2 THE OMAHA DAILY BEE-SATURDAY , AUGUST 2 , 1890. QUIET IN CENTRAL AMERICA , Feaco Restored in Guatemala After the De feat of Elm' Forcei , THE TROOPS LEAVE THE FRONTIER , A INM'iillar Manifesto Issued liy I'rcfd- dent Cclrnnn 1'nulllu Mull Stenni- crs Uel'nse to Ti.insport is iil'U'ur. M I.inriiTVn , Salvador , August 1. Com munication with the Interior of San Salvador h restored. Aihlcci from the capital of the icimbllc1 states that General Ercta was onlcrcd from the frontier with about two thousand men linmullntely upon the outbreak of the molt headedbyGcncr.il Ulvus , Kretu liustcni-d with all speed for the tapltnl. lilvtts had raitnrud ] the nilllkny barrniks. but the few troops In charge had fought deMKr.itely | before they surrendered. The Indians then pillaged sevcial houses and a punki ensued. itlviis' forces were llnally defeated nnd peace tcstorod It is dtntcd that ( limtemnri bus withdiawn her forces i from tlio frontier and that all is ( pjletnt pres ent. Thi'ru is no telegraphic communication with Cunti'inali. If ILIi .U/rTTfK/Mi"t Jt.US. J'lic I'aclllu Mall HtcumTH Uct'iitic to I'rniiHixirt IMiiiiKlmiH ofViir. . NUN Ynnit , August -Special [ fL'clogram > TUP Hi r ] At different times during the trouble liotween Salvador and Guntemal.i there have he-en rumors that their friends In this city have been trying to ship them arms and ample proof ofnn attempt of thU Kind was obtulned jestcrelay when a reporter called at the nfllee of thu I'udllc Mail steam ship company lu Canal sttcet On AVcdnes- duy sevci.il heavily laden trucks diove up wlthn consignment of ijoods under the gen eral iinmo of ammunition , directed to u man living In Acjuthn. Kahador. The shipping clerl < was doubtful of the advisability of seudliiK so inimy lilies mid r.u triages to any one in Salvador , as the company on July 1M ) had Klvcu orders that no arms were to ho stripped tn any of the parts of the countiles of ilomlunis , Ciuutuinul.i or Salvador. Tlio uHsIstant suJMMlntcndent boin fliiniinonud , UKrced with the .shipping cieik and the goods were icturned to the shlpimn , Ilaruy ife Graham nf Nos. 17 afld 10 AI iiilcn Lane. The Kcuei-.il superintendent of tbo com pany Bald"Tho company adopted this mlo because we did not wish lonllend or hijuio any of these governments which deal largely with us. Therefore wo will adheiototho rale of not sending urnw to any of them until welmviMillloml and more explicit news of the state of affairs. " Argentine's I'ip.slelciit , IHMIICH a Very I'cuiilinr Document. Losnov , August 1 A dlspiteh to the Times fiom Buenos Ajies suite-s thnt Piesl- dcnt Cclnuin has issued a manifesto to the people of the Argentine Republic. After speaking of the demand for his resignation which vns nndo hy the loaders of the revolu tionary forces , the picsiilcnt rofeis to the prosperity anil liberty thu country enjoys uiuli-r his rule. The nnnifosto at tributes the bolo cause of the insur rection to the insensate ambition of thu loc-al pally in Buenos A } res which , it says , wishes to Impose Iticlf on the eutlio republic , \vbllo prosperity , ne.ico and security , aio repre sented In the picscnt goeminent. . Hveu Column's own pirty , the dispatch sajs. Is aghast at the president's callousness and ids iiicompiehenslble und vain ignorance of the real gravity of the situation. The manifesto concludes \ith an expression ofeteiii.il grati tude to the supporters of the piesldcnt's authority , and adds that a patiiotlc people blesses them as the saviouib of the govern ment. DctallH oftlioArgentlno Troubles. Burgos A\ius , August 1. At the begin ning of the revolution Gcncial Lo Yalta took command of the government forces , seconded by the chief of police , Colonel Capdeville , with 2,5:10 : policemen. Until Sunday , August SI , at 5 a. m , the revolution wns triumphing It was decided to grant the truce asked by the go\eminent till 10 a. m. , when lighting was to bo continued. It was not resumed , it having been decided to stop the firing to enter into n treaty. While this was goiug-on the government was iccclving troops fiom the interior. Many commissioned soldiers about tbo streets weio killed und many others wounded by the people assem bled. On the SUth tlio lltlng stutcil ngiiin , the revolutionists being helped hy six incn-of- war bombarding the places occupied by the government troops , causing damngo of small importnnc'e. At1 p. m. the iiien-of-war ceased lit ing hy order of the revolutionists , who abandoned their arms according to the agreement with the government , The leaders of the revolu tion sav this agreement vas entered Into bo- e.iuse of tlioir want of ammunition. The people are greatly discontented with these arrangements. Some of the citizens and soldiers have even committed suicide. Col onel Cupdovlllo has been obliged to have n leg amputated. Colonel Campos , the revo lutionist , Is dend. The chlof leader of the in- suriectloiMvas Dr. Leonardo Aloni. Gei'.crnl Hivnx 1'iibllcly Shot. L * . LimiiTAi ) , August 1. The news Is con firmed of the defeat of General Itlvus by gov ernment troops under General Ezeta. HIvas escaped fiom the capital last night but was pursued and taken prisoner a few mile's out of the city. This morning ho was publicly shot nnd his body exposed on the 1'l.im Armas. It is loported that many prominent persons nro compromised and a stilct Inquiry Is being ni.ulo regarding the Hivns conspiracy. The slego lusted forty hunt's. The capttol suffered con- blderablo dam igo , Iluniheds ot persons wcio bhotdead lu the streets. The government force" , took part In the overthrow. The Hives fortes are now disposed to return to the frontier if necessary. IIAN'LOX AND The Xnted Oarsnipu Ai ranging for a ItnuiMit iUutiuna. Edward Hiinlon of Toronto , Can. , and John Teenier of Pittaburg , Pa. , two of the world's most famous oarsmen , arrived In the city about 10 o'clock hist evening and ore quar tered at the Mlllard. They como direct from Duluth , where they ha\o been participating in the regatta. Their object In visiting this city Is to arrange for an exhibition race at Lake Mnniiva , having been corresponding v 1th .T. 1' Gallon with that end la Mow. It is expected to make arrangements today foi the event , and the date , which nlll bo some tlmo in the Immediate- fu ture , villory shortly bo announced. Both oarsmen uro in fine condition for rating nnd nro nblu to gl\e acry pretty exhibition rae e llanlon was seen nt his hotel bv a Bun re porter mid Interrogated us to'Ida coming match with Gniulaur. Then ) Is nothing ccitain about it lust at present , " he replied. "Tho papers say that ho has accented my challenge to row on anj good water in the country , but the fact Is that helms ilonu nothing of the. Mud , or tatlicr ho has accepted it conditionally. I want the water mutually agreed upon nnd then the referee ean say bether or not It is lu propoi condition for raving nt the hour for tin race , ( iaudimr will not ngreo to that. Ha wants to bo the ] utlgo ns to the conditloi of the water , and then \\lieii It is time for the raeo if ho doesn't ImpiKm to feel line go lug Into It , lie can say that the water is not ill nnd ref use to start. I don't propose to train my heait out for eight or ten weeks foi a raeo and then not have it come off. I kno\\ Cuueluur very veil , and 1 won't have ouj such game as thnt worked on mo. 1 don't mean to opcak dlsparagliipl > of Oaudnur as nn oarsman. Ho got mo into u deal like that onto ut Pullman , on Lnko Calumet , nnd 10,000 people-wont hoinodlsapiioliitcd because they did not sco a race.1 "That's right , " chipped la Teenier.Vo hail the name kind of u show on Lake Mat on cook , lu Maine. , uhou I \\i on for u raeo with him The rofcrco said the water was all right , but Gandaur wouldn't ' have U that way. It was all rlffht for u mlle and a quar let , but the last quarter outside the point be fore wo reached the turning stake wis n llttlo ititnpy , Unudnua went out and tried It. anel then vent Into tlio house and dressed while I was sitting out In my boat waiting for him. \\o could n't ' get him to & "tart , nnd ho never will start unless everything suits him. " "You mustn't think , " said Ilnnlon. "thnt I am nfruld to row Gaudaur on smooth water , ns I am ready to row him on nny uutorthnt the referee will say H fit to i-ow on. But I do Insist that the referee shall bo the Judge of it , Just the name as n hose ball umpire , und not thi > captains of the clubs , nro the judges of pluUug weather. " 'Talking about races , " said Teenier , ' 'wo had some great oucvs ut Duluth. I never be fore saw sut h a tloselv contested lot of races , nml I doubt If thc-lr cn.uul as a whole vns ever iinutl. They wore all lln- hhetl In a bunch , uudletorlcs wore von hy inches rather than boat lengths , Say , but that Lake Superior water Is freezing stufT. If a man wnstogoovcrbonid there 1 don't bellovo ho could live ten minutes , IIo Mould freeze to death. It Is an actual fact , wo eoldu't stand the shower bath for a minute , and thnt means thnt it Is pretty cold. " The oarsmen mndo several Inquiries nbout the Matmwa water and course , and will visit the lake today to survey the prospects for a race. HANIM / , / , . Standing of the Cluln. I'lnvud. Won. Lost. Per Ct. : 1 .f.10 : ri .fAi at .c > : ii .fii : : M ,4-w 4J ,4V. 44 .4J1 01 .311 National League. AT ItUOOKLI X , First gatno. Biooklyn I 0 00 300 0 * 7 1'ittsburg 0 Hits llmoklui 8 , Plttsbtirg 10. nrrors Hiotjkljn 1,1'lttslmrg : ) . I3atteries Heclter nud Decker ; Lovett nud Dally. Umpire Powers. Secoiielg.une Brookljn U 12320 1 * 20 IMttsburg 1 000000 0 1 lilts llrooldyn II , Plttsburg G , Errors- Brooklyn 7 , Pittsburg 3. Clamo called on ac count of darkness. Batteries Terry and Clark : Olbsou , Osboruo and Decker. Um- liiro Powers. m ATCIXCIN.VA.TI. Cincinnati 0 4 Philadelphia I 0 00301 0 * 5 Hits Cincinnati S , Philadelphia 3. Kr- rors Cinelnnatl : i , Phlliulolphla 'J. Biitteties Uhliies and Harrington : Gloasou uud Cciiients. Umpire McUormott. AT IMJMNM'OLIS. Cleveland 0 2 New York 0 * a Hits Cleveland 3 , New York ( > . Drrors Cleveland 1 , New York 2. Bitteiles ( Jurfleld and dimmer , Welch and Clark. Umpire AleQundo. AT C11ICVOO. Chicago . 0 0 0 2 0 0 0 0 1 a Boston . 0 0340001 * 8 Hits ChieiiTO 7 , Boston 8. Errors Chl- ca o 5 , liostou : i. IKittenes Ilutehiiison and Kittiidgo ; Oetzciu and Bennett. Uuipho Lynch. I'lajcrs * Ijcngiie. AT riTTSIIUIIO. i'itLsburs . 1 1011 1000-5 Brooldjn . 3 3000110 * 0 Hits-l'ittsburg 7 , llioolilj n 11. Hrrors Plttsburp il , Brooklyn 1. llattcries Morris and Fioldb ; Woyhlug aud Kinslow. Umpires Knight and Jones. Cleveland . 3 1 0 00 0 0 0 0 3 Philadelphia _ 0 0000018 -t IlitsCleeland 0 , Philidelphia 7. Er rors Cleveland 0 , Philadelphia 1. Uattciies II Likely and Siivder ; Bufllgton and Hall- niau. Uunilres Ferguson and Holbert- AT llt'H'ALO. Buffalo . 3 03 10333 0 13 Boston . 1 3345503 * 21 Hits Buffalo 17 , Boston 18. Errors Buf falo 7 , Boston 3. .Batteries Haddock mid Mack ; Gumbert and Murphy. Umpires Gatluey and Lynch. AT C1IICAOO. Chicago . 0 00400301 8 New York . 0 00011030 0 Hits Chicago 11 , Now York 9. Errors Clifcatro 4 , Now York I , Batteries Bart- and rarrell ; O'Day ' and Ewhur. Umphes IMerco and Snyder. Aincileaii Association. AT snuci'sn. Syracuse 0 1 1 0 0 0 1 0 3 fi Louisville I 11300 10 * 0 Hits Sjr.icuso 8 , Loulsvillo 8. Errors Syracuse 4 , Loulsvillo . Batteries Casey imel O'lJoutko ' ; Ehrof and Kjan. Umpire Curry. AT NCW ionic. Biooklyn 0 00001 000 1 Toledo 0 * 2 AT JiOCllKjTKH. Rochester . 1 100 10 303 0 St.Louis . 3 0 3 0 0 0 0 0 0 i Hits Koch ester II , St. Louis 10 Hu-ors HouhestorO , St. Louis 3. B.ittcries Titcomb and Grimm ; Stlvotts aud Wells. Umpire Euiallo. AT r The Atljetie Columbus game w.is post poned on account of r.dn. Ulio Milvaulcocs Today. The Milwaukee ! * will go out to the park this afternoon nnd inuku an effort to ninuso the Black Sox : . They will find a vastly dlf- fetent team than the ono they met two weeks ago , nnd ivlll. bo lucky if they get a ganio out of iho seiles. Everybody Is anxious to see the Brewers , us they mi ) making u plucky light for the pennant , nnd have beaten the Onmhas In every game lila\cd so fur this season , Clarke and Moran will bo Omaha's bitter ) , and Thornton and Westlnko for the Badgers. A largo crowd will bo on hand , as these three games will bo fouRhtwith inoro Inteiest than nny plajed on the local giouuds this season. Tlio CoursingMeet. . The second day of the coursing meet nt the fairgrounds jcstordav again afforded a fair cro\vd with much excitement and pleasure. The llrst raeo on the afternoon's card -was between U'llllain HutTshy's blue doR Mer cury nud P. N. Jayno's blue dog Hidalgo. The Jack pot a good start , but was speedily overhauled anel turned by Mercury , who scoicel ten points to Hidalgo's none. IIufTskj'o blue Itc-auty next \\enton the courbo npilnst Hc-cretiny huso's celebrated white and black Coleilno. Beauty made a gnuid race nml won easily , Colerlno being out of the r.ico on account of being badly "hlljipod , " the haruis clinging to him thiDughout thu run. Dr. Uoyce's Humming Bird and Earnest Mojcr's Fly inado things warm for 4ho ne\t mbbit , Huinmlni ' , Bh-d winning nftor us pretty a race as \ \ as o\er MCU in the open Held. 'ihero wcro four other events , all close nnd exciting , nnd the crowd dl.spersc'd will satis- lied with the spoil. Tomorrow afternoon tlio Council Blurts fair ground- 111 bo the scene of seine grand open Held coursing , ulth twenty-six gioy- hoimds untcii-d. Itvill bo great sport , and a hngo ciowd will surely ho In attendance. 11IJljl'JtKH ItlAB. Saratoga llue : : . Siiiuom , N. V. , August 1. [ Special Telo- gniui to TUB Biu. : | The weather w.ts cloudy and the track heavy. Tallowing Is a summary of the races ! Tirst rneo , three-fourths mlle , two- ye\ir-olils StratcKcm. the favorite , \\on , Tourist second , Woodbeun third , Tom Dona- huu Hcratohed. 4'inio-l : 'JO. Second race , ouo inllo nnd soveuty yards Llttlo Crete , tbo favorite * , won , Dilemma second , IHgHrownJuBthlid.IIjaybcratched. Third raw , throe-fourths mlle Poxmoael won. Eminence second , Zcu third , Caruot , the fa > orltc , uot heard from. Tlmo , 1 ! isi4. Fouith race , ouo mlle Puzzle , the favor ite , \\oii , IVllowshlii becond. Ilaupluebs third. Titne.l-liUi. rifth race , three fourths mile , soiling Vliletto won , Ocncvlevo second , loung Duke , the favorite , thlid. Time , 1:18. Grniid Clrouil Ct.mEr.VM ) , O. , Atifrust 1. The grand cir cuit incc'tli.g closed today. The chestnut gelding Dallas , by Almont , proveel a sensa tion In the 3:17 : pacing raeo. Finishing fifth in the first heat , he u cut to the front In the second nud completed the circuit In U,1 : ! ! , duplicating the performance of Adonis on Wednesday. Ho was Inld up In the third heat nnd could not maKu usufllclent rally to win. Summitry : 3 : lMtrot , ? , ' , ( )00 , divided-McDowell won , Dawson second. Frank B thlid , Wonder fourth , Best tlmo 3:18' : , . 3:17 : pace , f 1.500 , ellvided-Crlrket won. Dallas second , Alapglo II third , Scloto Olrl fourth Best time -3:11 : . rree-for-all tiot , $ J,0)0HosallndVilkcs ( ) von , Susie S second. Best time 3:10. : Itilghtou Hencli Knees. Biudinov Bini : , August 1. [ Special Tele- pram to Tin : Uim.J Summary of today's races : Five-eighths of a mlle Cecilia von , Aus- tralund second , Tappahnuiiock third. Time 1OJ9 : ( Se\cn-olliths ( of n mile Qjilln won , Checnoy second , Vivid third. Time l:31 : w. One mile Bclwool won , Gratitude second , Diumstlck thhd Time-1 :4.'i : One nnd one-sixteenth miles Baelgo won , Seymour second , Btlau Bern third. Time l:4 : 'j. ' Three-fourths of a ndlo Iiulctto ( lllly ) won , Nubian becouil , Llwlo "third. " Time 1:17 : . Ono and three- fourths miles .llm Murphv nou , liitssinco second , Leo Christy third. Tlmo-3:33. Itaccs. GrrrnMit no , N . ,1. , August 1. [ Special Tclegnun to THK BtuJ. Summary of today's races : File-eighths of a mile Jim Oray won , Long Jack .second , Osceola thiid. Time l.trj'f. ' Thtco-qunrtcrs of a mile .Tnv Qucl won , SiMJiidull second , ICatlo C third. Time 1 Hi ' ( . Six mid one-half furlongs Gardner won , Lemon Blossom second , Lonely third. Time 1:33 > 4. Three-quartets of a mile Paroliue won , Lepatito second , \Yooduutter thlid. Time 1:17. : 1:17.One One and one-sixteenth miles .Tugglcr won , St. Valentluu .second , Cos pur thlid. Time IsoOJj. Thiee-qunrters of a mile Arlroun won , Quinebler second , Lanc.uster thiid. Time 1:17 : * , ' . _ ct. 1'nul ItuccH. ST I'Mi Miun. , August 1. Suminarj'of to day's i-aevs : All ages , ono tulle Jennie CJronrod won , Little .Too second , Flora McDonald thiid. Time IM . five Ann Elizabeth Two-year-olds , furlongs beth won , Anarchist second , Silver Chiiim third Time-1 .OJ'f . Hotel ear-olds s.nd Kynn handicap , threo-j - tipnard , inllo nnd one-half Prince Fortun.i- tiis n on , Outbound second , Miss Leon third. Time ' _ ' :37 : > , All ages , ono mile Onllght non , Beith.i second , Himlnl thiid. Tlmo I : U f. Tin ee-ycar-olds and upwmds , mlle and ono furlong Chapman won , Lord of thuHuicm second , D.irney third. Time 1 ,57 > . The innllH : ) > Turf. Lovnov , August 1. [ Special Cablegranito Tin : Bun. ] This was the last day of the Goodwood meeting. The race for the Nassau stakes , ono mile , was won by the Duke of Portlnud Memona 1'rinco ' lllly , Soltykoff's filly Star second , nud "WaricnDo Lnruc's lllly Dearest third. Tbo Molcomb stakes , tlncc-qu.trtcrs of a milo , wcioson by J. Lawthcr's colt Cleator , Bnhd's colt Putrician second , and Henrv Milncr's lllly St. Kild.i third. The raeo lor the Chestcrfluld cup ( handi cap ) inllo and one-quarter , resulted In a dc.ul heat for llr-st plnco between Abington's horse Father Confessor and the Duke of Beaufoid's colt Bdgaro. John Charlton's iilly Silver Spur was second. Kntiles For Toil ay'H Kacos AT8A1UTOOI. First race , three-fourths of a mile , two- year olds Lord Hariy , Ulrubcan , Labold , Void , Lees , Silver Piince , Category , J .ilr- vloiv , Billet Hcticat , Duke of ftloatroso , Bag pipe.Second Second race , ono and one-fourth miles , copstakes Bunnoy llrook , Como to Taw. Bell D Or , Hoodtide , La\lna Belle , Hjpo- ctlte. Third race , ono and one-sixteenth miles , Iroquols stakes Mastcrlodo , "Wlndliani , Alarm Bell , W. O. Moiris , Dundee , Sir John , S intuiso , TJiiclo Bol ) . Touith race , thico-foutths of a mile Dii/zel , Klttybiii , Irene , Fairv Queen , Uluo Rook , Bradfoid , Australitz , WilUfieit , Ilain- bow , Haven Hill , Dilemma , Ocypetc , Laity Puls ifer. rifth race , one nnd one-sixtncnth miles , selling Bliss , Dyer , Dundee , Clay Stockton , Everett , B. B. Million , Clirrio G , Outright Letretiii , HadclllTo. Track fast. _ AT MONMOt'TII. First race , ono mile- Defaulter , Stockton , Oiiilnmme , Tnvlston , My Fellow , Olid , Tulla Blackburn. Scconel race , three quarters of a mile , Sen- stakes -riavia Sorcer AV'cat- bright - , , ICeyser , - ihc tcr , Sir George , FoxfoidVafcott , Arta- wln , Stnithmcath. Bolero , Abundance ( eolt ) , Two Lips , Peter , Sirocco , Conrad. Third race , one mile , Katontown stakes Chesapeake , Diablo , Firctul , Fltzjames , Teuny , So So. Fouith lace , ouo nnd three-eighths miles Curtis , Krio , Tustnn , Diablo , Diablo , Inspec tor B , Her Highness , Niagara , Tom Hoy. Fifth race , thiee-fourtbs of a tulle liar- burel , Auranln , Sourlvo. llallaiat , Boughram , Atrophln , Vollcntcer , SUitcly , Dr. Ilcgnan , Diuidess , Hoscttc , Jenulo V. 1'llly. Sixth race , one and onc-sKtcenth miles , selling Esquimaux , Long Island , Gray Dawn , Thcodoslus , Sam Wood , Penzance. Sc\cnth raeo , three-fourths of a mlle Volcntecr , Fitzjamcs , My Follow , Clarendon , Bon Cloche , St. John , Sourlve. IMoroo , Chatham , Kchps , Klldcer , Mala of Thrift. Eighth race , tlvc-olghths of a mile , selling Head Light , Maid of Thrift , Honeymoon , Discount , Adieaturer , Iveysor , Gold Step , Crutches , Blithe , Fearless , Prealmess Las > s , Latina. Weather showery and track slow. AT 11111 Scores of the Second Hay's Competi tion of Military Murk union. BLII.IIM n , Nob. , August 1. [ Special Tele gram to Tin : Bi u. Following are the scores inado at the second day's pi eliininary prac tice of the annual i Hie competition , Uepait- uieiit of the Platte ; C.UUIINE COMl'tTltlll.V , Tlio Voliiatuor Vlotorlous. NIJM I-OIIT , II. I. , August 1 , In the raeo for the Goclet cup today by the Now York yiicht clul ) the Volunteer won , boating tlio Ilurltau , Katrliu , ( Jt03soou utidothera. ACQUITTED OF THE CHARGE , j TLo Alleged South Omatia Oouncilmaato Bdodlora Dismissed , NO ARGUMENTS WERE PRESENTED. i _ ISfCoimty Cleric Hoche Waives n ri'cllinlntiry I vniui tint Ion ami 1) Held to the District Court. Judge Kind's court In South Ormha was tliogreit center of attraction uml tlio draw ing card jostenl.iy afternoon , It being the pi ice where tlio cases nx.ilust the alleged boodlorounclluicii booked for tilul. As cirly us 1 o'clock the sidewalk in front of the biisctncntIH crowded with people , mid , as the crowd grew uroitcr , the ou'r-prcsent man with Ills hand orimu ap peared on the scenit nitil commenced to jirind out the "IJeath March in SJUl. " Ono str.vln of the music nddod to the excitement , nuil to prevent fuitliortroublo Cliler Mtiloncy hub- tied the man anil his otvjun oft to Jail A few minutes later Uoimeilnmi Johnston dropped in , tooUsonioobservations of the in terior of the court room , nnd then went out to hold a smsloii with Ills attorney County Attorney Muhoney arrived , unil rcMliiK Ills foot on the court'i desk , ho inked with the Jailor with reference to the jirobnblo outcome of the ) > olitlcal struggle to bo discussed Inter in the season , Counciliiuii Durlce , onoof the men who did not want utlictk for his \otc , hung ovci the railing around the stairway leading tothn basement nun amused the crowd upon the sidewalk by telling stoiles of liow many bushi'ls of lorniie husked thejear before he wus clectoil coiiucllnnn. All of this time the crowd continued to In- ctcasom number * until Itwni impossible to gut vithiuipeakliiKiHstancc. of the building Six lawyer * , contfiejrnted in 0110 corner of tbo court room upon JudRO King's uirlvnl , mid for half an hour fought over which of the cases should flast go to trial. Whllo this ariruuicnt was poini ; on M. D Hoche , t ho othir patty \\lio has been accused , of boodliitp , nrrivedplboMCd | his wiivtlnough the crowd and consulted with his lawyer. County Attonioy Mnliouoj said he was ready to go on with the examination of the c.iso .iRainst KdLhe. Roche's lawjcr said lie wns not. The ln5 5 ers for Johnson nnd Burke said ujeir clients ve > i'o xiMily to know the worst , but the countj attorney said thosot.isescould not bo tried lii t The winiiRlo continued foi na hour , w lion the tourt ruled that the Koche case was tlpo for ttl.il. At this point a man suggested tint the utinospheto wia wonts than In the black hole of C.dc'utfi. The court thought tlie s.inic. and nt H o'rlodt an adjournment vas oulered to Itowlij's hall , \vlicie the prosecution opened by putting City Clerk l\an \ on the witness stand , ivhoslmply re.id the minutes of thocit ; couniil pioeadhiKS on orduianio No. ! i. > 0 , known as the "lloclc Island ordl- nuneo. " Mr. Kocho wiiu'cl a prellminnry hearing and was bound ever to the district court , gi\- \ Ititf bonds In each case in the sum of 5500. Councilman . ) anies J DouKUcity tcstificil that he is a member of the city council anil knew Councilman Jnlin N. Tlurkc Hail con- vcrsatieJin with Mr Burke duriiii ; about tlio middle of July , Iho lirst ono at Mr. Durite's saloon in the presence of Owen Dougherty , who Is now in SaltT.ako City " "Wilting SleW on.the bir with chalk , 1 asked him how ho liked the If&elc Island ordinance ? IIo said : 'That is no Roml,1 aud \vroto ' $ IOJ' when ho said thnt was too high. I said tint ho w.is a chump if ho took less , when ho told ino that ho only got h.ilf that , only fc''OO. i recited the reports of ? 3KX , ( ) , 82 , H ) and Slrx)0 ) having been used to secuio thop.isb.ige of tlseJordiniinco Intimating tint 81 , WO was ab6ut the amount of inonoy used. Mr. Bmko told mo that ho had beenofteieil money to support the ordinance ; that Mlehicl D. Kocbo hud iuvltcd him to go to Jlr. Cudahy , who asked him if ho favored the ordinance , or\vouldhotukoi' > 0 to do so , to whleh Mr. Burke replied that ho wanted $500 , sujlng that ho WHS not here for his health. lie stated that Mr , Cudahy and Mr. Modiv wanted him to support the ordinance and that ho recehed tiioncj from lid Johnston. On the Sundiy following I mot Mr. Hurko , who remarked that 'Mr , Mahoney is In town trying to catch us.1 I suggested that Air. Mahoney was in the city on the ice house matter or school board question , but ho In sisted that I should look out for myself , as there was something In the \v Ind , and that ho was suspicious , at the sanio time tcllhifrmo to stand stilt and not glvo anything a\\.iy. IIo said also that Johnston had called him olt the car that morning and told him that Mu- honey vns after something , nnel for him to stand still and not give anything away " On cross-examination Air , Dougheity slid that O\\en Dougherty was head cook foi certain Rock island conductors. Hurlte know him when they met nud shook hands. "I knew inonoy had been used , because I had receded a theeUseven dnjs before , Ml , Buiko ild ho wouldn't vote for u mil road orn monopoly for SJ."iO. Asking how I cuiio out. ho slid that ha and another follow had a combination to get moro than the othen. At that iiicot- ins ; at his saloon on July I1 ! , 1 took him aside when he told 1110 that ho only pot 300. I did not toll tlio city attorney , nor the major and councilin.cn , that Ihndie- celved the check , hut I luiel told County At torney Mahonov befoio I talked with IJiirlto nt my house , 1 novoi heanl Burke me'ntlou any 3UI11 except SJOO , ISlr. Durko in the council refused to support the 01 dininco un less all streets running noitli and south and east ami west wci-u left open and the city pro tected. " Michael IX Roche testified that ho Itnow Mr. Burlio and 1ml coavorsed vith him bo- fora the piasago of tbo ordinance. This belnpr objected to , Mr Mahoney Htateel that ho prox ] > sed show hip that Mr. Durliohadele- inaudod 500 , saj lug that ho wis not hero for his health , and refused $ Je ) ( ) . Jlr. Roche , under ad\lco of counsel , refused to answer questions , but a motion for u com mitment and a continuance opened Ids lips , vheii ho stated that ho had three conversa tions 1th Mr. Hurko llosaid : "Isuppo.so the conversation with others refers to the story about Mr Urn-no and mjself going to Mr. Cudabj's. It is the biggest IIo in the \\orld" .TohnN. Burke tostlfleil that ho never re ceived any moni-y to vote for the I took Island ordin.mco. ' , 'Mr. Jolmston never gave mo KOO , nor nny other sum of money or valua bles"ho said , "and never promised mo any- thliiR to rfxippoit the ordinance. In my saloon Mr. louftherty said that Johnston pot $ ,1,000 , mill-\\uuld bet mo $15 t < ) K > thathedlj I offered to bqt him an ovonS5 , although I couldn't provi It , that Johnston no\er got a cent. I riist rt'inarlced to Mr Doughcity , as a Joke , thatl f-otl,0)0 ) , nnd nftcr\Miidi K > ( )0 ) , the next time i 100 , nnd the next time nothing , Doughorty thought Mahoney was in town looking up the leu house matter , but ! thought it was on the Jltfck Island ordinance , Mr Johnston did not ; all mo oft the train to take mo in his ofllccto tell mo that Mr. Mahoney was after us iuid to keep stiff I told Mr , Doughort ) that they got something , but thai was only a bluff , forl went to hcilquartora nnd found that' they didn't Kfit a ceht Dougherty said hqlmu , n check for $ J50.1 did toll Douyhert.vhi a Jouo tlmt I got : 5Jr > 0. 1 also told him flKiOi iid * , VX ) . 1 couldn't ' buy thatlouhortvtooklt ( ? as a joke. When In the city I wont'on private business , und did not see Mr. Kocho nor Mr. Buns , nor any of of the Kock Island ofttelala. " EdnardJobm > tan testified ttintho did not know of any money mod. In this nutter ; never pa\o Sir. Hurlfo $ icH ) for his vote ; novorpald him fSOOor any other sum ; novtr pvohlin a promise or any thing of value for his Inlluenco or vote on the itock Island ordi nance. The c.wo ngalnst Edward Johnston was then taken up. \V. 1llvans of To > ek. , Kim , ti'stlfloil us follows : "I mot Mr , Johnson last Juno or the lirst of July , had met him four times. Wo talked over the advisability of pissing the ordinance , Mr , Johnson never b.Ud nnj- thiiift about W.OOO or 'the bif ? live,1 , nor did ho mention nny sum of inonoy many time. IIo was willing tn grant anjtuing rouoiniblo. I felt that the .streets nhould bo vacated , but Mr , Johnson Ihought all of thuia ought not lo bo vacatrtl " MIchaelD. Uochotostmedi "I know Nr. Jobnson Mr , Jchnsondld not cay anything nbout * .l,000 , or 'tho bli , ' live ' While the ordinance wis pending I never hc.ird him inunilon fa.tni or any othc'r sum ( if money. I know Oou ! i rty und ltoloj Did not tell Mr. Dougherty and Mr. Itowlvy that Johnston wanlocl P,000 to piss tlio orJInnnoo , fSOO ouch for the big Jlvoandfc.VWfor the mnjor. Did not tell them In the Murray hotel thnt Mr. Johnston snld ho could pass the ordinance for ? lOOO , nor In my ofllco. Nc cr did , thit Isdeailcortitn. " Mr. Mmoncv then moved to dismiss the case ntfrtlust Air. Johnston mid offered to < ui ) . mlt the iasi against Air. Builto. Judge Kln promptly dismissed the lomphlnt against Mr. Uuike. _ _ A T ( UXXTfl ! > 'JTJXO 1'l.E. ' X'lio 1'iitrlnifli Dotrniitncil ti > Itoslgti Ills rnsltlon. COX TINTI\OIMK , August I. ( Special Ca blegram to Tin : JlrK. ] During dUlurbanees byArracninns Intho ICoom Ivnpo quarter of thli city last Suiuluy , the sultan's uscutclicou nt Armenian patriarchate wascnnled nway undsnnshcd This atimilnitinn of prlsonurs who wcro held for taking p.irt in the ilot nndthoscnrchliiBof Ihoii houses continues. It was reported that those on whom arms wcro found Hereto boshot. 'llm pitriaroh , in a douuincnt icslgning his position as spiritual head of the orthodox Aimenlms , pntdomnll tliosowhotookpaitln the hostile demonstration ngalnst him. A mixed council , conslstliiR of Armenian bishops and notables , assembled ntthc piti-i- anhateoii Tucsdiy nnd expressed confidence in the Mtriaich Itiis \ ilecidoil not to ac cept thj pitrinich's resignation If it was tendered. The council also agreed upon the inmvcr to be sent In reply to the sultnn'i note informing : the p.iUliroh tint he would bo luld reponslblo for nny lwther < > iUbroahthatmi'ht | , occur mid onlof- itightinto uriton letter ctprcHliiKlda giati- tudo fcrthoidtliendcied by Turkish tinom hisupnrcssliifT the dlsturbiuiio on Sunday and n kiiiffor the o\cro putilshinciit of the notei-s Tlic \saysthnttho ' denionstiationwns nctdtivctoilafrainst thojitrinuli. butwiiitho outcoino of the nn'vailnit despair of the Armenian's at the poito's fnlluw to reply to the n timorous momoiiala presented bj the niiriaich letrnnlltiK the Armenian church Mho pitriuitli icfuscd toslffii the renly ugretxl UIHJII M the council on the ground that liohiul icslKiu.i.1. Ho today ofllciallr rwslgiicil hit oftlce , nsslgning us his reason for doinu .so the condition of alTuirs in regard to the Armenian churth as set forth In the reply of the council to the sulUn'i note. Iniev of the condition of affairs induced bf Sunday's riot , nud tlio toner of the note from the sultan , ho fa no loiifjer able to rotiiin the iwsition. IHs dcturiiniiation to resign the office , hosais , iSunalternble. The porto is preparing a citvuhr note to bo s > eat to the Turkish ministers abroad explaining the o\cnt9 that occurred in the Armenian quar ter on Sunday. In tlio Commons. LONDON , August I. In the commons todaj Secretary IVrguson deci irod thnt no permis sion hid Ixuii necoided ( Jcrnnny lo c.stihlish a protectoi.ito 011 the Zanzibar niuinhiiid Hie sultan bad bound hlm.self not to.dloi , any trading inonopolv within his territory. Attorncj CScnenil Webstar , replying to a question , said that assuming sliver } to bo Uwfulaccordiii } , ' totho hixvof the countiy over which thcio isa BiltLsh protectorate , It would bo iccopii/cil ns lejjnl. Feiguson coiiilrincd the report that the Ilritish-Afiicun lake coinjunvMste.uner James Stcveiiion had beca hd/ed by an otll ipr of thol'oitUKucso mvv. I In stilted tint the Diitish minister ut Msbon had been in- struitcit torenionstratewitbl'ortiitral against the scl/ureatid demand the punishment of those who seized the stcamci , Tlio Uootor s Si LouJIo. " . , AugiiHb 1 , Dr. Ilermin Fisher , a prominent phjsiehm of the south , Is lying nt Ills house In n critical condition us a iesultofaccoidiiig to a story , of indiscreet , romaiks to a lady nitient , Jhs. Kinest Bert- r.un It is stited that Mrs. Ilertmn In formed her husband , who it out to I'lshci's ' house , tnkliifrwithhinialargo Newfoundland dog. OiiBainliiic mhnitt mco ho set the bmto upon the doctor , \\lio vas ludly laconteil bv the doj's teoth. llertwiu then nilinintsteicil a terrible thrashing to 1'ishcr , uslnu a pair of brass Iniucklcs. In tbo HiuiM ) of Ijord.s. Lovnov , August 1. [ Spciial Cablegranito THE Bur. ) In the house of lords tonight the Maiquisof Salisbury , ivpljlng- queries 10- Barduis alleged .Tcwish persecution In Uus- sia , said ho could not ccnllrm the reports of thelbsuoof nnti-.lewish edicts b } tholtusblui KOvcinnieiit. He was sura that there were. lib grounds for dreading a wholesale invasion of ( Jrcut Britiiin by pauper Jews fiom Kussia. An IStiKllsri Tiiblewiire Sjncticnte. Pi rrsnuuoj'n. , August I . A telepiMin fiom FindIayO. , siya n prominent tabluwaro 111111- ufacturcrsajs his establishment with every glass conceni in the United States Ins been sold to nn English syndicate. The prlco pild nvci.igcslU9OOUpar factory , or.t , : ) ,0u , In In all , ns there are thirty-three factoiios in the country. Thorn-hoof tableware will ho advauccd as teen the sydicalo assumes con trol. in Illuxlo NIjiiul. R I. , August ] . Early this moining a violent -wind , accompanied by a tciriblaraln stonn , passed over " \Varx\iek , down the xvcst shore 10 the bay , and at Iliek- ctyl'oint ploughed its wav ncioss the water to the east hide , stiikinVarren ; and Bristol. A child was killed by linhtniug und many buildings demolished , Wlilsky Trust lllvul. LOUISVILIE , Ky. , August 1. A Phila delphia syndicate recently purchased the dis tillery of John G , Itocho .it Union town , Ky. , for * 1W,000 ( It Is now said that thov pro pose to inako cologne , spirits , rye whisky and the like and conipctolth the trust known as the Distilling and Cattle feeding company , which , has had Its headquarters at Peoria , 111. Caterpillar * JlpslioyliiR Texas Crops. NuwOitr.EiXtf , La. , August 1 An Austin , Tex , special snjs : Millions of caterpillars ha\o invaded tlio fields In that section of Texas and planters and /armors are busy poisoning them. They nro very had along tlioBiwos liver , nnd It miy bo that thocot- ton ciop of the stitovill \ bo seriously in jured. _ _ Von O.iprlvi'i * r T ( niriiiluiii. Ilniiuv , August l.-SpecinlCnne | ! ram to Tin : Bin. ] TboXoith Gciinnn Gazette as- ciibcsthe pussago inChaiieollorvonCiiprlvi s ineinorauduin refcrrmg to the necessity foi harmonious relations with JCnftlatut to the dliectlnitialivoof I.tnj > eir.Ulliam. . o - Cholera Spreading nt Mccon. LOMION , August 1 Cholera is spreading at Mecca. On Wednesday eighty-one deaths from the dlseaso wora reported and on Thui-s- day ol hty four weioiccorded , Allpoits on the lied Sci , Levant uiU Asia .Miner are quur.intincd against pilgrims. 1 ho Sultaii'H Slavery Oocroc. X.v ZIIlAll , August 1. A Ucereo Issued by the sulUm announces thnt the ordinances re lating to si ivory generally Mill remain ai binding as bolero the Aiitflo Herman agreo- incut. The s.ilo of .slaves \ foi bidden und slave depots prohibited. Struck ami Hill il Flic. TORONTO , August 1. 7ho Canadian Pacific express this afternoon struck a n.igon con- talning n man naiiicd Patrlik Downey and his to boys. 1'ctor Mcl.aughlln nnd Chariot JlcNcil. All were Instantly killed hpaln'n KliiK it > Oood Health. PJIIIS , Angmt 1. A reportof the death of the jounsklngof Spain was cluuhitiil on the IWUMO today. An Inquiryscntto Madrid elicited tlio otilrlal anuouncciiiout that the king's health Is good , An IMItmSentcMiciil , Dtnr.tv , August 1. Mr.'aUh , odltor of the Cashel Sentinel , hns bten sentcucod to three inonthi. * Imprisonment at hard labor lor publUhinga bpoech dolliurul nta prc'sribed league meeting A Minin'iip. Us Ollic-inl 'oi H , Minn .AiiRUbt 1 City I , | . cense Inspector ICuoch It.iy U alleged to Iw missing \\\l\i \ M.OOOot llc nso money bcloni ; . luy to buloouliocpuii lu tbo dty , MAYOR CDSIIBC ROBBED , Burglars Rnnnclt His Honso at nn Enrly Hour Yesterday Morning. VALUABLE DIAMOND CROSS STOLEN. Not I no to tlio litfnllt ) or Hie ODIIIO VUiliu-s and No Ilopo intortalni' ! < l ol * Ut'covei- \ K tlio .louolM , liven the head of the municipal adminis tration was honored with a visit ottheen- tcrprislni , ' and ntulacloiis burj'l rnt an eirly hour jestoiilny moinlnjy , Tlio inldiilght prowler boatoivod his nttontlom Mlth siir- pdslng Iniinrtlullty , nnd although ho w.is very ufmsumltitfln his callupon the major , nuking an unpretentious entrance from 'tho rear , ho did not KO awiy cmptj luuiJed. As ho caweolcd down the terrace aiidiuiihli'il ncioss the street he lovlnuly onibnu-ed a $ .MJ ) diiuiotiil uroM beloiiRliiR toMtN Ciulihif aml lUe sil\oi \ * ilollaiH cf the major' * money jlugludiiicrilly inhispocUit. Who ho AMIS onvhenco ho cainols n mys tery of coiniMi-ntively little interest us tom- piuvdnlth the question ivlilthci hiisho t''no. There hveiylittlo pwbnbillly that any of thoquostlons will over bo answered. 'Iho burjrhryas not dheovcrod until the family arose5cstcrdn ) morning Allttlesoii foind ngoldchair. bcloiifn ! ( ? tohls niotheroii thelloorof the upiiorhall , but supposed that she hud dropped It there , und pi iced It on the Jonol lwin \ \ hichit nas usually iccpt \\heii Alls. Cushlnc siw itsho notiied that the onus vhlciivlio h.id loft on It \\w > ; iiii\ ) l-'uither search reu-alod the loss of the money , but nothing oUe was inUscU. The eldest bouol the family HIIS nn'alnnod between U nuil Uo'cloelt , asncaily as ho could judtro , bj heiring someone walking lhrouU ( the ball Ho inquired , "Who's thcro i" but iTcelved no uimver , nud supposing tint it \\iaono of the family , wont to slit1 ] ) ngaiu. Ills supposed Una the burglar vas iutho hall ut tlio time , and imlnediitely made his esuipe , foaling Unit heoulel bo dlse-oveied. Jt wns undoubtudlj then that the diniii dropind fiom the ring on the ties , und the thief was in too much of n hurry to stop nud pick it up. 'Iho house had not bison rmsnikccl nud tbo uiuvelcoino visitor hud not eomiilcted hi.s vork. The plwh box in an adjoining room , in which all of Mrs. Cut > hiii's jmuls new ) iirdin.inall ) kept , hud been rilled , but noth ing was found I" it. as it HO happenedthut the luiHvii9oiit late tlioiiroivdluguveiihi , nnd did not pinto the diamonds in the ease upon retiring. Under ordliarj eiri-uuistincus ino DIAvouia nivo eoutuiiie-cl Her ihiKI'iCiiir- inigrt nnd bnuelets , and iiistc.id of wm the thief Mould lulu1 secured over * 'lUOorth ( ) \ of pro.lousstoiHS. The buiglar inado no sound in Mrs Cushlng's loom A\IOII | lie absti ictoil the ihuiii and ring from the dresser , und had hcnotbeun friKhtonni aw.iy afotMiiiu ntes htor Mould undoubtodlj ha\cseaiihed \\holehoviho Major Cu-sh HIR statetl List evening ; n lion seuti at his homo by u DLI reiwrter. tint ho thouvht itstrungo thnt tlio tlnot Ind not no tleed the jewels uiwn Jlrs. C'uslimg'sarms and chlorotormed uoth ulinsolf aiulwati1 , yet ho wai notdibpiedto be too critical bcuuso thov McroovorlookoJ. The thief \vsis been IpavliiRthc place about So'cloi-lc by Mrs. Ivl II Cunlcvho resides next door , at 'Jill South Twonty-liftli UMMIUC' Mio suv him leave the sidewalk , cross the stieel tuidIiurij south unvaid If.nnain lie \uis alone and bccmed appiehcnsive of pin- suit. It Is very linprobiblo that the stolen prop erty \\ill be reeovciwl , as thostoiiesiao \ \ nn doubted ly been removed from their sdtiiiKi lon boloie this , mid it Mould ho Impossible to ideiitifj tin in. Major Cushinc ins no hopes of cu r Rving them again , 'llioin ) were eleven of the stones , and they included ( jonis that had been collected at vtulous times h\ \ Mayor Cuihing , s imu ofhich vero pri/til icryhiglily. This is tlio sc'-oml tlrao that the nnyor's ' residciicuhas been burplnrmd in the past three ycirn , the Imtglnrs on the former occasion scciirins $4.81 in rash bcloiiKiiis to Aliyor Gushiiig's father. TheUsitors , ho\vcor , made Ihcinschcs en tirely at homeaiidspreid adaintj lunch on a dining loouit.ibletohiuh tho. > did nuiplo justice. A wedding party -\vas inthohouso nt the time and silk dresses und dress suits worecuiefullyi'scoiteddownstairs and the pockets turncj inside out before they wcro stacked in a heap in the corner. They com pleted thenipht's piograinnw by lulcaslnga peteanaiy bird from its cage The police Invo been put In posfiesslon of the facts of the burghuy , but hu\o no clue to the Identity of the thief a\io you troubled \vith chronic diaaiha'ai A glass cf Cook's cxtradry champagne thieo or four times a da > will euro it. Tlio Ifimeral of Mlolmcl rioinliiK to TnlcoPlaio 7 il ) ay. The funeral of the hto Michael Homing has been llnnlly decided upon for this after noon at o'clock from the family residence , Burdetto and Tncntj eighth btieots. 'Jho Rev. Mr. Duijea of the Pint Congregational church will conduct the services , and tlio funeral promises to bo the large-st over held in this city , Inasmuch us the host of friends the deceased had nndo during a rosidi'nco of twenty-six years horc , his prominence in the Union 1'acillo shops , his leadership as a Scotchtnm , and his recognized iatotjiily nnd woith as a public spiiiteil dti/en , in every way entitled him to such respect ut his death. Jlr. riomlnR died Tnosihy craning at 5 o'clock , but Interment Wits [ wstponcdiis lon as possible , until topi } to repeated telegrams to Ids eldest son , Robert , supoiiiitoiidont of the Oregon puiiltciitr.ny ut Salem , could bu received It seems tint the latter \\iis uuay troni homo on buMnoss , aiidtho 8iil ne'ivs h.ul not reached him , so the bin iul of. tlio father wai decided upon for today 'iho dic'C.iscdivas ono of the best known citl/eiisof CJinaln. respected in all \\alUs of lifeniidabloto hold hU own iinjvlioic. . Ho came to this city dnvut from Ohs- gow , Scotliind , July ! J , ibCI , nnd being an export pattern mikor iininciliatcly secured n position In the Union I'nuillo shops then ainoremcchauicilshaJowcf whiitthey , aiotodiy. IIo was soon uppointud foremin , which position ho held up to a short thnoho- foio his death. Twenty-six years inoiioic- siioiioiblo place is not a bad rccoid. Like t\ll stuidy facotcliiiieuhis liielustry was attended \vlth frugality , and iisa conso- qucnoolio Accumulated valuable roil estate , \\hlch followed In worth the city's ilsu , and athls do.i till ho deceased owned seine of the best realty In the city , was a stockholder in the "Union national b.ink , nnd MIS eon- iiectod with sworn ! minor llnunci.il as sociations. No ono was moio generous , genial Jiid eharitiiblotnaii ho , nnd none of Ills coui.triinun coming to thK city ever Ind a moro staunch fiiond Mr. rieinlng was thn oiganl/or and first picsuluit of tholiiirnt' eluli in this elty , nnd v is aliv.ivsactho in the di liberations. As u ploiecrof the Lnion I'm illi slioiitnon , bonus instrumental inoi-gaiii/lriB'tlio union 1-M illc bind nnd fiurant III oc'iitfhc eompmiy Asa coiisenuonio , thnpioiioi'ivi uml cm ploy et of the i-onpan > will at tend the funeinlln a body this afternoon. IIo , is a nroinliiunt member of tlioOdoWlonslio will uUo bo present nttbeol > soiulo | Mr. r'lfiidiiir leaves a vldow , Mrs , Isnuella rionilng' , uud the fulluwing ihililiou : William M , the veil l.nown grocer at the corner of Iuitor nth und DoUKhi and a liading mciiberof thn Viuiu ? MOP'S ' Clnls- tlin at < > o < iatlon , Itilifrt , RUiwriiitqndenl ot thu Ore-KOii ponlUuitlary , Sulem , Oio. ; Jlrs Jcnnio.Mcllruin , Mn Clurlos Uheiny , Mrs. Cliurloi Tiutei , MlU-htll. ] i , tJwi'tfe , und Miss k'utic. 'J'hoioinaliiH will ho Interred In Prospi'c't III11 cemetery , Imldo those of liiis il.iutihtor . , Isabella , -\\lio died n fo\v yean iiw Thus the X'lte1' of Omaha's llit t prominent 'Vltv of tlio dead" will bo oicnudU ) ) roeolvu < > uo who has \uU'hul thli ell } of llfo plow t ) giiiat. ness and takonpurtm Ita mibt actkvo pro- AiiolliiT Itnrglnry. Thorcdidoncoof Mr , MInard , on Sherman avenue , vis uinniiRlhct ( luces . 'isiUjl by the burglai-s Thursday niyltt. Ttioy o nothing of value , SCROFULA Is that Impurity of the Itood which produces unsightly lunii's ' or suHllnp ) lu Iho neck ; nlilcli ctitsci running tores on Iho arms , leg ) , or fcctj which dctelopi ulcers lu the oyf < , calf , ornoseottenc.iu5lnR blliulnejsor dealucss ) whlth ialho origin cf pimples , can- , ccrous prowthi , or ' 'humors11 ' ; which , fastenf ing upon the lting , cauiei con tiinptlnnaiiil f doth. It Is the most anrlcnt of all dlscucn , juid\cryfc\v | > crsoiiiaroentlrcly frcofrom It. How Can It Do lly taking Hoodi Sats.ipntllla , uhloh , by the rcnnrKnllo cures It hni nccomplMicd , lins jiroten Itself to bo a potent ami peculiar ncdlclnc for this illscasj. J ( you taller liom scrofula , try Hoodi S.irsaparlll.i. "Kvciy spring myvlto and children h ivo been tiDiibltd with scrofuln , my llttlo liny , tlirco jwrs old , Icing a tirrlblo stiflcrer. I.nst spring he wai onoinnsjof IDIC.S ( rein liddtolcet. Woalltookllood'sSirsnpirlll.i , nml nil liivo ken cured of thoscwfria. My lllllo boy Is riitlicty fice fiom sorrc , and all fnur of my chllih en loolt bright andheallhy. " \l.\\ . iiiKUONirass-dc Clly , N.J. Hood's ' Sarsaparilla Viopircilonly b/0. 1. HOOKA CO.Ai liccutlos. l wotlMAaa , IOO gJosos Ono Dollar Clovcland's colored inlnstivU opcuied Onnhn rngsiRPiiicnt nt Hotel's open hotiso last ni lit. The \ca-illi't \ of n romirUalilv largo ntiilicnro for suoli lint uevithcr vns tint It isicaily a k'ttershoiv than they ooeted | > : o see , not\\lthstimliii | ? puhlie antlelpatiuu uid been vhcttel u > 11 locii cilg-i'ln nl- vinicc. All that his been said on laming h miiciN , Illustiited hill boiinls nnd ii elaboi.iteh woiilod .idveillsoiiients Is fully ustllled Mr Cleveland Imsts of Inivlnif ho stroiiuettt combination of genuine tiogro nlint CUT organized , and so far us coillei be ) > UMTVodln last iilKlit'aK | < rforiiinncu.tlion * is 10 oivmloii to dispute It. In fact , them s no pirtlpular reaioii wliv the coinp.iiiy Hliould not lw classed \vllh moil of the ivhito face combination * Ills e iu illy ns good In iiculy every respcretiis mj of them , and much ubovo tbo atui'iw There Isiiota inori ? ilover coinodinn In the butlncbithiiuToniMclntosh , nnd Hilly l-'iii1- rollhasln him the nnlclnj-of a von hriRlit speualU nrtlitasMeUnsuiiutnan DocSayles , .limlJlimd , 0V 1'ickett , the Interlocutor , the dnneo aitlsti , stump speakers and IUID- bntlo iKi'foimoi-s tire liulit up in the fwnt ranks. Tin1 show is dre-ised neatlv. nn I , being hrum ! now , tbo c'o > lume < produce a Inilliiuit elTict , espeiiallj us soon la the Jint put. The pi'onraiiime , mndo up f concerted ilnprinir , solos , thioLs , quu- tettevs , cluuiictor imitations , funny stoui's UiiiKhulilo jokes , inllit.uy cllllls and tumbling \vus so pleasing tluoushout that the miiliemu % vas Ittpt In u hitrh stt.to of KoodhiiniDi Many of the features \von vlijnrously ap- Dliueiod and some of them emorod Tom Mclntosh isuiidoubteilly tlio ga'-itustinaiioC liinic-o lie is a full team , and his mouth u u jurd wide , Drink Exe'clsiorSpuags MLssourlvatei \ i. (1. A. U. Moonlight 1'lcnle. The inombont ofGeoige Croolt i > est , OianJ. Aiiny of tboliopublic , No " < W , tlioirvivi's , sons aid dmgrlitors , had aroj.il time list iiljht. Thej had aningcd foi a iiiooiilulit liienicuncl soci.it . at Snillo's gimo , at Tnciitj-fourth and Haiiidton streets. Iho moon wiu > not Just satisfactory to thool I vets , , o they brought twolocnmot1\o \ lic.id- Ughts und 100 ( Jhhiose lanterns to tlui gioimiU 'Ihcsoinnilc tbegro\o asllj'ht as di\ , aril alter liUjcrPuiay , Genei.il Dennis nnd ( Japtain Hallde'livei'i'ct eloquent speeches , the b.ihucoof the o\ening wassponl in ! ' - lountins camp llio tiles , md pirtnldiu ; of u light lunch , consisting of lemonade , ice ereaui uud cake. Sixth A urcl Kcpiilillunn ; . Thaiiieinbers of theKiMli xvanl rcpubllean club vcre at the rooms , Twcnty-sluti an .l LiUo streets , in full force last night , hn- thushistlc speeches vcro inadohy a nunibor of the club meroboi-s , ind then hy a umnl- mousotc the cill fora vncetiiifr , nt which to oijaiil/e ( u icntnd eliibis npproMd Ihis meeting wll beheld at Oarnold li.ill ne'xt 'Iliuriduy nlilitniidtlic , bixtli waiJers will ni irch iloMii in n bodj , U'.irin their ei lo that pro veil sudi an attraction during the campilgu of 13S3. If ; 1M 11,1 tilt. I J'llfi , W.T. PrentU'of Chicago is at thoCnsoy. II. C. Gaulnci of Chlf ago is at the Puxton. L. 1' . Blue ofNov Voik is ut the Paxton. W. A. Wsoii of Ashton is a guest ut the Cusej , M. Hayden of Toledo , 0 , is stopping nt the P.ixton. A. 1)Vhltc of Iluffalo , N Y. , Is nt the Muviay. A. ( iilolulat of Clioyonno is a guest at thj Murriy. II. I' . DixofSt. Louia Is registered at the Mlllaul. C. J , Hjshuin of Paliaor isa guest at tlio Merchants Clinics II. Godfrey of Fremont is at the Merchants. 11.1) ) . Diy of Ilnrtford , Conn , ismtliocltj , at tliol'nxtoii. I'M' . AVhori ) of St. Louis H.IS atthoMur- lay hst night. It. \Vhlttletoii of Washington , IJ.C , Ii at the Miiiiny. II C. liownnu of Cle\eUuid , O. , Is n guest at thoMurt.iy , T. A V.usonsof Now Vorkls roglstcicd fit the JlorclnnUs F * . H. Smndeia ofLineolii \ at the Millard - lard I ust night II. L.-Hloss of Giand Wand Is In the city , at tlio Mill ircl. J. 11. Burklcy of Stromsbcrj was at the Casey lust niglit. O C. Henderson of St. Louis was at the Paxtoti last night. it < O II. Peterson of Chicago was at the Mr-r eliant * last night. Krauk i : . Ilartlgia of Crete is In the c-Hy at tlio Merchants. In Smith nnd C , II. Drexlmry of Clne.igo are ut tboMilUrcl. A I'ortlns of Dhlr was la the city last night ut tlio Cusey. W It. Johiutoii of Cnto Is in the dty. i guest at the IMIlluid. C A , ] hme'saiiil\V. W. Coloiuan ofluhin ton are at tlio Caioy. \j A. Iloyc'o of IIus.tliigIs In thoci stopping lit the Ciisvy. . A T. lllaclibuni of Atkinson was a guest at thu Mlllan ! last night GiorgoW. Tiirnov of Dottoitwas regis tered at tlio 1'itton last night. JJIinerlViuik , clnk of the United StutO ) elnnit oourt , left jcstonlil\ Mixu-o \\llllam \ II. Cl.irlt , editor olthoStanilaid of Coitlanil , .V. V , vas in tin eityi sicuiny , nnclc.illi'd oiiTuis llii : olllco to sio tin Ih-csl - ne\M > p.ip > r building hi thuorlel VibsolutoJy Pure. A orntn nt tntlur lull I MR povilor. olkiMiilnKHtruiit.i-U. ! ! a ( Io > eiuui0ut Uo- l > ort AUK ,