Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, August 02, 1890, Page 8, Image 8

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Tliofovai not a slnjjlo drunk ar
raigned In the police court yesterday
morning out of a population of 1115,000.
A complaint 1ms boon tnado to the
chief of pollco tlwt the contruutors do
not sweep Leavonwortli strait aulllulonlly
before Biirinldliitf it.
The "Snow , Church & Co. , " filed arti
cles of incorporation for the pm-poio of
doitiff tv collection business. CttplUil.
tlO.COO. J. A. Cuvanimgh. II. 0. AUvell
nnu K. G. Thomas uro the Incorpornlorf ) .
Chui'lcs Conoycr , the newly elected
Ecetetury of the board of education , as-
tinned charge of that ofllco yesterday
morn'iif ' ? . The out-tfotng secretary , J.
H. I'lpur , Inn not decided what bufclnuM
ho will uo Into.
Tliero was ono mnrringo lloonso Issued
from .Judf'o Shields' court yesterday.
Tillmun P. Shirley , aged twunty-llvo
yearn , was licensed to wed Ida Newell ,
ngc-il oltflitoen. Liotli purtlus rosldo in
A lot of gambling fixtures wns unload
ed in the Diamond alloy Thursday nljjlil.
Thomonlmmlllnif llio goods suit ! the tools
liad como from a gambling saloon in
South Omaha , but refused to tell the
name of tliobaloonkcoiioror to glvo their
own nnmes. Olllecf llazo saw the btuft
but niudu no arrests.
Complexion powder is nn absolute necessity
of the rrfinuUollctln tlilsullmnto. Po/zonl's '
combines every ulemontof beauty and purity.
IVrsorml UI-jlit
The personnl rights league of Douglas
county will bold n mass meeting it Ucrmunla
hull Monflny evening , Auirust I. livery
ward organization Is hereby notified li ) bo In
nttrmliinco , and country precincts are culled
ujon tosciuliMcfjations.
J. P. Li-vn , President.
Gtoitou AMIII : ? , Secretary.
$ UO.OO to ilostim and Return.
The Ohio it MlBsIsslpl railway will sell
tickets from St. Louis to Boston and re
turn , going August 8 , f ) , 10 , and return
ing until .September ! 10 , at tlio low rate
of $20.00. Correspondingreduction from
all points west. Ask for tickers via the
Ohio & Mississippi railway. For sale at
lO.j N. Uroadway , St. Louis , mid at ollico
of connei'ting lines. A. J. LYTUJ ,
General Western Passenger Agent , St.
Louis , Mo. .
The following pjrmlta wora Usuod by the
bulldinenispoetor yostorJny :
J.V. . Arnold , two-story brick store ,
Ki hUeiitli and I'uiil stieots . $ 4,500
F II. Keiiiiaiil , two-story brlok btoiu ,
IMS llninuy . l.COO
II IJiicKiniin. . t wn-Hlory frame dwtill-
IhB. Thirty-fifth and J.eiMuuurth :
Mrcols . 2,500
One minor iicnnlt . 100
Total t 7,100
AVIIcox's 1OO Attachments.
Ono hunilred and six attachments wcro
filed in Justice Shaw's court yesterday
npalnst tlio Kcpukllcnn newspaper company.
The plaintiffs arc the managing editor , the
entire editorial and roportorlal force , printers ,
pressmen , carriers nnd all other employers
und Uiu anBrcfjate amount Is over ? ' , : ! ( ) ( ) . A
summons in each case was served upon Major
AVllcox und the hearing was act for 0 u. m.
on the 1th inst.
Killed Trees.
The park commissioners held a short meet
ing yesterday and allowed a lingo mil
bcr of stnnll bills for labor , material , etc ,
including tlio pay roll.
Dr. Miller reported that tlio trees nn the
couth side of .luffun > on Square which hud
been scorched by the lire last week , had been
killed .
It was decided to remove them in the fall
nnd replace them with larger ones. The
trees la the middle of the proposed walk on
the north side will bo removed entirely.
The superintendent will cover the drlve-
wuys > In Ilunscom park with gravel.
lion * is Tiln ! for n KcuoitimciulutioiiY
Wo have sold hundreds of bottles of Cham
berlain's Colic , Cholera and Dlurrluua llcni-
edy to residents of Add and vicinity , nnd al-
wnys keep a bottle open for dispensing In
doses , iuil wo use it in our own families when
ever occasion requires.VoliavenovcrUnown
it to fall in any casoj and liavo seen it used
for bowel complaint la all its forms , and In
the most severe and dangerous cases. The
medicine has our fullest confidence and en
dorsement as a Hfo preserver. J. B. Bitnx-
TON Jc Co. , Druggists , Add , Iowa.
Funeral of W. lIlnliis. .
The funeral ot the late William F. Heins
took place yesterday afternoon , from the
residence of James F. Morton on Tulrty-flf tl
street , south \VooUvortli , and the remains
of that popular ex-county onlcial and genia'
wholc-souli'd citizen were quietly and lines
tentnllously laid to rest In the Musouio ice
tlon of Forest Lnvn.
Hov.V. . II. Leib conducted tUo services ,
The iloral tributes wcro numerous and
beautiful. Scores of friends of the deociibcd
paid final tribute to his memory. A hu'K
number of the members of the local Mnsonl
lodges wcro in attendance , as ulso of thuCou <
cordm Bocloty nnct other organizations to
which he had belonged.
In tlio WomlH.
The programmes fof the grand musical con
cert by the Musical Union band at IIuuscoui
park this attcraoon at ' o'clock :
March , "National niicamiiinoiitO. A. It. "
. Domic
Ovfitnrt * . "Aulil hung S ? no" . Mulle
HflfClloii.OIlM'tto" . Amlriu.
Cornet Solso , Jliirrliieo llciK" . Kuuidun
Mr. II. l.ou.
Mi'dloy. "ANlKht InNuw Vorls" . tlrnok.
Walt"My QIUTII" . Iliicul
le.seilptl\e ) , "A Nlglit Alarm" ( by Kcn'iu > 5) )
Gavotte , "VIoU" . 1111
i-.uir nt
Overture , "Ilamllteii'itroli'lio" . Suppi
hplsodesln , " ' ' "
1'bllcf'iiiun'sLIfu" . lcuve { <
Kloctlon , "Krinliilo" . JuUobowMk
Uuloji , "Incantutlun" . Uutliburii
Uniform Car Colnr.4 ,
The old cable line on Harnoy street has
been fully equipped us a motor line and caw
will nrobably bo run on it Monday next. The
line Is ready for use bat consider.iblo delay
has been ciused by the failing of a lot of ma
terial from the east to arrive. During tlio last
soveio storm , several motors were burned out
and a supply of now wire wnu ordered at onto
with which to rewind the colls. The delay
In tlio receipt of this has mnilo it impossible
to equip tlio Harnoy line ,
In is the Intention of the company to have
nil US cars of a uniform color and with that
end la view , ni fast as the curs need repaintIng -
Ing they uro taken into tint shop and hand
somely decorated. llxcdupon
Is nn oruiitro body , with tlio upper and lower
parts a Unlit canary. The decorations nro
very hundsotno und are of red and gold. The
motors are to lw distinguished by liavlnp the
letter M In addition to the number. This
uniformity of color will allow of the cars
being run on any Hiio us the occasion may re
„ District Court.
Oa November , last , John , Sarah (5. LIs-
coe's husband , died. At the time of his
death ho carried n policy or bis lifo In the
Bankers1 Life association for ? 2,000. Proof
of death was duly made , but the company re
fused to pay the policy , Yo tcrduy Mrs
Llscoo commenced suit In the district court
to recover the amount.
Daniel ICcndnll yesterday commenced suit
In the district couit , Ho alleges that on April
10 , IShO , John Kendall died Intestate ,
There was a largo amount of pioperty
to bo divided among Daniel and ninb
other liclrs , but as no division of the same
has over been inado , the suit Is brought for
this purpose.
John 11 , Henderson , In his complaint al
leges that lie bought a lot of fundtun ) from
11. KosentUuKt Co. , agreeing to pay for the
enmo on weekly Installments. lloudon > on
nqw alleges tuut Hoscnthiil Is about to take
possession of the property. Ho imido such n
ihcwim ? yesterday aftoruoon and Judga
Clarlisoa granted a temporary Injunction.
a removal ol thu furulturc ,
WorkH 3Iou Srouro Oonccs-
I'rointlio Minagament.
The "striko" at the
smelting works did not
materialize yesterday. Neither did the
men nmko nny demand upon the compiny for
a reduction of their working hours.
Mr. KV. . Nash , the secretary of the com-
pnny , said ho had told hla foremen Thursday
to send about ton mon from each of the
shops to his onire.
The men wore picked out nt random and as
sembled at the ofllco. Mr. Nash asked them
if they wora dissatisfied or had comnlatnts to
make , Forsomo tlmo they declined to state
their case , hut finally asked tint somochango
bo maJo in the "double-shift"-
"doubleshift"twcntyfour !
rim which comes once In two week ? .
They could suggest no remedy for this
except to put on another set of men
nt that time , which would entail lartro addi
tional expense. Tlili , Mr. Nash said , would
bo Impossible , but. ho increased tlio number
of men in the toasters , where the principal
complaint soomcd to be.
In nccorJaiico with this pro-ni-u' , four addi
tional men wore put on each shift at the
roasters , making an Increase ol 1'JU percent
in the number of men , which would decrease
the work about 7 ) > cr cent. When the hot
weather Increased the number of rlmrgrs in
the ro.istcr was decreased , und Sir. Nash
states that the men Imvo accordingly boon
granted all they could reasonably expect.
IIo also says Unit If there are any men in
tlio works who have families depending on
them and are unable to do their work , ho has
no knowledge of it.
That tired focllnp now BO often heard of , is
entirely overcome by HooU'i Sarsimarllln ,
nldch gives mental an'd bodily strength.
I'liroreement ol'the Ijinv Intended For
Tliclr Asslstaiiue.
County Cleric O'SIallcy has found there
will ba about 57,000 to the credit of the fund
for the relief und funeral expenses of honor
ably discharged , indigent union soldiers , sail
ors and their indigent wives , widows and
minor children , In Douglas county.
This is the first showing undo under the
now law which was enacted by the last legis-
Islaturo authorising the county board to levy
a tax not exceeding three-tenths of a mill , for
this purpose.
The law has attracted pcrliap ? wider at
tention every where throughout the country
than any other soldier and sailor legislation
ever enacted by a northern stato.
This fund Is drawn on' by a committees of
three and from the county cleilr.
The committee consists of Dr. H. M. Stone
nnd J. II. Iltingato , representing the Inter
ests of soldiers and sailors , and Mr. W. J.
Mount , represent ing the civilian interest.
In this connection comes the organization
In this city of what will ho known as us the
Grand Army of the Republic union soldiers'
burial corps of Douglas county , to take
charge of the burial and bccomo responsible
for the iiitennoiit of these entitled to
share in the benefits of this fund. Tlio organ
ization has elected the following ofllcers :
President , Champion S , Chase ; first vice
president , M. .1. Fccnan ; second vice presi
dent , D. It. Hall ; secretary , L , . F. Mitslni , ;
treasurer , J. S. 1'Y.mce. Directors , SI. .1.
l''oenan , D. ( J. Ithonds , John H. Sawhill ,
George A. Ouster post No. 7 , Champion S.
Chase , D. M. Havcrly , James S. Franco , TJ.
S. ( Irani post No. lit ) , L. F. Muginn , J. 11.
West , B , U. Ball , Ocorgo Crook post No. 203.
This organisation has about decided to buy
a plat of ground ISO feet squnro in Forest
Lawn cemetery. The idea is that this ground
conies in tlio way of a very generous donation
Is rather effectively dispelled when it is stated
that the cemetery charge every time a purson
is buried in this soldiers' and sallow' lot is § 3.
Miles' Nerve and Tjher Pills.
An Important discovery. They act oa the
Ilvcr , stomach and bowels through the
nerves. A new principle. They speedily
euro bililousnuss , bad taste , torpid liver ,
piles and constipation. Splendid for men ,
women and children. Smallest , mildest ,
surest. 30 doses for 2. ; cents. Samples frco
at Kuhu & Co.'s 15th and Douglas.
TilB l'li < VTT KUTSJIlUU8.
What. They Did at Tlicir rteoeiit Con
vention In Kansas City.
The Omaha delegates to the convention of
Plattdcutschcr vcreins of the west , comprise
ing Messrs. John Baumor , W. F. Stoeckcr ,
J. 1' . Lunu , II , Anderson , C. Rennohr , Tbco.
IJeckor , II. Schroedcr , William Butt , W.
Nuovo , Henry ISicko and John Uooschmami ,
have returned from the meeting , which was
held In Kansas City , concluding on Sunday
'J'hoy wcro heartily welcomed by Prof.
Kndahnmnn , who delivered an eloquent his
torical address , setting forth the honor , the
glory and the Integrity of thor ! ancestry and
the power for doing good of their organiza
The cities represented wcro Chicago , Den
ver , ICaiisas City , Saiidusky , Ohio ; South
Omaha. Gr.uid Island and Omaha. The so
cieties in these cities have a membership of
between nine hundred and a thousand , the
most flourishing organization being that of
this city which has u memborbhip of 253 with
? oTOO in the treasury.
There Is another sectional organization of
this society In the east with which the
branches above mentioned do not nflllhto.
In connection with the western section Is
an insurance chapter by moans of which a
dollar for every member who Joins the chap
ter is paid to the widow or family of u dis
eased brother.
The convention did the honor to Omaha to
select John 1' . Lund of this city as treasurer
of the organization for the ensuing year.
The next con volition will beheld in Denver.
Chamberlain's Cello , Cholera ami
DiarrlHua UcmcMly.
Tills Is the most successful preparation yet
discovered for bowel complaints. It acts
< iulek , can always bo depended upon , oven hi
in the most severe and dangerous cases and
whoa reduced with water is pleasant to take.
Ono dose will promptly relieve a pain in the
stomach. Colic In its various forms seldom
requires moro than ono or t.vo doses. Chol
era morbus , which Is ono of Upmost painful
and dangerous diseases that nfllicts mankind ,
yields readily to It , although in the mostso-
vcro cases several are sometimes re
quired , but It has never yet been known to
tall , which is saying n great deal when it is
remembered that over ' . ' 00,000 bottles of tlio
remedy Imvo been sold dining the past year
Dysentery is another dlseaso for which
this rcmc'dy Is especially adapted. Kvcn In
its worst form , and when epidemic , it has
completely controlled the disease and cured
cases after cases , without n single failure.
Diarrlicua is promptly and effectually
checked by It. It Is the only remedy , wo bo-
llovo. that will euro chronlo dlarrluun. Wo
could till this page with testimonials from
persons who have been cured of chronic diar-
rhcutt by this remedy ; many of hud lost
nil hopu of ever recovering from the disease ,
and felt that life at best was only n bunlea.
For cholera infaiitum , no other remedy has
met with so much success , especially in the
hands of physicians. It is alwaj s best to call
n physician In cases of cholera infaiilum ,
many of whom use Chamberlain's colic , chol
era and dlarrhica remedy , and always with
the best results.
How They Hope t ( Onsfroy Prohibi
tion In Tliat State.
George Veal , tax agent of the Union Pa
cific , lias returned frooi Topolu and says the
political excitement in Kansas is at fcvci
The republican convention to nominate
btato officers will be held there next week
and n grout many rosubmlfeiondclegatcs Imvo
been elected to It. Had It not been for u trick
played by ono of the aspirants for ofltco at the
primary election , Topolw would , it is said
have sent a iMubmlssloii delegation. Hu
the prohibitionists will have a majority li
the convention to ivnomlnato Humphrey
the present governor , The only light will bo
on auditor and treasurer , for each of yhlcl
ofllehils there nro a dozen candidates ,
The democrats , rc-submlssionlst and alll
auco parties aw talking of uniting. In othei
words , If the alliance puts up n ticket sultn
bio to the democrats und re-submission ro
publicans It will bo supported , Ex-Uovcrno
Robinson of Lawrence is the man those fac
tions are talking of as their candidate fo
govcinor. Ho is a democrat , a farmer , mid a
pronounced i-o-subnilsslonlst.
Always nso 1'latt's chlorides for houscholi
dlsiurcctica. You will Ulto it ,
it TlTAflt tTII l riM f1/\l Pf 'TATin
Shortage Discovered In the Rotmns of
County Officials.
Tlio Delinquents Will He Invltctl to
"Call nml .SettleVlth tlio Cap
tain" or Forfeit Their
The half-yearly report of tlio county treas
urer for the term ending Juno 30,1SIU which
vas presented to the county board hustSatur-
luy nnd referred to the ilnaiico committed ,
presents a strange condition of nSfalw.
The semi-annual statement of County
Treasurer Snyder , for the six months ending
Juno J0,1SOO ! , contains the following :
Under head of miscellaneous fund appears
collected :
Suipluifcosfor ortiintyofllccN $ ) , SOOTO
Upon examination uf thu ri'oonls a repoiter
finds Mint tlio following olllcois li.'ivo buua 10-
) oiled upon for l.vt'l ' :
< 'cv > i of cleric , district , court $ 11)70:1 ) :
Vciof lo-jliti-i-of dcoils 7 , < ; o.jM
l 'ocs of county Judge 0,11 Kt
Under the ruling of Comity Attorney Mn-
loney the Ices wcro to have been turned over
totho county treasurer January 1 , 1890 , but
ipon Inquiry it is found that on the S.'ith of
January IbOO , the county auditor reported a
balance ' duo and unpaid in the county Judge's
ofi'lco of S03J.S3 , The commissioner's record
I , pngo ! U , shows the county judge was
directed by order of the commissioners to pay
over laid to the county treasurer.
On the Sth day of February ,
IS'JO , tlio auditor reported to the
commissioners a balance duo from
the clerk of the district court § 101. On May
. ! ! , IS'.H ) , additional amount duo from the
clerk , $ 'JJ ' ; total , ? lor. This balance , it ap
pears , was duly paid over to the comity
treasurer , ni appears upon the commission
er's ' record , pages 47" nnd 201.
On tho''itli ! of April , ISO ) , the auditor re
ported a balance duo frpm the rogUtcrof
deeds for the year ISS'J of . Jf.OOa'.i' ' ' ) . The
commissioners' record , pa < ? o 10i , shows that
t'io ' register was instructed to pay ovcrsidd
b.ilanco to the county treasurer nt once.
This order was only partially compiled with ,
on Juno ; ) , by the payment of { 3COJ.UO ,
leaving a deficit for ISM ) of $ l.CM.
If the fees for tlio llrat six months of 1800
equal those of last year , the register of deeds
now owes the county ut least . ' 57.500.
There has been great deal of unfavorable
comment on this state of affairs at the court
liouso and unless the ofilceM now delinquent
pay over the balaneodao the county promptly
iiction will bo taken against them nud theiV
bondsmen at an early Cay.
The Sacred. Iluart academy for day
pupils , situated on St. Mary's-avenue
and 27th st. , is an institution derated to
tlio moral ami intellectual education of
young girls. Tlio course includes every
thing from tin olomcntary department tea
a fiuibhed cluisaical education. IJosldos
tlio ordinary academical course , music ,
painting- , drawing and tlio langunjjes nro
taupfht. French is included in tlio ordi
nary coimo. DiU'oronco of religion is no
obstacle to the receiving of pupils'pro
vided tiioy conform to the general reiru-
latioiw of the scliool. Tlio scholastic
term commences the first Tuesday in
September. Chissen boj'in at ! ) a. m. ,
and pupils are dismissed at U : 0 p. m.
That of the Water Workn Company on
' 1 TACII tlctli Street.
The now pumping station of the water
works company , on Twentieth street near
I'opplctou avontie , was completed yesterday ,
and will DO placed in operation on Monday.
The station is a handsome structure , built
of pressed brick with cut stone IrliiiniliiKs ,
and , including the machinery , cost about
{ , . ' 50OOJ. It h supplied with n. new Holly
oiifjliio having a capacity of $ ,000,090 , gallons
a day. Space and foundations have also been
provided lor an additional engine * and pump ,
so that the capacity of the plant may bo
doubled when necessary.
This plunt will bo used to furnish water
direct , throiiKh a forty-eight Inch main , to
South Omaha and all the portion of Omaha
lying cast of Twenty-Fourth street and south
of "Williams ,
This nait of the city now consumes about
flvo million Dillons of water a day. The
company's new plant , v111 meet all demands
for a number of years yot.
Headache , neuralgia , dlz/Incss , nervous
ness , spasms , sleeplessness , curol by Ir.
Miles' Nervine. Samples f rco at ICulm. &
Co.'s , 15th and Douglas.
How National and State Soldiery Will
Camp in lown.
Pour companlas of the Second infantry ,
stationed at Fort Omaha , left the city
last night for duty at the encampment of the
Iowa national guards.
The band and the battalion will go to
Cedar Knplds and camp with the First regi
ment of the Iowa soldiery from August U to
August 9 , and with the Fourth regiment ,
Iowa national guards , at the same pl.uo
from August ! ) to August 10. At the
breaking up of that camp the battalica will
go to DCS Moincs and into camp with the llrst
brigade of the Iowa guards. They will bo
under the command of General AVlieatou.
Major liuller und tlio four compiniosof the
second battalion , with a proper number ot
otllceis , will encamp nt Spirit lake from
August 1(1 ( to August : ) . ' ! , with the Sixth rogl-
incut , I. N. U , , and then will Join the right
wing at the Dos Moines encampment. This
battalion will not leave Onulm until about
the 15th.
Pears'is the purest and best soap ever made
IMIs 'I licm 'Ihouji Tlicy
Burglars entered the residence of II. 1C.
Burket at 1501 Yatcs sticot at an curly hour
yesterday morning. They pried open the parlor
window. Parsing through the parlor they
entered the bedroom and carried elf ? , Ir.
Burkot's pants which wcro hanirlug' over a
chnlr. These were carried outside and the
pockets rilled of a little clmngo after which
the pants worp thrown back into the room.
Mr. Burkot's vest "containing two gold
watches and $150 , which was hanging over
the sama chair as the pauts , was not dis
The house of IT. A. Cherry , next door to
Mr. Uurket was also entered and sonio small
change secured. *
IdtntttlarticellencoproronIn mllllontof homri
formnrothan | iinrtvr of a utmtiiry , Hliusedhy
the United tilito * nareramonl , Knlor e > l Uy the
lioadi of tlio grout utilmililf ! n * Ilia Blrongeit ,
Iurr > t and.Mcut Heiltliful , Ir I'nro'i Crtum llik-
Inir Powder doci notcontAla uinmunUlltnuor alum.
Bold oalr In cam.
cr. JUKINO 1'Oirnun co. ,
cuc/jo , tlw frAa iita. 6k
Both ( ho method nnd results \vhcii
Syrup of Pigs is token ; it iaplcnsant
tuid refrcsliing to tlio Instc , nnd acts
Rcnlly yet promptly on tlio Kidneys ,
Liver and Hovels , clonuses the sys
tcm oflccttinlly , dispels colib , licad
nclies and levers and cures Imliitun' '
coiistijiation. Syrup of Figs is the
only remedy of it kind cvcx * pro
tlucecl , pleasing to the taste uiul ac
ccptnljlo to tlio stonmch , iironipt iu
itfl action nnd truly benciicial in itf
eflccts , pU'pnrcd onlv from the inosl
healthy sind ngrcoablo substances , itr
many excellent qunlitics commend it
to all and have made it the most
popular remedy known.
Syrup of Figs is for snlo in 50o
and 61 bottles by all lemliiig drug
gists. .Any reliable druggist who
may not have it on Land will pro
cure it promptly for any ono who
wishes to try it. Do not accept any
Physicians , Surgeons and Specialists.
OMAHA * , N"O.
The most w lik ly nml fnvornblv known
inllsits In tlio I niteil fctiitri , Thulr lim ov-
pcrloiicc , roiniirkiililo .skill nnd siic-
ot"1) In ( ho tif.itniont Jinil curuuf > 'crviii ,
Olironlounil burslciil Dlscauvs. intltln tlicsu
einliit'iit iilivsk'lans to tlio full loiiflilonocof
tlioallllctoiliivorywlioK1. Tlu-y Riiuraiiteo :
A CniiTAlN AND 1'OriltlVn OUltB for
tli awful ( ilk'otsuf curly vice ixiiil thu nuincr-
ousuvlU that follow lulls trulii ,
bpppdlly , conmlati'ly unit DPrinnnotit ly currd.
OUD131IS yield readily to their skillful tixut-
Riinruntuuil cured \\rltliuiitp.ilu \ or detention
floss Iwslm'M.
nfiitlviiiitl Biiocissfully cured In ovuy cast1.
tnatorrliun , Bon.iiiiilVn.ikiiP4s , LO-.L Alnnliuod ,
NlRht UmNsIons Dofnyucl I'm ultlos , rumsilu
Weakness unil all iK'lle.ilo dlsunlors in'c-ulliir
tocltlier sox poiltlvoly ciir.-d. nt well u < nil
fiinotlonnl ( INoidcis tfiut ii'siiltfcom youtli-
fnl follloor tliocxcoNsof mitiira : VC.IIB.
CTI > ipr ! D | J Hiru.iiiti'oil iiirinnuu ntly
Ol L\1U I LdVl oiiri'il , rtnin\nl cumpletu.
without cutting , onu-.IU1 ovdllutiilon. Curo-4
at lionio by piLtlunt vlUiuut u ino-
A C11P1 ? niDK Tlio awful Directs of
A O UlVll UUM , early vlo wlileh linnu's
organic v.-oakiics' ! , ilostmylns both mind und
body , with ull 113 dreaded ills , uuiiiiuiifnty
11Is ( T l'T'i'1 ! Ad'lri'.sthnso who have lin-
1/iVO. uljl 1 . ) jni rod Ihouivclvoh by lin-
piopcrlnilulRonea nml solitary h iblls , which
ruin both mind und lunly , uiiiltlln thuni for
Ijiislnestuil v or nriiriat,1' ' ' .
MAKItlKl ) Mior : HIO-.P . c-nlerliijfoii Unit
liniipy llfo.awuieof iloWllty.iiulckly
"S3lsUt' ' '
Is based mien facts , ririt-l'rnctloal oxporl-
nito. Suuond l ery ciiso l lltlallystllllloll ,
thus itarlhiK ilsl't. ' 'i'lilnl Moillelnos iiro
piepntcd la oir labnratoiy ov.ictly to sulfc
each cabe , thus offu'c-tlns euics vllluiut Injury.
Drs , Belts & Betts ,
ro linotnlira.vincocpt-
nblf.Iut In iimny Instnnirs nuu-li Ix'ii.'dt .
ironlcl l > itiTl\ril Tvcro it acted upon. Xo
To litiuwtlio bfst iiiriiiiH < ifC4iinbiittliiKr this
ccinuiioiiciii'injr , iv i Hi tlioli-iistliijury to our
pocln'tH nml tiistrt. . l , < ' 'i- ' lnly it Kreiit ud-
\antiiRO. U'tiimisl otpcot'Iiiriild I.hcr , Coii-
foHlril Spli > c-ii , Vitiated llllo mill Iniirtlvo
liMli'ls , nml nil ) iriiili'iit IKTSOIHvlllRiipply
thc-lnsf Hrs Avllli 'i'lllt'H I'lllh , vltifh Rtliiiu-
Intotlio I.Ivor , rcll < - \ ( > tliooiiaiirKcilSplirn ,
[ IcttTiulnoii luMllli ) lli > M oriillr. linn ri'K-
olutlliKt he l > oulrt mid fiill'll ) nll iliilii-ullhy
Kutwctlonsto p.isn olt'lti n iuil'iril niiiiiiicr.
"AnoiiiKoarinvrrntlvoh . u jiouud
ufuuru. " Do luh
Suit's ILhroi ? Pills ,
Crlcc , 25c. Office , 39 & 41 Park Placo. N. V , ,
iimlc : ; Tut o HFAT ; HC L/E /
Rs'outu lieu-
EDV. An tinf.ill-
InKcuro forSoui *
Initl Wuukncd3 ,
h [ i crmitorrhm.'i ,
lniM > lcncy , unit
oil itli'\H ; < M that
folloir a o-
qtmitre of Self-
i\liiHO !
I'aln In the IHck , Dimnosi of Vision , T'rornnturo Olc
AKO , and in.iny ollior d ! eaos Hint load lu liu.nilty
or ronsuiiiptlun nnil niireiiinturo ni\ro. \
IV Kill I I'artlcul.irnln ' ourp.unplilet , whlcliwo do-
ilr toionutroo lijr mnlllo orory one. IJ ThoSpo-
I'lllc nicdlcluo N told ut II per puckittu. or HX | iack-
UKc-s ( or fo , or wlliuo Hant frcii uy uiall on tuo reculp
of tliomoney , by mldronlnj :
1110 PAKN'AM S'fllEin' ' OJIAHA
, , NuiJ.
Onnccoimt of rountcrfolti wo liavo adopted tlm
; ollo wrapper , the only conaliio.
Op era
Iloviut HVM * : . ' ,
1'rlJay , Sat\inlnv nriirSiiniliiy , Aug. 1 , ' , ' , : md3
A ml B.-itiirilnv Mutlneu.
cor.o' . ,
The niit MontboJ ronmllnn , TOM MclNToail the
lilKhcit iiilarlod rolur'il urll < t In Ilio worl i Jurnu
A. Ill.iiKt , IIIIIV KirrullVIII KUIildjo Doc Kny 01
tlio Illrener llrctliora nncl 4lothor ! uol < irrd minstre
notiiblea. 'lliu Mnrcli of tliu Muiumtiljiiu ulailla.
tors , nn orlulnal nml unliiuii notelty , with
correct rrprajuutntloiis of the iintlro Afr" un
Tlio iTiinUlr ri'illitic , clM'lo 1'cil pan pe'taclf ' ,
"Tllr. TUHUADOKS "uno aullcdln iuai | ) lir ;
u onule Tliuridny , JulJl , Uvfular irlcct
rr\ \
We had the crowds among the odd suit Pants and they almost cleaned the tables only vci r
few of these pants arc left. This week \ve propose to have just us many customers in our Slioa
department.Ve arc closing out all our sinnmci shoes and must be rid of them in a fe\v days.
AVc will make it worth your while to visit our shoe department this week will show you bar
gains you have never seen before in the shoe line. All shoes adapted for summer \vcarimtst go.
Men's Russet Goat Oxford Ties , $1.40.
Men's Russet Goat Lace Shoes. $1.75.
Men's Coffee Brown Goat Lace Shq s , Goodyear welt , $2.25.
Of the last lot there is only a small quantity. These shoes arc not of the common trashy-
colored stuff of which , nowadays , so many are in the market. Ours conic from icputablo
makers , arc of good , honest stock , well made , and we can recommend them. The shoes are
extraordinary bargains , and you should avail yourself of this oppoitunity , Shoes of color pos
sess many decided advantages over black shoes for summer \vear. They are much cooler , require - _
quire less care , arc less expensive and more comfortable. f
In black summer slices we oiler a lot of very fine Kangaroo hand welt Southern Tics , which
\vercdclayed \ by the manufacturer and only received last week , too late in the season to sell
with a profit. Jt is a shoe which we would ordinarily mark $4.75 , but for above leason we of
fer them at $3.90 ,
We still have a small quantity of the Patent Leather Shoes at $2.50. \Yc shall not get
in any more of them this season , so if you want a pair better come soon.
We have again a full line of our celebrated all solid leather $1.25 shoe. This is by all odds
the best low priced shoe ever offered.
Corner Fourteenth and Douglas Streets.
Our store closes at 6SO : P. M. : : : Saturday at 1O P. Tvf.
Crockery and Glassware.
i5i4Farnam Street.
Estabtlthco I860.
A Mriinol for Hie inyher education of WO IK. An
tinnsuallyflnocorpRorrrufmorifor 10-91 ! Literature -
ture , Art and Muiic l > y fpt-ciallsts. Location Col
nmbU , > ! o. , in a20 nciepurlt justnortliof city Iliult ) .
Voreht trceaubomul , blue prirw , analiunitanccyf space
for out-door cierc'Uo Ifand omo bullillifi'S. Moral
t ono of rchool oxcollent. A Chrl'ttun homu with all
lie freedom anil nil the nofo tnintdo of a welloidertd
iomo.rlto for cntilourtie AcKIrtss ,
Now Buildings , Now Furniture , lfe\v Pianos
Hew Equlcuent9 ] , Beautiful S.tuation.
Opens Sept. Sli Full nml miporlor Tnculty. Ilopntt-
nu'iita for Injll9li. Latin , liretk. ( Icriimn. Krtncli (
bclvuiu , .Music , Art , etc. Send for Information to
ilISS It N. IIASKIII.U 1'rlncli nl.
( lIlChKKlMt 1ML1.U AlfOlI .UK . ' < 4UKMM SI.
AllbmiU'tiiHUf MuM"I'iamatn' ' AilltflhjrttIf.ulier * '
TioltiiiiK liool. Un inj > iaf ud u < li unl ttrts it nxtJcrale
cott , CutalctftiiiUlltHlftiu. J. J. HillbJiUir , Jhrrrdr.
MiniiPO. WIs
For You lie M'nmpn. I'nr ootaloguu mhl C. HAH
KlXI.SliV. ; I'll. ' D.l'ns't.
AH < lenirtinin1 ! of HnBhnl Innlmctloii , MoJiTii Tjtn-
iuircslino AiU , etc. U. hUULUiu > , .hicUbuuvlllulll
St. Mnrij's aohool. Ivnoxvlllo , II. , (185S )
A Church School for Oil Is.
St , A.lbnn'8 School. Knoxvllle , 111. ( ISOO
A Chinch teliool for Hoys.
Now build hiss , no\v fiu'nlhiro. now lipira | :
t us. Thu latot. inutboils of monti 1 anil pliys
lent culture. Kuirv'thln' ; IIP to tlio tl'uo '
llumu coinforl-i mill luiino c-ant foruvciy ixiul
liUV.O WhElTlMJNVlII.L. I ) . I )
Itcutoraml rouiulor.
IIIFT irMnnivNen f IPUIB A.
llllJv rtl/\Ul.U / 1 ( ii t-obiss l > oy a
homo pcliool iiiiliraonts : | | pcrfrit. iirepuiritlurany
collojto orfor luiilnos , IjnckiMinllx.J ri'cclvtHl gU |
your opcni fept a fJtulK ) AUtlrcea Hcv S. 1. .
an\Eu , A .M
1'rui n'f , forCOUEOE. turTtACHIKO.fnrflJSINISS.
nil utft'rr ciccllLMil opiurtutiltleti li > r thu Btiuly ui
Jlunlc.A t HiortlIlMKlHiict 'J'ipcwrlUiii ; end KIci-
cutlun ItulWlni ; hPiitrdhy steam. I'orcatiiln
Jrcss.Uor C. C. 1UVK.IOV. A.M. . Aurora. 111.
! VJorir > nPo''i ino.'l.rCScaco ! ) . liuar'l
School for Girl * and TouiiKljnillra. For KM
cnlalOBUi > adrti-8l ( ) . THATIIll.I.n. ! . . " ? ?
Momiinl'arulll.or77iadldonttrL t't , Chlcaio , 111.
Circular ufHU.NItV J. STUVKAS , A. II. . 1'rln.
Tlio Specialist ,
In uiiHurpaHiiM In tlio troatnont of rill forini of
1'lllVATi : DIM : . \t-K4. l/ntM nhool STIIICTUUi : ,
urpuln In rollevliullio UlaUilor. nVt'llll.ltf rurod
InUltotCdiiyi. Kkln lUc.i i'iitiirili , nml nil IIH- )
rcios of tlio lllood.lli'.irtnnil l.lvcr Kunmlu UlioaB.
01 nn i'il wltliunt liulrurni'iitx or " treat uient "
I.odlo from Sto 4 only M'nd tnni | ) tor clrculiira
Bltlntf jiurtlculars nbuut o.iili ! fit tlio nbuvo dlscn of ,
nnd Hliowlntf miinyof I ho inuit ruiuiirkulilu curci.
Ollloo. .N , i : . Onr Hill nml Kiinmm SH , cntruuco un . street , Ouuiln , Xclt ,
.ll rl lilm llnliU
Iluptrtillcurcil m.
IH THC nrirNt iii ciuiroit
[ xalrb ll g-imnlut to i 1 1 " ' ! "
'nr ' ( < n ( ft - lln all ilmlltr t > -
, lc n.n.bUtJ. TAlllnHtUt Xlrl
Jewelers and Silversmiths ,
Being manufacturers , importsra and jobbers , as Avoll as ro-
tall clonlors , our purchasing facilities ere socoucl tonohouaolu
this country. HonoD'our extreme low prices o.i ovorythiutr
sell. Special attention is called to our larffo nnd oloprant llao or
PJm Mtm'ol Cocks ( ever 50 different styles ) at < 35.OO and up-
war J.P. Pine Banquet nnd Pltt-.o Lamps , wi li s'lk pa aaol
cl'iulcsin all the now colors , from $5.0O up. Buy yotirTaWo
CutU ry of us and sav < 3 money. Ro.ora' Boat Triple Plated
K > lvoi qnd Fork3 only 01.76 per not. Stool Orvin ? S ts ( Imlfa
fork ard stool ) , $2.0O nnd upwaicl. Spoons , &o. , Iti proportlou.
Our Great Snlo of DiamondWutcho3 ,
nril Flno Jewelry Is still in progress. Geimino Diamond Pingor
Rhgs from $2.50 up. Solid Gold Watches from $15.0O uu
5,000 flno oolid gold , plain , band nnd eot Rin s from $1 to 810
each. Qo'd Spsctaclos and Eye Qlassoa frooi$3 up. Fine Stool
Spectacles $1 up.
'Repairing of Watches , Clocks and Jewelry a Specialty.
The Omaha Medical and Surgical Institute
For the treatment of nil CTIUON10 AND snmiCDISHASKS ! Brnoo , Appllnncci for neformltlcs , nnt
Tiu c * . Heat tmlllilCB , Apl'iiriilna mid lif < ii illi > < fnr Mocoi-ofnl tuntininl < if ovuiy form of dlot'iiui ro }
quIrlwj.Miillrnlor Siirsli-iil TriMlmunt N1SBTV HOIIMS KOIl I'ATIKN'IS llonnl of nttu-idiinco licit
Arconinioilntlom W < ' "tVille Jorolii'ulnrH on Doforiiilllep mul Unices , Trui"i"i. ( "lub I'ftt , Curvutorn ol
Hhlno , I'llcs , Tuinorii Cnnifr Ca'nrrh llronchltli , liilinlatlcn , Kln'trlolly , l'nr.ilv li , Ciyli | > | > ihlilnof
lllinMor. lire , Knr , bKIn Hud Illuuil , nnUnll Hum oilopoiitlong IlklHhS ] Ol WOMKX n npi'ililty llooll
of D'tiNiHut ' of Vonicn 1'ios Wo have tat lyndilcdu lolnc-UDoi iirliiioiit forWuiiiMi ilnrlim Cotilliiciuoul
IblrUlly I'rlvntci Only lUlliibloMcillciilliutltnto making n ipjclnlty of I'll ' 1VATH DIS HASI-.S.
Allllfotid niscn cHsucccJsfiillytrfalfil Syiilillltlc jiolion rvniOTrit from Ilio N ) lein wltliout mirourr
No Ki'&tiritlioTicnttiiGntfnr lost of Vital I'onir. r > rtluiuniililo to visit w it nyliu tieitua t liomo IJ
corrcspordtnco. Allcoiiiinuiilcntloni conllilcnlliil , Modlcliioor initrunionlH lenl by mull or uprcn , HO-
cimly imckid , no innrks tolnillmlo conlentxor numlor. Ono jipr onnl IntorvUiiv piavrrvit Oiilluii'l conHiill
us ur und history of fotirca o. and won 111 kei a In pliiln wrapper our IlODlt Tl ) M I'.N KUii' ; . iiion | 1'
SpeiUl or Nervous niscnsef , Impotencj. Syplullii , ( lleotimt Vnrlcocclo , wltli question Address
Ornaha Mediclal and Surgical Institute ,
CornerOth nnd HorneySts. , Oinnlia. Nob.
. , ,
l'ay Speclul Atlentlon totho
iiiuracliire of *
Forlloiuenr Store. Wo liiiT
isvir.rc SUO\VJN
In tlili city ,
202 io 208 South Water Streai ,
ll\ , Milt r..rlhl..i il"l r
roie , Curml < lr > trttli H L ii , gliltj Finlj , 7IIIJ , Ki > lk.
Int. Cnnllmou * UrrvRll of ftrflr.ellr tbrnuKh ill kAK
I'ARTM mutllilllh-mlollumi . , m ( . < IM'l HSlllH'XJIII.
Kl.iltlr Inrrtiil till liiUnllj , or l fiirrnl I > OKI In ciiH
IIKI.T miJlBii nitir. C | > l l li. 4tti . Mwr l if l'ir.
mumllr Ufr.l IB l r1 ! monlhi. HtilM pRitihl llrv .
tirlr Ilmj ami III ! , l pol "
ir , U.t Ilior , ml hMlili full ;
I'irlivnltrueilitirnvl' '
' -AltJ lll'rlxt
I. , a.T ,
AliOOIiilJrll , Iiiiuyur Ill ! I > pir , urn .11 , ,
11 li'iiKii , " 'l ' yi'tirV hiiiei isful ( inn "
AilMi'i- fi'f' niijiulili' Ity. Spi-i'lal fin
in many
BolTirin , from tlioillrcUuf > < nllifiili item , < 'nrlr
ilrcay. vantlui wr liiie , | i t IIHIII < > K | , < U',1 will
rtn < t a yalu liln Irfatlno ( nji'li ' euntutu'iiK ' full
jurtlcnlnrii fir lionio rurr. I'lllIH of clinrgo. A.
i.lcndllniiMJIcal . wurk : hould lie nad t/ < ; rr
iimu who U IiHrvi.m . ami ilellllt tfd.