THE OMAHA. DAILY BEE , , MOSTDAY , JULY 28 , 1890 , 8PEG1HL NOTICES. AliVUlTIEEMINTSforllichecolnmii'j will bo tnken until 12 : , | > . in , , for tlio ovcnhiR edition nnd until 8 ) p. in , ! for the morning edition nnd Hrr. rpiUMS-Cuh ; In advance , T > -Advcnlsfmcntsnn tlilipiKO vdllba JXchur cd for nttho mto of t'icoiit porword ( or tlio llttt Inforllon and Icont per word for acli sulincqiiontliiioitlon , nnd * I.M per llnp livrinonlh , iNoui crtlftoiiivntntnUcn for less tlmn ' 1 ( cnls for tlio Hint Insertion. 1N1TIAI.P , flicuros , a > mboU , etc , , countoicli nsonw word. rplll sKndiortlicmcats mtiot run conspcu- Jl tlvoly mid under no clroiiinntanroi will Ihpy 1m taken or illscnntlnucd by telephone. 1 > AH1 IKS nilvortldoln ? lnthc 6roliiinn nnd jmvliij their nn wern ndUrpB od to u mini- I crrd letter" In euro of TDK HKR will rccolvo n i unibcrpil check to enable them to rot their letter * . Anmofi will IIP dolhnrod only on profontnllonof tills cboolt , Knoloso aiiswurs In em olupcs properly tiddrossed , A I li luhrrtlRoinoiiti iiiidor tlio liond of " jioclnl otlps" aw imblMiPd In both the morn I nil nndnvonliiK editions ( if Tin : I In : , tlio plrcillntlon of which aitftiPRiiti's inoro than Bn.wo papers dnlly , niul K\\ca \ tlio iKUortlscr tin)1 ) fin ntnot only of tholarjcflrciilntlon of Tlir Hi-Kin Oinuliii , biitiilMiln Ooiincll lllulTH. J Incoln nnd othoreltlc-i and towns In the west , HfcNDAV HAM' l ATI > i. Atr.UTIsr.Mr.NT. . ; for situations or for in-lip or fpnialo liplp. not oxtcedlnu ! ! l words nro Iniprtoii In Tnu 'tTvtiAv llrr. nt half latc duiliiKtho mrnlliH of .Inly nnd AtiRtiit , Tlici'o tdur mtii \ lll lie pliar oil for eaoli udilltinnal word nhovo 21 words us well as for i onsooutH o In scrtlons BRANCH OFFICES. Advcttlsoln ? f or t hose columns will bo t ikon n the til oto tondllloii" , nt the followln bu lno * hollies' who nro autiorl7od ! to take | iplal notlcos nt Ilia HUIIIC rates as tan Lo liiul nt Iho main ofllpc , " ornor.-xo. f > .IK ! N fetri iit.I.lstiT IHo k. "lOHN .lIULirTTiuimucist , ffiO tenth Tenth / 1 IIAM : Statlonoi-s und I'rlntors , \\r J liroiIES , I'liariniclst.fUl North lOtli > . Hreot , rU'O. \ \ ' . 1'AUH , rimrnmoi ! t , 1713 Leaven. v.J ttoilh Slreot. Tit * ailKS'l'IIAiniAOY.SUhiindraniam. SITUATION'S WAX'L'KI ) . 1'or Kites , etc. , icr lop it } flnl niliimu oil f/if / Half intei on SITUATION wanted usclork ItiRiOforv or Kunoral mprihnndlso store. Good refer 4 onces. Address , 1C 4i , llooolllco. Wl-58 * " \\rA\Tni ) I5y VOIIHK man jioslsltlon a3 of- ' Hen elcrk , ii slmnnt I ook-kocpor. or any Work tluit liloKltlinnln. Uun giro goodinfer- < Address 1C isolteo. 7x'7-.10 * VJITTATION A\antPil \ liirpsncptihln family VJ of'or J ; guiicrul liouoCHoik , II ? N llth st. \\i'ANTni-Sltuutloii ) liy lst-plis : < fffeid and IT uakub.iUer ; steady innii. Add K .H lice. 7M ) ' .N \VANTii : > . . .niAM < : Ill-Ail' . 1'ui ititcf , iff. , fcftop of Jlift ciiliiinn un tlili jtave. Half jrtfm on .S'l \\T A MTD A ( Iriiffpleik ! must he roK terod "i InNobrabkn , A. Schrotor , lOtli niul liliin , Itil 2i " \\7ANTii : > Ily thpS. J. Oucn Munnfiietin- ' Ins and Jobbing company , Chicago , a liusllor fora in'riiianoiit rosltfon ; Hal iry or euninilsslon. InolosoKtiinip. tOI-.ii * \ TANTiiA > Rood Inn but. Cull at Mrlchlur ' Hms. , 1110 1 nrirnn st , 7" Ui > * 5-\porlcnrcd advertising ! , oll- ellors c.m innke JIO to $20 per duv on com- iskin. Call uv onei > , holween U und 7 p in. , ut i. JOthst. 74Ui'G * w ANTED M lahnrers nt Cut-On lake. Apply to Ij H. Iliilnes , roreinun. Tl.l-'il THD-At I'apTifloiiNoliTlfor Tjook _ woih , 5M ( loiuiis&l'iQpci dny : fiOO men nt SI.V ) and $1.75. Hulx'ontr.ictois wanted. MuC'oimlck Ilios. , rupllllon , Neh. it' I \\rANTKD An nrtlvu iniiii for i.ieTi section t > H.dnry $ " . " > lo SIUO , to locnlly lepiosent a Biiecessfiil N. Y. company , Ineorpointed , to Hnpply dry Roods , clothing , Hhous , Jottelry , otu. , to I'Oiisiiiui'rs nt cost. Also n. Lilly of tact , Hilary MO. to enroll incmhoia ( BO.iiOO now onrullrii , tllxi OM pulfl In. ) Hoforonccs ox- fliiiiiKcd. Kin pi i o L'rt-Operntlvo nshotl.itlon ciudllttoll rated ) look buxOlO. N.Y. 'ANTHD ' Pttlosmixn for line of cUnrs : J7"i I or month and UNIHIISCS. Addrost , with Btlll : iili , buin.iti.i Ulgat Company , C'lilcneo , 111. fcOl 301' \\rAXTP.I-T.OO ) tennis on crndoof Rook 1s- Tr land Jt. K. near bprliiKlleld ; WU I--H $ .IM Jicrdiij ; ulso u few teamsti > . J. A.Vaie& \ boa , eontr.ietois. 773 4 * IX ANTrTD Sdesinnn on specialties p.'iylnK il < IOO to IJ.V ) nor inontli. Local nnd travel ing Allison & Co.U \ \ iJuurhorii St. , Clilcnco. K1VJU * WANTKD } ilesincn on Riilnry or cornmls- Inii to handle Ihu new p.itciit ehcmU'al Ink erashiR penell. The greatest nollln iiovelly c\ir proilucid. llrnses InkthoroiiKldy in tttohoeonds ; no abuihlon of piper. i.1Wto Dt ) ) per cent profit. Ono nsent's Bales amounted tow > ' ( ) In sit dtijs ; nnothcr $ . ! In ttto hours. Mo u.iut 0110 onerKctlo Konoral atont for ench f.lalo .mil territory. Samples by mall .Ti cunts 1'or tciins null full particulars addiess Ihu 116mlie Eraser JPf'g Co. , Lu Crosse , \Vls. tEM-SO * I7ANTIM1--A innitlilur anil n innchlnlst , > Ik'iiJ. binllli , Hlu'iiiiiulouli , In , TC' ) " " \\7 ANTT.D M men for Colorado. AV.isosJ mid f.2T . I'roo ' > pcrdny. fnre. Albright' rimeiu'v. lliM I'uinniii sliinit. _ ( vSl . . . t Agents tntnKo orders for ( lie I'luinnicr ' ItcclhilngUhiilrGo , If.'l N. IJlli. 71PJ ' . " > * \rAN''ll ] ) " > ut u'ood city eiinriissprs. 1'or ii.irtlcnhm add ross lloM-W , Onialiii Neh. " \\rANTl.D 1,0(10 ( men for tvoik ! ti IT \ \ i oniln . Diil.iita , Utah and iMivndn ; tvnsesJl jtoJJM ) : steady work. Albright's * J.nbor Aciney. IUMTiirMiinst. _ _ LVi.i7 \\TAN'rri ) Thieo tlrstelass men to repie- i > sent lluiOiniih.i lleitln and out of theclty Cull nt thospeilalolllce-of Oni.iha Iteu. eoinor I'th nnd I'uinmn . Kiuiul lloor. DT7 VrANTIU > MIMI KUratel fur ourc .iniidl in iiuraurleb.bloni'X illliifloa.JI.idl'-oii.W 770 A liKNTfVoutUtoiiiMiInrH' ) tlini' . * ! . ' > ) 00 prollthi4 weeks erne pay. Add. tvlth JurvIaJt Coiup.iny , lUelnoH. . \\/"ANTl.l > i-iilesmen nt tl'i ' per nioiilh sil- nij mid Ofiictiins tOMillii linn of hlltcr- idnted tt.ireMitelms , etc. , hy saniplo only ; lioryennd team fiirnShfil fno ; ttntont once fur full pnrtlenlnrs nnd H.inipln onse of irixxls fix'c. r-taiidiuil MUeruuro Co. , lloiton , Mnss , Y\T ANTLD 'M laborers for extra mid ntiRs. Apply to V. II , Johnson , II. ft 11 tftoj doput. Uninliu. wanted nt Norfolk- and > - 'Iteutilec. Good Mages paid , Jl. T. Murphy I [ O WANTfin A llr-t-eln slikorat AlhrlKlit' Million , boulli Oiii.iliu. tkl7--5 * " \\7"ANTPI ) A ( 'ouil , solior joiiniiiiiiiuH ; : pnr- > ' tor In a hotel. Address 11 , bo511 , Yoil Neb. WANTIJI ) J'oi tain , Uc. , ff fipo//iist rnliiMiiou thla jagc Half mlc * on .SiM ( ( ( < ij/ . ' \ \ r.\NTiD : (3trl ( for bnusowork , MIII ] | faint i 1) . Imjulre at Notrls & AMlcox's shoi More , 1.117 Douglas st. KJUiO \ \ TANTrn-airl for Binoral housework. 101 > Locust st. 7.V4 MAr ArN I'KU-Uood Rlrl. Mrs. Morii.SusN ( * WANTii-B : M > d clrl for Bcnornl hoiise ttilUBS3b.SUIibt. Mrs. Louis llolloi. UT AN rEI > A iood nuiso girl , VJSl Douslas ; uojs "IVAN I'KD Nurse nlrl. 15 . or 10 jcarsnld ) > Apply SCiUullfotnlu Ft. 7S3 \\7"ANTni ) Woman lo inamiKo boardlns > > lioiibo. Apply 1U18 OuniliiRbl. tCO-'JS * \\7ANTr.I > Oixid jrlrl for general homo > i ttork ; binall faintly , Mrs. J. II. Kt ; Georgia n\enue , 7-.1l 20 W AN'lUU-Dlntug-ixxjni girls ut Wlinlso Hotel. \\TANTKl-Oiio lltst-elnss lady mole , ono > > bccond Klrl.iuul ono llrht-olass dlnint ; "HUH Klrl. Uotxl vrugoa. ( 'allat lUS.Kthit. C ai * \\7AN'ir.I-Olrl for Kenonil hoiiKextork s Mrn.T. J. UoKcrs. XTU3 I'liriiii LADY tiRonts wuntedi entirely now skirt and hose biippoiter ; rapid selliir ; sainplo free. * Address Mra. N. II. 1-lttlo Mfs LClil - ,111. , 65.1 W JVir ' . , ff topof frit rulnnin un l/il / > ) i.iu . . improreiucuU , Ii-'l thurianu uxc. TTt TIon KENT -Tp ) lraltlo ( Iwclllnsts In CounMl ' HliilTH tit rcdifed renti , rnnplui ; from J'l to TO per month. K. II , Shcnfo tc Co. , rrntnl llroadtvay and Main bU. , Council - Kof Jrooins Inretirof 1215 Chlcaso. I'lly xrnlt fJM per mouth. _ fh ! ! _ rT ( WJ Smith isth tindonoS- Vy room liotueU37 North i5thslrcut. Innnlro ictli. M'J-S ) molt KENT A noxf 10-room home , with all JL' inodern linprovoinciits In .a most drilrnldu nciitlini. Inquire nt nortlntcst corner21 stst. and M. Mary's n\u. 641- ' . * ) * IfOH KI.NT Iltlck house , nil modern im- L : piotCIIKnts. Antily Dr. PwiirUlnndor. on iiuiiihc" . 'Ji il Cnpltol uM.ur A , bwirtl : mdcr , st Nat Hunk. 731 IW * L1OK KKNT AiiKtistflnt. fnrnldiod hou e , J Hoten rooms , on bo.-"Jth st. , nenr 1'nrk iliool ; host of refercnco required ; \tould pre- i r one or two jounn men to ronin In hoiipe nnd uko euro ot same Address K IU lite ollico. Wl IOH KENT U-romn ho.irdlns house , nil In Rood up.ilr , hard and soft wntor N. K. corner Uth and AVolntor. 80S S * * rtOTTAOr for tent , U513 JncUon st , $ * . 8JO S3' inoit JinNT Two nleo eotlngof , hon es In J Riidd ri'pnlr mid oxeollont loo.itlon oppoilto Ml hdnts' church , JJO and JJ3 per month. I ) . II. Goodrloh. 71)1 ) IN irrni ! UHNT Hou o of ten rormi , N'o. WI5 J Dointliii st.i hniidy to hiislncis , nlso to cnhlrnnd niotnr enrsj modern fiiiiMjiilonci-s. Also inttiiKe of " .i-M'ti riniiiis , ? < o. il20 llnrncy st , rtniulio of 1) . T. Mount. ' 'Us. ' Uth st. ( jTJ tliosu line new lirk-k nnd stonu houses dn Oenryhi nM'iino : llfteon rooms nnd nleoti-s ; into ( out en knees nnd hettor llnlshul tli in , , ny house fur tent In tlio elty , II , II. llendor- BOII.-4 I'liMnn . hli"l. ( . cltv. 41 l'l. ! > A month , dntthlo store building , 46\4J feet 'Pin nil. N. i : . cor. Itnh and M.IJOII , ( " > jlT-roum liousc , iVJ N. 13th st 1 07 ? S3 * "T71OH Ur.N'r-Doslr.ihlo S-rooni house , nil X' model n liiijiroteniunts ; cxcelli'tit . ) . ' . inn. Kidded y n I'd front nnd lear. ( 'onteniiint to wholob.ileillstilet nnd now union depot. Good fotpliyslel.ui. Apply III.'fc 11/lh / si. too 1T1O11 HPNT-Keslrtoiupsonll'iiney ; all Iho J latent Iliiprovonients , at lottust possible luntal. I'an ) . IfXX ) Pain un. 4VJ l'room honso , elty water and 1 sereeni , at a bargain to le'poinlblutiartles , Apply 'il' ' ) . I'axton hloik. U IliNT ; trnOiii huuso , fliTd iindCuiiilii is , SJ'i per month. U. P. HnrrUon.Oll .Y. Mfo. tin UIINT House. 10 looms , nil modiiin 1m- provemcnta , large yard , { . ! . " pur month. Commission tonxvnt.1. Dexter L. Thomas- [ P YOU wish to nnt nliousoor stoio bee II. Li : , ( ole , C'oiitlnontal liloc-U. TTU IJIOU Ki.NT-IO ; room liouso,2107Douglas. In- JL1 quite Sill Doilisis. 7S.1 1711 M" tpsldinet1 , tnodun linpiotcinints , " 40 JL SI .Mm s'.s nt e. . ? lt"i IILT iniiiitli Inqiili' . ' a premises or at A. Heller's. 1114 r.niuiin 7 1 TTIOIl IMINT 5-rooin lioiisr. good repilr. nlco JL1 ynid. cistern tvnler , lentf.S. Apply to 14 K ) frouth 7lh n\eor toJno. \ \ . Hull , UiUKgNt. 10th Kl'NT-7-room lioiisc with turn : noni- n'lit togooil J.irly. 0. 1' . lliiiil-on111 ' V. V Mfe 111 IPS 'HNI'liri ! ) house on riiin.iin st for u'tit. ; Ocriiiaii-Anarlian In s bank. FOIt 11HNT Good 10 room liousv , f-oner , tv itor , KIIM , hat li , barn , fnrnari1. In elegant shape , eheap. 1) . V. bbolest'o , ' . 'H ' Plrst Nat'l haul. . . s | roil HUNT ItOOMU FUUMSiIii > . /o ) talcs , itc..Ke tup of Jlift column on Hit * SIX or tUhtKontleiiipn etui hat o out lie lloor of 4 rnonih , nleol > fiiinlsliLd. bath and mod- 0111 POIIM nlunces , at f > 0 montli.oi will lent shiKlv at ipiisonnblo tales , Plrst vlnss lioaul nexldooi 20n Douglas St. M7 III * POIt unNT-Puriilshcd loomsf.JO S "nth at. , ilnllloot. 771) ) JV FOIt KP.NT-At the fcholton. A lie uitlfitl fiont loom ; , r > rooms , l _ _ ? U1a * "lA/'ANTIlD Nlcn people to room or bo ml , VV M is. Horn. 3Ht N. 171 li st. " > s-j-s * _ FOI ! HUNT Puinlshcd fiont muni Jl.-1' . per week. 11)03 Painain. 74di : ( > " 77IOK ItHNT Ttvo south rooms lyirT L1 7 rp\\O yonnR men ran Bet good board and JL loom in private family for 31,50 per \teulc each. Address 1C 'I live. UV > FOK KENT Nicely furnished room ; nil modern liiipiotcinents ; terms lease Call nt HIS. 17lh st. CO-J' FOR Ur.XT Npwly funiMied looms , shiR or on unite , with or without boaid , 1'W.I ' Howaidst. , third lloor. sM-'U * TtOK HI NT ' 1'tto nicely furnished looms , - hliiKlo or on iitltu ; inodurn t'onvcnk'nco.s' nqnlio 17J4 N 18th st. (' MjKASAM'rooms , ; nlsoboardliii ; . us i . 17th. 4O'l and 411 N. Ifltli st. , toon.stllh boaid at at Mrs. OhurehlllV. &W ITUJKNlbllKl ) looms , 1008 Capitol o.\a. JO GT,7 ti3l * FOR KENT 2 nlcoly furnished front rooms , trlthnll modern cun\cnlenet. > , at I'll ) 11'.u- nain. .ViO OUMS , iillcontcnlences , 171U DaMMiport st. r "i7-a.V PIiHASANT rooms , modern linuruvciiiciitb ; la l Pan in in street. M Nion furnished looms , 18JI Parnutn. III" ROOM tor slnglo genthimun , 2li" > Doduo. IM.itO * ST. CJ < A Illidlnlnsroom , llth-Dodfio. bpcelal tales bytckoimo. . 7U1 FOIt HHNT Furnished rooms , 1C09 Donclns 'ita 1710K lKNT"Purnlslna ! ) rooms ; gas.liathand -U gleam , 15U Uonard 7SJ 1710H HENT Nicely furnished iiMJin.ull niod- JL ? em cou\cnlencei. 01SS17thst. 7UJ rOH linNT-NIcolylnrnlshed fio"nT7u hick JL.1 loom. All conveniences. Applj , isldChl- FOII rurmttt , etc. , fee fop of fmt column on tliln "IT'OIl ItP.NT 4 unfurnished looms suitable JL1 for" housekeeping , n. dem Impiinenients , to fnmlly without dilution ; nn object Ion to children under throe old. Noitln.ost eoinerl'th und Mehster bts. 7JI GlEOOMs nnfiiriiMied and rooms futnlshcd foi tout In UiiHgan hlocU , eor. Uth and 1'u- elllc. l.'i ' ; l'-01l HUNT ST011KS AND for i attt , etc , , get ( op of fivt lolitmn on llilf ) > nae , 1710U KP.NT-Tlio l-slorybrlol > bulldlni'\tltli - Ior without pniier. furmcrly occupied h > the lleo I'nlillhldiiK Co , ! Mi > Parniini ht. I he build- in ; : has n llioproof cement h isunumteomplotu hteum lii'iitlnlixtiiK's , ttaluron all the lloois K'.i" , etc. A pills' at the ollico of 'I lid lliu HI' . "ITIOU Itl T I'lito cornir Btoro , Ifitn and JL/ Jones * fiO , low lent , good locution nnd put- tlni better etery day. Uooin"o ( Jlouser 7l ( ) > .llith " T7IOR UHM' In Jlo Vnllny , la. , a ' . ' blory JD brick hinldlnt ; ulth b.iMiinent , K\M ) . Ix-ht business coiner In the city , liniulru of I ) ( J , lle.un. Mo. Valley , la. 7C.77 . UTOKI.S nt 710 S lOtli. ! M\COoaoh. kjwliidott.steam heat furnitlied. Thos P. lhillill : PtiUou Mock. Till B OTl'.lr SS rooms , nil oonveninnees , brick , 2 hllvitfroiii I' . O. Jl. II. Irey , N. Y. Mfe. * _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ L"-1"7- _ | 31H ( ItKNT l-'inei storeroom in Norfolk , Noli. JL ? Mn'hoil Biiltablu for clothing hitslni'ss ; electric llKbts. Btc.ira heat , oto. . Address ( ' .A , M'iM. fi'tl TTIOH RHNT llncK tvarehoiHe. two btoriea JU nnd b.iscinont , " 7,000 winnru feet , ullhKU feet of double track on II , 1' , railway , ninth -Oth and 1'lcrto ttrccts. Aldro s C , Uskamp , Uiunliu , .Neb. lilj AO1JNUY. For ratu , etc. . He ( op of flivl column nn tliU JK El .LOOK , rental ncency ; loins , mortsiiK . boiijtht. tans paid andcolloctlons llooni tfll N. Y. U buiniiii ; . 777 nil * _ HE. COLK , rental ugeiit , CoutluciTtnl blk _ 77U MOHTON'ri rental uKOiiry , 517 Puxton Idock. Tld A HLSMANd A. Aruullouh , W. una > ) tlon bide. t GKO..I. I'ADuiwiU Parnnni , houses. HOH > M mid Huts for rt'iit , ronls collectul , rellablu flieliiMirunco. .Money to loan. 1117 EJ. llllly , rculul uncut , 'JJO N. V , Llfo.7JO for riif < ' . ftc , ttf lop of Irrt eitnmnonthh gpeedllyl quietly. Tor parties J-'ln any state. I > Mcrtlotit all causci. llhnk npplleatloii free , hobortMdto , attorney , fxl Utoadwny , N.Y. C4t a YOl'Nf ) tnin wiiiitsnlioiiielnstrlctlyiirl- tate f am Ily. Don't mistier this aiHurlNo- nent If jou Imvo unr uoardcrs. Address K 42 , llee. 7ir.-2G 'IMN workroofliiKspoutim\ , etc.pood Jvorkaun low prices , 1. . s.niitfi'.I'JlSt tuning. H'O Ml * AVAVl'l.l ) 'JO IIUY. Tor tales , tic. , Kt foji ofiitt column _ on-thti _ T\7ANTPlV-i < > luy'iiKoilciieip oiittHHB to > > motcoii vacant lot , 11 1 ! . . ? ! OuniliiR sti \ \ TAMKO-Oooil coinincrc'liil pniwr. No- brusl.a Muitg'iKo lo.inLo.,5191'mtinililk. Fl KNlTLItr. hnuseliold good * etc. Illalicit cish price , ill" fc. Utli. 7tM I'm inlfi , fie. , tf t fl of firft ctiliiinn on tht * JMJC. M AS * AGI2 trout tiu < iitolo.lro.t , hot m ili sciliK ; hair trentinunt. niaiik'iiio odlst. Alts. 1'ost , rM-Ul , WHlniL'H blk. 1'UNSION AG12NOV. 1'or rate * , tlr. , trf fnj ) ofnt foliinni on thin p ni' . NJ5 Now pension law ovoi in MMI-S' nco In tlio IH > Bouillon of pi niiiins IIIK ! po crnini'iit elnlina ; linvvti'cuii'd OMIT ' 1.000 ponslonsfor solilli'M In NobrnsMi un l low i. thi'ltNlilni and hells ; lulcst lUtil loiH : Intist limsj mi niUuiuv fooi now lilnuks nnd rlnului-s fin-i ccm-uiltHlloH alwnjn fiois lllrini A. Slur os. MI , C'iol.litoii ( lilnuk , iu\I _ " \JI'\V la\v ; pensions for nhnoit Jfatlicis , iniitliLT * . \ililo\\s unil minor clill drcn of MililU'is Claims puslic-d by II. N. I'llncinun.l'i ' and l I 1111701 blU. Tiyoirs ovp < j- iliMiijo , _ Ujily ] omjim ollluo In Uimilin. _ ss7 JT. 1'ATCll. o\pln l\o pension nn'l ililin attorno > ; o\ir lAye.iM'oxporiuiico ; Inivo all the latest lava anil doeKlons. Olllrn 10- inoud Iioin ru > ii7Lrblucl' toUhnmhorof ( oin- rL-o , loom 51 , Opiahn. TODjySi * blUUAUK. I'oi rate } , ctf. , eee ( op o1t rnhonn on ttits 1'op inoriliniidlso and Ocold stor.110 and frii'/tiiji trackngu Jlivld Cole , 81Vbl7 Howard HI , mKACKAOLstoriRpnt lowpm r.itci. W. Jl , J lliislnn.ui. 1.111 I.oiucnuoi Hi. 7U3 STOKAOE-llrnnch i Co , Ull HovMiul. 8W Foil SAM ; HoiisissiU'AGoxs jjrc. 2Vmc / ( , etc. , fie b > i > nf fivl eiilumn on tli'i ) > ' Oi will lindofoi Unuilin tu.d ni- tut P. - linpoiti'd t'loich stnlllons. enl , i hlnou mid dappU'jti.u.woUlil | , < CO. . ijos ( I nnd 7 Mipoilor sl\lo and union. Addres 0 II , Hnrr , IIS X Jth. Oiuulm. l b. 7M 1 "I71OH SA ! i ; llorso. good ill I VIM , sound , hij , -t ? wolslit l.tii ( ) . Also , uncoil , ,1 spilnsln.i - nov5 , oto. Will boll cheap. Cull aJJolistui ) \ at 7i'i as * "l.'Ofl HAI.K C'nsh 01 lime , coed tvoik te.iin , - huincbsnid \t ijoii dlS I'.i Mon blk. fc'J Gl'.NTI.n delltnrv horsr , * Wi teini tnules elniip. 4110 ; 1'dJU piinnil horsi > il'iO ; , : mule teiiin. Ki'f t cry hirce horse tPiini , * MIII ) , M.rt jjintle hussy noise for ludj. &V . Kooin II ) , ftoinl Ti ulo. 78.1 \\.fr. \ llyiin , looind U.S. at l llankbullilliiB. 471 II J.j oit-'T > : ; TjT iit < iiiots tiiti HTn i"7Te lut ? 1 til u lias inidu them cliui ] ) . II. V. . Coll' ( on- tlnintnl blotl. M' "Ij'OU > AJjh 1 iiiiittiirni MMiiii ; n unor top JL oniil.iK * ! almost now , I Imcklioinl ni'\\ . 1 doiihlc bu.'pv or ciiiln o luriKSi. Applj lit 1. > Wubslerlioot. . Onidiii. T.ii. M K\lru lai o lioaxy horsesV H * ; -o undu ) n i : . roll SAIjK-FUUMTUUJO I3TC1. l"onatcf. etc , , tee ( j > of Jltr-l co.'timn on Ihla i > tjc " " 111011 SAI rr On"nccou"iTrof fillln , ' boilt JL1 the non und ehvint furniture of a U'l- loom IIOIIM. , oi'oiiomts llist-class. inooinu neiily JI.OOJ per mnnlli , tlnest locution In tlio elty , Addiths J so , llco oi'lco. J"J-iu 7V niJca , etc , fCK fop oflml column on tlili ] Mtic , Tj1OHHAM--i : : lilllljrd tables cheap , looms XMiXi \ IU7 Itiown block , .s-o cor UiMi and Douglas. 77nJ : ! . * I7IU1 ( SALTI A Rood two-horso nottcr lioller JL' und engine , inailv non ; tilll .sell dioai ) . Aildii'ss. KM. lice office. 711. ! ( ) ] 7Klt hALE Just arrived , u carlo id of flesh tnllK cotvh , cnlMjs hy their sldis. N. I' Uusbell , Itedford 1'laio , near Druid Hill depot. 7 r > Jj * ) ) , , In lar 'ii iiii-intl- 'tles. Tlio > iObi.isli : Icu Co. , ICearmi ) , Nu- brisUa. _ , l7n II . . "ITlOll SALK S iv Ptolntv.iy .VS-on piano ; best JL1 mnUe ; parly loatliiKoity ; p irtensh , unco time If desired. Inqulio iitulti I'.ixtiin bllv J'or jdn , etc. , tec ( oj ) nf Jiitt ei.liimn on thl * nay. P.VKA UI.S and umbrellas cotoicd and ie- iiahL'd. ll.Balor , 110 S. 1'ith bt.M door fiom 1' O. Only man In ton n. .I)1) ) UiMHHiilAa nnd | mraoli ropnlrcil and ooteiod. Ko ) lit tine and ( iicial ii'inlr at Ili'lIlii'sKUn shop. llil.V Kith ( MUM AVAM1 lj ! | > TO HUNT. I'oi ratt , etc. , ie top of Jlfst column on f/d nciyf. " \\7A.NTnD Itoom and ho ml forKonlli'iniiu IT und u Ifo In pi Ivnlo f.iiiilh.oi tthotothoio mo few other boirclcilonxenlent to Smith Uninhii nn. Kir ; want buakfnst at ( ' . o'clock. Addioss ' 11 , " r.uo Adams A. HurUo. I' . ! < . YsiKls. SiiihOiu _ ilia. Nidi _ rU-1 * _ " \\7"A.VTii ) OlMcuiooin Ilistor swond lloor ; IT ; uliuup. Addiess J. 11 Montoltli , Hie otllco. 7.l- . ' _ ' ( ) and ttlfe , iTirehliiiTTMirv 111 care offninlslnd house A ( Id i ess with tuimsICIH , lleo olllio. TIC ( I JIUS1O AUT AVI ) LANGUAGE. i mtfn , etc sec ( up < if filnt ni/mn / nn tlili ixi 1 > nillEK huyhiK n pi mo m.imine t ho ne w J 'scale ICImb.itl piano. A llo > pelMJ Dinul l SJ.'i CKO P OnM.nNIIIXICtciclierofthoh.ino ) : ] nltli llo-pe. r.1,1 Dou lns. L'lU MO.NKY TO J.OAN. 1'or Kttrt , etc. , ret ( oji of Jtitl column on HIII ] we. C IllAl'TIIl , Hank , 1110 S. IMh st. loins money 01 lollateralnt roisonihloratos 41' ' ) i P.AI. P.sTATK loins. \'ory lowest rates C. J C'iis ell Slrt N. V. Mfe r.ilb _ _ ONn\-'Io loin on Omaha and Sdiith Omaha estate. No < h'lays or c\pen- I-LS. iMuney on hand nt all time- , . Hates , t. . . . . . . . . . . . .t comniciclal National hank hid ; . il II.Dl.Mi hians m.Klunt lowest , iiitts. \ \ , > M. IliiirU , tooni 20 , I'lcazur blk , opn. 1' . 0. OAN18 C'lly and farm loins , mortsnju ui- Jpt'i boiicht. MeCiiBiio liiM-'sliiienl Co HtKl 17 HAL rSTATt : r.o.inCasli on Imnd. fllnbo Jl Loin V Trust. Co : > 7 S. Kith K.I No delay No cMiu ( . li.upcs. Houses for rout ; good list. lie. MONPY-iOCOirOOlayson ; ( ( fuinllure.pianos , horses , houses , etc. J. J , Wilkinson. CH 1'iixton bR. bQ. . ) MOXlv to loan by II. P. .Masters In any amount from * lo to tio.000 , and for any time from ono to six months. Loans nuiilo on hoiiKhold poods , pianos , organs , horses , mules , houses lenses , ttaie- house iccclpts , etu , nt the lottot jiosslblu latcH.ttlthout publicity or of prop erty. Loans so ni ransod that you can make a pay ment it nny time and tciluco iMith prlnclpil and Interest. Yon pay Interest only for iho tlmo jou usothc money. If you oxto u haianco on your properly or Imvo a loan you wMi changed , I will pay It oil und carry It for Mill , I do not advertise to loan you monoynt bulk rules , hut conlldontly olalm to Klto you lott or rate and enbler terms than i < uu bu ob tained ulson hero In the city. Money altta > son hand , No delay. No pub licity , Lo eat rates. Il.r. MiiHtcrs , Hoom 4 , Wlthnell Ilk. , P > th and llarncy Ma MONEY loaned at lowrst rates , lone tlino on Improved Omaha real estate , no "cUnu , " no delay. Glebe Loan & Trust CO..J07 ti. Kith. W7 BUII.DI.SO Innns , 0 to 7 percent ! no adill ttonal charges for commission or attorney's fees. W. II. MflUlo , Plrst National bunkbldg. . T71IIIST anil second mortgages on yacant nnd . linproxcil city property. I'nunty warninU bought. Money on Imnd P. M. Ulchardsou , bin N. Y Xlfo. I/JO "tjl ' ' i OIIATTttfilonm. tu'lcrwMt ntoil l > iulne conlldetitlnl.OM l'an | blU. J , 1) ) , Kinliiircr. > ? , 8IL _ _ HOMAI t lint A li nnrt short tlino piper V lxjitght ; nlso roKitlar Jlrp-vnir loini iniiila m Improved property. Goo. r. Ulusl & CD. , an CJKCOMJ iiinrtKfifro low * Second morUrnijM lObouRht. I.omii on vuwmt lot . Kci'd & Selby. tooni U Hoard Trtiflc. su Ki ttVSTONK Mortcniu t'o. Loam of 111) to --fl.OJOi art our rates Infornborrnwlint anl -mo nioneyi lonn on Imrsos fuinltilto or any ipprovcd ccourlty without pnhltrlty : note * boiiRht , fortiovr l > Ti vw'tnlnf old ntid loti- est nitc" , call U 208 , SliqeJy ulk.lJth k Howard. 614 T7IIH''T inorlirnno loins at low rates nnd no JJ delay. 1) ) , V.bholM Oo.Sluut Nat.l bank. \roXr.Y to loan on hone * , w.isons. mule < , -1.'I household . plnnm , organs ( HnuuimK it lowest r.ile * . The llr < t orjjinl/oo loin of- lice In tlm elty. Muko linns ftotn 'M to : A1 ! ) . \vliloli cnn Iw paid Iniurtor tTlioloat any : liin , tints lintcrliiR tin' ' pilnelpil und Inlprest. . 'nil unit socin ttli 'ii jou w.inttnonoy.eenn \ isslst YOU promitlv | nnd to tdiiriiilvant'iijo without removal of property or publicity Money always on hand. i\i dolav In in ikliis , o ins. r. 1' . Heed & Co , > iia b. iith ; st. , over [ d.r. t . > i i. .C Cr ii a 01" TTNM'Sl'AIiIiYlow rutoi U Of Intoivst on Mr t inorlffaRos of Itunrovi" ! rc-il citato for the noxtWu ivioy tlio hiinsis I'llv ItucstinciitOo. . Hooni j llu.uj of Ir.idu. T. 11. I'ciso. inniiMiop WJ MONEY to loan on 'iny * i curlty forsihoit tlino at low 1'ite-t. Lowest ritPi on personal ptopirly. Tlic Ilcndcisoti MorttftiKi ) In esltaent Com- luiiiy , too n 100,1'i toii 1)11. ) rilt \VrANTLI--rirst-plis ) Insidp Innns liowiMt > i rntcs. Cull nnd sc-o us. Jlutuil lutes- limit Cu. 1V4 riiriiiiin. HID 0 IIHAP oistern iiiomv Vy I'lill itli'lphh Moitffnup nnd Tni'st Co , always UMily tolounnmtpiiv ptoinptlji Ilr t morl .icos ttantcd , ( liorjoV 1' . to.itcs lop- roMJiitullvo. loom 7. lionnl of 1'i.idc , 8H EAbTUtN money to lo-in on pity property ; inortgnsopager bought. U lllrcN'lAto. . SHOUT time loins on v.icint Ion. .IKccd. I ! , lloirdof Tiado. IlKIVATi : money lolonn elu ip. 0. 1' , liar * ilbon. 011N. V. Jilfo. 8li SllOl'.TIlANl ) A.VU I'm iwlf , clr , act t i > of fnl < nfunin nlit ( j > uc. TVJOTlOI-Tlic < ipodul summer sc lon of the -l- > classes In penmanship nml shcrtluindlll comiuineo Jlimilaj , Juli 14 Cli < ti > s will bo lit III In tlio muniltiK , nftprnoim and otentnir. ( ulliiior addicss for Inform itlon , bt'indtird bhoitliand Huslnoss Colluse , Now YoiU I-lfo Om ilut , Nub. ' s II VND CilU'rapln , Hnminond and V1 licmliistotis. Jolin U. < ' ( jrni > s Co. l.i-Hor llles and oflkc "pei'lnltlt"1 U inmo bldp. S'i7 OIjAHlVOYAM' . 7'0) ) mtti , cte , MYf < i ] > df fl t ( i.iMiiiii on f/it / * Jnil/ Clinton , elnlrtojant anil in u Jhu.iler. Can by lie r vom irfulIII Duttir Riant my leijucst. MW S. llitli ( > , ) i-.ilU' ) TTU'1)1 ! . nnnv The < llst'inu' lnHl ttanco liiclaltvojunt , laic of It'i.iiin. While tn- \\lll ic\e.ilter > 1 > H ik n inMci v In life. I'ropiips Kjyntlan lalisnan nhlili will titcroonii < jour oncinliis lemoto faintly ttonbU's. nsloie loit. : iJli'i t'ons , unites tlio t.rp.unk',1 , lu-lpi all In tioiiulo , etc. POP. SI nnd upwards. N' . U.r I't't fiet Mtlsfiiplhn yuanintoed ! iv mall. Hendl'iiiii | for Illns- ti itoilcliculur. JIrs , 1)1 , 1.d < l > , JJI N. nth st , Oni.ilni. i V4j-j4 ( "IjlUlUTNi : THM/rit Mild nn Motor < if st -I Louis , Ihu wondo'-flll f ir.l . leidei.enn be iiiiisiilteil on ni'ittoHOf Intshicss at tin ) Deiby hotel , itidin f. from S a. in In Up in. , for one uncle only. Uoino ( inn nnd nil and ho con duced. 1 'idlesiOc , ( rents$1 oj 8IS-S * I' pnl.ii4 open dillv from 0 to 0. -Midiini Del/lei , ot erCII ) l.ltn Nf ) 1 * M\1)AM IEI//.Iiit. : "lite ot London , the Kitlcd lianco clilrvnfant anil spirit tnu- ilhini , Kiiai'inKes to liolp nil In tionldo. no dllTeicucc itliotryou aiv. Ad J. over 010 s I .Hi. hHl 1 * DK. A NI V , WAUKLN. dalnoynnt , inedk'il nnd liuslnisx medium. ' Peindo disease's a. spocl illy. iir rales , itc. , Keetujxif firxt cittuni'inntliti JW. 17IOI ! KENT I'lrsl-class Imtul of ( iS rooiiis andfuinlturo to rent. Inq. at IMK'assst. TilOltunNT The rarUmonue fitnblcsof lids eonipany , located opiiosltc llnnjeoin ) > iiik , on Park aicnuc. a llrst class lou.itlon for hoarilhiK und mlo Btablns , favor.iblo terms will ho tnndu to tlio lisht parlies.V. . A. hinltli , Kdnm'K'r Unmtia Jsticct liulltMiy Co , 20th and HuineysU 701 2S 'OlibALU bto.iin laundry. Addnss K 41 Hcc. 7U1.K1 * DUl'G htoio. widow ladywlslics tosellat oncohor Into Inishaild half Interest In fond piylu dru' liusint'ss. Involuliu about r.'lOO ' , In Lander , Wvo as shu wishes IORO east. Address ilrs. J.V. . Sitllltan , Landur Wjo 421 171OU > AIiK A [ rood s.iloonhi South Om ilia J.1 Addiess 1CS2. Ilio olliue , UV ) u * hS/Ti1 for soniobody w.inthi ! ; to buj a stuulcof confectionery , clc.iis.iiidtob.iuo , school bonks and notions ; coed ti.idn ostah- lUliPil : lust of i easons for selling. Addicts , A P.M. . ( .leiMiwooil.sMi. l- l' Stock nnd nvturos of a ttholc- s\le \ eomniKslon house. Address K 17. lleo OlIlLO. Oil "fi OHSALK Meat m.iil.ot. ilolnj ( jood bust- -l nc s. In to > Mi of 1'JUJ Inhahltaiits in osUrn Nebniska ; onlt J.tJO i-mli i I'quliwl. Addruss O. ! ' . Tut nn. 1 temont , eb. MJ a" HOTHL for silo. Ttvo-story brick ; h one of the beit hotels , doln ; an excollunt peed business , nn onoof tlin be-.t cornoM ! n the elty. Address Commercial llolol , llrokca Uow. Nun IWj ITIOUSALi : rhoonly bakery ttlth bulldliies J- In a lltelj tottn , coiintvseat , about 1 v's ; tc.ibouH foi aellln , iilckiH'ss. Ad- ( llussICL'Slloi- 71 I'J ! ) ' HOTHIj 'Js rooms , nil eoiiviMileiucs. mn- . brluk , : blocks from 1' . O. II. II. Inf. N Y. Life building. 7tX , ACT1VP man with SW ) can HTOIIIO a bus'- nesqp jlii JIO a Ki'oknndoxpensos J. Hill , 1CJ4 llouxlas Hi , up nt.ilrs , n.ri-.W A T\Tt \ ) cTTnli hailTnr sliop for sale . I ) ivld Cllj , Nob. ( ! hAI.K D.ilty on Ames ato. open for tortiudu. J.T. Ho-li. 17 * FOHBAljK-Chonp , a. Imki-ry In peed loca tion ttlth n nlcollni ) of ensioin. Inqulioof 0. P.Dulsto , l.vji Tui nntn t. 74C vKOK U fin mien , tic , , HC top of fwl column on Ililx \\J \ yKD \ Vni'.mt hHS or acus for two of i tlio lie-t luylni ; blooUs In the city. Will plvo llhf dt'iljf mndo soon , ttlth home cash ,1 UI , lice otl 'N 41J 17 tP.Vi\-tooin : liouscWarSltli st. and South Ji'Um 1)1:1 ) : inotnr. oitll * > .tJO ) , for lowu fiirni 0. K. Mm rlson.111 ! N. Y < hire , 741 ' . ' ( I \\rANTii : > A htocic ill .iiiorelinndlse tthlch > > will lii\ol.o ( from Jt..VOt ) to , ) In e\- chanii ) fora lulek rusldi tieoand onoicie lot In Usiuoln , la. This hoiiwt ( est il.r > .lMU and Is ( omnloto and moilui nli. , | etoty jiaitlculai , having water suppl ) , MOrtrn heal , lialli i-oom , ite , mil Isclo.iroflnouniln nice , ttlthpeifoet title , ean niaUe uj > nny dlRtrpiiiu % tlth KOIX ! Hist mot Unsu pnpei , Apjdl at No. 11'ON JOtli M. , f nun 9 to U dally. J Iv.U. 7.8 ANU K-fl wstiK-U of FmilwiircT fiom llrst liiiul : , at tir/iolisalu prices ; KMR ) cashioquhoil , lni i I , IHUi'uIll take for bal- nnceof equity ( jood ok-nr Nobiaska or loivu farmland or Omaha prjipeitv tUtli small In- euniliraiuc ; full line of s implos can bu < > coii InOiiiuha. Addicts 1C : llf lUoollke. TJt "Jj OU oxoliaiijo a fon7vtn | unl houses , etc. . JforKOJd farms or lands.V. . J , 1'nnl , 1UX ) I 441 MOIlTCIAGF.s Notes , cash l.mds , etc. for ilearlots. Cun uboqnlto u number. W. J I'aul , IMWParnam st. 4IJ * I7ORCXlMIANCK-OniiJ ( firms , city propnr J ty nnd wild landh In Noband [ on i forunod eoii'lin'd'su ; property ilour , tltlo purfect. Ad dress Lock ltuto. . I'rein.Mit . , Nob. 8 , > 0 FOIl SArjI IlKAFi 15STAT13. J'orru/c , tie , Hctupof fitt tuluinn ON HASY Terins-2 lioiikcs , four rooms ; well elstotn ; only Ui mllu from 1'ostofllce , ll.r.u each , Pour-nwim lioii < > e ; full lot. $1,700 ; Ji5 casli balance lid per month. Pour IIOIIMS , 7 rtxiinf oaeh ; two full lota U.-Vjil ' : * : ijo jcuraon balance. Ueo , J 1'uul ' IWJl'uriiaiu. 708 M $ 1,700 foriv-ixiom lioubO uud lot. Mr . Kohl iiKiiin.'U'l K llth , 7W LINCOLN I'laeclotttJI V ) , Do.xtur LThnmu 7tsa SOVTIT Otnnlm-Pf you know the "Hock Mm J" Is going toinnko Immense liitpnmi- incntilii SouthUinnlni southnf Uxtreoto \ \ ! m\olits ( land ? , block , Teller A I obb'i M-O- end nddltlon , nnd lots l"nnd 10 , uloekZ , sntno nddltlon. These am owned by o.istein party who wants to sell. It ttikeu at onu' , JI.WXi tt 111 buttlie four lots. Also lot 4. bliK'k 1. lot OT nnd 22. hlock 1. nnd niinilll. MooUO , Ilrowti Park ! iiOJU ) will bay the llto loti. Look tbc o lots up. Thcio U a Rreit birciln In them. M. A. L'ptim t'o 74J 3ti ArllOK'n < llooii Piirnam , opjmslto Mr. E. Ij , Mow's llnu reildi'iico. 10i\is7 ( fotl. that wo will sell vuiy cheap K lala'ii before Auc. 1. Oninlia K ( il Kstntu and Trust company.X ) S. 17th M. . lUclnilhllni ; . 7fiJ GUKATbiruilns Ki.OiK ) will huyu line resi dence , t-.rojilonn , bnl'inccon time. Also n line residence lot cheap fdrcmti. Also a line residence In IConntre Place , rorpaitli'iilnrs amity nt Iho Neb. Steam Inundiy. s-e eoi. IGtn A. Howard sis. U'Jl . . . SAM'-I ha\o n few ImrKiilaa In Potter A folio's 2d udil. to South Unialiii. If taken bofori1 owner lic linliniiiiit cniciiH nliuut Ati- aust I. or ttlll veil it tin liiiiirnt onient * nfler that dato. M. U. Jlaeleod , OJJ N. V. l.lfo bldg. 7 I'liATAO two-story houset nnd 8 coltiives , I all on lonioiltfrounu , iiiniilns fioinr > ( o'Aji < , Miliiallqii'7r .lXO ; no Incumliernneo ; pi > s 2U pel'edit'on Intestinent. Will CMlintw one or nil foi Neluaskaor loun liuiils. Addicw J , J. llllwon. 1'relRlilou blk. Ita. SIO-28 LS them no man Iu this city of I.J'i.OOO that Ins s Hid enou.'li to buy a huslneis propel ty that will pilipor eont Int. on li estment rleai of expenses ; or that has a business block ( h. n hetNllI oMliiiniro for a line rim li.t ) miles of Oni.ilia nh It 100 head of bloodul slock ; or Ill-it v 111 e\c hntiro ( u lioii'c and lotforaeloir IBJor fO : or a taoanl lot for a nlco homo on Capitol nti > . ; ot will buy u house md lot at j Its \ alwo on easy tiijinentt ; or Hint ttlll con tent to ( ill and sco 1'obcits i , Wntoinmn , 1'axtnii block. _ i VTAKI'iiji nnd tiny a nomeon monthly piy- H nionn L'holeeof seven ( IIITeiont houses , south fronts < in Parn nn st , Kicryfonvnlcnee , Inclinllni ; fui n ice nnd pus. 1'l.mi can bo seen it my oil I co Call In. 1) . V. bholes Co , 21 1 1st National lianU , SCi Full "Al.n l'ho oh ilco lesldcnco at No , la'il tJeoiRla avo. , : H\I1D ft i : ftont.O larifo rooiiii , bath , uas setter , hot and cold water , olosetand alt eoiitonlinees , ottner KoliiK to lei\ecltj. 1) V. felmlesCo.,513 lit Nat. b.uik. r > ci > " for iMnroIn I'l ice and r.irthnKu lots ; y terms.V. . i , . fcelby , 11 llo-iid Ttadc , 78.1 A llAROAIN To any ono tt inline n dostrn- nlilo home \VclniM' . i nine tooin luiuse , I ir eb.un and cnrrl'ijju honso , one block fiom the motor line , hut tttelxe minutes fiom I arn un si , t hit \tu cin sell cheap , nml ttlll iKo i lot or a small house and lot. In put iiyiiienl 'ind | ! lvoeas\ ( onus on the h il.inuo. , ) milia lie il Kst ite and Ti list conip.in0 S. I7tli st . lieu building. 7dJ _ C\\sll and $ S per ni'inth for house and flO full lot nt fiom W ) to fl/.W each. W Saul. TWO r.ilnain. 441 _ RlNINI.s > , pioperty. ' "JNtKi , No. IP. H 14th St. . opposite the Jluitay hotel. tr.VJiiei foot ; r-\l.J next to iintalKilinn on How ud st. . JfiOO p.Tfool. llj S ll.lluITctl only , llVi ) 1'alU ato. lOlt "Al-n Pour irooil lots 111alnitt \ Illll , JL ? nnxlV ) racli. on Kiade. I'rloo S.VW oaeh , v 01 tli double tlio money. Stilnger A. Penny , DdiiBlns bloel. , lUth and Dodgo. 4UJ 1 6)K4foot ) liM'hTi's - 4-foot lot addition , just JUtmrtliof bl. Mary'.s , ne , for i'i.-'U' ' M A. I ptnn % _ 741J.M _ ' A ' MALlj piyinint down nmt 1P > ii'rmonth will buy a l-ioom house and lot on Ilith , 'J hloiks from motor ; Ili'st-olabs ch inco to 110- ( | | | IUMI liuiiu ! on easy turns Apply to 11. 1' . Cole Continental block. 8.11 . \\estei Held , 10 dcstate.S- ilia. s. _ OOTTAfiH homes In most HIIJ addition for s do at f nun S1.H33 ( uji on e isy monthly p ly- monts P. K. Iliirlliia. H ll.nkor hlk. ( s'fl Tj Oll SVI.T. Nice 7 room nonso ready to JO moe Into with full lot , * . ' ,2J ) , fJJO cash. O. P Hill-Noil , till N. Y. l.lfo. 13J IK YOP hate anttblnir tosell or uxclinnuu call atoW Pixton block b4 Jtolloo to he\v 'r ( 'ontraotoru. riTYHvOlNEni'sOlTICB I P. Oinnh i , Nel ) . , July llh ( ! , Ifi' ' 3. f Belled propnils > ttlll he tei'uUcd by lliaun- doislKtieu , inIhlsolllce. until tt\uhu o'clock noon , of Jul ) 'Sth , l JO. for fuinishliu all the miiterliils ami dolni : all the work nuossary to complete Ino following city linpiot'uniunts.vlr I'onstiiietlnjr 11 tw < nty-four In h storm ttati-i newer. In " 0" stieet , ulso inutlnsln a pllcbulk bond and approach to tlio west end of * Q" rttrout N Induct. Plans und ( .pecllh-a- tlons may lies'ion , and all Information rula- tUcto the ttork obtained nt thlsolllce No proposals fiom tiny contractor In dofnult v. Itli t'leolty on nny previous contra.-t will bo eons'dei.'d. ' No pioposul from nny contrictor will ho consldoied unless nei ompanlcd by a curtlflod checlc for llto bundled dollars iKWUU ) to he ret in nod on ( ill bids not accepted. llinrK'htls leserved to reject any or nil proposal * , work to bo eomplotu within sKty ( lijs. : Appioxlinnto estimate Is 2CT foot twenty- four Inch pipe , 41X1 foot tt.-elto Inch pipe. All bids must bo on blanks fuiulshcdby the oily eimlnoui. Uv order of the counoll , Commlttei1 on fitioi.'l < nnd nllojs. K. ( ; o.Ni\ii.l ; , V , Chairman. ti > Conlrnctor * , Notice Is hereby el von that seated proposals ttlll ho iieolted bj the cltelcrk of the city of sititliOiiiiili i. nil or befoui the 2Mb d.ij of Julj , ] - ) , at 1 o'clock p. > n , for sloping und ren.otlm the dirt on the following lots ac- coidlnj : lo thepiotlslonbof Oidlnanco No. IJa , to-ttll l.ot.'l , bloekffl. South Omaha. Lot- nnd ' . ' , block SI , South Omaha Lots 1 mil a , ulook - ' , llrst addition to South Omihn Lot H. bloclcl , first nddltlon toSuuthOmnlia. Lot 11 , block s.llrst addition to .son th Omaha. 1 nts < ) , 10. 11 12 and U , block b , flr-,1 addition toout h Om ilia. Lots l , . ! and I , block 7 , llrst addition to South Omnlia. \ \ -cvonty-flxo feet of lot 1 , block 4 , Ilioun'sl'.irk. last sotonty-flvo feet of lot 24 , block i , Hiimn'.s I1.H K. Kist Hit only-fit o feet of lot 8 , block 8 , Ilronn'sl'nik , Lot 7. IdookH , Ilrowti's Pnik. I.ot'l. block II. ! . boil th Uniaha. l.ol H ) . block 114 , South Umnha l.otO. IdockKS. bouthOmahii. Jots J..I and I. block M , f-outb Omnlia. Lots i iiid4 , llo"kH. ! bimlli Omnhu. Lot- mil 4 block n. soulh Omahii. Lot ( . . lilook 711 , bout h Omaha. Nopioio ih will be conslderod miles ? ac companied br a certlll'-d ' thuolc foi J1030) ) . to bo letuined on ill bids not neccpttd. The light Is rescued to rojo t iinv or all bids , jlTdlot Jens .1. UVA > dty Clerk. Notice. Mnlter nf Aunllcatlonof John A. Sttnnsoiiand .Idlin Hoist for pci mil to sell lliuior as drug- cl ts Notice Is hereby clton that lolin A. Sttnn- H9ii and John Hoist. duln hiislni sundei the IIrin niiiiio of Stt union ti Jlol-t did upon the lltthdnt ofInly , A I ) IbUl. ( lie tlmlr applica tion mIho board of Ilio nnd police conimlh- sionuin of Dmnha. for peimlt to Mill mall , spirituous and vinous llquois , as druxtflsts for inollcliinl , ineehanlcnl and rhcmlcal purposes only , atiNo LVKJl'iun iiKhtitot , Kluhih \ \ id , Uinaha. Neb. fiom tlio 1st dnt of January , iK'iO. to the 1st da ) of January. 1V)1 ) If there be no objd'tioii. remonstrance or piotcnt filed within two tteoksfiom .lult 1'Jtli ' A. I ) U. the said penult ttlll ho 1:1 anted. . \.S\tA.SSOSUlnl.lOllN 11(11ST ( , JlUj Applicants. AOIKJ" , Matter of appllcitlon of C' ] ' . . I.lttlu and J. II MoT.isno foi traiihrei. Notion Is herohy Klten tint C. i : I.lttlo nnd J. II M < < l'a ui > . ( uuliiK business undo tliullini nniiio ofLHtlo A , MoTaprneldhl upon the 18th dn ) of Inly. A D , 1M)1 , tlio tholr application to the Ho ird of Pit and I'ollcu ( ° nmml loncrs of Omaha for permission lo remote their Hiloor , from No 2.0Nmth Ifith btreot. 1 iho Pouith \Vuul , to No loin I'liiiam hlieei .n ' the same w.ud , ( Jiuali.i , Neb. , to.tho Ilistuay of Jununiy Islll. Islll.If no nn objection , loinointrnncn or ji tot est II led within two tteeks from July ISth , A. D. 15JJ , the .said purmlsslon tvll l < m RI anted I'H\ * 1. J < JTI.K .lAKH 5Il 1'AIJUK Jll)2l ) ( Llttlo and MuTaeuo Applicant. The Oiiiuhii it H { itilillcun Valley H.illttiiy Conitiany. Notice Is hoioby Kltcn that u hpoelal moot- ln of the stockholders of the Omnhii > ICo- liulillcan Valley Itnllttay Company \tl 1 ho bed atlhoolllcDot the company. In the 1 nlou Puulllc llnlldln , Oinalin. Nebraska , onVcd - iHsdii ) , Jul ) ; w. IMJO , ut IU o'clock a m. , fortho purpose of acting on a certain ti.iukauo aeri'Oincnl by und between the Union I'aelllo ltullvta > Coiiipany , the Omah i < V Republican Valluy i'nllwity Company , thohallnuASouth- tvustorn Uallwny Company , the ChicIKO. llock lalnndi , I'jclllo Itallway Comptinv , and the Chicago , Kansas .t Nebraska Uallwny Com- pany. dated .Muy 1 , 1HJ ) , und foi tlio tuuisac- tlon of su h oilier buslnobs as may legally hcforo the meeting , ( ininhu. July ] , is11) ) . J JdTt Mil.I. ill , fceciotiry. Notice. Pealed proposals will horecclved nt thoofllco of A. 11. l ) > ir. O'Neill. Nub , , Aueutt 1st , w , utfl p. m. , for f iirnl.shlim niatLrlul and Inboi nieossarv for tlio ertctlon and completion ol r-t , Maryu Aundemy , aLconling to plans nui bpeclllcutlonn to ho von ut the Omuliu Mali und HoiiUiiL' C < i , Oiniibu , Nth. A ccrtllh'L chuck for * ' ' " i ' -tti ompnnyuachhldaii ( thocommi'i M lit to reject any orall bl u. Architect , J'JIdUt RHILWKYTIMECnRD . iin.iuu. iiL m.iaui'ON Q T Arrlio * Ountifi. I I ppit ) lOlh nnrt tl son Hiwm | Omidix 4.TOUm ,1'hlrncn K-TprOM . , , , . . A UI it m IMS Riii , . .rtiloouo Kipr.'ii MOp m Clilcmro Kinross V''Oit in .50j > in I . . . . riiletpn l < on\ \ , ( ( m - . . _ . . . . Ml ) . 11IVKU | Aft-Crri Omihit - - pol IQtli mill M nn utif ot . I 0 Is n m . . . .Denver iMf litprosi , ( OJp in 0 15 it ti Uonror Ktpnv i . . . ( US p m 0 40 p in . . .IXMiTcr Mftht Wipron ] . V is i m H IS n in . . MlHMllI Irflclll 1' OU p in l ntos TT V.H C. i A iS IK Arrfroj" Hapot 1011 niul Mason * tr ts. Oimlfu ) M m ! . .Knntiuntjr IMr Kxnron. . . I 0 10 p m p I5p uiUC ( \ Nljttit Kip. tin ! t li'lran < | R M a tu f.e foi f Arrive . ' ! Mnri-T tr Kti ) I Olnnlia. 2 M p in Orcrlnml Kler. . . , , , . . 7 .a p in . ' . (3 p m "J Denver iiiri"n : .v. P m Jam U'niuM Otjr Kxin | > mm 0 IS u in Valrllolil i : np\i'oit _ ( ( him ) , . Ijj.'i p m Jmaiin. IU 1 ilopot , ipth niul Mnrcy St < IjOninlit. ( Hop ml MuTitKxpri-V' . . . . lOoTn m U.15 m .Mhiitlo l.'jirc | ' fl.Wpm llSjjn.j. | , .ViMtllmUt Limited . . . llM-tniu . . . . , HIOUX Cll'V.M I'At'mi I ArrfvoT _ Onj hii _ IV , 1' ( Input , loth anil Mmcr St < I Ouitlm. 7 15 it in . . SloiiT Clfr I'nociiK'ur . " l ft 15 p m . tn I'niil KxproM . . ItOninm , SlObXTCT r \ClHt. . I Airlici- jUnnilin I l > cpiit litli nnl U'olnlcrMn. J Dunlin , ioop nT | .MtTniil T.linftpiir"2. . . ' t'-'lnnT . MtKtrhtViJTi'Kirs rXrmoT" Oinolm.JU 1' . , lOUi unit tl-ircjr Sis I o ui'n Si 13 in (1 Jii | T iii 4 .10 p in . . . Vettlbtllo I.lniltail . . . . ! > .V ) n in A 19 | ) m low.iAmiimnoilitloiKCxc Sum 7 Oi p m tMUp in . . . . . Kl for 2 < 3 p in 1 11 jt in . Kn Uistorn 8 O n m JxjiTi-s il llCAGu , Mil , , , \ SI' 1'At I , Arfivoi Onmbn 111 I * ( lupnt. lutli nml Mnrcr HH Oniili-u hlcnuo i U Ij n m ( < n p ni I.CST" I OMAHA AST IXUn Arrlroi UiiMlin. | ir I depot , 10th imtl Sti ( llUjh1 ! M < ( nniiiin Hull . U iu | i liii ! n A MO \ ' Vl.T.'CV Arrival jM'Ot Utlijuil Wointor St < O mtij HIM n ni | . . . JlltiU HUH ft .I ) p iii IMDn in llnitliif.1 Kxp ( ! ' 6 30 p m 6 10 p in1 \\'nhoo V Lincoln 10 2U u m Ji'otk A hiirfolkiv ( Hnnlnyi 10 W n m Jiiinlin _ | l ) > ipnt IMIijtiiil Wylnior Sti 7 U ) n in yioiix Cltr Accoiumodttlon V Oo p in 1 00 p in .blulix City Kjirt'isix | ( : bun ) 1,10 p m < j ( II p ni st t'liul Limited . . , ' . ) ' -.I ' n m f , H 1. in H-iticofl Pn pnjte > r ( K * . Sun ) 8 4 * . n in : . . . . . . , MlSsOUlU I'AlU'lt. rarrlroi" OnmtinJ J lcpot IMhjtnt WcbUor < ti | Onnh1 * O.Wn Ta . .sfLwilS" * K. ( . ' . "Kxprins | TKj p in Ulipjii .W roii ! AK./1 lxjiro ! I (1 ( HO n in UNION 1'ACU -SUIIUUIIAN Tll Ns Tliono Iroliu also ntnp nt 11m , Kth , Mill n tre t . Summit nn.l bnvldpo f moti n trains do ndt rim Sunitnr | ClllUAdO , U 1 \ i Arrives l L/illim / llo.ot | , C'onnc.l lllutTi J'l'rnnsfor i.'a p t.1 I " > S n in l U n in . Atlmulo Kxprcss. f > Kt p in S DO p in .VoillliiilB l.lralloil 10 10 u iu Lcnvon IClllCAt.O.V N'Oltl'HWKsi r.KN Arrives" Jmrtiiforl Union Depot I'nnnill llliilti ' 1 ritn ror .I.4H n ui . . . iTiTciTito KiiriMs | " ( > ( V p in b UI p 111 . Vcitlljulo I.lniltcul n > n in 10 IU p 01 . ! intern Klrcr 2 U ) p iu 1.0 p in . . Atlnntlo Mull . 7 J n in I , lOji in lima Anoiminulntlnii iljxr < fiin ) I. II ) p in , allA S l Arrivi-s Triimfurl I'nlon liciiot. Council Uliills ( Transfer Ti 5 p n7 , m KxprejH . . I H 15 n m 1 H t > in ( hlcipo ( . s . . I ( . ( JO p iu 1C ir , ftr JOIJATJ U fArrlvon I'miMfrrl Union Dupot , Cunnrll ] lln7a [ ll'riuiHrtir IOJi u ifl Kun-M Cltf Da7 l.xprosi | r > 41 p 111 10 Sip "i lvntii ! C'lty.NlKht Kxjiro i I ( I'JDii in Ixinvoi UMAllA A ST T.OfJIS. I Arnvos rrmiKft'r Union DepotjC'ouiicUlliiltn ! _ | Triinafor KuFii in it Ixiiif" I'nnon linll Iii IS p m U'nvPt ICllffAOO. HUltL'N A QlllNOV I Arrltra Tr niii for I Union Doput , Cuiincll IHnCB | Trniii.fcr . I ) W n iu . . . .C'hlcnp K\Tiiia | . . . .I r JU p iu 10 00 p ra . . . . .Chlcinfd Kxprc s i ) < ln ) m 7 H ) ii in _ . uitiin.l _ < n l. 111 J ) rt in BIOUX cri v"An' Arrlvon Unlon Pepot Oaiindl ltlult ITrnntfer 7(5 a in ! . .bloux CUT Acoommodatlon I OM u ra 6W p ml . . . . tit 1'aiil I l > 55 p m MltSSOUHI PACIFIC HUJIUIUUN TRAINS. Westward. a v u in m a in I'm II 111 p.m n in Ip in. WoMterRt . . . S.M II WI7 M I'mIV > 15 H .15 1. 4i Oik Clinthnm 5.&S t ) .M 7 67 ft 2.1 0 SI 8 < M1J M Dnild Hill . ( j 00 7 ( fl T.W 1 W (1.S7 ( 8 47 ko Htrtot. . t ! 7 OJ i 01 .I.V > i. . Hi H ) [ . ta Wiilmtt Illll ( > on 7 Oli 80.1 A ill I.II R tii \ m Diinileo I'laco tH 1 088 03 4 ( A j ) H > > ( i ui \Voit bldu. . 0.10 108 07 ( Oi 5 oj d.4.1 8 M > i 01 I.nwn 8 U- ) 4 01 8 M Muicot . . fl II i n > ! 11 01 i n Hcyniour I'url ; 8 Hi i u I ) It' . 1 17 1'url il 8 2 > i so U b 1 . llaitwnri ! n in Ip m pill p m n in p 111 Portnl H l I H ) ll. . l I S' . Snyinoiir 1'ark i ) .I'J 4 , .l 11 ( . ' 1 41 Mmcot 8 ) . ' 4 U (1 ( 47 1 6) l.nun . . . 9 15 4 41 I ) n 1 SJ \Vtnt bldo. I. 7 ) a la 41) ) II 41 U.Stl 1 67 Dillliluu I'lnro ( . 21 7 SI 8 f l f. 11 i ; 4. . 'J V1 1 61 \\nlnut Illll ( i 21.7 21 li r > 4 4 M a 4J 9.SJ 2 K I.nko Strcnt fi 2I.IT . VS 8 H , I ' > 4 6 41. li.M 10.01 2 01 Drill.I . Hill ( I. Jl'7 ' 1 a M I 57 a.Ki 10.UI y 05 [ Jik Chitlmm fi 1 Xt J ( 4 5'l AM 7 0) 10 07 i li ) \\cbnter htri'ct ( . 1517 41 10 ( iU ) 7 10 10 II 'i 2J nANir KIU'OHT OK Tim CONDtTlON OF THE YAED Ml At South Om.ihn. In the State of Nebraska , at the close of business , July 18 , Jb'JO. KKsouituns. I.o-ins and discounts . $ 207 100.12 Oteidiafls . . . W , ! > 2r.G. > Duo from banks and M.inlan. 2.7,024.rd ! Pinnltiuo nnd II\turc-t J l.V.'J ( JiiirrnL ovpoiieus nnd taxes paid . . . . Gil.10 liccKs and other c.ihh Items . i 40,83"iRO Hlllsof thei binks . . . . rif.l OJ ISIukeU and cunts 17.1-t ShUt'Io rCM.OD ' ' ' ' ' Lujtil tondi'i notes. . , , , , . 5OWJ ( ) (8,117 ( 13 Tolnl LiAiiiLrnia. Cipltnlstockpnld In . . . Jl 00,00000 , I'lidltlded pidllts . . . . Illlllt Illlllll ( iLMIOslls Mll- ) Jeet to elieek .2l 30 Demniid ccitllloates of deposit 415.03 Tlnm ceitlllcatcs of do- poslt 10,172.14 ruitllk-delipcUH 1.1)00 havings depnslts Sl'Ml.S ! Uashtir's checks out- standliiK Duo tonntloniilhaiiKs . . . . , ' > * I.M Duo to state liinktinnd hnnkors U.OOV-l'- 471,420.48 Ito dlscounta SI , Obi. .1 ! ) Total ' . . STATIlOfN'rilltAPKA , I „ „ County of DouKlns , f b H I , Ii ! II , llinnch. cushlurof the abnvo-nninod h.inlc , do holemnly Nvreni that the ahot nstnti1- iniMit Istruo to the licst of my knnwlodKii and in lief i : i ; . , uushiui buhseilheil nndsttoin to heforu mo this 'Ml day of Julj , Is'JO. ' HUN. S. ADAMS. ' ' " Nutuiv I'libllc. TYPEWRITERS POR RENT- EXCHANGE- FOR SALE' sa FEMALE REGULATOR , Kaf u Hiia LiTluln ton oHjr or money r - fuiidfd. Ily mall t ! hicurily ralcd from ob- urvatlou , COOK KKJIUltX CO. , Omalu.Nib. An Ddltor'ts Hi'inarknOlu Cotv. A Vermont odltor botiuts that lie lias a stub-tiillcd , ouo-lionied coxv , with no jifillgroe , which not only funilsliud tlio inillc for his family of ten inn'rioim lusi jour , but $100 worth which lie bold to nib neighbors , Mllcn' fscrvo und I lvor Pills. An important discovery. They net oti the liver , stomach und bowels through the nerves. A now jirlnclplo. They ( .peodlly euro bllllousnoss , bad tu-sto , torpid liver piles nnd constitution , Splendid for men uomcn and clilldi-on. , mlldobt , surest. 'M doies for U5 cents , Kamplca frco ut Kubn & CO.'K 1HU aud A JtONSTIIll TtTNMJl * . Tlio Gront niiRlncorltt | ( I 'out KoDOtttly Aou iiiillslieit | In l'pior [ India. An nrllclo In the Allahnb.ul I'loncor gl\e * Homo Intcrcstliifi partlculurd con- uoinini ; the ttinn ol tlwt hits just boon compU'lcd through the Khojulc on tlio rallt'oiul from Quottu to Ciindtili'ir. The Kliojnk psisa Is 7Sli ) ) foot nbovo the so.i nnd about two thousand feet nbovolho level of the sun'oniidinp country. The tunnel plorcos the rnnco nt riRht tuiplcs nnd its cotirstu 18 thorofoi'o duo o.wt und \vt\st , niul It oulors Iho hill nt about ono thons'inil foot boloxv tlio crest of the pass , The length of the tunnel is 11MUK ) foot , or two and iO'hnlf inilo3 npproxinwtoly , anil it will nri'.v n dotiblo line of r.vIN. 1'or the Ural uilf the tloor nsconds nbottt ono In ono housnnd , nnd for the soc-ond half of llto ournoy it ilosconds nt nil incline of ono n forty. Theio nro tx\o main shafts , ono .118 oct anil the other S.MO foot ileop , whloh vero mink in order to facllittito thocon- tntcttnn of the tuiinol. The ohiof ob- tnolo to proprrcss nroso from the ilood- IIL' of the tunnel nt morothmt ono point. Vltirpo fipi'inp was I'tit and the water I coded the shaft on the Ctuulalmr sldo 0 the depth of 1M ) fool. It took ten to [ innii ) out the \\ntor , and iu ho wrMern hoiidhig us much ua llfty rnllona n ininntoxoro constantly 'ushitii ' ; out of the \vost mmith , n onlor to ovoroomo this dllHeulty v side I'litting had to bo mndo , Thonmir- litudoof the work is lostilicd to btlio , janks of bliulo nnd iofk at tlio inoutln of ho tunnel and at the pitheads , xx hit h vro biiiil to bo qullo ultorlng tlio land- jf.ipo in iilnocs. Ono ourious dlscoxt'ry uado ilnrlnjj the proprosg of the \\ork , is the result of an investigation in llto nti'it of certain mysterious explosions , \'iis that itwtiHproNod that "combttstioii lad nilbon inside a cat-o of blasting yohi- ine. " A. Cliolcn Ijlnt of Siiininor Itosortx. In the lake rofflons of WibCoiiBin , Min- icsotn , loxta nnd the t\xo Dakottis , there ire hundreds of charming localities jiro- 'inlnently lilted for summer homos * . \mong the following1 solectcd list are lames familiar to many of our remleis is the perfeetinn of northern summoi1 ro- sorts. Nearly nil of \Viscoiibin points of inteiest tire within a short dtiitnneo rom Ciilc.igo or Milwaukee , nnd none of them nro so far axay from tlm "busy narlaof civilization" that they cannot ) o re.tehcd in a fexv houtd of travel , ) y frequent trains , over the Illicit load n tlio northwest the I'hio'igo , Sllhvnukoo & St. Paul mllwny : Dionomowoo. AVIs. ( Jlonr rnke , Io\vu Vllnoi'qun , WIs. Lake Okohojl , lox\ i. \ Viuikcslm.'is. \ . Hphit Like : , lowu. , AVis. KronteniiL , Minn L'naitiliiixvk Lakoi. Lnko MinuotoalM , \Vls. Minn. lakeside , Vflt. Oitonville , Minn vllhotmi City , WIs , Pi lor Lake , Lllnn ( Dolls ot the \ VlaWhllo 13enr Lnko , cousin ) Minn. Hc.ivor , AVls. nig Stone Lnke , D i- Mmlisoii , WIs. Uotii. Tor detailed Information , npplynt ticket ofllce , 1501 rnnum stieet , Ilurltcr Block F. A. NAbil , Gon. Agent J. E , Pr. SroN , Pass. Agent. Tliolr Ijot Not a Ilnppy Ono. No oonor aio the Swlsa girls largo enough to pov-ess the roqinaito phyal- al strength than theyaio sot to the most servile work the land alloids , sa.\n 1 traveler in a letter to tlio lialtlmoro XCXVH. The child has a jannic'r basket Utod to hot' hhoulilors at the earliest wssiblo moment , and she drops it only nlioii old age , proniatmo but morclftil , robs her of power to carry it longer , I have Hceti sweet little girls of twelve or fourteen wtaggei ing dowa n mountain Hide or alunga rough p.ilhxxoy under the of btuidlcH of fagots as largo tin their bodies , which they no Bootior dtoppud than tlioy hurried back for othora. I have been girls of fifteen yearn barefooted and bareheaded , in the blis- oringniis of an August HUH , breaking p the giound by swinging inattookH heavy enoiujli to tax the strength of an iblo-bodicdinnn. I have knoxui a , young miss no elder Lhan those to bo employed nnn porter for carrying the baggage of Ira volt n up nnd down the stoopoht mountain path in all the region i ottnd about. She ad mitted that it was bomotimes very hard to lake aitbthor stop , but nlio must do it. And ulm carried such an amount of Luggagel A stout-limbed guido is pro tected by the law so that ho cannot bo compelled to carry above twenty -fivo pounds , but the limit to the burden often put upon girls is tholr inability to stand up under anything more. But the burden Increases with the ngo and strength of the burden bearers till by the time the girls have coma lo Avomanhood thcro in no sort of menial toll iu which they do not bear a hand , and quite commonly the chief hand. Tlio burdock plant is ono of the host diuro- tlcs or kidney regulators la the x'e uUblo xtorkl , and the compound knoun as Huuloch Hitters is imsm p us sod In ull diseases of iho kidneys , liver und blood. Ilio luc-Cnp ol" ( I'ocnland. The aspect of these boundless w.mlos rolling away in scairely percc > | ) tibUi undulations , and in the distance ming ling tbo gray of their snows with tlm gray of the Hides , at llrst gavu tlio im- prcH&ion that Greenland was a uniform plateau , a sort of hori/ontal table , hays the Popular Science Monthly. The be lief noxv prevails that the rocky surface of tbo land is , on the contrary , carved into mountains and hills , vallejs and gorges , but that the plastic BIIOXVH and ice have gradually ( Hied up all the cavities , which now shoxv only in slight sinuoiities on the surface. Allowing to tlio whole mass of the ice-cap an averngo thickness of COO foot , it would ropiibunt u total volume of about one hundred and fifty thouwmd cubic miles. This hormur sualf , or "great ico" of the Cireen- lamlors Hews like asphalt or tin xvitll cxtremo slowness Beaxvnid , while tbo surface is gradually leveled by the snow falling during the course of nges and dis tributed by tlio winds. In the iiitorlot ? of the country the BUI face of Iho ice and BIIOVV is as smooth as if it were polished , looking like "Iho undlstuibedburfnuo o ( a frown oconn , the long but not high bil lows of which rolling from east to west are not easily dlstinguliihublo to the eye. " Novel tholess , the exterior form of the ico-cap has been greatly diversi fied , nt least on its outer edge , \vhoro in many places It if , dllllcult to oioss , or o\un quite impassable. The action ot lateral mossuro , of heat produced by lliu tremendous friction , of evaporation and illtratlon , has often broken the surface ) into Innumer.iblo cones a few yards high , in form nnd color igsoinbllng the tents ol an cnciunpmcnl. To the young face I'oz/oni s Poinnlnxlon , I'owder ( 'lvua froahor chat ins , to iho old lo- aowtd youth. Try U. Tlio Siorod Heart acail.inj for day pupils , flltuutod on St. Mary's ' uvonuo und -7th hi. , Is un indtitutlou dyxotod to tbo moral and intellectual eilucatlon o ( young girls. The oonrso Includes everything - thing from an elumentury dopirtinont ; tea a finished claissical education. Ikbldin thooullnary acndoinlcal court > o , music , painting , druwin' ' and the languages nro taught. French is included in the ordi nary course. Dlftorenco of religion is no obstacle to the locoivlng of pupils , pro vided tlioy conform to the general regu lations of the bchool , The bcholastla term coinmonco'i ' the first Tuesday In September. Classes bogln at 0 u. in. , und pupils are dismissed ut 3W : p , m.