6 THE OI > IAHA DAILY" BEE , SUNDAY , AUGUST 3 , 181)0-TWIDLVU ) RAGES , 4 BIG BLAZE AT THE CAPITAL The Llnroln Woolen Mills Destroyed by Tire Yesterday Morning , SEVENTY THOUSAND FED TO THE FLAMES \ High Wind Fnni tlio Cotiflngrntlon AVIiioliAII HTorts Are I'oworless to hulxliii ; One MUM Sell- Hurt. T..I vor.s , Neb , August 2. [ Spcclil Tclo- finm to Tin : llt.i : ) The Lincoln woolen iillls x\cto totally consumed by lire Oils tore- soon niul a loss of over $70,000 la unfilled. 1 he- mills worn In Bclrnont addition , about n mllonnil nlmlf north of tlio state university , riiollic H thought to lime been caused by spontaneous combustion In tlio r.iw matcri.il. J be Humes vveio llrst discovered ntO 30 , but It was some tiino before the fire department tt as iiotlllcd iitnl tlio high wind that was ragIng - Ing fanned tlio lianas Into a fury. "When tlio firemen mudu the long run then found tlio mills u smoking mass of ruins. Tlio buildings wore respect ively lOOxl.M ) feet and 150x75 feet. The two tvcro valued at ? l ( ) , < )00 ) The imictilncry In Iho establishment \ \ s of the latest Itnpiovod patterns mill cost V > 0KK ( ) Thcro was nlso jvcrllO.OOO Avorth of materials and trim- mint's consumed The insi r.inco on every thing amounts to &MXK ( ) , making n loss of f.V , OUO Orders for over two thousand do/an lulls of undcitlotlits wcro awaiting fullill- nicnt Sixty-lito workmen are thrown out 3f e n pi eminent. Tnu Humes Hprcad so rapidly that all menus of escape vvciushutofl by means of the btnlr- ivnysand the Kills cmplojcd utthu looms had to Jump fimn tlio windows to s.i\o their IIPS l/'ottuiintcly noiio of them wore Injured. As mi employe named L D Glkhcl was ibout to Jump from : i window ho was struck with n bnlo of goods thrown fiorn tlio story bovoand was knocked to tbe ground , re- : cKing Inteliiiil Injiuies that ills fciied will move serious 1'ho Humes spread to tlio double stoic building iicioss the Itioct owned mid occupied by A S Humes ns n grouty store mid resl- [ lunoo The building was partially ilestrojed and his stock ruititil Ho emiiedl-lX ( ) iu- ttirniiio. Ulssnklthu Hie wns caused by u maUh belli ) ; fed with the miitciial to tbe 11111- thlno called tbe picker An examination showed that Oiitchcl's niinnml bick vvcio both broken , tlio latter being probihlv n fatal Injury. Whiles battling vvith tlio Ihmes lu A S. Harms' double stoio building George It. Bloat , one of tlio Hi emeu , had his bnnd bully cut. cut.ZVlr ZVlr Ilickcy , n foreman In the mill , was bndh Hurl After the fiicmcn had returned from tlio Bcono the smouldering ruins iit llro to tlio ( n aide grass In the vicinity nnd bcfoic It could bo htnpped binned an iirca nc.irl ) n miloMiunioof giuss.mil ginln Hundreds of people tutnud out to light the flames , and it was only after the most hciculciii labors that tlio houses In thnt suburb of the city were not destiojed Despite their best ellorts 1'etcr Pleison's house was pu-tialiy eon- mined Thollrols n heavy blovvto tlio stockholders owning the mill The institution had been established at gieit expense , nnd hnd Just reached the point uhcio it was beginning to pay L.ast Monday the mill hiil Just eoni- inoiid d running ngiiln after being closed up , mid there wns e\erj indication that it would not hive to close again , The stotkholdcrs uro as follows : S Scllg- tohn , picsldi'tit , Clmiles Brown , secretary ; A. Iliiltci.Mr Hri'co , Mr. Ncill and Air. Ilickev , tiustics Scllfrsotm and Uiovvncro \ the heaviest owneisof stock. The insiiiaiKi ) was as. follows1 St. I'niil ' I IK. and Marino loiiiuiny . . .J-fllO Muuhnnts' 21100 ( ic'imimla . . . , , 1 VIU l.umaslilie 1(100 ( MlehlRunl ho mil Marine 1 IKK ) rim association 1OJO rironian's 1 COO Aniirlciin 1.1KK ) Not Ih Aiiicrlc'an , 10 l'rolduwoWashington l.VJO GUI mininierle in ! ! , MM ) l.oniliin A l.aiuashlro ' 'UK > I'nlimof CallfdiiUu 1dUO ' tiimlntd , KIUIMS Ity 1,100 Mlluunku'-Michnnlii' 750 Ueim.iM , Irc-oport 7M ) Total . S'1,000 , v 101 viniiTiii : OAMI : i iw. Dee Caiutheis of Denton was airatgncd bofoto County .fudge Stewait thls/o'cnoon on the charge of shooting two inairie chickens out of Benson , loutiaiy to the laws of the mate governing tlio hunting ot gime. As thcieatoso many peibons who venily violate this ln " , nil spoilsmen will hail with delight the punishment of at least one person hold ing the law in contempt. A much OF noii-i : THIEVES Deputy Sheilff John M Andeison of Cheyenne - enne bccnrcd requisition papers today fiom' ( lOtcrnor Thiijcr to transport two liorso tnlcvcs eaptuiod in Whitney. Dawes county , aci oss the line into "vVvoinlug. The horses \\cro stolen by the fellows at Chuv- eiinoandwoiostill In their possession when thej weieeaugbt. TWOinXlTI VTIlllV IIIIIDS. Chailes Matthoxvs , one of Policeman Pulaskl's insolent dog latohers of Omahn , riiiiio do\\n to the state ncnltcntlary this moinln , w hcio ho will do time for a year for attempting to muicler an old Ijcriuiu named Swaitzlnndor near Walnut Hill. Chnilcs Ptu kcr was another fellow that was brought down by Shcilff Hovil nnd Deputy ( hobo fiom Omaha to enjoy Warden Hopkins' hospitality for a year at the peni tentiary. Pinker was guilty of thocriino of forget y. TWO Nr\V 1IANK9. The Intornntlonil state bink is the hif-h sounding appellation of n now money loaning establishment at Ihewster , Hlalno countv. The llrm starts hi % \ ith u modest capital stock of fr > , lXiO.rlho Ineorporatoii aio : L. H. llairis , U. Ilmils and P.O. Taickson. The Dank of Itoselnnd is another now | i banking1 establishment. The -npltnl stoek Is f JXK ( ) . Iho incorporntois are N J. Kstos mill 1J. b. Kstes. AUTII HIS win's A B. A , M sxvltuhmin nnined Lyons is hunting high nnd low foi the hulv who wrote him n note accusing his ulfo of Infidelity. Lyons estimated the accusation and savs that It was a case of mistaken IdciitUv , tha guilty \\onuin buliif a neighbor's wife nnd not Ids own. When ho discou-ied this lie de termined , If possible , to linil out who the woman vas \\ho wioto him the nnonjmous letter , and If ho can dlsover ( who she Is ho will have her iiiix-steil for criminal libel. SMK si-euni : ) III.R UMIV , Mrs , John higstono was successful in her trip to llcnnctt to sceuio her infant child from hei husband. Previously Lhing- Btono hud kicked her out and refuted her the custody of the baby , but w hen Deputy Sher iff MoF arhmd nppcirecl on the sccno armed With urlt of linbeis eoipus the stern hus band relented nnd ini-rendercd the child to Its mother after u xery brlof pow-\\ow. The matter was bi ought before County Judge Stow art and us Lhlngstono did not appeal aoooulliiR to summons the Judge llstenid to the w Ifo's btoi ) and decided that she \ \ as en titled to the custody of tlio ihlld Lhlug. htouoliiis attempted to blacken his wife's loinitntlotvliy tolling somohuul storle ; . con- i-oiiilng her to the cdltoi of the local paper at Uemmtt. * s\\s nr is A im > M\V. Mrs. LouUo Franklin of Onmlio tame down to Lincoln today with blood In hoi oyu. Hho Is after a guv dccchcr named Isaae Sea- brook , uliotn she elalmslmsleu ber niece , n joung widow named Mrs. Clam Brown , astinv. She says that Isaac and her nloco ha\o been pivtcndlug that they ate man nnd wife when they nro not , and Mrs , Prauklln e'liuiu douu to secure bonbrook's discharge from the ChluiKo , Hinllngtoiut Quincy , for \ vhlehcoinpanyholsoikini , ' . Mrs. 1'nuiU- lin lives nt 415' , Noith Twelfth btixct. CO\HKlTIIKlll SElOlIIlOll's I.L'MllUlt , C3 Alfieil Johnson , Pegilo ; Johnson nud Cylia Bprlggins , all colored , \\cro ui rested and arialgued this afternoon on the charge of btonllug lumber from a house being built by J. W. Uohui on H and 1'ourth ntrcuts. At 4 p. in. the court wnsongiged lu listening to the testimony ngalnst tlu'in. Holnii sajs that hlsiiiulu ix-asou for prosecution Is tlmt o homos can bo 01 cued in that section w Ithout a givat deal of material being taken , Situation at IJiii'iios AyrrH. Jlurxof A iir-- , August 2. The political crisis continues. lr. Cumins , dlicctor f encral cf posts uiid tclefrnjihs , / , f < v. A s t't ) it IL i. . Cluiiiiberlaln C'lnlms It .Should Not Have Been Introduced , August a. [ Special Cable gram to Tun Dec. ] Joseph Cliiimbcrhiln , lu a speech hero tonight , said the government bad made n mistake In Introducing tlio licensing bill during a session that wns crowded with business The intentions of the government , however , wcro good and their proposal ! were reasonable and beneficent anil ought to have commended the suppoit of every teiiwtaiico man The profiosals hid in fact secured the support of the moderate friends of teiniKjrancc , but the government hnd been balked by the UtiWipoctcd hostility of tlio temperance fanatics , who wore ropio- scnted by tlio Iradcrs of the United Kingdom nlllance'and above all by the unexpectid development - velopment of a p.iity spirit that sought every occislon toihim igo thegov eminent In power IIo could resect the sltieerltj of some of the opponents of the mcisurc , but ho could not say the sumo for their llhidstonlan and I'arnolllto allies bceausoit was well known Unit the I'amellttes weio opposed toanj thing In the nature of oven a modciato tcmier.inco | leform , whllon ninjoiltj of the Oladstonlans was pledged to the hilt in fuvoi of the cotnpensition of publicans The government oued In not foreseeing these contingencies , but ( ho tcmpoianco people hnd made a gi enter mist iko in i ejecting an oppoi- tunltj which might not occur ugntn for man ) years air Chamberlain saw nothing to discour- nge the unionists. Thogoveinment , ho said , had conducted the administrative work with singular good fortune and success and had raised England's Influence higher than It had been for many jean ) liven tbo opposition did not d.iro to Impugn the foreign policy of the mlnlstiv Ho ridi culed Mr. Gladstone for raising a "no poicry"cry rcfrardlng thu admission of ( leu- end Simmons , and claimed that Loid Sallsbuiy , In sending n regular mis sion to the Vatican In thu Inteiests of his Ciitholle follow subjects , had acted in a moie honorable nnd stiaight- forwnrd way thin If ho had emplojed an ama - a tear 111(0 Mr Harilngtonlio might bo ic- warded with a bltonetcy , or , ho disavowed latci , if putj exigencies should icn.ulro such action In conclusion ho prophesied tint nt the nest session the tuxes would bo fuithcr 10- duced and frco education would bo made uni versal. Jack L'cnts I'alo Alto. DrmoiT , Mich , Aug 2. Porty-llvo hun dred people \vltnessed u grand contest today between Palo Alto , son of Electioneer , and Jack , son of Pilot Medium. The day AV is warm and the hack in good condition and tbo wind light. People were present from nil over tlio state , nndciovvds cnmo up from Cleveland. Palo iVlto was the favoilto before the llrst he it , auctions selling $100 for him against jot ) on Jack In the llrst heat Palo Alto led by a length on the turn , but near the quartet broke nnd Jack qulcklj headed him. I'alo Alto ctuickly gathered speed around the turn , and at the three-quarters they were togethci On the stretch , however , I'alo Alto again broke nnd Jack took a big lead , winning easily in 2:15 : } . In the auc tions before the second heat Jack brought 100 and Palo Alto $04 They got off welt together and ran like a team past the quarter. On tbo back stretch Jack broke and I'alo Alto secured a long leid which the gelding could not overcome , although ho made n tfreat stiugglo I'alo Alto won by twoleiiKtlis inS.lil'g ' , breaking the rceorel of the track In a lace , beating the stallion raeo iceotd and cquiling tbo fastest race milo made by Maud S. Tlio 10- suit of tills heat caused another shift in the betting , nndbefoio the thhd bent Jack sold nt ? II and I'alo Alto for $100 The hoises got oft well , but I'alo Alto broke entering the tuin and nlso on the lower end , nndJackhnd aclearleadof six lengths at the quaiter. Palo Alto reduced this to four at the half and continued to move with lightning speed until they entered the sti etch ncarlj together. Palo Alto could not quite catch the gray gelding , however , and Jack won by tbiee-uarters ( | of a length , in ! : ! ) ! . In splto of Jack's \lctory. however , Palo Alto was still the favoiito before the fourth heat , bringliigfclOO against } for Jack. Jack had a little the best of It on the start , but Palo Alto sonu caught him. The son of Ulcctloncer , however , unfor tunately broke again at the quarter and Jack gained two lengths. An the back stiotch Palo Alto again craw dcd up on his opponent , but once moio broke. An additional lead was thus secuicd .lack , however , was being rapidly overcome , and in turn the gi ly gelding bioko for nn Instant. He quieMy ictoveicd. hcwever , and wns still two lengths ahead at the tliroe-quajtcrb. Palo Alto kept craw ling up on him , but the geld ing's lead wns too gieat , and the bay stallion wns beaten a length. Time 2:10. : The great audience vv.is extieineiy enthusiastic , and drivers nud horses were cheered again and again. An I2xclting Itncc NnvvroHT , It. I. , August 2 The raeo today for the $ i" > 0 cup offered by Hear Commodore Iscllnvas exciting in the extreme , and al though the little Scotch cutter Minerva had haul luck nt tbe outer mirk , her splendid handling and line w indw ard work resulted In the defeat of her four competitors. Cortected time : Mlnorvn 1:21 M ) , Gossoon 4:25.10 : , Moc casin -J'JS.GT , Marnuita 1:58.58 : , Choctaw 5OJ.15. : Death of an iVotor mill Author. Ni.w YOHK , August 2. The death notice of Spencer T. Pritchaid , author and actor , \vho died August 1 , is published today. Pritehaul comes of nn old theatrical family of that narao. IIo was born in Phihdelphla In 1817 and was n student nt the University of Philadelphia. His first wife -was a sister of Lawrence Barrett , the actor. IIo was the author of a number of plajs which nevei became prominent. Ills only sister , Mrs. Williams , Is the wife of a down-town broker. Ills ftlond , P. M. J. Morrissey , atvvhoso house Piitchard passed avuiy , sivs : "I met Spencer Inn saloon nv.-cek ago last Wednesday. Hovas yciy .sick and I biought him to mv houso. Dr. Benin prescribed for the poor fellow , but ho giew woi-io rapidly nnd died yesterday nftoinoon. Pritchnrd told mo ho had not catena good square meal In four months , He had been plajlng In hard luck a long time and was too proud to ask assistance. " Dr. Blrnoy euics catanh , Bee bldg. Safe ilobborH at 1'eru. Pruu , Intl. , August S. [ Special Telegram toTiiK BhK. ] Four professional burglars at tempted to rob the safe of the Peni brewery at 1 o'clock this morning. They bound and gngged the night engineer , Lewis , also so hoiribly pounded the night watchman , Blel , who Oespci atc-ly resisted , that ho v ill die. While at the safe Hiel leeovered enough to eruvl to a neighbor's , who raised tbe alnrin by tj ing the whistle fast. Officers with a duo nro after the men , and there is good prospect that thoj will bo caught. Tlio Wi'iitlier It'oreenst. Tor Omaha and Vicinity Showers , followed by fair ; slightly cooler. Tor Ncbiask.i Pair , precede by light showers In extreme soutlwest portion , cooler in southwest , stationary tomnoraturo In iioitlnvest poition , vuuablo winds. Tor Iowa-Light local showers ; generally cooler : wostcily winds Tor South Dakota Pair ; slight changes in temperature , viui.iblo vv inds. Tim Cholera Seoul-do. Lisnov , August ! ! . Cholcia has appeared in the Spanish province of Undajo , on the Portuguese frontier. Muinm , .August 'J. The cholera is In creasing In YiUeniia. Several cases are re ported in Lefeiia. Uuiut , August J The cholera Is Increas ing at Mecca Ycstonliy there were over four hundred deaths. iii ( iuatoiunln. CITY OK MIMCO , August 2. Special dis patches revolved hero from Guatemala state that thcro Is no revolution there and that 1'resldcnt Bairllhu Is llrm In the belief that the difficulty wlth'San Salvador vv ill soon bo settled satisfactorily toGuatcmalan Interests. The Salvndoilnn rcpiosentutlvo hero re ceived a telegurni today continuing the report that General Ulvas , leader of the insurrec tionists , hnd been captured nnd shot and that quiet had boon restored In San Salvador. ( ! encral Molina Gulnola , minister of war for Salt aclor , uus telegraphed to Scnor 1'cu , ' 1 Snlvndorlan consul bore , that affairs wltli Guatemala lira In status quo. Tlio Ijonrr 1'lno PINE , Neb- , August 2 [ Special Tel egram to Tin : BEK. ] All day nt the Chau- tauqua grounds have the rustic and stir of the tettteri been going on nnd they rested nwhllo this evening \vhcn the bell called them together In thopavtlllon ' , The nsscmbly was opened with prayer and lion. James UorrU , A M. , was Introduced and delivered the address of welcome. Rev J. U. Stewart responded , stating that ho had ban present nt this assembly a few years and bo hnd not found nuy othoi nss < mbly that had any moro ( ociublllty nud biotheily lovo-dueas , hoould to the hut that uo woio nil poor and of the middle class and hence on a level , Iho ntidlenco v\as double what it wns tbo irovious j e ir for the llrst day The teachers are nearly nil picscnt. among thorn ( J liviins UD L.LU. . K. M. Clisli D D. , n A. "Whitman , A.M , Prof Ida Adams AM , Kov. J D Stewart , Mrs C , M Woodward , Prof F "W Burrows , of llulTnlo , Is' V and a ijro.it number of others , Thcro Isn voij e-ompleto eoips of tonchois nnd loc'tuu rs this year anil from nil the Indications so fur tills jour iromlsos to bo a greit success In ( .liautiiuiu i iVork U'ho grc it in ijority heio eoino to learn what Is taught and not slmplj to loiter mound , and this Is the Incentive that gives so much encouragement to the teachers , and which will bo tlio me ins of making this a per- uncut institution. Uhautnuquii circles htwo cinamted from this assembly and are now os ablished In all the towns of the iiortluvest. Pollecimiti Kills an NVgro. HviiKiii.N 0 , August -Special [ Tele gram to Tm : Hi IThis ] afteinoon a negro mined Julian Jones hnd a dlflleulty with a whltomnn on the pi lnclp.il business street nnd knocked him down Policeman Hoguo called on William Ultry , a wclLknown novvs- i ipcr man , to assist hi quelling t'uo disturb- in to. Jones knocked tJltry down and In a scufllo with Hoguo got bis club and was about to use it when thoonicerdicw a plstfi and fired Hit co times nt Jones In quick succession , the list shot piovlng fit.il. One shot struck a cleric In a neighboring store in the le . Some 'celing was exhibited among the ncgiocs at .he killing of Jones Count } Toaob is' Institute. VursTiM- , Neb , August I ! [ Special Megi-im toTnr Bir ] A two veeks1 ses sion of thoCheiry couhtv teaehers' institute Is now in full piogussvvlth llfty teachers in nttpntlinco Sffpoiintcndent Sparks Is as sisted by Profs Tavlor of Cludron , O'Sul- lian Rail ud nnd Miss Stcelaas instructors , md the session Is proving u very Intoustitii , ' one. 7 ho Ijlltliorn Train It I > bers , VAIKNTINP , Kob. , August " . f Special Tolc- jiam to Tin : Biil : : The Hciron brothers , ; ho supposed tinin robbers , wore arraigned .odaj and pleaded not guilty. By agreement .ho picllmlnary examination was continued mtil August 12. The prisoners nvo said to have considerable propeity lu Madison county. Ijady Dunln's Oilers , JOtiuJaiiianoi-diii ItcnnetlA L.OMION , August 2 fNovv York Herald Cable Special to Tim Dtn.l-Lady Dnnlo's vlctoilousdlvoico suit has biought thnt fair songstress not only glory , but lacro. She Is simply overwhelmed with oilers of all kinds , the latest ol which is from Ted Marks to ac cept ? -00 ! n week and traveling expenses for n .our in Ameilci , In rctuin foi which she ivould bo only expected to do one song and dance an evening , vvlth n possible cncoio , the whole not to keep her on the stnga mom than fifteen minutes Lady Dunlo refused the offer , saying she will not appear on the stngo [ or some time to couio. She promised All. Murks , however , tint if over she did decide to go to America ho should hav o the pi of cnee. Starved to Death. , Augusts. [ Special Telegiam to TUB Urn. ] Mrs. Rodrlgo Vnlllcnccs Is dead , having fasted foi ty-threo days. She took sick In Jununrj last and njedlcal men sild it was n case of d j s.pcpsla. She kept gro ing w erse and for tlio last foi tj-tlnxo davs Ins refused npaitlcloof food. The only thing she could retain on her stomach was \vator , of which she would ill-ink u couple of gallons daily , National league. AT miOOM.YN. Brooklyn . 2 001 0042 * 0 Pittsburg . 0 2 Hits IhooUlvn I'l , Pittsburg 5. Errors Brookhn 1 , Pittsburgh Dattencs Baker aud Dorter ; Terry nud Daily. Umpire Po cis. _ AT CINCINNATI. Cincinnati . 4 0002020 3 11 Philideliihia . 0 0000008 0 3 Hits Cincinnati 17 , Philadelphia j Er rors-Cincinnati 0 , Philadelphia 4 Batteries Mullnnd , Ilniiington and Kcennii ; Vick- cry , Gle.ison and Clements. Umpire Rio Quuld. _ AT IMIA ) > AroU9. Cleveland . 0 2 50 001 01 9 Now York . 0 0 10 000 01 2 Hits Clovehnd ( I , New York 11 Errors- Cleveland 2 , New "York 4. Uatteiles. Beatln mid 7,1m iner ; Uuslo and Bucklej , Umpires Smith nnd Clark. AT CHICAGO. Chicigo 0 0 SO 010 00 4 Boston 1 0110200 * B Hits Chicago 7 , Boston 10 , Errors Chicago cage 2 , Boston 3. Bntteiies Stoln nnd Kit- tiidgej Claikson aud Bennett. Umpiio Tin- dull. I'luyers' beaKiio. AT nuiru.o , Buffalo . 0 0 00 500 30 7 Boston . 0 5000000 0 5 Hits IhifTnlo 0 , Boston 11. Errors-Buf falo I , Boston I , Uatteiics Cunningham and Mink ; Duly , KulbouriionndSvvctt Uinnhcs Sheridan and Gumbert. AT riTTSIIOIlO. Pittsburg . 0 1003101 0 11 Brooklyn . 00 08 000 00 3 Hits Httshurp 14 , Biooltljn 7. Errors- Plttsburg ! i , Uiooldyn 5 Hattcrles Staloy and Qiiiini ; Van Hiiltrcn and Cook. Umpias Knight and Jones. AT a uvnxn. . Cleveland . 0 0 00 000 00 0 I'lnludoliinhl. . . . ! 1 00 3QO 0 " 5 Hits Cleveland 0 , Philadelphia S > V.r- rors Cleveland 5 , 1'liilndulphln ! } Battorlcs O'Brien and SutcliiTo , Sunders and Mllll- gau. Umpires Ferguson nud Ilolbert. AT ciiiciao , Chicaco . 1 00212000 0 New York . 3 0 0 Oil 0 * 8 Hits Chicago 10 , New York 0 "Cuors ChicaRO 4 , .Now York II. llattciics-Bitld- win nnd Tarrcll ; ICeofa and EhUng. Um pires Pleteo and Snyder. American AT 11OC1I1 STEII , Rochester . 0 0 00000 40 4 St. Louis . . . .0 a 0 0 0 0 3 0 1 5 Hits ItochestorS , St Louis 0. Eriors Rochester 4 , St. Louts 2. Batteries Bars andMcGuIro ; Ilnrtvvell andMunyau. Um pire Einsllo. _ AT NEW 1OUK , Brooklyn . 2 1 10014 00 0 Toledo . 0 0 0 .0 0 0 4 00 1 Hits Brooklyn 10 , Toledo C. .Errors- Brooklyn r > , Toledo 7. Batteries Murphy andl'ltz ; Hcaly , liogors uuil Welch. Umpire Peoples. _ AT riiii.Aiini.rnu. Athletics . 0 00000000 0 Columbus . 1 0 0 0 0 1 I 0 * Hits Athletics 4 , Columbus S Etrors Athletic * a , Columbus 2. Batteries Sovvnrel and Robinson ; Ktmuss audDo lo. Uniplio Dooscher , ATSiJUCUSE. Svapuso . 0 0 000 00 00 0 Loulsvillo . 0 1 10000 0 * 8 Hits Syracuse 4 , Louisville 13. Errors Byiatubo ii , Ivouisvillo 1. Ilatterlcs-ICeefo and nrifgs ; Uhret and DHirh , Uinplrc Cuiry. Ttttl FMtoElt.l I Ktl.C1lt > \ ftllT . Democrats nt Culuiii1)un ) Protest O , August S A meeting under the auspkes of tbo Thurmnii club to protest ngiliist the passage of the federal election bill was hold at the east front of the capltol this evening. About llfteen hundred vcio present. It vas expected that Judge Tlmrimn wouldpresUfo and make a brief sliced ) , but \\\ifn \ the committee called ; o escort him to the meeting 10 presented them with a letter : o bo read , w hkh contained his regrets nnd ; ho Information thatsickness alone prcuntcd ilm from fuliming hU promise. Ho Kioto briefly In ilcnuiuiatory'of the bill nnd Its pro visions , ami exptesseI the opinion that the measure would not pass the senate. A letter of regie t was read Iioinex-l'resl lout Clovclmd , In-xvliteli he etptesscd a de sire to bo enrolled among those xvho protest ngalnst the pass tgo of tbo bill and expressing the wish that the Indications \\ere not so nimeiousi that thocllmaxof congiosslonnl ecklessnoss had been reached hi which tbo protests of the people have little weight Senator-elect Hi lee sent a letter s ly lug tlio imposed liwas \ repugnant to demcxratlc dens nnd full of danger to the republic. Several spee bos vveio mndo ngnliist tbe jlll Governor ( . 'ampboll ' was not leaelud in the list of speakois until a late hour nnd did lot talk nt length. Ho devoted his time to uicxpluifillou of thcprovlslomof the bill and the niohablo icsultof itscnforceinent. Ho- g.uding the recent public itlon that ho would emploj the state mllltlu In opposition to tbo enforcement of the bill In ills state , ho said the whole statement was a falsehood. Ke elution of protest wcro presented bj Allen U' . lliurmm and adoptee ) . Thereso utlons wcro in svmpathy with the tcuer of the addresses. Controversy. PAIII , Tex , August 2.-SpecialTelcgrain [ to Tun Bit. ] The government autboiitics nnd the Iowa Indians hoAe been onguged In a controvcrsj at Kort Sill for some tlme. It Ins grown out ot an eftoit 011 the pirt of Uio liullan agent to pie\ent the annual sun dance of that tribe His reason was that It dcinoi- nll/cel the Iiulims and made them haul TO control Ibis scorns to Iw exactly what they vant and they Insisted , lliej sent to Good- night's ' ranch on the1 Texas panhandle for a buft.ilonnd tbcii slogan was "on with the dincc " Thongont wis relentless and dotcimincd to stop , at nil hazards , the dnm o , but the In dians declared that they -\\ould dance or light. In ordoi to enforce the order nnd prevent - vent troubio t\\o companies of soldiers weio sent to tlio reset vatloii and cveij thing Is quiet nt present , though the Indians aio sul len and saj thoj will still dumo. IOWII'H ' Cmp Oatlnolc. DnsMoiM . la , August a. This week's ' bulletin states that the weather service re ports n temperature above the average , with high wind , adding to the soveilty of the drouth The rain fall avewgo Is below a tenth of an Inch thioughout the state , only ono county reporting a plentiful shower. Ilirvcsting is about completed and the of smill pniii has begun with a vaiiablo yield , raiiKiiig from light to heavy. Corn , IsdoiiiK rcmnikiblv well under theprc- vnlentunfiivor.iblo conditions and Is not ma- tciiallj iiijuieelln tv\o-thiicls of the state 111 the central anel soil tlicast counties the ciop is seriously thioatened , bntiin abundant rain fall in the first half of August will brighten the outlook The ! Uod < Mii Woodm en. r.fMoivr-S la , August 2. Notwithstand ing the injunction proceedings at Chicago , nud the contrary leports , n special meeting of the head camp of. Mode-ni Woodmen of America \vlll bo held at DCS Moines .August accoiding to tbo call by the bend officers. Local camps have made piepiiations for en- tcitalning 1,400 , de-leg lies \\ent toSlecp on tlin Track. Mis OLTjii VviiRtIn. , August 2 [ Spcchl Telegram to Tin Bit ] Tlilsevcnlng George Henry was struck by ft St. Paul passenger truiii on tlioN'orthvvestornioadimdborlously , if not fatally injuicd. Ho was intoxicated at the time and w is lying1 on the tiaclt at a curve. Ills in juries mo Internal. Haying on tlio Omaha Mnrlcct. SIOUM CITV , In. , August 2.-Specinl [ Tele gram to Tim Bn . ] James E Boogo A , Sons , v\ho are Iciding packers , have sent n buyer to the Omahn. market and received the lint shipment of hogs today. The Himsc ol'CotumoiiH. ICopui ItiM lSOOl > uJiiintGi > nlun KtnntU. ' ] LoMONAugust2 ) [ Neiv "Vnrk Herald Cl- bio Special to Tiih Bir ] It may bo pretty sifoly assuied that a good dod less than one- half of tlio house of commons will bo availa ble for work at Westminster during the re mainder ol the session. The total attendance of both sides lias of Into not exceeded ii'iO members nt the most Important pcuods sit tings when divisions nro expected. This will npidly bo icilueecl still furthorjespcc- 1 illy If a few hot days set in the completion of nctessaiy business -will hav o to bo carried out vvith the assistance of a mere handful of ministerialists The bulk of estimates still have to bo voted and they will bo rushed through at the last moment in accordance ) vvlth what now nppcirs tobel second plan of action. Xvcry government , nnjthing and cvorjthlng , cuu secure adequate attention ex cept the cxpciiditureof publicmoney thatls , state affairs which w ill ono eliy demand and receive a little moro attention than it is likely to get. "Woulher Crop Kiillotla. W48imciTOAiigust J. The m.ither crop bulletin says the weather during the post w celt was unfavorable for growing crops gen- erall ) thioughout the entiio corn belt , and continued drought in connection with hot , diy winds west of the Mississippi river lias permanently injured corn , especially in ICira- sas , Nolmslca nnd Missouxl In Minnesota and the Uikotas the weither Is favorable for hir vesting , but hot , drj winds nro unfavor able for vvhcat Tlio week clobes with show ers and cooler weathtr la thnt section. Steamship Arrhalfl. At Hambuig Tlio California , from New York AtNowYoik The \Vaasdim , from Hotter- dam. dam.AtUrowliend AtUrowliend Passed : -At 11 p. m , tlio Aurnulu , fiom New York for Liverpool , At the Lizard Passed : At S a. m. , the Westeinland , from Now York for Antwcip AtQuecnstown At 12 05 p in. , the City of Homo , from New "York for Liverpool. aho I'lcslilout Will Change. CHFIIOX SiniNos , Pa , August 2. Presi dent Harilsou's sojourn at Ciosson Spilngs during the greater part of the months of August nnd September Is now a fixed fact. The presidential household will leave tlio Capo Alaj cottage about the 1-tli Inst. and take up a residence for the summer in n beautiful mountain homo. P.irko cottage , and the picsldcnt himself , ills expected , will fol low within -week. . Corn HnfTerliin Prom llcat. Cnicvao , August ! A special from Rloom- Ington , 111. , says that for several dajs the beat has been intense theie , nnd ( it noon today the thcrinotnuter registered 01 ° . A hot wind Is blowing and coin and grass aio suffeilng. Ruin is badly needed , nud unless It comes within the next few claja thu con crop will be nearly ruined. Iho ClilciiKO \ortliwcstern. . CHICAGO , Augusts. The annual report of the Chicago & Northwestern for thu llsca jcar ending Way 31 shows : Gross earnings , 101,837 ; operating expenses , $10C.ilU02 . ; not receipts , * J,75V , > , TJJ. Not earnings for tli ( ) earshov\s \ anlncrciibo of | l,4l'.i , , compurcd vvlth the previous year. Patal Quarrel CMern Wniiinn. r oumviii.B , ICy , , August3 , Peter Duffy and Henry Krause wcro fatally cut late to- nlubt by Al Bush The throe quairolcd about \\oirmiiiuul Bush suddenly drew a knife , Tlio other Uo mu , but Bush overtook : hciti separately and Mashed them no seicrcly that neither can recover. A 0v.V 1\vo Men Fulnlly Wotinilcd Darliifc fl Political Cjnarrol. OOPFV , Utnli , August 2. [ Special Tele gram lo Till Bcp.J A bloodj tniffcdy took ihco hot cat a :30o' : dock this inoriiliig. James IrlflliinnelA. Z Washburn , two prominent business men , got into a political dispute rcl- itlvo to the county election next Monday " \Vnslihurn \ favored the Mormou iiomliieo 'or eountj recorder , nnd Grlniu the gentllo candldite. Tliovmiiglo culmlnatecl In n quarrel and Washburn slapped GilHln , who vent out nnd borrowed a revolver , On i-c- turning , ' \Vasbburn asked nlm If ho hnd a gun , anil flrlflln said jcs.Vashbuin de clared that he could whip Grlftln any way , mil tuoceeded to pull his unit .lohn llninei , brother of tbo Mot men candidate for re- Mider , over wlioin the tioublo nrose1 , stepped jetvvten tlio men ( hinin binkcd Iniek sov- eial stopi. but he lontlnnod to ad vinoo v\lietlier \ Hiinier pulled hit inn or not Is lu dispute , but Irlflln bofrm toflroon him nnd sent three bullets Into bis body , i.ieli one of which voulil have been fatnl The coloreel poitu in the saloon , Charles Tumor , opened llro on Chlniusoon after hosliotut Iluinur , and sent ibullct thiough Grinin's Ijodv , plcicing the Ivc-r. Tumor llred three or four shots and Jriflln live. jstriy shot cut off a too from Hie foot of n mm mined Krncrson , who wns In tlio saloon limner died this evening it 5 : 17 o'clock and Oiillln Is not expected to survive. 'Iho town Is much excited. The Alormon people feel very hot against UrMln. md the ofllecrs MO taking steps to guard ig.iinst trouble \Villalnoiis Train p'H AnrroAKwcupc , UvciNT , WIs. i August 2. Adan # Young , a irofossloml tramp fiom Indhna , had a nai ow escape todiy from Ijncliing. Iloe.illcd nt tbo homo of Ilov. rather Fesslerof St loscph's Cithollc ohurch about noon to do iiand food Before , thu pilest could respond spend the tramp , for icasons unknown , struck him n snMige blow In the neck. The pries trail out of tbo bnck door , but Young overtook him nnd belt him in a teiilblomnn icr. A ciowd quickly gatbcieel , howevoi. eseucil the priest and placed a rope nrounil : ho nick of thotr.iinp He Mas about to bo "hanged ton treonenr by when a , policeman in i veil and saved him Patal Collision at ilatiiilbal. HVNMIIAI , Mo. , August 2. A crowiloil pissenger conch on Iho St Louis i Hannibal T.illroid was wicclted In a collision vita a itt itch ciiplno Ibis nftoinoon Two colored men , David Summers and Hsirvey Lctehcr of New London weio killed outiight. Tiank I'oiU'r. coloied , wns fatally Injured. Sev eral others wcro sciiously hurt mid some painfully bruised. The engineer of the switch engine. William Toiifrdc , wns ar- icsted inimedlitclj after the accident , charged -with ciiminal cniolessncss. Thej Sail Vur Ioin . JIM by JainH ( Jordan llcnnettl LOMION , August 2. [ Now Yoik Herald Cable-Special to Tin : I3iu.- Mrs Hobcrt i : Lincoln , "wife of the Ameiican minister , sails with her t\\o \ daughters next Wednesday on the City of New Yoik. The ladies ha\ tlio finest suite of rooms on the steamer , for \\hicbthoywillpuj \ the respectable sum of Tatal Shooting Over Patnllv Troubles. Am VTA , On , Angust2. About midnight L II Pattlllo , traveling coircspomlcnt and ngeiit of the Augusta Chronicle , aud C. P Hudson , a dry goods salesman , engaged in i shooting nllr.i-s at the Aillngton hotel. Huil son vos killed outright and I'lttillo souously w ouiided. Family trou bio was the cause. % - o - A Steamer iiti-llccH n Iloclc. GHITN-I-OUT , L I. , August 2 The steamer Sunshine struck a rock off Orient Point tonight - night The wildest confusion prevailed for a tune among tlio pissengers on board , but a panic wns a-vcrtedby the coolness of the ofllecrs. The steamer was gottcu off and lic.icbed. _ lla.stcni Manitoba Btorm Swept. Wi\MrLCi , August 2. A dcstnictlvo hull and thunder storm passed over the cistern pcition ot Manltobi last night , doing tie- uiondous diinnge to crops Jinny houses In villages vcio damaged and UTO or three people killed. Fasted Forty-Two T > nv . LO\DO > , August 2. Jaqucs , the rronch soldier , bas completed bis fast of foity-tvo dayt > . 1'rof. Jioviston is Favored. Thoconunlttce on high school of the boaul education met at 8 o'clock last evening at the board rooms. Sujieilntcndont James , happy over Ids re-election , vv as on Innd and sprung a brand new story In honor of the occasion. Mr , Piper's suceesoor in the sccrctnry's chair , Charley Counoyor , w.is present In hw now capacity , nnd piomlsed to very soon get hold of the now lopes. Messrs. Corj ell , Snijth and McConncll constituted a majority of the committee and they settled down to active work The ob ject of tbo meeting was the selection of an assistant principal of the high school , the choice of the committee to como up before the board for flnil action tomorrow night. They unanimously agteed uponMr. Lovls- ton , who lias lield the position of teacher of phllosopny nud geolo y. The question of rearranging the higuschool pupils by removing t > omo of them to tbo Plcisnnt strict school , was discussed. bupciintcndoiit .Tames fnvoicd the rlan of equnlblng the number of pupils In the nu merous looms rather than scim-ating the grades. Ho estimated tlio attendance for the coming J ear nt UXI , and thought that all could bo accommodated in the high school building. Thcqncstlon was argued at some length but noiction w.is taken , and tbo com- mittco then took up tbo industrial fei ture , ntticking the earpentei shop as a constant mcimco ns a Iho trap They decided to visit tbo grounds nt 1 o'clock Tuesday afternoon and Inspect the woik- shops , 'I'ho committee nn tciehcrs and exuninv lions was In sessioiiin an adjoining room , con- sideling a number of applications for posi tions as teichers. Tlio mcetliif. ' ! of both committees VPIO In- foriml , no ilotinlte action being tikciiln any of the matters , the object of the meeting being simply to difaiuss needed changes and Impiovemciits A IMaHOiiloVciIdliig , Tbo wedding of Adi A , thodauRlitcr of Mr. and Jlrfcjjlenrj Newell , to Mr. Ullltnaa P. Shliloj occurred at ricomasoii's hnll last evening , after the regular session of Vcsli chapter , No. 0 , Ordoi of the Kistorn Star To this elmpt r liolnngs the boner of having celebrated the llrst Mas > onto mnrilago whl eh has occurred in this section , if not In the countiy. Last night -was the regular meeting night , anil the pio'-pectlvo bride. . Miss Ada A Novell , was Initiited with the mystciies of the order After tno ledge had boon called on the Invited guests , consisting of members of the chapter. Masons and their families , as omblcd In the ledge room The -wedding raireh was heaid and soon the Inldo apiieiirc'd at the noith doorsupjiortcd by the worthy nntion , Dr. Kleanor Iially , wliilo at the sumo tiino the1 groom , Tillmnn P bhliloy , apponrud at tlio south door , siippoitod bj the not thy pitron , Thomas llattcrton Together the two turtles appro ichcd llw nltir , - hero Ho v Hrothi-r C W. hividgo iiioiiounc'ed the woids vvhieh made them mm and wife. Congratulations were then In 01 dor , after whiih tbo call to order was luardnnd Worthy Matron D.illuj , on bohulf of Vosta chapter , presented the novvlj wed couple vUth ahand- somoslUcr tcisot On each piece vas cn- gr.ivcd , "I'o Ada , from VesUclmpter , August 2 , ISj'M ' , " I'bh completed tbo ceremony and rofrcshmcnt.s were then served. The presents fiom friends of the bride and groom were both numerous and elegant , con sisting of a handsome dinner bet. iitollot set , tnblo linen , bed linen , silver Knives , forks and spoons , a haniUomo clcxk , fancy dishes and numerous other articles , K In a Hlg Hill. John Ihwkluson tried to "blow In" ? 2SOS" last night in accumulating ajng , but the po- llcoran iierosjlilniin time tosavc thej portion of thoiolL JIOMMAX'8 DICATII , Iho Coroner's .Jury I lnilftTlial lt\\'aN \ Duo tuau Unavoidable Accident. The inquest over tlio remains of Charles llownnn , who was Idlleiirrlihy morning by the falling of a stone bracket at the now Aineiloaii National hink bulMlng , was con tinued yesterday al tei noon. Hairy Liurlc , nn architect , WM sworn IIo testllled thnthu had examined the bucket nnd tlio platform Ho thought tbe east slelo ol tbo pier , nbovo the broken bracket , hid settled sllghlly , and thus cms- ing an unequal prcssuiv , hnd broken the roilt. The-settling of the building , ho testillcd , vas thocmiso ofnatuuil results , Qllairj Cin lti , an engineer , svvoio tint ho had tested the stone and found It cap.ililo of sUndlng a pressing test of fromtXH ( ) to lO.OtX ) ItouiuB llo was sum tbe weight of the plat form testing upon the bucket was not that much. tllolqiilst , the man who was Itiehaigo of the liltingniparntus , tc'tllled tluit lie win ciioful in lifting the stone Into phico , and that vhllo doing so , It elld not receive any severe blow s. QiVrohltect Mciideliohn had ccn the stone Ills testimony \\ns \ prnctlcallj tbo same us JIi Laurie's His opinion was that the btciik was caused by a slight settling of tbo walls , whtdi tbicvv the vcight of the build ing on the outc'rcndof the platform bnit'ke > t Thojury then rendered n veallc't that Hov\- mm cime to his death by being stiuck on tlio head by a stone brickct , broken from the Ijinlc bulleluig , mid that the bicaking viis an unavoidable ncddcnt DA tclegnm was recel\edjcstcidaj \ from Jl J. llovvimm of Lirncd , Kim , the "father of the dead man , dlice-tlng that the bmly bo bulled heio and tint the p.utlcuhrs of tbu nccldint buscntto tlo parents In nccorduico with this wish , thcyfuncfal \\lll bo held this moiiiing from Hcafcy A Ileafov's at S o'clock , the leimlus being in- tctieclln LiurclIIlll Dr. Uirnojeuresoatiirh , Bee blilg. 0 Iiovle < l on t.lic IllniiK Paper. Thcie MIIS a street scene at the old licpubv llcan ofllcolast nlgbt rorsomotlmo tlioOlhei'-Maggaid Itans- fir company has been doing bulling for Jlnjor Wili'ox , and wbilo in this business the proprietor of the line has fietpientlj ad vmecd thomoiiey top ly the fielght clnrgcs on the blink paper on which tlio defunct sheet has been pi hi ted The bill nirounts to SHO , nud tosocuio himself tlio owner of tbo line jostoidny svvotei out a wilt , nnd aimed vith the document acoiislnblo broke In tbo door and scbed and dirtcd a\viy ten rolls of piper Wili'ox heaul of tbo hclznro anil piovv w ra thy , threatening to aiiest tbe con Mablo , but the storm soon blew ocr and the creditor got auiy vlth tuo i ioperty. Dr. Biinoy euros ciUm-rli , Bee bldg. fwcnt vN'liilh Slieot Clinhinnn Birkhauscr of the boird of pun- llcwoiks jesterday gave thoIJarher asphalt coinj > aiiy permission to piocced vith paving 'l\v only-ninth sti-eetfioin Hickory to Piclflc 'llioort \ was stopped Fiidny because It was discovered thatgr.ivel instead of biokcniock VM'.S being used ns a base When asked under what conditions the work was resumed , Mr Ditkbmscrsail. "Wello \ found that if tlio work vas nl lowed to stop until biokcn stone could bo pro cured thehindiancovvould prove a moio sci > ious one thin ve hail anticipated. I'.ullv foi this mison aid imtlon iccoimt of Ml Dentils , the plumbing inspector , telling me that lllteen of the propcity owncisint < -'il the \\oik to go onith agiavel bisc , I ga\o pen mission lor it to pioeccil , though even now I uii\ my doubts about it being n good idea. " Dr , Biinoy euros caturrli , Bee bid ; , ' . A Ham Itnriicd. The bam of A. J. drover , at 1137 Park ave nue , with its tontents , was ilestrojed by llio jcsteiday afteinoon It contained several tons of bay , a double buggy , a roael wagon anil two sets of Inriicss. The iusmanco v\as less than f.00. ! The woik of the llrcmen vis remnrnable , when It is considered that dining the llro a stiongylud piuvallcd , which it was feared would drive the flames to tlio south , which is thiikly settled with finnio buildings Tbo fliincs. however , weio conilned to the bain in which they originated nThe.v were occa sioned by a llttlo boy phi } ing with mitches in the loft. _ Dr. BLtncy cures catarrh , Bee bldg. OVLII Tim rcKs. Why TIicj"AVero Uclalned and Those Wliluli llnve ISei'n Kcliiiiiiislicd. With rcfei once to tbo detention of eountj fees , which Tin , B Lr has show n to have been done by County Hecoidci Mcgeathnnd Judge fahieli ) , thofotiiier jcstoidny at Hist icfuscd to talk on the subject to a icpoiter , hut in the afternoon spoke ns follo\vs. "If It wns hulf an houi Inter I would tell jou. I ha\o \ hid mj money intheiopointing ( to tbo tieasuior's olllcoj for some time Somebody has been mlghtilj fooled ( in tills deal. J iruess " It would Invo been just us well for TUB "Hi'i : if it hadn't iiislicil that stuff ab ut me Into print. IIo who laughs last huglisbcit" This is the nearest that be would come to giving imv satisfaction on tbu matter. Jud.'O bhlelds said that ho had belli the money back beuiuscho thought , attbo time , it would bo necessary for the pinposo of em ploying an additional clcilt at > ( XJO and buj Ing a new typo writing machine. Hqvvevci , ho suld tint bo had Intended to turn it over to tlio county treisurer a month ago hut had simply forgotten to do so Ho referred to the statutes and pointed out whoioit iyas piovidcd that county ofllccis should tuin over tbo excess of fees but did not slate when the payment should bo made As to the opinions of ex-Countj Attoiney Slmerd and Countv Attorney Malioney. who held that the sui plus foes should bo puiil ov'i at the end of each 3ear , Judge Shields bald ho could not see the ground for such a con stiuction. The judge has shite pjld o\cr \ to the eountj treasurer 001 bi ! and taken his re eclptfor tlio same. County ricasuicr Snjder was asked wbv ho hail not compelled tlio delinquents to paj up in January IIo loiilicd thnt ho had no autboilty for iiolng anything oftboldnd IIo consumed thnt that was a duty testing with the commissioner TioisurcrSnvdei s clcilts tieated the ro- poiter in a vuy iiivstciiousinaniier , giving him no satisfaction iitmlland actingas though they n ore afraid tosny a vvoid on the bub- Ject. s i'o\\uiijnHs. llealtli Olllcf-rw Ild'usrd I'liiidh ui Prevent Kild In spealdng of the public licdtbof tlio eltj at the present time. . Oil ) Physician tlnpcn last nlglitsnld "Though it Is not generally known , there are a gient ninny cases of diphtheiia in Omaha , and Instead of the disease being on the dceicase , ills spiralling. Iknowof thlrtj c.ises of the most inillKiiant type , known : is black diphtheiia , neurh all of which aio liable to prove fatal "Thh matter has been called to the attention of o the board ot health , but the members aieixnveiUss , owing to tbofac'ttliatwo liavo no innue > with which to ( luarnntlno nnd nrevint the inumUrs of the families in which thu ditMtl ill si use Is nigliiL' , from going upon tlio hlicets nnd mingling with tlio public 'On pursuing Its nlgimrdh policy la this matter , the council has iilaccd us In a position so that wo hu\o \ not got a dollar to pievent the spu'iulof ( ontngluii. "If the members of tbobo.iid bnl moncv nt this time , this dlseiiu whidi ciirricsoff so manv childtencould bolirought under control In u few tliys , but imdci tlio existing cliciun- stances it U dllm-iilt ta picillct the intuits that may follow A number of chlldion hnvo aheaily cllid , nud many murodeaths fol low iiiilcu iiroiniit action Is tuliuti bv the public. " An Inooicllaty Illa/e , About 13 15 this morning anotlur call sum moned tbo liretlghlciH tothutonier of Thir- tcenth and Juckuon stri' 'ts , where nn old barilla the ie.irof thn llutnl IlurliT , mid nc- cuphd l > i Stcubon , the lUlr imm , was Itiun- lug Tbcro v\eie eight head of | IOIM-HII | tlio buriilnj ; itrae.tuie , but Hit- , tcfuhcr vvilh liarnesi. vcro savnl. It la generally bcv llev nl that Iho flro vns the work of nn ( neeu > illary. Tbo datiingo w as merely ncnilmil. Mnreln AlumiCs Ium.li. On Tuesday Ust Miss Martin Moffnt ol Worth Twenty-fifth street gave a pelltte lunch In honor of her friend , Miss Mlla I.nlly , who goes to the Mew laiglimci coast with bos mother forhcr summer outing ohoilly Mlna v CicMiu'i , Ddsy llcttfl , Pauline hturgcs , l.ittla IMy , Josie MeCuiiiIllosslo I'rntt , ami Miibleimd MttaSpnuliUni ; were piosentaud onjoycd tbcnisehes ns enl ) mhthful chlldron can , Dr. Llirnoy cures catarrh , Hoi ) blilff. A Striking M older Pa tally Shot. S vs Pit VMIXIO , August. 'llio Iron mold. ere' strike resultcil In another li-aircM ) today , A nonunion appiontlio niiniod KIdcout wa nltnclddvhllo going hoilii'bv two strlkei-s. IIo defended himself with a revolver , futiillv shooting H L , blebiut. j'if > > ( t.1 1 1. I'.t it i tut i m.s. Alex MilCenrlo , silk buyer , and MllkM , black gckxls Imyei for ralmuc'i , aio nstlngut Spit U L Mrs P J Snihottimd duii-liter haven on ulslt to noithem Illinois , whei-o they Mill spend Iho suimmr f C. H Hauvooilof llnywoodHros , loft last iilttht for New York Hoston nnd the east on u business niul plc'nsuio tilp Dr. I , A Meiiluin left I ist night for Her- lln , WIs , ( .illed them hj n telognun an- ( Uiiulug the serious Illness of his futhcM (1. ilainieson , manager of the fiunhlilng goods ilepaitincnt at lla don Ilros , loft last evening fora ten davs' vi'uitionln ChicMgo. Miss Anna I'nlej left todnv for u two weeks' ' visit to Mrs Joins , the former iiiann- gi.r of 13od's ) opeia house , nt Memphis , lenn. ( lerlniilo , daughter of Mr anel Mrs .T ( S , Millie , loftSattiidav for llie'JIioiiMiiiiI Islnuit region , iiccompiiiiled us fiu as Chicago lij her mother Mrs Mary Crossette , a missionary under the Presbyterian board of foulgii missions , returning to China , Is stopping for n few davs' visit with her brother , UI CJ. ilerull , at I lisYcttnut avenue. \Villlim \ bcott nnd ,1 1) ) T.udwlg of St. .Tosouli , Mo , two promising oung nillro.id nicn , mo visiting Iho eltj for business and pleasure ' 1 hey see > in to bo well plowed w 1th the citj and m.n locito heio at an ( inly ilito. JMr S(0ttisnt ( piosmt ehiof elcilt of the tli kut auditor's dc-putmeiit of the Kansas City , ht JosephX Council Blulfs villroad , SPEOJ-ALi COUNCIL BuUFFS. "iJlOHSAr.nOrwlllli ulo for a cnoil ro id -L team , sliilllou Nn dl'M ' , ri'jjMiued Innl \ \ - Ince. lly Dr Aielillnld. ( linn by Kentucky Cliy.t > oinoUI Apply to Ir Miiei.ie- "I/lOllunM' "Inojiiiol modern liouse > W. JVV.IIIlgtr. . iidl'uailMrtct. _ AN Pri ) A ( till for KiiR-ralhoiisi woik in a small family. ThuiUbt puil > c-aii s - cuio a put in inent place at KIWiii's. \ . Itc-f- ticncoili'shid. Cillnt4.N Noilh frcKiitli St. , C'uiiiioll Itlull's. iftur August 1 "IjlOll KrNT ' K-riMini hoii'D on Oakland Jlive. . Jlidein lniiiotnicnts | Additss C. l.Hoo oilier \ \ \\TA\TlH-Ount\ \ for M'lic-nl lionso- U woil , Jlw. A I' . H.iiiilietl , No , 12i lourtlistiiet. W \N I'l D tilil foi tdiciiil liiiiisi-work , < un\ intent hi > ii < c > . ( Inly IHO lu fatuity , Mrs 0V. . Lose ) , h 'l A\oiiiif O POIt S/VI.E nr Unit ( lirdin land , with luiusus.byJ U. Illco. W ! Main st.Uounull lllulls \ pay rent vviun yciiiriuibuvii homo on o s.imu terms , nnil In c.isouf jimi ill , ith lit H 11 } tiniolu.uc your family Ihu lioino cleat oil thtfi > llA-ln ] < 'UTiin : A tionie vuirLlill.Odl it 313 perinontli A homo \Mrtliflr ) > ! ) ) iil ilS pet month A homo \Mi lliJ..OJlut ? , ' ! uurinoiitli. A. IiO'iio VMU tliM.lKM.it ? Ill pur month A homo worth $4,01)1 ) at $ H i.crmoiilh Othtr prlii'd liiiiuoson tliu s imu terms. The above tiiontlilv ijayinunti Intliido pilnHpil and IntcK'st I'or full i > iitleulu-t e ill on or address the TudiKt V\ell \ Oo. . UW llro.edway , Coiniell Uliilfs. h. CTltYVO A small rod and wliltirsjintted 13 cow , with stnip mid rlni ; araiincl In i luirns I Ilicinl rcM\ \ lid for lui i el urn to .Mis L I Inline , ill * llltli tivcnuo "ITlOHKnrsT Tim sUiro niotii. Xo. 18 , froiitlnct -L'on I'c.irl St.V C James. W T1IAT i iv o j on to t lade and vvlnt dn joii for ft ? Cill on If , J. fedmorr , K > 3 llrcmdway. " \\TKIIAYB soior il bo.iutlfulino Icrn Inuso IT tliat v\o vIII tr.nlofoi oiK'jnahiiri 1'mii 1 lots litUinaha nrCoiiuoll blnll's Tlio Juld St VVollsUo..JJpiiiHll Hlutrs. li DR. BELLINGER'S" Surgical Institute - J\N rj - Private Hospital. Cor. llroadway and 2Gth Stroot. Council IIInlN , InTer Tor Iho treat inrnl of all hiir Uiil and obrnnla cll'iMisp < anildlaiuKi'idf tlio liliud. I'lUatu dlsuii s of Iho tiilnary and Huxnal orKani us " .yjilillls , slilc'lurc , ov tltls * por- iimtorroho i' , loitinanlioud , suMiat Iniiiotencd tind v\i ikiuss tuativl hiieic'sHfully. I'nrtlculnr attention piild to ilNi-iiM" ! ( if tha lungs , ns Asthnii , Consumption. Hnmc'ldtls < utarrli , I'tc. 1'uruljsln , Kidney ( llv aso in Jlinbolcs , llrlu-lils Dhoiiso.ltlKMiiiiatKiii , I'lleu ' , ancor V.irloeile , lljdioci'le , Dionsy , Tu imr. iMscs of tbintyo mil c ir. Clulifiet , imr.'o i \ it n ri' a nil nil dKoiiMHiif Iho lini \\'o \ lave adoinrlmuit ilovotd ( oxeluslvoly tothntroatmectof I'lurlnodlsi ises MiMllcliiOEcatkccurily i > loUed and frco Ironj olisoi'Mitlon Corit-poiidcnei ) conlldoiitlal. Address : DR. BELLINGER'S Surgical Iihtilutc and Priulc Hospital. Cur llrniKlwuy mid Ujlli nt Council llluttn , In. J J ) KIIMPMHON \ > II LSninAltT Vice proi CllAitllslt . Onlilor CITIZENS STATE BANK Of Ooitncill Bluffs. Pnlcl up Capital . $1COOOO Sin-plus a n'l Pioflts . . . . CO.OOCT Liability to Depositors . 3GOOOO DIKKTOIH--I A MlHor 1' O rilciiMin.n. I * ? liii nit , i : \ * Hint. I l > lilniuiiMin t'liurlea t llaiiNiin rmiihiutt-'oiiiral hinliliiK linal- iii s l/.irh'c.-t ( iipltil unit suijilus of any lllllk -OlllllVMSll'lll lOM I INTERESTON TIMt DEPOSITS. rup T I\ \ \ TTO t r11 AI\T Sl.HlANCISiVCADEHY Boarding and Day School , PifthXvc. and Seventh Street. Can bo leached ( romiinyof the tleputH on motor. Conducted liy the Jblbtois of Chiuity II , V. M. TERMS For bo.id nnd tuition om- linidiif , ' all bi i indies of a llnlHliMt oduc-a- lloii for youn'hiclle'H $75 foi' HuHion ol Iho inontlm , loiiimoucliif drwl Monday liuSeploinbcr nnd I'obiuai'i iosnetl\uly ] ! \ , Toi furthui'partlculiiiri nddreim hi. Kiancls A nd ( iny , Council Hlulfh , Iowa , F. M , Ellis Si Co. , ARCHITECTS Itnonis 4 l nnd 4U lieu Iliilld UK , Omulia Vli.iind HCMIJIIH . ' mill "HI Me-riliirn llloi- Uluirs. 1 - ton uyouJmcc bol