THE OMAHA DAILY BEE , SUNDAY , JUTAr 27 , 18DO-SIXTET3N PAGES. imsA. MI N Ilrmiil ( n llarftr'a iinvo n gnilant lover , lo'nlriioiiH imp ran Iwj luL It's wine to this wlicu 1 want u lisa lid ahviui snvn to mo , "Waltucsamlrilt. " ( To docs not love nnotlicr ; [ tin heart Is nil in ; own ; ret I frrlcvalo know , when he treats me so , rim t mi no to him luis flown MVultucsBinlnlt. " Ills toco I ? very fair : | [ | K crcsnro uolutiiluc ! And the lltfht they send a on mo they bend 'Moil ' breaks my licnrtln two ' Wultdcsiuninlt. " His hilr : U llto trie sun Thulsliines upon tlio < lo\v ; llutho likes not glrlHnmlhoiihn1cci Ills curls , With words that tilcrco mn through " \Vaitdca \ a mlnlt. " Whenovr r I Ulk of love , In rroonllnhtor bjdiiy , Ho junt looltmL mo , iinil In modi higgle o Remarks , ami rum uwiy , " \Viiitilcsa \ mlnlt. " I'll loll you vhnt I'll ' doTe To punish thli youiitf man ; \Vh i lie wants tiwifo , if it takes his life , I'll say tothorounir vomnn. " \ViUtilc-snmlnlt. \ " THE FioTTYl'EWIUTEIt ' , Boston Globe : " 1'vo got a now type writer , I ) . It. G. " Such was the closing sontcnco ol my friend Sparks' note to inc. Spnrlss wns a broltor , In a limited way , nmlhtul hi.soinco on Broad street. "Why bhould ho impart thia Informa tion to raoV I Imd very little business with Sparks a "flyer" now and then , when tlio umrltot promised n turn nnd no biuilnc&i whatever with Ills type writer. I couldn't get itoutof my mind. In the cffoil I informed m.v typewriter , a Ull , dnrlMjycd , nervous "eltu of a girl" of seventeen. 'Who's Sparks ? " she inquired , look ing at mo Hhnrply. She never l < nc\v whJii I was in eaincst about anything unless It was work. " ' Well lie's I know. "Sparks1' , a man . Drokor'H ollleo on Uroiul. Ho is fifty yoart ot ago , woara golil-riiuincd glasses and veiy little hair.Vhat he has was once red. Never noticed his typewriter didn't know ho had nny. Got n now one , HCO ? Denver & Ilo Onindo. " "Who 1 bog pardon " "D. II. G. Girl's ' name , I suppose. M"ny ho mean she's low , or isn't ' worth lifteon cents on the dollar. It's ' a com mon compliant. You know I tried a do/on liofoio I pot jou. " Dead Bilcnco for two minutes , broken only b.v click ol thomaehino. Hell rings onu of'liiio , "Is lie murrlcd ? " "Is who married ? " " \Vliy Sparks Mr. Sparks of course , allowing n pretty hot of teeth. "Yes no ; that Is , Ills wife ran away wilh unotlicr 111.111 twenty joars tifjotuid dud. That leaves him- " "A widower , eortainly , " Bho laughed. My typowillorhuighs at ovorythinsr is OAcitaulo , sometimes hysterical. She is Bosonsltivo unil nervous Icnn sunrcoly ehooriolanguago gentle enough to correct - rect her errors , lam a patent attorney and a ttielilor for absolute accuracy of detail. Sometimes she looks around covertly as if fclio imagined others \voro \ in thoullk'o. "I wonder why lie wrote tluitlino at the bottom , " aho said. "That's what 1'vo - beoawondering all the time. Of course he didn't wish her to see it. " The rest of the letter was typo written and referred to certain stocks in which I was occasionally inter ested. "Ho lidded it on liutwhyi1 I'm not his confidant imd don't care a . " Click , click , click , click , wont the ma- cliliio. A'n Idea occurred to me. As soon as 3vllfes Matlior finished the work in hand and laid it on my deslt , I icciuested her tobrlnjf her noto-booU. "I'll inquire said I. "Mr. A , M. Sparks Broad street : "Dear Sir Will not buy Western "Union just now. Lot things stand. "H. L. Biu.iKGS. "What kind IB It ? How much did it cost ? Wire mo about IJonvor A , Rio Gmndo. H.L. B. " I hud expected to hear Miss Mather Inugli , Eiit eho didn't. A woman never does uhut you expect her to do. She was an jmloiisa ghost , "Why , what's the you nro ill ! " I ex claimed , tomcirhat astoniahed. She tinned aside hurriedly , fumbling for a sheet of ollloo paper. Her small hand 8 trembled a little as she placed the elieotln lior machine. She spoiled it and cot another. Perhaps lhad unwittingly - wittingly hurt her feelings ; Imt for tlio lifo of me I couldn't think what I had said or done to do so. It annoyed me. Igotup , lighted n cigar , and saying I would bo back probontly , started to go outTho The machine stopped. "Please Mr. Billings won't ' you please wait a littlo. " There was u pleading look In tlio dark eyes. " "Why , Lmlo , wliat's the matter ! "You'io surely illl I'll ' get you sonio vater hcro , drink this. You'd better go homo when you finish this. " "No , no ; I feel Iwttor now. It is done. I'm just a little nervous at times that's all. It's nothing , " and she actually laughed again in her light , nor- voufc way , "It's funny , but I felt awfully queer just then , " "How ? Whore ? " "Ol I can't toll just a sensation I don't know bow to describe it , " She was PoiicniH enough now and I do- looted her in one of the old half-scared glances about the room. "I'll have a now typewriter myself soon , " I said to mybcff. "This one is going cru/.y. " The next day work went on about ns usual. I.I zx io was Iwpt busy , and was nnpniantly ns light hearted ns over nho was. Toward evening she inquired if I Imd heaid from Spark < yet. No , I hadn't didn't ' e.xnoct to hoar dld'twaiit to hear from him. Going homo I thought : 'What interest lias she In Sparks ? Confound Sparks ! Does the know him ? \Vhcro \ ? How ? When ? Wherefore ? These wore the sub-heads of my ideas. The tail-pieces worononsemo , liupof&iblo , ridiculous. I lied her record from childhood , 1l\o \ llrooklyn family that raited her excel lent family I'll go and see tluxt family nbout her condition. That was the last thing on my la' ' nil when I went to sleep. When I nwuKQ inthomoining I had for gotten all about it. Dreams are paved with good intentions. v At the oflloo , among my mail , was a note from Spuiks. It waslii his own handwriting , " ' . broken down " I .Typewriter , sug gested to Miss Mather. \\usintontupoii tlio letter in my hand , ' 'II. L.ABlllliiKt , caq. , - Broadways r "Dmi Siu I ) . It. G. Is Mrs. Delhi It. Gore , my tviww liter , "You will oblige mo very much by dropping your funny business enough to tell mu wlicro you uuido her ao- cuuliitiuu'o unil under what circumstances. This extremely Important and press I UK' . She fulutctl ouraailliitfyouriioto , Yours , A , M. SlMHKB , " "AVelll" Wather arched her brows inqulr- "Yi'liy , confound his huuudoncol llnro'snnolhcrcrazy man-imdmuy " "Snnrka ? " "Yos , Sparks. IHulthat. " Miss Miithur look the letter nnd ong- erly road It somewhat too ciigorly , I Lhought for it wholly dlsintorcsted nor- son , Then how sue did laugh ! Her dark oycs fairly snapped. She wns al most provoking , ' Funny , isn't it ? said I satirically. "Indeed it is , Mr. Billings. Of course there must bo a mistake. There wasn't enough in your joke about Djonror A Rio Grrniido to tntilie a woman faint , " "Hardly. " "It must bo inoro serious tlmn oven that , " wild Llzllo Mather. "Think of the turn I had the other day. " This was suggested very seriously. "Well , I'll sco about it"I grumbled , and returned to mv morning mail. But the thoughts of the night Moro ob truded and now got tangled un with Sparks' ' insinuations as to myself , until I uognn to think that , after all , I was the real hinatlu and the rest won all right. How dare Spirks tiiko such n tone with mo ? I wouldn't answer him. dld't. About a week afterwards I received Lho following typo-written message de livered by special messenger. The boy snt down , saying ho was to bring an inswcr : "H. L , Billings , Esq. , Broadway : "Dmii Sin I would very much Hko to sco you at my ofllco at your earliest eoiivenlon co. Important. Permit mo to apologize for tny ruthcr curt note of last week. I vas terribly upsot. Oblige mo by scttliiRan hour for in terview. I wish to consult you us a friend about a private matter. "Very truly. "Dictated. A , M. SI-AUKS. " I appointed nn hour next day. Miss Mather was out to lunch. When she re turned I handed the note to her with the remark that Sparks was still out of nn asyltim. As soon as she touched the let ter she begun to lose color. It slipped from her lingers to the Iloor. "Why , Liy./lo , what in the world ails you ? " I demanded. "I I don't know , " she gasped , ns she sank to a chair. "Something thrills mo through it is just as I foil lost week when that letter from from "Sparks ? " "Yes. " "Miss Slather Lizzie have you read UJH ! loiter ? " I picked it up. "No , sir. " "You don't know what is in it ? " "No , sir. " "What do you expect ? Anything ? " "Oh , no , sir. " "Yes , sir. " "Como here , please , " She came ever to my desk anil stit down , palpably con fused. I hold the letter folded before before mo. She kept her eyes fastened on it , us if the sheet of paper was alive , and might take legs or wings and got uwtiy. "Now , Lizzie look at TOO , Lizzlo do you Imow Sparks ? " "No , sir ; 110 indeed ! That is what is so odil , sirl" She looked mo straight in the eyes. I could not doubt her honesty. I was stunned confounded. I asked her if she hud ever scon him. "No sir. Novor. " "Novor hear of him ? " "Never. " She smiled now nearly laughed and retorted : "Did you over beo' ] ) . B. G ? ' " "Tho pretty typewriter ? Never. " I couldn't nolp a Ilttlo confusion ou my own account , could I ? "Than how do you know she is pretty ? " "Li/.zie well , all typewriters lire pretty , -whan you haven't seen them , es pecially below the Astor houno. " " .Ah , Air. Hillings , you'ro dodging- . " "I don't ' know any more about her than you do Lizzio. " She turned ser ious again in un instant. "You don't know her either , do your1" "Jifo ? I never heard of her except through you , sir. And yet " slio stop ped. " "And yet " But she didn't go on. "Well , " said I , well- . " "Do you "beliovo in thcosophy ? " she asked. "Theosopliyl Rats. " Iv'o always noticed that this is the most effectual way to answer a theory you don't ' know anything about. "Of course. I don't ' understand , " she quickly replied , "but somehow I fool when I touch that letter that oh , I don't know whatl" She put her slender hand to her brow , us if to conjure up her former thoughts , An idea seized me. An idea docs this for mo occasionally , and I try to coin it Into money. "Horo , Lizzie take it again doa't bo afraid tell nio now. " "Dear mol" she whispered. "What does it inako you think of now , Lizzie ? " "M.v inothorl" "Mother ! Who was your mother , Llzzio ? " I spoke very gently to her , and laid a soothing hand upon hers that lie-Id the crumpled shoot. "I scarcely remember her , " she ro- plicd. "When I hold this letter , " she added , impressively , l'sho seems to bo near in the room right hero. " Thin lust in a whisper , I confess to a cool chill along the npino at the moment mont , but I quickly recovered. "Ra Li/.zio , you nro nervous. You are fanciful. You need abracing atmos phere and exorclbo. Read it. " To my surprise she was moro agitated than before and trembled like she had a chill. "Thoro , there no moro of Sparks , " said I , snatching away the letter and chucking it Into a pigeon hole. "I must boo that Brooklyn family about Iilzzio , " I repeated to myself ever and over again that evening. "Sho is brooding over her mother. Poor girl ! Her mother is a question they never dwell upon. "Why ? " The Uroad street ofllco of A. M. Sparks is a snug liltlo place. From the narrow , wornout stairway , up and down which messenger ' . > oya dash from 10 till 3 and a messenger In full uniform in the very net of dashing is u great sight you are ushered into a badly ventilated , badly lighted room , girt with rleketty chairs and embel lished by a few maps and a tickor. Whop wo udil n combination clerk and ollleo boy and dirty carpet the descrip tion is snlllclontly complete. "Very often small customers of Mr. Sparks' hold thcso chairs down , or surround the ticker - or , or consult the ticker reports conven iently at hand -withmoro or less gloomy brows , as it may ho their or somebody olso's funeral. Mr , Sparks lias a part ner soinewhoro on the Iloor of the Ex change. I never saw him. I never saw anybody -who had ever soon him , I never hoard of anybody who but lot that TOSS. The combination clerk and ollleo boy received mo with alacrity , and tapped on the glass door labelled ' 'Pri ' vate" as if I was expected. It wns qulto a cosy little room within , and Mr. Sparks himself rose , advanced and greeted mo effusively. That is , ef fusively for Sparks , ho began somewhat taciturn and undemonstrative. As ho did so I glanced about the place , per milting my oycs to rest , finally , upon 11 lady seated ut a llemlngton in the cor- nro. She was In the strong light of the window , and I could not at once distin guish her features. 'Mr. Sparks did not leave mo long In suspense , but taking mo over to her said ; "This la 'Donvor&IUo Grande,1 Mr. Billings. " She laughed pleasantly a low , rip- plln/ ? , girlish laugh whllo I wni pomo- wlmt taken aback , I saw instead of the usual ollleo girl a lady of perhaps forty , rather fleshy , but not fair , with coal Unek hair and dark brown eyes , having something familiar In tliotn. She was veil but plainly dressed in some dark ttuir , and as Blio stood looked a lady born nnd bro'l. ' Wo scanned each other critically. She resumed her seat with a sigh. "So you are the now typewriter " "Yea , " she replied with n meaning glance at Mr. Sparks. "Yes , " ho echoed , "and also Mrs. Sparks. " "Your wife ! " "Precisely my wife. " " "Why I you wild n few days ngo her name was Mrs. ( Jorol" I remarked , not knowing anything sensible tosny. "Certainly , " retorted the phlegmatic Sparks , "but I didn't ' gay It would al ways bo so. did I ? In faut , but for jour confounded letter she would have changed It sooner. AVait , lot mo explain. Wo had como to a proper understanding you BOO , nnd woio to have been married that very afternoon when well , you can now understand why I was so put out. " "Not exactly ; in fact you will pardon mo for observing right here that I can not see that I have Imd anything what ever to do with it. " I was rather net tled nt his solf-conlidont way of putting thfngs. "No ; not intentionally , not knowing ly , that is true , but don't you know , " ho added , looking at Mrs , Sparks , "your note produced the most wonderful ollcct ! I don t know what possessed mo , in the first place , to add that line , unless with the vague idea of preparing you for the stop that followed ; but that note of youis I handed it to her as a good joke bless my soul ! she dropped in her tracks , she did , by . " She immediately raised a plump fore finger. If she wasn't breaking Sparks of u very bad habit I'm mistaken. "And I was jealous think of mo at fifty joulous of my typewriter ! But it was all right when wo talked it ever , you Reo. " "No ; I do not sco. " ( This vith em phasis. ) "Well , that is just what I wanted to talk with you about , " said ho. "And I decline to go into such a pro- poHtorous bubjcot. 1 never saw your wife , or" I rose to go. "Hold up , Billings ! That's not it , " hastily put in Sparks. "Don't got ex cited. Give a follow a chance. You see I asked you hero at her request. " "At my lequest , " repeated his wife , nodding. "Sho wanted to see you. " "I am Mattered , " said I , not exactly in good temper. "Lot mo speak , " interrupted Mrs. Sparks. IIoi * voice was low and gentle , She wont on : "I had the most curious sensation when I hold your letter " ' ISly fneo must have 'become suddenly illuminated by a spark of intelligence , for she paused , anil both she n < nd her husband looked at mo fixedly. At any rate I was clearly interested now. I could scarcely wait for her to proceed , "It was if I wore thrilled with sudden joy , It came and went , and came again so quickly I lost consciousness. Nor could I el early define what it had been when all was over. I never felt BO but once before in my lifo , " and bho bent her head mode&tyl toward the carpet , "only this wan bo buddon and strong as to overpower the senses. " "Go on"said I eagerly , "pray goon. " "Thank jou. Do you believe in what men call theosophy ? " The mime question ! The same dark , lustrous soulful eyes ! Could it bo pos- slbloV I could no longer retain oven my assumption of calmness , Did I bcliovo in the doctrines of theosophy ? Yester day I would have unhesitatingly an swered "rats. " Now "Well ; yes and no. That is , I believe , but not to the extent of the well-ac cepted disciple , That two souls intent upon each other may and do commune in a limited way though their respec tive bodies bo far asunder. I know. " The solemnity of my assertion im pressed them visibly , but in a different way. She instinctively extended her hands as if to detain mo right thoro. "That is what I 1110:111 : , " she baid ; "that is what I believe with all my bonll" "Boliovo ? I can demonstrate it , " I de clared , almost enthusiastically. "I will p'-ovo it to your satisfaction before tlio setlinp of another sunl" "O , for heaven's sake , Delia , " Inter rupted Sparks , looking at mo with an expression which plainly indicated that ho thought I ought to bo locked up , "don't lot your mind dwell on such fool ishness ns that , " Ho began to pace the floor Impa tiently , Every tlmo ho passed mo ho in dicated his contempt. "It is the veriest rotl It is indiges tion ! It is liver yes , liver ! Such a theory would down the whole market. Have nothing to do with it. Look here , Billings ; I always thought you wore a man of hard , hoivo sonso. 'Two souls' rot ! I don't ' Ixilicvo you have any such convictions. Astril body get out ! If you have , don't ' talk that stulT to Mrs. Sparks , if you please ! 'Commune' by the way , my dear , isn't it about time to 'commune' ' with our dinner ? My dear Mr. Billings , como and see us. Delia is my business partner now. Yes , she knows all about stocks. She'll bo right hero every day. Don't send your 'astral body' down , but como yourself. She's mv typewriter , just tlio sumo. " Mrs. Sparks smiled bewitchingly the while , and with the last remark of her sturdy husband this smllo became a laugh. How very like Lizzie Mather's smile and laugh ! Wonderful , I thought. "You have a typewriter , too , " she gently insinuated. "Billings ? Hot ho has ! " exclaimed Sparks. "And she's a little beauty oh ? " "Sho's moro than a beauty , " I said , with all the significance I could throw into my expression. I've boon told I have n remarkable expression when it works , "Sho's something of a thcosoph herself. " "Indeed ? You shall toll mo raoro alxnit her , " said Mrs. Sparks. ' I will , mobtassuredly. " "When ? " "Tomorrow. " ' 'And that grand demonstration ? " ho inquired. "Tomorrow. " " 'Tomorrow and tomorrow ! ' very well. " well.Vhon \Vhon I left Broad street I was so excited - cited with ray discovery that I came very nearly being run ever by a beer wagon. It seemed incredible that I had been BO stupid as to not suspect the truth at onco. It is the way of the skeptic. Great is the typewriter ! I was so full of the possibilities of the case that I boarded the elevated without depositing the customary 11 vo cents. How should I bring this pair together ? I would do It vcs , tomorrow. I never slept a wink thnt night. "They're married. " I remarked scn- tcntiously to Llzzio nt the ollleo. She paused In the act of hanging up.hor hat , Tlio same eyes , by heavens ! "Who'ro married ? " "Sparks nnd and Guess ! " "Denver & Rio Grande ? " "Exactly. " Sue dropped her hat on the floor with ablush , but hastily recovered it the hat ; the blush was gone. Not a word , "Well:11 "What kind of a looking girl is she ? " Natural inquiry , wasn't itr "Let's wo ulainl that way , Lizzie. She la a girl nbouL forty years of ago don't Interrupt me black hnlr , dark , lustrous tiyos-llko yours , Llz/lo slightly stout , apparently well born anil bred. She Is also a stenographer , type writer and thee ph } Is nervous , BOOS spooks and eonumme , wlth other people having nerves , Boeing spooks , etc. , by means of her machine. " I'm bound to say that instead of get ting excited or turning pale at this vivid description , Miss Mather laughed im moderately. "I'dllko toFco her , " she finally said. "Tho very thing ! " ! exclaimed , "by all means. She wants to see you very much. Lot us go down thin afternoon , " Llzlo was qulto taken aback at this. She had a dozen excuses. I would ac cept none. It was of the utmost import ance , I reiterated. Step by stop she re ceded , and it was finally settled. She would go. The solemn statement that MM. Smirks was a plain woman , plainly dressed , had ns much to do with her ac quiescence as any tiling else. It is the wiiy of the sox. i lly the tlmo wo reached Broad street fizzle had partaken largely of my ner vous excitement. How could nho avoid the contagion of my enthusiasm ? Then I began to realize my responsibility. \Vas this the right way to roach tlio de sired end ? Was I not too precipitate ? Perhaps this sudden meeting might bo dangerous perhaps oven fatal to ono or both of thcMj high-strung women. I had not thought of this. Miss Mather , nt least , must be prepared. " .Lizzie , whom would you most llko to moot In this world ? " The question was abruptly put at the foot of the stairs. She looked frightened. Her color faded. She leaned against the railing for support. "O , dear ! I'm afraid ! Lot mo go , Mr. Billings. Wait a moment , please. I'm so nervous ! Only a moment , " she said. "Now toll mo wliiit you mean. " There was desperation in the gaze she li.\cd upon mo now. I was at a loss how to proceed. Llz/.io herself solved that problem. "Ih is it , my mother ? " she gasped. "Yes , Lizzie jour long " "Let mo go ! Lot mo go ! I will not ! Oh , I cannot , cannot hoar it ! " She was now s-obbing helplessly in my arms. I < WH astonished ! Hero was a go ! Two messengers in the act of dashing by btoppad suddenly and took in the situa tion. tion."AVot "AVot nro ycr doin' hero ? " said ono. " \Vhy don't ycr let the girl alonu ? " cried the other. "Let 'or gol" "Call a 'cop. ' Jimmy , quick ! " And away the other dashed for certain. I &aw bovcrnl men and boys gather on the walk , Pretty boon there would bo a hundred. "Why , a dog-light would block that street in live minutes ! A police man would bo there in six. This was getting warm. I tried to booth her to coax her up stairs , She whispered in my car , and tlio lone betrayed her pain in making the roelation. . "My mother ib mad ! You don't know oh , you , do not know what you have done ! She's mad ! She miiit hnvo escaped ! Don't let mo see her , pleate. I 1 want to remember her as she was when I was a child. Please tnko mo away I beg ! " She slipped down on her knees before I could prevent it. I shall never forget her fciipplicnting oyes. Thoio vna a nluijlllug bound in llio croud ( already rapidly growing larger and boihterou's ) and a policeman rushed into the narrow way and laid a heavy hand upon my collar. "Pull him out , " yelled somebody out side who couldn't see what was going onThis This raised a regular chorus of cries in which I was handled unmercifully. Fortunately for mo another oilicor ap peared at tblH juncture , and , following the instructions of this fellow , closed the door and placed his broad back against it. At the same the crowd outside had aroused the tcmintd of tlio building , and these now began to appear at the land ings and on the btniiri. I recognized the combination clerk-and-ollicc-boy , who disappeared in a twinkling , and in a mo ment down came Sparks , closely followed by Mrs. Sparks. Now for it , I thought , and was almost in hopes the policeman would club mo into insensibility. "Hold up ! " shouted Sparks , who came down two steps at a time "hold up of- flocrl Why , Billings ! What the , and Miss Mather , tool Here , Delhi , tukocaro of the girl Mrs. Sparks. Mit-s Mather I suppose. Now what In excuse mo , Delhi , just this time what is the moan ing of all this row ? " ho continued , when I had been released. But I was insensible to any indignity at the moment. Miss Mather had glanced at Mrs. Sparks and the latter looked confusedly at each of us in turn , Nobody fainted. I was apparently the only one who felt like fainting. If somebody had pulled my nose I should have felt grateful. For both of the ladies had turned from each other tome mo , Mibs Mather's eyes fairly Hashing with anger ; Mrs. Sparks' oye.s running over with contemptuous amusement. All of this , from the ad-vent of the policeman did not occupy more than a minute. I crowded a week's solid nonpareil thought into that minute. "Mr. Billings , " said Miss Mather , "you're a fool.1' "You're a fool Mr. Billings , "said Mrs. Suarks. "Hillings , you'ro an ass , " said Sparks. This was too palpably true to bo re sented. I partially redeemed myself , however , by turning to the policeman and asking satirically : "What is your opinion , Mr. Oilicor ? " "Looks a little that way , sir. " "I'll make the verdict unanimous , " said I. "I am " * * * * * * * * * I have never monkeyed with theosophy - phy since. Have returned to the theory of remarkable coincidences. The Brook lyn family sent for Mibs Mather's over shoes and salary , and gave mo a good rap for scaring her half to death , adding that her mother had been under key for ton years and it was none of my busi ness. I have withdrawn my patronage from Sparks , though lie scorns to bo do ing bettor in his now partnership. Liz zie Mather works for A. M. Sparks & Co. The "Co. "continues to faint occa sionally. I have a now typewriter. A. M. A Man. Man.Dr. Dr. Blrnoy cures catarrh , Bco bldg. Ono-lmir Pui'iictunl Night. Sig. Schiaparolli , the Italian astrono mer who has made move wonderful dis coveries among the planets than all the other astronomers of our day put to gether , has just furnished a now sur prise , says the Now York Sun , greater than his recent discovery that Mercury performs only ono rotation in the course of a revolution around the sun. II o now assorts that Venus , the brightest of all the planets that wo BOO , the twin sister of the earth , which is at present glow ing with nightly Increasing splendor In the west after sundown , also turns hut once upon its axis in the course of a revolution around the Hiin. In other words there is no alternation of day and night on Venus , as on the earth. The planet enjoys perpetual day on ono side of its globe , while- the other Bide is plunged in unending night. Thodanpcrof a malarial ntmosphcro may bo averted if you will occasionally tnko a dose of Dr. J. II. McLean's Chills and Fever Cure. T1IOUCI1TS IN LIGHTER VEIN , Some Stories Gleaned Prom the World of Wit and Humor , HE WAS ENTIRELY TOO GRATEFUL , Got Valua Ilcceivcil fiirlllfl Tip Quite tbo "KcvcfBo" Wonderful Acci dent at n Fair A Prohi bition lny. ) Now York Suns Doctor You must bo very careful nbout your illct. D.isbnway That's nil right , doctor. My landlady attends to that. Kooiiomlunl Astronomy. New York Sun : Little Isnnc-O , fader 1 Loci ; ad do shtnrs , bow ilcy slilno I Schonbortf Uon'd long at do shtnrs , Iltcy ; look ad do moon , id's bigger. Kntlrelyto ( li-ntcfut. Tlio Keystone ! Horrower You nro very Idml to lend mo thcso lifty dollars ; I fed us If I cflii never repay you. Lender Kli { Why in thunder didn't ' you any that ut llrstl Ail IiiKlorlntiH CniicIiiNlon. Somervlllo Journal : Debtor I want to pay that little bill of yours Creditor All rljrht , my dear boy. Debtor But I can't. ' Clever. Dry Goods Chronicle \Vccks i "What a very clever poem young Keightley has wilt- ten In Mlbs Gladys' nlliittnl Wi'iitman ( who luw a poor opinion of Kc'ljtlitluy's tnuso ) Very. Ho copied It out of 'Iciinysoa without gutting a slnglo word wronn ; I A. 'traluht Tip. rilcfjcndlo Hlnttcr : Customer Here , waiter. I give you three pouco for your-sclf , now tell me what you would recommend with n clear conscience. Waiter ( in n eoiiIlJentlal whisper ) Uo to another restaurant 1 On tlio t'ontrnry. WnslilnRton Post : "Is this an Intelligence oflli'or'nskcd a stranger , as ho looked In at tbo door. "No , sir ; you couldn't have been fuither wrontr"was the reply of n ili'llbcrato- spoken , big-voiced man. "This is detectives' hc.ulijuartcrs. " Culpable I noriincc. Smith. Gray & Co.'s ' Moatlily : Uncle V'ou Ciiiindinns are not very wise. Canuck What do you mean I Unt-lo Sam You don't know enough to coino in out of the rclgn. A I'rnlilhitl .11 liay. Nothing is lo-it in all this world ; The sunlight's ' smallest ray , Tlio mighty grain of Uiiftinn sand Have each their part to play. Anil tho' the beer kegs ranged In rows Beside the curb npaiu Ate full no longer what of that ! Just ga/o upon the men. An Alvmti ; o < > iis Position. New Yor'cVoeldy : Advertiser I wish this advertisement placed in some part of the paper where people will bo sure to sco it. K'litor Yes bir , jcs sir. I can put it right alongside of an editorial if you wish. Advertiser -Hem I 1'le.ise put it alongside of the baseball news , A Very Cooil I Smith , Gray & Co.'s Monthly : Gnzam I s > co Unit an unmarried woman has been ad mitted to tbo bar in Iowa , but it is to ho honeil that bho will not ho elevated to the bcnt'Si. Mrs. tiazznm 'Why not , IM Hue to know ? ( < az/aia 13ccatibo 110 ono vsautb to bo juilgud. Now York Sun : "They say there's been a dreadful accident nt the county fair , " "What happened 1" "A lawyer stood vp before the whole crowd and shot off his mouth. " I.itor.iry Ijnve. Sotncrvlllo Journal : "Will you review my next book I" asked ono author of another. "With pleasure , my dear fellow , " was the biotbcr author's reply , ' 'if only you won't ask mo to read it. " AVlmtlliul Uceonio of It. The Keystone : "Do you imow , my dear , " said Mr. Darrinpcr. ns lie smiled fondly upon his young hopeful , ' 'I ' believe that our hey has inlicrited our iiminlilo disposition. " "That explains it , " remarked bis wife with a demure binllo , "I've been wondering for some time what hud become of it , " Con vine il , Good News : Pollco Captain Have rou at tended to that burelury nt Mr. Fooatnan's house ) Detective , Yes ; been at work on It nil day. "What is your conclusion I" "A robbery lias been committed. " "Very well. Now go to work 011 these cthor cases , " Texas Sittings : "Now , my friend , what will you do with all that moacy ! " said an old gentleman to n tramp to whom ho hud Riven a nickel. Tramp ( gating at the coin ) : "Well , I tfiiesb I'll go to the races and bet seine of it. If I lose I reckon I'll spend the summer at .Asbury park instead of going to Saratoga. " Quito Different. Somervlllo Journal : "Is tbat nlovolotterl" nskod ono young lawyer of another , who was poring busily over some closely-written sheets , "Oh. no , " replied the other confusedly. "It is just a writ ot attachment. " Kvrryhoily II ill n Show. PhiladelphiaTiines : "I like the plrl's dis position , " Bald Scadloy ns a maldea passed down to the beach in particularly abbreviated bathing lobes. "Know her ! " asked Kutb- bone. "No , but I can see she's disposed so far as she can to give o\orybody a show. " AVcll Fitted. Life : "Yoa want n position on tin staff as n humorist , eht" asked the editor. "Yes , " said the graduate , -'that's what I want. " "What experience hnvo you had ? " "Well. I pulalcd the word 'Damn' on the chapel steps up utcollcgo once and lit a giant cr.iciter under the chair of our Greek profes sor. " _ Distinction Without DilToronc" , Smith , Gray & Co.'s Monthly : Walking on the beach at Coney Island I met two Irish men who wcro admiiing the observatory , which , after doing duty at the centennial , was lomovcd from Philadelphia and sot up on the island. "Oh , Jemmy , " said one , "Jtst look at tbo high thing ! " "Nlvcr mind the height , Pat , but get onto the length avitl" No Occasion Tor II in Services. Chicago Tiibuno : "Madame , " said the caller In n subdued , respectful voice , "I hnvo been informed by ono of your neighbors that you have met with a bereavement , and I liuvu ventured to - " "I have nud no recent bereavement , " Inter rupted the lady somewhat stlflly. "I wns told you had lost your husband , " ho rejoined apologetically. "Yes more than two years nuo. " "May I usk If you have placed a monument ment as yet over his ro - " "Ho was blown up In n powder mill. " The tombstone agent took his hat and went owuy without another word. Fitted Tor tlio Stage. Boston Transcript : Amateur actress I think I could give full satisfaction to tlio publlo. My wardrobe is as elegant as It is diversified and you know there has been no little scandal lu connection with my family relations , Manager Yes , these nro - at tractions , I admit ; but tnero is ono thing moro , The publlo will Insist upon interest ing anecdotes of your lifo , sayings and adventures. Amateur actress I3ut I've ' never had any adventures nml I don't remember saying any- thimr wortb repeating , Manager Oh , that mnlics no difference. You cuu easily Wro some bright fellow to ftirnUh nil the nnmlolos ncc-c.ssnry ! wolll supply everything out the money to pay for them. That , of course , will bo for you to see to. WHO 1'UIU'P "Who Icllleil the cnnlnoJ" "I. " sold the copiterj "with my Ilttlo popper I killed tliu canine. " "I pnvo the order , " 1 feel no Krlcf "I , " said the chief , "Who gave the order I" ' How much U In 111" "I'lfty cents for each poodle , And the cop gets Iho boodlo- That's what's la It. " "Who pets the collnrl" "I. " Biild the owner ! "I'm ' the solo moaner , 1 Ret the collar. " " \Vliopcts the remains 1' "I , " said the Kalltnaster , "Unless some one is foster I Kctthoroni.ilns , " Physicians , Surgeons and Specialists. STREET OMAHA , NKIJ , The most wldoly and favorably known spec ialists In tlio United States. Their loni ; ex perience , remarKable skill mid universal suc cess In tlio tiontiniMit and cure of Nervous , Olironloiind Surglonl Diseases , entitle thcso omlnptit physic-tuns to tlio lull confidence of the allllotcd everywbere. They guarantee : A OKIITAIN AMI ) POSITIVH OUKB for the awful alTecta nf early vlcoiuid tbo numer ous evils that follow In Its train. I'KIVATK , 111,001) ) AND SKIN DISEASES spredlly , eomplt'luly and permunrntly cured. NEKVOUUilllMTY ( AN ! ) HKXIMI , 1)18- OUDKitS v Id icadlly lotholr sMllful trcat- mrnt. I'n.Rs , , yrur/A AND KEOTAL UI.ORKS Biiiirutite curtd without pain or detention- flOlll llllSll c'lS , liriKOCiiR : AND VAKICOOii ; < n perma nently ami successfully cured In nvoiy caso. SVlMIIIjIb. UONtmitilttA , GM'.KT , Hpor- nmtorihcn , Bon.liml Weakness , Lost Manhood , Night Emissions , Dci'iiyuil faculties , I'unulo \\LMkncss and all delicate disorders pceullnr to either heY posit Uuly cured , us wolf us nil functional ( lIsniihirH that result from youth ful follies or tbuo\ccss ot mnliiroyeuis , TtflfTIlKM" Oiiirnnleed pnriimiiontly ulivili I UlVlj cured , roiumnl complete , without cuttliiK , e.'uistlo or dllntiitlnn. Cures alleetod nt homo hy patluut without u mo ment's pain or annoyaiici. ' , TO YOUNG AND MIDDLE-AGED MbN. JThe nwtl11 ulTcets of y cny | vleo which brings orpniilo wo.iknoM , destroying both mind and body , with nil Us dicuiled ills , permanent. } ' cured. lHs ( HTCTT1 ? Address these who biivolm- IJI\J. 1JUI 1 J pulroU thcmsolvi'S by liu- prnporIndulgence jintl solitary Inblts , wlileb ruin both mind and body , unlUtlng thom for business , stud v or niiirlaitc. MAIWIKI ) MIIN or tlioso cnterlnson that lii : | > I > y life , aware of physical doblhty , quickly , OTJR SUCCESS Islmscil upon fuels. First I'rnrtlcnl ' oxporl- oneo. rieeoncl J very cufio IsHpoolally studied , thus starling light. I'lili-d-Mcdiclnes are prepared In our laboratory exactly to milt uuch crasu , thim clTcijUiigeuies\vltliout Injury. Drs , Betts & Betts , 1109 DOUGLAS STREET , - - OMAHA. NEB. A-k * 1 ICkUi The figure 0 In our dates will make a Ions stay , No mau oroinan now living will ever data a document without using the flguro 0. It itanJa In the third place In 1890 , where It will remain ten years and than mova up to M-cond placa In 1000 , vvlicrolt will rest for ono hundred years. There Is another " 0" which linsalsoconiQ to etay. It U unlike the figure 0 In our dates In the respect that U has already moved up to first place , where U will permanently remain. It U called the "No. B" llleh Arm Whoskr & Wllsou Sowing Machine. The "No. 0" vas endorsed for first place by tha eipcrU ot Uurc | > o at Ilia 1'arls Exposition of J8SO , where , nf Ur a sivcroeontcst with tlio loading ma chines of tha uorld , It wns awarded the on ) ; Grand Prize given to family sewing machines , all others on exhibit having received lower awards cJ gold medals , etc. Tlio French Government also recognized Its superiority by thodccorntion of Mr. Nathaniel Wheeler , Presidentolllio compauy , with the Cross of the Legion of Honor. 'fbo "No. 0" U not nn old machine Improved Eton , but is an entirely now machine , and the Grand Prize nt Paris nas airarded it as the grand * est advance in tcwiui ; machine mechanism of tlx age. Thofio wlio buy it can rent assured , there. fore , of haUng the very latest aud best. & WILSON wp'o co. , 185 nnd 187 "Walifuli Ave. , Chicac0- P. E , FLODMAN & CO. 220 North Sixteenth Street. Japanese round , hand made Toothpicks , two thousand in a fancy box , 35 cents. CIIAHI2 & J3II > Y , TjMCIt.S AMI STAT1ONKHS 1JNCHAVI3118 AM ) 1MUNTI3HS , Hit Sonlli Kltli Struct , iLLAHLIHEOGEAN STEAFflERS 3. Pattigo to end from Qred Britain and afl parti ol Europe. Hontrtal-Llrerpool roule , by the wntcrs ol St. Liwronce. jhortcst olall. ( JUscowto noslou , to I'bllAdilplila , l.htrpool to and from iialtlmorf. 'VUlrtj Stnrurrs. Clan oxceltlor. Accommodations UDBUtpasicd. Weakly imnjt. ( AI.IiAN .t C0..aon. Went. Ag'td. C.JSunell. y - e-r. J13I. flMlo ht. . Chlcauo , JJ. tius. Drs. Merill & Merill , Chronic. Xervoin , Illnodiinil SurKlcol ll ) ( > n P < nn < dl cn c ot the njre. llnr , None , Trout nnil Clie t. Hjicclul Attention ti > orViH tn en mill UlilltlriMi. The rtootor * Itivo hnit Jfnr" nf p | icrlonco In Ilia linvpltuH of ltrioklrn nnd Now York , ntxl nrontnotiit Ilin mont oucreDaful uiul wliluly known ti'eulnlltsli lu 'lo Yotiiii : nnd JIHillivtrotl Alon , Ixi t M.inliood , NcrroiK Dotillllr , Spormntiirrlinj , Scinlniil lo c , i'lijnloiil llcony , nrl'liiH from lmlli crcllon , | irtxtucliiff plcuplo.iiu * . , ilo poiuloncy , pliti * I'ldcm ' tliu fnro , ntrrnloii t loriiMr , easily ill-coiir- ncoil , luck of cotitiilenciMlull , unlit for itiulyor bull- iiL' , niulllniM llfouljuiduninrclril > urniinviitly ! nnj Pci'illlr curoil , Itldod nnd Skin IHBcnncn. HjilillH | n dlncnua most Urendful In Its reuilts , Coiuiluloly | cnidlcalml , ( ii-niKi'Urlnnny Surcory. CJonorrluo , fllwt , Syiilillln , Itydroccld , Vnrlpocd * nnd HlrMiiid millciuly nnd aitfely ruroil ivlthout imlnur ilolcntlon from liuiinomi. All ciunl l > ofor > inllloK ii ud luii'eilluicnls to iiiiirrlnBOsuccoJsfiilly ro- moved. All Ucctal ill < en t nnfcljr nnd iicrmnnpntlr cured. IlourK.Un. in , tills p. MI. SimiHyx , 11)1111 ) 1. ' . N 11. l'or on * nimble to vl lt us mny lie trontod nt tliclr liome * IJJT rorrmpoml nro. Mcillclnci unit In * atrnctlon'4Pnt by otirr | , Cnn ull tlon free. Bend 4 ( t'nta In HHIIU | to I in nro reply , J18 I'ltiDLMilli Ht. , O | > | iOHlto lloyil'g O | ira House , Onmlin , Net ) . Jas. Morton & Son ISilDockre St. AGENTS FOR Wm. T. Wood & Go's Ice Tools. Prescott sliclinp ; Door O Hangers. Washburn & Moeu Mnfg. Go's Wire Rope. Yale & Townc Mnfg. Co.'s Fine Locks. DENTIST BROWN'S BLK.f Corner i6th and DouglasSts. , Omaha , Neb , Rooms 212-213 , Enti-aiico 207 S. 10th Sb Tolophoiio 481. * . . * Artlflcial Teeth on rubber , as cheap as nt any 11 rst class olllcc. Sco our gold lined plates , fop beauty and strength , they take the load of nil. A POSI TIVELY PAINLESS AND SAFE METHOD OL1 EXTRACTING TEETH. J. C. WHINNBRY.D.D.S. . PER WEEK. Agents Wanted ! Portraits Enlarged to any slzo. Wilt..I Fr.lil T r i * CiUloiM. I Cllescs Ilcctrto licit Esliieire Co. " 1 S15toSJ3 E. Ilnndolph St. Chicago , Ills. IiAWVHIta ANI > t-OI.lClTOUS , n A TP M T HA I r N I w htKdxco. , I n I I-II I iUO HuiMliiK , - ualm Neb DR. GLUCK , Eye and Ear , Darker Illock , litli and Fiinmm. TclcphontCM WLATEST NERVE M BRAIN TREATMENT * Bwclflo for MT t rl , niMliifaj.rti ! , BPunOjIa , Wak * . lulneM. Mental Impruulon.b'iiienliiRoC tb * tulllni : In Inianlly ami Icullntf to misery drr/iy urn ! dtith.I'rcraaturo Ohl A c , ! > arrennpEr , l.o of rover in cither BOX , liiYolunUrjr l.o t > s , anil Hjicnnatoirlirc * cause * ! l > r orer-oinrtlu-\ the liinln , luir-cliina ere o * cr-ltidulffonce. lich box contamn ono montr 'i * IrcaU roont. ilaliiii , or lit for j , unttif millpmmlii. Wllli caclj oiilor for tlx boxra , will mml tmrclmMr miaranfo tu rffmul money If Iho trrntmrnt lolld to cure. uuar&nl 04luuttl unil uunulnu void imlyby GOODMAN DRUG CO. , 1110 Fiiriiaiu Street , - Omulin , Neb , .i-a--rf fifisvou-B2Mi | , V/ctknoiiof NodyandHlnd , Eff.cU UofErrorBPrEzcesseiln Older Ycunp , hlinOlirnllrlUlUrtd. ll w loml.rt. 14 , inumi.uritiM > u < iiKEui > iiiTtorr.our. , uriuiur iiimif 7Hu raiNT-ii B on ima.r. H n ttttllf from AOBlaleipBdrtrcls CoaBlrlffl. 1Trll llcia Diicrlvll.n ro k , ripluilloaHid vioof. reill.J ( inUdlfi UJni. F.KIEZ MEDICAL CO. , BUFFALO. N. CHICHESTCFTS ENGLISH PENNYROYAL PILLS. RED CnoSO DIAMOND GRAND. Rafu , * ur4 nd tlwtri rrtUMt. La dirt , ok UruBitUt for IHumord llr n < lior Ml turUlHi Loxri , ! ! wltii Uut r blx a. Tukn no oUirr. Heu'i-U.ltlpi ' ) for TftiUouUri MK ! "Keller for I'ivllcfe.Hiii ttturtlr rfturn i nil.jVuw/\if if ' ' ' TO WEAK MEN' ' BufTerlnit from Iho rffocu of yimUiful c-mini , fnrlr dtcay. wutliiK wcuLnfM , Iml lnnnli'XHl.clc.,1 ' wljl nu n vnluarilu treatlia ( waleill coiiUlnliiK full partlciiUrs for homo cum. FIIKK of rhorin. A IleuJI < l mtdlcnl worlci hould l r ? < i lirntrr man who l > iirrvmi * onil ilelillltatPit. XiMrru , ' ' si.T-Dr. lxrtuo. I'orlodlcal tlio French rcincitr. act on Iho iiicnutriml i/ntunt unit euro lupprcmlim from lutntiT cinio , 1'ioinoH luonitruutlun. 'llieaopllliiliiiiild notlm taken dur < Init prcuimnor. Am. I'lll Co. , llojrnltr 1'rops. , hpon. rt r. Clay Co. , In ( Jiuiiilnu by Hhorinan IL Mul'oiinrll , Dotltrait. . rioar 1' . U.nmlui ( ; a A. Melthur , Kuutk UiaaLa ; M. r. ISIIK , Council llluS . U , or 3 fur lJ. WE1 A If MANHOOD EHK" HVk lirlrlln j ll" ' i ! ! ' * fcij" P W & . , benUltfullT &ij. | jitt Vltf r , ud 'ntorrd. > or.J. I'a'rtl'fularji'l > t nirii > nX le Iliui Tr ll. , outfreoiuUl al J ID fd , W J > I" . LJiri.i Ml AJ.II niUUH II. , X.t ,