mrATTA "HATTA7 Tl'R'Fr/j AVTiiniSTE T ) A V. JTTTjV HO. 181)0. ) A ROAST FOR SPEAKER REED , Congressman Strublo Goes for tha Presiding Officer of the House , HE CONTBASTS WITH CARLISLE , TllO S'Clllltu ColllllllllCO ( III I'OHllllIIO.'H JtKiOflMli | .Mclimii-i ; for ft Ijlm- lleil 1'ontnl and Teleg Horvluc. " \VA < WINVITOS , July 29. In the home today Mr ( ' .1:111011 of Illinois , from tlio commlttua ( MI nptiroprlntlons , reported n Joint rosolu- lio'i providing temporarily until-August 14 for such af the expenditures of thogovuru- merit us luivo not been provided for by the . npi > roprlatlori bills which III YO ulrcudy bo- COlnO IllWH. I'llSSCd , The liouso then wont Into roinmlttoo of the u-linlo on the scnuto uinciidinvntu to the HUiulry civil appropriation bill. Mr. Strublu of lowii rniulo n bitter nttuck upon Speaker Heed for his no tion towards gentlemen having an in. tcivst In public building bills. Ho contracted tbo courteous manner of Speaker Curllslo towards all gentlemen ru- qwMlliig recognition , wltti the almost sneering manner in which the prescntspouker treivUdsucli rciuicsH The sjicahcr treiitcd tlio members as thoituh they wcro boys. IIo Old not pioposo to stand thin sortof treat ment any longer without protest. Should the members , ho asked , continue to submit onf T Ilko rewards to the dictation of the spoaltLTl .Should they not rather i-otublnu for un honest recognition ! Ho wus for rebellion against the rullnpi of tbo spanker In ivtfurd to t'io public building bllK Stnible'B remarks were vigorously ap plauded by the democrats. Mr. Cnnnon thought the pentlcinan from Iowa had better have withheld his ntturk upon the Rprakcr. Ho ( Cnnnon ) did not feel called upon to defend the speaker. The speaker needed no defense. The country had approved the action of the Hiieakcrnnd the action of tlio republican sulo of ttui house. Air. Peters of Kansas defended the speaker's action , Mr. Strublo aald the statement that mem bers \vlth public building bills hud not been fairly treated was a fact ; Unit ho alleged Do- foio tlio house und tlio country. IIo agreed that the work of the liouso during this sno- ftidli had been a grand work , but that did not deter him from protesting against the Indig nity put upon him and other members. Dur ing his administration hills wcro approved for public buildings in the south In places of 7,000 , Inhabitants , and yet the Sioux City bill had bcon vetoed. That was past and gone now , but , as ho hud Bald before , the speaker of the last house never failed to give courte ous treatment to members on the republican sido. ( Democratic applause ] . Air. MeClanimy or North Carolina expressed his pleasure at knowing that the occasion hud arrived when tbo geutlcnmit ( Strublo ) could have the courage of his convictions. [ laugh ili ter , which broke out louder when Air , Ale- ij. Clanipiy alluded to Mr. Ktrublc's failure to fcccuro a rononilniitlon liy speaking of the beautiful tone's of the dying Swim. ] An amendment which gave rise to discus- uion was that appropriating $ 'il)0 ) , ( ) J for the purchase of a suitable situ fora building for the supreme court. In speaking to thli amendment Air. Caruth of Kentucky regretted ttnit the irentlenian from Iowa ( Strublo ) had niado an'attack upon thoapcakcr. Ho thought tliero was some consolation in what tbo gen tleman from North Carolina ( MeClamriiv ) had to say to tbo gentleman from Iowa on his fun eral occasion about the dying song of the swan. The speaker might oxdulm that the swans sang before they died , but that rertuin persona died before tliev sanir. [ Laughter ] , Ho was opposed to a building for the supreme court. Tlio amendment was non-concurred In. The committee , having concluded consider ation ot nil other amendments , recurred to consideration of the irrigation amendment , which hud been ! passed over temporarily. It was nxrced thrilllio doluitooti this iiinonil- ment should bo limited to four hours , und the commit tco tlion arose and the house ad journed. Senate. W.iiirrxriTON , .Tuly " ! ) . In the senate today the resolution adopted at a public meeting of republicans in Birmingham , Ala. , against the passage of the election bill was pre sented. Mr. Sawyer , from the postofllco committee , reported hack the sonuto bill to establish a limited postd : and .telegraph service. Placed on the calendar. Mr. Shermnn offered a resolution , which went over until tomorrow , for the dully meet ing of the senate at 10 a. in. Air. Inirnlls IntroJucoJ a bill to establish a department of communication and said it was prepared by and introduced at the request of the vmgo worker's alliance. The tariff hill was then taken up in pur suance of the understanding reached In the republican senatorial causes last night , the * pending intention being on Mr. MoPhcrson's ' amendment offered yesterday to reduce the duty on acetic acids. Rejected by a purty vote. vote.Tho The clerk proceeded with the reading of , the bill , but had onlv got through a Hue when ho was stopped by Air. Mcl'hcrsou with the remark that ho ( the clerk ) was moving too hastily. Mr. Alel'hcrson then altered an amend incut reducing the duty ouboracic acid from 5 to ! H < f cents , Kcjoeted ! H to 80. Air. Jones of Arkansas then addressed the : senate In opposition to the bill , which , ho said , was a declaration on the part of the re publicans that the war turilt was never to bo reduced. IIo llriuly believed thr.t tha pres ent period of protection was gene sid would Inaugurate n movement that would , in its effects and consequences quences , surpass previous upheavals of the kind. The protection system would bo crushed and cast Ida out as another abomina tion , Coming to the question of a bounty > an sugar , Mr. Jones asked why not protect the wheat grower bvn bounty ns well as the : sugar grower , The proposition to take the duty elf raw sugar uuil pay a bounty on .American-grown sugar simply meant "sugar free for rctlnors , sugar frco for tlio sugar trust , sugar taxcn for all who consume U for food. " Mr. ( tornum said the democratic senators win ted a free discussion of ttio bill or noth ing , but the republican senators wanted hto rush It through at railroad speed. Mr. Aldrlch stild Unit in 1SS3 the tariff had been discussed in every Held and workshop } J | and on every hustings. The countrv tr stood that talk and the attempt to drive io republican senators to nmko stump speeches for political i-ffecl was simply to delay action on the tariff bill , which delay was destructive to every business Interest. Mr. llornuin rotiiindod the republican sldo of Air. Plumb's statement that the party w.i , < in no danger and of his warning that it would have increased taxation within eighteen months. IIo also said ttiat Air. IHaliio had , throuuh the senators from Alulae , told the republican senators that If they passed the > bill as roiwtod they would not only doitrov the possluihty of increasing our trade with the countries south of tbo United States , but would bankrupt the treasury in eighteen months , for that was the meaning of it. Air. Hlscock repelled the goaernl charge that republican success at the lust election was the result' of the intlucnco of manufac turers or monopolists , and asserted that in the state of New York wherever democratic majorities wcro rolled up the steps of the whisky interest could be marked. In refer ence to tlio statement as to the refusal of ( he llnanco committee to give hearings to per sons interested , Air , Iliscoek said It had re fused to give hearings to representatives foot the manufacturers of IJormany , Franco , Kng- land and Dclglum. The place for them Kto bo heard was where the dotnocr.itU1 members of the committee were in conference. Ho did not know how much money hud been contributed - tributed to the democratic election fund by these luteivsted , but ho know that every day the bill was delayed was lamely to tbo pro tithe of foreign manufacturers , They wcro inter ested In its defeat. Air , Voorhees congratulated Air , Gorman on his pi-cat victory In breaking the predeter mined sllcncu on tlio republican sldo of the chamber. As to tbo spocch of the senator tfcgiu Now York , which , hud bccu extorted under the InMi , it was I ho Hiim < old t ratio of n altiHb the democratic p irty. After fnrtbcr debate tbo bill was Inld aside nnd the hotiMJ Joint resolution to ran- tlmio the appropriations fnilcr the existing laws ui > lo Anoint 15viis presented , dis cussed mill passed. Alter un axix-ullvo session thu sonata ml- jounicd. Stated hy H D. Ooclir.m , ilr'upKlstUancns. tor , I'll. Huvo tfwirnntei'd over ! W ( ) bottles of Utmlocltlllootl Bitters for dyspepsia , sour stomach , bilious attacks , llwi1 and kidney trotililo. _ TIII : Ni'iuu * 7tixti. Graiiil Clroiilt llaoeH. O. , July 29.ITlvo thousmid people iittoiuled tlio grand circuit races which ( incited here today. Tbo wcnthor was perfect und tlio tntek In splendid condition. Fust tiino will inuile , the llrst ruce , MtfO class , showingouo hent tiiulor Utli ! . In the ) lwt heat of tho'4:21 : eltwM Verltiis collided with Pociihoiitns Prince , ruiiuiiiK the latter against the fence. Porahonttis Prince got nway from hts driver nnd ran oiu-cimdn hiilf around the track before ho was stepped. The horse wus uniiiun > d but the utility was smasbi-d. Vorltiw was ills- tnnccd 'for foul driving und Pocahontas Prliifo so biully vlndcil tbnt , ho wus ilmwntn the third boat. Tn thu second heut of the sumo nice Acletii Rot beyond contitil of her driver and ran twice uro.unil the track. Sum- mary : trot , fc > ,000 , divided Leopard Koso Won , IMxlcy sei-ond. 1'rlnco Warwick third , Viola Clay'fourth. IJest tlino-'J:15)f. : ) J-J. : " > puce. $1null , divided Grant's Abdul- lull won , Chimes G. second , Frank Dorch third , Forest \Vllkes fourth. Bust time yll : ) ) < i. iij l trot , ? -iXK ( ) , divided Semicolon won. Dick Smith second , Wurstin third , Turiir fourth. Uesttltnu 1:1T. ! : St. I'aul Ituocs. Sr. I'Atu. , Minn , , July LMJ. Summavj' of to- duy's races : Two-your-olds , flvo furlonpi Sompor Fi- dclo won , I'hllom second , Chimes third. Tiino l:01'f : Three-yeur-olds utiil up\vnrds , ono milo Alinont mid X run u dead hunt for first place mill divided the money , Loiiffshot third. Tlmo-liW. I : ! ! " Twin city exposition stakes , throo-yeur- olds mill upu-anh , milo nnd one-slxtooiitli Nevada won , Cousin Jcoms second , Cntalpn third. Time 1:4S'- : ' . Tlirec-yonr-olils and upwards , mile and one quarter Tenacity won , Oklahoma , Kid second end , Vice Uegunt third. TIins-'iMOK. All uses , ono niilo--Davidson won , Lord of the Harem second , Jackstnlt third. Time I'llI-lC IlllUCH. MoxJioirni J'AUKTnly 20. The track was a sea of inuil. Summary : - Seven furlongs Volunteer won , Grlmaldt second , Bella B third. Time 1:31' : ' | . Hollywood hiindlcap , two-ycar.olil llllios , tlirec-quartc'i-a of a milo -Castallu won , Fairy second , Kcjulty third. Tlmo 1:1SJ : { . Puritan stulce.s , three-year-olds , mile and one-quarter .Iiulfro Morrow won , King's Own second , Clileftnin third. Time 2:1,1. : Nuvesinlt handlc.ip , mile and ono-htilf Kurus won , Tomboy second. Time 'J :4i , Tlirec-yoar-olils uiul upwards , milo and ono furlong Esquimaux won , Theodoslus second , Allkado third. Time 2:11 : Mile and ono furlong Miss Hell won , Slug Kurd second , Eon tlilrU.Tinie.-l :5Tpf. : Saratoga Uin-e * . , N. V' . , July 9.-Spoclul [ Tolo- grain to Tin : But : . ] Tbo weather was clear nnd the track in ( 'ood condition. Following Is a suminary of the races : First race , three-fourth mile Lady Pulsl- fer won , Blue" . liock second , Rainbow third , llluo Hock , the ftworltu was barred in second butting. Tiino 1:12 % . Second nice , ono mile , American hotel stakes Kit port n. the fuvoiito , won , Sir John second , Isaao Lewis third. Tiino 1 : ! I. Third race , tivo-clnhths milo , maidens Void won , Hoscliiinl fllloy , the fa vorite , second , Retreat lllloy third. Tiino - - - jjr Fourth nice , ono and one-fourth miles , Ex celsior stakes Los Angeles won , Kingston , the favoilto , second , Teuton third. Three , horses were in the race. TiinoBjIUtf - "Fifth race , one milo , selling Koval Garter won , Hopeful second , White Nose third. Tlmo-1 : J3. Todny'H I'liitrNiH at llrlyliton. BI-ACII , July 20. [ Special Tele- pram to TUB Bni : . ] Following are Wednes day's entries at Brighton Beach : First race , iivo-elghtha of a milo Con signee , Bob C , Billy Bolton. Lady Winkle , Vern. Nuggott , Fonsettn , Violet ( gelding ) , FraiiKlo E. Second race , llvo-cp'hths of a milo , selling Grank Dulto , llustic , Vera. Woodtmrn , Australand , Ccmorra , Foreigner , Cecelia , Lorillard. Third race , three-fourths of a milo Tor- ninco , Goodly , Thorndalc , Willard , Ellu T , Florio H , Miihcotto ( illly ) , JJclat Filly. B'ourth r.tco , three-fourths of a milo John M , Dablnian. Lizzie Pickwick , Young Grace , Hannah , Sinaloa ( colt ) , Lucky Clover. s Fifth race , ono mile , selling The Doctor , Manhattan , Vivid , Pilot , Vendcur , Ncwburg , Hlenscd. Rosemary Murray ( gelding ) , Ten Strike. VIndex , Savage. Sixth race , ono mile , selling Pocatello , Signature , Crispin , Bonanza , Ilnrrlson , Kr- nest , The Ablicss , Vendetta , Iluinet , Roger. Seventh race , soven-cighths of a milo Richmond , Bi-.iit , Klevo , Jim Murphy , Uac- tjuet , Lighthouse , Dublin , Jlonto Ufibto , St. Jonn , Futurity , Pomcry Sec , Ofalcco. Today's ICnlries at Saratoga. SIIUTOOA , N , Y. , July 20. fSpeeiol Tele gram to Tin : Ilr.B.J The entries for the races First race , three-fourths of n mile , foiling Pokeno , Wenonnh , Laura Doxoy , Airs. Den nett ( formerly Evangellne ) , Alodjeska , Ed Leonard , Husblight , Sir Hue , Hindooctto. Second race , ono and one-eighth miles Lend , Como-to-Taw Everett , , King Crab , Gladiator. Third race , ono milo Belle D'Or , Golden Heel , Wary. Fourth race , three-quarters of a mile , thiTO-ycar-olds Hen McCree , Sam Doxey , Hydy , Eminence , Worth , Piiilmcn , Ocypcte , Jack Hose. Fifth race , three-quarters of a milo , threc- yoar-olds Ocrtlo D , Stryka , Llttlo Civete , Loiilliko , B. B. Million , Granite , Folsom , Pi-odlgato. Sixth race , ono and one-sixtecaih miles , soiling Banister , Hamlet , Whlterwe , Vca- gour. Weather clear and track fast. Tim KiiKlisli Turf. LONDON- , July 28. [ Special Cablegram to Tin : BII : : . ] The Goodwood rueo meeting oi > cncd today. The race for the steward's i cup , thiee-fiuartcra of n mile , was won by Lord Hartington's colt Marvel , Leopold Do Hothsehlld's Illly Galloping Queen second , and L. II , Jones' colt Thcophllius third. The r.ico for the Hum stakes , three-quarters or n mill' , was wou by the Duke of West minster's colt Orion , A. C. Barclay's colt Simon Do Mont fort ( late Simon Ides ) second , and the Prince of Walos1 colt Dorellut third. The race for thenichmond Makes , three- quarters of a mile , was won by Douglas Balrd's fllly Slphonlu , which beat the Duke of Westminister's eolt Ordinance , There were no other starters. Tlio Cz elm Demand nil Avowal. PIIAOUK , July 29. [ Special Cablegram to Tun BEE. ] Owing to the decision of the German party la the diet , making the pro posed Bohemian exhibition In IS'Jl dependent upon the completion of the reconciliation bcheme , the Czechs demand an unconditional avowal whether im exhibition will bo held on ttio ground , und U at before the buildings tire constructed a statement of the number of exhibitors Is necessary. It Is considered that an exhibition under the emperor's patronage would Indicate a reconciliation between the Cicrmuns and the Czechs. A CommlHloncr Appointed. LONDON , July 29. [ Special Cablegram to TIIB BF.n.l The , Telegraph says that Eng land and Franco will oppolnt a commlrsloncj to reduce the French sphere of influence in central Africa ia connection with the German agree luent. Death of a Drummer. la. , July 29. [ Special Tele gram to TUB BEK. ] A traveling salesman who registered as O. W. { V.mulng of Chicago was found dead In his room at a hotel hero this morning. It is supposed thut ho repro- ( tented the Uoul stone company of Chicago. In conversation ynHterdiiy no stated that ho was u vddowrr , agidt'l. . An examination led to the ooncluslju that H was a case of heart , trouble. Drink Excelsior Spring Missouri wat2r . llulliuil on Trial. The examination of Walter Bollard for orgerj In connection with the Don Carlos umber steal was begun In police court yes- crday afternoon , and a nunibar of witnesses very examined by the state. O. L. Bhucr was on the stand , and tcstlJled hat the forged endorsement on the check > vor which tlm suit arose was In the handwriting - writing of Bcllurd. f JeorifO AI , Orlllllh of George M. Grlfllth it Jo. of Kansas City was 1111 Important wlt- icss. The Don Carlos people have used the iiuno of this tlrm In conducting their swlnd- Ing operations , merely changing It from leorgo M. Grifllth ft Co. to (1. Al. Grinitb & 'o. They have thus obtained money on Irnfts at Sioux City , Denver and Omaha. Air. Grinin testified that ho went to Del- , ard when ho heard how things were golnz ind warned him to discontinue the use of .heir name , and thu latter told him that he ivould have to see his partner , ns they had gone to considerable expense to have letter fiends and other stationery printed , and It ivould bo costly to change. The indications are that it will prove costly jccause they did not change. The hearing , vus not concluded last evening and will bo resumed at 11 o'clock this morning. Announcement. C. B. Alooro & Co. have boon appointed wholesale agents for the celebrated \\'ateiy of i.xcelslor Springs , Missouri. Cliloago Hookiiuikor.s' Trouble. Cmc.tan , July 2'J. The chief of police marshaled his forcM for another attack upon the Corrlgan monopoly this afternoon at the West Sldo track. Kd Corrlgan was made aware of the attitude of the police and his n : ncn are ready to defend vlmt they term their rrghts , and u bigger force tlb Plnlicrtons than ever will be on hand to resist any attempt to stop pool selling. Corrigan gave orders to his detectlvo agency this morning for the arrest of forty pool sellers. This morning his attorneys tiled with Judge Tut- hill nu application for an injunction restrain ing Alayor Creglcr and Chief of Pollco Marsh from in any way Interfer ing with the selling of pools iiV the West Sldo track. Justice Lyons issued warrants for the arrest of thirty-two book makers this morning. A number of pool sellers ) who wore arrested at the West Side track for selling pools wcro discharged from custody j ; by a police Justice this morning. This is n decided victory for Corrigan. Fifty-live down-town j hook-makers wcro arraigned in another police court , but their cases went over. Kiotoiis Htrlkerfl. PITTIIUIIO , Pa. , July 29' The National tube works lit McKccsport has determined to start a mill without the aid of the Amalga mated association. Out of 4,000 , employes re- que tcd to bo on hand this morning only fifty went to work. This cxciteil the strikers and several men going to und from work were badly beaten. At one tithe the excitement was so great that it approached a riot and the sheriff of Plttsburg was called upyn to bo in readiness. Tonight a workman named Hacker on leaving the works was attacked by a mob. He fired Into the gang and was knocked down. Ills Injuries are considered serious. Dr. nirnoypractice iimit-id to catarrh ul discuses of node und throat. Boo bliljr- An Australian liullotDcoiBion , HII.INA : , Alont. , July 29. The supreme court today decided the Australian baljot law mandatory aitd not directory in Its char acter. The case grew cut oLa suit for a jus tice oflice , hi which ono candidate who re ceived u majority of votes mid who was given the ofllco had failed to notify tho.court clerk of his candidacy within the time fixed by law. The decision is regarded as of great importance. Cello and Cholera Mov. - I ilnd that Chamberlain's Colic , Cholera and Diurrhraa Remedy gives the best of sat isfaction in cases of coH < ! , cholcra : norbusctc. I keep a'bottlo open in my prescription case for the benefit of my customers , and I Hurt that n dose or two often as a sample makes a sale of a bottle. D. F. Bigelow , Armour- dale , Kansas. A.Cholcc Ijlst of Summer Kc.sortH. In the luke regions of Wisconsin , Min nesota , Iowa and the two Uakotas , there are hundrods'of churmin < y localities pre eminently lilted for summer hornet ) . Among" the following selected lint are names familiar to many of our readers as the perfection of northern summer re ports. Nearly all of the Wisconsin pointH of interest are within a short distance from Chicago or Milwaukee , and none of thorn are FO fur away from the "busy nmrtri of civilization" that they cannot bo reached in a few hours of travel , by frequent trains , over the llnost road in the northwest the Chicago , Milwaukee < fc St. Paul railway : Ocoiiomowoc. Wls. Clear Lake , Iowa. Alinocqna , Wls. Lake OkoboJI , Iowa. Waukesha , Wls. Spirit Lake , lown. Polmyra , Wis. Froatcnac , Minn. Tanmhawk Lukes , Lake Allnnctonka , Wis. Minn. Lakeside , Wis. Ortonvlllo , Allnn. Kilbburn City , Wls. , Prior Lake , Allan. ( Dolls of the Wts- White Bear Lake , cousin. ) Minn. Beaver Dam , Wis. nig Stone Lake , D.i- Aladison , Wls. kota. For detailed information , apply nt ticket oflleo , 1501 Fiirnatn street , Barker Block. F. A. NASH , Gon.'Agoiit J. E. PHKSTON , Pass. Agent. Stubbed to Icnti. ! DUMJTH , Allan. , July 2 ! ) . [ Spscinl Tele gram to Tin : Bui : . ] An unknown man , about twenty-two years old , was stabbed to death about 8 o'clock this evening at the foot of First avenue west. Six wounds were In- lllctod , and the man died in half an hour. A slight duo has been obtained. Sleeplessness , nervous prostration , nervous dyspepsia , dullness , blues , cured by Dr. Allied1 Nervine. Samples free at Kuhn & Co.'s ' , 18th and Douglas. CoiiKi-CHHinaii MoKlnloy's Sinter Dead , CINTOX , July 2'J. ConKi-ess'iimn MerClnley was called homo today from Washington by the serious illness of his sister , Miss Annlo McKinloy. Miss McKInley died hero this ovonli > . She was ono of the most actlvo jiubllo school education writers for the past twenty ycarj. Some remarkable euros of deafness nro recorded of Dr. Thomas' Kcloctrio Oil. Never falls to euro earache. 1 ho rollHciini Sale .Not Confirmed. Judge Donne yesterday refused to confirm ttio sale of the Coliseum to M. L. Harder and Charles Hello , and allowed the association to redeem the property by paying the Hen of 100 and 12 par cent interest on the $ . > ,000 purchase money from the tiino otthe sulo until the redemption. The building Is still advertised for sale under other lions. Complexion powder Is an absolute necessity of the rcllncd toilet in this climate. Poizonl's combines every element of baautyand purity. Wheat IJarvcsthiR In Manitoba. WINNIPEG , Man. , July JJO. Wheat harvest ing bewail at Emerson , Mun. , today. Corn re ports from nil parts of the province state thut the wheat yield will bo oua of the greatest Manitoba has had , A MlHslsslppl Murderer Hnnircd , STAVTOX , Miss. , July 29. Henry Dudley ( colored ) was banged here today for the mur der of Hoary Floigge , a wbito sailor , last April. - i i A Notable ( toport. "For disordered mcnstur.itloii , anarinla and sterility , it muy properly bo termed a apoclllc. " Kxtroet from Dr. W. P. Mason's report on the waters of Excelsior Snriugs Missouri. b tUit'Ft'ti XJSIl'S. I'lonty or tairitcil Ch oks. To nsk a buslnesp man to caili u check today - day will bo considered n ciwtts belli , If you nro not well ImoWn'and ' cannot show up llnatii'Ial credentials' tiiat will place you nbovo suspicion. The eajjjc for all this suspicion In elrcloi-fit-oso from the suecoisfut exploits of another bo ua check ( lead , who 0.d drove a very lucrative anil extensive buslnos ? in bogus checks yo-tlorday und the evening previous. ' When the Cltlzoni' bank opened for busi ness nt 0 o'clock yt terday morning among the deposits that catao in wcro two checks for f'.fK ) each , drawn In fever of George Oregg and endowed by him , with but very little dif ference in the writing on the chock and the endorsement. They were purported to ho drawn by the Council Bluffs paper company , "perC. " Knch was on the Council Bluffs savings bank. Although Mr. Cokcr , the presi dent and inannger of the paper mills , docs not do his bunking at the Citizens' , the oflleers were familiar with his signature nnd at once pronounced " ft to bo a forgery. The checks were , however , sent to the savings bank at oneoand : the suspicious found to bo well founded. The.y are not oven utteinptcd forgeries , for the signature of tbo paper mill company Is "Henry Coker & Co. , " und not the Council BlutTs p.iper company. tls Before noon three moro checks for the sumo amount and almost exact file similes were turned in with deposits ut the Savings bank and promptly thrown out , mid before the t day passed four or live others wcro of fered - by business nnu who had no deposits there. 'Thoy are all Identically nlike , so far as tlio writing and endorsements wcro con cerned , and all for $7.50 except one , which modestly called for livo. < Inquiry among the business men who had been caught showed that the checks were nearly iil all presented Monday night la pay ment l ; for goods , the bill of which always amounted to several dollars less than tlio check called for. Tbo descriptions given of the fellow who presented the checks at the various places correspond to a nicety. Ho was a verdant looking youth of about twenty- ono years of age , and claimed to bo an em cn cI ploye I of the p.iper company. Ho was tiill and quite slim , with a perfectly smooth , almost i an elTcmliiato face , nnd of vary quiet demeanor. Among the business men who took the worthless checks were P. Mayors , groceries , on Lower Mnln street ; John Oreen , boots tf and i shoes , Upper Broadway ; William Fitz gerald , groceries , Main street ; M. Marcus , clothing , Middle Broadway ; Kobert Arnd. groceries , Lower Mala street , and a treed many others who got possession of thn checks and i kept sttll about it. It has becnprutty clearly shown that ten or a dozen of the busi ness men of the city tooit the worthless paper and i gave the fellow the goods ho wanted and mild 3 the difference in money. 3i At Marcus' clothing store ho bought a pair of dark brown pants for ? < i. Thu clerk measured him and found ho were pants thut should measure T1 Inches In the logs and ! ! 1 at ii the waist , but ho picked a pair of ; il-a was i well satisfied with them after he got his change. The last deal the fellow made was on Alain street about'J o'clock. The matter was not reported to the police until Tin : BUB reporter furnished the information about 4 .o'clock. It was then too lute to catch him. The burdock plant is one of the best diure tics or kidney regulators in the vegetable world , nnd the compound known as Burdock Bitters is unsurpassed hi all diseases of the kidneys , liver und blood. Tin ; Old itlnfl'City SteaniT. The old steamer Blulf City , which has seen moro service nnd-dono mow execution at llrcs than any other steamer In the state has lieen permanently laid aside , and it is proh.iblo that very shortly she will 'flnd nor way to some Junk shop or scrap pile. A few days ago the venerable old relic of pioneer days was taken from the rear room of the p.itrol house to inako way for the improvements that are beinir made there , and tiikoa to No. 3 hose house for the purpqso of having Engineer Wicks overhaul It and ascertain wlipther 01 not it would be profitable to have It repaired. The Hues have leap'been ' defective , but an examination showed that the boiler uaU also become rotten and worthless , nnd that to properly prepare the old machine for service would entail a cost of about eighteen linn dred dollars. This Is inoro than the counbi could hope to sell the steamer for , provided a purchaser could bo found , and it bus been decided cided to make no further eltort to dispose ol it , but to store It away and if seine timu il can bo disposed of for lire purposes well am good , but if It cannot to eventually soil It for what it will bring for old metal. A slmlhr engine was Sold by the Omaha dep.irtmen ashcirt'timongo for $10. and It is probubk thut is about all the old Bluff City will liring Before taking the old steamer to the ne\v hose house on Lower Broadway for storage tlio boys nt No. 3 spent two or thrco days In polishing every scrap of the metal surface determined that when she was finally burioi she should bo dressed In her boat clothes am have her olu famllir shining uppcarance , \VlioWentlieTlilof ? Yesterday afternoon ono of Bcecroft's ox * pi-ass drivers named Huteliinson was called upon to tuko u passenger to Omaha. The passenger was a finely dressed , dudish-look Ing fellow of nhout thirty years of ago. The expressman suggested that n hack would Do plcusantar , but the fellow wanted to ride hi the express wagon nnd Insisted upon the driver taking him across the bridge , tolltiif , him ho hnd plenty of money to pay the bll nnd would give him the same price that a hnckman would charge. The driver aeceptci the proposition and starto.l , but after the ) had gene as far ns No. 2 engine house 01 Lower Broadway the passenger rcquostei the expressman to drive out to ono sldo o tbo street and wait a moment. Ho did so nnd while they wcro waiting n covcrci wagon came along with two or tlirco men in it. The oxprossmaii thought it looked like i liorso traders' outfit , as several horses were liltehcd to the rear of the wagon. Whui they came up to wltore-they were standing the passenger jumpid from the express wagon and ordered the driver to go back to town and get hts pay , and told him that hi didn't ' Intend to gcrto Omaha and was enl ; taking n rldo for the fun of it. While ho wus sitting on the scat bcsldo him liutchln son noticed that ho had a hux'o number o pieces of dry goods , slllca.and dress good' concealed beneath his vest. When ho lof the express wagon he climbed into the cov orcd vehicle and it was driven rapidly away but not until Hntchinson saw the fellou pulling out the stuff from beneath his coal and handing it to the driver of the wagon Ilutehlnson endeavored to follow them , bul they droyo too r.ipidly und baforo ho couh report the matter to the police they wcro ou of sight. Ilnvo used Dr. Thomas' Kclcctrlc Oil for croup nnd colds , and declare It a positive euro. Contributed by Win. Kuy , 3TO Ply mouth ave , Buffalo , N , Y. Itcwardlii' ; .Jlmmlo Davis. Jlmmio Davis , the young man who has distinguished himself by saving the lives of ' several people at Lak'o Alannwa , has been the rocelplent of a suljjtantlal reward for his bravery. The friends , of those who were rescued by him , and other admirers of his heroism , luivo raised n handsome puisc , which will bo devoted to th'o purpose of giving the man u course of study at Tabor college. * 'IIK ; Woodmou'H Picnic. Council Bluffs , Omaha and South Omaha turned out a crowd of about one thousand Alodorn Woodmen \vlth their wives and children yo.stor.lay afternoon nnd they took possession of Full-mount park nnd held It with joyous abandon from 1 o'clcck until nearly midnight. It was tbo occasion of their an nual picnic , or loif-rolllng , und the way they turned out was r. surprise to oven the most enthusiastic Woodman. Special motor trains were run from Omaha to accommodate the Invited guests , The Jirst train was composed of throe cars loaded to their greatest capacity with Iho advance guard of the Omaha pur- tics. It carried the military band und reached ttio park shortly after 4 o'clock. Other trains followed In rapid succession , and by 0 o'clock the Woodmen bad possession of the park. Every member of the Council Bluffs lodge was present , aud the Rcutloineu and their Indv frlcndidld the honors of the occasion with graceful gcncro.ilty. At half past ( I a basket supper win spread ou the grass bohoith the dense shade of the trees , nnd was hugely enjoyed by nil. A largo platform was erected for dunclng , and for several hours after supper the band furnished music for the dancers. The even ing was ono of the most delightful of the sea son , and a larger and gayer plcnte party was never neon In this country than the thousand happy Woodmen and their lady friends. Did It ? To the Kill tor of T/tiillci : : The light re- referred to In your last issue as occurring nt Hlg Lake Sunday night , did not occur there , but here , In the nc.irt of the city , on Seventh right under the nose of the police. AN BYK WITNESS. ( liaiitaiiiua | The directors of the Council BlufTi nnd Omaha association hold a meet ing at the board of tr.iJo rooms 0:1 : Monday evening. Many of the stockholders were present and were shown thu liisldo of everything - thing pertaining to the association. Tim financial rendition was shown to bo very satisfactory , there having been a reduc tion of Indebtedness to the amount of $ l. " > ,0t)0 , so that now the total indobtclnc s U but about WiKX , ( ) with assets amounting to ft'XI.OW. It Is hoped that with another year us successful us the . one , the association may b'o freed from debt. The seven directors whoso terms had ex pired were re-elected. They are as follows : K. K. Hurt , A , U. Walker , Lewis Hummer , A. b. Ilazclton , B. Uosowator , l0. . Ole.ison mid M. P. Hohrer. N. Y. P. Co. Council Bluffs Lumber Co. . coal , The real estate transfers amounted to $ niS'J..Ti. : The wheelmen of the city nro holding f ro- quoiit meetings for the purpose of organizing a bicycle club. Air. and Airs. Charles Probstlonro rejoic ing oucr the advent of an eight and a halt pound daughter. The Infant daughter of Air. and Mrs. C. J. MeNItt , and granddaughter of Itov. D. II. Cooley , died of cholera infantum yesterday. The Women's Christian association ladles will moot at AIM. Shugart's this afternoon nt , ! 3 o'clock for the purpose of attending in u body the funeral of Airs. O. M. Brown. The Pythian Sisterhood will give a lawn social Thursday evening at the residence of Airs. John L. ijuilth , ! W3 Alill street , to which all knights and their friends are cordially In- vltcd. The funeral services of Elolso Elizabeth , infant daughter Air. and All's. C. J. AlcNltt , will bo held at the residence of Hov. D. II. Cooley , D. D. , at' ) o'clock this morning. Hov. N. W. Buck will officiate. Conrad Oelse and family were agreeably surprised by u host of friends who called on them lost evening. The company was organized into a moonlight party and the evening was spent in Bock's garden. D , A. AlcOruder , one of the pioneer cltt- zcils of the county , died at his homo In Hazel Doll township Monday and was burled yes terday. Ho was seventy-two years old and has lived in the county nearly half of that time. . The arrangements for the funeral of the Into Airs. O. M. Brown have been definitely decided upon. The services will bo hold at 3 o'clock this afternoon , Hov. Muckny nfll- elating. Tbo burial will take place in Fairview - view cemetery. Alotormau Jucohson was not in the billiard hall at 1IU Broadway when ho was relieved of bis watch and money by the light-fingered "Doc" Cooly on Monday afternoon , but in the adjoining building , a candy store , owned by his brother , P. .lacobson. Ho was off duty and asleep , and know nothing of the theft at the time it was committed. Andrew Anderson was arrested nt the transfer lust night by ono of the mounted pa trolmen and conveyed to tbo station in the patrol wagon. Anderson got into an alterca tion at the depot with some traveler nnd drew a revolver with the intention of shooting him , out was prevented by spectators , who held him until an ofllccr cotild bo found. The prosecutions that huvo bcon started against Beccroft , the old expressman , for hitching Ids team on the street In front of Ids place of business huvo boun dropped , uiul It is not likely ho will have any further trouble in maintaining his right to keep ono of his teams hitched in front of his ofllcc. Both cases were dismissed at the evening session of the police court last night. The jury In the cnso of Marcus vs. Doliany returned a verdict lust evening for Dohany. The suit arose over n misunderstanding con * corning a division wall of the llttlo building owned by Dohany and used by John Temple- ton as a cigar store. When Alarcus built his now block bo tore out the frail little wall and replaced it wltti solid pressed brick , and then asked Dohuny to pay for a part of it. IIo re fused , and hcnco the suit. T. J. IColley , who recently came here from Dcnison , In. , nnd opened a boot and shoo store in the room formerly occupied by the Cascade laundry on Broadway , pave a bill of sale yesterday of the entire stock to A. L. Hule , of Quarter Oak , la. Air. Hulo Inimodi- utcly took possession of the store and will continue to run it. IIo is nn old shoo man and will doubtless work up a big trade. Air. Kelley goes on the road for Charles A. Coo A Co. The Council Bluffs electric light company has been awarded the contract for wiring the new hotel , and the work will bo commenced at once. Thcro were twelve bidders , some ol them lower than the Bluffs company , but they secured the contract upon the agreement 10 wire ino immense mnuiing 101cvcrj known system. Thcro will bo fitXl olcrtrie lights. The work will bo under the super vision of Air. Kvutis , who has had many years' experience , and who now holds the re sponsible position of superintendent of the company. The Grimm-World-Hcrald-Soguln-IIayncs- Pacific-house riot cases wcro called in the superior court yesterday afternoon. A ( Treat deal of testimony was taken , .somo of it of a decidedly sensational character , relating to u number of totters that had been scat and re ceived by some of the parties Implicated , di rectly and Indirectly , In the trouble. The In troduction of testimony was not lihlihcd , and the cases wcro continued until S o'clock this morning. All the principles are being tried for the sumo offense simple assault. Airs W. II. Copson , was severly injured in in a runaway accident hist evening. The horse she was driving fell on the pavement and in his efforts to regain his foot he broke the phafts and became entangled in the har ness. When ho got upon his feet again ho was badly frightened and ran away. All's. Copson hud wrapped the lines around hei arms , and when the horse broke 'loose from the buggy she was dragged for some distance on the prvcment. Her right arm was dis located and she was severely bruised but not dangerously hurt. The ladies of the United Guild nro not altogether satisfied with the result of theh chuutaunuii enterprise. They maimgad the iiuiiriiuiK nousj ) uurini ; ino ufMumuij nun daily fed the crowds , They did u greutdc'il of hard work , and took in about $1,800 , They have Just lln'shod paying the bills and Had that the balance In their favor U only PI5. The great disparity between the net and the gross receipts is duo to the heavy expense for waiters and rooks and the dlftlculty of finding and keeping competent help In the kitchen. Their dally czponso for help hired nlono amounted to KO a day. They are borcly disappointed over t o icjult , for they expected to establish a now church with the money they hoped to make. "Do I looK Ilko a chump ! " eagerly inquired Tom Hughes , u South Main street merchant last night. "I wish somebody would hit n.a with mi axe. I have been dealing with the public all my llfo nnd I haven't learned enough not to cash u check for a fellow I don't know. 1'vo got a check for'J , drawn oa the Council Bluffs Savings bunk by the Council Bluffs paper company , miulo payable to Ceorgutjregg , and I wouldn't take f 10 for It. I'm going to liiive It framed und hung over my desk. I wouldn't show it If I hadn't ' noon about a dozen others Ilko It for the same amount , and all numbered * HT' like this ono. I KIIVO Mr , (3reggt worth of goods and t.fjO in cash for this thing , and from what I , I guess about every other merchant on Main street did the sumo tiling. No , I don't think the police will succeed la catching Oivgg. I hope they won't. lie I * too valuubo an Instructor to ho shut up. And then , f'Mu lossou Isn't too high when you can pay part of it in goods. " A Hlft J > OHI ) of Pumaiiarllla Coming. The bill poster ordinance which hat mnilo so much trouble for n number of pcoplo In Council Bluffs , U liable to make a llttlo trou- bio for the city itself. Ono of the men ar rested for violating its provision * wu a man mined Hood , who Is a cousin of C. I. Hood , ho grout pati'nt medicine itinn. Hood aud il.s men were engaged In billing the town vhen arrested. They were not posting bills idvcrtUtngthe merchandise of the couip.iny , iut distributing neat llttlo picture books and ards. The men wcro upon llllng satisfactory bonds und were permitted to go ibout their business , but not to do any more advertising in the city. The cases luivo not ) ccn reached yet , and no date Is fixed for le.iring them in the superior court. In the neuntlmo C. t. Hood Inn notllled hts agents o procure tlio best counsel that inonov cni- ) loy nnd light t ho case to the bitter end , and It jeatonln thueDtirts here to n | > : > eal to the supreme court of the state , mid If dcfc.ited tliero to carry the matter Into tbo supreme ourt of the United Statej. HP bin also sent word hero that ho will stio the city for several nu id rod thousand dollars damage , und has leclarcd that the arrests will h. ) worth thou sands of dollars to him for advertising pur- loses , and ho proposes to Invest In It heavily is a new udvertlsing scheme. If you wish to sell your property call on the ftidd fi Wells Co. , C. B. Judd , president , IHM Uroadway. Airs. OeorgoJ. and daughter Alyra eft yesterday for an extended visit to Colfax Springs. The trlii is for the boncllt of AIIss Crane's health , which Is still very precarious. A good hoio reel free with ov'cry 103 fcst of lese purchased at Blxby's , Airs. G. and daughter , ICiite , of ( ir.ind Island , Nob. , are spomling a few days with the family of Air. J. Muhiuoen on Plrst nvonuo. They are on their way east to spend the summer. Dr. Bowers' oftleo moved to 20 N , Alain. /AVo luivo customers for inside Improved property , terms nil cash. If vou have n bar gain to oiler call on K , H. Suoufo & Co. ut onco. The Atanlmttaii sporting headquarters , 418 1 ! road way. - , J. 0. Tipton , real estate , 5'ir Broulway. Wall paper at ! > } cents per roll ; not rein- lants , at C. L , . Gillette's , US Pearl st. In order to make room for our fall stock which is now arriving , wo will offer special nduccincnU to all who contemplate bnvlng furniture , carpets , stoves , timvuro , crockery , glassware , bedding , window shades , cur- uins and other articles too numerous to men tion. You need not go out of our store to nako your purchases. AVe do not offer to sell jolow cost , but our prices are guaranteed to DO lower than these of our competitors. Ho- mcmber Mandel & Klein's , the only Install ment house in the city , 'l.'O Broadway. J. C. Blxby , steam heating , sanitary en gineer , 013 Life building , Ouuliii ; 'JUJ Alcr rluin block , Council Bluffs. r > Money at reduced rates loaned on . chattel and real estate security by E. II. Slienfo it Co. Parties knowing themselves indebted to : he Couii'II Bluffs carpet company will please call and settle nt once with cash or by note. TIIH ItUAI/L'Y MAKHIOT. INSTIIUMKNTS plaaml on ruoJrJ durliu voitonlay : T rt Hilton and wlfo to W O Uimtlpy. lots 7 and f. lilk 1J.I , lots 10. ITaad H. ulk 1111 , South Omaha , w d i ] ,10J II A Uussclt and wlfo toOM I'ower.lot 1 , hlkil , Lincoln IMai-e. xvd 1,000 L Sc'hrot'di-r to [ ' O Ousavk , n o lot 10 , ulk I. Ill-own Park , w d 3JO A 1'Tiikuy otal. , to .M II ranter , lot 11 , blk t Clifton Hill , w d 2J.VJ W A liogi'i-s anil wife to A 0 Pearson , : ! 0 fo.H of lot 17. bile Alamo PI tzu , w ( I 2.JOO \V A Kogi-is anil wlfo to A O Pearson , n 'JO feet nt lot 17 and H 10 feet of lot 18 , blkU' , Alamo IMa/a , wil 2,100 II Kount/o and wlfo to J II Green , o Ji of lotblk 1:11. : Omaha. < | u d 1 Plii'rwnocl Park Uiilldln ; association to II P Knight , loM.blk 1'Sherivood I'urk , wil 1 J K Hoyd. Micrltr , to Samuel I'riiyn , lot . Liidwlck 1'lucc ' , ilood CO ! William Colmrn , special muster , to Ili'iiry Itlcck , s a ) feet of n o : K-1. > -1 : ' , deed fla P K Ihvorak nnd wlfo to James Dvorak , lot S. blk 841 , < > rand view a < l , w d . . < 2,530 J H Itiirus to I ) II Woithington , lot 11 , 1)11(4 ) , fhrlvcr Place , wd 400 G 11 I'uynus anil wlfo to K KC'utlor , lot 5. P I' ' I'orlei's..d. ' w d 2,500 B A Kan-ami wlfnto LM Kilgurlon , lots 1 and : : , blk 110 , Dundee I'lnco. wd 0,000 Abigail Itlfkur to Kust. ( Jimilm Imiul Company , .VI foot strip adjoining rail- , wa v i n lil k ST. ' , li'lorencu , w il 100 V V U'nssornmn and wlfo to V WGray , lots 1 and 2 , blk L' . ShonvooJ paik , q oil > W T aruliiini and wlfo to F WGray , Uro'H sub , wd 4"iOO , H C Crawl to.Mary Hinder , sX ) ft lot SJ and n 10 ft lot 7 , IIk ) II , Alamo IMa/a , w d 3,000 Miuy.T ONonniid lumlcind loK Hlliiinc , lota. , blk 1:1 : , dllfton Hill , wd 1,500 , M G Martin and linsliand to A M Ilam- inoiid , lot 10 , blk I' , Hoggs & Hill's add , w d 6..W ) Twenty transfers $ . " > j,4.i ; Building : Penults. The following psrmits wcro Issued by the bulldinc inspector yesterday : W. V. Lovoniton. three-story brick store und Hats , Sixteenth and Jones streets. JKI.OOO John Jtlloy. one-story fnuiio dwelling , Thirtieth and IMncknoy streets 1,000 John Itlloy , ono-story frame dwelling , Thirtieth nnd I'lnclciioy streets 1,00(1 , ( l-'Ivo minor penults UT. > Total fl.V > 73 27 AIAIN STKEKT. Over C. It. Juctiuemlii & Co's Jinviilry Sloro. WORK WARRANTED. DR. J. D. JACKSON' , Dental Surjery. All kinds of work dono. Von con bave one- half on your uo'.d and silver filling by calling Bt room Wi Mori lam bh > ' . ; k. Council lllnlTs. A HOTEL BARGAIN. lloti'l Jfiliii--oii , Ciniiicll IllnlTs , In , , forriint. I'uriiltilied and In ROIK ! i-uimlra. Hi-bl luitt'l In the city. C'ciitinlly looaleil. IJln a llrst- iilu'liuslii vs-i , Tills Is n bargain for tome good lintel man , Apply to JAMESON BROS , Props. Council IluT3 ( . . . - Iowa. F. M. Ellis & Co. , ARCHITECTS And Building Superintendents , liooiiii 4.TI anil 4'12 Hoe Iliillillnk' , Omnlm , Xul ) . . und lioonis 211 mid SM .Mcrrlntii IIDi'k , Council lllnll's , In. t'orroipoudciiuo sollullod. SPEC FA L NOTICES. COUNCIL BLUFFS. ti-ain , Htulllon No. ( ilf.l , rex U to roil la Wal lace , liy Mr , ArclilluM , ditni liy Kentucky Clay , iVyoaiNOjd. Apply to Dr. M- " \\TA STKil"-7lTxMifuliI f < I I WlltfOS $1. Dally. ijlOH ItttNT Twojr Mii inoiiurn houses. JV. ? \ . IIIIK.T. W renrlMivi't. 171OK SAKE or lii'nt-tJ.irdon lami. with" -L1 hoiiius , by J. It. Kk'f. 10) ) .Main st. , Council Hlurt's. " \ \ riIVfiy \ rent when you etui ( my a liiiinoott ' 'I tlii'Minio tcriiH , anil lnca < uu > f vourdeatU litany tlnio leave your family tins iiomu clou * on thu following terinal A honii ) worth } \M \ } at t\2 \ per month. A Iiomu worth } I. " > H at 5IS per niontli. A homo worth j,0.l ! ) lit fc.'l pur month. A lioino worth J.MXH ) at $11 jiur niontli. A lioino vrnrili fl,0J : ) mouth. Other priced bomoson tliosiuno tiinii-t. Th alinve niontldy ii'iyinents Inutado prliiolivl | nnd Interest , t'orfu'll parlleuliiis cull on or adilrcs tba.luddYells t'o. , M llroudway , I'ounell UlulT-t , la. CJ'l'IJAYKIt--A Ninall red aud while Ktiott O cow , with Ktni | and rlin ; around lier iiornn. MbiM'iil reward for lu't'iotiitn to.Mrs.C.llahno * HIT luth aviMiuo JDST 1'iMittoti ei'rtllh'ato mid viiuclief ' l.onvo nl tills ollk'o. .lolin II , Tuninr. IJIOIUinNT Tliestoro nmni , Xo. IS , fronting , J1 on I'etirl st , W. 0..lames. A VK sorurat bcautlfiiliiiti'lurii l Unit wowlll trailofiirOii'.JUtnlitirj 1 lots lnMiihi ( ) ; ; orO'iimcl ' ! iiliill' * , The Judil tt . , Council Itlmrs. la. D R BErG E R'S Surgical Institute AND Private Hospital , Cor. nroadwny and SlOth Street. Council Hiulls , la Kor the treat inentof ullsiirslcal mid clironlo ( llMusi'H ) anil dlsi'iisrt ot thu lilnod. Private dNeau's of tlio iii'lnnry iiml M'Mial organs , as Hyphllls , slrlcluri1 , cyMltls. spur * inatiirrohoai , loit ninnhood , sexual ImpoUmco and wiiaknuss trHiitrd snocessdilly. ruitluuhir attention palil toilNeii'-C' . of the limrs , as Astlinia , Consiiiniitlon. Ill' ' nchltlH c'litarrb , Kte. Paralysis. Kldnuy dlsca-fs in ] luti'tcs. ) llrlght's I ) | MMSC , Kht'iniinlNin ' , Piles , Oiincer. Vnrlocnlo. llydrocolc , Drnimy , 'Pu nier. Diseases of the eye and our. ( 'lull fiset , ( lilnalciiivaturi ! and alldl'M'asomif thi > boiii-s , \Vn luivo a dcpartmiMit ilovoted oxoluslvely to llm trualmeclof IFtcrlno dlseasci observation. Corre pimdoncn conlldiMitliil , Address : DR. BELLINGER'S Surgical Institute and Private Hospital Cor. Drumlwa ; anil S'illi ' xt , , Council lllnlTs la. ST.-FRANCIS ACADEMY Boarding nnd Dny School , Fifth Avc. and Seventh Street , Can bo 7-ouuhccI from any of the dcpotd on motor. Conducted by the Sisters of C'lmrity 13. V. M. TERMS For boai-d and tuition otiu bracing1 all branches of n llninhott oduuii * tion foi- young Indlorf $75 fi ' nesHlon o ( live infntliH , oonimonciiig llrst Monday In September nnd February respectively , For further particulars addrofs SISTER SUPERIOR , St. Francis Academy , Council Blttlfs. Iowa , MAXON & BOURGEOIS , Architects and Superintendents * FINE INTERIOR DECORATIONS. Ionin2i0 ! MDirhini Illooli , Counall IlliltTH. few Itoointi.oN. Y. Ufoltulhlln ; ? , Uniuliii , Nob. THE j. A. BURPH ! MANUK-AOTUIUN'G OO. , l t AVCDIIO nnil 21 t St. Sash , Doors and Blinds Hand nnd Scroll S > : nvliir. ; IJp-Saivlntf and I'lnnlnn , Suwlna of nil kinds. I'orcli llriinlcots , KInilliniwooil'i'ioi1lo.idilollveru ' ) | I. Uluau hiiwlnst liy tlm li-irrel. 'JVA11 worlc lo hu Urslelns-u Toleplnmo J. "VOUH PA.TUOXAGK SOUGITKO. " J. J ) . KUJIVSHSO.V , Pres. I ! . I. . SiimiAliT , Vlco-irc | LCii U. II.AX.VAX , Cashier. CITIZENS STATE BANK Of Council IlluffH. Pnicl up Capital . $1BOOOO Surplus nnot Profits . BO.OOO Liability to Depositors. . OOO.OOO DIISECTOIW- : ! . Miller. I ; ' . O. Oloiihoii , IM , . Sliiiifiirt , li IL Hurl. .1. I ) . Kdiiiiiiiiiiu , I'liiirlos U. Iliiiiiinii. Tran-iiclKononil lianUlns linl- ni.'ss I/irji" < t tniiltal uiul surplus of any bank In foutliwestmi Iowa. INTEREST ON TIMfc ; DEPOSITS. Electric Trusses , Belts , Chest Protectors , Etc. Atr = mts V/aitocl. Dr. C. O. Judd. 606 Broadway , Council HI tiffs , la. OFFICER & PUSEY BANKERS. Cornur Ma I no mid Hromlwnr. COUNCIL BLUFFS , IOWA. Tlciilcrs In foniUu ami doniuitlc oxcliutr0. Coiluc-llons m uli ) und Interest paid on Unto dcnuslts , PROFESSIONAL DIRECTORY. " nJtilriv.'Kin A Hydraulic and Sanitary Kngiiiaoiv Planfl , Kdtlin H" , uiiurnuiuu - ' > ui CJltl ° s.ft" < l Supervision of 1'uUlo Work. 1 ! rowa n'lllltUngicou'ncn niuira , in. , Iu3tico of tlio Pouco. Olllco over American KxprosH , No.-121 Oull Ul " " t fl""urondwny , Council Ululls , loivu. Courts. ' Hooind 7 and 8 Shuyart-IJjno LJloak , C Uhtllu. lown. C. A , BEEBB & COMPANY , - n Wliuli'salo and Itct.ill Di'iiloM In FURNITURE : Largest Ktook und Lowest Prices. Doalors. mnd for Cataloguo. Nog , 205 and 207 Broadway , aad i0l ! nnd 20U Pioroo Street , Couucll JJlufTs , I/j