Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, July 29, 1890, Page 6, Image 6

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    G THE OMAHA DAILY BEF , .TUESDAY , , JULY 20 , 1890.
l > y Currier In uny part of tlio City.
11. W. TlI/rON , - .MANAQKU.
fluMnrM onicc. No. I.I
Night , nllloi , NO.23.
N. Y.P Co.
Council Bluffs Lumber Co. coal ,
llio Conprcgntlonnl Sunday schools nro ar
ranging for it union picnic on August 14.
The Indlt'H of the Ilcrcan Baptist church
clo a social this evening at the residence of
Mr. Busivoll ,
The ilbtilct court room Is being thoroughly
cleaned out , i > rep.iratory to the next term ,
which opens August U" > ,
The council failed to ffot a quorum Iwt
night and ndjoumcd until m > xt Monday night ,
the date of the regular monthly meeting.
County Commissioner Oniham and Alelor-
ranu Lucy Imcsllgntc-il th'o work clone by the
contractors In the Catmint ? hill cut jestoi Jay
foicnoon ,
Cnptnln D , B. Clark lias madotlicMiecnssary
preliminary nrraiigotneiit * for the annual
inirUntfof the old settler * to boheldatUlcn-
wood Augustild.
Colonel Dally Is giving the DoclRO TJtfht
Guards thoiough course of drilling l'i'Ciirn- ' ]
tory to their appuiir.uica at tliu annual en
campment at DCS Molnes in August *
In the < } Uior ! ! court yesterday the case of
Marcus v Ioliany was on This IMSO
arises over the bulldliiR of n patty \vall be
tween the opera house nnd Mai cits' store.
All members of the W. 0. A. nro earnestly
requested to meet at 10 o'clock this morning
at the residences of Mrs. John T. llaldwln ,
to IHTIIIIKO for the funeral of our sister , Mrs.
O. M. Drown. Mrs. Unities , seoietiuy.
The attempt of the democrat * to secure ox-
Governor CJllek of Kansas for an addicts here
this evciiliif ! has failed , the distinguished
pentlornnn telegraphing to Mr Wells Cook ,
the conimlttccinaii , that It would bo Impossi
ble for him to bo here.
The Model base ball club went to lllalr
ngnln on Sunday to get satisfaction for tlieir
defeat on the previous Sunday , uhon tbo
scot e stood 5 to 11 In favor of the Blidrs ,
They sot it. Tlmseoie this time \\as lil to 4
In favor of the Nebraskiins ,
Son Ices will bo held each evening this
week in tbo tent on the corner of Aveuuo B
nnd Tttenty-fouitli street by Elders Hansone ,
Butler mid. Doclson. Elder 1) . K. Dodson
spoke last nltfht nt So'elouk. The seiviees
nro free to nil and everybody ii invited.
A meeting of nil wneelnien In the city Is
desired tonight nt the Y. M. C. A. rooms , nt
the elevator to the uioclc
on Pearl stteet , at 7:30 : o'clock , to iltlo about
the city. liilngyour oidlnurles or .safeties ,
and enjoy u moonlight lido to the liver.
One of the reporters stated that Hall , who
murdered \vlfonndtilodtokill himself ,
is recovering rapidly ami "will soon bo able
to bo up and about. " Ho might bo "up" by
and by , but there is not inueti ehnnco for him
to ever get about over tiny great extent of
Nearly a full \\agon load of uiprnnt ca
nines were ) scut to the cmlno ucipaftcr vh
the witter ionto In the roar of the city build
ing yesterday. Ttio pound Is now closet ted ,
but the dog ctiUhor1I1 start on his lotinds
ngnln today , and It lll soon bo llllccl again
\\lth Its licmliii tenants.
Societal ? Cl.i > ton hits recoiled the creden
tials ot Tieuily nil the delegates to the nn-
tlotml farmers'congtcss , iiucl is iHcpuing to
have them published. There will bo about
live hundred of the delegates mid the pros
pects uio now that fully as many visitors and
alternates will accompany them.
There hnvo been some slight changes In the
police foieo. Ofllcc'i1 Johnson has been
prnnted n leave of absence for a week and
Olllecr Nojcs has taken his place. Ofllcer
Crafts has been chnugcd to OllleorPeterson's '
beat on Lower Broadway and Special Olllecr
Bclkimp put in his place on Middle Bioad-
A railway otnployes' picnic will bo given nt
Wnhoo , Neb. , Saturday. August 10. It will
bo under the auspices or Brotherhood of Lo
comotive Fireman No. 1235 of Onuiha. and
Switchmen's ' Mutual Aid association No. 3. )
of Council Bluffs. Tliu tickets for the round
trip will bo $1. The tr.iin will leave the
Bioadway depot , Council Bluffs , at : 'iO. umt
Omnlm at8 o'cloclclu the inorniujr , and % % ill
rctuin In the evening.
A largo Newfoundland dog died on upper
Broadway yesterday fiom the effects of a
dose of poison that ho bad found somewhere.
The agony of the poor biu'o , and his Intelli
gent and piteous appeals to the crowd for
help , were very affecting , Various antidote *
were given him , but the poison hud been too
thoioughly assimilated. Ho tried as hard as
ho could to thtuilc the strangers who wcto
trying to relieve him , and ho died \\aggmg
his tail In gratltudo for tlio kindness shown
The committee to whom has been assigned
the duty of making arrangements for getting
visitors hero diuing the session of the na
tional farmers' congress from Nebraska nnd
western Iowa will meetat George P. Wright's
oflleo at 10 o'clock this morning to complete
their work. The committee consists ofV. .
H. M. Pusoy , Gcorgo F. Wright. H.V. \ .
Tllton , C. AV. Suydor and Thomas I3owman.
Oncof the things , to bo attended to is the
arrangement of nn excursion for the dele
gates to Spirit Lalto.
The Blethers boy , the young tough -who
assisted In stealing a nutuuer of shirts from
Culley's dry goods store on Saturday evening ,
was brought over from Omaha yesterday
nrternoon by OHlccr Fowlernnd lodged in the
city jail. Ho was confined la the Omaha Jail
all day Sunday , and consented to come ncioss
the river without the formality of n icqulsl-
tlon upon the tiromlso that ho should
luiM ) u nioo upstairs parlor in the city Jail
until his case was dlsposeit of by .Tudgu Me-
Uco. Ho will bo arraigned at the morning
session today.
Mis. S. M. Williamson entertained a largo
number of her friends and acquaintances' at
her resilience , am North Seventh street , in an
ngieenble manner last evening. A lurgo
night-blooming cereus opened Its fragrant
petals in the jireseneo ofaloigo company.
Them wcio four full blown blossoms that
burstcd Into bloom almost simultaneously
nnd sprout their fragrance over the entire
neighborhood The luant U very tluifty nnd
has A largo number of buds on It that will bo
fully developed In a few days. The ( lowers
weio remo\cd tmd placed in alcohol and
gltn to the guests ,
A party of Fremont , Neb , gentlemen
headed by F. W. Lunge , chief of ttio lire de
partment , C. L. Williams , police judge , Charlie -
lie May , H. A. Twist and Charles Johnson ,
wcto In thu city Sunday to look over our
pleasure rcsoits , and determine whether or
not they possessed aufllclunt attractions to
justify their annexation to Fremont for f ro-
qurnt plcnlo and pleasure parties. They
visited as many of the parks and resorts as
they could during the day , and left in the
evening highly pleased with the city and
everything they saw. They canto partlculailj'
for the purposa of selecting a plaio for the
annuiil picnic of their 11 ro department , niu
hastened homo \Uth the declaration that they
would endeavor to hive the pitks moved to
Fiemont or a lurgo portion of the people o
Ficmont brought Into the p.u-kj.
The fellow who stele Motorinnn .Tncobson'
v/atoh and money from the billiard room a
14 ! ! Broaday j cstcrdny Is still at large , bu
the reporters leatucd last night who hoi
and nil about him. HU name Is "Uoo1
Cooley and ho is a restaurant \\nlter. \ For tin.
past week nnd up to noon yesterday he was
engaged at the Model chop house on Pe.u'
street. Ho has been la the city long tltni
nnd has been ll\ lug on Sixth street back o :
the opera house , lie is a shott follow , eleai
bhaved , shott hnlr nnd about twoutjMlvu
years old. Another waiter named Perkins
wis with him yesterday afternoon and loft
the restaurant with him. When the police
ere looking lor him on Upper Broadway the
two fellows were sitting for nn hour at the
Brouclwiiy depot waiting fur the train and
talking about having wott $15 In a game of
poUornt No. liil , They took the train for
Omaha. Perkins is a tall , slim fellow with
hollow cheeks , light hair and uloudo mus
In order to inako room for our fall stock
which la now arriving , wo v 111 offer special
inducements to all who contemplate buying
furniture , carpets , stoves , tlmvnro , crockery ,
Hlasaiwtru , bedding , window shades , cur
tains and other articles too numerous to men
tion , ypu need not go out of our store to
make your purchases , Wo do not odor to sell
fcclow cost , but our prices are guaranteed to
too lower tnan those of our competitors. Ho-
member aiaudel , & Klein's ' , tuo only lustult-
incut house In tlo city , 320 Broadway.
The Sudden Death of Mr ? . 0. M. Brown
Onuses Profound Sorrow ,
An Kvprcsstmui AVIio Will Kl ht Tor
Ills UI htM-No "More ClicukH at
Iho I'oHtofllce aluro
About. 1/eproHy ,
The death of Mrs. 0. M. Brown , which oc
curred at nnoaily hoar yesterday m oral n tj ,
canto ns n startling announcement to the
many fitcncta and acquaintance ) in this city ,
Few know even that she was ill and they did
not look for so snd and sudden nn ending ,
She has for some time been troubled with an
affectation of the heart , though la good gen
eral health. A few veeks since In company
with Mrs. Ocorie A. Kcellno she visited
friends in Dakota and spent some time at the
Hot Springs. Shu felt improved by the trip
and thete was nettling to Indicate that she
was in tiny different state of health fro.n
usual until two or thrco days ago when she
was taken ill. It proved to bo n severe ca-30
ofporitontitls , but she was apparently in a
fair way to recover , when late Saturday
Itcntoon heart lallute began to bo apparent
nd In a few hours deith came. The shock to
cr friends Is a terrible one , forlt seemed but a
ay siiico she was moving about in her accus-
oinccl circles , active , warin-heartoil , helping
11 every good work.
Mrs. Hrcmn wis the oldest of three daugh-
crn of Judge nnd Mrs. O. A. llohlnson. Sno
vas bout In La Salle , 111. , May 0 , 1S' > 0. While
> ut a btbe her family moved to this city nnd
eto she has resided ever since Twenty-one
cars ago. on her blrthdny aniilvcwary , she
vas mairtoil'to Captain O , M. Urown , nnd no
tippler union was over consumm itod. Their
evotlon to each other w.w maikud and the
iovcronco of the tie Is so sudden nnd so severe
: vsto call fotth the Icndcrojt expressions of
iympnthy for the stricken husband
Tliu sorrow felt throughout many circles In
rhls city Is not a more pissing one. Mis.
Brown was mote than n leader or u favorite
" n socl tl circles Her heart was in sympathy
vlth nil who were in suffering or distress. In
11 woiks of charity she was earnest and ac
he , jet not ostentatious. At the risk of In-
.tuslon upon details which are lightly pri
vate , it nmy bo Instanced that picking up the
morning piper her attention vas called to the
"act that a family In a ccitaln part of the city
, \ts In sore distress , While others weto
lilnkinK how and when relief could bo so-
turecl , Mrs. Blown was out and about thu
.vork , nnd In an nour or so she could have
been seen approaching the desolate homo with
Ktcat bundles of supplies in her carriage.
Two j cars ago she Joined a band of noble
uomcn who are engaged in charitable woik ,
\\Itliinthattiniosho has contributed , as
Iho result of her own exertions anil unselfish
tigennlty , over SrIOO , besides doing much
towards securing aid from others for thu
nine cause. Such tuo but Instances of the
Jally lifo of this nobleoni' , who o death comes
us a loss to inmix outside of her own homo.
She vas tin tictlvo , do\otPii member of St.
Paul's church , and la all the work of that or
ganisation sliesho\\cd the bamo earnestness
Hid se-lf-forgctfulncss.
ThoniT.mgeincntfor the funeral will not
bo completed nnd announced until eomtnunl-
.ation is had \\Ith friends in the east.
, r. C. BKby , stcun heating , sanitary en
gineer , ! )4 ) ! Lile bulldliu , Oaialu ; JJ Mer
rtain block , Council Bluffs.
( Ininictl II r HiringDnitghtcr.
Ono Saturday af ternooa about thtvo weeks
, go the patrol wagon was culled to the corner
if Btoidway mid I'oarl streets to convoy two
young giils to Jail. They were airostod by
ill ofllccr for ptostiUitiou and strout walking ,
after having been rop3itodly wanted to keep
ft the streets nnd especially out of BaylUs
nrlt Neither of them was over eighteen
cai s old and both had some traces of mod-
ostylcft jtnd were tcrtlbly humiliated , when
, ho pitrol picked them up In 'the middle of
, Mo afternoon on one of the mast ciowdod
trect corners In the city. At the city jail
hey gave the names of Oora Patterson and
'lora McGlmpsoy , and claimed to bo from
Walnut , la. They were kept in the upper
looms of the jail for several clays and an
Bffoitinudo by the police to find their parents.
"t was found that the McGlmpsy girl mid told
, ho truth and \\.is from Walnut , but the
> tbyOr had not. McGlmnsy's ' brothers came
Jo the citv and took her home , and the other
girl was discharged after promising that she
bvould leave the city and lead n bettor life.
Stio dropped out of sight for a few d lys and
.hen icturiibd to the city. A second warning
'ro ' in the police deptrtment that she wou Id bo
sent to the reform school if she lomained in
.ho city and continued her wickedness caused
tor to leave entirely , or successfully n\oid
ho police.
Yesterday a woman who gave the name of
Mrs Peterson , from Clinton , lu , catno to the
police headquarters and made inquiries
about her daughter Clar.i.uged seventeen.
She hail seen a copy of Tin : BIIJ : giving an ac
count of the arrest of the Patterson and Mc-
Gimpsy girls , and feared that Cora was her
daughter. She. sntct the gill htul left homo in
the early pait of the summer to visit friends
itul when she left there she
.lldnot rotuin borne , nnd nil the .letters her
mother wiote elicited no response ! She de
scribed her crt Ing daughter , mid Chief Carey
at once recognUed her as the girl , Cora Peter
son , Mis. Peterson \\at asked to remain nt
the station for a few moments , and a special
ofllccr vas detailed to hunt the girl if she was
in the city. The Ilrst place visited was Hello
Clover's on Broad why , nu l the girl was found
time. She was taken Into custody and
brought to the station. The mother was
almost hcait-broki'ii when she mot her
daughter and learned where she had been
fouad. The ghl was very willing ( o return
homo , nnd wanted her mother to go to the
house of prostitution with her and help her
get her trunk and clothing , but this was for
bidden by Clilof Caroy. Both mother and
daughter were kept at the station , while an
oflleer uas sent to the house after the trunk.
The mother nnd her erring daughter were
taken to the Uock Island depot and put abe ird
the 5 o'clock train and sent home. The
anguish of the mother was pitiable , and the
girl seemed to bo deeply affected and became
alraoct hysterical In her protestations that
she would lead a better life at homo with her
Money at i educed rates loaned on chattel
and reul estate security by D. II , Sheafo Si Co.
lloccroft Will Protect Ills Hlghts.
The easa of Hairy Iloocroft , the express-
nun who was airestod on Friday afternoon
and again on Saturday morning for allogoJ
violation of the now ordinance prohibiting
the standing of express wigons on Broadway
and Intersecting streets , lj likely to result la
some extensive litigation , Boecroft's oOlee
is located on Brotdway and ho assumed the
right of hitching one of his to mis In f tout of
his plitcu of business , a right that U not de
nied any other cltl/cn or business man , But
the police placed n very wldo construction
upon the oulinunco , and assumed the hitch
ing of tlto team there wut \lolatlon for the
reason that the vehicle was a licensed wagon ,
nnd the two arrests followed Mr. Beccroft's
determination to enjoy the privileges that
nro accorded other business men. The case
was called In the police court tit tlio session
last evening , hat win continued on account
of Mr. Boecroft having a very sick child.
Jlr. Dcccroft has employed counsel nnd Is
determined to protect his rights. Ho
threatens to take the matter to the supreme
court if ho Is defeated in the lower courts ,
ilosaj.s ho has lived in Council Bluffs for
thirty years and has never been arrested for
any offense against any of the lawb that mo
designed for the observance of all.
Dr. Bowers' oftlco moved to00 N. Main.
No Checks I\ir M .noy Orders.
A notice has bcou uostod at the window of
the money order department of the poitoftleo ,
railing attention to the law forbidding the
postmaster or hU clerks from i receiving
checks , drafts or notes for money orders.
The government is very strict about this
matter , nnd does not allow the postoftlca to
cto angthlng but cash business la Its line.
"I fouuil thcro were too wauy folks who
hnd no Idea that there was any such law , "
remarked George Phclp * . "A man will rush
In after banking hour * , buy n money order ,
nnd then offer lib check. How am I to know
whether the check Is good or notl If It
HUoitld prove to bo'of no account I would
hnvo to take the money out of my own pocket.
Suppose Unit I knew the man fu bo all light
and the check was as good as gold and
should take It instead of cash , the next man
that wanted to piy v 1th a cheek might bo
doubtful , or I might not be well enough ac
quainted \ \ Ith him to take the tlmnccs. If I
refused to take his check ho would feel In
sulted and go off mud. The law Is nil right ,
nnd it puts over ) body on n common basis , but
oMm with this law , which llxes a heavy pen
alty for accepting n check , there is much
t ton bio. A business man offered his check
the other day for a money order nnd ho was
so mad because I wouldn't ' take It he wont
and complained to the poUmtuter nbout me.
So we've posted up the law that all may sco
for themselves that wo can't ' do It. "
Wo have customers for inside Improved
ptopoity , terms all cash. If you have a bar
gain to offer call on 13. II. Sheafo & Co. at
Hlorc About Leprosy.
To the Editor of Tin : ll.u : : Belni ? a leader
of Tun Her , nnd also n disciple of the heal
ing ait , 1 was naturally Interested In the his
tory of the cose of leprosy unrr.ited In the
Sunday Issue , In which \\o are assured It was
a genuine case of leprosy. Now , reasoning
ftom the most marked sjtnptoms given of the
case , wo think It entirely too scaly. The fact
of thcro having been nulo to gather up the
"half n dust pan full of scales" fiom the
hcd In the morning would strongly suggest
to us another veil-known cutaneous disease ,
nnd not leprosy. Now wo tinvo three recog
nised lortns of leprosv , muscular , tubcrclous
and uiuustliotlc. In none of thcso forms Is
there any thing like the amount of scaling as
spoken of above , but in popular eczema In
the stage of exfoliation suelin scaling might
re.illy occur. Inthlsfoirn eruptions on the
face at o not common , which appear to hnvo
been absent in the above case. The doctor's
arsenical treatment In the List named disease
would bo muchmoro effectlvo and npnroptl-
ate than in leprosy. It bolnir one of the old
tried teincdies used In cutaneous diseases
long before the mituoof Ilahneninnn appealed
in medical literature. The duration of leprosy -
rosy Js from the to fifteen years. The prog
nosis Is without doubt very unfavorable. A
few authentic cases nppjm1 to have btcn
cuiod , n great many hnvo been benefited , but
by far the largest number of cases prove
fatal. There is no recognized specllicfor lep
rosy , . /EjCULAl'IUd.
.Tlic Flouers In the 1'urk.
When the now fountain was started In
Uayllss patk the Idc.i was conceived that It
would bo pleasant to have the urns at Its base
( Hied with flowers and plants. The predic
tion was made that \\ould ba a useless ex
penditure of time nnd money , for the llowers
would bo plucked nnd the plants torn to pieces
by the unappreciatlvo public. The experiment
was tiled , however , and it Is n gteat success.
Thcro has been hardly a flower disturbed ,
and the urns are ns beautiful as when ilrst
filled. The public has proved Itself capable
of having ( lowers.
Two or three little urchins were noticed
ho other day commenting upon the beauty of
ho plants and llouers and preparing to make
i botanical investigation. Ono of them had
Hire uly pulled off two or thieo leaves when
'ark Commissioner Graham canto along. In
ils broad , big-hearted Scotch way ho usked
he lad if ho had any idea \\ho3u plants tha o
"I ' the ' "
s'poso they aio citj's.
"Well , my lad , let mo tell jou. They're '
outs "
The lad opened his eyes with n wondetlng
' Yes , they're yours. They belong to
ivotybody , and they are Just tis much yours
as tltoy nro Mr. Pusoy's ' , Mr. O Ulcer's or any
body else. Now , If you had iloucrs and
ilants at homo would you bo pulling off the
eaves and spoiling them I"
"Of course I wouldn't. ' "
"Well , tlioso ( lowers hero nnd the plants
belong to you ns much as to anybody , and
ou oughtn't to bo spoiling them. You ougut
o watch them and keep anybody from hurt-
ng thorn"
" 1 never thought of It that way. You bet
„ on I won't let anybody bother with thotn , I
lida't know they were part mine , and that
vo all owned them. So they belong to us ,
I nil of us I"
If you wish tosell your property call on the
udclWlls \ Co , C. 1) . Judd , president , OOU
3 road way.
A I'rcaoher on Parks.
There was some little talk yesterday grow-
ngout ot street reports astouttorjiiccs made
ly llev. Mr. Franklin In his Sunday morning
ermon regarding p irks. The impression was
ecelved by some that the rovoroni gentle
man attempted to score the pirk commls-
iloners and others for the practlco of
'reipicntlng the parks on Sandiys. Mr.
rranklln denies that thcro was any such
coring given. Ho was endeavoring to show
u his sermon that man's outward walk and
conversation should conform with his pro-
'e&slons of Christianity. He alluded inci
dentally to the Indie itlons of a constant at
tempt to draw men nw.iy from a proper ob
servance of the Sabbath , the tinkling1 of the
car bells , the strains of socillol pacrcd con.
certs , the throngs rushing to Manawa and
the parks , etc. , were all cited as incidental
evidences of the tendency of the tlmos.
When asked about the mutter yesterday
Mr. Franklin rotnaritcd that while ho bo-
levcd there was altogether too much laxity
, n regard to Sunday oliscivanco , yet ho did
lot want to bo on the subject. He
tad not boon preaching against the parks , or
clalmint ; that it was sinful to go to them , but
lie did not believe In having the motor com
pany hire a band to p tt In the pirk in order
to draw the people thcro In crowds , and thus
imko money for their own pockets ,
It was this attempt to gather up the people
In crowds by ottering amusements and sports
for the purpose of money-making , which ho
did not believe in. "Why. when a concert is
given on Sunday they call it n sacred con
cert , " bu said. "They call everything that Is
for Sunday sacred. A short time ago they
advertise J a sacred dog light for one Sunday
in South Omaha. "
A good hose reel free w Ith every 100 feet of
hose purchased at Blxby's.
An KatorprlHliii ; Tiller.
Yesterday afternoon while Motortnan
James Jacobion and sotno companions were
playing billiards nt 131 Broadway a.snoak
thief catuo In nnd appropriated the contents
of Jacobson's vest , which was hanging on a
chair near the table where they were playing.
The vest contained a silver watch and $15 In
cash. As ho went out the roar door ho picked
up a vallsj belonging to Ileary Hanson con
taining some clothes and other property.
The articles were missed in a few moments
after they wore stolen nnd an oflleer called ,
Patrolman Nojos answered the call nndas
put on the track of the thief. In the woods
in the roar of the building he found the
empty valise.
A warrant was issued for the follow and all
the patrolmen were Riven a description of
him , but up ton lute hour ho had not been
captuted. _
Tbo Manhattan sporting headquarters , 418
Broadway ,
J. 0. Tlpton , real estate , CJ7 Broadway.
Out AVitli a Ttn/ior.
The regular Sunday night light at Big lake
resulted in the slashing of a colored man
named J , B , Pnttor&ou by another dnrkey ,
whoso name \\as not known to any of the people
ple who were there. The cutting was done
w 1th a razor during a light between the two
men. All that is known of the affray was
learred from the friends of Patterson , who
said he came down from the lake about mid
night and got to his room on Lower Broad
way neatly exhausted from loss of blood nnd
biwling furiously from a Mound six inches
lo.igln his leftsldo , and told them that It
was done by "another nigger. " When usltcd
who ho was and if he got away , Patterson re
plied , "Not much. I give him mo ill us ho
give mo , and you'll Unit htm , I guc&s , up thcro
in the brush , u dead nigger , sure. "
Patterson's wouud is similar , but not so
sovercj ua that lutllctcd upon Albert Smith.
not long ago at Ihtt simo plnro nnd by the
amo mentis Ufa clothing protected him
( ittio nnd tlio ml/or- struck the lower rib on
ho left side , which nlono tierhnps prevented
llsoinuowclment. TUo police have mndo no
n\cstlgatlons. IMa inko is beginning to
tavo n bad name , and Is used nlmost oxclu-
Uely on Sunday for "coou" picnics. Beer
iitd whisky are old al places Just outside of
ho city limits and of course be ) nnd the Juris-
'Ictlon of the police1 , and the places nro l > or-
nltted to Iw run iiuJ frequented by u , very
rough and dtutgcroues element.
ire-mid Annual Halo llostun Store ,
Council ItluiVH.
The past four clftyj of the Boston store
invo been the liveliest ever witnessed In
Council Bluffs , the store being crowded dally
'torn morning until night , ' -Iho tremendous
jargnlns In dry goods offered nt the Boston
.tore . are something wonderful. Below they
pjoto n few of the thousands of bargains to
jo hud at the sale :
Double fold cashmere nml3Vlnch ( check
ailtlngs , sold for 'JJc ; sale price lU' cw
Yard wldo all wool llanncls tn stripes , plains
itid mixtures , whlohsoldut -ISouiulSScj '
: o coat thin sale for Me.
$0.75 all wool paU tns , ) . : i * sale price.
? 7.M nil wool patterns , $ . ' .75 sale price.
? lf > silk and wool. ? " .r > 0 sale price.
SS'J velvet nnd silk trimmed , # 11 .
$25 velvet nnd silk trimmed , Sl'.fiO.
All our stock of Imported novelties nt just
half price.
Ynrd wide unbleached muslin 4) ) c , usual
rice fie.
Our7c unbleached muslin , fij c.
be and Ste unbleached muslin ; sale price c.
Fruit of the Loom nnd Andiosooggun , 0 , ' c.
worth lOc.
lie ivy shirting , fast colors , 4 0 , worth Cc.
80-lii wldo l"c ' cheviots , good patterns,8ij/o [
la yards for M.
Double fold chullcy beige cloth , worth 7o
ale price 3) < fc.
Kngllsh sateens , good styles , sold for 1 Co ;
> nlo prlco SKc V.i jards for ? 1.
imported Scotch zephyrs which sold for
tie. tcduced lor this sale to 12) ) c.
French sateens , UK ) stj les , also In solid coi
rs in Mulhouso goods , 'reduced from ic to
Sttndnrd Indlpo lilno pi
Yard wldo limey colored calico , sold at
Sjxfc , sale price ( S c-lialf price.
luO doyen derby ilbbed hose , sizes from 0 to
% , extra long , sold for i'Jo , prlco during sale
Ipswich fnst black hose , all slzea ; during
itllO IOC , sirCS 5l ! tOblj'c.
2 and ? 3-5 unibteiliis for $1.7. .
S-J50 , $ .tnnd $ . ) 50 umbrellas for $ ' .2o.
Nuiseiy pins Ic ado/en.
Claike's and Coates1 thread 4o a spool.
Belilinffsilk , 100 yard spool , 8c.
TJ-ieii thread 7e , Marshall's.
Pius Ion paper.
Beat btass pins fie a piper.
Knitting cotton Co a ball , sold everywhere
else for lOo.
Jet buttons fie a dorcn , former price ISo.
Prices onVnll Paper and liordcr to Close
Out , Half Price.
2/io Gilt Paper for 12 Vc.
22o ' lie.
lOo " '
9O " "
And border at just half the pnco marked.
BOSTON bl'OKi : , Council BlutTs ,
Fotherlngliiim , Whitclnw i : Co.
The Knrmcrs' Con rrrss.
James Rainbow of Silver Creek township
vas In the city yesterday. Ho lias been at
vork most enthusiastically seemitiK conttl-
mtlons of grains nnd other products for the
exhibit to bo given hero in connection with
the meeting of the farmers' national congress
icxt month. The energy slto'.vn uy him , and
.ho interest lie manifests , is wlnnlm ? success.
* t Is Instanced ns an example for the city
'oiks who nro nppneiitlv so indifferent about
the matter. Council lllulTs cnnjiot afford to
illow Its friends in the country tboutdo thorn
n the piopai.itlons for tlio reception and en-
eitaininent of these ( HstinLjulslted quests
wltn will coino from almost every state In the
union. There should bo a largo sum of money
ralscel here without difllculty to enable ) the
committee to properly arrnngo this display ,
ind to provide the other necessaries to show
oft this city and aunty nt the best.
Tlio Now Sohool House.
The contract for building .ho new school
: iouse on the Cochran tract has been drawn
upieadyfor the board to approve and the
turtles to sign. -icctlng will bo held some
.lino this week Tor this purpose , The desire
was to have the building ready fpr occu-
lancy toy October 1 , but the architects and
lontractors said this was Impossible , so No
vember 1 has been fixed upon as the date.
With the probabilities of the usual delajs In
all contracts It does not seem very lllcoly that
: ho building will bo done even by that time.
The wotk cannot bo commenced until the con
tract is signed , nnd if thcro Is delay about
; hls on the very start , the question arises ,
when will the children of that neighborhood
Lo accommodated with the desired school )
Arthur Ross is homo from Kansas City.
Mrs. F. Clark and daughter have returned
from a visit to f ilcnds at Ctosco , la.
Mrs. Simon Klsoman nnd children and her
sister , Mrs. Newman , have gone to Colfax.
MissM. G. Gleason and her sister , Miss
Kit Gleason , will btart today for the west on
a month's trip.
Miss Kate Blaxsim , a teacher in the city
schools , has gone to Chicago to spend most of
her vacation thcro.
Mr. nnd Mrs. W. M. Geddes of Grand
Island weio guests of Mr. and Mrs. T. E.
Gavin over Sunday. On their return homo
they veru accompanied by Miss Maud Cavln
nud Miss Get tie Uleason , who \\111 visit there
for a short time.
De-litDII to DcMttli by a Intnntlc.
WOICOTTVIM.P , N. Y. [ Special Telegram to
Tins BKK.J Yesterday afternoon a lunatic
named Yngo beat I'ooi master SchulU so
seveicly with nn axe that Schultz died in
the evening. Yngo had been in the asylum
two or three jears , but was recently per
mitted to rctuin home , appaiently restored
to ronson. Ho soon , however , became so violent
lent that Schultz , accompanied by a consta
ble , went to Yago's house to take him and
return him to the asylum , when ho attacked
Schultz as above stated. YugO then lied to
the \\oods nnd up to this ovcnlnc bad not
been captured.
A Choice. Ijlst of Summer ItcnortH.
In the lake ropions of Wlbconsin , Min
nesota , Iowa and the two Dakotas , there
are hundreds of charming localities pro-
. .eminently fitted for summer homos.
Among the following selected list nro
names familiar to many of our renders
as the perfection of northern summer ro-
Forts. Nearly nil of the Wisconsin points
of interest nro within n short distance
from Chicago or Milwaukee , nnd none
of them tire so far away from the "busy
marts of civilization" that they cannot
bo lenchod In n few hours of travel ,
by frequent trains , over the finest road
In the northwest the Chicago ,
Milwaukee & $ t. Paul railway
Oconomowoc. Wls. - Clear Lake , Iowa.
Minocqua , Wis. l ( > Lnko Okohoji , Iowa.
Wuukcbhn. Wls. Spirit Lake , Iowa.
Polmyra , Wls. i Frontcnnc , Minn.
Tatnahawk Lakes , Lake .Mlanotonlca ,
Wis. Minn.
Lakeside , Wls. Ortonvillo , Minn.
Kllbourn City , Wls , Prior Lake , Minn.
( IMlsof the Wls- White Bear Lake ,
cousin. ) Minn.
Beaver Dam. Wls. Big Stouo Lake , Da-
Mndlson , Wls , kotu
For detailed Information , apply at ticket
oflieo , 1501 Furmim stn-ct , Barker Block.
P. A. NASH , Gen. Agent
J. E. PUKS'lOJf , PIM. Agent ,
A C'asn tit Sntnllpot.
Is'nw YOHK , July 27. The French steamer
La Boutgagne , which arrived hero from
Havre yesterday , btU the latter poi lion of
hervoyago miulo InteroUlngby the discovcty
of a case of smallpox on board , one of the
cabin stewards. When the Bourgogno ar
rived at nuaruntlnb ho was romoveil to the
pest hospit'il. A health o.llcor vacelnnto.1 all
the lutiaciiKors who sat at the table tit which
the sick man waited and till the steward's
Ihoi | > t > d From HIM I'oor Fill in.
Gottlieb Frederick , nnlnsino pUlcntuttho
county poor farm , m-ideonoof his periodical
escapes josterday and came to this city. Ho
was recaptured by the police and was scut
back this montlng ,
The Imlopcndout State Convention to Oou-
vono la Lincoln Today.
A Mfit of tlio Papers In AV hi oh the
1'eiulltig Amendments to the
Constitution me to bo
LINCOI.V , Neb , July 28. [ Speclnl to TIIK
Dei : . ] Lincoln is remarkably quiet consider
ing thu fact that A great state convention Is to
be held bete tomorrow. Only two of the independent -
dependent ! have spoken for rooms , and these
nro Dave llutlcr , who \\lll bo quartered in
rooms U7 nnd W nt the Capital hotel , the
lucky nppartmcuts used by IJlchards , nnd J ,
II. Kdmitwton , who will bo stationed in
rooms 23 and 20 , those occupied by Dr.
Instead of excitement among the trades ,
union men there Is dissatisfaction at the way
in which they claim that Craddoik inanlpu-
ntcd affairs. A labor union man said today
to your correspondent :
"What right has this man Craddoik to
traftlck with us as ho has ! Ho was expelled
from the carpenters' union nnd now ho Is
usurping the power to manipulate all the
labor interests In the state , He Is also at
tempting to compass the defeat of Council ,
our congressman , who has done more for the
piomotion of labor interests than any man in
congress. Instead ho is trying to elect W. J.
lirynn to congicss , a man whoso only use for
laboring men is to use them for tools.
Ol'FlCHI , I'At'KlH snilCTID ,
The governor has selected the list of papers
given below nstho ones In whlcn tire to lo
published the pending amendments to the
constitution to bo voted on at the coming
election :
Tun DVII.T Bnn , Omnhn ; The Nobraskatt ,
Hastings ; State Jouina ] , Lincoln ; Ad
vocate , Nelih ( ! ; Kaily 13ty , Ilar-
risburg ; Nous , Brewstcr ; Itopubllciitt ,
Cedar Haplds ; Times , Alliance ; Star , Ains-
worth ; Now Era , Kearney ; Uurtoaltin , Teka-
nuih ; Tiibuno , David City ; Kcpuulieaii ,
Weeping Water ; Times , Hnrtington ; licpub-
lic.ut , Itnperiul : Gazette , Valentino ; Journal ,
Sidney : AdvctUser , Sutton ; Sun. Schuylet * ;
Republican , West Point : Leader , iJmkctt
Bow ; Knglo , Dikota City ; Jouinal , Clrulron ;
Pioneer , Lexington ; Gazette , Lexington ;
Kegister , Chnppell ; Journal , Pencil ; Flnll ,
Fremont ; Pioneer , Beuklcsntm ; Kopublicnn.
Geneva ; Guard , Hiveiton ; Record , Curtis ;
Faber , Stockpile ; Standard , Oxford ; Ex
press , Beatrice ; Quaver , Burwcll ; Record ,
B1JwoodLeader ; , Groeloy Centre ; Tribune ,
IlynnnlsIndcpendnt ; , Grandlsland ; Tribune ,
Alma ; Republican , Auroia ; Republican ,
Haves Centre ; Sun , Ctilbertson ; frontier ,
O'Neill ; Phonograph , St. Paul ; Ga/ctte ,
Fahbury ; Cldoftaln , Tecnmseh ; Ga/ette ,
Mindcn ; Kculster , Mindenj Journal , Ogal <
nlla ; Republican , ICojn Palm , Observer ,
Klmball ; Pioneer , Niobiara ; Telegraph ,
Notth Phitto ; Pioneer-Republican. Uandy ;
Cltuion. Taylor ; News , Notfolk ; Nonpareil ,
Conttal Citj , Journal , Pnllcitoii , Post ,
Auburn ; Gtmctte. Nelson ; Pi-e&s. Ko-
hmskii City ; Republican , Pawnco ; Clti/cn ,
Holdrego ; NuKget , Holdrego ; Enterprise ,
Grant ; ( 'nil , I'ierco ; Journal , Columbus ;
Sentinel , Columbus ; Uecord , Osceola ; Trib
une , McCook ; Joutmil , Palls Cltj ; Advocate ,
Ncwpoit ; Viclotto , Crete ; Monitor , Spring-
Hold ; Gazette , Abhland ; Courier , Quring ;
Hcpoitcr , So\vard ; SUindtrd , Hushvillo ;
Times , Loup City ; Jotnnal. Harr'son ' ; Ucgls-
tor , Stanton ; Journal , Hebron ; Tribune ,
Thcdfoid ; Ilepubllcan , Pindar ; Quiz , Old ;
Lojallst , North Loup ; Pilot , Blur ; Herald ,
Wayne ; Argus , Red Cloud ; Chief , Hod
Cloud ; Republican , Bartlcy ; Republican ,
York ; Ne\vs , McPherson.
John C. Rakes and Charles L. Blazer , both
of Cass county , have been having some
trouble over a strip of timber hnd In town
ship N't ) , 10. Icnkca claimed that lie has
owned tlio quarter section for twenty years ,
and that In business relations with Blazer he
deeded the property to Blazer ou condition
that it bo deeded back ugain. This , ho says ,
that individual refuses to do. and hasinstead , ,
disposed of the property to Norman H.
Brown. Rnkea asks that both deeds bo an
nulled. Blazer's ' defence is that Rukcs
deeded the laud to him to square up alleged
damages , amounting to $ J,000 , Ineuned
through mistopresentatlons of the plaintiff.
Each charges thu other with fraud.
Richard Kearney of Uaca , ivho recently
leased Crabb's mills on tht ) bottoms , vent
down there last evening to sco what repairs
were necessary laorder to prepare it for
flouring purposes. On his way ho was as
saulted hv a hutculean negro who struck
him over the shoulders and in thd facd ulth
a club in his cffoits to rob Mr. Kearney. The
negro failed to got tiny money from lilm ,
however , as Mr. Kcainey showed considera
ble pluck and by making a ilerco defense the
miller managed to put his dusky assailant to
The family of Dr. Couty , the well known
capitalist , has for no.irly two weeks been
mj stilled over the disappearance of the
comely girl mimed Mary Sterling tvhohad
boon -working for them us a domestic About
fourteen days ago Mrs. Koutz gave the glilitt
cents with \vlilch to buy some gtoceiics. The
girl went up stairs to put on her hut and was ,
heard afterwards coming do\\n tlio steps.
That vas the last seen or hoard of her. As
she eUd not letuin Mrs. Koutzvontitp to the
gill's room nnd found c\orything in con
tusion , nor clothing being scattcicd nbout and
her money some $70 gono. On the front
door stej ) was found the piece of money. Tun
Bi K has been in possession of these facts for
some time , but in order to give u chance to
the two Lincoln Journals which aio daily
wasting valuable space in attempting to ex
plain why THE OM VIIA BnEseoops them every
day on Lincoln news , nothing was said about
it. Today a letter was received fiom the
girl. § ho says that she is on a ranch in
Colorado , having suddenly taken n notion to
go there. It Is thought it handsome joung
man -with a cute musUeho had something to
do with her sudden determination to make
the mysterious move she did.
The following notarial appointments were
made today by the governor : Charles 'V ,
Koot , Murray ; C. S. DoJgo , Sehuylor ; W.
A. Spencer , Omuua ; } Mlth 13. Doollttlo ,
Omaha ; B F. Masters , Omaha ; Aithur II.
Scharff , Omaha ; L. 0. 1'crloy , Omaha ; J. B
Kvans , Omaha ; Laimtin P. 1'ruyn , Omaha ;
Thomas J.Tooloy , Omaha ; J. C. Hammond ,
Omaha ; I1. II. Jerome , Omaha ; Ileiman
Holsten , Dodge ; J. M. Shlckloy , Geneva ,
Henrv C. BruneiGennia ; 0. M , Enlow ,
Ileatiico ; W. L. McGco , North Platte ; John
W. Black , Nebraska City ; A. U. KclmraUi ,
The state board of equalisation is In session
this week , anil any person haUng any com
plaints to make should avail themsohcs ol
the ptlvllcgo , as the beaul meets but once a
year , The board consists of the go\enior ,
auditor and state treasurer.
The electric street railway is not only no
assured fact , but also promises to Ion realisa
tion In the near future. The foundations foi
the powerhouse ou Twelfth street In Bcl-
montadditlon aio being laid , anil this after
noon the lirst shipment of wire was recelvct !
to bo used for trolling purposes.
Today papers were filed In tlio dlstiid
couit by William Kennedy asking for an in
junction upuiust A. J. Lowell. L. 0. Ou.irty
and W. 0. Austin , ivspcctfullj chnlrmtin ,
seeictnry and treasurer of the of trus
tees of Vi'est Lincoln. Mr Kennedy s.ija
that although therj Is no oidlnnneo creating
the oftleo of city mirdh . tlio trustees htuo
appointed such oflleer , nnd ho asks tint they
ho cnlnhuul from paying the tnin chosoit ,
John Hagorty ,
1 HUNSTltOKi : .
MM. La Cocur , n Fioich woman nnd
stranger , engaged In selling notions on tliu
street , was overcome b.\ the heat on P stwt
this aftoi noon and BU Acred sunsttoke , Slio
wns lulccn to the hospital. R\\a \ \ has a smiil1
child and has no fi lends here.
AMKAT MAIIKI.T ufnouuurn.
Burglars effected nn entrance into tho.
' street moat market near Twentieth streo
lust night by taking out the -wire sciccn.
Alter breaking lute the money drawer nad
tiling ftbottln dollar In change , ttioy * helped
ticmsclvos to uovottil choice attain and left.
Tito riiitform.
The rouubllc'iins f N'obr.i kl rolleralo tinil
oNlliillvonilorso tlio fiitnlniiKntiil principles
ofllio ropuiillc-ait party , us cnuiielitcd by a
iKcestlou of natloiril icimlillciiii co-ixentlin *
nun iaii1tolS' ' < H. and wo bollcvo Iho ropub-
Ictn pirlycntiiblc ! ofitvnllnff wl the very vl til
Unit conccrtu tlio American pooolo.
vlicnotur tlio rank and ( Hoof the
inrtyiito iMitriimtackd In tliocxurclso ct tlulf
IdlltlCll flllllls ,
\\'o \ \ lionrtlly otnoiM the vl o andcoinprvi-
ttu iiilnilulitr.iUon of Prosde-nt IliirUon.
\t ) nlsii ftilly nipr | Mt > tlio \-\to \ uctlnnof the
< . | itlllloan ) iiiviubnr * of bi > : li luiinus of con *
rn'MH In fuKIHIn ; tbo | > luljr ' < of Ihn pirly In
v/lxlnltoit UIKIII tin1 onlnitgo of HlUcr itud
Hiior nieiisilivH of ititlonnl Import imci' . mill
cuiignitulnin tbo eoiititix upon tlio continued
tiluetlon otttinitiitlunaf doiit ,
\\o \ most hem Illy < "mlir o tlio lutliMjot ilio
fpubllciitKoiit.'rfss In iiiHsltig tliodUilillUV
Kiislonblllatiiltliu reiJiiblle.iii iniHlcleiil who
iipruu | > d lliosamu. imcl icgutil ft us iiiiautof
notice too long iliMnyocl.bfcaii'oof tln'opiin- '
slllon to all just ixMision lo lslutliiii liy
a democratic picslilimt mid it ilcnim'tiilfc
jet we do not rcetint Has the full
n of Ilio dolit of. obligation
\lllOll tllU V'lN OMIIIIL'IIL tlllll tllO l)00llluil\r to
these hiifow nii'ii byie.ison of v > iiiwoHicrilltps
ind ( lovolliiii tlio union wad suud and II , u
govornmc'iit restored ,
\Vu \ lioltl nn lionest.pnpiihirb.illot anil a ] mt
ind equal ti' | > icetitntlou of nit tliopeopUi tex
x the foundation ol our republican KIIVOIH-
icnt. and iloniiinil illootK o li , 'lslat Ion to i > -
cuio Integrity nnd purity ofi'luclloiis , which
tn tlie foiinunlloii ut iilltiubllc initlioiltj- .
\Vo fiMi : ) snob aioxltloii of the elect Ion
nws of the sltto is \ \ \ \ \ Kititriiiilc'e to uvvty
Miter ! hi KrtMti l pisslbloBOcri-oj In lliocait-
ng ot liln ballot , mid siciirutliuptiiiUliniilit
il tiny vlio imy uttuinpt tlio ooiiiiptlon or
iitlinliltiiloii of uitoii ; and wo fiMir
lie Austinlhm ballot sifitviii for nil
neor | > m sited town * jind eltlus ai > i > ! lciblo
Violli ID prliiiiuy nnd ri-Kiil u ulctctloiij , ha fur
n It con forms to uitr oiKinlohiw ,
\Vo oiiijino 1 ind inoiioiiolylii o\cry fnrni. do *
iiand the forfcltiuoof iiiiuniiud Jiiud giants
nul tlio icMjrvatlouof tliu publlo cloniilii lor
iiiintstoailois cinly ,
Wo rucouiil/olliu rlalit of 1 ibor to orpnnl/o
or Its protection , : ind lj ) all ln\\fnl iiiinns to
'cuuio to Itself the greutcst mivtiril forlts
thrift and Industry.
\Vo mo In fnxor < ila\Mcoiiipclllng ( tallmadi
nnd iiriiinfactiin iBli USD npplliiiieos
ciuo mtiilti's | ) fet tliu tire t eel loff of litbn id s
\VuiliMiiind \ : tllouinictnicnt/
a liu iklluliii Lho llnlilHlj of t'iii | > loK'i.or (
n Juries sustiilncMl liy pniplojcs In Mien caws
< rlieiaiircuisifuKUtirlilitt\o | ) nut been nsoit
n oictipitlom ihnwroiis to llfi , Unit )
or licnltli. llallnvul unit oilier pnlillu
mrputaLIoiiH should Iw siilijuut to i-outrol
liiunsh tlio lo lslitlM' poner Unit ctcuUMl
tlieni , Thulr iinclim lnllnuiii.'u In loslsbitlon
mdcourtt , iinilof iiiinucc" > siry burtloin upDii
tlio iieoiilo iiinl the llltglt linato Inuie.isu of
stock or ciipltil , slioiitd bn pro-
ilbltcd by stiln ent lav , \\o \ ili-
naiul ot the slito flint tlio ptoprriy
of eorp ( > ratti > n < sliill bi.n.iMxItliosiiiiioii-
of liidu Idiials : tli u tliopro\lifloiHof our con-
stltiitlon rciiulrliis tlio .cssiiiciit ot rim-
cliisusbli.ill Lie uiitiiiceJ by suitable lejflsla-
\Vo do further repent our declaration In
.ivor of a Just and fair scr\lco pi'iislim ,
( [ railed .icoiilln ( lo liimtli- her > lco , for
ever ; soldlur nnd sillor\\liofoulit \ ; In bolulf
of the iitilun. and by rei : < oiiof wliosaicirlios
aeilllcc > ! > tttid du\ollon the Kovi'innicnL now
Wiiilonnncl the rfdiicllonof frettilit nnd ji is-
c'nscr i.itc * on rail i aids lo correspond -\ilth \
iileiiiou | ) re\nllln ? intlio mljau'iit stil : s to
bu MKsls4l | > ] ) l , anil Ud fuillici iloin nul that
lie ligKliititMHliall abollsluill ] i'is > osaml frc-o
fanipoi'titloiu ) ! ! rallrouls cxucotlng for all
mplu\csu ( i.illro.ul coinptiiilcs.
\ \ udoiniiKl tlio I'HL'ililUli.iciit of a system
if postul telceiajiliy , nnd tcMitil | oin incni-
icrsln uon t cis to'oto for go\iiiiii.c'iit cou-
rol of tbc teUsri'l'b- '
Unnnrs of nubile clomtois that re
nnd iiandlo Ki'ln fur sloi-
slinnlcl he elriliLHil rubllc v\nrc-
iiien. nnd Cotnpellod undi'r poiulty
o icol\o , store , ship unr linndk thuKt iln of
all iwisoiiillkc > . wltliout ( Ilsurliiiliiatiou the
state rcjiilntlnj ? cliarjos for stouiKoiiiicl lu-
Bpi'Ctlon. All railroad conipniilos should lie
requited to sivltcli. haul , lunclli , i oiol\ mid
thlptliogi.iltioC ull perbunsvltliouicllseflm , -
\Vofii\orthootnetincntot inoro strlnsuut
isttrj' law-i and llieslr onfoiTimunt under
o\cio iiunaltli's. 'Iho republican pirty
nislre'ii ( [ tlio American people a Mal > li anil
ilastle entroticy of K'old.sllier and | inpc'rand
ins raised tin' ui-c'illt ( if tlio iintlon loonu of
.ho hiKliC'it of aiij country of tliuurliland
: helr otforts to fully icnionctUo blUtr MiottUl
be continued ituill It Kou n peifeut eiiunllty ,
is n money nii'tul , with gold.
Wo fuAor tlio inodltlciliunof the stitutcs of
oiirstiitoln sni'li muniier aiflinll prevent tlio
tnjliiKOf JmlKinentsi-ociired for work and
iiborund tlioemictnicnt ofsucli laws as Mnill
piovlilo for tlio .spceclyeollcctlon of the \vnges
or our laborers.
Wo Ia\oi n rovlslonof t > iotn.rllT In tbo Intor-
cstsof tlio Jirodiicer mill Inbutvr. Tliu lniuort
lutlcs on aitlelcs or cuiiiinoii vso slioulu 1)O
) licud nilawus h consistent with a inotcQ-
Diiofniurlcan ( Industries.
Wo omlorbU tlio notion of Ilio Interstate com-
lxsloti InoiilerliiK u reduction of the jiralii
rates between tbu Missouri rher and lake )
> orts.
Wodcnoiinco allorxanlztitlomof cipltillsts
to limit production , control supplies of the
mccs-ules of Ufa nnd to aduiiua in ices
detrimental to tlio best Intrusts of satiety ,
ind an imjustllliblo Ititcrfcrcncoitli the
intiii-til lu\s ; of coniiiotltlon nnd truilc , and
asUthelr pi onipt suppression by law ,
Tlio Argentine Hbiitiblle ftcvolt.
oyiiox , July 27. A dispatch to the Times
from Uucnos Ajre3 reprardini ; ycstciilny's
revolt says the Ilrst steps at overthrowing
; ho government lyas taken by the nitillory ,
, olncd by some civilians. Part of the In
fantry nftonvardj Joined them and the filing
soon bccaino heavy. In the aftcrnooa the
revolutionary government issued a decree
ordering the mobilization ot the nuticmnl
juarcl. La to inthe uftcnioon attacks u cw
[ iindo by go cmmeiittioopa on the cjtl/ons' '
liattulions , but the troops were icpttlscd.
Muuy poltcenicn , arllllorjmcn tinir citizens
no dead. The minister of war la ropai ted
dllcd. ( Hero the cable dispatch to the
Times was abruptly shut off. )
Scoojicil In Jaclc I'ottn.
The policeralccd inn Jack pot last evening ,
at least Jack Potts , ns a suspicious
character. Juck Gllliui and Marsh Lawls
were arrested on the sanio clmrgo. Lo vls
was trjlng to dispose of two matches on Sis-
tccath street. The supposition is that Llw
propel ty was stolen.
A Sinking mountain.
Sinking mountain , on tlicCltattanoogti
river In Gcoigia , nukes a lifbt-cltiss
etiftliquako buiomcter , AlLltougli
gitiduiilly sinking all the time , its
periods of gieatest dlbqulct tire when
earthquakes are racking faorao remolo
part of the glolo.VJicn thu great
earthnualio occurietl in Jtwsi afowyeata
ngo , Siukliifj mountain , was instantly
lowered ten foot. a
\V111 bo paid , tonny competent thcmlst T\tovrfj |
Ucd , ontaaljs's ' , n partldo of Jlercary , Potash ,
or ether poisons In Swift'i Specific ( S. S. 8 )
B.W EATIWGS SORB , I3 . 'Tor ctglt'
tccn montlia I had tin eatln ; * sere oniay tonfif j.
I \ 3 treated by tbn beet lacal phjelclacs , but
obtained DO relief , tlio core gradually f ovtef
wotbc. I concluded UJitJly to tryS. S. S.tnl
was entirely cured cftcr nelrj n few lollies ,
yoahaioznycliccrtnl pcrmlalon toiablishtha
abo\e ttttciuint fortholncCtof thtr < ! iallarlf
nffllctcd. " O.B. lIoI.JtuonE , Ucni creuUjTcx.
Treutlsoon Mood and Slun Blucascctraollca f red ,
THK SNWTSl'KCIFrpCO. , Atlanln. On.
Corner Malno and
l cnlcrslri foruljii ancl
Collootloiis nuilo and ] inl < l on tlino
( Ic'IlUiltH.
Pal t I'oi nt , K Y. April 1(1 ( , 18RI
t RUdc-reil UK vooIuwltliiiiMtMlgla , a lulf /
bottliMfM Jacobs Ollnir. lmc : iiu rctnrtiof
jinlit in thrvo j-can. Hnvo Kol.I It to tunny ,
nml luuo jfltn litnrolnnltigla cast itdlclnot
llevoor I'Ciinnucntly euro
Orcon Mniiil , N. " ? . . Tib. 11 , 18SO
lwlth ccutalKlit In the land , tut
fouml Instixnt relief from tliu flipliuuluii of
" oil , v.-lilcli rurcil ru1.
u. r.
T71OII SAr.lvOf will trulo for a coo I rn ul
JL turn. M illjon No. ( UM , rvjlstoroil.ltiVal . \
htc ' ilybr , Xreiillitilil. dim "liy Kentucky
Ulaj r > yciMOlil. AlMily tol'r. Macrlc.
> > -\vugcsM \ NudlOSi'coiKl nto. Mrs , I ) . U ,
Dull- ) .
\NiI2n-i. . . . . . „ . . . . .
ohelt , ISO ronrtliMlout.
. % , C
JJ ' nouses. V
V. mu'or. SSPeirl street.
FOU SUB or lYiMit-Oinieiiland , with
liousti , lyj. U Itico. lUJMulii HI , , Uouiioll
"A\7'l ' V I'-'iy ' wnt nnviiyniirnn buy it liomoon
' T the iiiiiotoriin , nun Inc.isnuf otti-iltMth
ntnny tlnio loivo jnuraiiilly ( ilio liomocluuf
on tlio following tornis :
A honio worth 4IHU ( nt { n per month.
A lionicvditli ) ) at JH per inniilli.
AhoiiuMforlliIix at tJI per ttoulli.
A home wurlli $ .l.iHU at jfljirr nioiitli.
Alionio uotlli ? IIKX , ) nt f H-or | inuntli.
Otlmr jirloeil homos on tliosinw tunas. Thd
nlinro nnmthlv piytucnt" hu'liulo prliu'lpal
utullntorcit I'nrtu'll tiiilleiilit rail on or
rui < lri'ss ilio Indd A Wclu Co. . M Hroadtvayi
Co mi ell lllniTj. In.
T OST-l'oi-li't. ImoU , contiihiliiK inliuiiils
J J ptiiiitx. Kotuiii to J.Illiiton \ , or lien
olllu' , Uiiiinoll Itliiirs , Io\vi \ ,
OTKAMIIl-A small reel and nfilto simltcJ
O co\r , wit list rap anil ilns iironnel hcrliofiis.
I. UK nil lutvulil for hot iu turn to Mrs O.llllnu' ' ,
Ol" I
INT I'onsloii cortlllenlo ami vo-ielicr
I.eme nt this olUee. Julia II. 'J.'uruoi' ,
POU1115SI' flio store room. So. 13 , trontinl
mi I'cill st , W O.JiiniM.
\\f ml VV'l2 ( * vcril tinitillfulino Icru litm
' i tliat wo will tr.iflufi > r diiMiiiilmM 1 vii \.i
lotilnOiirihior Onuncll jlnirs. The Judd A
\YollsUo.CoiiiiellIIluirH. hi.
Surgical Institute
Private Hospital.
Cor. Broaelwny and 2 < 3th Street.
Council Itlufli , U
Tor tliotrotitiiicntotnllsurKtoaltitKl'chronlo
licenses .1 ml dlsuisosof tlio UliOd ,
l'rl\-ato dlsc'.i'.esof tlio uilnnry . .ttultnl
ou'iins , as njplillls , stricture1 , cystitis sjur-
iiiaturrolioi' , lent manliool , sotnul IniiiiHunio
and vmKiicsa tri'.itod surc'nssfiilly
I'ai titular .ituntlou paid toillso l-cs of tlio
liuiKa , is Asthiiii , COMsuiiiiillOli. llroneliltli
CnLiirih. Ttc. I'araljsls , Kldnoy illstMii's its
Dlibetcs , llrlKlit'sUho-i ' o , UlieiniiitSiii , 1'llcs.
Dancer 'N iirloeolc. Ilydroci'lo , Jn ) > i > iy. 'I'u-
nicr. Dlsoaso o ( thoeyoniKlciir. Olul > feet.
BjilnalciiivituroantlnllilNo.iio-4of tliPbnnts.
\Va \ lmj j nduinrLinoiit do voted oxeluslvcly
tothn Iroatiiiooiof Utorlno < l n , e
Mod kino Sou t tot ) eirul > ' au tail fjn-0 frora
olHorviillun '
Coii iioncleiico eonuilcntliu , Auilrcs :
Surgical Institute and Private Hospital ,
Cor. Itroailwiiy aud Mil t , Coimcll UlnlTi liu
Boarding and. Day Sdiool ,
Fifth Avc. and Scvci\th Sti'ect.
Can uo reached ( rein any of the depots
on motor. ,
Concluolccl ly Iho Sisters of Cluvrlty
L. V.M.
TERMS FOP lor.'il : anil tuition cm-
bracing all btancliod of a liuibliecl ocUtca-
tion for young Uulle3 $75 for session of
live inontlis , connnonclug first Jlontlay
in September and UYsbniury rospectlvc-ly.
POP fuithor partiuitltu'H nildpess
SISTICH supjinron ,
St. Frtiiu'is Acttdoiny ,
Council IIlulTs , Iowa.
Architects and
Iooni2. ! > 0 Mcirlun Illock , rotmcllIUuirH , Iowa
KooniOiC N. Y. LIfolliillilliij , Uiiialiu , Noli ,
CO. ,
litAvciiuoanU 2lttBt.
Sash , Doors and Blinds
iiiiuu and Scroll Sawlnpr. Uo-SakTlnu ant ! j
IMiinliiK , Suwln odillklnck I'oroh *
lavclnst by the Ti n rol. al e. All work to bo
Urstcliiss , Tolopliouov.'O.
J.I ) . ElJlU.SI > hOS1T01. . K. 1 JIUTHAHT.VIOO pru * 11. IIAV.V N , Cnililor ,
Of Council Illitffrt.
Paid up Capital $18O.OOO
Surplus and Profits . . . . OO.OOO
Liability to Depositors , , 30O.OOO _ . ,
DU-FCTOII-A : I. A Mlllor. T O OloiiMii ; I. , i *
Slniitnrt , K. K llmt..l l > IMiiituncjii , t'linilos
O.JIiuiiiiin 'IriiiiiebituiHiml hniKliiK liiisl-
niw l.irwc'U taplfil an I hitriilus of anj
bank In toiitlmc'Htotn li > wu.
DR. J. D , JACKSON , Dental Burger/ .
All kliiiliiafwitilciloiio. i'oiicou n.ivo ono ( < l anilillvcr IIIHnv l > / calll
ut riioin SOI .Mot rlIMI lilojU. Coiniell lllulT .
F. M. Ellis & Co' ,
And BullJInu Hiporlntimdonts.
Itoomi 4K ) ft lid t"a lion Ilullllnz , Onmlia ,
Noli. , Jiiul Uooius 'll mill ' . 'lil ' Mi-rrwii liloek ,
Coiniell UlulTd , la OorUM | > ornluiu < i hollilloJ ,
"Wholesale md Kettull Dcilc'ru la '
Lwgc s ( block ami I.owe&t Prices. Dealer * , send for Catalouo ,
Nos. 205 and U07 Uroadway , uad 01 and 200 Plorco airoet , Council Bluds , J' '