Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, August 02, 1890, Page 5, Image 5

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Mytton'a ' Attempt to Talto His Own Llfo Duo
V w a love Affair.
CbnrloH Bowman , a Carpenter ,
Crushed and Almost IiiHlaiitly
Kllleil by n Mounter Stone
The bullet that came so near causing the
fleath of K. J. Mytton .Thursday night \vas
removed yesterday morning by Dw. Gal-
bratth and Hodman. It hiul lodged lust
under the skin ot the hack , after passing
through ono of the victim's lungs , It Is as
yet imiKwihlo to tell what tlio result will ho ,
OA the iiliyslclans regard his chances as about
oven ,
Myltou roomed nt2019 Lcavcmvortli street
nnd Is reported hy the landlady as having
been a VOUIIK man ot excellent character , so
far as lias appeared whllo he was lodging lu
her holme , llobpent his cvcnlnps principally
nt hoini1 , paid his rent promptly and she.
hnd never seen him under the Influence of
But Mytton was drlnklnp Thursday. lie
lias n younger sister living In this city who Is
also employed nt the Nebraska Jlro insurance
company and who hoards at 105 South Sovrn-
tccnth street. Miss Mytton Is intliiialo with
Miss Burns , the daughter of the president ot
the lire Insurance company , by whom they
were both employed , and n lady who knows
nil parties said that Miss Mytton loved Miss
Burns fur her brother's sake , and that the
latter wu infatuated with his employer's
Thursday night Miss Mytton voitt out on
Park avenue to spend the nlffht with
Mrs. IJnrns. Later in tlm evening
Mytton called to sco his sister ,
but did not lind her at her boarding
jdace. lie sat and talked with the lady of
tlio tor mmio time , telling her that ho
wasKolnpto Chicago tomorrow. Ahont 10
o'elot'k ho returned to his lodgings , but was
hoard to co out in a few minutes , ICarller In
the rvi'iiinK his sister and Miss Burns had
called to neo him , hut he was not in , Miss
Burns ntthat eall asked the landlady if her
brother's belongings yet remained in his
room , and was told they did ;
Mr. Burns managed to keep away from the
reporters yesterday. IIo was not in his ofllco
end all his clerks solemnly declared that they
didn't ' know whore he could bo found ,
' 4 Ills correct address docs not appear In the
, city directory , but his homo on 1'nrl : uvcnuo
was discovered after some sc.irchliiK.
A reporter nsked to see Miss Uiirns , hut
that young lady's mother , who appeared nt
the door , s'lid her daughter was too 111 to en
tertain company.
"Your daughter was cngaced to young
Mvttou , wasn't ' shoi" was asked her.
Airs. Hums refused at lirst to answer the
question , but liimlly did confess that her
daughter anil Mytton hud been engaged nt
ono tlmo , but that the engagement had been
broken hy Miss Burns.
After Mytton had railed at his lodgings ,
Thursday night , after his revolver , ho went to
the resldenceof Miss Burns and tried toeffcct a
reconciliation , lie wis drinking nnd the
young gill refused to renew the engagement ,
lie thereupon left the house and a few min
utes Intel1 shot himself.
The sister of the wounded man was at
his hedsido all day.
ClmrlcM Ilowinaii Killed Yesterday
Morning "t fifteenth and Dodge.
"Without n moment's warning , ntO:30 : o'clock
yesterday morning , Charles Bowman , a car
penter , working at the American National bank
building , now in course of erection at the
northwest corner of Fifteenth and Dodge
Btrcets , was called to moot Ids Maker.
li'or eight months Bowman had been work
ing for Contractors Arthur & Herd , nnd
boarding nt the A'ulloy house at Eighth und
Lcavenworth streets.
Yesterday ho was Instructed to frame some
timbers linino dlately In front of the south oa-
trnnco to tbo building In question.
IIu WHS busily engaged at bis work-when
suddenly there was a sound of breaking
stone , nnd before any ono had time to realize
what hud hiiDpcncd , the largo stone bracket ,
Biiiportln | } ! the eastern end of the stone portico
tico , that extends over the entrance , fell ,
striking Howmati upon the head , felting htm
instantly to the ground.
Ills fellow-workmen rushed to him , picked
him up ami carried him into the building ,
where ho was gently laid upon a pile of shav
The doctor was summoned , but his services
wore not needed , na poor Bowman
had died before the inedL'pl man arrived.
Laving expired , without a struggle , and
within two minutes from the tlmo ho was
struck hy the brack ot.
The cause of tno fatal accident Is a mys
tery , as the contractor la chureo of the stone
work examines every stone hoforo ills put in
place , mid when this stone was laid it was
considered both well placed and free from
The stoaowas a lion-Id instrumentof death ,
being a rough nnd Jagged affair , weighing
about tliroo hundred pounds , und as ono cor
ner of It struck Bowman squarely upon the
top of the head , it crushed his skull as
though the latter had been an egg-shell , scat
tering his brains about , the limners upon
which the poor man had bcca working.
As wortl went out that a man had been
Wiled , u curious crowd soon gathered about
place nnd blockaded thu streets so as to sus
pend travol.
Sergeant Slgwart was placed in charge of a
Rqmul of police and at oneu cleared the prem
ises , whllo tlio coroner was notified.
Papers in the dead man's pocket showed
that his parents live in l.urned , Pawnee
county , Ivan. , and telriram was at once
sent to his father , M J. llownmn , conveying
thnsad intelligence and asking what dispo
sition should bo made of tlio remains.
Bowman was a single man about twenty-
filx yearn of age nnd had no relatives In this
pltv. Ho lived in thoVullcy houso.
At II o'clock yesterday afternoon Coroner
Jlarrignn selected n Jury and the taking of
testimony was commenced.
David Miller was thu lirst witness railed.
i IIo test I tied that ho was nt work near llow-
rx * lima and looked up Just as the reck struck
fclm ; did not know the cause of the rock
bracket falling , but thought It must have
been caused by the settling of the front wall.
Thomas A. Murray , the stationary en
gineer who has charge of the hoisting engine ,
saw the shadow of the rook as It fell from its
place In the wall , Ho saw Bowman n moment
before the accident , and thought ho was lu
the not of going after some lumber.
Thomas Hurd , ono of the contractors , had
examined the bracket before It was set Into
tlio wall and found it perfect and free from
flaws. Ho testified that the bracket
\vasof\Vyonilngsaud stone and was con
sidered strung and tough rock. Tlio stone
' Mind been in the wall three weeks. IIo thought
tbo hreulc was caused by .tho settling of the
William Arthur , anothcrof the contractors ,
had examined the stone , both before mid
nftcr It was set , nnd was sure it was perfect
nnd five from flaws.
Benjamin Mclnulst , ono of the stone con
tractors , testified thattbestoiiowasof a good
quality , well laid and sulllclently strong to
hold the stone porch. Ho could not under-
I stand , why the bracket broke off.
Herbert Uoynolds , the architect of the
hulldlng , was called. Ho testiiicd as follows :
IIuvo examined the break ; tbo rock wis nor-
Ject rend was tested before being laid
in the wall and was found capable.
of stand a pressure of 10,000 pounds
to the square Inch , ilostatod that thu bracket
extended three foot In the wall and was
anchored inside. He could not explain whv
the stone broke off , as the platform ubovo { t
had been leveled and the pressure was the
aainc upon this us upon the other brackets , of
which tbero were tlireo.
This ended the testimony nnd the Jurors
vtora given an opportunity of going out to
cxanilno the stono.
An adjournment was then tafiea until A
o'clock this afternoon , at which time Archi
tect Cleaves will bo called for the purpose of
testifying as to facts In relation to the
strength of stone , and If possible to throw
Boino light upon the cause which produced
the accident. _
Look I UK I-'or Wildcats.
Hon. O. K. Hall und wlfo and Mr. Mark S
FusUico of Now York , are at the Murray.
Mr. Hall Is the commissioner of the bank-
Ing department of New Vork stnto , and has
como for the purpose ot examining the busi
ness of the mortgage and trust companies ot
this city which do Imstncss In Now York ,
Ho reports to the banking department , plvlnjf
the standing of the several companies. Those
which nro found In good condition arc llccn'
scd to do business in the state , The object of
this inspection Is to protect the emtcrn capi
talists from the wildcat Investment corn-
panics. Mr. Hull Is assisted in this work by
Mr. Eustace , and tbo gentlemen , will rcmalu
In the city for two or tbreo days.
From All Pnrtn of the Country Will
AsscMiiblo Hero Next Saturday ,
Bohemians of this city anil the Bohemian
Gymnastic Society , the most active associa
tion of thokTtidln the city , nro making great
preparations for the forthcoming great gym
nastic tournament of tlio-westcm district of
the national Sokol union ,
Gymnastics nro extensively taught and
fostered by Bohemians in this as veil as the
old country. In the latter there Is not a
village without a gymnasticsociety. . Calis
thenics nro taught la every public school
and gymnastics in nil the higher grades.
The societies Uavo chosen for themselves the
noino of "Sokol , " which means falcon.
The different Sokol soclctcs throughout the
land formed , some years ago , a national
union which comprises two districts , the
eastern and the western ,
The former district has the following so
cieties : T. J. Sokol of New York , the oldest
IfoUcmlaii gymnastic society In the United
States , organized some thirty years ago ; S. J ,
meek , Dultinioro. Itul. ; T. J. Hudtng , De
troit , Mich. ; S. J. Svornost , Morrlsanla , ff.
Y. ; T. J. Sokol. Dutch Hill , N. Y. ; T. J. S.
Cecil , Cleveland , O.
The western district comprises the follow
ing :
Ceslta Amcrlcky Sokol , Chicago , 111. ;
1'lzcnaky Sokol , Chicago ; T. .1. Sokol , St ,
Louis , Aid. : T. J , Sokol , Chicago ; T. J.
Cechlo , Chicago ; V. B , Sokol , Milwaukee ,
\Vls.jT. J. Sokol. Omaha ; T. J. Sokol 1'raha ,
Chicago ; T. J. Sokol , South Omaha la all ,
llfteeu societies , with upwards of JX)0 ! , ( mem
This docs not by any means comprise nil
the Sokol societies In the United States , but
only those bclonuJng to the .National Union ,
Thurouro fully as many societies outside of the
union as there arc in it. in Nebraska
thcro are several that do not belong to the
national union , namely , thoto at Crete , Wil
bur , Turkey Creek , Lin wood , Milliguu , Morse
Bluffs , Schuylcr and Dodge.
The reason for this la that during the past
two years there has been sotno dissensions in
the national union , which , however , wore now
hiirmoni/ed in n convention held during the
lirst days of this month at Cleveland , O. .
where the bono of contention was removed
and the union cemented. A number of the
present societies that do not belong to the
union have signified their willingness to Join
ns soon its harmony should bo restored.
Tlio ofllccrnof the national union are lo
cated at Milwaukee , Wla. The union Issues
n monthly journal which Is ably
edited by Mr. Charles Stullk , a
gentleman of thorough theoretical
and practical knowledge of gymnastics ,
who came over four years ago from Bohemia
as instructor for the societies of the union
and continued lu that capacity for several
There Is a tournament of the sokol societies
every year , alternately in the western and
eastern district undone of the whole union.
The Omaha sokol society Is the farthest
western society ot the union and for the lirst
time the tournament has been located In this
city , Ilcnco the activity of the members
A number of the participants In the con
test for supremacy are world-renowned
gymnasts , having received lirst prizes in the
contests of the world's tournament at I'raurue
in 18SO. The following are these distin
guished gentlemen : Englcthnlcr , Kaltcck ,
li1. and J. I'ecivnl , Horak and Chrndinisky.
* The contesting teams will bo as follows :
C. A. Sokol. Chicago Kolar , ICubu , Krl-
zun , Uaatos , ( icnnn , Vatcra and Holka.
T. ,1. Sokol , Chicago Englethntcr , Ileslk ,
Knpliinelc , Kovotny , Hora , Kaztulu , varinek ,
riczensky Sokol , ChicagoFllegcl , Fiala.
Lerkcs , Jenicek , Klaus , Knlicek , I'crclval
and Ilornlc.
T. J. Ccchle , Chicago Dolczal , I'lucek ,
T. J. Tyrs , CedarKaplks Ilnselc , Slmnnck ,
Potizilka. IJoyko. Hue , 1'vbacek.
T. .T. Soltol , OnuUja-IIavelka , fldcntn ,
Kmger , Percival , Koran , Swoboda , Jelon ,
F. J. Sokol. St. Louis Tersbek.
"V. U. Soitol , Milwaukee Chrtidlmlsky.
The names of the team from T. J. Pruha ,
Chicago , have not been announced yet ,
The namca of the Judges are as follows :
II. Hurt , A. Kapsa , ,1. ICustan , J. Juika , 1C.
W. Bartos and P.V. . Uonkal.
The festivities will continue several days.
They will commence on Saturday evening
August U , with a banquet tendered to the
distinguished guests in Ivesslcr's garden.
The contests will begin on the following
day. Sunday , August to , and will take place
at Kuscr's park , on the Belt line.
Two special trains will convey the contost-
and participants to the grounds. A great
parade , to which all the Bohemian societies
of this city are invited to take part , will talto
place , nnif an' early train , starting at itjliu
from the Webster street depot , will uccoinmo-
uaiu tne participants.
Another tralif will leave the depot at 12:45 :
p.m. The trains will return at 8 : : > 0 and 10
p. in. The faro for round trip and admission
to the park will bo only li" > cents. Admission
to the park to tlio o who travel in other con
veyances will bo " > cents also. Good music
will bo played during the day , and relrcsh-
inenLs will bo on the grounds. There will bo
contesting on all kinds of gymnastic appara
tus , the bars , vaulting horse , jumping , fenc
ing , club swinging , dumb-bell lifting , climb
ing , class drills , etc.
Monday , August 11 , the contest will bo con
cluded If not finished in one day , and in the
evening a ball will bo held at J. SImanek's
hall , where the results of the contests and
the names of champions will be announced.
1'or Sale or ' .Trade.
Thirty head of hordes cheap for casher
or will trade for land or town property.
Murchitnts Hotel. ,
Grading Bids Oponctl nnil Contracts
to lie Awarded Today.
The members of the board of public works
were in session yesterday afternoon. They
opened bids Inr grading the following
streets , and this afternoon thny will
award the contracts : Twenty-fourth
street from Ames avenue to Fowler avenue ;
sewer in districts 1M and US , Twcnty-llfih
and Ersklno streets northerly to Thirty-second
mid Lincoln boulevard , and for grading
Spring street , Chicago to Cnss , I'leasunt
street to Lowe avenueand Orovostreet from
Chicago to Davenport ; EiphtU street and St.
Mnry's avenue , Twenth-slxth to Twenty-
seventh streets.
The resolution , declaring for gravel under
pavements was nvonsldorcd , and hereafter
no material except broken stone and cement
will bo used ,
In the case of IJysschart , who contracted
to grade the west end of Kmmctt street , but
jumped the ob and left hU employes in the
lurch , the city attorney handed In an opinion ,
st.itlng that It was his belief that the orders
given to Herman Kountzo worn valid , and as
they amounted to mow than the city owed
Uysschart , his men would have to look to
some one other than the city for their pay ,
The following estimates were allowed : Ed
Pliulen , grading Lalk from Thirtieth to
Thirty-third street , SMOO.IiSj J. U. Iteagun &
Co. , curbing South Twentieth street , from
Center to Vintou , $0oi : ! : ft I ,
The street commissioner filed his report
for July. It showed that ho h\d \ laid walks
and performed other street work to the
amount of 1,011.III.
There was a healthy and well developed
kick when a grading contract was awarded
toKd Wnlsh. IJyan It Cnntleld were present
with a bid for doing the BUUIC work , but as
they were two minutes Into in presontlng the
same the chairman rvlod it was rejected.
Hummer Complaint.
During the summer of 18S2 my little girl
two years of ago uas taken seriously 111 with
summer complaint , so common to children o :
that age , and after being treated by a physl
clan and getting no better , I took from mj
shelves a bottle of Chamberlain's Cello
Cholera and Diarrhea Itemedf. She foil re
Moved after the first dose , and In turoo days
she was entirely well Ale * . Molr , druggist ,
Brltt , Iowa.
The Sclf-Stylctl City Guard Inn Ar-
rnlgncil bj Ir , Onpeii.
City Physician Oapcn was asked what
progress the board of health was making to
ward improving the sanitary condition of the
city , n subject which received so vigorous n
stirring up by the hoard some six. or eight
weeks ngo as n , result of startling discoveries
raado by TIIE BEE as to the filthy condition of
dairies In the wcstorn portion of the city.
"I am in about the same state ot mind as
the mayor a few weeks ago , " remarked Dr.
Oapcn with emphasis. "I nm almost thor
oughly discouraged 03 to to the board of
health being able to do anything whatever. "
Hero the doctor paused , and after rubbing
his hands together very vigorously and giv
ing his moustache n. pull or two , continued :
"I consider that the time has como for mo
totalkopcnlv nnd plainly on this matter , and
to tell you the real and the only reason why
the city of Omaha continues to reap little erne
no benefit whatever from its board of health ;
to tell you why , after the board has gone
ahead and after much careful and very wide
research has completed all of Its preliminary
work , It llnds Itself utterly powerless to go nnd do tor Omaha as Is so badly , so
seriously , needed to bo done.
"Thoonound the solo cause of the block-
mlc to all this Important work Is D , II ,
Wicelcr , chairman of the finance committee
of the city council.
"I will start at the beginning nnd make the
matter as clear as I think It possible for words
to do.
"On tno first day of January last , whllo
Chicago appropriated $ tl'X)0 ( ) for sanitary
matters , Minneapolis and St. i'nul $ JO,000
nplece , Denver $70,000 nnd Kansas City fit-
Ow , wo nskcd the city council to give us
JIL',000 for the same purpose In Omaha ,
Immediately Mr. Wbecler'a hands went
up nnd his mouth flow open
in holy , or unholy , horror. As chairman of
the ilnunco committee all the other council-
men looked to him as n guldo In matters call
ing for the expenditure of monies. Mr.
Wheeler gave vent to a perfect tiv.ulo of ex
pressions Indicative of his horror that the
board of health .should askforso 'stupendous' '
n sum for health purposes in our city. The
result of "Wheeler's talk was that the sum
was cut down to 1,000. This staggered the
board , In view of its Investigations , but what
could wo do } Simply nothing. But wo
went ahead and did the preliminary
work of getting up ordinances , rules ,
etc. , for governing every phase of
sanitary needs , Then T\O asked for money
to analyze the death-dealing milk and watcr
whlchiicarly the entire population of Omaha
was and is using. AVcaskcd for some inspec
tors to investigate the horrible dairy out
rages which were then and nro now being
perpetrated In Omaha.
"What did Mr. Wheeler , chairman of the
council llnanco committee , reply ! Let the
business men of Omaha note well his reply.
Ho told us to go ahead and make analyses ,
appoint Inspectors , eU * . . send the bills in to
the council , and , mark you , 'If they were all
right and mot the approval of the llimuce
committee and the council , then they would
be paid. '
"Now , is thcro a business man , n taxpayer ,
or Anybody in all Omaha , who supposes or
has the least idea that the board would llnd
it i > ossiblo to get work done under such an
agreement !
"Thero is not a person in Omaha who has a
spark of business about him who will con
sent to work under such circumstances I
"To show the utter hypocrisy of this man
Wheeler and how evident it is that ho means
o hold back even that paltry jy.OOO for the
'urtheranco ' of some pet scheme of his own ,
or for the payment of some Improvement , in
which ho is to get a big slice , lot mo give you
an instance.
"Thinking to myself that I would put the
nan to the test , I employed , in strict accord
ance with a resolution passed by the board , a
> crsou to keep the records. For work for
hreo months and a half by a clerk so en
gaged I put In n bill of only $70 all told ,
What did Wheeler doi Ho lejcctcd it flatly
and entirely.
"In n conversation with Wheelorsomo time
ago , and to show him the probabilities , to say
nothing of the possibilities of what a board
of health might accomplish , I cited to him
the fact that at the time of the
establishing of the board of health at Nash
ville , Tcnn. , the death rate thcro was seventy
seven to every l.OVO of population. Thirteen
nouths after the board of health was estab-
isliedand was given funds to do work with ,
the death rate was but thirty-live per thous
and. What do you suppose that Wheeler re
plied. His reply was :
" 'It would have beeu a good thing
if they had all died. '
" 1 thoii asked him if ho intended to apply
such comment to Omaha and ho replied :
" 'Well , perhaps not exactly. '
"I have Just ono more thing to add , namely ,
: liat the people of Omaha are continuing to
bo served with diseased milk , with horribly
impure water and they continue ) to breathe
deadly poisonous vuu ra from thousands of
tilth-covered spots In'Omahn , and from cess
pools. Marie me , I know just what I nm
talking about. I have not p.iintod the pic
ture one whit too black. And it Is all , every
bit of it owing to just ono person and that
[ > crsou is IX H , Wheeler of the city council. "
T'tiiioral Notice.
The funeral services of Mr. Mitchell
Fleming , ar. , will take place Saturday
afternoon nt 3 o'clock from the residence ,
corner of Yules and 28th btreet.
Cookernll Hfust Go ,
Thursday afternoou Postmaster Cockerell
received a letter from Congressman Council
stating that , a change would bo made in the
otlleo presently , and that Mr. Cocke roll's suc
cessor woulil bo appointed without delay.
Mr. Council assured Ulr. Cockcrell that the
change WH simply a political ono nnd was
wholly without cause In the management of
the olllcn.
The old-lino republicans are smiling all
over , particularly the aspirants nnd their
friends. The talk now is equally divided
between Hock Island boodle and thu postolllco
aspirants. Dr. .lolm M. CJlasgow , Hollls E.
Hoglo , A. .1. Stanley , Theodore F. Elliott ,
David Anderson anil Miss Kate Condon are
pulling every possible political and business
string to capture the plum.
August Police J ) tall.
Marshal Maloncy has mailo the following
police assignment for August : Day jailer ,
John Fallen. ; First nnd Second wards , Alt *
chad Hanson ; Third ward , Thomas Loonoy ;
Albright , Thomas Hrennau ; L street viaduct ,
O. I ) . Tunbs : night jailer ; Moses M. lied-
motul ; captain , Patrick J , McMnboa ; N
street to ( to Twenty-fourth and II streets ,
Joseph Ilumpal ; Twenty-fourth , Q to II and
Twentieth , U. O'Hara ; Q to Hoffman and
Thirty-first. Martin Spoetler ; Q to Hoffman
to Thirty-seventh and to Thirty-first , William
M. Hughes ; Fourth ward. Dell Edwards ; Ij
street viaduct , Thomas Montague ; special ,
Patrick KearUon. . _
Train Servloi * .
Ticket Agent William M. "Wood of the
Union Pacillo railroad states that the train
services hereafter will bo as follows : The
dummy will leave Omaha at 7 o'clock a. in.
for this city nnd will return to Omahnnt r > :5."i :
p. in. The workingmen's train will run ns
usual. Trains going east as follows will stop
hero : 120 : : ! p. in. , 11 : . " > 0 p. in. , 4:10 : p. in. and
11 : fii ) p. in. Passengers can take the iU'U )
train und go through to Chicago without
change of caw ,
Ho Shot nt n 'l
.Tohn Hattlcld , residing at Twenty-Eighth
and I street , discovered a burglar trying to
enter lib house "Wednesday night. The ac
tive use of a revolver drove the intruder
away. The follow had cut the wlro out of
the screen door when discovered.
Xotes About tlio City.
Martin Tiglio has removed from Valpariso
and gone Into business , Mr , Tight ) is prepar
ing to biiilit a line residence on his lot ,
Twenty-llfth ami 0 streets.
Jnmosll. Ixiwroy , Joseph J. Dreen nnd
Wariiw A. Hoot , who attended the democrat
ic congressional convention , have returned.
Tim Hev. HolMJrt L. Wheeler und Superin
tendent , A. A. Muuroe , bare returned from
_ _ - _
To Nervous Debilitated Men
If vou will send us your address wo will
send you Dr. Dyo's Celebrated Voltaio licit
und Appliances on trial. They will nuickly
restore you to vigor , manhood and health.
Pamphlet freo. VOLTAIC BELT Co. , Marshall ,
Dr. Simmlorft' makes u peclalty of dis
eases peculiar to wouion. 1604 Puruuiu Bt.
The Largest Feeding tfouso la tla World
Destroyed at Qllmoro.
A Description of the Structure JIow
the Employes Fought tuSavo It
The Insurance IJOSH llcacti-
ca Nearly1 $180,000.
The Union Cattle company's feeding plant
at Ulltnoro , four miles below South Omaha ,
wiscntlrely consumed by flro at 11 o'clock
Thursday night , entailing a loss of $180,000. ,
This feeding plant was tbo largest in the
world. The main bam wn ? an Immcso affair.
It contained -1,000 stalls and covered over llvo
ncres of ground. It was built of wood with a
foundation of brick. The interior was of oak ,
except the lloors , which were of matched plno
laid water tight. lu the roof them were 0 5
ventilators 0 feet by 1) ) , containing over two
carloads of glass. This building- contained
2,500,000 feet of lumber.
In addition to this Immcnso structure ,
there were two very largo elevators ,
a mill , an engine house , a boiler house
nnd pump works vlth n capacity Of tliroe
million gallons a day. n superintendent's
house and employes cottages.
The lira was first seen by tlio night watch
men about H o'clock , being discovered ,
creeping up the side of the foundation on the
outside , near the engine house.
The inea gave tlio alarm and
all the employes of the plant
turned out and began fighting Iho llro
ns best they could with wati-rpaiis. The
engine pump had been so injured by the tlmo
the men reached It. that thcro was' no oppor
tunity to utilize the U.OOO . feet of hose with
which the yards were cini Ipped.
The men could not keep the flro hack , and
the immense ) wooden barn , the elevators and
engine and pump houses burned so rapidly
that they were entirely consumed \vithiu two
hours after the lire was discovered.
Superintendent Walker and two assistants
narrowly escaped doath. They were lighting ; ,
the tire on the roof when the walls gave wnv
nnd let them down into the flames. They
happened to bo so near the cdgo that they
could jump out with abound nnd in that way
escape with n few blisters.
The origin of the flre is not known" , but
there Is a theory as to how It started. Dur
ing the day inenhad been employed repairing
the roof and were burning tar for that pur
poso. This flro they extinguished or thought
they had , nbout4UOinthoaftcriiooiibutlt : is
now supposed that a few embers smouldered
nnd later the coaH were fanned Into ilatiio and
so the feeding bam \vas ignited.
Tlio buildings saved wore tbo superintend
ent's house , the boarding house , the eiu-
ploves cottages and the horse barn.
Fortunately the barn was empty , the ship
ping season not having opened yet , but n
sulllclcnt number of cattle was expected next
Monday to flll the barn.
Tbo loss , therefore , was conllticd to the
The Insurance amounts in nil to about Jit-
HOO. It is controlled by II. A. Palmer &Son
of this city , nnd on the main building
policies are held by the following companies :
The Pennsylvania J2.030
Sprlngllold I'lreand Marino ! ! . ! > 00
Sou thorn of California , ' . . . 1,000
The Traders' . 2,000
I'nlonof California..J 1,000
Jlcrclinnts'of NcH'nrtvX.J U.OMI (
Tlio Cioriiiun or fc'icopnrt 1 , ! > 0fl
Insurance Co. of North America S.500
Home of Now Vork. . . . I. . i'.WX )
The Denver 1,000
The Tjancaililre 1,250
Tlio Hun Klro Ofllco. KiiRlnnd 1'J.-
Continental of New York 1,500
Vrt'onmii's I'liiidof California l.WW
In addition to this there is at least $ atOOU
on the other portions of the plant , including
the boiler und engine bouse , corn cribs , hay
and horse barns , clcvatqr machinery and two
dwellings. _
Shcriit Boyd and Deputv Louis Grebe
vent to Lincoln last night to hind n
couple of Omaha criminals lu the peni
tentiary. Thov took ilattliows , the dog
catcher , nnd Charley Parker , the youtli-
ful forger.
Will bo paid to any competent chemist who \vtij
Und , on nnalyals , a pnrtlclo of ilcrcury , Potash ,
or other poisons In Swllt'a Specific (3. ( S. S. )
llcndctnon , Tcr. , Aug. S3,1339. , "ITor cgh- !
[ ecu months I linl on eating aero on my loapi'j.
I wm treated by tbn best local physicians , but
obtained no relief , tlio eoro gradually growlcg
woroe. I concluded finally to tr/S. S.8. , and
woa entirely cured oner using a few bottlcx
iTon riavo my ccccriut icrnilflslnn to pui > u u ua
ibovo statement for the benefit of thcs lmllailj'
afflicted. " 0. II. JIotaoiiB , nendersun.Tcs.
Treaties on Blood and Skin Dlecosettronilcd free.
" "
For Improved and economic
conkory. use it for Siiupi , Sauces
and Mmlo Hishcs. In lliivor in-
cnmpamblc , and dissolves perfectly
olour in wntor. Ivriikca delicious
Boot Ton and 7cffpn in all clinuttts
for nny length of timo. 1 Ib equal
to 40 Ibs of lean beef. Only sort
guaranteed genuine
by Justus von Lie-
blRT und bears his
in blue ,
- -
Itlir.UUATI.SM ,
iMi'iniK UI.OUD ,
AND Hot *
Graduate Dentist ,
A. Pull Set of Teeth , on Rubber ,
For Five Dollars.
A perfect fit cuaranteed. TVotb. extracU-d
ivltliinit pain or tliincur , itno wltlout nnuet-
thellcb. liold nnd Hllvur tilling at lowest
rates , Itrldpflnnd Crown Work. Teothwlth *
oiitpluu-4. All work wurninlcil.
Entranoe , ICth Ktreot olov tor. Ooeuuvoo-
luKiuutlltl o'clock.
There Is nothing its equal for relieving the SORENESS. ITCHING
or BURNING , reducing the INFLAMMATION , taking out REDNESS ,
and quickly bringing the skin to its natural color , 0
. BEWARE of imposition. Take POND'S EXTRACT only. Soolandscape
trade-mark on buff wrapper. Sold only in our own bottles. All druggists ,
11 * V I rillU wfc-UI IIIULJ I Will k I Wll I fllMIA.1 UVfb * III IllfcII
Instantly stops Hie most , exrriit'l.itlnjpains : ; never fulls Inclvcoaso to the snllercr ; a few
pplleiitlonsiii't like ' . . ' . .
iiiiisU'.c.'iusliiK . . t.liupiiln to ln tuntly stop.
rV t * - * rf fc. * w t * - W " H ft f W A W X i
Internally tnkpn In ( loses of from thirty to sixty drops lit Imlf n tumbler < > C wnl or will euro
In nfow minutes Criiiiiui. SpasmsS iuSloiiiiieh.l'iilli'.l'IntiiliMifp. llonrt burn , liiumoiir. I'alnl *
liiRSpolK CHOLKRA M.OUBUS , DI/VUIIICEA. { DYSENTKUV. Sluk Ik'ncliu'br , Nail-sen.
Vomitini ; , N'urvousnosi , Slci'iili'sMiPss. Malaria , nnd nil ltitcriittliiliis | : url : > lii ( ruin change ot
( liotur waterur ollu-r onuses. GOContsaliottle. Sold byl/rugcists.
Kings are but men , but all men are not kings. Therefore , 2
when the King of Holland say s , as he diJ by deed of August 5
12 , 1889 , that he is greatly pleased with
and , entirely unsolicited , grants tlie manufacturers the sole
right of styling their -\vorl < s the Royal Cocoa Factory , a sig
nificance attaches to the act which would not were he
not "every inch a king , "
Drs. Merill & Merill ,
Chronlc.ffprvom , Illnmlnml SurelcM Dl paso and
( lIscnBCi of tli.i 1:5-1' . Knr , Noao , Trent and U 1,0at.
Special Attention tit HlHcnsos of AVo-
liH-ii nnd Uliildrcn.
Tlio < lector Imvo 1m l jrcnrs of oiporlcnco In tlio
honpltiiUuf Ilnioklin and Kaw Vork , nnrt nro nraonK
tlio most Biiccessfui nmt wlclel/ known spcclalllaU la
tliIs country.
1o I'liniiB and 3lll lli'-Acol Ainu.
Ixnt Mnnhontl. Ncrvoin Debility , Hpormnlorrh.'n ,
Pcmlnnllflnsw , I'liyslcnlPecar.arlslnif friini liull -
crctlon , producing nk opli ! sneisf ilfpuniloncy , plni-
Itliu on the fuel1. iiTcrnlon to xoclcty. c-asllr dlscDiir-
nci'il , laclc oicoiin < i no > iiluii , unniiur iunyor uusi-
110.11 , nnd IIml * llfunliurdcn , saruly , | > crniuii.iitlyiiiid )
n | > t'Ull ( ; cureJ.
MKim ! .iiul Skin IHnaaHos.
Pypbllli 11 dln n inmt dremlful In Iti roiulu ,
cuuipluloly uriiiltt-nttHl.
( i.-iuii Urinnu.Y Siirnory.
Oonorrhio , nioot. SyplillN , llrilrorplo , Vnrlrocele
nnd .Slrliliuc' nullcMlly i.iul rufuly rurt'd wllliunt
pain ordototitlun fluin hu lnc . AIISi'.Mml Dofor-
ndlU'H uiul Inii'c'illMicilta lu liinrrliiHOtuccossfillly re
Alt Itcctal dl < oa. ps Biifcly nnd iiormnncnlly cured.
Hours , U a. in. tlllS | > . in. SuiMlayn. 10 till 12.
N. It. r < 'r oiiHiinahl lo vlillUH limy botrcntnl nt
tlielr homos by uorroipoml nro. Icdlclnos anJ In-
slructloiH Noiit by ovproii. Con nltittlon fri'u.
Send I cunti In ntnnipM to Insuru ri'ply.
tlM Fil'leiMitti St. , OiniiHtto
Ojicnv llonso , Oinnlin , Nitli.
001T AND STIFF ll I lO.
Boyd's Opera House Block.
"nv a thoroiiBh knowlo Isn of Iho mtnrnl laws
irlilch euvotn thoopurntluns of illKo tlon ancl nntrl *
tlun nnil hy n cnii'fut niiiilk-nllon 'it llu > line propor-
tlciofwull leleeti'il Cotim , Mr. I'l'l1' ' ' Inn prufltloil
our tirp.ikfmt tabii'iwItliailvlliiitt'lrllnviiriMl hi'vor-
ntta which inn ) "nro iiHinany lienvydootiir'n lilll.t. It
Is by thu Jiullfl'm- use ( if mull art ( riot iifilliit Unit n
C'lnstltullonnriy ' bi * uriuluull ; built up until ttrnnu
cnuUKti to rt-sht every leiiilency to ( llncno. llun-
dreil.t of KiiMlu ninlaitleiiironnatlniiiiroiinit n.ireaily
to attack whcriwiT IlieniU 11 ivuuk | ilrn. Wu nniT
eirnpo ninny u faluliiliaft Uykeuplnuoursolvoi well
lorllilO'l ' with ptiniliUidil. nnil proimrl ; nonilihod
frunio " ( . 'Ml Sorrlco ( io/otio.
Mixlonliiiplr wltlibolllnu waller or milk. SoUonly
In huKpuiiiiil tint , by erocurs , lahoU'rt thus.
TO , honuun. Kngluud.
\\rANTKII-Aacnts toicllthe I'lnlon I'lnltioijilne
I ) tlio on I ; line evwr Invuntetl that hold ) tlio clothci
without iilnii n perti'd X H UWOH I pntent ro-
contlyl uoJ ; BoMonlf J. > V7 b ; nunnti to whom
tlm oicu ! lve rlulil U l > I\rO vlrun ; an receipt
of.'O its. wo Boiul n J 4i > iJ tarni'lo ' line by
mull ; elno elreulnrn. prlco llstanit tcrmi to n nt i
tocure your territory lit one * . AUdron * llio
CLOTIIM Ijixc Co , 17 lltriuon St. , Wortestor , Jla .
S suffering from cffoctt
of Lost Manhood ,
Youthful Errors , Imno-
tenoy and Dlnorises of Mon
CJin b curO'l ' | > orinanuntlr nnd iirlintulyby our DUX.
ualSpcclrlr Ht'nt liy mull forII. lluokiont tiraled )
for rttitup. Uoic n Ivillcnl Cuiupauy , UI Waihlng *
tun Htruutlluituu , Matt ,
lluolutalr rollJ > l , iwfaf ly lift , nuut ( Mwrrrul frm&l *
rftful * owiitouvvrfirj 41 a IMJI , iMMt | > uJ iun
ililnm I. ION Ultlia < x I ' liurrtla , N. Y ,
Bold l > r OOUllMlN DJit'u UU ,
Louisana State Lottery Company :
Incorporated by the LpBlslntmc , for eilncntlonal
and rhnrltnlilo purposes , Its [ rnnclil r < mailo a
p rt of lliopresent Kbilo constitution , la t87'J , by an
ovoraliolmliiK populurvoto anil
To continue until
January 1st , 1893.
Seint-Annually ( Juno and December ) and its
Grand Slnglo Nuinhor Drawings tuko placa
in each of the other ton months of the year ,
ndaro all drawn in public , at the Academy
of Music , Now Orleans , La.
For Integrity of its Drawlngsand
Prompt Payrrientof Prizes.
Attested an follovi :
'Wo ' ilo hereby certify that wo inpprrliio tlm nr-
leoninnti for all Ilia uiontlily anil neml-uimiial
inlnn of tlio Lnulsana Slate taltrrr Conipnnr ,
nnil In person niiinnitn nnd control tlio flrnwlnui
ihorasulvi'i , nnJ tlmt tlio tatuo lire condiicli'il with
lioiu'ity , falrnPM. nnil In jruort faith toward all par *
tinsanil nonutliorlzo tlio cunipnnr to line tMi ccr *
tltleitu wllh fac-Hlinllrjuf our nlfn turc attachgj ,
will pay all
rlica ( Irnnii tntliu l > lMl. < aim Htnlo IxiltcrluM wlilili
nniT hu pro'toiilpd lit our CMHinttir * :
K. M. WAMSKIiV. 1'ron. Niulsniui Nut- Hunk
rnillKKIiANAlJX.l'ri'i. Stale N'at't llaiik.
A. MA UUVIN , I'rcs. Noff Urli-ans N'at. llanlt
( JAKI * KOllK.l'ros. Union Nutlotinl llniilc.
At the Academy or Music , Now Orleans ,
Tuesday , August 1U , 1800.
CAPITAL PTO $300,000
IdO.roo TleliPlH nt Twenty Dollura each.
Halves. 511) ) ; ( juarlers , { 5 ; Toiitha , $ J ; Tweu-
tlctlis , 91 ,
MST OF ritixns.
t.iaw is . pno. n
1 I'ltlXK 01' lUU.'JH ) la . 1UOUW
so.ini IH . MI.UIU
J I'lll/KR OK ID.HIOnro
fil'UIXKK r & , UJU ro
2A I'RIXKH JK 1 , l are
KKI 1MUXKS OK U'i nro . .Vl.lin
UDI'ltl/KS OC : nro . ix ) . j
WXJ I'MZKA OF SO nru . 100 WU
lOOPrlzpior Oaro . Cfl.Xl )
iwi I'rl/on of : ! Ulnri > . m.uuo
lXII'rU ( < ' of UUUiiri . 2U.WO
OOCirrlr.rior H'fl ' ro . W.OOQ
tVJt'rl/.ciiif JUJuro . SW,10) )
3,134 Prizes amounting to . $1,054,800
NOTK. Tlcki'U droning Capital 1'rUus are not on-
Utlrd to tt'riulnal 1'rUi'a.
IFM'oli rr.fii IIATK8. ornny further tnfarmntlon
dcMrcd. wrltd loKlldf to Iho lniliTjlinoil. ( rlonrly
hliillni.- your rmlilt'iirc , wltli itntc , roiinly , Htrcol nnil
liumliiir. Morn rnil | < l roltirn nnil Urllvorr will ho
l by your eueluilntan onrelopa buarlni ; your
Adilrc sM A , OAUI'IIKV.
NowOrloans , Jit ,
WiKliInnloii , ! ) . O ,
Ilriirrt'niry ' Ictlur , cuiitalnlnx Alo.s-KV OuiiRii , Is.
piii'il by itll ( jfi > in' < .ioiiiiianlc , Nov Yurie Kxihuuiio ,
drnlt or pontnlnote.
AililrossUeiilstorcd Letters Containing Cur-
enoy to
New Orleans. I.a
IlKMKHItKIl. that ItlB pllrinimtof prlin'AHAK
TKCII 1IY rol'IINATIUNAI , 1IA.NKH of Now Orlc.vU ,
utid tliu llukelinroiUnollir tliuprwsldiiulof unlii-
ntllntlonnliuin rlinrlcroil rlchti nru recognized In
tlinhlite > t i * > urtn : Ihrrefou- , low urn all uf Imlti-
tlons oruniifinyinoiii NCliumev
ItKMKMIIKIl that the proncnt clnrt.T nf Tlia
Tjiul.lnna Statn I ilK'ry C < ) ia | > unr , flilchtlie bU-
IMlKMKCdUHT OHTIIK If. H. , li.-ia decided M Ion ,
CONTHACT wllli llmHUiIonf Louisiana und pnrt nf
tlioConilllutlonortliu Htute. DDKS .NUT uiplru U.N-
Tliu Ixgulnturo of Ixiuliliinn , whlcli adjourned nn
tliolUlhur Jill ; of lliU yrirliu > orilor lnnAMKNII-
MI'.NT lothol'onsllttitlonot tliu hliiUi totu euli-
mlltod to the I'ooplo nt nn oloctlon In 1W , wliK-li
wlllnirrrthorlmrtfr of TIIK WUIrtlANA MTATI !
J-orri llY COJII'ANV up Ui tbe.yurNINUTl.ti.S
. or mutt l .lol . l. prici Mil
U O. D. il , < | fr. 1. u , hMMtr'ili * .
, m vr. niriiun a. ct < uu. D w
U Ux
Reference Library
The Culture and Gcnious of the
Best Minds of the Century.
Rivised and Amended
lor ? American Readers , up to
June 1st , 1800.
Offered In Connection wllli THE
offers a year's subscription to
the pa per , including tlio Sim-
dny issues-delivered , nt your
address end n complete sot
of the Americanized Encyclo
paedia Britnnnlcn for $2.BO
per month for ono year. The
first five -volumes delivered
on payment of $2.DO nnd the
balance payable $2.CO per
month. The other five vol
umes to bo delivered within
four months.
All our present subscribers
are entitled to all the advan
tages of this great offer.
People living outsldo of
Omaha can avail themselves
of above liberal offer by hav
ing the monthly payments
guaranteed by some respon
sible banker or merchant in
their town.
Sheep nnd half morocco
bindings can be had at a
slight ndvancoon above prico.
A. Special Feature
Thn Kncycloiia-rtla Itrllannlcn onnttilns
no Illoprapliy of jn-nioiis < > nuitlur liow
iidtcilor iiimulnont , In inoiiltllii ? tlioovonts
of to-dny tlioy inuy IIP. iinlll such porslma
nro DK'All. Tliu Aiiii > rlomlrril ; Hnoyolo-
pa'clla Itrlluntilca conlaiiH llnl lllour.ii > llos )
of ovorlt.OOD noti'il rcrsoiiiiKOsdf TU-lJAV ,
not incntlonuil In tlio Kngllali edition. The
Knuyelopa'dla llriliuinloii my * iiot.litnK
about Illmiiurck , Ulailxtonp. Viator ItiiRO ,
llliiim1 , Clovoliinil , Wliltlior , I'hlni'Mi ' Clor-
ilun , 1'arni'H , Urant. Hlicriiiun , Slu'rldnii ,
JolTursun DavK Stnnlny or IMlsnn. Tlm
Ainorlriinlzod Knnyoloiwilln Itrltniitilcn
. elves lllojjraitlilos not. unly of tlio pminln-
ii-iit incu of to-day nnil these roumitly do-
[ pca i'il , liut II.OiH ) others whrsi ) iinuicH nro
I known und spoken of throughout tliooiitlre
! Wlicro tlio KiiRllsli edition duvotci from
"tlircc to ton columns about ail lln llsh
'county or town anil from half to two col-
' iiiiins iihiiiit an America n State , the Arncr-
' ictinl/c < l KnoyrlOiiniilln Ilrllaiiuli-a rovtsison
IhlHortlor , KlvinK tliri-o to loiii'oliiins loan
American Stntoiitnl from half to two col-
imniisto the ICiigfiBlicoiinty.
i JVK lIiU.U8TKA.T10N.
I The Kncyolopiiidia Ilrllixniileu ulvoi an
pxliaustlvotroalUoon nn Kii llsiicounly ,
llcilfordshlro , nnd only iilimtooii lines toiin
American city , vU. , Montgomery , Alabuiaii.
Uovcrsostlils nrilur. roiiilonslnu tlio sjiaco
given to tint Knirllslifonnty ( though I'Utilln-
; liiK nil the fiioti ) . iiinlilouliUiiKlliosp.'icoon
j Iho Aincrlciin elly. Also lirliiKliiK the ln-
, formation nn Imlli thu IJiu'Hsli county und
t Aiucrluuii city DOWN TO DATE.
A Dictionary of Arts , Sciences , Lltcra-
turi' , to ulilch Is ndclud a iiinplcki lint of
Aiiii'rli-ancltlr.i. with ncciiruto Infiiriiiiitliiii
of tlir-lr ultunllon , proilncts , iiripulallon ,
cto. Illoifrapliloal fil < ot < ] ms of Ii'rsinii''c.H ) (
llvlnj ; ainlduail , lioiiKlit down to ilutn , It
Is tlio KiiayHnpmlla HrUnniilra Inti stcill-
tlunreniDilt'lcil sous In lit It for Ainorlrnn
IIOIIUM. It lias been roarraiiKeil Ii/Arnnrl-
ciiTiior Iliu nsiiof Auicrlciiin. Tlm Intent
Kitlllon o ( tlm ordinal "Hrllimnlua" wuu
i-ornpllcil nunrly IKU'iin years nuo. Tlm
. Inis been rtui.scd and
correctoil to the present yonr. ' 1'lils Work
Is iillhrnry of tlio useful nnd ontrr-
lnlniiiK loaillimoti iin almost Inllmto viirl-
cty nf bilhjuuli Ui'ontilns Ilia lilstoryof
every country In tlie world , Iliu blocraiiliy1
of uvury I'oluiirutcil IiKllvlilual of iinclunt
or in ( U > rii times. U tells tlio fctorlcs of
fainoiiH vovaKCH tinil travolH , tint haliltHiimt
ciiMtoinsof vcry iwopln. uxplnlnsilin prin
ciples nf every holcntlllu invention , illx-
OUB 'S tlio iiroOloinHof political mid Nucltil
i-eonmiiy , mill , In fact sproailn lirforu you
the best work of morn tlinii l.OD'l of the
ublestTrlnnjiot tliuu e. Till * work slmulcl
bo Inn very Inmi < > , und all % vlio In any way
valiiu loiuwludge will upprcclutu \ Im
portance ,
The inrrltH of tliU liberal and muininoth
literary scliornc can only bo Jml cd hy oiiro-
fill Inroallxittlon , Via uarnoMlv folloltcvi-ry
ieidirU > eivo his uttuntlun totlilsmaiiduirer
that Its linpoitaiici ) nnd llberullty ileM'rvij.
Iliuulrods have alrriuly .lubiurllH'd for thu
work , nnil Ilio imiiiiliirltyof tliHontrrprlsu hut
been demmiHtmtcd buyond ull cxpoctntlonM ,
Iteadcari'fnlly ' cm rnrnpoalt Inn and lint llhoral
offorwo iimkci tn ovrry rcailnrnf TillIlhK. ; .
connection with Till' I AII.V IIKIi IT MIJH't'
UK SKK.NTO III ! AI'l'Hl'clATiiJ. ' : ; Tliolilnd-
Int ; I. not us inUlit lmbiiiposecl | hy thu noinl *
nal vrlucwo offer It for , a slip she d thrown to >
KetluT wnrli. but A No. reRurdt lyira , pu >
nor und blndlnii. In fa t U Is iiir oxmllnni'it.
t'Al.b AlulJu SIT.CIA OKl'IfU. IIKIJ
IIUIM > INI ( , conifir ollli'o , ground Hour , and
uxainliio Iliu inurltHnf tliot0iit work , onlrop
Hi n postal oard auj our ronriiicnlutlvo will