12 THE OMAHA DAILT BEE , SUNDAY , JULY 27 , 1890-SIXTEEN PAGES- 1 t ! i 1 I = ? ? I \ ! * THE SPORTS OF 3111) ) SUMMER. A Day's ' Boeing With the Jack Habits atid the Ilotmds. THE DEMANDS OF TRUE SPORTSMEN , All the Lmtcst Unll NOWH The Onii Cliibi Wliocl AVIilHptfrliiBs ( Jninu null l-'NIi , nml Mlxoullnncous Information. Omaha Is to wltnossa coursing meet ofhare and hounds two d-iys of It Thursday and Friday of next week nt the fair grounds , nnd the following Sunday at the Bluffs , Tbo af fair Is under the management of Manager Allison of the National coursing association , assisted by Secretary Luce nnd Dr. Irwln Hoycc , These meetings are given for tuepur- pose of awakening an Interest In one of the grandest of all outdoor sports , and at It U not familiar to Omniums , n brief dlscriptlon of the sumo Is herewith given : As n pastime there Is nothing that moro thoroughly pleases the masses of the people than coursing. It will meet the popular de mand in Omaha , tm It has elsewhere , for harmless competition without the offensive elements which mark so many other contests. It Is quick mid fiery , with that peculiar reck less diish of jc-ompotltors thoroughly in earnest nnil racing for blood. On the part ot the spectators thcro Is a nervous Interest as they watch the racing to see if the hnro will ( vsiiKj captutu by the hounds. Tno only unlmal la the world that will bring out nil of the speed oftho givjhounil is tlio llcot-fuotod Jiuk rnbblttof the western plains , mid for this reason Ihoyaro employed to teat the speed of these very swift ilog.s. The speed of the Jack rabbit Is something phenomenal , and at certain seasons of thu year , especially In v inter ami spring , it ii vrn very difficult for two greyhounds to catch him. As fur as history goes back we find ar- counts of the cliiiso with fleet-footed dogs , nnd the Athenians nnd Itomnns weto espec ially cnrcful with their greyhounds , even em ploy ing sen-ants as bedfellows , in order to hnvo them In prime condition for the chase when their lancy called them to the HoM. The larger kinds of animals were generally pursued , hut In Inter years v\\cn \ \ largo ntul licivo nnimnls became le.ss numerous , and the hare wns the only animal onwhich to try the sliced of the greyhound they were bred down smaller and llncnmtil today In England , tlio home of the type now used for coursing the hare , there are hundreds of model grey hounds , and the scientific coursing contests have become one of the most important p iiistlmca in Knglaml , nnd the winners of the pv A'ntotloo cup , the great annual stuko eveit , commands almost universal Intciest. Tbo winner of the cup for 1MX ) wns purchased hy Colonel North for M.SOO , anil thii Iwforo ho had over run In n ntako. This was the now woild's famous rullciton. The greyhound w.is brought to this country at an early date and they have been u cd on tlio western prairies for coursing the deer , antelope , wolf nnd Jack rabbit. The brave Cluster took nn especial interest In gathering up a pack of the swiftest anil best that could bo found and It liccinno tbo chlot imiuscnicut of the oHIccrs uliilo on duty on the border. Many enthusiastic owners of small packs sculteied over tbo west have derived special pleasuie fiom pursuing the prairie Imro or jack rabbit , but there was little thought of uniting their interests nnd scientilleallv con testing the speed of their favorites till the jynr itlSd , when a call was tnndo through the American Field for n meeting to take place oa the Cheyenne plains near Great llend , Knn. A very enthusiastic and successful meeting as held In October of that j ear and the in terest hu.s grown rapidly and four largo open coursing meetings have been held In the same locality annually since. A largo number of gentlemen have added to the interest bv iiapoiting several nf tbo best greyhounds that liiiglind could .supply , nnd the Mumucrjiig Interest * in this mnu delight ful pastime is thoroughly aroused throughout the United SUite * . The original design was to visit an open Held nnd frighten the hare from his form or cover in the 'grass nnd ns lie would flco for safety the grey hounds were loosed from the leaih or Hlll mid allowed to pursue him to the death. This Is called own | Held coursing , but la or der to bring the spoit before the great musses of the people , who were unable to visit the pralrlo country , local or enclosed park cours ing has been successfully employed , and meetings have been held In Loutoville , Ky. , St. Louis , ICunsas City and St. .Toe , Mo. , be sides those that have been held In the inter ior of Kansas. This method gives nn equally scientific test of upoed , and probably moro humnne , because it give * the hare a better opportunity tocscapo nnd prevents the dogs from running ono of those long Jumping courses that Is GO often scon on the opaii prahles. Often the Imra and hounds huvo been found within a Jew feotof each other literally run to death. In ono of these twor , or oven thrco mlle courses. But In the enclosed running the hare Is pro vided nn escape , nnd the hounds nro muzzled , and an ntteinlunt is near to secuto thorn should thogroy hoimu overtake them. The ihasois not roblxjil of any of its interesting ioatures , for both tbo hare nnd hounds mo loosened on tbo race track and are at llboity to run until tbo escape 5a made , or the hare is secured. Occasionally they lepoat the course ever the stretch so el altlnles. nnd the specta tors nro wrought up to the highest pitch of excitement. At llutchinson , ICnii. , the headquarters rf the National coursing association , they have a park comprising three humlied and twenty acies of level pniltio land and this is devoted wholly to breeding Jaeluubblts und for cours ing , nflnetiack having been arranged in the renter of the Irilf section , and two meetings a year are held on these grounds. At present there are not less than a thousand strong hares in that enclosure. They are In no len&o tamed or domesticated but are kept as wild us doer. From the park they nro shipped to differ ent localities whom meetings nro helit anil they nro seen in till their native v ildness , Nearly every foreign born citizen of the United Slates Is familiar with coursing , hiw- ingseon thofliL't-footeilgrayhound in pursuit of the wily hare on their native heath cither In Knglund , Ireland or Scotland , anil tbo very mention of tbo sport \\lll stir the blood nnd brighten the eye as nothing else will nnd aaj Bucrillco within reason will cheerfully bo made can they but witness this most delight ful sport again. But Americans nro milekly captivated \\ltl coursing , for this quick and exciting chase Is quite adapted to our American temperaments The hnro Is up and nwny HUe u Hash , the grayhounds , too , start right on the Instim and with a bound uro straining on the slips pager to bo at the prey , ntul when loosened go like the -\\lad , with the fleeing fiiinu In sigh Just out of roach , the eager hounds straining every inusclo to read their quarry , while the tilmblo hare continues on Ilko ustiva ! : , with is long cars laid back on liU shoulders nnd his lar.ro eyes furtively watching the approach of the en cmy. Then , us the graceful grey hound reaches for him with his loug tapering Jaws little Jock adroitly springs to ono side , niic the hound goes on. Then the hnre takes ail vantage of his mom weighty pursuer am tums In the opposite direction , Again ho is away in the distance while the eager uro- hound is recovering hltiuclf for unothe Cha&O. , A second time ho Is upon the hare , but now the little fellow U getting thoroughly ii earnest , and letting out another kink , Is Within rwich of tlio escape , but ho falls to reach the goal , and Is compelled to tosort to other tactics. So ho lightly lumps from side to sldo in a zig-zag manner making what is technically called "wrenches" and as tin hound steadies himself , his speed ia brokei and Mr. Long linn , with u quick turn , ills pears through the cscupo anil is safe. It Is quick , sharp and decisive. All tlio elements of the chase with n racing competl tioti between the two groy hounds Is omuotl led in coursing , The two hounds in compo tltlon nro credited with a certain uuinbe of points while iu pursuit of thu hnro , am the ono scoring thu inoit points wins th course. The hounds nro loosened from i leash or slip , with u spring making the t > tar even. A Judge in the saddle follows closely count Ing the polnU. These exciting r.icei follow ouo after the other for neatly two hours , un t the spectator Is filled with the most Intent enthusiasm mid ploasui'J. The same rules govern In either the opeu or cm losed meeting1 ? , There can bo no jocky- Ing , and f or this reason coursing as an amuse ment Is considered hy many superior to horse racing , for It Is always honest and these hav- ng the most refined taste * can witness cours- ng with the greatest pleasure. The great wpttlnrlty which the sport hni Is Instanced > y the largo crowds thut have been lit attend- mco in other cities , and In the near future t Is deUlnwt to become ono of the leading Held sports hi this country , AVImt Shall Wo Do to 1'roteot Our Game ? "OiMtif , Nob.7 July 20,1390. To the Sport- tig Kdttor of Tun BF.R : This Is a question of great Importance to the sportsmen and com- nonwoalth of Ncbru3kannd a question which might bo discussed through the columns of i'lin BEK with good results. Some may ask how the preservation ofgamo would affect the commonwealth of our stato. To such I would say , sudscrlbo for the Forest nnd Stream or the American field , nud read a truly sports nan's Journal nnd you will discover that the wealth and Influence of the world Is Interest ed In the preservation of the game which our country alTords. Let us cntict laws thn t will protect our gnmo from the greed and slaughter of con- icieneeless men who shoot nnd exterminate the young birds for eastern markets. Then our eastern conitoisours will have to journey to the lioutoof their favorite game mil while they enoy | their sport their foundation for investment and an increase of the wealth of the state would result. Several wealthy ccntlc'iieii have made In- vwtincnta In Norfolk nnd other Nebraska towns , to the writer's knowledge.through the splendid shooting the localities afford. Other states have had experience la this matter , whieii we should profit by and take Immedi ate stops to thnt cail. TruothUisa free country and the wild creatures within its borders belong to the people in general and wo should nil bo free to help ourselves to our share , but when wo go beyond reason and take that which belongs to others , then the law should Interfere and punish the olTeiiilor. I would suggest that Tut : Brn start a sub scription fund to boused In our next legisla ture for the passage of suitable luws to pro tect the game and llsh of Nebraska. Should TIIR HUB champion such an enter prise to the end requited , its inmaccmcnt would receive the congratulations nnd sup port of every true sport-man la the country. And then it h-is becotno an axiom "What TIIJJ LEI : essays to do , she generallv docs. " ' 1 ho Yoniif * Kli-ilH at Itenrnoy. ICniKNET , Neb. , July S3. To the Sporting IMltorot Tut : Hut : ; It is pleasing to lovers of chicken shooting In this part of the stnto to see the Interest TUB liii : : is taking la the enforcement of the laws for the protection of the blrita. Already many .voting chickens have been killed by shooters of this city and the surrounding country , nnd they are men who cannot bo denominated ns market hunt- el's cither , but alleged .sportsmen w ho shoot for pleasure nnd their own table. I could furnish the names of ono or two parties. However , Tnr Bit : is doing good wark , and will Irt a great mouiuro remedy the evil whether the law-makers take action on the matter or not. The Kearney , Lincoln ami Grand Island nan olubs woi.Ul surely co operate with the Omahi clubs , if they once icsolvcd to tnke decisive action iu this toward. Tlio prospects lor both flno chicken mid quail shooting arc good Just now in this part of the state. Owing to the diy weather early in July ninny of the toting birds per ished for want ot water , this helm ; pirtlen- larly the case amoiur the snnil hills south of the i'latte. The coveys there generally con- lain not moro than llvo or six birds. Yet the general snooting all over the state , unless de stroyed before the luw is up , will bo uncom monly good. II.vuvcv NATIIWAV. Tlio Ilnynnml Their I.lttle Gunsi ThoOmnhu gun club's regular weekly shoot took place yesterday. The day w.is flue , the marksmen nt their beat , and as a consequence good score. ? were the roaiilt. The conditions were twenty-live Hue rocks , llvo unknown traps , eighteen yards rise. I'osK 11101WI111101010110IIOH- ; Towncnd lllOllUlOlllIuJllMIHll ' ! ! Kennedy 1111111111011111111111111 lU-ucUor milll < ) lttil < ii > ] | oiO.MlH--in Hray OJlimilliO-lllOlOlllOOiU-H now momnimiicoiniiiu ss Hughes 111MIIUHOU11I1UOJI101--W Coiov. E..1 111011011111011101H1101I--.I ) Coiejr , W. K inOaillOllllOflllUlllU 21 A sweepstakes , ten blue rqcics , SJ entrance , same conditions , followed the main event , and proved a tight uud Interesting chase : Poss 11111 1111 1-10 finiy 00111 11111 8 ToiviKenU 1 1 1 I 1 1 1 o 1 1 0 Hughes 10111 1101 1-8 Kulli-r 10111 01111-8 Hold 11011 01111 8 lluinmol 11100 0 1 1 1 1--7 Hunter 0 1) ) 1 1 1 1 1 1 o 0--0 norland 11111 1111 1--10 Jones 10001 0 1 1 1 1--0 Fogg nnd Borland divided llrst uud Townsend - send tcok tliird. Wlitaporhi From tlio Wlic.'l. . The Omaba wheel club made n run to Munnwa Wednesday evening and had a pleasant time. Missouri Valley will bo the rldo for today , and us the roads are in peed condition them will bo a largo turnout. F. E. Laurioand G. Willis , tho'two well- known l-ngliah bicycle riders , arrived In Now York city last week. "Willie Windlo will spend n few days In Washington prior to the eh impioubhip meet ing to get used to the track. ' Porterllcld is ildlng his safety very fast and generally keeps the boys interested when they coino down the homo stretch. Many of the Omahn Wheel club members have loft the city for their summer vacation , nnd moro will follow their example next month. Senator Morgan Is matched Tor n SOO-mllo race lor 1,000 a hide with Alferro , the Span ish rider of San Jo&e , Gala. , the event to como off August 0. Gould Dlotz andOeorgo Glrton nro Included in a jolly party of both sexes whicli will spend the hot days of August camping out at Omaha llcaeh , I/aUo Olioboji. The Omaha wheel club tournament com mittee has decided on September 1 * , 19 an ! 20 as the dates on which to hold the bicycle tournament , and the members are working as ono man to makeit n grand success. The racing men train on the Council Bluffs reid every evening , nnd ono often sees sonio prolty exhibitions of speed from unlooked-for sources. Perry Bndollot has returned from Spirit inko with spirits ns gny as the suu-palntod fresco work on his countenance , and reports a very pleasant time. While there ho hi the ploiuuro of witnessing the regatta of tlio Iowa boating association , ivliero the Council BlulT-s crow won the gold medal ns only u Council lllulfs crowd can by accident. Perry must have been treated very kindly during his stay , for ho never tires of singing praises to the wit , beauty and charming toilets ol the ladles at the Orleans. Captain ISmcrson will visit his old homo In Boston next month , nnd will attend the league meet at Nlngnin Falls before ho ro- turns. Umcrson claims this Journey cast Is for the solo purpose of having n surgical operation performed on the backbone of hi ? bicycle so as to bo In readiness for the Sop. teinbcr tournament , but the club gossips think otherwise , and have a fondness for connecting his inuna with hitgirestions of lllllcs-of- the valley and ornngo blossoms. But gossips do not nlwnys know. The comniltteo of the Omaba wheel club having In charge the arrangements for tb September tournament should make certain that thcro n o n buftlclent number of safety events on their programmes. While many o' the llyers of last year will show to ndvuuUgi in the ordinary events , It may bo safely pro- dieted that the snfetv events will develop o largo number of fast ilders , The safety ha taken a commanding position among typo ? o wheels , nud It is good pollcv to arrange rac < meet programmes with duo regard to thi noads uud desires of safety ridora. Tlio Same Old I'roeesslon. The Western association race 1ms do volopcd no stitrtllng changes during the week , the only shift being the displacement o Kansas City from third to fourth place bj Pcnvor , But they will shortly chnngo bacl for Kansas City Is bound to pull out eltho ahead or In second place. Milwaukee la lies tinoil to got it in the neck on the present trip us she Is not ono whit stronger than the otlio clubs , end her success , so far. is simply du < to luck. Slouic City , It U quit probable , will tuko another drop cro long- , as CIlue , ono of her strongest men , has b'ci rclcosod. Da Molucj plays with rcmarkabl steadiness ronsIJcrlnRtbo uncertainty of her oxUtcncc , and Omaha and SUI'nul are log ging along quietly and unostentatiously la the . roar. _ _ _ _ _ _ Stir Them Up , Mr. Tuonan ! . Ono of the most laborious tasks of nil of Manager Leonard's manifold duties U to got members of tbo Omnha team to do their duty in the coaching lines , Collins -wai signed partly on account of his supposed coaching ibllltlei nnd his pro-eminent qualifications for the captalnc ) of the team. Ho proved n dis mal failure nt both , as hovas uover known to open his face cuco during his connection with the club. However. Collins wiw not nlouo In this dereliction. The DlnckSox , Jor some Inexplicable reason , have seemed afraid all through the season to get up be fore the spectators nnd assist their confreres nround the lines. There has been but little ung inasio from any of them , and as a conse- inenco most of the exhibitions have been of : ho uncnthusinnlc chrts. Hnnrnhan Isilolng the best work In this line nt the piescnt , and is making himself solid with the crowd in consequence. The Omnh.M seem to think that every paine Is lost before It Is played , nnd they Invariably ct In a dispute over whoso turn it is to co ill ) and do tlio coaching , and of course this ? l\'es \ the siwctntors nnjthing but n proper impression of their interest and cnrncitno-is in the gnmo. ( llvo them n little medicine , Jit1. Leonard ; It will do no harm , as has been demonstrated by n recent application. Let's ' liavoa now order of things from this after- jioon's game , i Compell Cnnavan , Kianis , Walsh , Cleveland and the nut of those with good voices to go up to the froat. They : an sleep after tlio Riimo is over. Kflfo oft lie Stnrs. In previous seasons It was r.iru , indeed , that I'ou hoard of u club drawing Its stir players to reduce expenses. This season it is n com mon oectimneo and shows tuot the brother hood , so far from "elevating" tbo giuno , has : iad a contrary effect. Nat Hudson , who was gettingIOln ) month , lias been cut ndi 1ft because - cause the Minneapolis club's treasury would not stand such n draft. Ilongle , Moycw and Foster were let out , too , for tlio saino reason , ivnd now Sioux City follows suit , by releasing plino nnd Durdick. The only reason H that if these clubs would live and'miiko money or 3omo out oven , they must let their high- pi iced talent go. Hot IVoin the Hat. Jack Messott Is having a tussle with char- Icy horse. Iliclt Cnipentcr is captaining the Cowboys , and doing it witU line ruuilts , too. Itprolltia pitcher nothing toltoopdown tno base hits if ho kecpi lilling the bajs by wild pitching. SioiK City is weak in the box. Seibel , the star pitcher , is ill at home , and Devlin ii being overworked. The outlook for the ball playor.s Is etceod- Ingly dubious , and will teuiulnso , as long as the llrotherhoitd oxiots. Tommy Lovctt was hit PoMy t ven'y t.vol times by the OinciuiiiitU last iMonduy. ( Jan It bo that ho id Kottiug his Omnba arm back ! Newrnna Ins imprcssad tbo fans very favoiubly by hi work so far boUini the pi ite. Ho is graceful aid gauges the ball uimiiMbly. About every club in the country is nnloai- Ing its e\trii men , and therd nto inotuilla bill players today than over bjforo ia tlw history of the aine. Duke , ChrUo nnd Hudson are three twirl vhocan pilcligciwl ball , but who cannot bo controlled on the bill Held on nctountof their furious teriip > n. Sporting'i'imoj. In these daysof dissolvingb-oball leagues , with the woods full of players , it at nuls i/ien in band who nro drawing go i fatsulnlos to make son'o return for the in vestment. Pagin , Manager Leonard's new south-pin * twirlcr , did well on tlio occasion of ills intro duction to a local audience. Ho allowed this Saints to touch him up safely but four times. Thcro has been but ono extra muinggatno on the Omaba grounds this season. Hy the way , however , extra intiiinr games have always lecn n senrca coinmoiUty ia thii oitj- . Kid Nichols has developed Into the premier sprinter of the Boston teamand , Scleo offered to back him forgUMu sidti ngilnstTU < rnanof the Now Yorks , but Murtio refused to como up. up.TIIF Bur returns thniilcs to Manager Prank Solcoof the Boiton National loagao olnb for a portrait of that great team. It U ono of the mo-it artistic pieces of work e\er gotten out by n ball c'ub. Hanlie Hendoroon has renounced umpiring nnd IKV ; signed to iiitcli lor Sioux City , if his work in the box compares nt all with that ns anadjudloutor ofthopiny , his namoismud , the muddcst hind of mm ! . Extra inning gamss nro comparatively few this season , and iieoplo lutvo to bo content with tbo regulation nine innings play for their money. On the other hand iloublo games have novcr been moro plentiful , so things break even so forus giving tbo public moro than their money's worth by extra Innings is concerned. And it Is the snuio old story In Denver : The attendance during the week has dropped off wonderfully , unil on several occasions not enough wore prcucnt to pay tlio guarantee of the visiting club. Kvon the Saturday mid Sundiy { ,1111103 are not patronized like they should bo. The News. The New York Sporting Tlmei , tbo newsi est and brightest , baseball journal published , contains its In l isauo n line full-length cut of Elmer Smith , Kmuas City'a model player. Elmer , by the way , U pitching just now , and pitching , too , after n fashion tint will 111 Cincinnati's bosom with regrvt th.it she ever lot him go Thursday , the swollhoid Brewers weroonlynbloto get 0110 little silvery nit off of him. The Dos Molnc-i team is still In the rinv although slightly disllgured , but since their rotum homo they have played tbobost ball of the season , winning ilvo out of six ganmi. The pro * ] > ccts nt this writing are that tlio team will bo strengthened a'id play tlio sea son out. Had this been done earlier in the season the clul ) would have held u place up among the lirst three , na there line team in the league that has a licens-o to Jcnt them two out of u series. Pitcher Swiirtzci'u work has not been what It was oxpactoj to bo this .season. Ho lias won very fuw games. The opposition gets familiar with his curve's very quickly. Swartzol thought the Western association was too slow for himas did the wholu ICnnstis City team They were inistaken.thatwas . till. There is still tinio for Swurtz to win , though. Ho ought to pull himself tojjother and buclilo clown to hard work. Ho can't bo called u back number yet , by any moans. Ornnb.i should gut n new team or get outol the AVoitcrn association. At their present gait they are a disgrace to their companion clubs. They can't play ball at nil. They are llgmvheads , and neither entertained the audience or made It interesting forthopcn- nnt winners. Milwaukee Now.i. Tlio chili : who pencilled the above has Just graduated from iv lumberman's camp. It is his lir.si baseball Hum. ami it must bo ncknowledgei is n very creditable effort. IIo was full oi Milwaukee chestnuts when ho began on the paragraph a week ago , but by dint of hart labor , llnhhctl it in timu for Monday's ' paper. Ho talks through bis Darby , Fly down , young mm , you nro nutiscating I All Is not gold that giltU > ra. Although bil players lead a llfo of c.vsonad pleasure , jot thcro are some hardship * in connection with the career of an active ball tossor that do not appear oa the Kiirfuco , A poop behind the scunos will convliuo onu that it Is notonaooii tlnual round of pleasure , with hack rldos ice-cream uud Jelly cuko ombsllhhincnts Many adollorof nball plnyor'a salary llnds its way to the till of u drug store , No onooi the outsldo has any lloi : of the money ox pcndod by n club for court plaster , urn lea an U healing ointment. It is rare , indcod. that ball player is sound in body nnd limb , turned ankle , a sere shoulder , a bruised arm a broken linger or tliunib and great rau places where the cutlclo has boon rubbed ol by a hard slitio nro some of the many ills a ballplayer falls heir to , Harry Woldon. Paul II. Smith of Mt. Pleasant , Ia. , write. TilF. Uii' . Ho is a ball player and would lllci n ttlal with the Omahns. Ago Ul , height i footiitchos ) weight 100 pounds. Duriiij last yojw1 vacation from college ho says In played tit Ottumwa , Ia , being the Btroiigcs Iowa team outside of the western association Ills batting average with that team was . .157 This your he signed wltli Codnr ICaplds. Ia. in the Iowa-Illinois league , ami was sold u Cialusburg to play llrst baso. Galcsburg ul banilod after fulling to pet Into the Iowa-1111 noU league. Ilo njcolvi-Hl several offers fron tha InUr stnto Jand Iowa Illinois leagues but would not accent on account o ( tb serious Illness o ( his father the last tw months. Ills balling uvorago BO far this year in twenty-eight guinea ployed , Is .870 ; Hole ing average , 'JS ! . Ho bus mo wlta good iucccss both as u pitche nnd all nwund titnvor. Ho Is n gen- leman of excellent hatnU , stc.idy and rolln- bio. Anson hai undo him nn oiTcr toplny \vlth Chicago , but ho docs not euro to start in such fast company yet nvrhllo. Rjinrtn , The Omaha wheel clubs fnrannual ( \ tournament has beoti fixed forTliursiiny , Fri day and Saturday , September 18 , 10 nnd UO. Uutnp blaster Murihywho \ , U quite n IWiormitn It scorns , captured n hupo channel- cat Thursday ovcniuL- weighing thirty-eight nml n-half pounds. Dassllshlng has Jjcon fair ntManawa lake during the past week , and some good cnlchcs hiivo been made , the flsh rintdng larger than ntiy caught before thh.sciiion. MlltUurlowof the United States .National talk Is exceedingly * proud of his glossy black roadster , ami well ho nmy be , for bo has u ting thcro who Is a beauty and ajoy forever. The upland plover have como In la un usually largo iloeks , and the plains out along : ho military ro.vl nro swarming with them , They nro in line condition and gunners nro making big bags , .lohn Ovvln grassed nlno- lecn nice fat ones on Friday morning last. The tennis plntors of Oiunha tire talking of iioldiiif ! 11 tournament in Scptomlier , which will bo the equal of mi v o ( these lieltl in the other western cPIcs , fn addition to the tour nament contests , a match between Arthur liitlou and \Vlll \ Do.ine , tbo local champions , is on tlio tipls. .folui Kills oin > of the old members of the Oiimlin gun club , nnd ono of the best trap shots in the west , bin lelurncl lifter n long nhse'iLO in Tox.ii. Mr. Kills bus had some rcmiirliiblohuntingcipcrionw's ! on the south west border , whlrlt ho says Is a vcntablo sportsman's piraOM , with Its largo tind small giuno and cnuntlossi vnilctiesof llsh. The South Omaha pun club ara miklnj elubornto iirra'ig'Miicnts for a grand trap shootto tike pi -out Sirpymilli ono week fwm today. Tluy have already secured sl jiiifoons nnd t pivtto get as nmny more , and most of the events will bo at live birds. The club U nlioili hopes of being nbloto se cure a , thousand nr two of blai'kliii'ds , but in any event they liifnd to innko the ntliilr a success at any cost or hazard , i\nnth.crionil thing the gun clubs ot thh city have uVcidcn on , anil that Is to appoint a number of gnino wardens of their o\vn tlirouphout the state to "keep tab on" and rrpoitthonninoi of gunuors cnuirhtltllling praliio c-hk'keiis hcforo tlio laiv Is up. Tbcso \ Mirdeiislll liimld ) ] by tlio gun clubs Jointly1 ' and ou'i'y violator' 'tho law * reported will bo prosecuted to the limit. Wbllo it ( aniiot bo boiiecl that the nefarious work will be en tirely checked , it is unlto certain flint It % vill be coiislilcuibly diniiiiibhod. The last tournament in Now York provoda rogulnr corker for the favorites , aim until a contrary n > i > r > itls heird the result can be at tributed to the excessive heat , llui 'ngton ' defeated Howard Taylor , tbo Boston pa , and 0. S. Campbell , \\ho Is considered a lilccly contestant lor ih iniolonship honors , was defeated - foated by Clm-cnro Hobart , a second rate player , who failed t win u H't from Katnus , the i'liglMiman , a fowvceks no. Tlio ro- snlt ot n tc'tnU ' tonruamcnt Is bird to foro- tfll , but inthiiiiMtanco the oato mio wis : so uuo.vpivjte'l ' that thjio familiar with the men can only lay it to the excessive wai-.n weather. Tbo Omaha gun club will In nil likelihood undcituUu to p t an act passed by the next lo-'islatuioto piohibit springducl ; shootinir. Thish ninovo'l'itr BIK : has long advooatcd , nnd it tb" only possible moans by which wild fiiwl shooting can l > o pcipotuateJ. The gun club should keep this good liitoutlou upper most In their iiiindj and when the tinio conies ni-t , nnd act virrtr.m-.ly , iiroinptly ggrosaive- ly. 'I HI ; llKi ! fliciU'l much unfavor.iblo corn- nu'iit from a nutnbi'i * of co cillod spoiLsinen two yeajs ago by its cndea\ors to induce the Omnba Oun club to faito action on this very lioail then , buttlmt did not botberTniilji'i.a pirtiile , nnd it will continue to advocate the abolishment of this Inimical practice. To try to pioloetsomo men against themselves , to juvveut them from ilostioyinir their chances lor spwt , Is to excite their animosity and vin- dictlvoncss , but all loditlmato lovers of the woods uiulvators , nnd the pleasure that Is derived tliorefrom , will fall lu line , and pat their Hho'ilders to the uhcel ivhoso icvolu- tlons promise ! to protect and prodcrvo our usb and game. CJnesliotn and Ans\vers. Plciso answer the following In Su\'n VT'S ' Bin : In a gauio of basohall , two men out and Uvo on bnsus , Uio man nttho bat makes a. long uu Co lilt , on w'ueh ' hu trloa to como clear home , but Is cnuglititit the plato. Oo tlio two runs which canto in.nhe.ulof him countl Render ot TiiKBiic , Kearney Countv Bank , Jlindcn , Neb. Ans. They do. Please inform mo how nianv cnmoi ICnell tiitchcd for Omaha in 'S'JI G C. D. , Atlantic , la. Ans. PIvo. Cati THE BRK inform \\bcrolcan pur- chivson fox-terrier old enough to ujo this fall I No fancy price. G. II. Flick , Piop. Grant Hotel , Alliance , Nob. Aus. Write to Angus BuckstaiT , Oshkosh , WK Hchas several line puppies , Jtist the liglitniro , out of imp. Bagatelle , by Richmond Spot ; and another lotout of Imp. Hillside \Vnrion J.us > io by KoUconer. Thuy are a lot of gre.it ones. "Will you please state in Sunday morning's Din : whit kind offish are to lo found in Iloiscahoo Inko. and -whether tlioro is much small cramo in that vicinity I Docs the recoil of n Winchester rifle unine it to shoot astray when not hold firm to the shoulder. Touilst , Paxton hotel , tity. Ans. Presuming that you refer to Horseshoe - shoo lake lying fouiteenor fifteen miles noith of this city , yea _ will lind pickerel , black biss , croppies , goggle eyes and catfish , none , how ever , in such plontlf illness ns to render good sport , Buck shooting U good there in the fall and spring , but just now there is nothing- to shoot except upland plover , which nave Just como in , and a few fox squirrels to bo found lu the sparse grovoi thereabouts. Unptaln of the Hnwlwycs Cannot furnish you with tbonamoof tlio Diamonds' pitcher. "Will you please bo kind enough totellino what is thii hlghoit running high Jump on record , nnd by whom made ! 13d. D. Uradloy. Missouri \rallcy. Ans. rive foot eleven inches , K. W. John son , Belleville , Out. , July 1 , IST9. Crd Broughton nnd Pitcher Mains Jay- Eye-Sfcc held the trotting record over Maud S Just t\vcnty-throo hours , -Eye-See mak ing his great mark at 4 o'clock ' one day and Maud S surpassing it at ft o'clock tlio next , Cau you state ia the Sunday's sporting do pattinout of Tun BIB : tha best tiino for a sprinter for SO yards I Whorols LeonLoiiea : A Good One , Council Bluffc. Ans. Wendell linker covered eighty yards In an oven eight seconds during the progioss of a trial of 100 yards , said to have been ac compllshod In 0 4-5 seconds , The record was held by II. IU. Johnson , New York , July 31 loS ) , nt 3 2-5 seconds. The runner last named who , by tbo way , Is now lying nt tbn point o death tit San Bernardino , Cul , , showed 101 yuids nt Cleveland on July 31 , in well undoi oven time , two watches scoring him at 0 15- . " seconds , while the , third was o'ic-lUth of second slower. Know nothing of Lozler'a whereabouts , Please stuto the outcome of tlio Omalia-St Joe fourtoon-Innlug ganio list year and tha datcon which It wiu > pliiyod , CrankOmnha Ans. Da May II } . 'Jlio gvmo was c.illud a the end of the fourteenth Inning , the score standiriga tlo nt four runs each. The gatno was called in ord.or that tha St. Joe team nilgth catch a train. The Oystvr 1'unoli. Tlioro is iv popular western drlnl which Now York bartomlors are mmbh to mix. It Is often called for on tlio Pa ciilo Blopo , mid is drunk with great relish ish by the residents of California , No vnda and Arizona. It h called an ova tor cocktail , lu the preparation of thi queer drink Pujjot Sounu oyatord no bigger gor than n thumb nail nro used. Fou or five of thcMo oysters uro placoil in thi bottom of a glasu , nml n sulllaiunt ouan tity of whisky to suit the tusto of th drinker it * poured upon the oysters. On account of tliolr s > lv0 ! the oysters urn carried riod easily on the cuiront of whisk ; over tlio palate. Muldoon , tlio fntnou wrestler , taya that tlio custom Is iiultn ted ut Canadian bars as far as posdblo by haying little dlttliesol the Inrgor bl vulva indigenous to the Atlitnlio son board on the bar , of which the blbu lously inclined out before partaking o the customory sinilo. A NEW FREEMSDBS' ' IE1IP1E The Old Ono to Eo Torn Down dad a How One Erected ECHOES FROM THE PYTHIAN LODGE , Tlic Coming Cantonment of OiMfol- nt Cliloa 'o to lie Ono of the iiruost Affairs of the Kind tevcr llcltl Beforo. Era mnny moons have v avod and wnncd llio tiutncrous flno nnd substantial buildings In thUcity will bo supplemented by ono which will ho an ornament to thoclty and an hoaorto Its builders. I'reemagotis' hall , the tlireo- story brlcl < structure nt the northwest corner jf Sixteenth street nnd Capitol avenue , will oo torn down and la Its ulace will bo erected a handsome four-storied stone and brick baildlng. Tbo building will bo erected In the innstsubst'intlnl tmnncron a ptlo foundation , and every detail will bo carried out in n way uhlchlll Insttro a building which shall endure for generations. It Is proposed to set apart tlio two upper floors for the use of tliolodyoa. There will bo rooms for the blue lodgus , chapter , com- inandery and consistory , together with the nocosuirr nnte-rooms , otc , The buildliijj will 'C'tiny the entire lot , whk'h ii OS H U. When the town of Onnlirx was llrst platted n lot was set aiurt by the town-site coin p in v for tbo Masonj nud jinotlier for the Odd fellows. Tbo .Masons lost tliL-it lot throui'h failure to pay tlio ta'cos , and the Oddfellows cnno very near loslnir theirs , Jn 1S7(5 ( it was decided to erect a imsonlc hull , andlbo question of locntlon w.mdob.itect long and earnestly , Manv were In favor of Intyiuic a lot on Kojitecntli stwct , prediotlng that this street would bo trio prluclpil tbor- oitghfaro. Others ml vised loi-atlng on SIx- teentn street , nnd their coiiusd prevailed. Subwiu 'lit events have shown -wUdomof tltiauution. U'lio yistcenth street propoity wa purchased - chased , and njurt of the present building erected. Tills win tboiurt now ot-mplodby tlio drug store and the tea atoro , nud on the next Hour were the looms now occupied by tlio hoard of education , which \veio lilted up for theatrical performances , dances , etc , The thirdlloor was occupied by the blue lodge room , as at iircsout. This btilldlni * w.is irc < ted in a solid , substantial muuiier , uud is still in ilrst class ulinpo , About llvo jcars later an addition was made to tlio buildinglucroaslni ; it to IH present slzo. Tbo uprwr floor coniptiscd n largo room for tbo couslstoiy , and a laifior ono for OIKMI meeting , banquets , d.uiccs , otc. Tlioro wcio also the necessary auto rooms , kitchen , etc. The larger room In this now part was In ( treat demand for ilanees , and formed uo in- signiriciint p.ut oftho Income from tin. ' build- in . This state of nirah-3 continued until last winter , when the building intpt-ctor declared tliut the large hall was unsafe , nud prohibited tbo holding of ( lance ? therein , Thi * action had the ellcctof hastening the Idoi of civctltiif n larger and nwi-o suitable building for the cratt , and with that end in view the looses of the tcaanU hivonlL been iniiUotouvpiront the end of throe yean , tit whldi tinio the iie\v builditigwill ho coin- incneod , unless soniethliif' should occur to hasten that emit , The ground on. which the present building stands is a valuables piocoof propcity , es pecially slnco the loe.Uion of the postoff ita in tlie imineJiato vicinity. Vn ofTer o t il 73,000 from a i > irty of lloitoti capitalists was re cently refused for the ground. Masnnic Korninhtlos. Every postulant initiated into the Masonic mystorics is compelled to undergo certain proscribed journeys , nn operation wlioso or igin and intentio'i remains uiu cplalncil to him and simply for the rcawn that the wor shipful master In the cast , however well versed ho mav bo In ritualism , cntcitaliis not the remotest iden upon the subject himself , say- * the Now V'ork Mercury. Wo nro sorry to say thnt lew masters even , know the correct - roct termt to bo applied to n person during his pro gross towurd attainment of sjnibolic knowledge , ho being nlinntt In vatlaUy styled the candidate , n term -which ceases tlw in stant a proposed Individual bus bcpn deemed worthy of admission to the fraternity. "Upon presentation ut the door ot the tcinplo lor in- itintloii the candidate becomes n jx&tuiant ; during progress of the Initial ccroinoiiici ho is an initiate ; qnco having received liyhtho should bo hailed as a nooiihytowhile upon being r.-ilscd to the sublime dt > grco ho is entitled to the dosi nution of upopt , that l < to suy , sunifled or sauctitioJ having received lull light , Ttiojournoys tnnilo by the initiate in the various stages of his advancement In Masonry nrc , like thoro- mulnderot' the ceremonies , purely symbolic. being rociinrtcrs of the pilgrim igcs Imposed upon scoltors after cnllghtenmont or moral perfection by the customs oC antiquity and conserved to the present hour when the Rood Catholic journeys to "OurLndyof Lourdos" ana a fiilthfulMusselinan tiudjcs to Mecca. K. or i" . Candidates for ( 'rand lodg-o oftlcos are bo- glnniiig to show their heads llho froga iu a mud puddle. J. A. Douglass of Lincoln was In town lost wcolc blziiig up the situation and seeing \\hut \ bis ( buncos were for succeeding G. K. of It. and S. Uuslincll. Mr. Douijliisj has boon act- ItiBas deputy for Mr. Hushnoll and thinks ho knoivs the ropes well otioughto taelclo the job. job.Dr. Dr. 13 , WCoolcof Plattsinouthis also anxi ous to occupy tbo oftlcoot Mr. lluahncll niiil has been casting about to \\hntstion' ho had. had.The The cnmniltteo of the supreina lodno on law of the Uniform. Hank m.vlo tlio folloivini ; ropoit on the matter of roinvsentntlon for tbo ( Jniforni Rank in the supreme lodK-o : "After duo deliberation , your committee concludes that the Uniform Uaiik is a. % will rcprcocntcil anil Its interests as carefully guarded in thii body as though the rank and llio of the Uni form IJnnlr were allowed to send a repre sentative hither Ucctod by the vote of the rank alone ; Unit the composition of this body being il.\ed by the eoiistitiitlon , thcro is now no constitutional corn-so open to nltord the nslcod for relief ; that the "Uniform Hank being a body suboulinuto to and treated by the supreme lodijo , to plvo it the right to log- ishto lor itself \\ould bo to show tbo suprem acy oC this body with the rank ; hwor. . your coinmlttoo recommends that a special committee of three bo appointed to rovlsontid ntntndtho laivs govcrnhifiiho Uniform Itauk , so M to rellavo It from any uuiiocebsary llnnii- cial or other burdens of whlcli It complains , and report at next session. " The supreme led o doi-idod that the subject of nrohibitinj' anypowon cnfruaed In the sale anil ti-.inio of Intoxicatlntr liquor t'wm joining the order wui a matter for local legislation on thu part of ( 'f.ind lodges. This auestion wui lost on its lirat nrcsvntatlon , but , was recon sidered and rimed. The constitution of the Nobrask.i Jurlbilldion was ninonded in no- oordaneo with tbo intent ot this actioil two years ago , but the amendment returned unapproved by the supreme chancellor on the ground that It usurped tbo prerogatives of the supreme lodge in iking the qualifications for membership , The sumo nmniidment will be presented at the no t session of tlio grand ledge , and as the sentiment ia strongly in its favor , -wlllundoubtedl carry. Kansas City secured the next session of the grand lodge bccmso It made n united effort to get it. Instead of trustlngto luck and -waiting forsomo onoelso to do the necessary hard work , at the Omaha lodg-os did , the thirteen lodges ot Knnsm City united and appointed a committee which drafted a sultamo Invita tion , setting forth the advantages and facili ties of their city for entertaining the supreme lodffo nnd Kuamiitoi'hiK- suitable entertain- incut. This Invitation \vas suiiplcincntcd hy others from tbo fruit and produce ex change , builduri1 anil traders' oxihiiiffo. con.tnerclal cxchaniro ami the commercial club of Kansas City. The Omaha lodges , on the other hand , were only p-rsuaded , attcr the inoit porsli- tent drummliig up , to take any action at all ia the matter nnu then they said , In a faint-hearted way , that , "they would lllto to hnvo the next session of the supreme lodgo. " No effort wa ? made * to get imy of the commercial bodies to take action in the mat ter , oxcoptoraovo by two private Individuals which miscarried for want of oillclal backing , Now , however , llio inembfrs of the order In the city nio kickingIlko pooU ftllotvi bom o Kansas City wulltcd a\vay \ with tbo plum. The time U rlpo for making a strong effort to ( ? ct the state encamiincnt | If tb t satno tactici are pursued that verc used iu'tho case f the supreme lodge , ono of the stmtl towns rill got that prlro rilso , I , O > . O , ! ' . Cimton Ezra Ttllllanl , No. I , la nmldnfr iroparntlons to go to CblcaKO lu nbody to nttcnd tlio cantonment in August , About Avouty men will go nnd they will enter the Ists for ,1 prlio. The Oegroo team of Kutli IO.IRO , No. I , nuglitcM of Kcbcknh , will goto Chicago to compote for the KiOO prim , The teaiu la h-llllng regularly nnd Ii hi excellent shnpo. Invitations Imvo been received by the ocnl lodges to attend the reunion at 1'lntts- iiotith on August I' ' . It Is not yet decided vhUhoi- any of the lodg-os will nttcud la n , Thcro Ii considerable tulk or a union plcnlo > y the loilgos ot Tjlncoln , rroniDiit and Omaha the latter part of August. On August .1 the Oddfellows will hold n fraud meeting iu Chicago nt which delegu- ionswlll bo present from all over the coun- ry , The Patrinrchs Militant are expot-ted .o turn out 15,000 strong. Tlio demonstra- ' .ion . will continue ouo week , AClilcngo letter contains the following : 'The prizes amount to SJ'i.OOJ In cash , nnd the money la already in batik hero , together with fW.'jOO ' moro lo l > o mod In paying tlio egltlnmto expenses of the big para Jo. Of the prl/u nionoy $ JOOJ , ! ) will bo awarded itnong- the Patriarchs Mlltiint , the ollwr viiO ( ) goiiiK to the civil branches , The lubordinnto and Itclmkuh ileii\'o lolgos ivlll mvodegivo stalt contMts lu a largo tnill hi .ho city. General K. 1C. ItussolloC Oakland. Jal , will bring n lobo-tih ! ) degivo sjnft hero which \\lll \ oxoiniillfy the work of tho" dosrooas It is "plaa-d ' upon tlio on llio 1'aclllo coast , where the ceroniony lifters preutly troui those methods In nso in thcc.istcrn nud middle soctloniof the coim- ry , What "placing on the floor" means is * oof the < o thliiKS that the Oddfellows do .ottcll , but tlicyaro fi'CJ to say that the Callforiilnns will wear robot ntid drcasoj that ire unusually rich. A search lu the regalia shops along Clark stivcl throws some llKhtoti the subject , however. Kvidotitly the cuittml hnractcr In the dcgivovorlc is Hobckah , wnl the robes of hiih ; jjiiests , princes aiul Hiccas , thotlrcsscsof virgins , L > erltc4Honiiti soldiers mid other biblical characters show > rctty clearly thnt tlio Bcoi-ot work of Odd- fellowship is hii-fiely Illustrative of biblical ustory with RcMcnhlii linv feet nnd water ugiu liaim , domurcly waiting- Mr. 12lt"i- ror ; to ciino alon and win her with Mr. J ncob's Jowulry. Under this view of the case 10 doubt , a ladder tnkoj the place of thotra- lUlonul Ki'ooscil polo , though , by io.vson of Jacob's p.istond avocation , a billy goat would scorn to bo appropriate enough to bo Intro- lured on thos-eno. "Tlio displays will bo undo on the Lake Front , a beautiful park lying bcU'cvii .Michi gan avenue uud lake JHiehifjan. Hero a 'iion- stcr amphitheater Is now building , o.ip.ibloof seating ili.OU. ) people. It i-i thrco blocks lonjf , During the wcolc there -will be sovcr.il ilU- ) luys of fireworks on the lake. Tlioso will jolbo hanUsomestcvcr given inChlcatroand will bo worth going a. good many miles to see. riie grand review of all of the Odd Kelloxvs n the city will take place Thursday , August ' It h c : . ! that tlioro will bo ever 10,000 uniformed men in column. Of thcso rom I'i.ttW . to lfiOuM , v\lll lie Uhovalicis of the utiiarohs Militinb. Tlio generalissimo's staff will cousistot IM mounted men , -untie .he tu rm of hor.se will indudoasrjundro'i of nncersiind another of hiuzarj , niaviiigovor JM ( ) men , mounted on the inott gorgeously caparisoned horses and woating uniforms mil cairylin * binncN , Jlags and staiidirds that will make a brilliant array of color. Tlio tO'ner.ilissinio's band will contain 100 musi cians. HI.V. . ol'A. camp Wo. 915 is boomincr nt a great i-ate. The members are taking nn active in- Lores t anil are brhiGing in now iiieinbars rap idly. Tlio candidates average about eight every night. Deputy Head Consuls Gulwits , Nicnols , Kukol nud Scott instituted lilitc c.unp ut Clark's hall on South Fourteenth street , last week , with 150 charter members , A special meeting of the head camp will tie held ut DOS Molnos , August Ii , to consider matters of gi-oat Import unec. W. A. Sauii- ders will represent Muplo camp and Dr. Dorward will go from Oin.iha camp. A report hns been circulated by certain In terested patties Unit Omaha camp Ho. r.'Ohad increased the initiation fee to $15 orS O. Tint is not a fact , as the foa is still at the limit fixed for charter inetnbow , iiamolyS.'i. This camp is Inuicisiiif ; very rapidly , havliiff ever four hundred members and many mow in sight. On tho2th ! ) InsUhocampH of Omaha.South Omaha and Couhcil lilutls will hold abaskct picnic at ITulrmount parlc In the Bluffs. The party will start from this side of the river at noon and will remain at the B luffs until iioirly midnight. Good nmsio will bo sup plied and dancing will be ono of tlio nmuso- incuts. A largo attoud.inco is expected and a general good tinio is n natural sequence. Onohundred nndsevcnty-llvodolcfiates , r H > rcjcntlng 100 camps of tbo order of Modern " \Voodinen from Illinois , Michigan , Wiscon sin and Nebraska , assembled at Hock Island , 111. , last Wodnosdiy The meeting -was called by tlio campi in thut congressional district and was vir tually a convention of the followers ot Dr. 1 . L. INIclCinnlo In opposition to Hood Consul Hoot nnd his methods. Dr. McKhmlo addressed the mooting nnd resolutions were adopted declaring the allegiance of the delegates - gates to the society ; urging H vigorous prose- cutiouof tbo cases pending in the Whitcsido county court against the mtimgors of tha or der ; complimenting State Auditor I'avoy anil Attorney General limit for their ? eil In the investigation ; urging the delegates to attend the special ineotlnpr of the head camp at Dei Molnoioii August 4 ; favoring state Jurisdic tion ; condemn im ; the recently instltuttil sov ereign caiiin and rOiionitnentllng tlio discon tinuation of the Eoho as the o.llcial orgiu ot the order. _ A. O. U. Ur. Anew legion of Select ICulghts was Insti tuted at Utlca last week by CoimnnnJor J. W. CarrJ assisted by n number of niomben from Lincoln and York.rJho lotion will have n meinburjhlp of thirty-five. Grand JJecordor W. S. Phillips of In dlanola has boon o.uito sick mid un.iblo to at tend to his duties , which account' ? for tbo fnlhuv of the member ! in the state to receive the usual correspondence , Omaha legion No. 0 is increasing rapidly In membership , Hovcrnl new mom Ders being added each week , 'I' ho novt mooting will w held on Wednesday evening at the now hall , 1210 DM gl as street , at which tiino there will bo work in the S. 1C , dogrco. i.O. V. At the regular mooting of Court Eclipse No. 107 the following officers wow installed by D. H. C , H. Charles Singers 1) ) . F. Ham ilton , C. K. ; S. Hjcrly. V. C. It. : F. I- . AVeavcr , It. S. ; .7. B. ( Justus , T. S. ; 13r. Charles Itosowator , treasurer ; n. Uaiulnlin , H , W. ; S. Appcdall , J. W ; K. IMlin , 1. 13 , ; S , Cuininliigi , J , It. i C5. Wilson , chaplain. and Agriculture. From tlio results of a series of o.xpori- inonts that have boon unilortakcii In llussln by Spocuow , oxtondiiiff ever a period of llvo years , It tippoura likely that electricity may eventually play a very prominent part in agriculture , hays the Now York Hun. Tlio o.xporimonts allowed that by Btilunlttlix ? dilteront seeds to the action of tin olectrlo current their ilovolopmunt is ronctorod inoio rapid and coinulote. The soodi of hari cot bontiH , Bunllowors , winter nnd rye were uaod , A second series of ox- pcrimoiits were made with pot , herbs and flowering plantw ut Klof. The influence - fluonco of the oleetrical truatinent was bliown by iv largo r crop und hy tlio jrowth of vojjottiblos of ononuous dimensions. In a third borlus of experiments electricity on a lurj/o / scale \niHnpnllod , fltntlooloctricitybc'itit ; used Instead of current electricity. Tlio results were quickened ripening und liir or growth. Dnrloy rlponed twelve diiya boonor with oloctro-culturo. 1'olu- tees treated in the B.imo way toldoiu bhowed disease , only 0 to/iporcoiitljoin / bad , Instead of 10 to10 , which la the usual | Ksrconlii'c. { An important factor in this tfoulmont in that vines which Imvo boon 6iil > jcctod to it po-inoss iiu- munlty from phylloxera , and tills points to tv now means of combating tlio micro scopic disoiiHos which titlnck v tottiWo ; ffrowlh. IL i BujjgeaLod. us a weapon with which to light tlio notnto hiitf nnd tlio nrmj worm. The co l of the process Is comparatively small , EARlf TIIESPIAS THIl'LES ! Lo AintiBomont Halls that "Wero Patroulzod by "Bordor Town" OnuhatiJ , BYRON REED WAS THE ORCHESTRA LEADER tciliclc'H Hull \Vnq n Fworllo Until oors U'eiikoniMl How tlio llojil W'ni Unlit Sumo Old TlniL- "When Omaha was a 'border town' Jlyron ' and Anron Calm constituted' only logltlnuto orchestra hero , 'They ' furnished all the music for dram itlo Mitertniimiciits , swell iiaitloj and hlgh-toaod balls. " One ot the old tlmert furnished this bit of iiforiiiiitloii whti tallcln , * yejtord.iy to n > nrty of lutcrostcil llsteiicw ubjut the r.ipUl ( IVJiiooinont this wido-aw.ilco city ha.s m ulo 11 places of uinise.inenta3 , well as in other UreetioiH. "I can reinemlwr , " ho continued , "when nil r gatherings were hold In nil old rookery ortoC a hall on Pouiiuonth street , botH-iien 3odgo ami Douglas , After tlritvo \ lu.l n hcip theater on lo\vcr F.u-nnmstroi't ' , but I lou't ' supiiow tlierols anybody Ihiug now vho could give Uio pirtii'iilnw of iiuythlng hit over oeciirrod in either of them. "Thostrldos tli.it Imvo boon inulo since hen tiny bo i-oeorded na not only liooplti ibroastof the tiinoa , hut In full necon ! with ho city's ' fjiwvth , Of coiuso wo h.i In't very nuch ofn theater until Ja'iioa II. Iluyd com- ilctod M * npn-.i house at the corner of l'\ir- ' mm and Klftoenlh slivots , In 1SS1 , "For several years previous the old Acad emy of Mush1 , afterwards the I'copies' or , and now tbo tempor.uico hoaiUiiii ind soivcd every purpose , and as oniplons'cnt in thoio days , especially out vest , It win not bad. latino toll \ou ihut I nivo scon some line uuJieiicos tind splendid icrforiiuiiees tlici-u. "N'o.ltlu my rccoUcotlonthatltoodand Culm i ad alniidonod their onhoatm bi-furo tbo nculetnv opened , Well , I'm ' not n. vi < r gt > od uilifo oi niuslo , but wo used to thlnlc they > lnyod very nicely. "Away hick in the early OO's and up to tha .imo tbit.T. J. lliMxva I'l-octod h'.s ' building on . ' ' "ourtoentb street , in IS ! ' . " ) , the ball p.ut I vliichvtvsrented and dcvotod to music and the dr.mm , hy n man of the nniao of 1'ottor , It was customary , -when nil attraction canu ilong , to tiw tlio court house , that stood whorutuo 1'a.vton lliiclc now staiidi. "Then CMIIIO H'vliclc'a grniul structiui * , which withstood the n-cir nl Uur of tinio mill razed nbout two yoais ago to mnlcoroom 'orthoUonimorcliil National limlcjiid njior- ion of S. I1. ALilso's new dry good * stoiv 11 w.is c-onstrncteil in l riniui for attr.ii'tivi1- less , both inside nud out , siu-p ibL'il nil iu iirciloicssors. 'Uut ' the fat"s sconicd tob' ' npilnst Mr. tolioluis the proprietor of a theater Any- low , his hciiso w.is not used voiy loin ; for -Int purpose. Ono nli-ht.wheii lilted \\ith tin uulionco of select ritl/cii < , It cracked , sivni 'd ' .o give way , nud sag-gi'd In the middle Over iiftor that Mr. Uud Irk could not induce the people , In any considerable numbers , tope po Into Ids bouso. It was then tulcoii for n city hall and the council held Its meetings In the parquctto circle. "Somo superstitious p'rsom nrgucd then and contend to this day that Mr Uodk-k's jaJ liielc w.is duo to tbo fact that liodos- ccr.itG.lii church , byhnrjIiiK saidchuivh , in which S.iniOrcli.ird . wont to Sunday .sehool , out of sight with his theater. "Tho Academy was opened In ISO ! ) . That [ JUtuiienUto J , J. jjrown's resort nud raised Jia st.iudurd of theatrlu.il ciituitaiiiments. [ lenryCorri win Its first manager. The town was very lively hi these days nnd ho did ii- good business. IIo organized nnd maintained in oxccllont stoclc company vhlchsupjnrtcil tbo ? real star nctori tint fiwiucntly uanm 1 , either going to or coining ( roni ( Jail- fornin. They generallystoppjd and jilayod iiero Iroin ono to three wcolcs. "But when BojdM opera house came In 1831 tlioro was no moro IHO for the ) Aralotny M a liljfh-txinod toni | lf , and it trnduallj- - tcrlot-Jtcd Into tlio vurlbty ranks. "Did you ever hoiir liow Mr. Boj'd hap- ) onod to build liis house ? VCMJ well , lu .vorth ropeatitu any vay. You see cvory- jody liid bei'oino disgusted with the dingy , lly-vcutilatoJ , poorly oqulpL | l old acadoniy. AVe had grown prouder tind beyond the rough accommodations it afforded. "Ono day Senator Mundorson . V. Mono nnd two or three other cntoipiisni ; eitizom vent to Mr. lioyd anil vrgod upon him thu \\antsof aitheater co.iamciiMunitxj with the iinvthnnil iinporuiioa of Omaln. and in- silted that ho was the mail to build It , A ) Uu iras then and there mapped out , nud an ugrootnont entered Into winch , If ooiisntii- in Uod , would indnco Mr. Doyd to go ahead and carry out tlio entcrpiibo. Hwiutliii : Ifu certain nnmberof business men would sub- scriboto SW.OOJ woith of stock issued on te.i ye.irs.O per cent interest bciiriiiR bonds , ho would build a theater , The vusultwos. Man- dot-son and Moiso started out nnd in Jmt tivoiity-four hours they hud the nccessuty amount raised. The bouse was opened in Octo ber IMl byFayTeniplotou's opura company , A swell oveiit. Will , I should unyltwai. Two wcelts later Mr. Ibsawntor and oilier' citi/.ens gave a b intiuot Ui Jlr. lioyd nt the AVithncll liouo in honor of his , what wa ? then considered wonderful enterpilso. "Now the ex-mayor [ s innkiiy another strldo forwards in the line of tnodoin ud- vaiiccmontcciually nsbold anil praise-worthy nswhcn horislioJ his foitunoin tbo sulondia stntcturo nt Fifteenth md I'arnam stwots. 1 uiilerstand from urcliltort WcKlpatriclt who IH dmwiiij * the jilims for U that thu new Boyl theativlll bo Um llncstpluvhoubo in this country until a liner ono it hitIt. ) M'ldst shows thut thu growth of our tc'njiloof ' isnotliy imy means the lomt inorocoutsof the institutions that are addini ; to Orinliu's famu and fortune ) , "All tlicio rovoilcs ruiiitnd tno stroiif ly , however , that wo hid a giuatinciny Jolly goo I times hi the early days , 1 couldn't begin to t ll you the mineof ) all the tutors that plonscd our funcy and through whoso oltorts HO hid niuclicnjoyniout then. Some ot the hoys who played small pirts In the old stoclc com- iHiiios have risen to prominence In their pro fession. Among them nro Milton Nobles , Jauiei O'N'eil. ' Prank Woatoti and Atinio Ward , whom 0. S. Harrlyer woa owcot on but , let 1 Icnry M. St'inloy , the now famous Afrlcm explorer , cut him out , "Of thoniiiny grcit stars who appeared nt various times at the Academy I roincinlior Mary Anderson , Edwin t'orrest. Jolui MoOul- IOHBII and Lawroiico Barrett , In lat r yo.iw the stock coinpiny was abolished and travelIng - Ing combiiuitions such usvo ( jet no\v \ were thu thing ; . "Ofcourso wohndvailetytlieatei-s , notably the lluclcliiKhiiin and Olyiuiilc , both of whim Hintrlshutl for a timu but died out. Omaba has never boon a good town for the variety showbuslneas , " . Tlio National CJnuril. Tlio dovolopinont mid Imprnvcinontot the national guurd in tlio past ilucndo has been o.spuuially miii'kcd In eovontl Blatcs by tlio ostiibliihnicnt of lUK'iilar military ciunp-i nt wlik-h practical In struction in iiiilitary duty that could bo obtained In no otliorvay , IB ulTordud says The -Illustrated Amorluan. The stutoof Now YoiU was amonjf the llraL to adopt this bystoin , and the ] ) ei'inans * cut camp near ljookbklll , on tlio Jludnou river , is perhaps an perfect nn oxanijilo ot it us could bo selected. In tlio nlno Housons of its oxlstoncu the dully avor.ijio nutubcf of national guurdHinoii in tliu I'cclcHlclll ciinip hns buou over fnur thousand , and , with the addition of HOI- vnntH and otliur ciUUiinu , tlio n urua luivo frofjuontly reached llvo thouHiiml. Iu all that tlmo not u nlnlo death oi * uiiBOuf hoi'Iuus illnoHi has oceured , and the olllcloncy of tliotroopd 1 3 Iwoti vastly Improved , Dr. Dlrnoyouroa ciilurrli , lee ! LUltf , The original packasjo vonJoi-a of llwinnn-Ic , nro protecting UK.iiiiht tbo pa > ln > c of city > lluensu for thosulaof llpion. Thoj contend that the city U oxcoedlng ill JurUdli-tlon by passing ordnuuicos coiillictlnt ; with tbo alato coustltutlua. The Omaha gun club , at their weekly moot _ , next Tuosdny , will Intro , In mldltlon totlm regular shoot , several Uvo bird uveuts. „