Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, July 28, 1890, Page 8, Image 8

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    8 THE OMAHA 3)AILJ3EE , MONDAY" , JULY 28 , 1890 ,
Some Interesting TJxporlmonti in the LightIng -
Ing of Eailway Trains ,
Tlio Ftcnnicr Connecticut Can Iioonto
Vessels Two UMlofl A way lilcctrlo
for IiocninntlveN A
DlMnnco Telephone.
Tlio paper rend by Mr. M. n. Leonard
nt tlio mooting of the APi-oclatlon of
Hallway Telegraph Superintendents Is
woithy of moro tliiin casual notice. It
dr-sils with tlio use of electric lighting
in tlio service of railways , nnil treats a
wide Mibjeotln n very compact nnil com
plete mnnncr. The electric light first
found its way into favor with railway
ollk'lalH from H.s great usefulness as a
method of illuminating stations and
yinds wheio in many cases there is
m < u > h night service , tind where the need
for something moro powerful than lamps
or gnu hud long boon felt. Hut It is not
EO murh with tills old application ns with
newer and more revolutionary ones that
Mr , Leonard concerned himself , nays the
Electrical World. Particularly favor-
nblo was his notice of the electric loco
motive headlight , which is a comp'ira-
tivo novelty to most of us inspito of the
fnct that its use had been long1 ngo sug
gested , and experiments had been tried
in various places and with varying do-
grccs of success , From the present ac
count it apponi'H that the diflleultles that
have heretofore hindered tlio introduc
tion of the arc lamp for headlights have
largely disappeared owing to Improve
ments in apparatus , and that the trials
mndo have been highly satisfactory. For
Buch a use It is necessary to have a lamp
powerful enough to illuminate the track
for n long distance ahead of the train ,
and the recent test shows that any
serious obstruction on the tinclc ,
unless in the cnso of a very
thick fog , would becorno visible
far enough ahead to stop a train running
at the rate of forty-live miles im hour.
Buch is not the cas > o witli the ordinary
oil headlight , and as higher speeds coino
into general practice the need of fomo
powerful Bcnrcli light instead of the
prchent lamp will bccomo moro and
more marked. Another use unfamiliar
to most of us is Hint of the electric light
as a signal on switch stands , lirst ex
tensively introduced by the Southern
Pacific railway company. For this pur
pose incandescent lamps to the number
of KM were nut in at Oakland , Cal , and
the result of several years' experience
has been to show that the now system is
not only slinnlur and moro trustworthy
than the oil lamps that have been pre
viously ufacd , but actually loss expen
sive by an amount not inconsidera
ble. Perhaps the most interesting part ,
however , of Mr. Leonard's paper is that
which deals with the subject of lighting
passenger trains. IIo reviews briolly
what has been ilono in tills country anil
then rails especial attention to tlio oven
creator success that lias been attained in
England. The practice tliero is very
favorably inclined toward a pyatcni of
driving the lighting dynamo ftom a car
nxlo Instead of from n ecparnto engine.
In such a case special precautions are
necessary in order to drive the dynamo
nt tlio proper speed for charging the ac
cumulators used in connection with it.
A frequent mqlliod is to throw the
flyniimo into action by means of a cen
trifugal governor when a certain speed
corresponding to that desired by the
dynamo in reached. The arrangements
nro botnowhat complicated , but the re
sults reported are very encouraging , and
the amount of attention required is con
siderably loss than that rendered neecs-
nry by the miniature central stations ,
used in our own trains. The objection
to biich n method of getting power ap
plies principally to American railways ,
where it was found n few years since
that the numerous curves , around which
the wheels have n tendency to blide , dis
arranged the driving gear , and varied
the bpeed in a way that produced no
email amount of trouble. Whether the
dlfllcultics then mot may bo overcome in
moro recent apparatus remains for ex
periment to determine ; but the plan of
driving a dynamo from the car axle cer
tainly possesses marked advantages in
the matter of economy , for the reason
that the small engines used in American
train lighting have proved to bo exceed
ingly uneconomical , whereas driving
from nn axle is almost equivalent to get-
ling the power direct from tlio locomo
A Powerful Soarcli
The steamer Connecticut , of the Prov
idence and Stonlngton steamship line ,
has been equipped with n now Ilunting-
ton search light , bays the Providence
Journal. Men have been employed on
the big boat for the past few months
constructing the light and gutting it in
running order. They accomplished their
titbtooniy a fowdajs ago , and now the
big Connecticut can forgo its way
through Long Island Sound during
nights when fog dims the eyes of the
over-watchful pilot , without mauh fear
of collision. Tlio wonder is how the
Long Ihland steamers over managed to
do without the bcarch light.
The search light is situated on top of
the pilot lioubo and is played on any
quarter desired by the pilot within. At
his will ho can throw the powerful light
towards the sky or water , ami all by the
means of a little wheel with a switch.
On a very dark night objects at a dis
tance of two miles away can bo scon
quite plainly. When fog is dense the
light is thrown a distance of half a mile.
The light , us located on the top of the
pilot house , is connected with tlio reg
ular incandescent system of the boat.
By moans of a weight that may bo oper
ated by a magnet , the btoum fog horn of
the vessel IB brought under the control
of the electric current.
In the pilot hotibo there are four
switches controlling the current that
runs to the senich line and the fog horn ,
nnd by means of thcso switches the pilot
can start the search light so It will Hash
at regular intervals automatically , or it
may bo niado to burn steadily , or it may
be inado to Hash automatically at the in
stant the fog horn begins to bellow nnd
cease to ( lash when the bellow ceases , or
the horn'may automatically bellow with
the Hashing of the light , or the Hashing
and bellowing may bo done alternately
or simultaneously by hand. No such
ufco of electricity was over mndo before.
The Connecticut's search light was
manufactured by the Scott electric
works , and Is of 6,000 caiullo power ,
Steamer Rhode Island's la 4,000 , candlu
Ulcctrle lleiulllnlitH lor Ij coinotlvon.
The electric headlight for locomotives ,
to which wo luvvo briefly referred , ro *
ilccts a beam of ! ) ,000 candle power ,
though it may bo regulated to any lower
degree of illumination , says the Boston
Transcript. Power is furnished by a
storage battery of twenty-four 0x0 cells ,
which are placed twelve on n side in the
tender , "llio buttery is coanectod with
the lamp , which is of the are variety ,
by ft flexible wire. An automatic ar
rangement In the cab allows of the cur
rent bolnir shut oil , turned on ,
or the light regulated anywhere
from minimum to maximum power.
The lamp It&olf Is enough different from
thoordlnary arc lamp to bo pateutable.
In the lami ) proper tliero is a brass rod
about twonly inches high , which servos
ns a guldo to tlio two slcoves which hold
the carbons , and which , by the aid of n
little olectrft ! motor , move toward each
other as fast as the carbons nro con
sumed. The armature of this llttlo
motor revolves 3,1200 times for every inch
of carbon consumed , and stops whenever
the carbons touch. The mechanism so
controls the carbons as to insuroa steady
and unlllchorlng light , and no amount
of jarring Mill cither break the lamp or
alter the uniform light. Tlio light has
been in u o on engine No. ! J73 of the
Duluth & Minneapolis road for a week
past and the engineer says that
the liirht is so bright that with it
it is just as safe to run nt night
as in daylight. While costing a
trlflo inoro than oil 2j cents to 10 for
oil the light ii so much bettor that the
superintendent of that department of the
road says that the item of expense will
not prove a great barrier to its general
introduction. The novelty of the inven
tion Is the running of an aic light by a
storage battery , If this headlight U in
troduced , it is perfectly safe to say that
many accidents unavoidable under pres
ent conditions will bo averted. Should
it pro\o perfectly successful it will fur
nish nn opportunity for legislative action
compelling railroad companies to place
them on their engines. The inventor ,
Mr.V. . L. Silvey.of Lima. O. , has al
ready many valuable inventions , among
the sixty-live which ho has patented
being the ringur on the Bell telephone ,
for which ho got $33,000.
Train fjlKlitiuj ; in Switzerland ,
The application of electricity for the
lighting of railway trains is a problem
that yet remains to bo satisfactorily
solved ; but , notwithstanding this , many
experiments nro being conducted in vari
ous localities to arrive ; at a definite de
cision , sn8 the Electrical World. The
most recent to take up this subject were
certain Swiss engineers , who have been
making comparative tests with the elec
tric light , oil lighting , and the Pintscli
system of gas lighting. The experi
ments took place in a carriage attached
to a passenger train which travels between -
tween Zuilch mid Kiohtorsweil. The car
riage contained ono first class and two
second class compartments , and n toilet
cabinet. Ono incandescent lamp was
suspended from the middle of the roof of
each compartment , and ono glow lamp
was also placed on each platform at the
end of the car , the two latter lamps
being only in circuit when passengers
entered or departed from the carriage.
The battery was placed in a box under
the floor of the vehicle , and weighed
300 pounds. It consisted of eight cells , and
contained suillciont energy to last for
eighteen hours , whoa it' mid to bo re
charged. The results obtained from the
experiments were that a six candle
dlo power glow lamp is equal
td an'ordinary oil lamp ; but this was
considered to bo insullielont. A candle
power incandescent Ininp , howovoi1 ,
enabled tlio passengers to road with fa
cility small nowspiper print when the
lamp was provided with a good reflector.
A. Ijonjj Distance Telephone.
W. C. Turnbull is a Baltimorean , who
has made a highly improved telephone
which can not , however , bo set up in this
country until the Bell patent expires ,
and at that time a general revolution in
the telephone system is imminent in this
country , says the Cincinnati Enquirer.
Some argue that the Uell people are
rich enough to buy out all the improved
systems and annex thorn , and will do so.
Others say that tlio boxes and other com
plexities of the Boll system -will
not admit of alterations , and
that the concern will bo loft
with only its good willif it haa any good
will after so long a monopoly , with so
little improvement in its apparatus.
Major Milbourno says that experiments
made in appovod presence shows that
tlio TuVnbvll telephone can talk on or
dinary iron wire from Now York to Chicago
cage and baclc , and that with copper
iviro which has so von times the induct-
vo power of iron , the machine ought to
talk from Nork York to San Francisco
and the Sandwich islands , or from Now
York to St. Petersburg.
A modification of Edison's phonograph
s said to have boon devised by a painter
n Minn. It costs under $20 and me wax
cylinders are reproduced in zinc by the
jnlvo-plaalie process at a cost of 5 cents
each , selling price.
A weak galvanic current , which will
sometimes cure a toothache , may bo
one-rated by placing a silver coin on
ono side of the gum and a piece of Kino
on the other. lUnslng the mouth with
icidulnted water will increase the effect.
Ilonry Vilhird expresses his positive
opinion that in live years there will not
bo a steam locomotive on any railroad
in the United States , and all kinds of ma
chinery will bo driven by electricity.
It is estimated that although there are
over 300,000 telephone talks a day in the
citvof Now York , there are probably u
million people living lioro who have
no\or yet talked over a telephone. The
long distance telephone sorvleo 1ms boon
inudo very olllciont , as mny bo gathered
from the fact that the roar of Niagara
Falls can now bo distinctly heard in the
city over its lines.
An English photographer claims to
have discovered a solution of the much
vexed problem of how to retain in it , pho
tograph the tints of nature. Electricity
Is the agent by which this is to bo ac
complished. Tlio discovery is said to
have boon made accidentally. A blind
ing Hash of lightning came fust as an ex
posure was being made , and the result
was the reproduction of tlio natural col
ors of the picture.
An electric spark 1ms boon photo
graphed br means of a special camera ,
in which the sensitive plato rotated at , it
is said , a velocity of 2f , > 00 revolutions per
Appetite anil strength may bo Improved ,
every part of the system strengthened and
tlio animal spirits retrain tlioir buoyancy by
tlio use of J. II. McLean's Strengthening
Cordial aud Hlood PurlHcr.
< ? . A. It.
Cxcur&ion to Boston
via the
" \Yabash Line ,
Everybody invited to joli > the Wnbasli
excursion for Boston , leaving Omaha
August 0-7-8-9 nnd 10 , gives choice of
routes , lUtes as low as the lowest. Re
clining chair mid Pullman bulTot bleep
ing cars oa all trains. All agents In the
west sell tickets over the Wabash via
St. Louis or Chicago. For tickets ,
sleeping-car berths and folders giving
routes limits , tlmo-tables with a correct
map of Boston , showing locations of do'
pots , otc , , call nt the Wabash ticket
ofllcc , 1501 ! Fanmni St. , or write
Northwestern Pass , and Ticket Agent.
Ho Knows Now.
A fioorgla youth who answered ( in
closing ii quarter ) an advertisement of
how to mnko money without work got
in reply a pleco of napor Inscribed :
"Catch suekers , as we u < v' '
Mrs , "VVlnslow's bootlmiff Syrup for
children tcotlilug relieves the cUUd fruuimila.
3 eettU a bottle.
Pj'rnmltl wltn a Spiral llomttvoy
from Una' ! toBtinniilf.
During the recent visit of Jesse It.
Gran land Charles J. Whlmplo to Sonora -
nora , Mexico , on business they were
much strucic with tlio sight of a terraced
mountain , says the Tucson Star. It is
located about fifty miles southwest of
Magdftlona. The mountain is circular in
form , about three-quartern of a mile
in diameter at the base , nnd is ter
raced from huso to peak. The
height ef the tcrrnco is from
ten to twelve feet , and in many places is
built of solid masonry. At many other
places it is cut out of the solid rock. The
roadway Ic from fifteen to twenty foot
in width , starting nt the basoof the
mountain nnd coiling itself spiral-like
to the peak of the mountain , which Is
not less than ono thousand two hundred
feet higher than the base of the moun
tain. The cost of the construction and
cutting out of the solid rock of this terraced -
raced road must have been enormous ,
nnd tlio remarkable feature oflhls won
der is the state of its preservation , Jlcro
and there the masonry has yielded to
the crumbling influences of time ; these
are exceptions.
At the base of this terraced mountain
is a mighty rock , .which has the uppoar-
tinco of having been hewn out of a solid
roclc and weighs 100 tons or more.
It is placed at tlio mouth of what
appears to bo the entrance to this ter
raced mountain. Hero another query
is suggested. Does this door to tlio
mountain open the way to mineral treas
ure or to the shrine of ancient religious
devotees ? Again docs the terraced road
which cells its way to the po.ik of the
mountain lead to tlio shrine of the ancient
vestal virgin who kept eternal watch on
the sacred tire which was never buffered
to die ?
Ono thing is certain , there is awild
Hold for those near at homo who wander
far into Egypt and Persia to btudy the
mysteries of the hidden past.
Hoods Sarsapaiilla Is In favor with nil
classes because it combines economy and
strength. 100 doses ono dollar.
What is Required flel'oro a ainii Can
Ilccomo a Solillor.
It is not every man who takes it into
his head that ho would like to bo n
soldier who is accepted at the rendez
vous. Sometimes very few men are
needed by the army , or tliero are enough
soldiers of the class usually enlisted at a
particular station , says a writer in
Ilarper's Weekly. Then the recruiting
olllcor is exceedingly careful , Some of
the unfortunates are doubtless convinced
that the service is altogether too fas
tidious. There is no dearth of men in
the country who are willing to wear the
United . 'States uniform. The applica
tions average a larger number than the
legal limit of the enlisted strength of the
In 18SS there were 21,710 applications
for enlistment. Of these 18,017 were re
jected. In the hist eight years the av
erage number of applications is 2-3,001 ;
of rejections , 18IO ) ; while , notwith
standing the largo number of men offer
ing themselves at recruiting olliccs , the
army last year lacked 1,800 of tlio legal
25,000. Tlio rejection of nearly 7.5 per
cent of the men who apply for admission
to the rank and fllo of the arm v indicates.
f course , not only care in the
election of those who are accept-
d , but also the low character
> f very many of the applicants. "Many
non w'ho apply at the rendezvouses are
ejected by the oilicor in command on
lielr appearance. Brutility and dissi-
Kitlon leave unmistakable signs upon
ho faces of their victims , and the man
, vho boars them does not got ns far ns
.ho . first surgical examination.
The recruit whoso appearance satisfies
ho ofllcor. If men are wanted from the
) fllco nt which ho makes his application ,
laving given Ills name , birthplace , age ,
tc. , with whatever of his personal
listory ho sees fit to intrust to
.ho . keeping of tlio recruiting olliccr , is
ixnminod oy a surgeon. IIo is then
ransferred to the depot , and is once
moro examined , after having been
bathed and vaccinated "When ho Is as-
ignod for permanent duty , ho is exam-
ncd a third time , in the presence of the
commanding olllcor of the depot. The
depot examinations are very thorough
ind minute , nnd it may bo assumed of
my enlisted man who receives his unl-
'orm and kit that ho is a very good
pccimon of physical manhood.
Sleeplessness , nervous prostration , nervous
dyspepsia , dullness , blues , cured by Dr.
Miles' Norvino. Samples free at Kulm &
'Jo.'s , 13th anil Douglas.
The only railroad train out of Omaha
run expressly for the accommodation of
Dmnha , Council Bluffs , Dos Moincs and
Chicago business is tlio Rock Island
vestibule limited , leaving Omaha at 4:15 :
p. in. daily. Ticket ollico 1002 , Sixteenth
ind Furnuin sts , , Omaha.
Horse Htoalin In Iltissln.
The Russian minister of the Interior
ins submitted for the approval of the
nlnistorial council a bill for the suppres
sion of horse hlcnllng' . It prescribes that
gypsies shall shall lk > prohibited from
noving about In Russia , and that over-
ownol'of nhprso must take a cortillciito
rom the police or from the authoritio-
of his rural dibtrict attesting his righty
'ul ownership. If a horse is sold , this
certiilcnto must bo produced and trans ,
'erred to the mime of the purchasers
The ono who sells n horse is to bo hold
responsible for its good conditionand ho
mutat return the purohaso money and pay
i flno if ho deceives the buyorln ills roii-
rceontations of Its ago or iieidth. If a
diseased animal is sold nnd infects the
mirehasor's cattle the seller must pay all
damages and bu tried before a criminal
court ,
ATri ( I TtcmiMly for
Those who suffer from disorder or inaction
of tlio liver will never got tlio upper hand of
the unruly organ so Ions ; as they use such ir-
iMttoiml remedies ns blue pills , calomel and
potlophyllln. Hut from the tried and popular
meilidno , Hosteller's ' Stomach itlllcrs , ihoy
nmy expect relief with n certainty of obtain
ing It. The Influence of the Hitters upon the
great biliary ploiul Is illrect , powerful and
speedily felt. Tlio rollof nttonlod is not sius-
inoJii1 , but complete nnd permanent. Tlio
sallowness of the skin , furred nppcnnmco of
the tougue , indigestion , costiveness , head
ache , nausea , pains through the right tide ami
shoulJcr , In fact every accompaniment of the
obstinate complaint nro entirely nud promptly
removed by n course of this Inostlnmulo medi
cine , In behalf of which testimony Is coa-
stuntly 0111:111311111 : ; from every quaitcr , aud
from all classes of soaietv.
I3nill'i Woman's Cornn.
There Is only ono lady chiropodist in
London , and there are very few in Now
York. Miss Mary Llbby , a bright liUlo
American woman , has bolWod as a chi
ropodistin Kogent street , Sha has well
appointed rooms and an aristocratic
practice , says the I'nll M"all Uudgot.
Mibs Lihby Is of the opinion that ling
lisa women , in proportion to tholr sniw
rior height , have no larger foot than
American women.
"They have vastly moro corns
though , " she said. This , she thinks , is
partly duo to the fact that Kiifjllsh womoi
do to much walking. American womoi
nro bad walkers. There ib no nei'd foi
thorn to lourn solf-rollaneo in this re
spoi't-locomotion is bo cheap nnd ens. }
in tholr o\vn country. Of course , tight , j
ill-lilting shoes are in most cases thorea-
BOH for corns. The ftibhlonablo-pointod
toes have uiudo Ingrowing nulls couauion , j
The largest nunibor of corns the chirop
odist has yet dlbcovored on a woman s
foot in London IB six ,
Miss Libby Is/also a skillful manicure.
Sholiasinventod'a ' remedy to prevent
bnd'temporoil ppoplo fiom biting their
nails. Hy the way , manicuring poems to
bo hotter paid than chiropody. Three
( milling * is charged for doctoring a foot
nud removing uu unlimited number of
corns. Manicuring Is usually U shillings
more. London-in simply overrun with
amiileuros. F.vurv hairdresser and mil-
vorsal provldor.employs one.
It is very Important In this npo of vast ma-
terinl progress tbilt a remedy bo pleasing to
tlio t.isto and to the ey < % emlly taken , accept *
nblolo the Htomnch anil hc.illliy la Its nntun ;
anil effects. 1'ojsessliiK thcto qualities.
Syrup of Flm U the QUO perfect la.vitivo aud
est gentle diuretic known.
Always 1'ny Cnsli.
A retired Detroit merchant i-ays the
moit independent man on earth iri the
ono who pays cash mid runs no bills , es
pecially wh'cro ho buys his provisions.
When ho fools that ho cm buy where ho
pleases and pay as ho goes ho buys to
jotter advantage ovorv time and saves
nonoy. If ho runs no bdl ho is not liable
to bo assessed for losses on seine deadbeat -
boat account. Some dealers consider it
perfectly fair to make up on paying ne-
ounts what may have been lost on bad
Dr. Sussdorff makes a specially of dis
eases peculiar to women , 1C01 Furimm st ,
Australia' * Itnblilt I'ln ' uc.
The vastncss of the rabbit plug/no / in
Australia is indicated by the fact that
the government of Now South Wales es
timates the expense of erecting rabbit-
proof wire fencing in the western and
central districts of the colony atlo- ,
> S K"W Ini E
Its inperlorcicellencoprOYOn In million * of homes
for morn tlmn a fiinrtorof n century It N used by
tlio United St.ittM Covominent. ICnitor.-iiil by thu
lieadu of tlio Kruit unlvor.iltlot ni the StronKOU ,
I'urfstnnd .Mo-t HctlDiful. Dr. 1'ilco' * Crunui link-
Inir I'owdor docs not contain ammonia , liruo or alum.
SolJ only In rnni
JSow York. ClilcaKo. Son Fiuuclsco. St. Louis
Physicians , Surgeons and Specialists ,
Tlio most widely nnd favorably known spec
ialist * In the Uolted Suites. Tlirlr lon ov-
purlcnco , runinrUsiljlu skill anil universal suc
cess In the tientinent anil curoof Nervous ,
Chronic nml Surgical Ilsoiws. ) cntltlo tlioso
eminent pliysloluns to the full contldcncoof
the ulllloteil ( M0r3-wliurp , They cuarantoo :
the uwful oirocts of I'arly vice and tlio iminor-
UUH i-vlls that follow In Its tialn ,
Bpc'pillly , eoninlotnH' nnd iic'rmunPiitlir curwl.
OKDKKayloliI roudliy to their blclllfut trout-
' "
, risTur.A AND itncT.vo ui.cnus
i'i'd oureillthout tletoutlon
\\lthout jialn or
fiorn linslnoss.
nently nnd sucoi'ssfully c'ureil In ovoiy caso.
SY1MIIMS. UOMmilllEA , OhEIOr , Spor-
matorrlii',1 , Seir.lnal Wiukm'ss , Lost Aliinliiiod ,
NlKlit Kinlssloiis , Deunjcd I'acultlos , 1'uinalu
\Vuiikiius iiiiiliiUilulcato ! dlsonlors pi-onllar
to oltlmr so < posllloly ouri-il , as wi-11 ntall
functional ( llsoixluis tfiut icsult from youth
ful fullloior the oxcessof iniitiiiu yuuis.
TIiMPTIIPIJ Utfir.intucd | ) i > rinnno ntly
O 1 1V1O1 U 1VL < oiirod , removal comiiloti ! ,
wltlioiit cultln . cuustlo or illlutitlon. Cures
alTectcil at homo by pntlunt without uuio-
incnt's piln or annoyanco.
Tn vniikir ; AMn fclinn P-AflFn Mt-M
ACIIPK f'lIPK The awful onoots of
OUlUl LUlxll 0iriy ! vlco which linnus
orjranlo weakness. ilostn > yliiK l > oth in I nil anil
bed ) ' , with ull Its UrcadoU ills , pormancnty
m > > Q UTTTTQ Address these who liavo 1m-
\0. DIvllO piilroil tliomsplves by ini-
pronor Indulsonoo ami hollttiry li'iblls , which
ruin both mind and body , imiittlnsthoin for
buslni's < i. RtudvormairiiiKn
MAItUMMJ MH.N or tlm-.ii ontorln ? on that
happy life , tuvaroof physloaUloljllity.qiilclcly
iHliasod upon facK 1'lrst 1'ractlonl oxporl-
i-nco. Soconil-Kvery ca o IShimrlullystiiillud ,
thin Btartln right. Third Moilldnes uro
proimicd In our luborntory exactly to suit
cacli ouso , thus HlTuctliiBUuios wtthout Injury.
Drs. Betts & Betts ,
Some -women imagine that
nothing will stand the pecu
liar breaking strain of their
forms " bones. " '
on corset .
They don't knoiv Kabo ,
which neither breaks or
If Kabo breaks or kinks in
a. yc"r , go' back to the store
a'which you bought your
coiset and'yet your money
vja'n , every cenc of it.
If tha corset doesn't ' suit
you , after wearing a week or
tvo or three , go back for
jour money.
' 1 here's a primer on Cor-
rets for you at the store.
L ; ; cw vc
Foil I.Ainrn o.Nl.v nr. Irfcluo.i I'orloilli'al I'.lll
tlioKrencli romody. actun tlio men-triml iyxlom nnu
euro BUiiroiiloi | | from wliutuvur cnu o , i'ruiuoto
luenstruutlun. Tlic e plll UouUl nut U'J tiikcu ilur-
ln pri'Kimncy , Am , rill Co. , Uoynltr I'miit , Hpen-
c r , Clay Co. , lu Oonuluo l > jr Hliurman , V .Mci'onnnll ,
IJoUeo it. near I' . 0 Omn.'ml O. A. Melchor , WoulU
Oaahni U. 1' , jUH , Cuuucll Ululla , f. , w ii Ivr to.
" PEARS'-TliB ' Great English Complexion MPr-oli $ ! Everywhere , "
Instiiitl'stoH : | HIP mint oxiTiirlntluir imlns , nurfnll < to giro caau lo the sufferer ! n fov
applications ui'l llku nmKlc. ciitiMlni , ' tlic [ mm
Tntornnlly tultcn In doM's of from tlilily tosixly dinps In hnlf n tumbler of \ \ ilor will euro
In a fou miii 11 1 os Ci.nii tin , SniHins S > < u Stum noli , t'ollr. I IntuliMioo. lloai tbnrn. l.iin niir. I'alnl-
liiB SIR-US ' IIOLTiHAMOimUS , DIAIiKHCXV DVSEN'IEiY , Sli-lt lli'ii'l.i.-lu' . , Nausea ,
AiiintiliiK. Nurtousncsi. Slopplc'-oiii s Mol u la , autlall jnlus arising fioiu cli tinge uf
diet or watur orothor ( MiibOH. O CentsalJottlo. Sold , by Lr.igylsls.
The Omalia Medical and Surgical Institute
* & & * - : ,
Krmv *
! > I- m
$ mm wsi8
- j = - K ; s - ' - = : : i ? = * ' * S
P ? ? *
S53S&S ±
For Iho treatment of nil CIIIIO.VIC AND FimOIOAL niSKA rS Urncos Apullnncf * for neformltlpi , nnd
Truancc. Hcfit tin lllllei , Appnrutus nml Kcnu'illra for stnceHnful ticntitunt nfcverr form of illsc'iHCH re-
qulrlni ! .Mcillcnl or Surgical Treatment. NIVIA'V ItOO.MS KOH I'.ATIi.NT3 llonnl of iitto'ulunce. llcst
Acpcimmoilntlon * West Mrltofnr clrculnr. on Dcfonnltlts iitid Hrncc * . , Trua'P" Club Kcot , Curvature of
Hilnc | , I'llcs , Tnmois Cnnccr , Ca Jirrli llroncliltli , Inlinlatlon , Klwtrlrlt ) , IJiriluK iiylipy : Klitner
lllniMcr. K > o , 1'ar Pkln nml Illouil , i.i.J nlliuri. 0 il 0icrntlurm | Illt13SI.S Ol'WOUKN a Bixclnlty Hook
( if Ulsi'nne * ofVoiiion Kid'Vo linro Int ly nililufl n I.ylnu In Ie ) | mlmunt for \Vonicii \ ilurlnu Cuiillncuiint
( blrlolly I'rlvHtiO Only llillfillo .Meilli'ullii-.tltntn mikltun i-pu-liilljr of i'KIVATi : IHSFAS1 S.
Alllllood ll"uninsmicre Hfiilly trenti'il syphilitic poNim ri'immil from tlio synioni nItliont irorcury
Now Ucft' ' r.illvo Treatment for Loss of Mini I'nnur I'nttlui nimble to vl < lt ill irmylm ticiUnl nt In mo by
eorreipotiJt-'nco Allcoiiiiniinlnitloni cnnllitcntlnl , Mcilli Inn or Instrument * nent liy mnll or cxprciH. no-
curoljr pnrki tl , no mirks to Indtcnti * contents or "Pnder Ono port o nil Intervlow p. o erred Call nnil eon suit
us or-i-nd hlatiry of yourcn enml wo will sc-id In iihln nrnpperour IIUDK TO MK.V KIII.I2. upon I'rUoto
Sin-'tUI or.Niruma JllsoaiO" , Iiiipotvncy , Syphilis , Glcot > " > ' ! Vnrlcocclc , wltli question list Aillres"
Omaha Medidal and Surgical Institute ,
CornerOMi nnd HcrneySts. , Omnha. Neb.
Jewelers and Silversmiths ,
Bolngr manufaoturo-s , import sra nnd Jobbers , as well as retail -
tail dealers , our purchasing faoilltlos are second to no houeo in
this country. Honoa our ox'ramo low prices oa ovorythine wo
sell. Special altont'.on is culled to our largo and olosant line of
FlnoMnn'el O ocks ( ever 6O different styles ) at$5.0O and up
wards. Pine Banquet nnd Piaso Lamps , wl h e Ik pa asol
Ehadea In all tin now colors , from 65.OO up. Buy your Table
Cutlery of us and save monoy. Rojera' Best Triple Plated
Kuivoa nndForka only $1.75 per aot. Stool CarviniSatsClnlfo
fork and stool ) , $2.0O and upward , Spoons , &c. , in proportion.
Our Great Mr.d-Sumrnor Barprain Sale of Diamond' , "Watches
nnd Fine Jewelry is still in progress. G-anu'no Diamond Finger
RlngB from $2.5O up. Solid Gold Watch's from $15.OO up
5OOO flue solid gold , plain , baTd and sot Rln s from $1 to $10
each. Qo'.d Spsctoclos and Bye Glasses from $3 up. Fine Stool
Spectacles $1 up.
"Repairing of Watches , Clocks and Jewelry a Specialty.
Perkins , Batch
- ,
We have the finest assortment O
U ) 3T
+ > sortment of Wares in JU
0) )
0) ) the \vest , and JUcr
Bottom Prices CO T
See Us Before You Buy.
Crockery and Glassware.
1514 Farnam Street.
i. J E.
: s Specialist , ,
urimln Inn-livdiiK Iliu IHi'ldor. nVI'lllMH cured
lii.ilin. * ilnyn. ( mnlM m"cn.iitnrtli. ( nnil nil IHu-
Miuur tlw lllimil lli'iirt and l.ln-r ruimilo IXu-ii-
o ciiri' < l ilh"iit nulruiiK'niB or ( oral tri-niniont "
I.ndm JroinS to I only M'nd ulauip fur clrculnm
iilvln/ii-irllciiliiriiiiliiiiit ciicli r.lil.o uhnve dlni'a.ot ,
end luiwlni ( innnyiil tlio mo t rumirkiiblii curoi
Ultl < u N I 11 r Illli und ruruaiu Mi. , cutrumv oil
itUliirttrvitt , Omahii , .Ncl > ,
1302 FnrnamStroot.
Olty rasso.i or 'and Tlclcot
xW Sv "S Y.NA-m > , " tlio
Rr * * * '
Xi U'oiiilurliil htitnleli
L _ 'fA Ili-nudv , l hiifilrtltli
, VL [ i ' < ' l" c 'ii ' allNcrv ,
' $ ? t'4 [ "J" lH i'Hiin > iBucU ua
Bpforo & . Alter Uso. UiBt'jluuiiuod.NiTv !
ri > Ut | ! l ll"'fl | ' ! < " ' ! * - " ' ' OIII-IHKH , I.nBB Illlllc ,
all drulim anil luxe ol | imver ol the Ui-iicrittlvc Or
iiiii > , lnclttiir < 'XCiM."eill | > yovercxcrlinn , jouth
fulliiillcrutl < iiiH , or tliucxctpnlva uxu of touacoi ,
< > I'lcini. or HlmuhiitH , wblrh uHlnmtily Iciil tu
liflniilty , Cciiisumjitlon nn < lIiiHui.Hy. 1'utiip In
coi'Vunluiit form t cairr In the veit pocket. I'rlcc
Sin imclcrinc , or Ofur SSMtliuiery J urJcruu
llvc H tti-ltHn uuiirantcr ( a cum ar rtfuml
tlio minify , bunt by mnll In any mlila a , Cir
cnliir fitc. Mention tl.U iioiiur. Aililn- )
MADRID CHEMICAL CO , Hrancji OIHcufj. ; U.S..A
417 II I l > rr , SIMt. I I IAI iO , 11L ,
Vl.IU Ml IS "MM1M.i : .in
ICuliti \ To. , for , nili iniil IloinliiHitrocln.
.1. A. I'lillrrl ( Jo , Cor. Hill mil llniiul.n > * .
A , I ) . 1'ostfr.t Co , , Couiu-ll Illull'n , lowu.t
' " AWVKIIH ' ASH foi.u irons ,
< \Y \ hLKS A10
i n I i ii i ne UuiIJUi.UinuLi Neb
DBNITO ouAnat.
T'nilcrllio Jlallii2i ! > iilc > iit oT Iho
Jlexlran Intrnilionallinkng ( ; ! ! Co , , CoEtcsslcnar.f ? ,
Incorporated By IfioSlalcof Chihuahua , Mo < *
ice , ( or Charitable Purposes.
* lll t li iilnco Inpiilillrntlhocllrof Jnrvrcz ( for' f
mrrljl'uooJol Mrtoi.MuxIcu. I
Wednesday. Aug. 20tli , 1890 ,
of ( leu. ,
N. iOHIIV. mid Mr. < . ! . . . 11.0 A ll U il.-
, lioiliBoiuloiiujnor Mjli
Only GO , 030 Ticket ; ! Only60,000 Tickets !
I Prize of $60,000 $ . $60.000
ll'rlronf ' Jlll > 00 . 10.HO
ll'rlzoof ' MWO . E.WO
31'rlzosof J.WXliiifh . . 3l O
IDTrl/csiif WMcncli . K , O
M I'rl70 ' ot' 100 I'.ich . fi.OiK )
CO liich . C.OUO
iH ) tnuli . 7,5110
A iiin | xltnutlim 1'rUoj.
f f.O nidi . e fi.OOO
HHi'rl7osnf ' ilOincU
1001'rlzosol' ' * rnuh
Tcriiiliuil I'rlrcs.
COnTormlnnlsloirnoOXll'rl/oofJU'OMcli. Sll.dfO
SUUUVrmluula ti)810OOU ) , 1'ilzooUIUucli. B.1OT .
I914rrlzciamaunllngto . $125,970 $
\Vo , tlio imclcr lcncd. hcrolT cntlfy Hint Iho
liuiifli Niirlonnliil Mi'xli-o.ln . Clilliiinliun has ( inito-
pnltfrointlio .Mi'xiinn'riiiiiluiiiilllniiLliiK I'O. .
the iioi'i'snry nindi to uunriintio tlio pmnn'iil ot
all iirl/os drnnnlii tliodinn l.nlftlit 'linif-1 * ,
Wdnrllipr ccrtlfyllintito wll Hiiptrvlni nil In *
armncpniciits , mil inprimni iinniiuo iiml control
nil the dra-liiKior tills Ixilior } , ami Hint Iliu H.IIIIO
nrocondiirtcil Imnutl't inlrtiuvi , nnil In
ownritn All tinrll * .
JOH n S. MOSB Y , CoinmlMloiier.
Stipcrvisur forlho ( liivcintiunt.
ticket dmwlnirn rr'/o ' lionnlto tlie nndcr-
. IKIaroviilui ! will colloctciluiulruiiilllca
to tlio owner thereof , I ronof oliiiri : " .
inn.\ull Iliiovsov.
1'ICS. 1C ] I'n-o Nutluiiul Hunk , 121 I'uso , TcX
A ATI : 11 ,
Forclnbrntr-or nnr ether Infnrinitlnn , write to
lli uiidorduiioil , ntiilliiL' jmir nlilrcn t-U-orly. nlth
Stiito , County. Mrt'uUml Ntiiiilu-r. .Moro rnpldilo-
llvor/willbo ii-'iiro.lhy . yaiir cncloiliiK n einel
your fiillaiUlnmi.
l.NTKU.f ATlONAt. IJ. NKIhn CO ,
City of Juarez , Muslco.
Send romlttnncoa for tlikPtw hy cnllnnir lollpr ,
coiitilnhii Money OrJur , loui'illiy nllcxiirops loin-
imrilos , Now Vwk Ktcliiinei1. tiuik clrntt or inotal
1.010 , AflilroMflull rn'IMeri'd lollnrato
Cltvnr .Inirpr. Mi'xliu. vta Kl 1'ufo , Tor.
Drs. Me rill & MeriU * ,
Chronlp. Nrrvoin , Hliiod nnd SnrKlc'l Oliciso ! nnd
t'ii-ca oftlioKjo. I'nrux ( > , CronUm ! ( .licit ,
Spi cull A t IIMI tlon to lllHi > n > e.s ofVo \ *
men mil ! Oil Ilili-cn.
Tlmrtoolors hivi ) linil joirn nf oipprlcuoo In thd
lin | 'ltnlMi ' > r ISrntiklMi Mini Nuw Vork , null nro nmoni )
tliu moit Mici'csstul nnd vliluly known slu'clnllliu lu
'lo 1'iiu 111 : Jiml Miililli--Aiol AU'ii.
> t Mnnlmoit , Norvoui DuMllty , HpiTinntorrhro ,
Sonilnal IOHSOJ I'lijilcnllii'i'iiy , iirlalnBfrom India *
crctlon , vrudiii'lnK xeu ! | > li' ittio * < , dopoiuli'iiey ' | ilm-
il * un tlio fnrr , iivcrskiii In Hinliity , ciinllr illHciiur *
KOil , liu.'knf cdiiildineu , dull , unlit for xtiiilyorbUMl ]
iit'H < , nnil tlndt lift * ul > urtlciilunfclrlicrinnnuntlruna |
lured ,
Illonil anil > ikiii DIHC.IHPS.
Syphilis n rtlififo most ilruJful In ID remits
coiiiplutolj oriuHcatdl.
( J -Uriiiiriy Suritory.
OcnorrlinOleut , SyphllH. llydrorolo , VarlooroH
nnil Slrliliiru raillcnlly nnd mfuly curnl wlihoul
pnlnor ilitcntloii fnmi builnuM , I lor or
inlll'H aiiilliiiiieilliiu'iitti toiiKinl
\11 Ucdil dlKm'PiimCcly nml | icniiniHMilly cured
IlourH.'Jli. in II118 | . . in. Sumluyfl , 10 till Ii
N It , TiTMnni unnljlu tiivlnllUH tiny Uutruntsd al
tlioir liuincs l > ) corra < | > onil nca Mnllulnoi nal lu <
BtriKtlomBi'iitby oiiru-u [ ConMiltntlmi ( ruu ,
Uond 4 ii'ntM In HUimpM to liiBiiro reply.
JIB nriui-iiili M.
Oiort | House , Ouialirr , N < * I ) ,
Graduate Dcnlist.
A Full Set of Teeth , on Rubber ,
For Five Dollars.
A porlt'ct lit Kuaritntouil. Toetli oxtrictoil
\\lllioiilpiiln < ir ilanii ; > r. nml will nut minus *
tlicllcs , Gold and nllvor 111tx \ \ \ * ut. lu\susl
ralos. llrlilcn nml Umwn Woik. 'Icutli with
out plitlus. All \\uilv \ waiLiiuoJ.
rntrniirp.lCitli street elevator. Oponovoh' '
Injb until Ho'eloulc.
I'rlmnry , Km'i > 'l ry a
Toi tlar ) umiuiicnlly
, lined In 30lo ! )0 ilajl
fl Wti clliiiliialo all I'Olum '
fiout thoH > lcin 811 tlmitlifnican ntvur ) > f n itlunicf
tlioduiaiiu In uny roiin , I'.ntifH cnn liu tMitud tl
liomo n > w I'll n i lure , ifor the 11111110 pi lie anil undir
tlio HHIIIO K'lainntiu ' > but > vlth tliu o vho jioferto
iomo lion1 , vo \ \ llUcuitriK t to < uro llieinor iifund oil
mouoy and | > ay tntiio CAJ > IIIBU u ( cunilnf * , lalhoaa
fnuumlhulil IdlU.
for uiut never fount ) until our Jiutrio iieiwiiy wnv ui *
rovi'ii I. .Nono oilii-r tfiiiuIiK1 Wrlto lor icfiremrfc
tiiutyttiat thu pjtlunt iiuiirrtcoce no ineonveuteuo *
ititl era li U uwarts , his compute rtforiiuUon !
ilfucted 48psK Look.jrpiirtioulurifroe Tololiadof
KU11H AC CO. , JtlUl & DOUKliH , A.lMllrVCUMIUibll.
Cv"lrado tupnlled bv UIAli.6. URUCB W . * ad
DHUa CO Omaha
'Egrg '
01 , Involuntary J.nixuH.imil Hiivrfiuiurrli'fA '
ciuiwi hy oviiPiiurtiOT or Ihu liraln , fv I lu-ooc
ever hdiilKincu , fcaclilH-s ( oritnlimiii iiionit' tic u
meiit Blaliox , ( ir * l < fur 8 * . ( flit liyinuil ) rriulJ.
Wltliffii II nrilur for in tirari. . ) ) ! . ! 'l JJf' ' . " . "
lu iifunil i ruy If I In ir < imrlf , llAO
ruiu uuat .ru . JI i > uc I iiuliiukvldt.i.liiv v Ir
GOODMAN Djuo co. ,
niol'arii'tin Siri"'l , fJmiilni Ni'b
BurteniiKfniniUiuwiifWf jinitlifulirii'n , J'nrlf
tfcty wuiiK cftknp .Ut'I Mill
Kciil i , vuluiilili ) triitlku iwnlijli cuntntiiliiit full
imrlk'iilnn f irlioim fun I'IM ! * ttiliuife. \
finlfndlf ! nul lirdl wi > rK tinotil'i i t rim * ui ever * *
iiiim who U inrf < > u aii'l rteiillltatnl. Milrvu ,
A'xof. 1' , 0. I'O Vt , JIC. ! WooUua.touiU