THIS OMAHA DAILY BEJi , SUNDAY , AUGUST 3 , 1890-TWELVE PAGER. STIGER & CO. , MOVAL Commencing Monday , Aug. 4th , and will continue until September 1st , when we shall move into our new store , S. W. Cor. 15th and Fainam Sts. . now occupied by S. A. Orchard Our entire stock of Summer Goods will be offered at greatly reduced prices. A.11 odds and ends and broken lots of goods in eyeiy department , will be offered regardless of cost. CWHITE GOODSC DKL'AUTMENT. 40 pieces white Checked Lawns that wo Imvo boon selling n.i lOc ; moving pricoGc. Not inoro thun UO yurds to ty ono customer. 1 enso line Chocked Lawns , vorth5c ; lo uriua lOc. FRENCH ilTp SATEENS JJl To close out tliobalnnco of our French Snteonswo liavo mnrlcod them for this moving stile at ICc per Thcso Batcotibiiro worth i55c. Checked Organdy )25c ) 10 pieces fust blaok line Chocked Or- pnnily nt U5c ; worth 155c. APRON 12k LAWNS : Apron Hnwns , 10 inohci wide , with open worlc border , ut 1-ic ; worth SOc , Domestic Sateens All of our 12c } and 15o Domostlo Bntccne on Monduy at 8jc. Not inoro than 12 yards to each customer. 5c LAWNS - 5c i Lawns , in solid colors , nt 6c ; worth 12jc. Cotton Challis at Sc ; worth 12Jc. Ginghams Choice styles of fine Ginghams tlmt wo luvvo sold from 15c to ITJu ; moving ealo price 1'Jie. Good Dresa Ginphains , 12 ynids for $1.00. Embroidered Flannels. Choice styles in Hinbroidorod Flnu- nolw rcducod to76o , 80.8Cc , OOc , 81.00 , $1.15 and SH.U5. Outing Flannels , lOc. To cloao out our stock of Fancy Out- Inp FLinnols wo inako tbo price for this unlo Iflo poryuril ; reduced from 15o. 50c PARASOLS 50c CVunin Lnco C'ovcrpd P-xmsols , worth lifil ) ; moUnjT siilo price GOc. lUnck Satin Luce Trimmed 1'arnsols U * ! . ( ) ( ) ; worth $2.00. It will pay you to oxiunino our stock. \ll Parasols marked below coat pnoo or this inovuip bale. IlOSIIiiR'Y. Ladles' Fust Ulack Cotton IToso , with loublo heels and toe ; , moving Biilo ) rico , 25c ; worth 35c. Ladles' extrn quality Past Blnclf Col on lloso,85c , 3 pairs for $1.00 ; worth JOe a ptiir. Liulios' flno C. i0. . French IMo .Hack HCMO , in 8 and 8 ! only. at35c : reduced - ducod from 76c. Ladles'cxtr.i quality Fast Black Lisle ifobo COo ; worth 05c. Ladles' Jersey Ribbed Vests , with Ibhon on neck and sleovcs , at lee ; worth 2oc. Ladlus' Fancy Lisle Vests , all colors , at GOc ; woith 8r > c. Black Slllc Mitts , moving sale price 25c : uortn ! J5c. iSMra heavy Black Silk Mitts , moving sale price Wlc ; worth 05c. Ladies' ' Fancy Lace Mitts that wo Imvo been Boiling from 'l5c to SUe , mov- inp sale price 15c per rair. 0 pieces Figured China Silk , peed colors , at 85c , i educed from GOc. ill-Inch Ifitjureu China Silk , In desir able shades , at GOc. fonner price 75c. 20-inch All Silk Dlack Surah , reduced to GOc ; worth 70c. 20-Inch heavy All Silk Black Surah at GOc ; worth 75c. UlMiich extra quality All Silk Dlack Surah at 76c ; reduced from 874c. 874c.SILK SILK ! . 10 pieces BlaeK Trench Taillo , for this moving wile $1,15 ; worth $1.60 ; every jnrd warranted to wear. G pieces extra quality Black Silk Faille atl.f > 0 ; reduced from $1.8fi. 5 pieces Black Faille , extra quality and \viutli , at $1.75ell worth 42. 25. Blaolc Gi-os Grain. Silk. SPECIAL , FOK MOVING SALE 5 pieces liinck Gros Giain Silk , extra quality , finely finished , the price is $1 ; ttortir-51.10. 5 nieces Black Gros Grain Silk , 75c ; well worth SI. "Wash Silks , in stripes , at 85c ; worth GOODS 15c Wool Challis. 15c. All our Wool Challls that are worth troni COc to Stc , Moving Sale irlcol.r o. 0 jilccos black Nun's Veiling , 3S Indies wide , reduced for this Jlovliig Sale to We , vorth 75o. 5 ulecosblnck all wool forgo nt Me , reduced from Kic. 111'ick ' nil wool Henrietta , rciluccd forlhls Moving Snlotoll ; former price $1.2\ Black unil colored llrllllantlius Indus vide , reduced for this Moving Sale to 43o \\oithtJe. 27-in , Imported Henriettas , 16 2-3c. COulcccsST Inch Impoited Henriettas , thatha-\ene rbeen on"ercdatlu > s tlnn : : ; mov ing sale nrlce , IC'au ; a splond Id assortment of colon. Entire stock of Drapery Nets and ChnntUly Flouncings , nt great ly reduced prices. Remnants of Drapery Nets nnd Klounclngs , regardless of cost. -18 Inch hemstitched embroidered Lawn Skirtings at almost half price. 22 inch embroidered Lawn Klouncings , dninty designs fop chil dren's diessesjall greatly reduced. Remnants of embroidery will be almost given awny Odd lots of colored nnd white Embroideries , Antique nnd Orlentnl Lnces , etcthat hove sold at from Oc to lOc a yardjall in one lot.Your choice for 2c a yard. Odd lots of white and colored EmbroideriesAntiques and Heavy Cotton Lnces that have sold from 8 l-3c ! to 20o n yard. Your choice Ac a yard. Hand made Torchon Laces ; -wide , well made laces , worth from 12Jc to IBc nyard ; reduced to 8 l.Sc a yard. Handmade Medici and Torchon Laces , great bargains , at lOc , 12Jc. IBc , 20c , 25c and 35c a yard. Fine Oriental , Antique Vnl , Fedora and Fancy Laces , worth , from 2Oc to OOc ; reduced to 12jc. Ladies' White Lace Veined Lawn HandkerchiefsB ; lace veines , only Bcench. Ladies' White and Printed Sheer Lawn Handkerchiefs , only 8 1Oc each , reduced from IBc. Ladles' White nnd colored Embroidered Sheer Linen Lawn Handkerchief , only 20e , reduced from 3Oc. Ladies' White Embroidered Fine Linen I-awn Handkerchiefs. BOc,7Bc , SSc , $1 and $1.25. All ieduced in price. Ladles' While and Colored Chemisette Collars , just right to wenr with low neck dresses , reduced to lOc each .former price 30c. Alt Silk Moire and Faille Sash Ribbons , Sand 1OInches widethat hnvo sold at $1 2B and $1.BO a yard' ; reduced to 7Bc. MOYIN'G SAI.H 1'RKIIS O'X LinenDeprtiiMl : Marseilles and Crochet Damasks. Spreads. Vi'o hinn fownild iloroi of Prpiun nnil n | S omen 11 1 CniPhot Ho < l Spreads. Muralllei loic'lipd PiitnimUq tluxt wo ) no liooii'clllni ; lit Mr , ( UV nnil rf'O , In HUM ) tlirin nut vo inako . titROoottli tNii < onourlcu on tlio lot , 4L"iu lu'ryuid ll-liiHliot Hod Siu-a | Nnt Woirtnfl. ; . < . ' 'S , tl-ICuHliot t-iiroad1 ! at ! I ill loilm-eUfioui CrcMin D'un.isl ; , oxtin hoiuy. t\liMiilld \ ns- Borlllll'llt Of ] l IttlMII" , lllfOt'l UOIIll 050 , ' ll--t cvtra lirn.v rroclicl Hod Spreads nt llulf Illciuliod ( Ionium IMiniitKs. nuivlii ) ; . llf.0ullortlitl.S1 \ \ \ \ ; ' . . fsalcMirlcu l 'iOj vuitli S.V. It will jiay jou to ( 'Miniliio ' tliN lot of llaniiisk ! . . lllcMt'lic'il D'liausk tlul uio usually solilut MARSEILLES Cue , nio\ln b.ile piluo t'Jo. ' BED-SPREADS. Lunch Cloths. A 11 of out K2.SlMn is 'introduced to Jl" ' ' Itul Spread * ivt JU' 60 , ii-duced Toc'lo'ooiitourstooli of Coloicil Uonlcicil . . ) jiii , < h Clutlisu niiiku suiiiuery tpt'Clal I MuisolllisllcdSiMi'idsat MOO ; i\ill \ worth in IKS : . l.iuieli Cloths 2'i yiuas loiip , at- > ; ortli o'n'r M. MaHolIics I5nl Spreads aio well 8- ' > . \\urth \ ? I. - ' > . l.uncli Cloths , 3 jarU Ion ; , nt } J.r > 0orth | t , ! m ' 1 inic'hriotlii , ! l jauli IOIIR , oNtia quality , Children's ut t..T"- ; riMliiot'il from W 51) ) . Caps. l.iiiioli Cloths , i > 'i > JIK * . IOIIK , iTtriiquiillty " - ' ' fioin JI.OU. Children's White Mull Cam worth Me , r < * illli'i'il In Nk1. I'lilldHMi's Wlilto LmvuPapi , ti liniuol with liubinhlt'M , ( > < V iciliu i'il f nun } l ( N Towels 25B Ohllilron's ' \\htto Mull Itoniiutsnt TCo ; ro. dui-uil f i om fl.ii Hlack Mull t'liim. ' Ciilo : VDrthSoo. Black Mull lints ut * i.'Ji , flflO ( le)7Pii ) Huck mill Daiiuslr Towclf , with fanov Iwnlois Iviiottivi frlnsu , ului pliln , tlmt niuoitli L5c fioiu . ! l to .I5u ; moving s.ilo pilou Stamped Linens. L5cOdd lot1 * of Towels In Iliinnilc nnd lliick , that \\o line : lin n Fcllln0' ut J3o anil IC'jU ouili ; Hiln pilco l."jO tucli. Allnf our ? t imixd DIIIMI isondsat urontly 1(0 ( tuirun lain ) > iK 'louoN. vltli KnntlDd rc < l in i > < l jirli'i'M Tin this iiiov Ingsalo. Odd lutl tiiiiRu nnd extra sl/o Monilc Linen Tonulsat lillj soiled , M-i'i LliLMp. IB'ii1 eaohcll ; \\ortli Sic. llitlt 'lowels utllk1 , rvilitccil f rein 2."o. Hut h Toel4 at"'ic ; uxtiuslzu ; icduccd from APRONS. 33i- . 33iUntil TowoK o\trn l.irRo nnrt bleached , at 5. ; aiulUJo ; vorili JTViv utuUSe. Oclillotsof Aproin red need from X > o nnA . .Co to " "o. Napkins. LADIES' Flannel Blouses. Napkins. . . . ( ! ( " - " ) jioil riaiiiul Hlousosrednpod to S5 do/on full U-l Illennhed Nnpklni , to clnso $1 ( > wottli $ 'ii. out till , lot \ \ n111 hell I ho in nt tl ? r > per [ I tut. n. Kadli s * \\lillo riaiiiul Illoimos reduced to Milnnii i'\tiM lii'iivj t-4 llli'iiclml N'itpl < lns. t..Ti , Wiillll * i W ) . n plonihd .isxiirtiiiont of puttuins , ultl.OOpL'r 1 dlis Mr jic'd Fliiinol Itluiiaos redu ed to " Wis KOI Mi * > r > . . "iU/cu oMra llho .1-4 NipKlns In C'UJCIML liilk-s ; ' tiiiii'd Sill. It loupes 10(1 Hood tni.2Jl : nttorin iitdriOnud'JiOoitlir > . ( Hiinil ) oO ( ) \\ortli-4 ( ) . Odd lots nf I'loths bllKlitl * Moiled will bo hurtles riiii.iuil . Sh'itint ' $2f , ; voitlifl. 5. 0'itcry iliuup. LijdlL-s'bllkvhIrl8Ut JJIB ; worth fl.Oll. KELLEY , STIGER & CO. ; Corner Dodge and 15th BOES HE "OWN" AN OFFICIAL ? A Go-Betwcen's Offer to Enable a Paver to "ViolatD the Specifications , AND AVOID ALL RESPONSIBILITY. Hold Charge of BIr. C. P3. Squires Ucl'oro tlio Hoard of I'ubllo Who IH tlio ISe- urcant Olllccr ? At the meeting of the hoird of public works ycstcrJay afternoon C. E. Sauiics , agent of Iho Barber Asphalt company , said bethought Abound been ill-uentod by the board , and in k letter to the chuirnnn asked that the mem bers of that body , the socictary , the city en gineer and a short-hand reporter bo admitted , Bnd that all members of the press and others lie excluded. Major Furay stated that the board was not B star-chamber body and ho did not think the booting should bo executive. Mr. Squires said ho could make some state ments that should not be given to the public. Bald ho : "I want to tell jou that some men Imvo icon Imposed upon , aud I do not think it is anything in which the public can bo Inter- A \ otons taken , nnil It wns decided tlmt If Mr. Squires luul anything to say It bhoulcl Lo paid with open doors. "If thut Is your decision , gentlemen , I have botnlng tosuy. " " .My God , " said Mr. Klorstcad , "if any thing has gone wrong lot us Iciioiv it , " " 1 wimtto make my stntoincnt to yon , gen- ( loincn , nnd then If jouaut to plvo It to the i > ross you tun do so , but I will not. " Unou motion of Mr. Turay , Mr. Squlros Una"requested to present his charges in writ- Ins , If ho hnd nny. " 1 have been imposed upon in the most Sannmblo manner and by tbo iiibcul in existence , but I Ho not want to domiciling lo disgrace his family , vhleh I would do U i gave my Information to tlio public. "llie'ro Is an opinion , " suld City Engineer Tillson. "tlmt when n man becomes n bublio ofllclftl ho becomes a niscnl , Now , If there Is an j thing I nm in favor of meeting Inform ally , hear tbo clmrgcs , aud if they jro of a serious notion , giving them to the public : but , if not. It Is nothing in which the [ mbllcls Interested. " "Now , " siildMnjor Furay , "I hate to ov iludo the press , but to set at this I guess wo Kill Imvo to do so. " "You don't cwo the press nny apology , " > nld Mr. Squires. A\oto was tukou , the reporters were ox- eluded nud the board went Into executive lesslon. The host of Interested hangers-on met the nmo futon * did Uioroi oitersandllko iinuin- wr of Mary's lambs , hum ; lound the cioor Until the piInclp.ilsithlii the room should appear. Tin : Brn reporter found n convenient win- Bo w w hich opened luilh cctly in the board room Ind through this wns unuhlcd to hear almost tvoithlng that \\iia said the lilloho ro- tnninvd in the shadow of ouo of the angles of llio building. Mr. Squires rose and addressed the board , the eyes of every member of which were east upon tlio lloor , r.ach mem ber seemed to feel that n startling nnnouncement wns to bo made , nud It was rouio minutes before their ( eutui-cs met the puzc of the accuser , 4 Mr. Bquiivs1 voleo trembled nt the outset , his fnco Mas pulo , but ho retained his cotniwsuro throuubout the ordeal - deal nnd unfolded nU charts with directness knd force. Ilosidd that us the ngent of the Harbor aspbnltum iiaring conjpany ho had been upprouchiM by a contempt ible Bcoundrel who , ut the suimi time , was at the head of a fo'iilly of rcspecU kblllty , the trooJ name of which ho desired to protect. This Indlviduul , bo buld , hud told film that bo was in Iho contldunco and bad u paid upon a uuu high up in authority who tould bclp him ( Squires ) to make a great tloal nero out of his naptialtum paving con- racts thun ho wns now malting.Vlth UopooJwillof this ofUcial it was possible 'or Mr. Siiuiros to nso a httlo loss broken stoiio , little less gravel or slag ; that where six inches ol coucieto were called for nsiimllor number ininlit DO cmplojed , and where a certain amount of cement ias ilo- nnndcd an inferior quality , as well as a smaller quantity might bo used. n fact , continued Mr. Squires , this 50 between promised that nlmost every i pccitlcation laid down by tuo boirdof pub- , io woi'K * fov the laying of nsphaltmn pavo- incnt inlglit bo disroiraivlod , and the party who was placed over the ] ol > ra inspector would see that nobody was made the wiser of the transaction. Mr. Sim Ires hero paused , and nearly nil the members of the boait ? looked up , seine of them with amazement depicted on their coun tenances. Mr. Squires , continued , saying tlmt the nun had told him that by Uo- latlnpr the specifications ho could in addition to his regular profits ndil SOO.OOO more , which was u poodly sum to inako out of nothing , and , that all lie ( the go- between ) wanted was one-half of the profits , or &WOOOI Some of the membeis of the bowl opened tlieir o\cs and others their mouths , nnd others still refrained from opening an ) thing. "Do you want , to Imow the n.iino of the man -uho made this proposition to mol" uskcd Mr. Squires. Mr. Ktorttcad shouted cut. "Tobosui-owo do. I insist upon knowing it. His propo-,1- tion , as It now appeals , may alTcct any ono of us. I am not willing It should icfer to me. " Major Furay Jumped up aud vehemently ciled : "Most ccitainly wo w nut to Tjnow who this man is , and v < o insist upon knoulng it. " Mr. lilrhh.uiser was asked for his opinion on the subject , and said that ho did not think the name of the party should ho ilivulicod , Just at thitt moment ono of the h.ingcrs-on npproaihcd where the reporter stood , was obbcrvid byoaoof the members of the board , who immediately closed ttio window nnd cut oft the sounds of the speaker's voice. Whether the name was afterwards an nounced or not can not bo told. The board will meet next Monday night , when , the matter will again ho ( nought up. "I can now see , " said n bystander Liter , "the extending Justice of TUB Bt i'f exposure of the ring which dominates the .council. AVhv should tliCoo clnirgcs bo kept prhatof . .Amioi , who can Investigate them } The council ! Isn't it possible that Squires' charges affect a creutuio of their 0\\n < If so , will the ) find him guilt ) I Iain opposed to this star chamber business , aud I think THE HIK and the board of public vorks , the latter for their own good name , should insist on publishing everything that has transpired lielilnd their door. " Dr. Blrnoy cures catarrh , Bco hldg. rijOitioi2 WHITE o.xi's. Tlicy Tlireatra an Attorney Who Is Stirring Uptlio AiiliiuilH There , Tor several weeks , as reported exclusively in Friday's llnr , the peaceablocitizens of the suburb of Florence Imvo been disturbed by open saloons and the contingent cio\\d of loafers that gathered about them. Thodistuibanco became so marked tlmt it as found necessary by the = o who dcslrod the usual Sunday quiet to employ an attor ney to tnko such measures as he should sco lit to enforce the law. The attorney went there and found the mayor , the corpoiatlon attorney aud ono council man in collusion , To obtain a warrant ho found It necessary to procure a writ of mindamus from Judge Wakeley of the Jlsttlct court. Thouurrant nus against nn alderman. After procuring the mandamus the attor ney found that his complaining witness had Icon intimidated by the olUcial charged. 'I Uo attorney thereupon found ether witnesses against the accused and others , uud the case is now pending. In the meantime , however , many citizens had been incensed by the action of tno village attorney , Mr. Uller of lllulr , and tomorrow night at the reg ular council mooting Inquiries will bo nmuo asking whv the vllhigo uttoruoy should enter into a combination to Infringe uj > on the law , Then there are other troubles wtilch are lliible tu uasall a prominent ofllciul. A social scandal uus been rampant at Florence for several days i\hich will add unto tomorrow niirht's ' sensation. In the me mtimo the attorney who has been prosecuting the cacs against the ITloremo violators of the law has rccdvoil the follow ing : Fionr.\ci : , August 1. Goo Townscml an otheis interfring with our bi nes If you don't quit interferin with our biznessvo vill see v , liy. We don't want no mo ikying. AVe mean biz , You bud belt or keep aw.iy from heaie. "Win rn CAW o. ' lYoitt NCE. Dr. Blrnoycu' " ' " "li , Bco Udfif. ainsi irk. The Musical Union band will give a grand sacred conceit nt 2 , SO this afternoon. Seine exceptionally line music will bo icnderul. Thoiollortiug proguunmo has been uri.ingcd : PA HT I. March God for Us Converse Ovutaro-.MIalla Gounod fceltLtlon Nanon Cii-nco Ua > otto-Mttlo Klatteier , Ullenber l'\UT II. rnntaslu Matnlflccnt ( Hy request ) Moyrollcs | On ! lured Son s and holos. ) Son ? forCotiiLt Heaven's Uhorlbtor.,1'lnsutl Mr. H.l.ol7. Kplsodo In a I'oiluinian's I < lfe . . " . . . . HCIMCS &ynoplsliathcrlns attho station foriiKsl n- nunt : a match Isliuard In tliu distance. In- i'ic.islii0Inulunio us the men apiiroaeli. r.ich ono iins ors"horo" tothoioll till and inaiL'hcs away tolho "IjonUj I'ntroi , " I'.iss- liiK alone o\er Ills beat ho hears " I'ho HVLII- ing llyiuii/'siinK In a happy home , hujoIiH inut ( ( . > rliiK "J'ho Tones of n I'ollceiiiiin's Jjtit. " The sounds of u "Muny Il.inco" Is IKurd , followed by a suruuUc , lloglves a blgnal , which Is answered. 1 usphud by thu iuulo of the seienndo lieMngs , "A I'ollio- iniii s Lot Is Not a Happy Uno. rounds of tlio iil ht The ( | OK lion I , thu eats'quail , t'iu ' latter pel foi in a' Uat Duel , " A\hlelicndsby \ tliu dUeliar o of a pistol Into the fcllnu orowd , uliloh Hcatt < > is them lit once. A "I " nniko thn ' hideous < ito Party" nln'lit InK- Ing. " \\u \ Won't Oo Homo TillMoinliijj" ; badly that the lonK-sulferliu iiolluiniian snuiids th iiliirin , A light ensiusldch ru- biiltb in "Tho Auest of thoOuliirlts. " Uuty o\ur. "I'liuliiainl i'auidu" follow s. Song In tbcUloamlng . . . . > Harrison I'AHT III , O\ertnro PtaliatMator llooslnl KOIIIUIKO foi Trombone Ileiinot Mr. 11. irclmiiKc. Dcicriptlvo HuntliiKScenuiby roquo > .t ) . . Iliicalossl 1 The morning broiiKs calm nnd iiuauuful. 2 'I'lioIninlsiiiaii picpari'S for the pli'asurn of thu chase. : i wo Jmunon 0111 haddlo and our hunt'.iiian sounds a narry blast 4 The imtlesjoln fi Tlio loud lsall\o wlthhor o- iiien. C On the scout. 7. 1'nllcry. 8. I'ho death \\orttuiiilioim ) ! , Grand fccluctlun I'uiisKby Kqncst ) . . .Gounod Dr. ilirney oures catarrh , Bee blilg. Tlio Corn and Wlirat Kates. A Buillngton oftlcial said yesterday that thoroason coin and wheati.itosweroiudticed from Kansas City. Lcavenwoith , Atchlson and St Joseph to Chicago , and not from Omaha , is because the Alton road insisted on it down there. As Omaha is onUtdo tlio Alton's territory and no other load demands an ) tiling of the boit lieic , It Is not deemed advlsablo to disturb rates nt this point. ' 1 ho snino gentleman declared also tint , the Chi- c.igo-Mlssouil river and TrmMibsouri i-oads would not adopt the intorsato coinmcrvo rom- mUsion's order for a icilui'tlon In the wheat and com rates toUO and 17 cents , respectively , without a contest in the couits. Dr. Blrnoy cures catarrh , Boo bldg. A Prohibition Debute. Tlio following proposition will bo debated in Bojd's opera house Thursday evening , August 21 : Itexohcd , That the adoption of the proposed prohibitory amendment to Hut constitution nf the state of .V'braskiuit t Ids t line Is liH'\ifll- | ( unt. Injudicious anil calculated to work crcat Injury to the buslntss Interests of the city of Omaha and of the fctntu without liny corro- Bliondlni ; bciiBtltH In thuayof redueniK the evils of intcuipurancu , A. C , Head of Omaha will take the afflrma- tl\e and A. G. Wolfeubarger of Lincoln , \\lio represents the Indepcndont. Order of Good Templars , the ncgati\o of the question. A general admission fee of 1U cents will bo charged to pav the oxpcnso of obtaining the opera house , The not proceeds will bocquully dlvldrd between the Creche and the Open Door. _ Dr. Biro euros catarrh Bco bid ; . OUT-HOOlt The Cnncnrclln Has its Annual Moon- llffJit Outing at ISusoi'h 1'nrk. On Tuesday evening the ConcorJia society gave Its annual moonlight picnic , nn e\ent which is always looked fonvaul \\ithgrcat expectations bj the leading members of Ger man society. The occasion was called the It.ilieuschonaclit and assumed the aspect of a moonlight carnival. A tuln of two cars took the participants from the Webster street depot to the scene of tlio fcstlvitic" , at Htisci's Quito a number besides went out in caiiiagestliiH obtaining an cxtia en joyment of tbo delightful evening. The park was decoiiflea with ilaijs and bunting and presented an attraeti\o appearance while liroworks and music hicrcased the cnjojment of the pitniceis. Datifing vas indulged in , accompanied by the attains of the rvlusicnl Union onhostui , .mil continued until after midnight. Supper was sorted on out-door tables at 11 o'clock , but it.ib not until the "c.irly hours" that all the participants were houseu at homo. Gicat cieditls duo the committee , Messrs. 0. Herberts , Louis Ilcimrod , II. Engelman , 11 Giubo nnd Theodore Sinhold for the qfll- cient and hnimonious manner in which the affair was conducted Among tboso present were : ISIr and .Mi-b. Trecl Krug , Mr. aud Mrs , A. Calm , Mr. and Mrs. Albert Cuhn , Mr. and Mis. Moritz Mcjer , Mr. nnd Mi-s , Max Hccht , Mr. and .Mrs ( icoige Hcin , Mr. and Mis. L G Ileybrook , Mr , and Mrs Louis Heimrod , Mi. nnd Mrs. Tlieo. Sinhold , Mr. nnd Mrs. 0. lj Str.itman , Mr. and Mrs. Frcil Metz , jr , Ml , and Mrs. H , Kngelman , Mr. and Mia. C ! 1'oiny , Mr. and Mrs. A. Holntze , Mr.andMw 12. 0. Ackerman , Ir and Ii's A. C. Llch- tonberger , M.r , nnilMis A. G. .1. Lohumnn , Mr. and Mrs. Uhlif , Mr. and Mis Adolph Mo\cr , MissesStacey , Now York , King , at , Louis ; 1'oiny , Ida Poiny , Aimto 1'omj , Minnie llroun , Klla Schmidt , Lund , Toney Tzschuck , Lehman , Stratman , Sin- hold , Pcrrinc , Hlndskotl and Scligsolrn ; Messrs. Oco. B. T/schuck , A. SchaefTcr , Lund , Sussenbaeh , I'renzcr , Scllgsohn , ( looilnmn , Chas Mctr , Aithur Metz , rr.ihm , Urube , Krug- , Smith , Adolph Mejcr , Julius Mojer , Herbcrtz and \Vcindlcin. A 1'lcnlo ut Mnna\\n. Ono of the mostcnjojablo outdoor parties was given on Thursday evening by Mls&cs Cnnlo House and Alice Pinker , which con vinced tlialuiky 11.11 ticipants that life is not always a burden , but full of pleasure when planned and managed by the fair sex. The party left Omaha by a special train , niiiving at Lnko Mannwa at" : ! ) ) , where thesteimer M. T. Uohrerwas boarded fora tiip around tholako. A band was in attendance. At once each young gentleman led foith his lad\ to tread a merry measure Meantime the moon looked down in smiling content and lent a dunning light that shone in happy eyes and faces and ovoijono was delighted. While some danced others took to the lake and rowed or drifted or tulked and laughed At 10 o'clock an lunch was scr/ed , after which dancing was continued until 11 W , when the happy crowd loft for Om ilia , confluent they had never cnjoj ed themsalvcd better and but fe tlnios as well. Among those present were * Misses Carrie House , Alice Parker , Ada Parker , Gusslo I'Hc-c. Xclllo Uauserinnn , Louie ilohiibon. I'cnrl Hartman , Lilllo Uur- neil , May Williams , May Yatcs , Maude hJt.iloy , Anna Wntman , Xer.i 'I'urnoMar - gaivt Cook , .Teimio A'nllace , May Willis , Mis ? AMcstLi//ioBreikcnildgoand : Mlis Oakley. The gentlemen attondhiK weic : Messrs. Wilbur llrandt , Gould Dietz , Fied bnydcr , Aiiimut i ; , , it tt iu3.lllllllvl Iliuu , , rossbenner , Downs , Wcssch , Wing Allen , Jftmes McCan , Itov Crutnmcr , Hairy Ivuapp , Harry Moores , F"rank Miller , London Charlton , Samuel Lowe , Walter Dale , Mo Loycl , ltaiiiiott | ( > il II ) the A small party of Knights of I'ytuias par took of an ulcgant banquet at the 1'axlon hotel at \ o'clock Thursday afternoon , given Inhonorof U. L C. White of Nashville , Tcin. , supicme keeper of r corJs uud seals of the ordor. The banquet was an , entirely in formal affair and was plveii Just , piorious to his departure for homo in the e\ening. An interesting feature of the occa sion -\\as the music bv the Fort Omaha band , i'hoso present \\cro A D Jones , George AI. I bright. E. i : riench , A. B. Dean , W. L. I Seism , i\ .F. Snckot , J. A. Blown , C. M. I Diiisinorc , . J Bi-oatcb , J. S ShropsHro , S li Patten.V 11. oodill , AV. U. Vanghan , 1 J. J. Leslie , Dr. Lavender aud H.V. . Pinuoy. An Iriloruinl ICcccptlon , On last 'Ihursday evening Miss JcssloPar- sell held an in formal reception nt her homo , 2W California street , in honor of her guest , Aliss Huth ICimball , of St. Paul. The jnrd wns beautifully illuminated with Chinese lanterns , and with cbnlis nnd settees licre and there , so that the jolly group could loiter upon the lawn or dance to the music in the pallor. Later in tbo evening refresh ments wcie scned and the party again coii- tinuocl to diink decn of the pleasures of the occasion until \\cll hlcli ; onto midnight when they dispeiicdltli happy hearts in pleasutes spent. No one vas formally invited , but the fol lowing named poisons wale thoro. Misses Mamie Uedford. Rcitha andl'ort Stoivart , Sa.lio Lynun , Kellic Hauserman , Katie Par- sell and Mr nnd Mw.Vllliam K. Potter , Messrs C' II. Buck , jr. , H. A. Klnncy , P. William liurdett , Hugh Joplln , Joo.Ioplln , M I. Patterson , Silas Cobb , Hobert Carr nnd S , Avion Lewis. Todli u nlor-R ililer. A very cnjoj.iblo time \vas oxpcriencocl AVcdncbdaj at the icsldenco of Dr. J , K , 131-t Shciman avenue , the occa sion being the wedding of Miss Klh Gabler , the bister of Mis IlcrUman , to Mr. T II. Todhuutcr , absistaitt superintendent of ttio Omaha stieel laihviiy company The cere mony was performed by the Kov , A. W , L.imar of tlio rirst Baptist chinch in the piescncc of the immediate friends of the con tracting panics. Alter the ceremony the guests re pah od to the dining loom where an elegant dinner wib waiting The couple loft in the evening for Kansas City and various castciu points. points.'A 'A Law 11 Social , Dr. H. M , Stone gave a very pleasant lawn social njid icccption to the members of U. S. ( irant post , Grand Army of the Hcpublic , Wcdnesda ) night nt his icsidence , 112 South Twerty-fourthbtiect. About ono hundred \etcrans were present , representing all the ( JraiidAiRiy posts and women's ' itliof corps In the citj The lawn wns biilllantly lighted by fojr loiomotlvo headlights and gaily dec orated with flaps Kef i cshincnts were served during the evening f Society Polk. Hvciy Ai'ednesdnv nnd Saturday openings . he room Is open to the pjbilc. Miss Man do Holiday of Burliiu'ton , la , Is in the city , the guest of Mlsb 1'eail Ocniltreo. Miss FiiUicIsGr.ivof London Is visiting her biothcr , lion. Tied W Gray of this city. Bjron Smith , who has been touring In the mountains lor the last few week * , returned jesterday Mrs. D G. > 'lcs\\angcr of City Is \lsitini : ) HT daughter , Mrs. H C. Patterson , lu Dundee Place. Mr M. J. Duryca returned yesterday from a week's vacation on the Harvey stock farm at Turlington , Js'ob The Theosophleal society meets every Sunday - day enlng 7 JO in room "JO. ) Bhcely block. All mo invited , AV H. Bowen nnd family are Cloying the pleasant summer days at Mlnnchaba , on the Kuxton , Manitou , Colo. Miss Annie Hutchtnson of Cleveland la vis iting Prof , H M. Jitmcj Miss llutchlnson Is connected with the sol. > ols of Cleveland. Mrs John Dusold of 1020 North Twenty- fourth street , with her little daughter , nro spending the summer at Potorh.iro , Canada. J.S , Potter and family departed Wednes day for the Thousand Islands In the St Law- rouco river , where they will spend the bal ance of the summer , returning to this oil ) about September 1. Mrs. Samuel Bums , Miss Mao Hums nnd Miutcrs Sam and Itobert have gone to Colorado rado for a mouth , Their address will bo Colorado HprlncH. J , U. Campbell of TUG Bit counting room , with lib wife and daughter Jennie , loft Thurs day .iftTiioon fora brief outing in Ohio nnd Peunsylvanii. Miss Imogeno Her is entertaining IMIss Pniiiiv Divenport of Kansas City nnd ISlIss Estella Kingman nf Chicago as her guests at 1(51 ( SnithT.venty-rourth Avenue. Mrs. Rich ml C. Patterson gave a pleasint luncheon lastsitur.lay to Miss Edith Hit andMn Smith of St. Joe , Mo , and Mis. Hammond and Mrs. Chapman of Omaha. The Itov. C. Monroe will picnch at the Walnut Hill Christian chuich nt 11 o'clock n. m. aid 8 o'clock p. in also at the I'rcsby- tcran church South Omaha. ) o'cloclqi. in. Mr. Lowls S. Heed returned fioin his European trip on Monday , Mrs. Rood and the chlldrci ronnlning abroad for a year , the latter hiving been placed at achool In Switz erland. W. J Van Aernnm , Ben Uobidoux and wife , ' ! ' , P. UarUvught nnd wife , Mrs. J D. Hudson , Miss Anna Truoland and Bjion Smith have boon making a tour of Colorado. Miss Kstcllo Wlcox , who bus been visiting Mrs Fr ink Rogers , loft last ITrlduy for Ahn- noipolis , wliero shell \ remain during the waiin weather. Latci she Intends to return to her homo in Glo\elaud and resumohor studies in music. Quito a number of Omahi pooplc left last week to icciui1/nt the encampment at Sph It Lake. Among them were : Mr , Al McCoul , Mrs. ColpoUcr and Miss Colpotw , Miss .lennioMcClelland and Messrs Oooigo B. IMdy , I. W. Miner and U. C Snjder. Clmilca nnd Martin Shelby of Cleveland , O , sons of Mr 1' . P. Shelby , formerly gen eral frcUht agent of the Union Pncillc , nro visiting their cousin , Mr. U. T. Shelby of Iho county tre.isuier's oftlco. 'Iho Messrs. Shelby nro old Omnha boys and will spend some time % lsiting friends hero. Mrs. S.V. . Nilus and two diughtors , ac companied by Kov. W. II , Kilos and two daughters of Kelson , Neb , nnd Mnrv W. Nllcs , M. D , of Canton , China , loft Wednes day afternoon for Gorham , N. Y. , wliero they will attend a family icuniou Mr. S. W. Hiles \\lll follow In about two celts , Mr A. N , Ilensliaw , who hns boon assist ant pilncipil of the hiph school for seven years , nnd has In the meantime taken orders in the Episcopal church , hns lesipicd his place in the schools to take the chair of lan guages in n college atFailbault , Minn. A merry party of campers consKtlng of Hlnncho Van Court , Helen and Mabel Cotter , .Tcssioand 1'dnnThaln , Alary Lohincr , Lutlo Ilaytnond , Hlancho Hay nnd Kva lloody , chnpcioned bv Mr and Mrs. Sheldon , went to Hcllovuo Thursday morning whcio they \\lll camp out for two weeks. DBlrrnoy. " cures catarrh , Bco blclg. AVKY IS IT I'UItrdKIIUI ) "I The Qnnllty of Cull ttxhlhitcd liy n AVoiild-lto Compullior , The low price of the AYorld-Herald Is not troubling Tin ; llci : half as much as the siipe- ilor quality of Its writing and the superior quality of Its news. World-Herald A successful Impostor is usually glib- tongued. A fakir could not subsist without gall , nnd the pcrpotiator of the above para graph displays all the Xmrncteristlcs of the charlatan. Not n day passes that does not record nn Important scoop for Tun HIB against this pretentious bantam which inflates Itself with the idea that itU a competitor of Tin ; I\eu. \ Month after month , and day after day , TUB Dii : : has swept the streets with the juunllo pretender In newsgathcrlng , The scoops that have cut the deepest into Its hide need only lo mentioned. The Woild-Hcrold attempted to icport the Hastings congressional convention Wednes day. Its Thursday edition which reached Hastingb and points wcbt did not contain a line of report of the convention which nomin ated Hnrnn for congress. 7nu lluis , In its first edition , which went broadcast over tbo state , contained a full and complete report of that convention. Recent ocoop Ono , Wednesday noon last warrants vere sworn out forth i ro alleged councllmanlo boodlcrs of Bonth Oniuhn , THE BIT of that evening published AN 1JXCMJ81VK nnd coinplnto rjport of the crooked transactions , while the World-Herald had not heard of them. That was rocotit uooop Two. Ifriduy Tun Ilca itoplj nipped tbo floor with its would-bo ilvnl , A veiltiihlo c'onllarutionentiillliimi ( loss of ncarh WOO- 0)0 ) , occurred on the sovtlioin outskiits Tluirsdaj night. Prkhy ( Hcningthlq papir presented n llrst-ehst rcportol thollro. whllo thosicklj World-HcrulU learned of It ilist by rending our report Kcient scoopThioe. rFiiday Tin , 13ir. pjbllslied the biggest plecoof nowsovor seeuiod from the county ofllces , In rcfeiTMiw lo unpaid balances of county ollli-hih Jt mndo the sens.itloii . of the day Yit the Woild-llci.ild hail not n word , and learned of it Hist thiough Tut Bnp. lcv cent scoop Four. Then take 'J'ur Hi i : of yesterday morning. Rendersfouudlti itn report o tlio dhuiond loulery at the ru lilomo of Mayor Cushiny. The Woild-llcr.ild last evening topiu.l uur ropoit nnd lohiuhedl It lor Its giilliblu lenders. Uoccut scoop Tlvo Time nnd spice \\lll \ not iidmit of inoro cx- tcmlcd references to the mountain of scoops in 'I'm : lln : . Cnicful leuclors Imvo noted them for months and for yean. Thoieeord of tlio past low dnjs will suftlco : JULY 23. . MclCibbln's Kxprcss I'aolngc. Tumbles ntRockSprliiKa. ISlost comiilote ropoit of the Mcndlmlcr Piio. AVIiccler was Wialhy , "VVdodmaiisco's Slloon Sold. CiHhing Was liadly "Kniled. " Hctreatof Catholic Clergy , JUI.T U9. South Omnhn Hoodleis. How Jlcatls Inspected. SmoltliiK "NVorks1 Men Demand l-'mlmiriissmontof the Kopuhltcai I'ei-sonal Hlghts hcnftue. Death of Mw. N. ! . llorllu. JUI.T ! ) . South Oinnlm Tloodlcrs. Iv'ow bt Joseph Hospital. I'uneriil\ , Colonel lCiiut7 l.lbeiMtod from Arrosi llldding foi HospitalFurmturo. Scbwatku's Lu&iiliig lloardof IMucatlon Hedging. JUI.l ill n * Protesting CouKcilmcn. Squabble Among i loiencoOfllclala. Soldiers on the Kangp. County Hospital as iii'oor Houso. Hills of I-ailinRiu tbo West. Kcal's Death \Viitch. IVrsoiml HightsLc.iifuo Sixth Ward. Klor&tuud \ . Jllrkhausor , Auour 1 , Delinquent Foe Collectors. Kmollliif ; Force Increased. lliirUct's AVntches. linliLront SoltllcM. Hegnlnrs doing IntoCarapa. The Now I'umplng btation. Death of 1'loncu-s. Killed Trees. ( iradlng Dlds. South Omaha Hoodlo Cases. Tive aero llarn in Aslms , Dr. Gapen's Arulgiinicnt of TO. I > " \Vhooler. r.ffoctof August's Ihllroad Changes. llurfc'lury , Dr. Ulrnoy euros cnturrh , Dee bldg. Mm-rlajjo JudgoShlclda Issued the following inar- rlago llcensoychtcrduy : Nnmonnd uldrcss. Ago. 1'ctcr M. Tolstrup , Omaha , . 25 AnnalCiRCrstlnoTolstrup , Omaha , . . , .20 John Jumbo r , Omaha . , .112 Anna Krtel ] , Omaha , . 2U Ulartnco M. Huwtrw , Omaha . 23 Lizdo Kccler , Omaha , . 17 JJ II ! if , TaCKnn-Mary rTTwTfa of P. A , Tucker , died on Saturday , Augusts. Tuncral today at a o'clock from her Into residence , 2111) ) Harnoy street Burial in Cleveland , 0. _ Dr. Ulrnoy euros cutnrrht Dee The following parmlts wcro inuol by the tiulldini ! inspector yojtorday : C3 II I' Tnkoy. Hji-itory frumu rcsldouco , Ollfton lllll. . . . . . $ ! , : .OQ fiamo . ) , iW3 hime . 1'our minor jienultH. . . , . . .