THLU OMAHA DATLY WEDNESDAY , JULY 30 , 1800. DISCIPLES OF JESSE JiHES. Two of Them Hold Tip a F. . E. 4 M. V. Train in Ohorry County. EVERY PASSENGER'S WEALTH CORRALIED. Noluuly AVnn Henrclicd , lint iVIl on Hoard W rp Cotnpcllotl to Mnlto iiContrtlmtloii to tlic Uoiut A cnt ' I'uiiil , UAPID CmS. . D. , July 20. [ Special Tele- Rratn to TUB BIE. : | Passengers on the westbound - bound express on the Klkhorn line were "held up" by two masked men between 9 and TOOclock last night just ivet of Arabia , a ninall station sixteen miles east of Valentine. J'articulnrsnre obtained from Prof. Shep herd of UroolcliiRs , one of the passeiiRoi-s , U'lio robbers , both younf- men \vearln cow. bny hots , hoarded the train at Long Pine with tlcketn for Arabia. When the latter place , was reached they vere noticed by Con- < ) uctorX4-lronand , lett the train. 'I' ever , re-entered the day car as the train pulled out , A feiv minutes nftcrvvanl , aUhoconductor catered tbc car from the rear , the Uvo mon , -Iticlr faces masked with hnndkorchlofs and each lioWIn * ? two revolvers , stepped from the " dosotiindcomiielledliiui to throw up lib hands , They then marched htm ahead ol 1hcm toward"Uio front of the car. Ono car- lied a small bay , und into this the passengers -were cotniellml | to throw their money. A brakcmaiienterlnpr. the car from the rear was ordcntl to"hold-up , " but Instead of doing so , dodged buck and a bullet wus sent after him through the door. The bullet also went through tlio door of the forward -sleeper and tmasliod mirror In the anioMiiK room. All the piMSfnguH in the day car were i-e- liovcd of more or less money , though nsnono wcroRninibllnjns tothoslzoof the contrlbu lions , thoajrgri'Riitowiui prohalily not great. Tlio rolibers then cnUii'cil tlio smoking car , the conductor still lendlut * and covered with their revolvers , AUlrst the passengers In IhosinoUir were disposed to consider the af fair njoko mid attempted to pluy with tlio robbers , who tlma lost some time. The brakeman , Mho had been driven out of the car bv this time , milled the bell row. The robbcr. > feeling the train Mowing up , lw- cuinofrljihtoncd und compelled the conduc tor to signal to stop it When they jumped oft and fired a shot at the kakeman , who showed his head bctwcc'i ' two of Uio curs and then scrambled upastcep hjuiV on the side of the track. Conductor Nelson iiitheineantlmosecurud tiWinchester inaKiizineshot tuu and Bnuppcd it nt them ' 'l-opoatcdly , but the chambers were empty. As the robbers went up the hank in the clear moonlit-lit they \vcre plainly seen by allen on the train , and only a lack of linowledf-oas to how to load the Winchester from the maj- aaiiio allowed tlu'in to escape unhuit.rJho , U-alu was delayed but n few momenta. 8TATJK XKirfi. Barn niiil Horses IJnrnodT , N'eb , , TTiily 29. [ Special Tele gram to TIIK But ] At . ' ) o'clock this morn- inR lire was discovered iu the largo stock staUo two 'miles north of tlio city owned by George Vulhind. An alarm was sounded nnd the iiro department responded , but were unable to save the buildings owing totho Insufficiency" of water. Tlio stable was a total loss , together with its contents , In cluding a $1X ( ) ( ) carriage , bay team and otlior stock. The flro Is supposed to have been of incendiary oilj-in. Mr , Vulhinihls In Chey enne and in not hereto identify the horses. Tlicro Is a strong suspicion Unit plus horses were substituted for the carriage teuni. Mr1 , 1'udo , * father-in-law of A'nllnud , claims that tlio slioes found after the flro do not correspond -with the nil oca wnm by Vnllnnd's horees , Suspicious 6uffi-'p ' fificla'tiinltiouuuls } ! elf propcr ] > i > artYes lo ? IiivcstiKiitioii. The loss on the building and 'stock is $ ! , ( iW. ( Day nt Fremont. 1'iiEMOST , Neb. , July 19. [ Special * Telc- Bimn to TUB BtK. ] The nttcndanco at the camp mooting has been very guod. The usual profrrammo was carried out , -lunfnr ( with ua enthusiastic prayer meeting at 0 o'clock th is morning. At 8 o'clock thu public blblo study con ducted by Hov. J , W , Jonaings was a very interesting feature. At 10:80 : Kov. II. Trezono of Arlington 'preached n powerful sermon. At 2:30 : tbo Woman's Foroii-ii Missionary soclotv held Its usual camp iiicetinR session of that organization. 'Jlili tneetlnp was under the dlrcctloti of Mrs. ClendeniiliiK' , and her husband. Hev. T , C. Clendennliif- , delivered an address upon the work of the society. This mcctin ; was followed bv ono nt 4 o'clock under the auspices of tlio Ep- worth Icuf-ue. At 8 o'clock tonight a larpo coiiRroffallon filled the avdltorium and llstoneil to nuaulo dlncotmu by Uov , J. W. Jennings. A series of services In the Scandinavian toii-uo | , conducted by the Scandinavian Mmb- cliuroh , will bo commenced tomorrow , oj > euedby liov. Danlelsonof Omaha. A FrcuKol'Xntiirc. PUKMOXT , Nob. , July 20 , JSpoclnl to Tun HBK.J Prol AVels , n grocery inaii who does , uusiuojs In a small bulhlin ? near the depot , 1m on exhibition at his place a freak of nature which is attracting n K od deal of attention. It Is nothing more or lest than a two days old kitten -\vhich has a double head , Tour ojos , four cars and two mouths. The Idttciii'i.ullvo and when it j-et < all its eyes open it will be lutoiilshcd at iUolf. I''ariiHMs rtlot at So uylnr. Boni'vi. ! ! ! ! , Neb. , July 2'J. ' [ Special Telegram - gram to Tin : Hun , ] The farmers' alliance nnd Knlghti of Labor hold a Joint iadcpon. deuL.ceiuUy convention nt the court house yesterday afternoon und elected dcleyalcs to Xho stnto ounvontlon , It was u larco assem bly considering ? thattlio si'loctlon ' oldelcjates was the only business to bo transacted. The ilclc-iitus ( vero Instructed , AnotlurKnlallly nt I'lattsinoiilli. PitTs > toi"TJi , Neb , , .Iuy ! 21 , ! . [ SpeclnlTel- egraznto Tin ; Bcu. ] Another man has been illlcdlu the railroad yards hero. Just nt noon the cast-bound stock train sU-uck a man iMinodToin lilloy in the sldo. Ho lived lut nhorttbuu , Ho is u railroad grader and canto hero yesterday from ICeamey ex pectins to work on the Omaha Southern bere. Corn Crop Iliiinoil. Onxov , Nob. , July 29. [ Htwial Telegram to Tin ; BE- . ] The worst hot winds In the lilstory of the county vUltcd thU sectlunycs- erdayund ha o completely ruined thu corn crop throughout the county , A. inrgo per jrua ) . of It U bunted beyond redumption , lii.vton 121 , UKnllnlu : i. P.VXTOX , Neb. , July 20. ( Special Tele- eniiu to TUB Unr.J 'I'ho g.une of ball bo- twcon thoOgtillala and liniiiurlub was won iiy the latter by an easy score of SI to 3. llnttcrlesDrown and Squint for Itcynulds end llutton forl'u.xlou. Neiv ' 1111 at Nnrtli NOIITII lIu.NP , ICcb. , July 20. [ Special to Tun ilci : . ] The ne\r \ mill started ycsterdjiy nd cvorythliiK moved on * to porfiTlion. 'JUoy will commence grinding next week. Kx-Kcsltlfint. PAVNKB Cirr , > 'eb. , July 29. [ Special Tclefirom to Tins HKI ; . ] K. A , Cohum , an oat-resident of Pvnco , was arrested at Dubols today for runnlni ; mi original Louse und bound over to the district court. Hey SliooUeil by Oiuxi > Isi.Axn , Kob. , July 129 , [ Special Tolcerum to TIIU UKK. ] Wllluni Bulllnp , Shout sixteca jwirsoUl , while driving a team ' ; u tbo Uulou I'acifio enulo near thu shop , wni struck by lightning about 10 o'clock today. He was terribly burned and bruised , bulls rapidly recovering. Ono of his horses win killed nnd several men close l > y wro Bttmncd. The Tlll < y Ilcunlon. VII.I.IT , Neb. , July 2 ! ) . [ Special Tcle- prain to TIIK Bne. ] The reunion Is an iis- snrcd success , there being fully two thousand people wmiied on the grounds. The cntnp Is most Iwautifully situated in a ttno prove along the creek north of town. Department CotninnndorC'lnrloon arrived today and ad dressed the people in the afternoon. Jlnt- .tciyA.N. N. U , arrived -nbout 4 o'clock and early in thu evening treated the crowd Ui splendid tirtlllery drill , The ramp flro li bunilnjr brightly mid nt present Captain Thomas Miller Df Tccuinsch is throwing on plno Itnots and glvin ? a vivid dcscrliillon of Andcrsonvllio prison life. S -eiint Cole of Illinois is present nnd will address Ilia people , ( lovirnor J. at. Tbayor und Post licpurtment Commander Kusscll will an-lvo toihori-OAV. The camp la full of life tonight nnd everybody seems deter mined to cko nil the enjoyment possible. A Viiit I'mirTn Fire. GIIAST , TN'ob. , July 20. [ Special Telegram toTiir.Hnr.J- vast pr.drio iiro 1ms been burning In this county since yesterday morn- Ing. It was fanned today by n gale and fours oru entertained that itwill cover the whole eastern end of this county. A Swede living ten mltos northeast lost bis house , some stock nnd all his crop of grain. Other reports of heavy losses uro coining in. Strike Hottlnl. \Vls. , July 2fl.-Tho big mill strike hns been nmicahly settled. At n mass meeting this iiiorulng t-he men decided to accept the proposition to work tea hours for ten hours uiul a half pay. A. Itabn i' ri' ipd. Li > toi.K , Neb. , July 2S--A ) Joumnl special from I'hiinvlow , Noli. , reports the burning of the house of Joseph IIutLs a farmer. His perished. four-year-old daughter TX1K ClttAK M.tKRKS' STU1KR. They Discover n AVolf AVltliln Their Fold. , Niw : YonK , July 20. [ Spi > cnl ! Telegram to TIIK BKE. ] TJio cloak makers' ' trouble assximed another sihape this morning , which It is said accounts for the return of Prof. Oarsido to the city. It was given out semi- ofticlally that Bnrondess' stock was on the wane and that the operators were tired of his dictation. It was said that tbo workmen have discovered that Bnrondcss is not what ho is representing himself to be , that ho Is not u practical cloak maker , as generally known , nnd that ho nas only been In thU countrv less than a year is silso known , and ho did" not take an active. Interest iu labor matters until ho forced himself among the cloak milkers. These things have apparently been thought nbout for some lime by 6omo of the nioro in telligent of the men , and u few startling und sensational rumora gained currency incoiiso- , ( lueiico today. Ono man said that llaroniless was notblnir more nor lew than a lieutenant of Johtuin Most , and was keeping the cloak ope/atorsout of work as long ns possible , that ho may Introduce anarchistic doctrines to the best advantage. The police nre down on Most and ho cnniiot got upon a platform to speiu ithout having the police by Ids side togralihimthe moment he makes an Incendiary utterance. In ordci ttiat has doctrines might be spread he lias secured the aid of Burondess to do it for him. This feeling Is becoming -widespread among tne cloaV operators , und not a ft-\v of them are beginning to realize that they have been duped. Nebraska. Iowa and Dnkotn Pensions. \VASUINOTOV , July 29. [ Special Telegram to TIIK BKK. ] Pensions granted JN'eurask- imsi Original Samuel Scott , Homaha Ciiy Increase Robert Huston , 'J'eeunisoh ; James P. ( lilluland , Chardon ; U.inuls Purccll , Port OmahaHenry ; A. Howard , Red Cloud ; John J. llo twriglit , ICauiicy. Iowa : "IniTcase John Slfert , Crosco ; Charles Sliilbnin , Davenport : Tlieallous j.\lc- Neely , Jimcombo : ThcodoroOstraiider , Ban croft ; Charles W. Demotto , Audubon ; - - - * ' - New Sharon ; William McCunnian , Mvstlo ; \Villlani P. Viinforsun , Otttumva ; John M. Shaw , Bloomlleld ; Nathaniel Hracy , Brooklyn ; David AV. "Wolfe. Module. Original widows , eto , Sarah , mother of Finloy l.anford , DCS Molnes ; Catherine , widow of Michael Kelly , Dawitt ; Matilda F. , widow of Henry C. Inuitlniaii , Osknloosa. South Dnkotit : Increiiso liboiiezerV. . Millls , UapldOity ; Jacob MatthewsPierre , ; John L. weaver , llorinosa. Nebraska aiitl Iowa Patents. WAHIIIXCHO.V , July 20. [ Snednl Telegram to TUB liue. ] Tiitonts were today granted as follows : Samuel S. Andrews , ICnoxvillo , la. , flro escape ; Oscar Xcrggren , Aurora , Neb. , transposing keyboard for pianos ; Suniuol I31uke , Osceoln , Ia. , hays - s tacking iiiiictilno and hay raka ; .lames II. Clark , assignor of one-fourth to R. O. Eastman , Western , Neb. , , pool register ; Joseph Hneker , Waterloo , In. , water heater and steam cooker ; Adolpti Jaonicko , Davenport - port , In. , vehicle seat lode ; Edward U. Jewell , Weeping Water , Nob. , harrow : P. Jl. Montgomery , assignor of one-half to J , S. Smith , Clarinda , la , cultivator ; Francis M , Pierce , assignor of one-third to 1 * . Pierce , Omidin ; clevis' for whillletreo ; Orrin I. Searlcs , Q , F. Jackson and P.M. ( Justin , BVt Madison , In , , cistern cleaning machine ; An drew Hturlcy. Dcnkicnian , Nob. , wheel ; Alonxo T. Sullivan , MarohnKob , , animal trap ; James1 II. Woodward , Seward , Heh. , electrical , syringe ; Charles M. Wortulngton , Neb. , ihurn , ClinncMInr Caprfvl'M Memorandum. lhutiv , July 29. The liclchzanoljer pub lishes von Caprlvl's iiTcmoranduin of the Aliglo-Gerniaa agreement relative to terri tory In Africa. It begins by stating that the German colonial policy , coming in contact with Knglish schemes , caused disagreeable complications. As tbo negotiations In single points dlil not avail to complete a settlement , it "was decided to deal with Ibo disputes from ono standpoint , After giving the grounds for concessions In Africa made by Germany to England- memorandum concluded by in sisting on thu value of Heligoland In view of the nutloiisd sentiment In regard to the Island nnd of the island's ' military Importance. Trntililontn Hull Tlt-hl , CITV OP MEXICO , July 'X > . [ Special Tele gram toTiiE BiiB.jAt n bull flghtln Toseo liua ! ; yesterday , the spectators occatno en raged at tbo poor work of the men and start- oil to tear down tlio barricades , but were stopped by the prompt action of the military guard , who put cartrlges lii their rifles , seem ingly intending to use them. The excitement for sonio time \vas most tntciufr Two com panies of soldiers , which had bean held In re serve , were ordered Into the ring. Women lied precipitately. 1'ohe I111U and Manuel Ciihollcro were gored atis > terday's light , the hulls being the most vicious seen in Mexico for yean * . North Dnkolit llcpiibllciins. GitAxn Fouits , N. I ) , , July 9 , The repub lican stnto convention begun this afternoon , The light this year is ull along the line , but is the greatest on congressman , anil Hiuis- brougli is having u bard tussle to hold his Crtii. M. N. Jobnvm , the Scandinavian leader , is hard ut work to secure himself In llimsbrouKb's jilacu. Iluwovir , the action of ' .lio convention this nftonioou on tbe choice of a loniponiiy cliairtnan was n defeat for the Johnson forces , the Ilavshi-ougli candidate , li. J.McCumbcr , being selected. \VniittiAiitborltatlvo I'roof. LOTION , July -CnaplIn , president of the board of Kgrleulture , roplylug to iiuos. tlons la tbo commons , docliucd , in tbo ab- scncQof iiuthorltntlvo proof , to consider the United Suites fr o from i > lcuro-nnauiiiouia , Ho ft.ikl that witlilu a short tiniti iiiilmivlj suf fering from diswso have nrrlvoJ at Liver pool from Now York , Tom 11 mid red Ariiienianx Arrest oil , Cox TA rl.s l M , July 23.Pour hundred of Uie Arnionlnna who took part ia the riotous ( iomonstrntlou against thu patriarch In the Armenian church Suuduy have DCOU urrcsUxl , OOKHG TOWARD LOUISIANA , Republicans Will Malta a Strong Iffort to Elect tL8 Next Governor. ONGRESSMAN COLEHAN THE CANDIDATE. \ii Antl'Tjoltcrjr PlniiU to 1)O ) Inserted hi Ihc I'lixtl'orinninl tin-C.ntu- linlK" Fought Out oil that blue. WASHINGTON Hrimu TUB OMAIU Ben , ) filil Fot'iiTrr.NTii STIIIIKT. > WA IIISOTOX , D. ( J. , July i9. } "The action of 1'rcsldent Hnrrbon In send- ng to coiiKros. today his nntl-lottory inos- ajjo has revived the plan dovlned soaio time igoof makini ? a strong effort to carry Louis- ana in the neat f-ubcrnatorlal canipalpn. I'lio intention of the republicans * in Lnula- ami , as expressed by prominent republicans icro , Is to call an early convention to nomi nate Congressman Coleman of Louisiana for governor and adopt n platform , the principal 'eaturoofvMcushallbo nu uiieoniprointsinp intl-lottcry plunk , and to mnko the uampaign on the anti-lotteiy Issue. The belief is that .here are In Louisiana sutlHetit honest white gen who are opposed to the Louisiana ottory to poll a vote for Colcmnu so atmng that , udilod to the colored vote , which of course will bo cast for the republican candi date , as to carry the ticket. 'Hie ticket will not bo necessarily a republican ticket , but rather an Independent anti-lottery ticket , Mr. Colcman , it will bo'remembered , did not vote with the republicans on cither the JMcICiuloy hill or the election bill , Irat it Is bo- liovcd that his own personal popularity , to- pother with the determined stand taken by the president and the republican congress in this matter of tbo lottery , will bring out every republican nnil enough honest -whites to defeat the democrats , " 1'ho president's inossngo this afternoon therefore adds afresh impetus to this movement , THE FlIDK.ll.U KI.MTIOX HIM. . Senator Muudci'son of Nebraska , whooccu- pics the Drcsidin ofllcur's chulr in the scnato in the absence of Vice President Morton nnd "Vlco President Pro .Tcmporo ingalls. and who is thoroughly posted as to the order of business in the scuato , said this afternoon tliat tnoro was very attioir any real uouui that the fcdcx-nl elections bill would be taken up at this session and adopted. lie stated that the democrats were exceedingly anxious to have tbo river and harbor hill passed be fore adjourning , as the south waa largely interested lii that measure , tmd that there fore the republicans ought to dispose ot the tariff boiore tlio river and harbor hill is taken up for consideration. Ho is pursundod that it would bo n good policy to pluco the federal election bill abend of the river and harbor bill , as it would liavo thoelleot of preventing dilatory tactics on the part of the democrat.- ) . Senator , Msindorson itated that while ho opposed such u modification of the rules us would prohibit the fullest possible ilobato upon all questions as long as the ilo- Ir.ito was continued in a business-like man ner , ho was unquestionably In f ivfor of modi fying the ruled so that the debate in general could be terminated at the end of n reasonable time and a day llxed for the dobutc in detail to close und a vote to bo reached upon tlio amendment nnd the main question. The senator stated that while ia the proceedings of the caucus It did not appear that it was the determination of the republicans to take up the election bill before the cnO of tlio ses sion , he had no doubt that it would coino up In duo time , nnd ho added that the modifica tion of the rules would not bu made till it bo- cnnic upiuront that the democrats intended to offer fac'tlousoppoaitlniianddilatorytnctics to prevent a Until voto. Ho said Unit while there were objections to almost every kind of an election bill which could bo proposed , comes to the pith of the general pro position to further extend fcdoralsupervislon over congressional elections every republican favored the proposition , The opposition , ho suid , was simply as to the aetails of the measure , „ . , - Congressman Strublo of tbo Sioux City district created consternation in the house this afternoon by making tin assault uixm Speaker Heed , contrasting-Jils rasping man ners toward niomlicrs of the house who ask for recognition with the courteous trctitmeiit which .Mr. Carlisle always accorded mem bers on both sides wticn ho was speakor. It seems that during the last congress n bill -was passed jnovidingfor a public building at Sioux City , but it was vetoed by President Cleveland. During the present session tbo Iowa senators put a similar hill through the senate and it is nmont , ' those that have been agreed to bv the committee of the whole house and is ready to bo read a third tiino and passed. Mr. Strublo has been to Speaker Kcod n number of times to secure recognition , but each time the speaker treated him "In a trilling way , " as Mr. Strublo put it , and gave him no encouragement. Mean time Mr. Struble's convention \vas called ant met a few weeks ago , mid be was do fen ted foi renomliiation. Ills understood Unit his defeat - feat was in pait attributable to delay la securing the pissago ; of the Sioux City pub lic building hill. Notwithstanding his no- feat , the Iowa gentleman hns boon to the speaker several times since to request recog nition , tlio last time being yesterday. Tlio speaker always gnva him ' "tho laugh" am got rid of him as thouKh ho was n niero lioy. Nettled by the repetition of this kind of treatment ho made up hit * mind to niiinifesl his resentment upon the floor of .tho bouse Mr , Btublo Is a courteous , gcuinl gentleman , with a pleasant countenance and is an accom plished orator. Ho Is pretty much such i mun aa Ben Uutterworth in build , tlioui-h ho lias rod hair and whiskers. Whenever lie talies the flour ho commands attention , and like Buttcrworth , is an entertaining speaker. Today , while the house was eonsidotingtho sundry civil appropriation bill Strublo let go In a llvo-mlnuto speech. Spoaldng of his re quests for recognition ho said thospeakei treated them la an almost contemptuous man ner , Ho did not propose to stand thu sort ol treatment without protest. Perceiving that the speaker wus not present Mr. Strublo ex pressed his regret that ho was not there to hoar him. Ho felt that It waa an outrage on the Judgment of the house that anyone , bo hoscalcr ) ) or n.embcr. should undertake to say the house should liavo no opportunltj to carry out that Judgment. HO saitl ho had been n member of the house seven years and had labored mrncsllj to discharge his duties. Ho said he had never askcdSpeaker Carlisle torccoRlzo him- that ho had not been treated courteously. Ho wanted , ho said , to place in contrast the kind of treatment of Si > oaker Carlisle wit ! the treatment of Speaker Hoed , not oulj toward himself , but towarJd ether members of the house. If tlio speaker had notsaueret lit them and ridiculed them ho had como near doing so. llu said the speaker suemei to treat with contumpb all who hud networked worked for his election osprcshllnironicoro : tbo houso. He was continuously Interrupted by applause on the democratic side ant several momboi-s on his own side , sonio Iron Iowa , appeared pleased to hear hlirt spcal out. Ho received congratulations from boll republicans and democrats , and It wua some time lifter ho had concluded that order was restored in the house , OXMAKOOX sro.ut. Mr. Henry T. Oxnnrd of Grand Island , the well known beotsut-nr developer , said toTin lir.r. correspondent today : "J found things ina cbaotlcstntoupon my arrival hero the other tiny m far as the tariff is concerned and principally owing to the new plmso pu upon the question by the nttitudo taken b > tlio administration , ns expressed In Mr Blaino's request that the duty ho left 01 sugur until the Kovemmcnt hasnud nit oppor tunltyto trade frcosuirur for something taugi bio in return. 1 do not Ixjlicvo tltut , pou- gress can very well Ignore the roquuit und tlio result will bo something looking towards reciprocity in the tiirllT hill before it loaves the senate In pluco of tlio frco sugar clause , There is also an impression on thu p.irl of a number of the somtors that thu revenues will not Justify congress In Uklni , 11111110111113-011 sugar , and nrv opinion ia tha this schedule will bo entirely remodeled bo- few the bill becomes u law. As u comprr > mlsoiUeoms tonio that the old KCimUi bil of two yuan ago' , giving 1 cent bounty unt 1 cunt duty , would incut ull the requirements of reciprocity , reduction , revenue and pro tection.1 JIISCKI.LANIOr.3. Sidney S. Marey wis today appointed post master of Iteecwns , Slierldmi county. U. O , Clause of ( inndy , who has success fully passed an examination , ivlll probably bu appointed to n > oUloii In thccensus oftlco to- morrow. L.CIIVO ol absence for fourteen days to tnko effect August 1 la granted i'lrst Lieutenant Holicrt T , Etninrtt , Niiilli cavalry , Iu the sciuito this afternoon Senator Paddock - dock callild up tire con fcronnS reports on the pension bills of Xclui Yprnell and Juntos 11. Bhowalter of Nebraska and they were tin nil r ndoptod , The hills now po to tlio president forslgnalure , Pritur S. UGATII , Hi JHKrKXltK , Preliminary Hoport of Its Opera tion * * Hiibnitttud. " \VASHixoTu.Xt .Tdly 2(1 ( , Commissioner la- son has sulmllttcii to the secretary of the treasury his preliminary report of the opera tions of the internal revenue bureau during the last llscal year. The total collections from all sources of Internal revenue were * l-ttMVJC90 , , an Increase of HI,700,03 com pared with the preceding year. Owing to a luck of reports iu sonio cases it is not possible to state exactly the cost of collection , which Is estimated at $ . , loof)00 ) , or a decrcnso of 83"iXK , ( ) as compared with tb6 preceding year. The llgurcs appended to the report show that the receipts In detail during the year , com pared with the preceding year , wore as follows I Spirits , fiWH7.V , , Increase , ? ri" : > , - 103 ; tobaccotyt.'t'iM.Oill ; increase , $ -,09J,130 ; fermented liquors ? 20 , Mfiil : , Increase S2,2S1WJ ; oleomargarine (780,291 ( , decrease SlOT..loO ; banks and bankers$70.000 , ilcercswa $0,11-1 , ; inlsccllnnwus SI5U.4W , increase f > i3iiit. ! ! Under the head of tobacco the llgures sliow that tlio receipts from chewing - ing and smoking tobacco increased SI,210f , > 31 , from cigars Sttt,513 ) and from cigarettes , 10TM. Among larger col lections wow : Illlnoh , ? 'll , T8D9l ; Indiana , $0,2.V'Jjl ) ; Ken lucky , $ l7uo' > ,0ii : ; JfobrasUa and North and South Dakota , 60Xi9,7ir ! ; Now "York , tin,22lJ21j : Ohio , eW,41K.5M , : Pennsyl vania , f 10,733,217 ; Wisconsin , & , : mG" ) , > . W JTX TIIK f'llJIKS , AMinlster , HIsAVIfo mill Three Clilld- rcn Uuriird to Doatli. CtN'cis.s-ATf , 0. , July 2'J. ' A Times-Star special says Incendiaries set fire to the roal- dcnco of lcv. ! David Plumb , in Cale , Ind. , early this innrning and destroyed It , Plumb was fatally bu mod anl his wife and three children perished in-the llames. Plumb is a prominent Methodist minister. United Slatfg Ijnlior Coiimiissloncrf ) . WASIIISOIOX , July 29. Iteprcsontatlvorar- quharof New York Introduced a bill today to cmuto n commission to bo known as the United Status commission of the .world's con gress of lahor , to consist of nine members to bo appointed by tboprosldoiit It suggests that tlio president sliall appoint two of these members from the natioaal farmers' iillluiiccs ami the rest shall ho named by the American federation of labor and Knights of Labor , hut no two of them shall be from the same state. These commissioners shall receive an annual salary of SJ.OOO , nnd tlieir terms of olllco expire Icceinb ) rll ) , ISM. It sliall bo the duty of the ommisstoncrs to discuss laborJn ull its phrases. The commission is nuthorizetl to invite through the president delegates from foreign countries to take part ina conference. Will \VorIc for Its Snoo'sa. Si'iiiN'oriGi.n , 111. , July 29. The committee of the world's fair -directors and of the Illi nois live stock board held u consultation hero this morning with 'tho result that the latter have issued an open letter to the directors in which , while they deprecate the necessity of a dual site for thu fair , liut relying on the good faith and good judgment of the manage ment , Joins lionrtlly In tbo effort to make the fuir a success iiiiil calls on the state legisla ture to pass the necessary legislation.It is an open secret that the board will coino to Chicago vlieii tbo national commission meets hero Ootohor 8 for 'the purpose of endeavorIng - Ing to have the oatiro question of a slto re opened. Svnsiitloiial Ulvoreo Suit. BiflOMiXT.Tox , III. , .luly 29. [ SpoolalTele gram to TIIK Biin.l'Ttirco years ago Mr , and Mrs , Frederick McMillan came hero from Cincinnati , th gontlcrrian haylng boca 1'ir Tlaay is a cnusii ) oftfovenior'c'arnTpinrut ' Ohio and both herself and husband bccumo great favorites. Yesterday she filed a bill for a divorce ivhich created n sensation , She ehnrges "her liusband with crueltv nnd in fidelity , nnd gives instaiicos of each in this city and elsewhere. McMillan is in Now York eity ready to start as advance agent of an opera company. TMndono Such Statement. DBS BIoiNKS , Ia. , July 29. The State Register says : The report sent out from Sprintrfield last night that SccrotaryShaferof the Iowa stnto board of agriculture had Informed tlio secretary of the Illinois state hoard that Iowa would rnako no agricultural exhibit at tbo world's fair if tlio proposed double site is chosen was einphatlcallydenled by Secretary Shafcr hero today , Ho says that the hoard has oxproasodno such opinion. Mississippi's Kloetion. .TACKSoy , Miss. , July 29. 'Jho vote through out the state today was very light and the election quite , There was no opposition to the fourteen democratic nominees to the con stitutional convention for the stato-at-lan'o and the deirtomitio local nominees were not opposed In a half dozen counties. Ex-Gov ernor Alcorn and ex-Chief Simr.ill , the two leading republicans of the state , were placed on the democratic t/cket / and elected. Texan J'evrr Among Chlengo Cattle. CHICAGO , .Tuly 29 , Texas fever has made its nppeanuico among cows near the limits of the city and about twenty of them have died from tboeffects of tliat disease , The only way , tlic health officer says , to prevent the spread of the dlsrawi to all cattloln the neigh borhood is to shut them up until frost conies next fall. I'lnlKlcutsclierri KIcct Ofllcors. Kixsis Ciir , Mo. , .Tuly 29. The western association of Plattdcutschors at today's session elected officers for the ensiling year ns follows : President. Hurry Rudolph of this city , re-elected ; Philip Kr/egraover of Denver vice president , and John P. Lund of Omaha treasurer , Denver was chosen as the place for the next , meeting. I'lio llivcrum ! Ilnrbor lllll. "WAsni.NGT.otf , July 29 , Senator Fryo bad a conforcnco today with the menders of the finance committee. It was agreed among them that on Friday , .August 8 , ttio river and liarboi- bill shall pa taken up for considera tion and pressed ttfa detenrdnatlon , the- tar iff bill to bo luldiaflfo until It is disposed of. Deserts. July 29. Dr. Thomas Hatchard and his wife , who were convicted of maiisaui-htor'ju"pcrforinltig ! ; ' n fatal crimi nal operation oii'Mlimlo IJcanlsloy , were each sentenced Uils morning to four years' hnprlsontncntlnUlw state prison , An Abs j > | \iling City Clork. TEUitEllAVTi : , . Ind. , July 20 , A special from Paris , 111. , jpijta Alocrt Gtohegan , city clerk of Paris , IB , pissing and hisaccountsnro short oetwecn ( ttW and 510,000 , .Efforts are bclnu made to overhaul him. Miithor nnilil iiighter TMurtlored , HII.TIUOHK , Md' July 29. Mrs. Charles York nnd htTiijijdJrnntlierlivlngat Bent'les , were murdered this jngrnlng. A man named Weeks Is accused of committing the terrible crime. Kxicrt | > life IJlmyliig "t. Uoiiver. DCXVEII , Col. , July yj , ( Special Telegram to THIS BKU.I The Union 1'acille ' ticket ofllco was entered last night by bur-jlars , the safe blown open and $1K > 0 taken. It was the work of experts. Decided to Xoii-Cmicur , y , July 29. 'Jho house commit tee on ludlaa unTalnf has decided to rucom- mcii'l that thn IIOUMO iioii-ooncurln all of the & < ? iiato amendments to tlio Indian appropria tion bill. Tlio Klro ll'oord. ' MONTHKAI , July 2S > . The Zlctol Ilaltnoml was dumugcd10,000 , by iiro early fals morii- Ini ; . Tlio caosts all oscajHid , the most of them In scanty raiment- SII1PPIRS AHE UP IN AMIS , The Chicago Hoard of Trade Will Rcsl t the Proposed Bill of Lading. A. SERIES OF BOYCOTTS WILL RESULT , The TJunir HufTerliiR Slil | pcw Abso lutely Kel'llHO to HllTO 'JIllM lllll Crowded Mown Their Tlironli ICnllroail NCWN. , . . Bin : , ] U'ho Chicago board of tradohns imilod Is Hag totho mast iiiul with nil Its vast > o\vcr will oppose tlio putting in force of tlio iroposcd uniform bill of lading. It scciiiaiw .hough every Chicago shipper linil organized ilmsclf Into am Indignation meeting mil the esult will bo a series ot boycotts , having n oiidcncy to waken the backbone of. the lines idoptlngtho obnoxious bill of lading- . ' .L'ho opportunity for the boycott conies from the fact that the Grand Trunk road will net adopt the proposed bill of lading. Neither will the Wnbash , Canailinu Pad no route , indthc Lchlgli Valley luke mid rail route I * ox-wctod to join the light tomorrow. All othcrlincs will adopt thonow bill of lading ani nil will bo boycotted to tno extent Hint tlio routes not adopting it will ho given every pound of freight , they c.m carry and this out- tincowill bo uiro-IlllnBly dealt out to tlio oilier lines. U'hi ) boycotting began today ivhen flcorgo Clark , a prominent board of trade man , re ceived an order from New York for la ) ears of grain to boshipped via the Lake Show. Mr , Clarlc wired In replyVlll ! \ cancel order rather thnn ship vl LiucoSlioroor any other liuo ailopt.liig tlio now bill at lading. Will ship vin Grand Trunk If you wish , " Tlio order came back promptly to still ) via the Grand Trunk and litmclroils or other shippers tire swearing tonight ttioy will follow the lead of Mr. Clark. Chairman BlanchariTs explanation of yesterday did not in alto a convert among the sblppcn. Said Comtnissionor Igloliart of tlio Ch leap freight bureau : "You can say wo will llijat the now bill of lading and will light every road adopting it. ' .The uon-ncgotiallo fi\i- turois only ono of a hundred different objcij- tions wo huvo brought against it. Ills ille- gnl hi cverv ono of -ponderous sections. Chairman falanchard says In his explanation that n bill of lading is simply a receipt for Roods and an agreement to safely deliver them. Then why don't ho give us this sin- pie receipt mid agreement. Instead of that ; on the very dny of tlio conference he ordered the hill of lading Into use on August land cn- tirclyitmorcd representatives ot fourteen cities and tons of thousands of shippers. < It will ben very costly bill of lading to s ome of the roads which adopt It , lut not costly in the wny of printers' ' bills. 'J'lio shippers uro long suffering , hut absolutely rcfuso to allow tins bill of lading tel > o crowded down their throats , If it kid not been for the Grand TrunK wo would have been at the mercy of the railroads. 1 linvo u suit tomorrow against the Grand Trunk , kit 1 am not backward in ( jiving it praise for its independent und manly stand. " With the exceptions noted ovcry other eastern line has agreed oto put Wio uniform bill of lading into ellcct on August t , * Tlio Railroad Fljjlit at IJenvor. DKNVKII , Colo. , July20.-Speclnl [ Telegram to THE BUB. ] The answer to the suit of the Itock Island company against the Denver . .t Uio Grande was lllcd in the United States court yesterday , and also n cross bill. The documents are vary voluminous. They ro- clto the fuel of the am t.ractr between the two companies , substantiating as heretofore tele pro plied , nnd tlie transfer of the rigiit of tlia Chicago , Kansas & Nebraska and the Chicago cage , Uock Island & Colorado companies to the Chicngo , Rock Island & Pacific , and tlio new arrangement ivlth the Union Pncllic whereby tialUc was diverted lit TJmon over the Union. I'aciflo line. * rhodcJ ulllicriltl ttllflt nit. Or. jlllOU l ? complain mil applied tfiroufon1 manager for the purpose of arranging for the use of Denver for the accommodation of said truflie so diverted from said lines or leased road by the way of the Union Pncillc railway , and tlio said complaint was covered by the contract fluted February in , ISSSj that the defendant would permit the use of Its terminal facilities temporarily with the un derstanding that the compensation for such service , ais also for the use of the sail trucks , would ho inauo at an curly day. This propo sition was accepted by the complainant , yet the complainant has failed and refused to make uny compensation whatwor for thu use of the Denver terminals or for labor dona mid expenses incurred , and the complainant now owes to the defendant for handling1 tholr engines , trmnsaiid rut-s brought toimdtnUen from Dourer by thonray of the Union 3ocltlc railway , and for freight handled and for water mid otlior supplies , amounting to tlio sum of ? 4 5,553.84. , nnu thu amount : for expenses for July can not bq as certained until the accounts are male ur > i t thu expiration of the month. The defendant ; further alleges that also for the proportion of salaries to bo paid to the general superintend ent , employes and for freight station ex penses at Puohlo there is duo from the coin- pluhiaut to dcfcnduit an additional sun of SM'JII.SS. The complainant further alleges that the use by the complainant of the .Denver ter minals of the defendant company for the trattlo diverted as aforesaid in u false and fraudulent pretense niailo to the said com plainant for the solo purpose of Ruiningan midun advantage over the dcfenii nt. In ob taining the usoof terminal facilities -without compensation , and for thofurthorpurpotts of evading tlio-laws of the state of Colorado , because the complainant was not nor Is now organized under the laws of this stnto or under the laws ot an adjoining stiito or territory , nml for the further reii- fcoti that tlio said line of railway with HA based lines and connections formed and miidu n competing and parallel line to the "Union I'uclllo line to the Missouri liver , and to that pan of tlio Union I'nciDo liuo be- twoea Denver and Uinon inclusive. The defendant therefore mks that na ac count bo taken and ascertained of the several amounts duo the dcfeiijnnt from the com plainant on tlio seicral Items , andtlintsuch compensation be secured unto the defend ant csmpany as is due to it from the complainant company ; and the defendant further prays that complainant bo restrained from using the tracks , yards and other terminal facilities for tlio trafllc diverted from the clunnel con templated iu the contractor February ltli ! , > ys , 3'rcsldent Cable and the general oftlcers ol the liouk island are In the city. La-jt night there wiu a rumor to the effect that the ItocU Island would withdraw Its trains from the Uio Uranilo and run Into Ocnver from Colorado rado Springs over the Union PacifiMTort Worth line , but this was denied by both Presidents Adams and Cable. A Harmonious CHICAGO , July 29. ( Special Tologrnin to TiinllKK.l The llnal mooting preparatory to tbiijorrow's attempt to advance cast-hound rates Jj-oni the Missouri was held today , Tlivro were present Chairman Walker , Faithorn , MiJgley , Goddard and ITinloy of the dliTorent western nMoclutlons Pa-csldcnts CaHo of the Koclr Island , Miller of the St. Paul nnil Munvel of the AtcuHoii ; Vice Iii-iidcut Nowmuu of the Northweatcrn and General Manager Chuppullof the Alton. 'JTio incoting was perfectly harmonious ox- cent that no ugrtiemontwiis reached on the relative rates botu'con norlliornand south- crnInoand ] ) on salt rate * in boUveon Michl- Iran uiid Knusos salt , In thu afternoon tlio ftvo I'halrinen met uuJ decided on tlio ) > orceiiUiKes of busiiiens cneh road shouM take frnm the Jlissouti rivor. Of course they will not innlto their i > oiveiitnifes | iuulii ) until toinorroiv. Ulllficnt oiiiuli7 failed to unearth ailtiglo objector to tlioiiroioaoilnlv | ( ii j in rate , anl unless something uiiox | > ectod happens , the report of the coinmitloo ivlll ho adopted unanimously lotnorrovv , Tltn Nfvv OUtutiun 'I'min' . DEI MOISI : * , Ta , , July MJ-.Spnciul [ Tolo. irrnm to Tun Her. ! Tl u mllway coiiunU. Hioniu-s today ri'cclvc'd ' a copyuf tlio now low.v . dlutuucotariff odojitcd by tho\\ruaternTrulKU \ assocmtlon , to tuko otTuct A.UKt t 1 , ' 1'la nxtw uro thu same as tbo ooiuiubislanon1 schedule for distances liclow 100 mllet , and nhovo tliat thov nro In some instnncm lower. The rntoa vvlll'lHjavpHcnblP in all dlroctlons , Instead of north anil west l > oiindo.s utpre.i- ent. I\SHHI | Oiuuciiintn. S CITY , Mo. , July ! tA t X w York dispatch todny statctl that an ct-rolonel of tlio Btventli Missouri Inrantry oTered to raise nnd equip tlireetlnw tliousanil rocrulw In two weeks forQuateiiialii If WtX)0 , wow plivccd in a Is'ow York hank to the credit of the trvstcei Two cx-ofllcers of thoSovonth Miaaourl Infantry live bore , ono of them belli ) , ' Captain I'liomas It. 1'liolau. When ( Ulccd about tlio story today ho said the per sona connected with the nmttcr are In the dty , hut horoulil not frlvo niiy information coticoruitif * them for day.i , when ho iniiy bo nt liberty to inaVco iiubllo sonio cor- ix-spoiidenco. A > few 3Icdical Society. DnsMoiVKs , la. , July 2SpL [ elal Tclo- grain to Tun ] lin. : ] About thlrtyptiyslelaus troni lloone , Osknloosn , Iviioxvlllo , Indlanola , Kewtotx mil other points within n mdliw of fifty miles mot hero today and organl/eil the Capital District Medical society. The following - lowing olUccraveiti clcctod : President , , f. 1) ) . IMiGloary. Jiulinnolu ; vice prosldonti , P. M. TtiyJor , Newton , nnil I.ewia Sclioalcr , Oes Moincs ; recording socrotnry , Dr. C'urrlo , DCS Moincs ; con-cspoiidliiK socrctury. Dr. ( / ' . 1'ipiuo , DCS Ivlolneai tiv.isuix-r , J.w. Finarty Kiioxviile. 1'iiir JA.HJ jou'insrosKi ) OF. It. Coin en TTp for Cmisidoi'iilloii on a Difiihlo llcuilcil lU'port. IVIr , Davis' jull Job caino up on a double headcil report at the council Bioetlni , ' lint s. ICaspar and Sinder : , n majority of coimnittce , made a report recom- meuding the payment of the bills for the work 011 the new jail , ninountlngto IilKi.S' ' , two-thirdsio bo paid from the city Kcaernl ( und mid one-third from the police fund. The report contained no reference to the charges of extravniranee that have hecii made In the connection with the job , Mr , Dluuier , the combine's ropresenta- live on . the Invest ijatliiR- committee , inudo n minority i-cport , rceoinniendliiK the payment of the hills , and further stated that ho found that the committee on public propcrtj- and buildings , having the work In charge , hail not exceeded Its authority In the construction of the work , Motions were made to adopt both reports , but Mr. Chuffcc * luled that Mr. Blumcr's motion to adopt the minority report was In order , ns the other members had not risen to tbclrfeutln milking the motions. Mr. ICaspar then rose and made a motion to adopt the imijotlty report. A vote ims titkon 011 Mr. ICaspar's anicncl- ineiituud the chair- declared it lost , failing or refusing to hear demands for an nye and nay vote or a division. On n roll call on the motion to adopt the minority report Winner , Donnolly , WcLoarie , Moreurty , Shriver , Wheeler mid CuafTco voted inthonlllrmiitivc , and Cooper , iCusjmr , Jluuscn , O'Conner , 01- sen , Ohthoff and Siiundurs in the negative. This left the vote a tie , and the motion to adopt was lost. Mr. Chatleo refused then to entertain a motion to adopt the majority report , and de cided that the bills could not bo p ; id , under the action of the council. A motion to reconsider the vote 011 both re ports opened up the wbolu question again. Mr. Moimrty grow eloquent and Mr. Cooper pathetic la tfioir appeals for Mr. Davis' vin dication , mid Mr. O'Coimoi'nnd Mr. Wheeler abusive in their respective claims to knowl- odp ! and eounvpe. Other nieinliors ottered. oxpliinatioiis , suggestions utid advice , and the minor ] ty report was 11 nally reconsidered and adopt'od , ICaspar , O'Connor and Sander votlnjj lii the negative , JAJIK.S III < > Kr The Board ot Kduuatloii DIswoics or tIicSiipiu-liitendeiit Question. Tlioro wus a full lobby and fourteen inem- bcw in attciidiuico lit th6 board of education rooms last night. Proslilout ( Joodniau was off on his vacation to tno Pacific coast , anil Vice ljrcsicleut J0cs { occupied the chair. Eic-Shorilf Cobum w.xs ono of tlio first members to nirlvc and at the water cooler ho stopped for a moment to whisper to an asso ciate , telling bim that Superintendent James was a sure winner. Mr. Corycll came later , and as ho dropped into his seat the look that overspread bis taeo indicated that ho hud dropped liloss mid was looking for another man to pit against Co- bum's champion , The members atoneo yotdown to business Hiid for a while listened to Secretary Piper real thominutesof the last meetingand , then iiotlllcd the ooavd that about -Augustla ? ltK)0 ) bond on old district Jfo. US would be- cone due. 'J'lic report was accepted and the president and secretary authorized to draw u warrant for the amount. 'Jlio annual report of the secretary , sliow- Ingtho number of hooks used in ttio schools during tlio year , was roeelved'and placed on 11 lo , AVilllimi Til.Crone of the Western normal collage had telegraphed the secrotarv. Ho Ball : "Vou can make no luistaltoljvciu- ployiiiIi-of. ( nioss forsuperintcndont. ' ' Tlio telegram was placed on lile. .A , K. Ilensliuw wrote a letter to the board , in which ho thanked the members , und stntod that ho desired tosovor his connection with the Omaha schools. Mr. HcnHhaw has hold the position of assistant nvlncipul of the high school for savei ) years. The letter was placed on tile and Mr. llen.slruv will bo released. Some of the I'aeUiu school patrons pro tested against Milto Ford bolnif em ployed us n janitor during the ensuing your. Thogrouud-i for Gutcrtulniiictho pro test wow liecauso Ford's chlldrcii disturb the poiiconncl qulot neighborhood , Thohmdof Charles secrotarv of the hoard waa prcscntcil and accoptoil. Tliu bond is In the sum of * llIMl , , with \V. Il.IJams , John ! ' . Bchin and John 1'oworas suietics , Jlr. Martin's resolution to let the contract , for plumbinu was ciirrlod , and bids Nvlll bo opened next Monday night. Mi1'oppltton ' presented a resolution | iro- vidiiih'for the dividing of the attc-ndiuico tit Uio high school and sending a portioa of the impils to the Pleasant school. Ttio resolution was adopted and the report otlhoiommittco will cowu before the board for consideration at Jho first maetlng to beheld held iuAiignst. This finished the regular order of busi ness. \VohreiMuovcdtondJourn , but the motion diJ not carry. Dr. Spauldliig moved that the board pro ceed totho election of n superintendent of thu schools for tlio term ofonoyuar , Mr. .Morrison offered nu ninundnicnt , that tlio term during which the ftupwlntcmlcnt sliall hold his ofllcej i.hall ho thrco years. Thuiiiiicndincut wis lost. To collect the votes , the chair appointed Poiuiltton ana Uabcoclcai tellers. ' 1'ho Hi's ! vote waa taken In short order and rpvnltoil as follows : James 7 , Ilia nil Jl , Schaffcr 1 , Graham' . ' , Plekard 1 , There was no choice. Tbo second ballot resulted as follows : James 7 , Urahani ! l , Sclmffer 1 , Hlund i ! , Plckunl 1 , ThotliIrd ballot was ; James 0 , IJlund a , Oralmin - tSchafllorl. U'ho fourth ballot stontl : .rainos 3 , G rahain J , nUnd l.Sc'lianiorl. Vice President Itcca , amid the jjaluful slleneo that ensued , announced that Mr. James had been i-lcctcd for tlio term of one year. A motion to elect Prof , I-cvlseo to Jill the vacancy caused by the iiuixnntlon of Prof , Ilc-nshaw wag. voted down , and this matter turned over to the committee on teachers , II. T. Clurli BuyH tinUopiililU.'iiu. . Major \VllcoK did not scttlo with lib em- plnyesatOo'olocfclast night , as ho agreedto ut tbn afternoon meeting held In tlio compos. Ing room , nor did ho turn \ho \ sheet over to the mm. \Vhcn the time cnmo "Wllcos was then * , but h did not havou cent of money with which' to puy the bills of four vuuka stanuliiK , .Aiiotluu nio tlnBvw held , at which em ployer anil emplo M wcro In iittundanre. und ai the tears { .rinded down the old nuui'Hfnco honssural his men ttint ho was at the enj of his rope. UP told them lie hnj aaarchod the by-ways uud the hoaxes tnd Makes tbo lives of many | , coplo ml emtil ? , c.iusliiK illJtrcss after cntlng ; , sour stomach , ilek hcad.iclic , lienttburn , loss ot appetite , A faint , " altgouo" fcclliiK , bad taste , coated _ , . tonpie , nnd irtegularlty ot DiStrOSS tlio bowels. Dyspepsia doei After "ot E0t "c11 ° ' itseit. it . . . reriiilrcs careful attention , tnting „ „ ! n rcmojy | | j0 Hpoii- , B.irsnpirlll.i , wlileli nets ccntly , yctcfllclently. It tones ( ho toniach , regulates the dlgci- lion , creates n ROW ! np. | g/ c petite , banishes headache , and refreshes the mhul.HoacinCllO ' 1 liavo been trouhlcil v\IUt dyspepsia , i had but little appetite , nnd vhat 1 did eat t distressed HIP , or did mo bum would liavo n faint or tlrcil , nll-gono fueling , ns thouli 1 had not oaten anything. My trouble was aggravated by my litisliiMS , { Minting. Last Qoiir fpring I took llooil's Sirc. . c. naparllln , which did mo an Stomach IniniL'iiso ainount of Rood. It Ravi ! mo .in appctlto , anil my food relished and satisfied the ci-avlii ) ! 1 had previously experienced. " CKOIIOU A. Won. Watcrtown , Mass. Hood's Sarsaparilla SoMliy nllilrnsslsts. jit ntxfpr J. l'rci rcilcnl by C.I. HOOD A CO , AK | tliocartc , Ixnill , Jt.Ui. IOO Doses Ono Dollar that not n man In the city vould accept a loan on tlio Republican. The men propiuvd to take their departure , hut , were Induced to remain nnd hoar the balaneo of tlio ropoit. i Mr.Vilcox then told them ho thought ho liad foutula purchasLroiio II. T. Chirko , tvho would tixliu thu 8hectnnil ohliRato him- si-lf to pay till the old labor tilulm * * . Thin siitisllcit thohun ry crowd of coniposltoMiuid writers , and at 8 o'clock" last night they com- men cod their labors in | inttini ; together the Republican that will appear this niornini , ' . It is understood that the chan o in pio- prletorehlp will occur today and thoucxv uiana iit will tnko hold at mii'O. _ r , . . .Summer ( Jomplaliit. During the stiiuincr of 18S2 my little ivl two yuiirsof nyp was taken scrlouslv ill with summer complaint , so common to children of that usu , iind after bcint ; treated by u phywl- rlau and getting 110 bolter , I took from my shelves a bottle of Chiunhcrluln's ( Jollc , Uholcra anil Diarrhea Koinody. She felt ix1- Hevcdufterthe 11 , anil in three days she was entirely well. Alex. Moir , druggist , Hritt , Iowa. IIOM1XV Oiiialia Socnrc.s Anottior Importiitit rHiiimliK,1 tu rinR Inilii.sti'j- . Papers were signed } rsuiiliiy ! by which the Enst Omaha land company seen tvs the location of n nirtinifacUirinj : Industry , to ( HI known as the Oimiha pearl hominy works. 'Hie plant , which Is now located at Ualtlmoro , will bo Immediately pulled up and brought to tbis city. Work upon tbo buildings , which wll be of brick , will hojiin atoneo , that the mills may ho iu operation before winter sets In. The mills when completed will pflva cmploymont to about llfty hands and will coiisumo about twelve hundred bushel. * of com per day , turning out from 125 to IfiO bnrrelsof the product overv twenty-four hours. Thu works will bo located just south of the Carter white lead works. Headachencuvalgia , dixxiiioji , nervous ness , spasms , slcpplc-ssncss , euivd Iiy Dr. Jlilcs' Nervine. Simples free at ICului ft Go.'s ' , 15th und Uougliw. - < , - Tiekctgat lowoat rutos and suporlnr nccomiiioiliitlons via the great Roclc Island ' land route- Ticket olflce , l'0)2 ( ) Six- eenth and i'm-iinm stfool : ! , Omalia. -d ol'IIis Roll. Harry Washington , a coloi-cd cook em ployed nt the Hotel Si'liua , Ashland , visited v OniiUm ypstcrdny and 4 > at ( iwblroti Uf hi * roll . . . , , ' . . . . _ . . a. .ir i..i i.Uu < > n Kllilh atrcot. When he entered u complaint nt the police station ho declared that hodidn'tcnru for tlio money , but bo hadn't a coat loft to pa/ his furu home. Tbo iiollco aa vised him to charge it to his expericnco account. Sirs. Winslow's Soatniug tiyrup " for children teething relieves the child f rum pain. " > cents a bottle. Dr. SussdorlT nmkosa specialty of dla- ouios pecu liar to women. 150 1 Farnuiu st. 13. L. Markov ofSt. Louis Is at the Paxton. Ji. A. Fuller of St , I/mis is at the iJillnrd. 1 { , K. Sims of Now York Isiit the "Murray. Joseph Ilocslnuy cf Lincoln is ut the Casey. AV. Vr. Mills of Ohio Is a guest at the Pax- ton. 31. \Villsyofniair is at the Merchants today. _ , * II , C. Smith of Muoford is a guest at tho' Casey. Jl. A. Denny of Chicago ia at tlio Mer chants. A. 1C. IIulooI Chicago Is In the city , at the Murray. John Hallar of Hapld Citv , S. I ) , , Is at the Milmrd. N. M. Merrill ot Ilartlngton is stopping at thn Casey. M. Kilns of New York was at thu I'uxton last night , .fohn P. Clare of Chicago U stopping nt the Merchants. (1.V. . Urltllu of Kansas City is a guest , at tha Murray. O. Goldsmith of Coviiujton , Ky , , Is at the Murray today. - S. C. Yodcr , of DOS -Moluos Is in the city , at the Merchants. C. S. Kb worth of Uncolii was nt the Mer chants last night , C , II. Culllii of Philadelphia was at the Murray last iilf-ht. .1. Iv. Johnston of Ivansas Citv was at the < Millard last nigbt , .1 , W. Chapproo of Now Vprk was at the Murray last nig-hl , ! ' . \V , Boanlman of Coplldge , NT. M. , H u. guest at the I'uxton. ,1. "W. T-.OVO of Fremont in In the city , a atthoMtllard. 11 W. IJluirof llrokcn Bow ia In the city stopping ut tlio Casuy. Ueorgo Colc-miut of lllair waa in the city last night nttlio Ciwoy , John II. Paul and J. A. McThihm of New York are at tbo Millard. H , IC ! . AVhite , fciiireino keeper o and seals ol the Knights of I'liytlilas of Tcu- iii'sseo , Is in the city , at the I'tixlou. ML > 8 Kra.icl.H Grav of L.ondon is vlsltlnij T her brother , Hon. Fred U * . Uray of this cltv. Mr. and Miss Uray nnd iMn. Little culled upon TIM : IJni : lust evening , J. S. I'otlnrund family departed yesterday for HID Thousand bland * in the St. J-itwrcnwJ river , whoru they will spend tlm balance of Mio HU minor , rotu in Ing to the cty ( aliout tha ilrat cf Saptombor , Absolutely Pure. l < * A croa-iiof lartur Intkinit po < 1nr. of limvculn ; strviiiftli U 3. Gorcruiuont ltd * port AUK. H , I