TTTTC OMATIA DAILY BEE. WEIKNERDAY. JULY 30. 181)0. ) THE SPECULATIVE MARKETS , Prices in Wheat let Down Early , But Re ceive a Boost About Noon. CORN AFFLICTED WITH THE SAME SCARE. Outs Closed licttcr Tlmn Any of tlic Ccrc'iiln TlioroVns nu Uneasy I''ccllnif AmwiK Traders In I'rovl.slons. CHICAHO , JulySn.-tHpcelal Telegram to THE JlKK.1Trado was Kroatly ut n loss In wheat todny. Fleam was up and It bolni ( largely u loetit und professional market they put In the day letting down prices early and boosting them about noon , with another easy period later In thosossloiir Hut nil the tlmo tlio mar ket was rcdliot , not so wicked as on Monday , but n lively all around market. There was plenty of news , but It wus largely dlsro- gardcd ; operators did business oil tholr feel ings , Concerning tlio weather anil Its olTiicts on tlio ripening ere | > there was the widest range of stories anil ilNpitelics. Tlio market opened wllh a lot down of about lc all nronnd from tlio clo o of yesterday. This started September at Ol io nnd December nt OfS'Jc. First trades In August weio at ftt oaud In DtiTinbcr , ( Wic. The longs had wheat to Bell , hut buying the first half hour I'uiTli-i1 prices to til'ic. ' Soptomhor Wc December , ? l for May. This brought out very liberal olforlngs and without any fn-sli bull hews to ndd to the buying , prlciM yielded slowly bffoi-o iiDon tDlM.'ii ; for Seplfinber and a llku amount for other months. Then came dispatches to McOornilck ft. < ! o. clalmln a half crop In Kouth Dakota and a throo-foni-ths crop In North Dakota and Minnesota. 'Ihls was followed by the Kovernmcnt forecast of hot dry winds for the northwest for the next twenty-four hours. At the same tlmo St. Louis illsnalclirs reported steamers arriving thnro with empty sucks that were reported to eoino lo.ulrd und swell receipts there. On thlssortof IIIIWH trade went wild again nnd Hoptoinber wheat was forced up lo with scattering trades as lilgh as nil1. December , which had boon olT to O.V , hefoio 1 o'elork. rose to ? This was a tt'iiipornry bulEc. nnd September dropped back to ill'.c In a tliort time nnd again rallied toifiUo bufuiii 1 o'ulouk Wheat showed no iminnnl activity at the i-loso and prices kept within thu early r.'iiiKo. Last prices weroVio to 't'- ' under the cloio yostciday. .Inly UJ'lo" ' nominalAiiKiisL li-l'.i'c , September Ul'.o , De cember ! ! 'to , MayKlSjO. Uiilhocurl ) Hcptoni- borwhoat , sold at OtJ.c to Olijc. Puts IKliic. Calls ! K5o. Tlio corn inarlcct was weak and stronK by tutus today , null Its porlodsof quiet and Kruat aetlvlty were also ninny and uotleo.iblo. lu ' point ( if uncertainty It was a great market hut forntrcnglh and rutiRoof prices It wus not , to hu compared with the mild climbing of prices yesterday. H was a hhow of ijrcat strength , however , when there was no violent Incakhig down In prices ho quickly ercated , The market noted with wheat more or less , b'lrsl prices were fr.iin lie tolVo under thu highest clo lni ; figures ot last night. The local ciowd pluncnil Into buy at first am ! a rally took pliico. Flinline that the bull crn7.o of yesterday was not on attain there was as quick an ofl'ort to unload Hist pur- chnseH. September dropped from 4."io to 45c , thu low prluoof the day for the first half hour. When Sept ember was at the bottom .May s.ilps were iiiiido nt4l'c. ! [ Itefnre the end of the hour thuabscneoof rain on the WL'ather map caused u bultre , Hliloh carried Hoptember to Kio und May toMH : . The high point for August was 4 < IiC. ? Later September yielded to45'c } , rallied to 4H ( > o and toward thu clo&e of the day hold close around 4io. ( The force whtoh held corn todny was thu HIIIIIO that sot tradu wild yestcrduy-a coiittiiiiafon of dry Vr'cntliornvcr Ino corn belt. Whatever the facts may be , the trade fears serious dainago anil Dilinolonly prevents the short Bolllim oven on an advance , but causes many who liavo bought nil way up to hold on for any further advance which inny coino on a crop nearo. The market ( ltd not close wltlias tiiiich force as expected and last prl > : cs were aliout thoxanio usopi'iiliig HxtiroH ! July 4jc , August 4fie , Seiitumhcr 5Ji'o. October 4Jo ! { und May 4j. ! ) Uorn was I54c ! for Heptomher on the curb , atU o'clock. I > uln4ll71'caiid u lls47'to. The oats market wus the only one. on the floor whloh closed with prices afraetlon beltar than last night. This wus duo almost entirety to the action of Mr. IIiitchliHon , wliowentlnlo the pit at short Intervals and bid ever the market for small lots. In this way the price of September was advanced to MlJio and the close wns ntKlftc , or | { o over last night. Other months closed : August ItlSo ! , October St'ic , and " JIuy UUSic. The highest point on May was 3"i' . Thorovrasnn nnoasy feollnn among traders In provision. ! nil dixy. Tlio pnoWors muOo u ( Iilvo at ribs early and sold September from "i to J3. : , nml buylnz by shorts later put the price up to $ .V40 > and the close was at'p i % . J < unl was steady with Increasing Htrungth , which lifted September from ffi..M. the opening , to M.'il1 at the eloso. In pork there was a llrm oenln | ) at J11..VJ for beptomber , with a sharp decllno to JlU..U ' on small nales , and later the price went otr from ill.dO to tlO.M qulto Hharply , and closed at J10.7U , or TOc under yo-itcrJuy. iO LIVE STUCK. CmcAno , July ? . ) . [ Spoalill Toloijram to TUB IIKK.l OATTMJ The demand was again fair , with another slight upturn on fair to good : \ native itcors , wldlo common and law grade nut I vo stock sold only steaily. Tcxausworo again quoted lower , fiomo salesmen quoting second class steers and canning stock lOo lower. N'atlvo butchors' stook , cspoclully canners and old cow , altlioiiBh not as low as last year this time , seem to rapidly decline in that direction. Such , and In fact all 11o descriptions of butchers' slock , are bound to Fell low until thn run of To vans let up. The Htockor and feeder trndttimdorweiitllttlo or no changn as compared with ycslciday , Itocolpls \\eru light , uwmaml limited and prices low , Choice to o.xtru beeves , Sl.n5ul.03 ; me- ctuini to good stourn , l.i. : o to Ir > OJ Ibs. ftiiK3l. ' ; 1.200 to ! , : ) Ibs. . Jl.OHfl.IJO ; OX ) lo 1.201 Ibs. . I..Va'UDi ) ) stoekers and fcedars 0si dull at $ . ' .2)(7t'l..Hi ) ) cows , bulls and mixed slow nt ifl.lOiWM : bulk , $ a.tK > a'.CO ; Texas eatthutulland lOo lowcrstcors ; , H. > 0 to,0. > J His. I-.WKM,40 ; 7M > to IK10 Ibs. , JilW . .u.covs ; , Jl.M Ci.iil : ; western rangers , steady ; native * and half-bieo < ls , W.f > 0i.W : ! fows. 82.lOiB3.00. Hood The opening business was brisk , with an upturn of ( vaiOe. a lame number soiling up to Kl.U.VQ-1.00 , but us dispatches camu In an nouncing a big run at Kansas City and Omaha prices fell olt and thu general market closed a good .lu lower and weak , the best mixed going out ut J.'I.S.VJ'W ( | and best selected heavy at M.D5. Light sorts slow at SJ.b5QI.UO , closing ut * 'lX.lXt'I.4.t. NF.W VOIIK , July S9. ( Special ToloRram to Tur. HRK.I STOCKS The fact thatltook Island stock found uood support ut 9J yesterday , and rrfurlhortnklngot that stock on western or ders today , Kavo a much improved tone rte railroad stocks. It was thought to skillfyn belief In n batter state of alTulrB among the wi'Storn ronds. On buying this morning Hock Island wont up to 01 , followed by St. Paul , with ! > udvaiica to 7Ji. ! In fact , the reaction from the doprusslon In progress at tlio oloso last evening inado f urthor progress this morn- lap. mid llrst prices were from to J per cent hlKhcr , thoonlr marked exception belugSusar liotlnerlos , which was down ! . The prus- ! turo was soon removed , however , and nu upward movement made , hut slight f urthor progrosa , prices yielding smalt frac tions over tlio entire list. Losses of fi per cent In Mexican Central and ! i pur omit In jYU'hlson were the most Important declines , nnd Sugar Kotliiorles , after loslnu Uper cent , rallied to Its last night's figure , and later it.In the hour to materially higher llrures. ; The list followed and partial recoveries from the lowest prices were the rule , At- chlMm and Hugiir Kullnurles were tlio only really aellvo xlouks. the rest of the market being quiet todull. At 11 o'clock the market \V H dull nnd Rtuady Koiierally at a shade under llr t prices , lloforo neon l.aokiiwanna was raided to 110' . Cotton Oil moved up to& ) , witlitiiiKiir trust iitTJii , or 1 point tiiulercloso Monday. Itnllrond Htiares were agnln ev- . tromely . . qulot. . . . . Stocks . . . huiirovod In strength Vj u rr ut Ig- Igclt Island 1 percent , nnd other western railroad Mocks U toi ( uiioh. Sugar rose quickly ton f'i or U points over ye.sterdny. while Lackn- ; wanna recovered to ll'Tj und clcsjd steady nnt 147fi. The following were the closing quotatloiisi nTST'i coupon. . . IW1 ( i Northern IT , 8.4 * rcKulnr. . . l'.Mi ' Uu prefurrod I' , 8.4M ri'k'ulor. " 3a ' . . . , i U. f. ( Vjs coupon. .Ittl ( lo lueforreil 1 1'ueinoiisot 'Wi. . . .1IJ Now York Central. . . . ! y Central I'ncltto u < " ' " ' ' ' CllU8KOAAIton. . . .130 Hock lilami" . . , , ! . . Chicago , llurllntlon I'nul , . . . AQulncr lO' t Uu i > roftrroil 1 3U l'niil.VOm lu. . . . Illlnoli Ct ntrnlIIU ilonreforrpil I. 11. AW Union 1'ueltlc 8tf KntiiniToxas 20 W. . HU I , . Jt 1' . l.nko Slioro ltfJ > 4 noprofcrrcd Ulchliinn Central IM Wcatora Union. , , , . . . UUiourl I'tclna mi MONKV Kasy at3l per cent. I'IIIUB MUIIUANTII.B I'Ai'BH-saoij percent. HTEiu.iNn KXCIIANOK Quiet uud fair ) ilxty- fluj bills , tl.U | demand , ll.b'J. ' Mlnlntr fituoks. YOBK , July 20.-Sp claX Tclezram to TUB IIBR.1The followlnj are tlio mialn stook quotations ! Alice" , , " . . . . . " . . .7. W Horn .xilrer SIS ArtatniCon in Mount Dlitito < > .1 ( J Caledonia II. It Itt N , Hell * Ulc 10) Can. CM. fc Vn ! W N , roramanweMtti. . . 2.VJ Hcnfl oo < lT ltt ( JntarU 4IUO , . 41) ) t'Uicnli , Aril. , Ul iiqii7oitnko i ; ; . . ; ; iO.M _ Tlic Wool . . .Mass. , July 2D.-ti'ocIal ' Telegram to Tin : HF.K.I There husbaon a fair demand forwoal nnd thomntk-jtrouialiisaboutstoady. In prices there U no material change. There have been sales of Ohio X at 3lo and XX nnd above at H'V lle. Michigan X wool Is hold mostly nt Ko , whllo manufacturers nro . trying lo buy ut 2Ho. No. I combination wools are mlotntloaWo , Ohio line dchilno lit .Do and Mlohlgaii line dolatnu ntlUc. Unwashed ( .omblng wool suld slowly at .Bo for thrco- olgliths blood and iKWiifo for one-quarter. Torrltorv wooU are dull at Me , scoured , for fine , iVJp for line medium ' - - ami .ni9i.1V ) . tor mo.ll- | - mn. Texas wools are Infnlrdomnnd at2nar > o. Ureuon and California wo ; > lsaro quiet , I'ullo 1 woolsarolusleidy demand at DJillo for super and "Jffi.'io for extra , foreign wool Is ( { ulet but llrm. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ - f Tlio ColVoo Jltirlcot , NKW VOHK. July ' "J. [ juoilal Totogratn to Tun llKB. ] Ooirco Optlom opened steady to n points down to . " > paints up , clo4lng ftteadyand itnolmtucd to , " > plntsdown. SalM K-t llr1'slneltldliuJuly.tl7.l'liiIT..MAlljit9t ) ! ; , ( IT.'jiOtr.'J.t ; September , * 10.7.'itM'l.s ] ! Outobar , Jlil.l'Jiilil.nj Doecmbor. ii : .f.m : > .ir > . Hiot | lllo. llrm ; fair cargoes , flO.Tdi Hat beau , ( li.'Ji'i& \ 1S.5D. vntutUVK JIAincur. OIIICAOO , July 29. 1:15 : p. m. clew Wheat easyj cash , tW'ic ' ; September , 01'o. ( Corn IJ'isy ; cash , 4i3i September , 454O. ? ' Oata 1'lrm ; caslLlllOIIHciSoptonibor , U'J.'ic. Hye-Qulet nt r > lc. Hn.rloy NomJnal. I'rlino Tlmothv Firm nt $1,1331,13. , Kbit Firm at il.U Pork Steady ; cash , J13.03 ; September , S10.73 © 11.10. Lard Steady ; cash 15,10 ; September SJ.25 , KIoui" rirtn at previous prices. Hulk ineatH-ShoillduM-tWUH'S" . " " . , Short cliiur , i" > .iwfi > .7J. Short rlba.Ji43.'j. . Whisk v-I.l3. I lliiltur Klrm ; crcamory , lll"o ; dairy,0 © inc. ' Obceso'-Sle'idy ; full tiro-tin Cheddars , ® 7'io ' ! Huts , TUiSMio ; Young Americas , ' H'/as Easier ! ftesh. . . . I IUU Steady ; heavy und light Krccn salted , OiM'.ic ; salted bulls , iia ; green salted enlf'lOT'io , ' ; dry salted hides. Oaj dry calf , ait lie ! deacons. UJo caoh. Tallow StJiiy"5T : ; . 1 , solid packed , 4c ; Xo. ' . ' , 3'/Jc ; cake , 4iu. ! Itoaolpts. Shlpm'ts. Klour 1S.UW M.OJJ Wheat O..OJJ mY.n ( Corn * : il,00) ! ) ) 'I7S.003 Oats 2.7.0JJ 1III.03J NBW YOHK. JiilySO. Whcnt Hocolpts , Ol.loD bushels ; exports , ( )7.'J.i ) ) bushels ; spnt weak ; No. ! J rod , IR 4W.uJi ) In otovntor , $ l.'JOiftl.UOi ! allo'it. il.DJQI.Ol3. ; I'.o. b. ; .options Icssoxclted , closed M'ii-'io ' lower ; No. U led July closed at fJie. ! Corn Kocolpts.HI.OTilbushels ; exports , M.03D bushels ! spot lower ; No. " , fil' ' 'iftlljfo.In . .oli. valor - lor ; 51i < & > 'j'o ( nlloat ; miKradod mixed. 5IT6 623e { ; options cloied weak , fi4C ? lower , July closing at."ilic. O.its Itccclpts. J',000 bushels ; spot easier ; No. 2 white. 4il12o : ! { ; mixed western , 3&34IO ; white western , 42u ; options lower , July closing ut 'MUG. Coltuo Options t'losed steady nml un changed. . ' ' ! points down. Sales , IS. , 7X1 bags ; July , l7.40) < } l7.r > 0 ; August , $17.2Jir.i" ) ; spot Itlo flrin ; fair uarcoe.i. &J.I.OO. HiiKar Itaw. fairly ttuady ; rcllncil lower ; O , f'iff6-V.c ( ; wlilte. extra "O1 511-IOe ; off "A.1 * f Vt& > tl-It > u ; Htandiird "A , " 01-10u ; cut loaf , G ! > O ; powdered , li'io ; granulated. U.'BC. ' I'etroleuiu United closed for August at 83 lie. Kggs Plrnii western , good to fancy,17ISJiC. I'ork Klrm ; mess , 41I.O.i'(4U.'JO. Lard -Market closed steady and mnoro actIve - Ivo ; western , W. : , Ilulter Kiini-y , llrm ; western dairy , creamery. l > SUc ; Klein , 17 < ai7j4c. Cheese Klrni ; part skims , ! l"iic. ! ST. I.ottis , July 20. Wheat-Lower ; cash , OlJJe ; Soptcinber , Uilic. Corn uasli , higher ; t'optejnbor , 4i : ; e. O.its Lower ; cash : : il > iu ; isepteiiibcr , Uj.Vc. I'ork Quiet at tll.SJ. Lnrd-Uulet at 45.35. Whisky fl,12. llutler Cholco creamery , 12312UC ; choice dairy U'c. MiNNKAi-OLis. July 29. Wheat Koeclpts , CO cars ; shlpmonts , . " > J cars. Low grades , dull ; supplies little larger ; prices llrm In about the same general range us tlioso of yester day. Uloslng : Ko. 1 hard. July and Au gust. l 5c ; on track , or@'J3o ; No. 1 , northern , July and August. OlMic ; on trauk , itiij'J c ; No. 'J northern , July and Au gust , 85o ; on track , B. > uUOo. KANSAS OITV , July 20. Wheat Weak ; No. 2 hard , cush Wo bid ; .No. 2 rol. : cash , 8 ! 4o bid. Uorn lilgliori No : 2 , bash , a9/o bid ; July , aonc. Oats-Higher ; Ko. 2cash31'-io ; July , 315Jc. July SO. Wheat Unsettled ; No. 'J , spring , cash , Olffi.Uo ; No. 1 northern , 05c. Corn Klrm : No. U , 430. Oats-Steady ; No. 2ilo. ) Jtyo-Qulet : No. 1. 5V3V > Jio. Ilarloy Quiet ; No. 3 , Mo. Provisions Klrnior ; Porlc , August , { 11,1'S. ' LiVKiti'OOU July 28. Wheat Klrmj do- niand poor ! holders olTorsp'irlimly. Oorn-Qulct , but llrm ; mixed western , 4s 2i'd uor cental. CINCINNATI , July 29. Wheat Strong ; No. 2 roil , O.V ) . Uorn-Stronfj : No. 2mlxed. 49a. Oats-Firm ; No.1. , mixed , aJOc. Whlsky-1.12. s-i it ex. | OlIIOAno , July Si.-'Oattlo ItpJOlpts jO.MOi shipments , none ; market strong to JOe higher ; bcovos , 94.lkVnvi.IW : Meoi-s. * .I.M2)I.4J ) ; stockers and feeders , J- . .1 > ai.\li ; cows , bulls and mixed , 91AVQUM ; Texas cattle , J1.50aJ.40 ; wcslora rangers , J-J.10 ® J.89. Hogs Kocolpts , Ij.OlO ; market lower ; mixed , $ J.75a-J.W ; heavy , 83.7031.03 ; light , f3.8J OI.O. . ; skips. * J. tKaa.TO. Sheep Uccolpts , fi.OM ; market about steady ; natives , W.SJ&'i.yJ ; western , $1.0031.30 ; Texans , W.75I.CO ; lambs , ! M.73it5.lW. ST. Louis. July 2J. U.ittlo Uccolpt < , 3"0 ; slilpinonts.lMO ; market a shade lower : fair to fanuy native steers , { J.lMiM.o'J ; stockers and feeders. 9-iy > feW ) . Hogs Hccoluts , 4.803 ; sblpnicnts , 400 ; market higher ; heavy. SJ.iK)34.00i ) packing IJ.bO' W.'JOi light , W.OJ2 1.00. BIC VNS\s Orrv , July 20. Oattlo-Itocolpts , 10,400 ; shipments , 4,000 ; market lower ; steers , * l.2.T4.'l.3. ) ; cows , $1.30213.00 ; stoekursand fuud- ers. $2.ti3tJ l.2. > . Hogs Koculpts. 22,400 : shipments , 1,800 ; market lower ; all gr.ides , J3.i7ti'i2v ( l.7o. QSioux ClTV , July 20. Hogs Receipts. 2. ; > G. > : market steady for best common and Jii'ffi.'io ' higher. Quotations : CJ.72tiQ3.73. Oattlo Hecolpts , 200 ; market fairly active for beeves and butchers' stock ; stockers and feeders dull. Quotations ; Kat steers. $ : i.r > > ii 4.W ) ; stoekers , t3.U033.15 ; feeders , WlOSi'JlJj. O31AII.I LIVK STOCK. Cattle. Tuesday July 20. Thero. was a decided Improvement In the cattle market and doslrablo beeves advanced lOc. The demand was good and with the re ceipts light an early cloarnco was olfoctcd , the market closing before midday. There were some very good beeves hero and as high as $1,75 was paid for one bunch. Uooit cows also Bold light but feeders were slow , I Thohq3niarliotopencdautlvoatan nnvanco of Co and a largo proportion of the offerings changed handsloforo thu middle of tlio day. The movement was aetlvo up to that tlmo and then the market eased elf and closed with the advance lost and with twenty loads unsold. Sin-op. There were no sheep here to ma.ko a market , Prcviilllnii The following Is a table of prices paid In this market for the rr.idoof stojU mentioned : I'rlmosteers. I'lO. ) tol'DD ' Ibs $ l.i5 : Hil.7.1 Uood steers , I'ill to ll.YJRu 4.0J lloodstocrs , iaJ toUDJ IDs il.ti.- . 1'alr.lOOOtoltM UH a..V ) t'ommon , 8'J ) to 12JU Ibs : : /r > . Uommon canntiurs l.UU HC.'J.O ) Ordinary to fulr cows 2.0) ( { - ' . : 1'alr to good cows 2.tJ : dt-i.M Uood to cholcu cows , . . 2.75 : i.OO Uholcotofuiieycows : i.J\ > 4&3.n : KalrtoKoiKl bulls 1.73 tfr..ia Choleo to fancy hulls 2.S9 < iW.-Z > Lightstockcrs and feeders 2.5Q fWJ.y Feedersaw tolUWtts 2.00 ( I.U : K.ilrtoeholco light hogs U.G1 ( Kl.W Kalrto choice heavy ho'i 11.70 G l.77'i ' Fair to eholcu mixed hoiis. , U.05 COKl.75 Comparative ) Tablo. The following table shows the rai\ge In prices on hogs during this ami last week ; Snloi of Hogi. Today. Monday. Highest. , S3771i 3 70 Lowest. , 3 5) Lowest , , . u 5711 Block lleoulnti. OniolalYcstordar Kstlmuted Today. Cuttle. . . . OScars. 1,008 Cattle..75enr8. lUK ) Hogs OS , ( ,705 Hogs 174oani. 11,000 Hheep. . , , 10 oars Sheep cars , . . . can , . . . . Uortea cars , , , . . Avcrnicn Cost ttt II jrj. The followlnx table Klvos th" avurijo post of liojsun the date * mention * ) I , ItPludlnX the cost today , as b.iso.l upon saliM ii' Juno30 $ i i ? ( , iuiy4.i . . . .nrau Juiyi s < Juiym : i 40 Julys : ; U'j July 17 : i 4M4 July a : t4.w Juiyis - " " " " " " July ! ardss J ii iy 1'X. . . . . . . . . . . cor. Julys 3vi .inly 21 4i'i ' Jllly7 , . . . : ! ( ! ! ' } July 22 4Vi Julys 3G7U July si. . . . ; . . . . jvi'i ' Julyfl UOIVi July 21 Bin July 10 II.Vl July 2.1 1 sit' July 11 II ll'i July 'M l/fl'i ' July 12 : JIT July ! M I tliu Julyl4 ' 2il 1 70 _ Avorajto 1'rltio ) ! ' , Showing the avor.uo prlco p-il 1 for Ini-lj of > hogs > on the dayd in.llo.itoJ In IHr. Ul ) ' and jt . - j.- j.Jil Jil J7 11 Disposition ol"Stock. Showing the number of cattle , hogs and slice ] ) bought by the packers and leading buy- crsou today's market. CATTM5. swiftro rca ( loorgo II , Hammond Co 202 ThoArmoiir-Cudaliy Packing Co iV > 0 I.oo Kothschlld K0 ! Iluiullton.- .Stephen > 7. . . . . > llenton ft ( Tnderviood 27 Ilcckur & Degen 10i ! Nols Morris 317 Vniisant 7 Other lltiyers . ' 150 lions. The Armour-Cmlahy Packing Co I.O'I Omaha Packing Co , S.OIO Swift & Co 070 < ieorge ' 11 , Hammond Co 412 J. 1' , S ( | Hires & Co 1,028 Junes ' V H 142 Hulstead & Co 3sS llcprcsoiitntlvo DI1KSSKI ) HEKP STCUItS. .1085 $1 25 19. . OS3 } 3 RJ 1222 ? I03 10 . . KI7 3 40 .10.11 . 400 { b . .1UO.'J a 40 s-j. . 107.1 /1WJ 400 II 40 17..10T7 I H 17. 7U1 a r 3 : n..ioit J Hi II ) . UHI2 4l)74 ) ! I. IOW 3 no 17..1I111 I W 19 1177 42 < l 10V a r.o 18..12UI I b.1 19il. : . UVirt 423 J. . 1C.H ) 20. . 10.11 4 01) 31. 1412 22. . 1020 2..nn.-i 4 ( K ) 19. 1II77 2J..1IO.- . a 7.- 4. . 171.1 4 IX ) 11 H55 443 20. . ll" 31..UW 4 00 17. 1513 475 1U..1150 380 Sltll'lM.Nfl AND sTiins. : 60 \ 0 1 29. . 1181 4.00 40..1W , 425 2..1153 3 S3 2U..123S 4 10 23..1120 44.5 COWS. 1..1I30 1 70 1. .1100 2 00 HI 2 Ki 1 7.1 < l KB 2 IK ) .10(11 ( 20J 870 1 f > U ill.n . TlH JVJ .101.1 2 GO 11 0 1 hi ) n 770 n 05 . U82 2 CO , U2U 1 > Till 1)20 ) 'J 2.1 21 . Wll 205 ( illt 1 1)0 ) WVJ 275 . 80S 2 00 WVJffifl 275 .liu : ) 2 00 23..1071 .1003 2KO .1100 2 m 14. . 010 2 10 3 CO . looo 2 00 0..1091 2 5) ) 325 . 701 2 00 bOO 250 11UI.I.S. .13X5 1 73 1..1780. 200 1..1290 230 .1310 1 83 1. . 17CO 2 10 CANNiilS. : . 880 1 51 10. . 700 1 05 IJO. . 077 170 . 'JIG 1 SO CAI.VK8 , . 1. . 270 3 50 8. . 274 325 230 700 3 .10 3. . 0117 300 10. . 631 ' 300 MirKius. 17 CO 1.2300 STEEHB. 20. . fcSO 3 C3 BI'ItlNOGH , 1. . 123 00 OXKN. 2..1700 350 STOCKnilS AND FEEDUI18. 28. . fiSI 243 2. . SCO 273 1. . 730 253 48. . 0 2 2 So WESTERN CATTLE. No. Av. I'r. Hfstccrs , corn-fell laos $4 15 64 cows , Now Mexico V.'S 8 1)3 ) 4 hulls 13.V ) 1 5) 22 steers , tailings 1117 2 1'J 2X1foedors ! U03 2 70 iioas. No. Av. Sh. 62 220 280 CS 255 120 10. 14. 70W W S 70 24S .3111 4 < i 53 2I'J 17 180 G3 201 8 215 63 270 58 239 207 200 2-0 71 3 88 lf,9 71 211 . 817 . .2SO . .803 . .277 . .203 . .834 . .220 . .240 . 85'J . .SW . .804 . .880 8 CO 221 129 240 0,1 , 2411 272 . .277 , : .217 .317 .2110 .870 .881 .SIB 373 375 37.1 375 373 100 373 80 375 375 80 37.1 40 375 120 373 37.1 800 37.1 273 80 375 253 S80 3 75 251 SO 375 it25 80 375 SOI 375 205 373 250 75 2f > S 40 375 201 80 37.1 874 40 375 232 120 1175 850 40 375 SKI 8Q 375 373 .3111 120 375 .311 377K Market .Mention. Higher , U IK hog run. Feeders slow. Cattle sold early. Sonio 14.75 steers Good many 70a hogs , liost beeves lOa higher * Hoes highest of the month , Mat Jhilouo murkctcd cattle from Cort- laud. Kreoman & Itothscnt In a car of hojs from Oaceola. L. Outrn marketed two cars of hogs from Nowmnn'H Giovc. M. A. Itoth disposed of a car of liogs shipped from Silver Crook. William StelnholT came up from Friend with two cars of good cattle. AV. II. Lowlsof Columbus was on the market with two earn of oattlu. A.S. Will , an extensive feeder of Kit-lit 5IIIo grove , camu In with two cars ot cattle , M. Shea , u successful farmer anil stockman \Vitvcrly , had two cars of line hn s on the market. They wore all of his own riiUhiK and fecdhiKt nearly all barruwy , avuraged 311 Ibs. and brought $ .1.77' ; , today's top. bs.ot Halh'y llrotliers of Ord wore on the market ; with two cars of dmlco Shorthorn eat tiemost ly two-year-olds , that nruravud 1,420 pounds und brought (1.43. Halluy Brother * btaitoa ( their herd from the hcnl of Uncle Dlokcy Dan- lolssomo ten yours ago , and they have been breeding from this herd over since. AIIIOIIK the cnttlo brought In today was n tine bleb crude bull thirteen months old that brought fa. fa.T. T. J. Wllhern , the extensive stock dealer of Greenwood , was up with two cars of very line heavy cattle ot his own foedlnu' . One bunch of seventeen head averaged 1M5 pounds and brought (1.75. the highest price paid hero In , u longtime. The cattle were all three-fourths und llfU'cn-slxtconthaBhorthorm ' of his own raising , were coming three yearn old mid buvu been on hay and shelled com for ten mouths. Mr , Wlltiern uses no ground fend ami thinks It U the blood and style lu cuttle that makes ; thoniHoll. lie still bus upward of louhead In his feed lots. Xtie outlook fur the com crop ill bad mill II readily brings H- } rents , which fact I wall certainly bruvj the prl > t of hog * and catI I tlo up a few | > Cir < < . OJl.llIA irit < HKN.lI. % ' Jf.tllKKTS , Con.v OATS 1IAV-JVVX07. ' . Mur. Tiri'K ll-.0fl. I'llol'l'KD Fr.liP ? I4.03. FISH IVr 11)-Porch. ? < ! liulTalo * , 7cl pickpr orohSe ; plkc.IV ; troutI' ' ? ; kUllto.tie ; fiopple , lOc ; cattish , lie ; codstuak , Uj ; MoumlcM. h'i > ! Oregon salmon , loot blask 'oi > s , tJc ; lobsters , 18c * . lltl > U < . I'r.f.TS AND T.U.I.IlW-CrCPtl SflltOd hldis , C.V'Mo ; ( try H-iltcd lililp * , , V ; dry Hint hides n' c ; calf hides , 4-i.-j7'i ( ? . Dnnincpd hide' , 2c less. Sheep pelts : gw-oii , each , Wc3 ! sheep pi-Its , dry. peril ) , Oil Me. TAI.MIW-A No. l.l ul No.2.r > < i.Vio ; grouse , white , 3'i ' < 34e ; yellow , SilJlVieci stearlm-.O'ic. HoNi'.SHQtiotat loin tire fordollverv In Chi- c.-iKO. ) Dry buifalo , per ton , ( lO.lhX&IS.OJ ; dry country , hloaclio.l , JKrorMOj dry country ( damp and meaty , IS.OtWllo.oo. I'l.UMs-l'urplo Dilaue , per box , } 2.'i" . I'out.Titv l'erdot n , eholcu lions , | ; i.OWJl.5l ! choleo mixed , JJ.51iJk.-MH ) ! rooiten , J2.3XtM.73i spring I'lilckcn * . * J.DJffi2.23 for small ! $3.2316 J.OJ for mud linn i HOOjlToj for larxe. lltriTiiti Uicaiiii < ri % fancy rolls , print. KV3 10'Jc ! creamery , fancy , solid picked , cruiim ory , i' lloft-p. Hltflie ! ( hiry7 faney"Trolls ' and prints , laiM.iO . ! dairy , fatny. solid packed , IwaiJe ; ilsilry , oholi'o. l aitKi ! country roll , fancy , S.S'o ) : choice. 74 Sj ! Inferior 2A1e. Kmis-biSlOc for slrlcly fresh ; stale not salt- able. lloxKV-Stralncd-GO-lb cans per Ib , Oo ; now comb honey , 10ISc. HKANS-IIand-plohed navv , fl.755i7.0l ! hand- picked navy , mo'dliim , $ I.IJ'MI.73 ; blind-picked I country. I1.4U7M.M ) | good ok-aii , fl.lti'iil.'i. I ' Medium , per bbl , M.jij small. . _ gherkln.s , I7..YI. HliACKHKliiitKR Jl.503.2.50 fiPrSI-ql p'aso. KVAi'oilATKPAi'i'f.ts l''aiK'v , lU'tWllc ' , pcrlb. III.UKIIKUIIIKS I'er liu , { . /il.o ) . CmtitAtrM-l'orSI-qt case , JI.IHXJJ 1.0,1. -Two-biishul stand , bl.OOS3.00. -l'er 109. M'ATIJItMCI.ONS Per 1DO , ? 2.V007MJ.03. OASTiiMiurn 1'cr doJl i'/yif . ' .oj. PBACIIKS Arkiinsnv , M busiiol box , Jl.OOS l..Vj ) Oallfornla. per box , M.fOcW.M. 1'or Iiov , JU-ssIna , fancy. JD.OOtJilO.OO. UXloxs Xow soilthnrn , par bbl , $ I.50'I.OO. I'KAUS-llartlctt , ( 'allfornh ! , per box , JX.'iO I'uusi : ' Ourniin , par box , $ . ' .25 ! tragedy , Voruruta , J2.J. ! f : : i'.i'.t4c ' per Ib. VKVT , L'lulcu medium , 07cj light , 5'iHc ( ! heavy , 4fi'o. ( file ; ballad , irto. CimiH-l'erbhl. rullncdfioj : ! half 1)1)1, ) ; h udcldor. piuo , iior libl , $ \J ' ) ; o cider , half bbl , t7.i ; pear elder , half bhl , * 7.'JJ Woorr-nnuuiiwashaJ.lliplio ; mi-dlum un- ; un washed , 1'rovlsloiis. Mr.AT.s Pnckers's prices' Smoked hams.lO-lb average. lU'/Sei smoked hum' . . 20 lo 23 Ibs , lOc : smoked hams. 12 to II HH , l' ' ' ! extra heavy hams , 22 to 23 Ibs avernjte. UUiaklnne ; < t sllc- liu ; , 1H to20 His average , 10'ioi Oallfornl.l hams , S iej special htcakfast bacon , clear. 7 u ; rib. 7)4ei ) hunisaiisii',8ci [ ! picnic hams , T'lc ; dried beef hams , set , 0Je ! ; legular , Olc : clods , 7ic ! ; beef toiiKUi'S , per doz , tO.OO | pcrlb , OUo ! drv salt meats , SVi&iio ; mesi pork , per bbl , tll.OO'fS 12.7.1 ; extra nios lu-of , i5.50 ! sausage , per Ib , boioina , 4o ; star , 4 e ; llveri4'ie ; lilo-nl. 4ic ! ; hoadeliec 'j , 4.-ie | ; add fie per lb for toilless bbls , 8.1 ; kits , 15 ibs each , 0. " > e ; bonoles break fast bacon , lOo ; boneless ham , He ; summer sau- SSIKO , llic ; cerveliit sausage.22c. SMOKKi ) JlE.\T5-lry ) Salt Cured IIaeon , long clears , . " ) ? t'i short clears. Ti'sCi extra short clears , 4'Sc ! hclllos , clear strips , 5 , ' < c ; shoit ribs. r < < ' , c ; shoulders , fie. ) ) itisriit : > HKBP Stcers.MKlto fiOO Ibs average , nntlvo , fi'caHHc : steers. 4HO to " > 01 Ihs averasro. nativeCW.iju ; cons and heifers , 400 to 500 llm average , fiJic ! hlndnuartors , steers , 10c ; hlnd- qimrtors. rows , 7c ; foruciuarlors , steers , 4)iu ) ; foivfuait'r-i [ , cows. 3c ; dressed \iofn \ , 440. ? Dunssr.i ) Jlu-rro.v Oholcc dressed iiiutton O'ie ' ; rucks of mutton , lie ; saddles of inuttnn , lUc'i breasts of mutton. 3c ; lo-s of mutton. Mo. ritusu llnni'UtlTfi ISolIs.SJjC ! beef tender loins , ISc ; sirloin , butts , 7cs bonelois ntrhis , 7Hc ; round N. rump olT , ( ki ; loiinds , riimpoii,5o ; iimnds , shank off , . ' > Uci Udnblos rump" , 4o ; chucks , 3jtj ! jilntos , 2io ! ; hack halves , 4c ; shoulder clods , J'iu ; beef loins , N'o. 1 steer , ia'J14obeof ( ; loins , No. 2 , 103 > ! lo ; beef loins. No. 3 , Jte ; beef ribs , t'i08cj ! buff ribs. No. 1 , lOts lie ; sucot breads , pur do/ . .I'ti ' ; kidneys , each. : icj o.v tails , each. lies llvbrs , each , ; beef hearts , each , 4o ; beef Un ues , each , 40o ; btrlr loins. ( Hie. I'oitK I'orlc loins , S. ' c ! tondorlolns , Ocj Hpiro : ribs , 4e ; ( liuitlilvrs , 5o ; liouks Jlui trliumbiKS , 4u ; hack bones , 2c ; dressed ho s 431'o ; cleaned nlirs' feet , pur doz , 3Ju ; rough unelcanod pigs feet , per ao ? , 2)o. ) IjAiiu Oir.s Hbls , extra lard oil , w s , 47c ; nx- tia No. llnrdoll,3'tc ' ; No. 1 lardoll. : r o ; No. 2 hud oil'lie ; pine noatsfoat oil , ISj&lOo ; 5 'ul can , fiVi mil ; extra nciitsfoot oil , 43c ; No. 1 neatsfoot olii"o { ! iilloi > * > llllCi , IIONEYOOMH Tiuru Half Dariels. $1,73 ; nuar tor barrels , $2.10 ; olRlith' barrels , $1.13 ; kits , 15 UH each , me. I'OIIK ToxancS Unbooked Sllld cured Half barrels , 100 Ibs , t'.Kl ; quarter barrels , 50 Ibs. $1.00. iiAusAnn OASINOS Cattle Tlcroos nndbar- rels.mlddlo ) ior Ib , OHcround,3UcbunKs. ; ; 4Uc ; hoe casings , I8o pur lb ; IIOK IIUIIKS , No. 1 , 4io ! each ; rounds , per sot , loa feet , I2).to ) ; middles , per set , 57 fcut , 30o ; weasands. loss than 1.000- pleco lots , : tie ! eaob ; small bladders , loss than Mj-do/.lots , 18o par doz ; o bladders , less than oOO-doz lots. Me per doz. Si'icui ) 1'ifis * TONOUKS Half barrels , $11.00 ; qnarter.barrols , $5.75 ; eighth barrels,21.00kits , 15 Ibs each. J2.23. A. No. 1 , 4ic ; stoarlne , 0ic. ? ) llKr.fTo.MiiiKS-llalf barrels. H50 ; quarter barrels , & 1.M ; eighth barrels , $1.00. IjAiin Tierces Hollnod lard coiiipniind.SJJc ; pure leaf , tifjc ; kettleC je. Add JJo to 7 u per Ib for smaller packages. Leaf lurd not ren dered , D ! Jo. 1'iCKLKi ) TIIIPE Half banels , $2.51 ; quarter barrels , J1.35 ; eighth barrels , 8Uc ; kits , 15 Ibs each , CJc. Gi'oocrles. SuflAlt ror lb-Out loaf , 7 0 ! Cubes , 7We ; Standard , powdered , 7l c ; XXXX , powdered , 8u ; Granulated , standard. To ; Confectioners' A.lliic ; White Kxtrti O , Climax , li'io ; Extra 0 , Nebraska , iljjc : Amber. SJ o ; Golden O , 5.ic. ! MATLK SUHAII i'or lb. 5o cakes , ; w lb boxes , Ito ; 10 cakes , : M-lb boxes , 12c ; 1-lb bricks , 30 Ibs hi box , pure , lie. OoFfiii : Green Fancy eoldcn Hlo , 22Se ! ; fancy old pcaborry. ! ; Hlo , choleo to fancy , 2 { o ; Itlo , prlmo , 22u ; Itlo , good , 21JSC ; Santos and common Hlo , J ! ) ' ' 'le ; .Mocha. 20u ; Java , uunulno oU. : , 2jo ; Java , good Interior , 23c ; Mexican. 2.ic. Coi-FBH-Hoastod Arosla. 25o ! ; Hiinoln , 2.V/ic ; .Mobaii'hllii XXXX , ! > vie : German , aijjo : Dllworth's , 25ic ; Lion. 2.1'Jo ; Mallpoueh , 25Kc ; Mocha , : < 2o | O. 0. Java. 2c. ! ) SvitOi'S Amber Syrup In bbls. No. 70 Rrnde , 2 o ; half bMsI No. 70 crude , 2Jc ; 4-sal ke s , No. 7Jprado. Jl.2.1 ; 2-sal kitts , No. 70 grade , 73ci irnl cans , 10 In case , per case , $3.90 ; ! i-gal cans , Kiln case , per ensj , 11,7.1 ; white clover drips. In bbls.aoo : liilf bblsr.'c : ' ; 4-gal koss. each , * I.K : ; 2-gal pails , ouch bOc ; rock candy drips , In hbls , : i3c ; half bbls 37c4-cal ; kogs.'cnch. $ l.iO ( ; 2-ral palls , each , 83c ; Uallfornla honey , bhls , 37o ; half bbls. 3Uc ; 4-gal ku s. Jl.lll ; 2-KaI kltts. t)5o ) ; 1-isal , 10 in case. fl.5Jj l- it IB Incase , S4.25. UiiocobAT-n 12-lb boxes , 32fiii3oi : Ucrnian sweet , 2221o ; 1'arlslan , 33o. COCOA I'orlb. ' : ! ! ) ® We. HUOMA I'cr lb , 32c. COCOANUT 1'cr lb. In pkgs , 20IJ27o ; bulk , 223 2.10. 2.10.SKEDS Mixed bird , 1-lb pktrs , f > c ; canary , ! > o ; hemp. 4'Jcs anise , Ifo ; poppy , lOc. Hi'iCKS 1'oppci Singapore sifted , IBOIOcs shot , 22c. Allspice , loo. u lores i'diansr. se lected , 20e. Oassla China , 4-lb mats , Oc. Nut megs No. 1,75c ; fancy , largo , 85c. HASKKTS I'cr do1 bushel , narrow band stave , elm , S1.60 ; Hi bushel , narrow band stave , elm , J2.50 ; 1 bushel , stave broad Dand , pirn , ti.25 ; li { bushel , stave , broad band , elm , (2.75 ; 1 bushel , elm slave , bale handle , ll.SO ; 1 bushel , oak stave. i.UJ : 1 hiishol. Hrlggs , (2.75 ; 5 doz , Hi bushel. Itrk H , $ .1.2.1 ; 1 bushel , oak splint , $3,50 ; Hi bushel , oak splint , $ i.50 ! ; 1 bushel , bamboo. H.OO ; 1'i bushel , bamboo , $7.0J ; laundry , willow , Iarir6i 47.50 ; laundry , willow , medium. $ > U < 0 ; laundry , willow , small , } .1.50 : innikut , elm , split , 45u ; market , elm , rl vet handle , IMo ; market , olmlcovered , I pock , J..OOj willow , market , largo. PI.50 ; willow , mar ket , 2 In nest (1 ( small , 1 medUi'm ) , per ncsti5c ( ; ash , satcliel basket , covered. U In nest , pur nest , (1.10 ; small bamboo delivery , $1.25 ; mo- illuni bamboo dultvcryl.75 ; largo bamboo du ll very , if5.50 ; waste paper baskets. J2.40. FAiti.NAcr.ous Uoous Ilarloy : iUo farina , 5o ; peas 3o ; oatmeal lW'l ! i macaroni , 11K4 lie ; vormlcllll,10iiillo ) ; rice , oholuo.' ; fancy Oo ; heaiiS tc : sngo and tuploju. Citu ; lima i beans , ( ki ; split ; sp.tglttl He. MOIASSKSlibli. . N O fauay pur gal , S-Vawo ; I pinion (53(7o ( : good XBt'o ; Cuba baking , S 30o : black strap , Sixa 'u. , WiiAi'i-iNO I'Ai'Kii-Stravf. ' iter 11) . rap 3'/o ' ; Munllla 11.Velio , ; Nitl. So. Uii.s-l.V ) prime wldtu. llo | .W water white , 3o ; 173 headlight , H'f ! 74 gasoline , Mo. - - - - - - . , lie ? ; Krauulutcd8c ; In bbls , l io OUA I'kss. CO Ibs to box , BJ.iOlMo ; kegs 'NUTS Almonds , 15c ; Ilrazlls , Ho ; filberts , 12'ic ; pecans lie ; walnuts , 12ic ! ; peanut cocks U.'ie ' ; roasted 12 > io ; Tennessee peaniils Be. Huoosis-5-tle , parlor. $ ' 1.03 ; 4-tlo. J2.73 ; 3-tic , $2.2.1 ! 3-1 lo , plain. $1X1 ; warohotiso , JJ.OJ ; toy , , $1.2.1 ; whisk , tl.004ll.21. OLiyKS-giiiirts , pur doz , JI.O ) ; jilnta , vor doz , ti.W ; bulk , porgal,03o. CoiuiAfiK Munllla rope-all sizes from 7-lfl to l In , ISu ; sisal ropu , ultsUes from 7-Hl to 1 In , lltio "now " nil sizes ; procubS , fioni 7-10 to U In , Ko. COTTON HOPE Cotton rene , > i in , 18o. TwiNES-Cotton twlno , "Illbb , " vary fine. 5 lb bales'J2c ; cottoa twine , "Daisy" brand , , ' lb bales. 18oj hemp twlno. U lb bales , lac ; sal twine. 20o ; candle wick , 2Jcj 40-ft cottoi ; clothes lines , Kloj CO-ft cotton clothes lines , 11.05 ! IW-ft cotton lines. $1.40 ; CO-ft sisal Hues , I1.7J | 00-ftJute , ( l.U ) | wool twine , 8 o. OANNKII MKvrs-Corned beef , l lb , tl.20 corned beef , 8Ibs. ti.lOj lunch tonfuo , lib ] J2.8QI luuoh tonKiie , 2 Ibs , 11,75 : brawn lib , tl.20 | brawu , 21u3 , t2.W | ox touguca. 1H lb $1.00 ( : ox tongue- ll > , $1.00 ! chipped beof. I'ilb ' , round cam , } l..M : ro.-i't beef , 2lb , round can" . f..0tj ) IMIIted ham , 'i It ) , ronn Kims , air i potted limn , > i Ib , round cam , ? l.20 : deviled linm , 'i ' Ib 1 round ean . Mi' ! dcxiled linm. ' { Hi , round cans , $ l.20 | potted o.i tonjrne. > i lb. niuiidcans potted tongue'i ii ) , round ciin , fl.soj compressed linm. I Ib , square cans J1.7 , " > ; com- nrt'wd ham. 511) . siiiaroeiiii | . $ ' . ' .7.1 ; Ulpo. 3 Ib , round cuns , : mincedcollop-t , 2lbround cans J..M ; boneless pigsV fool , 2 lb , tiitluro cans , K.-AI. FISH I Codfish. oNtr.i ( J.'or-rps new. BVjci grand batik , new. 4' ' jc ; silver , S-lli blocks , Olio : now white. 2-lb bricks new , N [ O ; Turkey rod , Inrtii ) mlddlo bricksivvsnow white , crate1 * . I'- fi-lii boxes svcj iiU'dlum sealed honing. 25ej ' No. 1 sealed lii'Mliu , 200 ! domestic Holland 'icrrliu , 40oi llambiirx spiced herring , We ; UiHsIan sardines , spiced , U.1c ; Russian sar- ' Iliu'iptiiln. iVV'Impound ; Holland hcrrln ; , crown brand , 8Jc ! do fun } milkersc ! : mack erel. No. 1 shore. ImU bbls , $12.00 ! bloaters lialf bbls. $ KOO ; uhltcllsh. half bbls. $ ? .0l ! trout , half bbln , $5.00 ! family whltollsh , t ! . : > ) ; salmon. MM. VKtiKTAiiMM-ToniatocM-n-ih extra. fl.Ol ) 31Mi standard western brands , n o ; gallons , strictly standard , J..u. ' Corn Finest grown , ' ) ; gilt edged sugar corn , very line , f ( .MI choice 2-lb sugar corn. fl.10 ; 2-lb e.\tra e toin brands , KtcuiLOO ; 2-lb standard western brands , < VV7J7.1i' . Mushrooms 1-lb Trench , ex tra ; line , 22il25o ! 1-lb Krotich. line. IKQrSei 1-lb Trench , oidlnarv , KViilSe. IVat-Tri's line , per can..H' : dcml-Mm1 , per eiin , I0 _ ' ; 2-lb sifted , SUV ) ; 2-lb early June , ? l.2.1j 2-lb marrow , stand ard brands , Jl.Kl ; 2-lb so iked , 0)0. ) String beans 2-lb high grade. Hcfugee , Me ; 2-lb ( loldcn ! wax bonus , , uc ; 2-lh string beans We. Iilmii beans 2'lb soaked , 73ei Hoslou baked beans-3-lb Lowls $ I.f > 1 ; CiMun brand" . $1.33. Sweet potatoes -3-lb Now Jersey. SUM. I'liiup- klns-i-lh : , $1.19. Oki'-i nnd tomaloes-il.lXJ ; okrn. Jl.fifl ! Miccotash. i CANNED ! ' WITS 2-lb gooseberries. M.10 ; 2-lb Rtrawbotrl'S ( $1.13 ; 2-lb raspberries. Jl.1.1 ; 2-lb blueberries , INlu ; 2-lb blackberries Jl.tllt 2-lb strawberries , $1.S1 ; 2-lb raspberries , tl.M ) ; 2-lb blackberries $1.21. I'liieapplos--Halmina clioiiu. ) > ( l.J.oo : llahama sliced , il.Klj llahaina slh'o.l , ( 'holce , * I.1U ; 2-lb llalianm grated , ? 2. < Vi ; 2-llitlahama sliced , (2.40 ; 2-h ] standard slti-od , $1.23-31.r ' ) . t'herrles--2-lb red , f I.10J 2-lb white , $ l.m , IVars-2-lb. ilw. : I'eaches-Il-lb eastern standards. $ I.K > : : : -lli eastern seeonds , il.l.lii l.tll : 3-lh pie , JI.IOj Slorra JIndre , K.ilTti uprl- eotsl.ii ; pears. ; plums , egg. $1.55 ; plums , gieen ( rages , $ IV ; > ; chorrlus , white , $1.53. ViXKOAit 'ligr , elder. lOu ; good , 12o ; white wineJ3c ! fancy , frull. He. STOVI : I'OMMI J2.0Jij5 > * per gross. HAJIS AmViier 1'JO , $17.75 ; Lewlston , $1775. HAIM ( Tnlon square. 'lOff-n per cent off llf.1. S.\lT-lalrv,2 ) l llw In lib ) , bull ; , J2.10 ; I'cst grade , (115s ( fc.iii : ; best made. 100 : is , ? ' . ' .40 ; best grade , 1810s. J2.20 : lock bait , crushed , $ ' .N ) ; common , bbl , fl.2.1. HoAi' Castile , mottled , per lb , oaiOu ; do white , peril ) . Uc. OANNKII Fisii-l-lb mackerel ( horrlng ) , f I.Ofl ! 1-lb llniinn haddles. $ ! .C > ) ; 1-lb lobsters , $2.Mt ! > 2.2.1 ; 1-lb Alaska salmon. Aleut. Siii ; 2-11) oys ters , 10-oz , ll.oi : 1-lb oysters , 5o11.11 : 2-lb select , I'o$2..T > ; 1-lb clnmt , llttlo nocks , $1.25 ! 2-lb clams , llttlo neoUs , * l.7l ! 'j-lb ' sar dines , Imported , m-reasc. loo.s , iM3.MV62u.oO ( : 'i- II ) Imported bonele < ssardines , kcv , J25.00 ; ii-ll ) sardjncM , American , nor disc , I'JOs Trench style , $ l.r > o/.l.OO / ! ! 4-lb .sardines , Aiuorlc.iii , per cu c , 1 .Ts , Trench stylo. t'.iWif-fUH ] ; 'i-lb sardines niiistard , pur case. fitN , $ ; i.7.1(7j4.i ) ) : 1-lb crabs fcYJoj 2-lb crabs. $ ; i.51 ; I'V. . 1-Iblliinan had- dlos , Jl.iill ; Molr's imported 1-lb klppeiud hur- rliig. $ 'A1. Cniiisi : ; Wisconsin F. 0. , twin flats , per lb. 0 4e ; Wisconsin F. O. , voiing American , lOc ; brick , 12io ! : domestlo Swiss , Ho ; IMam In foil , each , -f I.IMI. l > ittKl TituiTri Turkish priinos. less than lilitls , 1SM . 7JC ! ! orlRlliul hhds , Uo less ; llosnla prunes , ( X ) Ib boxes , 100 to 110 , So ; tipples , evaporated , now ring choice , Klu ; evaporated now. rlnir , prime , Do ; apricots , fancy , In sacks , 17c ; blackber ries , now , 50 Ibs to box , fi'ici rivphorilCM. 2.1 Ibs to box , 3Ju ; oiirrants , now , ie } : original CIISKS , J40 leas ; VoitUza currants , extra , in bOXCS H4C. ? DATIIS Persian , 00 lb box , 7c. K ISI.NS London layers , California stand- nr.l. per bov. $2.3.1 ; "horso shoe" $2.'jO ; loixo miis.'atels , ( Jalifornla .standard , S.'I.IK ) ; "horse shoe , " J2.J1.1 ; "star , " lee > -emuscatel , Jl.fiO ! heed * lessCalltornla , if I.I' ) ; California seediest sul- tutias. In sacks , per lb , c ; California miiscii- tels , In sacks. He ; now Valencia , Uoj valouclas , old , Co ; oiiduia layer , old , To. lry Goods. Hr.AW Hnow.v COTTONS Atlantic : U. 7'ic ' ; Atlantlill , 7c ; Atlanth 1) . iP c : At'aatle I' . Co ; Aurjr.i Cl.41ic : lluekV Iliad , ( l4c ? ; l'u' t W. K'/sOi Darlington. O c ; Fanners'No. 1 , 4.V < rj ) 4'iCi llooslerAt \ , 5'io ' : Inllai , 7ic ! ; l.awr nco lAi. r > , ' ( c : Henrietta II * 5'4c. ' FINI : llitowNCoTroNs-Atlanlio ; Au rora H , ( i'ie ; Aurora K. OJi ; Atlas O N II , 7io ! : uheeso oloth , 4c ; Clinton FT , 5Mu ; I'oppcroll H iPfo ; l.niigdon (1 It , to. j llorko'oy cambric No. CO. Uc : Host Vet. r.4'o ? ; lluttur , Ijtb XX. 4 ! Jo ; Cabnt. 7'/So ; I'hst Call , (1'Jc ( ' ; Krtiltof fie Loom , 8lC ; HlllSompor'ldem.Hu ' ; Housnkeopur , 8'io : iClmt Phillip cambric. lOo ; Langdon il II , DVio ; I.ons.lalo. Mo : Loindalo cambric , lOc ; New York .Mills , no ; Oak 1-awn , 7o. SIIKKTINO ANI > 1'ir.t.ow OA81NOS Ilrown Nut Popporoll. T-ln. IDo ; I'epporoli , 8-1. ISo ; I'epporell. 0-4 , 0-1 , 20c ; Pnpnorell. 10-4. l2o ! ; ntlcii , 4S-ln. 15c ; Utlca , 5S-In , 17Uo ; Utlca , Tn-in' " , 2lc : Utlca , 81-In , 2ito ; Utlca , OJ-ln , asijc. "lloaohod Not I'epporoli , 42-ln , lOo : Tep- erell , 4i-ln ( , lie ; Pejiperoll , U-l , 14'io ; 1'oj- icrell , 8-1. 2a ( ) ; 1'eppurull. U-4 , 22C ! I'cppcrcll. 0-1,220i Utlca , S-4 , 2Ic ; Utlca , 0-4 , 2Gc ; Utlca , J-4.2J"o. OiNditAMS Amoskoag. Co ? ; AmosUeag , ; Hates , ( i c ; Warwick , dress 7io ! ! iiincaster , 0jc ! ; Glenalro , CJio ; Whlttciiton , ressfic. ( 1'iiiNTH Indigo bluo-Not Startha Wash ington , ( ic ; Anuirlcan. GV ; ; Arnold , t4c ! : Ar- Kild H. long cloth. 2Jc ; Stlfol A , I2c ; Merrl- jnaok , ? , ' , lOo ; Gold loaf , SVSu ; Hamilton. 5liu ; Allen PinksOJio ; Allen Ciiambray , Gc ; Glou- jster , 5ic. ! I'liiNis Fancies Kddystono , OHo : Steel River , do ; Uamnpo. 44o ! ; St. Ledger. 55e. ! Shirtings Martha \VasliInjton , 4 Jo : Mcrri- mack , 4ic. ! Turkey leds Fountain , Olio ; Utirnor , 7o ; Crenllelu , 8 ic ; Ilcrlln , ( iVic. WIOANB Net , Thistle , 7J4c ; ited Cross , 7o. Coi.ouun OAMIIHIOS Crown , 4 c ; lied Htar. He ; rolled Clover , fc ; Slater , Go ; high colors , o extra. CHASII Stevens' R , I0-In , 5JJo ; Htovons' n , ,8-ln. , Co ; Stevens' A. Ifi-ln. 7o ; htovcns' I' , 18- n , 7 = Uc ; Slovens' M , 18-ln,8u ! { ; Stovcim' N. 20- .n , 8io ! ; ytovons' NN , 23-ln , tllic ; rftovons' SIM' , 20-ln , lliic ; bleached lo extra. DKNI.MS Net AmoskuMf ; . 0-oz , lOHc ; York , camlet , 12c ; Everett , standard , 12'/ic ; Hay- inakor'c , "Hia ; Old York , XX , 10jo ! ; Lawrence , 220.13So ; Lawrence , 0-oz , l5ic ! ; fancy Htrlpcs nnd checks , lliic. COTTONADKS York Nankin , IflHc ; Kvcrott , 8-oi , ISo ; Lewlston , 10-oz , 22'So ; Worklngmaii's , 13ic ! ; Corkbcrow cashmorc , 'HYic , MctalH. nr.ocK TIN Small pig , 30o per lb ; bar , 30o per lb. Coi'i'Eii Planished boiler sl/es : no pcrlb ; cold rolled , .Tic pur lb ; sheeting , 3Io pcrlU ; ] ) ltand Ilats.3lo per 11) ) . UAI.VANI/KD SIIKHT IKON niseonnt 50-10 per ; cnt ; pat. plan , Iron , Nos , 21 and 27 , A , IDiic ; ; riNl'i > j.ATE-I. C. , 10x31 , J0.75 ; I. X. , 10xl4 , TIN PrATB-Colfo , 14x20,113 , $ ! j.ffl. HOOVINU Charcoal , 1. 0. , 14.\2J , US. $3.53 I. X. . $0.7,1. BIIKKT IltON-No. 20 , $1.50 ; No. 27 , J3.CO. SOMIEII--Strictly half and half , IGc. STiir : , NAII.S llaso , $2.20 , STKKI , Wiui : NAU.S Haso , $2.0.1. Wini : Jap. barb , 1.25 ; galv. , $ J.S3 , . > OnisiSE Per oz , I' , kV. . , 4fic ; Gorman , Tic ; Indigo , per lb. 75c ! Insect powder , 21c ; opium , $1.00 ; morphine , par oz , $ l.0.1j hops , porlb , 30c ; Slycerlno , 2c ] ; duxtrluo , lOa ; cuttlubono , 33a ; cruam tartar , pure,32o ; commercial , ISo ; catu- phor , 50o ; am. curb , lie : bluu vitriol. 7 ! o. Acin-L'iirbollr. : uQ)2c ) ; cltrlo , l.lQHc ; tar- turlc , y&SnJc ; sulphuric , per lb 2c. OILS .Sperm oil.$1.10 [ turponttno , 4Soi Tonca beans , $2.23(32.33 ( ; balsam tolu.42t.1c ; calnmol O.WJ7o ; cantharldos , $ I.MSI,3.1 : ; cassia buds , 20 © ' . ' .Jo : chloroform , 4 ! > S52o ; ergot. ( " ( JViu ; gum nrable.53ffi'JJu ' ; lyuopodliini , 40SI3C ; mercury , bOo. A Curious STnsDiiiu Dlsoovci-y. A discovery in ethnological and Ma sonic lore is announced by Ilov. Ilnckott Smith , a rector in Lincolnshire. While in Lebanon Mr. Smith wus admitted lee : the most sccrot intimacy with the Druses for having saved the lifo of ti young in by sucking the venom of a Hiiako to from his body. Ho wits initiated into the Druses' hitherto unknown mysteries and in these tlio natives started 'hinr as a Freemason by using the most charac teristic of Masonic signs. Ilonco ho ar- ( jues that the Drueses are none other than a brunch of the great Phcunlelan race , whoso ancestors supplied the Leba non cedars for Solomon'u temple. aa'o Pears' Is the purest and best soap over raado ' TJ'io now offices of the great Rock Is land'route , 10U2 , Sixteenth and Parnam Btroot , Omaha , are the finest In tlio city. Call and see thorn. Tickets to all points cast at lowest rates toSHROEDER & DEAN { , GRAIN , Provisions and Stocks , BASEMENT FIRST NATIONAL BANK ; 3OB South 13th Street , - Omaha. I IT I RfllLWflYTIMEGRRD I i i-iiu-Aito. lii'iir.i.Nutos AO. Arnvci l ) | Ht loth nml Mn on UrcoM. 4.30 ct ml" . . . . . . .fhlonto KiprvVj . VM a m . riilrnuo I3 | > resi li.lo p in . . , , , , . , , Clilixu'o C.Wl ) in l'hl < MK < > lunvt . I * TH ntltlll.l.S'UTOS A MO. HtVflll. Umntift. I Pci'otloth niul.MKOn itri'ot . _ 10.1' . n m Dentcr D.ijr i-.tprr : s 10.IS n m Denver Kti > ro- < ( .41) p m Denver Nlffht txiiron JUJ n m . . ! . * _ . . . . .Lincoln Uienl "lA' T"i T " | { . " ( . , 8T. J , AO , 11. Oninhn. I 1)0pot lOUi nnil MIIMUI trooti , * i > . , Vi n | . . , . iii fltjr IMT Kpre- . . . . P.1.1 p inK. | t.Nljtht KJP. vln t ) . P. Trail t. fir * \ uinntia. I Ponot loth nml Mnrcy Htqcty I Oiiinlin. I.W p m . OriHlniul llrcr . lUi p m 7.SO | . m . I'.iolllc K\iriMs | . , . . \1M \ p m lU.'U Ii III . Denver Kxpro i. . . * . , , . tM p m MO n m . Knit'inCltjr lit pros . MM n in 10.1.S n in . . , Knlrllol < l I'.xn. ( oici'pl Sun. ) , . . IM | i MI rUnvei i OIIIC.VDO , If. \ . \ 1'ACH'IO ; Srrlvcii" Omnli.i. | lT. 1' . depot , kiln nnct _ M reyj < t ! jjnmhn. fl.1.1 p m Nlk'lit KjTo | s 'lil ttt ii"m li.11 n m Atlnnllo Kiprc , nu ; P m 4.1.1 p m Ve-Ulnllo Umltcil lD.4An _ m I Arrive i * _ Uin.ili4. Ill l' . UeiHiU lUtli nml Mnrcr Jl . " " 7.15 n nil . Sluiix Oltr I'asju-iiKi'r. . . . _ 5.lft p in ) . _ . . . .St. I'Atd Kxpro * . . ioa'i n m 'U'lfvi. . ' i SiiTl.X i'l'l A 1'AtlFIiS Srrlvei Omnlia. I ll.'iMit KHIi anil Welii-U-r Ht . Uiiiiilm , ' ' \UM \ p i m ( _ . . . . . . . .St. I'.iiirT.lmltcil. . . . . . . , IPITU : itnnuAiiiiA .fJiiriWKJrdSltVi Arnvoi Onmliii. | U. l\ilL ) ) , Utii nut .Mirer Sit. I 0 n > 'i i 0,1. ' ) nml . I'liltMlii UuiroM. . . ( i..M p 111 lit ) p m . Vo tlbiiln I.lnillo.l l > 'O u m 0.1. > p in luwu Accimi.noilnllim ( ixi : ! . Sum i.U.1 p ni P.ll ) p in . H.nturn I'lyi-r . 2.11 p m " 1.15 | i in ) . Kti'l rii torn l.vpri1 * ; * . Mlji m "tcnvoi ( tllli-AtiO. Mfu , 'A ST. I'Al U ArrTvm' Uiiialm. It ) , I * . li'"il. | Will nml .Mnrujr St < . ! Unntlin. C.OO p nil . .TcfiluiKii liprosi . . .r. . . . I'.ll ' n m HJTi ji nij L. . , _ . . . . .riilr.iau Hiiri' . li.ll.p in "ixj.ivo I OMAIIA.t ST. MH1IS. Arrives Dnmlin. I. : * ) u in M. IxinH Ciiiiniiii Unit . . . 12.tu : p in ) .envoi K , K. A M J. ' , , , , { - . Arrlrji Uninlin. _ DfDiit 1 It'i rri \\V'i it if ! * t ( . On t'n. MM n"m Illnek Hills K\im < si ii.KI p til MX ) a m . .lIintliiMs KM > . ( Kx. Siniilnr ) . . . , VJU p in 6.10 p m . .U'nluin * 1/lncoln r.'KfeiiKer. . MM u in 6.Wi \ ni . .York * Nurfulk IK * , sniulny ) . . 1 III.'JO n in T.eine * IT . St. 1' . . M. A II. I Arrlvui Oinnlm. Depot 15lli imil WeliiU'r St . _ I Onmh * . ? .HO a m . . .Sioux City AccunimiiiliitlVn. . . T.tt1 ) p m M < 0 p ui . .xioiu Clly Kxprcindtx. Sun. ) . . l. : l p in 0.00 p m St. 1'AIII l.lmlti'.l 11.2.1 n lu Iliinroft I'rtniiiu.-er ( Kx. Hun ) . . ) 8.41 n in 'Lunvus T Arrfvjl Omnhn. I _ Depot 1.1th nnjl iVi'liilVr Sti. Oiuihv. hli/Tnlni ; 7 . "St. TxiulT A lf."lT"K presr. . TM"p"m ) JU5 p nil , . . .S | 1-tiulH , t K , it. K pr UNION I'ACIKIC-SUUOHHAN TIIA Ns Tlieno trnlm nlsn flop nt I3tn , 17lh , 20th ami 7ttli itrcets , Summit and i-avlilxo Cro.iilni ; . Working- men's tnilni ilo not run , ciircATio. ir. KI , Tramfcr I Union Depot , Council niiilts , iTrnnsror G.SO p m Nlslit KxproM TTll. : ! * a m S.riO n in Atlnntlo Kxpriui i p ni 6.00 p in Vuilllmlo l.lniHfil , . . . 'lA. res ICinCAlitTjt'NOuTilWliM'riiUS. ' Trnn fer | Unlon Depot. t'oiincll lllnlH. Trunnlor V.4U a m I'lilcnKO Kxpreii "TiHTp in n.U p ni VuMllnilo l.linltril V.'M a in 1U.UU p ,11 Kn < tcrn Klycr 2.1)0 ) p lu l.HU p in Atlantic Mull ; . ; a m C.a : ) ii in Inwn , Acooiiiinoitalltiii fl-I - < p. Sun ) ( J.IU p in , . lil'A'OT.TArifiTfs" Tnin < fori Union DoDotM'mincll lil liHTa. | Trun CiT " ClilrnKi ) ixrc : | I _ _ "Loav'o Tl "K. tV.S'l < ; JOWsli. It. fArIvu Triin < tor | Union Depot. Council llliuT > [ Tnuiifcr i. m.KnnsnH | City Day Kxpruss. . . -i.Cl p m ly.S p. n ns fl y NJuJit K\ KM n in 'Ixsnfoi" D.MAHA A fi'l\T7)Ul9. ) TAVriTM Trnnnfor JJnl ( Depot. Cuiincll Uluiri. | Trnn far Unlon Depot. Council llluirii. " . * "T31Tin / IfV A r nmnirtrtnf l/\H * MlSSOUni 1'ACIFIC SUDUUHAN TIIAINS. PRINCIPAL POINTS EAST , WEST , NORTH and SOUTH 13O2 Farnnm Stroot. HARRY P. DEUEL , Oity Passenger and Ticket BOSTON , MASS. CAPITAL $40OOOO SURPLUS OOOOOO Accounts c/llunkj , llankars unil'Corporations BO. IklU'it. Our fncllltlca for COLI.KCTIONB nro excellent , nnd worc-Ulscount for banks wlicn b.ihuii 01 wurrnnt It. Iloston In a llcservo City , nnd balance ) nltli us from tanks ( not located lu other Hestrvo Cltlu.i ) count a < nruaervo. Wo draw our oirii oidnnjo on London nnd the Continent , nnd mnko cnlilo trnrufcn anitplacoinnnoy hjr ttilegraiih tliruughoul tlio United Btntoi and Can ada. ada.Wohnvo Wohnvo n market for prlmo flrnt-clnii Inveitmont Becurltloi , nnd Invlto proposals from BUtun , Conn- tie * mill Cities when Isnulnu tionilx. Wo do u ifencrul banUnit butluoss , and Invlto cor- retpondenco. retpondenco.ASA P. POTTBR , PIIKSIDKNT. JOS.V. . WOKK , CASIIIKH. WANTED ISSUED DY CITIES , COUMTIEB.QCHOOl ; - „ , . DISTRICTS , WATCH CorrespondencewUclteJ. COMpANIlo : , CTC. ti.W HARRIS &COMPAHY . , & , Bankers , 103-109 Dearborn Stroat , CHICAGO. 30 State Strnet. BOSTON. FOR MEN ONLY MAC.IC CURE NIt - - VOU9 nr.HIMTV. WciiknoH of lloily nml VI ml ! lOlld'tH of Errors or ( ixcosbi'i In Old or You iik' . Itobiisi , Nntilo MAN1IU ' ! > fully ro- btoreil.Yuuiliiruntvo every cube or rnoiivy rcfiiiulod , Hnmplu course , llvu cluyH trout- mont , II ; full course. I.V Hiiouioly fccnlud from obsutvatlou. Cook ItemcOy Co. , OiuaUu , Nub. Omaha Manufacturers , Wholesale Maiinfiictiircrs of loos& ) ( Shoes Atcntifor Ilo ton Itulilcr Hlino Co. , lira , 1101 tindllM Humor Sui'fl , Omaha , Ni > li. llrcxvors. Lajjcr llccr Brewers , 1 Ntrlh 18th Street , Oinslin , Xch. Coriilt'o. Manufacturers of Galvanized Iron Cornlci Vliutqw cnu | nml motnlle nkrlklit * . Jolui Ktienctwi | > rnprletor. lUSnnil 110 South lutti utrtvt Mulct-lulu. Arllsls1 Materials , 1'lanos ' and Organs , IM.1 Doiixlnd Slrci'l , Oinnlm , Noti. Conl , Colir , 10o. ( OMAHA COAL , COICE AND L.1HK CO. , Joblicrs of Hard and Soft Coal. ' B. K. Cor. 10th ami Uiiuelai Streets , Oiu.ihn , Nub. NEBRASKA FUEL CO. , Shippers of Coal and Coke , VU Smith l.tth Street. Oinnhn , Ned. DKAN , AHHb 1'HONQ As CO. , Wholesale Cigars. < M N. Kill Street , "llpllol" 1IW. Dry ( Joods nnd Not limn. 'if. K'SMITH" icca. Dry Goods , Furnisuln Goods and Notions Corner tllti nmt llownrd HtrooU. ' " " KILPATUICK-KOCII DUY G OODS'CO. , Importers and Jobbers in Dry Goods , Gouts' KurnlsliliuOooil' . Corner llth nml Haruer Utrcuts , Oniulia , Not ) . Kiirniturc , " " " " * DEWEViiSTONE , Wholesale-Dealers in Furniture , l < * nmntu Street , Oinnhn , Nebraska. OIIAULK3 SIHVEHICIC , Furiiitiirc. Oinnlm , N'otirnnlia. GrocerloM. BHADY fe CO , Wholesale Grocers , luihnnd IxsnTonworth Strooti , Omaha , Knnrntkn. Liiiniliur , ICIo. a.vr. DoudLAs it co , Dealers in Hardwood Lumber , _ Yard 1310 K. Ililh at. . Omaha. * JOHN A. WAKEFIELD , Wholesale Lumber , Etc. , Ittc. Impertcil unit Aninrlran I'nrMniul Coinont BtntO tjoill for .Milwaukee llyilnuillu Cement , uua gulncr White l.lmo. * CIIAS. M. LEE , Dealer in Hardwood Lumber. \Vood cnrL ta nnd pnr > ] uct ttonrlnit. Blh andlaugl& ( Htirotn , Umnlia , Nubrask.k FUED W. GREY , Lumber , Lime , Cement , Etc. , Etc. Corner lull nnd Douglas Hired * , Omnlia. Millinery and Not Ions. I. OBEIIFELDER fc CO. , Importers and Jobbers in Millinery , 208 , SIO and 212 South llth street. Notions ; J. T. noniNSON NOTION CO. , , IJtotesalfrfMions and Furnishing Goods , ' * i 1131 Ilnrnoy ttrcnt , Omnlia. O1I T _ CONSOLIDATED TANK LINE CO. , Wliolcsalc Refined and Lubricating Oils , Ailo Krcnso , etc. , Oinnlm. A. II. Ulahop , Pnpnr. CARPENTER PAPER CO. , Wholesale Paper Dealers. Currr n nlee aloek ot printing , vrappliiK nnd wrltlnt paper. Special uttuntlun glvon touirit impur , Sufofi , Kto. i A. U DEANE & CO. , General Agunufor Halls' ' Safes , E21 and 32:1 : South lOlli St. , Omaha. Toys , IStc. H. HARDY to CO. , Jobbers of Toys , Dolls , Albuiiis , Fancy Goods , House Furnishing Uouda , Chlldron'R Carriages. 120 * li'nrimm sti out , Uiiinhn , Nob. f Water U. S. WIND ENGINE Ac PUMP CO. , Steam and Water Supplies , Hallktajr w hid iiilllt. niS and ( CflJonci t. , Oninlix ( J. b' . Hosn , Actinic Munuifer. Iron AVorkH. Wrought and Cast Iron Building Work , os , braafl work , general foundry , mnrhlno and blackumlth work. Uttlca ami workn , U. 1 * . HT. mil ] lith itiut't , Umaho. OMAHA SAFE & IKON WORKS , Mani'rs of Fire and Ilurglar Proof Safes , Vmiltn , Jail work , Iron nhutleri nnd tire OKrn U , Andrccnprop'r. Cur. Uth undJackiuii tits. Btiuli , DoorH , Kto , I & co. , \Vliolusulonianufiicturernuf Sash Doors Blinds and , , Mouldings. Ilruncu olllco , 12th and hard itroots , Omaha , .Nob. UNION STOCK YARDS CO. , Of South Omaha , Limited. GO M M niROI A.L National Bank Capital , $ ' OOOOO Surplus , /t4OOO Offlcers nnit nircclori-K. M. Mornomnn , O , M Hitchcock , Jnii'iih ( ianmnii , Jr. . A. Henry , K. M Amlumon , William u. Maul , vlco.pruililenti h. II \VllllniiH , A. I' , llopklm. prcHlili'iit : A. MlllUrU caaUlcr ; F. II , llryant , aailntuiit ca-hlur NEBRASKA National Bank U. S. DEPOSITORY , OMAHA , NEIJ. Capital. - - - - $ / OOOOO SurptuoJan. 1st , 180O - B7.BOO Onioennnd Ilrrrt < in Ilonrr W. Yntei , I'ri'ildontj . Hoc I , Vku-l'ruililont : JauiutV , HuvuK'v. . V , Alone , John H , Cnlllni , It. U. Cushlnj , J , N , U. 1'utrlck , W. 11. U. lluxhoi , cashier. IRON Cormr 12th anil I'arnam Hu , A Qcttctal llauUlug buslucij Truusacted ,