Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, July 28, 1890, Page 6, Image 6

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    G THE OjMAHA L > AlIBEE , jUONTAV7 , JULY 28 , 1890 ,
Dtllvcrcil ty Carrier In itny pirt olllioC'lty.
II , W. TIMON' , . . .
< 5 Odlcc , No. II.
. Xo. 13.
N Y P. Co.
Council llufftLunincrb. ) ( ! . coal.
Tlieiocro three funerals of children
y < iterdiy ; who died m Satuiclny from
Justice Sdmn united In rniirrlago I' . .7 , niul Miss Joliniina Kuu , both of
Umaha , Saturday afternoon.
Parties knowing Ihcnw'lves indebted to
tlio Council IHuffH c.npetcomiimy will please
call and settle nt once ) with cash or-by nc/te. /
Onoof tlio employes oftho ITnioa 1'acllle
Ind hli hand binlly innngled nt the transfer
ynnlson Saturday o\cntiijf \ , and wni taken to
Omnhii for treatment ,
Helm L. . Moitonscii. nxccl six vcirs , died
Siturelny nliht fromdlpUheili at the rest-
dencoof hir parentsSll Cotnitiercl il stiect
'Jho funeral occurred yesterdu ) ' afternoon In
l'1alrviow cemetery.
Itvas reKrtod | late Init illicit tint nn al
tercation oceurad at Hock's iMtiUn between
two nun and that one of them had been so
vcrelj stubbed. Thopollco ixcuivul no In.
funni'lon ' loncciiiing it und dlsciedit the
All llio inrlcs , Inkci and other plcnsurc ro
Btits uero well ycsterdiy. The
motor line curried full train loicls Into Pair-
mounteverv trip that win made. Ono of the
nttt actions la the i > aik vas tlio concert bj
Dilboj's bind.
The name of JaekCusick wn < s omitted from
tlio list of delegates mimed In Iho Tilth ward
at the primaries on Haturdaj nipht , but ho
vlll liuvo his seat in the comi'iitioii on
" \\Vdnesdiij \ , dtipttclittlo slips of the pcncili
of thoieporters.
K. A Wright , foreman of Keys Brother *
carrltipo fnctnir , und Miss llinlly McC.mti ,
lioth of this city , uero nuitllv m.irrlcd in
Omaha Suturdnv afternoon , llio jouni ! poo-
Jile hnve ninny n lends and are veiy popular ,
Jinil they lint none of tlioheuty ( oagiatula-
lions of their filuids for successfully ati.iling
umnnli on them.
Every Cli intiuqua stockholder shouM bo
present at the board of ti.ido looms tonight
Complaints luuo been hoard In the
tlio u'poits concpinlng Clnmtauijuii wore
1101 plentiful eiiougtinnd not piven in sulll-
ilcnt detail 'J hose who clo not tnlto unough
interest toattend the nicitinpi of tlio nssoi ia
tion cannot Justly complain U they are In Ig
EOranco as to vliat U going on
Thcio was a rumor of another Sunday evenIng -
Ing row atlJIgLukola iiifuliilluiilnslnight ,
tut It was not investigated Ihepolico Tbo
cfllccM ehilin to hate but little encourage-
men t to endeavor to preserve order at tint re-
wit and will iniUo no effort to itrrchtordi
nary breakers of thopeacu until tlioy ici'cUo
some hotter asMiraneo than tliey have had in
thop.nttliat the inisoners will not bo dis
charged its soon us In ought in
The funeral of Willie Smith , the little
Western Tliiion messenger boj , occur ml at
4 ! M ) jcsteulay iiftoiiioon fiom the resilience
of his mother on Bcntoii street. Uov.D. O
Franklin ulUciiitcd. The friends of the little
ino.ssuigor contributed in my beautiful lloral
designs , and the litllo cwketwus , iltnoat con-
ic-.ilecl by the hlossoins. The boilj burled in I'nlniow funntery.
ThcOddfclliuvs nio still consideilntra pro
ject for onetlng a laigo building in the con-
trnl pirt ot thuclty Tliu conunitteo agreed
upon aeeitnin silo on Bnud\\.iy , hut hcjfoie
the nnancciiuMits vc-io coiniileteil thoiepre
tentative * of ono of the lodges cliatiRCii in
opinion and declun d ng-ilnst tlie slto selected
'iho committee is now considering other
sites and Irying to leneliu uniniinous ivoit |
Thcpa\lng injunction easts will bo nigucJ
hefoio.IuclKO Deonicr toinoriow orVidncsi -
day If thouttoinoyaiiro lead ) . Tlio ] ud'o )
will po to Colorado Wednesday or Thursdaj
for t o or thrco weeks' rest , and if the cive >
is reuly to piesent to him whoa Impasses
through the city it will bo considered and an
opinion rcndund ut once , but 1C It is not it
will go over until Aiurustan. nlthocoiiiinctuc-
mciitof the next term ulio pobalillities
that any ruvhiR will be clone In the city this
tumniurnio o.xeedlngly slim.
At a mcetinpof the eity council this evenIng -
Ing the piliuiiiil iinttcrin vlilch thopubllo
Is interested that -will bo ronsidcmd will bo
the location ofndditional clutrio lights. It
U orqeetcd that the are lights \\ill \ rcpluio
the Kiisolino buineis nowiihulln the outskiita
of the citj. hut the Indications aio that the
removal of the gas burners ulll c.mso .soinu
ftronp comphilnts In localities wlieretlo elec-
trie Ilithts cannot.lio placed. It Is estimated
that ono cro llfjlitlll \ Illuminate the tcnl-
lory now illuminated by nlno of tbo oil
burners and costless , hut there are many
glens nnd shady places wheie thornys of tlio
electric lights will not penetrate When the
Oil burners HID taken uvay from these plates
n kklc , vigorous anil loud , will follow tlio lirst
cliirk nlglit.
Tlio Jvipltermining coinpimy , im orfrnnlm-
tlonln yllioll beveial pioiiiinrnt local cipitnl-
bts nru intercbted , filed aincndeil tirtiulesof
Incoiporntfouvltlitliu \ eounty recorder Sat-
urdiiy afternoon. The nmcndnuiits lednce
the innitnl stock of ttioroniuiiy ] lo jwi.liOO.UlO . ,
with the privllegoof Ineifiisiiif ; it to fll- )
OOO.OIK ) , nnd picn'ldes tint tlic boaiel of direct
ors tlinll have po er to indco assessments
upon thecapiUl ktock nt theii discictIon ,
piMAlilcdthut the assessments shall notbo
Rrcntcr thnn S percent of tlio sleek at tiny
ono tlmo. The ) provision la also innilo that
the issosMiionts sli ill not bo imido oftener
thnnonco in three months , Tlio company
owns and contiols some valuable mines In
Old Mexico rnil Colorndo.
The rojiilonts nnd pi-opcrtv owners on ISast
PJcico sheet mi ) soi-elj ellsiippoiiited over tlio
turn the p.ivhiK : nut tor has liken , and they
view tliCBituatioiMvItlihoinclhini ; moro thaii
dlsj-ust. Since the motor line liw been built
on their street it Is neirly useless , for any
other puiposotlian motor tinvel or foot JHS-
sagc1 , In many pl.ieea the ted of the motor
traik is thi-eo feet higher tlwii tbc sides of the
htrcet , and only room is left for u narrow
drhownj on elthorhlde , while it Is Impossible
lo dilvo across the track except at the stiwt
laterecetloiis. The proportj owners luivo got
their ctirblitgla and have been waiting anxi
ously foi the council to let the p.ivhiff con
trails. Thoj PTOIKISO to wait upon the eotin-
ril this cveniiiK and see If iomo way cannot
bo devised to get un Injunction or something
else on Jim IMadden toconin'l | him to quit In
terfering with their business.
Manager AlUinsof the tilephono exchanijo
has constructed nslxtcen-llelit dynamo dur-
hiRhls Idle nionicnts m the imt jeiir , and
Saturday nisht ho inndu the lint successful
trial of the now machine. By uttnrliiiiit it
to n water motor In ono of the printing otlieos
that ran with an irregular tuicl too low a
speed , lie obtained Bono veiy sntisfactory 10-
Bults. It gciiernteil n euirent sulllciont to
opcmto a "iWenndlo power are light , nnd ac
complished It by ttio consumption of less
power than Is ivimlivil by the U'lioinson-
llouston or the Swrrj machines The dltTer-
etue in the princlplesof construct ion lies In
the winding of tlio ildds niul in the coreof
thonrmiituiv. The com Is not composed of
ono pleeo of nuliil. hut of sevirnl handled
circular discs of thin sheet iron insulated
from each other , ivhich magnetizes nnd do-
mapnetUu nteueli revolution inoi-o wrfectly
nnii with less po\\or than isposslblo in a mass
of solid inotnl. 'Jlio macliino Is of the ul-
teniiitliig current pattern , suluiblo for either
nruor ! iiraudt. > sconl lllitliii | ! ; , nnii It 1 * poisl-
hlothatMr. Atlilns has struck n principle
that will miiko him some money ,
Deputy Marshal Fowler and Captain An-
dcmm of the morclmnts1 force went to
Onmhii ycstcrdny and after a long huntsitc-
ccfded in tinting the Blethers hey , the young
Bhlrt tlileflio \ led In the raid onOuIley's
sidewalk display , llo found In the
Blethers domicile , ubout s\x \ miles from
Omaha. Ills parents locked him in abed
room mid refused to surrcndur him , and ttiu
ofllcern Inul no and consequently no
authority for breaking intotho room und tuk-
ini ; him. Uhoy laid slepo lo the house , and
after about thrco hours. ' mtlent wultlnj ? the
young man came out iiml was put under nr-
rest. llo was taken to Oiuihannd locked up
in the city Jnll utter refusingto tueonipiny
theofticers to thU side wlthouta iH. * < iuisltlnii.
Blether ) is ono of the hunks t of the Juvenllo
toughs of the citj' . and has been linplk'iitvel in
n ihx-iH ninny jntty crimes and several dan
gerous assaults. Ononf them \viis \ amunler-
ous attack with n knlfo upon a llttlo boy in
front of the postolllco whom ho followed from
the openi house , nnd another was a similar
attack upon two Italian fruit vendors. Ho
will beoxtradltvd if nosMblo and s > uit to tbo
reform BcuooL
VI'll'P tllITT1 Tlin III HTTP
How the Ptst House I ? Being Neglected by
the City and Oountj Authorities.
A Clint M'ltti n Iiaiiipllfihtcr-Pottn-
\VHttnnili'fl AVcallli Slenlliitf
SlililH The I'livlntr IHJUIIO-
tlon Minor Itleiilloii.
When the county sold the poor farm and
eoncluclcd logo out of the business of pnupor
Mippoitlnj ? on the suburban plan un ugieo-
uicnt was inteied into between the county
comnilnloncrs and the city council for the
eteotlon and inalntemneo of a pest tiousothat
should bo bullion sonio fn.vor.ibio loc.itlou
outsldo tbo city HmiU. In comrdlnneo with
tlio iiKiconicnt tlw citj puichmcd two aciiw
of ( { round fiom John Ilainnitr at n cost of
$ .7)0. ) It lict iiiifboskoy llttla dell a milo
north of the ulty , utidls a picturesque spot ,
sheltuic'il by sunny hillsides and completely
isolated fwni eveiTfthitiK and everybody.
After tlio ground liad boon purchased nnd
pii'paicd n humlsoino liilck building was
erected. Tlio architecture B of modern
stle ) , unique and altrattlve , with a hand
some towcrrislnuabovo thosintoroof. Itls so
thoroughly Isolated tint a person vouldpiiss
very ilo.-o to It without observing , but vlion
liU attfiitioii uns nttraclcd to It beould
obier\o nothing about il to cieato thosus-
pli'ionthatit isn pest bouse , bat hoould
think on tlie contrary that It was the home of
uttcnltliN but ecd-nttic1 fniinerwliowas liv
ing the life of nhonnit. Altogether it is pc-r-
liips the hiindsomestand mostexpcnslvupest
hoiiho In the .state. Hut , secluded as it is
niuoiiK the hills mid hidden so well fiomUew
thut there It not ono person inn thousand in
the fill or county Unit Mious of Its c\Nt-
cni'o , jot there Usoircthiinr about iPlhatat-
ti.iels . pulilli * iitt < Mition. Thiit'foinethiiiir is
only the ncfltctlth \\hlcli
Ills bdni ; treated.
The builiHnir was erected nt n cost of
? .l.10.uhicli , aclcled to tlio S" > ( 1 paid foi the
lot , unices un Investment of l.aoi ) of tlio
jieoplo's eish la this vciy Inndsoine ,
unlcjue , solid , durable , shite-roofed post
house It nns built two jeaisiiKO , or more ,
and ( iota the (1n ( : it was Unified until the
p.eseiit it has liceu the good lortimc of the
city toliavciiailno occasion tousolt. Ithas
inver boon used nt nil for any puiposc It
Ins bien worse tliauclc'sortod. People hn'o
hhuiineil it nnd tbo munlcipd iinil county
authorities luivoncKlei'tud It. It has hud no
life nbout or aiouiul it , except corts of
liljfeom tint Invo built their nests nnd
ulsol their yoiintr in the tower and the cows Inve tome to it clallj and chewed their
tuds in theprateful shaito of Its slated roof
mid snatched their sides an its brlilc walls
only these lowing uiul coplnjj fowls ,
Mid the occasional or f raiuont visits of the
lioys , nhoh.ive smnslieil nut cvoij window
that louldlie reac-hed with niis nnd stones
Tbo pilferer and siunk thief also visited
itiincU.ii-necl ; u\a.\ \ the pump nnd buikets
fiom the \\c'll and everythmj ; cl etaatwas
loose , liiilinliii'llio ) lumber co\erod the
expensive listun and the walks mound the
The purpose of thta.irtlclo , aside from eon-
cyinf ( tliolnfoimatlon to the public tint it
his uHVJH ( ) pest house that bus never been
ir-cd , is toiciiilnd thocltj authorities that n
Imildiiff ciHtniKsq much money should bo
looked titter once in uhilo It is as cosy ,
( omfoiUiblo .indwell built at. nny rcsidenc.0
in thecitv , and would ina'tc ' a Rood homo for
souichndy , who con Id make a peed living by
Kirdc'iln ' the two ncros of land , nnd who
nould bovtlllnc < to take cai-n of it foi the
consideration of free rent. It would bo inn ch
tetter to put Mine woi thy tenant in there
than to lottlio building polo iiiln by the at
tempt to iniilto ittnlcoc.ire of itself. The
matter is icspcitfullj submitted to the coun
cil nttho ineotiiic ; tonight ,
rricclmmi's'intj Out Sale.
All goo is sold for Mo on the dolhr at
Fi icdmuu'i this week.
This is the hut ch nice to buy goods at your
own prices ut Ftlcdm.m's
Don't foigotto polo's for bar-
painoln e\erv \ line of Koods , us this is the
list neokand only ( haiicoyou will havo.
Paities Indeutou toG. I'riodmaiiwill plouso
e.Ul and settle their accounts to MVO costs ,
as tliU is the last \scolc.
The Manhattan spoi'tms headquarters-113
llro.idway ,
Jlniitliu ; fa * Her I'atlicr.
A young girl , filendless , inexperienced ,
aloncnnd thrown wholly upon her own 10-
sounes inn laijjo and strangeeity , is otio of
the most unfoitunato things that can hippen.
It happened ayaiii nfow dajs ago , and if it
had not been for u kind henttcd ofticcr ,
waudoring around somotthoio in this citjor
Oimihu today there would liuvo been ayouus
girl beventeen years old sorely in need of
friends. Her name is Flora IMddoek and she
e.imo into Council Bluffs over the Uock Island
on ITtlduy evening imtt went to the transfer
depot. 'JVilns eainoiu anil went out , the
thousands who pass through the great irate-
way of the east and west nibhed liy her heed-
lesslj and she only attracted attention after
manjhoius bj the anxiety with which she
hcanncd the faces of the multitude. Showas
asked by ono of the depot oflleers the cause
of her amlctj and \\liomshowiis lookinr.
She was modist and reticent , hut to the of-
llcersho llnnllv related llio follow hiKstoiy ;
She had come from iVolfax , la , sbo hud
hccnllviiifj with hci mother Her father and
mother h.ul separatetl a year or IIIOIM aye ,
and the futher , whoso nauio aha said \\.is
Paddock , went to Ues Moincs and about n
vcarngo left theio and came to Coniull
IJluiTs. A feu dujsiigoho wrote her from
horonskiiiff her tocomouad Keep house for
him , This sl.o hiul iletfiiaiiiuil to do without
the advice or ronscnt ol her mother. Her
father hail promised to moot her at the depot ,
but for some leabon had failed to keep his
promise. She had only u few dollars moro
than was necessim to buy her ticket and bo-
caniovoij ninth ami mod , Lute In the after
noon sliocondudcd to come up town anil cn-
dca\or \ to Ibid her father On tlio way she
inotOllher Hclitiinpiiiidoanllilcdto 1dm her
stoiy The onleer took euro ot her , and up to
yesterday noon had not boon succcs.sinl In his
se.ireh for the misUiift father. If the fattier
cannot bo found the jjlrl will ho returned to
her mother
If you wish to sell your property call on the
JudcLt Wells Co. , C. B , Judd , piesiaeut , COO
B roach v ay.
\ Vono custoinei-s for Insldo iinpro\cd
pi-opcrtj , terms all c.isli If yon have n bir-
Kiiln to offer udl on K. II. Sbeafu & Co. ut
once ,
A. Cliat U ith tliu
" \Vitb Iho exclusion of the IMS llfihls from
the streets In the central poitlon of llio city
undthoiihollsliinent of the usollno burnei's
in tlio suburbs , thofainll'urlltfiiro ' of the lils-
torwlainpliKhtor drops out of sight in Coun
cil Bluffs. "I have United the lights for
elo\en 3 ears nnd never missed anight , " said
Undo .linunyMndUon , the gray-h.ilrcd lamp
lighter who las charyo of the ga > ollno burn
ers , "and I suuposo alter August 1 1 will liavo
to move out of town. I have to look upon it
as my luoc.itlon , anil I don't suppose I am tit
for liny other kind of business. E\cry day
for elemi jeara I have hitched up my old
gray mnro and jj ° " " around mid Illlod up the
llttlo cans on Iho tops of the post. ! , and every
ni Klit for tlio sanio length of tlmo I ha\o gone
over the mini ) tenltory , ialn and llKhtod the
fnitliiul little Iliiine that has IIOVIT refused to
burn and keep burning until ! < orI o'clock in
tbo morning , > md 1 toll you that I and my old
hoiso will feel aful lonely when wo are told
wo rmi't do U uny longer. Ho has uikou the
name interest In the lumps that I lm\o. Ho
knows the Icxiition of every lamp in the dr-
cuits , and ho ( joes without gutdlnir dli-eitly
from one to the other , nnd btops when ho fetH
thtro. I could'nt drive him past a lamp until
I had illicd It , and I have often thought ho
wntehednionhilol wiw pouring In the oil to
see if 1 was cheating by not lllliiiK' them
full. Una old horne has taken iu much inter
est in the street H litiiiK us any member of
tbo council. I urn sure it was an honest In
terest , If itas mites iutclllfcutos thattakcu
by the council , nnd if bo had n \ ole in that
body at the meeting Monduv illicit I lam sui-o
the gasoline lamps wouldn't go , anil I don't
know but what hisvoto would plcasolho pub
lic better thun tlio votes that will bring in the
arc lights und put out tlio gas.
J , C. Illxhy , steam boating , sanllarv en-
pimcr , 91 ! ) Life Imlldmi ? , Onuh.i ; WJ Mer
rinin block. Council Ulutls ,
Jloncynt reduced rates loaned on chattel
and renlestnto security by U , II , Shcafe A Co.
I'ntuiwnttiimlu'aVc.ilt ti ,
County Auditor Ilendricks hni llnlshcd the
work of tubulating the propeity valuations
of this ilty ( ind county as shown by the
assessors' returns The result is Interesting ,
especially as It relates to the dojs iutho city
nnd county. According to the assessor's re
turns there \vero but 8V dogs of both sexes
lu Council illufTs , and only two In Kane
township ou'sldoof ' the city. As there uro
10,000 residences In tlw city outside of the
bushier homos , It Is evident there have been
some dlaphnnous statements made to the
assessor whin ho was liuntliiK up the dog
The lolloping Is tbo assessed valuation of
the property In the city : Itesldcnco lands ,
S. ) , < 0l,1vl ; unknown land' ) . | > S ; per
sonal piopeity , SIiH'W : : ) . Total city valua
tion , fNViUV'illi'or ' the nholo county the
annual uiluatlon slio\\s the following stutc-
nient : Heal estate , SliOOG.Kl ( , ( ! ; personal
property , . * .lSruJ'.Hi , ; exemptions ( timber ) ,
fc'JIwr. , Total , 51 l.-sl.yri . ; ) The tubio vliich
has been pripnied also shows Unit the total
number of polls in the county is 7SOi ) and in
the city 2 , JU'i. In Kuno tonnslilp , outsldo of
the city , t line nn ) but sixteen polls , the total
tu the township being2,4'jl.
Dr. Dowers' olllco moved to 50 X. Main.
In order to niako loom for our full stock
which Is now arriving , \\o will olter special
incliiccmcutato nil who contemplate buying
fiirnitino , caiiots. stoves , tinware , iroelt'ery , , beddliifr , window sliudes , cur
tains and other articles too numerous to men
tion. You need not go out of our store to
make jour purchiscs. Wo clo not otfi'r toseli
below cost , hut our pikes uro guuimtccd tone
no lower than tlioso of our competitors , lie-
member Mtmdcl it Klein't , the only install
ment bouse lu the city , B OI3roud\vny.
Stealing Shifts.
A raid was imdo bj tbrco boys lito Satur
day oveniiiK upon n pllo of shirts and dry
goods dlspltijc'd In front ofC. 0 Gully's store
on Broadway. Each boy grabbed a shht or
two and ran doiMi the alley in tlio of the
stole , followed , by one of the clerks He fol
lowed the hoys to Sixth streit and watched
them { jo Into n shed iu tbo tear of the opsra
bouse and put on the parinonts , When they
came out they started down Ilioadivay with
tlio clerk Inclose pursuithoping to meet an
ofllcer. Two of them climbed lu tin express
wagon boand foi Oin.ilia . and the thlicl turned
down nsido street. The dork thought two
was better than one , and inaden neat capture
of the urchins in the wagon and landed them
in the station. They gave tbo names of free
man He.itb und Iluuy Troupe , and said tlio
nii'iie of tbo ether boy vis .Dletbcis. They
aio well known to thopolioo as being a crowd
of hold and successful shonlif teis.Vlicn \ ex
amined at -stitlononeof lliem had on two
and tbo other tluee new shirts , and thoj con
fessed to hiving left one in \\eedsneur
Se\ciith stieet. The Blcthois boj bus not
been captuied.
J. G Tipton , ical estate , 527 Oroidway.
_ _
A good hose reel f ice with o\cry 103 feet of
bo'-e puiohasod ut Chby's.
jusr fcix KAYS j
Second Annual Rule Huston Store ,
Council ItlullV.
The past four dtijs of the Boston stoic
liivo been the liveliest ever witnessed in
Council Bluft's , the store behitt crowded dally
from inoriilng until night. Q'ho tremendous
biigalns in drj goods offered at the lioston
store aio souietliing wonderful. Below they
quote u fo of the thousmdsof hirgalns to
be the sale :
Double fold cashmere nnd 30-inch check
suitings , sold for U2c ; sale price lli > { c.
Yard wide all wool llannels In stripes , plains
rncl inlxtuixshicli8olcliit We , 45c audGSc ;
to co at this sale for 2 > c.
fO.T.'iull woolpattems , $3.)7 sale price.
* . : iOiill noel patterns , ? . ' ! .75 sale price.
} \r \ silk and wool. $7.i $ > 0 sale price.
$22elvet and sillt trimmed , f 11.
$ J5elvet and silli trinmied , $112.10.
All our stock of imported novelties nt Just
Inlf pi Ico.
Yard wide unbleached muslin 4) ) < jCusual
pi ice do.
Our To unbleached muslin , BJi'c.
8c anil Ocunbleached muslin : sale nrieo 7c
Fruit of the Ijooni and Andiosco0'gan , ( J
worth lOc.
Heavy shirting , fast colors , -i'tfc , worth Co ,
! 10-ln wide t'2'ic cheviots , good pattornsS > fc ;
-W yards for ? l.
Douhlo fold cluillev bclgo cloth , worth o
sale price , l > j'c.
Enclisb s.iteens , good fctylcs , sold for l.'c ;
sale piieoS'iJc ' 12 jardsfor 41.
imported Scotch zephyrs which sold for
lc ! ) , leduced lor this sale to 12'c. ' .
French sateens , 1(10 ( styles , nlso In solid colors -
ors in Mulhouso goods , reduced from iiJo to
l-J- ! < c ,
Standtiid IniliRO blue prints fi'.fc.
Yaul vldo fancy colored calico , sold at
12' jC , sale price ( i > 4C half juice.
100 dozen doibv ribbed hose , si/cs froii 0 to
9'ij ' , extr.i long , sold for 19c , price during sale
U' ' < , c ,
I pswlchfnst black hose , till sizes ; during
sale lOo , sizes fie to ji1 f c.
? i and SJU. } umhwllas for . * i,75.
? . ' .M , $ Jaud l.r > 0unibrentisror 52. %
Nuiserj pinsle ndo < ! cn.
Clmko'snndCoatcs1 thread 4c a spool.
BcldinKsilk , 100-urd spool , So.
Li'icn thread 7e , Marshiill's.
Pins lea p.iiier.
Best brass pins fie n piper.
Knitting cotton Cc a ball , sold ovcrjvlicio
else for Ifle.
.Tet huttons Be a dozen , former price 15c.
Prices on Wall Paper and llprdcr to Close
Out , Half Price.
2.10 Oilt Taper for UKc.
2-'o " " lie"
Jo " ' 4i e ,
And bonier at just half the prfco marked.
BOSTON' SlOKi : , Council IJluiTs ,
" \Vhitehiw A , Co.
AXew Cli uroli Organized.
Tlio Scandinavian Lutheran Missionnry
society Is n now religion * oiguniiationin the
city , which has been ghen a legil cxlstcnio
by the lillng of articles of incorporation with
the county recorder. Martin .Tacobscn , Mar
tin Lawn and J. Otto HIIdai'd ( arotho in-
torporatoH. 'Ihq oclely proposes to build or
rcnta house of woisliip , and Martin Larson
bus been appointed a commissioner to see tbat
tlio artides of incorporation are put Into
cfTect ,
C. P. riorn , .lames Brown nnd Oeorgo
Cany , the thivo Omaha bill posters In Iho
employ ofToniMulvihlll , who weio arreslecl
Satuuhiy uftcraooii for violating the new
bill poster ordinance , will bo nrralsncd lu the
poliio court this morning. Judge MeGco
toolt their own recogn bailees Saturday night
for tholrappcaraucn this morniiiR and they
were permuted to loturu to Omaha. Mulvi-
hill intends loinnlto a lilttor Hgbt to break
the ordinance , or compel the cltv council to
priiut him a license in ncconlanro vlth Us
Iifo\lsioii3. llo applied for n llecnso nnd
tendered the city clerk tbo money immecll-
atelj nf Ur the ordinance went Into olYect ,
hat the council i-efusedto giant the privlleno
deshecl. Ho cmplojcd Wright , Ilaldvln
it Ilaldano to defend bis men nnd Iho city
has i-ntalned Kininet 'Jlnloy to assist City
Attorney Stow art. The case will picibahly
not ( ouiuup before the mldillo of the wok ,
The fuuenilof ( leer ro Illeks toolc uliu-o
ycsteiduj mornliiKnt S'iO : ' from the resldonco ,
HoutliHbUli stix-ot. Kov. C.V. . Crofts
oniclatoil , IJiiof services were helu nt llio
lionse , only aprajcr oltercd In the doorvay
for the consolation of the strliken family ,
hut the usual services wera held m open uir
nt the c 'inotory. Dr. Crofts spoka foellnsly
ami eloquently , mid delivered a touching
tribute to the manly little fellow , The n oral
offerings were numerous nnd beautiful , many
of ( icorgo's llttlo fi lends uniting hi nttostlng
their love for him by ficudlng llonci-s to c-'nr-
hinclhisconii ) . The body vas burled In Wal
nut Hill cemetery ,
Exebanijo. Six-year-old "Grnndpa , wo
hu\ocome to wishou many huppy rotums
of jour birthday. And momma says If jou
pivous each a Rold dollar wcarouot to lost ) it
ou our way bouie. "
Mutterlngs of Discontent Heard Among
Lancaster Coxwitj Inilopcnilonts.
A Dmle IIor. c VlyM A I'ictty U'nllor
Atfsntiltotl t Ifcr AVorlt OolitK
ul * SricMilc llilctcs Lin-
LINCOLN , Neb , July 2r.-Spcolal [ to Tins
BLE. ] The people's indopcndont convention ,
which listed Irom J to9 p.m. Situnky , was
( nothing Ijut sutlsfadory to ull concoiiiccl.
Tlio fuet thut N. X , Bncll , tlio ehalrmnn of
tlio county ikinoirutiocoiitriil connnlttco\vas \
noininulcd M thocanlklnto forrounty uttor-
ncj at Iho indupcndont convontloti , although
nttlwUory niomout ho was frcslilln ovoi ?
tlio deiuoentlo eoiivoiition in Fltzgor.ild'a
hull , lim ctiuwd some dlssitiaftctloii ninong
tlio Intlepc-nJonts dcicrtcd the
who hmo re
publican ranks liut still cherish some rojMrd
for tlio old jurty The union labor men felt
bOie boi'.uiso thoj ot only two or tliroo men
on the cntho ticket. Tlio.ydo not the
fiuincrsbutthc } do condemn Crnddoclc anil
tliocltygaiiKwliom they claim mil tilings to
suit tlieinatlvcs , maldiig more tools iutho
ninlii o [ the ( avincr niul niccluiiilo delegates.
1Ii Lclghton , jircsuleut of tlio Cui n-
tc'isMinlon , who presided over the coinon-
tion , feels sere over the fact that his nauio
was not mentioned clthtr for legislator or
county coiimiisslouor Howiu pnrticuhrly
desirous of luniilat ; for tliu litturpositlnn.
IJcmituwll ) coiiJemns the action of thavitv
The rcpulillcnn portion of thoilolcg.itosulso
niakory \ faces over the wlotltou or J V.
\Yolfo.adyul-iiithc-\\ool detnocnit , us chair-
nun of the Independent couiitj cuntml com-
niiltoo ,
Nor TO K1I.I , lll'.ll , .
While the puosts nt tlio Bond hotel \\cro \
cno.vliij ] ( their Sundiy ditincr tlioy wuro
slirtlodby plorcliiK sliricku anil on turning
tliclr liCcids thej dlsiovercil that oiiooftho
\\hlto capped coolcs , named H 15. Nye , was
cliisinj' ono of tlio prcttv waiter flrls
tlivouyli the cliiilnf ; room with u nmrdcious
looking ktilfo. To HID liorroi of tlio quests
Isljo c.iught the girl before any help could bo
pivon , but Instead of pluinjliiK the kiitfoltito
her , as was foaied , ho dropped tlio weipon
and stiuuk tlio girl a blow In the face with
hU list that knoikfd hotdown. . The Kcnllo-
nicn Ruests rushed fonvaul to save tlio girl
ami the irate cook , no\v frlKhtoncil , belt a
husty ietivit. J'ho iiollto wro called by
telephone and before Nyccouldyetavva ) ho
\\js anestc'J.
Stillmnn Ih'os , proprietors ota li\ory h.irn
at liili ) O street , say that they Iwvo lieun
robbed of nllnohoi-honnclbuBgy tty a diulo ,
and they aiu mi ) tiling but happy over the
vay they wore taken in The pioprictors
say that t\\lce during the week a foppUhly
dressed young fellow , whose thuj do
not know , but whom they think Is called
1'iior , e.illcd and hired u lit ; from them , pay
ing in advance Ho won tlulr vonildenuo
there hy and Suturdiy inornlnt ; n-hen ho
called aBiilu and ordered thu best rl ? in the
establishment the hostlei almost broke hia
neck in his husto to comply \vltli the order.
The dude gave the liostlora H\e cent ci ar as
nsiial for liw cuurtciy , and then the fillow
diovoofT , siyinghc would bo back hi a short
time. Tlint waitho lust over f een of him ,
and as two days have passed there Ii cierv
icisonto bcllevo that the well dressed UOOK
has gel sofur inviiy withtlio snaiiWny oiltllt
that the oviierswillnovcrseolt again.
Robert Wlx , u dissolute tourh vho is well
toown to thn ionor elements In Lincoln so
ciety , nmdo a most dastardly assault on an
old voinan tinmcd Mrs Gilddcr and her
, Miss L.OXI Grlildcr , this niornlnKi
. has been iJayhii'.attontions to Jliss Grid-
dor , Ijut for some reason , a colanosj cania bo-
twconthein.rlhls norulnB1 , nftcia drunken
dcbaucli InstliiKiiU wan tit rod to tlio
homo of his Luly love and her widowed
nothcr , on eighth il , anddeniiuded ad
mittance. ICiiowingthc despcr.ito chaniGtcr
of the man imd seeing the condition ho was
in , tlity in friKht bolted the door agalnsthim
With a fearful string of oaths ho made the
most direful threats , and seizing a chair left
on the porch ho proceeded to sinmli in the
fiontdoor , After ho annlhllntucl the obstacle -
clo hociiinoB\vagerlnpr ! In , and btforo Mrs.
( iiitldor could cscane ho struck her n blow
in the futo that foiled her to the floor.
AftertiMinpinKtheold yoinanuiulcr his feet
he seized another chaii and struck Miss
Griddes ohlowon the heul that knocked her
senseless. The scalp WHS torn from thcskull
for a distance of thrco inches near the top of
her head and the blood that came veiling out
m.ittcd in her hair and mudo the sight most
sickening. Mix thought ho had murdered
the girl and ho then lied. Thohi-reatns of the
cm/ed mother soon brought In the neighbors
and vlien they rocoiered from the honor of
the situation they sent for a physician. Miss
Groddes short ! } recovered her senses and the
ghastly wound was sevud up. The polite
ncronppilscd of the murderous assault , but
up to l-inthis afternoon the would-be assassin
had not been found ,
rouit sxrucs.
P. Sullhati and Lnry Wardell are two
sueahhiff looking toughs that attempted to
Kct a third person topawi a satchel fotthem
that the police have evciy leason to believe
has been stolen , Falling to bribe the fellow
to sell it for them they int to the pawnbrokers -
brokers thomsdves nnd attempted to dispose
of it when they wcro nirested. It is sus
pected that they belong1 to tlio gan0' of burg
lars who hao been plundering so many
houses in Lincoln recently.
.Jim Smith ha ? got Into trouble , the poliio
say , by chiming that ho owned n certain
bundle of clothing at a laundiy and through
his false representations securing possession
of tlio same. In case the officers can secure
his punishment , people Mho have lost
tlothcs ina similar wuy will rise up and vote
to inucasn their pay.
John Illley , a tough , looks anxiously
through the bars at the police station wandci-
Ing if the coppers Inyo a clear c.iso ayalnst
him for hU iilliged theft of n watch at tlio
| n famous msott run by Mb Stewart. Theio
ore strong reasons for helloing that liilcy
tooltlt , nnd ho was arrested on tint charge.
If thothcft is proveinhc , too , \yill bo rlpo for
the peniUntiaiy , as the timcplcco isalucd
ut 75.
( HM1I1FHS C tJfiHT.
Per some time it hns been known tint
KnmblinRhas been going on over tlio saloons
known as the Ivy Leaf , Hood's and Saun-
dera' , nnd last night the | 1 ice raided nil
thrco aiideapturetltlio cutlro outllt in each.
Tom U'hitlng was dculing the caids o\cr the
Ivy Loaf. Hub Ilauic } and Tom Wright
\vorotho main guvs over Hood's vvhilo ono
Tra' ( | excngincci- \ netiiiRas capper-
lid Webb was nctliifjaa knlghtof thogroen
cloth over Sauudeis' .
Miss Marian Pcttit , a tharinlnpr young
wonnu vho ll\es \ o'l Thirteenth and S streets ,
has gonoto DeuveVto inirry the man of hci
choke , Charles B. Purtn dee , formerly of this
city ,
The stnto convention of the Independent
'arty ' occurs Tuesday , anil there Is every In-
'cntlon of bclii music in the air ,
The American ! ? cd llncydopo'dla nritan
nlca , which \\o Introiluio to our citizens , is a
genuine triumph of American iiiRonulty nnd
energy. Though founded on the celebrated
"Encyclopicdh Bi1tiinniea"lti.s by iiomeans
a inera > crbatlm ropi-lnt of that celebrated
woik. Nor Is it such a reprint with a few
Hi-tides en special American subjects added.
Its title describes it acouritelyj it K the
nni'jclopt-dla Brltannlea jVniericanhed , re
modeled , taken apart and put together ng.ilu
In sudi \vayas \ to transform it from a work
compiled under English supervision , for Eng
lish use , Into ono compiled under American
supervision , vlth a Special low tothoenter-
talnineiitund Instruction of a million Ameri
can homes.
Not a single article in the original "BriUm-
nleu'1 ' has boon dropixvi. The itatcly sen-
tonccs of Mnciuloy , the outspoken thought of
Mill , the lucid explanations of Huxlayand of
Tyuuall , can all bo found inlta liases , Such
articles have been abridged as treat of sub-
Jocli oxdusltoly KiiBllsh , and are crowlcd
with a miss of detalli ItitercstliiR only to
local English leaders ; nnd to biilnnco this
abrldgoment theartltles on American ub-
jocts have liux'ly been rcwilltct and , In
most nues , with fur greater elaboration.
Muiigthy serl(9 of blojiiphlo. 1m boon
added. It Is a curious fact neither CJrant ,
Shermnn , Sheridan , lliirriion nor Clevehiul
Is mentioned hi tlio original "Brlliuilc.1 , "
the design of that compilation excluding II-
ogmpliles of llvlni ? ilmracters , nenly ono
hundred new maps hiuo bieu Inserted anil a
numberorcUoivutcd cnra\Ings ( \ arc In
troduced to llliistnto the tcvt. Thoiosult is
a - Horkvhkh \ , for Ainorioin mo , Is to. the
orlgltnil "lliltaiilea" wliivt tlio original
"BrlUinlon" U to all other encjclopa-dias ; i\
work of which wocantrulj say , after a care-
tulcxamlnatlon , thut It leaves nothing to bo
desired ,
Of the making of books there is no end.
Nearly twenty thousand volume ) Isiuowin
Euiopean mid American pises every jcar.
To keep nbro.xst of the advancing line of
thought and Uiovlodfc'i ) by tlio study of scpu-
ratowoiks la u physical Impossibility. In
offering our lenders the American 1/cd Knuy-
elop.cdh Uiltunlcn offer them the serv
ices of u thousand or more trained nmidsand
skillful puns , whkli hayo cpltoail ed in the
ten volumes of the unoycloptudli , the Intest
fruition of thought , aihlevciaont and discov
ery In the whole great and ever ivldcnlngclr-
cloof human knoivledgu.
Whltesldo IleiMtd : JohnL , . Sullivan still
lives. This provci the theory of tlio suruvnl
of the lljhtist.
Tlio Keystone : "Jinks hwi'ta fiuooarfor
music. "
"No but ho has a line ono for the tele
phone. "
Smith , Gray & Go's ' Monthly : Ooslln
CouiinuatntoM snj thiitClcopatin win a nijth.
Sippj Yith ; I understand that she never
wntli tnarried.
SomeiyllloJournnl : When a woman says
ho won't , she moans , of COUHO , that she
von't unless she happens tochniifjo her inlnd.
Ilabj'hood : Pivcyuaroldrilliiim was tillc-
ng about his knuckles , nnd his brother inked
vlnt he meant. " 1 mean the llttlo elbovs on
ny lingers , " was the icady reply.
Koxv YorltSuui "Strums it a delight tone
no , " said General Shcunan to Colonel Oihil-
"Do jou really like him I1
"Yes. I've been to him a dozen times ,
and ho hasa't played t.M.irchln < * Through
Now York Sun : "Ho must bo n poor
artist. Ho can't even drawn sdnry.1 '
"He's a landsupo painter. "
"Is hcl"
'Yes ' ; his great spcchlty is painting
owns.1 '
llxohaiifjo : * * Ali , the minister is coming. "
Vhat maltes jou think so ? Did you bee
ilml" "Xo ; but I siw pi take the parrot
ind lock it up in the stable "
NowYorkSun , "This llfo of ininols weari
some , oh , sowcausoine , " siUl the ti.iinman.
It reminds me of that beautiful line of the
ioct , 'Brake , brake , brake' ' The only trouble
s that the line Is not qulto long enough to
, vork in till the
Ilouscliold A lire-dot CM im to How llicy
A re lircitijihl Up.
That the EinpororVilliam bilngs up
his little sons like wlclicrs is well known.
They libo with the sun , and go lo bed ut
G or 7 , and the Pall Mill Gazette says
fuither : "Five o'clock is their usual
hour for rising ; and they uro not allowed
torouum In bed for a mintilo after they
wake , as the emperor think thut the
habit of lyinpr In bed encouiages solf-iii-
dulgenco. The t o youngest liavo tin
English governess ; but the thrco oldest
uio under the euro of a military tutor
and -united upon by inon servants If
they icin to the nui&ory their tutor nsks
if they hsuo been tlioroto have 'ft baby's
" ' "Wo wont thcio for pinyers , ' said
ono of the princes when rebuked.
" 'Piuyerei will be road in my loom for
tlio future,1 said the tutor , who has re
ceived orders from the emperor to ob-
scrvo military discipline in the princes'
"Tho crown prince is uvaro that ho
will ono day bo omporor. JIo diico\orcHl
llio fact for himself , although lie is al
ways styled Piinco William , ami , by his
fntliei's command , has no\or buon told
that thoio is anj1 diltorcnco boUoen
lilm&olf iind liis brothers. Ho Is u
clovei boy , full of fun , but with a great
idea of his own importance. ljiinoo
Litol Frederick is a fmorito with o\ory
ono , partly beciui&o ho is EO liniulboiuu ,
partly on account of his snoot dibposi-
tlon. lie Ib a born soldier nnd de-lights
in making mimic vnr vith his tin sol
diers , who repic&cnt ; ill tlio nations of
llurojio. The piinccn aio devoted to
their fatlicr and mother. It is no uncommon -
common thing to find the empress in the
nursery before 0 o'clock in the morning ,
drcbbcel and ready to begin the clay. In
tlio middle of winter she 111113 bo scon
walking in the Thicrguitcn ivitli her
Imbbmicl by 8 o'clock.
' 'All day lon she Is Imsy locelving
Msitors ; poifoiminir public functions , or
writing for the emperor until lior band
nchos. IMh Iho emperor und empress
mo very conscientious , They are de
termined to fulfill the dutioa imposed
upon them by their positions. But tbo
empress griou'S over the fact that she
ciiiinot spend much tiino with her
cliildieii. "When slio ft-as simply
Princess "William the heard tlio
princes say their prnjors every night ,
supeiintoncled tlio nur&eiies , and in-
biHtecl upon riglcl economy. Tlio clothes
of ono little piincowoio handed onto his
jounijcr brother by lior orders , and
nothing vas wasted. Now she h obliged
to content hoibolf ivitliombroidorinj , ' tlio
clothes of lior bablos. Shoisim accom
plished needlewoman and very fond of
"liut few people gno her credit for
( he filuiro she takes In the cinperor's
\\orlc \ \ , Ills ngrcat nilstaKo to iniagino
thatsho is n moro hausfrau. Tiioso
\ \ ho Imajjlno this should liavo seen her
on horHobaek ut tlio Itbt mllitaiy review ,
dressed in thouniforniof lior logimont ,
\\hiclibboledpat-t \ \ the omporor. &ho Is
exceedingly jiopular inJoiiiuiiiyiiotoiily (
on necount of tier domestic viitues , but
bocniiso Fho bus btionglhoned tlio Germnii
omplro by bringing into tlio uorld t\\o \
FOUR Piesonts aio showered upon her
for the chlldiun. liuttlio presents never
loach thfl nursery. 1'rolublyfow ' chll-
dreniirobo simplv foil or dressed as tlio
little princes. They uro laugh t to dc-
6ilso | luxury nricl to look down upon
" 'Aro the plush costumes coining to-
iluyV'thoorotm ' prlnuo inquiied on lili
birtlulay , JIo rcforied to homo little
playmates who always visit him in vel
vet. "
A Cliild'H lunching I otter ,
Tlio following Icttornddreriscd "To My
Dear Miimnu in Ilciivcn" was found
among the mails nt tlio pojtoHieo estor-
dnybays the C'liicinmiti Kniilrtr. | It
( va.sbor"a ledin a child's lianilwiltinj , ' ,
nnd cannot but touch the bcnrtfaof the
iiiostuiifeoling :
HUM u IJcar Mamimi : I am BO lono-
fomo Bins you went to huivc'ii. hvant
to go to jou. Tlio tlmo hcanw Holnii ) ; ,
Yon sad 1 ( ould coma to jou. Mm.
Cluik isbo kind to me , bulbholsnot like
jou , you bho this to yod and &ond for nio
sunc. 2Jy * arm hurts me 0 , and you bad
I votildbo nvllln lioavcn. I send a kiss.
Fioin jour llttlo DoilA.
- -
Vlw IMc-u KiiKit od ! In Counting Up the
t'nwli II > r Iho Anniuil Itiilanoe.
Five inon are lingering nilllloiH at the
111 lilt tlilnieol \ < , Hays the I'hlliulolphlu
Keooril , Deep dowli In the shadowy
depth ( if Uiu'lo Sam's tro.isuro vaults
thi" < o llvo eiiatli88iorlora \ ; are nutting
In tun "olldliutiirt o.ich day eouiitnif , ' the
dollars and bullion preparatory to the
animal bnlanolny : of necoiiiits botvoun
tlioollh'laliatVajhlnuton \ nnd Colonel
LJoibysholl , suporliitomleiit of tlio Phila
delphia mint. Some idea oftho innnni.
tudo of the task can bo gleaned
from the announcement that there
is now piled uplthiti the
inarblo walla of. the national
money factory u liltlo moro than forty
million Htandaid dollniv , not to apeak of
from the million to ten million moro in
trold and bull ton. Soinu tla-eo inonths
ago the $ : i,000)00 ! ( ) stored In the post-
olllc'o viulU for H [ i ) k'ojilng were , bv
onlor of tho\Vn < ihiii'tonotlli ( > liilHli > ouiitcl
and returned to the mint. This money
win pliffd in two upeclal vault * , the
doors of which voro bealed , and It is
] ) it of the dut ) of Ihopro'-onti'oiinUn'i ' )
tolnspect these seaN and s-eo whether
ornottlioj hiuo boon brolcen.
ThcMianios and rank of the five inon
who aio niinjrlincr with all this wealth
are Dr. C 'atollVliltokm1. . c-heinist of
tlio mint bureau ; .Addison llassou , dork
of the mint , \v"anliln \ U > n , D. L' . both
ajipoinlod by Director of the United
States Mint lldw.ird 0. Luc-ch Chief
Colnetof the I'liilmlelphia ' Mint A\r. \ S.
Stcol , and Dr. 1) ) . K , Tiiltle , tlio meltor
and rollnorlio , with Suporiiitoiiilont
Hiabyshell , hcop a tally of tbr-lr
ovn. "M'o are ullowod , " wild
Colonel lJo < byt < 1ioll , "or rnthor
the coiners are allowed , a eorl'ilii por-
contngo for wibto toeadi ounce of metal
worked. Tor instaiu-e , the fjolil rollnor
isallo ud the 100th of 1111 ounce on every
ounce of gold ho is gnon to work out ,
while the nilvir refiner is ullowod ono
and a half hiindruhhs of iiiunmco on
each ounce. 'J'hls.isto Is made In
working the metal into coin , nnd duo
deduction Is nuulo in the count of the
amount of bullion lecoiiod lioround the
amount o ( coin mid bullion now on
TJio now ofuios of tno Rock fs-
land route , 1U02 , Sixteenth and Farnain
stteotOimhaaretho finest in tlio city.
Call and hco thorn. Tickets to all point : )
cast at lowest i.itoj _
Vim Ilouton's Cooou t'uw , soluble , eco
nomical ,
T lie Court n Seconilarj 3IntCnr.
An nmuiitig scene hapiionod in the
Sullivan countjNow ( York ) court hoiiho
tlio other day. The wife of ono of the
parties to a suit was on the witness stand
and hi.d intruded her babj to the euro
of ( mother woman , who tending it
below. The child beoiuno restless after
awhile and annouiii'od its desire to see
its mother In notes of umniitaliiiblo
pathos which might bo traced
to hunger. After trjlng in vain to
quiet the child Iho woman canio up the
stairs nnd into court , the baby all the
time polling : it tlio top of its limjy'i ,
.liulfjo Thornton jumped up and cried :
"Take that child out of couit. " The
woman aildro"bod hecdi-d not the com-
mind , but coiitinuod to .ulvnnee , and
holding' tlio youngster out to its mother
o\or the hond of n piomiiiont lawyer ,
o\oluiinol with liio lUslilii - from 'her
e o : "Court or no couit , tlusehild lias
got tobo attended to. "
A. Hey Wlilps mi KiiRln.
A. boy atl'lnlulleld , N..T.wasaltacked
by n lai-rroonglo and tovorely lacoiatod
about the cho.4. Allhvuffli inueh frightened -
enod , he grasped the bird and choked
it , uiid then throwing it on the ground
broke Its wing by jumping on il. The
cij.plo ; was then securea alive and afterward -
ward exhibited in astoio window.
Jlc.ichche , ncuralcia , dizziness , nervous
ness , spasms , sleoplessiiess , cured hy Ur ,
IMilcs1 Nor\luo. Samples free at ICulm &
Co.'s. 15th and Bouwlw.
Sir. Voiiiiijld oil's lloeord.
Mr. Yotingblood , an old settler in
CotVeocounty , Georgia , but yet n rttionj , '
unil robust man for his mUunccd ngo ,
bus Wiled UI ! ) deer in Ills time. JIo
sticks to Ills old llint-and-stool rillc , and
Bays ho can yet see to cut a tiirkoy'u
head oil at a distance of bovonty-Iivo
yirds , IJo bays ho would not Ivo the
old gun now for a carlo id of Winchester
Do not bo Imposed o.i ly any of tlio numerous
imitations , EuWittiles ,'ch ' are llooilmq
the world , There li only ono Bwifl'u Sptclflc ,
nnd there IB nothing liku It. Oar runcdy con
tains no Mercury , 1'otaf-li , Arsenic , or any pole-
pr.ciis Eubetanca wli.atevtr , It liuildaup the gen
eral hea'lli from tlie ( lift do c , and lias never
fulled tocradicato contag'.oua ' blood poison and
itecffccU frontlioiystwiu Bo euro to get the
Bcnalnc , Send your addicea for our Treatise on
Clood and SVIa Disuses , which will 1 > u umtlod
izix. BNVlfT SPECIFIC CO * " - r > n
Trlmnry , fccondnry or Tertiary ypriiin
nCOloUO diyn. Vu < llniniito iiHl-ul on fiori tli9
jBtcin , fie tltat thcio connocrl o atiti.inor ttio cllH.
uro Snanyfuini. Jorlliscaiilo tuatcUrtliono , ( for
tic , ( liut with
frr 1o ron o
rontrnct to
refund all
lay entire oipcnno of comlntr. ratlioicl fari
mij hotel bllN. lie rlnillenio Ihu vorlil for u caju vo
c > n nit cure Jlcntloii Ilili paiirr.dcln ,
lUfJK ItKMJXH' tO , Unial.a , Xcl iiv7.-it.
J I ) . FDMUMisOv I'rci K I. . vur , Vlcu-prcs
CllAllirs U II.AX CnMliltr
Of Oonnoil .
Paid up Capital . $18OOOO
Sur-piusand Profits . OO.OOO
Liability to Depositors. . 03O.OOO
DincTOin : ! A Miller I-M ) Oli-iiscin , II \ , ,
flniKirt , II K. llait.J II i : < liiiiinsoii. ClmrliH
U. llniiiinn. Trtnsiict. Kcnoinl tiankliii ! busl-
IIC.SH l.iirK'i'St unit nuiiihis u ( any
lunkln Soiilhwcstcin lona.
-Orwllltr.ulo for a good reid
J. ' luaiiii Million NojlPf. ) , louUtou'il inVnl -
Inc'O. lly Dr. Arolillnlil , ( linn liy Kentucky
C'l y. ayoaHoldi Apply In Dr. Macrae.
" \ \ rANTKOGood girl furpoiieralliousoworKl
M MiifiesJI. No. MO Sui-oiKl nvo. Mi * , I ) . It.
tilly. ) _ _ _
\ UAXTKliltK > > d SIM liy'Mrs. A.
cliutt , l.\ ) Pound Mroot.
"inoitltUNr T o RHU ( mouei u
1'V. ' . Illljor. SH I'i'iitl street.
AliB or Unit ( linloii liuicl , wllli
lioiuos , by J , U. llloo. W Milu si. , Council
\\ril\ pay rent \ri\tn you can buy u Iiuiucou
it tliOHiiiiui torins , mill In enio of your dentil
ninny tliiiuln.oo your family the Itotiio eloir
on thu following Uirnn :
Miuniuorlli fl.U ) lit * I3 IHT month.
A lionio worth M.-VWut $ H jior tnoiilli.
A homo \\urtlif. ,0)1 lit fl ! pur nuintli.
A ho'iiu woi Hi 1.1,1100 ut ilicr \ | inonlh.
A homo wort hfMUJ lit $ H ior month.
Othtr priced ImmiHon tlio satuo tcrini Tlin
nl'ovo inontlilv piyiueiill : liu'luilo prlncliiil
( mil Interest , For full iiutluulars call on or
iiclclrosilhH.tailiUfcVulls Co. , 000 Broadway ,
Council HlulTs. I u
_ „ _ _ _ _
] Osl'-PiH'Uol book , tout i idiilnir vfihmlilo
' IXMIUII Hotuiii to ,1.V , lllnlun , 01 Iko
olllcu , tniini'll llluUi , lowil.
U rUVYii : > A mall toil mill w lilto.potted
' ( 'on , \\lth strip unit rliitf around her iiorni.
I.llici il low MI ( I fur licrietuinto Mm. ( . ' .Hah nc ,
HI ? luth
"lilOI ! ISiXP Thn store riMin , No. IS , fioutlnj
-1 nn I'i'iirl MV. . U. Junto * .
" \\rlj | | VVH scu > r il In
M t liut o\\ III trniln for uii'vimlii'Mcl vnm
Inls liiOnrdm or Counc'll WulK The Judd ft
Molls Uo. . Council UluiVs. In.
5 R . BE LL I N G E R' S
Surgical Institulc
AN. 13
Private Hospital ,
Cor. Broadway niul liilth Struct.
Couiull ItiulK Ii
I'ortho tiont ini'iitof iillsiii 'loul ami chionlo
dlsi'mi-s and dl wisit of Hit- blood
1'rlMito diseases t f the in Iniry and si-\mt
nrKans , at syphilis , Btilituio , ovillll" t-ptrJ
iniitorrohoi1 , Io4 nuiihonil , * > i\iial hniioU'iiia
niul wciiluic'ss tii'iitnl siiu'i's'.rull )
I'uittiMiliir attention pilcl'M of tlio
luii } ? us Astlinm. ( ( insiiiiiiitliin. Iliiinehlt s
Catarrh. Kte. I'aialjsls Kliinoy ill-i-i'-rs u
IHiiliclfS. Ilil lil's DNn.iso , liliciiitiiitlsni , 1'ilia.
Unnevr. Viirldiuln. llyilrorolc' . Dimisv I'd-
ini'r. Disc isi's ( if the eye niul cur. I'luu friti
tplnnl t'utuitiity anil ulldlsoiMjsof tin lii'ius.
\ \ Invoii ilt'inrimnnt ilovoioil oxolui M'ly
to the tiOMlmi'ct of I'ti'l lni > ilNi'HMS
M ( > illcliii"-oiitsooiiioly p.iL-Kod ami fui ) fiuia
elM ) > i Mitlnn.
Cm n" | > iiilonco ( conlldcntlal Auilrosii
Surgical Institute anl Private Hospital ,
Cor HrinilHiiyiinil 'Mil HI ( "oiinoll Ilhiu * , It.
Boot'ding nnd Day School ,
Fifth Ave. and Seventh Street. "
Can bo reached from iiuj of the depots
on motor.
Conducted by tlio bisters of Charity
B. V. M.
TERMS For bead and tuition cm-
bracing1 all branches of u liiiishqU educa
tion for young ladles " $75 for BCHHlon of
live mouths , commencing first iMondny
in September and Fobruury rcsiicctively.
For fuithor iiartieuliirs nddioss
St. FranclB Ai-adeiny ,
Council BlullV , Iowa ,
Architects and
I'oomSV ) Mori un Illoek , Connull HtiitTs. low *
llooinli.O N. V. l/lfo Handing. Uinnhii , Neb.
00 , ,
lnt \ \ onuo ami Jiet St.
Sash , Doors and Blinds
llnnd nnd Scroll 'in-lns. Ito-a ins niul
riiinlnc. Siwliuof all kinds I'oitli Hi tcki'li ,
Klmll nv Wi ) ( ltJ.r > aior | lo id ilnll\crocl Clean
,1 , hy llio li niul. i" > c' . All work to bii
i s Tolcplione ) .11.
"voi'ii I > AIUO\A.UIS <
OverO. 11 Jiicqiioiula A. CVb Jo\soliy \ Btcro.
Electric Trusses , Belts ,
Chest Protectors , Efi !
Affonts Wanted. Dr. O. O. Judd ,
606 Broruhvay , Council liluffs , la.
F. M. Ellis & Co. ,
And BuilJIns Suponntondonti.
HooniH H1) ) and IU Ii ) > o Ilulld NB , Oinului ,
Noli , and Uomns lll ! nnd " 11 Mcrriuin lllndc
C'ounull lllnll'.s , la. ComHpciiiilenuo t > olluileil.
If "Dinlrinkitirt Hydraulic nnd Sanitary KtiL'lnoor. Plans , stutiatos
II. Bll Iiniine-avfK'a- ) ! ' ' " > ' " " " > ' " Jiruwn
; , , Council , : , r
11 Justice of tlio I'oaco. Olllco ovorAinoric.ui IXproas , No. l-l
Broadway , Council BtnlTs , Iowa ,
JPr Cirvin Attorneys at Iv.nv. IVactieoin the Stxto nnd l-'cdupa
a SlDlS- Courts. Hjomd7 und 8 Uhugttrt-Uoiio Uloclc , Counol
HlulTH. Iowa.
c."A. BEEBE" " & COMPANY ;
\MiuK nlu awl llctalllo.iloitiln
FURNITURE. uiiil Lowest Prices Deuh-rs , sonel for Catalogue.
Noa , 205 and 207 Broadway , and 'Mi and 200 Pierce Street , Council