Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, July 23, 1890, Page 3, Image 3

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n'lif rMii'Piti TitTn it nirtvr < r
"Wheat Market Neither Broad Nor Strong ,
With No OuUitlo Influence.
lie Umiul Drnn In I'ruvlilotiN , With
An O ecu HO n I Pliirry Tlio Gen-
cral Demand for HO 'H
CniwnoJuly23. [ fpocliil Teloznm to TUB
Ilii-Thcro : was neither u brand nor strong
iniirUct In wlicat todiy. : Ouhlilo lullilL-ncut
vrvrutiat Important M ulToetlMK Inulo. Orop
IIUWH WIIH conlllctlin , so that thuru wus 1111
inntlvu for Htrons net Ion by cither bulls or
lojini. Tliublnltutntif tlm day wiis the Iluor-
kiliini"tliiiitotliiitwliiit : ! uiul Hour onocuim
IniHsn u ( lcci n ; ( ' . ' .l.VX)0 ( ) limlioN for tliu
wut-k , Nuxt tu tliNciiinouclintiKunC tones In
llrltlili cablui from ouny inut sloady
At Ilio opening td ( Inn unit "i" " lilRhcr
tit tliu closu. N'c'xt to tliln canm n rupert
( n' fniittocn boat loads taken for export at
LVxv York. Now York ulwic'lciued H1IKUlitHli *
els ol wheat und u iiinntlty | ot Hour today. St.
Limit : IMI w lieil : .t > , W)0 ) Innhcls taken tlioio for
e.xpoil toii ) bj wuy nf New Uilnnns. l/oiidon
einitliiiu i tn lepurt tin ) continent buying
win : it. On thi'otliur Ininil , icports from thu
linrthwt'st xvi'ii' , p'iliiirt. | inoro l/cnrlsli tlinii
liillll'h.Ycathcr UIIH u hare arKHiiKtnl. Ku-
ecliH he-re xseie liberal. Contract wheat now
( n.KinrnU'ill.liSl.llOO himlicls iiKllln of K\XK ( ) fur
ll.o uci-1 ; , Tbc ut'tlon ot tlio inni Ket up tnl
o'ulock xvus within ! ic ralifjrvlth lone llrni
ntut trading Hrht. Aumwt. Mild biu to Hi ; to
kilio to tbc to fc7ic ? ; September
( Micncil ° e over the t'lo o Mon-
ilny UL Mj.i' mid will S'J'/lo ' ' lofcOo lo SOUulo
Hv toMI'ji'to Ki'.ie before 1 o'cloek ; Doceniber
K'ldOIUenndlllVp. Thnln-sl Htruimth of the
di.yln xvhcal WIIH ju t lioforu tlu'Closo. Tlicru
wiislirlsli lildilliiR by several houses iwid Heli-
leinber sold ut Mi'MiMiVo , eloslim SOc , or lie
( ivorypsterdny , Olliur tnontliH ulosi-di July
KT'ti'i Aiigitft 6Sfec ! , Dccciiibvr OlJic , turn Miiy
'Llioc'orn innrkot linil nollilni ; t' Hllrltup
ttK'ny. Is'i'WHutM < if an iiiiltnpnrtnnt olianu'ler
until juxl lit tlm cliHo , vhin ( llsput ilivM from
PC iithcrn Illliiols points Indlrutuil n rilurnof
UK ilioiilh udlfli-iitto iill'i-ctiTopmind prltTt.
Tlii'prliMiof Sctiti'inbcT ' wus butwucn Utu anil
! i > , c nil ilny. ' 1 ho net Ion was as'.io toWiu ! to
Use to ! w ' o at , the closu.
llcci-lpls of i ir s today woroUlO ears , fiiadltn ?
pnvelll cni'suf No. 2. Tliu estimate for to-
niorioxv Is li-lears. The iniuKi't was nariowr
nil day and i'lised ' llrtn xvllh other cereal * .
Ht'iili'inlH'r sold ifr'io toM3.iu ! to ' . " .I'ie ; August
'M. e and ' 'aci .Inly ; t'tc ! eirly : nnil oil to XV.
ThenWIIH the mtial ilratr to the provision
intirkct. Theru xvus an orcnslonnl Hurry xvhcn
u Kilo odiiiy blnlllcnni'e was iiinde , bnton Ihn
xvhoIO Intirist wus nllKlit and tindo puioly
lo'ill. On cull i-oinu'J.tXK ) bnrrolH of July iioru
xvure tjotiiht lift puol Sbo'iaan. ' prlnelpally
from theAnulii pai'klMXCoiiipimy.afti'rhiirilly
a ehaiiKe all ihiv. July pork ehi 'd at $ ll. ± > ;
r-i-pKouber atilO.ll ) ; rllis and lard worii"/Sc up
at ( .1.7'i : for Sepltinber ribs ; tr.W/i for fc'ep-
toinbor laid.
CHIC , t O I It 'K S TO UK.
n , July S3. T.Sioclal ; | Tolograin to TUB
IUiB.1 OATTM : Tlio nnllvu supply was nv.itlo
up of 5,000 "fresh" arrivals unil'.OJO".stale. "
The Ki-ncral doinund was tllsiiour.iKlngly
"BliiitKl'ih" ' anil small ; nil but two of thuu.t-
jiort bnycra were out of tradu , wlillotho do-
iniLiiil on shipping nucouiiL was llinltud to a
Kiiuillorminibur o ( orders thin : fora IDH : tlmo
jiast , ovoii considering Tuurl.'iy , whluli Is KCII-
orally an elf day for slilpphu purposes.
Ure > Hel ( buof man npiiaaroj InUHTuroitt
unit Arcro not only slow tu iniiko
u bid , hut lofii.suil to trailo
\iiilcss seller would ngroo toprant concessions
Ix'foru Ilio uattlo nuro lookeil at. An on yc.s-
tiMility , the quality wns not nencr.illy aclho ,
tlit'hiipply U'lnsr made up iiiluc'lpally of thin
and thieu-ipiarter fatted. Stocl : steers that
Hold last xvi-ck niimnil $1.00 had a H70 basis
Iciday , and JII.75 cattle of lubt woelc xveio a
UiiiK at JlU'dii..rit.n : ) It took ripe dry fed
\ covi'H to fi'tch $ -ifl.40. . The stockur trade
* * fit'volopid no Iniiiroveiiioiit , In faut wns even
shmor In iiiovGiiiciiL nnd xveakor In price than
yiMunlay. Mi'dluiu to cowl cosvs and heifers ,
nnd thu genera t run of bulls , xveio n loxv sale
nt I0o toworlhnnlast weeli.hut canninggrades
sold Btendy and really to holler advantage.
In IhoToMis binnch nbont HMO bend ivoroon
nih' , and whllo prices nvurneotl up pretty
veil , tlio fooling \\as weak and In many eases
t cmiocf'Slons had to bo Kiuntou. Uholcu to
o.vlni hrovcH , $ l.tiQ4.8r ! j ini'ilniin to ioott
Kteoi-f. l..r ! ) to l.MO Ibs , , (4'i4.'i9i ' 1,200 toi
1.1IHM. . . 0.00 4.9.1 ; ILM ) to l.'OO Ihs. . ( JI.50
< 3i.W : ) ; fetoel < ers nnd feei'eM ' dull n.L l'.vrar > 0 ;
con's , bulls and mixed steady at il.40 < Q ; ) . : > 0 ;
ltilk ) , } : MHCt2.H ) ) ; Texas entile , market steady ;
steui'M. I'.V ' ) lo 1,0.7) Ibs. , J-.dlxau.COi 75'J to UOO Ibs. ,
K.VX3M't' cows , ? l..ri0 t- . ' . ' . " ) .
lloos I ho general ( Umind : showed both
etuniKth and activity todiiy , and xvhllu opcu-
InK sales Mere not more ilninRa hlislierthan
yenteiday's elosc , thu niarUeti Kilt tiered
etrciiKth as the day pissed , Dually developing
nn advance of fully lOe , finishing stronu at nn
Improvement. Karly Hales of heax'y were
generally nt ii.7.fw.8ii : , nnd llnnlly $ . ' 1.85 bocninu
the general llguro ( or Kood heavy. Uou h
liuiis early sold down to * .i.'fl ( , but
closed at ( J.70 or thiireahouts , I.lsht IIORS
blurted hi at $ o.h24 ! < 7 I.H.1. hut nulcldy moved
ill ) to } 'tS7'.Jvainl flnhhod at ( I..K ) fur ehok'e
FnriH. Iliit-U ] ht nnd ll ht mixed , Inelndliii ;
. sold nt a ranco of JJI.Wai. ' . A few
'ilk fanuv heavy sorts \veiu topped outlate ulW.UJ
VOIIK , July Si [ Special Tclosram to
TUB HII.I-STOCKS Hut for a few helllii'i '
rdon from London , and n llttlo unloading of
by Boston , the stock market would
havu been without feature thlsinoinlng. Even
BiiRiir kept within 1 point ran e , and at noon
was changed but U per cent from the closu
yesterday , There xva a gradual thadlni ; olt
In values all through the list. Transconti
nental xvas elf to 4fij ? , Now England to , " > Tj ,
Northern 1'aclllo coinnion elf ( i to U5 ? ( ,
Mclil-oti Ji lo 4li. ! Union llficn1u * > i
to ? ' . ! ' ; -Koclc Island opened llrm
nnd higher. but dropped buck to
fOV IiiiL'kiixvanna was up a fraction to 149.
On the xv hole , the market reached nciirurstag *
nation than at any tlmo since the dull period
bctfiin , Tliero was an linproved feel I nil In a
few i , locks late In tliu dayU did not lead to
liny special nctlvliy , but pilu'os xvere ad-
viiiiiTi ) . Sun'ir Kotlncrlcs rose to 75V but
cliiM'd only'i up for the day at 7I'4' . l.onls-
vlllcwas up " , nt 8flli and Uock Ishml ! i at Ul ,
AK'blson leoovcred Its early lus-s to 43 ut the
Close , l.ncUaxMuina was llrni.
The following were the closing quotations :
U" . In coniiuii K'llt Northern I'nclllc : (
II H 4 romiliir ISIJI itu profL'ri cil tK
U S. 4Ws ri'itulur 1IU Ck N. W ItllJ
U S.I4M tiiiipon 10.1 do preferred 141
I'llClfiOI'H Of " . ' . " > 1I2K Now Yctk Central..10'H
/Vntml ( 1'iicinc sss I' . , U.B SC ) (
nui-BKO * Alton 1W Uock lilaiul
Chlrnun , llurllnnlon . C. . M.St. . I'nut. . , .
A Oulnry IftWf do luofLTrcil. ,
I ) . . UJk W 1WA ft. 1'iiul \ Oninhii. . . .
llllnnU Ccnlnil H0v }
l.t II.W Union I'ucl no i
KnnnK fi TOIIIK 2UU W. . Ut. U XI' li <
1-iku Bliori. lWl ( itopa'Iurrvil 'Ji.'j '
MlclildiuCcntrnl Wcaturn Union BM
Mlxi'iiurl I'aclllo. : ' ( (
MOSKV KOBJ" at Slifffel pur cent.
I'IIIMB MIIICANTII.K I'Ai'Kit-iVail'j porccnt ,
t > TElii.t.Ml K.NCIIAMIK Oulct and Ui'tir , ilxty-
duy bills , 5l. ! > 44i ? demand , il.bS.'j.
Mining StoukH.
Nuw YOIIK. July 21. * [ I'liuoltil ' Tolo rain ' to
, ] Tliu folloivlng are the nilnliis'stock
( liiolattons :
Allro SJO Horn Silver : iS
111 Ul ) iHlU Hi luinSlltur 173
Kodlo IUI Mnnnl Ulntilo V,0 (
I'ulvtlonln II. II 1:0 N. llelki Isle lid
Con. Oil. .X Vn 55.1 N , Cuminonnciiltli.J !
HciuUiioilT 15.1 Ontario 4110
Dolimmtu IK ) Ocolilcnlnl I'JJ
Kl-rrknl'un WO I'liii'iilx , Aril 1VS
, Nmvreif 'M Snvurc < UJ
blerri Vuvn < li : ! > OJ
Kye Steady nt 40e.
Mai leyNo. . 2 eash , Ctta
rrlnio Timothy Jt.i7liil.40.
I'ork null ; cash. Jll.2.1 : Pentpinbor , HO.0,1.
LiudSteady ; eash , * > " > . ? -lil eptuiubcr.
I'lmir : Stondy and nnchaniied : whiter , ll.COO
3. Itlj f.prlnj ; , LUVi Ls ! ; red , . .50 < 2& . ' > H ) >
r-luiu lder ! .l i.Kfli1. W j.
.short rlhs-M.OO. .
Uutter--blowi creuinory , llOICo ; dairy ,
Will' .
I'hposo _ Stciiiri ( full cream ehiMldars,7O7ioj !
. KiBs-Kaslerj ! fresh. .
I lidos I'neliHiiKi'il ; heavy and llxht Krepn
lulled. Oj'.U'-ici nailed lulls , r > o ; Ptoon i > utti > il
i'ulf,7lA < tiHioi ilry Baited hldus , Oj ; dry etilf ,
( Kt I'd ' diucoiH. ' Oo vaeh.
I'lillow-Uiu'liairiiHl ; No. 1 , solid packed , lo ;
lecelptu. ! Shlpin'ls.
J'tour . , 0UH ) ' V.OOO
lYlnut , U4.000 4W
Corn , . XM.OOO 2 0,000
Oati 175,000 172,000
Nrw VoaKtu'y , Wlivnt 11 orlit | < . i
pxport * , H'3)liii < l'i > liii 'pot oloii d
i No. 2 r 'Ja" > \"xJVo Inclovntor ) 97 '
* M7'.4i nlloit : ! < rtie f ( i.b' optluni floai'd ' flrni ;
No. a rcil. July , clo'i'il ut .
l .rn Kocc'iits , o.Tij Ini'tit-Nt exports III-
Xfl l > uilii'M | ; M it lowi-n N" . a 4'4 llUt'l" olnva-
tori 44'ifiill'if ' iilloat ; uiiffrntU'il inl.wl. Wi < &
4 : , He ; din lulu stc.iily ; July eloHcd at tie.
UntH-UiTGltitt Sl.wnl liuilicNl cviwrti ir.Os
Hnot hnvi-ri No. ' . ' while. . Ilfl'i'iJIISi'l ' tnl.xOd
\\cstorn , WiT'loc ! wlilto weHtiM-ni'.itrJc. :
( JolTeetJiitloni elmwl steady at 5 linlnt1 *
to r , pulnts up. July ( li.a.i | August (17.10 (
r Itnw Iliini fnlr rclluliu. 4 : i-IOiaiKc ;
i-olliii'duitlet und Htetidyi C. fi'i ' > - 1i ( ! | hllo
I'Xtra ( . ' . r.Sf ! yellow , 4V > u ; off A , B IMCej
ninnld A ( ill-H'.c ; ntiiilird ( ( ; A 0 I-HV ; cut loaf
U'jc ; iinwdt'ied. OD-lle ( | uriinulnted , BUc.
'i'troluu in-steady : tin I ti'il closed for Aliens t
F.Kirs-l'Irmor ; western fair to fancy ,
I'ork-Kinlt'r ' : ineno. { ia.7.KittiV : ) . .
lmi-l--St < ' .uly ! wuHtern cleatii ta.W .
llntterVcnki western creiunery. U'i'.l7c.
t'lioe e IVeakcri wcitorn nklnn , IlQT'ie ,
MlNMiAl'DMS. July ' . " ,1. Wbont ItrvcliiK O'l
curw : hlitnontH | , GU enrt ; ensli wlivnt a llltlo
venkeri oiitsldn Inquiry int tly for ftincy
urndiH , somu of wliluli liKitiylit lil h pllei'S.
No , I liurd , July anil Anxiitt. We ; on track ,
title ; No , 1 , nortlicrn , .Inly uiul August , HJUui
on traeU. 67'iac ' : No. 'J nortliern , July unu
, Kiel on track ,
Mu.wAUKKn , July ! S. Whoat-Quletj No. 2
prliiK.cnili.tWjc ; No. t noitlicrn , ixw.
I'oin-Dnll atXi u ,
Oati-Kinler ; No. - ' white , 30S'337j. ! '
Ilyci-Htuady ; No. I , inc.
Hurley Steady ; No. - ' , file.
I'fovWoni Kiwy. 1'ork-Oiiih , 511,25.
KT. li iiii , July 83. Wheat Murkot closed
hlKlien cnih , K7'ie ;
Gorn--Kiisy ! iMish , ; H > ! . , I'J September , M'io.
Outs-l.imi' iCic uld ; September , 21)Uo ,
I'ork Dull at Ml.Ot ) .
I.tird Nuinliiul at } .1..Wl.1.r > 5.
Whisky Ht wiy ntJI.IO.
Hutlcr Steady ; ereanury , 123130 ! dairy , G < 3
KANSAS CITY , July K. Wheat Weaker ) N'o.
2 hind , eush und July , 77lo ! ; No. X led , cash ,
Horn Weaker ; No.2 , cash. tWic ; July.Mc.
Oats-Steadvi No. iiuaMi.'d'ici July , : ie.
CINCINNATI , July. 22. Wheat Strong ; No
2 i ed. fcC < Sli7f.
Coin Kacler ; No. 2 inlxi'd. 4le. ! }
Oats Steady ; No. ' . ' , nil.xed , : ait/Jo ,
\Vlilaky-ll. 10.
liviui'ooi : , , July 22. Wheat Steady ; do-
ma nil fair ; holders oll'er iiiDilerately.
I'oinjiilut , denituul poor ; inl.xcd xvcstern ,
ild td ) per cental.
All'H'lVCIt. .
CntCA(30 , July 22.-Cnttlo-UnDelpts , 8r.fO :
inarki't slow , weakheo\es ; , JLOT'ltLNl ; Rteers ,
and feedeis , .2.VTii.riO : ;
ji..VJfl.V : ) ; stovkers -
CIIXVH , bulls nnd nil.xed , { I.l04ii.50 ; Te.xus eat-
lll ! ,
Sioirx OITV , la. , July 82. llos < KoculpK
SOI ; ir.nrkut opened stroiiK nnd fie lilglicr ;
ntiotnltoii'i. ' $ ; i.r t.ri7 ) ; bulk nt J.1..M.
C'dltlo-lteeelpts..W ; nmrket dull and nuo-
tatlnns imdiuiiKud. Tbem as nodoinuiul for
stoek uattlo.
{ ST. Louts , July 22. CatUe-lloccliit * . y.SOO.
slilpiuuntu , 1WJ , : ; market Ktron ; , ' : fair to
fancy native steers , * 'l.fciXttl.50 ; blockers nuil
fe 'ilerx , H.S03M.40.
Huns Uecelnts , 11,000 ; slilpincnt' * . 1.200 ' ' ;
inaikut a shiitlu htronxor ; heavy ,
imekliiB , J..Via.03i llKht , * J.C.1tti.3. :
KANMAI UITV. July 2i. Cattle
r.OOJ ; fhliniu'iits , 4,10) ; market steady ;
Htoers , $ J.'J.VI44.IO ; cows , I1.50OJ.10 ; sloclivrs unit
f ei'ilern , W.Kvai.70. ( :
lliiirs Keeelnts , W.fiOOi shlnmcnH , 1,00) ; mar
ket higher ; alltcraded , i.l.4.'i i.'i5.
Co 'co Market.
NF.W YOIIK , July U3. ISiicclal Telegram to
Tin ; HIK. : ] Coffee-Options opened steady r >
points down ID 5 up ; closed steady to 5 points
down to.'HipiJuly , } 17.iV AnKiist. $17.017017.13 !
Septeinhcr , ifllio(3lil.October. ) ( ( ; ; . flO.OO&KUij ;
November , * ,1.00 ; Decoinhcr. ! l."i..Viri.l 5 Jantl-
arvil. > .Iii ; Mai-eli , JI."i.2. > WI. > , : ! 0 ; Spot Ulosteady ;
f alreargiies , J.'O.OO. No. 7 Hat bean , { 1S.7J.
OMAlt.l I Jl'fJ STtJL'K.
fBfucwlay July 22 ,
K < tlinntpd reeolpts of cattla 1,011. cnuipnrod
with l/JtQyusliirdny and LISITticsdar of lust
ofla tveul < . Tlio market oponcd early todav
\vltli a lit'ttcr fculliiK and a lirmer tone all
tlinniKii. Tlio best grades of stiicn found
ready hiilo ut llrni prices , with some csales 10-
poitud nt an nil vjtiice. The ensy sales , of the
beat grades of butchers' sttilV wore made at
firm prices , but soon after the opening the
innrkutbouamo vrciuc und sngijliig. A better
fei'lhiK provulU'd tin slock cattle , anil trading
> vnsdonit at steady prices. Thu quality , of the
receipts was poor , The market eluscdslowanU
Kstlniatod rocolpts of hoi. 0,000. There
vrero ahout 1,500 ho sheld over fioin yesterday
and when the marUctpommcd theio were ahout
8.00J boss In the puns. The nuirlii't opened at
a slnide'H advanuu and navunoed. closing firm
with nil sold a nickel higher. The ranue of
pilcos was S.'L4V < JiL5i : nearl v everything selling'
all.l7i1..10 ! ; llsht. S1.4.ail.47li ; mixed , $ ' 1.17)4 )
® : i.'y ) ; heavy , 4.I.47J } © : ! . . " > . The nvoriigo of the
iir'ces was il.lS'-J , eoiuparcd with SJ.I4ii and
Tue&day ot last week.
Sheep. .
There were no snoop received. The demand
is good for line muttons.
Prevail IIIK 1'rlofis.
The followbiK Is at'ibloot priec paid In
this market for tliu rr.ido of stock mentloneil ;
1'rlino steers , iUJ : to 1'IIJ Ibs . fl.'J JJI.iH
( iood "leor.s , ir. ) to H.llttis . 4.UI 6 l.ll )
Uood HleiM-s. HVW to WJJ Ib.s . II.S1
Coiiunon , lUDMoll.H ) tts . ; i.'J1
Coniiiioii uannnors I
Old I nary to fair eo\va l.i
1'alr to Koodcoxvs 1
Onod loeholcn i-ow.s a
Choice to r.-iney cows a
1'nlr toxood hulls l
Clioluelo fancy hulls U'
lilKhtstocUcis nnd foudurs ' . '
I'didors , ' . > : > 0 to 1 UK ) IDs 3.
I'.dr uiebolee lliht lio.s
1'alr touholcu heavy liu s U.
1'alr toeholcu mixed lious
Comparati vo Tallies.
The following table shows the rmss In
prlceson boas during thU and hut xvuoi ; ;
This Wuc * . I.nstVcek. .
.Moiulir M 411 ( i.l 5) ) fait )
Tuo ( ! 'ir il IS BJ M : < t' ' )
\Vi > itiu it.iy JIM fet.l W
Thnrjclay aw UIS5
AvornKU Cost of llojjs. ,
Thofnllowlnii table slvoi the ux-or.iTo cost
of hoi-ion the dates mu'ntlonuil , luehullii , ' the
cost today , as based upon salus lepuilcil :
Juno :10 : 3 l' > i July II .141 ?
July 1 8 4'J'i July U J 47
July 3 S 4I' ' { July II II .VJJ
Jtly3 | 3 43' July 15 S.M'j
July 4 3 Mii July 1(1 ( 3 10
Julys : i so July n : i 4S'j
July 7 3 ( KiJ July 15 1 f.SVJ
JulyS 3 G7U July t'J ' 3 ( ,0V
July. ) a Cl'j July SI U 4 H
July 10 3 51 July 2- . 34bli
HiuliRst anil Ljo.vust Snla < ) of IIo- ; * .
Today. Ycstorday.
llfshcst SI Hl2h it II SO
Lowest ii 43 Lowest . . .340
Oniolal Yo tordny.
t'uttlu. . . . t-sc'iits. 1.1VK ) Cattle. . . . 91 cars
llo s . 100 ears , li,3M Ilnjts . IDIeari. 0,000
lloracs. . . IcaN , 1 lloisoi. . . aearj , 03
Average I'i'loont *
Phowlnstho avora'ju prloi ) piM forlo-vls o (
on Iho day * nllu.uua In I liif , ISoi ,
und IS'.W ' ;
July'63. Julr 'SI .lulj ' 8 ! ,
ft 0 ! ( j ( il Sundar
4111 & l4 ! fl Jl
4 10 5 75 i'.M
ZJ. Suiulny 4 17 6 SS i U
ZJ.Jl. . , mw Suml'iir & M i 10
ft. . 348) . . ! 4 II Sunday I Ittl
of Stock.
Sbnwtnz the nuinhor of cattle nnd boss
purchased by the different buyers ou tuiluy's
market :
Swift & Co . rM
ThoU. 11. Hammond Co . . 1,0 !
The Armour Ciidaby I'aeklim Co . ! SSt
Onmlm 1'aeklni ? Co. . . . . . IH ltiitliehlld . 'ill
llniiillton.t Stephen . 3
lli-nlim iVllnderwood . 70
R ulHMorrU . . . . . . . . . . . . 0
leeker , V lleuen . 1
l.obnuinn & Trauerimuin . a
Oilier Ltuyera
\riiiour-Cudahy , 1'iuklng Co . 2.613
Uinaliu I'ltuklugCu . . , . SM
Swift fc i.'o . , . MO
Tlioll. H. HainmoiulCo. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Its"
J. I'.fnulres A Co. . , , . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .V.V. . . 717
( 'lovelaiul I'acklngCo. . . ) . am
Jones&si . M
llralnurd llros , . . „ . ja
i-urlngtlcld i'aeklni. L'o . . j |
llopruKcntutlvo Sale * .
3.10Ca $3 03 H. ,1003 H 75 18. , 1151 { 3 8Ji
I. . 20J 4 00
U ) . . . . .IIX ) a 47'i ' KJ : i2t ) M II I
ft 207 121 a 47S ! M 'ill ! 100 I
Ul 21)3 240 a I7'i fit 2 < 7 120
( VS 209 120 a 47 ! ' , 55 JIJI 100
7J 2JO 43 a 47i ! 53 IMJ 120
Hogs higher.
_ Cattle steady.
"T.I , I'arks brought In a oar of hogs from
ABhtnnd ,
James Colgrovo sent In a ear of hogs from
J. IClonipor sent down a car of hogs from
Ti.V. . Denton sent In a car of liogg from
II. Smith cumo In from ISecmor with a car of
John Jlllllken of Aurora marketed a ear of
K.O. Madison of Sutton sent In two cars of
Tones li Sons of Atkinson marketed a car of
L'erry llros.sontln twoc\Hof : cattle from ,
Landers & Grow sent In a car of cattle from
Lotip Ulty.
J.ll. I'ortor caino In from Arlington with
two ears of lioxs.
J. M. Harry of Jackson had two cars of hogs
on the market. .
15. li. Lewis of Kaglo was on the market with
a car of hoxs.
I.N. Atkinson \vasinwltli a curot lions fioni
lirokcn How.
Jacob Anderson came In from Decatur with
a em of cattle.
Ons Gllchrcst was over from Elliott , In. ,
with : i ear of eat tlo.
O , II. Clawsoa oI/Ubhton [ had a enrol cattle
on the market.
Knyton& Eacrutt hail a car of lie J over
fiein Stralin , la.
SI. Muokoy inarUeted a caroachof cattle and
boss from litistis.
Hale & Herryman of Cordova had a car of
ho son lliu nmrkct.
John lotnlno ) came up fiom Weeping Water
with a car ot 110:41. :
T. . ! . WIlbeiTl had a car of cattle on the mar
ket f rein O reen wo ) d.
Tohl : k Co. , well known dealers of Jlllford ,
inaiUoted a ear of hogs ,
i ; . H. I'ortcr ami A. II , Joltroy- had cattle on
the maiUet from Wayne.
John liiilld came up from Washlnston , Kan. ,
with thiuocars o ( cuttle.
J. C. MorrUoy was on the market with hess
from Hnby and Mllfonl.
William C. Shultnn. an every day slilppor of
Central Ulty , nrailcoteil a car of IIOKS.
0. llelslnx and August Hostroni onoli Iiud a
car of lio.-'sou tbomaikut from Malino.
11,1' ' . Downer , urosular and oxlenslvo Arapahoe -
ahoo shipper , marketed near o ( ho ; ; * .
N.W. . Knitpp , the well known shipper of Ce
dar Itluirs , was bcro with a car of cattle.
A. A. Dorn , the well known stockman of Xo-
ola , la. , litid three cars of cattle on the mur-
uet.J W.Nicholson , the heavy .dealer of Mar-
quettu.wudtipvlth four ears of cattle and ono
W. E. Illtchlc and 0 , 1. . Smith were In from
Ulysses , the former with huirs and the latter
with cuttle and do s.
OJI.lIl.l ll'JIOLKS.tlE M.tllKETS.
COIIN "la.
CIIOI-PKU r'cen-msj.
risn-1'orlb : Perch , To ; bnfTalos , 7e ; pleU-
crol , Sci pike. Ho i trout , Uoi whlto , Hoi ernpplo ,
UK ; oat tKli. lie ; cod stem ; , I2e ; llotiiuleis , lu'e ;
OiegoiisaliuJii , 15oj black basj , 15c ; lobsters ,
Ifc ,
llinr ? , PGI.TS AND TAU.OW-O recn salted
hides , fiUic ( : dry suited hides , ! > e ; dry Hint
hides , ll , < Ilc ! calf hldos , 4j4ir ! o. DamtiKed
' ' - ' " "
- '
HOSES iQiibfatlons'aro'Jor'leIlve'r"y"ln
caRo.l-Dry hull'alo , per ton. JlU.Coa'tS.OOi dry
country , bleached , tlOW.oO | dry country ,
damp and meaty , $ ti.00 < 7 ii.oo. )
I'I.UMS 1'urplo ' Dunne , per box. 82.a"i.
rnui.TiiY-l'urdo/en , eholco hens. . . .
choice ml.-tcd. { . ' .MrfaiuO : rooiturs. f.V-.7j ) ;
sprliiKClikkuns.tJ.UiQ'j.'J.'Sfor small : JJ.'Jj'cU.OO
fur ini'dliim ; SH ( > iti. ; . ' > U for law.
lIUTTEH-Urcamery , fancy rolls , print , 10 ®
ICJic ; eroumery , fancy , build picked 13Hej
creamery , cholee , 10Ssl2ei dairy , fancy rolls
and prints , laue ; dairy , fancy solid packed ,
liXitlOo ! dairy , choice , wiltlei country roll ,
fancy , 6Q.O ; cliolce. 7 Sc ; Inferior , iar > e. S < 310o fur btrlctly > frusni t talu not htil-
HOXKV Strained CO-lh cans , per Ib , Ocj new
cnmblioncy , IWfbe. .
HKAXS lland-pleked navy. II,75 < 3I.00 : handpicked -
picked navy , iiicillnm , fl.tWiM.7f > ! uund-ptekod
country , Sl.iadei.iX ) ; Kood clean , JI.lOiti.2J.
I'ICKI.KSMedium , per bbl , iJ.W ; nmHll$0.50 |
gherkins , K. ' 0.
HhACKiiEiiHlE * SlIWiJ2. . ' > 0 per S4-t ) caso.
r.VAt'OUATun Ari'i.Es ranpy. lO'iOiionerlb.
lll.UKllKllltlKS-l'orbll , * l.VK2i.tlO.
CL-HIIANTS I'er2qt caie. M.OOttl.OO.
( joosKiiEinilKS T o-bushol stand , { 1.00513.00 ,
COCOASUTS 1'er ' 100 , e.YOO.
WATKIIMEI.ON8 I'lT 100 , tiS. 003 0 .00.
OANTKI.OUI'K-l'or doz , | 1.M > 3'.00.
HiiKHiUES-Soutliern , per basket , II.7S.
rcAciiKS-Arknnsas , H bnkhel box , ll.OOQ
IM ; t'nllfurnlu , nor box , i.UHK&i.M.
I.uMO.Nu-l'er box , Mcssluu , fancy , 13.002
'touATOEa Four-basket crates , 11.50(12.00. (
OMO.NS-NCW toutUeru ,
ViiAtts llnttlptt , CallfornlJicrld. \ ) \ , n.M.
I'niNK * OcrinanpcrboxWi. , tragedyper
cr-ile. Si's
liiir.Hsi'.i ) VKAIti'hok'o minium , GH'CI light ,
i'i.\sii'i ' : ' > on' . l'inVWi hni ! l aip ,
CiiiKii-l'prlibl , rellucd. Jl'1 ' half Wit. SU2S ;
hutd elder , itnre. per bhl , K ) . ' : nriiiiiie older ,
hnir hhl.n.iW ! pear elder , hnlt blj | , } 7. ( ) .
W > oiTlno iinwiishedi 14Blr M iiicillutn ' un-
trmliod , l-2lc ! conr o unxvimhcd ,
MEATS-l'ncketa' ' prices Pnmkcd ham' . lf-lh
avcrtiKe , 10lnj smoked haiu , 2n to 22 lh , li'je :
nmokuil Ilium. 12 to 14 lb , I0 > , t ! ( extra beiivy
limn1 * . ito 25 Ibs averafto. 0'ie ; skinned slle-
1 ? to20 Ilw IIVPMRC , 10Uc'alloriilv | ( : hnm ,
' i-lear. " ' lib.
S'C ! siieelal brenkfast bai'Oiu 4e :
7Moi | lininsatm.iKebe . ; picnic Ii.i < n . T'tvi dried
beef linms. set. u'jet reisiilar , li'ci clods. 7'ie :
bief toncui-9. perdoftU'O ! rcr Ih. | ie : dry
suit nifiito. SMliV ) ! ' > < jmtK. per bhl , * ll.VKi6 ,
1'5 : i-.xlru ini" HliiM'f , ( .VtiOi fa\wiL-e \ , peril ) ,
uoli > ; iin,4 ( < ; Mar,4" e ! liver , 4'.ci blond. 4Uc ;
lietdehces : . . 4i'e. Add He p ( r Ib forhit'ile- *
than WllbI'lK ' iwrU. bonch's- . . per bbl. Sir.n ;
bait bblt7.'J.iuurterhbl. | SLVn eighth bhl.
J2.1U ! pi. * bocks , half bill , fl.i.v. iinarlerbbl.
fj.osoii ! iitii hbi. ti.wi : kits" li' ' " . * : .is : plus
feet , linlf 1 > 1-K - ff. " ' ! ( itiartcr bbl , it.r * ) ) vlithtli
lbl ) , Mel kits ! . " > Ih * oai'h. ( i'l'l ' l > oncU"Hibteak-
fnct bacon. 10e ; boneless ham. Se ; bummer
snuoasi' , KV : eer\elat fan-nae. 2Jc.
[ MOUKII MEATS Pry Salt finedHneon. .
loni ! el.'aii'si'l ( short cleais i ; < 4-j ( extra
short elears , O'sei ' bollle1" , clour atrips 0ic ! ;
short ilbi'je ' ; shoulders , Ge.
IHir.snii : HKP.I * Stucr , wn to coo )
nnllve1'4 ( ! < < 'OUe ; teeis,4txt ) i : > ' i Iliinvorncu.
native. WWie ; cows nnd hclfert , | uo to WO Ibs
nverujii'"I'it'i hlndiitinitoii' , meets. 1110 ; hlnd-
iinarti'i , eottM , K'l foiennaitei i. Htiers. 4Sie ;
fite < iuartei . cows , 4is dru-sed I otf , I'ie.
Dnussr.D MUTTON I'holee dn'soed multon ,
f ) ! > e ; i.iekiof inutloii , He ; "iiddli's of mutton ,
lees bit'tistsof mutton , ft1 : I'1"f mutton , lOe.
I'liKfili HKKPCl'TS lliills. S'jci beet U-mlor-
Itilns , lcs xltloln , bulls , 7e ; Imneless strips ,
7'Je ' ! rounds , rnmpolT.l'n.1 ; nmink rnnip on.V ;
nuiiulH shank off , iVJc ; bom-ie s rump" , le ;
ehueksJI'se ; plates , S'ie ' ; back halves. 4'ie ;
shoulder clods , 4'4e : beef h > ln , Xn , 1. > . | eer.
i : fiI4i- | beef loins No. S. I0'"tli' ! fiief lolu .
No. ii , Ik" leef rile , tl'10-Se ; hcef ilbs , No. 1 , ll < i }
Ih1 ! sweet lucnds per dol" ! > e ; Kidneys , each ,
' - . eaeb. 1'ie beef
: ! ci ox tails each. ; ;
hearts each , 4c ; beef tongues , eaeli , 40c ; strip
lulns. ti'ie.
i'ncsii 1'oiiK 1'ork lolni. 7'id tenderloins ,
Uc : ' pnro ribs lei sliouldew.rie ; liwki.llo ; tilin-
mlm-.4e ; Inek bones.Se ; dri'ssvd hoxs , 4 [ ei
cleaned pljsfeolperdo/ iuuili uiielcnuou
jil' s feet , per dor. 20c.
iMiinUii.s-llbls. extra lard oil , w s. l Ci extra -
tra No. 1 laid oil , 4'o ! ! No. I Inrd oil. IIV ; .No. : !
lard oil , aioi pnro neatsfoot oil. IsUMe ; f > en I.
can , r o sal ! extra HL'iibfoul oil , 1'icj No. 1
neatsfoot oil , : i7c ; tallow oil.Hi1. .
HuMivcoMli Titil'i : Half haiM'N.i.7."i : : qnar-
torbanols , JS.lOi eight baifeS , kits , 15
T'onu ' ToNOtT.s llneoolicdMlM cured
Half barrels 100Ibs , { r.r : i ! quarter barrels , fiO
! ! ) ! , il.OO.
SAt'PAOK CASINOS Cuttle Tlrn-ci nml bar
' loiniil. il'.iui htinij'i.lo !
rels. inhUllo nor 11) , O'je ;
liosoasliiR * . ISoiHTlb ! lion bums No. 1 , 4Vo
( Michi toilinN. pofsol , 1UO fcot , r'iei : nililillun ,
ni-f sol. 57 feet , itioonsiiml ; * . Ic s than 1,000-
nli'fo lot .il'ic ' ctieli ! small bhulilcrs , less tlinn
MOdnlots IHc per do ? : Ini-RU bliidtlurs , luia
limn MOdolotp , ilOe per do/ .
I'Uis' ' TDSIIUKS llnlf bnrrels , JII.OO ;
liiuti-lH , { o.7 , " > ; olyhlli biiriuis , W.O'Jklts ' ,
fh , { 2.2.1.
TAI.I.OW A No. 1. 4'c ! : stonnnc. OUe.
ricKuoltmf'To.\Uis-llilf : ( ! ! inuruls , ! 3.50 ;
qnurtcr linrn-ls , $ . ' > . ) ! ( ; lphth luirrcN , fi.CO. :
LAIIH 'L'lcrecs lli'lliioilltirilciiniiioiind.SJici
niru lent , 0'4c ' ; kuttU1. UJic. Add 'Bu to ? ie per
.bforMiiullur , naukugu.s. Leaf Itutl nut run-
dpi ud , ( Hie.
I'lcKLKiiTiui-n Half barrol" . ? i.Mj quarter
hai-rets , fiJ ! ; : ulghth barrels , we ; kits , 15 Ibn
SiinAiis 1'opll ) . Out loiif , " > ! < : Cubes , 7 > U' :
Slanihird. powdered , 7'4cs XXX X I'owdered ,
So ; Uraiitilntud , Standard. G'tCi I'ontcutlunuiii1
A. U'ie ; Wlilto-KxtliiC'.OIIlnnx. (5 ( 4c | K.xtni C ,
Nubutsk , C'sc ; Amber , 5jo ; UdldunU , " ) > 4e.
MAri.c S'L'O.Mt-l'erlb.-ric IM kos , lltl 11) Lo.xr ? ,
lllc ; lOcalics , iifl-lb buxus , He ; 1 Ib bricks , ao Ibsi
In box , pun1 , lie.
Oomi : : Green I'micy colden lllo , ES'Se ;
fiiney oldliaaberry , UI'.iejltliM'holcu to ( iinuy ,
' . " . ' K'i Klo , prime , 2'Ji" lo'K | ol < 2l'io ; Hauto.s
nml eonimon lllo , I'.i"t21e ' ; Mnelin. 'JOo ; Juvii ,
ciMiuliiu O. O. , ttici Juvn , good Interlgr , 2jcj
CorriiK lloastPil Arlcua , " 'ie : lluuolft ,
2."i'ic ! .Mcl.nushllii XXXX , 2r > 'se ' ! ( .icrinnn ,
" ' '
j Dllnumi s , 2. > ? ie ; lilun. . .I'juj ' MiiUpuneli ,
; Mocha , ! . ' < ; u. 0. Jiiva , . ' ' \ . Hyruii In llls ) ) , Nn. TORriulc ,
: e ; linlf hhN , So. TUcruilo , aii-i 4-gul ki-zs , No.
70 crude. J1.2r > ; Ual Kltts No. 70 crude. 75e ;
pul cans 10 In case , per cii-o : , M.dO ; U-Knl cans ,
111 hi caso. per ease. r..7. ! > ! wlillu uluver drips , In
hbls.Mu : half hbls.'J.'c ; l-ptil liOKH.ciiuh. ( M.ifi ;
2-Kal puIN , oaeh.bOej lockeandy drips. In bbls ,
ific : halt hbls. Ifio : liil kegs , each , tl.OO ; 2-cal
iialK oaeh. B5c ! Onlltornla honuy , bbla. : i7ej
hllU liUls5 ; > c4-KiilkOK9 ; , ? l.lW3-ftl ! ! kltts 05ii !
1-Kal. 10 In ease. ? l."iO ; 1-Kiil , M In c-itse. J4.25.
UIIOCOI.ATU I'-lh boxe" , ffijjo ; German
sweet , 22G2lc ; l'irl-l.inoo. : ; )
COCOA Pur Ib , : . ( K240c.
IJltOMO I'urlb , iCe.
OOCOAMJT 1'er lu , In plcrfs , 203J7CS bulk , 22
ns Jllxetlblrd , 1-lbpltss , 5oj canary , Co ;
honip , l'o : unlsc. ISe ; poppy , lOo.
SPICKS Popper Singapore Klftcd. ISJilDo ;
shot , 22c. Alspluc , Kle. Olovos ' - se
lected , 20e , Oiislu Oblna , 4-lb mats , Uc. Nut-
inci ; No. 1 , 7.'e ; fancy , lir : t' . b5c.
HASKKTS 1'er doz. 1 bushel , narrow band
Rtaxe , elm. tl.SO : 15 bushel , narrow band
stave , dm , ? 2. ' . ( ) ; 1 htisbel , stave hrojul bund ,
plin. $ J.2. s \\i bushel , ntuvo broad band , elm ,
Ja.73 ; 1 busliol , ulnihtiivp. balu liunillo , ? 1.W ) ; l
bushel , oak stave , F-MHi ; 1 bushol. IlrlKKs , 42.7:1 :
5dozS2.C5 ! IHbiiBhel. llrlfe'tt" . Sl.'j : . ; l bushel.
oak splint , 83.50 ; li ! bushel , oak splint , M.50 ;
1 busliol , bamboo. ifti.tiU ; I' j bushel , bamboo ,
S7.0J ; laundry , willow , larpo , $7..V ) ; laundry ,
willow , medium , WM ; laundry , willow , small ,
$ . ' > . ! > ' ) ; murUut , olin , spill , 43e ; market , olni ,
rivet baiidlc , OOo : market , ulm , covered , 1 peck ,
S2.UI ; willow , innrlict , IHI-RU , KI.50 ; willow , mar
ket , 2 In nest 11 sintill , 1 medium ) , pur ncnt. ;
nsh , satehol basket , covered. U in nest , pur
noM , { 1.10 ; small bamboo delivery , $ I.'JV. me
dium bamboo delivery , * : ] " > ; lat'Ku uamboo
( lullvory , W.SO ; waste iiaporbaskctH , tJ.10.
'H GOODSIltnlcy , il'.iei f.irlnn.
ftor pens ! > ( ; oatmeal , Ii6fiiio ? : ; innearonl , nvjs
llej vurmlculll , IMllei rlco , eho ce , fiKc ;
fancy , lie ; be.ul , . " 'se ' : S'v o and taploea , ( Miie ;
lllr.a beiili" , Cc ; split | ) oas. ik1 ; Hpatjlttl , lie.
Jlor.AFSi'.n Itbls. NO fancy , per mil , KiQ37p ;
cliolco , 4.'i47c ; Koocl , iloiiW'Juj Uuba baking , ' 'a ®
iiOe ! black strap , 2 < XS22e.
WUAiM-ixn I > AI -Straw : , per Ib. lJ2J5c ! ;
raiil' c ; Matilllii II , b'faoi No. 1. 8c.
Oir.150 prlmo white , 14c ; 1.10 Water white ,
Wo ; 175 heaclllslit , 14' e ; 74 wnollnc. 1'Jc.
A llbls. , 1'ic ; granulated , 2u ; lu bbls ,
SODA 1'kgs. CO Ibs to box , GJiSioKo ; kegs ,
41. . e ,
NUTS Almonds , l.'icj lira/Us , 14o ; filberts ,
IS'ie ; ppcansllc ; walnulB , ri'jipeanut ; cocks ,
. . . . .
Or.tVKS Quarts , perdoz , fl.OO ; pints , portloz ,
$ 'i.5l ; bulk , per Kill. tKie.
CiiitiiAni : Manilla rope all sizes fioin7-in
tel In , l.'iu : sisal iopo , all hi/us Jiom 7-1(1 ( to t
In. U' e ; "new proc'OsV' nil sizes from 7-1H to
? J In , he ; ? 3 size i',0 advanco-U and 5-1U sized
Ic nilvuiicu over above prices ,
COTTON Kni'K Cotton ropo. H In , ICc.
TWINES Cotton twine , "Ilihb. " very line , 5
Ib hales , 22ui cotton twine , "Daisy" brand , 5
11) hales. 16chainntwlno ; , M Ib bales , 18c ; sail
twine. IMc ; eandlo wlek. ? 'o ; 40 ft cotton
clothes lines , KicjGO ( t cotton clothes llnea ,'i ; 01 ft I'emiot cotton lines , 81. 10 ; CO .ft
sisal lines , $ I.7o ; 00 ft Jute , 11.00 ; wood twlno ,
8 c.
c.UANNEO Mi'ATS roriied hoof , 1 Ib , Jl 20 ;
coined beef. 2 Ib , J2.ll ) ; lunch toiiKiie , 1 11) ,
t'JBl ; lunch toiiKite , 'Jib , { l.7.i ; bruwn , 1 Ib ,
* 1.H ) ; brawn , 2 Ib.S'.OO ; ox tongues , l'i 11) . 13.00 ;
ox tongues. 2 Ib , JO.OO ; chipped beef , ls ! Ib ,
round cans Jl.0 ; toast beef , 2 Hi , round cans ,
S'.OU . ; potted hnin , U Ib , round cnn.-i , CMC ; potted
ham , 1511) ) . iotindcansil.2i ) ; deviled ham , ! i
Ib , round cans , 03e ; dorlled ham. 14 Ib , roinu !
ciuis , JI.'O ; potted ox tonstic , U Ib , round cans ,
CM. , potted ox tontrin1 , ! Ib , round caiiH , } 1,20 ;
coinpretsed ham , 1 Ib , sauaro onus. $1,73 ; com-
preshoc. ham. 5 Hi , Miunro cnn" , $ i75t trlpe.Slb ,
round cans , JI.SO ; minced vollops , 2 Hi , round
cans , f.'JO ; bunelcss pl t > feet , 2 Ib , square
cans S..i" ,
1'iHii Codflsli. extra ( Jeorsea , now , fi'so ;
Riand bank , now , 4' jc ; silver , 2-lh blocks , B > { ei
mniw white , 'J-lb hilclis , ui'vr , Ajja ; Turkey eod ,
Inrtjo middle bricks , ft1 ; snow white , crates , 12-
* medium waled liurrltiK"i
5-lb boves. 840 ; * -"i
No , 1 hcnled ln'irliu ! , VOc ; domestlo Holland
licrrln' ' , 40c ; llambnrs Silced | herring , We ;
Kusslan sardlncK , spleed , Ktt ; Uusilan Nar-
dlnuM , ilaln. Wc ) ; liiiixirtedl Holland berrlnv ,
crown lira tul , We ; dorancvuillkers.tiUu ; muck-
crel. No. 1 Rhoie , linlf bnln.'ili.OO ; hloatora ,
half hbls. (18.00 ; wliltotNh , bait bill * . i7.00 ;
trout , half bbU$5.00 ; family whltcllsli , KJ.50J
balmon , { 8.50 ,
VcfKTAiii.KS ! Tomntoes 3-lb extra , Jl.CO ;
3-lb Htaiidnrd western uraiids , I We ; gnllons
Mrlctly standard , * 2.W. O'l'n-I'lnest ' HIOWII ,
JI.W1llt ; edBi'il siiKiir corn , very flue , II..V ) ;
choiceilb ! snaareorn , J1.10 ; 2-lbnxtra western
brands , RVCMl.M ) ; a-lb stiindnrd western
brandsCTtQiiiu. Muslirooms 1-lb I'ronuh. ex
tra llne,22-'J.1o ; Mb rroneh , line , ! Ml22o ; t-lb
I'runuh , oiilliinry , ifiQltio. I'cns Tics , line ,
per can , 25u ; duml-tlne. percan , llic:3-lb sifted ,
SI.I'O ; 2-b | early Jiiue.f l " > l 2-1 b mar row , Maud-
nrd brands. > l.ll ) ; Mb t-ouked , uOo. Btrln
' lcfilRooK uMb ( lold-
hcuns 'J-lb hluhKnule , , > |
en wax bonns , 7Uo ; 2-lb utrlni ; bennn , Wo. Lima
beans S-lliHiitikcd. 75 < j. IJoston baked beans
u-ll ) I.owls , il.M ; Crown brands. 41.11" . Swcot
jiotatoes a-lb Now Jor ny , tl.iu. I'unipklns-
ii-lb , 81,10. Okra and tomutocs 81.IX ) ; okra ,
il.OO ; fciiecotiiKb , tl.20 ,
CANNKO risu-l-lbraaokoroKhorrlns ) . Jl.CO ;
Mb Onnan huddles , U.oo ; 1-lb lobsters. l.l.VtJ
" . 'S > ; 1-lb Alaska salmon , Aloni , Jl.lri ; 2-lb oys-
tors. 10 oz , ( l.tfi ; 1-lb oysters , n o(1.15 ( ; 2-lb
sulccts , 12 oz. fc..a'iil-lbclnnis.llttlo ncekB.Jl.-l ;
Mbclanifi , little neckH , tl,73 ; i'i-lb sardines ,
Imported , per cu < .o. lOOa , { IVOutilSo.OOj H-lb Im
ported boneless sardines , key , (23.00 ( ; U-lb sar-
American , percasc. lOOp , French Htyle ,
IIJW3.VOO ; ti-lbHartllnes , Aincriciin , per ease ,
IttH , V'rench atyle. ii.MXitii.OOt H-lb Mirdlnos ,
mustard , per case , 50s , $ it.75'it4.iO ( ; j-lb cral > s
IJ.S. . ; a-lb crabs , M.&O ; I > . A W. 1-lb Uniiun had-
dies. JI.OO ; Molr's limiortfd 1-lh klpporud li er
ring. t ; .C3.
. C , twin Huts , wi Ib ,
OSclVI coii ln V (1 yntinit Ainprlnn. loot
hrleK , I''i.c ; domestic Stvls * , llci Kilnin In foil ,
ciu'li , ti.Wi
DIIIKII Piti'lTS TuiVI h , less Itmn hliiU ,
l Mi , 7'4C | otIiHiinl hliiK 'to ' IC M lli.inlu
pritnpH , ( M Ih boicM , lee to 110"Uci npjiU' * ,
iv iimrate\l. new , rlnj ; choice , loci cvaporutnl ,
new , rlni' , prime * . IV ! iiiirloott , fancy > In Mtirki ,
17et blnrkuorrli'x , nnvr. r > ( ) Hit to l ) x , ft e ;
raipborrles. 2.11h to boi , 'lnoj enrriint' , now ,
OVvei urljtlnul eaik" , li" lesii Vustlua eiir-
riint' " . oxtrn. In bosi" . tH e.
DtTUs-l'oKlnn.tiO ibtnix , ? e.
IMistNS Uondon layers , I'lillfornln stnnd-
nid , iierbo.x. t2.5 | "linrso hie , " K.tlOl loti'o
inuicatels.'iillfniinn ? ttinilai'l , { .00 ! "holsn
ohuo , " f.5 : ; "star , " IOOHH tntt > eatcl , ? IW |
RL'cdli'ss I'allfornlu , Jl.B3 | Callfornln. n-cdless
Biilt'itias hi siieU * . nor III , Sei I'allfornhv 111113-
I'liteN. In Mii'kM , Scj new x-nlenelu , l oi vnlcti *
fins , old , Oe ; unilurti layer , old , H1.
OtSNKiiOonus 2-11) tiosi'hcirlf ! ( . $1.10 ; 5-ll > 5-lb rawuhi'i'ili' ! ! , 31.15 ; 2-lli
hlnehi-rrlcM. iw : 2-lli hlncuherrles , Jl.nt ) ; 'Mb
stvinvherrles , Jl.sfli 2-lh raspberries , ! l > 0 ; 2-lb
IMtienwdes Iliilininii
cliopped , f'.tx ) ; Itahnnia sliced , ll.s" ; Ilixbanui
sll'.cd , cliolco , Jl.Wt 2-lb KunaniaKriitcd , f..0.'i ;
2-lb llahaina sliced , S2.ll ! 2-lh stnndald slked ,
tl..Yiil.riO. Chorrl ( " 2-lb led. Jl.Wt 2-lh white ,
II.IJ ) . l'ears-2-lb. Jl.iW. I'eaches-il-lb easlern
staiidanN , il.s'i ; il-lb eastern * cvoiil (
l.tWlb ; : pleSI.4n ; sierra , llndie , .i'.MVi ; itprl-
cots $ l.Kl ; pears , W.lCi ; plums , ejrir , ft.31 ; plums ,
KITUII Klipes.I..V ; eberileHslilu \ Jt.S > .
VINIII\II : 'JQitr. elder , loci good , lie ; \vhlto
wine , tftci fnuey , fruitr-c.
STOVU roi.isu J4-.00 < it.'i.S7 per pros' " .
llAns-Ani , pur 100 , (17.7i ; l.ewlston , per 100 ,
llAds-lTnlon .innnrp.IWlMS percent olTM. \ .
SAl.T-lmlry.SM Ibs In bbl. bulk. J..IO ; best
Br-ido , G)3tJ.ilij best irnide. llltiiM. J..IO ; best
prado.i \ Itu , tJ.'J | uiolc iitlt , cruslied ,
coinnion. bbl , Jl.SJ.
MVf-C'aitlle , mottled , par Ib , 0310cj ( lo.
whit6 , per Ib , lie.
1)i-y ) G. ods.
llEAVV HllOWN t'oTTONS-AtllllltlO H , 7'tf ' !
Allantlo II , 7e ; At Innlte | i. ( Pic ; Atlnntlc I' ,
tic ; Aumra ( . ' . 4-ci llnek'H Head , G'ic ; Cabot
W , li'ftl I'arlliKtou , ( ) ' .ie ; I'lirinero. . 1 , 4' @
4 > ic ; lloosler KI/ , . " 'ir ; Indian Mead , 7Uo ;
l ini-cnco Mi. fiajci llrni letla Mi , fi'ii' .
I'tNK HitoMN COTTOSK Atianlle Oei An-
lora ll.UUc ; Anioni K.ll'fej Atlas ON' l,7' ! c !
ehee-ocloth , le0llnlon ; l-'r , ! 1'eiipciell It ,
U'jc ; Luniidon U 11. He.
Ili.r.AdiKD COTTONS llerkeley enml'rlc No.
CO.Ue ; lle-t Vet , CUei lliittoivlotb XX. 4' e ;
Uahot.7'iei 1'lrat'tu ; I'rult of Iho 1,00111 ,
S'.ie ; lllli Semper Idem , So ; lloin-okce ) er , s'.ie ;
KliiK rhlllipciimhrlc , It'c ' ;'tdontl II. li'.e ' ;
I.oiiMlnle , ivlii' : l.onsdalu cambric , lOc ; Now
York Mills , lu'-c : Oak Iitnin. 7e.
SHIITIMM : AM ) i'n.i.ow CA"lsnHiown
Net renperell.n-ln , lue ; IVpperell , t-4 , ISoi
reppeiell , 11-4 , ( l-l,20ei repperi'll , PJ-1,22. Utlea ,
4S-ln. l.V'j litlciirKS-ln , 17'ic ' ; Utlea , ? > -ln , 2lei
Ullea.Ni-ln , 2"5cj " t'tlcu , I'U-lu ' , ! ic. Uloaelied
-Net-1'epiierell , 42-ln. lOc ; IVpperell. 4ii-ln ,
lie ; l'epl > "iell.0-J , 14 e ; I'eppeii'll.a-I ' JOeil'ep-
pLTell.U-l. 2.V : I'upporull , 1U-I , a'o ; Utlcil , S-4 ,
2les Ullenl-4 ) , ' . ( ; ltloa,10-l.'s"e. ]
UlNnilAMS Aiim-kcuc , 'i' ' ' ' ! Amoxkeatf ,
dres-s.n'ic ' ; Hates. O'ii1 ; \\at\vlol ; , diess. 7'ao ;
liiuipictor , CUel ( Jlenaire , OVict 'hlttenloit ,
drots , B'ie. '
I'IIIXTSIiidluo blue Not Mnrtha Wash ,
InKton , Oe ; Ainorlean , ti'ic ; Arnold , lllje ; Av-
mild II. Ions elolh. 2001 t'tltel A , l.'e ; .Merrl-
tntiuk. ' , loc ; Ciold loaf , 8'ie ' ; llatnlltoii.ri'jc ;
Allen I'inks.OHc ; Allen Chambray , Uu ; Ulou-
eester. B'4o.
I'HiNTS Panelrs Krtilystone , fi'Sc ' ; Pteel
Ittver , lie ; Hamnpo. 4'.ie ; i4 ! . I.edKcr. f.'ie ;
ShlrtliiR.Murlha Wnshlimton , 4ie ! ; Merrl-
maok , 4'iC. Turkey reds rmiiitaln , U' ei
Oarner , 7e ; Crenlleld , 8'ie ; llerlln , li'jo. '
WifiANS-Sot , Thistle. 7'ic ' ; Ked Cross , To.
Coii'Xti-U ) I'AMiiliKM Orown , 4'4c ; led Star ,
4'io ' ; lolled Ulover , Sc ; Slater , Ce ; high color * ,
CtiASii Stovons' II , IG-ln. r > ' , Sc ; Elevens' 1) ) ,
lS-lnlie ; Stevens' A , UMn. 7o ; StinuiiH1 I * . 1S-
ln.7e [ ; Stevens' M.lS-ln.S'ic ; Slovens' N. 20-
In. h'tc ; Stevens' N'N,2J-ln , O'Jc ' ; Stcvens'SHT ,
20-lu. ll'ic ; blenched , Ic extra.
DIINIM.S N'ot-AinoskeaR , O-oz , Wie ; i orlc ,
camlet , I'-V ; Kverett , stiindnrd , 1'J'ie ; Hay
maker's , 7)ic ) ; Old York , XX , W t'l Lawrence ,
220 , ii'ie : ; Lawrence , l-oz ) , 15Hc ; fancy strlpca
and clieckn , II ' , } (
UtmoNAUKS-Yorlt Nankin , 10' ' Je ; Kverett ,
8-oz , be ; I.ev/Iston. 10oyiVtv ; Woiklngnian's ,
lie ; Corkbciow ciiblnnurv , " W-
TIN Small pig , MB per Ib ; bar 30c per ,
Ooppr.ii-l'lanlslied boiler sbes , me per Ib ;
cold rolled. 2:10 : per Ib ; sheothiK , aio per Ib ;
pit Is and Hal * , ill ? per 11) .
OAI.VAKIXUU Siuir ; mox Discount fiO-IO per
cent pat. plan , iron , Nos. 21 and 27 , A , 10 ! ' c ; 11 ,
Olie.TIN 1'i.Axn 1. 0. , Hx'JlJ.a3Q3.T.-i , ; I. X , , 10x11 ,
2.2. > . ! H.50.
TIN IT..WB Coke , 11x20 , 112.M.S.V
G Clmroual , 1,0. , 14x20 , 115 , { 5.53 ; I.
. . . . .
SIIKKT IIION No. SO , KI.50 ; No. 27 , J.'l.CO.
Souicn-Htrletly linlf and half. Uc.
PTIIEI.Vnti : NAII.S IJase. ? 2.fiS.
AYiHE Jap. barb , fJ.2. > ; palv. , W.So.
QUININE Per oi , , 1' . VW. . 4Ce ; Oerinnn , ! Ho ;
liKllKO , per It ) , 7'ie ; Insect powder , Sic ; opium ,
} .l.U.-imoiphlic , purox , $ 'J.10 ; hops , peril ) , iJOcs
Rlyccrlno , 20e ; do.xlilne , lOc ; cnttlobone. : Via ;
cream tartar , pure , ! ! -u ; eoiumerelal. Itio ; eaiu-
pbor , 50c ; am. carl ) , lie ; blue vitriol , Vije.
Acin Oarbollo. itl l2ci citric. 4M ? > 4Sc ; tar-
tarlc , : i7:0c : ; nilpliurlo , per Ib , 2c , Sperm oil ,
$1.10 ; turpentine. 4So ; Tonca boani. t..2V2)2.r ) ) ;
balsam tolu. 42-'M5c ; calomel , 90 < ? ijl7e ! ; eantlia-
radlcs , Sl.iOSl. : " > ; cassia buds , 20 < a''Ju ; chlorn-
form , tlx&V.'c : erpot , 47'i2c ; Ruin arable. .Vi ®
9. > c ; plycerlnc , 202Jc ; lycopodtnm , 4J&Kioj
mercury , 6ic. (
The Currency of licailliiR Nations.
Al tht3 tlmo it Is Incrcsting to know
whnt the currency of seine ol tlio lending nn-
tlons amounts to. In the Banker's Magazine
Is an estimate which will certainly command
the attention of nil who have taken an Inter
est in the question which is profoundly agi
tating the whole country.
I'onti- - ont-
Countries. Intlim. OoW. Silver. ttnmllnir.
Franco . S,2JO,000 KOO.OaO.ODO KUO.WW.tXX . ) fffll.OU'J.tUJ .
Ui licit
Klnxilom. ),5,030 , & 'iO.TO : > .000 IM.OOO.OOO m,000,000 )
Coriunny , . . IS.tttl.DUU MO.OOO.UOO 815OiX.imO ) zrS.OJO.ODO .
Uiillcd- . , , UlIJWUiX ) 8i.riU)7irj ) , lllV.'lH.SOa . 9JS,7-JS,515
TotnlMctnllo Tor cultn. |
Connltlei. nml 1'iipor. ( JnM.SIIverl'iiiierTotal
Frnurc . f.M'.U.IWJ.UU tllKI ilK. . ) S15.W . > : . . !
Unltcil Kingdom BW.OOO.UH ) 11.11 U2 4.8 fi.Ul
( lonuany . milUOMH 4.4S 6.7U Sil.iW
Unlleil btUM. . . llbl ) , l,4W & .fc7 1.82 H. T S'W :
'I'ho procluction of Rold ami sliver in the
world during tlio calendar year ISb'.l WIIH iip-
pl-oxiinately ; Uold , SlJS.bUO.OOO ; silver , IV , -
byo.OOO line ounces , coiinncrehil value $117-
031,000 , , coining value , ? 10-JC'JO,000.
Tlio only railroad train out of Ojnnlia
run uxiirusbly for tlio nccoinmodation of
Oinuhti , Council DlulTs , DCS Molnos and
Chicago ljubinof's is tlio Itoolc lalnnd
vestibule limltctl , leaving Omaha at 4:15 :
p.m. dally. TiclcoL oilico IGOJ.Sixtucnth
tinil Furuuui std , , Onmhn ,
iK tlio Ilooil.
It is said that itti old Indy was pns&tng1
over Iluxcy hill , Kiifjlnnd , wlion Iho
wind blow invny her hood , says Iho Dry
Goods Chronicle. Seine boys begun
tossing it from ono to the other , and the
old luily KO oujoyed the fun Unit she be
qiiciitliuA Ihirtuon acres of land , tlistt
thirteen onndidittes mifiht bo intluceil to
renew tlio sport on the Clh of every
January. _ _
Nervous debility , poor memory , dilTltloiico ,
sexual weakness , plniples.cnred by Jr. Miles'
Nervine. Samples Irco ut ICuhn 6 ; Co.'a 15th
and Douglns.
TNSTUUMENT3 plusod on rueorU
1. vesturdav :
J W Grlllltb , trustee , to TJ n Puni'swoitli ' ,
lot III , blk7 , ConKllnj I'lnco. w d . $ 700
South Omaha land ( lo , to H M ( 'hlUun-
den. lot a. blli b3. South Oinaba , w d. . . . 5,000
11 C i'litterson anil wife to U II Taylor ,
lnttl : > ll < I. Kdisowood I'arU , wd . 100
William UiiKdalu nnd wlfolo ,1 M Mct.'ul-
loeli , lot 8 , blk : ' , Mncoln I'lace , w d. . . . l.O.YS .
OM I'owersitnd wlfo to . ( M McUullocli ,
lot It1 , bile1. ' , Mncolii I'lace , wil . 1,031
Copy nnd certificate to probate will of 13
K Collins .
Ira Van t'nmp and wlfo to Vaclav.o -
nmneU , lotblOund 11bile t , ViuiUinnp'B
iiild , w d l
O KOrossloand husband to MM I'nmk
limriun. lot1:1 : and 1U , blk , C'lover-
dalnudd.wd 1,300
IIW Yules and wlfo to M O Illnxnult ,
lot -'Oiuid part lot a7 , blk 1 , llllhldu Uo-
snrvi' . w d 5.00D
Nebraska Morleneo loan Co to Jidinail-
mour , lotlJ ) , Vlnton 1'lnce , ( i ud 1
I'M HutVettntid liiiHbiiud ln.J 11 Uatltn ,
o l-Mliti. ) ; blktur. und Yt lotc , UlklWJ ,
eS lotti , bile 1"J , Uiuabn.ij od 1
A J Hunt und wlfo to W IC.Nascm , lot 7 ,
blk IS I'opnictoii I'arlc , w d 1,000
riank.Miirpny to Hans Chrlbtensonn !
lot tu , Nelson's add , ( | o d 1
Niitlmu Sht'llon nnd wlfn to H I ) Flaliur ,
lot Hiuid w - " . ' ( t lot ? , blk 0 , Hwee/oy'3
aild.wd 10.WO
TJ Tooloy and wife toll V 1'oit , lot It ,
hlkt , tJotner&Arehnr'sadd.wd 235
J P llnyd , slierllf , to Mxry llrophy , lot U.
Idle 10. Isaac Ai-olilcn's add. deed . . . . 1,700
J lf linyd , JihorllT , to Margaret llcclan ,
lot 0blkllanscom I'lnee.t4 \ 2,100
JI'Klack nnd wife toKU Klurr. lot 1 ,
blk' ' , A Hl'utrlck'Hadd.andlot 2 , blk
10. 1'utrlok'n SM add. w d 4.000
Ll Hturr loJ I'l-'lnck , lot 1. bik S , \ a
I'atrlek'Hiidd.and lot 'i , blk 10 , 1'at-
tick's2d add , wd i.OOO
Nineteen transfer )
Provisions and Stocks ,
3O3 South 18th StrpetOnmlm. .
. - . , . - . DISTRICTS , WATCH
Correspondence solicited. coMPANIM , ETC.
HW , HARRIS & COMPANY , Bankers ,
(03-105 ( Dearborn Street. CHICAGO.
70 Sto to Street. nUSTON.
SURPLUS . 600,000
Accounts of Hanks , Hunkers nmt Corporation ! so
Our fnfllltlos for COIiT.KCTIOXS nrn excellent , ami
wcrc-i11 < coutit for Innk.i nlicn bnlaiifoi nurrnnt It.
lloston I * n Hc'orvo City , nnil uahnci' * with us
from brinks ( not lociiluJ lit uthur lloscrvo Cities )
count nin reserve.
Via ilr.nv our own prclnnao on London nmttha
Continent , niuliiinki'cabltr transfers nnil | > lnco money
by telegraph throughout lllo Unltucl Suttvi uiul Can-
Wohnto n mnrUct fort > rhno firsl-oliiM Investment
SccurlUC ! " , nntl Invlto proposal ] from t-tnloj , COIHI-
tlcinmtClllus wlica Issuing bumla.
WoilonKeiicrultanUiiK bmluess , nml Invite cor-
rcspoiulcnco.ASA. . P. POTTKU , PUISIDINT. : :
JOS. W. WO1UC , CAsiunu.
rum UTUIIII to a ilny ur uionoy ru
( utKlnl. lly mall } J. Securely siMiled from ob-
icrvulloii. UOO1C HKMllttv CO. , Omahii.Nub.
"U-ivoj | \ti"IVUItl.l.N'tl'l'ON ! ( , v o. I Arrives'
Oiu.diii.J Depot lUtli uiul M.i-im utrceu. I Unuliiv
4 'M il m | S.IK ) a in
.1.4.1 u 111 . ti..M p u
11.10 p ru Chicago I.xpru'O ! > . ) n in
J.60p ! m ClilcnKO I .urn I . , . . 8 U.'i a in
"Lciix-uj c MO. luvr.i ; Arrives"
Om.ili.i. nnil Mnion Mri'Qta. Uinahn.
. rvxrfivi-s
Omr.lia. | Oiuahtl ,
SO p m Orcrlnnil Flyer lill.l p m
7.3U p m 1'ucltlo Hxpresi 12.1.1 p m
ID..iJ n ni Denver Uxnri'nt 3..M p m
6UU n in Knn aaClty KxprcM 120.1 n in
10. U. n in . . .I'nlrHrlil K\v ( o ci-'ptiiiii. ! ) . . . _ 4M p m
ClIICAoo , H. 1. , \ PAt'll'TOI fi\rrlv tr
Umnli'i.J ' U. 1' . ( icjiut , lOlji nnilMnrcy S I Omalin.
C.1,1 p in Toai n m
0.1.1 a m Atlantic Kj [ > rO ! ' , . . . Ci.SO p m
J.15 p ni Vestibule 1,1 inllcil. . IU 4.1 u in
Tienvci" STOUX "Cll'V' ' * I'AiYli'K.1 : fArrlVuT
Ouirtlm. JJLP1il- > put , lJtliniiil _ _ Marcy Sti. | OaMlii.
| r. Sloiii TTty lTn4 > cnKur I
fi.Jo p m
1 SUTuX"Tn' .V liAtfll'lt r TArrlvor
Umnlii. I Dciuit nth nnil XVclnlc ran. | Omnlm.
] _ . _ . St. I'niiL I.I ni ft oil. . . . . . . . . . _ | _ ' nn'i
I.c.ivoi I .
Uniulu. | U. I' , ileiwt , IDlli nnl M ircy HU. I uiii.i. !
a in . . . . I (1'AJ p m
p m Vestlbulo Uailtoil VM : i m
C.1S p in Iowa Accommodation I T.U > pin
JJ.KI p in . . . .Emti'rn Kltcr I 2.IJ Jft in
I.cmTCJ iCUICAC.O. Mil. . , A ST. I'Alil..I Arrivoi
' Omnha. I U. I' , depot. Will nn.l Mrircy M . | Oniilii.
Tlicso trains also top nt lUn : , 17th , SOth and 21th
( Ireetj , Summit hml SnTldiio Crosjlui. < Wurktn < -
men's lmlQ3 do not rim Siiniliiv.
"I. nvc8 ICHItTvuO A NORTH \VK 'rr.UNi Arrlvos"
Trnnifurl L'nloa Depot , Council IHjilM. | Trnnifer
O.ltln nil riilrncn Kxpron ll.Tiu p in
5.00 p m Veitluula I.liullcJ ! > . : > in
10.IJO p 01 Knitcrn I'lycr 2.IX ) p 111
5.01 p mj Atlnnlli ! Mnll 7.iW .1 in
Triin'f r Union Di'lKit , Cnnnrll lllildJ. 'I'rniufijr
ti.KO n mJhlciKo | Mall ( cxccrt Siiiidiy : ) . . | ft.KU p in
; . : ; p in ! chlraco llxiiren > ii 111
I .W ) _ . . . _ . . . . lxiri ! { > M. . _ . . . . „ ] ' . ' . ( JO p in
'Kir ; s-r. JOH "
Transfer ! Union Dopot. Council
KUlVi. ml..Knn .Tl City liy ) : Kxpreis. . . . ! 6.4.'l p in
" " .Knnnn Clty Nlnht cxiri ; ) . . . | ll. } . ' ' ) a ni
"I.eivvo7 | " O.XlAilA A ST. TrOUiri. [ "A'rrivot"
Tronjijorl Union Dopnl. Council lllufts. [ Trninfuf
_ nil. . . . . .M. Ixmlii Ciinon llnll I'.l.'i p in
'ICftiLMlClllCATo. HIJlll.'N A QtllN'C'Y l Arrives
Transfer ! Union llf pot. Council Illuffn. ITrniutur
"tCi3 n7 niT. riilciiKo Kxprcss C.2UTm
1(1.01 ( p in ( Jlilcnfo Kvircs3 | 'J.On in
jlon l.cufil. . . . . . . . ll.ain in
Tr nsrerUnlun | _ iiopot , Council' IIlnl'ri.r _ [ ' nii fpr
7. < 5 a ta.SIoii.x | ( 'Itf Acconnuuitiitluii. . .fli.H.1 a m
O.W p tnl. . . at 1'uul Uxprn . . | li.Di p m
JllSSOUUri'AlTriC KUllulillA.N 'lrHAIN37
Foil l.ADits us'LV-Ilr. l iluc.i I'orloillcnl 1'jlll
tliol-'rPiich remedy , net on tliu iiiunitriiiil y ( uni nn'i
cure * UIJH [ uisliii [ rum wlmtovcr cnuso , I'ruaioto
mcnotruiillon. Theio plllohuulil not b-j tnkon ilnr-
In , ' prenincy : , Am , I'll ! Co. , Uurallr I'roix. , lipon-
ror. Clay Co. , la. Ouniilnuljy Hhurinan , V McL'unnall ,
DoJuoit. , near I' , U.Om.ihii ! 0 , A. Melchor. HoutU
Uiuuliui M. 1' . rilli , Council Illulf3. U. or a fur tj.
PATENT,1 ; ( J.V BLKi .VL'O. .
Mco Hiilldlnic , Uinnlia Neb
l Ka/ID < lilili , 1
rfitnrnl. V.rlw.l.M'rJ , 1'urtiinUriteit.rtiKiii. _
iiw II K Tr il > wilt IrooauiiM&lcil. It I'rln Ui4\li.
ilJrtM LtCUMIlt I.XSmUV , 110 li ItS St. , .X.Y.
SYPHILIS nn ho cnrod In SO to 01
dnys byiibo of tlio nutr-
vcloua Manln Remedy , t-W.OOfor ucaNii It will
not onto ! DA UTION to gut tliu crmi'no ' rem
edy. Wrltooreallou P.O. Jo lyu , WU Uut
u y Street , Utuahii , M
National Bank
Capital , - $4OOOOO
Surplu § , - 4
Oltlccrs ( lid Directors-71. .M. MorfOnnn , 0. M
Hitchcock , Jmcpli llnriipvi. .Ir , A. llcnty , M. M
AiulcrsonVilllitu ( I. .Muni. tloo-presMonti l 1
\Vlimiui9 , A. I' , llopkltK , | < ro Mrnti A. MllllarU
caslilor ; K. II. llrrnnu asihtantcuiblcr
National Bank
Cnpltnl. - - - - $40OOOO
Surplus Jan. 1st , 1SOO 57.0OO
Onicorsmul Illrcctnrs llcnryV. . Ynlca ,
LcnlsS. lloeil , Vlco-l'ri'fililditi JainaV. . ttavnct' , VV ,
V. .Mufi' , .lolinS. CollIlK , U. I ! . Ciuhllli , J. .V , U.
1'uttlckV. . U.S. lliitlie.-.c.islili'r.
Corner 12th nnil lAminni Stu.
A General lltiiiklnu HiiHliiL'ssT
Omaha ManUFaotUPBrs ,
nnil Sliocn.
\Vliolcsalc Manufacturers of Roots & Shoes
Agents for lloslonlliilibir-ShooCo. , IIW. 1101 nuilllCX
lloriu'y Slicct , Uumlm , Kuli.
ltrti\v i'H <
Lager llccr Urcwcrs ,
1M1 Kcrtli IStti Ptroel , Oinnhn , Neb.
Manufacturers of Galvanized Iron Cornice
\Vhulow np nml itiplnllonkytlchtK. .Tolin
proprlclor. IPS iin.l 110 yoiitli IQtli tlieel.
ArtlHts' Materials.
. , . ,
Artists' Materials , Pianos and Organs ,
Slroot , Omnlm. Neb.
Conl , Coke ,
Jobbers of Hard and Soft Coal.
8. U. Cor. IGth nml Douilhis Streets , Onmlui , Nob.
Shippers of Coal and Coke ,
i l.ltliStrpct , Oimlm. Neb.
Wholesale Cigars.
4MN. ICIliPtrcct. "llnllol" 1UO.
Dry ( iuudM and NotloiiH.
M. ' ETsiimnE cbTi
Dry Goods , Furnisliing Goods and Notions
Corner lllli nnil llownnl Strot'H.
Importers and Jobbers in Dry Goods ,
l'ijnooiK Corner llth mid llanior
Klreets , Omaha , Neb.
Wholesale Dealers In Furniture ,
l-'nrnnm Street , Umnliti , Noliroika.
rurniture ,
Omnlm , Ncbrn ka.
\Vliolcsalc \ Grocers ,
nvcnnortli Htrcot. Onmha ,
tjtinibcr , Kto.
G. AV. DOUaLAQ & CO. , "
Dealers in Hardwood Lumber ,
YfcrdiaiON. ICthSt. . Omnlia.
Lumber Etc. Ktc.
Wholesale , . , .
Imported oiul Amprlrun I'urtlund L'cmunt. Btat *
ngcut for Mlliviutkcu llyilniullo Cemunt , anil
Wlillu Mum.
Dealer in Hardwood Lumber ,
VVoodciirpcta nnil-panitiotlluorlnK , tllh andDougll *
Strcota , Oniatia , Nulirrwk.L
Lumber , Lime , Cement , We. , Etc.
Coiner Ctli Mint Doiiulna Streets , Omnlm.
JMIlllncry and XotlotiH.
Importers and Jobbers in Millinery ,
203 , ' . ' 10 u .u212 ! South lllli "trcet.
Wliolcsalc Miens and Uiirnisliing Goods ,
1121 Ilurner uliciit , Omnb.i.
Wholesale Mined and Lubricating Oils ,
Axle ( 'rcaso , etc. , Onmha , A. II. Bishop , Manager.
Wliolcsalc Paper Dealers ,
rnrrr n nlro stork ot rrlntlni , ' , nrnp.ln | nnil writing
iicclal nttcntlun Klvon tu card paper.
, Rto.
A. L. DEANE & CO. ,
( Jer.cral Aiomi fur
Halls' ' Safes ,
S2I incl sa Boiilh 10th St. . Oninlin.
Jolibcm or
Dolls Albums Fancy Goods
Toys , , , ,
Itotuo Furnlililnu Coutln , C'hll'lrrn'n ' Ciirrlmjoa. 1201
I'nrniiiu ktrcut , Uiiiiihu. Nub.
AVnturHiijiUtH. ) ! _
Slcara and Water Supplies ,
Ilolllday wind nillU , 018 nnilM ) Jone.i t. , Omnht.
U. I1' , lima , Actlnn MiiiuiMur.
Iron U'orks.
Wrought and Cast Iron IJuildingVorH \ ,
Unglnes , bniM work , i > en nil fotinilry. maclilnu uu4
blin.L3iiiltli work. UHli'OiiiKl wurkl , U. 1' ,
Ity. nnil 17th atri'Ct , Omulm.
Manl'rs of Fire and Hurglar Proof Safes ,
Taulti , lull work , Iron Dilution nml lira cirn
U. Auilrccujiroi > 'r. Cor. lull iinaJnclmonSU.
DoofH ,
M. A. DI311HOW & CO , , /
Wholcmlo luumifacliirerii ot
Sash , Doors , minds and Mouldings ,
Branch oOlcc , Utli nn'i ' Itarit itrccts , Omaha , Neb ,
So u til-L _ O ni all gu' '
01 South Omaha , Limited. I