Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, August 05, 1890, Page 2, Image 2

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i on
dealings Wo have some proprrtv up north
nlilth w r-w i ro about trading for a fruit farm
ntrju licit muff * . "
Mi 'viulres snld lie would not sny w hit lie
had for MX ) , but ha was advised to do HO ,
for ho tlii'iKht Dundy was poisoning Mr.
JJIrkhiui'xriiKnlnst him. . .
PV Item yBUpcilntcnd * nlof the Bnrbor
asphalt company , was tlicn rallml and cor-
robointpd tlio stntciiiPiits of Mr. Squire * .
Arming other things , lie snld it wns 110 aln to
steal from the city. As Ion * as It e.imc from
the dU ttwasnll rlsht. llo mild lie rould
ron tnif tlio boHttl tlmt he could do imythliiir
bo pleased IIo never mentioned any 0110 In
particular , . .
"I ask il htm how wo were to Know thai ho
would pin il1 * If wo ] iut in Inferior work. Ho
saldlt would bo all right Ill-would Ilx it.
It iippcars tlmt ho thought wo would
HUrolj tutor into the deal How-anted us to
bcht'io tlmt If wo illcl ltni > rfoct work It
Mould be accepted nml paid f r 1 1 looked tome
mo Ilko a t-mo of blackmail I thought lib
ilrst tin re was someone bark of It , but I
c miu to the lonrlnsloii there was not J
tlinm'lit nl Ilrst ho Lad some newer , for I nru
il nitanccT nero
Mr .Scpiin'i being recalled , said : "Ho
came ono day mid snld that Henry vas a
( hump. nml if ho should p ) Into court
bis ( Dtmdy's ) oath would bo ] UHt
us Rood m Henrys Ho ilgiuccl
up how much the iH\oinciit would cost , say
ingIf ' \o\i \ sue ; ono-foutth of stone btiso it
will amoi'mt toM coats a > urd , one-fourth of
binder n cents , one- fourth of the topping ,
in t tthat will make r > 0 cents per jard.
IIllMUg U',000 ' JllldS , tint WOUld
> .
Mr H iiilros asked If the lioird thought ho
hart nr ti d right In Mkini ; th" course ho Incl.
MC.HH 1'uray mid Kiel-stead said they
tbouifiit he hud
Tlu-Cltj TIiinngHl "With Mombcis ol'
Pirnr.o , August I 'Iho Odd fellows and
IMtilarcli Militant bold possession ofCbt-
IIIBO K\cry section of the United States is
lopn seated. Lieutenant Oencril Under-
wooJ , tlio grind sire of the order
and toinmuidcr of the milltarj branch
of thu I'ntriuieli ' MIHHnt , sent out over
half a million loturs and circulars
ic'lnti\o totliornitnniiipnt iiniHn in my other
wajs called attiiition to the Kicat uent. The
contests In theelvll brandies of the oidcr
begun eail > today nml will continue through
out the week Most ot the contests will ho
bold hi nuttory 1) armory and will bo open
oulj to thi'initiitpd The merit contests in
tlio work of the Uobokuli degioe , or
woman's department , were gallantly given
preicdfiiee and begun this morning' . The
proceedings wtro opened by ' ( Jucen of the
Lakes" Nebehah dcRi-oo Lodfw B1J of Chicago
cage , the pi bcs for \ \ lilch Ucbckah lodges to
the nutnliu of eleven are competing and UK-
grecati > 1,100 , Tlio lodges competing fiom
outside nfChirn.0 .no fiom Vlroqun , WIs ,
Columbus , O , Itli'hinotid , Mlnneniiolis ,
HloomliiKton and Omihn At I p in only
the mi bill ceremonj took pluo. 1 his was
the hoisting of the Amiilc.inCaiiiUiiui mid
Mllltiuj llatf This was the oflldul slgnnl
that the untonmcMithndbuKun It was the
liitcMllon to rtitso all the Hags at the sumo in
stant and the slpnal for that purpose -
pose was given by ( lonrial TJmlcnvood , but
( jcMioral Cable \MIS ditei Mined that tlio stms
nnd strl ) > ca should KO 1 > Ant , and , is ho
huldtho upo. they did. I'roccdlnn and fol
lowing' the 1 1 UK ralsiui ; .1 r.iml conceit was
In pniBroM 'I'onitfhta iniviiIIUcaticccntion
and ball was ( jivin at Uattory I ) aiinory
undci thouusplies of thuUcbckati deyrco.
HrollMM U'lllcs to lf Ini.
Ai in nN. , . YUKUst I This afternoon
n postm mi cat i ii'il into the prison aicj istcied
letter nddiosscd to Williim Keminler. The
postmnrl\\as Philaileliililu nnd upon the on-
\elopoi\wwilttcn \ the words , 'Trotn jour
brother. Homy ICtmmlci " Doubtless this
coinnninliatioii was thought by the writer ,
and piobililylll bo. iho lust to p.iss between
Hio m o hrothcis. At 4 o'cloik Warden Dur-
ston told tlio Associited piosi leincsentutivo
that tlio oxeitloa would not take
phuo within the nt\t t\\cnty-
foui hows. Hairing upon this point is u pi i-
vatudlspiitch icci-Ucd In this city fiom Uuf-
falo stating that the in vltod witnesses to the
execution ha\o hcui asked tobopiesent in
Auburn iitT o'clock ' Tuudny uvciilnjr. Kea-
sonhiK fiora these facts , pooploarodlvidcil aIn
opinion is to whether Kommlor will dlo to
morrow evening or UIMII "Wednesday oven-
liiK Doubt less more people lioio nra of the
hoik f tlmt Wednesday mouiiiiilll \ bo the
time of the OMCUtion
llinperor AVIlliain at Oslmt 110.
LONDON' , August4 'Jhe Goinian Imperial
j-ncht Ilohcnrollorn , with Ktnperur "VVIllIain
nnd Piinco Htnrj on boird , urrhed at Os-
bo 1110 this moinhif , ' rlho piinco of Wulos
nnd tlio duke of Coiniangb , on board the
lo al yacht Albcitn , went out toinetttho
oiupeior As the ompfior landed a salute
was lli-ed r.ntoilnu a cnrili o his mijeat )
dro\o \ tottio Osboino house Herotlio ijueen ,
thu piincess of Wales tuul thoduohcss of
KdlnbuiBb icceivcd him Aftt r luncheon the
queui and oinporoi had u long prhatolntoi-
view In tha altcinooii the emperor and
Prlnco Ilcnr dlo o around tlio ( iround- . def
the OHUHUIO house , and visited the much
loness of IjOino and * lbo ducln'ssof Udin-
buigli The oinperorttlll ntteiid the jacht
rucis lomouon and will diuu with the roynl - 1
yiulit club
A IVcull r Do.itli.
VOUTVvvM \ , Ind. , August I. [ Specinl
Telegram to Tin : IJni J .An old Gciinan
fanner mimed Heimnn Huhl.who has oceu
plod n sin ill farm near lilooiiiingdiilo , n sub
urbof this cltj , died this luomiii in lioniblo
n ony Some tlino ago ho was drnlng'a
liorse , when the animal coughed
t > lo\v the expectorant Into the face
ofthodther. Last week ljuhl's ' fiuo be
ciiino lltorally eiuiustcditli small
pnnplos and th'so spitMtl ovir his bodj until
tioe\entuallvbocuino a muss of corruntinii
HOIW Medical science wns of no iivuil jV
local plnsiclm 6ijs Unit dcithwns duo i to
bl < xul polsoninp umsed b.v the obnoxious
matter fiom the horse bocomlii absoihed in
the man's sjstoni It Is suppoaul thit the
aniimiliib siilToria/ / : from glanders
'IInKonttioM Kin ; t Ion.
Lei iiui.i r , 1C j , August I. A general (
election teen place throughout Kentucky to
duj The ouij sUite oflleo at stake w is the
clerkship of the couit of appeals. The eandl
dates wuoV \V. Lonumooi , democrat , nnd
Judge ,1 II Klnsloj. republican. Dele
gates to tbo Ilrst ( OtiMltutlomil coiiM'atlon
slneo IS'i | were also chosen Heports up to
midnight liiilliiito that I.onnmoor would lm\o
a larger mnjoiitv than the demociatic ticket
received nt election
Fiom returns from shtjof tbo ll'i ' counties
it is estimated that Longmoor willba\ oauoul
tuhtj-lho thousand inujoiitj
lu > i national Medical
DUII.IN , August ! The tenth interuntlonal
rneillcalcoairiess opened in this elty totlaj ,
ifiOO ! Ciciinan nnd the sumo immberof foi dun
doctors , including500 phjsKlnns from Amer
ica , beliur present 13r Hamilton , scigeant
ircneralof the United Mates nmilnu hospital
borUce , who wat > i > ecrotary of the congress i
last year at Washington , and others made
speeches In icsponso to addresses of wekome
After the reading of sc'veral pipers Prof
Voichow , piwlduit of the cougi-c s , an-
noiineed the airaiiKement of sections and In-
\ ited all thomon.ilii.i-s to u loto this o\euing
in AusflliuiK'H ' i > .uk .Sir Jamet > i'agct was
elected uonoraiy pix-btdent.
I-'ntal I\plosoii ! | ol * Clienilcnlh.
DCSMII , Col. , August Chemical ! , ox.
ploded In tbooftlco of the Domcr llr-e-brick
and chemical supply house this afternoon
Theentli-o fi-ont of tbo building was blown
out mid u mini passing- f ixut of the btnro at
the tlmo was bulled across tlio strvet and
builljbniUed , The bulldlnir took llru und
ivas nearly consumed. J. O. loswoithpivs ! , | .
dent of the company , was taken from the
ruins , burned to a irNp. Noothenwt'ro
Icllled. though Ho\oml had narrow escapes
from Leliig caught la thu llauie .
A Mall llobbery.
ST. Lei iri , August 4. A mall robborj- iv-
ported on the Incoming Alton train urilvlng
Jrotn Ctdcugo this morning , Yholl Uouto
Agent Harris turned over the mail mutter
tiuileT his cure sou'iitecn njrlstered letteis
Avcro 'ouid to bo missliiLoonseqiiontly the
jKUtotllco refused to r-oe-clvotho matter and
telegraphed the Chicago" iio&loille'o to that j
A Disgraceful Sccuo nt Last Night's ' Meet
ing of the Florence Council.
< V ItrHoliUlon tn JKM'larc tlip OJIioo ol"
City Aitonipy nilor Vnuiint
Ijiilil On-r i'or
\Vocks. \
Ilio repoit that \Vhllo \ Cap's Inhabit tha
satied inccliKts of Tioicnco tan no longer bo
HUcccHsfully denied , an some of the acts per-
founed hst night fully establish the fact tint
while tliev mny not hunger for gore , they mo
accurate egg tnro ei-s.
7lio council was booked for lla regular
Hcnd-inonthlymoctliifT , and owing to the fact
thnta npoitlmd been dtc'tihtodtliiitchirgej
would bo preferred n alnst certnlii town oHl-
clal , the school room tlmt is used ns a council
ell chamber i wtw tlciist-ly pacltcd.
Iho citizens came down from the
hill and up fiom the dalts.
Ituv 8 o'clock when Mayor Trat } called the
bed to onlor , and after traiisactlug the iou-
tine business , retnnkodeuro , now ready
foinew business. "
Tou could have heard the traditional pm
diopwlicn Couiuilinau Wdkcr rirow and
said , " tr. Maor , I boglea\oto Introduce a
icsolution , " ami then hoieail :
llo sr > l\el ( , 'Hint Iho ollleo of city ittomoy In
dcilaii'd Miiint. and that the picint In-
emnliontliM rtiiuMid.
'Iho pipci was hnnddl up to the cloik. and
Btrpping into the mlcldlo of the loom , Mi.
Walker s.dd "lleeontly unutnber of cases
liaie ionic tip hn\o caused
us n gioat utul of tioublc
Kllor , our pit-'sont attoincy , hns defended
rases tint ho should bmo prosecuted and ic-
fused topiosei'ittocases In which the cit\
has hccii tlio plilntill. IIo has received
money fiom pusoners who liavo bcon placed
under nncst , nncl now 1 think that Ifcwant
an attoiney It will bo cheaper for us to go to
Onnhaand cmplo ) ono"
'luls hiought Councilman Brown to Ids
feet , and brandishing his fists in "Wallcci's '
fii(0. ho s.iid , "It's ' n lie , nnd bo knows
ovcryonl ho sajs is a llo. IIo lefors to the
caMJwhcie Mr. Kllci defended my wife
when she was arrested "
"Toll the whole story , " snld ICller.
' Yes , I will , " continued lliown
"Walker me ns the Alberts case , and ho
Insinuates tlmt Kller mid imsr-lf bought .Al-
belts oil whin ho bad my vlfo anestid Mr
Kllcr had a right to defend mvlfe , and j\l-
horts dismissed the CMSJ of his own fucoid "
Is .IiulKO Kansoin In the roomf" nslicd
Judge Hansom was present , and walking
to tbo fiont , ho suld : "I had intended to ten
der mv it'signition , but now 1 guess mj re | > -
utitioh doinands tlmt I had bettor hang on "
"Uo jou want mo to tell tlio whole story 1"
continued the judge
'Iho couacllniori did.
Ituibom then told tbo stoiy of Mrs.
Brown's aiic-st on a wan-ant bworn
out by Alberts. JIo said that
ho had asked Illler to prosecute tlio
li < iuor case > s , but that Kller wanted towaitn
feu dajs until Iho ordnances wow pub
lished. Ho told the ston of Alboits and
Blown \lsiting hisottlco , where each agreed
topiy half of the costs of tbo piosecutioTi in
tbo case against liiown's ' wife.
Uller again got the floor and
plujed the baby net. Ho told the
couiioilmen that if no was ittaiiud
ho w ould prosecute all offenders ; that ho h id
been sick , and upon tbo adUco of his doctor
ho had thank two of bcei , but that ho
was not n iiiend of thu saloon men llo said
that hodlel not Know the Smidaj law was In
"Vou did not know the Slocumb low was
in force , and jou ilaMjeri" interposed ah.
"I knew about the law , " continued Ellcr ,
"but I did not know where the ordinances
weio nnd I did not know the penalties at
tached to the violation of the law. "
At this point In the prore"dhiKS Sands
Woodbridgo of the M'oild-IIcralit and Laiv-
yu Townsomlvlio ptoseou led thocuseaijaiiist
Blown , arose and loft the room. A moment
later theies was abonibatdnicnt , and the two
gentlemen rushed into tbo room with the
contents of scvoial eggs dripping Jrom their
"It is n trlek , that the. papers innj have a
sensation , " said Blown.
'lite petitioner ! asked a chance to jnikoaa
cxplanitloir. They had been standing
upon tbo front stops of the bi-bool
bo iso nnd a number of men eight or tun-
bad rushed upon thorn and completely bo-
; ' , ired them with ogn-s.
It'sashamo uiiti u disgrace , " said Mr.
A number of private citizens , nmong.theni
e\ Major Hall , expressed the same opinion
ami alter JIayoi Triey expicaicd the bamo
opinion the business proceeded.
\Vallcei \ niov-cd tlio adoption of bis ie olu-
ThSswas followed by moro speeches , In
which Uller took a pait , stating that ho wns
a poor man and that the < ! per month was a
nlto llttlo nest egg. lie nald ho
had refrained fiom mailing tioublo and
hat tiled to bo lit peace with fill men ,
closing his argument with the letnmk , "If
these ! facts condemn mo then 1 am a con
demned man "
Kings were discussed at wine length bntas
no open chaigoa were inulo none ot the
councilmoii felt at llburtj to accnso tmo
another of beluga part or paicel of these
b.ime lings.
Walker then , to lot the dty attornej domi
on\ , withdrew his chimes and mo\id tint
bis resolution bo tabled for two wec'ks
The motion piovallcd , and the ll\eliest
council meeting c\or held In ribnnco ad
i ho seneial opinion is that the tabling of
ttio resolution was for the purpose of giving
Idler achaneo to resign , thus saungnlm the
disgrace of being llred
The ) Hut l led the Court ,
The taso against Councilman Brown of
ITloicmo , chaiged with violiting the Sunday
hnv bj keeping open his saloon , was set for
tilal all ) o'clock jestciday afU'inoon , but It
\\as long after that hour when Judge Hnuboia
aulvcd upon tlioscouo. IIo was armed with
books nnd documents and followed b } a
thiongof anxious nnd admliing riorentlucs.
Skwl } tlio iirocosslon wcndcil its wn } uorth-
vard until It readied the little building thit
does duty an a calaboose , a store
liouso and a eouit room. Into this
llttlo fexlO btnicturo KW men crowded until
they were ns dosoly packed as sirdlncs
in u box 'Jho coiut iimo\cd his bat. stroked
his hair and after dealing his thioatln-
fonned the nnxious public that ho wni ready
for business
There -\vas a circus then , a regular old-
fishlonid chcus , without the buss band at-
Oeoigo Towusend bid btx.'n rctalaod by a
niimbci of Iho cltUous to cuinluct the pro-,0-
cution , and as soon ns the oomt opuienl Its
docket and announced Its ivuiliicss tor busi
ness ho uroso and stated that tin ) state was
le.uly In the rasa of the state vs Hrouu. la
tlio 'nieuutiino City Attoinoy Ullerhndar-
il\od fiam his homo nt Blair , unit crowding
into the room , ho cried out , "Tho state is not
ready.1 '
"It Is roadv , " sild Tnwnsend
'i\Vhat ' ha\o \ j ou got to do with this townl"
put in Cller
"I am hind b\ the people aud will show
jou , " retuined Towtiscnu.
"VoiisitdovMi or I will ask the court to
inu/zlojou , " rotmt d Hllei
" .Mu/Jilo nothing , " was Townweiul'a reply ,
and all the Whllo Caps la Florence cannot
iniko mo sit down "
A titter went nound the loom , commenc
ing u Ith a liroud grin mid ending in a loud
outburst of laughter.
"You will sit dewier go out , " said Eller ,
"and 1 want } ou to understand that when wo
want 3 mi itiour rasas wo will call onjoii. "
'J liocroud was waun and ontlmsinstlc. and
as nn Iiulicatlou of the fact some way lu the
biek part of the loom crlid out , "Multo a
ring und lot them hn\q It ont "
Up to this tiino the jiidgo had ivuialncd
quiet , ivs ting his chin on the palm of his
light hand , but all ut ouco bo seamed born
nnow , nnd straifhtonlnu himself up , ho ro-
imirkidln low tones :
"Ciciitloiiieu , don't go on this way. Wo
irust h ivo iH-aco "
"Peace be- , " slid Towwend. "Wmt
ilo\ouwantof poacwl"
' \Venvlll show you , " said Cllcr. "Tho
of this little tottii are repri < entodby
11 roiniHitcntcifj nttoniev , one In whom they
lnvic'onlldincf. . For thirty } cirs I IIIHO
known manof these nit it who stand about
me , anil nou-r jet have they been nblo
to any wherein I'.Hor fallcel to tlo
his ilutv. I tell you nowo monet
not ivadv toproiecute. Our ordinances nro
not in form so that wocan stand upon them.
1 have b < ni stele for a month or more , mill
while my fare li flushed ami my form veil
loumlod" miny of the men who liavo known
mo lumy AouiiBcr dawill ngreo with mo
that I ought to bo at ho no and In my bed ,
Where1- ' '
"Bet you had , " sarcastlcilly retoitea
\Viththlsremiilt Kllor stepiwd hick , nml
gnisping n chaii , In a wrathy tone cx-
elalmed : "Don't jou due to Insult mo , or
xou will get hurt , for I tun not hero as a
tool. "
" Vou snj so , but your notions would Iiidl-
cato olhorwise1 , icplled Townieiid. "You
mo sworn to prosecute ciiino , mid now ) on
como heio In the position of 1 defender C
mm who hive evaded nnd cllsobc'jeel the
"I would Ilko to say a word , " spoke up
Lawxi Olinstead , who up to this time hid
lemalned quiet
"Vou shall have It , " snld .ImlTO Hansom ,
ns he nodded to the young mnii to go ou.
"I am defending tbeso men who nro charged
wltliiolatlng the Sundm law , " mild Olm-
stead , "and as I understand It the court has
alroaih passed upon the case and allowed It
to bo dismissed bj tbedefenso and pioscen-
tlou mjin jtho costs. If ( bis is sothere Is
nothing before the court , ns tlio mutter was
cntlrclj settled nt that time"
TtiodncKit was consulted , but thoio was no
uvoidof that kind , and the pMut was de
cided to not ha\e been well taken
"Well , gent lemon , "said Judge Ransom , as
ho stioked his closely shivcn chin , "jou
hivogot rue rattled , and I don't know- what
to do
"Let me tell jou , " quickly responded
Townseiul "
" .No , I will tell j ou , " said Dllcr , who
on his feet In u moment.
"But , judge , vou know me , nnd I nm the
proper one to inform jou. " said Ohnstcad , ns
ho leaned over and laid his hand on the judic
ial ermine.
"I guess I h h bad bettor let Air Eller
tell nio , " slowly and hesitatingly said his
honot , "for you Know thoelty pays him for
looking after that business"
"Tint docs settle it , audits llttlo just
ice wo will got heio , but if these men are not
pioseeiited I will mandamus the court till
they arc , " groivlod Townsend , ns ho got
under tbo shadow of his hat and slid out of
the room.
Then Ellcr , Olmstcad and the j'idge con
sulted la alow tone of voice. Kllor waIn
favor of dismissing tbo prosecution alto
gether. Tbo plan struck Olmstcid fmombl } ,
but the Judge did not know
"Public opinion , " slid ho
"Public nothing , " icspondod both Inwjcis
In unison.
"Well , lenn'tilo it , " continued the couit ,
"but I will continue the whole matter until
two weeks fiomiodaj and in the meantime
1 hope the mittei may be settled "
To the great dissatisfaction of the crowd
that b id enjoyed the greatest spot t since- the
day when the Alorrnoim pulled theii freight
foi Silt Lake , the couit adjourned.
Hist or ) of the Siiutibblr * .
Thcancieiit and usually quiet llttlo town of
riorcnde was jcsterdays racked from center
The saloon light spoken , of in TUP D KB Is
"on" and , In addition there Is a social scandal
that tlno'itens to dratt some of the tonn olll-
dals into the swim.
Thodinieiilty Is of long standing and iniy
ho compared toan oldsoio tbnt has broken
out in a new spot
The saloon men claim the mayor has
brought the nflllction upon the community ,
while tlio nnvoi Joes not hesitate toehmgo
some : of the saloonkeepers with unsheathing
the knife nnd slipping the dogs of war
Thodty bo.nil consists of 13. IL. Walker ,
Steve BroiMi , riiink Kcjnolds and Peter
Lirson , with Major Traiy as the chief ex-
cuithe Hrown is the ownei of a saloon ,
and not being satisfied , it Is salil , with dealIng -
inf.- out liquor sKdajs In the week , induced
Aluyor Tney to gnnt a pcimit to run on
fanndiy , inordei to citeh tbo Omaha tutde.
The J mayor was not quite clear ns to
whether \ ' or not his authoritj extended in
that direction , but , according to his OHII
statements , told nronn tint bo nnd the other
siloonkcopcrs. Hans Wolff , Vf O. Lester
and Alf Beaubien , could opjii up 011 Sunday ;
and , as long as the people elld not object , no
trouble would oeeur.
That was some four weeks ago , and , for
two Sundays , eveijthingwas run upon a
wielo open plan , each of the foul saloonkeep
ers p lying SG.fX ) into the town treasmy as a
line for violating the Sunday law.
The smell uoro lltcrul.v thtonged with
fist ! men and loiul women , and the bettor
class of citizens arose hi disgunt and called u
halt.A imiubci of the councilman informeel the
mavor tint tbo Sunday truftlo must stop
' 11 hat gentleman then Issued a buk door inin-
ditoAuotber Sunday eainonnd went , but
as the change for the hotter was not visible ,
the clti/cns agiln took up the matter and
Henrr AlLeits was designated as tbo man to
Innf ! thr % llrfllf-
lie went oofoio .JusticeRansom and swoio
01 ut ! acoinpliiiitin which ho charged Steve
1 irowu ! , the councllmiin , with violating the
sunday liquor luv.
The case e'amo ou for ti ! il , and uuon motion
of thocitj nttoinoy , nMr ijllcr , who lives at
1 Hair ! , thociso was dismissed.
Then the people imdo Homo howl They
dat lunged theImlk'o , the caancilinm , the city
ttoinov nnd the major with "stuiuling in"
.lid tnlngto defeat the ends of Justice. Once
atw uorolhoy applied roi relief , but when they
\entnftei their watrmt Justiue Knnsomln-
'ormed them tlmt 13iown had already been
ironglit up upon that charge , and as the case
ind been dismissed ho could not consider it
jr a siniiliir one The imyor nnd the city
attoiney look the same. view.
In the meantime an Oiniha lawyer was en
gaged , and applying to Judge M'nkelcy a
mandamus was issued compelling the justice
o issue tlio liecossaij waritiut , piovlding a
omphlnt should bottled
TbeOnnha 1 uvyi visited thosceuo of war
nnd was mot bj the mayor , who Informed him
that no 0110 but llllershould piobccnto. 'Ibis
iietloa wasioported to thocitlyens , and Indlg-
nition i-olgnod supreme.but the mayor seeing
ihntho was not on tbo popular slilo of the
feiice , < iotteiicel and inforincd thoOnnha legal
light that ho might go on nnd pioseeuto but
the town would not pij- his Jees
Tbo minor now claims that the whole fight
.sbiougbton to iujuio his standing in the
cominuiiitj IIo also chirgcs tint
Alberts , the compl lining witness
'ins ' It In for lironn. IIo status
: hat ho knows that Albeits wasgi\cn 511) ) If
; io would go to Brown's ' saloon and buy a
bottle of whiskjon Sunday , and that the
man was only too glad todoso , inoiderto
got even with Biwm and his wife. And
hero the flist put of the social sctndnl bo-
gins. Some months ago A1 bats bioughtii
suit against lliown , chuging that at that
tlmo ho was violiting the Sunday law A
fowdivs later , nnd bofoio the hearing , Mrs
Hrowif walUeU Into coiut , und , in duo and
solemn form , charged tint ono night , just
after tlio sun hid hid Its fuco between the
two blufls , to the west of the town ,
Alberts pissed hei , and while she UIXK
standing in the doorway , invited
her tonccompaiiv him out into tlio gloaming.
Mrs. Hrown wnsnotof a gloaming choosing
disposition at that time , aud instead of going ,
wontbcfoTO thojustiio tliouoj.t morning and
swore out a comlilalnt. 'Ibo two caws were
disposed of on tlio quiet , both them being
dUmlsMHl On account of this , the major
sij s , the present diillcultj has aisen.
Iowa and Dakota Pensions ,
WIIINOTOV , August 4 [ Special ' .Tele
gram to TUB Bi -Pensions granted to Ne-
bninkms : Original-Jacob Cart , Alns worth ;
William Cioft , Hustings. Itolssuo-Thonms
J. Hall , Stronc , Illram JNIIles , Tecumsoli ,
Iowa : Original Thomas Arroncr , Al-
toona. Georpo W. liaglejT cClaiiij ; Ilojal
II. Ilullard , Kullerton ; .lohu S. Cozard , Woul-
ton ; Detijumin li. ( irltlltli , llai-lnn , Hgbort
Hawks , Fontnnello , August Knnes ,
Jossup ; Chnilcs L. Bloonilleld , De-
corah : John A Caiy , LUcoaib Incieaso
John Herron , Jloono , William Pony , Wood
bine ! William A. Forbes , Sidney ; Autnistus
Hanson , Deeorah ; Joslah Drown , Boone ;
Mai ion Cage , Ulgln ; Kapoleon II Plack ,
Sao City : Isano Morris , Haitloy. Itclssuo
Uoorgo JilcCauley , Lake City ; Albert 1C. Aus
tin , Orcciu ; John \V. Marlon , Hoss\U0 | ;
' 1 homos 0 , Thompson , Like Mills , liolssun
mid Incrciio Fre-derlcic Urolund. Slgournoj' ;
JohnT. M'lrts , Vlllisca.
South DikoU : OrWuul Joseph Hradelock.
Fort Moad. Itestoration James A. Hlch-
ardson , Dell Itapidi. llclssuo-Jamea Lun
ger , Cuatcr.
The General D Goienoy Approprintlou Bill
Oonsidered in the House.
IlopiesciilntHo lto crs of Aiktinsus
tiooso a Ulnillo Against
Jllm Action > n the Tat-
In * In the Senate.
August I. The liouso went
Into eoiiiinlttuoof the whole , Mr. I'ayno of
Illinois In the chair , on tbo general deficiency
appropriation bill.
Mr. Henderson of Iowa explained that the
near nt hand when these claims would have
'ncIllorallmiKlclalinsveronotpiuvlilea for in
lie bill.VlilIe \ ho believed that the tlmo was
o bo settled , the committee bad b cn prir-
Ically unmilinous In rofu'lng to provide for
heir payment \\heiithoywero \ still i > ondlng
n the courts of the conntij' .
Mi Rogers of Ailcansas attacked the
poakcr anil his uilliigs. The eode , ho sild ,
mder which the house was proceeding , give
ho speaker power to stillo debate , gajr the
louse , force tbo passage of bills , avoid OK-
; iosure , outiagc' and mistreat the mlnoilty
nnd bulldo'o the majoilty. Ho hud de-graded
bo inijoiitj' with the full assuraiico on the
; nrtof the lepubllcan membcis that if this
iehcino should breakdown under the judg-
ncnt of liberty loving people they
uould perish , Ilko Sani'-on , under
ho ruins , but if It buceecdod
that he alone should leap all the gloty Their
ivaiit of pitriotlo comago Haa ovcecdod only
by their suleid d stupidltj1 , nml among thorn
nil hael not been found a man with the
couiago of a Jackson , the pitriotlsm of a
Henry and the love of libeity that inspired
our fathers , who could say. "This is our
country , these nra our liberties , thcso uro
our countijmcn and you mo our servants ,
and wo will not have thorn trodden
under foot or outraged and wronged"
"Now , " ho concluded , "in ij- 1 tolljou , Mr.
Speaker , that they cut-so you and despise
jou , iinel hate jon , and when jou nioassailed
In piivatennd public they nro silent"
Mr , Henderson of Io\\a defended the
speaker against the attack made upon him by
Mr. Rogers Ho roferied to him us "tbo
mlghtj' tiiini fiom Maine , " and declared that
ho stood today as a toweling , histoilc , grand
figure of this age of legislative victory and
rcioim Coiiimi'iitlng on the legislation
of the session , Mi Ilenduson touched
upon the tarill bill , saying that
although borne lepubllcans might have
desiied toiiiuc'iid it by leason of organised
opposition , thetlmo bad been so consumed
that tlio o nincndintnts could rot bo undo ,
it sccmpd as though the minoiity was bent
on its pencilling all iimendincuts This
liouso hael iiassed a silver bill wlioicby sll\or
was ahcndy marching forwaid to talto its
place bcsido gold This house had bcon the
ilrst ono with the coinage and patriotism to
passan nntl-trubt bill It hail passed tbo
election bill an election bill , nnd not a force
billus its enemies took plcasmo in calling it.
The house had p usscd the original package
bill , m.irthing boldlj forward to the demands
of tbo best thought of the people of the na
tion , north and south The tcpuhllcans of
the liouho hud oreetod pj ramlels of legisla
Mr. Breekenriilgo of Arkansas euticlsed
the code of rulis and proccded ( to contiust
the pofsonal and political iclatlon which ex
isted between Speaker Carlisle and moiiibcrs
and that which existed between them and
Speaker Reed In the last congress the
members of the minoiity had always been
tieatcet courteously. Now a member of the
minority , ilsing for recognition , did not
know what treatment ho would icceho attho
Hands of the speaker Ho then proceeded to
make an oiniest appeal against the foico bill ,
concluding as follows : "Oeatlcmnn
of the north , why shall wo not
come together ? Wbvcannot wo lay aside
those suspicious , Vou cannot take onr
"rotten bui roughs" from the south. You
cannot hold power hcic by mciccnaries put
nt the polls. You cannot ponor
by debauching the ballot box or Jury box.
You cannot make the country one bj turning
out incinhors who nro elected b.v the people
ple and seating men not elected by your votes.
what you caw do is this : You can aid the
people of the south to build up that countiy.
You can help us keep In the line of progics-
sivo march so that jour sons mij' eomo mid
livoamongus , thiowln their lot with cms ,
Inteimarry in our families , so that while
then ) will still bo a north and n
south it will bo a leu Ingmid
.1 rich north and n prospcious and
patriotic soutn This is what wo demo
crats who on this side of the chamber protest
against jour mles desho to ba\o douo bj tlio
people who are behind j-ou at homo 1 np-
[ ) cai 10 tno wesioni itescivc , semen ii\- men
who caniofi om New laigl ind , I appeal to tlio
living soldiers who mot us in battla nrr.ij ; I
appeal to tne Christ ! ms who kneel with us
nt the sumo altai ; I appeal to the bravo men
whoieeognizesineeiity and bravery i I appeal
to the living people of thonorth Gnous jour
confident u , wo will deserve It. w ode desert o it.
and ho who snjs otherwise does not know us ,
does not sneak the tiuth of us I speak to
day In sight of God und this bodj , and of
those people w ho h.uo Mumn mo at bonio
since I was n little bov , when I saj from the
fullness of my heart there ) is noreisonwhy
the north and the south should bo apait.
Theio is cveiy icison why the biuvennd
linemen of both sectlous should bclievo eaeh
other fl'Oud npplauso oa the democratic
sldo |
Ah Boutollosald ho hud no desire to at
tempt auj defense of the spjikerfiomtho
kiiul of reimiiks wbleh had been undo from
certain somces today llo then commented
upon tlio Clayton-BieckeniidfTi ) case , taking
at. his to-xtthopiossiepoitot the inijoritj of
the committee on elections. Upon this text
ho built a Mioug denunciation of election
methods in the southern states
Mr. Brcckenridgo of Kentucky said his rol-
ntive , the gentleman fiom Arkansas , bad not
bought to escape bja cow.ndlj resignation of
his seat In congress It did not compare with
a good conscience. The gentium m fiom
Arkansas know ho had done nothing to ho
ashamed of and ho know that the truth , whoa
fairly found , would not effect him.
Pending action on the bill the committee
losoand the house ndjouiiicd.
WibiiiMiTON , August Iu the senate to
day Mr. Davis offered u resolution calling on
the secretary of , war for In formation on the
subject of the neclilent last Friday to the lock
of the Sault Ste Marie canal , IIo spoKe of
It as a most scnous calamity to the commerces
of tbo nationitfslliig ( , as ho bad been In
formed by teleguipli , $300,000 a day. IIo also
mentioned incldontallj' the lulluio of the
bouso to net on the bill passed by the senate
some months .igo , providing for n second and
larger lock , ' , '
Mr Culloiu hoped that the house would be
Induced to take jap the measure and pass it.
If notit would \suIl enough for the sonnto to
take up the r Ucr and harbor bill at an earlier
day than had be giced upon so as to have
an nppropilation secured for that \ory Im
portant work. | _ ( .
After considerable debate on the subject ,
duilng which slight/reference" / ? were made by
sovcial sountoio to the fact that tbo house
hud not passed tbo bill referred to , the presid
ing ofllccr , Ingalls , snld ho had observed
w 1th icgrct the growing tendency tonlludo in
terms of sevmtvnnd disparagement to the
proceedings of the other hou o of congress.
It was \lolntlon of tbo fundamental piin-
clplesof parliamentary law to refer in ono
bouse to what was doiio or said In the other.
Ho bopod that the senate , In the preservation
of its own dignity and In the protection" Its
own Immunity fiomtecrimlnntlon , would ob-
scne those rules and mfralii from such
allusions In the luturo ,
The i-csolutioii wus agreed to.
Uho resolution offered on Saturday last by
Mi' . I'lumb as to the rolulorimmt of tlio ro-
nuilna of ( iencnil ( iraut in the Ailingtou
Na'lonnlionic-'iry was , at the suggestion of
Mr. I'lumb , allowed to remain on the table ,
to bo Called up ut some other tlmo.
The tariff bill wai then tnkeu up , The
pending question was on Mr Vest's amend [
ment to the chiliuw nn pirugmph , ii'diiemg
thodutjon decorated vuio to M IK r cent ud i
alorem and on plnln triulcconitoil \ \ nro to10
ior evut lustoad of 5 * and 60 , us reeo-imeiidod
> y the finance committee , and instead of CO
mil I'M In the hoiiaoblll.
Mr. Manilorson said ho had \oted Saturday
veiling against Mr Vest s amendment nnd
voiild do so ngalii because ho thought the
utes pivposed In Itworo too low. llo fa-
oieil , however , tin ) iiito rccouiinended by
ho llnnneo committee
.Mr , Davis opposed the amendment , advo
cated the I'oinmltteo amendment , and etilo-
glred the protective sj stem.
Mr. Vest modlllcd his amendment by
hnnglng the latu on plnln whllo cldnawaio
o O Instead of ! ( ) iwr cent.
The luiiciidinont was then vutitd on and re
eded Veils HI ; iiivs _ ! >
Messi-s Ingalls , ManJdson , Paddock and
Mumbotcdwlth the democrats und Mr.
'iivno voted no with the lopiiblteans.
'Iho amend men t of the llnnnco coininlttec ,
nuking the tales Ki nml W per cent , was
igieed to without division.
'Iho ne'xt question was on the committee
imeiiduieiit to paragraph I , ns to "all other
other chin i , etc , " sttlUng out the bouso
laiagraph. whli'li fixers the rate on dec'oiated
\ aw . at Co pei ee'iit nnd on utnlei niutod nt M
i.i * pittit mill utiliulltn t litir ittinttini * f1nilLMll-
Ion , on which a rote of of ) per cent isllxccl
V trued to
'Iho ne\t question was on pirar'iaph 10'Jt
glass and glassware. 'iho ' eoiiimlttoo
unciidmciit was to striku out tlio piiragiupli
n tlio house bill living fouriateson bottles ,
iccoidingto si/e , and siibstitnto foritadlf-
erent clissiile.itloa with two rates 1 ee-nt
> or pound on bottles holding not less than a
tint ( nnd on demijohns nnd entbo\s ; and 1'4
cents a pound on bottles holding b-ss than a
pint Agreed to
The next question was on Iho amendment
of the llimuco committee to stilkoout pira-
graphs 10 % 110 , 111 , 11 ! ! , 11.1 nnd II I of the
louse bill mid substitute for them ono p mi *
graph (101) ( ) , taxing glass and glasswaie , cuter
or ornamented , per cent ad valorem.
IVIr Mel'hoiMHi moved to recUiro the raton
! n the scnnto innendinent to I ! " ) percent. He-
Mr Plumb moved to ninond thocommlttco
iitnciuhneiit by leduclng the dutj'on cut nnd
decoiated glass and glnsswaio fivm 13 to 10
per coat Rejected ,
The coinmitteo amendment was then
agreed to
The ne\t question was on pirngr.iph 100 ,
llxing the dutlos on unpolished cylinder ,
und ( onmioii wlndoir gloss , the loinmitteo
ainciidmcnt being reduced from \l/t cents , J
cents , U'tf ' cents and ! i eeata per pound ( ac
cording to styes ) to la cents , 1 'J-S cents , a 'j '
cents and 2 % rents ,
A'ance mocd to nmcnd by fixing the uni
form rate nt 50 per cent ad valoicm
A long discussion ensued.
Mr. Plumb said it was better not to piss n
tariff bill than to pass ono that was not
Mr. Vance's amendment was finally de
Vnilous motions to reduce the rates ou un
polished cj liudei j crown and eommon w Indow
glass were made bj Mr. Plumb mid weio re
jected onea and my votes , although in the
last of them Messrs Ingalls , Maiidcrson ,
Paddock and I'lumb voted with the demo
on motion of Mr Ahhich , the
i.itcs weu reduced to 1 ' „ I "f" , J'i nnd SJf per
cent ( accoidlng tosizoj nnd the senate ad-
AT jiJKiti < irr'i ; ItA ( iJ : .
l"lr-t Dnj's Competition of the Mill-
inry M irKxiiicti.
Bnr.r.Mr , Nob. , August 4. [ Special Tele
gram to Tun Hi i : . ] The first daj-'s scores at
the annual rlilo and caiblne competition of
the department of the Platte wcro ns fol
lows :
tnlatllli. A , 1st Ssl , Co I , 8th Inf
llvmn Willlnm but , It. ( i. IIIII Inf . .
Morruiv , Wllllnni fc t , Co I17th Inf . .
Spmuor , 1' 11 . Corp . ( .0 12 , Kill Inf . . . .
MnlrI' II Kill Inf . . . .
lurmnon.O r.Hit. ( to I , HIM Inf . . . .
MrCoiiloy Wllllnni hiii. Co l,7tlijiit. , . .
Illurek , .luraes , Co ir , Kill Inf
Pdill , Dnvlil , Net Co II , Jli-t Inf
Cochran. C. II. , "Ill Inf
l.nppln , Coor u. 1'vt.i Cn A. Hli Inf .
Mourn' . Fred. Istfeirt , Co C , Iblli Inf. 1ST
Miller , Corp Co D , WhCnv
lltiHiM , . ! I' . Pet , Co 1C , IttCiiv . . . ,
' 1 litiimiH , s H . I'vt , Cn A. , mil Cnr . . .
Hiooki , K O.SiII.t , bill Cm . . . .
Illiiiroril. lohti , I'M , Co 11. Dili ( "nv . . .
Msui.ltWllllnni I'\tC'o VMlilar
i'lnnimiT , I. K , Svt , Co II ,8lli Civ
( .rllllilli , C ! II . I'rt . Co II , Mil ( "nv
liiinltoinJoii'iili I'vtCo I Hh Lav
Wolf lolin I'vt Co II 1st I ir iu
II ) ron .1 C 'tl It Co C. hthCiiv
SuininliiK. 1'nul , l tKt Co h. Mlh Ct >
A. Clean Sweep lor tlio liberals l > i
SII.T LIKP , Utah , August I. [ Special Telegram -
gram to Tun Hr.i : ] Omaha is on top as
usu d , and the election today was a clean
sweep foi the liberals by niajoiltles ranging
from 100 to ( Mil ) . U'ho Mormons raised the
cry , "Down with Omaha woikmen , " and pot
a genuine Nebraska drubbing , The leaders
on the ticket are lion , C. 11. Allen , < mty
clcikshniKT , Henry Unrnes ; > dor ,
Colonel William K Page , assessoi * ' ' as J.
L.J neli. This bieaks the Moimon * clc , and
they will iiuvergo into a political light as a
[ mitj again.
OnmiN , Utah , August 5 [ Special Tele
gram to Tin : llri J J 10 a m The libcial
ticket iu this ( Webei ) count } appears , to bo
cuiiled 1 > \ about two hundred nmjoiity. This
is a political revolution in ttio county 1'iob-
ablj Box Hldor and Summit counties woio
also earilod. Llbcials are tojoiciug and
Moimonsfeul blue.
ST PHTI IISIILIIO , August -Special I [ Ca
blegram to Tin : lii.K ] Over ono hundred
thousand troops will take part in the mili
tary maneuvers to bo held bcfoie the czar in
Volhj uia hi September Emperor "William
will auho ut Potoihofon August S ) , will
remain for thre-q dnys and will retain bj sea
to Oeimanj- .
Democrat ir.
JMoNTGOMism , Ala , August 1. The elec
tion In Alabama today for go\eruor.inel other
state ofllcers and mcinbeis of the legislature
passed off quietly. Spoelnlb to the Athcr-
tlser from all portions of the state indicate n
sweeping democratic majority , The legisla
ture will contain but few Independents or re
Declined to Arc-opt ,
I'lnip , August I [ Specinl ( Jnlilcgiam to
Tm HIT j A dispatch fiom Buenos Ay res
states that General Kocol and Scnor Costu , to
whom weio otic-red portfolios of mlulsteiy of
the lutoilor and minlstery of education re-
spoctlvolj' , ha\odeelinod to nccopt nn oWco
lu 1'i'CbidciiL Cclinan's cabinet
I'lrrsnino , Pa. , August 4. Snftou &
Dunn , with two of their clerks and all the
agtntH of the National Capital Building and
Loin association , wcro remanded to Jail to
nlRlitln default of $1,000 ball each , The
charge was umsphaoy to defraud and was
made bj a bcoro of nllct'cd victims , w ith
inoio to hear fiom.
.n Wlit-ut Crop Itullcllii.
LINCOIII , Net ) , August . The Nobiaska
wh"at crop bulletin , iKsned todnjbiijs the
temperature and sunshine the past week has
boon nbovo normal and the rainfall vorj
Hubl , largo sectlous rceclvlng none nt all.
The outlook for the i orn and poUto ciop Is
rraiico w III Klclit Cholera.
PAHIAiiKUst , 1. The sonnto toJay voted
100,000 fiuncw for tlio ostiibllsllmnntof fiontlir
pt to prevent tbo cntiy of cholera Into
ptP ranc-o.
Otuii ) 10
Ili' , Auguat [ Special Cablcgr.ini
Sto Tin : Ilrr I I'rln o Hismauk and Count
Hcibcrt lllsiiiaicUh.i\ot'onoto Klasliif'n. '
Lcoitard's ' Meu lose Their Tenth Straight
Oaiuo to Milwaukee.
Dull and Listless Wotkon the Part
of thn laicals Kium Start
to rinlsh Othrr
Plaved. Won Lost. Per rt ,
Milwaukee . . Til 4' ' ) , M .O.M
Mlmic.iKilH ' | K ) 47 III .f. S
h'uixiisUltv Tl ) 41 ; u .t"ll
l ten * IT . . . 77 41 , ni .r.ii
Mimv dtv . Til , w : w . 'pni
Olillllia . . . . TH .14 II .411
Des Mollies T 'CI 41 .4H
St. 1'aul . . . . T7 ! ! ' M .JM
. Milwaukee < l , Oiniibfi O.
Yesterdays giuno only in ikes ten straight
foi Mllnnukio ten sti-ilght from Oiuiihi.
If the season would onlj-hst long enough
she'd piohably niiko It an eu'ii hundred.
lut ) it ends In Oitohci' tlnuiK licnvou It
ends ami tlio poor old IJlaek SoCMII go anil
Inv down until thej tlnw out in the sjnlnp.
Tlio ciowd whoMiw ji'stt'iilaj'n panlo WHS
agiln soniowiint hollow-cht sled and con-
snmpthe. 'llie-y sat pufectlv still through
out the nine Innings , hot , nnd and disgusted
Captain llanrah m's men pi ij-ed Ilko a lot
of eigiii signs-tint is , nunt nil of thorn , and
Milwaukee couldn't have presented them
with n run on 11 bllver salt or
It should bo u'liioinberod , how oor , that
the Blowers plajeil ball all the time they
ne\er mule an c'lior , unit ulthough the Oina-
has hadn't a talljup to the ninth Inning ,
Shock's gang plaj'cd just as Inrd In their last
half as if thoOinaluis had been n half dozen
runs ahead
HauM\ine'sumpliing was again nil tight
The crinks scoured to think that ho was o IT
on the balls mid ttttikcs , but it was the eiauks
who weie on"
iMIUxaukco needs no unipiiical assistance
when pitted against the Om ihns
Omaha is Milwaukee's piothls season , and
no mistake.
After blanking the locals the % Isttors came
iuIn the second , and on t\\o singles , two
ba es on balls and an en or by Colonel Tagiii ,
made thieo mas.
In the fouith two singles , Ilnnrahan's
oiror , mid a sacrifice netted another , nnd In
the llfth tlneo snfo ones , n p iss ball and an
out brought In two iiioionnd the list
The giimo tnmo nnd listless , the
Omihns plnjltig ns if they were u Irani ol
their own sliulows ,
Yesteiday tbej' weio shut out , anil today
Captain fc-hotk si\s he's going to kill 'cm !
( Join1 out to see it done I
The score :
All. II. Ill ll. "II. I'O A. K
Cimvan if t 0 0 o
Walsh , ss ! 1 0 1 ii 0
ICe irns rf. ' . . . .4 0 o o 0 a o
mil , : ib I t o 0 0 -
1 linn aliiiii. "b o o 0 1 i
Newninn , u , . . ' ( 0 o i 0 iD iU
Authors , Ib : i U 0 n 0 7 U 0
WHIN , m y 0 n ( i o : i 0 n
r.inMn , i > n o 1 o o o 1 i
Tot ils . ' . ' 3 0 M 1 0 'Jl T
All. II. Ill 811. I'O \ . I
Ponrnnn , in. i o o
4 oo
4r i i n
Dalrympio , If r o n
Shock , si . . : i io no
Aim i Issc'V , Ib . .1t o 11 i
KuIlT , rt t u 0 0
AI be Us , Ib . : i 0
Thornton , p . .4 0 0
Tot iN 14 ii n i i 2 ; is o
111 1 .MM1S
Omihn . 0 0 0 0 0 0 ooo-o
.Milwaukee 0 I 0 1 S 0 0 0 * G
Ilium eaimd Mllwailki o 4 T o-bnso Jills
W'alsb Double plays U nlsli to limn iliiin
to AiHlii'ttn : MoitNxoy to Slioelc to Alorrlsuv ,
Itnsu on liulN-Jl ) I'agln fl , oil' Ilioiiilon . '
IIItbiilloliu Uj riiointon 1 Stini'k out
III' rajln - . Tlmo of ( jamo-Oiiu lioitr and
thlrty-lho iiiliiutcs I'mplro
Citj n , DCS MoIncH O.
SIOU\CITI , Iii , August I [ Special Tele
gram to run Bir ] following isthoicsult
of toduj 's game :
2 27 12 <
city. a o n o o T o 01
o o o o o o o 0 0
lilts * tiiiis < Ilisos on Inlls-
On W Idnei l.oll Iluil I Hiuck out Ity Hart ,
{ 1. bjVlilncMl. . Left on bust i Moil v ( Ity < > .
1)11 Molncs T. S.ierlllco liJls-Di-s Alolnes 1 ,
blnuJlly ,1. lilt bv pltelit'i I'attim , I'l inii-
gnn. Passed biilli-Ti allli'.v - ' Thai ) of B.IIIIO
Ono liunr and thirty mimiUM. Uinplto
Iuo\ur j !
Tinrltj SicaniH1 Finn Vlctiny.
The City Steams went to Missouri Valloj
Sunday mid defeated that team in a gi cat
gumo. This was the dceldlnggamoof the ea-
.sonus each dub hid won a game As will ho
noticed by the .seoro the Citj Steams won by
their hciiy stick work mid gieat Held work.
Unahiin , ciitcner , being ut Blair , I'nrccll
caught nil excellent game , only ono stolen
bnso being in ide bj the Vallej' team. IJoy-
11101 was tomhcd up fortwcho hits and Halt
foi S.
The following is the full scoio-
cm srrui 'lir VAI 111
ni'o A r. n in A r
S f VattcrKon , of 2 II 0 0 Anslln n R U I - > 1
i lluiloy , . J U 4 1 Cumirk , c f. . i i 0 0
.1 ruK'ixtm , . ) u lee drii\ir , o 1 ID 2 1
riuri. 2b i o u o Itcnn , tb 0704
Hurt , i Iliukctt , , .b 0 0 .1 U
I'uiu'll , c . .1 A i 0 lloyiiitr , p 2 V 4 U
lluili-r. If . . . 0 SI 0 UnltLrs , 21) 1 ,1 2 0
Howiimn.Ili 0 U 0 0 llniiKcn rf. . ' 100
Muttoson , rf. . 1 1 U 0 Clurh.Jlj . . . U U 0 0
Tcihil 37 S - ' Total . . H il U "T
111 l.NMNOH.
Oily Plena . 2040 * -8
Missouri Valley n 0 U 4 0-1)
Kirncd runs f'ltj Mi'innsS. Two bint ) hits
s I'utti ison , I'tireoll , Matle-on. Thitoliaso
lilts Oiwu'k. Slim U "illlly Unit 8 , bv Hi'j-
iner 10. stoli n bases bumns'i , Valley . ' , LJiu-
phu AduiiiHot I.o an.
A Cuiiiplctu Table ,
Pollott ing will bo found a toirect table , In-
cludlngevoij giuno plnjed this season In the
'Woiitcrn association , of tlio standing of the
different tcutns unking up the name Tills
table docs not Include the gaino forfe-lted bj
Milwaukeo. It is absolutcly eoricct and w ill
do to bet ont
flf f is * i ?
i I
Oiuilm . . . i > , ii .1 IU .1 I.W
K.'IIHMH City. . 4i | 7 7 07J
Mlniiiiitiolla . li 6 10 II. 1
IXi Mulnci . , .11 4 II 4 IU
MuiiK'ltr . . . j | r. n 7l 2I.H' ' IUMl
M I'aill . !
IHntur . . li i.llU U : M
\lllwiinkco . , iu i1 ii T 1.1 I1 i < 10
I .out 14 0 A W'V. ' rill J )
Down 'Ihi'in Today.
The Milwaukoos and Omahai will pluy
their last game Of the piosontsorius thli
afternoon , and , as Captain Ilaiiialmn nnjs
ho'll win the batilo or Jump Into the Mis
soml , o\erybody flhould go ont and see how
Keddjpioposas to do it Ho far thla season
Omaha has failed to take a game f mm tbo
Uiowcrs , and of course thoh humiliation ii
both bioiul and deep ,
Oaiidniir AI'IIT llaiiliia.
The following telegram was lecolvcrt yes
tcrduy afUMinma fiom Julto Oimdaiu , and
speaks for itnulf
MissFAi'oiis , Minn. , AuiriM I To the
Spoitliig Editor cf Tim HBRI 1 Imve pot < t |
$ iJO foifelt with the Tilb.une to r-ow Ilimlon
' 1'oiltlvolv ciiri'il by
CARTER'S tlti'vu Mttlc Tills.
'lliey nho relieve DH-
tn jfn iPj-sjiopsIn , tn ]
8TTLE illt ( stloa mM T o 1U art )
I'-itlng. \ iH'rhtt nm
edj for 1)1 ; lncss , Nnusca , ;
Dro slnesi , Had Tustr
In the Jloilth. t'oaUd
Tongue. 1'iln InlboMdc,1
loitnu min :
reguhle tlio ItouiK 1'unljci'tt.ihc !
' , will put up . ' .fiOd nualiist hlsfl.oiw 01 low
dm foi $ . ' .MH ) a side and gl\o him ( he scv-
omls stait mi C'lvvo iVvur InKo , i-ico to bo
rowed within a mouth ,1 ( I CUIMIH ,
si > tr.i > jtt.\n.
Itilglittin lli'iu'h K.UO > J ,
Hru u , August . { Spcilnl 1'i'Uv
giiim to Tin ; Hiu.J-Stiiiitiimj of Uul.ij'i
l-'i\o fmlongs Newbmg won , Kmlttd
( lllly ) second. .Mnmlo 15 tlilixl. Time 1 0.1' ' . , .
Ko\i'ii fmlongsKxtiiiviiL'iinio won , Oss.
secoud , Ilmiisun thlid. 'I imo 1 JI114.
Two and out1 fourth infle > s Hi la won ,
KiiiiMt sc-ioiiil , Ht'Wnitl thiie- Time I ( i7' (
Ono milt ) ( ihn.v won , Koseburij s'
Vivid third TlmoI 4f > ' 4
Slv finlnngs 1 liniiul ill' won , Swi
second , Dottle I'nitliei ' thiul Time 1 ir .
Handicap , one nml one fouith miles riiD
Ilouibou won , Troy setond , Leo Cluisty
third. Tlmu-a 15.
( it mittitu , N. J. , August I. [ Spei lid
'JVlegnim to Tin HIT J buiiim n-y of ted n s
SK fill longs I'igorm won , Little Minnies
second , Koshlll third Tlmo 1 ill ! ' . ( .
The Iuilongs Woodcutter won , Alarming
second , I'arolina thlid liiiio I.OJ'/ ' .
rive Iuilongs-.Mm Chay won , Osceola
second , Shotover thlid Time I .tl,1
' Ono und ono iiimitcr miles . .higgleron , --u „
I'lilcon second , Jcnnlo McKiiiliuicl third'4. '
SK nnd oiio-h.ilf fuilougs ISatontnwn
won , Itnftei second , Lonanto third. Time
HK futloiigs-Annmah won , Coldsticam
second , Arizona third Time 1-17' ' .
Saratoga llnoos.
Svnuotn , N , YAugust I. [ Special
Telegram to Tin. Hi
r J The weather was
clear and the track fast , rollowlng is a
Miminnty of the races-
I'iist rate , thrciMimutois of a inllc , niiitl
ens , two- ear oltls Itosiillnd Illle'y
( the fnvouto ) won , Luke UlaoUiuiu see-on I ,
I. uly Undo third Tiine-1 ( > . ! ' . , '
Second line1 , three tin liters of a mile ,
maidens , t\\o j car-olds Luighier ( tbo fiuor
Ito ) won , National bccond , bllvcr 1'iinco
tnlid. Tinie-1 ( II'4
'J'hiul into , iiilloand an eighth Austoihl/
won , l'u/7lo second , Irenu ( the fn\oritei
thlid. Time 1 5'1
I'ouith nice , one mile , millions , throe-yoir
olds Isaac Low Is ( tbo fmoritt1) ) won , Sum
tcier second , I iigcaio third Time 1 IP.
Fifth race1 , ono milo and so\cnty j-artls
Kmiiieiico won , Uonalotta second , Stijlco
( the fa\oito ! ) thlid , S\t.icuht ) HcKitched
Time-1 ITJ ,
Sixth nice , thiee-qunrteis of a milo IS'iin
nio I'won , Dohemliinsecond , Hhic-lc Dlainond
thlid , P.iirj ( jucen ( the favorite ) not he-aid
from. Tune 1 17.
. Seventh t.uc , three cni liters of n milo
Jlodjoska won. Happiness second , 1'all Mall
third. No bolting.
linlrlc'S Tor Toiiaj'H Ku : > cs.
Tirst race , ono milo Little Crete , Tadv
I'lilslfer , Vengcur , Dllss , llello D Or , Ku
pen ta , King Crab , ton.
Sc'comt race , one and one eighth miles ,
Alabama stakcH-(2 ( > i tie D , IJnllj boo , Umi-
nenco , Almlo If , English Ladj' , binaloa ,
Thii-tl race , threc-fnuiths of n mile
, sweepv ,
stnlcos Him Ohlof , linpoi ta , VcnginiJiiad -
foul , Caiuot , Objection , Vidittc , IMiuchmu ,
roxmcdc , Uunwad.
rourth race , ono nml one half miles , Kear
ney stakes rioodtide , Los Angeles , Cassias
Sixth race , thico-foiiitlis of a mile , selling
l".d Leomud , Little IJcss , llcithi Cumi- |
boil , Linr-a Do\ej' , Julo G. , Billet
( Illlv ) , Laboltl.
\veatlier clear and track fast.
rlrstiiico , three-qniuteisof anillo Volunteer -
teor , Mciidcn , Tipstaff , llellu 11 , Fitaine ] > ,
Major U.ilj , Tnlla ] tlickburn , My 1'ellow ,
liallaiat , I'ainUilli'r boiemuler , Lady Iteol ,
Orator , O\ld , Clarendon.
Second race , tluco-quiirters of n mile , Hetl-
b-ink stakes -Potomac , Hcimudii , Aragiiboml ,
1'lccllpso , I'll nicer , Soiceier , TJ Intrlguauto ,
i r.iirv n.t l , , . , Foxfoid , . . , Sextus , Ottawa , Aiiogance ,
Thud race , ono and ono eigntli miles , Pall-
sade stakes Ucinuth , .ludfo Monow , Druid-
essFouith race , ono and ono eighth iiilles , sell
ing Stockton , Inspector II , Cwmsuio , I"
Highness , Niagara , Gloaming , ICorn.
riftluaie , three-fourths of a mile , selling-
Kismet , rtiowii Cluulio , VillageMaid , Louise ,
Aiab , Hiu/.burg , Souiiio.
Sixth lace , ono mile. Mcrldcu , , Ul/pili ,
CbesapcaKo , Kern , Volunteer , Niiigaiu , Joe
Weather clear nnd track good.
The Hoc Tips.
First race Volunteer , Ilcll.r II.
Second raeo L'liitiigunnto ' , 1'alry.
Tliiul race Judge .Morrow.
Fourth race -Stockton , Her Highness.
Fiftli i.ieo-lliown Cbiulie , Aiab.
Sixth rae < e Chesapeake , Joe Couitnoj >
r HID\-root.
First race King Crab , Hello D'Or.
Sue-olid race 12nillsh Lady , Daisy i\
Thlid race Diiulfoid , Kilpijit.u
Foituli i.ieo Los Angeles.
Fiftin.iceUtllo UcbS , Laboltl.
Wolt'omo Itnlns in Kansas.
K NJVS Cm , Mo , August 1. Tlio most
Bcnoral rains tlmt have fallen In MX weeks
visited all pin ts of Kansas last night nnd this
morning. Tlio hot winds lust week did
fuithi't duiiiago to mm , howoor , and In a
gieat part of tliobtato thoialns woio too I ito
to do anj' good.
'Iho MuKlnlryVm In llaropc.
P i ins , August I Fifteen Ameriean ( on-
sills are holding n coii/ercnco nt the Amen
can ronsulato heio on tbo mode of iijihlng ) )
tboMcKiiilov bill in F.uiopo St ( Jlnli ol
tbo consul ir bnicau at Washington was
elected president
of Klin Damp. - J
, August 1 An explosion of mo
d imp oci'uncd In a coal pit at St Ktlcnno to
dij. One liiindiod mid llfli-in men sui-
rcc'tled in making tlitlr csi.ipo unlajuicd
Tueho men woio soilouslj Injured.
The Dentil ( toll.
I ) r MI n , Cole , August I. William II
Cllso , foimulj' n mi'inlJi'r of the Wisconsin
lcn'lsl.ituio fiom ( ji-ant county , died hoio tc-
day of nppoplcxy
Aboolutely Pure.
A orentn of tartnr bakiim povr'lnr. IllfjUcrt
of limvunlntHtrmiKih U , S " > -
port AUK. IT ,