Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, July 23, 1890, Page 7, Image 7

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AnVniTIPMin.NTSfor thcxo columns will
bo tnkrn iintlir ' : : p. m. for the evening
edition nml until 8 < w p. tn , for the morning
edition nml SUM ) AY IItr ,
mnilMH-Cash In advance
RATrS-AdvertHemontH on tills pte | ? wlllbo
tluirpcd for nt llio rate oflh tent per word
for the llrst Insertion and 1 cent per woid for
'v i ach snl fcqnent Insertion , nnil sl.M per line
} > nr month. J\o udt crtlsenientH tnkun for less
\ tlmnlHcents for tlio lint Insertion.
1 N1TIAI.S , flijuru , symbols , olc , , countoach
JL Jin ono Word.
rpIIISI ndvcrtlsfmonts must run eonsccn-
Jl tl\ily and miller no clreiimstnneos will
Ilioj be tnkenor discontinued liy telephone.
} MU'II H nilvertlsclnu Intliesoeolnmns nnd
1 Imvltir tlirlr answers addressed ton "mini-
lieridlett r" In earo of 'I nr HIT will reielto
a i tun bend cheeu to enable them tat ct their
lottei . Answers will In ikllvorid only on
jiic'Viitntlim of this cheek I n < lose answers
In Piivelciien | propcily addressed _
Mi ndvertlsoinentsr under the lionil of
A " potlnl ? > otlcs" ( are pttlillMlied Inboththe
iiiornfimand ovenlng editions < if I lit HKF the
clrciilntlon of which nKtnpjfiitcs moro .limn
BO.I i rs dally , and ulMS tlio ndvcrtlter
the 1 enel t not only of thn InrKnolrcnlatlnn ol
Tut 111 > In Oninba , hittuUnln Council lllutlM ,
1 liicoln nnd other oltlci and towns In the west.
AlVl.lTISiMrS'TS ) ! : | for Rltimtlnns or for
lualo or feiniiln hilp , neb e\ec < ( llm ; SI
wonl urn Insortiui In Tin' St'Niuv IUK nt h ilf
rnto < diirlnc the months of July and Aimitst
'Jheieifiilnr rates will lo cluir.z l fin1 cimh
udillt'oiml word above 21 words us well as for
cense utlvo Insertions.
Adveitlsolns fortli'-Rpeoliirnn1 * will tin tnkon
nn tin ii o\u conditions at tlio following
tnixlnn'-ii omos who uro null orlrod to take
special not < . ( / ' , nt llio s'tnio rates na can lie
lind lit the iiinln olllcc.
"boi'iii oMAiiX ii ANoii oriTor-No
fj MiSI N btnot , lister Itlo k.
Oil N TTIll7Li7.Tiiarma l ; > t , MO iouth Tenth
UAMfX. r.DDV , Stltlonurs und 1' ,
o lllboiitlillilhbtroet.
\\T .T. lll'OUKS , l'liarm clstKJ North ICtli
; I rent ,
/ 1IO. W.PAUn , , I'liarmtclht , 1718 Lcavon *
' 'worth blrcut.
TTjUOIIKS1 I'llAUMAOY,24th nnd I'nriiam.
I'oi inlw , ctc.rea lop nj Jlml column oil tills
Half relict on .Simdiu/ / . _
WANrniV-bltiiallons forplrls ; my olllce Is
IIH lullh tjnod RlrN of nil natlomlltin
c > cry day. Mis. llreia. 3H' ' S nth. 070 iM
"VVANTI'n-Hltuatloii by Ilist-classcnUo und
> btcMd b iker. Addteas , 1C a , Omaha Heo
< Y\7ANTKI-Hltiintoii ! by n. stenORripliei
i ami tytiowtllcr : thren j ears uxpailcnuo
AddiesM , 1. .1 , IMc olllco , Llnuoln , ol ) .
UH'UAHON vvuntod l > y a dniRZlst of II
> J jonnexperience In Norvv.iy > aiul ynrs In
Ainiilca ; KRlsttied phiinniitlst of Itikoti ,
by nxamlniitlon. W. II , , llox 543 , Vaiildon ,
itnktdii county , H. 1) . lilii-JS *
eldoily lady wishes sltuitlon us mirso
AN rQiilliicnicMit. 1 nnsovpcrlenco and
lies , of iiftrcnccs. Alls. I1 Done1 , ll tlnoith
Listst. K17-2I *
NOTTOn to tiicrclinnt tailors Position
wunli rt liy first-class cnttiM ! roforont'cs
Blv PII. Adilri as II. ( a , llco olllcc ( r.lJy.- > *
latet , elc.tcr Inp nf flint column oil IMi j ) o .
nitca on
WANI'ni ) 4 men vvllh Rood rufcroncis to
sell jjoods on Init ilnionts T.irt silary
unclp irtcoiiiiiilsslon. Mutrupollttin Mfir Co ,
1718 S L Al II 1 v' a\eMiilq. f.71J7 . *
WAN'I ii-An olllco boy. Room S , C'ontl-
ncnlnl blook. Apply at tor IU i infer
for Colorado. W.uosS )
- mid * . ' 2."ipoi dny. I'nn firo. AlbrlRht'a
labor nqciu'y. 11-0 T imam stiout. _ t,81
BKRiKLAyiniSwaiitidby Itkhnrds A , Co ,
: il Red O.ik , la. Uood wa i.s to tlieitglit
nion. _ ( ( , . " . ' (
WANTii-At r.ipllllon , Neb , for Uoolc
Islmid U H. woik , WO tc.uiisStSOnordny ;
BO mull ut Jl.TO and $1.75 hub contraotora
w.tntud. McUonnlck Urea , I'-iplllIon. Nob.
Kn Iron coinlco workers ; stondy
. Ktod WIVROS. Jnnios A. Miller fc Hro.
120 ftjid Tl S. I'llliton st. , ChlciiKQ. ftil 27 *
rAN I'HO-Uood blacksmith hoi ptr at 1409
llodgu st , OJI-2J *
"VSTANl'IjI ) Salfsincn on salary or roinintH-
T sloii to haiidlo the now pitont choniloul
Ink Biaslnit pcnoll Tlio Rrontost solllnu nov
elty o % or iiroducod. 1'ruscs ink thoroughly
in twoHCuitids ; nu.ibruslon of paper. Six ) to
DOO parc'i nt profit , OnoimontS sales utiiountod
tofJOIiihldnym ( nnothor W"J In two hiiuis.
Vfo want oiiounorRotlCAoncifil ngcnt foroM'ry
Rt itonnil luitllory. Satniilu by until JoiohtH.
rortunns und full paitkul.iw aililiu&s The
Jlumoo Kiasor I\irg. Co ,
_ _ -
GLN'l'U/Vlf st nto agent to opn hoadiiu trton
In seine ] irlnulplu city , nssuinn o\clusi\n
contiol of our business and appoint local and
Biib-aionts In o\tryolty In this htnlo.uoods
will knnnn , stnplo us Hour , In unhcrsnl da-
miind , niul intv a not prolltof 50 to ICO per cent.
AdlFios > s The Union toiiipany , 741 llrondway ,
\\rANTI < Il A slilpphiR tlotkuviiirlunud In
i tlio Iioloiulo Riocorv hiwlnossuan heal
of .1 position by tuldrcsslnj ! ICU.Itcu olltcn ; ( il\o
i > rofercj ice < . _ Kt "t
-ii\nuze Iron cornleo or-
rrfi steady work , peed WIIKOS Junies A.
rt'Cltru , 1'JU and 1J1 Hoiith Clinton st ,
HO 41,0-2 ; !
C AUI'K.N'niKa , plasterers , painters , inasoiH ,
I iboron , oto. , oto.onuKot work and apply
payinont on lot , bilanco six ) outs
WinJ. I'uul.JOO'iruriiuiii. 411
isood olty .
Tor particulars address llox 207 , Om.alia ,
T\TANrKU 1.MIO men for railroad work In
> Wjoiiiln ; . DilvOti , lit ib and Nmmla ;
wiin'cs il.7. > tit ) * > 0 , steady work. Albright's
Lilir | Agciu y. 1 lid I'.ini it in s t. ! .W.i7
\\rANriJU-Ttiroo first class mtm to ropto-
i sent tlinOniiilnt lieu In niul out of thoulty
Ciillut llio spculnloflko of Omaha lieu , tornur
17t h and I'lttn 1111 tfiound lloor. 1)77
T\rAM'nD-AkMi to truvnl foroin Oinndlin
, > > nuraorles btouo&.UuninetonJladlt > oii.U'l3
' time. . JIW.OO
A'prollt In 1 vseiiKs or no ; > iy. Add. with
stump : Jar\ls&.Couipiny , Lueliio , Wla
/\\rANTKH-b ilesinca ut $75 per inoutli sal-
ii ury aiulexpeiiscs to soil a llnoof sllver-
plnlPd vno , vv.itihcs , otc. . by b.vmplo onlys
i and ti'im furnished fruo ; vrnto atome
for full p iltloulnrs and s.imnlo a.iso of coeds
fico bt indiiid blUerwato Oo , llostoi ) , Musi
l 20J laborers for extra ro id
Apply to 1' , II , Joluihon , II & Jl.
imsse-iii.'t r diiiot . Umiilin. 4
w.intod at Norfolk and
S lli'iitrlco. Good viages pild. M.T. Murphy
J'oMiittiit < c,8fciio//Ii8tciIumii ( on Uiii
Half nitti on
lood ( jlrlfor Keiunalhousovvork
. once * . Apply -iija I'm 11.1111. tu'J''l *
. forginut il houftovvoi Ic , ono who Is neat
G1KI. I'tin took. fciiuiH family. S , o. cor Iflth
nndcorhv st < . li'd Jl *
T IKIj'urttfliii'iitl lioiiiovvorkmust on Rood
\ . A TIr--altl : ) for Kltchonwotk. No euro
Vl of clilUheii. 11 IPS 21111. _ liTJ _
'AT and ctroiiB lil forRuneral houso-
e.0 b. lUth.
7A I I ) A. nurse Klrl. Oood v\.iieH ; lo
light piny , S , K. cor , "Oth and Joins.
(170 ( . '
- , 1 for Re'ni honstnvork"
hiiiull fiiiull ) ' . Iniiulro ISb Corby
A > TUl--A ) eoixl Ctrl for general linusa
vvtn l > . Apply to ls.ll S 10th i. cffJ.i
1IIU to ilo ic'iioril limihuvvork In siunll
G family. N. W. cor , of."Stli & . DoiiKlns sts.
(10'ii *
\fASTKlV-Qlil for Ke'iiornl house work la
I snmll fnmllj. 11KO 1 arnainst. CM la
\ ; AMTiil : Atoncc. Rlrl for seni'ral housu-
Y v\utk. U. W. Plit Ips , 600 bo. 33th uvc.
r ANTliD A lOinpe-teiit lioubukiuuor at a
farmhouse uoiir the city. Apply ntSOOS
Iturtit , ota-'a
* p AI > Y iiwcntH wiintcil ; entlroiy now skirt
JLJiuul lioso supporter ; rnplil seller : anipto
/tree. Address Ww. N. 11. Little Slfg Co. Clil-
cogo. III. BfiJJU *
, . . \t-\ \ uoa elrl , e li.aj , ° ' 1lcoJaV'r'
111.111 prcfoircct. ilrs. J. \ \ , Craig , liU bo.
OUtut. 4M-13' !
T ladlei u milary of 110 per wee
Jll to work ( D- me In their locality ut liuim ) .
ll lht HorU.i'ooiliiiiy far part tlmo. vVrltu with 1. I arrliml in.UixJffJ plilctiKii.
* V \ Olrlforlioutnw rir't once , ( jooi
Jl CullKCtCullforuliii. ! . MO-
"WANTED A kltclion suit reference ro
ll quired ; Rood vraKts. Apply Mrs. 0.8.
Hnytnond. 12J South Sithst. 641)
\\7A\TI.l-TliiliiFroom ) glr.s atindsor \
\ > Motel. riJ
" \\7AN1 l'l > Three oxperlencd illnhig room
T Rltls nt the Ilarkcr hotel 771
, rlf. , ff topnf frit ciiluin non l/if / *
MOllcltcd. JllbsSlunly , &as ! Uh tivo
1'tir nt/co / , fir. , rtttiipof Jlut ccJiimnon Uils ianc.
hovi'ti looms on fco.SOth st . ntir 1'iirlc '
ol ! be'tof rDfcrencorpfiiilrctl ) would pre
fer ono or l\\o yoiinjr IIK n to mom In lionspiinil
tuku < nto of sixmo. AcIdtcBS K 4U llco ofllcc ,
Itnyr-IIntw of ton roniH , No. 2015
Doiulin . | li.inily to Imslmss , til"0 to
c'nlilo nnd indinr ciirfj inndcrn coriMnloncos.
Also ( Ottiino of soxen room , No 21SO Iliirni'V
st , Kniiulmof I ) . T .Mount. . 'I I y lltli si , C7J
\J tlio clly I'tlei s 1.111:51 us from ili to $ rO
inontlily. Mneuioii & Allen , IWiU'i ' rainiitn HI.
Open enlnjrs eSITi il
t)7-UOOlThotel , tent $77 , liirii'ltiiio W io.'J30
J tush , b.iluiKO $ ijno i month , Co-opi > iatlu
liilid nnd lot , Co , 20" > N. 13th st. 004-IJJ
" 1710It IlKNT I'lirnlshi il house of 10 roomsto
Jliurllcs without child nn , pirt of icnt
taken In bo ud Kofoiencos icqiilrcd 2eU.'st.
31 iiv'ante fill- . ' ! *
/j-ltOOM house for lent nnqurofSS S. l tli st.
JTIOlt III.NT 5 loom cotttiKe , > j block fiom
motor , JIS. Apply S'US. yA st 501 ! iJ *
"filOII III NT l-ioiirn liouop In Rood it-pilr ,
J-1 1 7 N. 23tli st. Inquire tlicru 01 .it K * < * - . IStli
012 JJ
I71OII Itr.NT To ipsjionsllilo putlos only ,
J-1 those line now In lek anil Btono lioimoi on
( ii'orsla avc'iiiio ; llfte-cn loonisnnd alcoics ;
morn convenience" ! nnd bottei llnlslicil limn
tiny lionso for K nt In tlio oily. 11 II llcinloi-
8on400 rn x ton block , vlt v. tM
A month , ilnnblo store Ijitlldlti ? , 4i\l2fcot (
$15 nil. N K cor IDthuiul Mil son 0" '
Ts-rooni liouscas.'N. Utli
J C77 28 *
TT1OH HLNT 7-roomiil house , bath , w.ish
L tuhs , collui , nnd sliilili ) If do-
Apply , dOU Jlercliiints
> utl < nml II ink. 4V ! S
OU HKNT-Dcslr.lWo 8-room Imnsf , nil
iiioiloni liiiprovcinonts ; rxcullunt location ,
smldcil ytinl fiont anil iciu. Convonlont to
wholi s.ilcdNtrk't niul nnvv union depot. Oooel
lou.itlcti foi ih > slelui. ; Apply 11U b 10th st.
L71OK Ur.NT ' opt 1st , colt IRO , all niodi-rn
-L Iniprovcnionti , IU1 Slicriniin ivu.4riOil'
OK UTNT ICosltlenccs on H.unoy ; all the
Idlest IniprovoniPiits , ut lowest posilblo
ront.ll. I'aiil , 1009 L ariiiin. 4J !
T71OH lll.N'T 3-room house , city vvitor and
J. h ( rcc-ns utnlmruiiitorc < ipoiisthloimrtles ,
ICI07 I'.irker ' st. Apply 51U. l'.i\ton block. l. 0
ITlOIt J51 N'T S room house' , litd anil Ctnnln"
JL1 Hts , 8o5 per nio'ith. U , K. llaulson , Ull N. V ,
Life- . _ lll'i
HI NT House. 10 rooms , nil niodoin hn-
lirove'inonts larco yard , $ , i.'i tier inniith.
Con. mission to tigont's. le ! to L Tliouitis
'iOU wish to ri nt a house or store ECO II ,
n. Cole- . Continental Uool. 771)
inoilllKNT 10 loom house , 2107 Douglas Tu-
J-1 qillio 'lll Duiiigia. _ 78.1
inTM' iisldcnce , modem inipinvciiirnts " 408
- iht Mtiij 's live , Sli5 jiot month Imiuliv at
pronil&cs or ut A. llolloi'a. 1114 I'iriiniii. 7SI
" 171OH III NT 3-rooin lioif-c. peed npilr , alco
J- yard , elstorn iter , ipntfi ! . Ajiply to HDD
South Ttluicor toJuo W.
" 171OH Ul'NT 7-icioin lioitao with turn : noin-
A. I ml tent to good party. C. V , Ilimlaon , Oil
FUHNISIini ) house on I'liiiam st forrrnt ,
lli'iuho Uermiiii-Ameilcan b.ivln s hunk ,
IT1O11 I5HNT Good 10 room house , sewer ,
J- water , Kas , b vth , barn , furn ten. In eleirant
hliupc , uhcup. 1) . v. faholes.Co , M llrst Nat'l
liink .1" !
Ninettes , etc. , tet tnpof Jlwt ( olttmn on I/if / * page ,
"ITIOll UFN'C--Tv\o nicely furnished rooms ,
J' sltiRleor en snltomodern ; convinlenccs
InquliolTat N 18th at. C8J 28'
10X1 Doaco HT Delightfully cool rooms , most
charmingly famished ; boirel next door.
LEASANT rooms ; also boaidins. 028 S. 17th ,
C.'U-alO *
TTIUKNISIinn looms , 1008 Capitol avo.
. . 057 U21 *
Ilfi N. " > th st , two largo olemintly furnished
rooms shot and cold limning vvatei ; othoi
deslr iblo rooms. Table and appointments the
host. Aonsslblo i tincu lines of car-c Tublo
hoaidcis uccomniodattd. 4SJ-2J *
NIoniiY finnlshcd looms fiom $3 to 13 322
N. 15th St. , M ) SI *
400nnd4lt N.lOlh st. , looniH with board at
at Mrs. Oluiiclilli'a. COO
FOU TirNT A suit of nicely f mulshed cast
front rooms n 1th bay window at G..J so 20th
st. , near ht. Mary's iivuiuo. 010-2J
rPO UKNT N'icelv f urnlsliod suit of front
J- looms SIC ! bt. Mary's tup. e > 13-JiQ
FOH ItrNT 3 nicely furnished front looms ,
with all modern conveniences ) , at"10ll'ui-
niim. 5"iO
ROOJ1S , all conveniences , 1719 Davenport st.
5o7-UJ *
3HOOMS for housoUeopIng for man and
wlfo ; icnt taken in board. 319 N. 17th.
571 M *
FOU IIPXT Newly furnished rooms with
d iy board , JOU Iliirnoyst. 4" > l 21'
1 > ht < ASANT rooms , inodtiii liuprovoiui'iits ,
Jb.'l Kariiniii street. . M
_ _
AT1CULY furnished rooms , ISJi rurnain.
13OO.M for BlniiloKontloninn , 2IJ3 Uodso.
ST. CI..A1 II Turopean hotel.vv 1th dining loom ,
IJth-lJodgo lates by vvcokorino
T71OK KKN'T runiKlied rooms. 1C09 Douslas
171OH HLNT--ruinl-hed rooms ! Kas.b.ith . iud
Jl steam , 1510 Howard. 78J
FOIl UrN'l'--N"lcoly furnMiod rooin.nll mod-
ornconvenloauis. CIS b 17th st. 7JO
VTEWLY fuinlslied rooms and bourd forsov-
1 > eral pirtlci ut sni'l lliirnoy st. ; two niln-
tncs'vvaR fiom center of bustniss , and cool
pluco fet biinimur. .Mhs Cavlnls . \Valbrldgo
rvrj-jy. , ! '
J'oi iflfw , etc. , ice fop of flitt roliinin on tills page ,
SUIT front room * over mystovo store , 1021
llouiiul. t-toct/Pl CM ,
for rate * , tic. , ice fop otrs column on f/ifi / page.
FOU KENT The brlok corner store 11 and
24th st4 , Nmtli Omalin. cm bo rtntrd by u
good put ty ut luiiMmublo Uim tplciulld lo-
latlon for irincoiy or b iKciy. Apply to U
Mauk. 1A8 r.iiniini street. 4 < 7-j
FOH ItFNT-Tho 4-story brloKbulIdlns.wlth
or without ponor. formerly occupied bj the
lice I'liblKhlnx Co , UIli I'.un un st. 'llio buildIng -
Ing his iillreproof ionic nt biseiiiuut , complete
steum licitliii ! fix til tits , water on all the lloo : >
BUS , do. Applv ut the ollico of llio Hoe 015
UTOHI.a "at 700 S 10th , L'0\fiO uac-Ji. lirccbtiow
Ovvlndonn , steum boat furnished. Tlio-i. r ,
Hall , .ill 1'is.tou ' block. 71U
" 171OH WNT-rine corner store , ICtli and
-I- Jones , tOO ; lovr rent. Kood location and Rot-
tlns better every day. Ueor.lo01oUbpr.7ut b iGth
HOTnij 23 rooms , nil eonM'niences , brick , 2
blU troml1 O 11. U. Iroy , N. Y. Life.
. _ Iff.-a7
FOR UpNT-r'inc stoniroom inNorfolk.Nol )
faholved suitable for clothlnc liuolncss ,
pjectrlo lights , steam heat , etc. . Address O.A.
Must. S7J
FOR nr.NT BrtcK warrliousc. tv\o stories
iiiulbisjiaiMit , 7,000 snuurofoot , with 100
foot of double trauk on U. P. rillwav , south
Wth nnd I'lorco bticcts. Address 0. OsKamu ,
uiuuliu , l\\\ \ } , Jij
For ml exitf.teetop , , , of fnt folumrt on tlil jMgt ,
\\TANTnD-To rent , Property owners v 111
Ii Ihul It to tlu lr iiihnntaK'o to list ull MI-
cant dwillln n with hmuiitoii & Allen , llentul
NWOVi Turaauikl uU-27
TT C.COI.R , rcntnt ugcnt ,
. r. PAlUlGOO Parnam. IIOIIIPH , stores
GFO. flats for rent , ri nti collected , rel'tvblu
flielimur.iiieo. Monpy to loan. 'li
OUTON'S rantal nsonoy , DI7 I'aMoii block
VUEIMIANS It M'Culloch , W. din Kxpod-
Vi tiun titdtf. Kima
_ _
E.l. IUKY , rental agent , 200 N. Y , Life
/"or rnfc . rt e , * ce lnj > of flnl ffi nn on l/ib
f Tjt VCIlt PS Biiei'dlly ; quietly , prtls
JL/ln nny t ito. He ertlon ; all cait es Illiink
nppllpatlonftvii Hobert White , attorney , 5J
U load way. N. > ' , _ 041 2u'
"VV7 ANTHD Two youiiR turn onii Kit ; Ri ) d
i' board and loom HI pilvati'iainlly fo
$4 W pi r vv i-cK one h. Address K 24 llco , CM
ten tint offered for the iiliprihi'iiilon of
Iho \vhostubUd tlnMill inulo of toiim
HI indlnj ? nt King's reslaurint , CuinlnK st. ,
between 2Ut nnd Kd. Addtcss J. ll.Skow ,
ii , Not ) . U5KS1 *
llN vntt , rooIlnpipouttiiBv.tllcy < < . otc.sood
Lw oik unit low price . bnvuKe , 11)18um ) Ing.
( so ul *
10 nu\ .
K r rcittn , fit , net d > ; > of Jirnl colum u on this rage ,
" \\rANTnii-Oood loniinorclnl pip. r. Neil
il biask.a Mortgage LomCo.Slul'uxtimJitk.
I UCJiouiphold goods , clc. Illjhcst
AoihhpH(0. . ,17 S.I Ith. 7W
I'or ifif ( , ctt , ftf ti > ] > of tint roln i n nil tliti
T\I AAOn tuatniritccetYo tliprn.i.bath
-til &ualp& hair treulinont , in mlcurc > S.ililion-
odlst. Mid 1'ost , r 10-21 , Wltimull bile.bVia7
bVi-a7 ( *
rplllj Incll in doolor pimrantrts to euro nil
J. Kinds of piles in tea days , nUoall dNon cs
of tlio throil anil IUIISH In tliofiiniotlnie. Tiipo
AvoiinstaUin out inslx lioun wltlioutloavlne
oflleo : und alt ( IKe'i es that are curable. 017
a.jOtliBt. Call and too him. _ ( L'lj)24 *
J'onatrt , ctr , net top of fint cflliininoii f/il /
NSIO bovv \ pension law ; over Idycirs'
JL u\pirlenco In ttm piospoutlon of pensions
and noveinment tlilms ; Invosoeuicd ovisr
It.iwo pensions for vildlprs in Nebraska and
Iowa. Iliclrvvldontt and heli i latest cle'tlslons :
1 itcst livss , no iidMineofio ; newblnnks and
elioulais free ; eonsull itlon tilwajs free.
lllr.imA. Flurzos , 8'4 ' Ctolglitou block , next
south of 1' . U. Omaha. _ 2 2alO *
"VTllNV law ; pensions for almost ull Midlers ;
J-i futhois , mothers , widows and minor chll-
dicn of holdlirs. Claims rmslud by K. N.
ClliiKnian.llJand2t liemei blk. llvcars evpo-
rli'iico Only pension olllco bi Omaha , fc 7
JT I'AIGIl.oxcluslM ) pension and clilm
attornuy ovei 15 ye us * oxpcrioiico ; luvo
all the latest laws and doelslons Clllooie-
inov cd from Picn/ei block toCliainbor of Com
merce , loom 54 , Oiiinli i. 70" ! jy2U *
J'u ? iate > , cte , satnpof Just column on < li
! > 1'or tiiciclinnilHo and ruiiiltun' .
coldbtoriso iud fie-ezlniji trackage , llnvlcl
Colo. 8fi-817 flown rdbt. 278
rPKAOICAOn storage at lowest rates. W , M.
JItinluiian. . 1111 I.eaveimoilli. _ TIM
STOUAGE liianch & . to , 1211 llovv aid.
riir rate * ctt , see tap of flat column on thtt
" \\7"IilI tninnko the acquaintance of a lady
ii with means , 2o to It I years of ase ; objcut
bu'lness and poihips inatrlnionv. Addiesa
Kit , llco olllco _ CT 27 *
EO Ij..ilcaso .send jour aildicas to A.L. ,
. poitolllco. Denver. _ fi.B 2.V
ron sAijK-iiousisu : ; ACONS Etc.
I'm ratcii , cte , see top of fist column uti Uib
171AJIIIy"V hoise. bugpy nndspi Ins wa onfor
J- b.ilooitiuilcfoi h irness Moelt and saddles
liudvvaro. Address 1C 21 , Ute ollleo. OOt-Sl *
'GOOD loam of horses for $110. on tlmo
A witn wood fieeurlty also a seed < lilver for
SGJ. Oo-operatlvelauuaud lotCo.,205N. inthst.
T71OIJSAI,7" Ino drlvlnjc horso. W. 6. Itynii.
-t' loom 0 U. S. iSat'l Hank building. 474 Jl
O1) ) hcail nudes , easy terms , Part light drlv-
JliiK mult H suit iblo for all delivery business.
Dilaneo work mules. W. Ibolty , r 'J ' , Ixi.ud
tnide. 227
HOltsns-lilirlit drivers , naigam. The Into
llrohaiiiiuuo thorn cheap II. E. Cole , ( on-
tlnental bloolc. _ bfti
Jledhim sl/ed horses cheap bound
„ work team $150 W. Ii.Selhy , r
U board ti.ulo. SSI
rp\VO bl'AN heavy nml two spun light mules
Jfoi sale on two yc'.ir > > ' tlmo at 7 per cent In-
torcst with Hist 01 second mortKi 0 Omaha ,
real cit ito security , or other anpiovcd oeurs-
Ity. belhy , room 13 Hoard Tr lo Ull
rpnAM wet k lioi sci , will take uuggyaspirt
-1 pay , B 1J. board of trade. 71U
"iriOllbAIiL 1 platform bunnf ? leather top
JtmiliiRO almost new , 1 tmckhoard now ,
1 douhlo liuffpyor cnirliKO harness Apply
nt iian Wchsterstnot. Oiniiln. fy'i.
rprAM Ixtra largo lloa y horses 'W L.
J-fcolliy , ilJ. liotiid trade. 221
11. E. Colo.
1'or raits , etc , , s fopofrtt column on tMi
TTIOnSALK At ubiigalii and easy terms.
JI'uinltnro ( novvof ) a ton-room house , ecu -
ti illy located und tilled with roomers. J. L > .
Xlttle. 014 N. Y. Life Ifld'tr. K.'l
iriOU S-AI.I ) ela lutoiint of fulling honlt
Jtho now and elegant furnltiiro of a 21-
itiotn house , oe'eiiiiants llrst-cliss , ineoiuo
ne'iily 91,1X10 per inoiilh , Illicit location In llio
elty. Addi sJ 20. lleo olllcc.
for tilf , etc. , sec to o of Jlift colimin on Hits jage.
TV A HI Yo.l route , liooni JS Yuio bloelf. . ,
nTlOll HALH nienp. 2 uecoml-liand blcveles.
-L Inijulroat Hayes' diu s > toro'l' ' ) N 15th
TT'Oll ' SALn W cords of peed cottonwool ! at
J-1 $1.00 n eoid 10. . 11. Address A. G. Young.
lorbes , .Mo G02-2V
OOD oil ir laKe no fors.iloln InrKoquantt-
tles 'Jho Jvobi.ibUu Ice Co , Kcnrnuy , .No-
"I71OllSALi--Niivv : Stolnway .t Son piano ; best
Jnuke ; party leaving city ; pirt cash , bal
ance tlmo If desired luiuilrei at OU Paxton bile
Ih Ufn AIHS 11TO.
lor rales , rtc. , fee topnf fust column OH I'll ' *
and parasols repaired and
Ucovered. Kuy llttlnu mid Rcncrul ipp.ilrln.r
at Hellln'aKiinsluii ) . 113 N. ICtli. t-Ou''l
" 1DA1IASOLS and umbrellas covered and ro-
JL paired. ll.Ilulor , 111 ! b l. > th st.'d door from
1' . O. Only iiinn In IOVTII _ Mi
WAM'ii ; ) TO ItHNT.
far rate * , etc. , tic top of Jtnt column on Ihtx pirje.
WANTKI ) fn" rent A sccon7l""ha. r'
vrltcr , IlcnaM.i&Co. u" > 3 24
TITANTEO 1 or 4 unfurnished room- , for
IT fnmlly of' ' , central location. Addits * .
Kg , lioo ollli'o. CM 24'
To lent paying hotel or will
'i inaniuo hotel on sluue ; refoienci'S fur-
iilslicd. Address 1-oclv lio71 , IduUrovu , low a.
tin-24 *
" \\7ANTI D JuiifiiinlMiod fiont rooms wltti
1 1 board , ple-asant locality , Jlargaict Vin
cent. 70 ! ) N , . -'dst. . city. tHl 22
ro rate * , tte et tnp otJUmt colmn on ( Jif jxiae.
"IJCFOU1 ! bnyliiK a piano oxnnuno the now
-L > scale lUiubail piano. A. llospe',151J LourUs )
Eor.onr.LnN'Iinoi ; . tcaclicrof the bmjo
with Hospo. HI J PoiliUs. 24J
Far ratig , ttr , , tte top of fist column OH thl * | xtgc.
BUILDING loans made nt lowest rates. W.
31 , Harris , room W , Ireiucr LIU. , cpn. P , O.
fm 1 3
ESTATK Loans-Cash on hand. Globe
u & Trust , Co JOT S. 10th &t " 10 doUy
J > o oatra charges. Houses for rent ; good lUt.
IU )
MONEY To lonn on Omaha and Sjiitli
Omaha real estate. No doluya or oxpeu-
fes. Money on hand at all times Hates ,
Nulthi Co. , Coraiuerctal Nutlonat bank bldg.
_ _ _ ( U-aJ
KKAL FSTATK lonrn. Very lovicat nitos.
C. } , Cainell , Bit N. V , Llfo. UU-uM
\fONEV to lonn hs Ij r , Masters In any
1 > JL iimouiitfronitlcUotloooo , and for any
time from OIK ) to sit miintlm
Loin * mude on housi hold coeds , pianos ,
or } ? in * , lior ts , milloshiiusis.'i wnre-
hou o receipts , etc. iiitlio lotcst ponslhlo
rates , without publicity or removal of prop-
I.niiiH sn nrrnnsiil Unl you can inntio imy -
nioiit at any ilmoiml-'hMliico both prhielpil
and Inti-resi , Votl pay liitt rest only fur the
time jou itsotho money , if jou ewe ntittntico
ou jour profiTlx oiyJiavu a loin jroit wish
i bunged , 1 will piy 11'Otl ' and carry It for
I do not mlvoitlsrr tn loin you money at.
tmtik r-itcs , but eimtldfntlyelalm to plvo jou
lovter rate" nml on ler"ithin ( than cuii bo ob-
Inlncd uNowlietolii thnitv ; |
Money always on liaiw. ao delay. No pub
licity. Lowest rules.
. , . , . V Musters
lloom \Vltlinell 4 ullMHhiimllluriicvMs.
T OAN. " t'lly nml farm loins , mortirasupi-
J-Jpcr liuiltflil. McCamio Iiiustiiic'tit Co. 8JO
MONEY Joined at lowest ritet , lonit time on
Improved Omnha lotil'extras , "
no dcluj , Glebe l.oau A. Trust CO.J07S liltli.
J . m _
t II..1I1NO loans Oto 7 iier eent ; 110 YiJdl-
tlonulch irKesfore.ommUslonor iitlorm > y' <
fees. W. . Jloiklii , I'Irst utlollll bank lildK.
'iTMHbTnnU'c'coml inortjr ipes on vncnii'tniul
JU1 Improv ml city propel ty Count v warnllit
lioiicht. Money on hand 1 M , Hlcli irihoii ,
MS N. y l.ito uai
MONrV 30,00orOO diyson furniture pianos ,
linrsis , houses , oto. J J.Ulklnsi > n , CIS
PaMoii blk. bUJ
/" nt lowest ralos ; linslncss
Wcoiilldcntlilr > l < I I'tfxton Uk J. It. Kmlnger.
O.MMI.KCIAI and Kme'ril short t line mper
O bought ; nUo tiittilnr ll i-v enr loans Hindu
ou hnpiovccl property , Ueo I' , llluat > V. Cri , 8jJ
bldg. fall
_ _ _ _
SI COM ) mortfiiKo loins ' ( , cpu , , mnttfimos
loujiht. Loans on \ u-ant lots , lietvl &
iDOin 11 Itouil Tjtun hli
Kr.VhTOM : Mortisnup tn-l.o ins of 310 to
) lOiHi , jsotourritti he furo lortowlncaiid
SUM ) miiney , lo.inon | IDI-PS rurnltiirp ur my
iippinvtd Hocurlty without iiuhllclly : notes
boimlit , for ni'vv lonn. rene n u of old und low -
ust rates , call U 203 , Slicolj blk,13th A , llovurd.
IJllKtj'l moitasiKn loins nt low rites und no
Jej doltiy. D V. fclioKt Uo Jlo 1st Nat.l bink.
TtfONl.V to loan on liorsis IKOIW mules ,
JL J house hold goods , plnnos or > ; iiis , < ll iinonds ,
at IOVNost rates , 'llio llrst. or ml/on loanof-
Ileeln the city. Make loans fiom 10 to ' , Vi3
dajswliloh cm ho paid In pu t orvv hole at nny
t.DO , thus lowering tliliprlnclp il and Interest.
Call and sconsvluu jou wmt inonuy Wocun
assist you promptly and to your uih nut IKO
without tPinovtil of proptrty or jiilllclty. )
Money nlvv.iys on hand , o delay In mukliiK
loans. 0 K Kecd & Co. , J10 S. lUtlist. . ovur
lUnghiim & Scu-3. 8IT
TTNUSUALIiY low- rites
-J Of Intel i it on tlrst morlsict s of Improved
real estnto for the noxi I'D (1 ( iya by the Kniisas
t'ltv liiM'stinentUo , Itoom JO Ho ird of Tr ido.
J. II , Po isu. manigor. btJ
MONEV to loan on mysieiiilty
for short tfmniit low
rates lowest r.xtii
on pi rsonil property
The Henderson Mortgage Investment Com-
piny. room 400.1'aloii blk 81H
"WAM'LD-ritst-cli'.s InsldoloaiH lowest
T T rates. Call iud sco us Mutual liucst-
nicnt C'o. l.r > lH rum nil Ml ! )
JI1HAI' eastern money
I'hllidilphli JtortKn.T nnd Trust Co. ,
always ready to and piy piomptly ; fltst
mort mri'-t vimtcd GeotnuW 1' . Cuito-
icseiitatlve. room 7. lie irel of Tr ule.
EAP'II.HN money to loan on elty propirtv ;
moitgaKOii.igci bought II lIioyNVUfo )
tlmo lo ins on \ aeint lota. Bulby &
> V Ilceil. 11 Ho ird of Tt .idc. ffil
p IHIVATCmonoy toloanthuip. 0. R
rlson 011N. V Life 8li
IJIUVATEftimls to lo-xn on cboleo city prop
erty at lowest r.xlti. Kliulull. Ulinnip &
Kyan , J20" > I'uiKim st , T08-jy J7
/ tIIATTni/Itank. IllO'b. ' ] 'ith st will 10:111 j oil
V/moncv oiiLluittulont linnU rilos. O.ill 441) )
foi iota , etc , fer. top itffli _ ft r nlumn _ on tit ( n page
, -llio special summer hesslon of tlio
a- classes In peiimanslilp iud tliortliiinu will
commcnco Monday. July 14 01 vsscs will be
held in thomoriifiKi , afternoon and muilnjr ,
Call on or nildiess for inform jtlonStnndard
blinrlliand Itusliipsi College , ow York Mfo
building. Oiniiha , Koli ttefl
I.CONO llANU-C.illprsiphs. llaiimioiul nnd
Rcmlnsitons John II. Corncs Oo letter
files and olllco spcclaltle's. Ituiuito blilg. 8J7
For rates , etc , sec lop uf first coin mil nn this pane.
Lr.lJj Clayton , clairvoyant and intiKnctlo ( by her vvondorful will uowor
grint nny request. 003 S. ICth. UJO-al'J *
TlfRS-DU. ni > IV Tlio distinguished tnnco
JL itlixlrvojunt , Into of lo-.ton. ! While on-
trincedillrovoal every lildden mystery In
llfo. I'ropure's Kgyptlia t illsimn wnloli will
o\crcomo jour unimles , icmovo f.unlly
tioublcs , restore lost alTcctlons , unites the
sopirated , helps all lit trounle , etc I'co , $1
and upwards. N. 11 IVifect sutKf.ietlon
Kuirnntoed ! > y mull , bond stump for Illus
trated clrctdar. Mrs Ur. Lddy , ii N. 15th st ,
Omaha iSl-ull
TTVU. NAI NIE V. WAIIUKN. cl ill voyaiit ,
J- ' medical and business medium I'onuila
diseases a bpcclulty. 119 N.lGth htrooms , a and 3
Forrata , etc , sec top of JtrU column ontlilA page
WANl'KD Virtnorln tlio inaniifaotiiro of
( Moves and mittens. foOOrequired. Cull
or addtess , 14.M b Hinders st. GG8-2' ! *
Ol,000will luy "lintIn nnnuficttirlns Ijiml-
P noss. I'uj inx 400 per cent nc-t prollt No
compotltlon 8150 per mouth guaranteed Address -
dress K25 , lice. eVi-2j' !
rOR SALK Siiloon fixtures , pool tabto nnd
Jiciit cheap uiidnollccn&o. Addro 9K ililJeo
[ j\OK \ SATiF A peed saloon Infcouth Omaha
-C Addrobb , K U"J , llco olllce , uvo a *
ATV\0 ululr Inrhcr hhop for s.alo \ \ O ,
Tlearduill , David City , Neb "
T710II HAW-SIcat niaiKet. dolns Rood bus- !
J-.1 noss. Hr tiLissllNtuios , hofcs. w i on
and ovcrythlntr lomploto. Good icasoin for
sc-llIiiB. Addrtss a 21 , lice olllce , Council
"ClOU SAI > T ! Lcaso avid pirt fuinlturo 22-
JL1 room hotel , only hotel In town ) fliM will
buy If t.ilun boon. Kent , SJ9 Coniuurclal
liolol. Hampton. Nob. _ \M a *
"OOIJ bAI K Oaby on Ames av o open for
JL renter tr-ido. I. P. llouh. _ Si'J.tli ' *
\1CUO store , widow lady wUhos to bull at
JL/oncohiT Into luisbands half Intoiost In
peed p iylnH dtug liiislnos-i Invoicing about
87,000 , in hinder , \V\a is fcho wishes to KO
east. Address Mrl J. W , Sullivan , Lander \V'yo
TTIOir ViTK-Stock nxtutes of avhol > .
Js.ilc Loiiiiiilaslon house , Address 1C , 17 Itua
olllcc. ( U
"OUR SAhK ornadofoi no\vpipcr nlint
-L. ' btoclcsof lad .iu , Hot MM , Voik Neb
U10-ii !
_ _
ASNM' for > ioiiiobody waiitlns to buy a
stock of ion fiction 01 . clears and tolncco ,
school books ami notion1) ) ! Rood t radii utal-
lUliutl ; bi > sl of ronsons fiir hollliiK , Addiusi ,
A I' , ai , Cru-iiwood.ynbJ U17-JG *
OJ-HOOM liotol in srood location , haspalilwell ,
I'll rnltu lo XXI all nn tlino
Kfuctory. Co-operatlvo hud and lot CoM
y.lfithat. i bOo-JJ
_ _
TO | T JS looms , all , conveniences now ,
J1 1 brick , 2 blocks from 1 > . 0. 11 , H. Irey.N. Y ,
IJfoliiilldliijr _ 700
"TjlUU SA hL AiNo. I birbrr Hhop : jood loea-
Jtloiij doing Ill-it claJ * TUslncs < ; owut'rle.i v-
Ing oily ; has other IMIMHIISS ; part cash ,
tlinp. Adclioas J 71 Hco olllco. 4M a I'
"I TlOlt > ALL Cigar stora In lint class loc it Ion ,
Jdolns good lni-.liic t > ! reason for -ellliiR ,
other business touttcnd. to. Addrcis.T 7J llee
_ _ . _
IilOKiiALiK Meat inuiUot. dotn ? flood busl-
'ncs ' In town of l.awjnliabltantsln eastern
Nebraska ; only WX ) cjsjii required , Addiosi
0. 1' . Turner. 1' rfnionl , Is.fli. _ flji ) JQ *
I1O1C SAlTl ! orflxchanie 'a ' plnuliu mill com-
plolc , l enty liono i ) wonniIiiciind ma-
chliipi y us xooil as now , Addrtij Oi. . Finn ,
Hi d ford , la , 6HW7
T71OU 8ALB On easy ternH , first class
Jrt'staurnnt and flxt'iiOHanU ' Xo. I location ,
KnriiliiiatllS | ( 1'iixioii block. _ anT
Tr OT KI , for Haiti. Uwo-story brlok ; Is ono of
J-LthobosthotflN , dnlnK an excellent Rood
business , on oao of the best corners In the city ,
Addresj Commorol il Hotel , lirokon How. Xou
For ratti , clc , tetop of flwt column un Uilt page ,
rro KXCJIIANOn Clour lots In Twin Olty
-L Place. Council lllull , la , worth ,000 , for
MlnnoapolU properly , O.K. Harrison , till I > ,
Y. Llfo U7-SI
"O OIt TUADE A farm for horse end cur-
- ilaao. Hi imwu A : Co. Uis 31
rro nxoJIANOn HO ueres land , clear , for
- IOnuba proyorty , C.J. Oaswell , SION. Y ,
Life. Ull-ii
AtMjl'M ' UF.Il nnd general incotmulo wilt
triidoonuor twr > nsUUnco iiiiil nomocnsh
for Interest la iiliitiiblni ; und lirutjnit or novelty -
olty inachtno business. Address 1C 14 , lleo
olllco. ft" " ! ia
ri10 VAl'IIAXGK - IO.OOi1 worth of Ituiiroved
X nnd vacant city yropiuty , eleir of ftirum *
branuu dud In n II vn town , for Uiiiahu t > ror > *
\\lllasiiiiuoiinlliiuiylneiiiiibiiinro , Au *
Irankt ; . llarllgiui , Cruto , Nubraskn.
11111 wirthUOOO
- iMOIiieun.lmiico , for vaeatit lots cleur ,
0. 1' . HaerNon. BUN. Y. Life. 617-3
" \ \riIAT havoiou tocxclnns for Ssecltons
TI of clriir western lindi luuko moniiolTor.
Box IHO , bhun iiidoih. la. 6 ? . ' 3i *
\\MiAT linvo you toexehaiiKofor liouso and
> Motln OmiUiu VIow. u.J. Oainull. Hit ) N ,
v. Llfo , 601-a
TTOU oielnnso-a few lots anlliousus.itte. ,
J for seed farms or lauds AJ. \ . 1'uul , ItXW
rnrmitn. ml
"i\i | > U1ll Virs Notes , euli land's etc. for
i'lf lour lotn Can use < iulto u number.V. \ . J ,
I'aid , 1WJ Knriuun st , 4\i \
" \ \fXjn niVui'iint ) lots or ncros for two of
> 1 tlii > llne t and boil payhiK blooks In tliu
city. Mill glvo bis ilo-il 11 niido anon , nlth
seine cash. J 00 , Hee tilllco -ili
OiKid farms , city property -
ty and \v lid land ! ) In Neb and IOVMI forgood
Rcn'l in'd'so , property clour , tltlo petfoct. Ad-
dicss Louk llox Oo rrtmont. Nob. 8W
I"or ixiffi , ftc tec lop / fli n ( ( nluiim onifs ( / l' < ij/ft
T710II f M.i ; ViTV line linino on IHvcnpott
JJstti'd. iu ir lllKli biliool , b-rooni IIOUM' , all
niiiduin iiiiiiiiviiii'iilH , nno of tlio ( . holc'est
iiliicfsiin tliobtutt , W.OOO. C. I' Harrison , OilS
SV Life. UT-'I
TjlAHMSfor sale or Undo Tlm "no tin-
JLiioud | firms contnlnlinMj in tlos-
pircoiintv * . Neb.Vllltiadot ) ' , iolo or pint
for iiuioliimillsc driiis of .irdwato preferred -
forrod Address It. II 11 .tinyi Arapinoo ,
Purnasco . Nob. fll.t 'I *
"Tj1" " ' AIjK Tlio c o ii-sldiMico at No ,
JLMaMOi'orzlu avo. . cUO ft K f unitill irso
rooms , bitb BUS , soir , liot and eold AVI tor ,
I'loiist nnd all oonxonlt'ims , owner RoliiR to
leave illy. 1) V.hholes Co'JIJlstiN'ut.liiuU.
OVSll mill } S per niontli for IIOUM ) and
$10 full lot it fioiu tSM to 3lrX ) eachY
J. Paul , lOOUI'uriniii. 411
/our good lots In \ \ nhuit Hill ,
ah. on gride Prlc-o CUD e.ioh ,
woith iloiiblotho nionoy. Ptilnguri. 1'iiiiiy ,
Douglas block , tilth iiml DudKQ. 4M
" 171011 tAI r S rnoni house iud lot Hiiiiscom
JLPIICO ? | \uciint h > t for llrst piytnent. Uul-
uncu to suit. U. J. Oasvvoll , bltiiN. Y , Life
f > GK'-
A SMALIiiynC'utilo\Mi ] ) nml Jlr > pur iiiiintli
-CVivlllbuya 4-HKin house and lot on llith. '
blocks fioin miilor : flrst-cliii.3 chnticu to no-
nulio alionioon eisy terms. Apply to It. 1 !
Cole , Continental block. Kit
"WO 11 WO cash and $ Upoi mouth wo will build
JLjoiiu noit four , II\- or K luiiiu house' ,
coruurtot. Cheap. Ooo. I'.iul , 10UU rarnim.
( < U.t-K *
T INcDLN 1'lnco ami t'.irthiuo lots , prlco
J-Jil.OCO. T'iflilovMi. 1) Unite' $15 monthly , w. L
Solby , loom U , lloaidnt 'Ii ide Ell
" \\7 AKn up nnd Dnyn Homo on nioiilliij p iy-
ii inonts Cliolco of seven tllirount hniises ,
south froutson l\rii.ini : \ stl > < ry conwnluncc1 ,
liiuludliu fiirnnco and gtis 1'lms cm bo seen
lit my olllce Call In. L > . V. bholes Co , 'I t 1st
National b ink. H >
TfTlOH SAM A flno ncwViooni coil lijonenr
JJelcttilot u llnoonN. STtlisIlll ko as
put of cusli pijiiicnta Rood horse or horse
and phauton i1 1VJ1 r.irnam st M'J
5-KOOM cottuses. Sl On Cdch.tlOO cish down ,
Inl.inco } | > per month. Thoa. I. Hall. Ull
1'ixtoiiblocli. Sfi
"XVAUtiII&'Wc3tutlleldic'ilcbtateS Oni ilia
/ OTTAGI , homes In most-nny uildltloa for
Vsiloat from liooaup. on easy monthly n.ij-
iiicnt.1' ; . K. nulln/,4.1 Ilirkei bill Hit
"TjlOU faAl.t. Mco 7 room nouso re.uly to
J.1 moic into with full lot , J-J.2JJ , JJJJ cash. C.
IMlarrlson Oil M , Y.Llfe IB
"IT YOU luvo nnylhlns tosell oroxcb mgo
-lcilliitUl81'a\loii block 815
T71OI4 PAIL Jicvv buslnoss hloclc oil Iflth
-t street , icuts uo lOporfcntof prleo iislcccl
$ JO ( X)0 ) cish b Uunco loni ; tlmo. Will bo on tlio
imulcctonlyu few days. Address 11Itao. .
to Contrnt torn ,
Notice Is hereby Rlien that iculcd propossils
will boiecelved by tlio city okrlc of the city
of South Onmlii , oil or bcforo tho.'Sthday ' of
.Inly , 1\ ) , nt 1 o clock p m . for qloplir ; and
runo\lnx ( ho dirt ou tlio follow In ? lots ao
coidlnj to the provlhloii& of Oidlnuuco } Io. I2i ,
Lot J block SO , South Oniahn.
LotslnndS , blookfil , South Omnha.
Lots 1 and' ' , block. ' , lint addition to South
lots , block I. flrst-addltlon to South Omaha
Lob II , block H flrstaddltlon to south Oni.iha.
Lotslt , 10,11. 13 and 13 , block S , first addition
toboulli Oimlia
Lotsl , 2 and 4 , blook7 , first addition to South
Oniiilia ,
\Vost sovcnty-flvo foot of lot 1 , block 4 ,
Dio\Mi9 1'iirk.
Last suvuity-flvo foot of lot 21 , block 4 ,
Iron ) a Park.
East so > enty-flvo foot of lot 8 , block 8 ,
Iliown's Piirk.
Lot 7 , block 8. Uiowi's Park.
Lot 9 block 111 bouth Oni ilia.
Lot 10 , block 111 , South Omaha.
LotO block H8 ' outhOtnnha
Lotsl , a and 4 , block. ( U , < < oiitli Omaha.
Lots 1,2 .and 4 blotkOJ , S-diith Onuh.i.
Lots3 n ml 4. bloakOJ. South Uiiialit.
Lot Ii , block 7 : ) bouth Oni ilui
No prououls will bo conslcloiod unless ac-
forap.uiled by a cortlflod chotk for tUMOO. lo
bo lotunied on all bids not acgci > t _ d Tie
right Is roaervod to rujoct nnyor nil bliU.
Jl'dlOt JOHN J. Iti-Atr , City Clerk.
Isotlcc to Sewer Contractors
OiivnvaiNFru'aOFFicr : >
8. Oinnhii.Nol ) , July loth , 1801 f
Scaled proposils will bo received by the un-
dorslKniMl.nt this ulllrn. until twoho ouloek
nonii , of .1 illy UStli , IhM , for furnlsliliu nil tlio
uiUeiliils und ( loliifiiul the work nocossiry to
tomplcto tno following cltv lniiovementsvl/ | )
Coiistructlii ! ? n tttontv-fotir Inch storm
vati'i mi\vi.r , la ' ( ) " strott , also iiuttlnic In i
pile bulk IIP id and nppio ich to tlio \\cst end
of ' Q"sticit vhUutt. I'lnut nul spcclilci-
t Ions may ho s cii , and all Infoimatlrin loll-
live to the work obtained at thlsollLo.
No proposils from uny lontrictorln default
vlth the olty on any previous contract will bu
No pioportl from nny contrnctir will lin
ciinsldi led nnliSH acroinp mini by a cortlfiol
oliLck for fllimidri'd dollars ( < > 00 00) ) to bo
ictuiiicd on nil bid snot aicuplcd.
ThorlKhtls u erved to it'Jcot nnyor all
proposalnorkto bo cuiuplute within sixty
Apprnxlinatocstlnnto Is 2370 feet twontv-
fanr Inili plpo. WO feet \\cHo \ Inch plpo. All
bids must Iw ou blanks furnished by the olty
Lll llltOI.
II \ ' order of the couno 1 , Cotnmltlco on
streets aiul alleys. U. tONNr.MA' ,
JlCdl.'t Chairman.
Notito f o ( "on tract orB
Illdsnillbo recoiled by tlin Park Commii-
sloni-18 , Olty of Oinnlin. for tlio election of a
imlllim In "Ilunscom I'lirk , " up to U oolock
noon the Mth tiny of Julv. la"0
I'liins. detail" nnd speellluatlons can lie scon
ntthootllL'DOf ) li\on V limn .TON nicliltocts.
Itoonn ( iDTnnd U)3 ) N. V. Llfo Hulldliu The
coiiiiiilsslonoid rweno the i Islil torojrU utiy
Importers ami 'Wholesale Dnlersla
Watches , JcMdr ) , Cullery
Notions , NotcIth'K ' , Albums *
toat-Collnr Spring ,
Fancy Goods , Ac.
I.iui'est iiiortinent fir
IMcr T rlctf ) of Cc , inoanil JJo counter
ooili , Our Inrac niul fulljr lllinlnled
utaloinie unlit il rrn * toilpxlfrii only.
St. Louis , Mo.
or Bntinot Here and Abroad.
InUnghmdn satinet in a full mixed
fabric , woven to imltnlo enlln , but la tlio
United States the term is applied to tx
clionp article coinpOHOtl o ( cotton und
uool , and IB used jirinolpstlly for tiou ? .
oi'lngu , Says the Dry Goods Chronicle.
The warp is cotton nnd the filllup la
inostlj short , Inferior or waste wool ,
which in mixed with enough long wool
toonablolt to bo spun , .mil is woMm In
fluchri wny UH to bring the wool to tlio
fnco of the cloth ; It h then felted nnd
the cotton is cnthcly concealed by wool.
M : nit ASIC A ouoi s.
Xlio Oloulnjc HfiiortH Uceelcil by tlio
Union 1'iiulllc l * opld
The fortatglilljT crop'reportsvtilfli \ the
Union Pacific frolglit department boon
rwclvluR for the \\tal \ week sliow n much
more fuvorublo sUto of affairs tlun In tbe
ptovlous ropoit , Wheat is about nil har-
vwted , In innuy locnlltlot , p irtlcularly In
tlio toirltory uleiig tlio bmnchca uortliof Co-
hmitim niul CJi-iuiil hlanJ , the crop hui dona
siilcudldly and llio vlelJvvlllbo a full uVer-
ne probubly fifteen to twenty tmslick t r
aero. In other looalltlot the 'dry ucnlher
ear'y ' hi thoowou sctlously aHocteel tlio crop
und the yield will not bo moro than ono-thlnl
tooiiohulf an luerago crop.VutoflCoir -
noy tlio ylrlil is uioicly nominal , except In a
few 1 01 all ties.
Corn ovcryvhcro ea t of Kearney I *
now snfo for n full cwp
vlth the exception of n fc\v scattorM sec
tions ; \hcro thuo ft itbeen a local dioulb ,
the rains rot seeming to have readied thcso
points AloiiR the Oiintin fc Uoptiblivitn
A'nlle'y south bt.mthus the ralnlatl of tlio
jnst vcelt Ins been abundant , t > onic four or
tivo Ituhetof \ \ vtur h.tvlrf ; fnllcu fiom I'klt-
icll south to thoatalo line I.ntoi i.ilni hn\o \
visited the territory not Hi of IMchell.piutl
culnrhonthc btromsburs It tnth , A\ucro It
\\t3 very b.ullj urcJcd , niul flow nil point *
south ol tlio ni lin line now comes llio icnoit
"Onlj occasional sbowcis nroiiowneexloel lo
itisuro fullj tis Intvo n crop in In Ib i
iS'oitli of the 1 1 inlu line on tlio Colum
bus branches tlio torn Is in line
condition . .milm \ now had plenty of ulnfnll ,
insuring txblp crop. Fuithei wo t time inc
some sections \\hero the prospect Is notqullo
so fiuoinblo but in gcnonl llio otop bits tulr
to be a biuonc Komo iwintsnortu of Ciraiul
Isl nul will need qulta n pooel de-lit mow ruin
but the late sho\v IMS will tiilotlicm over and
tbcio Is no imiueJIato d.mgct * . Alonn the
innln line between Cltnnd Jshiul niul ICotr
ney , ono of tlio pieitestcoriiiectlonilti tlio
state , onlj the upland couutiy Ins sutleml
fiotn tlio thought , and the Into rains 111
bilng even tbcw crops through -\\ltli at least
half annrct to jielel , vhilo on tlio
low lands , tlio full nuiiiip xxlll be. iilt.ilneJ.
West of Kearney the crop has all boon moio
or le-ss eloiiiiiKtd by the dry , hot \\iinls tills
nioiitbtuitlby tlio eiiiliei'ilrouiht3 "Vcsfrn
D.iWhon countj tepoita llio prospects are
fornlwut half .uronlf tlicv get seine rain ,
which has sineo fulleii. The crop v\lU \ bo
huge In thocsatcrnpartof tlio ccinitj , Lin
coln county will , from present piospcits , av
erage ubout 75 per cent of a full LMOI > . ICoith
count ) nerds i-iln bjilly , hutieeehcclioplous
showcti Sund.ij niulit. when lain foil from
I'.ixton to OKiililhivltli prospects forhe. y
i ilns as f.u we'st ns Sidney. In Deuel , Chcy-
riino and Kimb.ill counties coin will do
Utter than ci before , the prospcils
being foi n jlcld of at lca > t ono
hilf. On nil liilLr.UoJ lands a full ciop vlll
lo lind and in otliei se t'tlons tlio went show -
era h.ivu 1ml \\onilcrful effect on the grow
ing ciop.
AltoKertlicr , the corn piospcets for tlili year
uro tully ciiu.ilto lint yaiami with the In-
ucascil acieago under oultlvntton In the put
ofthost.itoest of Gutul Isl.nd It iio\v
looks is though thoshliwiciitt of corn would
bo lit iv let oti tlio coining full nnd \ \ In
ter. In ( Jlioj enno .Hid Klinbjll counties the
ciop Is the second seeding to a extent ,
IICMVJ wind , md storms eailj in the spring
Invini ; blown the sied from the light soil.
Ttio out ciop will bo veiy pier as to j iold
In most sections , nnd some largo ililpptnir
countlo-i Avill this jeir line nonoto foivvard
'llio div \vc.vthcr nude the htind sboit nml
thin In nun y places the straw \Ms too shot L
to cut with icnpor. In otliei plmea It MIS
plowed under where theio Mib a ci'op , tlio
qunlitv is of the veiy best , nnd some sections
will luive an iivc'iago ciop , but the pie ixtt
in the state at large Is tathci poor. About
7" > poi cent of the ciop Is nlieniiy linupstcd.
Kyo nml flax tmdbirlev. npiicnrto bo < lointr
fairlj we'll In most sections , und nn iuor.vo
( top nlll bo gathered Kirlv. pottton weto
veiy iinall , butthohtci vaiieties will come
tlnougli all light with afuirly laigo ciop.
IIa\o nscd Dr. Thomas' Eclectrlc Oil for
cioup and colds , and dochio It a | iositivo
euro. Conttibuted byVm ICay , Kit ) 1'ly-
inoutli avc , BuffiilON. | V.
Can tlio Great Explorer Stioccetl
1Vh ro So Mirny IKive railed ?
For fifty years It hns been thopiovincc
of the Tilbuno tocopibattho pos.ilinistlo
idea that the world isuotudvuiciiiR-
has steadily hold thnt mini inconstantly
pressing1 on in the right direction thot
wo llvo in the dawn Hither thuii In the
twilight of human endeavor and hurmti
accomplishment. It scorns possihlo that
today wo stand on the threshold of an
other important illsoovorj. ITonry
M. Slttnley is niirried. Etiys the Kow
YorkTiibiiiio. May it not bo possible
that the greatest lining oxjilorcr the
man who gave us Ujjibinii , Iliiujiclori
and Upsltlnlsl may yet sucueeil , now
that ho ismuirlcd , inllndlnga xvoman's
pocket ? The taslc la Rioat , but vho
dnro predict that ho will not accomp
lish it ?
If the avoinffo joung nnn vltlino OK-
poriencoln elthci ditcution vvoro plton
his choice between lintllng Nltliddlodlil-
dlo , Intetior Africa , and a button hook
In the pocket of a black dross liftngm" '
on the third hook on the ilfflit-hantl
side of the back closet hoould sclcot
the hittton-hook and strlLoout blindly
and fail , In this , as in ninny ether
things , Stanley his shown himself to lie
no culinary man ho wont after Nidltl-
dlcdltldlo lii'it nml found it nnd now to
bpell African names mid porhnpsto un-
tlert.iUo the ether Uisk. It is a ttbk
which , wo susiiect , eoitios toonor or
Intci to oiory marrlail rnui. Tim vvito
of his bo oin stands or primps wo
should s.ty Bits , binco stathticj bhow
that nine out of tomvonum sit ou the
lloor to put on their ihots feho
sits , \\o \ say , hclpli'saltli
two hail pins and a safety-pin In her
mouth , and directs hct husbiind to pro-
eoodto the eloootanclftctn liutton-liook
nhlcli is In the pouUot of her cu1uneio
dios3. Ho , { jood , casv nun , fusions on
ono cuft and goes like u lamb to the
slaughter. Ho searches the fiist tun
minutes in asilkdrc" } Instead of the
cashmere. Then , with copious diiec-
tlons and cxplnnatory notej fiom the
lloor , ho locator the il < * ht'O\vn ( hanyin ,
as ho was told In the llrst place , on tlio
third hook , light hiind side. Thorolt
hunt's , llnip and innuuont. Uo puts hln
Imnil in what ho concelvci > to bo tlio
pocket nnd pniduallj dhos dcojwr , till
lie Is surpiined to sco the hand with
lingeis fepi-end wldo apait cmorgo fioin
the bottom of the skill. Ito siys nothing
hut icnoivs the attack. There are , in
au oidi nary dres" , lotwcoii Ihhty mid
fortj places nero tills opciatlou may bo
icpcUed , and as there js no v.iy of dls-
tinKulshlnjf between ftcanjoti which has
lieeno.splorcd nnd ono \\hich \ 1ms. not ,
the otdincr.'j ' man will go down oacli ono
lt\o oi1 sK times. Puhnps ho Ix'comes
Itnpatlont and bomotliltigripiand lie is
icbuked from the lloor , Now comes
his severest hi jil. Ho fools the poukot
ttitli his button hoolt , nnd handkuchlof ,
and lottcr fiom his Hifo'a ' mother , und
tccelot for spongo-cnku , and li.tlf u do/on
e.uniAesof liesb-goolj , and tv\o \ Inlrplna ,
and locolpt for current j < lly , nnd other
trifles Indigenous to the locality ho
fcola itvo repent , ( iorn the out
side , nndfoolhlih ihlnkhhiottislt almost
done. .Alas ! "What a wet m of the tluat
Is niun.oapccially under these clrcuin-
Btnnci'a. It weto bHtor for thU jn.m
that he stood In Africa searelilnpr for
Nnpplejak nenrUogUIo , Uo tlo which
places , in ) every intelligent student of
the dark continent I < nowns , arc ever two
thousand nillos apirt. Finding the
pocltot on the outside means nothing1.
It la no duo lo the entrance. Tlio weary
younjf husband Boaichej on , his"vorlc
punctuated by his wlfovdto ttlll has the
lloor. Jtonson at length topples on her
throne. Ho pulls down the unoffending-
( 'ovvn , hook mid all. lie utlor.i u vild
cry and tears the holplcfes front Ineadthrf
from tlio unroslstinjj btiok tliapcrv.
Shreds of blrick canlimoro rty
through the startled air. The lllu-
slvopockot jtrihcs him on tlio nee , still
lie taunot got Into It. Then his \\lfo
comes jind io c'iios the KIVIIIU nt vlth
teu\i < , but lluulv , puts hot * hand in the
nooKot nt the lli t tiioiQ and tlio joung
Iiusbind rolronls down eUxlra iov red
Ithshmno and Ignominy.
Yo ha\o jittoinptod In n few \\ords to
sketch nil oxpcilunco which even uiir-
I led intiu hnuuul. Nooil wo B.IJ tluvt no
mnn luw c\or \ jot found a 'votnnn'a
poeUt ? Hns the boon loft for the
! oAploici * of Darkest j\fiio.i ? \\fo \
tnutso. Hut ho must ho ] ) ieputx > d fof
( nlltiie. Though ho has * nccitratoly
mapnod the country of \Volkr.irobltL
stood by the dark valors of the rbotjl
Nynuxi , Inidbaio the mystctlosof the
Atitiyy Uoonzii l-'oiost und nniohod
fioin Ijluebosli In the \\cst tolTjIt/ulmt
In tlio cast , still innyho moot his Waterloo
lee In the pocket of a hlnok dross on a
i Ucptirt.
"Vor tlUoitlercil nun tvi ttion , nnatmln
and fctoilllty , Itnuy propcilj bo U i nirtl u
spot lilt' . "
lOxtract from DrV P. JlnsonN tepoiton
the utitctj orr.xcilslorHtuhiKs
Lr , 'InhnuKoM i'lrsl
Ah , how \voll 1 loiretnlior the first
Suiiilny In my liixt olutri'hrltos ! liov.
T. DoVitt \ TnlmiiKO In the Ladies'
Homo .lonrinl.
The contrienntlon gut hoi oil early. The
bro\\n-Htnuo \ olmrch vtw a buuitlful
utriiituivvlthinanil without. An ad-
jtipoiit quni'ij lutl furnished the nta-
tei inl , und the turliitcct niul hulltler ,
\vho\voro \ nun of tiibto , httl nut boon In-
tord rod \\ith. A low etoipliiHlnoH
hudlKon ] > ltmtcdtit the ( tent and side ,
andalillo lot-e-liuhh Blood tit the door ,
Ilinylu itB fiayiauco ac-io s the jiifd.
Ishuy hail { ftino In and tJticen tholr
scat' , but ollioi-J1 hail sttuod at the door
to v nt uh tlio coming of the noinluistoi \ *
nnd hia briilc. Sholw tjouo now , nnd it
Is nn lliittorj tovrito \ that f.ilr
lo look upon , ilollciite Itibtrucluio of
hodj , ojc- > largo und blue , hair in which
\vns \ folded tlio hhmlourt of nildul lit ,
orcit cnit'ingo , 1m t qiiilo mill. : She \\tis \
such tv ono as jou ootild piokupand
canj o\or ubtrcun nlth ono arm. She
had a sweet voice , nnd had stood
sovcial yoais In Iho choir of the
citj eh inches , nnd li.ttl vlthnl n inngio
of prcf'Cnua that lind turned all whom
she ovoi mot into warm personal admir
ers. Hot1 hind trembled on her lutb-
biuul'b aim ns tint div they \\ontuptho \
btop * of the mooting house , gazed at in
tently I ) } voting nml old.
The pistoi looked paler o\cn tlmnivaa
his wont. Ills Nolcjoquivert'din loading
tliohvnm , nnd ho looked confuifd In
making tlio publlcitioiH. Thnt d.ty a
molhoi * had brought her child for lup-
INiii , and tortholhvt tlmow \ olllcintcd
In ceramon } . Had littid vork to
tenioinljur the \vofds , and knew not what
to do nctt.Vlieh he cnino to proaeli ,
in oM'ltcmojit ho could not lind his
> enmon. It had fallen hickof the feof.u
Looking up and down , .nul forward an I
backwatil. I'ishod It out at last , just m
time to cotno up , llubhod and hot , to load
Iho IPX ] Iiladoa vciy fi.ol > loittotul ! ] at
prcnching. Hut all wtio'i'end to hoiit1
IiisftorJf. Thojounjr s. > muthi7cdlii ] \
him , foi ho was j omind ; the e > ld
looked on him with -orlof mtomtil
indulgence. Althofow woulb in which
ho conniK'iidod hinibolf and his to tholr
bynipalhy and caie , they broke foith
into -\Meping1. And at the foot of the
pulpit , lit the clrho of the horvluj , the
people gathered , poor and ilchto ollor
their right luuidH.
I Irs. M'itislovv'n SoothiiiK Syrup for child-
i on tcetlilnrr icsts the cliilU uiicl comforts the
tnolhor. 5e ft botllo.
To 1'ostninstcrs.
For silo , n full set of llrst quality
oflico fiNtuiua , in yootl ouloi , 52S bron/o
lock and call bo\cs , haul wood litilsh ;
all Yale \voik , put tip with bo
talvon down Can bo fitted to any olllo/j.
Co jt over $ L',0iO ' , will sell for 2ouul
nay $ ! ( ) eominliBion. Addtess I. II.
Scai s , Davenpoit , In.
Mtci.u-j Chimccs.
1\\o \ iibpiiant for honoia with iiocuni-
tu-y lomuuotntiou should romumhei" that
the most fnnous n.unt ? in tholitctary
puild earned tlioir money for the most
pail inothci tliiiu literal yvays \ , Mays a
writer in The Ladles' Homo Join mil.
Brjnnt was nn eilitor and publi hor.
Lonyfollo'.v and IIolmoH iiadLovoll wore
TTniraid piofessors. Kmortjon nnd lisiy-
ai'cl Tajlor weto loctutors , and Tajlor
was also a Tribuuo editor. Ouitlsnnd
Stoildaul depend upon cditoilal s limit's ;
8 ted mnn if a luokcr smd Iltillcok was
John Jncol ) yVator'H pilviito sCPt'c'tary.
And one mlL'htfo ( on fmthir Mltli Ih'is
list.Vhlttlof hcgnu as anodlfor , and
onlj inmiddlo llfo attcmjited to loan
upon lltornluro alone for a bitpport ,
which his ouily svvlnprs and Biinply
liaWts inaclo poiblo. . Ittis til ways
Lpnyfellow'ii ; ' advtco to jouny mon who
wished to bo liteiary to htivo fiidt , and
mnlnly , \cealion indupoiuUmt of the
liner munlc. If aouiiy : wiltor
thinks ho pobwsbos gcniuH ho may , of
couiho , oxperlment ulth it ; but mvill
sono his puiao and peace of mind bettor
to sectue seine bottreo of hiljov and In-
coiuo tint iimoio phllibtlnuiind woildly
and ride hi ) Hofftibtis only nt Intorvnls.
Fet it is a hct , In spltoof the occ.i ! loniU
bi"fljjurc53 that aio jjhcn as tliorGjii tH
of iltoiiirj * ofl ( , pure nnd flhnplo , that
the men who pio-pcr 01 ha\o ptonpi'ioil
by thatnlono , : uo only tit any ono time
few do/on in nuinbor timoii our
live millions of people.
Chimlierlnln'a Colic , Cholera nnfl Dlnr *
rha.1 Itemed ) ranulvviys IjO depoiulcil upon.
It is to take nnd will I'uio irrmm ,
tboler.i morlius , dvscntory nudilliirrini ) In
tbclr worst foi nn lOvory fninily shonM bu
provided w tth it ilnrlnsf tlio Bummer months ,
U.Vcent , rij-ecut and dollar bottles mo aolil by
1'anliloii's Novvcsl Colors.
A long tlmo ago people tBod to thlnlc
that llno was cMoiitinlly a color for
blondoa and mitfoK Nobody can ( lis-
pvito itabeinff tliu color foi anyelB , but
it cortnlnly is not the ono to Lu chosen
bv a blonde , Bays a writer in the Ladies' '
Homo Journal. The fair nKIn look -it old
enough , and when blue , Bpechilly pnlo
blue , Is put near it the jlIJoctivm ( ? is
soiy underiirilile , bucnttbolnit
was clear .llito . hofoio ht > e imos
a ] ) , illor noBlondes \ had
mueh bottoi weir any ofUioio obhutloi ,
bright seailot , warm brown or dark
fjrcon , leaving llio very trying p'Uobluo
lo the biown-litihod hibflo with n blight
color , or the uarinbrunottu whoso skin
docs not know tlio unsightly touch of
ftallovvncHs. Ourybody liken n. . roso-
i olorod lining , nnd , to ho In vojjuothla
he.ison , cvciybody ought to have a rose-
colored frock In cotton , or wool , In bilk
of tulle , it la ahvaja most dun liable in
bringing out ono's bust R-atuics nnd
toning tlown one's vvoi > t. Combined
\\hitolhoplnkslinilo-iato ns dnlnty
us a bit of old ishinii , tuid will huj'go8t
the pretty pink and white Indict , whom
\Viitteatt pilntcd on fain , vho jilnvod at
llttlo Trinnon with Marie Antofnotto ,
iatiffhid and jested , and yet did riot fear
whoa they hud to faeo do.ith on the
fiiillotino for the s.tko of the king nnd
the queen. _ _
To the youn fuco 1'ozzonl' * Complexion
Po\ulcriflvt fresher cUnims , lo tlio old ro-
nctvcd joutli l'iy It ,
imwotlhos ol tno Hock fa <
land route , 1(502 ( , Sixteenth and Farnura
btii'ot , Otiuh.i , uro th ( liuiit in the city ,
Call und sco thorn. VldeM to all polali.
at lowest ratca