Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, July 22, 1890, Page 8, Image 8

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The bank clout-Ings yesterday were
T\vo \ cases of llnons were rccohcd nt
the custom house yoslorduy fur Morse
< k Co.
John 0. Parker wnnts his joung son
bout to llio reform school liusuys that
the boy Is incorrigible.
Wiiud Miller complnhiH to tlio police
that Nnto Drown kec-jH a vicious ilcf. ( A
warrant luiHboonlsbucd for Nnto and the
KumcroiH complaints have been
lodged with the jiolico do piu Uncut
ayai'iatUio Ktualturscnniplngiit Thirty-
; third ami Clurk streets.
i 1) ) , H. I'anlou linn boon nnpolntod ns li-
i taut trmibfur cl.crk toluumlu mail lit the
Union rucillo depot , viuoS. P. llollowoy
whoso lurmhuHoxpirefl.
Jainrt S. Cameron yesterday filed a
bill of Halo , conveying his stock of
iiiuxk'nl instrument ! ) to Isty ! ft Camp of
C'hU-i"0. ! The coneldoration named is
81 , Ml.
W. J. MoWHllunu of Hushvillo , vns
nrit'sluilutiil brought to the city vestcr-
dtiy forfcolllnjf llquorlo Indians. Ifoguvo
bonds for his npponrunco at tlio next
term ol court.
The now bapijngo room nt the Web
ster Blreot station IIIIH been completed
anil occupied. It is much Inryor than
the old Htruetino whlcli was almost com
pletely doTnoHsiliod by a train mailing
uyainst it.
A carload of crockery for .M. n , bliss
a lot ol cloth for itumgo ami 7,000 ounces
of quinlao for the Ulclnmlbon Drug com
pany \vorciocelvedattho eu4oni house
yiwtordiiy morning , Quinine is now
uilmittod fieo of duty.
fa the ootmty court yesterday judjj-
inentHvoro \ roiuloreil us follows : lirow-
iiell t Stevens & Son , $ l)0 ! ) ; Kiitionnl
Kink of Coinmorco VH II. Colter ot id ,
Sojl.Hl ; StobMom VMlIumleo$140i Allen
iJrothcra vs BtmUer , * aOI.GO.
Stand privileges for the policemen's
je ! it1 have been allowed as follows : I.
jeV. Cnmpboll , shooting gallery , fciili.UO ;
J II. Imburg , Arlington , lunoh and ro-
freshinunt counter , $00 $ ; F. II. McCarthy ,
Iiult stand , 810 ,
Axel Hongon , iiffcil twonty-six years ,
yesterday was licensed to wed Mabol L.
.Julius , it-red olfhtceii | years. Both pur-
ties arc of Oaiiiha. AH soon as the Jiou-
eSMiry pajwi'S \\oro \ l suud the nuirriiigo
' I ceremony was performed by Judge
A voman named Brown complained at
the police station yesterday that the
driver of express \MigonNo. I" hud ovor-
dmrfred her for carrying her trunk fioin
\Vobslerstrcotdepotto tlio residence
of a friend at Thirty-First and l'iutt
In strinplnpriv wire across South ICIov-
cnth Btreot yesterday ( iftoinoon a gung
of telephone linemen allowed it to di op
acro&s the oloctrio motor wiio. Tlio end
fulling across the rails groundec ! the
current and a tories of brilliant Hashes
followed. Motor travel was suspended
and pedestrians gave that part of the
btroot a wide berth until the troublo-
BOino wire was removed.
At tlio intersection o ( Thirtieth and
Snauldiiif ! Htrcots , where thu now brick
jiuveinont is being laid , the water hat.
Hooded Thirtieth street uatil it runs
over the curbstone , It is stated that
\\iiterlias.soalfcd the foundation to
such an extent that most of the paving
jj j will have to bo talton up and rolntd. The
trouble occurs on account of the sluice
way boingKO bimill that it will not carry
oil' the water that has fallen during : the
recent heavy ruins.
The preposition to give a first-class attrac
tion in midsummer at popular prices ( IHcont ?
to 50 cents ) at the uow Grand , . on Fililay ,
Satuulay aad Sunday next , should have the
approval aad general iiatvoiugo of theater
goers. "After Dark" is ono o ! the greatest
lU-.unatlc suceessos , and bus had a year of tlio
most unqualified success , hiving miilu a
Rfcnt deal of money for Mr. W. A , RruJy. It
is produced olsowluro at regular iirat-prioes
crfei'i , niul tlio low prices uro made liero to
iiuluco huge audiences during tlio summer
U'il'o WiiutH Him ,
Thd chief Bfpolli-oor Duffulo , N , V. , pre
sumably at the Instigation of the man's wife ,
telotfniplu to Chief Beavpy to' ascertain tlio
wlicicaoouts of J , J. b'uuuing , tao ball
player. _
Chamberlain's Colic , Cholera anil Dtnr-
rho'ft Kcnu.'dvcnri'iihv'irTS bo doocndcdupon ,
It is pliMsaut to tiilco and will cure cramp ,
cholera mot-bus , dysenwry and dlarrhoja la
their worst forms. Kvcry family should ba
provided with It duriimtlio siuninsr months
L'fl-ccat uud dollar bottles sold
- , 50-ccnt are l.v )
druggists. _
Touched by Iif.
A house occupied by I. Willis , located nt
041(1 ( Paikcr street , was struck by lightning
ycfitcrilny monilng and d.nnagccl to tlio
amount of 40 bofuro the lUmcs were cx-
Fromlncnt ( loriiKins have written fiom the
old country to the chief of police inquiring
nbont Iiulolili { | Muuneclc , tr.iveliii } ? In tills
coantry under the cognomen of John Miller.
They say that Mudiecl : li oloxccllcut family
in tfer'iwny , but that they had hcai\l that ho
wiis traellapinAmorio.i lilto u tr.iinp. Ills
friends aic uuxiow to Had and redeem lihn ,
The residence ot Samuel Keeso , T\vcnty- \
sccoud mid Lcavenwoitli stiwts.was struck
bjJllfjhtnliisSunday iiigit | and dninn nl to the
extent of about $ W. U'lio bolt hit tlio chlmnoy
anil split it opoa half way down , ripped off a
patch otroor , friphteucd everybody out ol
seven years Krowlli and buiacdoft two olcc-
trlcwues in tlio cellar.
A l'n 4ior's Vnoal lua.
licv Wlllnrd Scott and family loft Omaha
yesterday lor the cast , to ho absent about
two montln. Mr. Scott will preach six San-
day moraines in Immnnuel CoiiRit' tionnl
churchlii Boston , spondiag the Interim -\vltl
Ills family \lsiliiiR points of Interest aloaj ,
the coast. During his abseaco bo should bo
itdilresscd inearo of I'.iyne , Webber i\t Co. ,
62 Dovonahlro street , Ho.ston.
AVantMlflH Dcjul Hoy's Clotlips.
John MeUermott , cf Austin , Minn. , the
father of llralnard MoDermolt , vho was
nsphysl.itcd by pis a few days iifc-o at the
" \Vladsor hotel , has written to the chief of
police iwldng for the suit of clothrM the ho\
bailon. Ho .iay lie paid $10 for that sui (
before the boy U-ft homo , ami as ho didn't
hnvo It on whoa buried , ho wants it now
IJotectlvo "Vaughn ttujs thut lie has nude ilui.
inquiry uiidthnthu is coialiicctl thutattlie
tlmo odds ilo.ith McDurniott wore a suit o
clothes uo poor us to bo until for shipping ,
Dr. IHriioy , practice limited to
nl diseases of nose and throat Boo bld
There IH a great deal ot dissatisfaction 01
the pint of property owners affected by the
proposwl opening of Noith Twenty-secern
street from the south line ot 1 ! . V. Smith'
iiiliUUon tol'aulRtn'Ct. The appnilsors h.ivo
found and placed the damage * at1,000 ,
'J'hls sum Is , the property owners
claim , Mmi > ly beyond all u.ison ,
hcvcral of tno Interostcd pirtloj wcroa
th court house yesterday registering
their maio'vlgoruuHKlcka and pixvlaimliih
that if sotiK'ttiini ! wasn't dona they bliuuli
certainly ixslst the assossiiifut through ( li
1O.OOO I'liysleliiiiH
I'Utt'i CLloiiUcs as ( ho proper dlslufcc'laat
HoVilI ln ) Akcl loOfTor llltimcirfor
tlio Giihurmitorliit ilncc.
A big bu/z was rnl ctt In democratic bushes
yostenlny morning by quite n robust report
to the effect tliat the most Influcntinlof Mayor
dialling's ndinlrcra had formulated n very
tempting , rose tinted bid for him to bccoiuo
the party's gubernatorial candidate.
It Is said that thu card of request may bo
looked for hourly , and that it will have for n
background a shadow portrait of AV. J.
This card of "Como Try It As.iln , " will ,
the report says , bo headed by I'uppletoii.Ctiil.
lather , Charley Oreon , the CroiKhlons , nnd
others , to bo followed by a cnicfully selected
list of signatures whoso owners are tempor.v
lily out of town on their vacation. 'J ho
ichemo has been In the shop for many \vcoki
ami when its hourly anticipated launching
occim it is tald that it will "mash" the ma.v or
nt lint sight.
Tlio unexpected scourging Just adminls-
torcdto Uroati'hll \ h.ivo thecllect of bis
nlayltir ( hU hand very rloso but of not l < ucf
( UK out of the ( , ' 'im" entirely.
All this proiur.itioii , It Is said , hn ? nnl been
Bolr.if on without Oushliip hu.'lnfr been dis-
liintly npprnuchud on tlio subicct. As a i-o-
suit , It has been tiscertjlneil that ho "mlnht
perhap'i" Ift tlio bovs ive hi man other whirl ,
and tliul be might poihapa tap his barrel
"ju- t a little , vou know , " Just for tlio honor
of bcliiK proinlimntly mentioned for the uiUeo
of Kovurnor.
Fioin llio very first Broatcli hna prnmlscil ,
pledged and swurn to swin ' cvi-ry votii lie
has in the state furCushlnjrif tie ) later will
only "inulto tlio break in dead
earnest. " IIo counsels that the show
of n general lire.ik up in party lines portend *
very propitiously lorn dcmutratlo onndldato
from Douglas rounty frctliii | | lho jiliini
Ono prominent democrat who \\iis talked
with on the subject said :
"I bflicvo the scheme simply notblni ; moro
or less than an ofToit on Uro.itch's purt to jjf > t
back some of the several thousand dolliiM
whlili bo dropicd | at the rci-cnt primaries. I
bclievo that Bro.itch actually thinks ho
bus such ft liU'ldy luosmi'ne Influonre
over Uushinp that ho litw only to Up Gush-
in 's barrel and it will respond with at Icnit
? . > , ( XKorl0.oii ) ) ) . KOW , tiiei-c-s sio mtstaicing
but tliat liiuvtfh has-I spoalc with tlio
greatest plainness 11 blijlot of influence over
Jushmg , but If ttiol.itU'i allows himself to
o played for so ranlc u chump us Broatch Is
rviiiK to play him for in this Instance well ,
10 should go die ! I liullovo that Douglas
ounty democrats will never iipnin bo bo
oolidli to let Hroateh harness up with them
ftcr the demonstration ofi few days ago.
Vnother thing I will nssuro you of is that
ts proving u pretty touch dose for us folks
o have ono ot our people in power and then
mvo to put up with hi * being led around bv
tic nose by a republican an alleged rcpubll-
an such as lli-oatch. H will bo many a
onjj month hcluro you see such a tie-up
gain to far as the democrats a-vo < ; on-
erncd. "
" \Vhnt It Doc .
Hood1 ? Parsaparilla
1. 1'uiilies thu Wood.
2. Creates mi appetite.
8. Strengthens the nor''es ,
4 Makes the wc.licstiong ,
R Overcomes that tired fed in ? .
0. Cuies scrofula , saltrhenm , etc.
7. Invigoiiitus the kidneys and'Ivor. '
S. Relieves headaches , indigestion , dyspep
no risoTixc ! 'run I'lioWHSSiox.
Clio Medical Association Coiiimcnccs
Action Afjainst Alleged Quiicks.
The Omaha Medical .issodation has made
ts descent upon tlioso praeticiag medicine
vliom they choose to call quacks.
Yesterday morning complaints worn sworn
o oy Dr. Wilkinson , on bebalf of the society ,
igainst the following parties :
5V. . Johnson , Nuuniu V. Warren , M. C.
oollttle , BISIIJ iniin Griusc , Henrietta
Icnior , alias Henrietta Hcsor , 1' ' . T. Oilman ,
I. J. Solomon , Ilnmiltoii Warren , F. A.
Meyer , Frank Eiuert Bin-bank.
The complaints arc very voluminous , aad
Assistant Uity Attorney "Wnpplch WKJ kept
iusy for many hours preparing them
All the parties are charged with "unlaw
fully engaging in the pracuco of medicine
and obsteterics and proseribelng for the sick
without tirst having registered as a physician ,
by mine wlih the county clerk ot Douglas
county , Nob. , the icijuircd statement ia
writing under oath , or affirmation , snowing
that ho is possessed of any ono of the mmll-
llcatioiH to entitle him to register as a phy
sician under the laws of Nebraska , aad that
ho was not a graduate of n log.illy chartered
medical college , or institution hav
ing authority to grant the
tle roe of doctor ot mcJlicine and not being n
person who can show documentary evidence
of such examination and not having prior to
the Ibth day of Jane , IbSS , attended a coarse
of lectures In a legally chartered medical college -
lego or Institution having authority to confer
the decree ot doctor of moiliclnoand practiced
medicine continually for three years , the last
ono year in the statoof Nebraska , and not be
ing engaged ia the practice of inedleino for a
livohood for the period of tea years prior to
Juno 1 , ! SSt : , the last sl < c of wbieli vero in the
state of Nebraska , -ind not uaving bseu a
commissioned suigcou or nsaislant suigeon
in the late war of the rebellion. "
A Choice Ijlst ol1 Mimincr Kcsorts.
In the inlco regions o ( Wisconsin , Min
nesota , Jowa and the two Dakotas , there
are hundreds of charming localities pre
eminently lilted for summer' homes.
Among the following selected list are
names familiar to many of our renders
us the potfectiou of northern summer ie-
ports. Nearly all of the Wisconsin points
of interest are within a short distance
from Chicago or Milwaukee , and none
of them are ho far nway from the "busy
marts of civilization" that they cannot
ho reached In a few hourj of travel ,
by frequent trains , over the linost road
in the northwest the Chicago ,
Milwaukee & St. Paul railway :
Oconnmowoc. Wls. Cloir I.ako , Iowa.
MinocqunVh , Lake Okobo ] ! , Iowa.
Wuukesha , Wis. Sphit Lnlco , Iowa.
1'olinyra'is. . Frontemic , .Minn.
Tanuhuwlc Lakes , Lia'co Mimictonlca ,
Wis. Minn.
Lakeside , Wis. Oitouvlllo , Minn.
ICilbourn Cltv , Wis , Pi lor Lake , Mian.
( Dells of the Wis- White Ucar Lake ,
ooiisiu. ) Minn ,
Beaver iJ.un , Wis. Big Stone Lake , Da-
Madljion , Wis. kota.
For detailed information , apply at ticket
odice , 1501 Farnani street , Uarkcr Block.
LA ; NASH , Gen. Agent.
J. E. Pun-siON , PatH. Agent.
Ho Tjeft lliimo Afccr Drinking Toft
Much at a KniisaH "VVoddiiii ; .
II. B. libeling of AtchUon , Ivan. , ha * writ
ten the chief of police begging him to tlnd his
sou , Joseph Ehellng , who left his home last
week in company with Joseph Dyer and Dee
Dann , two bad boys who have served sen
tences in the reform school. Mr. labeling
says that up to the tlmo of Ids leaving home
his boy had been Industrious and obedient
and was learning the harness makers' trnilo ,
The night of his disappearance ho wont to a
wedding and hU father thinks hu drunk too
much and was pors.un.ded to leave homo by
the two boys bofuro mentioned.
1'cara'Soap Is thoniostelogant toilet adjunct
The Smelting Works Koroe.
Manager Nash of tlio Omaha bmoltlng
works , says there I * no truth in the icport
thai bis men have mndo a demand upon thu
company for throe eight-hour shifts. "My
only knowledge that any such move Is or over
has boon contemplated 1 * confined to what I
s > aw and hi the newspaper * . The men
all say to us. that they are well satlslled and
I am certain wo have heard no complaints.
True the hours for two shifts are nUhea long
but the work Is very easy and they can btand
It without any dlllleulty. ruilhormoro all
men who havu the hardest work get four dnyti
vacation every month at full pay , and any of
them can draw money when- they wmt It ,
consequently they feel well sa lstled. "
] ) r. SussdorlT traits successfully all
hciiacd of the Idduoyii , bladder and
rectum , 1501 Farnani &t.
Minnie Won't Go Home.
Mrs. Jennlo A1IU of Council Klulfs , yes
terday filed a uvmnUilut ogalust tier daugU >
Ur , Mlnnia Qork , charging her with disor
derly conduct.
Mrs. Alii * Informed the police that her
daughter was net quite sixteen years old that1
she came to Omaha two weeks ago to visit n
friend. She left her friend's home a few
days ago , Informing her entertainers
Unit - .She was going to leave
hut that she did not Intend to return
home. Shots with other friends In the city
now. but refuses to go homo. There Is some
trouble between the girl and her mother and
step father , which has not been developed
Two IjC'ttprs mi Different Hlilcs of the
Oordoti Story.
Mr. J. M. Ellcr of this city has received
the following letter from his uuclo at Car-
thaw , 111. :
Cvarii.vcir , 111 , , July 18. Mr. Josh. M.
Eller : - Dear nephew , I am ] ust In receipt of
ymirs of Kith hut. la to the man m
pilsoti there and convicted of murder ho can
not bo of the Gordon family of IJurnslde , 111.
1 am intimately acquainted with the family
and have been for thirty years. The lady
that the paper speaks of as identifying him
a * Charles Oordon ( Mrs. Trench ) I am satis-
lied in her desci lotion has allusion to this
family aiTd has some kaowledgeol the family ,
but her knowledge must bo slight. There is
only the one Gordon family In llnrnsido or
near it. Dr. Gordon was the leading physi-
cluu of the place until nine years ago when
ho died , leaving a lamlly consisting of
wife and three sons Sylvanuus , forty
years old , live * in Kansas City ; Albert ,
thirty-four , dentist in Hurnsldo ; William ,
farmer. One other son died n number of
years ngo. His inline was Jefferson Gordon ,
There never was a daughter In the family , so
yon eaa see them is no Charles in the family.
There was none of the family run oil with the
show spoken of or even went oft with it or
anv other s > how.
Now , Inasmuch as Mrs. French Is unques
tionably mistaken , In justice to the Gordon
family she ought to correct it as early a * pos
sible unit have the correction published In the
paper. All the Gordon family can bo ac
counted for , no mistake. Yours truly ,
J , B. Snnm : .
N. G. Ulce'H Hotter.
N. G. Ulce of David City , Nob..who thinks
he bus recogni/ed Ed Neil as a member of a
respectable Illinois family , writes the follow
ing letter !
DAVID riTV , N'i'b. , July 19. I wont to .ci Ed at the Onmlm Jail oil Tlmr-tliiy , July 17.
for the imiposo or leuognl/liu him us iiuu of
the tiouhm lioyu ut Iturnalilu. 111. , and ulllsay
thut hu Is Uiu e\uet picture ! of Ihu nldott
biother. Van Oorilnnlioiu I went to school
with , and If ho li u Cordon nt nil , his naino
should boVilllo \ Goidoii. Tlu-ie ninor was u
Ohnrles Gordon.VlllIo had no sister at nil.
lie liad t\u > bpithciH , Van anil licit , mid his
mother Usttll living. I have known the fam
ily for , but had not seen any of thum
fur twolveyeuH. Wllllo UorJuu was only n
boy whoa f left Illlanls , nnd nf i-nar o It Is
Hard to htato positively that P.d Ni'al Is Wtlllo
Gordon. Hut you shall know In inlay or > ,
as I have written to Dr. O. 0. 1m ; of Iturn-
slile , who Is my fathcr-ln-law. for a full uc-
c'onntof whote the ( ionlon boys mi' . I houu
1 ; ua inihtiikcii In this ni.ittor , us thu Gordons
uru a line familyand Ii. rioidon was our fam
ily physician fur years. N'c-al , of course , < io-
nlcil to tno that his name a fiotdoii , and
iiskvA tnu not to telLvrapli to Dr. InR , but
wrllo and find out. which f have done , and
will snoii know anil nlll pivo you any
Infoi inatlon Icuu get on the biibuct.N. .
N. G.UlCE.
A Dylnpr Mother's Trotter.
Clinton Hichliircof Santa Kosn , Cal.writcs
a pathetic letter to his sister , Nellie Hardy ,
whom ho presumes to bo in Omaha , telling
her of the death of their mother , whom ho
says , "uow lies in a beautiful , sunlit spot in
Santa Hosa's cemetery. " lie says that be
fore their mother died she told thorn all that
they muit cense quarreling with each other.
This tetter KIctililTo sends to the chief of
Omaha's police. hogging him to mid his sls- ,
tor tuul deliver the letter to nor.
lilriif-Ul.iiiuhard ,
Charles A. Birney of this city nnd Miss
Fannie IHaiichard , who taught in the Omaha
View schools last year , were married at tlio
residence of the bride's parents , f > 9 Walnut
street , Prccport , 111. , at SU'J : o'clock last
evening. The young people will bo at homo
in a neat cottage at 11SJO South .Thirtieth
avenue , this city , after August 15.
It Mperlorcxedlencoproven In mllllomof liome ,
formnrolhnnn qunrtor of iv centiirr Ith usuilliy
the United bl.-itas ( iovotniiiuit ) , Kiulorxoil by thu
hondi of tlio Krt'.it unltorsltlrs m tliu Mruiiiron ,
I'uri'it nnrt .Mo t llcilthful. Dr. I'rlcc't Crc-ani llak-
Inii l'o\ulcr ilous nut cunt iln iiuimunla , lliiio or uluiii.
Sold only In cniiH.
> ic\v York , UHk-nKo. San Irtinclsco. St.ani \
St. Clara's Academy ,
Plnslnawa Mound , Grant Co , , WI .
Till * , spiicloiis niul ulBguntly furnlsliurt aoart-
oiny uiroHla VOIIIIK hulles I'vi-ry fuc'lllly Jur si
tlioionirh anil uoeoniiillsliod I'ducatlnn.
The I'lovntuil situation of tlio iii'iiilumv. to
pctlior with itn uxci'llunt iy-toni < if water
works and buttciajju. liisuiu purtyul liuiiltliful-
110S- ) .
110STho sclioolyonrbcRlns Spptctnbor l t. Tolo-
lilioiilucoiinrutlotib with lhtbu < | UO , lowu and
tl.iltllllnoN. .
Tor toiiusiinu other iiiirtlculnri nuilros .
Jlotliar Supuilbr.
Established 1050. "
. A Pi'lioul [ or tlie lusher education of WOMEV , An
unusually line corps of i'rufet-fror * for 18CO-DI Lit era *
turo , Art and Wuulc \ > y f > [ jocluli tii Location ( _ 'ol
ninblix , .Mo. , In a 89 aero park just north of city limits.
Voren trcesahotintj.ltlue era w , an atmndance otipace
for outdoor eicrclfo. JlnnJt-oino bulltlln M. Moral
toneof firhuol ovcellrnt A Clirlntlan homo with nil
the freedom nnd nil tliofo euirds of a well ordered
dome , XVrltu for ratnlojruo , AJdrtu ,
\ \ A. UUJllAM , 1'rcsMuit. COLUMBIA , MO.
_ _ _ _ _ _ _
BI Inelliiiucimll HI hell < " . ! < ,
Watcliet I'rl/c * I fl'l fitrlirr * .
in Ait Pep t. | Ml'rorttitura.
PIANO t tw i &t
ML-JIC ruuu
Kino Brniind * nnd l.nlld
IIICH. KIl'Cll ll * IjlUlllMl
.Slcuiu l.'lli Year. Jli-V
New Buildings , Now Furniture , Now Pianos
New Equipments , Beautiful S Umtlon.
Opens Sept 2D. Vnll and Hiipprlorrftcnlty. Depart-
jni'iiU fur Knitllili , Littln. ( ire'uk , l.t'rraui. rrcncli ,
Selc'iui ' , , .Miulctl , etc Hoiul for Infomatlua to
.Miss 11. X. IIASKDI.U l' | ,
. ,
All limnclicB eif Mu h' Ilrninntlo Arl.lM < nrti > , Toncli.
ITS' TriilnliiK i-eliiii'l. ' Uncuriniioi'd iiiUautinc'3 : at
moderate ) tout. CutnloiiuiM mnlluil free.
J J HATTh'l'AKin1 Director
Mllwiukou , WisTer
Tor Youinr Wiinii'ii. 1'nr csiliilosuu mill C. II
Kl.NOSIiv ; , I'll. I ) . I'rt-h't.
_ Jtoliool for ( JlrIt suit Vdiina Ijidles. KorPji
'cuUlo/UOaeldreuO.THAVKIt.J , ! . . I.1
Moron I'arK , III , , orTT Muetliun fctruut , CUlcago , III.
All Ut-l rtinentl of MUKCA ! ) Inntrurttoii , lltxltrn tan-
, Vuiu Aru , etc. 111UfiaauD , JacksouTllle , JlL
Ji BTiVi.NS ; , A. 1) ) . , frlfl
Insect 3 Stings
Sore Ees
Sore Reel )
Mosquito Bites
Sunburn gg
Apoclvotfiillofiuiinoynniount to llttlo
ftcr hfnltli NROIH > . liirnjuy life , n cootl
nil iict I to , noli nil oRt Ion mill rlii t Ic limbs ,
' . Tlicnir.VoHiiri ) poor , J on
will lie li.ippsj if rich , jnu t-nn i-iiji'.V J jur
money , 'iliuy illnin'1 low milrits uuil give
bunjaiicy to mlmliuul hotly.
Vt. I. Illalr , Ilnnvlllo , Vn. , BUJSI "Ihsivo
lonfMilTor Ml from Torpor ol tlicMvrriiiul
slii mill ! . trli-il almost ouiry-
J > \ | icj > , i.n u
tlilnt , ' . hut lifter ( liTlvcilliuUtlioliciu'lUtlmt
J Iiutnli.ii ] rnmiTult'Hl'llls. I rrcoiiimoiiil
tin MI loull tlmt me ulllictuil It Itli 1 > J i > ci > ala
unit Sick HiMlilaclic. "
Tntt's Lives ? Pills
\Yaltf \ Iterant ,
The well-known Fellow Labels of
tha Apoltezsris Company , Limited , are
protected by Perpetual injunctions of the
Supreme Court ,
Beware of bellies tearing tha genuine
ApoUinaris labels but re-filled viilfi a
spurious article.
which , if genititiii t's branded with the
name of the ApoUinaris Company ,
Z-imitcJ , utitl flic words "Apcllinaris
.Bruntun " around an anchor.
I I..UE. IIIMU > ; Tilt : ( inn \T Urtlit lrAH ! > >
K.vfii.isii KIM- :
KDV. Annnfiill-
InKCurc for Sum-
liml WftiknoUi
Siiornntorrhoii ,
linpotency , unit
nil ( llv.-.nai tlmt
follow us n KO-
qticnco of Self-
nbu o : ns IM * *
- of .Muniory. lTnl-
TA'r'iSjfl venal Latitude , ACTr7 T fl ) n
'aln In tlio Hack , Dlwnrss of Vl < lon , 1'rematuro OM
\ce , iiiiilmiiiiy othtr illiu.isei t'ut ' to liiniiiUy :
or ( nn umptliin nn I n | > remntiiiair.ivo ,
Jj Kullpnrtk'ulir ln cmr patniitilot , whlcliwo dc-
ttietoHtMiil free by iniill to ovorj one. Si/"l'hJ Sjto-
clllc nieillclne IsBolUiit $1 per puditiue , or tU | > ick-
iKCHfur } ' ) . or nlll bo tent fiuo b/iimllou I In leculpt
ut tl.o munuy. liy nildressln , '
On account uf counterfeits MO have adopted the
elloi > urnppor , the only Ki'iiulno.
ras5au ID andtrom Great Brltr.lnandall
parts ot Europe. Montreal-Liverpool route , by tlio
waters ol St. shorttit of all. Glasgow to riillnilolptiln. Uurpool to ami from
Baltimore. Thirty Stfamore. Cla-'B oicclelor ,
Accoiuniodntlona iiiiBurpaBecil. Weekly sailings.
Al.t.AT. A.Con. . West , Ac'ts.
C.I. Simitoll. > r rrr llSLn Sull" st ThlcaKO , II
The T..arni-t , Tii l > ' t unil I'liicKt I" tl.o World.
IM M npvrnivoinocl ilium eincxcvll. . ! .
KTIIIOPIA , July : . ! . I DIIVO.VIA , AUH 0.
FLHXKSSIA , Aup.2. I ClltC AFSIA , Ann. ID.
New York , Qiiocnstown and Liverpool.
TlioOlebratpil I July2ijth.
C11V OF ItO.Vi : . I Auz. 2M , fcttit | 20th.
rute nn lowci tie rm * to anil frnm tlie prlnein l
Kxcurpinn tlcktte rttliifrd , nuiilu ii\all.iblo to rituru
liy tltrier the picturesque ! Cl elc . Klvcr ileiecy , Not th or
iitlinririUiul NapUiinrilllmllar.
t lo m currrnt rnti'o Applv to ny of uur loml
ircntK.ur to HENDERSON BROS. . Chicago.
Local ii-jt-iits sit Oiniiha ; Ilniry 1' . Moore
Cliurlis Mtui's \ . P. Vulll , U. I' . Uonol , Oltl
zcn b HunkOtto Wolf.
Cabin Passage 535 to SCO , according to location o !
saleroom. Excursion $65 to $09.
Steorazo to nnil iromlttropoat Ixiwpjt Itatcs.
AUSTIN BALDWIH & CO , , General flgenti ,
03 firoaduay. NEW YORK.
Jno , Hlo en. OcncMlVotorii Asont , 121
Itiiiuliiluliiitiuet , C' ) . Harry 1 , . .Mooro
Jus , C'anno
ButTf rlni ! from Um i-lfif M < "t louthful . nrron , c-arlr
lecny , wiutlnit vcnklif loil nmiilHKXI. etc. . I will
cnil % nlu' ljl tnnlliu ( w-nlo'li tmilnlnlni ? full
rartlcnlart for homo cum. HIKH of cliarso. A
ipli'iutlil iniillral workhoul'l ' IMI irnd by m r/
limn wliot \ ncrvniiH nml drlillltatnl. Aililri'K ,
I'rof. VV.
rftljMt iif r , an4hoAlthully
. . . . . . . rirlfn'tlotur.l. 1'arUenlaueil Mirinrtlicmtd.
i lloiu Trull.otc'4tfrc .leiJtfakJ I * I rlit Uidilt.
lr H LCCUM11E USf'KTV , 110 * USUUin bt. , VI.
i ne mire s
Accumulations of odd Suit Pants arc now on sale. Tin's will be a picnic for all who need
pants , and for those who do not need them right away , as it always pays to buy our
Suit Pants and put them away for future use. \Ve had several sales of odd Suit
Pants before , and our patrons know what bargains they arc. This season we have not sold a
single pair of these pants , but as fast as the coats and vests of a suitjot were closed out , the
pants were put away , We reserved them all for the express purpose of making a grand sale in
July. This is the month when extra pants arc needed and our customers will appreciate the op
portunity to get them at less than half what they are worth.
There arc nearly fifteen hundred pair of these pants. \Ve have placed them on separate ta
bles and divided them up into four different lots from which you can take your pick.
Lot Number One we marked $1.90 ; not a pair in this lot but what is worth at least $3.00 ,
Lot Number Two is $2.75 ; all very fine worsted and cassimerc , in light and dark shides. ;
Lot Number Three is marked $3.60. This lot contains about 5oo pairs very fine Pants , in
excellent patterns ; the poorest in the lot would cost you elsewhere from $5.00 to $6.00.
Lot Number Four is a small lot of very choice Pants , all of the finest fancy worsteds.
These arc from our very best suits , such as have been selling from $22.00 to $25.00. We
marked these Pants $4.25 , the real value of every pair is from $7.00 to $9.00.
Take our -word for it , these are the greatest values ever offered in
the Pants line.
Corner Fourteenth and Douglas Streets.
Our store closes at 6:30 : P. M. : : : Saturday at 1O P. M.
The fisiiro din our dales will make a lonj ; sins' .
Mo iiuu or uoimn uow llvlug vlll over dale n
document without iisliii ; llio ( Vjnro 0. U stmuli
In thu third place la 1800 , tvlioru it will remain tou
jcars mid than move up to second ploco In 19CO ,
where Itvlll rust for ono hundred years.
There Is another " 0" which lias nl ocomo to Btny.
H U unlike the figure 0 In our dates In the respect
tlmt lilies already moud up to first plnco , where
It will permanently ronvilu. It Is callad the "No.
B" Hljjh Arm Wheeler \Vilson ScivliiB Machine.
The "No , 9" t\ns endorsed for flrtt jihco by tha
experts ol Europe at. tlio I'urla n\posltloa of 16SO ,
v , lie re , of tcr a semccontcbt i\lth the lending ma
chines of the \\orltl. Itvns awarded thu only
Grand I'rize glvin to tnnlly sowing innclilucs , all
rthcrsoa exhibit haviun received lov.or uvitil3
ot gold mcda'.s , etc. Tlio French Co\criiincnc
Blso rccognUccl Itihiipcriorityby thodecoruionof
Mr. Nathaniel WlicclcrI'rusldontot thocomp.iuy ,
with the Cross of tliu Lcpion of Honor.
'i iO "No. 0" U not an old machine Improved
liyou , but is nn entirely now inr.chtno , nail tlio
Crnnd Prize tit I'uns v..i3 iitvurdod it as the grand-
citadvunccln ccHincmnchlnc nicclmnitm of the
nno. The o who buy It can rest niburutl ,
( urc , ot haiiuy the very latest aud bcit.
185 and 187 V/nbnsh Avo. , Chicajjo
P. 12. PLODMAN & CO.
220 North Sixlcoiith Sti-cot.
Tlio Doctor 1 nnrurpftsscd
111 the tiiatinctit uf all
fci.nn of 1'rlvnto Ilscnsc
Nnlrentiniiil li'iiovtrljccn
more hticci'ssful and none
has luul ttrcinucr cndurvc-
ment. A euro U gunr.mtceil in I lie v cTy w orel CIIHOS
lufromTlnBtlniswIiliouttlinloesof nn hour's time.
Th-ii-o ho hn\o lucn
niiUrliiH treatment for
; , trictiirooriliniciil ] } In
ri'llevlnjtllio hlmliler , pronounce it n innutnn < lpr *
fill < ; i'"ciA CompUte euro in a few Uuyshhout
tain. InsTumcnla or lii i il time.
tmiMlty ortiunonencH , In their ortt t < rum uud
tlre'iilfil rc'tnU nro nliHoluteily cured
A ml nil I'HMAW
A womlerfnl renitely. HOL'ltS tut
Ini from U tolXI _ ) < y
mill oil Dlf riifrs of tlio Skin ,
Illooil , Ilrart. Liver , Kid
neys nnel Illiiildcr ttireel
Cillfil in SO to tOdii3 Tlio
m , fata nun cfTcrt-
MotreT.tmcnt l-nnunto tlio
medical prnfppilon. Every Iniconf llio tlltoaso re-
inoinl mini < lioliloodncamilftocurorjuar2ntecd. : |
Kor "innn"or"\voniau" . i h lOc
Tirotnit'iit by corrc-
Rlinmlcnro htnmi for reply
Ipcn from 8 AM to ! l 1' . il.
Kutrancn nn Tnrnnm or llth bt. ,
i rcmo ctja-i.rai,7iiiuA
? ilCTIlfis dHI AHO SU4 lltOIIT
.U- .i NO\KI , Male for lhU P IO I " '
roie , Currnl ( l > D > rilliolr \ Lnri , rl > lnlrfHj. 3IJ : | , oolh ;
l , l nll > uou < liirrrnll ' H'ttllellT ihrnuih > ll kAK
PAUTK , n Itorlni Ihim la IIIUI Til and TII.OHIII H K rilKMH II ,
Kl.ilrle ( urrml I.II In.i.nil ) , or c ( ncloil t' > ( l In c b
IIKLTan1nptimi Coln. | ; . > i. . | > i | . . Mor.t eiiMl'tr.
i nllr luJ In l > ir montn h if 1 i nil.l t > ' "
SAum'.y ELicinicco. . uaj k > > t.1cHicAnoilt.
\UHtn \ TMC Dt rtit i c u ro or
The 'Omaha Medical and Surgical Institute
lysy iv s wsvf svc'Saaw
For the tn-itmrnt of nil CHTIOHIO AND SOTtfllCAri DIHICABKS Appllnnrea Tor n formlte ! * , nn
TrinsL'8 Ho t liicl.itlcn . , App-irata nuA ltciiiL'iII < for cnci'es fnltri-iiiucnt nf etcrr fiirmaf illteaiiore *
qnlrliiK Voo oil HianiKlu.irrrojtineut. . JJI.Vi5TVHOO.MS Kill I'ATUJ.NTS HunM nnd nttenilnneu. Ilosl
Accommuilntiiin \Vrlloforcltcularson llefcniltioi niul llrucai Tru Mi , tluli I'oi-i , Citnntnrool"
Hplne , I'llns , Tunior , lancer , I'litarrh , lironcliHIn , Inhulntlon , I'lvitrleltjr , I'linibsU I'tillipiv Klrtnor
llln.tcler. ije : , llnr. t-kln unit Illoml , and iillmirKloil orfiatltins.DlS:2Al3hS : \VOMK.Vn ppirlnltr Jloo *
of DHon ci \Vuf4ien 1'rrcVo hnTol Holr added R Jjylng'ln lt'2artii.nt : for Wonu Milui Ititf Conilnouenf
( Htrlctlv I'rhiilB . Only Ili-llihl : Mollcnl Instltillo mnliln' { n specialty of I'UIVA'l'IJ DISKASKS
All Dlood ! ; lHen munM8fiilly trcntnd 'lyplilHtlo pulxon removed from tha nyntim wlllii ut mercury.
New KoMnriitlroTrcttmcnt forl ibtuf Vital 1'iiwer. 1'nrllds uniMo to vls. | | ut iun/ lie tn-nlcd nt homo lit
cotro'primlcnrp. All rommunUiUlurn I'OMfMenthl. Mcillclim nr luntruuionti Kent by mall or iirincss , i
ciu ly imcki'd , no irarks tulndlratn lOntonlsor scnrtor. Ono pernonnl Intortli-w iirpforriil. Call nnd coniuU
in or He-nil liUtory oryo'ir cnsu. ntid no n III 0ontl In plain Trrtipiiur oar 1IUOK 'J O AUC.V tit 1C 12 , upon 1'rlvat *
Special or Nortous niwnacn , ImpotuncUjphlllj , llluotnn.lurlcocelo , < rltli qunntlon lift , Addrusl
Omaha Medical and Surgical Institute ,
Corner * Olh nnd Harney Sts. , Omaha , Neb.
A. rl-1 ? * " Jlj
Jewelers and Silversmiths ,
Bo'ng manufacturers , importers and jobbers , as well 0,3 re
tail dealers , our purchaaln-7 facilities are second to no house In
th'a ' country. Hones our ox'romo ' low prices o i everything wo
sell. Special attention la cnllod to our largo ixiul elegant line of
Fins Mantel O oaks ( over 60 difTeronl Blyloe ) nt 85.OO nnd up
wards. Pine Banquet nnd Plaio Lamps , wi h a'.lk pa asol
ehailcs in all tlio now colors , from 85.00 up. Buy your Tab'.o
Cutlery of us nnd save mouey. Eojfora' Boat Triple Plntod
Knivoa nnd Forkj only $1.76 per abt. Stool O irvln ; S 3ts ( ' nlfc ,
fork and stool ) , $2.OO and upward. Spoone , &c , , in proportion.
Our Great Mid-Summor Bargain Snlo of D-amcnd * , Watch 33
and Fine Jewelry is still In progroas. Gdnu'no Diamond Plnfjor
EU KB from $2.5O up. Solid Gold Watches from $15.OO up.
5OOO flue solid gold , plain , band and sot Rius from $1 to $10
each. Qo'd Sp3otaclo3 nnd Bye Glassoa from $3 up. Fine Stool
Spectacles- up.
"Repairingof ; Watches , Clocks and Jewelry a Specialty.
Denver Colo.
, . ,
Capital Prize $7,500. '
'j'lciiira1.1 * no ci.vr.s : sucni.
$26,370 $ 1V\1D liACII iMOXTII
Address , H.R HIIOIJUS ,
Utml lli * | 'M > , fiyliuiilUiini vr ar < u > lli4i > li < ) rirr. .
Wlif , EHIE MEniCAl. CO. , BUrFAUO.N. Y
\ f l" 7 TT T fV \ \ hiilli ring fioni elToct
wERKvM KOI.I Munlinixl.
Youllidil Crroix Imp
tt'iii'y anil Jllsoufcos of Sim
cnn l > o enrol ro immo.illr nml iirhiiluly liyo'ir.-ov '
mil H | > erlllo hrnlby ninll fortl lluok frnl ( K'nldili
for Mump , llear'in ' Mcdle'nl Uinipany \ViuhlliK
ton hlreiut Iln t m , Miio.
Atnolutcly n ll lil , Krfcftlr safe , inont | owcrful feuml *
niruUli.i-knoMN nev r fill 1 4 al > "i , ] > < ipall unnbu c
ufllUlLt. Aililrt I.1ON Illll'tl ( , . Ililtruli ) , N. vi
.via ll UOODltA-N O CO.
"Ill n tlioniuili kiio.vloltto or tlio nntuinl Inwi
wlilili u"Vi'rnllie3 < iii > nitl < m4 of illnollim a ill nutrl.
tlun nniliiy ur.irulul iii'llcitlon | | oftlui line pruiur-
tlisHifnilf He'lt'Ctcd t'ncon. Mr KIMH II.IK pinvliloel
uiir lir < MkfH tliililcHKlt'iuilollnitiilr Iliivuri'd Invur-
injo wlilih limy niM ! us in my IKMVV elocliir'i lillli. It
Isliy ilipju < llclimnusuiiriiuflinrtfrlaicifillut Hint c
cnnitltuttim limy IjUKrinliiully Inillt lip nnlll tlnuu
nuoiiifli to rimht cni'ry lonili'ncy to ilUeino. Iliiu-
iln i | ol nlulo innlnilliis nrei tlimtlniuruiiiiil us romly
toiittiielcHliirewortliurnliiii vtn.ik pulnlVnnuiy
- - iiflby ke > eilnii | > ui > elvoi , TI | |
rortlllulwltlitiuiobliioil , iinil a j > ru | > erly iiouilihue )
fratniiCivil rU'rvlov < i.i/i > tt
MiKloi'l'iiiily wltlibolllnic t'oltor nrinllk Suldonly
In half imiind uruei'n , , l.ilie'lcil tlin
I AMI'S I'1M(1 ' ) ( ( ( lloiiiiro nthldli in tts ,
JAJlljJ Ul I 0 IX V/U , , j , , , , , | oii , l.iuliintl
AIIOi'Dltli K , 1-iuyiT I''l IK alburn .St. ,
CliiiUiCO , Jij y IH * hit stul pi.iiRft
lii ninny atulc *