Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, July 23, 1890, Image 4

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ROSinYATER , Editor.
i-nriLisui-n ) KVRUY VOJINJNO.
P lly "itid f'ltnilnyt Onn Yoiir.r . JIO 00
Hlx in mtln . . . 'idO
Tlilqifnontlii . , , . . . , , . . . . . , . U M
Hii > Kiny I'CP. One Vcnr . 200
' .Vii.Hy Ilic , Umi Year . 123
ninnlm. Thn llro lltillilltiR.
k < . .ntli Cm dm. I'orncr N nnd 3lh ! Ptreots.
( , ' iiiiioll ll.iilTs II I'rnrl Mroct.
Cliii-uvrrfJIHcp. . ) ! " fliiiinbor ol Conitnorco.
N.'W lorlUtcomslll.l ) unit 1.1 Tribune Uullilliii ? .
\ \ iislilii tun , .113 fcuitrcntli i-tioct.
All crniiiiiinlcnttoim lolntlnn in nrws and
rillloiiiil miiUor clioulil bo aiUlixs-tcd to tlic
l.iiitvilul Depart men t.
All hii hic slptcr * niiil re nrtt-incosihotilil
lie ( Kllr ( i'il inTliolIco Piibllslilnif foiniiany.
Ornnliti Drafts ubivkx nnil iioUnnicu onion
to by tniido tmyablu to tliuoiilur nt tliuUoin-
The lice PoWlshlng Company , Proprietors.
Tlio lloo ll'ld' ' , I'lirnrun and Seventeenth Sts
ttntrnt Xdirnska. I _ ,
iiinily ot lon ) liH. ! f " '
Hi-nrji' II. T7H buek , * orrolnry of Tlio Ilco
l'iiblMdn/Oiinimiiy. lnr < siiliiiiiilyHV. ! > c'.irtliBt
tlio iiuinnt clrcMiliitlnn ( ifTllll DAlt.r 1ICK for
tlic week I'lidlns July IU , I'W ) , wus as follows :
Pimilny. July it . --VW
Monday. July It . SI.KIO
T U"liiy..liilyiri . 10.1 JH
\\ednoMl ay. July 10 . 1B.U1
'riiiir-dnv.Jtdy 17 . 1 .M"
1'rldny. .Inly l-i . lt'.lf ' l
bulurtliiy , July 11) ) . I'J.Wl
Average 2O.O71)
Sworn to bpforo mo nnd subsurllicd In my
titrstnec tli'.s t'Jlli ' ibiv ot.htly. A. ! > . . law.
LSI..M , . ] N. 1' . I'mi. . Notary 1'ubllc.
b'tutoof Ni-liraskn , I „ .
Cuiinty of Itouglut. f BS
( .voice II. T/trhtiik. liohiK duly sworn , do-
JNVCM mid hn\s Hint lin Is secretary of The Hoc
I'lililMiing C'oiiipiiny. ilnil tlio ncltial mutiuii
dully cln iilullon ot TIIK D.ui.v IlKK for tliu
iniiiitli otJuly , trtvi. ISTIH coplrs ; for Ausint.
1-Ml. ! b , .l | OOP'IM ' ; for Si < | ) tL iiibur , 1HKI. 1H.7IU
inpius. forOctotor , 18MI , H.I'iTcopUis for No-
MMiiljer , I8l * > , I'VUO ' copies ! forDiucinUiT. l * " < li.
in.011 intiliHi for Jnutiary , \ < "V.'J. \ ' . \ \ > copies ;
f.r I'o'.ruury l"H. ! IV'M copies- for .March , l * ,
a > .srcole | ; for April. Ifdl. 'MM copies : for
May. 1SK' ' , 'JO.liO copies ! for June. 1MU'O.OTl
conies. ( itouoi : II.T/'JCIIUCK.
! -win nt i 1 oforu tnu nnd Mtlsrlboil In my
prosiin-i' th a i'nd day of July. A. I > . lh' ) .
[ iMi l N. I' . 1'HIL , Notary 1'ubllc.
l'\\itJiin : liL'TLUit lias tlio floor.
To Till' hchool board : fast aside ro-
vciitH ( ! , for by that sin tlio angola fell.
12VKN the ffoyscrs of the national park
nro vociferously spouting over the atl-
of Wyoming.
1 Ir David of 1'iuviico bhottld volun
tarily rot Ira from politics , thu fjotldess
of ruform v.-ould luivo just grounds for a
A HOSTON paper cries out : "Tlioro is
a limit to endurance ; the electric car
must go. " By all means , lot Ilium go.
If electricity falls , hitch up tlio mules.
SuvicuAr. Minneapolis enumerators
find the cliniato of Canada particularly
congenial tit the present tltnc. Federal
nnd local btonns at homo will probiibly
Ueop thorn In the dominion for faomo
capital continues flowing1
to the south. At a recent Industrial
conference inn Georgia town a northern
er invested forty-live thousand dollars
on four queens. A brigadier scooped the
pot with u straight flush.
AccoiiniNCl to Itito reports ) the condi
tion of olvll service reform under the
now dispensation in Iowa calls for heroic
remedies to prevent death. It Is openly
charged that the executive council , of
whluh.Governor Boios is the presiding
genius , Ignored the result of the exami
nation of candidates for mine Inspectors
und selected favorites. The incident
goes to show that democratic civl 1 ser
vice reform Is a political curio of orna
mental proportions.
Tun exports of cattle during Juno
amounted to thirty-live thousand seven
hundred head , an increase of ton thou-
Htuul over Juno las.t year. The value of
the uhipmonts aggregated twp million
nine hundred thousand dollars. The In
crease In tlio exports'of hogs , dressed
meats nnd tallow was equally largo , the
value reaching nine and a half million
dollars , while the dairy products exported -
ported amounted to one and three-
quarter million dollars.
Tun latest crop report Issued by the
department of agriculture shows the
condition of growing corn to ho favor
able all around. In Iowa , Nohraslca and
the corn district of South Dakota , the
acreage Is Increased , but the stand IB
not an good as at the same tlmo last
year , being an average of ten days bo-
hind. Excessive rains and tl rought have
done some damage In spots , but on the
whole the indications point to a bounti
ful crop of the great staple.
Tin : foreign crop outlook is unything
but cheering. In England recent heavy
rains have wrought Incalculable damage
in the low lands. The hay crop is prac
tically destroyed and what little
may bo havod of tlio wheat wfil bo far
below tlio average in quality. Similar
gloomy conditions prevail on the conti
nent , nnd much uncertainty oxl&ts con
cerning the Russian crop. The cereal
markets are advancing , in anticipation
of a general shortage. The granaries of
America , however , are able to moot all
donmndb of Europe , and the advance of
prices which will naturally result will
bo appreciated by the farmers of the
Tun Topeka licintbliam pronounces
the Slocumb law of Nebraska Infinitely
superior , as a temperance measure , to
prohibition in Kansas. Under the Ne
braska law every dealer is responsible
for all damage , either to person or prop
erty , caused by the sale ol liquor. Sales
to minors are not permitted , and the sa-
looneniro closed on Sundays and on elec
tion days. Towns nnd cities derive a
revenue from the business , nnd they tire
not overrun with bootleggers , jolntlsts
nnd mercenary constables. "Under pro
hibition in Kansas , " says the Jfcj > i < & { < cuii ,
"sales nro made on election days , on
Sundays year In and year out , to minors ,
habitual drunkards nnd to everybody.
Prosecutions pile up burdensome costs
on the taxpayers. Towns nnd cities do-
vivo no rovcnuo from the trafllc , and the
rottencbt rot gut whisky , bay rum and
other deadly decoctions tire sold without
Btlnt. " The condition of Kansas Is truly
u "horrible oxumplo" for Nebraska to
; 7V I'K.Vr/Mfc AMtitllC.l ,
Hostilities have bc-gun between San
Salvador and Guatemala. According to
the dispatches the latter country was th i
aggressor , having inutdcd Sun Salvador
ImmcdlHlely upon thollunl refusal of
that country to njrmo to thp proposed
federation nr unlun ot the live states.
Thn llr.4 conflict nypotirs not to hnvo
been a piirtlcularly sanguinary titTalr ,
Jhe reported number killed being only
forty on both sides , but the result
was in favor of San Salvador , 'vhojo
troops were commanded by the pro
visional president , General I'zeta.
Guatemala was recently reported to hnvo
twenty thousand troop- ) under arms und
to contemplate" Inc.rciiuiiig the force to
forty thousand , 60 that if hostilities have
really been seriously begun u vigorous
Invasion of San Salvador may bo ox-
poctt'd. Honduras la said to bo prepar
ing In aid Guatemala , while Cobta lllco
and Nicaragua luivo nlllod themselves
with San Salvador. Meanwhile Mexico
is stild to be taking an active interest in
alTnlrs , having concentrated tioops on
the Guatemalan frontier. It in stated
to be the intention of Guatemala to
appeal to the United States for protec
tion against Mexican Interference.
\Vhtlo ut this writing those reports
lack oflicial authority they ure not nt all
Improbable , the fact that Guatemala , and
San Salvador have boon actively prepar
ing for war having been fully authen
ticated , but It bus been assumed that
there was no serious danger of hos
tilities before the meeting of the con
vention in September to settle the qucs- '
tlon of a union of the Hiatus , mul only
then In the oent of the refusal of San
Salvador to accept the proposed ar
rangement. If Guatemala had deter
mined , however , to make this refusal a
cause of war there is no good reason why
she should wait until September If she
deemed the present refusal of S.m Sil-
vader Until. Her natural policy would
bo to strike while San Salvador
is practically in a state of
anarchy , in consequence of the
revolution in that country. Un
der present circumstance1 ! It is question
able whether Ezotn , who has not been
rccogiil/.od by any of the Celitrnl Amer
ican governments , and who has tniido
himself unpopular by following up his
usurpation of power with exacting a
forced loan , can got the support of the
whole people , oven to rcpol an invasion ,
und feinco it Is certain that bo and his
following will never peaceably accept
the proposed union , nothing could bo
gained by postponing an attempt to fcu'co
San Salvador into the union. From this
point of view the reported rommonccmont
of hostilities by Guatemala appears en
tirely probable.
Conjecture as to how long tlio conflict
may last and whether it will ultimately
involve nil the atates ot Central America
cannot at present bo of much value. It
is believed thlit both Mexican and Ger
man influence ib being exerted against
the unification of Central America , the
former for the reason that Mexico enter
tains the hope of sumo time annexing *
Guatemala , while Germany doubt
less fears that unification
would result to her disad
vantage commercially. If the contest
could bo confined to San Salvador and
Guatemala the success of the latter
would hardly bo doubtful , since nho is
much the stronger in population and re
sources. Unless the trouble can bo set
tled by arbitration , however , for which
the government of the United States
might properly exert its influence , It is
to bo expected that all the Central
American states will become involved.
Tills country certainly cannot regard the
occurrence of war in Central America
with unconcern , particularly if It bhall
appear that foreign influences are playIng -
Ing any part in directing events there.
It is not only necessary that the inter
ests of American citizens in Central
America , which are extensive , shall bo
fully protected , but It is important that
this country shall not allow any other
foreign power to exert tin undue inllu-
enco upon the affairs of those states
which might result in impairing their
autonomy or forcing them to accept
conditions which tholr people do not
The house of representatives passed
the original package bill reported by its
judiciary committee as a substitute for
the Wilson bill passed by the bonato.
This measure does not deal exclusively
with intoxicating liquors , but applies to
arty article of commerce imported Into
a state from another state or territory
or from a foreign country. In the report ,
which accompanied the submission of
this bill the argument .was presented in
its support which has prevailed with the
majority of the house.
It was the opinion of the committee ,
only ono membar dissenting , that all
property which has boon imported- Into
a state and kept for sale there , ought to
be subject to the jurisdiction of thp stato.
The states , It was hold , are the 'proper
judges of the needs of their own citizens
and they ought to bo froa to exact and
enforce such laws as they may doom
best , and when the non-resident Imports
his wares into the state and there engages
in tralllc it is but just that ho
slunild bo subjected to the same restric
tions that govern the citizens of the
state who "would engage in n llko trulllc.
This would be the effect of the measure
the house has passed. It would in no
manner interfere with the right of a
citizen of a state to purchase abroad any
article of commerce which ho might de
sire for his own use and have the same
transported and delivered to him at his
place of residence. Tho' states would
have no power to prevent the
importation of any article of
commerce , nor to obstruct the
transportation of commerce through
thejr territories , except In tho.necessary
enforcement of their health laws. Its
only effect would bo to subject such
property as may bo Imported into the
state nnd there held or offered for snlo ,
to the laws of the stato. It la provided
that n state shall inulco no discrimina
tion In favor of its citizens or Its products
in respect to the sale of any artlclo of
Opposition to the measure took several
forms , ono bolng that congress could not
in this way delegate to state legislatures
a power to impost ) restrictions upon
interstate commerce whloh the constitu
tion provides shall "bo exorcised ex
clusively by congress , nnd another that
the bill proposed toglxolo the stales a
dangerous authority to legislate- regardIng -
Ing the Intcrnnl i.'ommereo of the coun
try. The objection to the bill on con-
ftitutlomil grounds , however , had few
supporters , -the supreme court having
very distinctly declared 'Hint "tho
responsibility is upon congress ,
so fnr as the regulation of
Interstate commerce is concerned to re
new the restriction upon the state in
dealing with imported articles whlcK
have not been mingled with the common
mtisa of property therein. ' More Im
portance was given to the objection that
the bill allows too grout scope to state
legislation In respect to internal com.-
incrco. The question will now go to n
committee of conference , and in view of
the widely dilloront character of the
measures adopted by the two houses , the
result is extremely uncertain. . It is
quite possible that there wlllnot bo Html
legislation on the subject at the present
IN the death of Eupono Sohuylor ,
which occurred at Cairo , Egypt , the
country loses a distinguished scholar
and representative abroad. Springing
from a family famous in the early his
tory of tlio republic , Mi1. Suhuylor
added to that fame in the broul fields
of literature and as American consul at
various cities in the oast. Graduating
with high honors from Yale In 1850 , ho
studied law in Columbia college , but
subsequently turned his nttentlon to lit
erature. In KStiO ho was appointed con
sul at Moscow and Biiccesslvoly
keld like positions at Ulrnilng1-
ham , Rome and Bucharest. His
most notable works are "Life of
Peter the Great" and "American Di
plomacy. " In the latter -work Mr.
Schuyler severely crlticl/.ed partisanship
in diplomatic affairs and his strictures
were tlio innncdlato cause of his defeat
in the honnto for the position of assistant
secretary o ( btato under tlio present ad
ministration. To his ability as a diplo
mat and writer , Mr. Sohuylor added the
zeal of tin explorer of the ancient tomes
of the east , and the rare faculty o ( ac
quiring languages enabled hi in to give
the world many charming contributions
from musty , records. '
IlALTiMOur.'s success irithhiglillconso
adds to the mountain of proof that regu
lation Is the one common sense method
of dealing with the liquor traffic. Al
though tlio license is only two hundred
and lifty dollars a year , the oparntion
and enforcement of the law have pro
duced excellent results In. . three months
Under low liceiHo the city had twenty-
seven hundred saloons. The present
number is eighteen hundred , the nine
hundred suppressed being the worst in
the city. Kiii'illy ' marked h the dimin
ished number of arrests , growing out of
inloinpjrunuo. The experiment has
proven so great a SUCCQJS that an in
crease of the license is being agitated to
decrease the number of ( saloons , increase
the revenue and still furtboi'impi'ovo the
orderly condition of the city.
roiutho year ending July 1 the re
ceipts of cattle and hogs at the Omaha
market increased thirty-seven and
thirty-six per cent respectively , over the
previous year. The gain ia cheerful
proof of the growth ol Omaha ns the
stock market of tlio Trans-Missouri re
gion , and reflects credit on the energy
of the managers.
Tun election of Charles Connoycr ns
secretary of tlio school board will bo
hailed with boundless joy by the soprano
politicians In the schools. Their admira
tion for CounoyoT has not abated since
they assisted in giving him a vacation
from public duties three years ago.
ExrERir.NCi : nnd competency are
essential qualifications for the effective
management of our schools. It Is an in
sult to common wmso to say that the
superintendent of the schools of u one-
horse town is capable of managing the
metropolitan school system of Omaha.
Jon ILKK , our own and only Joe , con
tinues to agitate the denizens olthoKivw
with mammoth schemes in the distillery
and brewing line. Joe is determined
that his reputation for wind shall not bo
overcome by local competition in the
northwest corner of Missouri.
A UAiLTtOAD with the norpondlcnlni
splno of the Alton is what Omaha needs
to protect shippers from discrimination
and oxcoMslvo rates. United action
among the jobbers would go ful1 towari
breaking the corporation .r.ito combine
again&t the city.
TitK epliomoral town by the Kaw man
ages to como within two thousand o
Omaha's population , after six weeks o
census work. Still the once great citj
will continue to bo an object of Omaha's
distinguished commiseration.
Dintixa the recent hot spell wagons
sunk in the asphalt pavements ofYash
ington and wore with ditllculty extri
cated. It la presumed the material was
warmed over.
BY AT.L means lot Mr. Gushing bo
trotted out for the governorship. The
{ Shattered Twonty-oighlors are ontltlct
to consideration from tlio democrats.
Sojin of the bricks bolng laid as pave
ment should bo wrapped in buckskii
sacks to protect them from the inclemency
oncy of the weather.
PHI * n Lous-Felt. Want.
Denver Itep'Mte-tiz
Congress ha1 } pissed n bill to provida for
the forfeiture of all r.illru.v.l Itiml ciMnti
which have not boon earned by the construc
tion of the roads they word mailo to aid. ThU
IsiiROOcI measure nnd It aliould have beet
euiicted long ago.
To Aliollsh the Ittiuoljine.
A test which will rotuovo the color line en
tlrely lithe trno ono , nnil yet cllmluato the
great uno.lucateJ vota.Vb.2n \ that can bo
reached wo shall hops for the abolition ot thn
tnngiblo anil yet doplor.illo raon line wulcl
toJ.iy makes tjio south , pjlltlcill.v , reactionary -
ary und sullen.
The Punl.sJimciit Flu * the Crime.
Dcnrtr T/mrt / ;
A blunt old preacher ODCO took occasion to
prcncti against sotuo of the provident fash
ionabln sins nnd follies tf hh time. A dole
gatlmi olhU congregation \valtod upon him
nnd pllcousl" protested thnt that sort of
thlnff Rrated upon their sensibilities and hurt
their fooling ! 1rio quick , pointed roaixmso
wai , "Tlienbc'inVo yourselves , " The mime
answer llts cx.wtly the diio of thosouthcrn
ongrcssmenrhtfcouiphvln of the hardships
o which the proposed federal election law
vlll subject thi-nl.
A Happy Combination , '
St. tsixii GMc-nimucrat.
A combination1 has been entered Into bo-
ween Speaker Uood mid Ciialrmnn Cannon
of the appropriation committee for the laud
able purpose of Itooplnp down expenditures as
'or as pojsiblo nnil doilrulilo. The only fault
o bo found with this arrangement h that it
vas not entered lute at the bcclnulug of the
ess Ion.
Moil I lied Definition of Treason.
' tVnrtridm Aiiw oiul Courier.
The confederate war was not an. lasurroc-
Ion , neither was It designed to subveit the
Rovemincnt. 11 was n war for Independence ,
v.iged by sovereign statoa. Not a to ob-
aln Independence , as was the Ameilcan rovo-
titlon , butaw.irlo maintain iudcpandence ,
ai wti3 the struggle of unhappy Poland. The
United , States government would have re-
nahicd Intact if the confederate states had
succeeded In their stmpKlo for Independence.
1'uo establishment of the new confederacy
did not Involve the subversion of the old.
A 11 AnclcMi 1 1'alie.
( /itratw / Triliimc.
It Is related by the compiler of n book on
ancient uiul modern Journalism that an Ung-
ish nrwsptijior in the seventeenth century in
formed Its readers of the arrival of "perfect
mermaid" tliat had been driven ashore near
Greenwich , The creature had a "comb in
ono hand anil u looking glass la the other.
She seemed to bo of tno countenance of n
Talmud mo t beautiful woman , with hcrarms
folded , weeping out manypciuly drops of salt
Lcars ; and aftciwanh she , gently turning
aeraclf upon her bick JaRaln , swam away
without being seen nay inoro. " "Yet people
say the modern reporter Is given to exagger
A Deinocratlo Vlowoflt.
The Independent convention , held nt Col-
umlmsontho Uth lust. , nominated 0. M.
Komrnof ( Just or county for congress from
the Third district. lie Is deputy treasurer
of Ciibter county , and a funncr ; lias always
K'cn a romibHe.m , and is said to bo n pleasant
nnd forcible speaker. \VoilJ-IIernld
published the nrvnunt of the convention under
the startling UIMI ! lines of "Dorscy's Death
Knell. " 1'crluiis. But it Is not us sure a
knell as the com cation could hnvo made it.
\Vith a llttlo liberality on the part of the independent -
dependent convention , nnd without deviating
ono iota from their declaration of nrinriphy
they could hive secured for their candidate
tl.o endorsement of the democratic conven
tion of the Third dlstilct and thereby nude It
an absolute lurco lor Dors > oy tottio \ tiled to
run. As It is , It will bo uthrcc-couiorcul
flight wherein Dorscy stands us good u chance
as the other two.
They AVill Do Jloiiiliitcd'
Kiarncy Aeic Cm.
Those who believe that high license U the
best incthod of cdntrolling and keeping the
silo of liquor under complete control are not
afraid that saloons will bo started "besido
"school houses , churches , residences" and
various other places now allowed by the Slo-
climb law. Under the present law this can
not bo nor Is allowed. Why , then , because
it may bo determined that the liquor tr.vlllo
shall bo continued' , will it bo necessary to
throw all legislation aside ! It seems to bo tlio
plan of the prohibitionists to create an 1m-
presshn that if their amendment Is defeated
outlawry will cxJ t and theft ) is no possible
way tocontrol the Sale and granting of license.
2ow , this Is nil wroiiff. No ono but those
who do not want to bo convinced to the con
trary will belfevo such statements. Thostatc ,
county , city and village governments vlll bo
just the sumo whether the prohibitory amend
ment is lost or carried. If carried the legis
lature will have power to multo laws for its
enforcement ; if defeated , It will also bo the
duty of tuo legislators to prestribo conditions
under which license shall be granted and tbo
law enforced. This question Is too well un
derstood by the entire people. It looks like
those In favor of the prohibitory amendment
are just now engaged in. the scare business ,
and are not at all particular how they deceive
the people us to tlio actual condition of gov
ernment whether the umcmlmeut is defeated
or not. Of ono thing they may rest assured ,
there will bo no laws passed loss stringent
than those now In force should the amend
ment bo defeated. Uoeuuso prohibition was
voted down In Pennsylvania It did not do
oway with any Jaw of regulation nnd license ,
and the liquor interests h.wo . not nor will they
ever have the power to nuke laws lor them ;
selves In this or nuy other stato.
Nebraska Kojiulillcniis.
Soiu'ii / < ; Journal.
The Nebraska republican st ito convention
will bo composed of Sl'J dele-gates. Douglas
county , or Oniahn , lias sUty-uluo delegates ,
or one-twelfth of the total inemUei-shlp of tlio
convention. 0'ho republican state central
committee has ordered that no proxies bo ad
mitted to the convention , and that the dele
gates present bo authorised to cast the full
vote of each delegation. This is nn important
reform In Kubiwkn , for it is beyond doubt
that conventions have been manipulated in
that state through the opportunities which
the proxy method offers. Many of the
western" counties have Ijccn sparsely settled
nnd distant from tbo point of holding con
ventions , and thus oltcn a few men could
tlirough proxies get control of the voles of
n dOiCn or a score of counties , Thcso votes
often constituted tbo balance of power and
controlled nominations uud the policy
and organization of the party. Especially
was the proxy system objectionable in astute
where o few of the populous counties in tlio
eastern portion had so largo a share of tbo
representation. The situation was most
favorable for exactly that sort of manipula
tion which railroad corporations resort to ,
nnd unfavorable'consequently , for the proper
reflection of tliti"vill " of the overwhelming
innjoilty of the natty. It wiw in all respects
similar to the slf nation In Iowa years ago.
Hero the nbus'o'pf ' the proxy system was
abolished by abijUa jinf ? the system Itself. In
Nebraska this y'rnr the farmers demanded
the same letnedv ivhlch proved effectual in
loivti , and the sSitwi central committee under
this pressure this year at list yielded IUH
ordered the change so far as Its power went
to make the change. The result is that the
responsibility for j o action ot the convention
nnd the controlling .spirit of the party organ
hatton has bceu'ltutown back directly upon
the people , or nt least moro directly than ever
before. > f "j ,
A. Colorocl Cliuroli Flglir.
TORONTO , Ont. , July 23.-Sjicctnl [ Telegram
gram to Tnr. UEK. ! Tlicro is a split in the
British Methodist Episcopal colored church
congregation hero owing to a disposition of
section of the congregation to place the
church in connection with the .Africai
Methodist KpNcopU church , which Is
American. I'ustor Bnno of rhtladelpnh
came hero with po\yca frora Jllshon Taunri
of that city to talco. the congregation ovtr
Another section of the congregation objected
and Sunday mornlnirservlfod wore conducted
with policemen on guard to preserve the
Turks Killed by Cliristhns.
.C-vxnu , Crete , July 22. A number of Turk
ish soldiers were tired upon from ambush by
Christians and Uvo of them Killed.
1'outTicAr * aossti1.
Lieutenant Governor Mctkkjohn Is saKi bt
ils most intltnnto friends to bo In the iiico for
coaKrcss nndwill test steel with Jlr , Dorsey
n the Third district. Mclklejohn Is nleiul.
ng lawyer of Nnnco county mul his rceord-
n the state ennto brought him first proinl.
iciitlybofora the state. Ills nko stated upon
: ho host authority that ho la not n candidate
Tor the position of attorney Kcnenil , nor for a
rc-clcctloii to tbo otllco ho now lllls that ol
lieutenant governor.
Colonel "Websteruould llko to go to con-
Kress , but ho la not innkingtho ofTort or the
showing" that ho did last year. Hitchcock ,
lili own county , will send a delegation that
will vote for hint on tlio first ballot or two ,
nnd then tty tolliul the vlnncr.
' The McKi'ltilmn boom for Congrats , " says
.ho linden Ucglster , "Is boconilni ; sonic-
tlilnp of a bick number. Whlto the ticoplo
ot this district feel thnt soiuo changes nro do-
slrablo In tlio tarlfl laws , they are not ycl
re ul y to swallow the free IraJo dootrnioi ol
Tudgo McIColfihan. The laboring olcmotit
Ooti't wanthlni , aiul the republican members
of the alliance don't want him , which leaves
the Jmlgo but ono thing to do-fall back on
his democracy. "
lion , M. V. Harlau expresses the bolict
, hat Laws could not get the sumo strength
rrotn the country precincts that bo had be
fore. The race may conio down to a sinuiro
light between Bostwlck and Harlan.
Luxuries become conveniences nnd con
veniences become necessaries as clvlllvation
iilvnnccs. When the lint oiicyi-lo.-cdla was
published It was a luxury foe the ilch. The
oilginal edition of the ifritaimlcn , prepared
vlth vtwt labor and expense , was sold at 0 a
volume or $150 for tlio set. Applclon's cost
SP.'O , and us n set could not bo complete with
out the annuals to date , the expense ww In a
few years greater than that of the llritunnica ,
It w.-vja heavy tit on all except tuo very rich
but the Incalculable usefulness to nil literary
workers and others who desired av.illublo In
formation that 5)1,000,000 has boon sent out
of this country for the Brltanulca.
Sin co the publication of the Drltannlc.i in
vestigations have discovered so many now
facts and changed old ones that it can no
longer be trusted to contain ti complete sum
mary of practical knowledge. In Its oilglnal
form It was not enough for this country slnco
a grout dcnl of its information consisted ot
Details about ob-icuvo IJiltlsh places nnil its
ttiMttnenb of Ameilcau topics was very
No now compilation of a full encyclopaedic
nature has boon made recently except that
uhleh Tin : Btr lias secured for its sub
scribers. The publishers of this American-
icd Kncyclonnidia Hritannlca li.ivo preserved
served all the Milnablo fcatuics of tuo orig
inal , which was unquestionably the great
est work of the kind ever made , and have vo-
modeled it to suit the latent tcsearchcs nnd
part k-ulavly to satisfy American buyers who
vlsh but 0110 eiicyclopnjilla.
An cncyclopa-dia has bccomo necessary in
all educated families. Theio has been for
3 cars n demand for a woilcvlilch would sup
ply all that the Brltunnlca did , with addi
tions to date , at a price which would enable
finnilic of moderate , means to purchase.
To use tl.o Eueydopudia llritanulca ns &
basis for an improved and cheaper work is
quite as honorable as to print and sell copies
of Dickens , Scott , Victor Huso or Dumas ,
It Is part of the woild's stock of knowledge
open to the American public. Cooper , Long
fellow and Whlttiorhavo been reprinted in
England in the same way.
The publisher o the Amerlcani/cd Ency
clopaedia Uritnimica have employed the best
talent and the highest knowledge to edit ,
amend and 1111 out tbo work , ' To rlng nu
instance homo it may be stated that' they re
quested , when the revision was in progress ,
that Tun I3ci : designate the tat authority in
Omaha to write a Ubtory of tlio city. Other
clt'es ' wore looked after with the sumo caw
and liberality.
Soon after the announcement of the under
taking Tun BKI : Investigated It thoroughly ,
and decided tbit the wone coma bo made a
great boon to subscribers. Papers llko tbo
ChlcaKO Herald , St. Paul Pioneer Press , San
jfouicisco Examiner and Denver Itopubllcun
vere'glad. after the same examination to enter
into an arrangement for exclusive control of
ttio work. The publishers admitted only the
Ic.uliiig.nnd best paper In each city. Tin :
35r.i : , the leading paper of Omaha , controls
the vorlc in Nebraska and western Iowa.
It can bo obtained in that terri
tory ouly through TUUBKK. Af tcr the enor
mous value of the Americanized Uncydopai-
dla Britannlcn became Imowu thcro was a
rush of papers for the pdvilcgo. But only
the best wcro admitted and it Is natural that
tbo inWrlor papers show their resentment by
finding fault with tbo use of the Dritaimlca's '
The copy for this addition was all inndo up
originally. ITivo volumes of the American
ized iiro issued nnd the other Uv.e will bo out
inside of four months.
TIM : Iir.refers to the opinions of ninny
loading protcssioaiil and literary workers In
Omaha who haio examined tuo work. Tin :
] lti : : tdso Invites eierylxxly to compare It ,
topio by toplo , wltli tlio KnglUh edition
Tbo Aiiicrlciml/.od Kncyclopiudlti lirltan-
nli'ii isu nwguiliccnt and valuable possession
for e\cry household. It presents for tbo iU-at
tlmo ncoinpletoroforenco library at n prlco
nnd on terms within reach of every family
that owns a Lome.
The following U a synopsis of the Nebraska
high license local option law :
Section 1 provides that the county board of
each county may grant llceiiso for tlio silo of
malt , spirituous and vinous liquors , If deemed
expcdicntj'upon the application by petition of
thirty of tlio leslilent freeholder ! of tbo
town if the county it under township organ-
Nation , The county board shall not have
nuthorltv to Issue any license for the sale of
Honors in nay city or Incorporated village or
within two tidies of the same.
Section a provides for the llllnp of the ap
plication and for publication of the applica
tion for at least two weeks before tlio grant-
hip of thu license.
Section II provides for the hearing of tbo
case If a lenionstr.inco Is filed againit tbo
granting ota licensoto the applicant.
Foiilliorfcections provide for the appealing
of thoiomonstiMiiuoto the district com ! ; tbo
form of the. license ; the giving of u $5,0(10 (
bond by the successful uppHcant for the 11-
U'llSO ,
Sections S , 0 nnd 10 innko it nu offense , pun-
Ishublo by u line of 8i'i , for any licensed
linuordealer to sell intoxicating liquor to
mliioi.1 or liuliiiisi. .
Section U provides that any povion scllim ;
llijuor without u Hcenso shnll be lined not
lc s than 3UK ) nor moro than ? T > Ol ) for each
ollonso ; and ficctlon 12 provides for tUe trial
of niuh ollMulcn.
Section. 13 makes It nn nfTciisc , punislmblo
by a line of Slo1) ) and a forfeiture of licence ,
for any licensed liquor vender to soil adul
terated lliinor.
Section it makes It nn offruso punishable
by a fine of $10) ) for nay person to sell or give
away any liquor on Suiiuuy , or on the day of
unv general or special olectlon.
Sections ISto'i'J Inclusive , doflno the lia
bility of saloonkeepers for damages sustained
by any ono In ronscqucnro of the traftla and
proviuo the steps necessary to collect such
Section 21 relates to the issuance of drug
gists' permits.
The local option feature of the law Is con
tained In section ii5 , the salient part of whiUi
"The corjiorato authorities of nil cities and
Ullage * bhall have imvor to license , roguluto
niul.ptobIbit the selling or giving away of
any Intoxicating , malt , spirituous and Unous
liquors , within the limits of such city or vil
lage. ThU section also flxoH tbo amount of
the license fee , which shall not bo loss than
$ .100 In villages and cities having loss than
10,000 Inhabitants nor less than 81MX ) In cities
having a population of more tlmn 10,000 ,
Sections'M ' and liTreluto to druggists' rc0' .
htorsanrt mnnltlra for violation o ( the nile *
EOVornltiK the same
Section 2 < mukos ilrunkomiosn in ofTon'o
imnisliiibloby nllnoof SID nnJ costs or In-
prisomuont notoxtHXHllnn thlitv daya.
Section ' "J proviilcs thnt tliouoon and win
( lows of siilooiisshnllbo l < cpL free from sv
or bllcds.
The ftock Island road will build n (13,000 (
elevator ut N'elion.
Nate Uojnolili hm soli ! his Interest In tlio
Tccuwsch Republican.
The O'Neill l i-ontlor haj started on tlio
eleventh year ct Itscxistoueo ,
Commodious school houses are to bo bult
nt Inland and tipi-in ; Knucuo.
The Catholics of Hulohavulat the contract
for tbo foundation Avails of a now convent.
The Sons of Veterans camp at David City
Mill incscuta piny to the public carl v In Au
John Uoo and his sevcntcon-ycar-otd son.
living noarHoavor City , have been uirosttxi
mul jailed on thoclnrgoof cominittlnu num
erous Ihofti.
A g.inpf of liowo thieves 1 * supposed to bo
located near Tails Ulty , Many horses uio
Antoiic Mycr. , a joutiRinnnof llraitnrd. Is
charged \ \ mortgaging \ property not Ills
own to the amount ofJIWO. . Ho has shipped
und ofileomiroon bis triclr.
A Tails City * banker claims Unit fewer
loans have been iniidu to fiiimcn tills year
than In any previous yenr und f.irmeis
me nieotliig their obligations promptly ,
Eighteen nutl three-tenths mills h the rnto
ot tiiMitlon in D.iwcs county for IS'.H ' ) , outsldo
of school nnd corporation tK. ; In cllstricls
uhcro no levy was iviiuiml to maintain
schools forthoncxtyeiir , thoabovo ( and the
state tax , which has not yet been levied )
H'pre.sentsthe total ruto whiUi the people ot
such districts vlll bo required to | > .iv. Kosl-
ilcntsof Cliadwn IITC cjicctoil | to contribute
tVf [ cents oa every dollar's valuation.
Upon arising the other niornlug Herbert
IJhodei , li\ln \ > ? fouriiillet noith of Geneva ,
found his barn burned , vlth nil its contents ,
incluilitiK Uio year's crop of buy and oats.
The lemains of thrco hoiscs were found in
the ruins , which upon being opened woto
found to contain white corn. Mr. lihodw
hud never fed whitu corn , nnu this , taken
In connection with their ages , dctciinlncj
by their teeth , was evidence that his thrco
hoi-soi , which \\cva fine Norman , mid been
stolen , and others lett in their place , and tbo
barn burned to cover up the cilnio , The loss
foots up fully * l,000. Itls thought thiswoilt
vas done by the snmo gaup wbo burned n
barn nnd left two ponies In the plico ofgooil
horses In the ruins In thosamo nclglihoihooil
list Way. A horse was also stolen from
( loorge Warren at Clrnftoii and one from
Tred Hudson nt Kiiirmont tlio sauio nlglit.
A determined ofToit will bo inndo to cap
ture the rogues , A regard of SU'W is eiTorcd
for their capturo. _
lo\v.i ,
Muscatino hopes to hnvo a public library.
The buildings recently dostroved bvflro nt
Jit. Ayr uio being icplaccd with ba'njsouio
structures ,
The new musical conservatory bolng built
for the western normal ( ollejo is expected to
bo completed by November.
A Sunnt Inby foil from an tippei story
window to the pavement , a distance of fif
teen feet , nnd escaped , injury.
At Hholl Kock an old hotel building was
icntOil by an original p.icltago iigont , and
after It had boon fitted up fof business was
id on llro by some unknown parties.
Mri. .Tesso Iliiipr of Mahcrn has given
birth to tilplets , tivo IK > JS and n girl , nnd nil
are doingwell. . These make sixteen child nn
born to Jlr. nnd ISIrs. Hiucr , the eldest ot
\\homis \ but eighteen.
\Vliilo Michael Schmltzy , n Dnbuquo si-
loonkecper , was waiting on a "growler" cus
tomer at the back door of hit saloon thlovcs
entered the front door and cairicd oft. a
money bag coiitjJUng SW.
Miss May IloxSPs of Dubuque is the nutlior
of a "Wuvorly olctionary in which the 1'jOO , or
more chavactois in Sir \Valtcr Scott's ' novels
nro deseriixul i\lth \ illustrative extracts from
the tcft. ThohooUls said to boa complcto
key to Scott's vorks ,
Contracts hmo been lot for the erection of
a new chnpol library and scientific hall for
the stnto college nt Ames. The
building will boqulto modern In nppenraiico ,
lesciiibliugtm elegant private rcsiJuHcc , nnJ
\\ill IM by far tlio haiisomost building 01 tlio
college Tjrojp.
Twenty-bfivcn years ago Captain I. JM. Layton -
ton of Leon was wounded at the bnttlo of
1'ruiilo Giove and the surgeon did not extract
the ball. The other day ho wiis suJdonlv nt-
tucked with a sovew pain In the vicinity ot
tlioound ni'd the bullet foiced Itself out
under the slclii nutl was iomo\ed. \ It weighed
three qunitrrs of an ounce.
\VlilloItlis.JItllcrofDoydca was attend
ing c'mroh her little son , Elmer , in trying to
dnuv a pall of water from the well , lost his
footing and foil headlong into the opening ,
In his descent his clothing caught on a pro
jecting null , holdlngblinsiisjieiidcdabovo tlio
wateruntll ho was discowcdsomo tlmo later
and rescued from his perilous position.
John Mull of Muplotonls the possessor of n
valuable ivllo in the slmiw of a plcco of
money. It Is paper , two-thirds of a dollar ,
printed by Hall & Sellers , according to reso
lution of cojiKross , passed nt Philadelphia
February 17 , 1 " " ( ) . On ono sldo nra thirteen
lings , each bejiiinptlio iiamo of u state linked
together , forming a great ring , In the cimtcr
ot which U "Ibo Aniericaii Conpress.11 On
the other side Is the Inscription , "Mind Your
liuslncss. " Mr. Mull received the piece of
money from his father , who received It from
bis futhei1.
Tlio T o Dakolns. .
Parker jouug ladles have organized abaso-
ball club.
Hailstones tvelvolnobcs in rlrcumferonco
fell liiMol'Uersoa ' county the other ilav ,
Rapid City Ins a candidate for congress In
the 11(11,011 ( of lion , . .lamesV" . 1'owlur , a
praiiiliicntmeinbor of thoHhuk IHIls Ijar.
LaiRO shipments ofvnol nro inido iluily
from liisin.ii'ok , Tlio industry In North U.v
Itota is increasing almost double crory year
The residence of Dr. D. K. Uldtinson , at
r.CiidC'ity , was outvied by burglais the other
rljht ; and fMfi In money und jewelry \alucd
* tW t cairled uwiiy.
The on'glunl piulmpo house keepers nt
.Aberdeen , whoso places of business wcio re
cently enjoined by the district court , uio be
ginning to open no In new locations.
L. Sehullof At'atcitown clnlmi to bo the cluimpion of the two Dnkotas , and
issupsn clialloiigo to play u matcli of tblitceu
games with , uny plajci-s In thoDalwtaa ,
The North Dakota agricultural college
board Is cndoavoring to determine the prac
tical vuluoof Dakota grasses and weeds with
a view to destroying these that are in the
nature of pests ,
The old territorlnllibrary. bought by South
Dakota from her notthorn .sister , lonsUts of
10,000 volumes and will Uoa valuable aequisl-
tlon , not only from n business but from o > i
hNtorlcal stimdpoint.
A spring has boon dis
covered sixtyllvo miles northwest of Foit
1'ipiTO. Some of the water vlll bo shlpjind
cast for a test ot Itn medical iiropuitlos , which
lira believed to ho very gicat.
J. K Ilcgorinan ami Olu.F. Leo of Uroolr-
ings took lofuuo hia bain tlw other day to
escai ) tin ) fury ot a ralnstoim Tim ijiirn
wus ; struck by lightning jnd both wcro MI-
tcrclystuimoclby the stioi-k. A liorso stand
ing mar by wus instantly killed.
In Nelson county Uio other day a bolt ot
lightning descended from u clear sky and
struck ( icorgo 1'rUcvlio ' , wasliordiiifr cattle
on hoisobaclc. Instantly killing both horse
and rider. Ho was a young inniiof nlnolccn
and sou of a prominent farmer of the county
Ills death was witnessed by his father , who
was half ninilo distant , but happened to bo
looking in tbo direction nf UiHsoii at the tlmo ,
Sail l'ur lloi-iniula ,
LOMION , JulyUa. [ Swclal | CaMograra to
TIIJIJuK. . ) Iho cecond battalion of the
grenaillorUt | ! \UiIcbwasiorclcicd to 13 or-
mudaoa account ot recent Insubordination
ainoiiu the members of the bnttallon , paraded
at daybreak this iiioniiiit'iiiul mardicdto tlia
Victoria railway station to Uxin their Jour-
noy. They \\era accompanied from the
barracks to ilio station by 'JOOOO , ci\lliutn ,
wno clicercd them Incossantly. The troop *
proceeded by rail to Chatham , v.horo they
embarked on the troop BhlLuraar ] | , whlctf
will convoy them to their -Uiiutloii. . Good
order prevailed among the troops. ,
u Ontragon ,
, July 2'J , [ Hpsolul Cablegram to
Tun Ilr.u.l Irlih police roiwrtw show that
123 ngrarlnu outrages wcro eouimlttod la Ire
land during the lust o.uuitcr.
The Iilucolu Pollen tooldng for a Eovcntocti' J
Year-Old Assassin. r
The 1'ollcc AIT liOoTililR for Die-It Triy
uono ( Icoigiu Cotjcr h Missing '
C'oloiril Tnujthn I'olt 11 Snltol.-
inauNew * mul Votes.
Lisroi.s , IS'cb. , .Tuly 2 , . [ Spoclil la
TUB nin.J Urn llcnnlnghoff , tlio seven-
tecn-jcar-old tou h who shot the eight-
jear-olcl son of iuj : cno AVoorner in the henJ
on SundaynlRht , instill ot largo nnd fmti , < t
1)0 ) found. Today Mr. Wocrner s\\ore out tvo
unrrnuts for the nnest of IJcimindioff , the
first ( barging the wouldbeoung murdonr
vlth assault with intent to do Bient bodily
harm , nnd the second , with shooting with intent -
tent to hi 11 , .Mr. Woomor'nson Is slowly
recovering from his \votind. \
TOIBA nonsn. _
The police nmlshcrltT nro looWnpr for nr
fellow mimed Dlol < Titvono , reociitly oin-
I'loyoJ ' on n farm SO\PH \ miloiost of l-.iii.
coin. Treeonolias boon woiklni ; for Mi ,
Smith , but WM ill chnr0t ( yoaloniay for
genoiiil u.ieli'ssHcsa. Ilo8ouj'lit ivvonw Tiy
stealing a hoiH\ saddle and bridle from
Smith's next neighbor , Clinrlei Viuulorpocl.
A \V.V\IVA1U \ ) a lilt , ,
Thnslxtfcn-jcar-olil dJURhler ct Mr. niul
Jlrs. lleniv Adams has gone to the bud , anil
the iwlieonrc iittuniitlngto | rosi-uolicr. They
Jlnallysuceec-Jcd Iiihaviiif ? lur tnt'd for in-
corrilbllily ( ! and orJcrod sent to the reform
A nor Misiivo ,
nobort Colycr , who lives nt O nnd Tivon.
tloth , roporLs that bis nliic-yenr-oUl son ,
( icorgk' , Ins tnyitorlously disiinioaroil. Tlui
lioy hid ona soft blai'lt hat , bhio slilrt , black
lineo p.mti and wns b.iiofootod when last
seen. Ho Is of light complexion , hair cut
close and stammers In Ma speech.
A EMIR of colored toiiRlistho , leader of
vlilch is sil l to have been ono t'harlcs
lluriu , pelted J. A. Coulan and William
( Irillln , t\vo.s\vltcluncn in charge of n loco
motive in the vicinity of I'.lglith and y
slructUnst ovinlnn , until It bocaino nci-os-
sary to telephone tolho pollcofor | iw t lion.
\\henthobluo \ coats armoured the fillowi
llcw. No eause can bo nsblunod for tlio ut-
tack cxcopllng inirocusbcdiioas ,
orn xi\\s \ \ AMI xotr. .
C. W. nrlnoslmscaimpj tuoarwil and In-
carocMtionof \ . II Mlllei fnitlic chaise of
Hemifter allmotnhors of thn city council
vbo shulUo utility of violating points o (
ordorIn the council meetings or shill at indecorously -
decorously at the same aio to to lined b ) tbo
The contractors for cedir block have
finally woikod a uinHdnicu gmuo on tlio
property o\uioisin \ the vkinity of tlio btuto
lintisoaild Induced them to miiko the miiUiUu
of choosing cedar putomcnt rntlior llnin \ \ ml
n year for the almost Impeilshablo brick
A laigo sledilelegitionor Modern IVood-
men enjoyed n nlc-iiictodny ntt'iislimiinpnrli.
sIsaac W Uollng nnd Arthur Booao. both
farmciN iicir Pilucoton , hnvo boon niresUM
on complaint of P.rastus W. i'yc-kctt on the
- ' of stealing three lioiw uud ' "
of corn from him. 'liio ilofeiul.uiti
say tint they boughttho inuulmiullsu from
1'yckcit'sson. ' They wcio both put under
$100 lioudsto apponrfor tiinl Ihuriduy ,
Tlio Toi'ontn Olobo Advnuntcn
ilian Iloprcscntatlcinafc Wnslili
TOIIONTO , Ont , .ltily2U.-Siiccinrrelcgmin [
to Tut BKC. ] Tbo Oloboadvaatcs Canadian
icprcscntntloii at Waaliliifjton. In nn edi
torial It snjs : ' 'Tho employment of a resi
dent ngcntat "Washington as a sort of wet
nurse , to strengthen mthru * Hum Impair the
tlothat binds us to Ilri tain by enabling tlio 1m
perlnl government tocniidiict ncgolliitloni , in
which wowerodli-wtly loiivcriieil with full
liiiowlcilKOof the facts , would do inudi to
piovcnt tilt blundering sacrilleoof our riihtu ,
biich ns ttiat which dcprhcd us of a poition
of what is now thostiito of Maine , und ot
considerable tcnltoiy on the I'licilk- .
"If the liritish connection Iscvorto bo sev
ered in anger , It will probably ho because thu
mother country has agreed to some humiliat
ing ciicuiiistaiups nt our expense. If that
were forced upon her by icgnid for hoi- own
IntorcstSj vo could only blamofatobutltshe ,
tumbles into it from iheer want ol light and
information , tlioso who uio opposiiii ; the pro
ject under illseussiou would have a good deal
to answer for. "
Till : OTKA.
When a girl dislllws her suitor slio stool"0
her heart against him.Vhcn she likes him
bho lets hi in steal It.
"An epidemic of scarlatina has broken out
among thu fashionables. " "How dlstrosa-
ing I lied is avful unbecoming to mo , "
Said aswcct , clm-mlng. lovol.vyoung Mi
" 1 really don' tlmowwh iitii Km ! "
Aioguo heard bcr speak ,
I\Usodhor plumb on the choolc ,
ud said mho did itVliy , Tlirs1"
A lionsc'hold paper has mi nrtldo telllni ;
girls "how to tieat a lover. " Most gills cv
pcc-t tlmir laver to ticat them.
llcr cjcs mo bright , her sinilols bland ;
Showalks in beauty's piide ,
The glil who proinen idea the sand ,
Until her bail is iliicd.
Dnt slo will iio'cr ' bodcomud n belle ,
Nonvllltliu joutlindinlio
The maid \vlio ( , 'oes to tlio hotel
Anddrlcj tier's attho llro.
lie ( about to fa ) 'Onomoro ' , tlcarost ! "
Hbo ( with dreamy nbsti.ution"Ona )
moro what , Ccorgol" ( Uomliig heisolf. )
"Did I kiss you , Gcorgol I I must bavo
been thliiklnk ot Hairy 1"
" ' itn nuUaiirol I can't '
- BOany- ( |
body nn tbo stigo , 1 m no short-slglitedr"
Jlo "Whyikm't you use the opera glasses J"
She "Ilowcaiill I forgot to put on my
diamond bracelet. "
A lllitltiK woman can rauso move troubh } *
tomniiUindthana ( I'vastnlliiKarniy ' , but sbu
is voiy much nicer than the devastating
at my , after all.
"Won by si nccld" exclaimed the racy
wmgwonian as she sunreyvil tbo axquU-
Itcly ncgllt'o costume which biouglit AI-
phonsc to his knees.
Soaildo ( llrtatlona do not generally last ,
jKK.sibly because , lilio the house mi ntloncil in
thu parable , they arc gciiemllybuildcd on tbo
"What la tb is 'original package' business ? "
she asked.Vliat deus Itincaui"
' Will , IwboiMii cxpluinliiK' , " \vo'll
nro ISO pounds of honey inn slllt a
dlnmaiiil inouiitcd ca.o. . "
"Yes. "
"Well , so long ns jou nro in the original
MrnpnciV'lio continued , his urmi
aiouiid her , "you "
"I M'o noiv , " she Intoiriipted , "but Icaii't
iiudontand hoiv ) ou uro the oilglnul
wrupicr. | "
SiibserlbniiantKUiuraiiK'Cil Cnnltnl (100,000
d soils Htoiks and bondH ; nogiillut < '
( iiiiiiin'ioiid ' paper ! i-i-iflvi-ii uiul r.Mciili ;
IriiHli ; aiJtn UM truniftnniiun V unU ti uMi-o i (
cui loiw , taken iliur o of pioiurtjr | , col-
Omaha Loan & TrustCo
S ECorner 16th and Doulas ( |
I'nid ' in c'miiiiii IVJ.OM
! -iilisrlbi-liiiiilJiiuiiilri'il ( ( : ( , 'ipll'il ni.Oi
liublllty uf Stwkliolilun . . Sw.uu >
Ol'or t'oiitlnttirc-it ' , I'uld ' nil I > " 1x | > ' .II
1'ICANIC J , hAN il-ruhliliT
Ufllof'rtt : A , U. Wymiii. piMldcnt ; J , J Hiown ,
vlie-pt-eiildoiit , AV.T.Vyinnn . , Ui-ahiiroi- .
DlroclorHi-A. U. Wyninn.J. 11. Mllluid , J. J
IIIOMI. ( Jiiy/.J , Iliirliiii , . ! ! . U'.N'ufili . Tliom
J. Klmball , ( JcoruuU Lal.u.