/ vrA TT A A TT rv Tf1 I n i A I'nfpni ' * Tiim innifnTn mi , JiPIiCUlATlVE SIARIlliTS , TakcJ a I\ck Beat , ns Oompircd lo Cora. CORN TOUCHES THE FORTY CENT MARK. Oilier Cereals Iniinrt | n Blight Itn- lo OfllH ( Jultu ol' Sc till in cut In I'm- , Julv Jl [ Spoclal Tclesr.im toTim -Tho client ninrkct Ioo1 < u ccconlary plico tocorncnriliillic Any , In point of net- Ivlty. lintimfar mstrcnfttliwonl tlio lulMinco liiprlccwaafullj oqnal to the corn riiiilkut , Tlioru nnH no scntiitlinal uuv-s nnclno pluns- luitor lildlnf , I jut Una innilurato krnl of bull inaiUct prices ( or nil inoiitM wire tip lo nttalKlit bc/oro / tlio lust liour f Ilio scisloinvns rticliid. Atiijimt told W'.o to 8' < 6 to H9i | etlitoinbor We lo F0\o toOO'iotoOOo to OOSf ; Her oiil > urlCUclo03'u ' { to l c to W c | Bl y 03 < i toW'ic. To tpslnwltli , receipts liuro vrcro wlnrt nt tliocstlmato TIicn cnblus wore firm for liotli spot runl fut tirei. Out ln pcctlon liiroMI ( 70)O ) Ijimluli , Incttidlim TIWJ liush- M f > f No U finInB ow V'orh cloircil MM ) liiislnU of nliuntatulu qifviitlly of Hour , Jlliiiioniiollunlllirs teporlccl iinimuil fnii'lmi ordiTsfor Hour. 1'nc domestic drnitiinl win nKn called riMiiiirkiibly K < > < lone bl-'inllUtjl 1- \M \ Jfliooi birrtls ycstordiy ( or lioinui o 1 loin lalrn 111. innipdlsiintolics saying locnl ls wlcotfoivlioat \ to mind. Now ' < ) rlc irlicMl ut noon Unit Inads Ind been taken for export thlt ' , . lin'liidliiir e'lulit loads of No. i red wheat lTiid ir nil this WJH the belief by many in tliotrac'othiittliudaimito tosprlns wheat fields IIIIH betMiundtrcstliiiatcd. I'tlco ' t'tir- rent cstlnittos were unclnimud In both Tinier mil npiliiK whent. la this urn-lot ] lutehlns < it bought rail } , lint sold ( in nn ad- Minec biultb ACo..bouilit ! ; > OOliOOIiisbcls ) tlio first liour. I'oinStoeK and Drlier tried lo bull tin * iiiiuUrl , but did not tale inticli wheat. Jlikorfc Cn. nml Dunham & lo.uro buyers , ( ouiisclrnm'fc house uiiloadel a half million himhds IiiBiiitill dills. Now Vork soldlii'ii. Tlietowasno deposition lo short Iho tiiatUct , nnd lids undo local buyers nmio liokl , Uais for Fridaywricfstliimuil atlOOniid liuluddl Wcanof n w wheat All o'clock tlio market was linn nnd fulrly netl\e , wjlli September up loM e. AtlMOthoprlcokiuiiiled totilUc , or2u ovoi last nlKht. Fxport business In wheat lit Now York und llaltlniorc vis enormous to day. If dlsmt-ilies nro corre-ct After 1 o'clock oxpoit biHlnevMitVow i'orkwas mporlojl at KI boat Inails Additional later ( lispitches ralsul the boatloads to ,11 nt that port nnd Haltlmoro reported 20 loat loads Tnls was ' the preatbull Inlltioneowhkli putwht.it II- f'r urcs up so sliarpl ) . S-ciitonberon tlio final hit 1 KO w out t o n \ o. OlcVilns prlois were Just 2c o\or lust nliilit. Julyat H'i'Se ' ' , AiiK'istMi ( : , SontcinlHrUl'ic , Dueinler OJ' < < % , Aliy U ? ' c. The corn inirkcl led all others early nnd continued 11 MK nnrldt all dav 'Ihu tc innrk win reached for Seploniler , and all Indications point ID a Hi on ; , active miirl.it. ICoedptHiserolcss Iliaiirstlintto , cm.\\llli lilt tin ) cars ustlnintcd for tuniorrow. Hhlp- tneiils mm oMr IL h ilf mllllun bushels I < l\ir- pooluabli's wire i'i'lup ' foi spot and futuios cailr , mil the ninrkot ad\nnced on goncri ! bii > ln < r. t-eptdnbtropmod ' ,0 higher it Ifl'ie , Koldto : i1'c to : ) ? , , ( ! to I'l ' io to : & ' e to 40o to il'IVfThe force uiiiiir tliotornniailiot w is no ( loubttho condition of t licet op 1'aehdiy a < lUte the nnd o ( rain In ininy states. Kan- H is City a 1 ono Ind niliiH last nlxht , nnd Knnsas and rsibraska 1110 dry. The I'llio Ciinent estimate tint iniiny fields In MiMnitrland tlio Ohio Milloy woiu In lined l ) - yoiul ic-iovoiy , had a bulllsli olTiet In the pit. Thcro viro a few sain of buiitimbci atwe. Jinny bulls now thinIc the pilcuwlllKo to4 * > eon on HH iici Its St Louis a ; i In bought torn lien. "Mhe.itoperitor1) ) also took coin on tliu hulii * . ' opt ember corn closed nt It'J'ic , July closed at'lie. . .August utJOTuC , Uctuher at 4U ' .oanil JIayat4l'ie. Thoronas i natriw innrlut In o its nil day anil wlillo tliu fullm ; was 111 in theadvaiu-o Hdibiit'io ' for fitly noixtlis , wlillu May was np'ic ' oriuoRi. It Ii ojL'd ns If the stroiwtl wiilaipcly due tothe'haiiid\uneelii [ ) prices for win it and corn. I'hoio was a dlspitel fmni 1'rlmo ny In't lint tliioslurt wcru t'trn- ' In diitlois tliiiii expn tcd.bnt the country Runt selllnc orders Ulils (111 nollioiir out Mr J'rliiif. IlulihliKiiii WIIH also iiKnliist Iho inarkot July sold at IlfsO to UJei Attjust closed at.WHO ; Sipteinbersold 'it iiD'ic to We cliislnxut MJic ; May . ( Ic to ! Uc { to , U8o to aa',0. ' , llicrownsqnltoa duingd of sontlmont In tlio provision trndo toil i y. The corn market nmfoiil't ' , lind touch to do itlth It Corn stnrtet uliont ! iC bliihornnd this hold prices for litn jirndiitw stindy Iho first linur. nlthoucli re u < lpts fl liojn wcro lar x ami the market u liny mils niled < ailer letter Intho iliyptleea of lioKHilr tiied | iic fui IlKbtand lOo for liLavy. aworcilns todlspntolus , anil yet produc'su tlio pit nut only In Id llrni lint udv.in'ed. The bull fdlluglu i ; rid n carried the other mar kits. Muss pork for ' 'optcinber ' sold caily u SHOO , Imt closed nt ? lil.'udtli luly lOc up a PIOJO. Lardrecmered from $ iX ) to $ > DJ f i r Hepteinhei * nnilliiirt ilhs cold for the samu iiimitliat U.T15 toC > .17'i ' , closing ut $513. CJUC.tUU LIVE if TUCK. OiiiCAno , JalyJI. [ Spoclal Telegram to Tun IUn.l-OATTt.K MJroictl\lty was notlccabl Incatllo today than for wcoks plst , and good dry-fcilnunlltlesreceiveJsulllclcnt conipotl tlon from dressed beef men for eastern ship pers nnd exporters toqulekly absorb tbesnp lily atstroiu prices. Ormsy ileors wore no In favor , and siuh moved ilo\v Ir at the rieen low Ilf in 01 , or aiouad Ilio WOO liaals , whll nroiinil JIIO was tlm bmls for rlpo , dry-fot fittoc\cH. Ooixl cons and lulfors met wit n healtliy Inquiry from both local an country Imte-hurs and Holil llrm. I.o\ \ prudes hotovor , diiiKcodcatiiiois , wholiousli Jruelyof this oliiss of stock early Inthoweok tu'Rlt'CtliiKlheiiilo some txtont thl-inioriiliu iTho loMisbraiich bail only 3.0JO bead nasal mid nn actlt'o trade nt tlnn to stroiiK price resulted. Thoslockir and feeler mar.ictdt lolopcd nilthur life nor strength , Uholco t extra boiHH. ( I r IJt.t-Oi niiiliiini 10 po < x kk'OU. l.'M to lr OI lh , J-t-IXTftl li ) ; ] ,20l , ) t ' I'tiO Ibs. . M.tU&4.3 O'lfl to I.'JOO Ibs , 8. ) 13 ® J 80 , HtotkerH and feeders HO ! > \ at H.Wtl.1.10 lows hull * and mixed steady at (1.409 } 1.40 ImlK-.JJOtXiW.cO ! Texas cattle.stronc and act Ivo steels , ( U ) to 1,0,50 , Ibs. . 8 .UOaj.4ll ( WO tolXJO Us. , $ 'jn < 3JT5 : eows , I.M2. : ) ! west 13 0 0lloas lloas Iho Rrnurul innrkot onoiicd Co lower tlm n restmlny i > nt rollout period , or around a ILPftliviis for nt line iiiulltlcs i' on at this ( loullno. tlic fcciliiKWns eak and uncertain , owing to tlio Ix irlsh action of paekorj , nnd louiinl tlutinlddlo of tlio foruioon anolliur'io ' luul linen taken oif , tiado closing \venlc ata reduction of fully loo. and the supply not cleaud. A bulk o ( ROO ! heavy early nuulo I.KJi Inlor M75 was marked , nml at the wlml-iip $ J70 sccurocl dtslrulilo paeldiiK Riodes and J ) 00 ronpliMi packrs. Forttd lljilit and butehors early sold around $ .1.83 ; liter 1.00 was thocxlruino top , vvltliM73llio bimesupon wlilcli bmei-sbld for the general run of deulrablu sorts. Karly In the mornliiK Mine lunojr slnjeliii Holciitlons nuiiloS.I.UCc.i.'Vi , anda fiw fnaoy heavyfcl.silj K.tM , pattof tlio linil hUlliiHut tlio extremely fancy llguru wf 3. .t."i. Nrw YOIIK , July 24.-SpeSlal | Telegram to Tun Iliul STOCKS Tlio passing Uajs brlntf llttlo tbnt Is now totho strootor market. Kall- rend stocks are Badly neglected. The Interest In dealings this mornliuuuaconfined entirely to HiiKarKoilncrleiand NTow nnxluid , bothof which > \cro duldcdly weak and g.vvo tonoto thorcHtnf tliomarUot.althoiiKh lluctuatloits outside c ( tliifto tno utoeks wore without jls- " " niflcanuo First prices uom generally only "TUIjsklyclwiijiul from Ilioso of last ovotiliiff , ImtSiiKnru mii ] > 1 per cent at TO'i. This how- ovtr , vis the highest point , and a Bhwp ( loollno to Tt * { followed on laijo business.mv Knxliuiil was only } 4 lilKlicr tit the opening at W'i. undlt nlsu dropped quickly to iO'i , Thiro wniFoino animation In the AtebNon nnd loid trust , but neithermo\ed innru thin a xlliflit fraction Sonar nnd Now 1 uclniKl rccovired a MIIall fraction cif loss , biitlhonboeamo dull aiidhteaily ' Mlth the icnialnder ( if tliumaikot. Atll o'fliMjktho iniirlvitMH viry dull and Btendy nt about llrst prices. Duda ? the hour ' ' " ' " ' ' ' K'lfwentoirivnoeoiid . lime to ! 7V. liloii. J1.1"01.-1"1-0 ? ! of In the list. After . , - * - Iinportaneo ' mlddiiv tliuo Mas much bet tom re-nsUi la ht < ks iKiiorally. biurar Tl > Vtti toji point for tbu ( fay , and rose cliisotl to u fraotlon hettir tlnn ynsUrday nt T8 f. TruiiHContlnditu ) rose to ( T i aim Northern ' I'licltle , drniiBon1 nml Ctial stocks ruled hljhor. Noriliwci lorn and H. Paul each nmilo a not nln of ! . AtehNon touched n * . but olmod under the IlKiiro. Vho llheral takluir of bodejby the KO oriunenl , aiida bctteriiut- look for pencil uuiong the railroads helped prices. fcahiworoMWOshiirea. ! The following vcro at3 4VS percent , , . . . . . _ -MU.Kl'Ai'iit KWH per ctnt. BTKIILINCI HXCIIANOI ) Quiet but lity-day nils , IIAJ i de-maud , < Sv Nnv VoitKi July -Bpccltil [ TclMrfttn to iirllRf ] Tliu following urotboinlnlnKBtock nolntlons : . . Hoinr < tnkD IVUO dims Con . , , . , IOU tlornmircr I.V ) elli ) l ! o . , . . ir > IrunRllvcr 199 InlulonlAll II . . . .UO Mount Dlnblo H 'on ' Cul AVi V Hello lilo 12A : < ) mmoncnttli . , , X Commonwealth . . "U . . ,125 Unturlo . , . . . . , . . . . .1100 oiniunio , . . * . . .i < a I'lfinoutl . . . , , , . . . w-w urcknColi . . . .H75 IL'liunU , , Ult 120 liili'i > orcroM CoflV'o Dliirlcct. VOIIK , July 24-lStoolal Tclejjratn to nr Urn.Colleo Options opcnnl bircly teuly nnd unchanged J In 20 points down , alts , { 1,750 I.IK , Including July , 817.20 ; September , * " " ' March - , ir loaifi.r. ! April. tLVlOi May , $ I50 : _ -,10. Spot Ida dull but steady ! fair cargoes , Jt)00. ) iso. 7 llut In in. tl" : i7'i. ' T.WE HTUVIti , „ . . , . , Inly 24. Cuttle 1'ecelpts , HOOO ! niirkutsteady ; lii'oxri , IVXiJIM ) ; itcers , t.l.H : d 19 ; Mockers nnd fei'dew , HWWtO ; eowti , mils nnd mixed , M.40C.I 0 , _ Tt'tnn cattle , il.OO llous-UccclptD.itt ( ) : nnrket io cr : nilxod , llJi.lSO ( ; lienvv. $ .18iit.JlOi ! llzhi , H. ( 3.1 tt'ij skills. | J KKQI7U. fchcep ll rlpl , fi.OW ; nmrlcot slronX ! nn- hos. MVX3I.IU ) western , tl.W3.l."H ! Ti\ins : , JiOQ ( > 4 i ; llinbs tl.7/"lOWI. "tort OITV. IMly 24. Ilozs Hccolpt ? . ttlinnlcd nt'.OOl ; matket lively ; iiiot.illoii ] < , > cst I ic i\'v will in at 5.1 OSO-UiVi , ant 9J57' © ii CO for roiu'h ends and lluht. Oattlo-Tno bniichisof heavycatl'obroiiKlit ' ? 1.8.vaio3. btnckc.ittlo Hice-lpts Ilitlit and no Iciiiniid nnd iniiikot fur miscellaneous butclurs slllT and dull. br. Ioui , July 24-C ittlo-llocrlpts. II % W slilpmcnts. lwu ; ; inirUU steady : , filr to fancy native sioors 4J fcOiil.40 ! HtoekeM and tfelots , IICOO ; shlimionts. 3400 ; rnirkrt strunm liotvy. Jl.70.tJ.8l ) ! inicultii ; , JlUVti-irn ; llt'lit , $ .J.7'i3H'l Ki. , July il Mlieixt-Stnmger ! No. . . . Corii-fetrotiK ! N'o.SmlwI. 41'4u. ' Oits-Klrni ! l ) . L' , mixed , .11)0 Wlilsky-81.10 Jjix-ntpoor , , July 24 Wlicut rirrn : ilo- in incl full ! holders olTor sp.irlajl > I Oallfoi nil o. lTs4dpor cental. t'liin-Klrnt , dfinuuil fjlr ; mixed wcstcin , i'lOiiJ ' nor cental. CiircnoJuly2l. ll. : > p. in close Aliorxt Fltiuiuqli ! , SO'n&'XK ! b'M'tu'1 ' ' ' ' . OUSQniMc. Corn Sloidyl until , Itl'oc ' ; koptcmlor , < ft\c , Outs-KIrm ; casli , U'J'giiWJlio ; bcptcmUcr , IM7 c. Kyi-Firm nHOOilO'Jc. ' llarloy Slow , I'rlino llmotliy 11.40. Plnx blu.ul ) ut SI 'JO. Wlilslcv-tl.fi. I'ork blujidyi cash. J11.25 ; Sentcmbcr , S1015 I nrd ririnscasli ? % SO ! Stptoniher. tZK > Klimr Steady and nticli.inctd ; winter , fl.OO ® il 40jBprhi ( ; , f I MVt4 } ! nd , i''Dtxiti'b" ' . bliouldets * ' RJi'ari.7i Short ele.ir-f5 : s.)4l"i 40 Short ribs $100J 10. Huller t'retmorj' ' , lOiilS' c ; dnlrv. f14c. Clueso-l'iill crciiu chcddirs. 7(2 ( > 7'4c ! lilts , rl < < 3IWo ; VonnR Ainerleim. 7'jCiSc ' , K.'zs I'nslcr ; ft nh. IKSfl'ie. Hides Unelianntil ; heavy and llsht Rrccn f.iltcil , fiWiis.iltod ! bulls , rtc ; I'roen s-iltod enlf.T'ifilT'Je . ! dry Jilted hides , ( Jjj dry cilf , rTC ( ci demons -Oo i icb. 'r.illow-LJiHliiiiijod ; N'o. 1 , solid packed , Ic ; No. A"/4"i cake , 4'je. ' Itecclpts. Shlpin'ts. Tlour lO.iioa JOOl ) \viiut : &w ) sjnoo Corn HJ.IPOJ 5'J.MXK ) O.iU ISldiH ) 143030 ST. Louis , July 21. Wheit Higher ; eash , MC ) ! bopli inbir , IKi'ie. Corn HUhcr ; cub , J7'ici Scptcmljer , Oats Higher j cabh. ale ; September , SO'- ( . I'ork-l'lrrnat $11 no. 1/ird-rirniat OW. Uiichungedcreameri,1213e ! ! dairy , July 24 Wlio it Strong ; No. 2 bprliiK.dshS7u ; No. Inortl.uin Olc. toin I'll in ; No I , IlS'Sc. ' Oils Stumlyo. ; . 2 wlilto , Swan o llo Illjihu ; ( ) . 1. n',0. llirlof btnd VI No..1 , , r > " > c. 1'rovlslona 1 < Inner I'ork 111 25 ; August , . July 21. Wheat Ttecclpts , C.l car ; slilpincuts , Shears ; teed wheat sold w oil nrouiidjcsteidaj'-t prices , but uns slowwlion sllglitly buttui lliii 01 were uskLil tor. Clos- In : , " No 1 liiiid , July und August. Ulc ; on t rack. Uloj No. 1 , nort licrn. W'4o ' , Inly und Au- ( lint , 87' ' on truck , 87'S5io ' { ; N'o. liiiortliurn , July iniaAiiust,8'u : on track. HJTWIo. KANSAS CITV , July HI.Uiunt II ln'lior [ No S cash , Wx < 30o ; July , 78\o ; r\o. \ U rou , casli , 85'o ' ( bid. t'orn-IIlKhor ; No. ! 3casli,3T { ( ! ! July. 30'Jo. ' Oats-HlKliur . ac.iBhJo ! ) ; July-J8J4c. , KANSAS OITV. July 24 O.ittlo-Kecclpts , n.OOfl : altlpincuts , 1,700 , mtultot steady , steers , 8)i" ) i64 IT > : cons , ( l.'J.V3J-J5istockL-rs and fco < l- OH. ta coan co. llo s-icotulpts , l.nil ) ; slilpments , 6,800 ; iiuir- led hlghur ; all Brad en , J.t.Via'i.70. July 21 Whoat-Hccclpt- litsliohi oxporH. 5.1700 bushels ! spot strong ! No , U rod. l)7ft'iSi5o ) ' In clox-atot ; WicStl.OO ! -illoatiOlcO'l.Oini t . o b ; options linn und no- tUo ; l' Q2c ; lilghcr ; No. 2 rod , Julj , closed at We. Corn-Uccolpts 151103 litishclsj exports 35- COO busliuls , spot falilv actlvo ; © I'So ' lilclior ; llrm ; No. J 4r. @ 40'Jo ' lnol < vutor ! 40 © l"o ullotit , iiusriukil " ni I \ oil. 443UV' ; option ) nitlvv , K'&P u up ; stioiiKI Oiita-Kciclpts 21,000 biishols ; uxports 55) ! spot Alroiuor ; No. Swhlte , 4m414u ; mixed western , 3st541uj wlilto wcstuinH'tSlSo ; op tions llrnier ; July closed at 40o t'otliL Options bnrolystondjr ; unclinnROd to 20 points tlown Silos , 2..700 biRs ; .Inly , JI7.20 ; AiiRiist $17.0Jai7.W ; spot Itlo steady ; filr cntsotsh)00. ) . Susir Haw , 1 l-10o lilvhcr ; fair rtdiiin ; , 4\o : centrafngnls 0 tcst,5-jC , ! ! rulliied , stundy and quiet. 1'otroluuni United closed for August nt 89o. 89o.HKKS Prm ; western , K'jfMiK ' Toik-Mrm : moss. ll..7Vij > l 1 50. Livnl Stion \\cstoiiistenin : , JOOSj August closed lit . Iliitlur Kns > ! wo < taritdnlrr , CSIlc ; crcmn- CIV. WJ17CI UlBln , IHffilbc. Chti.se Steadier ; p.u-tsUius , 3 < 35'ic. ' OJIAllst LIVE HIOCK. Citttlc. Tliursdiy July 2J Jatlmnted reenpti of cnttln 800 , compared with 1yestcriluy and S.'Js'JTImrsilay of List week Tlio nmrUot opened iilmut stoady. Owln ? to tlio light receipts , tlio few Kood steers weruplulad up caily ut ptlces , thoiiKht by soincd lltllu stronger , while jioororcrades scarcely wanted. 'Iho niniket ( in the host ( trades o ( cows was about steady , nnd tlio poorer utailos of st03rs .ind cows were woalc and slow , Quito u number of feeders nnd stockers were In. tlio best bobu In iluiumd ut steady pilces , wlillo the othoM were nugluotcd. Estimated recolpts of hos ? . 7.500 , compared with 0.07i yesterday nnd GW riuirsday of lastweok. Tlio market opoiud about steady nlth yesterda > ' s close All chanced hands early. The market clnsod i\ealc. \ The raiiKe of prices was * J.40 < < i.l M , the bulK helllnu in. MSwaJM hlpht. H4X3.I47' ( ( | mixed , .1.47'Sa ' ( J.52)i ) ! hoivy.flfiOa.l.'w The UM-niKO of tlio prills paid win $ . l51 < i. conipircditli $ ) Wi ! ycMorday und JJ..IWJ Tliursd ly of last week. Hlicop. There ncrono fresh receipts of sheep. The demand continues and prices rule llrm. 1'rovnllini ; I'rlocs. The followhu 13 a tiblo ot prices paid In th Is market fin the Trade of stock mentioned : I'rlmo steers , UJJ lo KHM Ibs tl.2J ( ftl vj Good steers , liiJ toHVfts 4.03 Oooil stools. I0.10 toUJOlbs U M (4410 Kalr , 1000to 11V ) Ibs a.M < rt.no Coiniiion , S03 to I-.W Ibs 3.i.i ! ftt-ii/ ) Comiiion oannuers l.oi ) 6WOO Ordlnar ) to ftlr eows l.HJ Kalr to vixidcows , . i.no Uoo < l tocholeocows 2.7 > Choluo ' tofiiitcycowa „ . . . , . SM CrC-US I'alr to Koutl bulls 1.71 Si'M Obolc'o to fancy bulls . SM CO.U5 l.lKlit stouKers and foelerd 2.30 ISO renlornirin tolltWBs 2.'H I. tO Pair to choice Hxht hofs. . U.40 T&HTii ' I'air to tholco ho.iry lie s U.M i 1'ulr tofliolcomljcd hnjrs U.l'ii Coiniurntivo Tables. The follovlii1 table shows the rino InCest prKrs on IKIKJ during this and lust week : Cost of Io ( < > a , The following tiblo glvoi the average cost July a. , 34vJ Juyio , . . . . . Tu y4 % l Jftj' ] July IT. . . . . . sij .Tuy. July 18 . . . .a MI j Ju/7 J0 > i ( July 10 , . . . . . . . . . .3 W | Juy8 307'i ' July-m ju/0 3Kj > ) juiy a. . : : : .348 J 44) ) July 10 B63 July 23 8MK 3 Uj. July 24..J 51 } | rmel Ijim-cst Snlelof I Today. i st | 1 M Hlfflieit WTO Lowest ,140 Lowest ! , . . . . . . . J50 fitook. Itcoclpts , Official VeUerdiy. frttmatcd Todnjr. Cattle. , , . 'Ocnrs , lA'fi Citttlo , , , : mcnr . 800 Hogs 100 cr.rs , 11.072 llugg llStarti , 7"iCW A prnRo I'rlcoot' Jlofjs. Showing tlio avomjroprlcop ill forlo-vU of IIOM I on the Uuyi Indicated InlSS ? , _ and IKWi j s ? J of Stouk. the number of cnttto bought Ijy Uio pickers tuul loudliiK buyers ot today s market. HwlftATo , U73 'Iliu G , 11 , lIiitiiDionilCo ll/i 'Iho Armour ( Jiidalo I'aoklne Co R lliiinllloii AStcpliuu i 10 limit n A. IJiulurwood in KolsJIorrli lirt VmiSmt 10 Olhur llujirs u ? KcproHontatlio Sales. IIKMSKI ) lIKIjr KTIEHH. 810 $1 00 17..10" ill 70 40 1.124 4 00 on ! 1 5) ) G . WJ j 70 38 11(11 ( 4 0 } 10 > 0 It ft ) 2. . 10T.S J 70 S 1170 4W ) IL'IO : i 01 fi wio 175 ID 11 Ii7 4 0 ! IWJ 3 ( Vi 21. 078 1 8J < 4 13 1JJ4 4 10 U ' 0 0. 1100 J 85 cow * . nw 2 IT 4. 1I4J 2 25 21 1011 2M tcoi a .1) ) IS U77 2 .10 14 un - > m 7Whi 2 i'i I UiO 1 40 J 1170 SW ( hi 2 a SS t 4 2 40 1 1270 3tX ) 11)0 32.-1 HTMCkUlUryiKKCDrttS 7CO 2K ' 17 8M 2 IK 27 S"0 27f > ail JK sr , .170 : u lisa siu " 4. S40 2 73 23 013 3 03 t" y ntir.is. 1"UO 1 00 1 . 1VJJ 00 1271 2 H 2 .1JIU 200 1 . 1070 2 00 20.JO 2'Ji 1 . 033 1 W 1. 1150 1 CO C . 1 CO 1. 10S9 160 CU/MIS 1. . 310 250 3 187 * 00 3. . M 290 STAGS. AUD CALF. 1. . 2100 No. Av. IV. White Ulvcr laudi. Cattle Co.- 1 stiei. crass 1UO 111 suers , nr.iss OS4 Standard U.itllc Company U ) titceis , coinfud 1170 400 nous. No. Sli I'r No Av. Sh. I'r. . 02 . . .oo - $15) ) O . ( ,0 , . < : : > OS . an 100 3W 5. . . . .217 ; i .r , 41 . . 174 4J : i 4a 154 410 J . . .2:10 : : i 49 154on ! Vti 80 41 . ! M 120 : i 40 74 . 120 70. . .2.'J 240 : i 4 > r.3. , wo ICO aw 10. . . a 41 r.3.M . 280 lee J5l ) 01 .aw 5iOto : i 47 , f > ? . J28 120 130 01. . . to rx ) ,2J1 200 J50 41. , .an 40to 3 'ft Gl , cu 120 JW 7J .221 to : i .o . ,2bl J20 12 . 231 40 J20.2' I 5 77 . 85 1W ) ii M . 249 I52H a w CO . . 24 I 40 btl . .sw 2004J a u 47 , CK1 i.-o .r.2i ; ( .2 4J a "o 0) .249 C'J 2111M aw law .200 40 3 2'J M ay w . . . ' 40 JWi , ca 1.1) ) 0,1 . . .00 80 J Mi \ / 0.1 1W ) itM 03. , 24J M ibO i- . . . , 0.1Ul . . . .TO JJOto are 69 . 10 > bO J : > 2'f Ul . . . ' . ' ( ,3 tote : i'o , . 20. > 60 J5. > i 00 . . .111 ! to aw 21) ) . IVJ J52'i 70 . . .Si * ' . IS ) a 53 W . J40 40 .IVJi , 70K . . .ICO 40 ' M 241 1524 K . hw 68U oOl KiO Jf > 2i ! 57 a ID U ! 21U 40 1521 , 00. . 40 aw 71 221 40 ,1524 14 . IJO 71n 212 120 jr."t I.J . il'l ' to 240 1LO 71 . .1VJ 2.V ! 100 I A2i ! ' . .71 fo .270 )20 ) 35. ! ' nil' ! ' 'U 10 80 JfVJ'i IHi . 2(0 ( 70 . . .2:1.1 : 120 , I5. | OS. . 40 fJ . . : a HO J.Wi 71 . SO 07 . . . .SM 120 S.VJ'l ' . 277 80 74 . . ,24. > 80 .l.VJ'S (4 ( ! ' ' JIO : ioo U ) . . . .271) SO JW } , 04. . . .M JOO 73. . . . .200 40 ir. , r > s. . . .TO 200 C5. . . . ,2-14 10 J5JU n. . .281 1JO 51 . . . .320 100 , ir,2i ! 17. . . Ui.1 40 .I.VJ W ) . . . , . : m4 120 .152) ) , 03. . 40 JM 48. . . , .30.-1 40 , ir " , Si ISw 1JO JM 50W . .121 40 JKJ- : : . 104 JOOM J W ) W .S7fl 80 JKJK ) 00 . . ' M ) J5I ) CO .23.1 J K5 07. . . 2 sa : ir > o 51 .258 a 55 7(1. ( . BO JM 51M .310 40 .1 55 07. . . . ' 00 80 .150 71 .2.10 80 3 55 40 jr.u 70 . . . 120 J 55 120 JM 57 ,214 I .Ti * ' ) . . , 181 to J59 57w. 80 , t 5-i " 7. . 200 , ir > o w. ; ; ! ! 240 J .Vi ui 21r J40 JKO Cl , .3)0 ) 80 J 5j : : 839 1 > J5'J 50 , .303 40 3 55 W . . . ,2ol 210 JOO 51 , .31S J 55 01 810 40W ,150 71 , .2dl , t 55 ftl . . . .3)1 ) W ) 35-J 51 , .311 80 3 53 &J J47 M ) JM CJ , .2hJ 80 J 5.1 C3 . . . . 2.-V4 a&o 51 . .21)1 ) 40 a 53 M. . 40 JSO 53 , .300 J 53 no 251 60 J 50 OJ , .3UO 200 ,1 5 ] 03 , , 517 J50 40 , .314 * W 250 80 J50 51 . .311 120 j 53 Market Mention. Trunk Jones brought In stock from Atkin son tunllillu lu the city Is vlbltlng 1'rankU. bliolany. Kdltor A. O. D.aAOnport of the Stockiuim ulio , wltli Ins accomplished wife , hits bciu having n July outirij ; , has rutuiiiedfromlovj. Hogs a > . ) iu < lulowi.r. Cnttlo slc.uly. Jones & Shun cent In a cur o ( hogs fron Aurora. O. J. 1'urcr sent In u car of liogs from Ilol- stulu Jletcnlf i. Wood m.irkctCvl acarof hos , ; from Voik II. Olmrcliof 1'lorco was hero with near oscnttlc. M. n. ISowllnA Co marketed u car of lioss from llroinlloUl. Vilivii i * 1 Mi Mnlinnvna In frntn A Tllr f.nr. w Ith trocars of cuttle. W. Sclnncccklo was on the market \\lth a car of luwx from LustU A.T. Nlcholi had two cars of hogs on tlio market from Lltuhllukl Tlioinnt Kln & Son of I'crcluil , la , wro ; overfull 11 vn curs of cattle. Fuller , Smith & Fuller , lioavy tlealers of Sei Itmor. inarkutcd 11 car of lie s. Oliambcrs Allurdlok hail two cars of lioga on tlio market from Herman T. Poloy. Jr.waslnwith acar cicliof cattle nnillio s frpm Gncloy Center. OeorKoMltchullof the firm of Jnmcs Powers & . Co. wus Iiuvlthtuo cai-s of cuttle. T.H.Cbrlstf , the null known shipper of J , iw- rciuc , was on the murlut with u c.ir of hogs. IJynn llrotliersof Montana , hunty ranchmun who for anumlierof ycart * liavo luonslilpplnjj to Chicago , called at tlio y arils. OcorKtiT. liurcli of JlcCool Junction was on the market vllh two cars of lions. Honasac- companlcd hy 1. 1' , Iliijilcy , a proniliuut iiier- ohunt of that thriving tnu n , J. N. Shclvln , a lioi ; Halosinan , was taken vlo- letly 111 with summer elioluia wlillo .it work . lluwns removed tolils rooiiuit tiu Etchangu . P , E. 1'rctlirlck. sonlor rncmbci of the firm of rreilerlck & ton , ( Hlljon , was nt tlio yauls looldnK if torn oar of cittle. Jlr. Iredcrlck stntes that crops In hU locality will bo this jenr nml If lain does not soon fall poor the coin crop \ \ III hoery short , 1'reil I'utttisonnr ' the well known firm of Patterson it Co. , MouUImm , was on Die niiii- Uot with eight loads of cuttle and thuo of 031AUA WltOIi + .Htll.E 3I.tJlK.Era. Produce. CoilX-Tfie. C\TN-Xit.ffli ) ? . 1UY-K 5067.00. ( iiui'ii'ii - . . lisii-Porlb : .J'ercli , 7ci buffalos , 7o ; nlok- orcl , C ! iilke , Ooi tioiit. Dei ulilto.'Jc ! cropiilo , iocs cat tlhli , llo ; cod HeuUilSo ; tloniuleis 1'ci Oregon sulwon , IVj ; black bass , 15c ; lobsters , i ! > n'T1 ? ANI'i.TAitowGrrcn salted lililusMtAi * ! ! ilrr sullod lildon , 5u ; dry nint i ( los. ' , < Uci cuff hides. 445SIIJC. IlaniMRccl lililt-s , 2ole-s. Mieoii - | > elt8 , BIIOM , tat'li.SOcO 8123 ; slitepjiolts , ilrj-porib , jll < . TAI.IOW A No 1 , 4Vo ; o. 2 , &b.Piv crenso wlilto.Ji.4Ci ycllo ,2iJTlo ; MeTirifiie.O'Jo. ' ' HONJ.N ( gnotiitlonsuro for ddhery In uhl- C.IKO.I Dry liulTalo. per ton. J | ( ! ( .1X313.00 ; dry - country , tlcuclictl. Iloll00j dry country. damp and iia-iity , W.OOffiiooo. I'I.UMII'm plo Dunne , per box , 12:2.1 : , 1'ouiTliV Pui dofun , choice Inns , tl OOJM.50 , cliolcomlxoJ , Sl Oal.lO ( ( : loostcrs. fJ fclirliiKrliluliCiiR.i.'OOiilSia for snialli for . . . . . BtmKii Creamery , fanev rolls , print , KVft fiiC * ! creamery , fumy , solid pluki'd 194e | : cicaincry. choice , I0rfl2c ; dairy , fancy rolls anil prints , 1255Uei dairy , ( anoy solid packed , lOill lJo ; dnlry , chotro. WllOo ; country roll. faiiL y.sttli ; Uiolii' , 7Wos ! Inferior , * & . ' : . able. L - for strictly frcstit stulu not sal r 'tralnojl 60-lb cans , peril , Ocj new comb lie nny , ir t * . . llBtvrt iluncMiluked navy. ! I75Q300 ; hnnd * picked navj , me lluin , fl.nt0I.7 ) > : liand-nlckvil country ' , SI I xiol ra ; Rood cluuiil,10Ul.2.\ - ghi-rkliis , t ? W. lli * cicuKiiiuj > s-tl.5 < xa2 V ) por2nt case. - ' i'auoy , nt.rrnr.nnlPS-l'cr bit , . CtntiusT * PorJ4qtcnKt. . KI.H M.PO. ( iotmriii.iiniK < i Two-btKlic lmni.i rocoANtrtK 1'cr 1W , 13.00. . V < ATKIIMM ONS Per 100. li. WJ n.oo. t'ANtrt.otinI'er do ? , 81 tfX f.V/9. CIIKIIIIIKS Soutliefn , per bn kt't , | | 73. 1'KAtnta ArkinitK , Mi liushil box , II.OOSJ JJMl California , per box. WOTitMi ) . I-KMONS 1'er bov , .Messlnu , ttinty , ' r nr-l ) Uct cnilrii , ONioNrt .Now coutlipriiper | ihl , $ ( TOfMOO. I' * . MIS Hurt kit , California IHT box , * 1W. I'ltuu s Uerniiin , per box , J" at tragedj i per Cfite.IJ.75. imi.ttrn Vist / - ; . 'liolco medium. KJ7o ! light , < l" ' " " ' , . . . , l.sfH.t ! > Olir-Hiiw.COollwIJfO. aic. iiiHi-l'ir bbl , rollneil. nm ; half bbl , n 2.1 ; liird tlilor , pure , per mil , JWi orutiKOoldcr , Inlf libl , * 7W : ] ieu clilcr. lialf blil , | T ( H ) . \\oor. line iitiwinheu , llflCt ! medium un- jlErs Puckers * prices Smoked hums 1Mb ntcrnxi' . 10'ic ' : smoked lmm , JO toM ! Ibst'M fiinoUid hnnis , Utoll Ibs lO'iCJ extr.v hea\ ) beef IOIIKIHB. per dobl)0 ) ! Tier Ib ) ' ( : dry mil meats finite ; mess poll , perbt > ltl.5o < & 1. ' 75 ; extra mew beif. ? 50 : si us UP , per Ib , bolofiin , Ic ! star , 4'ie ' : ll er , 41ci blood. 4jc [ he.idibcese , 4'icAmi ' * o l .r 111 for lotn le 3 tliuiiMlb * VlR pork , bonolim. | x.r bbl. 11'lV ) ; half bbl , 17.85 ; quarter bbl.I7' . ; elBhtli bbl. fJ.lOj ( il shocks. half bbl , Jl i > : qitailer bbl , f , ' . < > 5 | eighth bbl. ? l Ml ! klti , 4' > lb i II.li ; pljts feet , lialf bbls J..7.'i ! quarterhbls , $ | .50 | eighth libUKic : kits. T > Ihseacli. Ooei boiiilussiliretk- fuct baeoii. lOo ; bonoliss him. te ; sumimr suusiite , 1C : eer\elat sntisiiKo 22c. SMOkKi ) MrT Dry bull Cured Il.icon , lotiK clours , C'ic ' ; sbort clears , d'ici extra shorteleirs , O'ic ' : belllt , eliui strips , O'iCj ' short i Ibs O'sC ! nhoiildcrs. < io Dmsm-n llrti' Steers , fiootofiOOIbs n\ernio ! , natlic , O'lHTJl ' u ; skers 400 losoo Ibs toeraire , nathe , Gfjii'ie ! cows and heKtrs , jjo to MO Ibs ii\or.iKo.5'Jc ; hlndiiuaiters , steers , 10i ! | lllnd- nuartTSCtiU' < ,8o ; foitnunrli rs siccrs , 4'io ! foiOiiarlns. ( ] tons,4c : tlrossul hniis , 4" e. Onissrii MLTTOV Choice ilrcs ed mutton , fl'ioi r.icksof niutleii , He ! s'uldlis of mutton , lOe ; bruiKts of mutton , le ; Iczs of mutton , lOc. l"nmn lli.Ecl'UTi lolls. fc'ic ' ; beef totnltr- loln , 18c ! sirloin , butts 7ei honeluss stilps , 7'4e'i rounds , ritmpotl. Oa ; rounds , rump ou.'ioj lounils fliunk oir , ri'sd bunulevs rumps , 4o ; ehucks , : i4i > ; platis , 2'io ; lick lml\C3 , 4'c ' { ; . shoulder clixii , 4 ibief : loins , No.l. htier. I K [ l < e : beef loins No 2. lOIMlei but loins. No. I , He'l beef rbsOH ! ® o ; Uef libs , > o. J , lt > ® lie ; Bwcct ImiidH , per unr , U1 ; kltlne\s , each , lie ; tiilU.etch , 3c | ll\trs. eieh. IHJ ; beef hunrtt. cich,4e ; Uef tonkins , each , 40c ; strip loins. 04c. KIIISII 1'oiiK I'ork loln . 7'4e | tenderloins , Oc : spaioilbs.lc . : shoulduis/io. hoek . , Jo ; trlm- mfiisfs. 4oi b.ak bones , Jo ; dressed hogs. 4Vc : cle ined plus ft o t , per i\ar \ , 30i j i oiigh uiielenned plus feet. pordoA JOc. L\iti > Oii.s-Hbls o\tra lard oil , w s 48c ; o\- lia.No. 11.ml oil , 4te ; No. Haul oil , : t > c ; No. 2 lard oil , He ; pure neaHfoot oil , 4vS50o ; 5 sal. can , 55c mil ; cxliu neat * > foot oil , 4Jc ; > u. 1 neatsfool oil , arc ; tallow oil , 41c. llONhlCOMHTiui'K Half baiids.175 : quar ter b.iriels , { . ' .10 | elht barrels 11.13 , kits , 15 lbseiiehIKe. ) 1'oitK ToNOUrs UiiLooUd Mild cured Half btirrels.lOO Ibs , * 7V1 ; qu.irlir Imrels , 50 Ibs * . ( . . fcAtisxnt CASINOS „ . . , : Cattle-Tierces and bar rels mldillo nor Ib , fi4c : round , J'ie ' ; buiigs.4ci hog ca hiKH. ISu per Ibi hoff bunss Iso. 1 , 4'4o eai.li ! loiinds. pert.ct.100 fiet , U'.Jc ; middles , pel se't , ' < ! feU , aite : w easaiids. less tlmn 1000- pkco lots , a'Jc ' e.icb ; small bl aiders , less than COO-f lor lots , igo per do ? ! hit go bladders , less than 500-ilo7 lots JOc ptr do/ hricm I'nis' 'loNOUts Ilitlf btrrcN. ! ll 00 ; qiiiiiterbariels , (5 ( 75 ; eighth barrels , W.OOkits , 15 Ibs each , . ' .2.- . 'lAMOH A No 1. 4Je ( : stoirlno. O'Sc. 1'iuicii'o ' IDmrToNflUbs-Hulf barrels , $3.50 ; quarter barrels , J3 50 | eighth lirrels-l 00 l/Aitli Tlircos Kelliie < lluil comiiouud' ' . . _ , ji 5lire It if , ti'ic ' ; kettleOHc Add 'BO to V per 1 ) for .mallei packages. I.'iaf lard iiotreu- dired.G'cC. ' I'lt'Kit i > Tiin-i llnlf batrols W.riO ! quarter biriulsKluli ; olglith bitrtts , bOc ; Kits , 13 Ibs eaih , ( MO. Sirn iis 1'er Ib Out loaf. 7'o ( : Cubes , 7 1c' Stindiid. pimdirod , 7'ic : X\\X I'owdired. Sci Oi inulatud.Mind iitl.ii'aC , Confectioners' A.OHe ; White n\tinU.GIIinax. O'ie ; Itia 0 , IteUiusk , O'se ; Amber , 53aC , UoUloii 0 , 5Me. MAi'iK StnAit-l'erlh. lo cikes,301b bo\c > s , lie : lOciKes.M-lbboies , IJc ; 1 Ib brlclvS.JO Ibs In box , pa u' 44e. Com i : Qreoii Fanoy colden lilo , 22'ac ; f nicy old jieube'riy. 24HeHloclioko ! to fancy , ir.'iji ' : ; lilo , prime , 22c ; Ulo , Rood , 2I'4c ' ! ; bintos and loiiiiiion Itlo , lH3 > 21oMoc'lm , JOc ; Java , Sonulne O 0. , JSc ; Java , good Interior , 2 > t ; ! o\lcin-Ic. COIICK Itoasted Arlosa , C'i'lc ! llunola , 2.1'Je ; MoL.uiKlilIn XX.\\ , 2Hci Gciiiian , 2'iUo ; Ill ) > \oili's,23 ( o ; Moil , ri'/io ' ; JIuIlpoucli , 23.c } ! Modi i. : U ; 0. 0. Jn a , : ) e. binui's Ainli.rSjriin-- ) bbls. No 70Bra 1e , 2des lnlf bills , I\o. 7UBr. 1 , 20o ; 4-gal keis , I\o. 70 Knulo , 8P2. > ; 2-galklt jNo 7O Erndi1 , 7no ! It il ciins , 10 In t iso. net 'taso. IJ DO ; 4-Kal Cans , Id In case , portiso , JI.75 ! whltocloicr drips. In Ibis. Klc : li.ilf bills f2o : 4-R.il kt'KH , e.ich , $ l.ti : ; 2-ffu\ ilia , naeli.bOc ; rockuandy drips , In bbls. a > o : lulf bbls. .re ; 4.'al ke s. cacli , l.iOS-Kil ( ; pills , ouch. H > ci Ciilifornl i honey , bbls : i7i > ; half bbls , Be ; 4 ( t.il Icons , ifLW : 2-Riil kills tttej 1-S.il.IO incase 41.30 ; l-jral , loin ca o. $425. Oiiocor.ATi : 12-lb bo os , J2Joc ; ( Jtrinau SWi'Ot. 22CJ2IO : Parisian , JJO. OOCOA I'or Ib , : .f&40c. lliioMo I'erlb.JKe. C - COAMT I'oi Ib.iu pKgs , 2C-Q.27C ! bulk , 22 . biuns Mixed bird , 1-lbpkRs 5o ; canary , 5cj lionip , 4Jc ! , anlso. 180 ! J > ( > li | > > ' , 10e. Si'ictt. 1'opiier fcinuiiiioro sifted. 18 < ( ? > Hlc ! shot , 22c. Al > , plcc , luc. Ulcues I'enaiiB. se- loctcd , 20c. Oasl.i China , 4-lb mats , Oe. Nut- iiioRS No. 1 , 7.'io ; fancy , large , 85c. tid HASKI.TS 1'ei doz. 1 ousliel , narrow hand sta\e , elm. 81 SO : IVt bushel , nariow bund btave olin , $ -'iOj 1 bushel , stuvo broad band , elm. $2.25 ; Wt bushel. sta\o broad band , elm , ? J.7. > ; 1 bushel , elm stao bale handle , tl.BO ; 1 bushel , oik state. MW ; 1 bushel. Hi IpB-s , 82 7' > : 5dozr.Mip ; 1'JtiUHhel. llrlggs. 9.123 ; Ibuslitl. , - o.ilcsiillnl , $ .Vil ; I'ihnsbcl , oak splint , fOW ; 1 husliel , bamboo. J00 ( , 1'i bushel , bamlioii , S7 03 , laundry , willow , 1'irpe , $7Wj laundry , nlllow , niiilliiin , ? J 'iOi laundry , wlllm.sin ill , } " > r > J , market , olin , split. 1'w ; market , elm , 1 1 vet handle , IUc : inaikct.i'lin , cottrod , 1 pu.l < , $ . ' . ( ' ( ! , \ \ I llo\v , iniulat. laiRO , 8.1 10 : willow , mar ket , y In nestllHinall , 1 medium ) , pur noat. G. > c ; nsh.s'itcbel biskct , i-o ertd , 0 In nest , per nest , $1.10 ; simll bimboo delivery , J425 ; mo- dliiin bamboo delivery. $ .17" . ; lattio naniboo tlulltciy , J3.30 ; wnslo iiapor baskets , J2 40. K itiNAnious GoooM-Rnrlpy , Vic , farlnn. lo ; pcnH.Jo ; nitincil. l © .l'c ' ; innenronl. 10 ® 1 1 1 > t i in m In jilll Ifl1 llr > > ilnn rtli/-i Inn fancy , r c ; haul , 5'lJ ; sa o uul tiploca , OiiTu ; Hir.ii benn , Oc ; split jicas. He ; spiulttl , lie. Mor.Assi-s Illils. N O fancy , per mil , R3tQ57c ; choice , 4 ® 47c ; fioixl , Itoar-'u ; Cuba baking , 2o ® JOe ; black stiap. SJffU-'c. KAi'iiNO 1'Ai'Lit Striw , par Ib. I'sSSJSo ' ; run. J'c ' ; Manilla It. r > 3 ( > ; o. 1. 6c. Uirs r > i ) prime wlilto , 14c ; r > o water white , 1J < ! ; 175 headlight. 14'/tc ; 74 easollno. Ue. SALSODA lbl-i.l ) ? c ; granulated , So ; In bbls , IMo. IMo.foonArkgs. . CO Ibs to box , r u3'4c ! Item's , 4'ic. 4'ic.ADTS ADTS Almonds , 15oi llrazlls , 14o ; filberts , I2ici ! pcc insllc ; walnuts , U'lic ; peanut coc'ts , OMc ; lonsted , 12'jc ; Tennpsseopciiiiiti 8c. HIIOOMS 5-tle , pirlor , KI.OO : 4-tlo , f.'T : : i-tle , fJ.9 ! ; u-llu. plain. fl.M ; warehouse , WOO ; toy , ! . ! ; \shlsk.JK001.23. Ouvi-s Quarts pordoz , $100 $ ; pints , pordoz , SJ.3) ) ; bulk , pcrK.il.U3c. ConuAnu Manilla rope all sizes from 7-10 tolln , 15o : sisal tope , all sires from 7-10 to 1 In.tl'/iu ; "new pioeoss" allsl/es from 7-1(1 ( to 'i In. be ; au slzo S-io advance 'i and 5-10 blzes le advance cner above prices. C OTTOS Horn Cotton iom > , } { In , ire. TWINLS Cotton tw Inn , "lllbb , " very line , 5 Ib bales , 22e ; cotton twine , "Daisy" lirand , 5 11) bales lee ; hump twlm1. Mil ) biles , ISc ; nail twine , 2ic ) ; L.uidlo wick , 22e ; 40 ft cotton elothes llnct tr * , ; ( O ft , cotton clot'ics lines , Jl.M ; ( il ft I'eqtiot cotton lines $140 ; 10 ft sisil lines , 31,73 ; CO ft jute , Jl.OU ; wood twine , CANNED \T9-Cornou beef , 1 11) , H.20 : c-orneilbeof 2 Ib , fJlOj liiiieh toneuc , 1 Ib , f J 00 ; lunch tiniKuo. 2 Ib , fl.73 ; tir.iwn , 1 Ib , S120 ; brawn,21lJ.OOox , ; IOIIKUCS. li ( Ib.WOO ; o\ tongues 2 Ib , 4(100 ( ; chlpnid litof. 1'j ' 11) , round cans , 11.20 ; roast beif , 2 Ib , round inns. JJW ) ; putted hatn , U H > , round onus , ftfc ; potted ham , Vlb. { round ciins 8I.'J ! deviled ham , ! . ; Ib , round cans , ( V > n ; dovlledhain. li Ib , roiinil cans , $1 20 ; potted ov tongue , 'i Ib , loundcaiiH , i > & . ; potted otoncne , H Ib , loiind eans.20 | ; compressed hum , 1 11) , Mudio ) ems. it 73 ; compresses - presses ham , fl Hi , squaru tans , (2.75 ; li lpe,2 Ib , round eaus , f t.80 , minced lollops , 2 Ib , round cans , (220 ( ; bonclcea pigs' feit , 2 Ib , hiiiuiru caiiH. 8225 , 1 ihii-Ctxinsh , extra 0orRes ( ; , new , BUoi erand bink , now. 4'tOi sller ) , 2-lb blocks , CHc ; HIIOIV Mhltu , 2-lb hrlclis , now , 8 0 ; lnrkcyoo < l , Inrgo Jiilddlo bricks. Do ; feudwulilte , crates , 12- 5-lb bou'S. 6'4c ; medium healed hcrrliijf , 23ci > o l scaled hcrrlnit , VOc , domostla llotlanil herrlnif , 41K , ; Hiimbun ; , spiced herring , OOc ; liussliiu bnrilinis , Hplced , ( i3e ; Kiisslun Bar- dines , iilaln. 50o ; liunortctl Holland birring , crow n brand , MK ; domncy milkers , We : mack- end. t\o. 1 shore , lnlf libls , Jl..ooi bloaters , half bbls. JIH.OO ; wbltcllfcli. half bbls , t'.W , trout , half bbls , M.CO ; family wlillcildli , W.50 ; salmon , id.V ) . VKOETAIILFS Tomatoes 3-lb extra , 11.00 ; iJ-lb standard vtestcrn brnnds. Hoc ; trillons strictly standard , "JO. Corn-rim * t BTOUII , JKiO ; irllt edged sujar eornry HIHtl.M ; ' chulc l'.llxiiiurcorn.fl.lOi 2.1be\tra westi-in brain , SMWluQ ; 2 Ib standard weatoin brands , O.V37V. Mushrooms -I-ib rronch. ox tra tine , 22-25c | Mb Trench , line , ll/ij-'c ! 1-lb Irunch , ordlnuiy , Ififtltic , I'lns-Tros. line , jcr cnn. 23o ; iluml-flno. iiiroan , 10cj2-lb sifted , ei.TOi 8-lb tMirly Junc.Miji2-lbmarniwi.tiuid. nrd brandy ' JI 10 ; 2-lb noakcd , COe. htrliig , s3o2-lb.oli ; ( | en wax beans. 70o ; 2-lb btrlni ; beans , OOc. Lima bciins-2-lb soaked. 75c. Hoston baked beans- " lb Lewis , llAii Crown biands. 8ri3. hwtct potatocs-J-lli * bow Jersey , * lco. I'unipklns- .j-Ui. H.10. Okra and tomatocs-JI.Wi okra , tICO ; iuccotasb , (1.20. PA-SNKH I'lHii-rl-lliiiiackoroldiorrlnK ) , ll.CO ; 1-lb tlnnanlmdiJIea , H.Wli 1-lb lobsterw. I2.1M4 -25 ; Mb Atabkafialmoii , Aleut , $ | .J5 ; 2-lboys- Icrs , 10oz.l.US | | MU oyiiUrs , 1 or , U.U | 2-lb seteet ,12o7. $2.ail-lbciain | < i. llttlo neck * M . ) ; 2-lb I'lnins. little liook , ; I7 ; 'i-lb i i\nlliic < , lniKirtd ) , | icren o 1UK jnwXitJiOO ; 'i-lb ' 1m- IMirtvd boneless sardines , ] < i < y , t2'00 ; U-ll ) far- American , percaso. luTfi , Piuieh it } le , ' W ) ; Ij-ll ) Sirdhus. ! ! Amcricnn , pi r rns 1'rciuli stjle. , , jiiiHtnrd , perca p , rDWioni ) Mb crabs tiy > ; Mb crabs fl.v ) | P. AV. . Mb Iliinan hnd- dies , Jlfios Molr'.sliiiporteil 1-lb kippered licr- rlnir , f.V ' ( , . CiitrmWisconsin : T. C. , twin flnt . per Ib , PScUcoiiKln ! \ \ P. 0. , youim Amerlan , \ tl lirlck , 12'ci ' domestic H\NS ! < > , lie ! LIdam In foil , .ll W. Ditirn rniriT TurUUli , less tlmn lihds , IMl , TUc : orlplinil hh < N , 140 lc i ; llootla priitui ) , ( iO Ib bo\c' , 100 to 110 , 71 0 ! apple * , iviporiiled , now , rln oliulcv , I0c ; cuiporuted , nun , ring , prime , no ; aprkots. fancy , In sicks , 17c ; blticklM'rrlc < . now. W Ibs to bov , 54ci raspberries , 23 Ibs to bov. 'wo : currants , new , C'le ; orlRlnul cishs , ije less ! Vostlzzu cur rants , extra , In boxe" . li fc. DATbs IVrsI in , lifl Ib box , 7c , KAiDlNM-I.oiidon las or , Uullfnrnla stand- nrd , per box , $ . ' .H ; "hot o Hlioe"IJ ( > 0 | looto muscatels Callfoinla stniiclard , f2K ) ; "horso boo. " f2"5 : , "star , " loiwo muscatel , JI GO ; si od loss California , fLltt ; California , siedlivs suit iinas , in xacks , per Ib , he ; Cillfornlu miis- cutch , In sacks , Be ; now uuencla , t > 0alcu ! - clns old , i ! onduralayir , old , 7e. CANSRII ( loom 2-lb goosolicrrUs Jl.lOj 2-lb tt iMberrlcs , tl 1" : 2-lb raRpberrks , JI.Hj 2-lb bi u'lierilis , Hoc ) 2-lb blaekberrlis JI.OO ; 2 lu c'lifiborrlis t ' , J1W ) ; 2-lb laspberrltx , tl W ; 2-lb ultiukborrld I * . 11.21. I'luunnpli's ' lldiama cliopiied , } 2U ) ; llithnma ollccil , f 1 8.1 ; llahama sliced , choice , il W : 2-lb 11 ilnima united , tJM ; " 11 } llthniiiu Hllccdf2.40i 2-lb statidurd sliced , II.2.V3IM ) . Uhinles--lbrcd.fl.lOi 2-lb wlilto , fl CO. Penrs 2-lb. SI W. I'eathes J-lb lastern stand irds ll.Mi ! l-lb eastern seconds 'II ' , IVJ4 1W ; .1-lb . plo , J140 ; Slerm Madre , $ J d.iipil ; - cot.s , (1 b3iiiunri.J.Ol | pliitiis.eirK , tl. " > "i ; phiiii * . KrecnKiinis. J\S | ; ihuriles. Mhll \ ? I.Vi VlNKIAK-aOKr , tlder. lOej good , IL'ci nliltu wine , 13ei fnncv , fruit. So. STOVK I'oi.tsit ' JMio387 perRroos. 1JAW ( Am , iior 1W , 417.73 ; IcIston , per 100 , 117.73 inns Union "nuarp , Jtoft-.T. per cent off list. BM.T IMliy.SSJllw In bbl , bulk , f.'IOj list Rrade , ( iOrn. JW ; best imido , loo.ls , $ JIO ; mst Ki ado , 18 10s , ? 2.20 | lock bait , crushed , flM ) ; ( . ( million , bbl , 1125. Sou1 Cutllc , mottlcil , per Ib , OQlOo ; do. while , pcrlb , lie. Dry ITrAvv nttowN COTTONS Atlantic U , "Hf Atlantic II. 7o ; Allnntlo I ) , ( > lie ; Atlantic P , Oo ; Aurora 0,4' c ; lluek'H luad , OJYe ; Citbot W , O'lc ' ; Darllntftoii G' c ! Pnrmeis' So 1 , 4' , ® 4 > ic ; lloosler l/l > , ftic ; Indhin Head , 7'ic ' ; Lavrunio LL " > Hci Henrietta lfi , h'to , Vi\n HIIOWN CoTTO.Ns-Atl intlo 1,1 , . no ; Au rora U , ( i'o ' ! Aurori U , fl'/o ; Atlas O II , 7'ic ; chccsu cloth , 4c ; Clinton Pl , 6Uo ; Pepperoll U , O3.'c ; I.aiiKdouC ! 11 , lie. IllviACiiH ) CorniNS Herkelcv cambric No. Co , dc ; Host Vet. OVo : llitttirciotli X. 4'ic ; Uabot , 7)io ) ; llrst Call.C'ic ' : 1'iultof the Loom , 8 > . .c ; Hlllboinpor Idem , bo ; Ilousokceiicir , b'ie ; KIiu Pbllllp canibrlo , lOc ; J , inudim II II , UVje ; I.on dak' . S3it ; Lousdalo cambric , JOe ; New Vork Mills , W/o : Oik I.a\\ii , 7o. SlIbKTINOB AM ) PlMOW 0S1NS ! Net-Ptmieull , 4ln , lOc ; IVpiiercll. 8-1. I'-o ; Peppeieir , l-4.fl-l,20o ) ; I''ppciHlI.lO-l , . * . ' Utlca , 4H-ln , Ifio ; Otlca. M-ln , IT'iu ' , Utlea , 78-lu , 2lc. ; Utlca , M-lu. 2oc : Utlcn , lK-ln , 2S'ie. ' llloached At t 1'eppin.U , 42-ln , lOc ; Ptpporell , 4ri-Iu , lie ; Peiiperell.tM , I4-5c ! , Poppi > rollb-4,20o ; 1'ep- p < -rell. U-l , 22o ; Poppon-ll , 10-4 , 2-'c ; Utlca , 8-4 , 24e ; Utlca , 0-4 , 2tlt ; Utlcn , 10-1. Sb'Sir. ' UINOIIAMS AmosUoa i 054o ; Alnoslien ? , dress , ' ( o ; llitc r.VJo ; Warwick , < lress. 7J5u ; Lancaster , C'ic ; Olcnalro , OHcVliltlcnton ; , diets , gi c. I'IIIMS Indigo lilttOT-TCct Mnrtha M'nsh , Ington , Co ; Amoileun.lj'ic ' ; Ainokl , fiVjcs Ar nold It , lon clotli 20c ; fctlfel A.-l.'i ! ! Sk-rtl- niiiek. \ , loc : Gold leif , 8'c ' ; Hamilton. VJcj Allen rinks , U c ; Allen Chambiay , Co ; Ulou- cister.S c. I'KIMS 1'nncles Mdjstouc , C'ic : Ptcol Itltcr , Gc ; Hamapo. 4Hu ; ht. Lodier. ; r > < ic ; Sblrtlngs Murtlu Wasliln ton , 4).Jc ) ; Mcrrl- mack , 4'/ic Turkey redi I'liiintiiln , u'io ; Girner,7c ; Crunflulil.S'ici ItcrHn , fi'Jc. ' WiOANrt Nut , 'Ihistle , 7 > io ; Hid Cross. 7e. Coi.outl ) C\MIIIII'S Oiottii , 4' c ; lied Slai , 4'o ' ; rolled t'lou , 5c , felatei , Co ; high colors , Jooxtra. CiiAsit Sto\ens' 11 , l-In. ( ! fi'ie : Slovens' P , 18-ln , l . ; btevons , ' A , lln l 7o ; bto\cns' I' . 1H- Steiens' M. IS-ln.S'io ' ; btu\uis' N. 20- in,8 ! ei bto\eiis'NNJi-ln,0"ae ) ISM n.WiO - , bleached , lo extra. DKMMS > otr Vmoskoai ; , 0-ar , lo'Jo ' ; lor' ? , camlet , 12c ; l crctt , stanilaid. 1J'tc : Hu > - nmkui Bif. ' Old Vork , iX , JOiJej I.a reitee , 2JO , 11'Jc ; LiwicnceU-o , l Hc ; fancy stripes and chcelcs , 11451' O'OTTOVADES Voik Nankin , lO'jc ; n\ciott , 8o/ , ISo ; I.owlston , 10-iv"ie ; WorkltiBmun's , Jlc ; Corlv.stiecashinore , iilic. Itlctnls. lii.oCK Ttv Small pig , aoc per Ibj bar 30c per , Ib Coi'i'nt I'lanlshedboiler sl/es , 13o per Hi ; cold lolled , jio ; per Ib ; bhectlng , 'Jla per Ib ; pltts and lints , .llo per Ib. GAUANI/EO &III.L.T IKON Discount 50-10 per cent pit. plun. iron , Nos. Jl anil 27 , A , 10u ! ; 11 , 'riN PLATE 1,0. , 10\24 , 3533.71. : I. X , 10x11 , ! 2. > . $ , S W. TIN 1'i.ATE Coke , ll\20,112. ffi 25- KooriNd-Oliarcoul , I , 0 ,14\20 , 112 , S350 ; I. X.J073. SlUfT IllOV No. 20 , J.I.50 ; No 27 , J3 CO. Pit-hitletly lulf nml half. JCc. fan ir , NAII s Hnso , JJ.20. Hii i r. WntK NAILS Ilnse , $2ft. " . . Wiilfc Jup. burb , $ J.2. > ; gnlvKI.83. Drills , OUIMNF Peroz. , P. A. w. . 4Ie ( ; Cermnn. .t liul IKO , perlb , 7 > u ; Insect powdor,21c ; opium , U ir. , morphine , per oz , $ . ) ! ( ) ; hops , per Ib , : Wo : Blyci-rlne,20o ; du\trlnc , lOc ; cnttlobone. IWo ; iiouni tartar , pure. J2c ; uimnieielnl , Ike ; cam phor , We ; am. tub. lie ; blue \ltrlol , 7'/e. } Acin Carbolic , : n42c ; citric , 4'p48o ; tar- tarlc , .l7.Wc ; sulphuricper 11) ) , 2c. bpcrin oil , $1.10 ; turpentine. 48cj Tonca beans JJ2i22,1 ; balsam tolu. 4281'ic ; calomel , Odl7c ! ; cantha- radles. SI llSIJ.1i ) ) cassia buds , 2iX3i22o ; cliloro- form , 4'.i2c ; erpot , 47"i2c ; KUIH arable. .V > 2 > ttie ; Klycerlne. 'o2Jc ; lycopodlum , 40IJo ; meicury , Me. TUB III21C 3IAUKBT. TNSTUUM rd phuoJ on rucard dtulu ? JL ycsterilav : Sully KoKoy to Klleii W.itts.lots 4,7 and o 41 flof to to. blk 12 , Wutuloo. Nib , w d nil7iil > otli .Innilebon nnd hiisbmd lo hhurmnn Ckment , n ! IO f t of n 40 ft of lot 18 , blk-J , Alamo Pla/a. w d. . . . 3200 John DaUdson to buninci Clement , n 10 ft of lot 18 , nnd s20 ft of lot 1 ! , blu. ' , Alamo 1'la/o , w d 3,203 John Or.ibtreo nnd wife to 1)12 Douglas , r\t tr\t 1 > II ti t l/i > * fl ( i I Iftdiintitir i\ Mary H btono and husband lo H 1 * llost- wltk , Iot4 , Mki : , Uiako'siidd. * d. . . 3,000 Mary U Mono ana hush mil to b I1 llosl- wlt'k , lot 111. Nelson's add , w d 3.550 Sheirtood Park Hulldliis association to OH Uewnylotsto ! ) 12 , blk 1 , bhcr- wood puk. H d l felu nvooil Park Hnlldlnz nssooliitlon to Ub niKUttci , lot 4 , bin 2 , blicruood Iiarlc , w d ] Mloyil. Hhirlir. to Khjior Orlfllth , Jot 2. blk"D. " rrospcct riaco , detd 1,12. J A WaUtliold aricl wife to O J Plckard , pt Its 23 and 24 , blk 7 , Hanscoin i'lacc. wil 1,250 P WCotllss and wife to John SIcOuIro , n4J acres 3fs y3 so H so 'J 10-15-10 , wd. 1 AugustaUbollmnn to 0 E Hcnteft , s 120 lot 4 , Cliolliiiiiii'anilil , u (1 500 Shornood 1'urk Ilullillni ; association to UO Holmes , Iot7blk2bhcr\vood Park , \vil 1 J I' Hojil , sherllT , to Wi Irish , o M lots II and II , blk 17 , ( iidford I'lucc.deed . 1.08T J I1 Iloyd , HhorilV. to Nebraska savings and i\ehaiio : ! Dunk , lot 2 , blk 18 , Uui- tral Park , deed 2GG WS Horn to Ousptr Kick , lot 2U , blk 0 , JIayno's add , w d & 2o Slurwood P.irlc lliilldltiK n sochtlon to Kll No mood , lots mind II , blk.1 , hhur- vOdd I'aikv ' \ d 1 O 1 , Harbor to J s Or.iblo , lot 5 , Pluck's Mill , AV (1 ( 000 O J Oumm mid u Ifu to llei tliu Ullgcn , lot 4 , blk II , Calkin s sub , w d 200 Nineteen transfers 813,83 Dili Id I n ; ; Penults. The folloulnfr psrmltsvero issuoJ by the bulldiiiL' inspector yesterday : O , It. Drown , throe-story brick stores arid Hats , 'r\unty-fouith and Unmlng streets . } J",000 D li. Thomas , bilek hliuksuilth bhoji , Mlllt iry iiM'iuiu unil Hell line . . . . C0 ( VIctorK. llimloronoiimlonolmlritory frunio dwelling' , Thlrly-llrsl and Jack son stieets 20 Andrew liinowator. two-story bilck stores nnd Huts , blxtcenth and Vluton elrci.ls 8,0-K I'our iiilnot poi mils ( yJd Total ! 19,700 SIIROEDEll & DEAN GRAIN , Provisions and Stocks BASEMENT FIRST NATIONAL BANK ; 303 South 13th Street , - Omaha WANTED : ISSUED DV CITIES , COUNTIEO.SCHOOl - . , , . DISTOICTO , WATCH CorrtipondenceioUcUed. COMPANia , , ETC ( N.W. HARRIS COMPANY . . & , Bankers , ICJ-IOS Dearborn Street , CHICAGO. 70 Otato OtreoU 8U TON iRfllLWflYTIMEGHRD J.OHTCI . tllll tllfl , lIlltTIS'tj milit. i Dei ot 10th oml Mm l Oiil ihx 4 SO U ni . . , ( lilrnito Pipron . . , " " , SWiiin I'll ' nm . f .tteniro Kii'reu. . . . . . . j C.ll p in F 1 I ii m , . ,1'lilcatO Hiiron 1 CO itm C 50 p in . .riilcujTo SKi LcrnJ | A ti\ \ : . . . _ . A feT iim'ii ' viiT"l ) fin n m . .M.OonVer l'i r I ( U p in 1011 nni . . . . . Hearer L Oil p in CtJ put 1' ' U u in _ 8 n n m > Mm 'In I/ IHW pin U' viiT" jc ir I PppoUtrtli ami Won itrvch Uninhi. IMS | HiiK [ I * K\\ \ < \\n \ I' 1' Trim" JU MO % p n m in j T | _ DopoHOtluimi Jiafcy VtreoU fA ) ii ml OurlrtTirtflyuf uos p m 7 : > u p nil. . . . . . . . I'nclt'u ' i : pro I ] 45 p tu IOW ii ml Ivrvi-r Ktpr IM p m t CO [ 0 15 n inI. | HiYnliM IIn'i. ( i' ctt | su'n" ) ! II m n m i-nvu I rniMUJ. R I ' " * PTPII-'IC" TA > rTruf iiinM | U I * , < | ipot Ititli nnil M reySl . | Oninli 15 piu ,77..M fit F | ire . VU inn . . .Allintlo lxpri < < 13 pin . oMIbulo l.linlloil TATITIM j BroiJV iTPr * lMi'IKuT " rATrTnTT Otnnln | IIP _ ili'ixit , loth nnd Mnrcr Ht jOinaln. 71f > ' " | . .Slou ( .liVl'in-muor . . .I " : n | _ kt I'liul I.Tin | . . . . . . . | IOO.'i il m i\uvnu" . \ > fiTM i-li'tor 8 Oiiuilii\ . - < FVHVT 1 Vrnvilt" iivjrtit * [ KtnroM ( I Ai v in - . - Ve'stltmlo I.linltiMl .VI n in 6 15 p ni luwrk.\co < itiiiiiiHlitlon ( l.xo Hun ) ; in p min VlUpni , , .rn lorn Hjrcr . . . mm in ArfTrtfj Onmlm. Ill 1 * itcpo'l lUlli'niiil Mnrc.fjns' OlMJtllA * ( i 15 n nil CUIrnto Mult ( cxi-Oin Silli'ti ' ) ) . " 0 W p ra flliOpni . "lilniKO Ktprcis P 4't n m JKWji nij . . . hlcrttfo KTtireii L ? w p in IOUIS I Arrive * .depot , lotli nnil MnrorjH * I Otmhn. M ljouls ( niiniiii Hall llJ.lopm K t MO VAU.'JV Arrlvui i \VobitJf _ Stt I Olll III l _ .lllnck llllli Kipross A'JOp lit stlll M lltp ( IX Suinhy ) & JO | > Hi \Vnhoo 4 Ijlnuilii I'imcnjor tU y ] n in Jjorful 1U A ) n in t.il\ , M. tO FArrlvu * Dcpotjilh nn I VVilnU'r t . | Oinntm. bluux Illy Aeimimmdntlon. . bloux City i\iiroisKv : ( Bun ) . . . .yt I'nt'l I.liuitctl llnmoft 1'iHKi'iigiir (1 ( ! Depot ISlli nil IVe I ! loMti. Tw n in M Ixiula , * K. O. i'il ' ! ' .t K lK UNION 1'AOinC SUIIOHIIAN Till Ns Tlioso triliu nlso rtoi | nt lllti , Kill , SOth nnd31th trceti , Bummlt uiul ynvUlHo Crosilui ; . 'Working- men trains eta " " _ t run " ' llnna Irunv ( or Dmntm Btft- South Albrl'l ClllujN Depot Ik-iKa tlnn Oinnlin llOIUlt , I M'I ( .IS . ( Vi 0.1(1 ( t , 05 C 17 6JM.17 . . . ( , M n w d x > a 47 1127 700 7 05 li 10 7 4u 7 r. . ' KKi 78) ) K IJ 70J 811 807 7'0 II V7 1005 UIJ (107 ( H.il I'll I'M I'M I'M 303 .1 U 825 JIK 415 I 12 4 5 5 S5 4 6. DUi 6H 512 & 07 (23 4V , 4MJ lilO ' 1WJ r. c. . II Ci ii n COS 0 I ! 0 07 5W 5ro (1 ( 1. 70. ) 707 rM 1 , 0 Leiw l OillUAdb. 11 1 t 1'ACll'iU. JTrrlve-i Transfer I Union Ik-pot , t'ouncll UliilTa f 10 p in . . . Mulil US5 n m VU a. in . . .Atlnntlc liiprcss . . . dVi p m COO p m . \OHtllinlL Ilmltcl JO U u m 'MtC'AUO A NeTInriWl'ilJ'UN T rrlvis Union Depot. Council 111 nil * I'linnnlcr 0 W n. m II IU p III fiU ) n m \ < 8tlbuli ) IlniHuJ . . . . 1000 p ,11 ICnitirn Hyor l.'tO p m AtlintluMnll JLLl'J ! ! Llonii AccoiniiKHtutlon ( Kxo. Sufi1 Leavts ClIItAiToT Mfl. S"s > r PAUi Uriv'7 yrnnsfor Union Doimt ( "ouncll lllmta Trimsfer 1) ) O nlnl .el7icni.ii Mull ( c'juxpt HunUnr ) S R ) p m 6O ! p m . . . ChlcfiKO Kzprco li 15 n ni 11)00 ) 11 ml . . Cliltjgo Kiiirox . IW p in " "LonviTT I KTT/Sl1.30U 5 TITll TATrTves 'Jrniialorl Unliin Depot. Council Illuffi | lrnn fcT 1007 n ml Knn ns ( Ity Dny Ktpreii .1 6 41 p m City NlKhtKiprQj DMAliTS xiUlfi : rAmrM Irnnnfor Union Depot. Ciiiui i.ll lllulta | lriui fer t to p m , t Uiul < nnon Hull. \M \ Ki p m . IIUUWN 7 * imiKov lriin fer | Union Depot , roiinrll llluirn | frninfcr li 40 n m : lilcnKO 0 M p in 1000 p rn . "lilcnk'O Kiprcti ' ) 41) ) a m 7 TO p m , t'riHt < in l tcnl . . . . . II1) n m B10UX CITY A 1'ACiriU I Arrives Iniufer Union Depot * Council Hltiffii. [ Irninf * * 7 45 a ra 7..SloiTx Cltr AccbniuiodutIon , . . | ll ! V m C.W p m ot. I'aul l.iprcis , | USA mm ill&SOUUI 1'ACllIC SUUU1IUAM THA1NS 0 ° Westward. i fi a in i m p in am. lira. Webster Bt . . . 7.50 ' .15 S.HS U45 Onk Clintlmm. 6 W 7.M1 I'.U S li.1 O 21 8 45 11 51 Drulil Hill . . . MU ft ) 7.58 8.&I 5.M 6 27 8 47 12 Ml L.ika Strcnt. . . CUJ 7UI 8.01 3.M 5 S3 l > K ) 2 M Walnut Hill. . tM 701 , 8.U ! J.M 5..11 (134 ( 862 1 03 Jliilideo IMaco. II ( H 7tH 8.ft' ) 4.00 5.'U a 38 8 W 1.03 West alilo. . . . I..1U 7 10 ! i 07 4.112 J.JS 0 40 8 Ml 1 Of , I .awn 80 ! ) I Ul 8 M 1 03 Altificot S.ll 4.01 001 1.11 Coymour 1'nrk B III 4.11 o o'i 1.17 I'ortnl 2.1 1.0) ) linitmud. n m p ni a in. I'll ' ! Portal. 8 4. W 11.10 l.J- Seymour Turk. 8 SJ 4..U 11.4. : 1.4 * > Muscot 8 12 i.j ; 9.47 I.5J IillVTIl ri (5 4.41 9 4U 1.5J \\uit Slilc li y ) 7211 8 M ) 4.48 V5I 1.57 Dun lee I'lnco l. 21 7 il SM 4.41 I ! 4(1 ( 11. VI 1 51 \\nlnut Hill . . 1 11 HM 4.5J 5:44(1 : ( ! ) 5U 2 02 Lnko Htro.'t. . . II VI * H 511 4 51 41 I , > ! 10 01 2.01 DilllJ Hill . . . . II ,11 7. ! 8.VJ 4.57 I. &A ii ) a ) 05 OnkLlmtlmm 7 n I IB 1.51 1 M 7 00 11)07 ) . ' 10 41 l 111 - 1 2 ON SALE TO PRINCIPAL POINTS EAST , WEST , NORTH and SOUTH A.T 13O2 Farnam Street HARRY P. DEUEL , Oily Pasoongor and Ticket Agont. Z XQUOZi. MA.BXT. IN ALL THtVOKLU THERE IS BUT ONL CURE DR. HAINES * GOLDEN SPECIFIC , It cjiu be fill vn In u ruii orrottio ur Ion , ur In ar. tlrle or Taui ) , without tbo kDowledce of the ratlout If aea , > ary. It It absolutely liarrale and \vm encci a pariniaont and gpoody cure , whether the patient U moderiHedrlukeroranalcohollawrook ir.M.M It tAll.s. it openlei no quietly and with ouch cir- t iiity tliiit tbd patient undorfioca no Inconvenience , mil era ha lu iwnre , Ills complete reformnllon l > eflooted 'IQpaKOboolcornartlciU'rBfroe lobohadof KUliH & CO. . JBIh ! loUBli" . lttliftCuinlnKtit . Trade lupplled by UI.AKE. DHUCB tt LO , and nnua CO.Oiunlm FOR MEN ONLY llinr fllUI1' ' I'orl.OSTor I'AIUNOMA.S'- , - . .UrtUlUjUlli HOOD ( iuncrul ; nnd NLIt- VOUS DKIIILITV. \ \ ' < 'iiliim of Hodnnd Vln 1 ; KtTouts of Krrori > aru\ihhci In Old or Younic. Holiusl , Ndllo ) MAMIOJI ) fully r - slorud.omtiiiiuiUo otory CUM ) or inoiiiy rcfuii'li'il. ' humiilo courho , li\u iluyn trcat- tnoiit , ( t : full cnnrsc. f , " ) . s-uuroly neulcil fniiu obsonatlon. Coolc Ituimdy Co , Oiuuliu , Ni I ) . 'For ' lOBTorW . „ „ . , . , , JOeneral aniHKRVOU8KrjlI.m ) ' Weakneiiof licdf nndlttlnd , Eif.tta H/5fI ? ? . 9r.E.sc . . "aJn01 < : orYounr. . . mr . | lbfuWKAklNllt . IIIXjrtbUIIOlMlAf .II1THO * EllUr. IbMluKlr tnr.lll.j IKI3K TKUTHUT l.n.ni , lo Jr ! & . rinluiitloQ Bd vnctt icllrdf . MEDICAL co. , BUI-PAL SYPHFI FQ Can ho curia IniiOloCJ . \ n 1 l _ . I O , inys | , y usoof tlm miir- M-loni Muffle Hcmrdv. WlflforuoiiBolt ivlll notcuri > . C'U1 ION toRi-t thu Kenu mi KIU- \Vrltrnrcallonr.O. . Joalyii. 2J1J llar- uoy stu-el , Oiuuliu , Nubruska , WEAK MANHOOD . , , , fcttorcd. i rlf tl nl. < . 1 arti > fnlaruvt. ( tivnirtM nru. M lliB < Tr * ll > tMiitfreaiiiiiM leil II Trlxllxlili. TtTr , i q * itnnuuaSt. , , T. NEDRASKA National Bank V , S. DEI'OSITOHV OMAilA , , NEB. ; n pilot $4OOOOO Surplus Jnn. 1st , I8OO - D7OOO , iniwrnynil I lrcct M..irfnrr W Vnlr , rrc lil.nl | V.1 ItiiMl , ' ' ' . , Mct'-l'ii'.Mmli tmiio > iifiitiW. . Miir o.Ji > hn8 rolling. II r Cusliliic. J .S M. trick . u II. & liitjiio * , uiiitr THK 1KOX UAMK. Corner ith nn 1 Kurnnni Sts. AOoncrul ll.iiildns llnsiiu < 9 I'mnsiictod. National Bank npllnl , $4OOOOO Surplus , ' V.OOO nml nirornn-l ( ] , M Mor nmiin , I ) H lltclicock , .lo'opli ( Inrnonu. Jr , A , lltnirr , K M AnitcraonVlllliun ( I Maul , vloo-Wl | > Unt. U II WllimniK A. I' lloi'klm , proihtiMiti A. Milliard cnahler ; V II llrr.ml , nsshtaiitcii-likr Omaha Manufacturers , ItontB and Shoes. KIRKEN13ALL , JONKS fc CO. , Wholesale Manufacturers of Boots& Shoes Accntafor lloiton llulibcr RliooTo . 1103 , 1101 iinJllOO llnrno ; fctricl , Onmlui , .Neb. Itl-CU I'TH. BTOUZ & Lager llccr Urcwcrs , 1&.11 Ncrtli ISth Street , Oiunlm , Neb. Cornier. EAOLE COKNICE WOUK3 , Manufacturers of Galvanized Iron Cornice \\liHlowininnml niolnllonk ) lUlita John Kpcnctcr , I roprldor. IUS un I llu iltiiitli iinh tlicot Artists' A. IIOSPE , Jr. , Artists' Materials , Pianos and Organs , IMJDouglns Street , Omnlm , Kcb Conl , Coke , IClc. OMAHA COAL , COKE AND LIME CO. , Jobbers of Hard and Soft Coal , 8. K Cur. lull nml DouilliuBtroili , Olnnln , Neb. NEDHASKA FUEL CO , Snippers of Coal and Coke , IHHunlli nthfitrool , Omalm , Neb Clears. DEAN , AUM&T11ONO &c CO. , Wholesale Cigars. 405 N. ICtli Direct. "Ilollol" HH Dry Goods and Js'otlotiH. Dry Goods , Famishing Goods and Notions Corner HUi nml llownrd Strcoti. KILPATRICK-KOCH DRY GOODS CO. , | Importers and Jobbers in Dry Goods,1 , Quilts'I'unil9hlni0oc > ili. Curlier lltli anil IlurilC/ btreutu , Oiniliii , ? ! l > . DEWEY & STONK , Wholesale Dealers in Furniture , larimm Street , Onmlia.Nebraska. CHAHLE8 SHIVEIIICK , riirniturc. Oniatin , clirn kn. GroccrlpH. McCORD , BHADY & : CO , Wholesale Grocers , loth nnd Lonvcnworlli Btrcoti , Omnlin , Jjiimbcr , I'jto. ' 0. Vf'.TtOUQLAS'ie'co't Dealers in Hardwood Lumber , Yard 1810 N. ICth St , Omnhi. JOHN A. WAKEFIKLD , Wholesale Lumber , Etc. , Ktc. Imrorleil nnd Aracrlcnn Portland foment ( gcntfor illlwnukoo llvilrnulla Couiout , anil Qulncyiilto Mmo. CHAS. n. LEE , Dealer in Hardwood Lumber , Wood carpets unit pnrqtintfloorlnK Oth unj DoujlaJ fciticute , Uiiiulin , Nebraska. FRED Vf. GUEY , Lumber , Lime , Cement , Etc. , Etc. Corner Bill niiil Uouglim Strcoti , Omnlin. IMIIIIiiery nnd N'otlono. I. ODEUFELDER &c CO. , Importers and Jobbers in Millinery , ? 08,210 nnil 212 South llth ttrcut. Notions : J J. T. ROBINSON NOTION CO. , I Wholesale Notions and I'liriiisliiiiji Goods , 1124 llorncy it ret I , Omilia. CIlH. CONSOLIDATED TANK LINE CO , ' Wholesale Refined and Lubricating Oils , AxlecrciuieetcOranua. AII , lllBliop.Miui ijor. Paper. CAIIPENTEH PAPEy CO , Wholesale Paper Dealers , Carry it nlre itotk of printing wrn | > i > lnu nnd writing puier. Uiicclulattontlou Uven la cnnl pupir. BnfoH , r A. L. DEANE & CO. . General AKcnW for v Halls' ' Safes , S2I ind 321 South ICIli St , Omnlm _ Toj H , lto. ] II. HARDY te CO , .Tobboriof Toys , Dolls , Albums , Fancy Goods , , Clillilron' * Carriages un ntrcc'V , Oin.-ilin , Nub AVator Supplies. U. S. WIND ErtQINE & PUMP CO. , Steam and Water Supplies , Ilnlllda ) nlnil mills. 018 nnil fJOJonont , Oiuaho , U. t , Honi , Actlnit M Iron AVorkg. Wrought and Cast Iron Building Work , Engine * , brain work , goiiurtl foundry miidiln LluLkiuilth work Ulllio nnil worki , U , I' . Ur aiU litli ulroot , Uiiliilla OMAHA SAFE 6c IRON WORKS , Manl'rs of Fire and Burglar Proof Safes' Vnull , Jill work , Iron Mmttori nml Hro c c pcV ei An < lroea , | > roiir. Cor lltli unit Juck unbta. , DoorH , IHp. r. A. DISUHOW tc co. , Wliolonalo iiiunufucturcrs of Sasli Doors Blinds and , , Mouldings , \ Dmicb dUcc , 12th and Imrd trcot > , Oinnln , Neb , Onanha.j UNION STOCK YAHDS CO , / 01 Soutd Oiiiilja , Limited , '