HE EE. TWENTIETH YEAK. OMAHA , SUNDAY [ OJiINTIISTG , JULY , 20 , ISOO-'mELYE PAGES. NDALBEU 82. THE SPOUTS OF MIDSIBIM , Why Milwaukee Should ba Tired from the Association. THE GOSSIP OF THE WHEELMEN , Hnmllton'H Nerve I'l-cMlilcnt I'rospcotH for Next Season CCllllllUOHS NcjtCH. The following cpUtlo from Pnul was re ceived yesterday evening , nnd as it gives nn iM > | ) ortuiiity for the statement of n few con gealed facts , It In herewith produced for the benefit of all base ball patron ? who are Ignor ant of the exact status of affairs In the West- cm association : Mn.\viiKii : , WK.July 10-Bnw Hall Edi tor of Tin : HIK : : An article In but Sunday's Issue of your valuable Jounml. say * that It Would be u ( rood tiling for the Western asso ciation could she contrive In sonio w.iy to drop Milwaukee from the circuit next season. and otherwise spc'iiks In a deprecating and derogatory way of our team and management , Is Omaha really so uncontrollably jealous of Milwaukee tlils season thnt she must attempt to belittle us In this puerile way In retnltatlon for an Imaginary olTcniie. You should tike your moillclno ns \vodld last wagon , In larKoallopithlo doseJ. It Is Kuaruntccd to reduce the swelling In nay Itind of u head , even a block-head. Oumh.i needn't worry about dropping Milwaukee , for Milwaukee has long since made up her mind to drop herself without nnv assistance. Mil waukee doesn't belong to any two-penny league-- she bus seen ball a grndo or two higher and Intends to see it again. If.she vim Kct Into the American association next year , or the National league or cvon the brother hood , who will K t there , you fan rest assure 1 and without nny propulsory aid from Omaha or any other western villain ) . i'Al'T. C'll.VMl'IOV. Mr. Champion In hit attempt at facetious letter writing only exhibits the length of tils uars , and gives away the fell intention of the Milwaukee dub and iiiiininrement , as has been foreshadowed In these columns before. Tim ] lii : : reiterates more emphatically than ever th.it Milwaukee should bo ousttil from tlio West ern association next winter without explan ation or delay , for she has not the Interests and well htiing of this organization nt he.irt. She should hnvc been kicked out this spring in lieu of being allowed to put ntdellanco nil the requirements of her by-laws and consti tution , nnd dictating her own terms on which she would play ball this season , by ntoo easy mid n too lenient president of the association. "When Milwaukee refusal to put up her fniurantce check this spring , that she % voiild jilay the season out , nml that , too , after every other club In the association had remitted theirs to President McCormieU , she should have bi'Pii kicked out bodily , and her fran chise handed over to other parties in Jlll- wiukco who were willing to comply with nil the obligations Imposed upon the different clubs by the associ- ntlon. Hut she wasn't ' , and Instead McCormlck returned to each of the other six dubs the checks they had forwarded him , and that law became n dead letter. All season - " son this association has been playing bull without four of being iionillxod for any in fractions of her rules or regulations , nnd will BO continue until the close of the season , If nny club wishes to quit she can do so without four or favor , can si'll out , Jump to any other organization or throw up the pongo without assessment or hindrance of any description. There is no guarantee fund in the Western association , which is the only association in the country without sonio such protection. What was Milwaukee's idea , is askcdf Sim ply this , just ut the time of the formulating of the Western association schedule and in the midst of other work preparatory to the opening of n moment ous season , the Milwaukee manage ment was negotiating with the American association people , with the view of joining forces with them. It was only by reason of a shorter circuit attained by the admission of Toledo , Itochcstor nnd Syracuse that Mil waukee was not taken in. If Toledo had failed in making the connection , Milwaukee would linvo deserted the Western without so much as a "tii-ta , " and , according to Mi1. Champion , iihostands ready to Jump now at the llrst favorable opportunity , but where she win possibly jump to Is n question. Nowtlmt , Is tlio solo canso why TUB BIE : advocates the riddance of Milwaukee at the earliest oppor tunity , oven to her forcible ejectment nt the iiextnnnunl meeting of the association. That Is also the reason why Tin ; Bin : would regret to see the championship go to the llrcw- crs this season. They Imvo no interests in common with the balance of the organization , " nnd their strenuous olfort to capture thocov. ctco ( lag Is only for the purpose of Impressing other orfjani/allons with their strength nnd Importance and improving their chances of admission to some ono of them supposed to lie a little higher up on the baseball grade than the Western association. Wliy Don't Wo U'in ? It is hard lines to bring up the rear with mich a team in Omaha has , hard lines , very hard lines. Jn spite of her low rating1 , Iu spltoof the fact that she hasn't bent a sin- Klo club out In the series so far phyo 1 It is m.iiiitntiicil that in individual strength ( smalm Is aa strong as any of her rivals. Them nro no very great pitchers In the Western association , not ono , nnd surely none who surpass D.ui Clarice , either In twirling capacity or strategic work , or oven equal him. And this Is said , too , In the teeth of the dluaitrouj results that have mnrkod his exertions thus far. There are various circumstances. If it were worth whllo to eniuiii'nito thuin , which would explain inn measure-Omaha's long-continued Ill-riuccess. While hundreds attribute It to the manage ment of which they think thuro is cither too little or too much , probably the latter- others bliuno It upon tlio players they nro IncapuWo , disgruntled , Indifferentor lazy.nnd should bo gotten ri | of as ( tot as other men can bo' secured. And thus it goes. Lint It is hnrd lines , it must bo ix'peatod to bo bringing up the tall end with such a team , What flub boasts of a better llwt Imsomiin than Andrews ! and Isn't Han- rahun nniking things fairly Incandescent at second I Cleveland , tobosnro , has beonvcrv affron colored nt times , but bo's n lull player , depend on tint. Walsh leads the short-stops , by a decided marginof , tlw whole association , In fact he Is playing the position out of sight. In the Held there is Koariis. "Willis and Cnnavnn , Holders , batters inul bmo rinuioiM , ovcry one of them. Is there a trio In the association you would trade thom forl Then the catchers could anvonodo better thiiu Hilly Moranis doliiir.nnd fs'nt Ur- ( luhnrt nil light when called uponlVcll , then , why don't they win ball I That's the question , and sonio day I know not when or whero-Tiir. HUB will answer it , and then get out froir under. lr nlduiil II nrn'H J. W. Ilearii of Nc\v Orleans , ox-prosldont of the Southern league , waj at the Murray a couple of days last week , llo Is ono of the writer's earliest baseball friends , and of course when together conversation always turns upon the national game. "Yes , I know , " continued Ilcnrn , "It is your business to bo as big n fan us over , but I tell you , Snndy , I'm ' out of It for good. This season has been the rye straw that tins broken the dromedary's vertebra and both of my hands are up. Thobrotherboodbai ! ! Itakono notice of Unit outllt , do not consider it n legiti mate baseball organization , Their existence today U u Muff , and I tell you tlu > y are Jam up against the wall. It makes no illfforciico in that so-called league which dub wins. If the homo tc.ua would draw better toniotrow by winning today , you bet she will win , but if It is In tlio intcroiits of the visitors to cot there , get them they will. The man who plays tlio brotherhood guinea In n pool room is the premium tmckor of the day mill ago. Atlhocndof the soison poor old deluded Coialskov. Hravudo J'elloy and joutiiiy Blowliurd ward , latoud to shako died forthodminplonshlp. Oleaglntm Al John- \ so'i will ho ( lend Ion K before ttiatinomcntout tiny rolls round. IHit It Is a Juat retribution ' on'tlio ball player. The iisivndcncy from the sewer to the piUaco was too much foi' them. Tim league. Unit pays n , man , let liltn Vwti KwltiKi u J Jenny , u ComUhey , urn Htwithvra , over ? - ! n mouth next HC.IIOII , should meet with , nothing h'lt ' dliustcr mi > l miiforluno fioin thu oN''tiliiL'to tlio cltw of the season. 'J'ho wood. < will bo swarming with ballplayers - players begglnif to piny for their board , anilhat the magnates should do U to mnlto tip next season what the pla.yer.1 htivo lost lor them tliU sc.i- soti. They aw an ungrateful irang , the whole o [ them , and It would take moruthnn UK ) yoke of oxen to dru mo Into the business njrain. It Is simply n dlvo down Into your socle at tlw IIOMJ of oacli season , ntul you show tno maun wlio 1m uudo money out of base t > , tll mid I'll allow you the greatoit at traction fora dime museum there is hi tlio world. " Murcliin : ; on die lion-yard. Tholi.xsub.ill gr.iveyard for ISJHsdosthiQl to bo a fat ono liulccd , The two MS bjdiua still contiimo tliclr atrifoivlthout asymptomof u lreil < , liut ths minor org.inlMtioas u.miiot keep up the bluff. Th'jlntomiitioiiiilimd Interstate nsioi'litlonsliuvauliva-ly sti-.uiJo.l and goio to piecon ou thu breakers formed by tlio brotherhood , anil other * uro tn.mlfe.dlu > ; slgiisol HlialclncsH. Tlio Western lusoclutlon , manger this fact that tlio o.istcrn press set'iu toiiiinInutliitwo ; nro llv'nn ' on thu tnllU mid honey of a baseball nur.idise , Is extremely wobbly , mid llabio to explode like a plant cr.icker at any moment. Los Molncs has ul- rciuly elevated the protozoan , ami It will rc- qulro n very material Ini [ > rovonn'nt in the aUi'iulancohereto keep Oiniiha from follow ing her example. St. Paul anil Sioux City uro not t'Mictly national banks , and oven Denver and Kansas City tire giving cvhlenco of Itmituilu nml ennui. So lot thoprlma mover-tot the brotherhood ccnemt ) thonchuinotliiithis : xir.ictic.illy . killed biue bill , or sent it on the warn ; , any w.iy , at such a gait , that the wind-up ot tlw season will sou it In all roudinois for Intemont , pro fess to bo as happy as so iinny dams , you don't have to believe It. Uut you may rest assured tint His not the oppressive weather or tlio mosquitoes trr.it is troubling tneso people , for It isn't. They arc wondering how It will feel to go buck to the irb.ii'o cart nnU the hod , after theao yours of voluptuous profllcufyna slaves of thootd national league. Tht-y Will Com to It. The orate rapidly nppronehliiK when the minor league magnates will realize that they cannot iitTord to pay Milco Kcllcy salaries in small cities and towns. Clubs uro disbanding at present at about the rate of two a week , and it will only require a month erse more to Jo away with the whole minor outllt. The International and Inter state have both fjono where tlio twinowood bliitith ; tlio Attiintio is on its lust legs ; the Tri-sUito has been ni/.wd to llvu clutn and the Western Ii simply alive by sutTcraiico. Des Mollies , It seems , after disbanding and rolcasi ng ho r players , Ins discovered away to t'onlldciiou a fo\v inoro nlmolcom out of tlio public , and swears that , she will play tlio season. Hut she won't. St. Paul has a aia irottho builv-iu'ho and the L'ood lord alone knows just what is in store for Omiiha , Denver and Sioux City. Johnny AV.ird's broad bosom mu.'t hoive with elation and pride when ho mists his eye over the almost total wreck of the great national pimo. What thu minor leagues will bo coerced to do nnothur scuson , is cut down their salaries fully one-half , shorten their circuit and shorten tliclr season , then therowlll bo money In thofruino In eitiesthe size of those which imilcoui ) the Western association. A Trrutfco on lliolcntopq. : The pitcher that can go in the bjx successfully - fully tnoro than two or throatltnes In a week in these piping times ot w.l hot , scientific bull , is u r.ivity , inliiod , Itlsoftn tlio caw that two guinea a waMds the limit. Clarka thlnlw ho could go hi aiU do goo Jworlc every day , if given the chiuoo , but Ol.ir.ta . U mil- taken. Twog.itnoi n woolcnro about D.iU'a size. While it is true that pitchetM today inuit bacarod for like thorough bred rno3 horsea , It is dlrfoivnt with tlio other end of tlio buttery. The moio a catcher is worked the better Ills sun-ice. So long M hli hanU hold out , ho's nil right , mid i-nch succiediujf day appirontly does bettor work. . Tim is Iw- iiiK e.xeiunllllod In the Omahas by thu manner la which Manager Leonard Is work- lilt ? Billy Morun. Ho hits caught in the lust llftconor twenty ijatncs , and his work tod.iy . is superior to that at any other tlina In the soason. Itohas been remarkably lucky too , and has no swollen joints or braised palms , and is apparently gooil for the season and perfectly wllliiio' to go 111. Billy is really a gem. I'ntsoy Ollver'n Siul Pate. I'atsey Tebcau of the Cleveland Brothers didn't full down and step upon himselfbutlho other day hodldsomcthiiitfUuUsoonij otiu.il- ly as preposterous. IIo was knoeIced senio- less byn ball from his own bat. IIo was ufc the bat in the second Inning , and at the third strike the ball hit hU bat , and , Klanclaj up with trrriik ; force , strack himon thobrlJgo of thonoio , broakiiu : It ami laylny the flosli back oa each slilo. llo wivs Icnockcd limpanil senseless , mid in that condition was carried olT the Held. Thi'i'e arc scores of ether brotherhood playei-s in tlio same boat with Hoodlum I'atsey , who instead of clubbing themselves are gradually lacking themselves to death. _ Iriiult's UlTcr to llnnill ton. Oniahn has been negotiating for ton days past for Hamilton , the promising Hrst base man of tlio Bay City , Mich. , team , and last night succeeded in getting from him his terms by telegraph. Hamilton Is n Cheeps of ( rail , Ho is young and fresh and should bo packed in brine , Hero's tills unknown country youth's terms i KAVl'iTV , Mich. . July 10.--R. 0. llramlt.Soc- ri'taryOiuiilia II , It. ( J. . Omaha , Nob. : I must ImvolTiiO tor tlio balaneo of tliu sousoii , will < i" > 0 Inad viuico. Wlrumo , U.K. And Bi-audt' OMAHA. N'ub.Jnly W.--1I. K. HniiilUon , Hay City II. ll.Ttiain. ItiiyUlty.Mlch. ! Oinuliawli elvoyoii Just iiiJ fortliobulanc-o of your 11 fo Wlruua. K. O. IIitAMiT. I'etcr dish inm'.s H\vrllioii'Is. ! If the Black Sox ran only put it on to Mil waulteo today and tomorrow , all their pust sins will bo condoned. Their friends hero would r.itlier see thom knock dawn Cushman'3 swollho.idi than nny team In thu association , The Hrowcivj , when they aw playing winning ball are the mo.it arrogant and assumptive litho the whole circuit. They become Iniprcssci with the Idea that all the real lir.st-clasi t-il- cutli confined to the Wisconsin aggregation It is for this reason , and n few others uqunllj If not nioiD potent , In the Western nssoclatlon that they have tlio cordial dislike of oil the ether teams. Ifot l rniii thu Hat. Frank llandol is on the coast. Itellly of Columbus is playing a great thirt base. Tom Dolnii has been "put on" the lira tie partmentla St , Louis. The City Steams vs the Lincoln Gliuita nt the hall park this nftenioon. The Milwaukee grounds uro the roughcsl in the whole "Western association. Kzru Button has npiieared on earth again nnd Is vainly ciidenvoring to play ball. Milt \Vhltolicad Ugoiiin to rcsuino pitching nnd will talto his turn In the box hereafter for Denver. Traftloyls doliijf the mostcatehhifr of nny man In the "Western association. Moraii of Omaha follo\\s next in cnler , Drickott , the Kansas City deserter , hns fallen oil 100 jier cent in his play Ing ability , is to bo released by the I'lillaJolphh playow , The HlwJukeo club is ilrawlnn great crowds mid nuking money , which cannot bo said of another tuaui hi the association , however - over , St. Paul Is Improving wonderfully * under Mumjer WatWns' supervlsloa ami Is likely to get out of tlw lint h ik Churll'j ' iVbboy Is as need n man ni there 1 ? on the team. Ono of the Den Molncs tiluyon recently "borrowo'l" " the pet Unt ui Ous Alberts of Milt/iiukUi. % uiul the h'.tter club ivetiiiilly etui i ployed udottictlva to recover the i1'-0 ' of timber. I The Omnhai return on Wednesday next j nnd on Thursday , Saturdiy and Sunday play i tlio St. fmils. On the following TuMtlsir , ' V'ednesday nnd Thursday Jllnneapolls will o lie re. Tom Tovett Is certainly ono of the phe- loimof the season. No pitchorls excelling ils work "Wlioii ho left Umalm Ills arm was end and it w.is thought that his pitching lays were over. Jlllly ICnrlc , when lie \vai with St , Pnul wo yean ago , \VIH rated aa the comlint back- itopof tlio profession. To < Uy hols c.ltchlng nfctiorly for Taeoini of the NorthweJt folnec pitchnr .T , J. Faniilng's rehmw f ro'.n Denver ho hni disappcnrcJ and Ill's ' frloii'U iitvo hi'.inl nothlnjr from him , There uro ettriM at McUorinlt'k's olllco for him \vhlch 10 should luv'o , nnd his wlfo , who is at JuHnlo seriously ill , is also anxious to learn ilsnddtiMs. It was ix x > orted thatho hail signed with Terre Haute. The race h narrowing ilownto Mlnno.i- > olU anil Milwaukee , with Kniwiu City In ho stretch nnd Kaliiing fust , iMilwaiikeo Is irob'ibly thostroinrest I'luh at present , tliolr > itchers being in line form , while the whole : lulj is playing Kiu.it bill. "While Minneapolis s strong in battlnMiiullleldln ( > ? , slio itnotice- ibly weak iiilo.innv jrlt , inwhicli the U reiv ers are exceptionally Mrong. llus K. McKolvy , with his wife niidfiunlly , iralved In Hr.iddoelc last night from his homo n Oinalin. Is'eb. They uro now guosto at the loino of Mm. ISlclCelvy's parents , Mr. nnd VIrs. SqulroT. J. LonU. Kiis iswellretncni- jcrcd in Hraddock , thouirhltis elKht years since ho lott as a manly man. a food hall ) lnycr nnd tin all-round athlete. llo Is now employed in tlio auditing roomsof the Pnrlllo ospreuscomiimyct | Omaha , 13mddock (1'a. ) Dallv e a Sport < ) . The rillo toiirnanient Monday , Tuesday nnd Wednesday , owing to thu blistering weather , WAS but poorly uttciidod. W. O , Albright leaves for California next wok. AVlillo en route ho will stop oft in the mountains and try his hand ut casting thully fora few it ays. Edward Ilunlon defeated Gcorgo Hosmcr oy half a length in n three-mile shell race on the BIK Sioux liver , In. , last week for n purse of $ .SK ! ) , which the winner got $ VJO. They will bo at Lake Mnimva Sunday , August ! t , nail give an exhibition raco. The editor of the Ilerahhvas away to sev eral ottho largocitiesof > 'cbrdskn last week , and saw many tilings that appeared str.mgo and wonuerful to his bucollo eyes. Iut the most graceful and enchanting scene that mot oar gaze was ti lady in Grand Island riding a. barebacked nicydo. She. roclo as docs the Indian maiden vide her pony , and wo fol lowed her several miles uiiiinddown the hot streets hoping to see the l.dr 'cyclerdlsniouiit in soiiio hhnpo or other. Hut , alust wo dlil not succeed. She may bo riding yet , for all vo know , nndvo'ro awful glaJ wo'ro b.ick in Scotia. Scotia Herald , ol'tlio U'liccl. Today a. party will make the run to Dellc- vue. vue.The The best English amateur 103-mllo record is5h. Mm.OJis. . A. II. Perrigo will nttend the L. A W. meet at Niagara F.ilU August 27. A meeting is called for Monday evening at 7M : o'clock sharp , sit club headquarters. It isclainud that IJiiigloy of Minneapolis has n record of 100 miles'in fin. liSin. 41 K > s. Tlio evening runs are gottin ? quito popular nnd the Aiwllos turn out in full force regu larly. Pixley lus ordered a new Columbia r.icar for the races this fall , -which ho expects in a few days. Such n tournament will do tnoro to enlist new men In the Interest of cycling than any ether means. Tlio run to Kile City last Sunday was en- Jovol by many of the boys , despite the burn ing rays of "Old Sol. " Seth Rhodes Is getting back in Ills old form again and is inakillg the boys hustle to stay with him on the run , There are a lot of promising new riders in the Held this summer and who innko the old cluunploiu hustle to roUiln their honors. Flescher and Pixley ran oao way of tlio Council Bluffs course one evening last u-cck lu iJ. > . ' .This is the best time so furyotmado. The emulous rldors of both clubs are doini : a , suspicious lot of training. Tlio Omaha-Council Bluffs course is alive with them every evening. Captain lielndorf was seen riding on tno back seat of atimdein oao evening last weak. IIo talks of bayiiiR a tanduin. Better sticlt to your ordinary , "Oscar , " "VVlilttakcr's application to the League of American Wheelmen liai been refused. This organization , however , has mow than ono professional within Its ranks , Iho called run for today is Phttsmouth , which h about twenty-two miles south or this city , All the boys are reauojtotl to turn out , as this is a very line run. A big tournament is to bo held at the new track between Minneapolis and St. Paul , August U , irmndlli , under the management of that grizzled old fake , Tom 12ck. The national racing board has amended rule in of the racing raka , increasing tlio limit of the driving wheels ot safety machine * from thirty-two to thirty-six Inches. Chairman Uavolof the racing board recent ly suspended ( if teen members of the Denver wheelmen for racing with professionals. A n umber of Omaha riders would bo included hi this suspension If they had their deserts , .At tlio last regular ineotin1 ' tha following members were voted in : Charles Moars. Herman Mucntcfcritif , ' , A. 11. Porngo and Albert Hubbird. .Several applications were handed In too late for action. The hicyclo tournament for September bids fair to bo the best thins of Its kind over held in Nebraska. All , state nnd neighbor ing clubs will bo Invited and priios will bo awarded for club races , championships and records , Council Bluffs U likely to rival her twin sister in the curio business , A boy wonder hns been found who , at the ago of fourteen , breaks records , rans dead heats nnd talks as loud as any of the converts of Omaha's great hippodromer , Mndanio I.ouiso Armaindo will ngaln ap pear on the track. She will lido ablcvclo against George Connors of England and J , J. ICnglodruin of Chicago , who will run , go-as- you-please , their combined scores to count against her riding. The Omalia\Vhcel club run to Ilellovuo today and will visit the rlllo riinga. During these hot dusty days the safety rider explodes the time honored Idea that a peck of dirt la all that Is allo\\od for each mortal's consump tion. If you don't bcllovo It aslt Mittauer , Nebraska has but seventy-six league mem bers against ono bundled In ISS'J. This is not as It should bo , for the wheelmen are rap idly increasing throughout the state. No- bmsku's divlblononiws should do more to interestlha now riders and retain the old ones in the L. A\V. ranks , The comparative rat-inn abilities of "Willie " \Vladle , the eastern crack , and Arthur Lums- den of the west nro causing considerable com ment , which will bo stopped only by these . men meeting , Luinsden took the llrst'heador ho over sustained Saturday week whllo prac ticing. Ho was severely Bnalten up but no bones were brolccr. The race against time Saturday ever the Council Bluffs course was won by Klnu Don- man. The men were not allowed pacomaltcrs. Den man's time was 15 : 'J J-5 ; l-'lou'lior soc- oad. time 15 : 'l l-.l ; Wortz third , tlmo 15:50. : Thiimaki.s oao race for Fletcher and ono for Ocnniun , Tlio iloi-Ulin ? race is to be mn next Saturday evening nt 7 ; UO. Uoail-chuaipion Van Wagoner has chal- IcngoilSpoonorto u lX-nillo ( ) run , cither roail or Indoor. If the latter , the Inick must bo not smaller than six laps to the mile , with cither Hut door or banked turns , but with home-stretch not less than fifteen feet. Unco to bo mn utter July JtO ; prize and date to bo mutually agreed upon. The combined rum of the different clubs cacli week are very popular. They are pro ductive of an Increased fraternal fccliu : ; as well m lending a new zest to the enoyinenb | ofthoso trlpi. 7ho drawing toA-tUer of clubs 1113.1113 n concentration of power which will make Itself felt In the future iiud will reiult In lasting good to wheelmen. Thodlniculty of uJtidlMiipinir pneunntlc tires IsbocmiiMgii prominent inattorla Knt- lind , but the dUfti o will remo.ly iuelf. In nyenror uvo tlmio tires Avlll l sp popahr that men vho donotuse ( lioni will hiivo to abst'iln from racing nltogother or el a con- tlmlally lay themselves onon to dofe.it. On all ordinary tracks thoi pneumatic * sncty ( rules the i-omt , and , bains' the fastest mii- chinowlll bo rlddoti , PiwiiUzlag seems to luivo little or no effect. The captitn's nm card 'for Julv Includes Ilhiir , l'liitt nwuth , llelcv | o and Missouri Valley , while the evening runs take In 1'lor- cneo , Florence Uko , t'liinnount iurk , iMaii- awo. lukn nnd Council DlutTs. Sonio of tlio oca ! rldew will have to pillsh up tliclr Mfiiij ? nuchliiM if they whli the st-ito 'liaiiipionslilps to remain in Omaha. Siimo cry fast road riders hnro toao ; to the front n the last two yeaw and wo will have a inxonttomlimcisoClliu best the state alTords n September. Mott Omaha drivers recognize tlio fact hat wheelmen havoaomo right to the street , nit ono l.s occasionally mot with to whom the appellatiaa of "road hog" would bJ llatterv. Vu unlnialof this variety win driving on trout In the suburbs where tlio track isnar- ow and the road very roimh , and was mot i.v u lady and escort , both on bicycles ; not- vithstiindlng n rccpjost to allow hilt'of the oad , ho Iteut straight nho.M nnd forced the Idcn to dismount The horto tiled to DO nero generous than his driver and deceived n sound drubblnir Incoiiseiiuence. Somorad- cal measure should bo adopted to teach such ioplo conmionrospcct , nt least. Dnray Corrooti an iVeb. , July 19.-S porting Editor of I'IIK llEK ! A rather ridiculous paragraph up- loured in the wheel note ? of la t Sunday's 5in , scoilng the Omaha \Vluvl \ club for in activity In the Interest ot wheeling and Cap- aln Emerson for lack ol ginger , and reciting horido to l rcniont as the only nm of tin- ) ortniiconiadothisBoahon. 1'or the benellt ) f those who do not know ( perbupnlio writer of that nrtielo may bo ono of them , but I .hi nk not ) I wish to state thnt the Pivmont idowasnot achibrun.hut ua excursion , and .hoso who wont by wheel did so from choice mdnot bccauso itwas nn olllrlal call. The nileagoof theclub Is largo considering the jaa roadt during June , and FJlair , Cnltioun , Dollovuc , PappHlion , Crescent Gltyimd Olcn- , vood aronmoair the many rides of the season. : t would be veil for your informant to contlno iltnself to facts in the future and remember that those \vlio do most for tlio best interest ) f wheeling are not the ones whoso chief am- jition runs to cheap notoriety , Imaginary records nnd worthless meiials , Dtiuv. ttnil Plcaso state In Sunday's ' 15si : the exact ago of John L. Sullivan. il. J. Smith , Ponder. Ans. John L. was born In Ballon , Octo ber 15 , isr.8. \VI11 you inform mo thronai ; ! the columns of Tin : 13ii : : what number of wild buffalo nro Icnov.'ii to exist within the Unitel States at the present time , and oblige } 2. Taylor , Onmha. Ans. An CKpadltioti sent oat nycu'ao by the government to Inquire into tlia exact con dition ot the American bison , or buffalo , ar rived at the conclusion , after the most euro- f ill nnd exhaustive research , thnt there were but sixty-live wild buffalo In cxlsteaco on this continent , anil they were way up in the remote mountain"pnrln of Wyoming. Since the return of this expedition , however , a small licrd of buftilo hn been soaa up ii the extreme southwest border of Texas. It imy well bo said , though , that .tho uolilo anltnalis all but extinct. Where is Newman ot Poorin vrho signed to catch for the Brookl yn Nation alleaguo team last fall I D.J. , city. Ans. Hois now with the Omaha team at Milwaukee , having been signed by Manager Leonard on Thursday bst. IIo has been play ing with Toronto , I. L. ICocli , ICearney , Nob. It was a draw under any circumstances. The fact that Jill could not have thrown higher than Jack -with the two dice should settle tlio matter pcjrcmp- torially withou t controversy. Can you Inform mo in Sunday's baseball department what the attendance was last sea- sou on Labor day nt the National league nnd American associatioiil Did Patsy Tobcau , now vith the Cleveland brotherhood , ever play oa thoOnnha te.nnJ Plotto pivo tljc result of tlio world's championship games be tween New York and Brooklyn lost season , T. U. T. , Lincoln. Ans. The estimated attendance on Laboi day last year at the lenguo anil association parks was BJ , ! ! ' ) ' ) . Tobeau played third foi Omaha the latter inrt of the season of 'SS. ' The Now Yorksm the world's series won the second , ilfth , sixth , seventh , eijhth and ninth games , which JBIVO them the championship the series being the best six out of cloven games. Brooklyn "won tlio llrat. third and fourth games , and then fell down. "Will you please furnish a little informatloj In natural history byKlvlnj ? us the character istics of our comiinn Nebraska covotoi Student , Alliance , Neb. Ana. The Nebraska coyote , cauls latnraus isthosamo as the rest of the family from the Saskatchewan to Texas. Length , nbou 55 inches ; tall , 13 inches to 15 inches. Indis criminate feeders. Youn ? are born In April Mayor Juno , according to Intltude ; five to ten puppies to the Utter , Tlio animal is a true wolf , although It barks much like a dog Ncclcshortaiidthlclc.body . thickhead fox-llko tail short and thick , and color a dirty grayish yellow. la character , cxtrenielj sneaking and cowardly. The sporting editor has been favored with a sample of the new smokeless powder uset by the German army by Captain LylctUnltci States ordnnnco inspector ) Springfield , Jl.iss The composition of the powder Is surroundoi' with much mystery and i'jfruiirdod ' jealously by the German government. It is a palo yel low hue , resembling grejtly the flukes o shellac , nnd ismadonppaWntly In shoets.am . subsequently fragmentized. The quantity ii hand Is so small a half ounce vial that no to.it can bo made , but it Ij certainly u valun bio dlsvovery , and will bo In demand if It can over bo obtained forhunttijg purposes. Smith , Jones , Brown and Blade shoot n ten birds each , $ l < ) outranc * , three monies , (50 25 nnd IS per cent , American Shooting us soclation rules. Smith anil Jones both kil their ton straight , llrown KUlsnluciiad lllacl eight. How la tha puiMo divided t Ti ti ) Shot , Omaha. S.mf ? Ans. Your question lJ so silly ItWRsTn hardly worth the troubloto answer it. Smltl and Jones of course cither divide or shoot oi ttiotlo for tlrat ; Brown \vlns second am Black third. I am an old goosoandildckhuntw , and talc much interest in everything pertaining to the birds. I have been a close observer , but have never yet bocn ubla to locate the breeding places of wild fowl or iteterinlno where they come from. Wo sea theduchs , the Handbill wild gccso , herons nnd mcrBiuizers over : spring and fall pursuing their unwoarici way , but like the wind , \vo do not know whence they come or whither they go , Caa you state the whereabout * of their most general oral breeding growuds ? Upldeu Eye.UUorouco .Ans. There is no more KC. . eral breeding place In the word for wild fowl than way u | on Golovia Day , on the north shore of Nor ton Sound. Ucc e , ducks , swans , crauo and scaups bivod there In countless millions They build thslr nests nad lay tliclr crgs ; h the bluestem grass of the lowlands , an. hatch their young without fear of tion , Will you please puklUli in Sunday's St. Paul's hlghrst pcrccatugo tlili season I II. U. 13. , city , Ans. May4 St. Paul stood fourtli lu the race with a ncrcentaso ol O'Ji ) , THE MM OF SKILLED LABOR , t h Viewed to Adrautigo In the Uiiion Fo cifio Machine Shops. EBUILDING WilECKH ) LOCOMOTIVES , The > Ieii AVlio Keep the Iron Horses In Proper Condition for the Knee Other tjoenl News. To the man who Is interested In the work- ngs of the skilled laborer there Is no place In , ho west in which ho will llud more real en oyiueiitthiin the machine shopa of the Union 'iU'ille system , located on the bottoms in the astern part of the city. The term machine shops H freiuionlly np- illeil totho entire plant , but this is an error , sthe inachlno slwps , jn-oporly spealtlng , uro hose of the motive power department and In- ludo nwc-hlno shops Is'os. I and ! ) , the erect- ngdcpirtmcnt , the bjllor repair shoin , the beet Iron nid : tin shops ami the tool room , riicso departments , like nil of the others , are eparato and distinct , each having Its own orcnnn and workmen. The whole Is u mler ono general foreman , J. H. Manning , who eventccti years ago started in a an appren tice-boy , but by Industry nnd strict attention to business has worked himself up to his iresent Important position , Shop No. I , a low , r.mgy building , Is a ma chine shop In every sense of thoword , nud as , lie spectator stands in the doorway and looks ibout the Interior , watching tlio mgo lathes , the ponderous drills ind the great pinning nviehlnos , Ids eye tires of the sights of revolving wheel * , ( lying anus ind axles. This shop Is inchaiv'O of OttoQiifilcr , foreman - man , who In 1803 stalled as u machinist , but now directs the movements of 100 men uiul aelpers. The work performed consists largely in re pairing engines and overhauling them after Lhey luvo como In from their long trips , butte to vary the monotony , the men ninno bridge iilaUss. telegraph signals nnd turn down cast ings that have como from the foundry , mid car axles from the bhcksmitlishops , The power is furnished by a 150 horse power engine. Shop No. 2 is under the charge of William Jlulcahy. who served his tlmo as an appren tice boy , bccanionjoarneymu.il and was then promoted , to foreman , which position helms ably filled for u number of years , assisted by two foremen , John Turtle ami Martin Ken nedy , both of whom entered the shops us ap prentice boys in the early' ' ( 0s. The work of rebuilding a locomotive Is n dinicult task , or at least it would look so , butte to thcso men itls u matter that is regarded of no moro importance than to the carpenter who erects the most Inferior cottage. Now locomotives have never hiMn built In these shops , but these that have been through wrecks have been taken In and when turned oat were practically now. The first engine that over-went through the shoni was No. 111 ! . This oiiglno blew up at Kollins inlbO'J , killing the engineer and lire- mini , nud wrecking the machine until all that was left were the wheels , and they were brought to Omaha oa a coal car. These wont into Iho shoptind thirty Jays later went out under a new enciiic. \Vlicii nn engine comcsofC the road to bo re built she Is run into the shops and the strip- psrs fall upon hor. The cab Is llrst removed and then the platlnjr , the smoke stack , the steam chest and all the machinery taken off , until nothing but the skeleton remains. This Is carefully examined and If found to bo In good condition the boiler Is run onto a scat- fold and taken Into shop No , 2 , where. the straining test Is npplled. This consists in pumping in hot water until the pressure is 100 pounds to the Hcjiiaro inch. The shell Is nain exam ined and if found sound and free from cracks another lust is applied and hot water la poured in uutll the pressure roaches 2JO pounds to the sn'iaro inch. If the boiler can stand this it is good for another term of yean , uiul the process of rebuilding begins imd continues for from two to three weeks. Tlio lirst movement is to raise iho boiler on nn iron frame work , the iic\v \ coating is put on , now Hues are put Inwheels , cylinders , cranks and pistons are added , the brass boxes uro put on and In a few days the old hulk lus bcca transformed into a machine of strength and beauty. The men In this department have llnlshed their work and the engine Is sent up to the car repair shops , where the wood work is attached and the painting done , after which the cngiiio is ngniii ready to go onto the road to dr.uv Its loads of human freight between this city and thu west , or haul the freight cars loaded with the products of tlio plains or the mines. If the strippers Had the skeleton too bnillv worn , or should it not bo free from cracks , ( t goot into thoboiiejT.rdof the shops , wherca down men with heavy sledcns and wrenches take It incharge , separate tlio parts , break and cut them into convenient lengths and send them over to the blacksmith shop , whore the iron is hammered Into car axles and drawbars. This comes only as a last resort , for when an engine has gone out of date or served Its tlmo on the main lines It is ieat up into the mountains , where It makes short runs , haul ing light load * fora tiuinberof years. Under ordinary circumstances the life of an engine in from twelve to llftcon years , hut by over hauling them once a year this term Is length ened out to some extent , and if they are for- tun.ito enough to keep out of wrecks they tmy run double this length of lime , though there are but few Union Pacific engines that hnro been in the service for moro than eigh teen years. Kaeh man working in the machine shops is n machinist in some capacity or de partment. To entitle thom to go out Into the woild with this professional attachment to their names re quires work and study , and long years of ex perience under awutcuful foreman. A boy of fourteen years of ago enters the shop to learn the trade , lie is known ns i "Mil , " and iho llrst work he does is to carry waterpickup Binall bits of iron anil svccp the floor. After this ho is promoted and goes onto a thread cutting inachlno , one that cuts the threads on bolts anil burrs. Hero he serves for several months , feedinirthoinucldno and taking away the holts after they are cut down. The next step Is to go on to a "facer , " a mnchlno that planes oft the rough edges of castings , and from this ho may go to a lathe where ho becomes an assistant in turnlii | . down axles , shafts anil hangings. This line of work is continued several months and the boy is gradually advanced , stop by step , unti at the end of four years tie graduates us i journeyman machinist and Is competent to take chargoof nny of the machines , ur handle any kind of work. It may seem strange , but it is n fnct that hoys who have grown up in the Omaha shops uro regarded as butter work nica than these who have como hero Iron other shops , und in all instances are more liable to hold their positions. The most ponderous piece of machinery ii the shops is the press used In putting oi cnglno nnd car wheels. That wheels will no blip and turn upon their bearings , it is ncces s'iry they should tit closely upon the jounmls anil to innko them ill , the axel Is put into ni Iron frame , wlillo thu wheel is put lutx another iron f runic , just to the right , tha axe being placed against the hub of tlio wheel Hydraulic power is applied und u ram , backoc up by sixty-live tons of rrossuro pushes the end of the axel into place. In removing wheels from the iixcls , the same power U nj piled , except the wheels uro pushed off instcat of on , The work of repairing the air pumps Is it chargoofVilllam \ llrown anil his gang o men. IIo sees that all of the air brakes Injectors , lubricators , rods and brakes ubon the cars and en/iuos arc In proper shape , um to do this U HHiistoilby ten men. Mr. Ilrowi filtered the shops as an apprentice la ISIOnru has-worked his way up until ho Li now tb Jo iv inau of this department. The boiler factory Is aii interesting depart ment , partlculuily so ou account ol the fac hut there Is more tiolso abonta boiler factory haii any other phut ) on oarth. In thistle- i.irtnieat , which Is In the old ivimdhousi' , Ifty men hbor dally , tliclr movements bolni ? llroctod byVllltnni llnvv * , the fownmn. The vorl < per formed consists principally in build- n g new boilers nml repilrinuold : oaos. A lo- 'Oinotlvo ' holler Is not n tncroloy , as tliCBhrll 1 of steel pinto lint ( nn Inohtlilck , bent Into hapoby ninnlii ! ; through u huge pros' , the rawer for which is fnrnhhcil by a 150-liorso KJweroiiduo. Thcso sheets of stool are llrst riven to the drillers , who borothorlvethole ) , met then they are bent to Iho diameter re- [ UliVil. attar \\lilclithov tire bolted together ii tlw boiler Factory , wncii they are si'tupoa lorMCS. Next tlu ; lines and 'tio.uls urn put n and then they nro ronily to go il ) to the iimchino shop * , where they ire lln- slieilun nud mounted. The lluoeloiner h run In coimcctlon with ho bollir factory anil is a laive cvllnder , mown imliovpurl.iiieoas ii "rattle. " Tin1 Hum ilia boiler , owing to tlw linio In ho water , sojii ro.it and btioomo covered vlth scales. This am ing drops off , fallto ho flholl of the boiler ami intlmoworki great Injury , and to prevent this the UUP * ' i ire Uiicen out once each ah months , placed a the rattle , which revolves nt a , lilglimto of speed ami the lime removed. The removing iroeess occupies from tour to six horns , The tlmv.irodepirtinoat , over whUMilt. It. Jroivn presides , keeps ninety men constantly om ploy ud -working sheet tin und iron Into ur roofs , tanks , oil e.ins.cto. In this do- inrtmeutnll of thnhoso for the air bnilws iscil 011 the entire systoin are lilted nnd ro- uiiivil , ' . ' ,000 per month being the number mnillcd. 'VYIillo helni ? a foreman ami havIiiKbeenln .ho employ oftlio nimpmy for tiventy-thivo ruurs , In addition to all of this , Air , Drown is something of aa Inventor - vontor , as ho is the patentee of i miehino forprcsslng the Iron connectirns onto the br.iko lioso. This little nuiohiiio Iocs the work of ten THOU , nml recognizing Its nihicncc , tlu company several yours uco nilil liiiiiKKVJfor the pilvilego of usiiij it In , hcshops. llesides this ho has invented a rurnnco for heating , lira/Ing and welding tubes. For this invention ho has never re ceived tiny pay , thotighlt inconstantly In IHO in the department where tlw engine lines are tmndlcd On the second floor , over shniiXo. I , A. L. Simpson holds full sway and liM fourteen men do nothing but luulco and keep In ronalr the tools used by the workmen la tlio various doiiartnieiits , This , however , Isno .small job as every Instrument , from the smallest cold chNol to the largest hammer , must pass through his hands when out of repair , It Is hard to realize the amount of vorlc that Is turned outof the mnchlne shops each month , but to form some Ule.i ills only neces sary to state that the vuluo of new material produced during the month of Juno \viis $ - > iOOand ( this was one oftho light months. This material included that which was worked into curs , lad locomotives fortho Onmhailivislori , whllo half as much moro wns furnished fortho other divisions of this roud. I > nlor At Sm : F'ranclwo the city's bolls rhiR each day at the bejjliiiiinB and ending of the eight- hour day. NlnoNew York smpenJor maniif.icturors on Monday acceded to this domaiids of tlieir striking cniloyes. [ ) A. Boston pinna companv , employing 000 persons , hai adopted the nine-hour a.iy with out rcducliigwuxcs. The demands of the employes of the street i-aihvsiy in .lolict , ill. , for inoro puy and shorter hours hnvo been granted. During the strike the Columbus ( Ohio ) councils threaten to rescind the railway's franchise and have the railway run by the city.The The threaten cil strike ot dock laborers at Sydney , r .B. W. , has been averted by a compromise between the masters and the men. men.The The San Francisco Journeymen brewers have decided thnt apprentices must bo bo- tivconfifteen and oixatccn years and servo two years withf'Ja ' week for the lint and § 11 the second year. ThostrilM atlJoynoldsvlllo , Pa.hasbcen , declared rfl , and the men have returned to vorlc at the old price list - 45 cents per ton , Tnero are still many men who uro umiblo to llnd employment , The Journeymen stair builders of New York have prevailed upon their employers to pact them the eight-hour workday with 110 Increase of pay , Tlio concession is unani mous and will affect 500 workmen. ThcPaclfle Coast Labor union has de nounced the administration for the letting of the contract fortho United Slates cruiser tea a llrni whose molders are on a strike. The firm has imported foreigners. A Stockton ( C'ul. ) car driver has sued the company for L'iOO ( for mulling him work over twelve hours n day In stilto of tlio law , which lilies the railroad J.10 for each offense , the line tofjo to the prosecutor. Txvclvo hundred coal miners are on astrllw nt the Spring lllll collieries in Xovu Scotia. The man object to the .system of "docking" " n whole boxof coal for short measure orstone , Evorvthinp at the colliery is at a stand-still , This Is the largest inlnuln Nova Scotia. President ISbcrhnrdt of the Gliwsworlcers' ' union at Httstarjc visited the Bnrgo ofilco la NowVorkyesterday and had a conference with Chief Contract Labor Inspector Mill- Holland about the iinporUtionof glass bio wem froniKurope hr the inanufncturcra of Pitts- burKiind vicinity. A plan van agreed upon for the prevention of glnisworkoM coming to this country under contract. A strilto among the switchmen and other employes of the Cincinnati , Hamilton & Dayton road In Limn , O. , was ended on Thursday night lust by tlio prompt uccotit- nnco by the company of the turim asked by the men , The switchmen's wanes are ad vanced from $1.85 toSU.15 for night and from M.S.Ho ss..US per day for day men ; llromen lroml.U."i to $1.85 $ ; brake-men from JI.-IU to ? 1.50 , nudcoiiduotors from § i,13 to$2. i. CO.V.V A squinting wife may bo amiable , though always looking cross. Itwasnn Austin pirl wlio married nt ( If- teen , so that she could have her ijoldcn wed ding when it would do her some food. Then never WAS iv goose so gray Hutfomoold gander cnmo that way Ana took her for hli miito Tolstoi says mnrriago is a sin , Tet tlds Ido i generally obtain , and via expect to see n tremendous boom in the matrimonial mar ket. ket.Slio Slio It will bo a pleasure for mo to share your troubles and anxieties. lie-But I huvcn'tnny. She Ob , you will hnvo when wo are married. Ills great fun to gclcnjjaged.lmta young mairshould not bo deluded Into the iilea Unit ho can Increase ) his amusement by gettlngcn- gajjcd to moro than six girls nt onco. "Vonnj , ' Wife Hut , ChnrlcH , you sahl before wo were married that my slightest \vlsh should bo gratllleJ , Young Husband \c.s , Maria , lut there's notldnjj sllylitabout u flu bonnet. Tommy Taw , what Is the difference be tween "impelled" and ' comiX'llodl" Mr. Figg Wiy-er It Iivas impelled to marry your mother and now I urn compelled to llvo with hit. A New York woman who Is suing for said voivo bcuiiu.su of failure to provide stated that when her eight children wcro in need of shoo- hcrhusliand sent her a basket of Hovers and u lot of Ids oivri poetry , Kuto Field rises to remark in her Washing ton : * 'For the world's most famous living discoverer dldn'.tlt Uitm Henry Stanley | iilto u while to discover Unit what lie needed was " from Miss Field's toinarryi" Coining Jour- iinl the opinion may bo regarded as on expert ono. ono.Wifo Wife You do not speak to mo as affection * ately as you used to , George. I think you have ceased to love mo. Husband There you uro again 1 Ceased to love yon 1 Why , I love you bettor than my life. Now shut up und let mo rend my paper. Iou Loxvrio and Miiiulo Manchester , 11 youthful couploof Medicine Lodge , Kan. , clopodtho other morning , nnd arc supposed to be innrrleil by tlih tfino. They only mot for the Ill-sit tlmo about three wcokingo , but the young man was smitten oa lirst &lght. nnd threatened Hoveral tlni'-a to kill hlirihdf 1C tha girl did not murry him. Bo sliu wed to save hlaj. iinvc o T All Eutliuixstlo Omahjm Oroates \ Boast * tioa iu a. CauniHm Ciij , HIS PATRIOTISM WAS UNCOSKEDi A Moiiat l" ' < mt-tli ol. ' duly lclplu-nlli t % \viiluli tin ? ( ! u nni'lcNVcro I'uroed d Widu-si und IONS to L'nn i nl , Mr. . fnniM 0. Hnniilsoti , of hoti-l'i c-xivutlve stntr , ILLS Just i from a tliiYJ wcjlcs' ' trip t1ii\wjh July I fdiuil liliu Ui Toronto , tlw iiuwn eily ot OnUuloi , > f coin-aiiniLkld an untUi ) iitisenc-o of iinyllitnirlrituvcr ! lit thorny of n. t"lo ir.ition. Hut "Jim , " n * li LM i > c t known iti innhii , Isn't , the sort of an iVniorli'an tolob icli , i ilayna the lAmrtli of July p.iu uiino- i-od nnttcr u-how , tlild , n upon blrf romiU orld It nuy llnd him. And so Jim divided to K\YO \ the. CIUMCM , ! n ttlotnstoof his true blue AiucrLc.ia lAnutti- July la in. On tlio alU-rnoiMiof the tbli'il ho scoured 10 toivn tind actually suocoMn , ! in lulins1 siinio lU-e\voL'ls. \ IIo bought a vutid ( Jititcii paclcap' * of small Iliw. Tiichors nd te > iifivit tMiinun L'l-aclieirv , toju-'thor ' nlth gross of devil snntchon , Tjii/iard JUIIIIKTH , 'hlneso ( . ' .vi'lones , cla , etc. Hat lie ronldu'D ml nn Aiiiorii'iin Hag : it u store iinywiit'm lu 10 cnllroclty. Ijllic-ull thorest t'f lilstruo VtiKTlttiiilirothi'fslii ) xvas ket'iily ' Inipmsoil vitli tlo fnct , tliar , a PaurllL of July without ! io ohl st.ira . and stlrlpcs oi.'ciiiyiiiK | a froub oat \ \ ulil seeui lltuo ulso tlinii a lijtsa uvki'ry. A hapiiythoiiRlitstriicltlilin , There was iv Juitoil Stitos , consul In 'J'o-fonto. ' L'ertalnly lioiii was , Uuclo Sin und kceiM inch iinir * iduiili LiyliiR iirouiiU jutjtty thicJc inidoi * voiy sUyuud iu every cliino. Jim vWt ; il lie Arneili'iui coiibulilo uiul fun nil oiircimn- r.v's ropMientatlro : ik'ffept blr lof the wjrfi'ct. iiieriiMii eaiileorJor who iviclvcil li'ii In rival stylo. "I'm hero on business , ' aid Jim. ' 'Hnvo ou iwt iii ! extra jutxL ortwool the utar spun ; led banner ! " " \'uu nuiy Just Mnlco your llfo on that , " re- > 1 Ifd the co nstiL , and producctl n Ueiuiti f ut ilk Ihij , ' six feet luiifc wlilch ho lint Just re el veil from the depiiTtincnl at UitHliliijilon o ivpUico nn old onti that Imd been shiftily ts soiif ; of Amorlcaii freudoui , love , order ind Invv under lCnglls.li sltios , and lo the tuna of KiiRllali brec.e < foe many a lonu ye.ir. " \Vi'lll , want lo borrow it to shnlco In the 'aeca of tlicso aulijcots oC Julinnio Hull to- nori-oiv , " sild .1 ini. "ToUoib , and don't ' , let'em bluff you , " sulil the consul. 'Vt'lieiiJim readied the hotel that eveiiinp. ils nuns full of Ihvwoilcs jind lli r , an old irofeisorvlio tuiglit IIL u nmdle.il college icar by remarked : "Itiiiay boalL ilslfb for you to shoot olt .hose-Chinese li rcwo rl < s , youuy : mm , but excuse - cuso inolf I rcitinik that you better Steep lasoutcf surprise at this was. sliti ply ovcr- ) i vei-lii | { . itwas Jlrst tlaio lie nnd cvcc loaul tte Ung o-l Ills country IiiMillcd. Ilia > looil bejiiu to tioll so linvd that tlio bt am from it blurred Ida sight , lluforu he coulil reply anotli < 'rold-tlni.oJolimiiu Hull eilijcCl up mil exclaimed : "Thui's so younp : chtip that's so. > To American ling will bo allowel to 111 rt bjCoro our noses toiuornir above nil days I" Jim b-ea-ine - wild , twtlio kept his wlUliicsa under Ills vest , and thouylit. ho wouldn't inak a mouUoy of hiinsclX by lina-k In L' d < nva tlio pray licndcd coekucya. Kcctilui ; l U inoutli slnit ,11m passed on un to liU ruuut nnd tlopu-iltcil liis ] irecl ( > U3 ijuruoti buhniil loclc nnd key , and then revisited tlio Aiauricoii consul. " .Scohcro , " Bnid lie. "Will I 3)0 apt lo biinu wir ordiognicoon oiiroonntiry If ] car- vv out tav little iirogrraimno oC celubrutiiiirtlio " Fourthi1" ' " 'Jhcy don't like It a hit thcso Unp-lisli- nien , " replied the consul , "bu b let 1110 U'H ' you Iliis tiling , that , if you waiitU ) felolnnto tlio Fourthof .Inly tomorrow , cclebratw it , u nil If ono thread of Unit Hug Is touched lay im l iiff- lishinaii , the Insult will bo roswrtctl b > y tlio Aincrican Kovoninioiit. " 'J'liooil ( of clay Tvasjust snuflliif ; out. tlio still's Fourth of .fuly mom Ing when .llm awolie , lltfw to- the top of tlio hotel with his llafr. cannon rndlliucriif.UcN ainil eoimuu'iiccd buslnesi. HI3 first move win 'to quioily run un the stars , and striies. | npnu a llno-tnll ling st.nlt vvhlcli lia found un the lioU'l. As shu sprond out to the Ureivo Jim touched oil a gluiit llrocmckiT. Next ho yelled " ' .t'lirco cheers for the star * ami stripes , " UixjiilienrlnKtho firsb report some sleepy IioliL-einuu hiul caiipht tliolilca tlioro vo.3 un cxplosbii und lire , und up itcid turneil In a Uro alarm. Thut li < l settle It. Iwiiek ftrnral .Jim's celebration beyond bis vviltloat aii'icliiations. It wis not until tiulftlio jiooplo in tlio city ' liad rudiod in tnlhastrictatliat tlio catiso o'f thujiliiriu bccjimo Iciunvn. J\ml when tlioy looked up ami iilsuovuiud tlio AiuorUiui Hug well , tliei'o wiis a roguhir puiic. Hut J im did n t lo t tlicsir iirodlnicncnt worry him for a niliLiito but kit ou honmingoiY Ilia Ki-uiitlli-ccraclters sine ! yelling "tlirco c-heuw lor America" with oce.Lslonully u stauxa ot "Tlie llMi , U'hlto stiul Ultio. " AVhy didn't they coinouji nnd stop him } JimliiKi been too cute loitlioiu. . ILo lind locked tlio trapdoor rifter KettuiKUpon thq roof. Before lie hnd finished tliu culvlirullon It liadbeon reported out tlirougla lln crowd that lie was a very lnlhicntia.1 ! cltly.cn of Ainuilca aniJ ono who h.icL . iwworwlth the Ainciba.li consul. Ko , byttio tleuu IIIH Jiro- works \vcro ull gene Uiu crowd u had doiiuiltltnlr Idea of doing him nny ri nni3 nllo\vcd lihntogi ) his ivayUioicu of uolli Ingvorio than their scowls. Onothlii ( { isverj'Buru ! Jliiijciwolliu iiij ( llsb of that city such : t tnst of .American iu dcpemloncu usthuy will remember luar ; after the yoiniKust has Jl veil to ncoijuec S' aucccjccl by a form of Kovurmnvut a o'outiter piiL'tof tlial towUich J iinclalias unlliusliistlo allct'liiiice. I'KF.'l'XflSltX'I Ml III * I'M , \ "simplo" dlgn.-a c-igarotto. Siv.ilcing . about "circular letters , "O Is one , [ thuueor tluL w.itoroil stllkcun bo wlno coLortd. All plain sailing Navigating n pralrl ( > schoonur , Furuvery ocnt umim ha.s hohtis t\ro \ cents' ' worth of dealro. Slio : "Wli.it a strong face he lim.1" Hoi "Ves ; that coiuoa from oxewLso. EIo haj bwnivuvclnii'on It fo r matiy your. ! , " ( irlnuiKQ"Wull. . tlicro's ' ona't.hliiif suro. no innni'ould make 11. foid of nn ; . ICuvMIttNo ' ; tliat't ' n fiiut , He'd bo tlii'owlni ; his lima nivny. " 'I'lio unhaiiilc3t.mari of tlio ila-y Is tlio ona wlio goes otT OIIJL viicutlon uiidretuniH lo llnd tli a tii Id fiicndj do not Iciwv liyh-in beau \Vlnii n itinn hns tbo reputwlloii of being plain spoken It is n inllil way ol putting It Hint he nov M'Beasu'iythln.fr ' ; ifoodlo speak o4 111. OtIlUW , An eastern man lias wntlon a book oi nearly two liund red | iaicn ; on 14Tha ] Jlhposa.j oC Household WajsU'.s. " The bust i\i..v \ to dls IIOKO of them can bo tulil in u kw words ) "J'ut your sum uround them. " Kirat , Kurituckian JIow- did Colonel HtntU tcr net , his military title , do you kite \v ! Hei > onilKcntucWan YCSJ when li wus ayountf luaiiho used to tlnll helm in a q.uurfy. "Lniid , Kol" Bhouted tlio lookout.Just listen that " said . " ' 'DM to , Ahy. any ono V < T BOO a. line that , wasn't ' ti land boot" " Why , certainly. " suid I nulln.o. "You can. co Huvctul leot or ViUt'sr iuoso riglit OA board. " Silesman-I aiippo'so you \v331tillowmo \ t jollHrokc' , IIpp A ; Col l : > rliiclpd J"'ni 800101 ivhat afraid oT their credit , 3Mr , VulJssco. HiileHinuii Hut jou know they falhd iiUout | rear ago and xuttlcd at toi rtuts. I'TJII Utliat sot Then they mutt , live i Bvll Uicui all you can ,