Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, August 02, 1890, Page 7, Image 7

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A nVKllTIPEMENT * fortlicsocoluinns will
JV. bu taken until Kfn i > . in. , for tlio cvcnlns
c < lion niid until 8:30 p. in. , fof the morning
edition lit 1(1 HUMAV llKK.
-Cash In advance.
"OATfSAdvcrtlBemenMon tills pnKe xvlllbe
Jtflinrirpdfor nt the rate nf 1'i cent per won !
for tin ) II r > t Insertion and I cent nor word for
i-acli iilM'qiiotit Insertion , imtl l.f < 0 per line
tier month , Noadvcrtlsi'iiient.ttiikcii for less
ihnii 21 rrnU for the llrst hisort'on. '
INITIATE , figures , symbols , etc , , count cnch
UHnnu word.
rnilKM ; ndx'prtl'Pincnts must run consccn-
J. lively and under no olrcmimtaneo * will
they ho tnlicii ordlsonntlniiecl by telephone.
T ; > Ain'IKSadvcrtlscliiB In llifio columns and
J. hnvliiiitbolr answers nildre.Med to a "mini-
lorod letter" Incaroof Tin : Urn Avlll receive
niiumburdl ehcck tncnnblo tliem torot their
lctt ; r . Answers will tin delivered only on
presentation of this chock , Knoioso unsworn
In envelope ! ) properly addressed.
Aljl , u < lvertl < emonts mirier the linnd of
"j'pOA'Inl Notice * " nro ptilillnlind Inhothtlie
Morning and evening cdHloi.snf TUB HKI : . the
circulation of which aarrerilcs [ ; more tlmn
m.ur.opnt.ers dnlly. nnclnlves tlio advertiser
Iho IcniMitnotnnly o ( thnliirzpe'rcuhitlon of
TDK llr.B In Oniiliu. : lint.nlx ) In Council lllutTs ,
Ilncoln itnil otlior cities and towns In the west ,
A TVKI TISK.MKNT. : for slluatlons or for
nmlo or frinnln help , not excecillnt : 21
wordmiroltiHPttca InTiiKPi'NiUY IIKB nt half
intosdurhiB the months of July nwlAuKiist.
The icsiilnr rates will l.e chnnri'd for eurh
nildlt'onal word atiovo 21 words as well as tor
rnnsei'iitho ' In'seitlons '
Adveitl'olncforthcsorolunin * wlllliotnkrn
on the nlovi ) eondltlons lit the folluwlnx
liislne IIOUHBS who are nntliorl/ed to taUo
special notice" , lit the siiine rates as can 1)0 )
hud at the mnln oflli'c.
O WiiNSIreet , Litter Illock.
TOIIN'M'.IIUMI'liarimicist. . RM South Tenth
RJt KDOV. Statoner : < and Printers ,
llilSonlh ICth Street.
WI. IiraiIiS : , I'harmaclat ' , tm North IGth
. Street.
Gio.V. : . PAIUt , I'liannaclst ' , 1718 Lcuvcn-
worth Street.
TT 1'OHES' IMIAUMAOV , 21th and I'arnam.
t'onalcattc , , rtrtopnf flrtt column on tliti
llnlf nilft oil S
f or t rancl Irsh
, No. 1 references. Mrs. Hroan.nU ! }
B. 15th.
W ANTfilJ Position n ? driiK cleric ; over 2
yuan1 experience. Address K67 Hir.
isa ; i
I'or iiitui , etc. , tee top nf frit ccHum n on t lili i > aae.
Jfdlrnlfa on
ra\-i-l"uf ? 6 iir" ( rniia ( II nl
nin > urIes.Stonc& Wellington , Madison.H !
1)15 )
Man as. nKont bflTnr patoiIt
Ml7o B\IRxlSliriiN ! ( ; * T , retail. All
uttJnvr , Now styles ! now ] inUurnsi now
ooi new fncUiry. Jint Rovomcd by wafo
liool. lOxil-y- safe wiur.iiitcd. Hare chiincc.
I'crniiiiirnt. hnslnc-is. Our tcrnn and c-ntii-
locee will coin Inco you Agents clunr&noto
triOUiior inontli. NVrlto forovclnslvo toirltory. ] H.-iTo Co. . Cine nmitl , U.
. ! ) ( ) } ; . " . a month eun bo made work
In ; ; for UH. I'orsuns niofcrred who can fur-
nisliu liiirso nnd RVI ! their \vhohi ( line to the
Spare inonionti ) rnny ho jirolltably
oinnloved also. A few vacancies In towns nnd
c It let "II. T. Johnson & Co. , 1WJ ilnln St. , lllch-
inond V.i.
wanted Anyllrst-clnsHtlntior tlnit
JL wants n stonily jol > correspond with (5co.
W. Johnston , ItedOiiU , lu\vn. 117-U *
T/\7A / NTKD Monday niornlni ? man to ro-
i ' rocelvit Instructions nnd keen sot of
books. ,1. H. Suittli , DID Now Vork Idfohhl K.
105 2 *
A FEW Rood track lavorj and stirfnccri
wanted iillvnnrnov , Ntih. , wages Jl.7" to
$ ii pur day , lioinl : JlpcrweoU.VooU k IJau-
crofl , Itiioni IS , Nul ) . Xut'l baiik. 142 0
\ArANTKn-Knicry jiDllHlier. ono who un-
Tt ( Icrstaiul-s bullhiK. lilt Dodge street.
\VA.NrKI > ShIugloM ut 811 S. 2.'d st.
* S. j , V ) Ml 1'
A OKNTS * V ) outfit on 'M days' time , S1.V1.00
-cA.prollt In 4 weeks or no pay , Add. with
stamp ; Jurvla & Company , llacfncVU. .
ACTMK man with J'.TO can secure a bnsl-
ni-ss nayliiR KW a weukniul cxpoinos. J.
I Illl. ' iK.'Lli"llLllL' ; np-atnlM. S-tl-ii'
A llist-clii-.s laiindryinan : address -
dress A. 0. Pound , Illair , Nob. 1.VJ
\\rANtlOD-A llrst class advertising man ;
mferenco rcijnlrtsd. Onll at onct > on O. L.
Edluir , Metrnpolllau llutul. Council ItliilTn. la.
-H. U. laborers for the IM' . ext -
t n-lonln ITtnh inul Nevada. Wnsos M
JJ.r j per day. AlbrlKht's Labor Agenuy.KO \
" \VK Arant Orst-clnss asentatn every town In
> i Nchrnska tosell the metal uaeu album.
Wn can el vo hetlor tonus thnn any other house
lollist-classmen. The metal bnck Is Iho only
nlbinn that h satisfactory In every rnspnut ;
uun be Inorc-ased to any size ; a damuecd leaf
rvphiiii'd , and leaves assorted" to suit every
pnrchnsor. Art Album Co. , llattlo C'reek ,
Midi. l ii : *
" \\rANTED-A Rood nmlfobor butcher for
'i small Iowa town. shiKlu man preferred ; a
' toady job for the right luun , Address K118,1 lee.
" \\7"ANTKI > Two jtooil broom makers by the
Denver ltnish& : llioom Works , 1KII IllaUu
Bt. Denver , Colo. 1SO-0
OKNTS Wanted Ills inonev. Snmpln for
ilii ct.4. Address I'aiioruiulc , box ( J'Ji. Uhlca-
, 111. IW 1 *
" \\7"ANl'Kn Salesmen at $ V5 per mouth sal-
II iiry and expenses to .sell a line of silver-
elated ware , watches , etcby sample only ;
liorsu nnd team furnl > nVd free : wrlto nt nneo
for full imrllunlnM and saniploeasoof
free , Standard Sllvonvaro Co. , lloston.
\\rAXTED-200 lahorcrs for extra road
i KiniK't. Aii ] > lytol' . II. Johnson. II.
epot , tliiinlia. Old
STOMI'.MASONS wantuil at Norfolk and
Iluntrlcu. Good wagejinld. . M. T. Murhpy.
" \\TANTED-Mcn nnd teams to work on
ii foundation , Union depot , O. I'nllinaii ,
erfiitrnclnr. tte'J.r
" \\rAM'KH Salesmnn in every loi-allty to
i < nianiifactnro and wholeialo our now iiro-
ccss otiler. made wltliout apples , r.vuollcnt
xvaaoM , no .tiltnl | ronulnuli pmtlonlars freo.
Missouri Oidur We. Co.lto\S5i ] , St , Josopli.Mo.
Ull u3S
" \17"ANTBI ) Oalvanl/ed Iron cornice wurk-
ii ors ; steady work ; eood wasos. .lames A.
Miller & llro. , Utfaud ill South Clinton .street ,
" _ _
" \ \ rA"NTKI ) Truvollnif salesman for grocery
IT himso to take a prnlltablo sldo Und. Aif-
Kxcolslor Manufacturlni ; Co. , Council
la. _ K a *
on Krnilo of Hook Is
land It. K. near Sprliulloldi wapes III.W
lay ! al o u few teamsters. J. A.Varo "
eontrncton , 77H 4 *
"AXTKH A monldor nnd a machinist
lien. ) . Smith. Shenandoali. la. 701) S
"l\7"AXTKI"Suvural ) peed olty canvassei-s.
' I'or particulars address llox " 07 , Omaha
Hob. STOail
" \\rAN'l'I-n : Three first class men to repro-
ii sent thoOmaha llcolnand out of thoclty.
Call at llio spcolalolDco of Oniith.i Hoc. corner
37th und Kiirnani .ground floor. l > 77
I : : HEIil .
lur i ( lift , etc. , tee ( op o//li- t folui'i/l oil Wild
llntf nittt on Sumldti.
\\T ANTKII A coed womuii pastry cook
1 IMoml ) , will pay good wages. Dull Mur
rnv hotel.
T WILL pay ladlosa Bidary of $10 nor wi-oi
J to work fo - mo in tliulr locality ut home.
light work.Koodpaj- p.irt time. Wrlto with
Mamp. M IT. _ _ . ' , jiirrlnglnn. . box 70i Chicago.
' "
\ 'AXTED Oood girl forgencral IIOIIKO
nt auu X.Jgilli at. 1C ! > 2
\\rANTKD--NiirsoKlrl. must bo nierlcncot |
li mid well recoinnicnded. Apply Sf > 27 fall
fornlu st. . im
\\TANTr.I > A competent Klrl for Kenoru.
II lioiiriowork , iiuut boKooucixik. family o
four , no children , ilrs. CVot , izii S. loth t.
ATANTKIQlrl ) rorBencral house workt
r wushlnx or Ironing. Apply N. K. eor. J
ana Webster. 104 'J
U Girl ut127 Harnoy.
W ANl-'KI * Olrl to do Fcneral hounowork
iaiiaii ) ;
"l\ rTN-i'inT nt Wind so
Hotel ,
Glltb wttiitcil for general house work i
small family. 1930 Tarnum. I'JI"
_ _
A ( rootTitirl for KeiioriTf "hinise
W Loaroiiwortlitl. . KOIMaie
jnd periuaueut pluco tu rljht ulrl. IDi' :
WANTED Immediately , lady , rrcolvp In- I
xtructlniisn.iid ktM-p hooks ; IJth AiiKUit.
J. II. Smith. VIO New Vork lAte uldg.
hVrg *
\ V ANTKD-A clrl for Konerui housework ,
Hinnll family , good wages. 623 N. ' 'Oth
St. , cor , Ciillfornla. M3.
. , , Klrl for Rcncral lion o
> i work In family of thtce. Apply Mis.
IllllRWfllt , 1UI South i tll Bt. , I41U.- *
\\rANTKn-At norTliPtistcor. 'J4lh and C'apl-
il tolavc-niie , iiRlrl for Kunernl house work.
none but a llrst-clnss cook need npply , HJ-1 *
/ Vr mtii. tit. , tte lopo/ frt ttAuinn on tlilt
"TT'OIt ' KENT 3-ronm house , city water nnd
- . ccrepim. at a harKaln to n' i nslhlo parties ,
WJ07 I'uilier st. Apply 5I . 1'n.xion block. UJl _
"I710II UKNT-Ten-room house , nil modern
JL' Iniii , and In good order ; ui > y 2I2U Ijurney.
"TilOll HKNT House. 10 rooms , all modern ( m-
JL proveiin'iitfl , iiiwo yiird , jstf pi > r inoiitli.
Commission tu ngenlH. De.xtcr L , Thomas. JJJ
[ ! 'VdIT wWi torent a hoitio or.storo see H.
I ! , Cole. Continental block. 021
KOOU , new paport-d , 1313 North 10th st.f
TiflOll UKNT-10-room lioue,2107 Douglas. In-
J- ' quIre'111 HoupliiH. BM _
"IjMNKio.slilenee , modern Improvements , 2(08 (
J. St. Mary's ave. . * r > . - > per month. Inquire at
premised or nt A. Holler's , lilt rnriiniii. tr 'i
T71OU IIKNT 10-rooin tcnciit Douslas nnd
J.Ith , all modern Improvements , with hlcam
heat. 31(1 ( South 13th tt. O , A. Llndq'lcst.
101 : >
IjOIt HKNT Kood repair , nice
J-1 ynnl , cistern water , rent til. Apply to llir )
South 7th utc , orto Jno. W. Hull , druggist. 10th
house on I'urmun st. for rent ,
Inqulru Uoriimu-Amurlcuii Saving * blink.
ItKNT flood 10 room House , sewer ,
witlcr. KIIS bath. barn , furnace , in nliwmt
. D.V.Slioli'sCo.'Wl3t Nat'I linnk.
KENT 1 flat of 0 rooms In building at
8. W > corner ICth and I.eavonwortli sts.
11)1 4
IJIOnilENT Sept. 1 , cottaKO with all inoil.-rn
-i. Miiipmvc'monts , l.V.'lSlioiiiiiin avc. 7't
IJIITHNISIIHD cotta o , 0 roomi , S. ICIli st-
I1 liiqiilroCir. ' . lia-7 *
C-UOOJl house , JU , S. K. cor. llth and vTiiton.
ITIOHURNT TlMlrablu dwflllnss In Council
J. Hlulls tit rcMlucod IT nts , runxliiK from V > to
$70 per month. 10. II. Sheiifu jc Co. , tental
nccnts , Hiouclwuy and Main sts. . Council
lilOll URNT 7-rooin hoti-.e near Sfiln st. Or-
1. i-liaril Kill. 910 purmonth. 51'Jl'axton ' block.
Neb. MortiRu | : luati t'ompany. 170
FOIi UKNTHouse , lii-roonis ! all inniU-rn
IniUroveiHonlH ; cor. Chicago and 15th st.
Tims. Jjivlft. lir N. Ijth. 177 3
COTTAOK of II loomi In rcar of 121J Chlcano.
City water ; 5U.DO per mimt h. ( J'VJ- *
t > UuOM tlats , 21th und I-eavonworth.
iron IJ KM' House of ton rnrins , No. SOI. " )
JDoiiRliu St. ; handy to business. al < o to
cable nnd motor ears ; modern conveniences.
Also cot tiiifo of sovcn rooms. > o. 213) ) Harnoy
st , Kmiiilre of 1) ) . T. Mount. 213 S. 14thjit. l)7J
I71OU KENT 7-iooined house , 7TrnnIdTn
JHt , , Inriro paved eellnr , wash tubs , linth , and
stable It iK'Slred. Apply 000 Merchants' Na
tional bank , 04ill : *
171OU HKST 10-rooin lioii o. best location In
J city , near high school , rent low. Kmiiilro
; N. a i HI. im i
POlt HKNT To responsible parties only.
thoMj line new brick and stone houses on
Georgia uvenuo ; iUlcon rooms and alcoves ;
moro convenlenuos and better finished than
any lioimofor rent In tlio city. 11. H. Hender
son. 4W ) 1'axton bloek , city. 40(1
- liouso with barn ; nominal rent. O ,
I K. Harrison. 911 N. V. Life. KM
PUlt lKXT loslrablu 8-iootn lu > ii , i > , nil
modern Improvements ; excellent location ,
sodded yard front and rear. Convenient to
wholesaliullstilut nnd now union depot. t.ood
louutlcu for phy.slclau. Apply 1114S ! 10th st.
POK UKNT Residences on Harnoy ; nil the
latest Improvements , at lowest possible
rental. rinl. ; IGUO Fariiuin. 412
8HOOM house. : > ! d and Cumin ? . 15 per
month. 0. F. Uarrl > on , 1)11 ) N. V , Life. BSJ
POU UT.XT Now II room dwelling. No. 208
north ITthst. Ono block from business
centre. llnllt expressly for rooms and
boarders. See Dr. Novllle , 141K Douglns.
1'OU UUX'l1 U003IS
Far rate * , tte. , ace top nf flnl column on thti page.
iliW : lliirnoy st. Two Minnie loomswlth bonrd
' In private famllv , plosisantly located In
modern residence. Terms moderate. 'JOS- *
FOIt TlENT-FitrnMicd room with hoard.
1011 I > oiiRlas st. L'0-J-I
OU IIKST--S rooms , furnished , S. W. cor.of
JU Harnoy and IL'th. 103 a *
[ 71OU ItKNT 2 rooms , furnished or unfiir-
L' nishcd , 1403 Chlcaso st. TO2 ! *
17IUKNISIIKI ) or unfurnished rooms , all
JL1 modern conveniences , liiS ) Hurt street.
ICO a *
Kill UF.NT-2 furnished bedrooms. 200 S.
1 "Jth , eloso to Fainam. 107 1
"I7\UHN'ISHEI ) front rooms , hot and cold
JL ? water In rooms , bath , gas. Address 1721
Capitol avo. Jrw-ij * .
ROOM and hoard ohoap for two In private
family. JH IJitrtst. 157 U *
. . . . KENT-3 nicely fnrnlshod rooms for
light houscKeopUi . Addiess K 01. lleo.
140 0
T7\UKN1SI1KI ) rooms Avlth or without board ,
J on motor line , $ ti to $10. SUd S , 2Ut.
133 2 *
" 171011 KKNT-1120 Sontll 7th , two fnr-
-L nlaheil iooma. .
- _ li l'i !
FIHST-C'LAfS rooms nnd board1 , 113 South
! th st. JJcforcnccs. 1IQ-:1 : *
SKKWIiV furnihhcd rooms for runt. " 100
Douglas st. ; two faulng noith and onesonth.
ict : r > *
CJT. OLA1II European hotelwith dining loom.
Ottth-Dudgu , Succlal ratua by wcuk or mo.
10U IiKN'T-2 nicely furnlsliod front rooms.
717 S. 10th. 110-2 *
. 'oonia with board at W7 North
st In Paul bfe UJ71'
F IOU llKNT-l'urnlshed rooms , 1000 Douglas
TT'.OK HUNT l-'tirnlsliud rooms ; gas , bath and
Ju1 steam , 1518 Howard. tell
TT10U IIKNT Nicely furnished roomall mod-
JL ? cm convohUnicci. OI5S. 1'tli st. at !
I3LKASANT rooma with board. 113 S. 20th st
JL SC2 0 *
"VTICHBiiIto of rooms newly furnished , also
1 > barn for rent. 1707 DodRO st. Ktt 4J
T710U ItKNT Twobouth rooms 10KI Furnnm. .
_ IJ 7SS n5r
R 1COMS JU't7 , $10.il2K)7 ) N. 18th st.
ssa it *
ITIOK UKNT-Nlccly fnnilslied rooms with
JL ; board , Hratuliuj uccommodatlons.lT'Jt Dav-
oiiport at , l 64
"IjlOH KENT Nlcoly fnrulslied f'ront room lo
JL ! Kontleiiiunoiily. 2UI1) ) Davenport st. < i'J7
nlsolioanHntfTlKSS. V7th.
IKU-alU *
D rooms , 1 8 Capitol ave ,
057 a2l *
"I710U IinNT 2 nicely furnished front rooms ,
J- with all modem conveniences , ut 2101 luit-
num. " ' 0
I'JOOMS , ull conveniences , 1719 Davrnportst ,
JL\ Ki'-a. . *
"IDIiKASANT rooms , modern IniurovoiiiPiitsj
X itiJl rarniim btrcet. UU3
EOOM for tingle gcutlumiin , S425JodKe. *
KUa ! U-X'i'.iUoaiH ! UXKUltXISHKO
l'"ur nit e , e tc. , fee top ot fnt column on f/i / ( ] iaf ,
T70U IIF.NT T nirfii7uUhN7 ro7 > mTlmftaido
* . for liousekeoplnR. modem Improvements ,
to family without chlhlrent no ohicctlon to
children utiJer thrio yours old , Northwest
comer 17th \Vubstcrsts. . 7:14 :
GltOUMs uiifiirnbhed nnd rooms fuiiilshod
for rent in Duggau block , cor , 13th and I'a-
clll fiiti
Fur nittf , etc. , tee tap of fi t rcJnidii ou tht * jmue.
K Tel ut 7US lOti , 20\doch. arKO Hhow
windows , tleam beat furnished , Tho-s. K.
Hall , all 1'a.rom blooU. ( Ul
FOU nrNT-Ilrlck wnrcliotno. two storlos
nnd ba enipnl , 27.IXX ) unuiirc foot , with 1OJ
feotof double track on U. 1 * . railway , south
IMth nnd rierceitrccts. : Address U , Oskamp ,
Uinnha , Neb. _
T71OH iTrNTThe l-Mory brick hulldlnif.wltli
JO or without iHiwor , formerlyocetipled hy tlio
Hoc I'tililNiltiK fo. . OIB rnriiniii st. Tinhnlld -
IIIK lin ii lire-proof cement Iiascnn'nt.coinpli'tc
steam hcatlliK fixtures , water on till the lloor ? ,
gas , etc. Apply at the olllct. ' otTho lleo. t'ir '
'I31OH HKNT Iltitltlinn dlxisrit. . 4 stories and
JL ? babemcnU on Jones St. . between 10th and
llth , with It , U , track In alleys bout location In
the city for n liolesalo. Inquire 316 tf. 1Mb si.
0. A. Mndiiulst. 1ST
Jilolt UiXT ; rinostoreriHimln Norfolk , Neb.
- Shelved sultablo for clothlnit bnslnessi
ele-etrlc lights , sloum heat , etc , Address U. A.
M ust , UH
T6lt HKNT-In Mo. Vnlley , In. , a 2 story
Ji. brick building with haspnicnt , 2."i.xso , host
business corner In the city. Inqulro of I ) . U.
llu.-irii. Mo. Vnlley. la. 7C77
HOT1CI/--28 rnonis , all coiivcniuiices. hrlok , 2
Ulks from V. O. II. II. Iroy , N. V. I.lfc.
m ' .f , ?
For r < itrclc. . HCtop of jlrttriiluinn nu j/il ixiue.
HU. COLE , rental agent , Continental blk.
MOIITON'S rental agency , 517 I'axton hloek.
1)17 )
J. IIIEY , rental agent , 20J N. V.
HOUSES and Mules K you have any to sell
or trade lint them at'once wdth.cfott &
Evan * . U'H Sniimlers st. 1S1 S *
IT' R COnfv.rentaltiseney.lonni. mortzaKca
Uibnucht. ta > o.s paid and collections Itoom
KJl N. V.'h. bulHInjr. TU.11" } *
\s"TKl.SIIAN3 & M'Cullooh , W. cun kvposl-
> > lion bide WEI-U2
GHO. .1. I'AUI , . liiiO Fnrninn. noiHi's , stores
and Hats for rent , rents collected , rel'ablo
llio Insurance , .Monev to loan. 217
7'or niti'f.ttf. . tec top of Jlnl column on _ t/ii ( ynyt-
" " "
OAlMi"Nir-If""yoii ) want Rooil board nnd
led lni ; at W.fiO per week , take thu inth st.
motor tosaundcrstit. restaurant , ltll : N.Ith. .
1S2 2
For rttlt' , etc. , HC top of flrnt rnfuninnii f/ih /
3" ADIl'.S wl hliiR remunoratlvo employment
-t In their own towns will please address 'J72I
N.SOtli M. , Omaha , Xeb , - lj'1-1 *
PERSONS wantlnu Infornuitlon regardInj :
the I.oulslana or Moxlcan lotteries can tlnd
't hy i-nllliiKatlllOSirith ; llstof drawingftir -
jjsliedjioo. lim a
rpO GHADKItS A lot on Lowe avenue to ho
JL graded. Call or address Kill ) Douglas st. ,
I p st u\rs. \ 2012 *
" \\rA , NTRD-Ciistlo theater , Ncweiistle.Wyo. ,
' 21ndy , iRent comic sons and dance ar-
Isls. wlili to communicate with McNulty sls-
.eis and other theatrical comic at lists. John
Owens , prop. 1181 *
: AS. AOKtreatnieiiteloetro.thermalbaths.
> sciilp& hair treatment , innnleiire .tcblrop-
odlst. Mrs. 1'ost , r2U-2i , Wltlinell bile.8i
8ia7 *
riMN wnrlc.i'tiolliiR.spoutitiR.vitllcyM. etc..pood
JL workanil low prices , li. tiavuuoiUUS ( 'miiltit , ' .
GMl a4'
For ratrt , cc.sce , tup of finl cnliimn on Hit *
" \\/"AN'rKI / ) to buy black mart ) , six years old.
Ifl'i ' handh , wulcht l.l.Wi will liny cnsli ;
rniiit lie oed travulur. A. 1' . Tukcy. New
York Life. IT. .
I/ANTED Oood commercial paper , NcI -
I braska Mortsaso Loan Co. , CI'J I'lixtou hlk
WANTED-A second hand safe , Ur-llleney ,
Itooin ai8-a- i ) u bnllilliiK _ 171-1
KI' : , honsoholdKOodsotc. Highest
cash price , till l-'urnain. ! C,0
liny a pacing hurso for lUli
iiox G'-O r. o. UT : ;
/ 'or rate. ' , etc. , fee / ji nfiivt ruluinii on ttiti
COMKADK3 Attention ! AVe hn\o coino to
stay. We have had yoirsof experience In
[ jenslon work , and otter yon our sorvlei'.s nt
ess c-oit than other attorni-y. > j new law clnlniH
nnd u specially ; consultation freo.
Yours In P. . ( ' .and L. NUIIMJIII k Knmvhmcl ,
Itdiini 111. HiKlininn block , Omaha. 1J > fl *
All disabled solillersand
- dependent widows , minors under Hi. und
parentsot deciM cU soldiers are now entitled
toponslons. Call on mo nnd file your chilinsitt
once. ( J.V. . Whltu room W , Continental block.
VTE\V law ; pensions for nhno t all soldiers ;
-L' fathers , mothers , widows and minor ehll-
clron of soldiers. Claims pushed hy K. N.
C'lhiRinan. II ) and 211'rcn/.erhlk. IS years o.xpe-
rlcnee. Only pension olllco In Oinana. ' IXil
1JEXSIOSH New pension law ; nvnrlli years'
i-xpcrlenco In the prorieuntlon of pensions
nnd Knvarmnvnt elnlnis ; have.seoiucd over
: tXiO ( pensions for boldh-M In Nebraska , and
Iowa , their widows and h ( lrs ; latest , decisions ;
latest liiw i no advance foe ; new blanks and
clrenlnrs free ; consnltallon ulwnys freo.
lllram A. SlnrKcs , 8'/8 Urohjhton Illock , next
Foilthof 1' . O. Oniiihn. SSHalU *
I OS't1.
For rnten , etc. , fee tnjt nf flrxt column o l/i.t / ( page
IOS'l'Vateh charm with niono rain f. L.
JHowiird If returned to NIcoll thu Tnllor ,
IOST White setter , brown head and O'irs ;
J wart on tip of tall ; tntt of hair on Head ;
11. P. Hall on collar. $30 reward. Dr. J. O.
Jones. 000-4.
Kor ratet , etc. , fee lop nj flrnt column on l/i / ( page.
T71OUSO A silver bracelet. Ownorcan have
JL1 same by calllns ou O. li. Krlokson , SOfi N.
10th. L'u.1 1
"ITIOUND Homo money. Inquire of nashlcr
JL' waterworks conipuiy. : 17--1 *
Formttii , etc. , pfetop of flnl column nnthtu
IvAOKAtiK sloriifto at lowest rates. W. JI.
Ilnshmnii , Kill l.cnvtMiwurtli. K\ \
TOUAUK-llranuh & Oo. , l-'ll Howard.
STOUAtUJ I'or merchandise und furniture ,
cold storuco and freezing ; traolcago llavld
Cole , 815-817 Howard st. aw
For rule * , etc. , fee ( op nf Jlnl column on tlitt
HUKSka-iiljtiiVVlHvur blilviilTisr 'Tli lute
llro has iniule thoni cheap. 11 , K. Oole.Con-
tlnentnl hhiek. . „ .
YllOlt HAM-1 platform sprhiK leather top
JJ enrrlaKO nlmoit new , 1 buekboiird new , I
doiitih ) liiiKRy orcarrla o harness. Apply at
2J15Vtibstor St. , On\nhi. ; UVi
& 'H ) and up. H. K. Colo.
ONE team mules , f.VO.
UIID team mulns , Ji
Ono team mules , t\M. \
One team mules , $ liJ.
Ono odd mule , J7."i.
Onu odd horse. $ .v > .
Unoodd horse , $1M.
Ono team horses , 1JOO.Itoom
Itoom 13 , Hoard Trade.
oU SAIiK-l'ony hurniws und buekboaitl ,
if1 , . _ Aillrcss ( ICMUlep , I X ) 4'
FO1 fH A f , K O r w 1111 ra ( lo forOmahu real cs-
lato. 2 Imported Krccch btalllons , color
black and dapple ray , wel ht li < Uiiiius 0 anil
7 superior style und action. Address n. 11.
llarr , 1ISNJfetli , Omaha. .Neb. 781 I
rIjlOUfiAlflv--ash ! or time , oed work team ,
JL' harness and \niRon. ( IIS I'axtnn hlk. S."J
JT1 fiNTI K delivery horse. SMO ; ' toain mules
V.T chenp , ? I10 ; 1.000 pound horse , tl.M ) ; larso
iniilotcain , if-i'i ! very laruo horse learn , f.OU ! !
very gentle buggy norse for ludy. JiV Itoom
111. floard Trade. 7SI
ITO. :
JMr wles , ( te , , see ( oj > ofir ( cotumn on tlita pije ,
TTiUHTfTTrillFoY iTrooms nrlvato hnnnllnz
JO house , everything tlral-olass. Adiln > s K
W. lleo otllco. 141 G
"lilOIt SALK At a linrRiiln , f iirnlturo ( innvi of
J..1 n ten room house , coin rally located and
Illlod with roninurs. J. 1) . /.Ittle
iiOIt BALK On account of falling hcult
F the new and olcxant furnlturu of u 21-
rootn house , occupants first-class , ineonio
nearly SIWO per month , lineal location la tlio
city. Address J 20. lleo oflico. DJ-a3
for rate * , etc. , KC lop oyirst folumrt on f/ib I HK.
FOU BAliK l'lionp-2 peed second-hand blov-
clca. _ ln < | iilront3tu.Nortlijltli. ia > - : < *
'I71OU SALK -Illeyclo , M"nch | KxporiColuru1
JL1 bio. Uuou rupulr ; cheap ; Cii N. 1.1.lfc.
lta : 1 *
1 jlOlt SAIiB New fltelnwny & t'on plano.bost
4. make , party h > : > vlir { city ; part eahh , bal
ance IImeIf , dcalix-d , I luiulro atUlS I'axton hlk ,
OU HA 1,1--Ono : of tlio best milk routes In
thu city of Omaha. I'or information cull
ou ! < ' . T. Uovr , 7UU N. IGth It. Mt-9 *
fOOl \ } clonr lake ice Mr s.ilo In larso nnnntt-
VJtles. ThoNobrasknTcoOo. , Kenrney , Ne
braska. ' ; tnall
rraticle.tcctoi ! > _ oMrt toltinn tmtlit *
i ; ? and Um
.1. pulled , II. llalor. 110H : 1Mb st.,2d door from
I' . U. Only man In toffii ,
TTMilKKMiAS and pnnxolA repnlrert nnrt
U covered. Key llttlnj and Ki'iicrul repairing'
nt Ht'llln'H Kim hliop. fl9N. Kith. CriOaVl
I'orrtitct , clt , , tec tojMJ/5rttl | nHumn on thlt iuiw.
"VOIINO Indy wlshwa nleo mom and board
.1. In prlvatu family hour buslnesa center or
motor line ; state prlco ! rcfurenecs. Address
K 70. lleo. aiT 1 *
T\rANTKI-OnoltirRC or two small nnftir-
> V nlshod rooini or parties to Join In rcnt-
Incallat , Call 424 North 18th. mxi-1 *
lrratf > * , clcfce ( _ ? tMnritli'in _ [ _ ' on Hit *
B Kl'OltK liuyliiR n piano e\iimlne the now
scale Klmball piano. A.IIo uc,15U Doiulas ,
p KO , r.OF.rjUINHKCIv.U-aeliorof the banjo ,
U with Ihwpo , 1.113 DnimliU , iM ! )
For ( itfc , * . c/c. / , ttt loji of flrsl rolnmn on ttitu
011ATTKI , Hunk , 31'Jf. Mih . ! . . loaim money
onchattclsorcollntcraliii reusonuble rate.s.
\m \
MJNHVfiOor ; Wdnys mi fund tn re.nlunos ,
horsc.s , houses , etc. J. J. Wilkinson. OH
I'nxtim block. _ _ _ _ TO )
\fONKV to loan by II. 1' . Mnsieri In any
j'LuiiHiunt from $ li ) lo ) , and for any
lln.e from one to six months.
Loans made on household goods , pliuios ,
nruiins horses , mules , liniisco. leases , ware
house receipts , I'lc. , lit the lowest possible
rut G < I , without publicity > rnknioval of property
Loans soiirrnnscdtlintynu ran make a pay
ment at iniy time and rcuin-c both principal
nnd Intotest , Von pay lntcre l only for the
llmcyou use the money. If youowen hnhince
on your property or him1 n'loan you wish
dimmed , I will pay It oil and carry It for yon.
I do not ndvcrllan to limn yon moiu-y ut
liink rates , but confidently claim to Rive you
lower rates and easier terms than can bo ou-
tnlned elsewhere In the city.
Money nlwavion hand. Nodolay. Nopuo-
llclty Lowe.rates. .
It. P. Masters ,
Kooin 1 , Wlthnell hlk.,15th and Harnoy sis.
MON'KY loaned at lowest raln-i.IonR thno on
hnproieil Omaha real estate , no "o.Ntrus , "
nodelny. Ulohol-oanATiustOu.iu73 : lllth.
BTTIMMN'O loansi ( to 7 percent : nonddl-
onal chiir esfo'VciiiiiiK- ) or nttorncy's
fees.V. . 11. Melklo. Klrst Nntlonal Uankbld
LOANS-Olty and farm , „ . . „ .
paper bought. McC'axe Investment C'o , 06i
. , IIATTEI , leans nt lowest rates ; bushiest
V confldcntlal. 510 I'aMon blk J. II. Knnngor.
_ ou ;
and Keiieriil kliort tlmepapcr
; aNo regular rijenrloanson Impro
ved property. aco.l'Mllust\o.u.t ' Iliiingebldg.
Iti7 )
SKCONII mortKiiKO lonns. Second mortKiiKCS
bought. Loans on meant lots. Ki'ed k
Helby , rooiii til. Hoard Trade. i' ' S
. - . - . of $10 to
flKHjTct ( ! our rates llefnrc borrowing and
save money ; limns on horsr * , . ( iirnUurc.iirany
approved security without publicity ; notes
bought , fur new loan , renewal of old and low
est rates , call H aw.SI-.uuly blk.isth & Howard.
t 1M.I
"IJIlhST niortiriiKi ! loans ut low rates imd no
JL1 delay. 1) . V. Sholca t'o. L'll ) 1st Nat'l bank.
MONKV to loan , on , waRons , mules ,
household goods plnno > . iirKansdlamonds
nt lowest rates. Tlio ifi > t organized loan olllce
In the city. .Make loans fimu 110 lo 'KiTxlays.
which can be | > ald In pnrt or whole at any
time , thus InncrliiK the prln.'lpal und Inlercsi.
Call nnd see. us when VIMI wimt niuney. Wo
cnn assist you promptly and lo your advanl-
iico without removal or pnipcity ur publicity.
Money nlwnvson han'd. ' No dclav In maklm
lonns. U. ! ' . Kimd & Co. , 'Ml S 13th st. . over
Hlngham & Sons. 1)71 )
UNUSIIALIA' low rates
Of Interest on llrst TiiorlRiiRes of Improved
real estate for the novc'Jil days by the Kansas
( Jltv In veil incut Co. KOIIIII M Hoard of Trade.
J. II. I'ease. manager. , UJ
MONEY to loan on any security
forHbort. time at low
rates. Ldwcst rates
on personal property.
The Henderson JMortxnjro Jnrcslibont Cora-
pnny , room 400. I'axtou Idle. 1
\\ lusldo loans. Lowest
T rates. Call and seu us , . Mutual Invcst-
ment t/'o. , I.VM l''arnam. 074
OlIBAl'eastcrn money
I'hllailelphia Mortxa o and Trust Co. ,
always ready to loan nnd pay promptly ; llrst
mortsiiKcs wnnlcd. f-eorco w. I' . C'oaU-s , re -
fesentatlvc. loom 7 , lioaiil u { Trade. I ) * . " !
BASTKKX money to loan on oily nronerty ;
mortKago paper bought. ll.U.liey.Xi . _ l.lfc.
TJHlVATK-inonev to loan cheap. GJ. 1' . llar- N. V. Life. U7i (
MONEY To lo.m on Uniaha and South
Omaha real estate. No delays or expen
ses. Money on hand at all times. Hates ,
Hrnlth & Co. , Commercial National bank bldg.
B IHLIHNU loans inailn at lowest rates. W.
M. Harris , room " 0 , I'leu/.or blk. , opu. P. O.
KEAL KbTATK Loans-Cash on hand , ttlobo
'Loan ' & Trust , Co 'M S. Kith s.t No delay
No extra charges. Houses for rent ; good list.
T > rAIj ) KSTA'l'li loans. Very lowest rales.
JL\C . J. Caswell. 816 N. 1' . Life. WW-alS
Kor ratex , etc. , see top of jlrst column on tin * poaf.
SECOND-HAND CallRraphs , Hammond nnd
lUmihiKtons. John II. ( 'oinos Co. Letlur
( llos and ulllca specialties. It.iniKo bids. V ' >
"VTOTHIK Tlio MiicclulHuniinersessloii of the
J- classes In ponnianshlp anil shorlhaml will
coinniencu .Monday , July 14. Olasses will ho
held In the niornlne. afternoon nnd ovcnlii ; . ' .
Call on or address for Inforniallon , Standard
Shorthand Ihislnoss College , Now York Life
building. Omaha. Neb. u8
FUrratct , etc. , ecc lop } first column on thli pays.
MME. I A MOSS , the lilRlily celebraled
clairvoyant and Iran * medium , late of
Iloslon , whllo outranked will reveal every
hidden mystery In lift ! . DlaKonlsus disease
whllo minor control ; locates mines and lese
imipcrty. Undoistandii the science of tht
llndoo magic or ancient charm vrorklnjr , prepares -
pares K yptlan talisman which will Rlvo you
Kood luck In hiislno-- , and nil nlTnlrsof life.
1'erfcut satisfaction cnaranteed hy mall. Send
stamp for .special terms. Hours.Mo 8 p. m.
I'nrloi-sovrricy N. Kith st. l'H-1 *
DK. NANME V. WAUHKX , elalrvoyant ,
medical nnd business meillum. Kcmalo dis
eases u specialty , lit ) N. 10Ui st. , rooms 3 and 'J.
IKIL Clayton , clalrypyiint , cnn hy her von-
Jdorfnl will power giunt any renuest. Iia-
dlcs.WccnoinB _ ) _ , . ! tHSii. ICtli. KlQ-nlO1
DU. AVOOI-Jlalrvoyint ( , trance nnd inilo-
pendentslato wrltlnif niedliiin.Clrcles Mon
day , Wednesday nnd lJny ( ) ovcnliiKS.l.'il2 . 'ass.
_ _ . ' OW 1J. *
'TfKSTlTu. I'.DDV 'I'lin ' ( IMIn ulshcd trance
-l-'lcliilrvovnnt , lutnl of Itotton. Has
removed to Ki-'O I > ( ) ii lni Kt. Wlilio entranced -
trancod will i veal oy.yfy hidden mystery in
life. I'repaics Kgyiitlun , talisman which will
overcome your enelli's ) , remove family
troubles , n lore aireetlons unites llio
huparutctl , helps all ill' trouble , ote. l-'oo , $1
and upwards. N. ll. l'crfect sathfuetlou
Kiinranteed by mull , ic-fjid stamp for lllm-
trated circular. Mrs. Ift'tKddy , ji > 20 Donelas
Ht. Omaha. , i , WQ-i ;
Til A DAM I > KI//llCl.1lfi'fl ! or Ixmdon. tlio
J-'lKificd trance clalryiyant and spirit me
dium , guarantees lo IJclp all In trouble , no
dllToruncovheruyou aiti1 ! Add. over GIOS. l.'lih.
8.x )
MASSAOK parlors open dally from 9 to 3.
.Madam Dol/.lcr. ovurOlO.S. iitn. ; m" > 1 *
t'ltr rntrn , tie. . Me tup of Jlrnt column onttiLt
HOTKIj 2S rooms , all convonlences , new
brick , 2 blocks from I' . U. 11. II. Iicy , N. V
I.lfehulldlnir. 1MI
SAhKr-l'aylni ! weekly paper In north-
cm NcbiaKkii ; siuiiU pnymcnt down and
hnlancfion long time ; owner inu-st leave iho
InndiicM. Aildrt .s KU5 , uaro lU-c. KII-.V
"lilOK UKNTI'lriitcltiBS hotel of i rooms
-L' and furnlluru to rent. Ini ) . at Dill Cuss st
731 1'
ri A ! < ! ! - - A barber shop and bulli-rooms
xl iiusluosi. no eoiupntltlooi healt
SO o ( ule. Ku-hanKc , Siulh Uinaha , C'has.
K Uuranil. HU--U
pAHTNEH wnnliHl In the tnaiiiifuctiiie. o
J. pluves and mittens. t < M recjulrcd. Call o
address No. HZi Naundcrs st. lid 1 >
"iriOH8ALIv-f5Md tlireo clmlr barber shop
-L1 Address Look llox 12 , Kruuiout Neb. IW-i'
H OTEL for sftlo , Tno-st-ory hrlck : I'onoof
the best hotels , doliiT tin excellent
. . . ono of Iho liest corners In Iho cltr ,
Addresj Commercial Hotel , llrokoii lloir , Neb
ITIOK SAi.K-Hostloonted sniull nrocery m
JO city , Other buslne . Address U.fil . , lleo.
"Ilion SAI.K-Moat rmrliot , dottiR Rood busi-
JL1 WHS. In town of 1.200 Inhabit nuts in eslern
Nebraska ; onlv two cn'li rciiulrcd. Address
O. I' , Tumor. I reniont , Nob. Iff ) nl
"fjiolt"Al7J'-i-omo stoelc In Nvhrnskti av
JL1 lugs bank , ut inlr rates. Apply at 7li\NSOth
T/OU SALII-Focd store. Address KftX lleo.
JL1 ninW
TTIOU SALK-l'or IO dny < , furnttiiro ol u
-L ? larsc boarding house , cnntral nnd rent
very Ion i irood location ; prloe HVl. part on
tliuolf deslicd. II. li\ Cook ft. V. Mf < < hid * .
| l.M-1 *
171)11 SATrE-Dalry on Ames ave. open for
JL ? rent or tr.idf. J. V. llorh , f 't > al7 *
I 11OII SAI.IV riicap. n bnkery In pnod loca
tion with u nlcn line of custom , Inquire of
O. T. Davis Co. , lVj I'arnain Hi. 71U 0
171OH exchnnso a few lots anil homes , ptc. .
JL1 furKOuU furiiH or liiiuli.V. . J. I'uul. 1003
1'n main. 411
fotiM. cash lands , etc. . for
in. Can usunulto a number. \ > .J.
_ " 'amniii8t. _ _ 4JJ
TOT" Itoilfiml Plai-P on State OWtht st. . to
' Jo.M'Imij'e for lot ill Cnrtliajre or Lincoln
PlaeiW. _ l.J-elliy , MHonrdjiTTrade.
" \\TANTI-il--Wiat : | have you got to trad
ii lil ) iifies of Rood Iniiil sit tinted ! near
Nel.f Address Iv 0 < i lice olllce. 11 2 *
"T.IOTKIj fiiniltui-o complete , to tridr : > for
-I 1 pooil HMillnbk' property , l.uiutt , ICvuns ,
iaiSaiiiid : 'rsM. ISO 2
' \\n M , oM'haiiBo tliree oottaijej and lots h.
IT I'oiin ! ! llluiTa fur vncatit property on
boltonis norlli from Mcholas st. Omaba. Ad-
dressji. M lire. _ 12'l ) * _
-J 0) Al'ltEti parity Ipiproied laud with small
1 Ineuiiibcrance to c\chaiiio forpooland blll-
lanl table. . ! . ' . O. box 12 , t-prlngvlow Null.
rilO KXl'HANOK S olenr lots corner and
J out ! mm In It. worth fcWX ) . In McCorinlck's
Cd addition , for hnusoand lot nearorlu. Will
ncsiiiiuuir p.iy thedlirorencu. U. V. Harrison ,
DUN. V. l.lle. bSI
" \\rANTKD-A stocu of miin-liandlso wliluh
> V will Invoice from 112.0)0 ) to JJil.OOi ) In e.x-
cliiniRU fora brink residence and one-acre lot
In OiL-cola. li. : This liouso cost 31.VOJO and Is
coiuuleto and modern In every iiartlctilnr ,
Iiavin : ; wjiipr supply , steam heat , li.itli room ,
t'tc. , and laclenrot Incuinlirunce , with perfect
tllle. can ni'iki * up any ( Illl'ci-fiion wltli foci < \
first inortsaso pupnr. Apply at No. IliO N. 20th
.st. . from 0 to 12 dully. .1. K. 1C. 7M
Or , HAH property and cash for merchandise.
Liivcfnll iiai'tloulai'H , tteo. 11. ID\VI ! l
Stuart , Neb. 1158'
HXCIlANOK Hood fimns.olty property
and wild lands In Nebraska und lonn for
Wood cen'l miKei prnpi'rlyelear ; title perfect.
Address. Lork Ilov t > . " > . I'rt'mont. Neb. W'
ijlOUEXt'll.VNIiK JI3.000 stock of Inmlwnre ,
JL1 from llr thmids , at whole-tile prices : JI.MX )
rush required .Ian. 1. IMJ1 ; will take for bal-
iinuu of efpilty Rood clear Nebraska or Iowa
farm lurnl or Omnha iiropeity with small In-
eumbranco ; full llnoof simples can bo eon
liiUmulm. Atldress K ill. Ilee olllce. T-l
IX AN' ! KD S'aeantlots or acres for t\voo \ (
I ' the fliie-t anil bust pavlni ; lilouks In Ilia
city. Will itv l > Is deal It made soon , with
some cash. J M , Heeolllee. 41' . '
/'or rate * , ett , fee t i > ut Jinl i olwmt im tliti jxiyc.
TL WANT to buy : t resldt-iico vacant lot ; must
-L bo a bargain.V. . M. Kebo. 1000i ! Kainuin.
LI -
I INL'OLN I'lacc Two lots , a southeast cor-
J Jnor and lot adjoining. Jl.G'X ) If sold at once ,
small oasli naj incut , balance to suit. Ad-
( Iri-s-iJJJiUJU.i Ht 1 *
VrAKI3 up a nil buy a home on monthly pay-
V i meiits. Choice of 7 dlll'erent houses , south
frontbon 1'arnain st. Kvery convenleiu'C. In-
cludlntf fnriiacc'iindgas. 1'lans can bo neuii
nt myollicv. fall In. IJ. V. SliolosO'o. , 2ii : 1st
Notional bank. 1K1
ASM A 1,1 , imyment down and SITi per month
will buy a 4-room hnu-e and lot on llith ,
bloc-ks fiimi motor ; flrst-class clianvo to ac-
( inlre n home on ea.-.y terms , Apply toll. K.
Cole. Continental blosk ] : list
NOTlCK-I.ot 1) . block 13. Highland I'lacc ,
Omaha , Uouglns Co. , Noli. , Is withdrawn
from the market. Uobt. li. Haynold.s. 1M-1 *
/1OTTAOK homes Inmost any ixddltlon for
Wsale at from JIOft ) up on easy imthly pay-
mcnls. I' " , 1C. Hurling , 4.1 Darker blkj 1) ) B
1T1OH SA1.K Nice 7-room housn ready to
i-1 move Into , with full lot , 8Sa , * ! 00 cash. 0.
F. Harrison , till N. V. Life. IH7
[ ! > ' YOU liavoanythln ? to seller e.xcliango
cull at CIS 1'uYtoii block. OSS
LINCU1.N Place lotsil,2. > a. Dexter 0. Thomas
' 7KI
AOHOICHsltoon rarnnin , opposite Jlr. K.
L. Stono's line reihlencu. 1U > Y187 foe ) , that
wo will sell very cheap If taken before AUK. 1.
Omaha Ueal Kstatoand Trust company , ' . " -I ) H.
17th t. . Ik'obiilldlni. 7K (
GUCATIjnrualns { 3.1100 will buy u flno resi
dence. F. , . " > OJ down , balance on time.
Also a line rnsldcneo lot cheap for cash.
Alsna line resldoni'o In ICountzo I'lacc.
For particulars npply at the Neb. ? team
latindry. fc ocor. lOtli JJowanl st.s. 101
1,709. 5 room house and lot ; $2,000 , ( I room
lioiise , barn and lot. S. K. cor. llth and Vln-
Inn. Airs. ICuhlmau. Cheap , want to leave
city. Mil
FOU SAIE The oliolcu residence at.No ,
ION Ocor ; ln live. , in.xtl1) ft K front.O lurjro
rooms , bath , cas , sewer , hot and cold water ,
closet and all ronronlcncus , owner uohiK to
leave city. D V. Sholes Co. , 313 1st Nat. bunk.
$ lSiO for Lincoln I'lnco and Carthacn lots ;
easy terms. \ \ ' . L. Selby , la Hoard Tnido.
AnAHGATN To.iny one wantlns ii dnslra-
able homo. Wohavna nine mom house ,
lar 0 barn and carriage house , one block from
the motor line , but twelve minutes from
I'arnam st. , that wo can sell cheap , und will
taken lotor asmall liouso and lot. In pnrt
payment , and tilvueasv terms on the , balance.
Omaha Itoal I-Mnteand Trust company , 220 S.
17th St. . lleo bulldlnjr. 702
CMO CASH and | S per month for house nnd
P full lot nt from $ SJJ to JI.500 eaeh.V
.1.1'.iul. 1Wi Kiirnam. 411
7jlOnSAIE Kour Rood lots m Walnut Hill ,
JL1 .lOvim ) oaoh , on trrade. I'rlco JC > 00 onch ,
worth double the money. Stringer & IVmiy ,
Douglan bloeK , IGth and Oodgo. 400
SKALKI ) bids will ho received by the board
of education school district of Omalia , till
7.0p : : , in. , August Ith. IM ) , for such painting ,
UahomlnlnK. paper hangliiB and plumbliiLT. as
Is required In the repair of tlio vntlous sonnol
bulldlnss aiidajipurtenances for the ensuing
year , conimoncliig with the llrat of Aiixu
IhiK ) .
All propo ° nls hliall dcslgnatn the kind of
work to Im done and the kind , class and qual
ity of material to bu used , und the price pur
unit of measure.
Proposals for pnner liantclnit shall name the
price per roll for liun lni ; white l-huiKs. -
Pioposals for kalsomlnliiK Khali 11:11110 : the
price per square of lOi ) sqnuru fi'Cl.
Trojiosals for painting In aildltlon to des
iiutiii' the kind , ulass and finality of material
to be ust'il shall narno the price per bquaru
yard forono , two and tlireo coat work on In-
hlilu wood sin face , outside wood surface , for
rout iKilntlii Df slilnuh' , tin and metal snrfnco
ami for ono alul two coats of paint on outsldo
brick walls.
I'lopusals for plninbliiK Shall deslRnato the
price per day and per hourforfrnelUiinil parts
of the half ( fay forscrvico icnilercd by plum
ber or by plumber and hid per , and Hhnlloleur-
ly slnto what , If any , di'ductlon will lie made
f rom a standard jirfeo list of plumUeia' biip-
pllcs for material furnished ,
All proposiils must bo scaled , marked "pro-
Iio-al to do work. " andaddiesncil to Iho
M'tnilury of the Hoard of IMnuntloii. The
board ruservus the right to reject any und ull
lly older of the Hoard of Education.
J. II. I'll'KIC ,
J3ld3t. Secretary.
Notice to ConlrnoUirs.
Pouth Omaha , Nebraska , .Inly 20 , ' ( > 0. f
gitaletl | ) rep ( ials will bu icoclvcd by llio
undorsU'iuxt ut this ofllcn up to twelve if. )
o'clock noon August 7th , 1S < ) , for the furnlili-
Inzof nil mntPrlaU and fonstructliiK n t en-
ty-fuuriSI ) llieh pipe storm wnluMuwvrln " 1 "
htrint. from Union Hlock Vurdsbox tewcr to
thvltoulovurd ,
Ko proposals from any contractor In default
with t Illicit } on any pluvious contract will bu
No proposals will bo received unless aycorn-
panlod by it certified cliocU paynblo to the city
of South Umahu for three hundred dollars
. ,
Approxlmito cHtlmnto oleht hundred and
fifty ( h.Vi ) feet twenty-four l ) Inch pipe ; fcev-
enty (70) ( ) foot twelve il''l Inch pipe ; lour fat. h
basins , to costJl , H7.00. .
K , Coj.'i.ur ,
Clialrmau Oouiulttco on Hrccl * und Alleys.
A Joint resolullon wo adopted
by the Icidslntnrnof t host aloof Nebrn > knnt
thotwrnly-tlrst se < lon thvicof. imd npprored
Keliruary IHtli , A. I ) . 18M ) , proposing iinamcnd *
ment to the constitution nf said state , nnd
that said amendment shall read as follows ,
to-nlt :
Section l ! Thrtl .it the ncnernl election to
tm > held on the Tui' day sucepedintj the first
.Monday of November. A. D.bOO.thore shall by
ftitinltted to the electors of this state for ap-
prom ! or rejection an amcnilment to the i ou
st Itiillon of this state In words us follows !
"The manufacture , * ale and keeplnufor.salo
nf Into.xlciitlinr llquorHns a bemiracimro for
ever prohibited In this Mule , uiul the IcitUlu-
ture shall provide by luw for the enforcement
of thU provMou , " And there shall also nt
said election bo separately submitted to the
elector * of this Ht ate for thelrnpproval orro-
Jnctlon an amendment to the coiiMltntlonof
the state In words a * follows : "The nmnufao
t uic. sain and keeping for sale of Intoxicating
Ililiiurs us n boveraKo shall bo licensed uud
reuulatedby luw. "
fee. 2 : At such election , on the liallot of
onch elector vet In * for Iho proposed amend-
meiits to the constitution tdiall Im written or
printed the words : 'Tor propoied iimcml-
mi'ht to the eoiistlttltlon , piihllltlnir ) the
mannfueturc , .side and keeping for side
of InUixIcatliiR liquors as a ooveraKO , " or ;
'Against the protmsed amciutmont to the
constitution prohibiting the mnnnfacturp ,
nalc and kreplni ? for ualu of IntoxIcatlliK
Iloiiors us a bevortiRe. "
There shall ulsobe written or printed on the
ballot of each elector voting for the piojwod
amendment to the constitution , ttie words :
"Kor proposed iitncmltmmt to theeonstltutlon
that the maiiufnctun1. s-alo and keepmi ; for
salci.f liito.xlcatliii ? liquor * HM huu'raito In
I hit stale shall b licensed nnd retaliated
bylaw. " or "Annlnst suld proposed nmond-
mcnt to the I'OaMltutluu tluiL the inanutac-
tnie , snliiitid Ut'eplnR for sale uf IntoxIcatbiK
liquors ns a beverage shall bo licensed and
reiriilnlliiR by law. "
Sec. : > : If either of the said proposed
amendments shall bo approved by a majoilty
of thu clccloin voting at the said election ,
thtnlt shall coiisltuto section twemy-soven
[ U'Tl of nrt'cle one Ulo ( the c'oiistlliitlua of this
Tlierefore. I , .lolm M. Thayer , Governor of
thestntoof Nebraskado hereby Rive notice
In accordance with section olio [ I ] article [ 131
of the constitution nnd thu provisions of the
net entitled "an act to provide the manner of
I-IIH | Hlnn' all amendments to the constitution
nil submitting thesamu to the electors of the
tale. " Approved February l.'lth. A. I ) . 15,7 ,
nat said proposed amendment will In'sub-
ill ton to tfie qu till lied utters oft his nta to for
pproval or rejection at the general election
D bo held on the 4th day of November , A. It.
Ill witness whereof I hereunto set my hand ,
nrt cause to be n 111 \ oil the trreat seal of the
tale til Nebraska. Done at Lincoln thls''Oth
lay of July. A. I ) , ISilO.nnd Iho 21th vearof Iho
tiitc. and of the Independence of the United
tites : llio one hundred llfteentn.
lly theUovernor. JOHN .M. TIIAVniC.
ISKAI ] Secretary of Stato.
August iMm
WIIKHEAS. A Joint resolution was adopted
ly the loRl.sliituroof the state o ( Nebraska , at
he twi'iity-Mrst session thereof , nnd approved
larch Klin. A. 1) . IsS'.l , prousliiK ] an iimend-
nent tot-eutloii Thirteen ( It ) of Article blx (0) ( )
f tlio constitution of said state ; that sild
ei'tlon as amended shall lead as follows , to-
Section 1 : Thatsectlon thirteen m > of artl-
-leslx ( Hi of t he crust it nt Ion of the ? tit at oof Ne
braska bo amended .so as to loud as follows :
Scotlui 1.1 : The jndces of ihemiprcine court
hall encli ie 'olve a > > iiliry : of thirty-live hi'ii-
Ired dollars i.l..7W per annum imd the judges
if the dlsirlel court shall rerclvo asnlaryof
bree thonsand dollarsf.l,0ini ( ) jier iiiinuiiiMind
hi ) salary of each shnll payable quarterly.
Si'otloa'Knell : peisjn voting in favor of
ninciKJnietit shall have written or printed
.jpon his b-illot thiM'ollowIni ? :
"For the propo-ed amendment to thecon-tl-
iitlon , iclatiiiK to the siilnry o > Judges of tlio
iiiiireme and dl lrlet court.
Therefore. 1. John M. Thaycr , povnrnorof
thnst-ito of Nobniska , do hereby I o notice.
In accoidniice with occllon onotll aitlole fif
teen Ll"'l of the vdiiKtltutlon , and the provi
sions of an act entitled : "An act to provide
tlio mam.e ? of propr > liij : nil nmenilinents to
Iio constitution and suhmlttinK thesnmeto
iioelcctnrsof t iio state. " Appiiived 1'obiunry
3th. A. I ) . HT7 , that vihl pix > poseil uln-'liil- -
nent wbl boHiibmlttcd to the ipiallllcd voters
, ) f this stnte for approval or rejection , nt llio
irncril : elect Ion to lo held on the Ith day of
November. A. I ) . IS'.n.
In wllnsss whereof I have hereunto set my
liund and canso'l to ho alllxed the Ri-ent seal
. ) fthe stiite of Nuliraskii. Done nt Lincoln.
tldsUithdnyof July. A. I ) . ISUil. and the twen
ty-fourth vt'iir of the stale , und of tnelndo-
leudrnco of the United States the onuhuii-
ilO.i MfllMMltll.
lly the Governor. JOHN 51. TIIAYEH.
[ StAi.l ; Secretary of State.
August lil3m
Wnr.iiEAS. A joint resolution was adopted
by the legislature of thu state of
thu twiMity-fl i ft session thereof , and approved
.March Mtli. A. 1) ) . ISsi ) , prupo-lnif an amend-
inunt. In section two [ ' - ' ) fnurt ] und live [ . " > ] of
Article six hi ] ( if ( lie constitution of saldstato
and that suld .section us amended shull read
as follows , lo-wlt :
Section 1 That section two ( ' . ' ) of article six
; fief ) the constitution of the state of Nebraska
be amended so as to lead follows :
"Sections : The supreme court , shall con
slst of llvo(5)Jnil ( ) es , u malorltyof whonishiill
bunccc * > ary to form a quornm or to pronounce
a dccNIon. It shall have original .lurlsdlctlon
in eases relntlua to revenue , civil cases In
\vhlchtliestatesna11bo a party , mandamus ,
quo warranto. habeas corpus , and such nppol-
late Jurisdiction ns may 1m provided by luw.
Soctlmi2 : That section finirl ( ) of article six
( Go ) f the constitution of the state of Nebraska ,
bo amended so as to read as follows :
Section-I : The Judges of thu supremccouit
shall be elected by iho electoisof thuHtntu at
lar c , and their terms of olllce , u.\ccpt ris
hereinafter provided , bliall bo fora period of
live ( f > ) yenrs. "
Section ; i ; That section five (3) ( ) of article six
(6)of ( ) the constitution of the slat oof Nebras
ka , bo amended so us to read ns follows :
Sections : "At the llrst general election to
be held In the year WJI. and after tlio adop
tion of this amendment to tlio constitution ,
there shall ho elected tlireo ( 'U Judges of the
supreme court , ono of whom shall bo elected
for the term of om > (1) ( ) year , ono for the term
of three illiyoars and ono for the term of live.
( . ' > ) years , and ut each Kenoral election there
after thoio shall bo elected ono ludnu of the
supreme court for the term of nvo(3) ( ) years.
Provided , that the Judges of the .supromo
court who-,0 terms have not expired nt llio
tlmn of holding the nloctlou of 181)1 ) ,
shnlleontimio to hold their nflloo for the re
mainder of the term for which they were re
spectively elected under thu piu ent const !
tutloii , "
Section 4 : That each person votliiff In favor
of this amendment .shall have written or
prln'cd upon his ballot the follow Ini ; ;
"Kor the proposed amendment tut ho consti
tution relating to the nuinUer of supreme
judges. "
Therefore. T.John M. Tluycr , Governor of
the slnte of Nebraska , do'hereby clvo notice
In nccoitlance with si-ctluu ono ill article llf-
toon'IM. of the constitution , the nrovlshms of
the not cnlKlf d : "An act to provldo the man
ner of propitslns all aiiiciidiiients lothocon-
stltiithm and submitting the same to the elec
tors of the state. " Approved IVhriniry iith. :
A. 11.1B77 , that said pioKi | > i > ( l amondnn-iit will
be presented to Iho qualified voters of the
si ale for appioval or rejection at the Lunerul
clectlmi to bo held on the 4th day of Novem
ber. A. I ) . IMJO.
In witness whereof I have linroimto set. my
hand and caused to bo iitllxed thoercat sea
of the state of Nebraska. Done nt Llncoh
thlH .lilli day of July , A. 1) . l iO , and the twen
ty-fourth year of the state , nnd of tlio inde
pendence of tlio United States the ono hun
dred fifteenth.
IlytliuOovi'inor. JUIINM. TIIAVEU.
HKN.IA.MINH. Oowniinr ,
IStiAi. . ] Secretary of Stato.
+ OMAHA.-4 *
liicither * ejt , lnvoluntiry l.o o * , a * i
caUBb'l ' by ovur-cxertlu * of Iho brain , rHr-itimo o
o > er Indttucncu. hucti box rtmtalnionumoult ' * trtA
ment. 91 ftt > oj , nr ilx for 3 > , rent Itjr mallp
Wltli each urtltr fur lx Lou-- , will M.II ! ru
iniarant.o to it'fnnd money If tlio truittnunt
cut tit UuarariUeiUjueU unJuuuutuu i'lJuuly ' by
HID Parnum Street. - Oiaalin , Neb
_ -u r l ar.J H2KVOV8 3 .
.WeikneMcf Body anlHind , EffttUi
JJof Krror ur xui * U Older Younc ,
. .
it. . .r.iif.r noun TutiratkT-n.u.iii. u K 4 ,
n.i iMlllf tnm tu BUIM ted t > rtli C ur < rl . KrIU llu
rlbtl , * IIM.V. ipUittloniM4 pro. ' * Baill llwfeUdirrti.
PATENT 0. W HlilCS .V ( .0
Uca lluliaiiig , .Uuialia NoU
Pattije to and Irom Britain anil H
part ) of Eurnpi. MantrosMltcrpool routs , by lh
walors olSt. L * ronco. herl tolall. liimrcmto
Hoston , to I'hllnilrlpliliv. Liverpool to nnd frora
llaltlmor . Thirty Styjtmari. I U a sicelilor.
AccoainiPilatloua imturiii npil , WceVIr tslllno * .
AIiKANA < U . . ( len West.AC't .
CJ. Sur.Ull .
i ill li iiuf(1 ( * " * * Vj
ill. l.arpf.t. ni.i rinf. ' . ln llioVoilJ. . .
DKVONIA , Auif. 0. I ANCIIOlttA. Auit , O.
t'lllCASSIA , AUK , 10. I KTIIloriA , Ang. 30.
Kc\v York , Qncoustown nnd Liverpool ,
The rolobrstod I Aug. 23 < 1. Mept. ajlh.
CITV OK HUM 1ft | Ott. istli.
tAtcwon Innctt trrm In ami from tli | irln'l | l
iciirnlun tickets rvluevl , ntail0 nvnllnl , ! , * to trlom
rithcTllio ptctuivHtiuoCljilo , HlTcr Irrii ) , .Sdtth t > r
iilhnrlrrUtnl .Vnplr ir < ) lirallnr. !
nt Kmret cilriTiit r lr . AlMily t" Riif pf our loo\l
Kiut. . or lo HENDERSON BROb. , Clilcnijo.
Local iiRiMits nt lynahni llnrrr K. Moore
Charles Miuci.V. . 1' , Viilll , II. I' , IJcucI , Oltl
ens ( tank , uttoVolf. .
Cabin Paiiago $35 Id $50. according la location ol
jtateroom. Excursion$05 lo $95.
StecraB" to nnd Irom ICtiropont Inmost Hates.
AUSTIN BALDWIN A. CO.General , Agents.
03 Broadway. NEW YORK.
Jin ) . Hlej en , fJt-iieral AVestnrn Au'ent , 121
landolnh Street , t'hlcaso. Hurry 1- Moore
os , Canno ;
Permanent Alignment
General Agents Nebraska nnd Iowa.
S1O S. 16th St. , - - Omahn
, Vrrtiu DrMlllr.
Youthful InilUi-rclioni ,
Lout Mnnhootl.
B8YgurOwnPhysicafiji |
Jfiuiv men , from the fffccti of youthful
tinprutlniu'u , hat tiroiichl aUiut nutalo of
' weakno i Hint his rnuiictu tit * Bfneint tjt
> toil § o iiim-h ui to Induce Almost ever/
J othp illwajnnd ttn > rrul cnuv ) of llio
f nre ilcv-torrj for rvorjthhiyhwl UK * rtfiht i
on ft , NotvtUi3tAPtdIui < the iuMjy Tutunbl
r mMlcn tliftt incd leal RclMireha jiroU nee
t 1.4 Krythror jlon cocn , 1-3 dra-clim ,
J ru > hlnie < lrachiii.
JIvloalaa Dloli i , 1S drachm.
rtlci . . . .
( ilv fiino.n . Mix. '
ifukwWpills. T.ilcolpiIl t2i > .nLtKr.U n- '
> otlierou ( c ° lntf tu tc < l. lupumoctJwiiS will <
i ho nttcf ary for thi uitlont to take two I "
r .
t iicrfou < irtehilltTin lT'eaune ' jiFitJor ! ( or. ;
I anil"sprcllly In thowrA tM ) -stjltlnir from <
5 linpnuli-ncr. Tha rrctiiMirAtlrn powtm of ;
. . ,
E usitcontlntieit for rt short tlmoch nnc the
t lantl'ulttl ileMUjit ( < xl , nrrvnlers coniltiou to
[ uneof rvticwcillirnnnil vicor ,
Aswearoconstntitlrtnnfclptof leltenof J
nqulrj * icLittvo to ttih rrinitlj , e
I usjf \ remitting $1 ai cuixlT 6cie.o ! < t pork *
ftC'i ' contalnlntf CO pills , caru fully com * <
pound l.wlll bo > "nt bjr i-etuni nMl from ;
f s > ur private lMbomT ( ry , or wo wlllfurnltli fl
ACki\irirhchwIIIcurouioittnswt * for$3.
AUtlriM or call on
| ! QW England sdical Institule ,
24 Troniont Itoir , lloalnn ,
Cairrriirht , lW.r > ' - U.
Denver Colo.
, . ,
Capital Prize $7,500.
$26,370 PAID liACH MONTH
Address , B. P. HIIODUS ,
, - - - .
J. REED WHIFFLE & CO. , Projirletors.
J. RKED WIIIPPLE It CO. , Pro .r.t'xiru.
1SU noT'lSAN Pt * AN.
Cooking HIM ! Hurvlo excuilixl liy nonu. Ciiiiiplet *
In nil npiotntinunt.i | liuit lnuatlun la tlic cl y
Tlio lUnlon Trniiscrlpt unyii : "Mr.Vliliil | ( * l
prlrico nf Inii'llorils. ' nnil pnirom nl I'urkfu mar
nntlcli.ito u return to thu good nlil tmoi uf III
fonniltr , llnrrt-yl ) . I'nrkiir.
Mr. WHUTI.K will continuo thu iiiiinuKem nt cr
Vuiina as horetoiuru. ,
A POSITIVE aB'l permanent CURE for all
aiseasea of the URINARY ORGANS. Ourei
whorj other treatment fills , Fall directions V7lth each
I'Ottlo. ' i'lloo , one dollar. Boo slgnatoro of r. . L.
8TAUL. For Sale By All DrugBiiita.
C VOW I I IQ fan be cured nr'ltoN
O I irlll-lO Uiiys hy iiHoof tin innr-
vvlonsMnKli Ilniiipdy. ( VK.oifir ) aeasi it will
not euro. t'AL'TIiJJ * to uiit tlu > Kenu in1 roiu-
cdv. Willn ui-iiiill on 1' " . L' . .lo-ilyn. U 1' liar *
uoy Stn-i't , ( Jiiialia. Nebraska.
A Cliolui ! Idst ol'811111 mer llosortH ,
In the litUo royions of Wisconsin , Mia-
iiotiota , lo\va and the two Dnkotns. tlioro
nro hunilruils of cliiinuiii ' lot'iiUtlu.i pro-
Dininuiitly lltlctl for HIIIIIIIIT liomuS.
Atnont ; tlio followiii' , ' bolucted list ara
imniiM fnniiliiu1 to many of our renders
it.s the purfoulinn of northern -.n-umnr roi
borts. Kotxi'ly ullof the \ \ ' \ u in points )
of intori'.st tire williin u hliorl iliatiuico
from Chicago or Milwaukee , nn l none
of thorn nro KO fur away from in > "busy
marls * of civilization" Unit limy c'tiinot
bo reached in n few hours of travel ,
by fivquunl trains , over thu llnrst rood
in thu nortliwcst the C'hli'ago ,
Mihvaulcco & Ht. 1'nul rnilwnyi
Orouoinowoc.V'l . Clear Lnlw , Iowa.
Mlnociiuu , Wl . 1/iUo OUohoJi , Iowa.
WnukoshnVU. . Kplrlt f/ake. Jowa.
I'olmyrn , Wia. 1-Yotitenac , Allnn ,
Tanioliuwk Lakes , Lnko Mliuictonko ,
\Vls. Minn.
Laltojldo , Wls. Ortonvlllc , Mlun.
Kilbourn Citv , WU. , 1'riorLalco , Minn.
( Dulls of tlioWU- Wlitto Dear Lake ,
consm ) Minn ,
nouvor DrtiFi , Wls. lilt ? Stone I > ako , Da
Madison , Wls , KOtil.
( ' . illcd Information , npplv nt tlckol
onicc. 1MU Kurnam street , Ilurkur Hlodr.
F. A. NASH , Con.
J. E. I'llKS'i'oX , Puss. AronU {