Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, August 03, 1890, Part II, Page 10, Image 10

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    HfiJl HTINUAV. ATTOTTKT 8. 18f1 ! ) WET/VIS PAffKS.
A D V MIT IKM ? l'NTS for tln e ci > ltl nn will
. / bo InUpii until IS : . 'Dp. in. , for the cvc-nlnn
edition nil -I imtlllxi : : p , m. , ( or Ilio morning
cdltlormnrl M'.snAV Hie.
lS cash hod-Vance ,
"HATH"AilvorilPinmts " on UilipnRe vrillbo
JUlinniccl ( nr iitllio Mlo < il'-4 ( ii'iit | \vorU
fin llmllrHtlnnTtlon mid 1 lint IIIT xord ( or
o.ieli fliil.Hciiictitlimeillnti. | nnd II..V ) fur line
jMTiiKintli. No iKHerllseiiicntH Ukcnfor less
tliiuiMirnKfor Iliu tint insertion.
"INITIALS , flirtiri'H. sjinboli , etc , , count each
J UK oiiC word.
Mill inHortlirmonts ; must rim consccu-
I lively and iindor no I'lrettnutunoos Mill
tlify iMtiiUni orills''ontlmied by telephone.
IJAIlTIICHniU-i'illsoInx Inlhoscroluinns mid
Inivlntr llidr answers aclilrcRotd toii"nurn-
larpd letter" In care ofTmllKi : will rocelvo
nnilfril.i'MMlclu'Clf . to enable them to ret tliClr
lilt " -N Aiuwon will bo dellvrod on'y on
ntwtpiilnt Ion nf lids ( liceU. Kiicloso ans cra
Jnenvili > | > ' ( proorlyfiddre | .r.od ,
A \i\i \ nd'urtl.xcinPMll under Iho lipncl nf
J\"f pi i-I ul , Not Ices" nro ptildlHlied inhotlilho
jiiornlnir iiiid nvi'nln rillt loin iifTliKllKte.tlm
clictiUlliinof wlilch imuic'iutct ' tnoie tlnm
i'Wlf pill on dnllv , nnil Khc-4 Ilio ndvcrlKi-r
tlni 1 rue ! : trot only oflli > nf'rciilationof '
Till ! IlKK 'nOmnlia , Ivitnluiln t'liimell ' Ulull's.
lliuoliKiiidnllicrdtlM anillnwHliitho wcst.
A r > VlKTI'KMKNT : ; ' , ! for Hi tuition * or for
-A mido or fpriiiiln liMn. iu > t , ox-owl 1 118'I
voMsnrp Inncrtnl InTilK ffNinv limit Imlf
talcs iliirltiu tin-months of .Inly mid August.
The rivulnr rntos will ! chnMed for ciioh
ulillt' ' nril J'lovosi ' vordsns veil as for
ronso'iillvehi MI ! loin
r > ii llii' ul nvn roiHllllori- tlio fnllowlinr
luisliie n hoiiqo.s who nro niithnrlroil to lake
| ioolal notice * . nt the name rail's in din be
lad ntthu innlnoflluo , _
Z < OI III OMAHA ) lltAXt'Il OFrt6re-N'o.
O WBIN Plii'c < tJlHbrUlH _ { . _
omU'.IIKlAt'harmncM , , KM South Tenth
f ) MtrieU _ _
MA B AKnpT. Stationers nnd I'rIiiterH.
TMHoulli IKlli Street.
J firntlW , Pharmacist , G.'l North Kith
i Stroil.
MEO.V. . PA Till , PtiuriiilioiHt , 1713 I.eavcn-
l' worth Mroot. _
H UGH KS' ' I'JlAUMAOY.WtlunU 1'arnam.
K iTUviri oxsr \ A yria D.
for raltf , tit , . ncrli > i > / /ir > lro/i/i u \i\ae. \ \
llnll mlti mi
W'ANTKIl Position as drug eli-ik : a\or \ 2
jearVexpcrloiicc. Add rest 1C ( ffllou.
\VAXrj.'iii ' >
J'ur uta , c/t. / , . ) } > /irlni/nwii / tin Hi ta mac.
Iln\l \ tutu ini .S'linrjrij/ .
\\7"ANTID ! Silcsini-n onsaliiry or roriiiuls-
i hlim to handlu ihu new iniiMiU'lit'inlcal
Ink t-raslir ; pencil. The jimit t sollliivt nov
elty etctpiodiu'cd. ' . Hravcs Ink tlioroiizhly
In t wiiM'i'onils ; no iiliraslon of paver. SO to
fiOO percoiit prolll. OmMvui'iit'ssiliss ' iiinoiinl < > < l
toifii'JOIn sli dnj'it ; iinollicr M In turn hours.
We want iiioi'iicrKotlc.m'iii'nil nxeiitfor crary
pliitiMind trrrltorv. Saiiinlu bymull . ' ! . " > rents ,
I'ur li'imv ' , and lull partli'iilaH iiililrusa Thu
Slumoo Eri.serMfK. , I'u. . LaCrunU. M'ls.
ACTIVK iiinn wltli $ irO ) i-ati si-euro u hus- !
ness luyliu $ : wa w 'k : iml expense * . J ,
Illll.rei ltniKlMst.up- > lalrM. KCt-J *
\\7"ANTEII Men tjlravil for our Ontiafllun
T iiurserli's.Sloin..UVelllngtoii.MadlHOn.Wls
OOI.VIC'K\Vorliotstliiiicrs ! , : md .1 < ih workers ,
stnily workOOI ) ( WIHTH. Jniiirs A. Mil
ler Allro. , lilt and l'J\S. \ Clhitonst. , flilenso.
Al'KNV good track liiyer.s nii < l surfncer.s
vantoilat Kciirncy. Noli.vjisc * al.7. > to
fc' poriluy , lioaril W pur Avoelc.Voud & llaii-
croft , Iloitin iTJ. X > il.Naflliiik. ! M.'fl '
" /AXTFID 1'nersetlc inoii and women In
TT rve.ryeonnty In NoliraHkaj ennciirntt to
III ) iidiivwofl ; ; fiisy anil plrnsanli nobook
caiivnsHlii ; . AdilreuIiuTlUti , WcoiiliiK M'it : r ,
Nub. U17-a *
1 > IlVronUAI'IIKIIVmiludA ( llMt elusi
J openitur tiinl rvtouclicr ; none other need
apply ; sninplvs of work and rot'eroiioos r -
rjiilnil. Address J. K , Ku'jhliiK ' , lilllla a ,
Moninnti. ani-l *
A (1ENTS iJoOotlt lit on M dinV ( lino. } I.M.OD
jiriitlt In 4 ive ! ka or no | i'ij' . Add. with
Btuinii' Jarvlsit Cuuipuny , J : icIneVl.s \
WAN'I'KD Ooneial ncuiit for Noliraskn ;
will FHuriintuo SO ( U'f % vi'ol ' ; must liuvo
(100 ; money s ecu red. 5-JO.S. Will , iwiuI. .
VSMNTEI > It. H. laborci-s ( or the IT. I' , o.v
V > tunslnii In ITtalianil Xiivada , Wasos $ !
to 8J5ft perdiiy , Albright's l > aljr ) AKOIIUJT , 113) )
ruriium ht ,
rr.I > flood llvo men everywhere tn
. . _ . .resent thoXntlonai Capital t avlnjjs ,
niillillimnml Loan society , liberal coiiiiuls-
Mow. 1'iliiulpil otlleos , Chicago. I'lilIndelphU
imdlloslou , Add. llilcajo. 111. ,
WAN7ED "klllnl niochiinleal ilriiflsintin ,
nntvnt oillco work , free li.uul Indh Ink ,
Omaha 1'atent ' iiKcncy , Crofitiiie building ,
"VTITAXTKO Aconls and snli'Siiicn cvory-
T > whore for tlio nowlyerfectetl"l''jiiorlt | ) ' "
fountain pen. A ilrit. class | n < u nta loivcosl.
Polk at .slshtcvuryivlu'ie. ArlflilmrviM for
llvoworkcr.rVmlliOetiifornmiploU * .iaijile
and full iiuitlcnlars. Ill.Wut > dfuril& C'o. ,
C'hlciiKO , 111. tilSt *
o men In inaniicc
hranchi'sof our buslinM. AV. Il.Jack-
C'o , , UHJOU ht. , U'lishlnclun , H. C' .
L' I ! ) 3 *
i un for 1 ! . H , woilt ; ten
farm liainls ; guod vase.i , ICotlli's money.
818' ' , S. IHh- yTS-l *
iiiixle. ! inalcCN in metid
iiixlnorxl.Oiiuilia l'ut(3ntaK ' < 'iiev. Cinuiuo
, COIIHT Mxtemth nuu I'a'pltal ' a\c-
"V\fK want nuentsin ou-rv town In
T * Nc liraskato sell tlio nietul IMIMC album.
Woenn irlvi > ln'ttorluriiHthiininiyotlu'rlioiho
to llwt-i'las * . ineii. Thoinulalbiiukls tlio only
album that. Is satMai-tiiry In ovcry unpncl ;
CUM be linTcaM'il touiiy s/.o ] ; ; t < liiiua i'd ' Ivaf
ivpIiu'tMl , and IUUIIM asiorto , ) t-o stilt ovcty
piircliUMT. Alt Athuin Oo. , llattU ? Oreek ,
Midi. J3I1.-1 *
" \VA ? TEIV xmxl and s-olmr butcher for
T I small lena toiuu sluslonuin pruCorrodiu
Rteady Job fortliorlglitmaii. Address KiiS.Hcc.
M7 4 *
l\rAISTKI3-TwoKotidbrooni , inakernby tlio
TI Denver llrnslut U room Works , 13il : liluko
st. Denier , Colo. ISfl-G
uMiat * , : > jw moath sal-
I iiryanil expi-nscs to HKlla line of sllvrr-
Jilated varu. wntcliert. ete.liy minplo only ;
ion < e ami loam ftirnlHlied free ; rlte at onm
for fiilliartlculitn | anilsiininU ) easi of cowls
freo. ai.iudard . Sllvurwaro Oo. , llostoa. Mnu.
A.VAJrElJ-00 { ! ! laborers for oxtrn
Tt anuti. Applyto I1 , II. Johmoii. II. < VJI.
I > assiin'crdext. | ( Jnialia. 018
wanted at. Norfolk and
lluutrlve. Oood wages paid. 31. T. .Murhpy ,
" \ AJiTBl-Sal ) iiinn lit every locality to
'I niaiiufiKtiirtiiind whulnmlu our new jiro
COM older , inailo without applet , Kreel cnt
\vnies. ! noeailtal | MMiulrt-d ; particulars froo.
Mlnotnl Cider Mf , ' . Co.llo.\lvj , , SL Joseph. 5o. !
MfA XrKll-linlvniilied Iron MrnIce worlc-
orsiKti-ady Morlc : peed wa 'S. ' .limosA. ;
Miller , \ Hro , , i-1 > nnd J31 Houlh Clinton nt reel.
\\rAVrri-VK ) lennn on iirndoof Hock Is-
1T land li. U. iii'nr ' J'prliiilli'lUl wiies il..M )
perdityt alsoa few teninsjlcrs. J. A.\Viiro& \
tvin , oontracloi-s. 77S 4
. enoil fit , ) ejinvi i.
lor parlloulars nddrovi Ito < "il7Omnlia , ,
M ) . ! fiUatl
"lirAXTKD-Tliipo flHtolas * tiien to ropro-
M sent t huOnialia Ileoliiaml out of tlio city
Call nttlio hiioelalutllceof Onialu 11 eft corner
JTIIi and Karinini ground lloor. (177 (
IVrrcilut , ctcter IDJ ) tiffmt oiJii niiiii Uij (
IttilJ rate * on " '
" \\rAXTKIl-A. to < \vimintipiiHlrf niolc
li ( i-eeondi , will pay good wam-s. Oall Jlur-
rav hotel. 'I"8 '
JWIMi pay ludloHi salary elf 10per veolc
to MOI-U tokio In tliolr locality ut home ,
light vork.jood liny for putt time.Vrltuvltli
felampMi-x.II. ! 'I'lirilntrtdii. bet TOJUhluaito.
" \\rAXTKD--Nurso slrl. must ,
M nnd wvll recommended. Amily i'WT fall
for n la it 1UI
"l\7"AX'l ' Kl | A coiiiictunt | uhl for K < " "I
IV bniiii-vork. nitiHt bo RM > d cuoU. ( umlly o
four , iioi-lilldron , Mrs. cms , liil B. lutliit.
" \\1' ANTKH OIrl furKi hou o worli no
U vaslilnjorlronbij , Kcor.l'lst '
mid M'el.stii. Id W
W ANTUD-UlrlatibT llnriieir ,
G wanUuI for nciienil Louse work la
uuall family , 1U.C 1'utuaiu. 1 ! ! '
V\7ANTKI ) ninlns-room S l nt Windsor'
VV | | ot.H. _ K
\\7ANTTl ) Mcufir KltTiflrstcTastcookand
lanlidrcsi. JMuit uo thoroughly i-ompt -
' pnt'\\ ntei i'lporweoK , Addreiis V. 1.11 ,
st nnt'l bunk 275-S'
\ A Rlrlfor ( cnrrat
> T S.I ; , cor. 5lli& .Inno.s ,
, \7AN"'rRI ) ( llrl for eeiicral lifmnnworte ,
' > Iliruoln family , good wages. 153 lliunll-
> ii si , . iJO-3
WANTED lloodnlrl. Pnllmnii house.J ! H
nnd UIO LIudKCtt. , nrarlUtliBt. Mrs. Horn.
SSi-4 *
. 'l > ( llrl forirr'ncrallionaeffork , iTP
iiilre'10ll/ixMist. | Ivounutol'Iacc. liil *
iA > ANTKl > Olrl for liousowotlc.
b J3 *
l.\7ANTKI > Lady to reeolvo Imlructloiis
> > niul kcop hooki , Aiieiit * > ; Rood Mtun-
lorn enIInt a p. in. J. JJ.Smith , IMON. V. I.lfo
rVANTKDnetmail girl lor honsoirorhi
i T mil" ! bo plod washer and Ironer ; II per
wecki liiuy aim child In Utu liy. f.ll.V. l.'ih t ,
MM Ml *
L\7AN7hI > Tra clnia uliM < iillo < i. Hood
i t lalaiy and expenses , A bo ladles tonork
ortuc inlhelr Immediate vklnlty , Kox Kli4 ,
olumbiH , Ncl ) . 21KJ
lilt , fur uiMieral hoiihowoi'kj > iiiallfainlly ,
I \f AN'fUI > lloodeoolii no lauiidryliif : ! four
V T lii amlly. ( . 'all room 515 Brown blocli ,
rt h mul liun'ul.'iN. UIC-"i
i VAN 'rii : > --Ii'l ( ! for Keiicrullousnnrlc , Rood
T > WIIJJH ' , V , M. Vati'i , coinur California
* < ; Httcfctr. , KK tafuf Jmt culitinn on I'll * jvni
F - -
A.O. Ualiuicy , K. V. Life.
) ! ; ( ) ( > M brick IIOIHH near ji. o. . tent , T > " > per
inoiitli. I'rlco of fitrnltiiri ! 8V > i. I'ull of
xjarilL'MiiiiUiintiifrs. l'o-oiicrutlvoliml ' uiul
otciuiipiny,9i5 rN'.llithnt. SH-5
iUU llKNT-3-roiiii ( liouso , city wutir mid
- u-ri'uiis utu baitriiliilorvspoiisllili ! jnrtlcs ,
: (071'nrkcr ( st , A ] > i > iy fill , I'nxlou liloufc , IC'l
IJ\OK \ IIDXT-A limiso nf all convDiilcnuvj ,
JL ? iratrally lucatvd. Jnciulio'li ! K IDt.hst ,
KUU.M , uvif paiicn'd.lSia .North lt ! ) list.
JTO- *
I7IOU IIP.NT-A sliwimcil ,
-i- yu : < 1 , btnhle , rlitcrn , oto. , on cable Iliu' ,
> iilyJI5anioiilli. ! * . ' . - X.Mtli. SIO-IIJ
city water , ciMurn and wisll. Apvly 1607
iii st , sa-s -
JjlOU liKNT-Tl.o jn-room ronldi'iico with
Jniodi'in ' lii.provcuioiilii s.wi' < ii-iicr 17lli suid
t'iltol | ) nvuiiuc. ll'i ' .s.t 1I1II , 1 IWFuniiuu st.
is- ' ,
1IRNT-1 louse , JOroonii , iillinodem lin-
. ivriuoiiN , la o yard , til per month ,
I'omnil-stoii loayrcats. Dexter I. , . Thomas. /
\ ' \ Oil wish to lout a hoiiyj or.sloro .seo II ,
-lU'ole , Contlni'iitat lilook. l S ) : ( . housi',2I07lonslai ) , "In-
ri'Sill ' lloualiH. irei
ronin liouso , corner lot
nnd SnhlornldcwnlU , , foiicc , city wntrr
< li'iO. tcriii nxy , emiiilro Saniuul Hums , aij ; |
a'O ItKXT-Hoii'.o of fl roomi , oa-t nnd
no flh front , corner -Stli and \Voohvoitli
iiM' . , : ilhiniTii ] niavenleiiecH ,
f. V. I Iiirrlson , 1 > 1 1 N. Y. Life.
. nio < lorn linprovcinciiN , 210S
't-t. MaryNav ( > . .J'i5 per month. Inqulro at
r at A. MollorV , 1111 l'irouni ; , 1J
IilOll KKNT lO-rooni tunent Doi ixlas and
'ith.all imxltMii hiiroviMiiontswltli.sti | ) > uni
liout. M South IJth bt. G , A. llnilcj'
101 5 *
Ij'Oli KENT 5-room hoiiHe , coodrupalr , iilco
-Lynnluistorn wati frciitlii. Applyto 1W9
South 7th a. > c , orto Jiio. \ \ ' . Hell , druuglst : 10th
TjllTKMSIIEI ) liouso on Fariitiinst. for rent.
-JL' ' Inquire Uerman-Aiiicrlcan Sai'lusja baiilt.
IjlOll KENT Ciiml 19 room nousc , sewer ,
. wuti'r ' , uis , bath. barn I , furniici1. In
sliapu.chuup. D.V.fcliolts Uo.'JW , 1st N'ut'l bank.
IltENT-t lint otr , rooniH In hnllillns ; at
S. V.corncr llilh and Leavenwortli its.
M 4
"IjlOURENT Scjit. l.eoltnsoivllh ullmodini
J Imjitnveiiieiits l.VJlSlmrnian live. 77) )
1 cottage , G roonu , H. liith st.
liicinlruOQ. H'-T *
n-HOO.M hoiibe , ) N , ts.K. cor. lltliuiid Vlntnn.
O'M '
lJ1onURNT--neilrillo , ) < IweUliiin In Coiinrll
I IMnlTs : it roduivd rentes , raii liis fiini S'lto '
' ) > c r month. K. II , Hhe.ifo A Co , , rcMital
litwidway and .Mulii bts. , C'otincll
1J1O1J UE1NT 7-iooin house nonr IIGtnst. Or-
cliard Hill , flllpeiMonth. . 5101'axton block ,
Jieb. JlortKao loiin company. 17(1 (
UKST House , Hl-room < i ; all modern
IniirovtMiieiits ; col. Uhlcago and ISth at.
Tlios. Mvi ft , 40. > > , I5t h. 177 U *
/ROOM [ fluts4th iindl.cavoriwortli.
. . .IT liouso of ten rorms. N'o. Ml. .
i. Oontrlas st. ; handy to business , also to
cnbUiand motorcars ! modern conveniences.
Also cottnxoof seven rooms , JS'o. 21 0 Ilurnov
M , KiiipiiiooC D.T. Monnt. ias , ] 4th t. 1 > 13
TriOliltEXT 7-ioonied liouso , SS TKriin
J St.larsiciiu veil collar , \\nshtiilw. b.illi. nnil
htablulf di lrud , '
Apply COO Memhants'Xu-
' [ JIOltKK.NT 11-ioom honso , best location In
.1 city , near hlgliMiiluiol , tent low. Knqidro
anN.a'd st. i ia i
IjlOIl UKXT To responsible parties only.
-1 tliosu line iH'W lirlclv and stone houses on
ii > cauc ; iifteon looms and alcoves ;
inoro coiivriik'iici'K nnd lictter llniilii'd tliaii
liny housufor rent Inllie elty. U. 11 , Hender
son , -100 1'avlon block , cltr ,
7-ltlX.M ) lioimowltli barm aoinlnu.1 rent. C.
M\ Harrison , 1)11 ) N. V. Mfe , 83
TriolT KKNT-Deslrablo 8-ronm liimse , all
inralernImprovements ) nxcrlluiitluoutiou.
sodded yard Hunt and icar. I'oiiveiilont t i
wliolcsalodlsl riot and new union donot. ( Mod
loeutlra for physician , Apply 111tiWth st.
771OK KKXT Kchldonceauii Ilarnoyj nlltho
i. latest Improvements , nt lowest possible
rental. L'aul. jroi ) Knrnain , 4'.t
8-1MOM house. ICJd and Ctimlni. KM per
month , t' . F.llurrNoh.Ull NV , l,1fo. Kl
ITIOK HUNT Now II room d wiling. No. 20 !
J norUi ITthbt. Ono bloolc from huslneis >
centre. Unlit expressly for ronum nut :
boarders. See Dr. iNevlllclltKiDouglas. ,
KOJl lllINT ltOOIMS li'ULlMStIit : > .
rates , tie. , ixetnp of ftnlcolumn onlitnae /
OlIiOlTiiriicy t. Twoblintln rooms wltli Ixturt
- > In prlvntn familr , pleiuiintly locatrd li
modem rc < ldt nco , Tormsmoderate , "Oj-3 *
10 :1 : DO DOE H' , Suite of haiidHomely fur
I nlhhod iiarlnrs willihiiperlorhiinidln
Now I"n n I und family Oilier VUUIIH , 2W
"ir\QK 1JENT South room. Hiiltablo for oni
JL1 person , with board , private family , O1
I'lirmni bt , I'OO-S )
I.I AVIKO added tin annex to tlioMorrlnni
1 I have sumu rooms fur rent. " > tli i
Dodfo. 2--0-l'
VT It'K cool r ) om siiltnblo for two. also Man I
1 > room , modern coavenleiici'S ' ) rent renon
O-.MS , lUth. SS3-I
HKXT-l'urnMied room with board
JWlDoiiiilailHt. SOa-V
I IOI ! Ui\T'-.s ; rooms , furiilblicil. S\V.iror.o
17HJUN1SIIRI ) or iinfuriilsliod rooms , al
-L. iiioiloraconu'nleacos. M Hurt struct.
KI ) front rooms , hot and colt
natorln rojms , bath , gm. Address 17
nu < .
KOOM and lio.ird chonp for two lu prlvati
family , trJHIturttit. ir > 7il :
" 17MIH 11KNT 3 nicely fnmlsliod rooms fo
JLJ light housekeepla : ; . Aadrcra 1x61. llee.
nlsheKENTllJO South 7tli live , two fur
led rooms. 1.W1 *
PIIIST-OL ASS rooms and board j US Foutl
_ 31th tjt , Itotnronei't. . _ ' 'l .
3SE\VIA * furnihlied nxins ) for runt. 210
IJouBlusbt. i ( wo fiielun north aiidpaofiimtl
12CJ5 *
ST.OJ AIK European hotelMlth cllnltisrooiii
Uth-lKde ) ( , Hicchilratebby or m < :
Foil IirS'T-5 nicely fiirnhihcd front looms
117 S. IJth. HO-i *
TTOU ! JJENT-Kumlsliod roonu , 1CW
' 17'OU lU.NT-1'iirnl-.UoiirLHjuii ; .
-t ? ituuui , 1519 llu ward. VJ1
' -1 rDliKASANTroonU with bo.ird. Ill S.JNlli at
JN = r.suiteol roonm newiy tutnlHln-u , also
JNJ10JI for rent , IT07 llidte't. S03 4J
J10JI IIKNT PiiralsholroonlforllKhthousc-
. kcciilnft. 717 S. 10th st. 131-a *
I JAR LOU and bedroom , rermltliousekfep-
ln . 1'rlcoJIS. 518 N.SOtlmt. S.V.-J'
riWOvoll \ fiirtil'hud rooiui with nrstclnsi
-L hoard ; now house , new ( iirnlliiro , oml
clfjliborliooil ! prlvntofamily. Adilrcn. 1 1. ,
Bcootiicc. o-i : *
HKXT-Two front rooms jit2J17lliiriioy
"TJIL'H.MSI Hill rooms. Klnulo orcn stilt , wllh
-I-1 or without loardi ICOil Howard t. . ad
11 cor. ai-0 *
' T DM > tilh rooms liHJl I'nrnani.
T ) COJW MW.f , ! U.,007 N. ISth si.
"lilOH HKIS'T Nicely furiiHIiod rooms with
J-1 board , HrbtclaS'fnccommodutlons.lT'Jl Unv-
oiiportst. UK ) t
OlTFtKNT-Nlcely furnished front , room to
JL'Bonilomiinoiily. _ _ 20l01)avctipoit st , ibU7
ICAirooiin ) ; nUoboaidliu. reSS. 17
. ( i'Ji-alU'
rooms , 1WS Caiiltufavo.
057 agt *
371OI1 HI'NT " nicely fiiriiKhcil front roomi ,
wltlnill iniulftii conveniences , at SlIU I'ir- :
"JJOOMH. tilU'OiiU'iiloncus , 171U Diivonportst.
-i ) r.KASA NT rooms , inodcrii liiitro\cniiMiti ) ;
li-CH'iimum MrtML-t , iJOJ
EOOM ] for sliiRlc Boiitk-innii , Slil Doil tMalO1 o.
J'ar ratu , rctcf l | ) oIr /
] OHIIHNT Fimr jrooil untilrnlthoil room1 * .
.1) ) Stilliiblo for llglit houbckcoulnss SSM )
T I iiiifiirnlslipil rooms siittnblo
- for lioiiM'kooiiliivr. Modem Iinprnvt'munts ,
tofiiinlly vlllioul ( 'lillilron ; no objection to
child ITU tiniliT tliri-n yonis old , ISoitliwest
ciiniurl'th : nul Wt'li ltr Hts. 7i :
0"l l O)5lH ( ) unfiiiTiklied a ml roonH tiiiulslicd
for lout JnDupjnii blocK , cor , lath mid I'a- '
i-lllc. -
J'OK IlKM' iil'OUUS AXI ) Ol-'l-'lCKS'
for mitt , ctei 'cloi > oJlrst ruliiniii ontMx
'WO I ! URXT Clicap-Shtory brick Htoio , a ! .V )
JNo. . IMtT t. TUary's live. , titul lint of six
nioiiix , uhoK1. ICiiiilrt'HunniL'l ( | Jliirna 1.118 I'ur-
nani .st , '
: 18-i ;
OTOIIKS . 7008. K.tli. SOxWoai-li. larco sliow
nwlnlwnHti ( ( , > am heat fuiulnlii'il , Thot. P.
IHOlt HKNT llrlck warclinitsi' , t\vo stories
J a nil liasiMin'iit7.iOs , ! ( ) ( < iiiarn [ cot , with 100
ftvt ofdoiililu truck on U. I' , railway , south
1.0th ( mil I'lcrcu stroota. Address O. uHkamp.
Unmlia , Null. a'C.
irOU UKNT - ) { ) .
J. orwltlinut ixiwur. formerly ocrupli'tl by ( ho
lice I'lililNliliiK ' Co. . iiltKaiimm it. Tliu biilld-
Ini ! lias a ilic-piiKifcvmiiiitliUHiMnniit.cuniiilrtu
steam hunting Ihtiiro1) ) . wutur on all thu llnor.s ,
giis , IMC. Appiy at tint otticeoCThu lice. 1)13 )
171O1MM2M' IlinliliniX\12 ( ] ( ft.,4 slorlosaml
JL1 biiscnifiit , on Jniiei t. . . bt-twciMi 10th nnd
lllli. ulth track In alley : lieM location hi
Iliu oily for uliolcsalc. Jinuirc | 'MJ ( S , ir tlist.
( i. A. Muclcjiilst. ia7
I71OH KKNT I'lno store room In Norfolk , Xeb.
J. Hliclvoil sultablo for clot.lilnir liiiH
clootrlc lights , hunt , eto. Addivsn o , A.
Ma t , Kll
] 71Oli IlKST In JMo. Vnllny , la. , a 2 story
-L ? brick liulldln ? with basement , 2."i\80. lost
liustnos-4 corner In thocity. Inquire of I ) . G.
lluurn , Mo. Valley , la 7077
H , - : ! ) rooms , all uonvonicneo'i , brlct , 2
Mks from I'.O. II. . Iruy , N. V. I-lfe.
ForKilcA , flo. , xt'clup of Jliytcnlumn on Hits
HE. COLK.ron tat agent , Continental blk ,
u ! )
J. Iim * . rental agent , 203 N , Y. Mf e.
ET. COOIC , ronUilasoncy ; lo.ins , mortgages
hoiiKlil. tiucs paldunUcolIcctlons Itoom
Kll N , \ ' . J , . bull lint ; . 777 n.2.1 *
/ 1"KO.J. I'AUUiOli'J 1'urnam , nousi"htores
VJiind llattforiunt , mills colleutud , rollnblo
flic Insurance. Monevtoloan. -17
J'or mlf , tit. , Ktelofyit ! flrrtcnlwnn nntlitx ) icr < r.
s h
- copyrights , ri'Issues nnd re.loutod cases
proinptlj' secured , liifrhiseiiinits vigorously
jiro.scciitod , Damage und royalty collcctcfj
nin.-iiltatlaii freo. Omaha latent Apcnuy ,
Uroiinse block , cor. 18th and Capitol ave ,
MSI 5 *
PKIISONS w.intlnj Information
the Louisiana or Mexican lottorles can find
It by calling ; vt3IO S ; list of druwhiKS fur
nished free , 100 a
NOTICE Whereas my wife has loft my
homo and board vlthout my consent ,
Therefore I warn nil persons ( iiilnst giving
lierciedltoa my account , John Clirl.stlaiison.
Omaha , Aug. 2.18UO. tl-SJ
MASSAdE treat iron telcetro.thermalbiths. !
H'alp&hilrtreitiuunt : , niiuiliuriKt clilrop
odist. Mrs. Post , r anil , Wltnncll Vlk. ) _
IN work.rooflnn.spoiitniKvalleysntciood
work ( ma low prices. K Sava o , 1913 Ciniilng.
C80 114
FttrratcH.ttr. . ftcfojioJliitcolumn
ft\7Ais'lhH secoiid-hiiiiil olllcu ilesu , tiatu
V > stvle , price and condition. Address b 11.
Ueoollicc , -
vANTKD TO IIUY-A Rood sccond-liand
typinvrlter. Call on or address W. O ,
Honk , cawOmahacominerclal eollo o. " cor.
Kit band llocltspsts. -3'
A\ANfriI ; ! ) A nlco gcntlo family coachiiiK
V > horse , welching 1,100 , to 1'JJO pounds ,
s-sIi5 , lleo. 'Mi . '
In buy hliek mare , slv years old ,
15'4 liainls , vclcht 1.150 ; will pay cash )
must hngood trtivcler , A. 1' . Tukey , Now
Vcirk lAte. 175 _
TVANTErOooil paper , No-
I brnsrka MortKugu Loan Oo.,5iuraxtonblk
\7\rANTnn-A soeond hand safe , Pr. llirnoy ,
V > Hoom S I KO lleo build ing 171-1
TTUJUNiTl'HE , household Roods , etc. Highest
J-1 cash price. 1111 i'nrnatn. ! ir > 0
-3D To liny a pacing her o forllulit
drlvhiff. IloxK. " . ) I'.O. itrr
Formtettc.Kttitfi > frut citumnon thtt page.
SSA1 fmiionVa ! 11avo eonio to
\Voliftvehudyear.sof o.xporlenco In
pension worknnd olfor youotir uorvlces nt
loss tliiinotli IT 11 ttnriK'i'Sj now hi w claims
andlaoieaso n siieclulty ; consmltutlon free ,
Yours In P. . 0 , and h. r\ciihom \ & ICiinwIand ,
.Id , lUifliman block , Omaha. l'"J .r > *
JT. VATOII , exclusive pension k elalm nt-
itorney ; over 15 yean , ' xperlenco ; all tlio
lile t laws ktdt'flblons. Oillco removed from
Frenzorblk. toriinmUerCommerci'.KW.Omaha
1S.M-S1 *
"Vrr.\V IVuHton l aw AlldlMblodsnldlorsrvwl
Jdeiendent | widows , minors under 10 , nnd
parcnt.sof deceased HOldlorsaio now entitled
topenHlons. Call on mound Illn your clalmsat
oiiee. U. W. ) Vhlto loomll ) , C'oiitlneiitnlblock ,
IHSillll *
"XTF.VV law ; pensions for almost nil soldiers ;
-i. > fathers , iiidtlieis. widows and mUnor dill-
dicii of hoMlers.Claims puslml by K. N
OlIpKiiiiin , It ) and Sll-'runror lilk. J.I yean expc
rh'iii'o. Only pension ollleo In Omaha , ttil
"IJKN.'ltJNSJ Now poinloii law ; over illy oars'
J experience In the priisecntlonof pensions
nnd Koverinneat cliihns ; have MTU red over
ii.OM ) pension * for soldiers In Nebraska and
luwa. tln'lrUiU \v niidhrilrslut'stK'dsloiHi ;
latest hurt ; no advuncofeoi now blanks nn.l
olruulaN fn-o ; eonsidtatlon always free.
IIIrani A. Slmcs , HH CrolKhloii block , lu'.xt
south of I' . 0. Uiiuiha. ih''aU *
FdrmiirtenKe ( fojiofrtt column un ( H <
" 1" OST-NVhllu seltor. brown head and
JV wart ontlp of t.alli tiiftof hair on hondi
ll.l > . Hull on collar. * JJ reward , Ir. .1. U.
Jones. W3-I.
T IST | llotwcon I'limam nnd St , Maiy'n ' min-
Ji nue.a pair of ilool rluiined ula > > sos , I'K-'
return to ! 13 Paiimin t. , Oinalin , NeU
l'nr rtitt * , elf. , it * fup uf fr t roliiniti on thd
IIAVK in my possession a uutehthat I1
aiuplMniul to hau < been nlolun. Oxvinr em
luive , . . the . , same by paylus cost. 11 , D. I1. . 15I
< „ ! < , hti *
; H > i-a
fllAKKN I'l'--J uly 7. gray mare , blind la loft
J uye.htrlnzh.iltln iMith lilne less , hml on
all foci. Allii-rt Itluleli. bH inlk-o N\V. uf
Oir.ahaou Itclauil mlllroud " " " " "
fir rain , ett , , xct. fop nt frat column oil 1/ifJ / jxifffl.
UTO1IAGI > 5ro tta hcforo storing goods of
Hatty description * Omaha Stove Krpalr
Worlis.jSO ? Douglris. Tel. 000. all
nilAOICAOK BlohftiwTit liwi ( t rales. VfTST
J. Iliishmnn , 1:111 : boaveiiworth. ffi.1
5TOirX.dlr-lj ranch STJo. , 1211 Howard.
fJ Wl
Kor mrrehnmllsoniid fumltuns
Jcoldstoraco mid freozlnKi trackngo llavld
Cole. 8I.V81T Howard st. 273
on SAMc-nor.sKSixvAooxs irro.
' 'or MifM etc. , set lop uflnl citlwnn on th Is yage ,
1 TfUSKS-Muhi , ii rlvurs , biirjjiifiis. " 'Flio ISto
lire has Made thum clicap. 11 , K. Oolo , Coti-
Inciilal blnek. 163
] \7\O\l \ \ \ HAlJ. ; 1 platform _ spflnil U'atber top
I. cnrrlasealiuost now. 1 huckhoard now , 1
loublohugtfy oroitrrliiRO Iiarncs1 * . Apply ut
' . \Velslcr ) st. , Omaha. UV
HOUSES * > u and up. II. K. Cole.
_ _ _ _ _ OJ3
ONli team mules. J.VO.
Ono team laiilos , ( 23.
Ono team mules , Siv ) .
Onetoani mules , 81S5.
Uneodd mule , $ ? . " > .
Uno odd horse , fV ) .
( 'ne ' odd horse , Sl" > 0.
One toum horses , SJOO.
SJOO.Hoom 13 , tloard Trado.
B'll '
N ' * . ' ! nAln Dark bay marc , \velzht 1,030 ,
J- nine vears. harness nnd phaeton cheap.
livner leaving town , must besold. Aililrpsi
.lJleoollle. KM3-5
_ _
F -f'onv harness nnd buokboard ,
i ddr.-M IC'W. Iteo , _ IKH ) 4 *
IjiOH.-AI.I' . i utli or time , noudvnrk ti'uin ,
J' _ hiiriu'M and wagon. OHJJmton bjlc. b i
i' i HXTI < irVli'llvorv liorso. S U. team miiiei
iJi clienp , $1 pi ) 1,000 pound her- , ' . . ( ISO ; lnro ;
nuloteain. J-liV very laruo horse team. WK ) ;
vurv Boutin buittty uorso for lady. } .V > . Hoom
! l. floar.lTradi' . 7KI
" "
foit SAM ; i-'uicMTimK t-rro.
' 'or ralca , tic , , etc top of flnt column on l/ s
TTMJlN'lTt'Kilif ! : lTrooms , private bonnllnir
i. 1ion e. everything Hint-class. Addrc'-s K
( i-.Jlce olllce. lit II
At a barRntn , f iirnitiiro ( new ) of
a ten loom lioiiho , centrally lueated and
Illed with roomers. J. I ) , ZItlje. _ < VM _
IT OU &A\iK \ On account of falling bcalt
J- Ilio new and olejcnnt fnrnlturo of a Ul-
room homo , occupant * flrst-c'aH. income
marly * 1TO per month , llnost location In tlio
e I ty. Address Jt.0. llco omco. DTi'-a'.l
Foil S
' 'or Mien , tic. , m / < > j > of Jint colum n on tlili IHUJI.
ITIOIt SAIK or trade for"SouTlT"Omalia prop-
i. i-rty iiirrudlii oiittil , conslstlnx of three
irradcrs , Slioisi-4 ) nnd mules. All coinplote.
Inquire of or addrcsi J. W. fc-lpe. loom 2t , I'lo-
icer block , N st. . South Omaha.7:15 : *
POH SALE -I'l ft ecu .shares of stock In ono
of tin' largest National ban IS of Omaha.
VI II bo Mild clicap. as owner dcslrestho money
or anot. lier puipose. Call on or address 411
trown blook. X'-IWI *
IjII'K OUR AN for snle. lias ono mnniicl
L nnd pedal , s sets of plpci , Hlauds ! . * > ft.
.ll . ft. ftonl , 7 ft. deep. Co-.t ifl.-'OO. Will
bo sold for ST.Vi. lenson { for sotllus. chuivli
Kotllus alurRi'r Instiiiiiicnl. Thu orKim will
10 set up liirJ.V ) extra and put In complete
irclcr. H Is a * grind ns now. 1'or luforiiintloii
indti'rins address Orsan , I'.O. bovCS , llollc-
fonlalne , Ohio. hoKau county. aiS-5
POU SALI3 l'lii'iii-2 ' ROixt second-lui mil hlcy-
cle.s. limulii' at.TI'J ' Anrt.lil.Uli.
Y7UK ) SALE-New Stulnway & Son plano.bost
-I- make , parly leavlus ; eltyi pail cnMi , bnl-
ance tiiue.If desired , liiqulreatUlBl'axton ' blk.
ITIOK SAI.K-Ono of the host milk routes In
-L the city of Omaha. 1'or Information cullen
on ! ' . T. Dow. r < . IGtli st. WI- ! *
GOOD clear lake ice forsaloln largo quantl-
tle.s. The Nebraska Ice Co. , Kearney , .Ne
braska. KITall
Forratet , ctc.ttt tvpnf frst Cbluriuiuti f/il jwqe ,
PARASOfiS luid umbrellas covered and re
paired. H.llalor.llOS. 15th st. , "d door from
L * . 0. Only man In town. O.VT
UMHIiKLTjAS and parasols repaired and
covered. KVy lltthiKiind L'onorul repairing
atllellin'.sfju.-isbop. 119 N" . 1Mb. OtaaSL
l < orratct , ctc.tcc ropofrst coliinnnniH ( / itage ,
\\/AjMhlJ / 'iJ ( ithtNT A coltnuu with moil-
Tl ern Improvements on : i quiet street ! will
make a loiiu lease for thu right place. Add -
d ress L 8 , IJco , lirO-'J *
" \7l7AKTKD-IIoard byan elderly lady ;
T ! ant room and good accommodations lu
peed nclKhbcrhood. Addrn slj" . llco. SJO-a *
Forratri , efcscc tnp of ttrst tnlmn on thti pane.
GUITAR I'hATKHS and pupils ean learn
piece * and all chords ; bend for circulars.
1'iof. Murdock , Cleveland , Ohio. S1B-3'
JKKOKli buylnst a piano examine the new
JsculoKIniball piano , A.Hospo,15Ui Douqlas.
G KO. F.OKLI/EXIIKCK.teMherof tliobanjo ,
with Hospo , 151 i Douslas. -I'J
Fur raits , etc. , tec tup of Jlivt foiiinii ! OH { hit
/-111AT.TKL llank.aiOS. 15th bt. , loans money
VAmchattehor collateral atrcasonulJlo rates.
"TtfONEY 20,00 orOOdayH onfurnlture.plnnos ,
-L'lhorsc ! ) , houses , etc. J. J. Wilkinson. CIS
1'avtou block. IXW
I\rONKV to loan liy II. K. Masters la any
J-U.imioimt from III ) to * 10,000 , and for any
time from onetoblx inoiitlH.
hoaiis made on hou-oliold poods , pianos ,
organs , horses , mules , liousen. leases , wuin-
luiiiso receipts , etc. , nt tlio lowest posslhlo
rules , without jniblleltyor removal of property
Loans so unmixed that youoaninako a piy-
jiicnt at any tlmo and rudnro both principal
nnd Intorost. You pay Inlcrost only for the
tlino \iiotheinoiiey. . Ifyoiiowo abalanco
on your propurty or have a loiiii you wish
cliaaKcd , L will juy ItolV and carry It for you.
1 do not nilverliso to loan you money at
Dank rales , hut confidently claim to ilvo yon
lower lalesand easlertuniH than can booh-
talned i-lhi ! where In the city.
Money always on hand. No delay. No iiuh-
llclty. Lowist rates.
U. I' . Masters ,
Itoom \Vlthnell blc.,15thaiidllarnoy ! M.
TVIONnV loaned nt lowest rates.lons time on
llilniproved Omaha , real cstato , no "extras , "
iiodolay. Gloho Loan & Trust Uo.'J07 Sliith.
loans , 0 to 7 percent ; no adcll-
JJonnlcIiuiKcsfor conimlsslon or attorney's
fees. W. U.JIoiUo , First Xatlonal bank bldg
IHJ3 .
FIH5T v second luortKaKOS on vacant & Im
proved city prop. County > varrantslon'ht. )
Woiioyoti hand. F.M.ltlohaidsoii.HlSN.V.Mfo.
T OANS Cltv and farm loani ,
-Upiiner bought , McCage Inveatiiient Uo. Ul > 5
/ 1IIATTKIiloans at lowest raters business
Vconlldcntlal. MQ I'aMonlilk. J , H.I'mlnsjor.
1)0(1 (
0 O.MMKllllAl ) < and scneral sboit thno paper
bought ; also uvular ft year loaiisoiiliiipio-
Aelpioiiorly.Oey.l'MlluatAt'o.aiiKaingolldB. ( :
SEC'ONUinortxauo loans , Second mortgages
Doiik'ht. Loans on meant lotri. Uecd
Selby , room III , Hoard Trade. ? A
K KVSTGXi : Mortsaso Co. I.oins of * 10 to
* l,0l)0 ) ; get our rates before borrowing and
money ; loans on borsiia , f uniltmv.ornny
npiro | ed security \vlthout pnbllclly ; notcH
lioiiKbt. for nuw loan , lonowal of old und low
est rates , call lUIW.Shcely bllt , 15th iSclIownrd.
UliST iiinrtiiiiKO loans nt low rates and no
delay. I ) . V. Sholes Uo. L'lO 1st Kul'I bank.
U Oflntoifst on first morlsaKCS of Improved
real iMiitofur tlio next. 1U days by the Kansas
HIMInvoMinoiHUo. . Kooni.Ui Hoard of Trade.
J. 11. IVa c , manager , Vli
\fO.NEV to loan on any seen rlty
111. fnrpliort tfnio at IOHT
rato-i. Lowest rales
onpi'i-s.inul pioperty.
The llcndmon Moittii'e liiveslineiit Onrn-
| iany. room 4CQ. I'axtiia blk. IT.t
\VTASTKI ) VlrstHJlans Inside loans. Koivest
> T rntew. CallniKUeo in. Mutual Invcnt-
im'iit Uo. . 13')4 ) I'liriiiiin.
0 IIKAI * eastern money
I'lillndi'lplda M'lrtgngu ' nnd Trimt Co.
nlwayh ready to loan nnd pay promptly ) Mrs
iiiortKaceH Hunted , lleorco W. I' , foaton , rep
lexentatlve , room T. Hoard o 'Irade , _ KI.'I
J A.-THKN nionyvlo'Toaii on efty uropertv
niortKngQ paper Ijuuglit. ll.ll.lrt'y.N. Vl.lfe
I HIVA'1'K mnnuv to loun che'ip. 0. ! ' . llur-
J rlson. i N-V. l irc. 07s
_ _
ONK V To ioun on Omnlia and Hmtl
Omaha real estate. No < loavs | or nvpen-
hes. Money on hand nt all tlinri.s. limits ,
Smith & Co. , Coinmcrclal National bankbld
loaiiH Hindu at Io o t mtos
JI , lluirU , room Su , 1'rciuor blU. , opu. P. O
* '
l , b3 N. V , Life. 6I.-a
TrustOo aff 9.15th s.t No dclny.
Nooxtr charccH. Homes for rout ) good list.
rattf , fit , , fft to ti nf ciihi inin n r i Jji M
GEN7I.KMAN , mlddlo URod , wmtsnegmlti-
taJico of Rood enslulo girl. Object ,
nimiflrinciit , pcrlmps matlltnony. No mer
cenaries need apply. Address Lu , Deo.
2IO-5 *
\\TANTKI-Tofet ) | tlio name of tlio younir
' mini wlio fornot lo Hlgn It when lie inntlo
Ills application for dry goods nnlo [ imn and
( Inteil hi * teller ntOmnhn. July 10 ; LM yours of.
a HI' , Mpcaks ( lurinan nnd Kncllsli And n Krudu-
att-nf Uem City lliislnf * College , Qulncy , 111.
Address lloxfli. lllalr.Ndb. S4W
Fnrrattt , etc. , ten tup of ftmttnlunn on tin * paae.
SECOND-HAND Callzrnphs , Hammond and
KunihiKtoni. , .Tolin II. ( 'ornr-i Cd. Letter
tiles and oillco specialties , liiinuo bhU. D7i !
olv irhoTpeFf T Hummer session o'f ' tlio
C3 Inpcnniaiisblp and shorthand will
connnciicii ) lin ( < lay. July 14. Clusm- will bo
held In Iboinoinfnir. afternoon ami oreiilnir ,
Callonor dlll es4 for Inforiniillon , flandard
Sliorthiitul IliiHliii'sa College , New lork hlfo
build bur. Omalui , Neb. tv-S
l fnttu , etc , , tec lop of fl > ' t ( irfiimii on thin piif/i.
niedlealnnd business medium. I'cnialodls-
uaiieclalty. Ill ) N. lUth at. , rooms - and : ) .
A IIIIIVKD-Pwf. I'orrpM. tlioiooplo' | rella-
J ble clairvoyant , traneo. e.ird and palm
reader. Uhar cjlow. UIO S. 13th si , second
Hour. mi-
HM > ; I.A MO.S. the hlulily celebrated
olalrvoyant and tram mi'iltnin. late of
lloston , wmlo entranced will reveal evcry
lilddou mystery In life. Dlaconlsei dl < enso
vhllo under eonlrol ; locates mines and lost
prupeity. Uiidl'rstnmls ' tlio solcnru of thu
illndoiimnsio ornnclcitt cliarni trnrklnir , pro-
p.iios lljsyptlan tidlsiuaiihleli will Rive you
Kood luck in binlncai and all alValrs of llfo.
rcrfectsiitlsfacllon guaranteed by mall , fond
slanip for special terms , llonrh.Olo 8p. m ,
1'iirlon ' ovoraMN , IQlli at. yri-'l'
J\i \ iVSSAGK , Madam Dolzlcr. overOIOS. iitn. ;
' . 'j ? S. !
LKlIi Olnytoii , clairvoyant , cm ; byhorwr > ii-
ilurfnl will voworgrnnt niiy roiiuost. La-
! i' ? ! oli'Tim. ' $1. EOS jj , Hilii. ( SM-iilU *
DH. WOOD Clairvoyant , truncii and Indo-
pcnili'iil slate writing ined luin.Olroles Mon-
diiy\Vcclut'silay und i'l'luny ' . '
u vi' ! > l2is3. ( ;
\ \ US. 1MJ. KD1IV Tlio UlstliiRiltMhca triinco
. "I clairvoyant , Into of Host on. lias
removed to KHO Douglas si. \Vlilio en-
tranci'il will roM'al every lilddou inyHtcry In
llfo. 1'ropaiurf Kgyiilltin talisman wlduli will
nrurcomu your iioinliM , remove family
tmubics. ri'storo lent utTct'tlons , uultoi the
M'lmruU'tl , holin nil la trouDlt1 , ; tc. Too. ! } 1
and mnviirilH. N. It. 1'uiTcct sittsfactlon
KimrnntuiMl by mall. Solid Htainp for Illus-
traleilclrciUar. .Mrs. lr. Eddy , llffl Unnplns
hi. Oiualia , SIi- ( ! )
I'nr ralfjt , etc. , sfdop nIn ! column on tills
HOTBL W rooms , nil conveniences , new ,
brlclt. S Mocks from I1.0. II. U.lroy , N. V.
LJfp Imlldjni ; . ! W1
ifOUHALi ; A Imrbur hhop nnd bath-mcims ;
nooil bustnvss , 110 uoinpctlllim ; hi'iiltli
raitsoof salu. KxchaiiBO.Soulli Omaha , C'lias.
11 1 ) imim1. OJJ-t :
FOU SALE Good tlit-po chair harbor sliop.
Add TOM Lock UoxlU' . 1'roiiiont Nob. 1CO-.I *
HOTKli for sale. Two-story hrlcki Isono of
the bust holds , dolir , ' an excellent KOO , !
liualiieis , on onoof the b j > t oornurs ! u tin ) oily ,
Address Commercial Hotel , Urolcon llo\r. Nub
15USINE.SS Opportunity Tlio pilntlni ! mill
Obookblnilhit ; ostalillsliincnt. together \vllh
the dally and jrvukly German NolirahlcuTrlli-
iino , ncwspauerat Omnlia , Nehraskn. lielons-
liiK to thocatalo of P. CJ. Kostner. dec asi-rt. Is
lierouy otTcrcd for Haiti at n fair valuation ,
HlthKOOtl will , either business separately or
toctlior. ! Tim business ismnv ktMitlu sueiM'si-
fill operation , clearing n weekly net prollt of
from two hundred to two hundred and llfty
dollars. 1'or particularswrltoto John II. ! .
I/ehiiiiiniiuxiicntor. Omuliii. Not ) . 217-11
" ] jOH SAIjK A Rood snro payln ? business ;
J- Mould titlfo : . chuan lotor lliiu piano as
pai-tpay. Address 1.1 > , lloe. 77-1) ) *
IflOIl SALlC The furniture , llxtures and
four-year Icaso of a 40 room holol In live
town of 15.000 population. Oood reason for
Bolllnj ! . Address the owner , Li 10 , care of
Omaha Ucu. S VJ *
WANTED A party with ? IM to tnl < n half
Interest In n iood ostabllahcd paving
business. Address 1,7 , Iee. ! 2.VS-a *
"I/KJIl S MjI2 llorbi > , bnirffy nnil
L Is kind andKuntlu und thoroiiKldy broken
to city use. 210 South Thirtieth st , 213-3 *
POlfSAIjFii'iyTnK wculily paper In nortli-
orn Nebraska ; small iniynioiit down and
balaneo on lonff thno ; owner must leave the
Addrosa K CM , euro lloo. ltll-r , *
SAhR Ulirnr , confectionary and fruit
id , wlthS furnished rooms , 200 H. I'JIhhl.
TT10II SALK Meat innrkot ; cholco of three ,
J- Address Li 3 , Heo ofilce. JJIJ-4 *
POH SALK Cheap , n Rood inlllnnry stock
and tljtures. The only evcluslvo In
city of K.m. Sickness reason for belllnit. Address -
dross 1C 7. llco of lice. ili-4j
SAI/K-Soiuo stock In Ncltra.ska sav
lugs bank , at talr rates. Apply at 710 N'-'Otli
T.OU SALK-Foodstore. Address KKl. lleo.
FQIJ SALK-For 10 days , furniture of n
largo boarding hoiiso , central and rent
very low ; ir jd local Ion ; pilcc * IV ) . part on
thnoif deblrod. E. ! ' . t'uofc N. Y , Life hid ? .
151-1 *
FOU SALK-Pnlry on Ames uvo. opun for
rent or trade. J. P. Ilocli. KIM" ! *
FOU SALK-t'lican , u haltrry in jrnoil locn-
Iliui Mlth a nice line of custom , limulroof
O. 1' . Davis Co. , KWH-'urnamn. 7420 .
KOIl 10X011 AXGi ; .
or rates , etc , , tie tnpof fiat column on till * jj.ioe.
FOR cxehniiRO a few lots nnd houses , etc. .
for Rood farms or lauds. W. J. Paul. I60U
Kiuwi i it. 411
M HltTOAOKS Notes , cash lands , etc. . for
clear lots. Can nsoqultoa number.V. . J ,
i iiul , lOOJK.unanijit. 413
y OT In Bedford I'laco on Stale ( Itoth ) st. , to
J Jc.xchniiijo for lot In Uarthatro or Ijlncoln
1'lnco.V. \ . Li.Solby. i : > Hoard of MVado. hl > l
i und lots li.
TI Council Illuirs for vacant property on
bottoms north from Nli'holaa st. ( Jnialia. Ail-
ijrcx K.58 Ueo. 123- ; ) '
rpo KXOIIANOI3-S clear lots , conuir and
J-ono next to It. worth K.MO , InMcOomilek'K
"d addition , for house nnd Jot nearer In , Will
assume or pay thetlHH'rcm'O , Cl. F. Harrison ,
01 IN , Y , Life. _ 88:1 :
IldjoxclmmjolotslnOlovordiilo for IHIIISO
and lot , Want house , of seven or elsht
rooms. AddressU.V.Ingram , IM12 Hamilton
Till ) 12X011 AN K M ) room hotel In Iowa , Im-
Aproieu faun in ' . '
- - proieu MIi'liln.'i" fornoarby prop
erty. .Addi-ciM , L4 , iico. SilKM *
TUADK JDohoIco Inn in county sear
toivn of .Nebraska ; all Klxhtly andulear of
Iiii'UiiiliraiiL'Ui willnx-'li.inai ! for Omnlia city
or aero property. Call lit 111 llrowu kloct ;
II1' you havu anytlilii to trade , call at 411
Drown block. " ' *
O IRA KB to trade for Improved ir ifnfm-
provi'd lots or farming landi. O , K. .Mer-
wln , l ! . - > la Sallo M. . C'hleiirio. LV..KI *
1)-A utooK of ineroliandlsi ) whluh
wllllnvoleo from fl-.V < ) to i.M.U ( ) In ex-
cliiuiKu for a brick roMdonco and one-acre lot
In ( Kreula , In. This honso cost < ! . " > .U ) ) and Is
complete and niodorn in uvory lenticular ,
havlm ; wutrr supply. team hunt , oath room ,
etc. , and Is clear of Inciimbraiicc , with lieifoct
tlllo , eaninakii up any dllTereneo with pinxl
Hint inoil 'ai. ! ! paper. Apply at No. lU'OX. ' lIHh
t. , from U to li dally. J. U , K. 7-JS
CI.KAH property and cawh formorcliandlse.
( ilvdfull parlluulars , llco. II. llowrlnK ,
Htuart.Neb. 11.1 b *
r.Xl'llANdi : tlw l f.irms.cltyiiropcrly
-.and wild hindiln N'nbrjHkit and lown for
p < rad Bi-ii'I inilHus proniTty eluart title porfeot.
AddruM , Lock HovUi , 1'riiinnnt , Nob. IW !
T7IOII KXOIIiVNIli : ! IS.KWsto ( kof hardware.
JL1 from llrst hands , at wholesale prlce-n ; HWW
eash rmuilrod Jan. I , IHUIJ will Inlco for lial-
ancu of niulty K od clear \oli'ii ) U-i ; or Iinvit
farm land iv Onialm property wltbamullln-
ouinbraiicei full llnoiif HiunpliH ean ho seen
InUmnha. Adduns K31. Hen oillco. Vil
Ai/AXT Eli Vn mt loin or acres for two of
tbo llin > tanl : best imylus ll ) "lis In the
Lilly. U'lil x\v \ > * Mi ; deal If matlo MIOII , nlth
sunn ) caHh. J i . Hoc ollleu , -II , '
I'ar i t'l < , i'Jt : > v Inji'/ frt inluinn o
" \\rAI\i : upandhuya home onn.onthly puy-
\ \ menu. , t'hnlcu fj(7dlireronthoiiseii , huuth
-fronts on l-'ai an in t. I'.vory convenluni'o , In-
uludliiK fnrnacejand fa * . VlaiH can bo keen
al my ollluu , full hi. i ) . V. aiiulon Co.'H 1st
ISotloiul baulc. Ua
ABMALTj payment down and tt ! > per tnontli
will Imy ill-room lioimu nnd lot on 10th. U
blocks from motor ! first-dais ohiincii tone
citilro n homo on easy torin.4 , Apply to K , K.
TUAUaUAWcslorllcldroaloatatc.SOiiiaiiu' ,
/10TTAOK hotnes Inmost ni y addition for
V > nlo nt from SlwO up on Piisy iiKiiilhly nay
mcnl5. 1" . U , Darling , 43 IlarkurlilklM
TjlOll CALK Nlco 7-room lieu n ready to
J2 move Into , with full lntK,503 , BOO cash. O.
V. Hftrrlson.OllN.Y. l.ito. 187
F YOU hnyo uny tlilnp to seller exchange
cull aUUSl'uxtoO blook.
T.IN'COLN AJ Place lotsl,2i ) . Dcxlor b. Thonnu
, \ OIIOICKnttoon r.irnnm , opposite Mr. ft
-cVb. Slono's line residence. lOutls" foi't , that
wo will snl I very chonp If taken boforu A int. 1 ,
Omaha Heal Kstate and Tnibt company , lit ) S.
ITIIiHt. , lionImllillny. 70.
G KKATbarznlnst-ivOJOwlll liny n line resi
dence. S.fi0'3 ' down , hahince on tlini' .
Also a line residence lot cheap foreasli ,
Also a line residence In Konntzu I'laoc.
1'or partleuliirs apply at the Neb. teiin :
Iniindiy , s-ecor. 10tlifc _ Htnvar.lHlH. 01
ltl.700 . , 6 room lioiiso and lot ; > 2.0iW. < l rerun
Plioii'-i' , barn and lot. S. K.cor. lltli and Via-
ion. Ira. Kiihlnian. Cheap , want to leave
IilOll HAlil' . 'I'ho choice resliloncu at No ,
10.Mlporxlu ( iivn. . ! xl4J ft K front.Olarxe
rooms , bath. Kas , sewer , hot and cold water ,
closet and all conveniences , owner Knhiit lo
Icavo city. I ) Y. fholos Co. , 'ill Nt
djl.'j. * ) for hlncoln Place ami C'arthai e lots ;
Pcasy terms , YV. It. folby. III lloatd Trade.
A HAUO AIN'-To any one w.ini liu a du-slr.i-
-/Vable homo.Vohavoa nlno rojim linimp.
lari ) ) I'.IMI ' and carriage liouso , ono block from
the motor line , hut twelve minute * from
1'arnam st. , that wo can sell cheap , and will
take ulot orn sunill liotisn and lot. In part
payment , and KVC ! uasy term-on the balance.
Omahiilioal Kstnte mid Trust cump.iuy0 S.
11th st. , llee Imlldlua. 7W
tlMO CASH and .13-per month for linuw and
P full lot ut from JSSj to Jl.r.'JO cacli. W
.7,1'aiil. liytll'arnam , JU
lilOlSSALK ' Kour good lots in Walnut II III ,
J'.VlxlV ) each , un ftailt. 1'rlco WIO each ,
vorthdonblo the nionoy. Stringer & I'l'iiny ,
DoiiRlas block , 161 h nnil llodge , ' 4ixi
TTlOn PA1I < or exi'liniiKO .i-M nercs ot cluuco
JL1 land. Rood Improvements , fori'Itv pro- |
otly prefoncd. or merchandise. l\ir fiirtlicr
partlctilarj uddrusvs b. T. AYolls , Stoi-ktun ,
Knit. tVil-n *
Oiunha. I litfpotlQlii njjl at yon Vlk'.iti. I Omaha.
lM d m . . 8 ( K ) u m
IMS n m Chlcntfo Kxiiruss. . . . . . . . . ll..1 ! ) | i m
ii ID p m ' 'J.'iO u tn
6.50 P in l.ncnl I SO' , a tn
"loavM lilintl.l.S'CTO.S' . * MO. ItlVI'JU. , Arrives
Oinlili.i. I Depot lutli and MIIIIII tlluutJ. I OmaliK.
101'iam. Duivnr Diy KxprtK.i I ( I" , p m
10.15 n nil Denver lviinK | ( IU : > p m
IM pin I Dunrnr.Nlzhl Kxprou ; i.i. ; , n m
Sl.'iunil Lincoln lo > ' : il II L l p 111
Lciivu ) T TT. i'"HI' . J.iO. if. I Airlvoi
UnmhrJ PepotlOth nmljVliison utrcotl. | Oin.tln.
9V > n ml. . . .Ifuii ni City l > , iy Kfiiin 3. . . . | Ail ) | fm
IJ.45 11 ml If. ( \ Nklit Kip. vli U. P. Tr.iiM. | ll.ti a m
ix l llojioUOth nnil Mnrey iitrnoti , | Oniiiha.
I..V ) p m .Overland Klyor. , DU.'i pin
7.M ) p m . . . .1'nclllc I 11 in
10.1'U m . . .Denver : IM p 111
ftuo n m i . . . . . - . . . . . \IK \ n in
101. ) n inf. ) . Knlrlli-M Kip. ( exrupt.Sun.l. . . _ J.y : > p HI
Tc.-ivi'i ' I BlfiiAOO , K.'I.S I'AClt'K , ' . T.Urlvc
Omnlia. ! U j' . liopot. Will nnil Marey St.i. | Om.-ilr
( I.IO p ml NlKht K pro . .
II.U5 n m Allnntlo Kipro. i 11.30 P ni
4. : ) ] im | Veitllmln Mint ted 10.45am ,
Jioaviu f" SIoOX iTTl'V'A l'Aryrr7TAirlvor [
. . . . " ' - ' - - - -
Oumlia.JU.J depot. IJttijmJJlnrcy
T.lftnml Slou < c City I'ussenuur.
_ 5.I5 j ) _ . _ . . . . . I'am llxpriim. . . . L ? m.
IiPIWPI I H1OU.V ill ) , V I'AClr'lO. | yiiiiL'a
Onialm. j Poiiol 15th and Wnbalur an. | Onmlin.
KM ] > nil M. I'.ml l.lmrtcil. . . I H.35 nin
Kun v'ol T 1110 < YiTujt 3oit fUVV I ! Jl'"i5Tl.N . 'fAtei'fii
Utniiha. | IJ. I * . ( It'iiot. Ulji nut Miror Hti.l U n x1 ! _
Sir. n'm
11.30 p m
4.SO f in Vontlbulu Llralled U..M n m
C.15 p m lown Wecomniiiilntlon ( Uxo. Sun ) T.U.i p m
9.11) ) p m .Kaitera . Fljror. . 2.45 p m
J.lft p in . Km I IJaslorn Hxjirc s B.O. ) n in
! '
jOninln. t' I * . depntl'Jlli _ ' and Marcy t < ts. | Omnlii.
C.O ) Mill ChUniio Hxpri.'s I 0.4."r m
l'.l.r > f ml Clilroxo K nron. . . . . . . . . . . I l.15.p , m
Lonioi I OMAHA , t ST. I.OUIS. lArrnoi
Oiiinlm. | U P. ilcpiit. 10th r.nd Jlnroy I | lin. _ lii. !
7.UI ) a m . . .Hluux Oily Arciiuimoilatluii. . . U.U.S p m
1.WI P m . .Sioux City Kxpru * * ( Ut. 81111. ) . . 1 0 P m
' .Mil p in Ml. 1'aul l.lmltdl . - ' . > n m
6.16 li m .Iliincofi IM . 'piiger ht. ! Imitr. ) 8.l. > m
"juresrijain-ir _ . . _ . , ArHfir
Uninlm. I Ilniot | ISth onrt Wubilor Sti. J Hait'm. '
ioTwa mlTTTSt. Ixiun ft. K. 0. K pr 4.KI p nii
JI.J5 p m I „ _ . .St. bmilijt K. U. Kxiiron. . . . | njiu ju
K. L &T"I'ACl"F 10. i Arruo
TrtiR'fcr Union Koiiot. Council llliitT * . | Trau fur
O.I1O p m Nltlit Ksproia I 9.i5 : n m
9.nam : Atlivntlo Expro's & .5.'i | > m
'l pnrei CHlUAi ( < TsKJIll'Il UivTKIlN.TAFrTvu "
Trnnsfcr Union Uupot. Council Ilium. I'l'rninrnr
V.4IJ ik m Clilc.iRO Kxpr < s UTXJ p m
ft.OO p m Vo-lllnilo Wiullnd
IO.K ) p ta . , . . . Knfltorn Flyer. 2m p m
l.tO : p m ' ' ' T.ui : n m
jown AccomniniliUon ll'Jxin.'Hii'n' ' ) (1.40JI ( m
Union l > 'i > ot. I'oniu'll llliin. " . iTrrinsfer
ll.Wp : nil ClilcnKO Krpron I n.l.r , a m
J _ : ' P."i
"Ixjavfti 1 1C ( \ , ST J01C A if. 11" 1 Aril rot"
Tran ( cr | Unlyn I > < > jiot. Council lllulT8 _ iTrniisfer
ioTiT ! iiffTT. . Kana.-u . lttrrcj
n City D.iy | . . . li.tfp in
lU.25p m.ICnn ] a-i City Nlubt rtv | > ip . , n. ) n ni
'iMMofl "OMAIlA & HT. J/OU1S. I AinrcM
'i'rninfi.'rl Union Dcpo itOiii _ iitlll _ lain. I Trail if or
TTTTT . t. I.ciiili Cnncm Ilnli7. . .
ClllOACiO , IIUllf.'N A QULVCY ,1 Arrives
Transfer Union llepol. Coiincll llliiirs. jTinntfor
.i.4U a ni .Chlcnuo Iirpros3. ! I ( Cso'p m
ID.OO p ni . . ( 'liioiico KKJiro'i. . I 'J. ID m
7.30 p ni _ . . _ . , / ' . . .i.'rr tm ) > rnl. . „ „ . . . 111ii ni
l < eTCH ] "BlOUXTTVi'l'ACn-'Ur
Trninforjynlia Depot , Council llluffi.
T.45a tiij..Sioux < ; ity Acconiuiodiatlon' . .
6.M p ml Bt , I'uiiJ K
> OtlCCto
City Kntlntor'.s ! ,
South Omaha. Nob. Aug. I , IR'JO
Pealed pri'pisnU will b
iceelved by Hie nn-
dorslpned at this oll'oi > until twelve ( ia
ii eloulc noon of Auunst i llli IbiK ) , forfmnNli-
iitKiill tlmmatni'lals and doliiiall ; Ilio work
necessary to coinploto the followbiR City lin-
provomont'i viz ;
tJriidln : ; tlio Alloy botweea twenty-fourth
and twenty-fifth Btreet from -I/ ' to "M"
bln > et.s.
I'limsnml spoclflcatlons iaiy : bo-soen.and nil
Informntlon roluttvo to thu work ohtalnetl ut
this oillco.
No proposals fiom uny ContractorladefaiiH
with thoOlty , on any previous contract will
No proposal will bo oouslilnrod unless nccoin-
panlod by acvrtilled cliccU fur three hundred
dollar.- , U.'lim puyublo to the city of rimith
Oiaulia ed ; to he loturacd on all bids not aucupt-
Tlio rlijlit Preserved to rolectany or nil bids.
Work to boi'oinplett'il wltliln forty days.
Apiiroxlniale osUniatu 5,600 cubic yard * ox-
ouvutlnii lo ciMt ISIO.O ) II. UONIiKV.
( linlriiiiin .Sheet and Alley Committee ,
Bppclfla tar JlMterli , HI ilno , Cti.KniralsU. ! Wako-
lu nu . Jicntal
ji. iMtprcralon , Hoiienmxor
th llralnTrw
euliliirf In ln iuill.v .iU U * < lliiif lu i io ! < f IiiJ
UIII ) . rrematuro 01,1 All" , llarreiin'l.'llrlii of
Inelther MX. ln olunt r/ LOOM , HIM KpoimnlofrLcua
caiuvit . hr oTcrKucpitlo.i or ihu hriln , , irl > u
( a or
oicr.iiOiisr | iio . Ku-h box contain , ono tn'nili'i , .
ni nt. l a , lot. or l lor Cl. unt | , y iiitliiinnaliL Mwot.
VMtu each irJor for mi | K > XM , will , n , J 'uAbiunr
trntraiiMo In icfunj
moncr Illlin Irmtni'it
euio. Uuirant o UuoU oiiU muuliw Milii vnly rauca
1110 1'arnam Struct , - Omaha , Neb
Wnr.RBAa A Joint resolution wn ndppted
by the InnUUiura of the Mnto of Nobrmkii. ul
tliolvfciit.v-llrst eislon tliereof.nnd approved
I'cbruary ' 1.1th , A. InV I \ , propinlncnn amend *
nietit lo tlin onn itliuttiin nf unld ntatr. nnd ,
that Hiild uliicndiuunt sli.ill road as follow" ,
Section 1 1 Tint nt the Ronornl election to
bolicld on thu Tuc dny .ucccciiin * tbollrst
Mondny of Novemlirr , A. I > . 1611,1 hero nlall hy
Hiiinlttcd tothoeleciorn of this slnto fer ap-
provnlor rejrotlon 1111 aiiicniliiiontto tlinrun-
Htltutlnn nl thU statu In words AH follot .i
The nmiuifaetiiro , sale nnd kreplntt fornnlo
of Intoxle-ntlnir llcinois IIM n bovuraEo am for
ever prohl OltiHl In tlih * tlnte. nnd the Ie t.ilr
ture Hluill provldo by law for the onfurccmpil.
of tlili urovlilon. " And thoio shall nlso at
sjld oleot Ion lie separately Hiihmlttrd to the
electors of thin state for their approval or re
jection an nniondincnt to the cuiittltullnn nt
the Mate In wont * in follows : "Tlio nmiiufivo-
tine , n.uu nnd lieopliiR forsaloof inluxK'atlna
Illinois a * a humrago sluill bo licensed nnd
icKulali'd by law. "
fceo.Si Al such cleetlon , on tlic bnllot nf
eneh eltfclo,1 vollliR for Ilio pmpo ed umi'iuN
inent.s to the constitution sluill benrlllnn or
printed tlio welds : "l or propo.setl ninenit-
tin nt to thu constitution , prnhlbltin/ )
iiianufai'tnie , Hale und kccplm ; for salu
of liiioxlcallni ; liquors as a oovernsc. " or
"AKiilnst Iho prouiwed aiiieiidiiient to tbo
ronstltulion prolillutlng the ntaiiufaetiirr ,
silo niid lieepliiK for nli < uf Intoxleatliii ;
Illinois u < * a lic > ernno. "
Tlii'ioMliill ' also be written orprlntodon tl'3
liulliitof eai'li elector votltiR for the piopoi.rd .
nmeiiilinent ' to Iho constitution , thu nouls !
"I'm- proposed ntneniliiient to the roiistltiitlon
that Hie inaimfaetiiro , Milu and keeping for
sain cf bilu\leatliiK lltiuors ai a bovcriiRu In
this Matu shall bo licensed unit logulatfd
by law , ' or "Ak'ultitt , nilil : propused iinicnd-
meat to tlio eoiixtliutloii tbat the ninmifm1-
Ilii-e. sale and keeping for snlnuf Intoxleatlng
liiiuiirs us a bnvoragu Hliall bo licensed nuu
rrirnlatlni ! liy law. "
See. : t : If either of the said proposed
amendments shall 1m approved liy a iiiajnrtly
of the elcetois votliiR at the n.itil eleotlon ,
then It Mlnitl conslliilc M'CUDII t weuty-Movcil
1-71 of artlclu onu LHot tlio constitution uf thin
Htate ,
Thcrpfore , T , John M. Thayer , Governor of
the Htuto of Nebraska , do hereby Klve mitlco
In accord mice with soel Ion ono [ i ] artlehi (15 ( ]
of the constitution nnd Urn provisions of tlio
act entitled ' an net to pruvido tlio inaminrof
proixiRlnxall ninendmcnts to the I'onslluitliin
and Mibinlttlnitthesanio to tlio electors of tbo
stale. " Approved Knbriiiiry , A. I ) . 1877 ,
( Hat said proposed amendincnt will bo sub
mitted to tlio mialllled voteisof this slatn for
iipproval or rejection nt the uuncral election
to bo hulil un tlio 4th ( lav of November , A.I ) ,
In witness wlioreof I Imroimto set niv hand ,
mid e.inneto bo utlUed the Krunt wonl of Ilio
state of Nebraska. Donu nt l.liicnlii this 2iith
nay of July. A. D. ISVI.aml tlieL'ltli yearof ( bo
Htate , and of tbe ludepciidenuo of the United
States tlic-ono hundred ilft--cntn ,
Hy the tlnvernor. JOHN M.TIIAYEU.
[ HRAI , . ] Secretary of Stato.
Auu'ust Id.lrn
Wiir.itr.AS , A Joint re < olutlon was adoptflil
by tliu legislature of theslato of Nenrnskn.ut
thu twcniy-llisl session thereof , and approved
March JlOln. A. I ) . ! > , proposlni ; an uniemU
iiionl to hectloii two [ 2 ] fiiiir4 [ ] und Uvo [ f > ] of
Arlli'loslv Hllof thociinstltutloiiof said slain
nnd Iliatsaulscdlou M aineiidud Hliall read
Section 1 1'lmt section t oi2iof urtloIosK
( II ) of Ilio const Hut Ion of the slate of Mebrusliu
uo amended bo as to read as follows :
"Section'.1 : The supreme eouit Khali con
sist of live < .rO Judijei. a nmtorlty of whom shall
be nceessary lo form a cpioruni erlo piononnco
a declsliin. It shall havu orlKlnnl Jitrlsdlctlou
In eiises lulatlnx to revenue , eivll eiiscs In
which tlichtalo sluill bo a party , niandainas
quo war ran to , habeas corims , and snob appel
late jnrlhillol Ion asii'ay ho provided by law.
Section'- ' ! That section foiirdiof nrllciosK
( C.of ) the const I tut Ion of the tita t oof Nebraska ,
be amended HO as to read as follow * :
Sellout : Tbo Judges of the supreme court
shall be elected by Iho electors of thuHtntn ut
law , and tliolr lurnm of olllce , except as
liercluaflcr provided , aluill bo for a period of
II ve ( . ' > > years. "
Seclloiill : That sot tlon flvo (5)of ( ) nrtlcleslx
(0) ( ) of the constitution of thostnto of Nohrab-
KI : , bo amended sons to read as follows :
ycctloiio : "At the Hist Rencrnl olcetlon to
beheld hi thoyear IfCH. and after tbo mliip-
tlonof this mmtndment to the constitution ,
there shall boelected three ( : i ) judges nf Iho
Hiiprome. court , ono of whom sluill b oluclod
for Iliu term of onu (1) ( ) year , oao for the term
of three 01 years and ono for tlio term of flvo
( S ) years , and at each nonernl election thero-
aftortlierosbnll be. elected ono jndxo of the
HiipriMnucoiiitfor the torn ] of llvo ( . " > ) years.
Provided , Unit the Judges of tbo suptoirrH r--
court whoso lorms hnvo not oxplrril at Hut
time ot holding the conurjl olootlon of ISUI ,
shulloontliuio to bold tholr nfllru for the ro-
iiiiilndoruf tlio term for which they were re
spectively elected under tbo iirosont consti
tution. "
Section I : That oaoli person voting In favor
nf this amendnii'iit Muill hnvo written or
primed upon his ballot IhofollowlnK' '
"J'or tint proposed amundmeiit to the consti
tution relnthiK to the iiumOur of uupiumo
Tnoivforo. I. John HI. Thayer. Governor of
tliOMtutu of Nebraska , do lioroby Klvo notice
In nui'oidancovllh section onu 'D ' nrtlclellf-
loeii'l.'il. of the constitution , the provisions ot
HID not entitled : "An net to provide the man
ner of proposing all amendments to the con
stitution andsubiiilttlnK tlio sumo to the elec
tors of the state. " Approved 1'eliruary lilth.
A. I ) , 1877. that hiild proposed ninuiiilinoiit will
lie presented to the quallllod voters of llio \-l
Rlalo for approval or rejection at tlio ( TMnoral VI
eloullon to bo held on the 4th day of Novem
ber. A. D. IROO.
In witness whereof I have hereunto set my
hand and caused to bo nfilxrd the Brcntsoal
of th state nf Nnbraska. Done at Lincoln
this U'litb day of July , A. 1J.18UO , nnd the twen
ty-fourth year of thostute. and of the Indc-
pundenco of thu United States the ono lain-
Uri tWov'oVnor. ' JOHN M. THAYEH.
HK.NIAJIIN K. OowniiF.r ,
( BKAI..1 Secretary of State.
A UK ust 1 dim
WnnnnAH , A Joint resolution vjns adopted
by tlitt leKl bituroof the Htato of Nebraska , nt
the twenty- r t besalon thereof , and approved
March ilith. A. 1) ) . IHHil , proposhiK an amend
ment ( direction Thirteen ( l.ll of Artlclu Six ( !
of the con.slluitlon of nald ntatc : thntsild
Keiillenns amulided bliitll read us follows , to-
wit :
Sectloul : That section thirteen (13) ( ) of artl-
elo.slx (0) ( ) of Ihoccii'tltutlouof thostaloof No-
bra lcabo nnmndod so as to road as follows.
Hciaiui ii : : Tno Judfo-i of tlinsupremocourt
slmll ciioh recelvon nalnry of tblriy-IIvo hrn-
dred dollars i.r ) > l'U ' ) pcrannum and the Judges
of the flisrrlct court Hliall rucelvo n halary of
threi ) thoiiH'ind < lolliii-i.f.'l,000) ( , ) per aimnni , nnd
tin- salary of oivh .shall bo payahloqunrier y
Section : Knob pcisou voting In favor of
till.- , iiiKi'iidnu'iil Khali hu vo written or prlnlod
upim his Irillot the following :
"l''orlhe iiioiioii'il nmonilmunt tolhecmr t -
t ullon , n'lal'iii : to the salarv ( ji Judges of tliu
silproinn and district cniut , "
Theieforo , I. John JI. Tluiynr , covernorof
tint stale of NohiimUii , do hurvby Klvu notice.
Innccoidiuico with hnotlou ono II ] article llf-
teen il'i ] of thu cotiMltiiHoii , nnd the provl
Hlons of an net entitled : "An net tn provldu
tbe innniior of propi.slnj ; all niucndiiiiiiits to
tlm constitution mid miliiiilt.tliiK the same tn
thooloct'.riof tlio stale. " Approved I'obiuury
intb. A. I ) . lt > 77 , thai said proposed amend-
inent will hesubmltled to thuiualllcd | ! voluri
of thlNstate forappioval or rejection , al the
KPiiuraluhiotlnn to Lo held on thu 41h day of
Novonbor , A. I ) . 1SIW.
In wllnsss whereof I have hereunto sot my
bund and cause I to bo nlllxed the grout Heal
of the Male of Nobiaska. Done at I.liii'oln.
this I'Otn day of July , A. D. IS ; ) I , and the twen
ty-fourth year of tlin stale , und of the Inde
pendence of tliu United States tliu ono hun
dred fifteenth.
Hy the Governor. JOI1N JI. U'HAVEU.
( KiAt.1 ! Huerotary of State.
Ullleo. Omnhii. Nob. , .lulvM IM ) > . Scaled
proposals In duplicate , will lui received n > Una
at whlrh t him and plnco they will lie opened
In Hut prexmi o of iillendln bidders for de
livery ( if slal lonary , stove parts hardware ,
paints nnd oils , lumber , water Hiipplle' . Ar.
Jilrits KlvhiR hpeelllnitlnns , iiniinilllcs and
other hifdiinat Ion will bo fiiinlshuil ujion ap
plication to this oillco. I'refeiencu will hi )
Klvon In aitli-iiiH of doini'slk' ' iiro liiellou or
inaniifacaiiro eondltlmi of ( ( iiallty and prlco
( Including hi Ihc prlcn of furelKii prodimtlon
or man n fad u re the duty I' ornon ) lii'ln I'lpial ,
nnd fiiithur. that iiornul aot , , Hliall bo award-
i.'d for furiiShlii nrtlolen , , i forolKii inodue-
tlou or munufactiiro when tin ) nrll"lcs of
Bullnhlo iiinillty of domestic production ot
inaniifiiutuio enn Ixi obtnlned. Tint to\urn-
incut it-series the rhrht to rnjeet any or nil
] iropo.-als , ItldiluiH Hliouhl nllueli n copy of
this ndviMtUummit to their hldx. JOHN
HIMl'sON , Captain A Asst.yr. Mr. , U.S. Army.
- -
to Coiilrnctoi'H.
CiTr KNniNKiiu'H OrriCK. I
South Omivhii , NuhrasUa , .luly a ) , ' 00. I
Scaled proposals will bo rueelvud by tlio
undiuslxiicd ' nt this ollloi > up to twclvo iK'i
o'clock noon A iiunst 7th , HW. ! fur Ihu fmnisli-
liiRofall iiiulerlalHiind coiiHtruotliii ; a twen
ty-four CJl ) Inch pIpoHtnrm wiitorsouerln "I , "
Mri'ot , from Union Stock ViirUu bon Huwur to
tin ; linulovard.
No projiosala from any c'ontmctflrln default
with Ihocltjf on any previous conlruut will bo
conslderod ,
No proposals will bo rwtlveil unless sccorn-
punlud hy acortllleilcheulc iiayablo to thoclly
uf Honth Omuha fur thrco Inmdrud
Approximate estimate nlebt linndri'd nnd
fifty KV ) ) feel twenty- four I''l ) Inch pipe , MUV
< 'iity d'U ) fuel twelvull' t Inoh pipe , four cat li
bashii. tijuust )1 ) , < 17OJ.
i : . CONI.KV.
Ohulrinaii CominlUco on Kieul * und Al < < y