TAM.OV-arepii saltcil
hlilo . No. I. ii'ao"ic : No 2. Mfl'ic ; dty paltnl
hides fk' ! dry Mint hides. 6' , ; cnlf bides
" ' 'i ' T'ie1 D.iiniieiil hldii. 2i li' s. Hhucp lioll" ,
prtfii , fitch , J.V < M1 < % > : slicuu lulls , ilry.uor lb ,
. I'rrlb , We.
Tu.l.ou < \ No. I. 3'ia.l f. Xo. S , 2'iff&o ' ! !
Kreuse , white1 , 34@lci ycllort , i' ' , , lej hlonrlnc ,
lloKQnolatloni ( nro fordt'llxorv In Clil-
caiio ) . Drv biillalo. per ton. tluooQilooOi dry
counli-i blfiielicd , iinortail.lOOi dry country ,
diiniti and meaty , js.uooip.oo
I'KKi.rt ' Medium , perbbl , J1/0 , sniull.JO.oO ;
I'oi'i.Tiiv 1'er tliwonchoicehen , JlXV3-T2T ( ;
choice mixed , W.VXfMtiOj roosteis. S.'Wi'-7'ij
sptlnir chickens. $1 ' fll.'OO for small ; J.V.5aSM
for medium ; 2 , ! > 0i3274 forlnrtfe
lltr-rrnt Oicamery , ftine-y lolls pilat. If. . ®
10'ic ; creamery. f.UKy. solid packed , U@Ue ;
cie.imery. choice , lft0l.'c [ | dnlry fancy rolls
and print s. 1.@iie : ; dairy , fane i
UKRlSe ; dalrj , choice. waiOe. ( utintry loll ,
fnnoy , ( Wlie ; choice. TSlSe ; Inferior. 'Jig * .
I mis DtilOe foi strictly fresh ; stulonot sal
llovi v tralneil ( X-lb ) cans pcrlb.Oc ; now
e-omb bnnov , ll'tilic. '
s lliind-lili'Uodiiiivi$1 7VT2 01 , hand-
, nn\y medium , } l ( iOl.r > ; liniid-plclicd
L-uiinti > , fl.4l > iCt.i/i ) Ktiod elc-in flunaU''i.
Ri'OKAri l > Al'PMlaiey ' U'.tftrjo porlb.
lll.l I HI llllll.s IVl bil , J.l.filXii.4 00.
( oftu.Nu-is-rtr 100. V'.co.
\ \ \TI HMiii ONS t'cr 100. JSO OW 1710.
( ' .NT ! i.oui'K 1'er do1.2T > if 1 7 > .
I'l-Afiu-s Ark-ansas 4 bushel bo\,75e < ajl.00 ;
Calif01 nla , per box. W.OCS. \
llltil'CS Onllfiiriilit. per crate. JJ 00 ; Arkan
sas 21 it ] ease , $ J.5)Oeot ) ln , 10 lb basket. 75e.
I'M'Ms Purple Dunne , Columbia , ete . , per
ho\ , 1.002.SJ : wild UOO-.C plums , > bit box , We
JKt.t.iis .
Dm VhAi.-l'holeo : ! medium , G < 37c ; light ,
M'tt'l hi'ii\ \.45T-ie1.
Ji1 > M hi I Oil , liw ! , COC ! liollcd , O.IC.
Clllit-P ) < r bbl , rollnedJrt.V ) , lulf bbl. . JIM ;
li.ird olilci. nnip. per but , iuoo , oranpo elder ,
half bll ) , W la } ; ue ir older , h ilf 1)1)1 ) , $ O.W.
\ Vttlrino ( inna bDil , 14T''ltio , medium un
washed , IMQSIe * ; eoaiso un\Mished. ifiKuc.
l.iiMovs Per box. Kodl Mnlnr'l , fancy , fOOO ®
111 ( H ) ; choice Mt-ssliias. $7 ooax W.
TtMATOi ; < I'ci bu-lo\ ) , t..VXfMW )
OMO.NS Now-sontliein. per libl. Jl riOittr > 00
I'KAIIS lUillett , Callfoinla. per box. $ JOO ©
I'injM.s Ooinian , per bo\ , $ . ' 00 : French ,
J.'OO ; gios , U75.
Plinsn Mb ITS I'acKeis' prlecs-rrcsb hams ,
2ullsaI.IRO ) , 7J4ifiesh ; iinmstb IbsavoniRO ,
c ; ftisli ham- . , 1.'Ibsa\oiline. Do , frcsliHlionl-
durs. Re ; poilc loins , 7 > ic : jiork tenderloins ,
, . . -
lioik , 510.50 ; family pork , lean , 110V ) ; butt
pork , pork , pl porl. . ! 1 1 VJ Half bariols
Now t'Ntr.unois bacf , IJ25ffi550 ; now ox ti a
platobecf , JI.75TtO.50 ; now plalo betf , $3
000 ; new rolled boneless beef , $4 OOO7.50 ; now
lumps , $ J.253.50 ; now boneless rumps , Jl 50 ®
SAtman Ilologiin , per lb , iinoked , Ion ?
roitnil laigo biKS. .I'ic ; fiiinkfiuts , oljo :
tongue , 74c ; blood. 4Kci llvci , 4lc ! ; head
chi'iiM1 , 4'4ej Polish , 7c.
TAT tow A No I , 4l4c ; sic irlue , O' c. HEKirTo.Nauis-Half : barrels ! 000 ;
qnai tcr bat tuls , $ s.Vi ) elirlit bauds , $ J 00.
1. MID Tlciccb Kcllni'tl laid < ninpound , 5'ic ;
liuro linf , OVju ; kolllo , 03 e.dd ' , u to ' o per
lb torRin.illur picknges. I/Caf laid not ten
dered , ( > 4c
I'lCKLi.uTuii'B Half biriols J2.VI ; quartoi
birrcls , $1J5 ; cUhtli bariels , bOo ; Ultb , 15 Ibs
hAumtii'C\8i > ns Cattle Tierces -and bar-
lels , iiilddlopiM-lb.O csiound , ,140 ; Imtusi' c ;
lion e.ibliiK' ' ) , Ibcpei lb ; hoj ; limits , No. 1 , 4'4c'li ; rounds , per set , IW feet , U'e' ; middles ,
per hot , , i7fcctuGu ; uu.isamls less than 1.000-
iilecolots , .l'5o ' e.iub ; small bl iddeis , less than
fiOOdolots Is c per i\ua Urge bladder less
than 500-doz lots , Wlc DOI t\o \ ( .
bi'itni I'IOH" ToNnt'is Unit bairels JI1.00 ; i i > ls , $5.75elahtlbnnols ; | , JJ.OO , lilts ,
Ullneauh. 5..2) .
IMIIDOILS libis c\tralRitl oil , ws,47e ; o\-
tta. No. 1 laid oil , JOe ; No. i l.ud oil , .Lie ; No. 2
1 utloll , 31 ; puio HPilsfoot oil , riOu ; 5Kiilctin ,
51u ual : extra noitsfoot oil , 4 Jo ; No. 1 ne.its-
foot oil. 37c ! tallow oil , 41c.
MoshicoMH Tliil'K llulf.baneltT75iiai ; | -
IIT birrolsJJ 10 ; eighth b.iuulb , il.13 ; kits , 15
Ibs tneli. COe.
1'oitu TosntiFs Uncooked Jllld cured
Half b.inelb , UO Ibs , $7.5.1 ; qnaiter bjirels , 30
Ibs H 00.
Dm SALT Mnws Ipnn bucUs , Co ; estru
short clii.irs 3'joj ' bellies Hi to 20 lbii\eriKc ,
( > o ; hhoit libs 5V4o ; hboit elears , 5JtC ; long
cleais. 5'ic ; hhoiildcis , O'jO.
pMOkiut MKVTS C.inv.icsnil , unless other
wise oreleied llnnis U to 14 lb axernge , lie ;
lfi-lbaveiuio. lOV'J ' ; 20 to2J 11) average , 10'Ju ' ;
skinned sllolmi , IS to'011)saveranellc ; Call-
ftn ilia hams , 7S4C ! Hhouldeis , 7 > io ; sbouldeis ,
skinned , ( j'iu ; snouhlers.C te > 8 Ibs
7' c ; boneless ham , 8l o , bacon
( eli'iu ) . 5to 7 lb strips 7'c ; brcakf.iht bacon
( lib ) , SUojdi led beef hams ( sots ) , 10)ic ) ; resu- 8'ju ' ; elods.7aic.
Dny bAl.f UuiiUli Hacon , Ions clears , fl'ic ; > . , iic | ; oxtr.i , OU ; Uel-
llus.clc.u strips , 01 c , shoit libs , O'ic ; sbonl-
deis , ( i'4 ( ; ,
Did a-Lii RFI r Steers. , 500 to 000 Ibs n- , erase ,
natUe , O'iffiiyu ' ; htiois , 400 to500 Ibs mer.ise ,
n.itUo , W6Jl4c ; cows and heifers , 400 to 500 Ibs
.ixer.iio. 5'ic ; lilndiiuarters , htcois , lOo ; hind-
nunitt-iM. cov.8 , 7c ; lorequarterh. steers , 4'lc ;
foitiiuaileis eo\\s,3i. ; tiesiisd hoxi , 4 > tu ,
liii" < sn > MuiTtiN I'holco dri"-Hed mutton ,
0'4ci t.icKs of mutton , lie ; middles of mutton ,
1'Jebieaits ; of mutton , 3o ; le sof mutton , loc.
Suoui-Rcr lb Cut loaf 7' o ; Ouboo , 7o ;
Stiind.ird , powdered , 7'se ; XXXN , powdered ,
60 ; ( Ir.iniilntuil , standiud , O'Jc ; Coiifoetlonois1
A. liVifj Uhlto-K\tr.i O , Ullm.ix , ft'.c ; Kstr.i
U , ellrnska. 1'4oi Ambur. fiyui Golden C , 5 > 4c.
MAIIJI : SutlAlt Pel 11) r > e eakos , : io lb bo\i s ,
13c ; 10 caKus , .W-lb boxes 13iio ; 1-lb biluks , 30
Ibs In box , piuc , lie.
( Jorri Hoiistod Arlosn , 21'-5c ; llunola ,
25'ic ; Molainhlln X.\XX. 25'/e ; ,
25'4e ; Dilnoitli's. 2.11ae ; Lion. 2.1'Jo ' ; Jlall-
poticii. 2Uic ; Moclri. aic1 O OJJax.i , oOo.
Coinu OncnI'anoy ( loldon Itlo , 22'sc ;
fancy old pcaberrv.24ViO ! Hlo , oholeo to fancy ,
22'ie ; Hie , prime , 22o ; IMo , seed , 21io ! ! hiintos
and I'ommon Itlo , l' ' 2lu ; Mocha , 2Je ; Java ,
comilno O. (3 , , 2sc ; Jux.i , good luterloi , 25o ; 2e ! > .
Siuui'S Amber Pyrup- 1 n bbls , No. 70Kr.idc ,
aoo ; half bbln , No. 7iitxr.ide , : r.'e ; 4al kcsB , No.
70 Kt.ulc. } l.3.1 ; kilts , o. 70 Krade , 78c ;
sal cans , 10 In ease , poi c.iso , J.I fKJ ; U-K.I ! cans ,
1(1 ( Incase , poi case , $1.10 , whltu do/or ill IPS , In
blN , X'c ; half bblB , 34o ; 4-sal keaseMch , * 1.41 ;
3-Kiil palls each , b' > o ; toi'kcandy drips , In bbN ,
aio ; luilf bbls , 37c ; 4nl koss , each , tl.OO ; 2.u
palls , each , P5c ; Cullfmnla honey , bills , 37c ;
half bbls , .We ; 4-sal Less f l.ul ; 2-mil Kltts , 05c ;
1-Kiil , 10 In case. Jl W ; Ifl In ease , $4 25.
t'liocoNvri : IJ-lh boxes , a % .l.1o ; Ueiman
sweet. 22Q24o ; Parisian , J,1c.
t'OCOA-Pl'l II ) , H'lSIOO.
llllOMA Put lb , X'o.
CiicoAMJTri Poi lb , 111 pkgs , 2i > 387o ; bulk , 22
© 2.1C.
M.htMixed bird , 1-lb pksrs , 5o ; eiuuiy , 5c ;
hLinp , 4''ic'anlsc. ; I8e ; poppy. 10c.
bl'iCFs Poiipui'-hltiKapore sifted , 1810o ;
shot , 22e. AllspleeJ e. Clovos-l'unuiiir , se
lected. 20u Cassl.i T hlna , 4-lb nuts. 'Jo. Nut-
lueRs o 1 , 71o ; fancy , large , 83o.
. Goons Hurley , 3'io ! farina ,
5e , peas , lo ; o.itineal , IVif-l'te ; macaroni , lift
lie ; \cimte > illl , liv llc ; lice choice , 5'i < ' ; faney ,
Oe ; lit'Hil , SViCi sago anil tuplocu , Int-'c ; lima
be ins , do ; split peas. 3oj splsjlttl , lie.
. N O fancy pur Kill. , VQ.17e ;
eholeo , 4VBI7o ; BOOil,30G < Ke ; Cubu baking , 2V&
30e ; black hti.ip , .10'c. .
\\UAi'i'iMl l'i'Htbtr.ixv. . per lb , li(3.2'jc ! ( ;
rai ; , 3/e ! : Manilla H. ft Oo ; NO 1. PC
OILS -110 pi Imo white , Ilo ; 150 water white ,
13i'i 173hcadllirlit , 14'iO , 74 JMillne , 13c > .
Su.sonllbls , 1'ac ; b'ranuUited , 2c ; In bbls ,
r-iiiiA-Plcgs , COlba to box , O'iiasjio ; kcss.
4 ' 40.
L'IIKFIB Wisconsin P.O. , twin flats , porlb. ,
I ) > ioMsconsln ; ] ' . O.ouns Amiulea. lOo ;
brlok , U"o ; domestic bwlhs , He ; IMntii In foil.
each , tl W.
Duiiai I'ntiiTS Tuiklhb prunes , less tlmn
liluls , KS-VI. 7'iu ; orlKlnnl hbils , > , c IKSS ; llokiilu
nnincs , GO lb boxes , 100 to 110 , So ; apples.
OMiponiti'd , now rlni ? choUe , lie ; oviipoiated
now , ibiB , prime , lOuj npilcots fancy , In saeks ,
17c ; blaoKliHirles , now , 5 I i lo boy , JHi ;
raspberries , 21 Ibs to box , .flc ; eurrunts , now
ti'io ; original casks , ' c less ; Vostlzza cur
rants , nxt ra , In boxes , dUi' .
Peislan , U ) lbboN,7c.
London lujer-s. Oallfoinlii .stand-
uid , per box. J2.35 | "bors.0 nhoe , " $200 ; loose
iniiscntolH. California Ntiindard , f200"borhO ;
shoe , " ( . ' .33 ; "star , " loose muscatels , il iiO ; beed-
le'is Oallfornla , * l.itt ; California seedlehs sul-
tnnns. In sacks , per 11 > . , ho ; L'alHornlu musca
tels , In sacks ho ; now xulencluUc ; valcnclas ,
old , be ; ondiiin layer , old , 7c.
HAskKTh I'or do1 bushel , narrow band
fatuve , elm , $1,80 ; 1'i biishul. nauow bind
stnvo , dm. $ , ' , ; 1 bushel , M.ivo biond band ,
dim , S. ' 2.1 ; 1 < | bushel , HlaM'.btoitd bun I , elm ,
t-,75 ; 1 bushel , elm htavo , b ilo li.indlo , tl.M ) ; 1
bushel , oak Hta > o i M [ I bmhel , llrlk'KS , 1.V.5 ;
fidiw , tJO.1 ; 1'i busliol , llrl.'ts $ .12.1 ; 1 bushel ,
( Uk splint , fl.50 ; 1'i busbul. oak hpllut , $ < I50 ;
1 hiihhol , h.imbflo MOD ; Hi Inixlicl , bamboo ,
5700 ; laiimlij- , willow , iurxo. tl.M ; luundrv.
willow , medium , W 50 ; Ian mil y , nlllow , binall ,
11.50 ; market , elm , split , 45os market , elm ,
rl\tt handle. UOc ; nntrkct , elm , co\ernil , 1
peck , $ ; .oo ; willow , niarUet , la rue , tlVwll- ) ;
Imv , uiatket , J In nist ( I small , I medlum > ,
per nest , 05o ; satohol bai-Kct , covered , a
In nest , pornest , II lOiNmull bnmboo doltxery ,
(425 : medium bamboo delivery.175 ; hino
Immooo delh ery , 15.50 ; mutu paper baskota ,
UoiiDAau-Manllla rope All sizes from 7-10
to 1 lii , lie ; bUalioyc , all sizes from 7-10 to 1
In II c ; "new iirciocsi , " all .lzr < from T-IC to
i In 6e- .
IITTOV llorr ' < In.lOo.
TWIMS tottnii twine , ' Illbb , " Miry 0110 , %
lb bales , 22e ; eotton twine , "Dil > ' brand , ft
Hi bale' . 101 hemp tttlne. U lb bale * . l-Vj Mil
twines -Mei cniullo wick , 22ei 4 * il eolton
clot his lines , SVj ui.ft eotlou elothc ? lines ,
IMWSBi-foot eotton lines , fl IOCO-ft ; s | nl lines ,
11.75 ; ffl-ft Jute , H.TOI wool I wine , nvc
NTT * Almond * , l.V ; linull * , 14e ; filbert- . .
luiipectms. ! . He : walnuts , U'l oi pe.inut
eocksU'ioi roasted , 13'ic ' ; Tennfsscopeanuts ,
HliooM5tlopailnr , MOO ; 4.tie. $ . ' 75 ; 3-tlo.
U.2T > 1 J-tlo , plain , fl-o ; wniehouses tJOO ; loi.
II Ml whisk. JHKWI.-A
Oi.iiQnarK l per IDf ! 1.00 ; pints , per dor ,
| .VJbnlClieruiilUV. ;
CVNirt ) MKATH Corned beef , 1 lb , JI.SO ;
rorne-d be > cf , 2 Ibs. } J.IO ; lunch tongue , 1 Jli.
$ 'M ) ; lunch tonsue. 2 Ibs. ! l.7.'i ; brawn. 1 lb ,
J120 ; biawa , 2 Ibs , t-X ( ) ; ox tonsucs. lj } lb ,
r > ( Koic ; toiuiir ,2 Ibs tdOJi clilpped boot , 1-4
lb , toiind e.ins , ! l,20 ; beef , 2 U ) , round
cans , } . ' .0) ) | potted h.ini , M lb , round cans , foui
potted bam , ' II ) , loiind cans , f I'.Mi ( U'lllod
linm , Ulb , round eaiisV , ( > c ! ( U-Mlcil Inm , ' , lb ,
loiind eiin , 1120 ; polled ox toun'ic. ' ' lb ,
ion ml cans , $1.20 ; compies.ed bam , 1II ) , squato
ean , il.'O ; eomues | > .eil ham. 5 Hi. ) aqiKini eiuis ,
t..7.1 | ttlpe , 2 lb , louml cans Jills ; niliicoiltol-
ops. 2 lb , round cans ! . ' .20 ; boneless plKs' ( cet ,
2 lit , siiuiini cans. 82.8,1.
VHiKTAiiLhM Tom itoes 3-lb extra , JI.OO ;
3-lb stn , luil nestcrn binnds We ; gallons ,
strletlv stundaid. l..tu. ( 'innI'uiost sroun ,
Jl.iifl ; jillt eilsed snititr com. xeiy line , (1.50 ( ;
eholi'e2-lh nc'ircoin , $1 10 ; 2-lb extra xveslern
brand' , siefieflOO ; 2-lb standiud western
brands , f .V7" > e Mit liiootns l-ll ) Prencb , ex
tra lino. 38-C2V ! 1-lb Proncli. line. lvft28oi.l-U )
Pioticb , oidlniry , KVaKv. Pens Ires , line.
'ioriMti,3.Vi ( leiiil-llne , ] u > ri'nn , lilc ; 2-lb sided ,
II.iO2-JIcuh ; ) .Mine , il. 25 ; 2-lb mat row , stand-
in d , brands , J1.1U ; 2-lb HOiilicd , OJc. MiliU
llt'.lllS-2-ll ) Illllll KM < lO. ItofllRL'O. SSl'S 2-11) )
( lulilcii wax beans , 70ci 2-lb strlns beans , ( pOc.
1. Im.i 'beans ' C-lb MiaKoil , 75e ; lleislon biked
beans 3-lb Lew Is , SIM ; Omwn In mils. JI.35.
Sweoliidfiloes J-lb Now Joisej , $1.00. Pump-
klns-.l-lb , $1 10 ( JKra. nnd tonnitoes-Jl.OO ;
okra , $1 03 , sitceottisli , fl 20.
I'lsil I'Htlllsli , extra ( leorROS , now , S'Joj
Kinnd blink , mw. 4'ie ; slhi t. 2-lb blooks.d'je' !
MIOW while , 2-lb liilckH , new , hHo ; ' 1 ill key cod ,
Intse middle brleks. De ; snow \uilto.crntes , 12-
ri-lb boxes HVei me'dluni sealed herrlnsr , 25o ;
No. 1 he'.iled lierilnir. 20c ; iloniestli ) Holland
lieiilns , 40e ; llnnilnirK xplced lierilii i We ;
Russian Biitdlnes , vpleud , u'n'i Russian u.t-
dines , plain , 50e ; Impoited Holland lieirlnir ,
CIOMII biand. SOo ; do fane ) intlUeis OOc ; mack
erel , No. 1 Hhoie , lulf hills , $12.00 ; bloilets ,
half bbli. * ISOOhltelish. : . half lihls , KdO ;
trout , half bbls , $ .100 ; family whltellsh , W50 ;
salmon , $ Mi.
CtNMJO Kisn 1-lb mncl.orel ( horrlnK.fl ) 00 ;
1-lb ilinum hmldles. Jl.oO , 1-lh lobsters , } . ' r U
8.25 ; 1-lb Aln ska snlmon , Aleut , $1 .Li ; 2-lboys-
tois 10-07 , UI.'O ' ; lib ojpters , 5-07 $1.15 ; 2-11)
selects , ii-07 , J..i5 , l-ll ) elums , llttlo necks ,
* l.Si | 2-lb clams , llttlo necks. Jl 7.1 ; i-Ib sar
dines , Impoited , iier case , IHs ( ) , $15.00'VJO.OJ ; M-
11) Imporlod boneless sardines ke\J1.00 ; 34-
Ib Biudlncs American , jior e-ise , ioOs , 1'rench
stile , $4.5ir(5X ( ) ( ) ; H-lb sardines. An. eilcnii , per
case , 100s , Tieiieh hl > le , J7.5xa-i.OI ; 'i-lh s.u-
dine" , mustard , ] iei ca'e , W- , " ? .1.7.Vff4 00 , 1-lb
oiiibs , fj 2.1 ; 2-lb crabs. } j 50 ; P A.V. . 1-lb lln-
u in huddles Jl ( > i ) ; Molr's Imported 1-lb klp-
jieic 1 heirlnj , $ .05
CANM.II I'lttiirs 2-lb ( jooselierrles , $1 10 ; 2 Hi
strawberries , II II. 2-lb rasplieirlos. tl.11 ; 2-lh
bluebiriles , 10e ; 2-lb 1)1 ) ickbe-ri les , $1 0) ) ; 2-lh
stiawberrles , ( I Ml ; 2-lb raspberries , $ l.bO : 2-lb
blackberries , $1.2.1 I'lno.ipplos ll.ihama
choppe'd. f J.OO ; ll.ihamn sliced , II.Kl ; Hiihama
slloil , choice , $ I.'K ) ; 2-lb llahnmii crated W.0.1 ;
2-lb Hal nun slleod , W.40 ; 2-lb standard hllcod ,
1.23l.ri ) Cherries2lb red. J1.10 ; 2lbblte ,
$1.1.0. . Pears-2-lb.l.30. I'eaehesllbc isturn
standnids , Jfl SI ; 3-lb eastern seconds. $1,4V9
1.0.1 ; .1-lb pie , $1.40 ; Sloria Miulio , * . ' ( . " > ; aprl-
cotsJl.OI , penrs. $ J01 ; plums , ejs.jl.55 ; plums ,
gieen KII OS. fl.W ; cherries white. JI.V .
VIM- ( Hit -30 sr. cldei.lOc ; good , 12o , while
wine , 15c ; fanex , finlt. Sc
Movu POLISH J.'OT.1 87 porsro s
1HO& Am , per 10) ) . $177i : Lewlslon , period ,
$1771. IMilon s < | uaie 3iKiTsl5per cent on" list.
bAF/r Daliv , 2Kllbs Inbbl , bulk , if-.ll ) ; best
Ernde , 00 5s , . ' . ' 0 ; best Ri.iilo. 100 3s tJ 40 ; best
Siade , 1810s t-.Ct ) ; rock bait , crushed , $1.M ;
commeiii , bbl , $1.38.
HAi Castllo , mottled , per lb , OOlOo ; do
white , per lb , Ilo.
Jti.ocic Tic = mall pig , 30e per lb ; bar. 30o
per 11) .
Coi-pi -Planished bollor sl7c , 30o per lb ;
cold lolled. 2o ! perlb ; slicotlnR. 31c poi lb ; pit
nnd Hals atoper lb.
( J M.VAM/I D Sin I.T Inov niscoimt 50-10 per
C"iit ; pat. plan , lion , -N'us. 21 and 27 , A , lOiio ;
TIN I'rATE-I. 0 , 10x21 , $3.73 ; I. X. , lO.xIl ,
$ S ? .
11N I'LATr-Coko , 14.X20 , 112 , $0.2.1.
UooriNO Olnucoil , I. C. , 14x20,112 , $150 ; I.
X . $0.73
biiKhr Iuo\-No 20 , $1 10 ; No. 27. $ J 00
Sor.niK-btrlctlj luilf and half , loo.
STIII : , NAIW lln o , $ . ' 20.
STi.i-r. Wntr NAII.S lla c , U 05.
iii ) bath , J.l.8.1 ; Rtilv , $ J85.
OUIMKC I'ecoP. . A W. , 4Ge ; ( irrinnn , .lie ;
Indlso , per Ih , 75e ; Insect powdei , Sic ; opium ,
$100 ; morphine , pu or , ( .101 ; hops , pei lb , .We ;
( lcerlne , 20e ; dextrine , lOe ; eutlleboiie , 3.V ;
cream tin tar nine , li'c ; coinmnrclal. 18c ; cam
phor , 50o ; am , curb , 1 le ; blue \ Itrol 7' ' c.
Acni-C'nibolle. : UTi4.'c ; citric , 45lbo ; tar-
tailc. 3j.Wc ( ; siilpliurlc. peril ) , 2c.
OILS Sieim | oil. (1.10 ; tin pent me. 48e ; Tonca
be ins , ! . ' 2'rU.31 ( ; balsam ton In , 11(2.45 ( ; calumel ,
nfi'J'v ' ; cinthai Ides , $1. W1.15 ; cassia buds , 20
< Q,82c ; ehlorofoim , I'l&l.'u ; erirot , 474 5.'c ; gum
ni.iblc , 55HiWc ; Ijcopodluin , 4t@lJo ; mereurv ,
Dry Oooils.
HK\VV HIIOWN COTTONS Atlantic II , 7'ie ;
Atlantic II , 7e ; Atliintlu 1) ) . 0-4e ; AtlnntluP.
Oo ; AiiroiaC , 5o ; Jluck's llead.C eCabot !
W , C'Jc : Dnillnston , O'le ; Parincis' No 1 , 4\ ©
4'e ' } ; llojslei l.L , 5.e : Indian Head , 7'e { ;
Lawrence I/h. .l .ii'l Ilenilelta IJ/,5'3C.
I > 'lM UliowN COTTONS Atlantlu I.L.Cc ; Au-
lora ll.OUe ; Autora H , oyc : Atlas O N II,7ic ;
licusu cloth , 4c ; Clinton IT , 5'ic ; Pcppciell
1 { , O'fc ; LniipdoaO 11 , He.
Ht.ieciiinCorro.NS-'IIorkelcy : cambrjo No
C0,0c ; llest Vet , O'.c ; Itiittercloth XX. 4'e ' ;
C.ibot,7'jcKli ; > , tC'.ill'iioj ( ! : Prillt of the Kooni ,
fiUo ; lllll Senipei Idem , be ; llousukeeiior , MIC ;
Kins I'liilllp cambric , 10c ; Lansdon ( 11 , tl > ie ;
Ijonxdale , b'ic ; I.onsilalo cambric , lOc ; > e\v
Uuk Mills , lie ; Uak l.i\\n,7c.
Netf I'upnuiull , 11-ln , 10e ; Poppurull,6-1 , l e ;
I'cniieiull. 0- . li-l. 20c ; I'epiH-iell. 10-1. . ' 'e ;
Iltlcn , 48-lu , 15o ; t'tka. K-In. 17He : Utlcii ,
7.Mii , J4e ; Ullcii , M-ln , 2ie , ; TTtlca , lMiiSi'iij. ) ( '
Hlo it'lied Not I'ojipcrell , 42-ln , 10u ; 1'tp-
peiell,41-In , lie ! Pepierell , 0-4. 14'i ) ; Pep-
tei ell. 6-4.200 ; I'epperoll. 11-4 , 2-'i ; Peppwell ,
1U-4 , 2Jc ; Utlea , 8-1 , 24c ; Utlcii , 0-1 , 2Jc ; Utlca ,
10-4. 2-'tc.
GiMWAMS AmosUeas , O'sc ; Amoskeas ,
( IrCKS.S'ic ; Hates , O'Je ; Wuiwlclc , diess , 7'ie ;
Laiicaslei , GUc ; Glenalie , O'icVlilttcnton ; ,
dioss , S'-c ,
PHIMS IntliRO blue Net Martha Wasb-
Instim , Oc ; Amcilean , O' e ; Ai nold. C'ti-s Ai-
nold II , loiu cloth. 20e ; btlfel A. 12c ; Mi'iil-
maok.Ta , lOc ; Gold leaf , 8'je ; Hamilton , 5 te ;
Allen I'luKs , Uie ! ; Allen Chambiay , Oc ; Glou
cester , SVic
PIIIMS Pnnclcs Kililjstone , 0 > , o ; Steel ; Hamiilio , 4'ie ' ; bt , Ledger , 5'iC. fahli t-
Inss Maltha Wiishlnston , 4'ie ; Mciilmuek ,
4'ic ' I'lirki-r lids roiintaln , O'ie ; Oaincr,7c ;
Cienfleld. 8'jc ' ; Itcrlhr , Oljc.
Wuar.h Not , Thistle , 7'4e ; Icd Cross , 7c.
Coi.oiiiiiCAMimics-Cio : n , 4'4e ; Ited Star
Jlic ; lolled Clo\ei , 5c ; hlutei.Ou ; lil li color ; ;
ClUhlt'Stevens' H , 10-In. W Stoxens1 \ I )
IS In , lie ; Slovens' Acl&-ln. 7e < ; htevens' P , 1S-
In , 734c ; Stu\ens'M.lB-ln , 8' c ; Stox ens' N , 20-
In , S'les Stevens' NN,23-lnMic ! ; btoxetis' hll'C ,
20-ln , It'iCi bleached lo extra.
UIJMMS NetAmoskeaK , l-oz ) , 10'Je ' ; Yorl
camlet , 12o ; Kieiett , st indnid , 12'ie ' ; Ilay-
mnker'H , 7'ic ; Old York , XX , lO'itLaw ; icnce
220 , U'tii ; Lawieiice , t ) oz , 1.1'ac ; fancy sttlpcb
mid eheeks , 11'iC.
OOTlONADKh York NtUlklll , 10'jC , KxetOtl
6o18o ; I.ewlston. 10-o , 28'tc ' ; WorKlngumn's
1'1'tCi CorKseiew cashmeie , 22'sC.
Ttckotsut lowest rates ami superior
accommodations via the tjreiit Hook Is
land routo- Ticket oltico , 1C02 Six-
couth und Furnivin Btrcots , Omaha.
Abused HoiItcscuor. .
Mrs. lint-riot Anderson , nn old coloroc
woman \\lio lives at South Onin o , WHen
on the Morris and Ebsox Hailronl trwc-l
the other duy when the Huckottbtowi
ox pi ess loomed up fifty foot away , run
ning at the rate of fifty miles an hour
wiys > un Orange , N. J , , dispatch to Iho
Now York Times. The old woman wu
bo paruly/ed with fear that uho could no
IIHMO. Joseph Yftii Idorstino was nea
Iier anil insttmtly re.ill/.cd her diuiyoi1
Quick lib thought ho sprang at the oil
woman and pushed her hcudloiiff fi'on
the track. AH he ; did this the oncino
dashed by him , mlsbing him by uut i
fo\v inolics.
The old woman got up when the train
passed and abused Mr. Van Idor-itin
roundly foiwuti-iklnyr a woman and threatened
oned to have him arrested.
1'cars'Soap Is tlioinostclcgimt toilet ndjtinc
Provisions and Stocks ,
3O8 South 13th Street , - Omaha.
TOITOJ CIIH Mie > IILIU.I.V * ION' A g A.rrlvci
jUnnlut Depot loth Ami .Mfivm Mrepf Omihn ,
I HI d in . ( liloifco Mprmi . . 81U n m
1 > .i a m . ( lilrflico Ktproii . . dp m
t' 10 n in . . . .Clilcnuo l.'tprosi 9V ) n m
C.iap ni .Chlrmin loril . SOS n m
Uci IMllfir.lNdfoN1 . < Mel HlVllit Atrlrcj
Umiilia | populiatliniiil Minon tlreoti t Omilm. _
li < h it m . .Dt-nver l > .iy Kxprcis * ' t *
11) ) IS a ni . . . , DoiiTfr i : j > re i i fi.ll p m
041) ) p in' ' . . .IxntirNlKlit ( itiiriui . ti tt u in
H n n m ! Unoiln 1/wnl VIH p in
loiittM 1 If t' SV J ; ' . ll i Arrlvoi
jjJnnlm | Depot 10th nail Mann ulroatt I O.n illv
"pa am .ICiuKas ear DiF Ki | > n' s T MO p m
HMpmlK C NUIitl'M' vln U. I- Tram Ml n m
I ArrlviM
Oniilm | IK-pot IDtli nml Jlnrcy utreeti I dunlin ,
y Mi in Ovrrlnml Hrer ' 0 < p m
7.SII | < in . 1'nclHe K > pru i 13 4) p in
in : n in . Domcr Mpr < > u. .1 Vi p ni
A HO n in . .Knn mCltjr K\pu" . UUi it m
10 U a in 1 nlrllelil i : p. ( t-xrt > | it 'nil I Iti p in
IAMBS i Olth'Al.O.U 1 A I-ACIWO I .Vrrlvm
Oinilm. Ill I' , depot , lutli niul .Mirey sn | oniiliR
0.10 p in Mi.lit Kiiri | > 4 lOU'i n in
V V5 n in AtlniitlO liniroM 0 < a p m
4 a p in VoMlliulo Limited 101 Vi m
r/.cimn i - siouv nvv.v
_ OmMm | irPilciol. _ _ | 10th mil M ruy s | I iiintln
7 IS n nil . . . Manx City l'a enm-r . . .
,6 Up ml. Ct Paul Kxpn-M . jlOa\ n m
"lta eT i "BFOl \ ( T I l i I'AUI1U i . \rrUi' !
_ tJinilii I Depot IMJi nml \ \ filler Sti _
_ ( > UO | > m | . . . M. I'nul Umlti'il ,
1ntTtt ii'llie' Mlu A " < iilirifNV.-Jl'ftltS X'nirji
Onmlm III I' ilmnt , I'liti ' mil Miroytfn ( MH'M _
I'I'm m G * ii p m
4 U p in . . . . Vustllmlo I.liullol . . l > it ) a m
C15 p in lonu Aiciiiiiiniiilatluii tl ! o. Sun ) 7U > p m
t < II ) p in Kmlorn Hyor . . . III p m
1 IS | > in . . . .I n t Kmtorn hixuri" " P OS n in
lx'uu irillC VU > , Mil. , A SI' 1'AI l. . I Alrno ,
Unmlin IIT I' depot , lillli mil Mnrcy K I Oni iliv
6IX ) p nil . . .T.-.t'lilrncu Kxpro > . . . . | D O n m
lvl P ' "I j . - .t'lilcnifi' l'\nri ( > 11 p 111
"l.civoj i OM1i < l , t SI' i.iil'is Arritci
Onmlm.U \ P depot , lOtli niul Marry '
4 W | i in . M l.ouU Cniiniin Mall It KTjTlu
J.rnvoH ! , K tMO VVlWV Vrrlroi
Ouinlii. nojiiiMMI nn IV I I > HiSti On i'i\
l > 00 n m . . . Illnik Illlh ft .M p III
IUU n m : \\t \ nx. : & Jl > , i 111
610 p in \Vnlioo , V Lincoln IDJ > I 11 Ml
& 10 p < n York A Norfolk ( Kx. > iiiiiilir ) ID M n m
Un\u n P , , Mr TM. AO
" Onmlm | _ Depot 15tli ajiilVubsti < r St < ( ) nmli i
7 HO im . > sitnix riljr ACIOIHIIIIIII illiin IliiVipni
1 ( U p in Sioux ritr HTprots ( lv ! Sun ) I W p in
j UO p in St. I'aul l.linlti'il . . . V41 HIII
Jj 15 n in lliinciitt I'lsmMiiiiT ( lx ! Sun ) _ ) J Ti nni _
Onialin | nepajUSllijuiil Wulntiy Dm ill l
10 U iriaf .ht 1-ouh . * K C. riiu- | 4 A'J p m
U3 ! p ml M Irfiult A K ( ' Kxir | ( " I K ) n m
. U I A 1'AC ArrlTCs
'ranufvr Union lopot ) ( \miulllliijl < Iniu fer
K 4) ) p in . . .Mxlit I'xprais V ( . * > a til
V iO n ni Athntlol.tpnm 15 * > p m
5UJ p in Vmllbnlo UmlltMl Ul .10 a in
I Arrives
arnntforl llnlua De-pot , ( uiiiull HIIIIIH _ llr.imter
? to n ni ClilciiKn Kipn-S' dlKi | i ni
fiUO p ill Vemlbulo I.lmltcil . . . . V M a in
OH ) p m in : < t < irn H > ir . ' ( U p m
I id P in . . . All mtlo Mall T a in
bSO p m lonn AeeomiimiHtlim ( I1\V smo 0 to p m
_ , M11V A Si' IHUi. .Arrive" .
1 ruin tor I t'nlon Depot , roiimll llliirTs ITrnnifur
630 p nil Kxpri'H I ) 1ft o in
I to p ml ( ! ( X ) pm
"Leavu * If. tT.,3T JJK AC 11 fArrlvi-s"
Trimjifc Unlonjhn-ot. Ciiiiiicllllnllt _ _ * jTrnnsfer
1(1 ( o ; u ml 7.7\nn3aVCIty Day lipre . ] a 41 p m
Ul 25 j ) jij .Knnsai ( 'It ; Mitlit ixtn ; 's _ | ( , > ) n m
MAltA i ST. IXU1 > 4. TArnvi-s
Trnnsfi'r Union Itopot , tininolj _
T(1) p in | > t lxinN ( nnon Unit
I.oaTi'1" ciiirAf. ! ( HOHTN A
Transfer Union Depot , L'ouiiin Illults.
lllll ii in TTriilcnuo Krprc s
lOUO p in Clilcuxo I"
J .j ) p in . . ( ri'stnn
' < >
1 | _ pot , Council lllurK.
J < ' > n in ! . .Sioux City Acooinuinilutlon . I v 16 a m
1(0 pm' ' _ . tit I''iil Kxprcss _ | ii M p m
M m n III. ) > ill.
1'ortnl 8 IS 4 I'l 1 H >
-ojinour I'.irk . 8 9 in 1.44
Mnscot 8 4 < l 4 fill ! ) U 1 47
lawn 8 CJ 4 fij .1" ) 1 M
Uust Slilo. . . . 7 15 8M Ol I 15 9 40 -
llnnUco I'laci ! . . 17 7 18 8 57 A 0) ) t n 1) ) 42 l-57
W.ilnut UIU . . 20 7 11 DUO . . 11) ) I 'A 11.45 2,00
Ijikn olrcMt. . . . ii 7A'j VO.I . " . U l > 18 2 0.1
Drultl Hill. . . . , V5 7 23 .I US r , u il 25 U V ) 2 ( IT
UikChatluuu . . 23 7 ,11 SI 09 P M 2 08
\\'obslor \ btrtot. 407 45 1) ) Al < l 4U ID O'i „ 2U
_ A ' !
13O2 Farnam Street
Oily Passenger and Ticket Agont.
Permanent Alignment
General Agents Nebraska aud Iowa.
31O S. 16th St. , - - Omaha
tJruor inr n * nu t-- * , vui teuii | umnuB'r
to tt-fuinl money U the eronlmi ntlaiUCO
1110 Kuniuin tftrcot , - Onmhn , Nol )
Abfolutfly rcllfUe , iierfix tlybafe.nmiit powerful fein&ls
mnilitorVnovn n wrf lf , ISalio , ixMpaPI ,0110
mmUcnt. Aildn-wi I ION Dlirr m . liultalo , N , V.
bold by IJOODIUN lillliu ( .0.
lotny | lco i it tlio Uiuini Mtt4 Alto , Hit ;
Jurujir * ( icyel * * , battle * md Glili Triry
Onr ritor * it * ) < f > * * \j\tt \ \ tut
0 , H d rrtl fni4 U (1 Kprarrr' * tte-
r ) 231 W M dvn ( Bt. H icio. f 3 to
Umrd fvn4c , ltfnt for I iw rnlt *
MJU ruUiSi.i ( i"VJi [ n Ut world.
Buffi rmj- from the t-itfcw ( if yuuthrul i rrorn , carlr
wcakK ) > KM. lu t ui&iiho.xl , i U * ,1 will
etna a vnUmbln IreMlw ( aliil ) conlnlliliig full
imrtlculirri for homo curt , I'llKII ot cliai > , tt. A
pleuilMniPilloal work , ( houlil b itnd by i-irr ]
mvi wlio l > iiPrrnin nd ilclillllatol. Aililrom ,
i'rof. V. C. I'O WLiIill. fllootlui.C-uiiUf
NESS CUr < eD ' > r ii' " .
kl.p.rtfciirluil ; ellj , WBlolulU.
f " t mU KlBldlcl
"utwtc inK4F.lUaOOX.Mlllr.Ui4j ,
Omaha Manufacturers ,
Hoots null
Wholesale Manufacturers of lioots& Shoes
Akontsfor ll.ulonllnl'l.prPlioo . Co. , 111.3 , IIOI u
Mutiny Stifol , llmilm Ni'li
Lager llccr Brewers ,
IMl Nttlh l tli Mreel , Omilm , Neb
Manufacturers of Galvanized Iron Coinlce
Vlmlow cnp nnil niotnllc kTilk'iH ) lolni I'peni'tor ,
rrnptlrtor IIMniul tlUXiintli loth ilr.vt
Artlstd * Mnti'i-lillH.
A. HOSPE , Jr. ,
Artists' Materials , Pianos anil Organs ,
1M3 Douulm Mrect.Omiilin N'ob
Conl , Coke ,
Jobbers of Hard and Soft Coal ,
B.I ! I'or li'lh niul OouelinMrecl' Onutlin N ct > .
Shippers of Coal and Colic ,
Sll South 13th Street Otmliti Nt'l'
DEAN , AHMs ritONG t * CO. ,
Wholesale Cigars.
4MN Mil Street 'I Icll > ' 1111
Dry Cooils anil Notion * .
Dry Goods , Fiiniisnliig Goods and Notions
Corner 11 tli nnil llunwnlStriuto
Importers anil Jobbers in Diy Goods ,
( Joiiti'l'iiriilslilni ! < lm l Corner llth nnil ll rnor
fcUrooti , Uiu iliH , Ncl )
Wholesale Dealers in Furniture ,
1'iirnnm Street , Unnliii ,
Onialii , NitirnsVi
McCOUD , nUADY fc CO ,
Wholesale Grocers ,
nnd Ionxonnortli Htrcotn , Oinilm N'r
Imnilier , Ktc.
Dealers in Hardwood Lumber ,
V rl , 1.110 N loth SI. Oin.ilm
\Yliolcsdle Lumber , lite. , Ktc.
Imrorted oml Ainorloin Portlinil t'einont Btnlo
gcntfor .Mllmfnku ) lltilniiillo Coiuenl , unit
Qulncy ullu l.luio
' Dealer in Hardwood Lumber.
Wood carpets nml pnrqnot flooring tllli nnd Duuglu
tftreets , Onmlia , NctirisU i.
Lumber , Lime , Cement , Ktc , , Etc.
Corner Mh nnil Donclas SlreotiOnmhn. ,
Mllliiiory mill Xotlons.
ii""oDKUFELDEU ic CO. ,
Importers and Jobbers in
208. 210 nnil 312 South Mill street.
Wholesale Notions and Furnishing Goods ,
1121 Ilarncy ttrcnt , Omnha ,
Wholesale Refined and Lubricating Oils ,
Axle grcnao , etc , Oinnhn A. .11 lllahop , igcr.
Wholesale Paper Dealers.
Cnrrr n nice pluck ot rrlnllni ; , wrnpiiiR ] | nnil wrltlnv
pupor. Bicclul | attention glrim to t.iril impur
L. DEANE & CO. ,
Ucncral AKonti for
Halls' ' Safes ,
nd n.l Eontli lOtli St. . Omnhn
TOJ'H , Ktes.
11. HARDY tt CO. ,
Jobbers ot
Dolls Albums Goods
Toys , , , Fancy ,
IIouou 1'urnlililns ( loodr , ChlMrcn'i Cnrrligoa. 1209
Innrini Bticct , Ouiilia , Neb ,
Steam and Water Supplies ,
lltillld.1)nlnd nillh niftnnilir.'OJonci btOmaha.
( I r Unaa , ActlnK Mmwi'ur.
lion \Voi'.CH.
Wrought and Cast Iron Building Wortt ,
Knglnri , lirmi work , Konornl foundry , nmrliInvalid
tlacksinltlt nork Olllroiinit winks , U 1 * .
llv. nnd 17th ttrctl , Onuli i.
llani'rs ol Fire and Burglar Proof Safes ,
Vault ) , Jnll work , Iron nhnttcra nnd lira oirapus.
U. AuUrcon.prup'r. Cor lull amlJacknon bin
Snsh , Dixiri , Klu.
\VholoBtile ninnufiicture'ri of
Sash , Doors , Blinds and Mouldings.
lirnncli ofllcc , 12th nnil Uurd stroctn , Omnlm , Neb.
jB o ut li Om. a.
01 South Omalia , Limited.
COM M 11
National Banl
Capital , - - $400,000
Surplus , 4/j.OOQ
unit Directors K M Murnrmnn fl M
IlltiluocW , losi'iili ( inrnenii .lr. , A. Henry K JL
Aiuli.TBDll , Wllllnm (1 .Maul , vlri"pre > lilunt I. I
Wllliiiius A. P llnpkliiK. prualili'iit A Mllllnrj
cuuhler. K. U. llryunt. utmlsUnt ca'Ulur
National Bank
Capital. - - - - $4OOOOO
Surplus Jnn. 1st , 1800 - B7BOQ
Onicermml Dlrectori llonryV YHOI | , IVralilcnl
I.UWUS Hi uil , Mcu-l'renlilpul ; . .lainoiV Mnvntr' , M
V .Morrfe , .lnlMi H Uolllnt , U O. CushliiK , J .N. I
I'utrlck , \ \ 11. H llutiliva , C4ibltr
Corner Ulli uinl 1'uroini Ht ( ,
A Gonerul Uauklug Uublntss Transacted ,