8 THE .OMAHA DAILY BEE , JULY 23 , 1880. THE CITY. Tlio bunk ctoiulngn yesterday nmount- Ctl to.$7'j",87l.b7 ' , Born to Mr. mid Mrs. 0. E.Tlrumpson 2207 Hownrd street , n nhtn pound girl , Pout Clutpliiin Nuvo of Port Nlobrara , formcrlj'statloncd ' at Fort Omuna , lias Icon granted a ten days leave of ab- Tlio Toara'itcr's union will hold n& open mooting at Green's Mill , 1415 Fur- nuin stieoL. this ovunlnp. All team pwncfd iiro Invited to attend. 11 , E , Ilund flloJ im Information with the police court dot-It yoitordny afternoon , charging W. A.mson vltli tlio larceny of fourlwxcaof clyars , valued ut tl I. Johnny Parker hns Ijcon hold to the district couit nH un Incorrigible } boy , on complaint of liln l.ithur. Tlio cu o of petit liiiuuny pending jigaliist liltu was Tun cimcHof extract of moat from .Anl- woip , for tlio Ulchaidson drill' company , untl thirty-eight owes of liltfli wines from LontiH , Franco , for Tom Uar.itoro received at the custom IIOUBO yustei-dtiy murnlnf , ' . Alfred IJjorklimcl uoslorrtay Hied itn inforiiiiitlonii nlnst nl Jlftoon-yoav-old eon J Term un , nllftfiiiy IncoiTigiblllty , and noMiif ? that tlio court | ) hico him under fcoiao rufclruinliiK In Ilium co nioro potent than pruvalled under the nu- rental roof. JJupuly United Slates Marshal Sho- waller brought la J Icnrv llalfol hoi1 fiom Dodge , Neb. , yoslermy , tor soiling liquor by wholctulu without a llcoifso. Tlio dcfoncliint ( 'iivo a bond for his np- poaranco tot trial at IhoN'oMJinlior lonn and was released. Totuiff TA'onlo'H ' Society of Christian Enduiuor union plcnio will beheld at Syndicate parlt , on Snlurd.iy , July 2(5. ( L.IMVO roiiileonlh and Doughs &treoUiit 8:15 p. in. Ai iMiigomoiiUi will lo iiudo to return in a body. All young people's Eodutivd of the city arc cordially invited to join. Monday night General George Crook canp I > 'o. l.S. \ ' . , was tikon by Hurjirlso by tbc Indies of George A. Cuitor Wonmn'n Uolief corps , who swooped down on the boys vlth c.ikc , cream and lemonade. A Very enjoyable time was had ( "Iheusslngtho cdiblo.- * and listening to extemporaneous speeches , The Omaha Central land and the Pioneer neer driunntle comjuny , both colored or- piinlzalions , gnvo an excursion to Waterloo lee yeslord.iy morning. About two hun dred composed the parly , "which left the "Webster blrccl depot about 10 o'clock. The people of "SVatcnoo ivero entortalncd liutnlghlliy tlio presentation by the lira- inutlc tompany of tlio dnvmn , ' 'The Sol dier's Daughter , " the production of a well known colored man of this city , 1 Ncrvo nml Mvrr Pills. An important discovery. They net on the li-vcr , iionuuh and bowels through the ncivcs. A now principle. They speedily euro Ullioimiesi , 1ml tnstc , torpid liver , piles and constipation. Splendid for men , women nnd children. Smallest , mllilcst , surest. ItO dosca for & cents. Samples free atltulm & Co.'s 15th ami Douglas. i-us , R. Brunurll anil Avlfo oIFullcrton nro visit Ing friends In Oamlia. KlioilfT C.K. Mutson of Clili'UKO Is In the cily i-iirouto totno Black Hills country oa a j trip. 'A A. Vimtlil'ul Trump. Jolui Pitts la ' a twclvc-yeui'-old negro boy , very small for Ills ngi- , who hits traveled from Omuhato Ctileago then south to Mlsiourl , Ho won't stay nthoino mul hlsfutlicr says lie is tough. Ilo will Ijoscntto the reform school in idl iirobubllit ) next Monday , Dr. SussclorlT trouts successfully all dl&etucs of the Iddnnys , bltiddor and rcutura. 1501 l''uvnun ; st. DootorH 1)1 C. Ts'claon , thcTontli street Indlnii doctor , was arrested yc tcrd.iy monilny forpructlcnii ; xnciltc'lno vlthotit bclnp wglstcrcd. Ho far till those nrraliracd under thcso com plaints Ua\o pluided uot guilty. Mr.V. . A , Bnldwin , iv hardivnro merchant otBooiivillc , Dollus county , To\va \ , says : "For tlio past tvo ovthroo years I have been snb- Icct tocraiuplng pains In tlio stomach. I K . Invo tried n mmibor of different remedies , the lii'st ono being Cliumliorlnln's Colic , I Choler.i mul DUrrliiuii lloincdy ; 0110 or two doses of it always cures mo. " Comlciunc < l Chairman Ulrlchaiiserot tlio board o ( pub lic works and City Engineer UMllson wont out to Norlh Thirtieth street * , yesterday and coiulcnincd certain Irlclc being usrd there for nivlnj : inirio.scs. ) TUoywero of n let tbat luul bicn jirevioiiHly rejected but from whiih tlio contrautoi-s luid secured pcnuisslou to select nnduso the best. Fits , spasms , St. YlUis dnncc , ncrvousncs1 nnd liystirlii are teen cured by Dr. Miles Korvlue. Pi-co btinipless nt Kuliu & Co. , 151U mid Dougl-is. Tlio Oil < cinnl St. A. 13 , IJnlcomta returned Monday nlqht from live clays' tilp through easteui nnd central ICousas. Ho states tlat tlio original TOckngo nourishes in ullof Its orlghml glory ' in niiio out of every ten of tbi ) towns lie vU'- Itcd. Ito also states tlint u matcr poitloii of the state li buOly in need Of iiln iiuU that un less itconiosvlthlnteii days the corn crop will lo total fuiluio. It ii.vcry important In this OKO ot vast mi- tcritil profiv.sa tluit n remedy be pleasing to the tiwte mul to thooyo , riisily tnlr.cn , nci-cpl- oblo to tbostonmcluuid Ucnlthy in itsnaturu mill QlTods. I'o&sesslncr these qualities , Syrup of i'lfrs Is tbo ono perfect laxative anil most fciitlo diuretic Uno\vu. \ Stolen Jo vclrj' A f < nv d.iys ngo Lewis Colcniau was ar rested forsteulluK a lot of carpenters' ' tools , In tbo police court ho nuniiK l to clear himself - self , but llotoctlvo Savipo 1ms u clearer cases ng-ulnst him now. Ho was found with a ] lr of diamond ear rinpi , n pair ot olil fusluoneil r.nueo enr rings mul an eighteen liarutk'oUl watch in his possession. Tlicse oilsawiiit un owner nil ho central tuition nnil Colcnium r.ualtb tlio action of the court. _ _ Otiinliit ( iiuiril .Votci. Private Adams bus tendered his le lBim- tlon. Heroes to Ogilen to accept im Import ant iwsitlou. Mr. Adams VMS nuioiu- those whotoolrpartlu OnmUVs triumph iitlv.inus City , Cuptnin Schnril hn received the pro- prnnnno for tlia ( { rcitt. coitinetltlvo Interna- tlonul dilll nt Atlanta , Ga Tto folloxvlti prizes will bo uwunlod. ! Plist lu-lio , infantry , $3iOO ; second prlzu , HBOj Infantry state contest , llrst prlw. jl.i'OO ' ; second prize. $ T OJ ; third prl/.e , 5100 , dwalri Drills rlrst prim , tWO ; becoad lirizo , .V.Oi third prize , 100. U t Jliilloil Cavalryman -First prize , $75 ; iccond prize , $5U $ ; third prize , S'iA Tlio Sucrcil Heart ncnilomy for ilny pupils , bituiitoil on St. Mary's iivonuo nnd 7 tit st. , Is an iiHtltvtiondovotod to the moral and intellectual education of young : gli'ls. Tim coin-so Includes ovury- thii'f ! Irom m elementary department tea a Unmixed clulsslcul education. Jlesiilos tlio ordinary uciidoinlcal course , music , painting , diM\viii | and the lanRunfos nro taxijjht. Fituolils incluicil In tlio ordi nary course. DllYoreneoof religion Is no obtftnvloto the rocolvlng of pupils , in-o- viilcd tlioy coufornx to tlio genornl xvfu- ( " latiuua of tlio bchool. Tlio bcliohistlo I * toi-in commences the first Tuesday hi Soptoinbor. 'Classes begin nt 0 a. ra. , ere dlsinlssodat a30 ; p. m. IS NO ( . ll.YKtiUS GOllDUN' . Hvltlcntly n Case of Mistaken Identity In ( lic4Vefll Mutter. CinTinon , 111. , July 21.To th6 Editor of TiiEBBB ! Voursof the 17th cnmo Siturday. 1 ntmvored by telegram , but on account of slclmessiu iry family 1 have hardly liad time until till ) inoriilny to anstvcr your letter inoro fully. The lady who gave you the Informitlon in regard lo the Ji'c.d-flordon matter Is un doubtedly mistaken , as I have Uuown tlio fnnillv Intimately for thirteen ycnri since 1 have been In the jwiltlon 1 now hold , 1 hnow Ur.iQordon well during his lifetime , and 1 < iiow tlio family. Dr. , ( Jordan died on the 1st duy of December , 1951 , and the petition lllcd at this ofjlce upon luo Issuing o ( letters i sworn to by Mrs. I..U- cinil.i Cordon , -\vldow of Dr. UorJonnnd sliows that the onlv surviving children nro Albert I ) . , Sylva'nnxii II. nnd WIllliMii. I Unoiv nil the three boys. Albert nnd Will nro both hero utliurnslilc , and Sylvunnu * II. is in ICatii IH City and has lirun there for sotno timo. U'ill Gordon wiis hero utllie olllco Thursday last and ald Uls tnotlior bad been to Kunsis City ituldeof the past month , nnd had seen Sylvan nun II. tlicrc , so ullthrco ot the boys' ' wliercaboutsitro Unoivii. Xono of the bo's nttcndcii collect ! hero except U'lll , to the li.mJ inlUirnsldviind played with the bind hero while I was niemhurof the snme. I tlilnlc tli.it Ills surolya mlslnkonnd say that no tueh person as Ch.irk"s or GcorKo Cioulon , son of Dr. Gordon of IhmislUe , 111. , WHS over In existence ' ] heso tire till the facts In the cnse. Very truly , U'li.i. ( ' , NKWTOS , Deputy County Clcik. 'I'll 12 UAIMiUAJ ) llouk iMlniiil OtiniiKe1 * Anotlici- Air Jilnu-Otlioi1 Xofo-i. 'fhe lloclt Island company In arranglm ; to make acluuigo in thoillvhlotis of Its main line tluwigli Iow.i. The plan under which operations have been carried on for muny ycai-s has been to dlvldo this portion of tlio great reid into throe sections. The ilrotcx- teinls from Davenport to Brooklyn , the second end from llrooltlyu to Stuart nnd the third from Stuait to Council LJlut . Xo\vitis proposed to maku two illvisioiis , with DCS MIMICS as Ilio ( llvidinu point , and reports suy tint oUonslvo-shopi will bo located thcio. "This .sehumo ni".ma , " said n oflk'iiil , "that the nc\v line or nthor our cvctctiiloii of tlio ol.l main line Council Blnlfs to a connection \vlth tlio Utnvcr system at Bent rice will lie iiiailo an- li.'i1 divKioi and I piiinuim Oin.ili.i will bi ) -ho hea'lipuartciM ' of the iuporintunilijtit. " Another Air Ijln * . So quietly It the Omaha , Superior & South- .vcstcrn . corpor.ulon pushing its gijjmtto cliemo that very lltllo ntto itlon luw bean : ulcd ! iccently to whit is goiii ' on. When lltilTitlo" Jonesof GarJon City , Kin. , came ici'c about two jcarano ! and umU'rtoolc to ntcro&t Om.ilm baslness men in his pro wl for nn tilr line void to Dod'o jity thojo vho mot the KCiitleman seemed to enc ! vipoa him ai a lurmlJ33 sort of cranlt , iiMi-il what ho li.ul to say but coulilnotbo in- ilitccd to donnytliiiifflr. \ . Jones , however , not dlscoiiiMifod nt thafc. Ho has been ? right nho.ul over since with enterprise , nd before any body h.is time to think twice atout It will liavo the roail built. I'.irt of it , extending in tlil < diiwtio'i frou : Doilpo City , 'scoinplctcil novv , ami a survey has been mdo fromllayei City , Ivan. , to Superior , adist.mooof Us Arrniniliri the Dapnt I "orco. Superinteiulciits Barr and Blffiiell , ot tlio Union Paclllu mid Burlinston roipactlvuly , \\ei-o at the Joint temporary depot of these roads ycstcrdnyiiriMiiglnff the wor'tlng force. As suited before , Jim Chambers and lil Hiinoyill bo nt tin head of the ticket and baigago department , but further than that the union depot com 11,1113 , * failed to make any appoint ments. 1 1 loft minor matter * to bo settled \ > y the division suvcrintcndonta. T. II. Tonda , ticket agent for the DurlhiBton , will undoubt edly bo made tlio llrst assistant In tuutofllco , iina Charles Hoinotiasvho liai had charco of ' ' doulit- thollurllnijtou's hajjpajfo-i'ooin.wlll - leas bo rotalneil us JMr. lluncy's fiwt nsslst- nnt , Then will also bo n-orlc for nearly all ' the other employes of both corporutions. The Union Pacific foreo commcncud inoln out of the old cow shed today. , It Will Me limit. It ncoms to bo a settle ! fact tint the Fre mont , .ElMiorn & Missouri Valley will extend either Its HnrtlnKtO'i or Randolph brunch to YanUori , Dalcota , nail thus give tlio people of tlvat to\vn what they have long been asking for , direct rail connection with Omnluv. OiHcl ot the roail , however , are very reticent on thli subject. When nslocl for Information they suy that the matter Is mintllcd exclu sively by miinajforsof the Ji'ort.liwestern at Chicapo ; that If tlioy dumnlt iilviuablo to build ibis short bltoC new road , it vlll un doubtcdlybo built. Notes and Fred Nash , general agent of the Alilwnu- lice , icturncd fiom Chicago jestorday. General Passenger Agent Buehanun of the Clkhoi-n is in Cliicajo. All the rate dorks of western roads are In Chicago , flxlnnup a scliodule for the Grand Army of the Kenulillo reunion at Boston. Hood's Snrsapnrilln has a steadily incrcas- Inp iwpularity , which c.m only bo won by nn article of real merit , Give it n tilal. A WAV WITH Til IS PAKIIt ! Dr. Merrill SIIKKCHIS that Rolliiiii Quaoka bo Hun Out. 1S11 CHICAGO STUKHT , 0\i KIM , July Ji , To the Ddltor of Tin : DKIJ : I aslc the favor of tpuce in jour paper to put myself right before - fore the publio as to the faith healing mis sion , now , happily , drawing to its close. J wis nt the testimony meeting la t. night at tlio Baptist dumb. Mr. Dowlo. asked nil who believed In Jesus Christ ns the physical healer of his people to arise , lie tlicn put the opposite question. I sat still njruln. This notion , or Inaction , must not bo mis construed. I was simply n spectator. I felt no responsibility to " < " ' for Air. Dowlo However my sense of duty , as a minister , to the people of Omalia , Impels mo to btato I urn not in sympathy with the notions of this mission. I have tended eiiougli meet- lugs to form an opinion of the teacher nnd his teaching. I enn sco no way la which Oniiiha would have lost any thing phjslcally or morally If tills combina tion hud traveled on a through ticket f loin Sun Francisco to Chicago. IHs not "necessary for mo to question tbo honest ) ' ot either teacher or disciples to defend this oplonlon. 1 do not pronoso any dUcu&tlan la this uoto. but simply want to msiko sure that I shall not lu any way help to mislead imyboiiy. How would it do for the ministers to"unlto with the doctors in the inuttor they are now Respectfully yours , P. S , Cliolcrn Morlms nt Ccdnr Unplds , CCPAII K\rins , In. , Juno SO. Mr. George Johnson's boy , about eight years old , was taken with clialura morbus and given up to die by tlie attending pbjstclnn. Mrs. Marie- crt called nt the house wltlui bottle of Cham berlain's colic , cholera and dlurihcun remedy , imdthoyiTiivo thoboy two doses of It. The effect was a prompt recovery and tbo next duvho vns up and about. I'.verjbody in that neiyhboibootl now u cs it. TUOM is TIICISIJX. The man who stole § 50 from T , J. McCor- mlck , the contractor.ls named Albert Darnoll and not Albeit Dcrnxld us hus been hcieto- foix ) published. Uarrcil is n youtip felloiv of twenty-one , outlooks vounger , Ho has a | : oed face utul lias lost lila left nint , liavhijr shot that nicm- borolT. lie was botoro Judge Helsleyyestcrduy niouiing nnd eon fessed the crime , lie sold it was Ills llrst offense. lie claimed that ho quit woikin the morning otthodny that the ciltiio was committed and visited tlio city.Vhoii ho returned to camp he vviu drunk , the first time in his life , and stele the money , Up to the time of Ills arrest ho kept It as lie found IU not being able to overcome his loathing to wards it , McCormlch was present In court also. Ilo idcntitied his property , nnd his small eyes glittered when h6 beheld the raouoy. Ilo was greatly cbargiucd when told thnl ho must wait until the matter was finally settled. Darnell was bound overlo the district court in ( JOO bonds , and In doluult o f ball went to jail. , TIIM itKconu. Scerotiry Piper's lloport on tlio Hoard's l iimnulnt Condition. The following report of the receipt * and ex penditures ot the general fund of the boiird of education for the yenr ending July 14 , wns made by Secretary Piper at Monday night's meeting of the bo.irdi nnlancelnstycnr , .1 1.020.71 TilU-s 7lI'iii.H : ! St.ito . anpoitlrmincnt iJOKI7.M Tuition rW-s 12T.-J5 Unearned Imiirnnco 4.5) ) Illith ndmolimuliiiitliig o.\crelsis. ; . 7.-M 87.li Lots mul ( liiniugoto property PO.UJ Junk ( old Iron ) 111.i ; Total f iiprlnt | Miilent . ? 3IWO.W Tcivhcrs . SOIMII.U Unuks . JS'-.t. , Stationery . 44'i'M ' : Kent I'liinttiiru SO I. . .l.inltors . . R0.4I5.H Itcpiilll. etc . C,7 ! < IVM Iir.iyniro . H. " > .0" > Insiirniico . 1 ! . " > . : riiiuniii'iit , linptovcniL'iits . 1DCI7.II , : MnIiubullilliif. . ' ? . iVJT.iO IllL-h school library liookH . ( VI. ' 1'ilntiiu . 1W.M Cirnuiiili Unlit csj.iu Elect ilo boll soitluo : > " > .10 Clock oliu : ! > ' ) ( ) Siippli'iiiuiilnrv' mailers 1WI.il ) Music books imtl supplies 1,71111.1/1 , / Drawing supplies ItT.'tl GrtnT.il nxlillilt Miniilr 1-1.li Kxhiiilt lliBliillillii0' 17-M ? KxlilhllSt.l'nul 1M.M I A''it bOi'VlcPS , , , 075.10 lAtlll CVJIOHl'S f. 'IS. 8 Klrul Inn < \ | > uiiics ? .2. > l.7l HIL'Ollll | tllM , < , , . l.Wl.f.'l Ail vu i Using , il7. " > M'elopliono ' l.OOI.fl ) 'I'ciu'liors ctiiiiiliiat'.oa il7i.W ! ) HUu > ol ucii'iis 7H. i.liO I'rliiLlir. ' anil blank lioolcs l.r 'I.M _ 'lly ot Uniiiliii feus , : .MIO "VieiisiiiurN vutill rent 15HO JI IIHCIuul surveyors ilvi-rv roU'pliciripilustwyoil Icncrd o 111 jo , tie- 14081 Mrun os refunded JIT" ! > riiiosii'f iiiutii 1 IHK ) tiiiit ! > ril , cilllcu iciil 1.14U.OO ( IIMII i.il ollleo l.inltor . BJft ) d'CliLMiil olllco llllt ! ! ' Clone r.il otlk'o suppllis 7-4.M ( li'iior.il ollleo slut loner v 21.101 olllco fiiinlliiro . Seurcl.iry's . salary . npeilnliMiilimt bnlltlliiKs'saliiry . 1,8 ( MM lliirseimdwnrim ; . IMKIOD ( lunural ollluc olurks . 1II'J.CI : Iiitonst . IVTOM llonds ledcemed . , . r > ,771i,91 Totnl . WJU1HI8 Ingenirsil ( nnd . 9 IVaoo on I'urtli Awaits tliat countless army of tnnrtyrs.wliose iiinksiiro constantly reiruitel fioin Ilio vic tims of iiervousnos'i ' and nervous diseases. The \inco \ of tlio boon is 11 systematic confto of Ilcstettcr's Stotn.ieh llitU'H.tho Illicit and most penial of tonic ncivincs , pursued with lensonablo persistence. Kisier , plciisantcr and safer this than to s\vush the victualing dopaitinont with iwoudo-toiiiei , alcoholic or the iworae , bcof extracts , ncrvo foods , imr- loties , sodiitives nnd poisons in dUcuisc. "Tired nature's sweet " restorer , bjlmy sleep , la thoprorldbiithil teen permit of wiuknorvcs , nnd this Rlorious franebi u lioln imunlly tlio consequniiccs of sound digestion and inireased vlortlio , grout stomachic which iiibures both l productive also.of rcposont the reiiuliod tlinu. Notutirefii-'siiod awiiltcnstho Individ ual vlio uses it , but vljrovojs , clearheaded nml tranquil. Use the blttors also in fe\cr und acue ; , rheumuthm and Iddncy troubles , coastliiatlua and Oillousncss. "T\viKtl llm Mori's 'JCnll. " O.MUIA , July -J-J.-To [ the Editor of TUB BnB [ Tlio account of Don Qulxoto doing battle wlJh the wind mills and ether fortnkl- able fees , Is not inoro nlnurd thuii Air , Ilnn- uoa's In Toronto ilcscri- great ttnj cxjiloit , as - bcd In Sunday's II ; : : : . It may tlcldu 2lr. Ilaiiuoii'svanity tothus pose ns a connucr- InR licro , but tlio article ilocs our northern aolnhboratoo great an injustice tolotjuas un noticed. hi Town to n fo\v yoira : since wlica she vna in ( jaU uttlro. ( By tliov.iy of par enthesis would say tlint she could tcifch Omaha and other .American cities : ; ( fpo.l dc.il upon dressing up Iw special oc casions. ) The decorations wcro in ( treat profusion ; with the Kngllsh l\t\f \ ? , the stars nml stripes lloitad from hotels , busiiioas and prlvnto liaasos , anl formed ti conspicuous jiart In the dcraratlons of tlio many.arches and the expoottlon lulldini ? . So mueh so was thit thoi-aso that ono of the lapers In clowns itidcseriptlouof thodcconi- , ions , staled that it would bo dllllcult to ilo- eldo from the flaps used whether Toronto AMIS nn English ornn Ainerlcuii tlty. Thostreets were crowded wltli Canadian * nnd English men , butnot awoiildidl hear of nn insulting nature of the American Hag or of thuAmiri- caii people. II , ACIioloo liist ol * Miuiiiir ! Resorts. In the luke rofiions of WiBconsin , Tvlln- nosotn , Iowa and the two Ualiotus , there Uro hundreds of churnilng localities pra- oinincntly lilted for Hiiminor homes. Amony tl o following tolcetcd list tu-o ntinios familiar to many of our readers us the porfoetion of nortliorn summer ro Boris. Kojirly nllof the "Wisconsinpoints of interestni'o within a bhoit dlstttnco from Chicago oi1 MlUvuukoo , and none of them are BO far ivwuy from .tho "bu . mtirts ot civilization" that they cannot bo reucliod in n few liourd of travel , by fi-equeiit trains , over tlio llnost road In tlio northwest the Chluago , MUivnukoo < fe St , 1'aul railway : Oeonomi\vo ( \ ( ; . Wls , Clear Lalcc , Towa. Mhiocqxn , Wls. LakoOlcohoJI , Iowa , WankcslmVis. . Spirit Lake , Iowa. 1'olinyra , Wis. rrontouac , Minn. Tiun.iha\7lc Lakes , La ku .Mlnuotonlca , AVIs. Minn. Lalteslde , WIs. Ortoiivllle , Minn. Kllhourn City , Wh. , 1'rlor Lalco , Minn. ( Jtellsof the Wis Whlto Hour Lalco consin , ) Minn. Beaver l.im ) , Wls , I ) iK Stone Like , Da Madison , Wls. koti. For datallHl inform itlon , apply at ticke oflke , 1501 I arnuin street. Barker .Block. F. A. Is'.VSll , Gen. j\jont. { J , E. PUKSTOJT , P.WH. Agont. AVIll N'ot Arrest Usli-r. Chief Seavoy was asked why ho had takei no stops to liivo Linton J , Usher nriested , u ho hnd n warrant for his alleged implieattoi in the FlorotUi Russell check robbery. He replied that It would cost quite a sum to son an olHccr to Lawrence , Ivan. , after tliQ man and ho had not yet seen the color of any body's money who desired to foot the hill Ilmloos not propose to stand the expo himself. lliiurcrloreicelttncorroTCn In nlllloniof formoruthnnniiinrtor cl a renttiirHI * u > ll > J the Uiillccl blnto.i liuTorninont. Kmlciricil tj the hoods ol thu uruiil iinlreraltlet ni tlio Strongest , 1'utrit nnd .Matt Ho.iUhful. Dr. 1'ilfo's Cream llak < liiBl'owder don nulcoatiln uinmooluUna uriluui. Solj oulIn c ns. I'UICK I1AKIM I'OlVDErt CO , TSa complnlnt itotn whlcli many Buffer 1 and low are ontircly free. Its cnuso la Indigestion anil a ( lUKglali ll er , the onto for wlilch Is readily fouutl in the use of Dyer's I J11 . "I linro founailinttor lck lienilnelio , caused by ntllHotderoil conaltlon 01 the Rtomacli , Ajfcr'KlL'ilU arc the most re liable reineily.-Sauiuol 0. JJriullniru , "After tlio u e of Aycr's rills for many 3jffirsln , my pinctleo anil family , I niu jnstllUil in Hiyii.g t1'1 ' tliey nto an oxcolleiit ciilliartlc anil HUT ineiliclao BUMaiiilnBiillthoclniiiiAtiiiilafortlieni. " V. \Votfull , M , l > - . V. Austin & N. AV , Railway Co. , Unmet. Texas. "Ayct'fl Tills nro the bust medicine known to me for rcRiilntlug the boweln , nml for nil iliscascH caused1 by n ills. ordered stoniacli anil Hvtr. I siinerotl for over tliieo yrnrH from heuiaelie , in- UiRCstiiPii nnd constlpatimi. I hail no np | ) tlto nml was -weak nntl ncivoni inuit of the tlino , BviiHiiiK tlirco boxes of Aycr's ' Tills , anil ivt tlio HIUIIO time diitliiKiiiyfulf , iwnsrointilotulycured. " rhillp Lockwood , Topeka , Kansas. "I was troubled for years with hull. , constipation , mul lic-iulnchc. A ijwoxcHolAyir'H i'llls.usoil In finall dally tlosuH , restored mo to Ixijltn. Tlioy ute proniptnnd ciTeitivu , " \ \ . II , StroutMeuilvilli ! , I'a. Ayer's ' Pills , rilEI'AJtID BV Dr. J. C. Ayer St Co. , Lowell , Mass , Soil by ill Druesl'ts nnl Dcilcre la Medicine , Tlicre's a corset hat isn.t a corset , a - \ vaistwith straps for the shoulders and rows of'buttons to button-on skirts and stocking supporters and so forth thu Ball Waist and that's about the whole of it. No ; you can put it in the washtub no metal in it or on it. It isworth your seeing-if for nothing but how to se\v onbuttons-to button easy and never come off , and how to make buttonholes wear for ever. ever.Vomcn differ in their \vays of thinking and dressing as well as in other ways. This waist is for vornen whose minds are made up that they won't wear corsets , There's ' much to te said on both sides ; but did you e-ver hear of -woman who hadn't ' made up her mind in saina way ? and is there any possible use in trying to get her to change it ? She will and she will ; or she v/on't / ' and she won't. You can get tlie Ball "Waist and wear it a week or t-wo or three ; . and , if you don't want it , take it back to the store and get your money. CHIOAOO COSSET Co. . Clilcago and NOT ? Tori. EXTRACT OF BEEF. for improved and economic cookery , tiso it for Soujn , Sauco.s and 3nilo ! Di ic . In lluvor iji- compamblc , unil dissolves perfectly clour inutor. \ . Jlalccd delicious Beef Tea and frrejM in all dinwtcn for any loiijthof ( timo. 1 Ib equiil to 40 Ibs or lean beef. Only sort Kiiaraiiteotlgonuliia by Justus von Lie- big. anil bears his in 'blue/ ? thus : * Toouro nillcii5ncS. PUk IIo.ilne'ic. Conftlpnllon. Malsrla. Liver CoiiiplalnK , " 'ki' tl < o mitu and corub rcnieUy , SaUTJU'S Illtlo tcansto fliobot. tic I. 'Hoy r.u ; thomobtcorvunlent : bull alleges. I'ilcooU'1 thci Glzo , ' Z ccnU IIT Ixjiilo. 7 , 17.70 : Pliolo-trrnniro. plUuro tor j. F. BJirrn k co . Mnlicrn o ( "llllo Huaiu > . St. JLouU. Mo. "BEO.B.CARPENTEI14GD I' SDtl.iJ jtttcnlloii ( o Uia ra mufcctuie of I"or IConne or Store. Wehuvetlie FIS1EST UBS OF STRIPES la thli city. 202 to 208 South Water Street CHICAGO. _ tli9 amoirlcc | pnrio pru.uan tec , ( Imlvllti thow whopro fcr to como here , wi will contract t o cum Him or refit nil al 1 -IOK- CONSTII'ATIO.V , HtllKNTAHTf IliLIOl'INKSH , KlD.VKl O J Ll'NQ 11SK.UKS. llll-UIIU lll.OOl > . ILT2H& COMPANY. 'OIW ANI > EOLJC A > AMIIfA.CTUIUtlPi OMAHA. NEB. v ' . < 8BNITO TniYcrllic 2lanticcincntof tlie IIe.\iinIiilrnallonalDanMngCo.CoiicssIciaiIc ( , ( ! . Incorporated Dy IhoSlalaof ChihuahuaMex , ice , for Charllablo Purposes. GRAND MONTHLY DRAWIKO , till tiUo place In public nt Ihocltrof Juarct ( for merly 1'usodul AortoMii.Tlco. Wednesday , July 23d , 1SSO , iMVifrai ssHv I.liiJ , UotliKuiitl''Uiunot lilfli Only 60 , 000 Tickets ! Only 0,030 Tickets ! moil TICKCTS $4 , HALrTICKETS J2 , QUAHTtB TICKETS , SI , ! Trizs of $60,009- $ . . . $60,000 1 Trlzoor JUIKK ) 10.01) ) 1 I'llzocf ' MKKJ t.t'O ' n Trlzosof 1,000 ( iidi no ) 10Trl7A > ser wo Mich sr.uu 60Trb.osor 10(1 ( well 0.00 llK ) I'llZL'SOf fiO oaoli 5H ( ) iiO 30 inuh 7&W Approximation I'rl/.cs , 100 Trl7.o-if tf.OMch t 5.0)0 ) 100 J'tl/.csof no inch. Torinliiiil I'rlsrM. Pon7crmnnl ! < ? toJfiOdfiOl'fl/o otf.'O c.icli. Oll.iTO OUOU'criuluiilH lo8tOWjO 1'iUoolSl'J cacb. & , W ISHPrlzciamontlnjto . $125,970 We , the nndorslBiitit. Icrclir rpil'fy that Ilio [ Iincn : Nnclniinlnf Mtxlrol.i . Cliiliiinlinn liiwoti il . noiilifroinrtip MBXICIII InicrrinlloiiHllliiiiliInK o , tlio m'r ! Mr > fiinl-t to ciinniiiK'O ttic piomcut ot all iitlroB ilriiwiiln tlio < iiiiii l.nlrHu .1 iini-uri Wotiirliier cirtifviliut o lilmmrvltio nil the arranccuitnl.i.thil Inporsmi IU.IIIHKC .Kill loiiuol nil tlUJilrarlnuioUthU Ixilturjr.mul lh.it tlio i-iimo nrofomliictotl itlth linnostM.ilrncsi .niitl In cuoJ lulth toward * all DirICK. ! J OH fj S. MO SB Y , Comtnteslimor. CtMii.oAiuirii.ir.s , Supervisor lor tlio Clovoinmont. Ifnny ticket drnn-lnzn frlro tucontlft thcundtr- rlciiccl. ititacninliiowlll In' collrcluilana ruiulticd to tlio owner thereof , Iroiiof clnrfp. Kl.OAH II UIIOV80V. 1'rcs. KII'nsoNiitioinU lunU.Ul I'uo.Tcz A K-IS V.VKTKIJ. rorrlnbrntcior nry ottitr Intormntlon.wr'.to to thouniluriUniil , i > tntlnir > ciir iidilrcwrlunrly. ( Tim Mine , County , htroetand Nuinter. Jloro rapid da- llverr wlllbo uunrcilbjr jour enclosing un ouvcl * opobcnrlnir ynnr fnllatUlrcf ? . JlUXICAN l.trmiNATIONAI. llAMCINfl CO , City of Jtinruz , Mexico. \OTICE. Sonrt rrmlttance lot tickets bf ordinary letter , ' conmlnlin. Money Oiilor , l ucdbv , nllpxprc < com- pnnlos. N w Vuk KscSiiitiso. tinnk rtruft or potul uotc. Adilri' iill rcelntorwl li'liera n MBairANl JTCUVATIlNAI 1IAMCIVO CO. . Cityot Juarez , Muxlco , vlitKl 1'aso , Tcr. Drs. Meril Merill , M'KH-\Ijl.STS IV Chronic. N'ervoiiH. niooil niul Surulcfl Dl i > nai and UlsciiKCBOf tlH'Eyo , Uur , NO.-O. TnmUml Cliubt Sjisoinl A.IIOII lion to HIM 'a un or Wo men niicUiillr ! ( > > ii. Thu ilcictor * have hnd lo'irs nf etperlpnce In the litnpltnlior lliuuklin mid Jfjn VoriAnnd nru nmon Ihoiiiostnicci's-luinnU nklclj Lno\ui upiclalllit * In tlihcjuntry. ' ! VDIIIIU anil ? lli ; < llc-.Aioil Alon. I/it ) M.inhooil. rcrvou < UctillUjr , ypcnniitorrliip , 3omlniill.ispo < , I'loiiIirnlDecaf.nrtMiilt Irom Inills- : 'rellon , proiliuliiff ilcuileisnck | < , iti.iornliiiovplin- ! ! lilcioii Ilio liuo , aversion In MiU'ty , t-a.-1 ! ? tllacuur- im > ll"f' " < > f uinlUlinci'.ilull unlit tor tituily or but ) ' lies' , ml Iliuli lit u u Uun'cu ' , Hnrfly.periiiaueutlr anil ipu'illlycurod , lilond 11111.1 klIl Dtsnnsrs. a ( ll. pi o ino't tlrcailful lud \ roiulta , c rui ) leu Kit. d - nitiUinm V Sitrirrry. Oonorrlire. ( lloet. B plilll . llyilrorcle. Vnrlci > celo nnl StrklUrc riullnilly nml mlulr ciunl ullliout linlnor detunllnii liom bn lnon. < Mlf Mi'il Djfor- IIM : ! nnd IiUieilliiicntH | tumiiriliiKciutccsifullr ru- 11 u'ntnl cllsojis-f nfily nml iicrrannuntly cured. Hours tin. in. I" ] , ' p. in , Bundtiyt. IU till 1' . ' . X 11. Parsons in.ible to vlnllui omI'C'trontJil lit tlii'lr lionios IIH erie < | i < > [ il ncc .Mdllcliios uaJ lu- blriictlons soul by ipri . C iii iiltillon (100. ( Hentsln atnmislo ] lniiru uply. ( Kil'ioeiitn M. , 0i > i > .t Oior.i | HouseOmaha , Nub , THE SPECIALIST. The Doctor Is unsurrisicd la tbo ttfiiliiunt ot nil forjr.i of I'rlMilc Dl t"ee , 3 SJP * * ft Crf Notri'ainuut lnsovwbcen S allS ? " fitSitlta morcnitucBfiil nml none WeaWWSta'W has bud ftrunucr endorse- ntnt. A cutola parnntrud In lln.\ery uorBlcaeoj ir.frornIto 5d.iVBUlll-unttliolopscf mi loitr'rllmo. 'I'lioi'O who have lici-n unU-rlun tnitmcntfot Hrlctuioordimciilly in nllovlux the bladder , yronoiincc Hn ninet wonder ful mirccHH. A coinplftc euro In ft few diysuhhoul mln. Initriimontior lnioC lima. ' liinlilltor ncrvntipiics ! , In Iliolr nnret forms and nni't drcnilfil rilnlts ere absolutely cured - nilnll KKMALK DISUASCS cured nl lioniD ultlinut Instrument ! A ivonilcrful rcmtJy. JlOUltS fey Indies from 2 to 4 ONI.V. mill all DlFtatca df thcSkln , Illooil , lie H. l.lvir , Kid- Ufj-8 ml Ul'iilclr ' curcil Cured In 30to COdnyi. The m letrapiil.eifoatiil fCTc'Ct- | vo tnitmiiit knnunto the ir.edlal prnte Blon , tcry Imcoif IhodUriic rem - m < > e < lfn null' lloodinconmlt'ttc'.iraguarinleed , For "iiiun"or ncuniin" . emli lOc ( lnnin ) Troiithunt by corro- Bimnilcnco Ptnmi for rt-jily , n.'N K lonlTii | Ni > KAIINJII ST , n.- fJSln& " ° icl > f' ' " ' B AM " 01 | * ' ut2 > Lci Umtmc' on K rnnrnor lllh tit. . HE8VE AND BRAM TREATMENT. aoc , , . nJ Hpermntorrtm' * au l by orer-tifii tloof Ilio liruln , ivtf-ibubo or verliidnfetnoo. tachbox mntaluonenonU'ilrctu ' 'eiit 6t t > osi or ! for | i. nt . tijmnilirruall. ilh ciub order for i z bci v. vlil cmi purrbK ( r ionnKo lo r fund none. If Vli. tretlinriitra uro , UuaraatetituuKl uiilvenulaa ulduulby GOODMAN DRUG CO. , JitO Furiuxu Street , Omaha , Neb THE . CHANCE Of a Lifetime. If you haven't ' already subscribed for THE BEE and the "Americanized Encyclopaedia Britannica" you should do so at once. Such a bargain \vas never-offered by a newspaper before , , , If you haven't time to call , telephone us No. 23S ) , or drop a postal card and a repre sentative will call on you. HERE IS OUR PROPOSITION : THE OIMA.HA. DEE offer's n ycnr's sub- sos'ipiionortho dnlly papcrlncludiiig tlio Sun- cluy issues doliVorecl at your nclclrcss-nnd n complete set of THE AMERICANIZED EN- CYCLOP/EDIABniTANNlCA foi1 $2.BO per month. The first flvo volumes delivered on payment of $2.BO nncl Ilio bnlnnco pqynblo 52.BO per 1110nlh. The other five volumes to bo delivered within foui1 months. ALL OUR PRESENT SUBSCRIBERS ore entitled to all the advantages of this great offer. People living outside ofOmnlin can avail themselves of above libernl offer , by hoving the monthly payments guaranteed by some responsible banker or merchant In their . tow n. Send for descriptive circular. ALL NEVWSDRALELRS. CONTAINING THE ENTIRE I Between Messrs. Rosewater and VVeJDStcr ( for high license ) and Messrs. Dickie and Small ( for prohibition ) MasiRparalinYliBEai : Prom complete stenographic reports , with out abridgment or alteration , IS HOW READY P ( r This debate has attracted special attention , not only in N"cbraskabulall over the United States. - It is conceded on all hands to be the greatest debate upon the prohibition is sue on record. Adherents of both sides can JUST WHAT WAS SAID5 by each speaker. Not a word has been changed , "While prohibition organs garbled - . bled the anti-prohibition arguments \vhen printed at all , THE BEE prints every word of argument presented in the great debate. Forward Yoilr Orders at OIIGB , Newsdealers throughout the west will be supplied on order. Orders for one to a ' thousand or more copies will receive , prompt attention. Price BB a Copy ; Remittance should accompany order in all cases. Address : THE BEE PUBLISHING CO , Omaha , Nebraska. FOR SALE BY ALL NEWSDEALERS.