HE ILY TWENTIETH' YEAH. OMA3LA. TUESDAY MOKN G. AUGUST 5 , 181)0 ) , NTJMB J2K A HUSBAND'S ' BLOODY Mill Dans Hanstn of Minucn , Nob. , Kills Ilis "Wife and Then Himself. A MAW FOUND DEAD NEAR COLUMBUS. The IntciHlatn SoldlorH' mill Bailors' Reunion tit Superior Opens Uu- ilci the Most V ) v , Neb , August 4 [ Special Tclo- Kiam to Tut Brt ] Ono of the most bloody murders ever perpetrated iii this city oc curred this morning , when Hans Ilntison Idlled his vUfo and then blew his head off. Jlr. Ilanscti had ImrnesseJl up his teun prci- unitoi1'to going to the country mid went Into the house for something , when a quarrel between the rouplo began Mrs Hanson v as knocked down nnd killed and afterwutds dragged into an outbuilding and strung up , to convoy llio impression thut she had com mitted Hulcldo. After accomplishing his Jilooily work ho took aropoandliledlo Inng himself in Ihe birn , but the tope broke and lie gave It up. doing Into the house he look Ids shotgun and blow off his bend The coroner's Inquest was held nnd they iftuincd .1 verdict tint the dece.ised came to their deaths as stated ubovo. 'ihcy leave two chlldicn , both mirrled. Tlio IJOIIK 1'ino Assemlily. Losn I'IM : , Neb , August I [ Special to Tim Hir : 1 Sunday on the Chautnuqua gtounds was spent Iu a manner thai was char- aiteilstleof thod.u Thowuithci- was line , nnd ullKlilthower of ruin in Iho foroaoon made Iho niltefiesliliiLf. . Thne was Sundaj school In the morning lOnduLtod by J IJ Kto\\ait , supoilntondent , a iciinon by Kcv J G , Cvans of Ablution , 111. , and Iu thu aft ernoon the subject of Kospi-l teinperanio was tieatcd on by Mrs. C. \Voodwaid 1 in hoi iharaituil tic mid foiciblo manner. She Is \oryOtiinest la dcmimlatlons of the Hi ) nor tralUc and Its effects oil inankmd In the evening liev. 12 M disk , O 1) ) , ot Onargn , 111 , delhered a sermon of gicat power and itfuct.Vidneidav , August 0 , will bo "riatiumldiv" and II. H Wlson , 1'h , A M. , of Lincoln , Nob. , Hov 12 J O'Ncil , giand chaplain 1 O. U. F , Piiwneo Citv , John M. Mel'mlund , giand chancellor of K of I' , Oinahii , and lion O M. Kciniu of Gnstet lountj and undid ito foreongiess of liuinc-rs' allltiueo and Ivnlghts of Labor will all bo pit.sciitmid ItproniHesto bo quito an Inlet cstlng daj' Kxturslon rates begin on that daj' from Omaha and Lincoln , food lo md of the assembly. The Kreniont Camp Fm MONT , Neb. , August [ Special Tele- giamto Tun Uii : 1'iho gteat Methodist innip mieting , whlcti has been in piogixts for tea dijs on the assemblj gionnds , closed this evening. Thod.ij' was devoted to pro hibition and three big guns were fired for tlio amendment nt 10 : 'W n. in. Chancellor Cieighton of \Vcsleynu mil- veislty Bpokont ! 3 10 tills afteriioon ; Luther Benson of Imll ma addressed the multitude , while tills evening at 8 o'clock Dr. IMctJllsh of Onuiim , III , semlnaiy mule a most elo quent and now or fid appeil tor tliocnaitinent of prohibition. The series of mcctlm.'s lunu been veiy suciessful. Vorlc Count } Institute. , , YOUK , Neb , August l. tSpo 11 ! loTnu Btr. ] The York county tcacjicis' " instltuto coinmonred todaj- with a laigo attendance. The Instructor are \V. U. Audiewt. of Hast ings , L. 0. Orimleo of Dem or , II. It. Corbitt ofYoik , II. U McUermld of Bi idslnw and W. II. Llnuof Alborvlllo. B. S. Fwnklln , conductor. CountySuperintcudcnt Fianklln has wotked hard to make this onoof the best normals ovei held In this city , nnd thulaigo uttcnduitco this inoinlng shows a good pros pect of n successful teim. Items. WAIUSII , Neb. , August 1. [ Special to TUB Bin. ] This p n t of Cuss county vv-ua v islted byu line rain last evening , ono that will greatly help late ciops of all kinds. The Hook Island Is unloading a great mnn } supplies for their load nt this p.me. A camp was established near South Bend yesterday , that will woik south of the L'latte. Work has been In progiess In the west end of Ciss -co mty for over n week No st illons are } ct definitely located on the line In this count j Soaking Showers nt rcatrlue. UKVTIIIOI- , Neb , August 1 , [ Spci-ljl Tele gram to Tim En.This socllou 1Mb been vlslt il by several soaking showers within the past fort-oight hours. As a consequence thu him burnt crops mo bilghtciiingup uml the fuituora coriespondlngly. Corn 1ms tcached IU cents In tlds nnilcet and h scaico nt ttial llguro. The iii'slures luno withstood the ihy spell .splendidly and thu latoialus assure a good hay crop. DoilKO County Prohibition IstN. 1'iiKMONr , Neb , August I. [ Special to Tun BtL. ] Attomoy I ) . M. Stiong of North llcnd us ehaliman him called a prohibition county convention for Dodge county to beheld held In the Women's Christian Temperance union temple In rioinontouSutuuhiAugust ] ( ! , foi the purpose of clouting delegates tout- timl the Htato convention to bo held In Lin < L coln , Augusl ( , and lo traiibact such other business us may bo proper , liihtlmtoat Nelson. Ni I.SON , Nob. , August 4. [ bpecld Tele- Biam to Tm. 13w. ] A successful fourwccks' icsslou of the Nutkolls county normal for teachers closed Saturday , One hundred and seven were in attendance. Today the instl- lulo for Iwo weeks opens vvlti twuiity-llro uddltlomil In nttcnd.uice C5re.it interest Is manifested Prof. J It. French. Prof W. II. l'ajo , Nelson , Prof I. 1 < Wilson and Mrs. Kimni Wilson of Superior uro tcacheis. - On. ; o Count } I'roliUiilldiilslH. Bi : mucp , Neb , Attifiist 4. [ Special Telo- prinn to THE But. ] The Ga o county jirohllil t ion i-oin out lou will bo held in this city Augusl 15. Itls thought that thopro- hlbs will endorse the alllanco county ticket tu putt If not wholly. 1'h-o at Grand Island. GUAM ) ISI.VND , Neb. , August 4. [ Speelul 11k Telegnim to Tim UIF. ] About U o'clock : today a Hie uioko out In the western poitlon of tljo city and considerable damage was douo to proport } and the b mi of Jvh. Uiwvnlleld , vthUh was pintl illy destroyed. Lois ubout { 100 ; no Insurance. ( iitllt ) I'aillcN Uiil < nit\Mi. I' WMU : Cm , Ki'b. , August , [ Special Telegram to Tun DbK.-Joslo ] Fries of ) 111u bols died S.itnnlay nljht ( from the effects uof n cilndiiul operation. The ii > roner't Jury luvvu boon In bession for two dnys > , tmt b.ivo fullod to lix'iito the guilty pintles jet , llni-.lwmu I'll in Palis. HtsriNds , Nob. , August 4. [ Special Tele gram to Tan Ih u. ] The hardware Jinn Icof Dallas & niton , ono of the oldest In the city , wiib el wed by the Cieimuii National bn.U under thattel mortgage. Lliibllltlus m-u placed utfin.UOO. ' 1 hn Koliool Census. YottK , Neb , August 4. [ Special to TUB ! IJufc. ] The school u'nsusof Vorkiomity for I" . IbjHlshowslJ.'Jll children of bihool age , a gain of twenty over the umsui of Issli. Koiinlon at .Superior , Eurciuoit , Neb , Auijusl ! , t l Tele- grain to Tur Brr ] The Ititoutntc soldiers' , and sillors' icnnlon of northern Ivnnsns nnd touthers Ntbtiisku , tabu ho held duihifr this ucck at Superior , lias commenced All day long the \cti'rans and their fimilles , sightsee - see ran ml unrip follow ersliuvo been pouiin ' Into the city , and rach huoniliiB tr.iin has uddidtotho number , \\hllo the lo.uls arc beset with numerous vehicles of rverj de scription. ICvirythliiu ia huitlo ami liuiry. Alioutnluilf a inllo lust of the city Is locatrd thocainplilch has been ( lit istuied Camp Ulucoln , iind ouu by out the wliito lurnus covois ln\o tieon uiiscd , until now ! K ) teats lia\o bcui erected to tervo iia abodes for the conici * ) during the coining week. Already ono Imlf of this numbo'-hnvo tieenpciupled.imd Ills cxpoctnl tint all will bo taken tarh tomoirowinonillifT. Two b.ittorlu of nrtlllorj nnd panics of infantry , thn best drllliii of the national guuids in Knns.is and Xebnsk.i , \villboiiiattciiiliinic Dittery n of Topowa an lied this uu'iilng , mid Iho VVjmore coin- juiin will be inc.itIj In the moinlttfr. Col- oni'l C. K Adams , the depai tmeiit com- nmndc'i- , his appointed the chief mcmUrs o his staff. Thi'y nto : OungoV Hurton , senior vice eomniandoi , 1.V. . Churi.li , Junior vho eommuider , 14. H Fulton , ailjutint gcneru ; Captain K J. Mnriln , chief of stiff , Dr. 1'oster , sttirfcon Dr Foster , al the bend of the iciept'on ' coininittce , has liocnciiRiffediii receiving the visitors Informally Tomorrow * till the for mality and discipline pf a u-gnlai mllllniv camp will bo In foico and a guard mount will lake iiliiiu at da } light. llio programme toinoriow Includes n parade and drill bv the national giiaids. There will also be iidiliusics by a number of comrades , among them Colonel IM Hit Hell , post do- paitmenteoiiimniidcr : Ira Collins , post de- jmttmeiit ioiuitmnderHem - } Booth , Judge W II JlclUido , .ludgo U. A. Smith , Hon. W MivNitll , Captain John U IIiimlltonof Kansas and II. C. 1'alliter of Nebraska llellci'tot Scl/cil. Oo vi.il. . v , Nob' , August I | Special Tele- giam to Tm. DM : j The blieiifl. scU'dupon ' thoOgallda Itellector plant today undei a elntlol mortgage held by the Onledi , 111 , Uxelmiuo bmk. 'Iho ' llilleetor vus fonneily owned and edited by M .M , Neoves and it has been under thno different nnna > , eiiieiits sinio the pusetitptopiletoi , 12 M I3t } , con- .soliditul tlio loinnul and liuieutor and culled it the .loitinal Uelleetot Mr liy disposed of his L'ipiitnblo iiitereiit in the Journal toJ. 1' Uhaity. A .Miln Found Dend , COI.VMM-I , Neb , August 4 [ Spool il Tele- giam to Tnr Bhf 1 Aboill 5 o'clock this afttriioou a } oung man was found de id about two nnd a half miles v.cst of tlio city , near tlio Union Pacific hack He has d.ult hair and was fahl } wclldtessed The exact enuso of hia death is unknown A letter was found on his poi-son dated "Woodbuin , Platte countj , addiessedto a.vouiiglud } In Denver. An inquest was held this evening and a fur ther investigation will bo nude A number ofbrnbcs on his bed j suggest foul play. A XcwHpapei Ghes Up the Ghost , CHIITI , Iseb , August ( [ Special Tele- giant to TUP Bi'i.JUho Crete Dc-uocmt , the enl } democratic piper In Saline county , v\ai clobcd tod.i } b the shot ill upon an ex ecution in favor of a ICimaaj Uit } paper llOUbO 'IhelrSKtli Annual Uonvcntioii Meets in Cniciflo , August [ tipeeial Teleram to Tin : Dm : . 1'iho 1 sUth annual coimiitlon of the United Brotherhood of Ciiiponteis and Joincis of Ainnlca , was called to cider by 1'icsiduit D. P. Ho\\lnnd of Cincinnati , to day. 'Ihe meeting was addressed bj Ma or Ciegier , v.'ho wilcomcd the UIO delegates to the ilty , and In a few brief sentences culo l/cd "the nation d auny of yorkcrs. " 'llio mayor nus folio veil by Judge Tulloynud lidwatd Wahr , each iu well woided ad- dtessis The speakeu \ \ eio all \\ell lecehed. Delegates aio present from oignnizations in c\ei'i stutoaud fiom Canada. 'J'ho iirst matter under consider ation was the repoit of Sccritary MeGuiio of Philadelphia It showed that the asbociutloii his ' from ' t'lowa 2,000 inem- beis and twelve unloiib to iOOOU members nud 7W unions Chicago was tlic Iirst eitj to adopt the il ht hour l.m nnd la o then tbiitjsix ntles hive followed hoi example. Iu uj ; | ilties nine hours lonstltuto a diy's \\orkimd \ in 200 the di % ' 3 oikelo3es ut4 p. iu , \\'ajei \ ) hii\ been adaneed from 'J5 to r cents per day , 01 a to al off.j,000.)001ucicaso ( ) a year Is paid to labor iu the Unite 1 States and Canada basis of nine on a houi a. Tlio seeieturj alsoiopoitul that dm ing the p.ist jour 144 strikes hud taken phuc , of whlih number 111 clD'ht were tlio men de feated. 'Iho membeuliipiopotted at thelast meeting was I'.i.OOO , showing an incicaso of .M.OdO A little ovei .00,1100 was expended in bilk and pcneral bcueilts. Tlio moelliiLrs In future will bo scuet. As to the matters to come undir disillusion out- sldo of the election of oflkers and geneial business iclatiiis to tlio constitution , uothlug definite can bo learned. It Is hmdly thouRht probable that the mat ter of the local en-pullers' ' tioublcs will bo discussed , or if diseusbed ill alllt A\lll \ bosub losatmd coiillr.natorj of the gcnci d opinion tlmt sulking foroviij concehabloii-ason is not ciuloi-stii bj the oldei or more coiiscivu tlvo amoiif the luboi loadei-s. .1 jut , uTr.ii , jsitusiie.tTci ) . ljaslliits Thieves I > Ui'o > prol Tijiiis ; to Appropriate Klglit ) lloises , H STINCS Nth , Augiibt 1. jSpttlal Telegram - gram to Tim Urn ] At a lilo hour Insl niulit ten \verodlsco\ercd lomidiiigup a dro\o of eight ) holies and mules belonging to Prank Taylor , a wealthy stockman living not th of this city Tbouolso of the men tearing don a femo uttiaotcd the attention of the lilted man In charge , who , in compaiij with Taj lor , gave ihase , aimed withi tiles , but NOIO unable to auutako the thluvas Tajloi'3 house was destroyed by llrobitui day and It was evident Iho thieves eomliidod no 0110 was around. Sheiitt Urn no has been uotltled nnd will taUo nu-asuics at once to breikup hoiau thieving In this \icinity , us hoi'bu stealing c.isca are litcoiulnguitirdy too numerous. AVeatlier NPUI * ( nun irinnii , IIuitoN , S. I ) . , Aiifjint 4.-SK.ehd [ | Tele gram to Tin. Hu.Tho ] weekly \\eather crop bulletin Issued this morning by the United States signal ofllco , may bo sum marized ns follows : Weather during the week has been dry and U'ry wurm , unfavor able to all growing i-rops , but faxoiablo Jrto tomt banostlnj ; wheat nud oils , whiih is aboul conmletidln houtli Dakota mid pioffre < bliig hi North Dakota. What nun has falliti h.u bxu in very light , loi.il sliowors , ex cept tn a poition of Cuss and Codlngton counties , \\lnto diunaghiK hail storms ha\o oe uired inmost localities the drouth has been severe , and rain Is much needed to per- feitthoiorn , llav , mllht and root crops. In j , tieo.ist | pirt ot bouth Dakota , when ) ho drouth has not lKi > itbo\cio , ttopsato ed in good condition , nnd in some southeast counties excellent , in the Uhu-k Hills region and Ueadlo county , Irrigatediropj hmo lotUs sulfeiedand the jicld of wheat and oats from these lands la excellent nnd of the lineal quality. Cornlco JIuketM Silll Out , Ciuctno , August 4. ( Sp vlrti Telegram to Tur Brr ] Fullj six. huiulivd cornieomak- ers are btlll out In the sttlko Inaugurated U\o\veils ago A inciting of the striken was hold ut thoirlmll this morning nnd a ro- ' pott ftotn the llnnnco eommittoe tccuned imd ' i > laikd on tlio All thu inon doing picket duty i-iported that there uro not a half dozen cor- nlie makers ulink In tnu citj , TvvoHu \ Huns lu\o ( 'tiintid the i-vjucisslous of the men , plUujjunplojinuit to about ouo hun- 10died mcu. 11 J I'M ' I'UKIIAI ' \ \ Ullifil1 Ihe Iowa Mining Town Visited by a Hun dred Thousand Dollar Fire , A TORNADO'S DESTRUCTIVE WORK. Tlio .AtUis Diotlllcry Iluildlni ; at DCH Illnun lo\\ii ) CiopN itiilni-tlby lluil-.V Doublu lro\miti ) . i , la , August 4. rirejcstculuy dctroed } Inlf the business portion nnd foity residences of What Cheer , In. The lire orig in itod nt U' . 11 Armstrong's meat market and is supposed to h tvo been the work of an incendiary Among the buildings dcstrojcd vuro the opera house , Creie-ent supply store , Ilarleni v\i i'arrott block , the building occu pied b } LiCathorsit Fienkgoneial inerelnnts , .mil in my other business nouses and the 1'ies- btetlm church llio lire depiiitinunt was powerless tostopthosprc.nl of the Humes bo tausoof n lack of vater From llroadwaj tlni'o blocks nnith on Iwth sides of B lines sticet eveithlug was swept away. Loss. $100,000. A Tornado at DCH Moincp. DiiMotxi , In , August 1. [ Social Tele- ( 'tain to-Tin : Iln . ] During n violent storm list ciening tlio A tins dbtlllciy building , in the ground by asnnll but powerful ejclone , V li Sleeper of thostaulioik3as stand- inp at the dooi of tlio factory and \\iis one of the tew witnesses of the ilist tornado thai ocrlsltoil Des Jloines Ho suu cloud ruslf up from the south nud nnothir donn fiom the north nest Thc.v collided Ju&t south of the doomed bulldlntr. lausiiifj atenlblo iitmospheile tu mult Ticos vcio snapped off orstiippcd ot their le.ivishilo otheis hishe.l the pi oil nil \\lththeir tojis 'iho storm then begin to ttliiiluiuliubhcd upon the ilistilloiy AMtU tlio above icault. Since tlio prohibitory hvent Into effect Hit ? liuildluir has not been used as n distllleij , but for stables lt\\.iso\vii < d byJ II. Windsor ser and the loss Is not hi ivy. Double DiouaiiiK at Sornnton. SCUVNTON , h , August 4 [ Special Tele- grain lo Tin : 11 ci. ] Wlillo the families of U. S CI irk and I. y tiiagg vvcro pknieing ncai h'rotstcida } aftirnoon , the occasion wus saddened by n double drowning , J > It Clark and a little daughter being llio victims Thoehildien of both families wcio In the Cooniivu1 with Mr C'laik bathing and leiun- Ingtoswlm. Tvvoot .Mr Claik's duughteis got beyond their depth and the father went to their tescue , but lost his pteseiice of mind and sank w ith ore of them , never to tise Thoothu gitl was lestucd bv a htothci. Air Clmk was a lespectcd citizen and the 11- l.imll } < asts a gloom over thn cntho com- inuiilty. I'olsoned With I'mU Cioon , Ets Ivloisi s In , August I [ Special Tele gram to Tun Bus.J Assistant Stito Ycteiin- nry Surgion Campbell of this city returned today fiom Ilumeston , whcto helms been In vestigating the nolsonltig' of stock on Iho faira of Jacob Ault , near Ihero. lie found Unit pails green had been mixed with salt and dropped in tv\cnt \ } live or tlilrtj places in u pastnic b } some person us cl unknown Up to ctato eighteen head of cattle and two horses Invo died. Ciicuinstauccs point to a young German residing near by us the jici- sou who committed thocrimo. A Torrll > le Sqiicc/ Brs Moivi , la , August ( . [ Special Tile- gram to Tnr Bui ] Edward Hiprgeity pf Troy , Is' Y. , aged iiinctien , nud Williani ISlllson nf AVllton Junction , In. , aged four teen , were scriouslj , though It ib thought not fatally , injured in the Hock Island yards this morning They were stealing a lido and hidbetwcon two piles of lunibei In nbox-cir. In making a switch the lumber car and an other cir came together very hard and the lumber piles slid together squeezing the two bos tenibly. 'I lie R" uni I us Identified. Dis 2MoiN-is , Iu , AiiD'iist4. [ Special Tfle- gram to Tin , Binj : This morning the body of the man who was killed by fulling from a hotel window j estcrday mottling was identi fied as that of Charles E Elliott , vvlio was formerlv u succ-essful business imui of Pitts- iicld , Plko countj , Illinois. Ilo was junior partncrln tbodt } poods llrni of Shilver it lilllott , Mr. Sehinor being a brolhei in-law. Ilovvns.iJ yiai-s of age 1'or some time past he had worked at rnilioadiiitj at New Vlr- A I > cptructi\o JIall Storm , JUsox Cm , la , August4. [ Special Tele gram to Tin , Bic.J A tenibly destructive hnllstoim passed over Emmet , Palo Alto and adjacent couutleslast night. The storm was foiuteen miles long and completely laid waste crops of all kinds Lirgo hailstones fell to a depth of six Inches. Shocked wain will not t-owoith threshing. Plax was entirely de stroyed , and numbeis of horses and cattle killed. Sexual men wcio seilousl } injuicd mid u number of farm lesldences dcstiocd. A Hey Hilled bj tlio Cars , CuiisTON , la , August 1. fSpeclul Telegram toTnuIJiij : Safi-eck Bcnion , eleven jen-s ofn cfell while crossing tlio hack In ftont of an engine hi the jards Satutdaj evening nnd was billy mangled. Deith ended his sufferings this afternoon. Ilo was a messen ger bo } for the Western Uulou tilegiaph compaii } . Tlio Sittlcrs AVII1 l'l lit it Out. Linii ( ] | , Ii , August U. 'l.'o the Kditor of Tut : Bit : The settlers' union of the settlers on the Des Moines iner laud In lown have found It ncicssary to eorrect various mis representations that have been nlleged b } the piess and emanating fiom Pott Dodge. This is not the llrst time the public ; has boon mis informed in regard to the facts in this gicut controversy , The channel through -which the public has rccolxed its mfoim.itlon Ins invnriibly been the agents of the liver company , or these holding lii-go tracts of land under the com- pmy's title , and who haxo In all ptobabliity received this land for their aid ami co-opera tion in the unjust cause. The settlers want their case curried to the supreme court and passed upon there , as recommended by Judge Shiras In bis decision , as the Judge say.s hlt > hinds were tied Dceauso of foimor decisions of that trlbiniul favorabla to Iho Itlver land compmyand In which the United States was not represented and was not n party , and therofoio eonld not favor the seltlets. 'Iho judge knows ithafiuudand the loinpmy never eatned the land , out claimed hocould not help deciding as hocltd and recommended it eartlod to the supiamo court Now the IJhor \ laud coinpiuy , or their agents lieatoforo referred to , strongly urge and advise the settlers to ask the. goernmont for indemnity and thereby ( 'ive up their claim us n lost cause , thus letting : the Hlver land eompmy secuie the land to themsilves , Through \ ailous artiilcs nubllshid in the Clironlelciat Fott Dodge and also others sent out Irmn tlmt place they would hn\e thopnb- Ilo believe that the settleisanled Indemnity and had ghen up the tight nlotiR with their homes and weuigoluc to Dakota to start the bittle of llfo over agnlu. Hut It Is not ho. Wo nro allhei-ojet and mean to stay nnd die wheio we are , for most of us nio too old to KO to Dakota. A ShTiu.il. Iho W 'niher I'orecast. For Nebraska l-'alr ; warmer ; winds shift ing to southerly. rorlowa Valr ; warmer , northerly vduds , j becoming variable- . JnFor South Dikota-Falr , warmer : wluds | Uif tluu' W southerly , A Tetter Ktont Uhnlrfti.ui Illiine'liiiid Crpntona Soii Jitlott. CHIC \oo , August I. [ Hpidtil Telegram to Tnr DII. ] IndlUdunlly nnd eolleetlvely , theme-tubers of thoCbicaffo boant of IrnJo ni o fairly boiling ocr * with wrath It Is allen on account of n letter which Clnlrmitt Ul.ini'lnird ; of the Central TiaiUo asso ciation sent to Secrotnfy Stone of the boatd of trade , declining , on bolmlf of all the nxids , to piulIoliMlo in the moss meeting of sliippcrs hi Clilcago , August 0 , to 111dl discuss the now bill of lallng Chilrnim niiinchuid's move Is dalnrcd lobe charuelir- , istlially foKy , as tlio earrlaw wilt bo handled without gloves at tbo coming ; iiiouting. Ho Kivcsnsa reason for not uttcndltiK that uu lniiortant | meeting of the joint lotninltteo Is to bo held in Now York on that day. Said Commissioner Iglobmt of the Chicago freight bureau on Iho mailer : "Chairman Bhnehard told us on July'9 ' tint u meeting of thu joint lommlttco might coulilil with om mecllup Thodntooi the joint coniiult- teetni'otliig was not Jlxedhowever , and wo ceitilnly tliouiht our meeting important enough to call for IU * postponement , la nnj cx'cnt. Wo llxcd tbo { late for our mcct- jnc on duly 21 and Ihe duto for the jolut com- mftteo muctlagvas not llt.cd until August 1 , when the call was dollbeiiitdv hsued lo ion ] Jllct with ours. Clmlrimin lllancliiirl Intcn- tiotmllj ignorcs our meeting , but ho vUll prob.iljl } le.irn tint the tjotisands of ship pers , connected with this movement cannot bo Ignoted with impunity. 1 Theio was no rcn-soa mder the sun vhy Clialrnim Ulaiiehard coulil not delegate. Ids authority to some ono olso.to attend our meet ing , but ho did not scollt todo so. This move of his has inado us a unit jn the mntter and the ralhoads can hardly fcuoro the fornild- nblo reinescntatlon wo win have at our meet ing wo uro in this fight to win uud } ou can idv on It-we will" Said Chairman Bhnehmd on the subject : "As understand It 'tho v\o iion-ncgotiablo elmsohas been airanged'to thocritlra satls- fadtonof shippers uud Ijmkcis. Ju nfur- cnco to iho clauses concerning liability , wo si ) to all shlppeis : 'Wo H itid ready to ti ins- pott your properly , subject to our common law liabllitj so called , at Just nnd reasonable tales or wo'will Iransportnt reduced lates on tlio just and nasotublo conditions stated in our bill of lading. Which class of senlco do vou deslto } AVe do not claim our bill < tf lading Is ubso- lutuly porfeel and will jjlifl any suggestion prompt and thoughtful consideration. Iho ( J m i id Trunk \VabasliCnnndlun Puilllo routes aio the only two lines which have refused - fused to put the bills of lading Into clleet" SaidTrnfllc Alaimger Ileovo of the Grand Trunk "As soon as tb\1billof ladlncfwtis ptoposeil I wrote my poopU that It was n b id ono nnd 1 could not sic mv way clear to adopt It. Wo have steadily refused to put It in fono and shall probably conthmo our ro- fusul. Of couiiU wo ur doing an Immcnso amount of business 03 a remit of the boycott of other roads , but It was not with that view'that ' we icfuscd to use the bill of lading "Wcbcliovo it Is illegal and uud altogether bill mid for those reasons alone refuse to put itlntoeffeit , " Thobivak in western passenger rates to the Grand Army encampment has come As expected , ir nt all , It Is from ICnnsaa City , the loiind ttlp r < ito from that point lo Boston being f27.W via St. LouiA Said Chairman floddard Cf tlie Western Passenger association : "It was practically Impossible to avoid the reduction , ovvint ; to the * JO round tilp rate nuillo vln St. Louis llio bicak Is not n ( serious ono and 1 do not expect it jiq i go lower. A coiicspoiidltiB reductloif will l > e > made via Chicago , Italvva.vs facing customary to make the same rates east via bt.Iiouli mid Chicago from Kansas City. t.Tliera , istlittle cr 110 foundation'for the rarneiS'of domomlizalion between the Missouri rivet ! and Denvir. I hive foxind just six Ibjlcet ? in scalpers' hinds , eiiiially divided bctwe < iii thoAIibsourl I'nciflc and the Hock Islnid. " The statement of eastbound shipments foi the -week does not show tllO cffectsof thoboj- eott , the sUtoincut ending on l ildayniBht and llio boveotlbcKlnuing Friday uftemoon Tlio total slilpinentsworoADt l tons > ? ahist 50,101 Ions Iho nrevlous wok and fi..SU the corresponding week of last j ear. The Van- derbllt lines hud a Held \\toic , taking M per lent of the business bcUveoti them The Fort \Vajnotook 17 per cent , drank Trunk 15 , Ualtlinoro& Ohio Sland 1'auliandloO. Ihe Great J ortlicrn Halhvaj. ST PAUI , Minn. , Aupju t ! . fSpecinlTole- ginm lo Tin : Ihi.1 Thtro is no longer any doubt about the extension of the Gicnt Not thorn railway to the Pacific toast Agcnls forthccoutractoM vero hero lodaj and commenced engiging 800 teams and 2,000 men to begin tlio section of the road from As- siiiaboino , Mont , , to the saminlt of tue Hocky mouulnius Ili-idgo Juniper SIcCnfTrpy Elects Death at IloHlon. BOSTO > , Mass , AURUS ) , 4 [ Special Tele- gi-amlo Inn Ilri : . ] Aiiothoi fool has sacri ficed his llfo for lo\o oCnotoiicty. Yesterday nftetnoonChnilos McCaCfro } , whoso ambi lion was to rlvnlSto o Brodiccssaed , to jump 130 feet and the effort resulted in his death. JlcCaffroy came [ o this city several weeks ago udveitislnj ? himself as the chain pion bridge jumpei of Canuda and attempted to get backing for a match vita llrodlo Ilo nmdo scvctal jumps from a considerable height nnd partly succeeded in interesting a i-ouplo of dime museum maiiageis nnd ono balloonist , G. A. Itogors by uumo. Yestci- dav the latter promised Iho Canadian money and n position in case lie should proved him self capable of making1 ajcal high jump. 'Jho test first decided upon vvnsn leap from a dcirlckon Darling's wluirf at thoKnst Bos ton ferry at a height of soveuty-lUo fict. Iu thopiesenco of a higoirovvd , btitduilng the abseneo of Kopors , this jump vvas success fully done , Fifteen minutes afteiwnrd IJogcrs appeared on the bceno and demanded another trial. MiCaltrey sueeringlv replied thattho jump just inado was nothing fora man of nerve , and asked thata higher pluco bo shown him. . Escaping from the crowd McCaffrey , Rog ers , the two dlmo mueum men nnd your cor respondent proceeded to tha Atlantic com- panj's ship jurds , vvhore a pair of sheers overhung Iho water at a distance of 130 feet During tlio walk thcro McCallrey was ashed how ho felt. : "Bully , " said he. "It's a dead easy thing to make a jump , no matter Iiovvhlgh , If a man bus only got the nerve , All.vou'vo got to do Is to keep } our fcot together uud'let her go , ' " Arriving atthoyardMcOiffro } vvns shown tha space. With a scornful glaiieo ho asked "Can't } ou shove 'em up n bit highorl That's ' about BroJ lei's limit , but It's an cvery-diy dive with mo " 'Jhon , quickly throwing asldo all his ' i clothes but uilose-flttlug palt of tiunks mid his shoes , he hiiskly climbed up the stairs. OnceutUio top ho paused but a moment S.Is make the conventional' circus bow to Ids friends beneath nnd then launched intosp.uo. I Ilo shot through the air fo < t foremost until within about , perhaps , eight feet of the water. Then the body tinned and bo struck : the wukn squarely upon .hi a back. Straugo to s.v\ , Instead of biuklugltnmcdl : - :1II utcly , thu body ( for tljo man mu'st lu\o \ bcei II instmtly killed ) bounded upward and ttiei. iloiti'd for fully f'fteenfiPeonds upon the 11r face of Iho water. Then blowing It s > ink fiom sight. KogersaniHhodlmomubeum men fled pro- eipltatcly. Some men in n yacht who bivv T the leap and feaiid thi ) result came to the rcscuo , but they were toolatoto oven sine the corpse. The man s clothes w cro tnkon to [ X n station house and the mutter reported to the police. Coin iilloii orOnrinont U'oikoi-s , Hoimarhii , N , Y. , August 1. llto fifth annual condition of the garment workers of the t'nltcd States nnd I'anad.i opened In this city this afternoon Since vho lust eou- veullon , hild atbt. LtU , the Ip has inucascd from J"iO lo 10,0X ) , ABSENT JIEBERS HETORK , The Hoiiso Scrgcant-at-Arms' Telegrams Jrins About Gcotl Bcsults , SUGAR SCHEDULE IN THE TARIFF BILL , hulk minus thut Aolliui Upon itVill to 1'iist iidiiud Until l lu Host of t lie MciiHuie is Disposed of WASIIINOTOV UmBtnTir O MXIIV. STHI I.T , \ \VASIII\OIO\ 0. , August t. Quito iK'ieeiitlblo were the I'iTcUs of tlw U9 telegrams sent out bj the ser eint-nt- arms to absent members on last Saturday upon the attondaiiio In tlio house today , Ho- fore the adjournment this afternoon there wore o\er two liuudied luemuers iiiesont , whiloa cull of the house on Sitturdiy dis closed the presence In the ell } of less than ono hu n died nud sevcnty-lhc Seigeint-at Arms Holmes stated to your eonospondcnt that ho did not , expect moro thm twelve or fifteen members to refuse a tesponso to his summons ni d that those hut already given or would glxo ns an excuse eltker the suk ncssof themselves or incmbeis of theii fam ilies Ho st.itod that imtuially mem bers would dilft away ngiiln upon stole luves and tint within a w ck or ton iliys the uumber would to doxvn to probablj two hundred , but ho was confldetit Unit hctwccn two hundied and sevcnty-IUo nnd three hundtcd members would boheieon Iliursdnj Some of the incmbeis who lime returned snj that It was n grcit hardship for thorn to leave their dis tricts , sis the } had been away from tticlr con stituents many mouths mid were with either Impottuit political or pi U ate In- totcsts. Ncaily oiie-hdf cf the members of Iho house hmo not been nttheit homes since congress comened lust December , nnd these grumble incessantly mid slnke their heads ominonsl } nnd ciitloiso the intion of the homo in revolting tlio leaves of absonro The } beliavothut these who hn\o \ Important business , and enu clcmonsttate thai fact to the speaker , should bo peimltted lo absent thomiclvcs after m ranging pilrs. It Is understood tint the house will adjoain after oiuh l-'iidaj night's pension session till Monuu } , so tlmt these who do notllvent too greit a distance nisi } step out of the city each week and lake a peep Into their dis tricts. THE suflui rcTiox ov mis nun r. When schedule "I1 of the tailff hlllls reached by tlio senate Mr. Aldili-h or some other ineinbei of the committee on Unimex ) will ask to have itlciidasiilouiilllthoionialn- dei of llio bill hits been considered. This is the su uar schedule , mid ills expected that oxer it there will bo a live ! ) contest. This is tha point at which Mr 131 duo's cominoicbil reilproaty plan is to bo considcicil and the Uiet sugar1 advocatis are to sub mit tlielr proposition , nnd It is the ileslroof the republUaus that the bd- iinco of the bill shall bo disposed of lirst , fco thut whatever uctlon may bo taken tmon the sugar schedule , It slnll have no influence upon other iorticns of thohill. A numbuof republican scnatoit. are c jiceU'd to inuko ex tended speeilies , and Itwilleieuto iiosurpnso If this schedule alone occupies ten days or t-HO wuks1 time The full meaning of lom- tnoiciul reciprocity na a ineitis of reforming the tariff nnd extending tlio market for our piwliu * will bo dlsonssed at length , and the advocates of a bounty to eniouiago the bo it siif ir industry , and those who bcllovo a. bountj Is improper , and tlmt wo should ntnlii nt legist half the present duty on sugars for inspiration to the homo iudiistij , will ha\o a yood deal to say It Is ex pected Hint the senators from jfeurnska , Iowa and Kansas -\vill lend in the Jlght foru bounty of Jceiitsapniud for susar produced in this country and the fieo admis sion ot niaihinerj to bo used ii , the manufac ture of su Kiniu the United States. The Mc- lUnloy bill provided for a bounty of tj tents per pound and the suiato added maple sujjar us to that imdo from beets , .soi'lium ( or iano. The senntoalsonrovlded a small duty upon law sugar as u further ciuouiiigoiiiuit to the sui iix1 produLCis Itls coiisideiod evidence \vhcii tlio republican meinboi-s of the loimnlt- tcoonllnunco ugieodtho other duj to lay nsldo tlio sugar scliednlo find tnlto it up as the last feature In tlio bill that they expect to see ft lively deb.itooa tlio reciprocity prop osition mul the bounty nnd other su iir sUioines. The su m seliednlo Is llitely to bo reached next week nud it Is believed it will bo tnkt'ii up for discussion within a week thereafter. TIIU AVTIIOTIFUV HIM. . Mr Hopkins of Illinois , whois n member of thc | liouso ( omnntteeoii postoltli-i's and post road.s , snld tniliy that ho buliu\cd an a > v- bo niiide wlicioby Iho imti- lottoiy bill would bo tuken up mid pusscil ivlthinii eoui > li ) of weeks , or suitly leforo incmbcis who are surnmoiicd liere up.iin scatter to the various aetllons of tlio ccuntry Ho stated thata poitlon of the members of the coinmltteo on postofilics imd post loads uorovery dotormiued in their demand foi tlio pissapoot the anti-lottory bill Ilo said further that tha country was bdiif ? heard fiom and it seemed thnt the lotteiy nas verj foiv friends In any locality , uhllo the pressure sure for the ad option of the bill was so ( 'ioat that no ITI in who Intended to lemaln in public llio could > nfel ) resist it. M'IIIKIISOSj.unsiun rAiutr oriosiTiov. Before the senate took up tliotuilff bill foi discussion It \ \ is the opinion In many minds , based upon a pcnor-d publication to that ef fict , that Senator Carlisle \\oulcl imdeitake to direct nnd control the opposition to the moasuio on the part of the minority Al though Mr. Cmlislo was n new member of the .senate and at tlio foot of the membership of the coinmltteo on finance , Hwas felt that his intimate aomnlntniuo with the subjeit mudo Ins selection for the duty quito umiro priute. Hut vhoii the consideration of tlie sdicdulosbotran it was scon tint Senator MeVherson of Now Jersey , thoseiond mlnoi Ity inembir of llio lominlttcoon ilimnce , had charge of the bill for the democrats. This fact created some surpilse. for WcPherson , like Uormin , vos huspeitod of leaning rathci too far to tlio pioteitlon side to ho hi strict plumb with ills paitv on the tin iff , and mum wore the Riiesses us to whlchhad been chosen or permitted to lend the forces of rcvonuo re form , KoRoodunsnor uas heard until to day , when Itfts said that Senator Mil'her- son Is a candid ito fwtlio nomination forviio presldeiiton tlio demouritio ticket Iu IhW and Ids efforts to hceuro n leduttlon of tariff rates , toffcthei with his ussoi tiou that lie doesn't ' intend to sniro eioii the industries of his ow n state , ni o for tlio purpose of the support of the delegations ( rom Houthcnn states two years heneo. MIAIOIIb IXU1 V > 3IOHPIIO S. "Indian Commissioner Moig.m sayi ttioro will ho no moro jmnits fjniilPd Indians to lcu\ their reservation and KO with trading shows. Ho his dcilded to make no excep tions to this nad is led to iu adoption by the maltreatment of tlio OgallalnSIoux who went to JJuropo with Dr , Curyur'B Wild West and some of these who accompanied Ilufl'alo Bills coinnmy Tlio secretary of the trcosuiv has reecuod a Utter say Inp that some of the O ( allala Sioux were In n very distressed phjsloal condition , two having pullmonar } 1r 1y y disease imd one juundlto 'llio commlsslomr says that tlio bliovvnicu vho bavo tnkcn Indians from their resor\attou were com pofioii to gixo bond for their good treatment nnd taro and that ho Intends to oilorco the bond and se-uro ilanmifcsIf possible 'J'ho actlnp fcuporlntondontof lirmlgratlon writes from Now Voik odhocondllloii of the Oga- l.tllwho were taken abroad. They wtro fnltly well diossed , but were nioecAslns and ' fiom nina of puserved meat and eonio bna < \\hllt l ) comliii ; from tlio nhlp In the haiuo to this om f. 'Jim Indians told u la- I mentablo stor ) of maltivatinontby tliowhlto | mmho luvo eiiffattd them. Thiy ha\o \ uhe n ticatod barbarously and cru < * lly ub- let led to all tcinpuiUons of Imtnoralitj bj bo- iny broaght without , [ uopcr root ruin t into i contact with the crin1 ? ' .ii w , x\lth \ whom they voro , | icrinlttod \ - 'ulgi' ' tluii ovll pasI * ? | 011S. _ . " * EX\TOII THiritm . JMIN nriivrr Thefcdcrd i lee-lions v leoohed ttblnck cjo in the setinto this i nmmi Sinitor lilnlr liul utidorta'sen to ' * iileetnro to the senate upon its duty ure 'in ' nwesslt } for prompt mlloii upJii tin ) 7 * I" , " " 'I ' I'1 ' l'lc ' ooursi > of hM roam r'is ' re.ii odltorlnl fi-om the New Yoilc I'ribunu I ilnj , se\oroly itltic-ldncr llio senate for Iti lluiss In the nnttci of ptssltn ; the bill his All Tel ler imilo teipoti c > iu a tun .1 t tint vx is not to hi * mlsumloritooil lie sail thut xvllllc' a priiUMIoiilst tliroiiKli and through and while in the main Intituling to suppoit the corn-lit- slotisof thelliiiincecvmmlltooupontlie nlll un der consult union , hoiaxonotl(0 ( totheuuuto mid the ioimtiat lu-gu that ho would op pose \lii \ > roiulj and us oili'c-tlioly us posslUio any iiuipo ltloii to iliiingo tho' titles of tlio senate for the. pnrpwo ot expediting tlio i-on- slilcritloiiof tlio lull lit ) wont fait-hor than this and slid th it he win not lit f.t\or of ih tiiging Iho will's in onler that Hit ion upon Ibis bill or any bill \\hiih \ \ illicit heiiMftt-r In ) luoughl bcforullio simileslioiild li'lm-tenc'd The rules of the sou ito.which hid been foundsat Is fiu-toiv for iiiiilyahuiidiedcMis , neeilul , In his opinion , no iinicmiincat it this linn * Senitoi 'IV'ller Is a. monibor of the umiinltteeon pilvlle cs nnd elect Ions , before which thcileelion Mil isnoxviu Senatoi 1'rve , imothor membe of mlttce , who Is vny much in favor of the p issajro of thoblll , said ufUr biariiur Mi IVllci s statement that ho was at i ltd It nouId be Impossible to pnss a hill without HistclTeetlup aihan o oftheiuhs low v rosTMisn.iis VI-IOINIIII. Biistol\Voilh count } , .1 .1N" ( 'hnpiiinn , Uo I { > I ( lieelev , icsigned ; I'liitluwmv , Chii'liisnw county , Mrs ( J.V \ Ilivdcn , x-he ,1 IlnydiM , docoincd ; l"unbai , IMiu-slid counU , II L.Iiinlon , vice : T Larson , to tlifiud ; liossxlllc' , Allanikco ) county , S. C Mejors , xlco.l Mitchell , lenioved , Sctieui , ICossuth ( omit } , N ICesselloo b A. Little held , ti-signod Tin. i-Au\iiiis' \itiv\ri. Mi-i-oni.mt i. . It lias been inmj } o.iH simo so 111.111 } men In tbo homo xuio defeated fir renomtmttion us duimgtho piesent sunnaoiMoio men hax'o bcc-it defeated foi n nomination thin h.ix'o been lenominntc'd , mid it begins to look ns though not onh ncirlv all of the old wheel hoiios from the soutli , but a mijoiitv of the men iroin the notth , nonld he ii-titeil to pilvato li'o after Mni-cli I ne\t 'Iho funnels' iillliinee his plaved Itiivoi x\lth \ the botiibonsln the south , and tliieatens to iniilco swecpinyihiingcs In tlio ddogationwc-stof lithe ifiirniots' alliance members should hold the bihtiiio pfpivcr in llio ties , t house u ineii } tntio xxill followns thi'\ Hill demand tlu * iconfiniAition , the b' st comniilteis , .md will Hash upon tlioonntiv some unitjue legist it ion Such a both of iiu-ti ulwis go hi foi letieneliinent and lefunn The } nil down thuiegul.it * nnd neec iirv ixpi-nsi-s for the gou-rnmi-ni , buttlio.v inu - iubly mike "biimlosono'1 i-xpuiditiucs iu original forms J'ho sen tin will not be changed inatcrlidl } in its i einposltion by the appioac-hlng elections Tlio lopiibhcins will huxo a latKO nujoutv. ana the hi ids of committees mitteos will win iln iirlncipally nsnt picsint , so Hi it there mil bu a lulii'uo wlit'el In ton- tnaswhlh will insure the running of aflniis M > as to ki op from the -ireMilc'nt nnd his sue disipproud u } tiling tint is vicious or roc' ' < - POITII D\i\irv nun id S S Ihorp of 15ilthii , B D who has been in the t-llv sot oral dujs , s ns tl'it Hep lOsenttitKo Gilford of his stile XM ! ! boionom- inntcdj hit luMiiitlcip itos defeat ioi lli-pic- benlitixel'ickler IJolh men hmo stionj'op- * position within their puty , Ilosavs ho e\- uects the fur tiers'nllinin-o to iioll a stivng vote OtlierSouth Da'cotn ' ii-publleans 1ieio saj there l'i i o doubt that the lepiblicans will bo nol j toolct tholr ticket bx" ( i ' mnjority Thojii } ' Ooveiaor Mellcttoill \ baieiionlintU.il byiiccliui'itlmi nnd re fleeted by not lew th in Jiltoon and probably twenty thousand plUiallt.v. Hiimnjoiitylastjcarwras ovei thlrtv tlioiiHind nnd ho lias conducted liiiollicouo lionostly nnd uiisollishlylh.it tlioj- tegitd him as stiongei than htsiiiit ) Ilo is prohibit thooiily asiili.mt for nigh political nonois In the state \\lio bis not foimhlablo opposition v.ltliinlus own pntv The South D.ikotmis sa\ \ that Clidriinii Charles T. Mr- Co } of the si ito iMitml committee ) \\lll liltcly bonominitolfoi.coMjju'ss He Is nronul ovoi thostato now and has become ; an open candidate Miscni.i VXKOCN. Itcprcsontatlvo Caitcr toda } received u memorial fiom soiiiu of Ids Montana con stituents , pimc-lpilly miners at Hutte , -\\liii-h Isery Inteicstiiu It protests against the senitu's piopositlon to piy tlwoxpensu of thetwodc-niOuiMts wlio contested tbcfae.iti , ot Senutois Samlets anil Power on the ground that the contest mts had no il lit or title to the seats claimed The mcniornllsts saj that If Messis , . liCiinnis and Clark uantT-d to ilaim the stats uud como hcie to miiKo n con test , putting up champagne dinners and midnight lunches with poker on the hide , they had n poifoct rilit ( todo so provided , they pild for their luxuries , but while tlicro am miners in Mon tana working tonhoins n dij' forf or is ! It in a hhamo to tux pioploto pay for suih liollow pulcnscs a tUitmadc lj ) the eontcstant.s Tbo mltuotlil will bo ptcbcutcd in the liousn bj Mr Carter. J'hu liot.tsof ftiundi of the Ilon Francis Colton , formorlj of Oiimlu , will bo pl.ul to i-eid tlio following message teielved by Mr Noniii CAIT , July II. Von haxe been In my mind all the way up to thu oith Capo nnd now with tlio midnight sun around mo 1 snlutu } on fiom the boixlers of tlie Atctli' set At the Interior department today Assistant Secretiry Chandler levcrsecl tko decision of the land commissioner In laver of .limes Davies Tlio hind imolved Is the west1 , of tlieiiorthxxest l { and wcst1 of llio south wcstof , sec-lion 0 , townslui ) II noith , i.mgo lOvvest , CJimd Island , Nib 'Iho l.ind was entered by Chailes JCIlffoionndoti the contest ofDavies the local billcirs decldei' n'dtist ( Kllgoioundi-uiucllod thotutry On appeal the land fominlsslon reversed the local oftl c-eis' decision , nnd * now the asslstmt Mire tarv iweraes the omiinlssloiier'i , di-cMon , uud iv patent Ioi the land will go to D ivies Watson 1'ickrell ' , special agent for the do jnrtmcut of ugileultute , arrived this morn ing from Bud.ilo , N V , en ofhjal business Ilek'.ucs tomoirow for Ileatiko , Neb , his home' , via Indianapolis. Toda's Wushinyton Post snxs"The Omaha Ilepubbeaii died protesting that It wouldlivo In the vcinaculai of the execu tion reporter the Hepiihlteandied game. ' " William H H Alexander of Iowa , a $1,000 cleik la the pension ofllic , xvas today pro inotcdlo SlfaOO. , 1'i.iiin S IIu.vni. ASt.l'aul ST. I'AUI , Minn , August-4.-Sixvlal [ Telegram - gram to Tut : Hi-r.-President ) Stickney of the Kansas roul lend a long address to the chamber of coniincno this morning fmorhig the establishment in St. Paul of many miinu- fuctoilea on thoiuvostiiKiit plan. Mr. Stu-li , iiu } 's pie ] sltiou was greeted with rcat up- li'uiso ' and his suggestions adopted. Load Ing citizens at once suhieiihcd $120,00) ) and It is expected frl.UOO.OOO will boat the d Is- mnlof HeuroUry 1'holjHln ' the next foil- night It Is pioposcd tooigiinlzo this com- piny illicitr the genoial Btato lims xvlth an authotUod caplUil oflkX,000 ( , it being ex- ' IIICSH ! } ' ngieed Unit the body may bogia busl less as MOOII as f'50,0 , JO of the eomnioii utoik IsHiibscribed foi. The Si Illation in Argent In . Lo\no > , August -1 A dlspitch from lUtcnos Ayrcs lo the Times s.ij.s that ( it n mooting otthoCelininlto sunaton nnd dopu- llos josterdny It vvus decided to contlruo to glve'lho piofcident support. It H reported tlmt the rnblnot IIUH decided In fax-or of a forced eiirrenc } and that an endeavor will bo made to atop gambling in goU , oxchungo mul eurrcicy. IVlaor ] I'aiina , x\hom i'resldcnt Celman donouiucdiiH im informer and mill- tiny conspli-ator , is doml. It is inserted tint ho was poisoned. The press la completely gagged. OeriimiiHiit HIICIIOH , V > ri'H , L.OMION , August4. At tbo roqui'fct of the ( leriaan government Kngland has ordered ono of her 'nen of war now at Buenos A > it's to protect the lutei Mts of Qcrmatii resiulug Iu that iltv. THE XAPOIM OF lAVBC , "Scip" Duu'ly'sAttj'iipt ' to Makoarortunj iu a Single Dual , ALLEGED CONfROL OF OFFICIAL It Ijfiuls to tlio Voiiiijj MIIII'M Itohifj Aoi'used ol I r > Inj- to Induce Con- tiuuCms to IjtijVnrtlili'ss 1'uxc- mciitx In Onitiliu. Thobo.trd of public * York * mot putsuniit to iidjourimii'iit lust night Invoivi scisloti 'Iho thniws niulo I ) } Chnrh'sSiniitos of Uio Asphalt 1'nvlng eotupiiiy last Suluiilny I'glllnst ' II lOltlllll "Jimilfj llllVll" till omlo.lVOl' Ing toi-oriiipt ( ll > ligislntlonlmv Inir bum red - d in oil to t.vporitlnfr , wore ronl ami ilia leading ouiiphd thoenllio stssUm until ueur iiildnlilit. Thovvero ordiMMl HI tcad upon the ricor.l mid made public on motion of Mi , KU-1-.tcud riie " .XOIIIIR innii" moved to bo i : H. Diimlv , otherwise hiumnns " " , "SHp" Ditud.i , derhof tlio United States dlstrhtcomt mil son of .ludgo Duiulj Mi Siiuiies'ioinmuniuition , as tri\ui lust biitniiluv , commences nllll an apology for up. p < Milnp before the bond , ns tliopuiU in- volvul was nouni , ' man of who-,0 family ho hid the highest i oj'iut. Ho liiul to do It , howeu'r , out of self piotei-Uuii , mid \ \ is nil- Used by his frit'iida to inform the board. lie stu'od Unit \\hin \ tlio diniinllv bit \Muit hluiMlf mid Alt Hiiklmuser ivt-nnliii * ) pa\e- iiiont w.i-i at 1(3 ( liolcht. , itiil vlicu the fommoii icniiidl liul ) \ ! ] i\ng ordlimnies uiitUi con- sidciitlon , it "joung man" unite liiin and .nd " im mo doliiR sibltf lot ofoilt im < 1 might to iinko more monei on It lumhi-ipiou do It 'Iho ili.iiiimm of tlio Inard ot public woilis is moroirsponsibli ! toim * foi his po l- tion than any nno In the cit\ \ I took his pi-- tltlon and pot signatures to It \ \ hen ho could not Hols Indolitel to nto for Ills position iindan * . thing ) nu want doni'Jiist si } so ' Mi Spurns snlil thill ill tin tlio i-i.iiitr.itl9 ivoruln inii-o this voting in in c-imio to him . iKiiliiandho ( Spain's ) tnrnml him inc-i-lo Mr. Hemv , siiK | tliitoiiili'iit of tlio aspii.ilt compmy lie Imd the smio talk with lleni ) . Ho. said , "I can nn.itigo It so tlmt von c-nn mike moniv in this waj. You have 1 .20 ( KM i , . ads of paungat.'ithent.sii vurd. o" $ ixill ) ) ( ) Myself ami ftioniKlll diviilo tint \\Uli you Taho5s0tioi ! ) mid niio 1110 C-iO.OOO for 1113 self and f ilon ds. I know th.it nil innti.u-tois mo tliiues There is goliifr to ho moio mom } undo tills .M.u-tlmn ou'iliofou and I lltll g lllg t ( ) llIlM ) SOIIIO Of it If\OIl0 \ | I'lioul iinil ilo It mil jjet.voiu1 pax , j on \\lll kntm I II.IM doio nn vvoilt , mul tint is nil \nuwatittolcnow Now , go nlicul I inn save v on lots of tiviiblti " " 1 passed htm toll"niy ami hnpivollciiiy tliosmiotnlk llumv * ml tint humid Squires \\eiLi.otlu tint kind of business \ Mnito \ voio wnltingroi \ \ s liiL'olllio KLiitkin.iiito iiiiinu his pi iiiiipals , and how houas golngto iuiiimtou It. 'lliphoi'oinciitlons ivonlon four live oe six lUys Munilii ) Julv ys , ho us at < nr otlUo and \Mintci ) to Know \ \ liuto had 1011- L'ludul to do , , iiul Ifvo had lioiiul fioiu Cup- tain th'll 11. "Hi ? silJ , 'Von follows want , to hiiuv ] ' , boiMUbo 1 mint to got nut of town , anil llio mill uni lie riimiiu ) ? wlillo Iiun pono.1 "I suid f iiWH ) ) vouldho * ) H a day \\ldlolia \vns HuuimoiInK. Ho said : 'I ' iutom ! to liait mid am 111 n | io.sliion to Kd it. ' "Ilo tlion spokooi hiving got Iilikluni cr hlspo-Alllon. Ho suld he liiul known liim sinio howiisa little Iwv Tuesdiy , luly.'f , ho uciitout- look at tliu repalis.'andvhoii I came back hous \ thoie. lie s.ild , 'Vou aio lia\liifc tioublo ubout icpili-s. II you \vr.nl it iKud I can llx It. Just n imo Ilia oi-lio and i c.iii llx It. None of jour nionkoy I kuohat I urn do 1 inn tcll- I "aid , -\\o aio inuklag the lup.ilrs as n o think jjiopui'hun \ \ wugot to limning our mill wo will dlsui-il old stun1 ' lie said , 'I can llx It 'llioros ' a fortune In it. You'io ' poms to hmo tiimbli ! , but I taii t > raootli Ifc uvu I will buy the 1011 ill- contract foi 10 cents per ji'itl I hnvo fiioiuls ho will t.ilo It ifwo cm liu-o nile mnku OUT eight cents pur jiird. ' "When this ( 'riivc'l misi'niws lanio up ho w.is on h md and s.ild ho could llx that foi IB. Tint wis the day wo Inul the llrst tioiihlo \vilh the lrt > urd about grwcl. lie said , 'You hud bottailx it up this nfluriiooii If jou don't fixithiro I will go toChiugo mid meet All Gmn ' " One ol thomoiiiborsof the bond niUcil 'Pi-om thoRistof > our slutcnionts so far , tnKpuitj know that trouble \\iis coming ou and hocouldllx lt ( " "Yos , lie Mild liacould smooth ovuythlnp , as I I'wo stated. I am KultiK It in detail. IJu made his .stiKsiumL the iifturnoon nftcr the ho , ud lnd tiUoii action n'niuilluK the suhitHutiqnof biokcn stone foi BfiHU. " .Mr. Siiuii on asked Illrlctmusvrwli.it daj ho saw him ( Siinirus ) t ilklnjj tea man ontho coiner of LuiMinvoith and T\vuuty-iilntU t-tnota llliklisuscrnsla'd , "Is Unit tlio mm } " Mr Sjuias said : 'Tint ' Is the nun Iain' tu'ldiigubout. Itstiuuk mo ycstoivlny tlmb U\o \ KUitlomeii weie hcliitf dccolMU Tlia mm eoiilliiuui iHoiiiititif ; to 'ilx It , ' u.ilii } ( ; ovurythiiiK M S nil i-iitht. "Meeting him the i xt mornlrpr , near the tliuBuulc ofConimouo , ho ii iln sjioltc of 'Jhliifjlt. ' saying there wisii'tmuth tiino to lo o , mid I had hitter lot him llx it. I ( jot Ud of him then mid In foity minutes ho u w ovoi at tlio olllco iiiul I got rid of him sigain Thoonly nmn ho iiiuitloncdHS \ Mr Diikhiiuscr no ether public ofllc-lal. Ilo did not uaoliis name , but only fiuld the 'chulimnn.1 I said Cup- tain ( licoii win tiblu to brcvlc him or mo in tuo to sugKCst any suih thing to him. In ( ( inclusion ho uald. 'Don t the rlmirnian of the board make cstiinitOK ? Dan' l ho pass on them uud the otlicimem - ben not on Ills suffgostlons * ' I said 'No. ' I explained the upciutloiii of contracla to him When I Ktatcd thu Iii4ice'tora | dulles , lie tuid , 'Hanllxtliu inspector. What nioio huvfl jou otto suyP " 1 think It IB duo tn Mi , Biikhtiusor to sfty I thought thd nitlonof this youiiK nmn waa to keep Mi. Hiikhuuw and mybclf iu fur npart ts iiossible" Mr. Illrldnuiscr asked : "Have I over given jou utiy reason In word orautlon foi thinking imj tiling of thokindl" Mr H < iuliif > nnswdod : "Nonohutcvor , I don't know thut I IIUNO talked ulLliyoU much "The young man said tiodlilnot coiibidor it moru tlmii fair to roh the public all \ \ o louhl , 'Now , that woMo > rot tlicthuiiLO , lutsdolt. and I'llstny ' t > . \ It. It don't tiniko u hit of diftonnio to you how I do it , so lun tisldo it. ' "Ilo came to my oflleo ropoitc'dly lullcil inoupijy ttlopliono , mot mo on the stuct , < tc , iind It struck mo tint Mr llliH- hauhtr mid I woio ( | unrrclllnK ulluout unv nason In tlio woild. I hue lost all ro- gild for tlio youui ; man bccausu I IK v IT saw such pill. 1 have tlio irivutost respect , how cvor , for Ills fumlly I do not want to mi ri- lion tils iinmo unless Mr. lllrkluiubtr leslrca It. " Mr Ulikliutiicr asked "Did lie baj I hail asked him to dotliiitl" "No , bill Ho baid you voro not Inter- toted , oni ) as ho controlled jou , tlmt you lould do tills Ho tuld Air IJIilchiiusir wouH ImvoU ) dolt. Ihuio woio four mimes ncodod for his appointment , and 1 KQthcio \ " Missrs Klcrat'-ad mid Tuiay line de manded the iiiino of HID .vouiiKin.ui Mr , Dirkliiiubtrsiilil that out of fricudshlp fir the family ho did not want tlio iiumo put on Mr S < p\roa suld , "I do not know his Initials. Wo call him ' .Siijj' Dundy. 'iliojounimniiiiiiil ( 4Tld Is my llrst nt tempt 1 do not know liow thi'V ilo It , hat tlu' > K''t tin iv and miikothomands , and I pro- dosnto make seine cf it " KMr Kuiiiy mUilMr. Illrkau | ( elf ho had I"'iluMuiM.1 Jin tliojiiilfi b > Jluii ij ' 1 hoVe \Vo hav