mm OJVLAHA DAILY BEE , VOTXNESDAY JULY so , tsgo. 8PEGIRL NOTICES. AnVEIlTIBKMKNTS for tiitso columns will l > n tnkrn until 12:80 : p. in , , fortho crcnlng edition nnd until 8:3ft : p. ni. , for tlio morning edition nnd HCKUAT MM , rpEKMS-Cuili In advance. R/TFS-AelvertliemcntBonthiiiprtfrowlllbe clmrecd forntthe rate oMH ctnt per word for Ilio tlrtt l M3rtlon find I cent per word for rnch Mibcecincnt Insertion , nnd JI.SO per line per month' lioniliortlnciiii'iitf ! takcnfor less thntiSl rents for tlio II rut Insertion. TNITI AI.S. flziircs , symbol ) , etc , , count each JL M OIK ! word. rnlli'sriaflviTtlMmciili muit run cotiscen- JL lively nnd under no clroiiniitnncos will they bo taken or discontinued by telephone. IDAHTIEfl advorthiotiu In thcsorolumns atnl JL liavlnt their aniwerH addressed toa"nnm- Lorcil lottt-r"ln euro of Tun HKK will rocclvo a numbered ehcckto onablolhow to pot their letter" . Answers will bo delivered only on presentation of tlili cheek. Kncloso answers In envelopes properly addrciscd. * nilvortlponif-nti Miiilor the head of AU M'tlccs" urn published Inbotlitio mornlnKfiiidnvonliij ; edition of TiiKllEK.tho circulation of which nKf-'rcxatci morn than m. opnr 'i" ' dally , nml iihoi tlio nihertlscr t ho t c-nont not only of llm IIIMO circulation of TUB IIKKIII Oiiinlin. Initnlsnlii Coitnc Hhiirs. \lncoin and othorcltlci nnd towns In the -.vest , KCMI.VY HALF1 IIATKS. A DVEItTISKMKXTHi for situation or for JLtnultt or fcinaln liclp , not cxcocdlns 21 wordx tire tnsrt toil In TUB SrN .u Hn : at half rates rtnrliiK the months of July umlAiiKUst , Tin' loauliir raici will lie chnrircd for ciich audit onnl Monl n'lovoll ' words asvcll as for ronw ull' o In noitloin AdvoillsolnR fortlie < neoliimniwlllbo taken on tint nl-oiu ( .ondltloiiw , ( it tlio followltiR ljti lno ii houses ) io are nuthorl/od to take special notice * . nt tlio BUIIIO rules as CUM bo lind utthu main oflleo. _ _ _ " ( Lot 'III . OMAHA HKAJiTll OKl'IOK-No. ' S02IN Street , l.lstrr Illo-k. 1 OHNWHEMI'linrmncfit ' , &aSouth Tenth J street. . 1IIAM2 A Kni > y. FtaUonors and Printers , lii : Poll til 101 liHtrwt. \\7 .MlUaill-M , North 10th > V . Hreot. CKO. W. PA lilt , 1'harniaolst , 1718 Leavon- ' " wotlh Street , TJUOtlES' 1'IIAUMAOY,24thnnd Farnam. KITPATIOXSVANTJfll \ ) . , etc. , ! < < fo ; > nf flrnttnliimn on Mainoe. \ . Half rata mi , S'ii/iddi/ . "WTANTRD lly uiioxpoilcncod printer , situ- TV atlon on a good country ncwspapor. Ii ra , care lieu. Hf > : > 31 * " \\7"ANTKD Newspaper Mun-A. yoiinuman V of Jlvo years' exiiorlonco hi nowniaper | vork and iirlnthiR liinll lit branches doslrc nltuatlon. Address H. 0. Garni , jr , . room II , Coiitlnmtnl blocK. Ola-Ill" 1'ur i ale * , etc. , rcftop of firtl column iltitf toft * oti , Sutiiii/ | . on jdow and other work , James Lawlhrop , Hastings. Nob. ANTri ) Jlon and trams to woik on foundation , Union depot. D. I'ullman , contractor. ObS-l * A UN K innii with small i-anltal secure the fastest lulllnic novel I yuvor Introduced in this city. Call on W. A. Ulurlos , Jlotropoll- tan hotel. Onialia. iipo-ill * . . . . . . . An experiencedstonm laundry man , } ! . " > a wouK. Mrs. Htcxa. : HHi B. 15th. ll.r ) 2i * 0150ANI/.RHS wanted for a ono-ycar on- dowiiM'iit order ; llhuril commission paid. AddrcssJiOYjVAA. Iowoll. Mass. BMri-SJ * WANT1ID Salesman In every locnllty to inantifautiiro unit wholosaln our now pio- eostt elder , made without aiiplos , ICxcollcnt WIIKOS , nocapltil reriiilrcd : particulars f roc , Mlsnourl OlilurllfB. Uo.llo'c5JD1 St. Joseph.Mo. 014 na * TTTANTHD Oalvnnl/ed Iron cornlco work- TV cm : htuudr work : peed vaKei. JnmosA. ' , Miller ft Ilro. , iJU and iai South ( Jllnton street , Chicago. bSTi-a-a * WAN'I ll ! > Travollnirxiili sinan for ( jrocory house to tiiko nprolltnlilo side lino. Au- .drcHi l xcelulor Alannfauturlnt ; Co. . t'oiincll llluffs. in. 8'X1 ' 2 * WANTKD Salesman for line of clears : 175 purinotitliuiid oxiicnsua. Address wllli tuiiip , auuiatra Cigar Uompaiiy , Uhloauo , 111. . Ml liU * WANTKD A llrat olins bollorniakor. Ono who cnn lay out work , Fremont Fary nml Mull Co. . rrpinbut. Noli. 'OftKIl WAN'IT.O Voiiiiff inim nn tra\olliin hulcs- nmii. Must boa.riistlor , rnlary.Gi ! per mnnlh. Address with stump , I. ock llox CH4 , Columbus Nob. 00731 * " \7f7ANTKU-MO teams on Rradoof Itock Is- VT land It. R. near SprhiKlleldj waics J.I SO pordayalsoa ; few tcninstcrs. J. A. WuroS : Bon , eonlractors. 778 4 * uiman onupoclaUlospaylnj' ; IKUto $ $ ) per month. local and truM'l- niK , AllKon , 'vCo. , XUDoarkorti St. , GhlciiKO. siv-ai * W salary or commis sion to handle thonew putiut ehomlcal ink erasing poncll. The Kreatest sellliiR novelty evorproduced. Kraics liikthoroiiKlily , in tnoHecoiKh ; 110 nbraslon of pa ] > er , L'UDto fiOO per cimfproflt. Ono nRont'o sales amounted io JdW InHlx days ; niiolhei-m In two hours. Wowunl ( > iiuenorn'utleKennral agent for each : xtntonnd territory. Sainplci by mull 'ft penis. Fortorius and full particulars address H.IO Monroe Krahor M'f'g Co , La Crosse , AVIs. , 8--8.2f > * "OTANTKn-A moulder and a inachlnlsl , T T itenj. Smltli. ialionaildoali , 7a. _ TOO 2 W lrl\er ) at Itobcnstcln'a Jlsh niir- .sor s. latest. _ & 7ti w A 1ST Rl ) - - . " > ( > men for Colorado.Vujoii2 \ TT nnd (2.33 pordny. Kreo fine. AlbrlBlit's , lliiorurniini street. _ m W A TKlJ-AKellt.s lo taku orders for the I'luimiHT Uocllnlng Olmlr Co. IC'l N. 15th. _ _ 703 ! * ) * ANrKD-tioM'ral irood olty canvassers. Kor particulars nddii5d llox ! W7 , Omaha , Nob. _ iiiOaO T \ rANTKD-l.OUO men for railroad work Jn VTvvonilnir , 'Dakota , Utah and Nevada ; wnsos sl.T.'i to J.J.50 ; steady work. Albright's Labor Anoncy. U-L 'anijanisU _ ! J09a7 _ \\TA IXrRl ) Thri'o llrst olass tnon to ropro- T ) Hunt thoOmaha Itculiiand out. of the city Call at thu special olllco of Omaha Itee , oornur 17th und Kainiini .iround Iloor. _ 1177 ANTKD.Mcn to tiavc-1 for our ( Jan afllan nuri > orlei.Stono&\VollliiitoiiSIadlsonWls i 770 iTlSKTs outfit on ao days' tlmo. jw.oo prolltlu4eek.s or no puy. Add , with stamp : J arris & Company , llaclnoVls. \ . * V\r A N TKll biiiusinvn ntfTS p r ary umluxpcnsoslo sell a Ilnoof Bllvnr- platud mire , irutcliOM. oto. . by nuniplo only ; lion-o mill tram furnished fruo ; write atoncu - - for full imrllenlars and Hamplu nanoot quods fico. htandard bllverwuro Co. , Iloston , M.iss. . _ , y. , . _ fi _ \WAN'riJ > SOJ laborers for extra road KIUICK. Apply to 1' . II , Johnson , It.k M. ot , Uiunlia. 1L _ ? _ _ STONKMASON3 wanted at Norfolk and Uvutrtco. Good vruso-s p.ild. M. T , Murphy > 118 ANTKIl A peed , sober you 115 man as jior- tor lua hotol. Addiess II , bo < c5l. > , York , Kob , KVKiO AVASTKD I'lRIVl4H * : 11 KM * . aim. ete.f < rttnp of flnl column on UtlaKue. \ . nll rata on &undty. lie.Tn nVCparTt.'iiood 1 TaSy easVilor " "in sooila utoroi must bo accurate nml nipld accountant and have best rofor- htatnexiiorlt'iico and salary expected , _ _ HUilt ) " \\7 ANTii ; > Ton n x ludy wlwljps a nlco reemit it nmlboirdln prlvntu family mi lJ.ivon- pnrt. t'liiiltnl avcnuo or Ilodco street , cast of ixilh ; lefi-rciiciu. Address K 5U , Hoi * . ' _ _ _ _ _ KM 'JO4 _ \ asents wnnlod ; eiillrbiv now slclrt uiul ' lin-nMinnortrr ; lapUl soflcr ; sample io. 'Adilrt-M Mrs. N. II. Llttlu Jilfp C"o. , i'l- | cajjo , III. _ lea -a * " \\TAN'TIM ) A cook , ino who will assist Ti l > wiis'iln and IronlniJi Rood wugi-s paid , till ) B. 17th btuet. _ IKXWl * _ 'lAT'ANTKir-Comiietent irhl for iTt'iiornl IT hnusiufork. Must undcrstaiul < - < ) Uln ? . Good WUKCS , Apply , us s.ati ) Bt. _ BIO a _ W ANTKH A Rlrl for concrnl hoiiKi < nork : lioodruii'a l paid , S. K. cor. 3lh A ; Jones. l'I 'I Kl ) lhlt > ovoiilnir. huly and mail iti- eel vo lust ructions and Icocpluioks In Aug ust. J. ll.tiinltli , Oil ) , Nun Vorl. Llfo building , [ | UM ac _ _ _ _ _ \\rANTKD-lllrl for house work In unnlt IT funilly. no wniiln | < ; or.lroiilnx ; must bo good cook.Apiply5U _ llowardbt. _ Dli-ao * _ 1T\7XNTK1 > OTiod Klrl for Kciirrnl' 'littuio I T work ntonco. Apply iaeal-uinaiii 8V1 ( tt ) * ( \ IKL wanted for Ei'iieral homo work In - UT small family. 19QC I'liriiuiu. ( u9-w _ WANTP.n A Blrl for general houscworlc , Kiuiill family , good wines. 6J3 .N. JOIli . ! Uror , Uiiiifornla. SSi _ . WANTED A competent cook nnd luun- druM. &lw. TJ. Kogow , Witt l-'arimm it. S7KM WANTf.D Wnlng-roora Rlrls nt Windsor Ilolol , _ MJ , VXTANTEI ) Ono first-ehsq .lady cook , ono VV secondRirl.mid onn flrit-ctas dlninitrooni girl. Hood wugci. Call nt 111 S , 17th st. UMS-J * ANTED -Dliilug-room tslrl und uhnmhor- maid nt Dor.m IIOUBC , 42J B. ISllvl block lotitli of court house. COO I'Oll HUNT 1IOUHIC8. 1'or i-atef.etc. , itetopof flnla > 1iiinnontlit riri < it. . T71OII HKNT Sept. 1 , cottnKewIth all modern J' liiipmu'tnotiU , 1'2I Hhcriiiiin a\c , 774 T71OHUKNT Dcalralilodwolllnirti In Council J llliHTsnt reduced rents rnnrln ( from'l to 170 jior rnontli. K. II. Shmifo Sc Co. , rental llroudway und Main His. , Counull n 1 n irs. _ KM-A PIOTTAOH of 3 rootnq In roarof 1313 Chicago. W City vrutcri ID.09 per month. fea-2 * ONK O-rooniiouso Sort South 18th ami one 3- room house , IO7 North SJthstrcct. Innulro KM Smith 18th. 8M---"J TT10U IlKNT A now 10-room homo , with nil ' Jinnilorn Improvements In union dc lrnulo locution. Inqiilreat itortliMcst corner2Nt > , U niKlSt. Jlury'n . - " . ) ' "I710U HLNT-Ilrlck house , all modern im- Jprovcmrnts. . Apply Dr. Swarl/lnndcr. on promisessfai Capitol ave.orA. Swaitailandcr , 1st Mat. Hank. TTll TO * "I7V1U llKNT-IIonso of ton ronns , No. 201 , " > - * - DoiiRlas st. ; handy to business , also to caljlounil motor cirs ; modern convonlonoes. Kcten roonitI > o. 2120 Harney U Kiutiilroof D.'F. .Mnmit. ill ! S.lltlijt. ( "IjlOU IFN"T-9-rouni ! house , veil , cistern and -i ? city wntnrl i per month , n. w.ciir. HU1 and Hurt , ItifiulroThomas 4 Uocliv , ay . V , L-lfo. UOI-31 * THOU IinNT-Tiroomod home. fflJT rranklln Jt. t. , Inruo pivodcollar , wnsh tubs , bath , nnd Htahlo IfirosfrcU. Apply 00 ! ) Merchants' Nd- tlonal hank. 1)1.1-it ) * T710H ItnST 10-room house , host location In J. city , near high school , real low. Kminlro uOiN. radst. , 013 4 TTKHTTtTlifT-lIoiisoofr. nice rooms In Jt2 city wuter.5 hlouks fmmeonrthonio.tll.W. I nniilrc , Thompson , u. u.cor. 10th and Doimlai ) . | RID ill * "T710K KKNT To rc&ponslhlo parties only , JJ those tine now brick and stone houses on Georsla uvennu ; ilfticn roomsiind nlcotes ; moro conveniences and bettor llnlshed than any hou o fcrienl In tlm city. H. It. Uendcr- BOII , 400 I'axtunblock , city , 4d ! rr-UOOM house with bnrni nominal lent. 0. f Uarrlson , llll N. Y. Life , 883 $15 A month , doiihlo store building. ICxl2 foot In all , N. U. eor. I'.llh und Mason. ( : > "TJ10K UKNT Peslrablo 8-room IIDIISO , all J. ' modern Improvements ; excellent location , sodded yurd fiont and rear. Convenient t < i wholesale tllttrlcl and now union doiKit. Good locution for physician. Apply HIS S 10th st. " 400 TjlOH HRNT Ucsldonccson Ilnrnoyi all the -t' latest improM'tnisnts , at lowest possible rental , Paul , \M ( I'liriiain. 4:3 8-llUOM IIOIIBO. Kid and Oumlnp. * .1T per month. U. K. Harrison. 1)11 ) N. V , Life. W "IflOKUnNT 5-i-oom houto , city water and J.1 hcrctmH. at u bar-rain to rohponslblc parties , W I'arkor fct. Apply MU. I'axton ' block. I'.T. "lilOU KKNT HOIIKO. 10 rooms , nil modern Im- J.1 provomenUs , Ir.rco yard , S.T > J T month. Commission lo uguuta. Dc.xtor I. Thomas JK YOU wish lorenta hou'so or store see II. 13. Cole , Continental block. ! 70 T71OH KENT Id-room house , 2107 Douglas. In- 783 JTIOlt KKNT New II room dwelling. No. 208 J'north 17th st. Ono block from business centre. llullt expressly for rooms and hoarders. See Dr. Neville , 1103 Douglas. FIIsT. residence , modern Improvements , ! . ' 103 St.Maij's inc. . iJWpor month. Inquire at premises or at A. llollor'a. lilt jfjjtiaiii. 73t BlOlt HKST 5-room house. Rood repairnlco yard , cistern water , ii-nl JiS. Apply to 1109 fcouth 7th ne.or to Jno. AY. Hell , UruselAl. 10th FUHNISI1KI ) houao onl'arnam fit. forrcnt' . ln < iulrn Gerninii-Aiiitrlcan buvlii s hank , tjtt I71OH 11ENT Good 10 room house , sewer , JL1 water , ( -as , liath.bnrn , furnace. In oleeunt khiipo , che.ip. 1) . V. bholci Co.13 First Nat'l linnk , I' t FOJl 1'or latcjt , etc. , scetojt of Jit it column on this SIX or clslit Rcntlemon cnn have entire floor of 4 rooniH , nlcoly furnished , bath and mod ern conveniences , at $50 month , or wlllront slitKlv aticasonabloratei. First class board noxtdoor ; S015 Douglas st. b07 31 * P LEASANT rooms with board. 115 S. 80th at 80S 5 * FTJUNlSHEn rooms and board , 1012 irarney. 684-30 * " bOK sulto of rooms newly furnished , also IN barn for rent. 1707 | 7\OH \ Iir.NT-riirnlshod rooms with all tnod- JU cm Improvements- N. 17th st. W30J FC RENT Two south rooms 19H Farnam. T88 KOMS--JO , J7 , $10.112 , (1)7 ( ) N. 13th st. sa n * FOR ItKNT-Nlccly funilsliod roonn with uourd , flrstclusa accommodatIoua,17JI Dav- ciiportst , KM 4 * THOU UENT-Nlcely furntslicd front room to JL1 Bcntlcmanonly. gOJO Davenport st. fe07 FOK KENT Nlroly furnished room ; nil modern Improvements ; terms rcahoimbloi Call at 111 B. lUhBt. UiXlii ) * TjlOItRENT Xewly furnl.shed roomsslnslo JL ? or on suite , with or without bourd , 1OJ ( ; Howard fct. , third iloor. Bl-30 LEASANT rooms ; also boarding 023S , 17th. NIOEfA' furnished rooms from t ) to ! ' - ' , N. lath st. IDAIITIKS dfslrlnRROod board , oriino , largo X rooms at ic'ihonublo rates , call CSS S. 17th. 887-tlO /109 and 111 N.lOth bt. , rooms with board at lilt Airs. UlniichlU'ri. 000 PUKN1SHKI ) rooms , 190d Capitol avo. ( * 7 u21 * TT10R HUNT 2 .nicely ( urnlillcd front rooms , -C with all modern L-oiuuiilom.-es , at " 131 Kur il am. 5. > 0 _ OOMS , all conveniences , 1710 Davonportst. &o"-u5 * PLEASANT rooms , Modern lniurocmciits ; lttill''nriiiim ' street. rurnls.hcd . . - - - - - _ ; a JLlOO JI for single gentleman , -U5 Dodgo. s : ' . CltA III European hot ol.wlthdlnlnj ! room , fcpeelal rates by week or mo. 791 " 170H IICNT FurnlHliod rooms. 11500 Doimlas J-1 7i > s "Tj OIt ) ! KNT--KurnIsliea rooms ; sas.Dathand JU HUuim. 1519 llowanl. 789 * TJiOU 1IJNT- ! Nicely furiilshed roomall mod- JL ! em tonvciilencoa. CIS S 17th fct. 700 1OH ur.NT Nicely furnished fiont or back J.1 room. All convenlunccs. Apply. 1810 Chl- . - . - C.-D.-O , - * Fur 1 fita , etc. , tec tup of frst cultiniii o this pane. "IT'OH ' KENT t unfiirnUhcii rooms suitable JL' for housekeeping , modern Improvements , to family without ehlltlreni 110 objection to clilldith under three yuOrs old. Northwest coinorKth and Webster Ms. TUl 0""KOO.MH imfuTnTsh ( > d and"roonm fiuni-hed for lent In Duggan block , cor. lath und I'a- cin . roll 11K.\T STOUI3S AXI ) OVFICKS. l\ir > ate * , etc. , xee top or > t column on Hit * payc. nnoil HEM1 The J-story hrlolc Inilldliur.wlth - 1or vltliinit iioKor. formerly occupied"j the lleo I'lihllhliln Co. . 'JW l-'iiriuuiist. Thu bulld- lui ; has a tlropitmt cement hasL-niciit.rompleto t-tcuinheatliii { Ilitnrts , water on nil the floor * . Kas. otc , Aiplv | at thuotltcoof Tim lleo IU5 - Alo"VMIoyriaT : ; -JTlTFy ) a. brick building with hasemcnt 2"i\SO , test mislnc-M cornur In the city. Innulro of I ) . U. llearn. Mo , Valley , lu. 7077 LJTGII1.S at. 701 8 lull , -JOiO ) e eli. larzutliow nninduw > . steam heat furnished. Thus P. Hall. 311 I'.u ton Moolf. TUI Tl.TOTErra rooms , nil i-onvt-numeui. brick , a JJLljIkkfroni L\O. ll. II. Iroy , N V. Life. IftMiT Tn ° " 'SENT ' I'mo Hlororoom in Norfolk , Neb. -L Miolvcd Hiiltiiblo for rlothliiK liusliu > ss ; eluctrlo light * . Kto.iiu bout , etc. , AddlcxsO.A. Must. .VD 1T1OH KKNT liricu warnlioux.1. ti 9 morjos -L and baiementT.OOO MIII.UO f ct , with IOJ .infeet of doubla truck ou u. P. railway , wutli * oth and I'icrco itrt-tts. Addru. * C.Ujkaiup , Omubii. Neb , US HHNTAIj AOKXOV. Ftrrmttt , ete.neti > p of firstcofiimn on Ihfn I E P.COOK.rental agency : loins , tnortiMKf bought , tu > eft lialdunucollcctloni Jti-HlIU Kll .N. V. U bull ilns. 777 ail'i' H iigviit , Continental bile . 770 MOllTO ' 3 rental nRoncy , 517 I'axton block. Tl'l ' \\TKLSUAN8 Jc''M'C'ullocli ' , W. ena"K-jpTisl- tlonbldir. f < ct-rJ " ' 7TK"o'.T. T'AI UIWIW rarnam. houses , utoroi VJnndlliitsfornmt , ronti collected , rolhible flro insurance. Money to loan. 2h JT | j7n : K\7rcotal \ agent , aw N. Y.Wfo. For nilM , etc. , ret ( op of flnt cofiirnn on f/iO DIVOIICES speedily ; quietly. Tor pirtlci In any utiite. -sortlon ! allcanios. lllunk nppllcatlon free , lioburtMiltc , attorney , C3 moiidwayN.Y. ftiifl _ _ _ _ rniN work.n illiur.spoutinz. valleys. etc.ood ( JL workuna lowprice-t. li.savaue.lOlS CiimhiK. CSO in * WAATIOI ) 'JO 1IUX. for mlf * , etc. , c lop of flnt column on Cite WANTKI ) To buv a pacing horse forllnht drlvlnst. DoxOiDP. 0. 107 HT ANTED Second-hand barber iUturcJ , miiHtbi ) oheap. to inox'O to Beatrice. Neb. Add less. W. II. J. . Ileatrlce , Neb. twa ) * WANTKD To buy a Rood chcnp eottaso to movcou vucaiitlot. 1' , ! { . .S.'xaaiiiiiliis st , KW- ? ) * WANTED ( food cominorelal pipor. Ne braska Mortgaiio llAUUNITU HU hoinehold goods , c-tc. IllilieJt ? JL1 cash price. 1)17 ) H. Mth. 'M J > 1 K 1'or tatc * , itf. , ice fojio/ fill column nn f/if MAHfAOK t rcut nientelectro.thermiil.buths. scalp.V hair tre'itmunt. manliMiro i&ehlrop- odlst. Jlru. 1'oit Wltimoll , r2U-Sl , blk.SBa SB-a ( ? 1'MVSIO.V AOJiNOY. For rates , etc. , tre top nf fnt c/ifuinnon PrNSIOSS Now pension law ; over 10years' experience In the prosecution of pensions and Kovcrnniciit claims ! have secured o\cr II.OOO pensions for soldiers In Ncbraslta nnd Iowa , their widows and heirs * , latest decisions : latcii lavs ; no ndvanco fee ; now blanks unit circulars free ; consultation always frtc. Illr.iiu A. Stiirucs,8iS , Urolghton block , next bouth of P. O , Omaha. -'alO * N nV law ; pensions for-almost all soldlcri ; fathers , mothers , widows nnd minor chil dren of soldiers. Claims pushed by K. N , Olln&miin.ll ) anil 21 rrenror bile. 15years oxpo- rlonco. Only ponslou olllgo In Omaha. Ha ? JT. I'ATCII , c.\clnslvo pension nnd claim attorney ! over 15 years' experience ! have all the latest laws und decisions. Ofllcoro- movcd from I'ren/crblocktoUhamberof Com merce , room 51 , Omaha. For ructr. . , fce top of first column on this ji/c ( T OST Kmnll leather pocketbook between JLJMr. Joseph Hurkcr'sand Mr. Kountru'aic- turn at Drowucll hall , rowant. HI030 * T" OST White setter , brown head and ears : JLJ wnrt on tip of tall ; tnftof hair nn licail ; H.I * . Hall on collar. KO reward. Dr. J. 0. Jones. D03-4 , TT OST A bull do ? . Kray nnd white with tass JLJfrom Omalia und St. Joseph. 13HU S. l.'lth bt. sra : ir , LOST bight crcen parrot.yolliiwJicaU. Lib eral rewurd if ivtuincd to Ed Uotlicry. llth ana Hurnoy , 8T5 ao * hTOItAGK. 2forratti , etc. , tec top of fit ft coiunm on l/if / 8TOHAOE-For merclmndlso and fnrnlturo. cold ftora''o and ftTiv.hiKi truukuuo David Cole , SIV817 Howard st , S.T8 riAKACICAOi : HtoraRO at lowest rates. W , M. JL Iliislmmn. 1III1 Luavi'nworth. TIM ST011ACJE-Hranch k Co. , 1311 Howard. 800 8AUS HOr.SlSSWAGONS ) KTO. 1'or ratt , etc. , etc top of jiral column on tM pane. ONR team mules , S200. Ono tonu mules , $ - Ono tcuiu iiiulcH , * lfiO. One te.un inulvs , 8123. Una odd iniilo , ? ? . " > . Ono odd horse , $50. Ono odd horse. $150. One team horses , I'M.Room Room 13 , Hoard Trado. 8JI T71OH SALE 1'ony harness and buckho.ird , JL1 ? G5. Addrosa 1C 50 , Hue. UOO 1 T7IOUSALK Or will trade for Omaha real f - Jtate , a Imported I'rcrch stallions , color Made and dupplo Krny , wolalit lNXaBes ) O and 7 biiperlor style und notion. Address 0 , II , Hair , 118 N Ihth , Omalia , Xeb. 7841 Cash or time , Rood worlc team , hurncfes and wagon. 018 I'axton blk. 823 GKNThK doll very horse. ? CiO ; team mules cheap , $110 ; 1,000 pound horse , J150 ; mule t ( > uiiiJ3Si very laiuo horse ti-uni , M)0i ) % cry gentle buggy Lorso for ludy. $55. lioom 13 , ftoaul Trade. 7S1 T71OH HAI.E Flno drlvinx liono. W. S. Itynn , JJ room U U. S. Nat'l Hunk bulldliiR. , 4T4 Ul HOUSES IJKlit drlvuis , nnrvain. The late ( Ire hasinado them cheap. II. E. Cole , Con tinental Uloolc. 80S . , l platform fenrmt : leatlior top carrhiKo almost now , 1 huckboard new , 1 double ImsKy or carrlago harness. Apply at "i-'is Webster street , Omaha. KVJ. TrroItSi5Slf50 and up. 11 , E. Cole , 120 FOR SfVrj ! ; : rilllNITUIlE J2TO. Tor rates , etc , , tec top of j _ cptu m on ttili " Fdu"SAIK Oii account offalllns lie.dt the new und elegant furnltiiro of a iH- room house , occup.iats llrbt-olasi , income ncuily $1.000 per month , finest location In the city. Address J 20 , lleo olUcc. 972-aU FOR SA.I-K - J Fonatea , etc. . tie ( oji of flni column on tlitijaue. fnoitSIJ > - milch cow. 2527 llrlstol Jt ? st , ; cull after 0 p , m. OH SAI.K 'J billiard tables cheap , roorni 4(1(1 ( ( & J'J" ' Drown block , s-u cor. 10th and uglns. _ 77o0 : ! ' 'fflOlt SAI < K A Rood tuo-lioi-io uowor holler JL and enelno , neaily new ; will sell choup. AdilrcHS. K ICt. lleo offlco. _ 741 'M "ITlOlt SAIili Justnrrlieil , u carlo-id of fri. " > h JO inlllf cows , cuUes by their ( .Idos. N. 1" . lied foul 1'laco , near IJruld llilldopot. ' 1OOU clour lalo ice forsiiloln larsjo nuantl- Xtles. The Kebraska Ice Uo , Kcarnuy , Ke- braska. : tl7aU " 1710K 8AhE Now Htulnwiiy k Son piano ; Jl mnlvo ; party leaving cltys pnrtoush , bal- unco tlmo If desired. Inquire atom 1'u.Moi " ' Formica , etc. , ifc tnpof Jlnt culumnun tliti PAHAPOI.S and umbrollai co\orodaiid re paired. It.lliilor , 110 H. Ifith st. , M door from 1' . O. Only man In town. _ itli ) MIHtni/CAa nnd parasols repaired and covered. Key lilting and cmioral repairing lit llellln's tfuilHhnii. 119 N. 10th. btOa'.U WANTJII ) TO UKXT. Kor mien , t tc. , tee nip of Jlntcoluinnon Mia pai/r. / T\7'A > Tnn-A iTeatTy" unTlshod room on . i l IHthor 1'Jili by a Runtlurounof Rood habits , stuto pilco per montli , Addrestt 1C 51 , lleo. A YOUNG inannf nnlot habits , In ponna- nont position , desires room and In I prhato family. Address KM. Jiw. OIKVIn JfUSIO AIIT A.\l > trmtei , etc tee top oC tirtt enlinn on thli Br.l'OHK hnyliijr a plunnexuiiiitiutlio new tculoKlinball piano. A. Ilo < * pcl5ia Uoiixlai GEO. r.Giai.KNKEt'K. ' teacherof the banjo with llobpc , 1511 DouBlus. ' 41' HIONUV TO LOAN. For r if < * , etc. , pee ( < ? ( > of flmt column nn Vili nk , aio M. 15th ht. loans nioiinv lot collateral at riMioiuli rules. 44'J ! \ TONEV ) , tw oriw days on f urnlturc.pinni lUhor > i'H. houses , otc. J , J. Wllkliwon , Ol 1'iixtonblk. TlfONr.V loaned nt lowest rates , loiu tlmo on LiUnilirorrd Oni.iha real citute , no "oxtr.u , " no delay. Ulabo Ixjun.V Trust Co.w7S. : 10th. BUII.IHNO loans , oto Tporcent ; no aJdl- tlonal ulmrK'-'sforcoiiiiiiU'Uoiior iiltoriicy's fees. W , H. MclMe , First National bunk Mils. 60S meant and JL1 Improvctlcity property. County niirranta boucht. Money on liiyiI , M. Iflchardiou , 818N. V Life. _ li-W _ _ OTTBV lo loin iii Omnhi und South -Oinnlm real titntW NodolnT'i or rxpen- xes. Mnnry mi hand M , all tlinot Hntos Smith A Co. , Coinmurilal ; , National bunk lildg. ' K-O-nX } UI MINl ) ( lonns ni'ndt * at lowest ralen. W. ) .M. llarrli , room-2O. Ti enter blk. , opo. V. O. J WJ T OA > 'i Clly and firni ( loans , tiiortzasopa- JUpe rbo light. McC'ii gujijniustiiioiit t'n. Site to lonn by II. I' . Maitcri In nny - amount from ill ) to $10,0X ( ) , and for any time from one to tit nl.intlH. . timdo on Infusuliokl eoo < l , plniio * * , otitii9liii | { ( > ei , miilos , houncs , leases , waro- IIOIIHO receipt" , etc. . at 'tho lowest pomlblo riitos , without pnbllolty or removal of prop erly. I/oaniBO nrrntued t hit you cnn mnt > o a piy- inciit ut liny time and roaa-o both principal and Interest. Veil pay Interest only for the tlmo you n ethomoncy. If you ewe a balance on your i > rep < Mly or , ' " "o a loan yon wish olinngcd , I will pay It oil nifd carry H for 1 'do not ndvertNo to loan you money at liuilc ratcH , but ruulldrntly claim toplvo you lower rntosand easier lernn than can bo ob- tiilnedi'lsoMhorclu the olty. Money aHayHOii hnud. No delay. No pub licity. Lowest ntes. II , I' . Musters , Itoom 4. AVIthncll bll ( . , and Ilarney fts. Tyr.Al ESTATE I.oanCaih on hand. Olobo . t Trust , Co 307 H. 10tlm.t No delay. Ko extra charges. Houses for rent ; Rood list. 195 0 ( HATTEMoniH at lovett r.itoss linslnoss conllileiitlul.Slli 1'axtonbllc. J , H. Kinlngcr. UIO /"lOJIMKHOIAIiundifoneml Hliort time paper wboiiRlitj nlso regular llu'-ycir loans mntlo nn Improved yrupurtjr. GLU E1. lllust& Co. , 203 Kamgo bldir , Ml CjncONDmortitaKoloin' . Secondmnrtfjatsos DboushU r.o ins on vacant lots , l.ocil & gelby , room 13 , Hoard Trnne. 813 KK\li 1MTATK loans."t > ry lowi'st rates. O.J. CaveI1.810 \ > . V. Mfe. Mi-aia T7"KVSTONR MortziiKe Co. houiu ot J10 to Jv8iouo ; Bet our rates U'frroborrowliiR und save money ! loin on horses , furniture oruny niiprovotl soourlty without publicity ; notes boiiKlit , for now loan , lonowalof old und low est ratos. call 11SU3 , bbooly blk,13th& , Howard. FIliST inortsngo loani at low mtcs nnd no Ucluy. D. V.Slioles Co. . 2101st Nat.l bunk , 81 j MONEY to loan Tin horses , WUKOIIS , mules , liousehold KOods.plrxiKH , orRiins.dlainonds , at lowest r.itos. The lint organlzen loan of fice In the city. Makn loans from . ' 10 to 'M ( Iayswhlch , can bo paid Innartor wholoat nny limp , tliuilowctliiK the principal and interest. Call and scons when you want monoy. Wo can nislstyou promptly and to yowr advantage without rennJial of property or publicity. Money always on hand , Nodolay m iimklne louni. O. 1Kcca k Co , U19 S. tli St. . over Hlngham&Scns. 81T i ii ucy iui jjMi\ low rixt.cs U Of Inteieslon llrst inortRaKCs of Improved ronlestato for the nevr l ) days by the Kunsai Clt v Investment Co. . llooiu Uo Hoard of Trado. J. II , 1'euse. manager 880 MONEY to loan on any security for short tlmo nt low , rates. J.oneit rates on personal property. Tlio Henderson Mortnaso Invoatnient Com pany , room JOO. I'axton blk. 818 WANTED rirst-clasi inside loans. Ixiv/tst rat 01. Call and see us. Mutual Invest- nicnt Co. . LVM ruriuin. 810 CHEAP eastern nioiidy 1'hlladnlphla Hartpaso and Trust Co. , always ready to loinand pay promptly ; first inortRujrcs wnntrd , uearffo . 1 * . C'oatos. rep- rcsentathe. loom 7. Uoard of Trado. 821 "I71ASTI.KN money to-nan ( on city proPfrty ! JZJmortjago pager bought. ll.ll.IieyrN .I lfo. i * * - SHOUT tlmo loans ohlracant lots. Selby & A Hoed. it. : Hoard of Trade. 8 J UIVATR money to loan cheap. O. K nar- rNon.911 N , V. Life. , 8I2 611OliTllANl > AND TYl'iSWKlTIKO. Fiarratci , etc. , tee top of frst column on thu rtavfi "VTOTICE The spcclalsurnmer tosslon of the JL > classes In pen nmnfchlp und shorthand will coinmonco Monday , July J4. Olassoa will bo held In the mornlnR.aftornooii | and e\onhi < z. Call 011 or adilross .for ( nformutlon. Standard Shorthand lluaincss Obtliisc , New York Idfo bulldln * ; . Omahu. Nob.u OSS QCOONU 11AN U-UnHprnplKi , llamnionU and O IlomlnKtons. Jolul II. Coinci Co. Letter flies nnd otllco specialties , IlauiRcbldj. 8.T OLiAlUVOVANT. , tee top of llrst column on. ( AM ] > me TlfME LA MOfSS The celebrated medium J-'l-and trance clairvoyant of Huston Is In the oily and can bo consulted on all nll'uirs of life. This remurkablo woman Is without a peer In lier clairvoyant professions and challenges competition with any other. Call mid bo ex amined. In the city for u short tlmo only. 322 N.lllth st. . room 0. OTl shJ ) TTVU. IVOOD-Olalrvoyant , traneo and Indo- JL/pondentslutowrltlnirTiicdluiii.OIrcles Mon day , Wednesday und KildayovenliiBS.l.'iiacass , Lnilj Clayton , chilnoyant and maKiietlc hoalcr. Can by her wondorfitl will t > ewer Brant any reguobt. CMB j. lllth. ( BO-alD * „ fUS. IU7EDD Y The distinguished trance- 1-olnlrvoyant. late of Iloston. While en tranced will repeal ovcvv hidden mystery in life. 1'ropures ' Egyptian talisman which will overcome your enemies , remove family troubles , restore lost affections , unites the separated , kelps all In Iron Die , otc. 1'co. $1 nnd upwards. N. B. I'crfoot satisfaction guaranteed by mall. Send stamp for illus trated circular. Mrs. Dr. tddy , ! E1 ! N. 15th St. , Omaha. 840-U * rASSAGK pallors open dally from Oto 8. LMadam Dulzlcr. oicrOUS. iitti. : 803 i * HADAM UCVJISH , late ol London , the Kitted trance clairvoyant and spirit me dium , Kiiaraatces to Help all In trouble , no dlirorcuco whoroyouaro. Add.ororClOS. 1'lth. 800 1 * TjlOltTUNr TrLLEK-Madam Stover of St. JIsolds , the wonderful card reader , can bo consulted on matters of business nt the Derby liotol. moiiiH. from S a.m. to U p. in. , for one veelc only , Coino ono and all und b < > con vinced. IW-ill * V. . , carvoyant , \J medical and business mcdluin. I-Vmalo diseases a specialty. 119 N.lUth St.rooms l ! and a. 11US1.V12SS CHANOICS. Forratea , itc. , RCttop ofiHryt rotumn onUtta page. 1I1O11 HUNT rirst-cluss hotel of liS roouiii JL1 and f uiultnro to rcut. Imp nt 1S11 Cass tt. 7811 Foil SALH A barber shop nml bath-ioomsi Rood biisliit-ss , no competition ; Imultli eausoof sale. K\changoSouth UiiuIia.Ulias. 1' . Durand , WAMTHD A papty with TO to take a half Interest In uii established bUilnnsi. Address - dross K 54 , Hoe , U10-W 1OK SAM3 Ono nf the best milk routes In thu city of Omaha. 1'or information call n l _ T.I , wjrWN Wtll st. _ 1)14-0 ) * TTIOKSAIU feteiini lil indry. Address 1C 41 JJ. Uce. f- ' . 70.J M * DHUG store , widow , livly wishes to sell at oncohcr late husuinid s half Intoiesc In flood paylns driiB Inisflicss. Invoicing about t7,000 , In Lander , AVvo. . art she vrlshes to BO east. Address Mrs. J. UrYSulllvan , Landor.Wyo BAIvKHVsboptooHt lljtum , horso. a burgaln Ksuld August J. U1DN. Itsth. ii FOUSAM2 Stoclf nrTrtTmnri'S ot a whole- sale commission IH | ) H > . Address K. 17 , lieu olllce. , . . . 'Oil 171OU SAM ? Meat niaticot. dolnp Rood bnsi- J ness. In town of l.'JOi ) . mhubltunts in ostern Nobraskn ; only SWO oiM ruqulrt-d. Addrvij t ) . K Turner. I'roiiionW.Jl'pb. COO oa HOTEL for sale. TwH'Rtory brick ; is ono of the best hotoln. dilliii an excellent Rood buHlnoi > soii ono ofthoJwlt corner * In the city , Address Conunorolal Holil , llrokon Iloiv. Nub ' - FOH SAbE The onlyTjakery with biilldlnzs In a lively town , county heat , about l.WJ Inhabllaiits ; u-asoiui forbulllus , sloldU'K ' * , . Ad- ( lio-s 1C a Hue. 711 'JO * H OPKIj SB * rooini , nil coiivoiilpiicvsi ni'wi brick , 5 blocks , from I' . O. II. II. Ircy , N. V. Llfelmildlnsr. 70 > i AL'TIVU IH.III with IS ) ! oati M'cnro ' a bujl- ncss D.ijlns { U a Heuknnd exponsi'H. J , Hill , 1.KI DougliM ht. , up-ntalrs. Kt-xio * OR SALU-Dalry on Amoa uve. open for runt or trndo. J , llloch , KfJ.U" * FOH t-ALK-C'he.ip , a bakery hi tron'il lee - llou with a nice line of oiiitoni. Inqulruof O. I1. Uuvls Co. , ISO l-'aniam st. 71u I--OU J-\tnntetctc.ue tupof fut filiimuoa Hit * jujt. FOH esohanso a few lots and IIOIHM. etc. . for&ojd farms or lands.V. . J. 1'uul. I'M ' Kamuiii , 411 MOUTOAOl.'rf Notes , cash lands , eto. . for clear lots , Can UBO quite u number.V J. 1'uul , icoJ Tartmui t.U 412 TOT In tlodfortl Place on Htntf POtMiUto Joxeliniiui1 for lot lu t'artlmire or Lincoln "lace. V L , . Selby , la Hoard of Trado. KU " L10 EXOII.\JiOE-2 clear lots , corner and iino next to It , worth Kr < tf ) , ItiMcCormtck'K d ndilltUn , for houio mid lot nearer In. Mill n. "sitimi or pny tlicdlfTcn-iict ; . U , 1' . llnrrlson , DUN. V. Mfo. RSI WANTKll-A stocK nf merchandise whleh > > wllllnvolco from JI..OOO to IM.OOO In c < c- 'liiunti- for iv lirlokrosliloiii-onnd otio-nvru lot n Oseoula , In. Thlshoiiie cost ) IWVW and U oinpli'te and modoni hi every particular , iuMn tralc > r supply , slonniliom , hnlli ruoiu. tcnml Is clear ol IniMinibranco , wlthnorfoi't Itle , cnn make up any dlircrenco with jr'Nxl ' Irst niorlgnsv paper. Apply at No. 112iN. ) VDlh at. , from t ) to 13 dully. J. 1C. 11. 7-JS iX-lIANcnV-I3.noo : looKof lurdwaro. ( mnillrst. liamh , at wholesale prices ; < Nioo , ! cash roqulrcd Jan. 1 , 1J1 : lll lake for hal- uncoof equity Rood cleur Nobr.iska or Towa farmland or Omiha property with small In- iMiiiihraiico ; full llmut sample * can be seen 'n Omalia. Address K Jl , lleoolllco. m V\rASTI'n-Vnennt lots or acres fortwoof Vi th Illicit nnd bo t payltnt hloek < i In the city.Mll ylvo MK deal If madu soon , with some ensh. J CO , lleo cilice. 412 [ jlOHS\LE-AiiclvRiintcnltaconowOroomi , , JL ; hath , n. c.ari < lslon ) room , li.aiulc. water , la mo cliHotA hard oil llnlili. Fast front. In lliinscom IMnco look at It before buying else where , forum very oniy. Ono of the llnest private residences In the olty for , $10,000. AiMvnte , north , ivost , ami south. ,1. II , livniis , ymN. V. l lfo. Wl-31 jlOUnXCllANfin flood farm * , city property - - ty and wild Inmls In NeK nnd Iowa for good Krn'l ' in'd'soiprcMiertycli'ar , tit lo perfect. Ad dress I/uk llox US , Kromoiit , Neb. tW ) USTATIC. Fur rata , ctc. ' tec ( ; > of flrat roiiiiiin on this page. L N I'luco lotsJl,2.U Uoxter L.Thomas 783 Sonil Omaha Do yon know the "Kocfc Island" ISKoni' ? toninliclinincniolinpnivo- incut sin South Omnlia south of Q street ? Wo hiivu lots 1 ana 2 , block J. L'ottrrfe Oobb'isoo- onil udilttion , und lota 18 nnd J9. block' ' , tune ; nddltlon. 'fhcsn nro owned byoustern party Nvhovant to sell. If tukcn at once , 11,000 will Imy tlio four lots. Also lot-I. block 1. lots 20 nnd 23 , lilock 3 , nnd 13 nnd 14. block 0 , Uroivu I'urkj iW.OW will buy tlio ll\o lots , I.ookthesolottup. There ! a grfnt hnreuln lu them , M. A. Upton Co. AOIIOICKsltcon rnrnam. opposite Jlr. R TJ. Stone's llnoresldonee , 10li\IS7 foot , that wo will sell very cheap If takonlieforu An ? . 1 , Omnlia Kent Kstitu uud Trust company. 20 3. IHhat. , lICObuliaiiiR. TIB GUTAT barstnlns { 3.000 will buy a flno resi dence. KriOO down , balnnco on tlmo. Aluoa 11 no rosldonco lotchunp forcnnli. Also ft line resMuiu'o lu ICoaiitro I'luou. rorpartlculnrs apply nt the Nub. fctoaia laundry , b-o cor. lOtlut Howard sts. 691 FOK SA.LK Ihavoft few harRulni In 1'ottor ACobu's 2 < 1 add. to South Onmlm , If tukcu beforooNVnor bcKlns hiiprovoiiicntd nbout An- pustlor Hill Mill nltn linpnivoinent ufler thutdute. M. 0. Mnclood.OJ-J N. Y.LIfo bltlg. $1,700 , Groom house and lots $2.000. 0 room IIOIKO. birii and lot. S. E. cor. lllli and Vln- ? on. Jlrs. Kuhliiuiii. Cheap , want to lotnu city. 601 ' \T7"AICI3iii > and buy u nonio on monthly pay- TT mcnts ( Jholcoof ncron different houses , sou tli front * * on Fnr 11,1111 si , EMiry hmlildlncfurnaco and ( I'H. i'lrxisean lioaecn lit mjr olHro. .O.ill In. J ) . V. SholciCo.,2ii : 1st National Link. FOK SAliE The oliolco reldeneo nl No , IKHGoorglu uvo.UxllO ; ft K fiont,0 luryo rooms , btith , cas , smvor , hot and lolil wutvr , closet and ull conveniences , owner KOlns to leave city. D V. Sliolcs Co. , 213 1st Nat. bank. 6CG $1,2."iO for Lincoln I'lncn and Oaithacc lots ! easy terms.V. . L. Selby , U Hoard Tindo. 7S.J AHATJOATN Tonnyono wantlns adcsln- ahlo home. Wo haven nine mom houio , Inrxo barn uiideanUigo house , one block from the motor Him , but tnolvo minutes from 1'nrnain si. , that \vc can null elicnp , ami vlll [ .taken lotor iibmall IIOIHO nnd Int. In part nayiiiBii t. and ulvo easy tiirnis on the lularicn. OiniiliiilJC'il K lutoaiiuTrust compunr.'OS. . ITthst. . lleoiiulldlnir. T02 $10 CASH nml $8 rtor. month for house and full lot lit from $ V ) to $1.530 each.V \ J. I'anl , HXW rnraam. ' 441 BUSTNHSS property. SxW , No. 315 S.HWwU onposlto the Jlurrjiy hotol. $750 $ per foot : 45xlt ! next tonututorlum on lloiuim st. , porfoot. ByS II. UulTctt only.lOW 1'ark nvo. FOH SALE-Four Rood lovUn Wnlnut Hill , SOtl.'V ' ) each , on Br.ido. I'rlcs ST 00 ouoli , worth double the money. Stringer & Penny , 10th uud Dodge. 400 T OOKfoot lot In Clurk'9 addition. Just JLJnorth of fat. Mary's ave , for $3,300 $ , M , A. Upton Uo. 743 20 ASMAMj payment down nnd $11 per month will liny n 1-room IIOIIHO arid lot on 10th , 2 blocks from motor ; tlrst-uhaa chiinco to ac- nulro a honioon easy terms. Apuly to 11 , Cole , Continental block. 631 TTlT' > SM /10TTAGE horriM In most nny nddltlon for VAilo nt from ? 1,1103 up. on easy monthly wiy- mcnts. f. K. Darllnp HJarkerblk. ll TjlOll SAl rT-NIco 7 room Mouse ready to JUinovelntowtthfulllot , J-ViOOJ00 cash. O. F. HurrUon. 911 N , V. Life. 1U3 [ "P YOU have anythlnR to sell or exchange Lcall atom Paxtou blook 841 Tlio Oinuha & . Republican Valley lliillivny Coiupriiiy. Notice Is hureby Kl\cn that n special ineot- Iniof tlio Mtooklioldors of the Omaha & Ko- Duullean Valley Itallwuy Company will bo bo'd ' at I lie olllcoof theconipuny , in the Union I'aolllollulldlng , Omnlia. Nubraskii , on AVcd- ncsday , JtilyW ) , 181)0 ) , at 10 o'clock u. in. , fortho purpose of acting on n certain truokniio at'roeinontny nnd between tbo Union I'aelllo Hallway Company , tlio Omaha & Republican Valley llulUity Ooiiip.iny , tboljalliin.'cSoutli- western ItallwayOoinpany , thoOhloiKO. Houlc THlaiid , < c rnelllo-llullnay Compinv , und the Ulilcapo , Knimns & Nebraska Uaflvny Tom- P'liiy. daU'dJIny 1,169) ) , and for the transac tion of such otbor business us may lejallv eomu before the moetlng. Omaha. July If , 18IH ) , j'iJdTt ALUWNiir-a BIILI.AR , Secretary. Notico. JIattecof upplloatlonof ( Jeorso W. Lewis for liquor llucn o. Notice I lierobjr ithcii that George AV. l.owls did iip < ) ii thu ir > thifayof Julv. k'M. ' Ilio liHup- olleution to thu niuyor nnd city council of South Oninhu , Nubi.iskn , for llcenso 10ell malt , spirituous and vinous liquors , lit Ilollo- vuo a eniio , Sooond ward , South Umuba , No- hrnskn , from the llrstday of Jlay , li'M ' , to the grst day of .Mnylsul. If tlicro lu no objection , remonstrance , or piotcst Illed Wllliln tuo noolis from llilOStli day of .Inly , A. 1) ) . 160) ) , tliosufcl lluunso vlll bo granted. GCOIIOE W. IIKWIS , Applicant. Notice. Scaled proposals will bo received at tlieodlcc of A. II. Dyer , O'Xoill , Neb , , AIIKUSI 1st , IS'.K ) , nto p , in. , for fiirnlslilnff mutorlal and labor iieci'S'rfiry for the urrctlun and completion of bt. Mmy s Academy , according to plain and specifications tobo M'OII nt the Uniabu Hlato und Itoollnp Co. , Omahn , Neb. A certlllcd check for uiO.OOmiibt accompany each blian ! < l thoeoinmlttco resorio theiijjht to reject any orallblds. A. II , DVKII , .Aiohliect. JUldOt . FOR RENT- Kffi&SS ' EXCHANGERllSil' ' F ° R 5AUL > MpJ 'I.RlMiJwrofv'jf ' firtwrnsric BROOKS BROS , & GO. Iiniwrleriarxl Wliolculo Dculoriln Wnlclics , .Tcitclrj' , Culler/ Notions , Novellles , Albums , Coal-Collar fiprlngs , Jr'nnci Goods , Ac. I rnitnsi > nrliiL'iil for KNIFE-POAHOS , AUC1IUNEEHS. S1REEIMEN AND PEDDLERS , IlllT rltt ) ' of Jo , iyo cnunter rood i. Our Inrzo ami Tnllriyo wily. st. Louis. Mo. LADIES ONLY UAftlP FEMALE REGULATOR , B It fRPUlU iiiiJorlJIn tn claj or IIIOUPJ r lunJeU. lly null i Ki-ouri-ly waled from ob- icrvatiou , CO01C JlKJMltr CO. , ' THE IE&DEDS JADIY BEATEN Minneapolis Moots with a Surprise in Ilor Collision -with the Hack Sox. OMAHA'S WINNING- STREAK STILL ON. Fourteen to Fitn tlin SCOIMJ of Tester- dny'g Oniue-Foiir Straight Vlo- torleslbr lliu Homo Tonin. I'lavcd. Won. Loit. Tor Ct. Minneapolis. , . 7."i 47 Loit.M .027 Milwaukee ) . . . . 77 < ! .11 .ten KiinsiiH Ulty. . . 71 40 31 .tiTt Denver . . . 711 40 31U .MS sioux city 73 : to , f 00 Otmlia 70 : ui U .4)0 ) Dos Molnos. . , . 74 ! U a . Sul'aul 73 'Jl 61 . ! U2 Oninhn 11 , Minneapolis 5. Whuronrotho cniiiVs who hnvo been howlIng - Ing for it winning ball tcnml Tlicy have { jot OHO now , but tlicro la no perceptible rhfiiiRO In the attendance. The saino emaciated crowd vas out yestor- ilny , no inoro no less , notwithstanding the conllict was \vltli \ the loaders lu the pennant clioso , mid despite the fact Unit O malm hud Just won thtcu straight games from tlio re- JuYcimtod St. Pauls. Yesterday's ' conquest makes four strnight , ntulyot It la doubtful -\Uiother nny of the croakers nnd the klclccrslll \ turn out toJuy anil gho tlio boys a cheer. They arc not liullt that way. ThogiimoyosUrdny wusona of those ro- frcshtng ones thnt so cnthuso the fiin.nboinnl- Ing with splendlil hitting1 mid brilliant Hold- In ? from the very Jump. Uimarnii oponvd the ball by driving asafo onotoloft. Then WulsU swatted outnnnu tlireo-sicktr , but being biully conclicd hoen- deavoifd touialwit four and was c\UBlit ut tlio ilato. was ho mad ? Well , you ought to hove scon his curls blaze as his cap Hew oft when ho slid over the plate. They singed Cuslclt's ' \Uilslter3 nil ofT clone up to Ms chin. Hutnno earned run was pretty good for a s'nrtvji' ' . Tom ICcanis then stopped up ajid made n frantic elTort to Itiiodc the sphere over the Washington county line , but ho fulled in his laudable aim and Instead smashed three great niKKed routs in the Atmosphere , Cle\ \ eland inaJo a hit , but Himvahan's long fly toAndrus terminated the liiiilng. For the Minnies .Andrm went out on the Urat hall pitched to Clavclnntl , aiuiMlnnchiin n moinrut later to "U'lllts , nud everybody saw ; i line , lurgo fresh goose egg looming uo on the horUon. nut how full of incertitude and other veg etables the grctit national spoil is. At this early stage in the battle Manager Hurst's young men fell upon Clarke and for a moment threatened to not only knock him out of the box , but off of the earth. Hyn pol < cd out a slnglaniul no did Day. and cverjbqdy sut still , md lield theii-breath as Cutnln ) Cirroll stepped tothopluto. Can-oil never was a very couitcomitidl- .vidual , and so ho just squared himself and after Ulniuo Uml uxporimcntcdwith a num ber of new slants , Jack saw one ho thought was ripe and ho hit It , hit it a blow that made the grand stand vibrate , ami awny it went like an atrollto out ainonir the jlmsoii woods in the north-west corner of the lot. So " them was three earned tuns fur you. N"obody said a word , ; > nd tlicro was hniilly a dry eye hi the nudleiico. Then to rub It In , old Farmer Miller , Fresh Mr Duwio and Patty Duedulo pushed licr out for n single each , but Aimer was tlio only one nf tlio trio to cross the i > .m us Mitchell Hew to AVIllis. But four tamed runs after two men wcro out was nu elegant sullldency , think jouj "Vo nru beaten , " disi-oiicolatcly v.illoiln grand stand ci'.itik. But hoiv iiiistiilitu thu young man vas. right back , nnd talk about a - ! -ioklnnteg.-.tlio.- -tlmt folrmi'LU u-mr a scoieher. TheBlMk Sox wcat afterUrass- hopiier Witolidl like so many bulldogs , and when they got through with him live big succulent tallies had joined the solitaire made in the opening inning. .ruck Newman opened up the fire with a safe one to center. Willis got his b.iso on four wild ones. Then Joe Do\Uo fumbled Moron's corking giounder and the bajs wcro full. full.Clarke Clarke retired on a fly to Cnrroll. Then Mitchell made a bad thiow to first nnd Nowmau and Willis scored. Cunntrnn lilt safe and Morau followed the procession across tlio plate. Mitinchan inado a inufT of Walsh'slly , liutKcarnsstruclcout. Clevolnnd. however , was equal to the cmei'Roncy , and lie drove his second safe into left , nnd ttio two runners crossed the pinto , Umirulun went to flrst on balls and ewnlan luino to the but the second time. Ho hit a slow one to Ityn , however , and the iimlngclosed. 3twasn blank for the Minnies In their half , but Omiilm continued right on in her triumphant course , and on two moro bases on balls and two singles added two more runs to their slao In the third. The fourth was unproductive for both teams. In thcilfth Omaha piled her total up to ten. ten.Moran Moran hit safe , but was forced out at second end by Clarke , who scored OH Canavnn's thrco-bagger , Jimmy getting homo a moment later on a t\vo-8ockor oy Kearns. Cleveland , too , was on earth about this time , uud ho smashed out ouo for a couple of cush ions himself , and Koanis o.imo in. It was In this inning that Minneapolis made her last tally. Miller andDowo led off with hih. Dug- dulo How out to Willis , mid Mitchell wont to Jlrst on four wide ones. Thoii Miller leachoO the pinto on the following out. Hut Omaha did not quit snoring jet , for in the seventh she gobbled up another brace anil in the eighth one moro and the last. It was a line game , however , and a notable victory , Uo out this afternoon nnd scotho boys do 1 some more. The score : OMAHA. .All. ft. 111. 11 , HI ) , I'D , A. Onnavan. If , 0 4 ft o a o \ValHb , ss 0 ii B tl 0 o ; i is , rf ( I 1 2 ( l 1 a o cJiuvoliuid. : ii > . 5 o 023 llnnraliun. "b . 3 1 t 0 1 4 Noivinun , Ib . 5 11 0 0 JO 0 Minis , m : i i o 0 r o 1 : i 0 1 r Clarke , p SOI Totlts II ii 2 4 27 io IIINMMI'OUS. .An. n. In , MI. Hn , ! ( ) , A. i : . ,5 0 U U 0 'I U Mlnnolmn , rf . , Hyn , " 120 000 I Orlliy , Bll 1 1 4 0 1 : ! 1 Carroll , in 5 1 1 0 o : t i .5 J o u i r > o ijolnc , : ili. . . .ft I ) i , c , ,5 0 JIIUiliCll , p 4 0 0 0 0 0 2 1 Totals II D 15 U 1 27 iiv Omulu ,1 5203 0 2 1 0 It .Mlliticiiolls | 4 0 I ) 0 1 0 0 00 5 Rl'IIMAUr. Kunscarncd Omaha 0MInnoupolls fi , Two liiisu lilln Oannuttijtfiniiii. CU-vrl.ui'l , Man- rahan , Tlireo-liaso hltaUanavan'alsh 1. Homo rii'is ( , 'iirroll. Ilnsu nu bulls Oil Clarlo I. .Mitchell I. Hit by pUul er-t'larlo 1 , stiiiuk oul-Hy Uliiilco , ) , jMltohell J , 'llmoof Kaniu Ono hour and fifty minutes. Umpire Cnsicl , SJoiiv City 10 , St. Paul . Sioux CITV , I.i. , July ai ) . [ Spfclul Tolo- gramto JIIB HUB. ] Following Ii the result of today's game. : Hiouintr. K U O i H It. II ( I A K Ftrniui. rf.l J U ( I 0 Miiri > lijrm..2 0 II U U Illaok , n 1 I't'iiilurt , rl..l J 2 0 0 llliinn , If 1 1200 Abliojr , Ui.,0 0 U U U Knpi-el. - 8b..O - hwi'uncr , : ib.t 9 3 I 8 llruRiiiin , : b..O ' " ' " U ! 2 0:0 I'owill , lb.,1 I 13 0 0 6liiYricD2i : > . ! 6 i 2 3 1 HUMlin us- 25)1 ) llnwos , Ib . . .I 015 0 1 Crurnlrx. t..i ! 4 6 0 llruuvhtonc..l U II 9 0 llovlln , p U 0 11 I 1 Mockln , | 1 t 0 1 U Totals 101)9)13 S ToUh 8 7 30 II 6 11V 1NMMM. SloiuCUv 2 2-10 bt. l'4Ul 32 20 0 1 0 00 0-8 BUUM4IIV. nariii'drana-Sloux CJItjrU. Two-haw hits I'oucll. bwopiiey Tlireo-basu hltH Illiick. Iliiws ou UalU--Olt Utvliu & , oir MuekliH. Ptniok otil - nDovlln 4. by TileoklnH. l iften l > usM SU oneh. Wild itltolioi Dodln I , Meekln 1 , 8ierlllo : < * hltttloiix City 4. VS | . I'nul : L lilt liy plu-licr MehaiiKlilIn , llnvron i. Pa wl tnll'roH \ < | ov I , llmuithtnn 1. Ua-ic * MoU'iiSioux City I , St. I'milZ. IMulitr t'lnyj - Mol.iuuhlln to lln wo" . Tliuo n ( giuiiitl' u anil thlcly minute * . Umpire- K nimiiN fit j1) , DI-K MolnoH U. KxsC'.m , MJ. , .Tuly -SptH-lAl [ Tolo- gmmtoYiiR H K. ] L ollowlng Is th < i result of today's fraiuo : Sl'MjIAlrv , * Knn-is : Ulty S. lliuno run , HUM'S 011 hullsSwnrlxrl il , Hointucr 5. mil - . ! ! > Swurt7cN. by HomtiiurTi 1116 > y pltclinr-Snillli. U'llil jiltvli Sointiiur. ussiiil lnillrt Trnllloy. Tlmo ot Kami'Two i OHM. Umpire IU , Mllviiukro I ) , ' lr.svr.i ) , Col. , July SJ. [ Speclil eTui : Jlni : . ] Following la tin ) result of Ilio h-st amo : SU.MMAUY , Kiirtinl rnn < Honvrr t , MllxvaukooS. Twiv- ha o lilts Messlll , Lohbock. 'llireb FOlilt.i Curtis Tn-udviv - . Welch. Tlmniton. llima stiili'u Ipin ( < r4 , MHvuiMKi'rtS. lii'Tlnii Disos HoitU'rlO.MIlMuukeo lit. Double plnys Mc- OlcllanloVliltnto Itnynolds. Wild pitch- Kennedy , nicN'nbli , Tlioriilon , HIIMIH nn biilln Off Kpiinrdv a.olf Thornton fioir , McNnliOH. lilt bv bull-shoi'li. Mruuknut-lly ICrnnody 't'liornlnn : thy JloNaMi 1. I'IIHW ! bulls - VVstliiKo. Tlinoot irnnio Two houu anil tlvo iiiliintci. lliuplro tlwiver. Nationnl Ijonicno- AT riTT.sntno. ThoNow Vork-PIltshurif game \vas post poned on account of rain , Cliiotmmtl 1 05000 00 5-11 Iloston II 00000 000 a lilts Cincinnati 10 , Diiston 0. Kt-mrs Cincinnati I , Boston ! ! . ItnttorlosMulluno niiil.Hiirrington ; UuUoiiiatul llonnctt. Um pire McUi'rinutt. r Clove-land t 010 3 lliooldyn I 00051 0 ! J VJ Hits -Clorolnnil 7 , HrooUlvn 0 , Krrorw Clovclaiul 5 , lirookljn-I. Hat lories-Ciiirlleltl and Xlinnicr ; Lovott and Dally. Umpire -McQuald. AT CHICAGO. . . - o 8 0 ,1 0 0 0 1 1 8 Philadelphia. . . L 1 0 10 0 0 1 fl nits-Chicago ia , Ptilliululiiliia 5. llrrow -Chicago U , I'hihuk'lplila 4. ll.lttcilea- Stc'ln nail ICittix-d e ; Vlclicry mid Clements. Umpire Lynch. llay ji'H' \T I'llTHllUUCI. The New York-Pittsljtirtr BJIIIO w ponudon account of mlii. DufTiilo . 1 0 3 Philadelphia. . . .0 0 4 a 000 U " ! ) Hiti IlulTalo 8 , PhllailolpMa ( I. ISrmra- IlalTnlo U , I'hiliidelphln 5. Kittoiies ICeodi und MaeU ; JJtillliiitton nnd Millig.iii. LJin- imd AT CI.I'.VII.VND. : Clo\elnnd U 0 0 3 1 1 S 1 17 Iloston 5 0 0 Hits Cleveland 20 , lioston 8. ten-ors- ( Jlmclnnd 5 , Boston 0 , Battorlwi CJrulrr nnd Sutellffo ; Kilrov nnd Murphy. Uir.- plros IToi-guson and ilolbert , AT CIIU'AOO. Chicago 7 0 0 8 Brooklyn 0 0 1 ii 0 0 0 0 0 3 Hits Chicago fl , Brooklyn ( ! Krrors Chic.iun ! ! , Brooklyn U. Bnttorle-s Ualdwlu and Farivll , Sowtlors mid Daly. Umpires Pourco nnd Snydcr. American AT 1'JIIL VllBI.PIItX. Atlilotlcs . 1 0 10800 1 1 7 Toledo . 0 0000000 0-0 ' .Hits Athletic ft , Toledo 8. Krrarn Athletic 1 , Toledo } . Jlattorles S'oivard and RoWn.son ; Cushinin and Kogors. Um- plm Doesclier. _ A7iiocnisTii : : . Uodiostcr . 0 0 0 0 0 0 2 1 H0 L.onlsvillo . 0 0 0 3 0 100 ( ) - lilts KoclicstcrO , Louisvlllo 10. Errors Kochestcr 2 , I-oulsvillo 4. Batteries -Tit- comb und ( Jrini ; Khict and \Vickboctcr. ! ATBVJIAOUSB , Syrociiso . 0 00 10 000 2-3 St. Louis . 01010 * -B Jilts Syr.i3uso 9 , St. J > jis8. Krrou Syrucuso 0 , St. Louis I. Uatteries Cntov atidO'Uourlw ; Suvotta and \ Veils , Umpire Curry , _ Among tliu A mat ours. CiTj , Neb. , July lii ) . ( Special to THE Br.l'.l The puno of ball today between thoTccuinsoli and Nobr.nltii Gity teams itsultoil in u victory for the homo team by a sroro of 13 to 8. I3utterlua Pop Nebraska City , Maliler mid Sldoney ; for Tecunibch , Tluhcnor and Gallagher. : , la. . Tuly2'J.--Si ' | iWlnl Telegram toTjinHnu.J Tlio fjmno of UnlL hero today behvocii Ucd Outc nnd Silver Ulty rcunltoil us follows : UoilOai < 15 , SllvorUltrff. ] lut- tcrlcB Ur-d Unit , T oiirstioot | and JCcoimn ; ailvciJlty ( , Hcoroi nnd Strong. Ah , 'I liovu , srr , I'ulloj' . OMAHA , Nch. , July 29-To the Sporting ICdltor of Tun Hum I htivo a Itlil in irty charjja whom 1 11111 not only willliifj hut unx- lous to mutch nfrilnst Mr. Viilloy , who recently - cently Issued n UiullciiKO In a local p.ipor , for ulUO , IW orl.r > ( ) yai-dj race , for jiny inonoy fiont § JOO to $500 , JMy hey Is buttm utj-ono years of ago , J muiui bir Inoss und u'ill muut isir. ljulloy at TUB 15m : olllco to anait o pro llminnrlos at nay tlmo ho in.iy ' " This isiiotu'iiid , butbiiulacHS. T.KOX , Through coaches 1'iilliimn pilaco blcoporH , dining cars , frco redlining curs to fJJiloaffo and Inlorvonin - nuluta via the { jruut Houk iHlnnd ro.utp. 'I'lpkot olileolGu ; . ' , Sixteenth nnd the following milr- e ytstovdiy : Numoimd ii'ldrojs. Atro , j Harry Terry , Onialia . 21 | Sarin , .r. Itubli , Otirvlia . Ul I Charles L. McICay. Glilfiujo . 'M 1 Aiinio Obon , Ojir.iitu . , . . . J JOnistiiin Olson , Omaha . , . .HJ I ( Jlnistliu Morrison , OiniiUa , . . . , . J < ; , A. ic. ExcurHlon to Mtnton vlu tlio WiiljiiKh Lino. Everybody In vlU'd lo join Uio WiibaHb. oxourHion for liiwtnn , louvlii ) , ' Omtilm Au iiHt (1-7-8-0 ( nnd 10 , ( , 'lvoi choice ( $ routes. Hates us low iw the low orft , Ro- dining chair and Pullman bulTot eloop- ing1 earn on nil tralriB. All apcnta in Ilia wodt soil tickets over the \Viibath via St. Louui or Chicago. For tickets , elooplnu'unr berths and /oldors / clvlnff routuB , limits , tlino-Lablori with a corrout map of Doaton , showing locations of do jiots , etc. , cull at the \VubiHli ; tlokot otllco , 1.102 Fiirnnm at , , orwrllo ( } . N. C'f-M'TON , Northweatorn Pass , nnd Tickut Agout ,