TTTTO niVfATTA DATT/V . STTNDAiY. ATTOTTST 3. PAfTRS. 11 THE CONDITION OF TRADE , Buaintsa iu Tinancial Oirolcs Quiet to the Verge of Dallncss , JOBBERS REPORT TRADE VERY HEAVY , Prlcru In Oroccilosfitcndy Pair DC- iniinil for IVnlts Ornlti JUoltcil During tlio AVcck V' ' ' Trntlo Qnluti Mr. Hughes , manager of the clearing liouso for the associated national banks of Omaha , rcpoits tlio clc.irlngs for the week as footing 121) ) . Inciease , 2 1-10 per cent. Bui- i fooled ? riO,818.83. At thu clearings show , business In flninclil circles Inn been quiet to the verge of dullness dut hip the past week ami tlm intensely hot weather hus not hnluced bank officers to scc'c moi u tralo than came to them. Collections are exceptionally good both hy bankiis from city trade and in the countiy byjobbus. Itutos aie as usual for money 3 per cent for strictly mercantile prime paper. Ex- chntige $1 per thousand premium , Jobbers icport trade very hcmy for the season in all lines , Dry goods men especially say business is nearly double that of last year nnd that remit- tantor are largo in amount. In the hard ware * Undo a like satisfactory condition exists , and grocers and boot nnd shoo men aio doing the business now that they looked for to come thirty days from now nnd would ha\o been w ell content with it then. In the vv hole- Bale pioihico district ttado has been very brisk na the melon se.ison is on nnd the hot \\cather nan created a demand somewhat dinieull tn Jill. Kggs and jtiltorare quiet and- the market unchanged nnil dull , except for strictly f resh laid eggs and choice dtilry and creamery bnt- tor , nnil these , In straight lots , nro in de mand at prices above the market quotations. In grnc-orics prices are steady , ColTcQ Is quiet with a iloni ind conllncd strictly to con- Bumcrs needs , and the market mny bo dcslg- nitcd ns dull nnd iinprolllablo. The Now Yoik Hulletln sa > 3 of jcaterday's trailing : "Contracts were dull and uneventful , the market settling oft somewhat to commence with , however , the lovt twisted on again and tlnal utos standing about the fnmo as last evening , the \vholo affair amounting to only a Bolt of prietieo game aniong the tegulms Ih-.i/ilian accounts without much change and Huropo Inclined to rule easier. Operators in mild grades are -well satisfied with the tcsults attained in their special line of roffeo of lato. No actual advance ! in prlco has beui obtained , but a liberal quantity of Btook Inn been placed and the first-hand position is o much improved. Some of the trade aiguo that with the amounts taken jobben are now independent in a mcasuie , but thodoinnnd was hiudly geneial enough to thoroughly eniloiso that v lew of the situa tion , anil theio is a gicat deal of custom } oL to heheaid fiom " In ft uit-s there Is a fair demand for Valencia raisins , and Malaga nro selling freely , whllo Sultana and California aie quiet and prices unchanged 1'iuncs anil currants are in mod- crate loqiiest. Syrups are llrm nnd higher prices ire looked for. Of sugars the Now York Commercial Bul letin sivs : "Holders of raws nro in the majority of cases taking n continued more or less confi dent \lcw of the gcneial situation , and the offerings us mndo como out la moderate , care ful form. The absence of steady nnd general demand , however , has n somewhat neutrail ing inllnencu upon the effort to sustain a full line of valuation , nnd the market as a whole does not show the same solid and compact tone npp.iix.ntly pievallln at the close of list week. Tticio seems no possibility oftmjing anything at a fraction loss thmuntes of late quoted , neither are the goods offeied in n inanuui to can- , } the impression of an v special dcsito to icallze , but bin en are woilting tuo stand olT net for what it may bo worth , anil keeping their bids 1-Hic below valuation. The European beet root maikut was a shade firmer totlaj1 , Is'o business in cane sugars to day , but 1.1)00 ) tons domestic molasses sugars have been bought In Philadelphia by the trust ntll.SIc delivered here. "Itellned on homo account remain very quiet Some forthbr slight moditlcations have been made in valuation , and bujcrs ate simply holding back ami refusing to move until tlm funny work with pi ices is con cluded. The export ttado , however , has been quite lil > oi U , 1111(1 ( about 15,000 bbls granulated sold to United Kingdom , mostly , if not all , at Co net. " The murket for tc-is is generally strong with buj era inclined to bold oft but taking all choice lots offered. Cnllfoinh fruits and salmon nro said to beef of less thnn nu averngo pack but sifting ad f vices to their true inwardness leads ono to bollevo that there will bo plenty of cither for nil needs and at very reasonable prices. It Is stated on good authority that a Philadelphia houses icecntly sold a lot of canned tomatoes nluovcars old to go west-probably to grow up with the country , if they don't burst fiom the exuberance of their own swell. Tliegialn markets liavo been excited dur ing the w't ok upon icirarts of shoit eiops . hetoind in Europe , nnd prices nro such as to gladden the heart of tlm f aimer .who has boon so fortunate as to hold his crop a portion till now. Aclv ices from this state siy tint the ex treme western counties nro pretty well bin iie d up by the sun and drought and will make no ciop. Thoeontrul uait is in some what better condition nnd the eastern por- tioii has a good ciop to bo saved if rains cement nt ouco and at any rate will luvo a fullciop Prices aw certain to rule much higher this year thnn last and fanners should endeavor to get into such financial condition as will en able thuin to hold foi the top of the ni.u ket uftoi harvest. The root ciop is in poor con : dition ami potatoes especially nrciblioit and likely to command good pi ices. idK Cit.v tiado ID of course quiet , ns the blaring weather of thopistthirtv dajs has taken the Btaich out of all womcnUud and thoylmvo preferred to i-cmnin nt homo rather thnn to shopbut fall trade promises to bo very active mid leading dealers are iinportlngtho ; choicest novelties in all fabrics for the use of the box \ , ' * > divine. It is not probiblo that the census returns of B podulntion will bo so complete us to allow Jtof Si * the passage of it rcaportiontnc'iit bill nt this session. Usually , the bill has been passed BO as to apply to the congress m existence or. March 4 in the thinl year after the census was taken , or la the year in which the last figure is II. Under the constitution , the ap portionment was on the bisisof 30OOJ , anil the number of members vvns sixty-llv o. For the 170.1 and Ibori decades the orof pertlonincnt was : tUOO ! nnd the number of members H"i ) nnd 1 U , In 1S53 the apportion ment reached 9,1,000 nnd the membership J7 , By the last apportionment ( lbS.1) ) . the measure of population was IM.b'.it and thonumhor of members ! ! 2,1. It is w ithin the i > owcr of con gress to lessen or incicaso their membership ' , or the average popul ition , the chances lieing that the } will Inci case both. Thu Torrcy bmUinptcy bill , having pissed the house , is now before the senate , but It is not thought po&slblo that it will pass this session. There Is In this bill ono provision for In- voluntary bnnkruptcy which deserves moro examination than it hns m-elved. It pro : vides that n debtor may bo forced Into bank- certain acts have ken committed by him , such as suspending pay - ment of e-oinmcrclal papc-r and not losuinlug forllftecndnvs ; neglecting to pay nn open account for sixty days after n wiittcn do- mnnd for payment thcnxif ; dealing la op tions while insolvent ; concealing him self to nvold the service of civil process , dopatting or being absent with intent to defraud creditors. XJndor this provision lit Is made posslblo to collect debts throiiKh ho Intervention of the federal courts rather than of the state. It places n debtor in the sl tion of rec-ch Ing u v ory porcmpto/y . ice the threat of entering proceedings would bo a luennco that might speedily cause a failure Which otherwise with time and leniency might bo nvuttod. Tluno are BO iii.iny oppor tunities for wrong doing , for snap Judgments nnd for abuses in u system of bankruptcy that every posslblo avcnuu to those things should bo dosed , ami despotic exorclso of V power , which might bo morcly nn expression of hatred or rev cnge , bo guarded against. The Coffee Market. Navy VOIIK , August 1 IHpeolnl Tolojrrtra to TIIK JIK. ] Uoffeo Options opened btoadjr. unclinnged to 10 point * : closed itcadri 10315 | > olnts up. Sales , " ' , ' * 0 bags , Including August , J17W ; PeptemlcrH7.l ( > aJ7Ji ) | October , 110.50ft lOW ! Dcceniber , IIVOO310.00 ! Januarr. IL'iCO ; 1 ehrttary , tIJ'iO : March , 11140 ; spot Itlo , dull and firmer : fair cargoes , &Htti ! 7 Hat bean , JlSCSliOIS.1- ; ) . _ OJM//.t LIVE STOCK , Cattle. Saturday. August 2. Pstlrnnted receipts of cuttlo ! i,100 , compared wllli s.4V > vesterday nnd 1.47'Hntnrdayof last \veok. Tlio market opened slim nnd Invrer. Thn decline on beef nnd export steers 1ms bu n Me ilnco Tuesday and from aw toMie on butch ers' stuff. The sleeker nnd feeder market U almost knocked out. The exceptionally homy t ccolpts , both hero nnd nt other sloe It centers , nporwof drou tli In inuiy sections , and dis couraging ad vices combined to almost demor alize , the market , J logs1. Estlimtod receipts of hozs. 11W ) , compared with 10.111 yesterday and C"i7l ' aturday oflastweek. The market opened fin lower , became- slow and wc.ik and then settled on a Btunlr market nt a JOcdcellUe , uith nearly ovi rj llilniisollln ? at the close at $1 l"i. Hi" riiiReof tbi ! prices \\-us1 J.I.D'i.l u ) : Unlit , $3 1 lid : iW ; mixed * U5M" | heavy , JIW/JW. The averajjoof the prices p.ild * M'iS. com- jured wlthfJSTi > esterday , and H.liO't Satur- ( I iy of last week. . Kstlmntod receipts of shfon fl. ! compared with noun jestonlay and , ti * iluidny nf hist week 'I In' stu-eumarkut Is shading down with a good demand , I'l-innlllni ; I'rlo-os. The following Is ntibloof prices pild In this in irket for -riduofstojk tnontloiipd : Prlinusteors 1 lto ) ) 1VW Ibs . ft ( . ' > Ooodsteors U"itoir ) > 9ir < s . 4.01 Hood steers lOM ) lo 1JW B > s . . . . : i I'alr , lOUOtnltDU Ids . : i.M Cuininun , MJtii U'JOlbi . Ul Coiutnon c iimneis . l.m ) Ordlniry tofulr cows . SOI 1 air lo good cows . ' . ' ( lood to choice cows . S 7 Cholco to fancy rowi . M ) * > 1'iilr toxood bulls . l.T'i e/'holeulo f itii-y bulls . -.M lUlit stoi'lii rs and feedeis . -'I I'tlrtocholio light boss . II HI ralrtoebolc-u lieiv v ho s . II W Fair to choice niKed hess . U.4 > Conipit-ntivo TnlIn. The following table shows the rnn o Iu prleeson Jio s during this and 1 ist week : Average Cost of Ho s. Tlio follow ln < i t itilo KlvcH tlio nvonio cost of lions on tlio dill's nmntlimed Inc-lailln the cost today , as b isn I upon silos icpurlud : JunoSU J.1 ITJi July 17. lulyl .Ml' , .inlj H Jtilyj . . ' .Inly 1' ' ) .Inly . ( . . . . Jnlv si . .I Jl' Iuly4 . . . July ttJ . I lrt i r.i .Inly iri i M July 21 .InlyS . July S.1 InlyO .1 U'j July S" " > July 10 , 1 51 July SH llfl'i .lulylt i ws July Si 17(1 ( JtiiylJ t 47 July a ) J.V. .Inly 14 i r.i'j ' .inlyai I Vjy lulyl'i ,1 r.m . I .VI July 11. . I 4U Ail ust'J J 4SS Today. Yester I iy. Hlchest . MOO UUIusl . . . . il ( K'5 ' Lowest . J 4) Lowest . J 50 Ktock Ruucipts. Yosterdiv Ilstlmatod Todiy. Cattle . . 118 e.iM. i4Ti Cuttle IUlears , . ' ,100 Ho s . . . .UJcr.l-b. 10.UJ lloKs 174 e irs , 11.1)01) ) ) sheep 1 c1 ir , l.'l ' lloisca . , .11 Average I'rteo of llo/js. Hhowlnstho ivor uu prloo pild firloaN of llORS ( Ml tllU diys In . 18Ji. and 18' ' ) : or StocTc. SlinwInK tin ) number nf oil tin nml ImiiKlit l > y the pickers and leading buyu today's idarkci. Svvlft&Co m Tliotieotuo II Iliiiiiiiiond Co . Tlio Arinoiir-Cudiihy 1'uckliuCo. llonton A , Unilei Wood NeN Morris , . 170 llee'koi \ , Ile en 4 Jacob Lohiiiaiin r-io Other Buyers IHK13. The Arinour-rud-ihy I'uckln 2. IU Oimha I'.icklnsUo Swift A. Co. TboOeoree 11 llaiuniond Co rt u J. I'.Sqnliesv'v.Co uMJ ICInsun .1 Co 1.HI1 Ilooo & ton 1.HI1Nl Uuduliy lliothcis . , J. K. Itooge 01 Others 303 Rcpri'icntiitlin Sales. D ni.i.r MI mm. No Av , I'r. No. Av. Pi. No Av. Pr. 27 iwr ,1 r Inl n .i - 1201 .1 CO J20 lit nr.'i ' : ij.1 i iioo , t r > o S3 1041) ) . ] " I lUJi ) .1 S" > IJ-H .1 TO Jl 1103 C.l ll'IS ' .1 43 COW f 1 70 21 817 2 00 i 10 , l 2.T. I ! UO 1 75 S 111(1 ( 2 11 i 10 0 8 I'lli ' 1 80 8 SO" . J S.1 Hi ) ) : i ir.7 1 DJ 1 12iT < ) a S.1 inoo 11 KUl 2 ,10 i yjo SfcJ CANM.ll * 2 1015 1 00 1 1180 1 B ) i Pfi7 1 SI i inj * t r. ) 1 77-J I VI ! . ' Ml 1 'J" > 17 UMI 1 II ) i D70 i.V ) 4 1(100 ( 1 ! X s ? i. w i r > o ' .1(111 ( 1 M I iteu ( 1 40 1 670 1 50 . 8U 103 CI7 200 u 2.17 .1 : f > 1 . 210 , i' ( > " O'J . 2 0 a 2 2U7 2 fil ) .1 IM1I lUDKIil 10T 2 ft ) 511 2 Si 4 I . 021 2 TO MO 2 ST. 1 . HIO 2 7.1 S . Ml S ( ii lb 81J . ' 25 10 1120 2 50 75 .1USJ S70 HULLS. i mo i no 1 1210 1 75 2.1300 210 1 1210 1 C3 . 1. 1530 2 73 l. loco : i no COW , .MILKl'll. 1. . t0 ! 00 1. . KO 00 WttJIKItN CATTLB. No Av. Pr. Ueleurs , talllagR 1,100 1 00 HOUR. No. Av Sh I'r. No Av. Sli. I'r. n . .an j.i ) f i'I C.1 . . . ' 71 1.1) ) $ .t47'5 7 . IUI a .a 1.7M 'W 40 .1 IT' , 5Rl . .2:1. : i 40 M . 2.J 2J ( ) .14 , Rl . . too : i 40 (1.1 ( . 'ID M ) iM-'i fll . ITU ss ) a 4) 74 . . .220 40 4.1 , . .Ml ) 1JO a IJ U ! . 27J I'.D HI . tu : EW a 4Ji ; in . 2.N1 IM ) a 47V , . 'ii N ) a 4-1 2r. llfl : i47V4 2J.I 1.1) ) 41r. 211 Si ) aw Ii ! ) .1' " 2(0 ( r. 271 40 a ,10 M . -Jit 1JO . ' 'ij 1.1) ) a.w .14 SI 1 1 ® . ! 4'l . X 'M JV ) 111) ) 2vi M ) a 41 avi dj iki w a 41 5) 200 a w - 217 21) a 4.1 . 2TO 2.11 sou a 4" > 5)ui ' ,1(1 ( 40 .IW . ' 4 KM a 4- > ui 1.1) ) 0.1 . 'Jiu i.i ) a 4- ( > i 1.1)M ) UM ) . . sci CO , 'il KM a 45 COM . JOO aiw 7'J ' . . . .221) ) to a 4 * > 70M , 215 aw ( i . . 2ii ft ) a 41 M aw 74 ' 'IB 100 a 41 117 . 2.SI IU ) 77 210 40 a 41 , 2H.1 210 aw us . vw 40 a 41 , I'll ' - avi .210 so a 41 111 . . IN ) 40 aw 1 . -Jio Ui a 41 40 . . , SM 1.1) ) a.w . .173 m a 41 a w 71 210 i.i ) a 41 m ! ! . . m 10) ) OJ I'M ' 210 a 41 78 . . . ,211 , - aw (11 ( I'M IU ) _ ( ill. . . .2.11 210 aM W . . .201 200 a 4.1 11 . . ,27i aw ra 247 iw an 01. . . . . .ix ) 40 a.w W iVS 40 a 45 ao. . . 40 75 . . . . 'ill 40 a 41 40 74 SH 1U ) a 41 277 40 31 M ) 7J Kl SO a 41 : . . 21K ) 3.V ) 78 2tQ ; W a 45 as. . . . 'JOS 40 3W 71 .SO 100 a 45 fiO . . . ,1J 40 3.V ) 7l > iti 211) a 45 III. . . . ,2tt 100 3W 78 Sit - 345 u > . . . , ii. < bO 350 K ) 21.1 120 a 45 w. . . . . 'I' ' ) 40 M 2IS a 45 " ' .277 SO ' ' " " a 41 M . . SOEO ( . ' ) , . "sia 60 a 41 7D . . Of ) : i no w . . . . 22:1 : ia ) a 41 Oi . . M ) 3M ? ; l 21. l.W 345 Cl 241 IfiO : i41 . aot 40 hi 210 1.1) ) U 41 , ,2U7 4.D aw 7(1 ( 20(1 ( 1.1) ) II 41 M , .2b7 JJO . . dl IK ) 341 61 . . . ' 70 . . , .2X1 3 45 BJ . . 27- * 'I5L A ? . . . .2N1 1(0 ( a 45 0. . . . . 'JbU 1GO JWU | ft } 247 40 1141 111 . .JO , ! 40 ; i&.Hi b7 22.1 100 a 45 07 fiU 275 1-fl J 45 70M ! ! xb6 120 J6Jii U | 244 21)0 ) a 4 % 70CD , .2l)0 ) 100 C4 . . , . 3) 200 345 CD . . 'JSO BU Ifif ) 843 ,237 TO UK ! so 345 C7 ,2sO 170 ) 270 120 34 % ,2ll3 80 7 * SUl 40 341 72il ,247 1 > . . . . 205 3 41 ( il .270 210 2M ! PO 3 41 ilW. . .240 1 SSI RO 341 nt , : t 210 3M S 212 ISO .1 45 74 .2CU 200 3W * 7 219 200 3 45 74M . .SIO 40 aw 1) 214 IfiO 3 45 CO , . : ! 80 3M "I 213 120 a 4- COM SSI if ! 211 ire 34 % M , , 'JHO 40 V. 272 120 3 4 % M , . | M1 100 200 3 t'i 61 : ar > 5 120 3 4" 101 , .y < ) 240 3K > 40 a 4 % fit . . . , ai i 3 V N ' ) KS 200 3 41 nero , . : m 40 8KS " > . . . 223 40 3 4 i ro , . : KI a M I SW ) 1 < V ) 471 } es , .au 40 3W M..Sl 240 3 471 , w , .111 40 355 / tJU2 IbO 3 47' ' i f,7 . . , .241 40 2S . . . . 1IW 3 47'i 41 , .UU bO 363 1) ) . . . .25,1 40 3 47i | 4SM , .aio 353 120 3474 M . . , .303 SO 353 3 47VJ MM , . 80 40 ' ! 47U M , .231 40 rf . . . .an 40 3 47'i 4- , . : ! 210 3 47 > i 4Gt . .aa 3GO Mention. Ifojtinc lower. O. O\\IM \ was In with n car of cittlo from Malcolm , . Inspector Ton aril found ami condemned .1 titnpj ivvsti' llprrrintn A. I.lttlcr sent Iu a cir of lie s fiom Oonhna , Todd f * Co hid two cais of hogs on tlio mar ket fiom Mllford. O I ) tri i-ti rli.ul a eiirot cattle on the mnr- otfrom Itaymonil It II Mnlli'vof Uid Willow county H up vls- Itlni : lilshrothi r. J. II. bnill yof the uoiiiinlj- slon III in of s I ( 'oilman , Mnlloy A , Co. II llnsscy of SlnnlH-rry. Mo , I4 I hero buying foi-ilcrs \Mtlnjhl4Hluiul Jatnes II. llnlhi of thu yards. _ J.rcelpts 1) } Tlio follow In , ? H Illation tlio locclnlsof cat- tleinud I for Ilic Hist seen months of the y in is ittw , : ind Ks7 ; C VTTI I' . Months la"0 1MO. Jnntiaiy lUKi 2i I'M ' 12 S ( 11'HJ ' rc'liiuary. . 41.427 SillMl 1 ! Sli 12,40 Mnic-li . . . . Vi.'IsJ , iH , I SI OH 2isi ) | ) April ri.,77S 47 270 .117hJ r. M JMny . . . . oi on 4 < Uri7 ! 11171 SS.NS Juno 4VWI M.OIH i2 ! IK ! ) 1 ! ) (7(1 ( ( Jnlj 47,411-J JW.MS 21,111 11.701 Total J.y.707 Ibl G.i'J Moutbs 1-0) ) I O. Jannaty . . . .trJ.MJJ 7)7't ) ' ) 71 "JO d. . ( > ! ' rebiuarj. . . Mhl'H S.O.M 7'i,770 ' r > i > v Miuuh 71 'Lit 81 4J4 77,171 Mi l.'l Apill ' . ' , rHt M 7 HI 1UMII2 M II" M iy l.T.d'H 101,110 l.,7S.t bi ! Il J UIIU 111.MM Jdl t.r 170 ' > 11 1 I'l ' 111 July IsS.lM ll..filO II 1'MJ Total Sai.OSI ii'JI.HS TOI IU f > 70Jjl 3Ioiitbly htiiteinont. Phoulns thoollkl il iici'Ipts anil slilpiiionts ofllvo sioc-k ilurliu Iho month e'lidlin ; .luh tl , IS'KJ , uid Ilio nunibur of head consuine-d at South Oinali i : IH-CHIT . II UKOU > 3 ( . ttlo Slioop mil Mull" . c M A.t I * Uy . . 4711 o v > tI I , Uy I yi } . Ml4 oiirlt'-u.itlLiry Ki si : c , I' II v 15111 41 'i ) . ' 4 , 2o I 105 : C IN \ \ . U'y . . . . ' - 17 US It VM. ll'y . . . . inn "Ii Ii7l ) 4H rll A.t ) Hy . . . . 2 < , t 11.5 UK , t U I A 1' II y 1 'ltd i'st. I' M , vo U'y 19) I' H , VM V. Uy . .d 5J1 2."J Unve'ii In III ( , rnnd totil 47,11. , I , .17 1IIM-O-IT1ON. Cuttle IlOlf. Slioop Dill IIJC'H ( ' A. St I' . . . ill ) 101 ( ) iSt L 1U1 101a Jll'ionrll'nclllc- . . 11) ) Union I'li'lllc I U ! 210 C A N W . . . . sm 3'lsO 21)1 ) II .V M . . 10f > CM I \ Q 11WU 1241S C It I A. I' . . 814 17J1 iav ) r , ht. I' M A O . . ( "il rri i : A M v Cunauinod In B U. . 2.1 TJ1 117,101 no.ii Hnnil Total . 17 ti nit 1018 J'liO Jt VI 'K .7/.1 It KET. Cmcuio , AnsnstS. lli : p. in. cloi"Vho it I'lriii : ensli , DlVci'fl'ie ; beptoinUel , M'a ' < u > O.l'.ic ; M iy. 'iii'.e- ' . Coin-hloidy. cibb , 47'Jc : feupte-iulicr. HSic. May.4i - OttH Ijiini i-ash , Sc'nlemboi , 34l4u : May. Is'ac1 lU' . tcidy : No 2W4e. II i riot No S , ( A- I'rliimTliiiotliv-Slcidy jttl.U31.IJ. n.ix-No llirni it il H. A\hlsk > H U. I'ork ito ul > ; i i li , } 11.75 ; onti > mbf r , $11 11 Jiiiinir11'A ' ) liitil riinii cish fj W ; Septenibor Si. 'tS fl J ) . .lunii.iiv , ? ' ! ! > , " ) . bborlKIbs Mi I'H ; cish , JI.K' ' $ j 11 ; Jinn iry , fiTi'J 1 lour rinn ;' ' ) ® . . 00 , win-lit. { I ? l)0 ) 10 Hulk iiu- its * houldr : ? . " 87'5'ib'lO ) . Short MTAWiiil. short rl ! > . } 1 S h1 S-l ' llutlcr linn ; tre-ninory , loai'c ; dairy , U ® ( JhccspQiilit : f nil ct pun rhiddars , 7'ieouin. ' . ' AimM-'e.ii. ' 8'4 < fnyc. ( r.-vs-Dullandsi-iicc ; fresb.Xlliz. \ . llldn I'liih.insedi lu-.ivj and llitht snlloil , ( , W7o : mltdl bull ut 5'ic ; Krojn s.ilti-d c.ilf , ( iMa7J o ; dry Hint , ( Vutfc ; div siltc'd hldos , fie" diy c.ilf , V3c ( : doncons. 'Jo T.illow Ilnch uuud No. 1 , .solid jiuuUod , 4o lt ( > cfllit | < 4. Shlpm'ts. Hour . Ui ) ) 27.0)3 Wheat . HOW 41000 Corn . 1S100) ) 4ilOOO Oils . HIM ) ) ) lsjo)3 ) . Whc it I - , , , hilsluls ; spot , hUbui , f > o ' , "ii'iOllo ' In cli > - valoi M ijVi ( > 4iiiilliit , unL'i.ulril inl\td No . ' .ItSt.n'ji ' ! , options 2'aCftlu and ulns d 2 S-Vovi > r > c"tirda } A must i lose 1 it 'il'ti- ' . Oats KccclptJ . . > ( ) ) ( ) liushils ; u-cpurts. none : spot Ilim ; No 2 hlti' l-'Sc , mixed wi'slirn , , ' 'i'41u , white' vve'sti n.&iioptons ' I tttl'iv ' lilphor , Auaustelo-ii-d at ritc- e'olYdj Options uloiml stoaih . lilt/ill / points hU'bil Sll s. SIIOObiKs ; Aiuilst , § 17 ( j5 ; Si p- iiubti.tlT I isl7 JJ ; spot lilo tlrni ; falre.iijui , 5.MIHI ii iu Itivv Hun ; fair ri'llnliiK 47 c : oontrl- fiual01 test , lite , lollni'il , Koinr.illj tliilljnil iinsultloil , ' ( ' "II l-lin j white , c\lii I1 , " Ii .ifft II 1(1 ( , yollitt.4 ) 4 > 9iy IVtioloiini Liiltoil eloMil for HcpU'inbc'r at , ) " , J.3RSVtnk. . wc'storu , H He I'oik I'lriii ; nii'iH. $11 OM14.00 Dl-'Wl Mron 01 , inile't ; Histotii slc'llii , 8325 , boptt inbor. IKI .ix llnttiii' r.inoy , ilrmi wpsttiin daliy , OSllo ; iioaineiy. D l'c , Clulu , 17 otT ii' . ( Mm se-ljiile-t , p ut skims , .iCifri'ie. hioux ( 'n . August S. HO H Iteeoliitv 1USS , market 10o lowci : liiotuiluns ] : LUht und nilM'il Jl.V > ai.7."j : hoixy , HMtfaHfiii Cnttlo MnrUt absoliiU'lv ( , only Hven- tj-flvuht-id of covvsrc'c-ulvid. ST. Lotus , August 2. Higher ; caili , 023Jo , be ptoiubcr , UJSc. . ( Joni UUbiir ; uusli , 11 > ( a ; oplninbor. 17'io. 1) . -lllulior ; c-iihh .Uo ; buptciuber , I5c- . Cork -Stonily ut 11125. Lard Qnlot ut * 57iai65 Wliltky-il.12 CINLINMAII , August 2. \\lie it Lovvc'i ; No. 2 red tie. I'oin Stron i N'o 2 mixed , 433500. ( ) its 1 islor at 3daiS/ac ! \Vliltlo-tl.U MlNNKAi-or.m , AiuustS Who it O.ishinnr- l < othloviiflws ; sticiiiKi'i. CIoslui ; : No third , Ausust , tiVi ; on truck , l)7'l ) ' o : No. I , niirthci n Anunst , IDVte : ' I'ptonibor H9con ; tr.iel , , 1)275 ) 'i'c ; No. 2 noithi-rn , AiU'u t , tuu ; on ti.n-k. 83 MH.WAIIKKK , AiiRint 2. rirm : No 2 , hprliiK.cnsli S & 'JA-i No. 1 northe-in , lUu. t'orn su ulv ; No I , 47c OntSto ) ul vi No 2 vv hill' , LtdO-Wie , Kyo i : islpr , No I , MSi1. Itarlpy QulPtj No ' . ' . .Mm. I'lOvLsIoua I'.islc'iJ I'orU. Ansnst , $11.80. KANSAS Cm Aiuimt " . Wbont MUhnr ! No. 2 haul , c.isli , 8lo ; August , M'ie ; No.'Jicd , eusli. Mlo hid. roni Illuhuri wish , 4lo ; August , 4tail'ie. Oats HlKbor , No 2 cash , August , .LV- . I ivi'lii'oou AiiKUHt \\liuat-Cullforiili N'o. 1 , 7s 4'td poi cental ; red western bprliu , 7s : tilJi7d.i > iil ; red vvc-atcin winter , 7s J dift 7i > 'I'l. Cora MlNod western , 4s PJd. Lll'K STOCK. OiilOKao , AiiBiist2. Cnttlo-Reeelpts , 7.000 ; IM OVOS , $ I.V > If.hO | ; ntcoid , Kl 0 a 40j sUx-kcrs and fciMlcrs. $ JUl iJl'0 : COWK , hulls nnd nilxuil , il.'J > i 00 } Texiiu c.ittlo , ( uno.i.00. lloits liocolulH , 1'JOX ' ) ; market lower ; mixed , M..WiM80 | licit y , 3.WSU80 ; light , bklm , t-m > ui > KtHiuliits 2OCWj nntlrni , vreMurii.UOOtSO ; Texans , WKXftllO ; , Ausnst S. Cittlo itpcplpls , GOOj l.SUO ; nmikot domorull/fwl : f ilr to funuy niitlvo stocni , S-KjOiJ ) JJ ; btoukeis uud , . . Ho s KcctMpta , 1,100 : Rhlpnu-nts. 2.400 ; murkpt steady lieuyy , tl.7D2-i.tJi ; - ; pack Ing , J8 ( U3.70j llRht , $ .170a.tbO. ICASUAS CITV , Ausust 2. Oattlo-Ilocelpts , r , : wOi sblpmonts,4Ji > ; nmrlcot steady ; sioors , ai.lO ; eo rt , tl Wt5'J3 ; blotters uud foc'd- iteuolpta , l..UO ; shipments , C,200j rnurUet higher for good , common lower , all crudes , W- THE SPECULATIVE MARKETS , Cereals Suffer From a Blistering Sun , Hot Winds and ft Rainless Sky. CORN AGAIN SETS GRAIN THE PACE , 11 Oats Htrticlc tlicT'Kntno Gait A * the Oilier Cc'rcnls-Vcry Fair llo- Bponso lii Provisions Cnttlo. ntul , AuRUSt 2-Scclal [ | Tclosram to TIIK llBKj The bull ctiiiptlgnin wn < reopened nsalu this inoritliit ; , All tntk about boltornrcntlior nnd nbuutn 100X ( ,000-busli l \Ii-lU luMlmiu < > uti nnil the D.iUotis ; for gotten. When Sciilcinbi'r it touclicil Ol'io 1 itc yc tordiiy and tunioil up ) , o before the close , tliotlccllnoof tliroo il tys from tluilXJc point of Moniltiyntid luoMhy WH at an end. Tliu liolo sentiment i\is ciiiuifjcd tlilsinorn- liU. Uwaslarscly tlio roiilt of the hot a\o nhlch auiHiirotl to oinlu no the cut Ire wheat null corn belt fiom T < MIH to Jhnltolia. NitonlV ) < lliltll < 'lil 1h'"i ' iiuii thli-K mid fist tejMnlliiK il itiitui ) fi-oin diokliiitiiiio week fl i ) , lint the iirulk'tlon w is fitt'lv in ulii that iin- otliL'i hot SILVU must | ni ) o very SIM Inns , 'llit're tun man ) whom Hiu the hotwi-iitliet- ( liiiiiiu'i ) KH itlj matfiillli'il ns it often Is. lint In tills t'isuHiMitlii'i' ill - | i Hi-lies note Mlle e < l lillM'lv Ijii ) Iti4 orcliit friiu tlio northwest. 'Ihi-ru ns ct' Imj Inj Dj coinnils loti houses ftoin the ciiiinlij lliis coiihl not ti > iBiioieil. 'lliu opi'iilin ; of tlio iiinrkLt was iindor Krcnt cxoltpim nt nnil Hist ptlcos tti'ro up 'ic to iiO frnm Inn nUht A filr portion of tliU tiuilu started lo soil on u tnilgo. but they 'Oiin illsuo\ercd i bl l > n\linr clement. Tills id il mid in my bhottsiiiKl n I III < limbing of tlio iniiiket IH III. t-uiiii iiihi r wild vt : and slumped on Its llr t nilxiimu enl > when the inlfotiinohul IIP4C , uiul Mr Iltituhlnson b > - iaiiii > seller. HittliiH aad hv Italilwlii vS 1 minim , lifljntiill o < > iirnil. nnlUir A , Co , } \\hlte.VlV nnil Diiiilunt , \ , t'o Tliuro ttusnsel hu'U In the pi ln > ( if S'iti | inber lo it'gu ' mil the hiMind wiiM-of huyliucarried tlm prlco toUlu , AilKlist Mild ivt S > 'l'o ' up to ' ) ! ' , ( , Duicmbir btntoil at DI'iC ' , HMO tu ti'i'jO ' , sulil at Id ie indcnt up to 'Hi'iic ' , Slav opeiuil utIW'ii ind liefoie I oMook liutL-hid * 1 Ul3i , tli < x hli'h point on tins irop. 'I horn was siiini ) iiiNiclliiiiiuim hull news ilso \Mie.itwasiiniHiiallystrim ; for months I iti > In tht season , liiui'iiilu rtmicliul IM ii > . 'Jlio prenilnin of Dcumbi.rt > \ < rMui Ineie ised one time to J llnilnn pilies weie : AiiKiist , OlSie , t'epti'inbii.'Xli. ! DiioniUr , IKI'DL , MIJ , * 1 in ) ' , , Anunsllonelidl ' " - ' < t'oin tiicidii ! o pii ( lo thojraln ( tutuKet this inoriilnv ' tu'imtli In 'in on the i in l > , ind opetuil tliiuuaiket In Die pit at ovir le ud- \iiiice for HID i lo-e > ( -.i idiy ' 1 lure \ins a futthii luUaiui' of mil lo hcfore nililijiiy , mint of thu uiiln t lUInc phi e the tli-t lioni Up to I oMoeUtlie hl.'h pilut for N plemhei Mas lS' e. or-'n o\ei tin I ist prli o Mstonl ly. ' 1 lieiii washut one prime n ison foi the sli irp uptiiin. Dlsjinlclies mil the ueather in iji slio uvl Iliil lv' . Mi In iski lo\\ i , parts of Illinois mid Mls.-imini ! n silll siuleiliu nndei the hot suiii hot w IniU mil r ilnlesi skj . IhK st it toil thu plunders riu j htiilul hliorls. nlid Ithecunei Lira In In i en lotus Kettln inoii tola uid the slinrts to snotlKiavhes OIlLllngs uiro IKhl and pikes inso lo a | olnl win ro ncie wlllhu to take prolllH. Outside linliU orileis from siilli ) i-storn t ites only adUil to the fince of ( lie in n lit I HUM OH us u IIIIKO .uniiiiiit of it ili/iiin' In loin the last hnlf houi St'M'i.'il ill nli is iLiiorti il.ihs for hiildcn In Nelir.isxa 'mil the Infir iiLc as that It w.isi ooh'i M.III ) loc il hoi es lot o ofjurtof their liolillii'i ! . . There \ still slnnts In thu .il the dose. ( losing pi kis wuto fjeim.ill } iilxiut 'icniukr llui lop foi tlio d ij. AiiKUHt ( lii-ed at t \v , eptein- beilsic : Oclober tout In ( I H)1 ) u and clo-cd at 4JcMiold .itBIc td. > , lf ilo-liiKiit U'.c. O its nioMd ulth othoi Kia n markets aj.iln tod.iy ' 1 hete onlsuli buying on the ion- illtlonnf tlu un > i > tiiul ) n syniptth ) with the hull fielln , , ' In torn. Hnuhlnsiin w issollur at tlniLs and unliuiled n K "I llnuof oils on an e u Ij , itl\ nice An'list ( iponeil at U' o and tlosulat HSc , ootcniliirholitut ,11'iu ' tft , lle to llc to Il'jciit thptld-.e ; UttobGi dosid at ll'.c , louiiit r nt .nii , M.ij solil nt tLic iind..Sno closln. alls1 ii orleup. while bep- lenibui ns but V hljt'ier ' foi the d \ \ Tin ieas n M ry full * uspoine In pi < > \ Slons tod.ij Uw.'hc. sliLMiKlh iji other innkots ! Ii > - ( OiplHol no s noil' SCVIM il thonsaml mil the Cslim ito itl'inw 1'ilct-s it the i.nds were 10' Inwei 1'nkliif t/ l \ \ pusttd at l.'KJ IX ) lilies. oroLMUJiiuiu th in u > JMI n o HisL't pt4 heiu foi the week mro r > lui ) li"Mlnst 7MM < > a j ar live Hut the-o tUnie1' .illi ; led prlLcslu t ho pit foi onl\ a few mill ares , and whllo i-ipteniher ribs and laid .st.uied "n" lower f'lnii iry pi - , " c lil hci. The s Hue. to a n'ieatti extent , w tinoUi | ) or'v. Iheiuaiue in iip-tuin Inc mil mi outside Intj iiu In hoc piodnits iiil HMII infloil inlrklinul | Ihoiuh iiK'efiom Hist ll nies wnsUoln ; ribs-t'J'jf ' to IV In lanj and 4Je In l.inn ir > poi ! > Sileinlui ( | libs tuiahed $ ' > 4il anil tlo L'l tu * ' I"b : I lid ? ! to the close , .limit nj ilbstonclied i > " ) S.'Vs , cloiinj at > " > .T7' ' , ! Innl WO" ' to tln % diiso , Ianii.iry perU , oIdiit lHiU anl Ml'Dto the cost ) C7/Z6' 3 ( ' it Jfjl IVJ i > Ti UK. Ausust . ' . [ Speclil Toleram to Tltr lln'.l CATTtA Kojjlpts wire IntR inadn up of TCMIIIS should huvu beei : hiMOiOstoiday , but wuiedulayid on account of awrotkou t'io ' tMiit i I'e , ithjiit 2&W airlv- IIIK too 1 ito foi niiirkit and ton Into to bo countc'd In ye-teid iv s n I tuns. The nitiko closid cNtroincly dull yistiud.iv. with a lur o ntitiihiu rn.1 rli'il oi l lil.iklni ? nt lo ist i.fx ) I nn. tUcs and riOi ) Tovins on MUin number foi is.itinduy , on the heuls of the K'eitest number eiei iu- ittil In ono wwk. It Is neeillesi to hiy hnslii ( > s HIS ni.iily lifeless , ( ver > - boilynad .ill they \uintid \ and eh inces HOIO that many ) iilu Ii i\e to be i.uiulo\iji ! for Monday unless snhl .it riilnoush low pilees Tlin eiuiil m u Li I i'lMil ( In hidbliapt > and J ] ticlivllin'on ( lust n itlto HUer- , , with i 10 to IlkIdlino ( on i holci * . Nitlvi toumock iiiilc.iiuurs an ilonn lo low-uiiliu in irk and tllililu touin iln si until the inn of 'leMins lotsnp I hen mi no ll\id inot | itlons for c-ow stoelc 'JVx.iiish.iMulei-llned 1 1 to ' > .mil an liable to 'i > loner 'I Inn u.i- . during the weik sc-'cril c-o isUiiinenls of iiDrlli'Tii ' Mont in i iaiiu iiutlc oa slle tint in ide filily nooil Juki's. Choice to ( \tii lee\os. $ ) - > 03IM , nn- ( IniTii 10 UIDIteir ! - , | . : ii ) t i | 10) ) Ibs f.t7V3l II , 1.-HI In I/iil Ihs . fll lS ) , 0 > l In litM Ibs. S.IWf'0-l'Ji ! stilt-ken and fiudori dull ill { 'Ol.i.l. M cows , bulls mil mlsdl \\eik at Jl. Iff JIM. hnlU. 51 TT.Tf "iw : 'I i x is ealtlo ni.u lii I 10lotei ; sti > r4. ( i . ) to WIIbi , * . ' JIXglOD " 0 totuwllx ; , > .U/a. . > "iOco s , .lJfitJui lloo.s lluslness slow anil prloos njj iln sti ) nj ; anil 111' lo ei , in iklnu i deillii ( < of ! . " > to ? } < i In tlippaitoilny ( - , At the ilosoiodiv $ .1 ijf'i ( u u-.isiib nit tlio r in , ' ( ' for lon.'h ami eoiniiioa and * ( 70 to JIT > for btst selected he ivy and butulii-rs * Weights ; light soils , S.J.1X1 1 o $ .1 'J3. ' NFW YOIIK AtiBiiitS-lSpooliiI TulcRrmi to Tin. Hn-.l STOCKS The half dav session In Htooks ( le\eloed | notliliiR now. Them wore more sUn'ks th in nsnali nttrily neglected nnd the action In the most aetltu ns of 11 slow oidei. The only features to trading neio biuar Iti'llncrles and Ati-hlson. Thom.iiUit pinMinlOJi u linn front and prices wore KPIIU- ally fiom lo ' 4 p i coil Inltor th in tlio > ii of last OM'iiln , . ' , and In soinn easis afmthii slight Impio\oiiu nt wns made Alddooii ilsln ' 4 siiKar li'illneile-slirtttim r madp inoiixlo - lent lliatiiatlons mil nftei oonliu' | nn 'i nt HP i further ail valued toSl'j , uudthcniiiitcU } lolhed to hi ) ' , , from uhlih pilut It a nln aiU v.inced to SPt jt \\liloh llmno It \vii- , i per rent hlirhor thin lust iivinhu. Hnftenvaidj retired to 81. 1 ho hank stntt1- ini nt waH n feature the siicceedlnx lioni. It ti uond hlioIn , ' u Kb an Inen ise of $ UWO - OOillii useivcs , i l , ' > li,0i ) ) > In loans. JI.Sh.OM In spi'ulo and ovei { r.omHiou In ( lipo-.lis 'Iho olTcet was not nntUo'iblo In the sto"k in uit. | Siuur tlosLil vlth , ( nut K iln. Nnitlioin I'l- clllc picferiiil 'iPlduliir. AkliNon Ho lower , Iloi-k Island uhd Mls6iilrl I'.iclllo oaoli 'te IIP. Contr.ullctory nnw nil ciops keeps tiadoln diiilbt on CJiaiiL'cr htoiks. The following ere thnelosliu ; quotations II M 4Hcnii | > nn V S 4Hiogiilar l.4 on iri'lorruJ . II r < IVJi ii-xuliir C1. A. \ W II H 4 acoiiiiin | 1'lT ' ( In iirofcrn-il r > ( iiio IM nt : H'J Now \iirk lontnit Cintrul l-iiclllo r. , i ) , v r. ChlcnKiAltoa IW ItocL lulnnil Clilroun liurllniilon V SI S St I'mil. . , 115 Un t ii.i ; A w . I47J. t-L I'AUli . _ . . . Illtnolitwtral . ( loirofurroil. 1,11 A W . Union 1'nclBi- KUIUIUI i Total \VBt I. 41' . . . . Itvj l.iko Mliurii . . liri iloprpfcrrcil . . . a Ml ( hlunn Tontrul WcHmn Union tl ] Mhviurl PttclBo . . MOM v Easy at 3 . . I'm.MK MKiie'AMiu. I'Ai'Kic-S ® ! ' } jicrcotit. hxciHxii-Qulot nnd ( Inn ; sixty- day bllK $183 ; ileniuiul , 9160' . Mining Htookn. NKVV YOUK , Aunst'4 [ bpoolalTelP r.-irn to Tins Ilia. ] The followlns arothomlnliustook quotations : Uoiuoilnki ) im Ailmui Um. , . . . , . lift Horn Sliver W llclla Isle 110 Iron mirer IA ) lloJlo lou Mount Diablo . . . 1.0 Cali'.lonU II II. . . I'M K Cumiiionvroiillli. . M DmilwuoilT l j Ontario 410) ) t'lirokaCon 100 I'linnlz. Arli 115 Dry ( iooiU. NetrVouc , Augusts There were IIOUO\T developments In th dry goods nmkiHanJ [ irleei were wltliout cliang * . Moro Activity limn at Any Time Dur ing tlio linst Sltty Days. Quito n number of real cstnto dealers ns ort that the local market I * beglutng to show morollfo and activity tlmit nt any tlmo durIng - Ing the past sixty days. It Is stated that n Council Bluffs sjuillcato has an optloa on some \aluablo luatne s property In the best portion of the city , nnd the privilege having about expired the transfer will soon bo made public. A largo number of Inquliles bare lately been mndo for rnrnnm street property , but outsldo of eau 01 two pieces nothing eun bo bought. Ono of the laigcst t-lothlng houses in the city lias been looking fora loen- tlon to butld on for the put three mouths anillillo good offers have beenin.ido for choii-o building sites the Intending put-- chaser has been unsuccessful In fltnllug \ \ lint ho Is after. AVhilo tliero Is no particular ac tivity In tlm itmketthere Is no sag In busi ness probity values. Wild additions suffer eonsideiiblv , but no legltlmato pi op ertj. either busliu'ss or ivtldcmc , has tic- predated In Omahi during the limitation at tending on the solution or lestilt of the elec tion on the piuhlbltlon amendment TlionctMtyof tlio l ast Oinnhi lainl com- panj In guiding and offering Inducements to outside in mtirncturlng Industiies to locate hero can only bo Known und appreciated hj a visit to tin- not ( .Invest Doitfon of thot'ity , ( Jwulci's ' ate Icu'linp up nnd lining In stieets foi-thoncu I'ullnmii of the uest and inoij- thinp eluces a dUiwsltion on the p irt of tlio mawigeis to louliro Lhclr anticipation1 ? in log.uil to having a miiiiufuctuiltiB citi seeoiul to none Iu the United States. Although building opcntlniis liavo not been quite so uc tti o this join-as dutlngl Sb and bb'J , there HIM at present under process of eonstiuetlon o\cr f..KMJOO ! ) ( woith of store' anil public hulldiugs , besides a huge nniount contempliteel befoio tlio building season closes In eonputitig the city's population at tills timep.t la..ooi ) , It is onlj fair to esti mate that ls'0 will sue nt le'ist iiV,0)0 ) ( ) people u Hum the limits of outcltj. Such facts as these ofTei u hotter basts for argument' " ! lll- tieiiutlnt'a Kn-at future tlian uiijtl.lngclso wlikh mav boaihnuc-ed by dealers in tniklni' miles for permanent liu'ostn enu Thefu Is no doubt , but that tlio Urntorv nt picsuiitdi- leeth tiluuUuy to this niaiUotis cipiblo of suiipornni ? a city of nt least 300,000 people and all wo need is sunicient contlileiieo on the pu-t of OimliM's \\caltli\ men to umlerstand l\ tint a good tovn tbo.v live in In thu llttlo ton n of Sioux City up thoiivcr the business inuii umplm and i > a,1 man \\lio doc- , nothing ( No but emploj his time in devising - visingas and iiuthodi to advettSo and ns- sst ! in establishing fiu'toties in that pl.iee The result of the gi'ntlunmira lubnra h is been an Inci else of about .lXpoi ( iintiii tlm popu lation during the put lilo s bi sides nctil- ing a solidtti to tlm pluco wlileh it iioiur lie- foiceno\eil ] Wlillo Omali.i has passed the potlod of Incul ) ition. still it Is not too late to utlli/e o\ery agtMiirlueli mi } boot benoflt in ailvuuclng the grovtli , voalth and gieat- itait of our uUVould it not bo ucll for tlie boird of trido to einploj some bili-lit iu the man foi this sauio jnn- Dose' 'Iho uignnl/utioa is peifectU able , nnil \\otild ceitnlnH ilo nulmiin Tliero Is no nso ( Itsgulsliif' tlie fact Unit men \vlio should offer \ultiibto advli o andinoiu-tiry ns- sistanco h.i\o bcvn too ] > iuio to untieipatu haul tiniLs mila Konoi.l tightening 11)1 ) of every interest , \\hun iiitiuth there hasne\cr been an ) likelihood of it 'Iho Aint'iK in rs'itionul building is up to the foul th Moor , and the i\orlc is ing fuvoiablj \VorUon \ tlweltj hnllis ell along , and the contiactor hopes to hove tlio M.illa liiiished thU winter .1 U Jtoyd h-w lot tlio contract for the siib- struttuieof his new theater building , nnd will let the h ilatice us soon as the plans arne - n\e from thoc < ist. Iheiois H move on foot among Sixteenth street propeity o\\ner3 to have a better \ ia- tltut on that street. 'IheroseeiiH to bo a greiter ileiiiand for iiLieagopiop.itj th in .my other class of ic's- idenco piopertv Lots of mo lej can bo intiilo in well selected piopcrt } ' of this character. Kent il age iciiw ii'poit a bi'tter demand for tenements thnn for 01 era } car p ist. A f.iir poiei-ntaso of the inquiiies for prop eiti i- . nude by itiangcis lm luuo iuonu. % in K iiisus Cltv , fc > t I'auiaiid Minneapolis , but who \ lew this eltj as a better point for spee- ul ition than citliei of the pliu ca named , 'Iho Union Pacific lias taken out a penult foi Its new Ireight depot on Ninth und Juck- bon stiects. . It is about settled tint tlio Uock Island v ill build a fteijht depot < in Seventeenth strict. The lariro iiuiiib'r of elegant puvnto i-osi- dcnces under c-O'iti-ict to b.1 built indicates tint Omaha men piojioso hereafter to take coinfoilin life TrmLa me slow moro on account nf the in- dlnerence of owneiiof disposing of elioleo piopcrtj in ( listio-iing ot them thin u lacknf purchasers Within the past two weeks one ptoiilneiit dealer had tuo ti.ules f.ill thiough just Ixicauso thu onIIGIS insisted oil not ae- ccptlngofturii M'lilch averaged over til ) jier cent tibovo what thej asknd i-ix mouths ago , ] I\MC CII.AUIM1S Tlio liuilcclutirliijufur tlio week weio as foi- Monday . &t.Gl.78 ! TlK'Ml IV . ( > < . MI 4 1 lllLMiluy . TI2I'.S M Tlnil-siJay . ( I7I > . " ) h" I'rlday . Hl'Tn'.l" hatnuliy . & 9 > .lM.Ti : Told . l1- ' ) . ( r 211 An inci case o\or the coiiespauuiiig neck of last tear of L1. 1 peticnt. . IlliU. , IST All. TltNII.IIS. . Moud iy . ? 2le03 , Tilcsdiiy . r'i-l : i Midiusdaj . .11 ! - > 7 'I Inn shy . : i"i " lus Iildav . ia7V ) | 101 HI Totil s.rr'.ors ' 111 1I.IUMI 1'IIIMIW. Mniiil iy $ 42 i 'IlllMlllV 111)71 ) MidiioMluy 7.S.VJ 'llitnsliy lildiu . 7,101 bitunlay 4 ! - " > Total Dr. LJiuioy cured cat ii rh , Bee Told Tlint Tlioy Jlad Done Their Hharu liy I'tiyliiK ( or the KcaM. The hist isauo of Rustiknyn Stniin.i bi ings an anccilotej which cluirnctoil/os tlio tioulinunt UL-eoi'ded bj' tlio hipli Russian nobility tothe lower eludes. In ItjjO , when tlio cm ( million of Emperor Alo.Mindor II. took place for the permis sion to jjho a banquet to tliuir now mon arch. Thepornihsiiuii was . them , and a banquet viis piupaii > d nt the IXoi/n-naiis for 25,2(10 ( guobts , to which the highest nobility nnd military dignitaries were liuitod. Among the lnitcd guests , of the "ovi'inor { rciiornl of Mo < < coi\ , Count Xiu-lciovski ) . Arriving ut the hall ho found tit tlio door u number of merchants lendj to iceoivo liiiu und to elli him the lionor of presiding at the tnhlo. Hut an boon as ho noticed them ho juskcd. "Whiitiiro jou doing tlioroV" " \Vo \ ha\ooomoto moot our monarch , your illustrious o\i-ellone y , " nnsHorud the oldest man on the toimiilttoo. "Wlmtr1" bild the KOVUIIIOI"You liavo paid for thlt ) b.uuiiiet ; that will defer for jou. Noho off with jou. " The mcrcliimU dlsuppoaied. This o - ti'ii\afrnnl Rally of tliu ( - ovornoinonoral wiifl brought to tlio conii4nnco of tliu emperor the pamo day. Ho U.IIH ninth dlsplcaAuilith tlio dopottmoiit of tlio olllelal. Ho linniedlatoly ordmed that the merchants nho hud boon fao slighted bo invited to the dliiuor of the court inixrHluil the next tiny. On that occasion lie binquotctl toffother with them , jiald them compliments for tlio iilTulr they had pi von in his honor tlio pre\ Ions dny , and pronounced iitoaMlieieliiho tpoko In llattuiintr terms of the jiatilotism and of the Moscow moielmntd. Dr. Binicy curts catari-li , Ileo A Cli > so CaU linHaby. . \Vhiloa Imby \ > > is Bitting iu the middle dlo of the stivotut Oxfoui , Me ) , , nursing from its bottle , a. teuiiiBtcr drou1 ever it. Fortiinatulj the Imivo htejiped u lltllo to ono side nnd the haby pub&od bet\v coil thouhuols unlnjuiud. ' HIT. . . , . . , a i.wio i W uti n < 1 SALT LAKE CITY. ONE OF THE GREAT FIVE , Mew York. Chicago. Demtr. Salt Lalo Cll ) nnl San Francisco MldwAr between Ponrfr nnil Sun Frnncl'fot 7H tnllM frurn Mthnr. DertlncU totieconiooneot the Krcat cummorclal conteri. ( Famout Summer and Mountain Health Resort Altitude over 4.010 foe . yet fannul by brocifi am t. ftrnl InlMitlSnll Si > n. Hunt fnltntft lutliltf zaouUbttlieMln ( ) rr t Halt tat ypnr Present f > cH9onntrtmlMnv2U. | ( ) o < it Ilotelt. Mtliliir. Iluntlnuiml immnnf. Ort > l-it- rtiloniul Military U au Concerts Dally at Kurt AMIghlf Inflow c ( IhtQettJlrnerlcin Dlood Inrpppnt tfnn hni doubliM tin ) popuHtlnn , now UKUMcTclvpMreiKiurcrshuni JP MmiBctiiirclid. charmlHC i-oclil cundltlonl. A JcllKtitfiil liuiuocllf. nrnlnraoln llfnl I lntplnTo tiiioMt , RniiJ in r r cent MtirlffUcF' . I run ' .VtlniHlMlvpr Mliilliu\\ - n MI ] | < . ( lli.\Vub I npcr Mill" , riiHiili alvVort' . IMInt-riill'iiInt NtitiirnlUii < . oil , I'ottorli" . villa. At- lilmlltim , MJI no t wirrlon , Hoot tint ! Mn'1 I iictnrlc * , niiil Wholi'unln Imim'K nil line * Our- ) > | > l Kfff ni * slit .Y.mii'tiliirlnti / nffrjirft.l . inul il txtti th C > mM CnmMnr ) > J < M r irff/i ftiirffj < iffnn < > / IM urmil < - M'i ( iir ii > | m > rfiiNlfrxnii < lo > ir / < > Mlf fxiM fu M < iiininrr Illmtratnl I'limt'Mrti s/i-rlil Miur- < if / ( < ! < < ii iiUij'fCtyfflii.fonKifiui tr lrrl , iiinlliil/ri ( . 4lilnM < , IUAlksiiiK K11IUM.K , 1,11 | , i. 1117 , Llih. fi nlltl " 1"1010 flaiullno/0"15 ? * " IUu/rt I t < ilTi > iiriKlltiili.-t > tl iw- JjTff.'y.11'1'1" ! ' l' " -MPoii.lfm-p nllrltnl 'M'CU , bi lt I.rkuCUr.Uuti DMtADMITTED " " To the Union of States. lloiar ClL\ I * IU liprliiniiPttl rnjilinl c'lnhlKhpcl lif the ion tllutl"ii V 'ID ororihnrlH inul minim * tuiirouniloil If titMiitlliil fnnin ImiKoilU rnncti of moiiiitiilindill ( if troiiltri'imn ami i-.mnul nllli fnm intpllM" ItdiiMliiiM * uriiwln , Hi ovi-ry illM'i- ttoti l-ri'o novnriniiPMt I mil lomoiimlMU oriDiul for HUulrjiti I | imii | > lili > tile HO.vKI ) ol TIIVUK Ili'l * ) C"trIn vim f jTfrax ( NER\rri \ ) . as. DENTIST BROWN'S BLK. , Corner i6tli and Douglas St ? . , Omaha Nel , > , Kooins 212-21U , Entrance ! M7 S. IGtti St Telephone ISl. Artificial Teeth on rubber , ns cheap ns nt any first class olllco. See our gold lined plates , for bounty and fetronfjth they < o the lead of till , A POSI- TIVirA" : PAINMCSS AND SAKE JILT1IO1) OPEXTKACTiyo TKKTU. Drs. Merill & Merill , S IN Chrnnlp Xwrom Dlood nml Snralcol Il on oi nncl Ulaca OB < > t tlio ItW Kiir Jsosc , Trout auilC host bin-etui Atiuiition l i l > Hi'a > > orf )1 Wo men null ClilUliTii. llioiloi tirx liuvo hn < l jciiri of fxporlcnco In Ilio liii- > i > l'nl ' u ( Ilruoklvii mil Ni v ink. mill ui aiiiuiii ; lluiiiostMii , ( ja ( iii niHl wldcl ) knuvrii | iclullisUi In till ! cotintrjr io ! V mi ii a a n l 31 Kid lev Vuoil ill CM. Io < t Miinhofid Noriroui IVIillltr Siiormnturrliir Seminal U > u.i , 1 Ii > tint IHiay irUlii from InilH- irt'tlon , 7 roitiiLlnjr ntcM | lossni * * * di ponloni'y plni- | ilo on tliofiitu nvirflon t i fuclt-ty < nslly < ll uiur limit liii'k if conllilcnn ilull iintltlor ktndy or tnml' ness , nnil tlniH Illo ubiirilcti , iufuljrioriiiniiuiitl/ | ciirril. liloixl nn l Skin Olrte.-iHOM a illirni'u mast ilreailful In It-i results , completely i'r.i < lliv : ! < < l - lUrliui i.v S nr m > i y. Connrrliif , ( ! Uit. Bnlilllt , Hydnicolo VnHoocclo niiit S-lrLtimi rnlliMllr mil "HfLly enroll \vltlioiu IHilnor itiUiiilliin Innii liiiHlncts AllHitiuil Dufur- inllk untl luipudliiiouU tu lii rrlnna'tiilcctsBfully ru- utivtd IIHi'Ctal Ulacfl' " unfcly nmt pcrinruicmtly curoJ Hours , Sin in tllltt ] > in. Siiii(1nj < . 1U till 1. Ii II i'lrvoiKUiinhlii to vlult UJiimy bo trcntpil nt tlHlrhiiiuti by corroiiDiid ni-o. Muillclnua uaa In- b'rurtlons dt nt by xpriH Cousuluitloii fruo Hunil 4 ftnU In Jtniui'1 ' to liisuro reply ISIH i''inuLiu i MI. , Oimo.sit Oiiira | House , Omnli.i. Ni ( ) . Pat > stgo to and from Great Bntiln and art parts ol Europe Montreal-Liverpool rculo. by Iho wilors of St. Laurence , shortest otall. Ulnucow to Ho&ton , to I'hilnilolplin. I lve-riool | to nml from Ualtlmon. Thirty Ste-amorn. C'lnsH excelsior. AccomiiioilatliiiiB nnsurpaici d Weekly sailings , AE'MXA. CO. . ( Jon \Vcit. AC IB. C. J.Sinihll Wi- . r 112 Ixi nllt < 'hlrnco. Il \ * uiKitriin-iiicil In I tin trpatinont of nil form of I'lllVA'lh DISK VMW l.o t Mnnliuiiil STIIIITUIIK , cr pnln lii n lluvlnti III" liliuliKir hVIIUI.IH i-iiruil In Old 'ill ' ) tOilnDlwmoK.Uilnrrli , iinilnll Dli- BC-KIS f llm Illioil Ili-itrtniiil I Intr KuinliilllHi in- us curtil without InHlniuiuntn ur "lornl truntinnnt " J nllua fnnu J to 4 only hmiil Hluuip for ilrtiilartf HlvlnK | > ; irtl < ilia" iilniit < ulioftlio iitinvii ill ci ' K mil HlMmlnu iimiiynf the moat rmiinrknlilu uiiioi onion , rs K Cor lltliimil tarimiu bis , oatruneu on cltliurntreut , Uinnlui , Nub , FREEH SPECIFIC , APOSITIVEandparnancnt CURE for alt olseaicj of tbi URINARY ORGANS Ouie whore .other treatment falli , Folldlroctlotn with each tottlo Mse > ouo dollar BBO ulRmturo of L- BTAHL. For Solo By All Drugglsto. CHICHiSTER's"ENQtlSH : PENNYROYAL PILLS. nCO CROC * DIAMOND OrUHD. Batu , iur i l I ji tolltlU I cdlni , ! . rufCtflit Tor Illumurd Uruntl.lMrtil mttillU t . Milcd vllh tlut ribbon. I iibatio cilher. Ptod * lr ( Ipi ) f r parllouliri at l "lit-llef for 1 n.l lc , " In Mir , hj retu rn M 111 I. > Jm ftfcr tblrJulcr ( h T. I .n l < r , iiul liwllIi fullr tnrctl iaTifftnrrA. \ . ] nrl4Cfllniiil ( d ltflhvi'eJ. t IU > * lrrU v ut f i ( HI Anil fttdloU IV lrli llt J li. no * iisniii.i bi. , .r. foil I.ADIXI UMr-A 'htti up , I'orlodlml I'llll tlm hri'iicli reiiiHily cetlOll 104in trunl jrnKJiunuc euro BUiirc-iiiiiusbanil | | | , biOirV cauno I'ruiuuto i.Kiintiuiitlf4 inn , .i iniiv'i V1" " ' ' ' 'ikon iliir- In , , . . .A , . . . , vosiuu Ui 1'ltll * } if | fOl9 [ HlMJII- , M uio not jot out of ihmKii , v lUCunuTiii , ulclior HoulU "forVHIInin Tor lri" . ' ! > , w\UBU8t3 U \Vllllun , mro Henry salted for nd todaj SOMETHING FA'KRY ONE SHOULD HAY , THE MOST COMPUTE Reference Library IN Till : WORLD , The Cultuic and Gcnious of Best Minds of theCcntti1) ) ' . Rivised and Amended iFur American Readers , up to June 1st , WO. Offered in Connection with THE OMAHA DA.1LY BEE. OUR PROPOSITION THE OMAHA DAILY BEE offeis n year's subscription to the pnper , Including the Sun day issues clelivoiccl at your ncldress nncl n complete set of the Americanized Eticyclo- pDBdin Britnnnien for $2.00 per month for ono year. The lii-st five volumes delivered on payment of $2 DO nnd the balance payable $2 50 per month. The other five vol umes to bo delivered within four months. All our present subscribers are entitled to all the advan tages of this great offer. People living outside of Omaha can avail themselves of above liberal offer by hav ing the monthly payments guaranteed by some respon sible banker or merchant In their town. Sheep and half morocco bindings can bo had nt a slight advanceori above price. A Special Feature The I'ncvclopi'dlii Ilillannlea lont-ilns no Illosrr.iihy | of pi rsnns , no iniiltei how niitedoi pronilneiit In niuiildhnr tlio eviuts of to-ilav they may bo. until such persons mo IiAll. ) : Ilio Aniurluanbed I ncyclo- pedln Hi Iliiiinloa ( iiutuliiH the IMiu-raiililns ofoMrlLOOO noted peiHoiiairosof IU-IA\ ) . notnientlnneilln thu Kn llshedlllon. 'I bo hiioyclonidla Hrlt iniiliti myn notliliiR about UlsiiiaicK. ( ihidstone , Vletor HHKO , Illalne. ClovelmdIiltlor \ ! , Cblnusolior- ilon , I'ainell , ( irant , blii' , Hherldiin , Jollorson la.\ls. htiinlty or I'.dlson. Tlio Aiiiorleaiil/eil Kneyolopedli Ilrltannlua ll\eslJIojraphlos ! , not only of tlinproinlii- iiitinenof to-ilay nnd those leiuutly do- ceasid , but 'Jim others whoso niinios urn known andupokeii of tbroiiKhont the uutlro world Whcro tlio I.iiKllsli oilllion devotes rroin tlueo to ton columns al out ail KniUlhli county or town and fiinn hidf to twoeol- iiiiinsabout an Anieilean rilalo the Anier- le.inlzed Piioyiloit.edlu llrltnniileii rovuisos this older , nlvhi } ? three to leiieolunm to an AniciU-aiiMiito and fiiiia butt to twocol- uiiiiinto the KiiBlltil JVN ILklUUSTU. . Tim 1'm'jHlop.iMlln Hrllaniile-a KlvM an evil iimthc tic'itlsunu an I'liKllhli county , Hoi tfi > i ( Mill i > , und < ml > nln < Icini iIiioHto an Ainerlcun olty. \ If , MonlBuniciy , Alatiuiaa Tim Americanized. Encyclopeedia Britannica ovcrR order eondoiislnj ; tliOBpaeo Klvcn to tire I'liKllsh i oillity ( thoiiKli lit iln- Ini ; nil thu facts ) , andduiiblliiK tlmspaco on the Ainuilciin city. Also biliiKlnj ? I ho Information - formation nn hotli Iho 1'iiKlMi county ami American olty IO\VN \ 'IO DATK. Americanized Encyclopedia Britannica. A Dk-tlonary of Arts , Selencci , T.llcra- tnrc , to wbloh IB nddril a cnniiilnlo list of Aincrlcnii clllcs. with aconr.ilo infill iniitlon oC lliolr Hltuitlon , products , jiopiilatlon , oto Illograplileal nln tclu-s of iiur ona's living nnd ( lend , hoiiKht down lo ( late , II Is Hut Kiicylnpadla Itillannlc-a lali B ! i'ill- tlonroinoili led WIIIH to II til for American homt'H , It has been ruiirriin txl by Amorl- cam fortliu nso of Aimilc'dim. Tlio luti-st odltlou of the nrlL'liial --Ililtannlc-1" W.IH coinplle'il lie-illy flftuPii jcars IIKO Thu Ainci loiinl/eil csdltlon hit ) hei n riulscd and | rorruc-tuJ to tlio present yiai 'JhlsVorkl \ Is n library of thu most usufiil inidciiti'r- tiilnlnKio idhiR on nn iilnuist Inllnltu varlet - ot > of HiiliJoctH It contains thu history of o\iry country In the world , thu tiloxiaphy of uvoiy culonratul liullvldiinl of uiieiunt or niomrn tbiii-s It tclN tbn hlorlcs of faiuoiiHVoyiici'S und tnvoliIhiihahlU nnd cusliHiisnf u\ury poopln. oxiilalns thupilti- < -lplCM of ove-ry Hi'lontlllu liiMiitlon , dls- UIISSOK tlio jirobli.'iiis ( if polltli-ul and soc-hil c < iinonij , anil , in fact < icfiri ( < jou the bcsl work of moro th in l.IKH of the ahlnst vultott of thu UKU. 'lids work should bo In uvciy lioinc , nnd all who Iu uny vvuy > alno linovyledgu wilt upprucliito Iu | m- poniuuo. Tim inorltH of thlH llhoral and iiiuiiunotli lltor.iry kc'hi mo ean only tie Judcod hy caru- ful InvostlKUtlon. Wo lariKbtlv jolltll o > iry loailcrto Klvo hlH nttontlon lothlsKrund o/fur / that UK tinportuncu nnd llhor.illty domirvu. Hundreds liivo already mbsr rlhe'd for the work , ami thiip'Mmlarltv' of thointorprhohiiN hci n diMiionslratid beyond nit rxpnitatioiiN. Kt-ad c-uef nlly oiiriiropoHltlon and tlm liberal oirni woniiikiito every ri-aih I of Till , HI. I ! . ' 1IIISOItKCAN \ < ) N.V | UK OIITAIM. Dill coniicclliui with TIIK DA I I.V HI'I , U' MIIS'L' III.-I.I.N I'Olli : AIMMtlflATI.I ) 'Ihoblml- Intrld novas mlKlitbu miiipospil by tlio nomi nal prlcouo olfurlt for , u Hllptd oil tluovvn tu- tsotlior work , hut A No 1 , uiruKniilH tyiio , pa- ia r nnil liliulliiK. Inflict It Inn ir ix < iMlwniH ) . . , AT uuu arruiAf. on id , , IIBK , loinei dlllfo , Kioiind Hour uud tin * iu rlt > of the gn-ut work , or drun IIH a pi ) l il curd mid our luiiiubcutatlvo 1H I culluu you utoncu ,