TITTO fYItfATTA DATLfV BUrpr WEDNESDAY" . JULY 30. 1800. THE CITY , The bank clearings yesterday amounted to $623,391.41. Joe Lockwood and George. Dolelnc Trero JCH lord ay taken to the county Jail to servo n Uvonty-flvo days'sontonco , Gdorgo Adams , wanted in Lincoln for grand larconVi wns urrcHlod hy Olllcor Jfowinnn nt Twelfth nnd Dodge streets. Mrs. Bcnll wishes to recall tlio invita tion 3 sen tout ( or tlio afternoon recep tion for Thursday next , offing to the death of JIi-s. Horlln. ThoimvlllloyVllUam ) \ Klnl < acd W. It. Head , were engaged in n freo-for-a.il fight at Tutilli atul Howard , when u iioliccinan came along and gathered them In. Will Ulgh. a switchman in the B. & M. yards , slipped and toll noiu-a passing train Mbmlnvnight. Ills right hand foil acroii.the rails and as a result ho lost two fingers. G. w. Adam ? , colored , was nrrostcd ycHtcidny as a fugitive from juHlco , lie is wanted Iu Lincoln for petit larceny , and was turned o\cr to the authoiitics of that city last atoning. Tlio suit of the First National bank against the Omnha casket company , in l > rint"d Sunday , should rend the "Omaha mantle company , " and should not lie mistaken for the Omnha c'ollln company. Sergeant Whclau yesterday Illed an Information against John Doe , charging him with cruelty to animals. LTela at- IcRcd to have allowed his horse to go without feed , water or shelter for da } s at atmo. ! In accordance with an ordinance re cently jwbscd , Olllcor Ilowilcn will have thocfmln-gnnc' ' cutting weeds Iho last of the week. All woods within ton foot of u sidewalk or viaduct property "will bo exterminated. The Union Paclllo railroad company filed an application in the olllco of the building inspector jCbtcrday afternoon shoving that they at once desire to Lo gin the erection of n tivo-hlory brick depot nnd olllco hulldlng on Ninth etrcot between Jiickdoa and Jones , at a cost of lotwcon $30,000 and $ 10,000. Dick Nanii and Will iatn Shuett wcro ariestcd Wondiiy night for assaulting ahoy hey named Ottermim on Soutli Tlili1- tccnth street. The matter vus adjusted by Nash , wlio at tli6 suggcstlou of the aBslstant city attorney , gave the victim a note for fc20 , payable in thirty days. No prosecution will follow. United Stales Collector Alexander has rented the brick barn onCapltol avenue ) , this beliif ? the hist of tlio vacant , build ings on tlio proposed silo for tlio now government building. AB no lease of any length can bo made the lontsin many cases tire raorcly nominal , the ten ants belnjj subject to a wy brief notice to vacate. _ A Quiet Wedding. The wcdilliij ? of C. W. HalJwln , a promi nent younp physician of JOlknorn. this state , nnd Miss l uey McArJIo of McAnilcvlllo was soleniiilrcd j'cstortlay at the Trinity cntlieilial by Dcnn Gardner , in tlio presence of the near friuids of the bildiil couple. Miss McArdlo , vlio it n lovely bru- nctto , I ? the ( liuiititerof ) .Linio1) II. McAnllo , nivL'll known olJ cltbcn , Tha happy piir loft on the afternoon train for a trip turojgh. tie Atlantic stutcs. /Inotlier JIitnilrtMl Tlioii.saiul. On Satuiilay City Treasurer Rush will open proposils for the purchase of $100,000 city hall bonds. This Is the second SIOJ.OOO . ) of bonds of tli to description thabhns been offered uml tlio money secured by their sale will bo Hvulliiblo about September lby Avlilch time tlio SW.OOO now reinaliiinj ; of the llrst f 100,000 will ho exhausted. 1'ho amount of bonds voted for thU purpose fBO.OOO. Jtvill bo observed , tliorcforo , that tlioro It not much chamo of doluy on the lullding on account of lack of funds , The ICciituelcy fjliuor ] House. Canlo Fieyhan and DniluruICfitin have ox- cutcd and delivered to MoC3 Hois of Bi'iid ford , Pa. , nblllof sale forSlS.nOJ.GS , convoy. Ing the stock , fixtures and accounts of the of the concern itiiown as tlio Kentucky liquor liouHo,60 ; $ South Thlitccnth street. The business has town conducted by J. A. IVoylian , liusbanjl otOnjnlo , who It will be Tomoinbercil , inuilb n disastrous ami scvorly criticised failure In the same line in 18SO and by Edward .Kiilni , who was fonnorly in Jloyd's ' opera house block in the wholesale nnd retail clfjar trade , and who sold out to this anmo Moses Roll of Uradford , Py , , lust [ year , leaving , ills said , his creditors to weep , llillo Jton. Major Bcuhu'n , inspector of rifle practice , has imdo iirransoine.its foraspoclil tr.ilu to the Bellevue iMiigo for tliolu ! > tihiyof tlio rlllo competition , August 0. The train will leave tills city at 2 o'clock tad letuin at 5GO. : This will he the inoit Important day of tlio competition , ami those who visit the uuik'o will h.ivo an opportunity to witness the cm- airy pistol firing ; which was so iiitorestiug lustjo.u' . General Brooke nud stall ! and tbe jiS Second roRltncnt band will attend. General Brooke \\lll award the medals won during the competition. _ Hnxlno llouso Jlniulc. Acecptanco cf the engine liouso bonds was refined by the eastern purchaser for three reasons , as fjheu ty City Treasurer Jiushs Pfrst , the bonds rocilothirt thoaniendatory ) net was passed March Ul , ISi'J. It should bo Mareh 10. ISsO. Second , the bonds rcdto that tlio ordlnanca nutliorizliiK tbclr Issue was approved Juno 81 , 1800. w hen it sliould road Juno 24,1800. The third ciror Is in the tit lo of thohond. The ordinance stiya tint the tlllo shall id.ba 'JTim ciiRlno house bonds of iho city baof Omaha , series No. 1. " Vlio title appears ofM "ISiiRino house bonds of the city of Owalu. scries 18W. " As souu as thcso clerical errors ara corrected - rocted tlio buverof tVo bonds says ho vvlll , talw them and pay for tlio in , Oiiiahnns at Salt Hinkc. " \VlllIain Radio-ford , of the enterprising con tracting llrin of Ilochcford k Goulct , has re - turned fromntrinof both business and pleas ure to Halt Lake , His linn is engaged ,13ill the erection of ono of the llnest ( holds of the country at that place. , It h to cost ? , WOOno and to bo completed iu i a year. .Associated with the flrm Is J. 0. G lad- dcii wlm vill suponntcnd tlio carpenter vroilc. Mr. ( ! ouM , the Junior member of the the llrw is now nt Suit Lake City suncria- tondhiK the work which was dcslnicd iaby Aleiulclssohn , Fisher & La\vrioof \ tills city. The now hostelry is to bo called tholCuuts- ford. 'MncPHnn& Hall's ' Now Yorlc Alllod shows and Kontz' Ropl Gorman mo- Roriof vlll oxhihlt at the following- towns on their return trip from Port land , Oro. : Grand Island , July 30 and 81- ; Central City , Aiufust s ; Columbus , .August 2 ; St'htiplor , August 4 ; Fremont , .August 5 , briiijjinf , ' them to Omaha for yVu ust 0 nnd 7 , where they will glvo oxiubltioni dally oa Charles street , bo- t \\eon \ Seventeenth and Eighteenth. Tlio ' proprlotors , IV loss rg , MncFJinn and Hall , mo showmen of yoaw of experience , l < now\vliat \ the public wish and aeeoni- xnoduto thotn. Of the wrformiincoa lioro nothing uut vords of pralso can bo wed , but n detailed writoup is not per missible. Sullk'iont it is to btiitoihat nil the porformorBnro above mediocrity in tholr dllTorcnt lines and BOIIIO oiuuot : 1)0 excelled in thoii1 poitunninco by any jK-oploorln any circus on the /aeo of tlio oarth. _ JilRJI. IECKMAN A , , ugflbOyoai-3 , Punoral to take place from his in to TM i tloncoKl'J Callforuia street , " \Vednesdayat \ 3 j ) , m. Bostoa papcw please copy. TUSMINO Tuesday , July SJ , nt 5 p. m Mitclicll FlomUitr , sr. , Funeral notice later. TU'O MK.V AVIint Tlioy Tell nliimt tie ! Hied orihntHcotlcm. Mr. J , J. Ittirt , cnpitillstnnd leading finan cial man of Casper , " \Vyo. \ , nnd Mr , A. J. Cunningham , cashier ot ICln& & Co. , bankers ntCnspcr , nro In the city on business per taining to financial UfTalrs in "Wyoming. Aside from being long-headed business men of the nmt thoroughly success Jui order , Mr. Hurt and IMr. Cunningham nro two as genial , bright and widely read gentlemen as ever honored Oniiha wltn a call. In every sense of the word do they well and vlth the greatest credit represent ono of the ripest , most thoroughly advantageous sec tions of all Wyoming for investment , As an oil country. iU > s lined to excel J'uiniylvnnla , ai ono rich In the ( iiecious IH well us the valimMo baser tirtuls , the region about Cas per probjbiy far surpisscs tmy spotof earth c\cr bcforodlacovercd. Mr. Hurt has Just bad a quantity of ere fotinil ncnr ( Jnsi > er iwiycd at Ilio smelting worln in lluj city. Itghotfd 50per cent copper und 2' ' silver , Another great and cowtantly Increasing fc.ituieof tlio countir ailjolnlnu' Cwpcr is the sheep iinilwool Industry. Six hundred thousand pound ) of wool wcw-Klicarod in Oi nor lust your , wbllo this ycir tuo amount vlll boneaily doubled. Mr. Cuniilnglnin left for Boston yesterday and Wr. Hurt ivturusto CasptrUiicet. After all , tbo best war to know tbo real tneritot Ilowl'sSarsiniirilla , is to tiy it jour- self. IJe sure to get Hood's. ' Nerve n/ul / Liver PIIH. An Importantdlscovory , They act on the liver , stomach and bowels through the nerves. jV new principle. They speedily euro bllliousiicss , Ind taste , toipld liver , piles and constlbatloa. Splendid for men , women and children. Smallest , mildest , surest. IJO doses for5 ! ! cents. Samples free nt Kuhu $ , Co.'s ' loth and Douglas. UOiVSIIXa IN IjlUK Jolin Grove ' Intcstltial and \VIieol cr'p Hasty Action. C ity Clerl : G roves roturnc d j cs tcrday morn ing from his vacation trip down east. TIe visited all the larger cities , had a fine time , and gained six pounds-Just six pounds morothanho was looking for , ' Amongother recreations that I Indulged in."said Mr. Groves , In speaking of his trip , "was to dlmbtho interior mechanism of her star-spangled majesty , Liberty Enlighterfine the AVorld. I ha\o done a very largo amount of iirccioiis stali- climbing in my time , but never hud I tiioklcd sodifllculu job as that pre sented by the dlffostlvo orgrans of that Utuo in Ke\v Yorlc harbor. Once started to mains the ascent and 3011 mast positively keep agoinj ? , for thcro'sno room toawitcli oil and talto a back trade. I'm about as strong and hearty as the average westerner , but let no tell y < KI was noaviy paralysed when the job was finished. My lugs haven't ijot done yet from IL ClllUliUn . But , evcnafterall UUbLi , I must say that I'm quite pone on the old gnl , even tlioutrli she isn't ilesh , and blood. Slio is better lookiiifc' lots belter looking than she Is pictured , though she is the possessor of unarinlllcoa blacksmith. Oh my , oh my I but you should sco her musclol "Vlowcd from tlio distance at chichi viewed it , that nmscloresciabftd an Invctted iMciMat. And her eyes I Four big mince pics and tvo n.nntsof vciy bard cidcr'with a dozen doughnuts on the sldo all taken Just before. roUt'Ing are not capable of producicg a night hoiv > olth ejcs halJso ( Ustressinff. \vroto a postal card-\\hllo In side of ono of her anlclcs , and nto lunch in her right car. YcjSlvl The old girl is slmnly a-corker , nnd I believe that no man can bo a true Ainuric in until ho has taken a spin into and thioilKMhntstatue of LiU'ityEalightcnliiB' the U'orld. " When Mr. Groves had flniihetl his bit of word-painting aliout the girl Liberty hu was asked what ho thought of the sliow that Councilman D. II. "Wheeler liad been himself la connection with the dty assessment hook work. Ills reply -was that ; holtncwiiothiuBwhatoverof the uffalr and dGiT1 t " * cmo to STiy"'ii'iuCTi" u6i/Ut 1 until ho Ind mudo sonio In- quliies. Ho would. lioAveicrsay this much tint if ho thought Wheeler had gene aliend and assumed to comincnce the work in his alhciico , when the work was a matter per taining puioly to his ( Grovos1) ) oltlee , he thought thut the gentlemi'ii hud greatly o\er- \ ntepped himself and the bounds of all propri l- ety. Sir. Qroves was just sllphlly under the impression that ho thought ho could attend to the business ot his own olllco without a parlielo of Interference : from any outside parties , ba those outsiders connolluion or Icings or queens. County Clerk O'AInlloy told a Bur reporter , tint bo had tni'sitivt.ly iodised to allow Wheeler's men to ta'io ' the tax books again until the county force hnJ done xvlth them , ulthout a written icquest from City Clerk Groves. Wheeler did not show himself at the court house yesterday morning , though one or two of the men ho had assumed to put on to the job \VCM haiipiug about , evidently waltini ; for their lord uhd muster. tyd Mr. O'Mftlley said ho had lieard on good authority th.it Wheeler had given U out that ho proposed toet ( a writ of mandamus from the courts pompelling him to allow the use of the books. JlowlsXhlH for a JlcooiiiiiionilatloiiV \Vo have sold hundreds of bottles of CImmt lerlaln's Colic , Cholera and Diarrhoea HornI oJy to residcrits of j\Jel and vicinity , ami al ways keep a bottle open for dispensing ilin dosed , and wo use It la our own families inn ever ocdasloii roiuircs.a have never Ituown It to fall in any case , and have seen it used for bowel complaint hi nil its forms , nnd in the most severe and dangerous cases. Tlio medicine 1m our fullest confidence and en dorsement as a life preserver , J. B. tex & Co. , Druggists , Add , Iowa. OCCASIONALLY. Tlio Guardmi * of I'uro Meat Do Not I xnmlno It Dully. Since the bcglnnlngr. of the hot wcitlicr there liavo becu numerous complains from Iho residents in various * parts of the city that butchers are selling diseased meats in open Violation of tuo city ordinances , and also that the meat inspectors nro neglecting their duticsln not inspecting the meats offered for sale by the dealers. There are now about ono hundred nnd twenty-eight ictail moat shops " In the city , which the two inspectors , Fred Illckstein aad Pat Welch , the latter being1 recently ap pointed , are supposed to visit oveiy day. For doing tills work tlio gentlemen rceeivo from the city 8100 per mouth each. "Whether or not they attend to their duties and protect ttio families of Omaha from hav ing spoiled and diseased meats folstpdupon them , can host bo dotermlnod by the testimo ny of thobutchorjand dealers who give their testimony regarding the frequency of the la- spectors' visits. G.T. Summers of 121 North Twelfth street suidi "Of coin-so I sell nothing but , good meat and for that leasoa the Inspectors don't ' vibit my shop. UurhiR the present yar they have called oa mo four times. They looked through my coolornad then wont out. " It. ICunathataid North Sixteenth street snld : "One of the Inspectors visits my shop on an avcr.itjoof once in each vwek. " -iMlon.who keeps a tit > li market nt 217 North Sixteenth street said : "A nie.vt In- I speitorwas ot my place last wuolf , That \ , w.is the Ih-st visit for nearly u month. " tat 1 SOChicasostreet ) , saidTho inspectors usuallyc.ill at my plaeievery Saturday. " 1'ruu ( jucncr , at tll'J South Tenth street , said : "Tlio meat Inspector culls to scoiuont least tvlco ilich A\oolc. \ " 1'aul Ilonncff , nt 707 Pacific street , sold : "Ilio meat Inspectors visit , my shop twice i a month. They dion In , talk a Itw nts ttnd then KOaway1 ' J , WaiiUaii , al Sixth nnd Pierce , said : "Since the 1st of Juao Mr. Illukstolii has been ntmy shopoiicoa wwlc. I huvoiiovcr s cen Mr. Welch. " 0. JP.nouf'f , ut 118 North EUvcnth street , sail : "Ono of the Inspectors was at my shop Iwt Situnlav and that was the first visit slnco tlio inlddlo of June , I guess he knows I soil good meat , and that Is the reason why hedoosnotcall on me very of ten. " \villhni Kischer , at litti Capitol avenues , saidMr. ' . lllcltstelnusually visits my i > "co twlco cueh week , but ho never Jlnds nny- tlilnir wrong , " J , J , Deal , at the corner ot Dodge struct nnd Capitol avenue , said : "The meat In- spotter calls on mo pretty often , nbout OIK-O each wcelt. I usually sco him Saturday morning. " ,7ohn Hamilton , at Third nnd William streets , saidl "Von know I am a good way oat of town and It 11 not expected that too Inspector can 100 mo very often , but I should Judge ho comes hereabout about tvlcc n month. " Jen Hoiiiief. at H03 South Tenth street , said ! "Jseo tlio inspector once u week. Ho knows 1 hnvo n KOOJ Ice box , and for mat reason lie thinks my shon tloes not have to be Inspected very of ten , " .loo BUitnldt , nt 1701 South Tenth strcoJt said : "t'rcd Hidtstela is at my place once each week. " Wlliaui ICirp. at . > 3 South Twentieth street , said : "I have not kept track of tlio visits , hut I think the Inspector ison tliU street aboutoncoln tvo weeks. I linow ho does notconw mow frcijuonllv than that. " lllcno fc Hanson at I'lOSouth Twentieth stici't , said : "I know how often the taupec * toisfu'olicro , Since Jiay 1 31r. Ulck.steln hiu called on mo uvicoeveiy month. 1 hive never seen Welch " 1' ' . J. I'lslicr , ixtTwentiethnndl'ierco snld : "Inhviijs sell ffood meat and for this reason am not troubled by the Inspectors. They como tomy place once each week. " Heath rJrolliors , nt 1311 .St. Mary's avenue , said : "One montli ago , nn inspector wn in my shop , looked Into my cooler , said It was the belt in the city , and then went avay. Binco that tlino Ihavenotseeiiiiu inspector. " Van Glider & Co. , at ICJl Howard stieot , said : "Ves , I sco the inspector very often. I think lie conict to my shop about once a week , but ho never flnds anything wrong. " Chrnnlo Innaiiiiiintloiiof lite HUultler h promptly cuicd by the waters of Excel sior Springs , Missouil , UAIMiO.VD XKAVfe. A Ilust of Intcu'stliii ; hums from tlio It ] was a Jllssourl Aicifio ofllclT.1 who said , vltii some enthusiasm , that ho hail just re ceived notioo of a $10,000,000 , increase in the capital ] stock o C that corporation. i I hardly knoiv , " continued , "whether this means a purehaso of \Vyandottoroad or an extension of our present Nobuaka lines , or both. The general attorney tells mo that legal publication of tills Increase in the capital stock must ho made in Nebraska , therefore I should judge that much of it will lo expended here. "Tho urst indication that Mr. Gould has acquired oivneiship of the " \VyanJotto road Is lit ) instruction to General Solicitor U'apgoner to bring suit against tlio Union depot company at Kansas City for refusing tofrivo thoroad entrance and depot accommodations. ' There has hron sonio talk of extending the Crete branch from that city to Hustings If that Is ilone , I also expect to sco the Wyundottc line ex tended from Beatrice , its present terminus , to n connection with the ( /'rote and Hastings road , prohubly at Crotc , Thislooksllka the bcurinnlni ; of a vast addi tional syMcin to the Missouri Paciflo mileage , stretching In every dhectloa through tlio state 'Nhnsfn ( ! " Another Clum o A ntlcipated , It ii quietly hinted that n change will soon bo made inthopfllccof assistant supci'Intond- cnt of the Xehrasltn division of the Unioa Pacific road. According to a recent rumor W. II , Burns , who now occupies that posi tion , expects to tender hU resignation. If lie doesTrainmaster Foley will probably suc ceed him. A story is being ciiculated to the effect that Burn ? has ji roved unequal to the duties devolved upon' him , tlieruforo the manage ment Is fait lostn- * its patience. Whoii the limited pissem'cr train was wrecked about ton days ago , ho vaa ulno hours gutting the track clear and had oveiy body worked i ; ; oa state of wild oxdtemoiit. Suiuri ndcnt Dim sat at tlio Key iu fIs oflice , but w 3 shut oft and , ' couldn't set nn opportunity to _ Jfluc. HO tried It half a ilo en i'Hes. ' General Manager BrinkcrhofT StMy cut In nt Kansas City , nnd the mi-Co wore firing hot messages over tlio .ULtfMab once , hut failed tofjet the wreck denied nway so that other trains could pass. Nine hours are considered along tlinoto de lay Iho movement of traffic oa account of u small wreck. If Foley should Iw piomotcd Bob Sutherland A\lll doubtless bo brought here frqm the Omihu Is Republican Valley and bo made trainmaster. St'll ' In Abeyance. The conductors' trricvanco cotitntttoo has not put In appcaianco yet , The seem to bo waltlngon Chief Conductor Cliirk of the brotherhood , who , atlast accountnas still in Topcki , worltinj on an adjustment of thoSantivlfocimiuilty , Inasmuch us the cornplnihta under discus- sioiuvilllmvo to lo talton upwith General Manager I3ilnUeihotr\vho has his ofllcoab ICausas City , it Is jmsiblo the committee may bo forced to go them. Iho dilllculty over which this demand lor another settle ment mbos Is conllnod to the Nebraska and a nortion of the Kansas Pdclllo divisions. It is said tlmt the agree mont made lust Jtmo is stilctly obscivcd on the Mountain , the Bicl- licaud Gulf divisions and gives satisfaction. The Federation Qitestton- The question o ( federation between con ductors , en necrs , Lrakemen , firemen and svltcdmeii on the Union Pasiflo sjstorn is being seriously discussed aad will probably bo effected soon. Local committees composed of two men from each orsanlzatioa are at work formulat ing au agreement that the prand oftlcers of e.ieh order aw expected to sign. Jt is said tlnttlioy all havj iiidlc.ital their wllllnpiiods to endorse it with the exception of Chief -Aithuv of the brotherhood of engineers. AMiilo ho seems to bo rattier lukewarm > S.n thosubjectof fcileratlon , It is snld tliat a laipo majority of the members of the brother hood are strongly in favor of it and will rn deavor to win him over. A. Itoynl Send Off. Thom.is II. Phllllpj , late chief clerk of the freight claim depu-tmontof the Union 10a clllo road , hivin ? accepted n pjsltioa on the I'.icillo division as clilof clerk of the general frclglit cloinrtnicnt at Poitland , left Omaha for that city last Saturday ovenlag. Mr. Phillip ? VMS very papular with tUo tlcrlcsof tlio claim - .orn dfpai-tmentjas w.is shown Iu the presentation to him by them of a very liaudsomo silver smoking set , suitably en graved , Ho was master workman of Omaha lodKoNo. IS. A , O. U.V , , and wai tlio re cipient of a beautl till gold headed cano from the members of that organization. Mr , Phillips took his thrco children with him , anil the depot v.is Ulled with Union I'aeitio cliilin dorks and A. 0. UV. . brothorf , who assembled thcro to bid them "Oood bye , a safe Journey and God-speed. " Votes mid for > 4oiiilg. ! Second Vice President Hauls , cf the Bur- llugton aulvedln Omulia iMoiuluy o\cnini S. Ho mid Uenernl lunncer Iloldrcgo vent > S.to Lincoln jesterdny morning' . Tlic liixitheihoodof LoooniotivoEnRlneors Is still p'.ijliig the monthly contribution of f 15 ] > cr month to four members } \ho wcro Iu the DurllnKtonstrlko tvo ycarit ajo. II. U. AVheolcr , thonowly Appointed ( issis- tnntiTcncral purchasing aientof the Union Pacific , hat been tho. assistant tjx auditor for nearly ttirou years. Ilocamohero with U.V. . Cummin fioin ttio Northern 1'iicillc. \Vith J , P. Ilovoy's retirement from lie..ho Union Pacltlu bhoin j\uk'U3t 1 the ofllco of muster - . - . inechnnlc . - . - . of . . . . tlio rCebnisk.i tlivlsioti will bj abolished. Tlio duties belongim ; toll will bo assumctt liy John Wilson , assistant superintendent of motive ponor. L , M. Anderson , late uctln purchistng agent of tlio Union i'.iclllc , lus been formally appointed iisslsUint to 1'rosUont Adanu. The Sacred Heart academy for da" ) ' pujiilw , situated on St. Mary's nvenuo i nnil 27tit st. , is an institution devoted to the moral and intollccLuil eiluc-atlori of young" jjlt'ls. The course Includes every- , tiling fioni n oleiuontary dopirtinontto a llnlshcd cluihslcal educ'itiun ' , IJe.sidoj the ordinary nc.ulomlcal course , music , painting , di'.uviiijMind the lun 'uajos nro laii''li t. Fionchiy included In tlio ordl- uaiy course , UllTercnctJOf religion ib nero obbtuolo to the rocolvlny of pupils , pro vided tnoy confotin to the - fc-enorjil repu- lnt' ' ° ns of tlio school. Tlfo bcholast ! term coimnoni'iH the first Tuobdtiy in Santouibor. Cliissesbofiiu t 0 ft. in , , and pupils nro Jlsinhsedat 3:30 : \ \ ia. 811KCIAIS UICI5 U'liy HlocH AVntolinien Must Keep A.\vny rraiiiH loons. Clilof Scavoy , speaking of the ordlnanM allowing special policemen to parties willing : o pay for them , said tlmt unless the ordi- immo wns so clmngbd tu to place thcso extra men under the snma reflations nt these gov ern ing tlio men en tlio rcsiilnr force , the clTeit would certainly bo degrading to the 'itrnlar vDlccn nnd demoralizing asell. . If these sneolnlT men should not bo controlled - trolled as the regulars tro , it would bo found that they would bo oltcn found drinking around saloons nnd lie uses of Ill-faino nud vary often would UOFCCII drunk on duty. The npplicant for this ordinance is the [ naimpforof tbo A.I ) . 1 , conipanr , it being the Intention of tint utiocliitlon to organ ire u Torco of merchants' ' pollco. In all metropol itan cities , ittu-tt ) such forcivsare la exist ence , they nreutldcr Uio control of the chief of police and subject topolUo regulations. FOilCIIHSIN JA.II/ / . Tlio Arrest or Oao iteonllH nSematltfii ul'Con n ell IllnfTH , . StondavnilitT3ctectlvos ( ! Sivnga nndDemp- soyarx'cjted two joungnicnweil-drossed , nnd of good appcaranco. "Vestcid.iy a complaint aslodgcd against them In tlio police court by Conrad Lchinlng charging them vlth for- Is the proprietor of a tailor shop at 1700 Nicholas street On the 3rd of July , the two men now held at the pollco station , called nt his place of business and ordered Uv suits of clothes , ono to cost $ K nnd the $31 , The jouuj fellows said that their names were John and 1'etcr Johnson. They were very nsrocaulo young men. They chatted pleasantly with Mr. Lehmlng' nud discussed the mcilts of thcgoods shown them xvlth the niatincroC counolssuurs. Mr. LchtniiiK is a CJerman , tiustful and unsus- pcctlnfby naturoandit was uotln him toro- quire such rcspcttahlo young men tomnlronii ndrntico deposit on the purchase. He took tuelr ; order gladly and mndo the suits. When the latter wcio .finished a few days age , tlioyounp men called and in payment for tin raiment ( 'avo Mr , Lehming two cliocks , one for&O nnd the othecfor 31. To oiiowns attuchcd thonamo of K , AIcQuerusoyaiid svLc . 1C. Oanityvis sl iicd to the other. Mr. Lehmlnp u day or two later presented tlio checks at the bunk upon whlui they were dwwii . for piyment. Ho was shocked considerably when the cashier told him that tboy voro entirely \vorthlcs % . The old mnu lost a good deal of faith In human nuturo then and tliero. Ho reported the case to the pollco nnd detectives were pat on the track of the ineu. Mondiiy they passed another \\orthlo3s ( checlt for $3 signed Charles Mc Donald ; on a grocer on Cuinlng street Tlio ; latter found out in a very few minutes that , tbo check was worthless and reported tin matter to the police station at once , A Jew \ hours later the detectives caught the men. men.Thcro is nn unusual amount of interest connected ! , with th case owinff to the story . connected . with the life of the older prisoner , who calls himself ticorga Cieok , und the prominent . connection of his \\ifo. jJ It ice-alls a scandal tint shocked Council Bluffs society abonl two years ago. IL'bestoiyis connected with the llfo of the joung woman \\\m \ \ today flnds her husband oi'liind prison Inrs churned with a crime of which , if ho is found guilty , will send him to the penitentiary. She visited lier husband jesterday , She It n young , pretty , swo t-faccd woman and looked sadly out of place In the dingy pollco station. ItunprrloreicclloncoproTCn In millions of houei for moro thnn nnimrtorof. a century. It laniodbr tlio United awtoi < 5ovornmont. Hiidorsed \ > r th3 licndi of Iho Bicat iiiilvonllloj as the BlronBOir , Purest nnil .Most Ilonllhful Dr.rilco' Crcsai H k- Inir I'onriliriloeinotcantalii ammonialluo or nluui. soldonly RiTcK DAKINO noivnim co. , KowTork. Chicago. 8an l-ranclsco. EU r.otls To euro IJlllousness. Sick ITo ilnclio Constlpntloo. Malirln , Uvor Complnlnts , Uilo the aad certain remedy , S UlTll'S llttlo beans tofliobot tle ) . They era thomobtoonvcnlcnt : suit all oju. J'rlceotcltbcisize , 5 cenU p r buttla. Ifl QIMOnt 7 , 17.70 : PhotoBmvoro jpnndBlzoof tbta picture tat 4 cents ( coppcrt or clumps ) . j. r. SJUTH t co , Mnlioreof "Ullollecns , ' Bt. I oulo JIo. liulig Bompanij's ' J I -O EXTRACT ( F.BEEF. For improved and economic cooUory.uso it for Soups , Simeon and Mmlo DMics. In lluvor m- tomparaUe , nnd dissolves porfcctly clear in u-iiter. Araltes delicious CoelTonand keeps in allclimutes for nny lonerlli of limo , 1 Ib equal -lO'lbjof lounbeol. Only sort guaranteed genuine , by Justus von Lie- big und boars his signature iu blue , thus : You can : go to your store and get the best corset there is ( that's Ball's ) , wear it two or three -weeks , return it and get your money again , if it isn't ' exactly .right. . The reason is that this corset is riglit for nine out of ten ; and the merchant , or rather the maker behind Win , takes the risk of the tenth. There is a primer on Corsets - sets ior you at the store. CHIOAUU COJUKT CO. , cucago outl New Vork. DenifentaiiLotteri Denver , Colo. , Capital Prize$7,500. , TEC'iti-yrs .10 n.-v'Ts iv ; < ; if. $20,370 , PAID JiACII MONTH BANK OF COMMERCE PAYS ALL PRIZES , Alcli-ess.U. I'UHOUUS ' . . , DENVER , - - - COLORADO , " THE CHEAPEST AHO BEST IKIEOIOINE FOB FMllir USE IN THE WORLD Instantly stop * tliewcntoxcriu'lulngpaltus noior hlls loRlio ease to the sufferer few anptlciitloiis III . ) a not oiiiiiRlc. < cauilng tliojialnto InMnnlU.stop. . A CURE FOR ALL BOWEL COMPLAINTS. Intotnally tnlcn Indosciof from thirty lo sixty dion In Imlf ' | n tnmhlcr of water vrll' In atow euro iiilnnlo' ? . , . CrnnimSriimuw.SourSloiiniMiColic.rinlnloncn. lli-artliili'ii , . , - l.iinsourI Kalnt- IMK . . - Spoil' , f UOL.-ERA.MOUUU8 , DHHHIIOSA , ' ' DYSENrEiY. y6iiii'tliiK'NoirnusnO' s,81ociTo | siii'ss , Jliilnrla. mill nil lTrtcfiTnli > 7rin5'atij"iiK"fVoiii"oliiiiiBo SloK | lU-iiliiclio. tllotor wnterur other oiuisos , GOOontsa Uottla Solil of Jewelers and Siiyersinitlis SIXTBENTH AND PAENAM STREETS , - - OMAHA , NE3D. PIONEERS INT LO\V PRICES. Doing manufaoturors , importsra aud jobbers , 03 well 3 ro- tall dealers , our purohnsiuor fncllltios are second to no house In th's country. Honoa our oxlromo low prices o.i ovorythintr sell. Special nUontlon is cnllod to our lorgo and cloertmt line of FiiioMan'olO oiks ( over 50 different styles ) at S5.OO and up wards. Pine Banquet nnd Piano Lamps , \vi'h slllt pn-asol shades iu all llao now colom , from $5.0O up. Buy your Table Cutlery of ua nnd save money. Bosora' Best Triple Plated Knivoa nnd Forks only $1.76 $ porsot. Stool Oarvin ? Sots ( I nlfo fork andstcol ) , $2.OO $ and upward. Epoons , &o. , In proportion. Our CJrcat Md-Summor Bargain Sale of Diamond ' .Watohoa and. Pine Jewelry Is atill In progros ? . Gcnu'no ' Diamond Flngor Blrga from $2,6O up. Solid Gold \Vatclies from $16.00 uu 6OOO fJno solid gold , plain , band aud sot Rinjs fl'oral to $10 oaoli. Go'.dSpoctaclos and Bye Q-lassos from $3 up. Fine Stool Spectacles $1 up. "Repairingof Watches , Clocks and Jewelry a Specialty. Th.o Omaha Medical and Surgical Institute For tlio treatment of nil CHRONIC ANn SUnClICAI , DISKASFB. tlrnoo ) , Appllnnccs for Dpformltlci , nnd 1'ruKsc" . Boat 1 acllltlcs , Appnralni nnd Ilon > llr > 8for ll ( Bucce trcntincnt cif nvorf form of ali > on < ci ) ri" quit-In ? Jlcdlcnl.or Surgical TrPiilinciit.NlIiKTY . KOOMS I'Oll I'AI'IKVIS. Jlonrit of ntto'idiiico Iltil ( Strlcllr I'rlvnto ) . Only Hillnblo Moillcul Instltuto maUInu n ipclull7 ot 1'UIVATU I11SKAS K3. All Blood Dlscnuos enccoKifiillylrcntrd. hyi > lilllllo polaon rumoTCd from the nyntoni wltliout roorourjr Now Hcstcratlvo Treatment for I/IBS on'ltnll'owcr. I'nrtlesiiiiiibto to Tlilt us mnrbo tientcU at Ijiimo by corrtipondenco. Allrommnnlcatlona connclcntlnl , AtcKllclnoor Instruments tout by mall nt express , c- lurclr packed , nomniks to Indlcnlo contents or nwidor. Onopcrtoml Interview pi e'crri-d Call nn < 1 consult u oricndlilstorr of jour use. nnd won in tend In plain wrnppor our HOOK 'JO Mfc.V KllKK. upon 1'rUato Special or > crvous Dliuaeoi , Impotoncj , Srihlll9Ulcut nd Vnrlcocclc , ultli question 1HU Address Ornalia Medidal and Surgical Institute , Corner 9th and ! HaxnoySts. , Omaha. Nob. 1 MET , Graduate Dentist , Full Set of Teeth , on Rubber , For Five Dollars. Anorfcot fit Kunrantced. Tcclh OTtractod wltl'outiialn or daiurrr , und wlttout rtiincs- thctlus. Gold ami sllior Illlltigs at lowest rates. DrldijormdOroivii . Teeth wltli- outplntM. All wurlc wrrintoa. OFFICE PAXTON BLOCK , 16TH AND FARNAM. Untrnnco , Mth slroot oloator. . Open ovcn- tigsuiitllS o'clock. JOSEPH GILLflTT'S ' ST ES. PS GOLD MEDAL , PARIS EXPOSITION , 1889. THE MOST PERFECT OF PEHS , Ia unnuriinsiDil In tha Ironttuont of nil forma of I'lllVATIJ Jlhl'AtGd , IxiitMinlionl. STHIC'IIJUK , or Cain In rullovlm tliu tilnrtilor. bVrilll.lS curoil Into toM'ilnyi ' , Hkln Ula'ino * . Cutarrli , nnd all Dla- BUIM otho ( lllood , lluuituiicl Mvor fomalu DIsoiiB- cacureilivltlu.ut liutriinii'iiti or "local tri'atinent. " JjilluM from Uo 4 only. Huml iitnuip fur ulriulnri Klilnir prtlcnlnrH ubnutcacli of the UIMHO UUcnmn , nml eliowluu mnnruf Ilio inoit romurkatilo cnroi. Otllcn. N , K. Oir. 14th anil huruam bu. , entrance ) on ultlicr ttrout , Oiuulia , Neb , ? For lOai orPATUWa HAHHOODl - -enorilomlBEiaoUS BkHIlirV ? calun5ofBodan'Kiad Ifftcti - . M . . . . - . fErTor orIice mtnOIJor'Ycun , I ol-ml , CfcUUtltMIOOIirnllr ll Morl. . llowht-in ' ' 1 'M ar ' Atu * . Imp Jf , linis'r.aii.-lliealtlitull r nl. ru t enlariul | F'irni'it""n.a. " lOtf titUB i IfftlUn Will flwlilUf luJ 18 IrUo Jl' > U > i..iLCftl5Cllil.\b , IUV , 118A mnUHuafcty.Y. , CV/O Ul I 1 I < 3 Pun l < o cured In MoO ( ) O I 1 rl I L.I 3 dins byusu of thainiir * tuIfMnMn.'lc Iti > m ( < ! ) . iJIJUUfur aoiHttlt \ , 111 j notcuii' . C V tM'I'J.Vto ' J.TI HiuKiMiii nt ) rumI I Mlv.'rltnoreiU < m T.O Juslyii , ajLl lliui i nuy .slrt-otOin.iliii , > uljrask.i. . CHICilCSTER'S EMOLISH PEL S , Rtt > CHOaS DI.AMONC ORAND. lts un nl i ! . r. i.ilil Ic I.uJIfi , r 1. Drtilffltitfiirlllllltiarilllraiilln rvdl 'tAt4 ! Uri tal4 ltu but r.'tim 'JftLf * njnthcr. tM . ' ci .ri nl < lir > VI "Jtlllrr fcr I. i JIr.M < r 1 ; ri-l rii mill. . > . ! /'Jfi' ' 'hcu. t a lucwakv I UI..U LAWVKIIH ANI > FOMCITO1I3. PATENT OV fcLlW * tO , 1K UulMliJ. , ' Uwutl > Tt5 I'OH nvsrnrirA OO.NSTI i-ATiof , BKHK.STWVDISEABES IL12C& COMPANY. XI > SOLB JIANWACTUIIUHJ , OMAHA. NEB. DPS. Merill & Merill , Ik ionor. nioodanrl gui-Rlml Dlionset and cllit-ascior tlio Kyc , Uiir , Nose , Tioat nnJCIiuit , HpCClllI iAUCMltiOII to lllHl'tl'-OH ' OfV ) - MICH null Otlllilrrn. Tlio < | nctor litiTH Imil yonu of cirnfl'nco In tlio IiOMiltnlsnf llruoUrn niul Now Vork. niul aroimioru tlio moil BiicxcHifulandwIililr tnowii spi'clullljts In recilllf cimu. lUllllll 1111(1 SIC ill uin Timn. : Pyplillln niilioaio most drcaitftil In It.i cimiiililoly crsilUuti-d. t. . MM i UHn/iiy Siinccry. ( Jonorrliirilci-t ( , 8yi > Mlln , HyrtrocHo , Vnrtcncrlo nn.I . birkliira riilltiillf mid nifclr rurnl wUliout ] , iln oriloli'iitlnii Iruiiiliii'lrois. All Hi'Xunl llufur * riltl'nanil liupeUhiiuimto imrrl"ic LiCJJi > fully ru- All Jlcituldl'onie * fofuly nnd pfrinnnontlr curoO. lluurt , Hn in- HUB p.m. himilnji , 1UIIII Ii H II 1'orioiiH uniililoto > llll Mi rniT I" ! trt'flto.l nt tlii'lr lioinoaby cvnrottioiiil nu , M'ullilmis anil In * tlruelloiiii m-iit lireii'ti'is. ' CVaimilt > tlim fruo. Beucll ttinli In iuiui tu lotarori y' > / 11H Klitovni hi. , Ojiiuisil.-s Jloyil'j Olierit llii ( < .c , Omulii , , Nrl ) . "TO WE ABC. G EN" BII < I ( rliis : from UiaHt cm l yuutlif u I trrort , * rlf JUti IWa'lu'able In-nll. " I * U d ) cuDlklnlnc full parllculmi f'-rhonn cur , I'llKK ofcliarra. A pUnUl-l t cillc l work t sbouia iv a n i an who 1 i r C" iBn _ < l. . ' UNPBEOEDENTBD ATTHAOTIONT OVKIIA MtU.IOM DI4TIUDUTSD , LSL Louisana State Lottery Company : Incorporated by tlio l-fgljlahiro. for rilncntlonal niul rtintltntilo purpimc. ' , Ill fr < uu'lil o innda / Imrtof tli | > ro < rntInto cmMllullon ' , In li'iS , ty mv uTcrivUcliulneiiaiiiiliirvolo' nnd To continue until January 1st , 1893. Its MAMMOTH DHAWINQS tnku placa Soml-Annunlly ( Juno nnd Duccmbor ) niul Its Grand Blnglo Number Drawings t.ilto jilaoo In each of the other ten month * of the year , ndaroall drawn In public , at the Academy ol Music , Now Orlenm , Li , FAMhD FOR TWENTY YbARS , For Integrity of Its Drnwlncjsnnd Prompt Pnymeirt of Prizes. AltcMcilne follow si 'Wo do liorotjy cotllfy ln.it no Biipcrvlso Ilio nr rnrnonuMit < < for nil tlio monthly find ncinl-nliniinl drnnlMK < of tlio Luiiliinim Slntu Ixillory Comimtir , niul In t'Cr.-oii ' iiinniiK nml control IliO ilrairlinti tluiii'i'ho" , niul that tlicrntuonio rolulucluil nltU luuio'ty , falrnc * . nnil In pie > l liillli lonnnl nil par- tloMiiulnu nntliorltfl tlio ooml'injf lo u o Dili cor. tltlrito ultli r c"slmllri of our jlKimturui nttnclicJi OJ'PIIHJ JVB1 Wo tlio miilorslgnctt tinnki nnil linnkcri " 111 par nil prltcs ( Itiinti lutho I.UMl'nnn Mite l.ottctloi ivnloU inny bo iirosonli'd at oiirroiiiitcm : U. I. WA.MslMiV. I'ros. l.oulsiuia Nnt. llanlc. J'irUlin I.ANAUX , rivs.StatoNnt'l Hunk. A. IIAI,1)WN ! , 1'res. NinvOrleiiiM Nut. Hunk , UAKI , KOI1N. 1'rrs. Union Xutloual Hank. GRAND MONTHLY DKAWING At thn Aeailoiny of Music , Now Orleans , Tutfsclay , August IB , 1800. CAPITAL PRIZE , $3OOOOO IflO.coO Tickets nfc Twenty Dollars Ilulvcx. JlOj guiirteis , * . " > ; Tc-nllis , < . ' , T tlullis.il. f LIST Ol' IMII7.E9. f * i rum' ov $ .MHW ( H . . , i . iioo.ood i JMII/I : or iwiujii i . , . , . ; . ino.inx ) 1 I'lll/ll Of MUM ) Ii . , . MJ.UUO 1 IMll/.l ! OF S'lIM ) 11 . S5.0U ) t IMU/IB : OK luouo nta . to.wt k lltflVI U 111. KlriVI np.i OR ( Vkl ! > IMtl/l S IK I.UK ) nro . 25.UU ) 1IU I'lll/.i:1 : * ( IP ftXI nro . SO.WX ) . ( IMII/.IX OP WH ) nro . WM ) 6W I'UI/.ES OP SM nro . IW.OiW AI'l'llOMJIAHON I'lll/US. lOOI'rlrcsoffWOnro . . . tO.OM ' 1UI I'rlfCH of MJUmo . WUXJ _ K 1M ) 1'rlics of ! UO nro . M.OJtf TMIMIVAI. ! > 1Prl/p < offllWnri' . invxM V'J I'rlKi ul 11X ) nro . VJVIM 3 , 134 Prizes nmountlixcto . $1,001,800 Norr. Tlckctsi ilnin I iv Capital 1'rlzci iiro nut cn tilled tu turmlnnl 1'rlx-i AGENTS WANTED. oil Cruii IHTKS ornny further Informntlos dptlrud , wrltu lexllily lo tlio 1111 loriiyncil. clearly MntlimfourruHttlcnro , nlth > tni > , roiiiuc. "troot nm ) numbor. Moro rapid return nmll Uollvvry will It ns.Mirnl by your cuclunliiK an unvvlopo beurlnn you ! lull mlirus ! . IMPORTANT. Address M A. DMII'in.V , v Or.oa . , , , , Or M. A. DAUPHIN , \VasliliiKlon,7) ) . O. lljr ( inllnnry letter , cuiitalnlni ; .Mo.viY OIIDKII , | , rued b > nil cxprcis coiup.uilos , N'civ VurL Kiclnuifo , Jrultor jiustiil note. Address Heslstorod Letters Containing Cur * ency to HUH' ORLEANS NATIONAL ItAMx , Now Orleans , I.ai RRMnuiiER. tint the P'lyincntofprlzrs ' IsnitAiiAM' Trailnv Kii'ii.vATU\ , ni.vKb of Now Orlenm , nnil tlio tlckeUnroKliint'd by llioprcililonl of-iii In- ttltutlon lnsu iliarliruil tlKliti uru rci'iiunlzed m tliu lilitliustcourU ; t hero fore , bennro all ot liulti- tliiiis or unniiiiynioiiH xclicmoi. UHMI'.MIiiit : Hint Iho proHunt clinrlor of TI : < LoulMnMii hlnto Lottery Onnpmijr , nlilthlliu t\Ji \ I'ltKMl ] rOLKT OK'HIH U. 8. , has iltcldcllo Iran ( 'ON'JHA < T ttllhlliof-l'itoof Lonliliiim niul | mrt oj tliu OniHtlliilliinnr tlioSlnlo , UOIIS NJT ( otjlro UN- TIIj THM HHSl' OK JANUARY , IKM Tlio I. ( Kljl.iture of loulxliitm , which adjourned on the IDlh of Julyof thiscnrlia orilir < ' ( lniiAJllCNl ) MKM'to the Constld tluiioC tlio Stnlo to ho nuh > lulttoiltn lie I't'iiplu nt nn election Iu Ib'.K , which will cnrryllioelpirii-rof T1IK LOUIblANA HTATIJ J.orriMlVCO.MPA.NV u'p.to the AMP NIMTJIIN. : 6EO.EOAPEiTEB&GO [ | ! ; X'ay Sprclul Attention to tbo . Slauufacluro of t' For Haute or Store. AVe hnvo Iho v FHKST LIRE OF STRIPES In Ihli city , 202 201) ) Souih V/afor / CHICAGO. MANHOOD RESTORED "SANATMO , " thi \Voudorfti I Snnnldj JMnuily , IH raid with iiWrlltoii tro to luiu nil Nuv- < ue Dlcc'.iBusiicli as \Venlc Memory , Lost ofl > ralnPoucrlIciid * . VfT KjM8 ? nclic. Wttkefuhieit , Bpforo fa After USO. iianhoocl , > crv- Fliuloxmiilicil lium Lite , < > n nCP , Ins i tilde , nllilrnius niul luce of power of Ilio ucncratl vo Ot- K n i1 , In cltluroBx.cuni'od by over-exertion , youth' fulliidUcret1on , or tha cicufdvo u o oflnoncco , opium , or BlImnlnntB , which tiltlmntcly lend to liiflrinlty. Coiitiunptlnn anil Iiiponlty. Put up la convenient form t carry In tlw voct pneliet. I'flca Slniiacknco , nrOfur g.Vlthovery $3 order wo tiivcn tirttten gxardiitca to ctiro orrefuiul tlin inniifi/ . bent by mull to any addrti ) . Cli * ciilnr fnc. Mention tills impcr. Mdruit MADRID CHEMICAL CO , lirartJ , , oniCB ft' U. 8. A , 417 Jiuih rn Strut. ( 1IIUIU ( , ILL. rOllfi.M.FIV OMAHA. Nil ! , JIV Ivuliii &Co.Cor 131H nnd IoujlaiBtrrots. ) J.A. l''iillor.t Co.Coi , lllliaiid Douitlns Si. A. D. Kostori Co , . Cotliiull lllulfs , luivu.t ' . Secondary or Toi t lary permanently „ ctirtil In 30 to 00 D Wo eliminate all i lledUoaiu In nny foiin. 1'arlks can bo tU'itt < a lioluo njucll null , TC , ( for Iho funiu prlcu and inn tlio fume KNamntro ) Irat ltb tlimo wlia prafrrta luiiioliiic , aulllontr t to euro them 01 KfinJoll money nn. I pny I'nllio CSIK.IKO cf coming , railroad faiu nujlioti'l lillli , to euro the inoit fclnl Inato cnics.fo chalonijo tlio MOI Ul for a tasoQ can notcuii1. Blnco tliolilstory o ( liicd cluoa tnio sjicplllc for Bji'hllls linn l m tooirlil for Wutnovirfounil until our JIau'lo Itoiniily was 'Un covered , Xr > iu * otlii'r ( rciiulne. AN rlto fet iifeunres , IUUK JtJMJiH ! > l' CO. , OiiKlhd , Itttiriiska. LiaOOSt . . U ALL THE WOULD THERE IS BUT ONE CWt DR. HAINES' GOLDEN SPECIFIC , It mil tin cltrn I" u cuj .iTioir , ur to , or In rl tlolu * iif r. > oJ , without lao Kuowiodco ol me roilent It atatitury. It 1 < abnoluiely harnilpM and will efleol uorcunent fttiil ipeeclx euro , wlieihfr the patlrut lj moderutadrlnkeroraiiAlaabolta wreck. IT AK ) l lt FA I l.i. It oparatos o guli-tly and will ) Hucn. ccr < taintytbat Ihu pallcut uuclcrifoes no luoonveottncih aud era lit ! uwaro. liU complcio rcfonufttlon it eriejivd. 48pt o book ofpartlouf&iHfroa Toboliarlol KHUN Ji CO. , ICttldl UouKUM , lull ACumlngBU f ; Irjda minplltil by 11I.AKIJJHUCJ3 i COa&l 1UC1UUD-ON JJUUO COMOmaln. aODBBStE OF IROS . .ly roccnimcnilfid by Uio Academy ot Jlcdlclno of 1'AKIS tor tlio euro or ilSCROFULfi.KING'S.EVIL. CONSTITUTIONAL # VEAKN SS.CONSUMPTIONIN ITS bARLY ( iiunmib , uuiiuwitii iiii\ i * * - STAGES ) ; I'OORNESS OF THE BLOOD , mid for rcHiiInlltiK ll periodic ceurso. J.one . ( tenulifi ' 'nit"/Jji' ' " ' ! ri'W.f.ViiV/iiuVi' ' lloiuptrtc , 1'orlii " hOLllllY AI.li DHUUtllHia. I .l'oiiKfrmVr < ) . , N. Y.Anrnliirorllir II. M. EST'S ' mm AND DliftlH TBEATMEHTjs EnrcMi for ll/ttf ! B. Plnlnwi.nti , Ktrtir le | . W * . I u In on. Mtnul Ii > pru Hlqi > , Korfonlnirof the liuln , r - lultln/ln lnianlty iJ l < .MIiiir to miterr ilw nn.J dojil."I'rcmot.\ii iuolthor . Jllil Ai" ; . l1. * ' ? ? ' . ' ? } . ' * ? ? " . ' _ r.1l. * * > ei , liivolUMtujr l.plir > , > nu 1 . . . . . - c u * l liy uvrr-i > artiuof Iho drain , ulr-fbui * or orur ItidiiH'fncW' Mch U.x contun nnemonlfc treat * intnt. t labor , or til for $5. > cnt l > r raill | > r n W , Wiili cli enl r for ill l m- > , will atml puribiujl P'tiranl e to refund oiuner If tlie treatment fallal GOODMAN DRUG CO. , 1110 ruruam Street , Omaba , N