8 THE OMAHA DAILY BJDE , SUNDAY , JULY 20 , 1800.-TWELVE PAGES. THE BOSTON STORE. 3 Beally Roimrkablo Purchases From the United States Custom House. BOO I)07 ) Mt Handkerchief * J,1OO , Sample Tcwi'ln unit Tliroo CUHUH Iltiiiil-iiiiulo Torchon Imuc on Kale Monday. The purchase of thcso towel1 ! Is tlio greatest snap vvo over struck. Thcro IB only 0110 pair of each kind , but they nro beauties. "Wo bought the lot so low that the pi-ices will astonish you tomorrow. At "lc , till the Indies' ' colored bordered hemstitched ImndkcichiofH , ] > liiln white handkerchiefs and woven boidor hand- hoichleffl , woith up to lctomorro\v ( ) 2jo. At 7e , ladles'lino white linuii hand- heichiofs , inch wldo lieniHtltchud , line cnibioldorcd Into edged handkerchiefs nnd elegant coloted bordoied handker chiefs worth up to Me , at 7c. At 15c Tlio llncst sheer llnon , pnro white , colored bnidoicd andembroldored hiuulkcrchiofti woith uj ) to35c , ut Ifio. At 2oc Tlio choice of tbo llncst linen handled chiefs ever impoited. Some of the daintiest handkerchiefs you over fctivv. They uro worth up to $ i.2-j. To- monowUoc. MEN'S HANDKERCHIEFS. AtOo All the men's full-sl/cd white htuidki'rchiofs-with hemstitched colored borders worth up to 2. " > o , at Oe. At Ic ! ) All the men's pure linen white and colored botdoted liandkeiuhiefB woith up tofiOc , go at inc. TOWELS , TOWELS. We give jou the eholeo of any all linen Gorman low els at lOc that could not ho bought in the regular way ( it less than I6c. At ICe wo will give you the choice of the finest all linen towels with roloicd boidets that , if bought in the regular way , would test } on25r. At 21c wo offer 100 dilToicnt samples of the 11 nest iiupoi ted knotted filngound hemstitched flno s.itin dauiiislc towels Hint could not be bought In the icgultir \\iiy tit less than 50c. At lilio and 5Je\vo ( will offer you the choice of tlio finest o\lra largo Urn els and drawn open \voik dicbser bciufs that are worth uj ) toSl.GOeaeh. HAND HI A OH TORCHON LACES. All the icul band made , pine linen , toiehon hues that would bell icgultir at ICe , tomonow at 2c. All the wide torchon laces that would sell regular tit ICe , toinortow 5c. All tlio extra vvido , beautiful patterns of real hand made toiebon laces worth ri'Kulmly ui > toiiOo a vatd , tomonow UP. FROM KILPATUICIC , KOCU SA.M- PLIS. : LADIES' UNDERWEAR. Divided intothrco lots. LOT 1 AT Sc. This includes all the line Jersey and Swiss ribbed ladies' knit underwear that wholesaled up to $2.50a do/en , at Sc. LOT U AT 12e. } Includes all the samples of flno lisle thread imported underwear that whole- Baled as high as $1.)0 ( ) a do/on , at liZJe. LOT : t AT 2oc. In this lot tuo samplesof the finest im ported fast black and fancy striped lisle thread hose that --vholobalo at SO a do/en , tomouovv2oc. EXTRA SPECIAL. 1 i In our millinery department we will offer tomorunv 70 do/en LADIES' FINU BLACK CANTON FLATS AT 9c. They are worth 50c , THE BOSTON STORE , lit S. Kith bt. Karly Closing. "When the early closing movement tunong the retail shoo dealers was on foot about two weeks ago it mot my hearty apptoval , and I signed the a jiuo- mont to close my store at O-'JO , as I bo- llovo in giving my clerks their evenings on during tlio hot weather. Since that time I ha\o closed promptly at the hour ngrecd , but I Had mine is the only shoo Btoro on Parnam street that closes at C'80. I hone that my ft lends and cus- toinois will lind it convenient to make their purchases before that hour , as I clobo my store at 00 : ! ! , except Satin days nt 10.30. > > G. W. COOK , 1312 Farnam street. I .1 Sjiecial sale in underwear at Block & Hoj man's. Peterson , the photogtnplicr , Btill makes cabinet photos , at Too per do/ ; 1012 Farnam , one door east of NY. . life building1. A Card , In explanation for our action during thoicceiit cut of prices made by the photographois of thia city , vowould state wo wore obliged to dibcontinuo this cut at once , as tlio rush at our galloties was bo gieat as to mnko it impobMblo for us to extend to our regular custom ers courteous treatment ami give them goodwoik. What work wo have done ut a low price will bo finished in a first- class niaunor. But as wo wore satibllcd that our customers , at least the great mnjoiity of them , do not w ant cheap jihotograjws , wo decided to discontinue the cut at once in order not to injure our health or reputation. Wo are willing to lot other firms in this city make their " ' "very supeiior jihotographs nt $1 per do/on , but the lowoat jirico charged for cablnots at our galleries will bo $1 per doion. Respectfully , Gioiian : IIiVv.v , 1A. . _ SolillriN Swimming In llatt illonn. Ono of the featutes of thf- military drill in the Rossian army is the training of soldiers to swim in battalions , at the Biimo time using their weapons. At tlio recent annual mllitaiy maneuvers in the prcboiKo of the c/ar a line oxhibitian ol proficiency was ghen in thisdliection. A largo force of infantry swam across a lake in full matching 01 dor , with the help of fiibclncb made of t coda or rushes , or mllatcd sheepskins. At tlio sanio time they kept up n lively lire on the boat of a bupjjp ed enemy who was dis puting their passage. _ Dr. Hamilton Warren , eclectic and magnetic jihysiclan and surgeon , teems 2 and 3 Cromibo block.cor. Kith and Cap itol ave. Chronic and nervous diseases a specialty. Telephone OH. Tbo now olllccs of the great Rock fs- land route , 1602 , Sixteenth and Farnam etieot , Omaha , nro the llaest In tlio city. Call nnd see thorn. Tickets to all jioints cast ut low cat rates For IIurKiilim In 1'Innon GotoMcBtldo fi Co. , successors to Al fred Moinberg Co. , 1511 Dodgo. * Look Jleic , Pianos used but little , seine noarlj now , -which wo oiler nt u great * ucrltlco for thia week , mo the best bargains. Go BOO them at A. Ilospo's music store 151 ! Douglns st. _ _ U.UIY At Half l ilce. Parties in need of n baby carriage wll llml n doblrnblo line at 50 per cent din count to close out. DEWEV & STONE , FURNITURE CO. 1115 nnd 1117 Tarnnm street. For llnrgnlim la I'lnnoa Goto McDrido & Co. , successord to Al Ired Moiiibcrj ; Co. | 1514 Dodgo. Blue Mondaj , that ia What They Call it Generally , 11 at AVc AID GoltiR to 'Mnko It Mvcly , niul Vou \ \ III Kind Prices Knoolccd toJcrlehu Come. Monday. Tor this falo wo will quote Bomo of ho most ridiculously low prices ever { uotcd in Omaha. A lot of line ginghams nnd seersuck- eisat 7jc. Wo cannot buy them in a regulnr way under loc. A lot of about / j nieces of outing flan nel , worth fully from 20o to liJc , at "Je a yaul. Mosquito bar , all you wish of it at lOo n piece. 1'ino bleached muslin , n yard wide , at ISoa jnrd , woith Sc. Tine unbleached muslin nt 4Jc a yttttl , vortb be. Wo have rccoi\ed a consignment of ace curtains fiom an eastern auction lousoon which wo will save jou CO per cent. cent.Wo will start at G9c a pair , fully worth $1.50. A hotter ono at 7oc. Wo will offer ono that cannot bo duplicated anywhere - where under S2 for O'Jc. We ha a gteat vailety of the'-o and -wo mean what wo bay , wo will fciue jou 50 pel- cent. cent.Wo Wo will close out the remainder of our j.iby hammocks at 'He. Our full sl/o hammocks , to close out our odds and ends , we will oiler them at 60c. 60c.Men's Men's gaii7osliitts at 15c , worth 25c. Men's fancy utripo underwear at 39c , w ortlt 7oc. Men's fancy lisle stiipo at JOc , worth $1.00. A lot of odds and ends in men's outing launel slilils at half price. The celebrated Jericj eoiset , sold the \orld over tit Toe , wo Will oiler at this sale nt li'Je. ' Wo can give you any sl/c. All our odds and ends in summer cor sets tit 'Jc. 'Jc.MILLINERV. . Sailor hats at 12e each. Flowers at one-third the market pi ice. Any tilmmed hat in our house at ! ) . ! ) . Among these are some French lattein hats Unit cost fiom $2U to S2j to mpoi t. Any colored straw hat in the house or 2)0 , and vvo have some line Milan and fanej braids worth from $3.00 to $1.00. Ladies' nicely trimmed hats we offer ib low as 2oc. The millinery must go. RIBBONS. Ileio is the cheapest lot of ribbons of a line guide over placed before the niblie. All silk ribbons in colois comprising ancy stiipos , jilaids and fancy black at 2c. ! ) Thcso ribbons arc worth fully 75c vyaid. Among them aio a few pieces of all silk black btibh ribbon , and they go at the same piice. Don't miss this sale it STONEHILL'S. To tlio Imllcs. Special sale in ti links nndvalises at tall price , Block & IIov man's , 109 N. 10th st. Another Omaha Sleeping Car null a New Tialn. The Chicago & Northwestern railway tms now added to itb 11.10 j > . m. fast train ! i om Omalia a now and elegant sleeping car for the exclusive use of Onmhn pations. Thistiain loaves Omnhanftcrbusiness liotus nnd makes close connections in Chicago with the limited eastern trains on all lines. The Omaha and Chicago sleeper on the 40 : ! p. m. yestibuled lljcr is still con tinued in service. Another entirely new f.ist train has been scheduled , lea\ing Omaha 1:15 : p. in. , arriving Chicago 0:50 : the next morn ing. This is aery convenient train for Boone , Mtushalltown , Dubuque , Cedar Rapids , Clinton and intcnncdiato points. City ticket office , 1401 Fntunm street. R. R. RITCHII : , General Agent. G. F. Wr&T : , City Pab&engcr Agent. Try Solioclply's $3 Shoos , 1415 Douglas sheet. lOO I'iano I5o\os. A. IIospo , 1513 Douglas btreot , has 100 piano boxes to bell at $2 each. Window shades at Falconer's. The AVIiolo Interior of the Inland nil Unknown Ten I lory. Newfoundland is about thieo hundred miles across at its bumdost j > art and a little over four bundled miles long. Its people aio peculiar , as all insular folk arc , but rugged , hardy , honest and hos pitable to a ilogieo. The whole interior is an unknown ter ritory , ays the Now Yoik Iloitiltl. Only ono white man has over made the jour ney from east to west a Mr. Counack , who accomplished the feat in 1&20. Con sequently tnoro is no map of Newfound land extant which ib in any dcgieo relia ble. It is n very eurioiib fact that a valuable tract of land , with coal , iron , lead and sihor in its bowels , and per fectly accessible to tlio cxploior , should remain so long unknown. The inhabitants live on the water nnd have no interest whatever in farming. What thoj eat and wear is all imported. Hardtack , tea and fish constitute their diet fiom ono jear to another , nnd on tlio poor man's table meat is seldom seen. They are skilled bailers , but they would stumble over a jilow and hietik their necks. The coast is their homo , all they Know aujthing about , except the -wild waste of watois fiom which they get their living and in which KO manv llnd their gnues. Ten miles from the rockb on which their cabins aio built vou enter ujiou a wilderness well stocked with game , watered by rivers in which liout nro jilonly , but the jieoplo leave it undisturbed by ax or agriculture. The quaint city of St. .lohns icminds ono of the mellow nnd mystical modi- ; uval days. It lias thrift biit is old fash ioned. At night the watchman still patrols the sticots droning out the hours in fitcnloiianvoice nnd ending with the icfrain "All's well. " Some day ontorprifO will rub its eves open , nnd then Newfoundland will offer n now field for capital nnd speculation. Great sale of linens at Falconer's. Gentlemen Alwajs Dcbiro that their cigars bhttll ho of the best. To obtain such bo certain that vou call on Win. Gocdccko & Co. , In the Marker block , 15th and Faimim sts. Seaman's wagons best and cheapest. Samuel Hums says ns you go down street bee Hint "King Charles" wato in ft out windows. Thrco cnsks ju t re ceived. Sold in odd pieces or courno sots ns desired. Special Sale of Parlor rin-nlturo. In. order to mnko room for the now /nil / styles \\oolTur for snlo this week 300 pieces of doslmblo pallor furniture , con sisting of divans , cnsy chaiis , fancy rocker * and reception chairs , at nil IB * count of 50 per cent , which is far below the nctunl cost. DEWEY & STONE. FURNITURE CO. , 1115 and 1117 Fuinuui street. IIAVUKN MHOS. IjCttlllR DllVVIl tllO 1'llCCS. Good country butter 7c , 8c , lOc , 12c : creamery butter , 15c , 17jc , lOe ; full cream cheepo , lOc ; brick chocso , 121c : boneless hatn , lOc ; picnic ham , 8c ; best sugar cured ham , lie ; 21 pound stone jar of all kinds of jams , IDc , worth 3" o ; oil sardines , 5c ; mustard sardines , lOo ; very best Alaska , salmon , this IH the finest packed , 12ic , worth 3oe ; 2 pound ami very best red raspberries jircsot vcd in heavy syrup , 17ic. worth 35e. Wo sell the best nncolorcd Japanese ton , in the city for 27c , 3jc , 47c and COc. You ought to sample this tea. The very host Min- neaiiolis superlative for $1.35 ; snovvllako , $1.00 ; Alphin Hour. SI.50 ; St. Jo. No. 10 , $1.00 ; very beat XXX soda crackois. Co. IIAYDERBROS. , Dry Goods and Giocoiies. HOUSE rUKNISIIINGS 3-ly ] ) hose , fully mounted , Uc n foot , woitlrJSc to ISc. 2-whcol hose eait , OSo nndnno7 1o ISc. Lawn mowers at less than manufactuiors' cost. 1'erfointed chair scats 8c , worth 2jc. Covered pulls 6e , Oc , Sc and lOc , cneh. Shelf nnd tollot pajior 3o bundle. No. 2 wostein washer Si.50 , worth $0. Well nindc , good wring ers 81.50 , worth fUo. 100-foot who clothes line 4c. ! ) 5 do7on clothes pins 5c. Copper-bottom wash-boilers 5'Jc , worth $1.25 ; jilnt cujis Ic ; jilo jilatcs lc ; cake cutters , lc ; milk pans , Ic ; 12 different styles of tcir.i cotta cuspadores , Uoo ctich ; cake stands , loc ; one-half gallon water jug , 33o ; good teakettle , 15c ; 0 sauce dishes , lOc ; egg timers , lOc ; Hint glass tumblers , 2jc ; cut glass tumblers , 5eagood ; Btcol hatchet , lOc ; best steel hammer , lee ; decorated toilet sot $2.00 ; decorated wash bowl nnd pitcher , $1.05 ; carpet swcojicr , $1.2ocolTeonnd ; lo.i pots , lOc ; dishpans , loc ; musttiid spoons , 3 for 5c ; jatent handle llntitons , $1.50 net ; 5 , ( 00 decorated cupg and saucers at COo per sot , woi th $1 ; glass butter dishes , 5c ; spoon holders , Co ; sugar bowls , oc ; creamers1 , fie ; rope , Ific jier pound ; shoo and store buiHlics , lOc ; folding camp chaiis , llc ) ; porcelain pots nnd kettles , from 2oc up to 75c ; jolly glasses , 21c per do m. IIAYDIN : UROS. , Dry Goods and House Furnishings. SlIOi : DEPARTMENT. Cut prices in shoo dopaitmont this weok. Ladies'russott oxford ties 75c , worth $1.00. Ladies' dongohi oxford tics 05c , worth SI 2o. Ladies' fine dongoln and rus otto\foul ties 91.2" and $1.15 , worth $1.50 and $2. Ladies' line dongohi pat. tip and plain oxford ties $2 , i educed fiom i2.50. Ladies' Fioncli go.it rubsott oxford ties $2.15 , icduced fiom $3. Mibses' fine dongola and russctt ox- foids , sizes 11 to 2 , $1 and $1.2.5. Children's dongola and rus-ott oxfords , faii-os 8 to 10 } , 8-jc , 'Jocund $1. Men's southern tics and oxfords , to close , 51.75 , $1.95 and $2.7(5. IIAYDm BRO . , Diy Goods and Shoes , 10th st. Ijadles' Hnlr Miss S. M. Moore , who has been for a number of jears in business in Chicago , has recently ojiened a fancy hair baaar at 1522 Douglas sticet in the store -with F. M. Shadoll & Co. Miss Moore makes a specialty of cut ting children's hair , fancy hatrdiessing , shampooing and bang-cutting will bo done in tlio moat aitisticmannor by Miss Moore and her assistants. Midsummer - nlc. Special sale of llannol shiits at greatly reduced prices nt Clock & Hoyman's , 109 N. 10th bt. Fine wedding rings at A. Edhohn's. Something About the T 'ttlo Island IJtiKlaml Una Trnili-d to Germany. The relative value of national possess ions is curiously illustrated by the fact that England , witli her 9,000,000 square miles of the earth's surface , receives for this little island , which is not as largo as Central park , an indemnity ropio- benting about half a million square miles of African soil , writes Poultnoy Bigolow in Harper's Weekly. Even this may wove loss than profitable , for Heligo land yields an annual revenue of $40,000 , while ho would bo a bold piophot to assoit that any European power will make both ends moot in the ntunimstiation ot tlio ' 1511101 : Conti nent. But though as a , mercantile ex change the British have received u questionable property from Germany , still it is a mnt'or of congiatinUion for the civilii-cd world that the two greatest Protestant nations of Europe , both be longing to the same Germanic lace , and both rivals in the same industiial Hold , should have removed fiom between thorn the cause of what might nt any time pro voke avv ar. Heligoland became English after the defeat of Napoleon and his exile to Elba. At that time no ono but Onoibonau dreamed of such a tiling as a mighty German empire , stretching from the ocean to the Russian frontier , and Eng land had little dilllculty in holding it by treaty. . It lies adjacent to Germany's greate"sl seaport and commands the appio.ieh to the second in importance as well. If a foreign jrovycr should claim possession of Block island or Fisher's island wo could realise liowGoi mans regard Hel igoland in British hands. Or if vvo could imagine an island olT the mouth of the Mibiisbipni ; or between Sandy Hook nnd Fiio island , the ea'-es would bo somewhat analogous , provided the Brit ish Hag floated over thorn. Fortunately Heligoland has long since ceased to bo coii'-idoied valuable to England , while to Germany it lias ribon in impoitanco with every increase in the Gei man navy , oveiy addition to Gorman's mcichant muiino , nnd , above all , every indication of having to reckon with Russian or French cruisers. A. 3Iux llol/.licnnor Co. Fine watch lepnliing , 1113 Douglas st Omaha Rcnl Estate & Trust Co. , re moved to 220 S 17th bt. , Biu ; building. Seaman's buggies best nnd cheapest Dr. Blrnoy.practieo limited to catarrh- nl diseases of nose and tin oat. 13oo bldg. Tickets at lowest rates nnd superior accommodations via , the great Rock Is land louto- Ticket olrtco , 1002 Six teenth and Farnam streets , Omaha , Leave your watcli repairing and jew elry work nt ( J. L. Eriekson's , Masonic block , 10th and Capftol avenue. Miss M. McGrath has reduced her suminer goods to cost to close August 1. Mibb M. McGrath , H18 Ramgo block. Jjook : Ilcic. Pianos used but little , some nenily new , which vvo olTur at n great saorillco for this week , aio the best bargains. Go bco them at A. Hospo'd mubic btoie 1513 Douglas tat. Y. I' . S. C. E. annual union evening plcnlt * to bo hold at Syndicate park July -I ( nt 3 j ) . m. All young peoples' socie ties in tlio olty cordially invited. Quito tin extended programme. Tickets gratis. 1002. Sixteenth ana Fnrnnm streets is the now Rock Island ticket olHco. Tick ets to nil points east at lowest rates. Scatuiui phaetons best tmd cheapest. 1IEYJIAN & DEICIIES Have Their Eutire- Stock on Special Sale tBow. The Snlo Will Continue Until July 1 , AVlieti Stock Will Uo Taken AVe Must Uenlilco Htoek Ito * lute Unvoicing. Wo propose to give the Omaha public i chance to buy any article in our Block nta icduced pi Ice. Wo do not spread before you a list of goods which wowant to got rid of , nnd consequently olTer at n % ory low figure. Our stock must decrease before in- Aoielng. and the following reductions will do it : 30 PEll CENT DISCOUNT On nil dte s trimmings. Silk trimmings. Crochet trimmings. Jet trimmings. Stool tiiminlngs. Appliquo tilnimlngs , olc. 20 PER CENT DISCOUNT On all Dress goods. Silks. Cotton goods. Dross pat torus. Jackets. Cloaks. Di esses. Winppers. Tea gowns. Embroideries. Laces. Floimcings. Lace nets. Hosioiy. Gloves and Mitts. Handkerchiefs. Vnfebar Shirts. Ties , etc. , etc. - 'Ell ' CENT DISCOUNT. On all Corsets and Underwear. Remember our whole and entire stock .s included in this great clearing sale. 1IEYMAN & DEICIIES , 1518 and 1520 Farnam st. GHI3AT ORGAN Pollowlns InstrttiiipntH .Unst lie Sold 1'lils Wei-k at A. llospe'fl IMuslo St re. $12Eastoin cottage organ , only $05. $125 Esloy organ , nine stops , only $75. $100 Estey organ , eight stops , only $50. $90 Wostein cottage organ , only $35. $ So Burdotte organ , only 835. $7.i Mason it Ilamlin organ , only $15. $ oO Polonbct organ , only $12. $150 piano case molotloon , only $25. Easy Payments. Easy Payments. A. HObPE , JR. , 1513 Douglas st. IJoforo A piano examine the now ec.alo Kim ball piano. A. Ilosjo. 1513 Douglas. Through conches Pullman pnlaco sleepersdining-pars , fieoiccliningchair cats to Chicago nnd intervening jipints via the great Uock Island route. Tiekot olllco 1002 , Sixteenth and Fainam. Far In Advance. The Chicago & Northwestern with its 4:30 : j ) . in. nnd 9.20 p. m. vestibule llyers , witli slcopeis , dinots and fieo parlor cms direct fiom the U. P. depot Omaha to Chicago. Four j ) issongor trains eacli way dnily. City olllco , 1401 Farnain St. Depot , 10th nud Maroy Sts. ' Falconer's linen sale still on. IJurnrd Ills Jtaby'n Doily. A detective ft om police headquarters waited nt the station of the Delaware , Lnckawnnnn & Westein rnihoad in Syracuse , N. Y. , the other night for the evening express from Osvvego to como in. On its arrival a lliomnn , Fred 'V. Curtis , was taken out of the cab and to the city jail , charged witli n most unus ual crime. His accuser is Frank Gran- ish , a follow llionnin , with whom , the prisoner wont over the road today. This rooming Curtis came into the cab with a bundle which ho tossed carelessly on the coal in the tender Curtis left the bundle undistuibcd until the ttnin w.is in full speed. Then lie picked it uj > and unwinding the wrapper , opened it in the sight of Gianish. It hold the body of a woo baby , sajs the Now York Sun. Curtis said to his astonished com panion that it was his own nnd that ho was going to have a q.ulot funeral. Without further ado ho opened the fire box and dcliboiatoly throw the body in on top of the blazing coals. Ho said ho had frequently douo the same thing be fore. Granish vvns nppallod'at the cool ness of the man , but Curtis only laughed. When the train icturncd to this city Gianish gave infoimation of tlio crime to the police , w ho nindo the arrest. Window shades at Falconer's. Tiy Schooljily's $3 Shoos , lllSDougliibbtrcot. A Cliolco Ijlst of hummer Kcsorts. In the Inko regions of Wisconsin , Min nesota , Iowa and the two Dakotas , there aio bundicds of charming localities pro- emplorily fitted for .summer homos. Among the following selected list are names familiar to many of our renders ns the poifcction of noithoin summer ro- soi Is. Nearly nil of the Wisconsin points of interest nro within n short distance from Chicago or Milwaukee , and none of them tuo bo far away from the "buy marts of civilisation" that tlioy cannot bo reached in a few hours of travel , by f icqucnt trains , over the finest ro.id in the northwest the Chicago , Milwaukee < fc St. Paul railway : Oeonomowoc. AVis. Clear L , ilco , Iowa. JM111DUJUI1 , ) V1S , J UHl ) VJKUCHJJ1 , lOV\a. Waultublm , Wis. Spiiit Like , Iowa , Polmjin , Wis. rroatcnac , Minn. Tamnhawlc Lakoa , Unite Mlimctonlcn. Wis. Allnn. Lakuslilo , Wis. Ortonvlllo , Minn. KllbomaClty , Wis. Prior Like , Minn. ( Dulls of the Ww- White Hear Lake , coasm. ) * Minn Heaver Dim , Wis. Biff Stone Lnkc. Da- MiulUon , Wis. Icota. For dctulleil infoimation apply nt ticket ofllcc , 1501 Puraani slicct , Uarker Hlock. IA. . NASH , Gen. Agent J. E. FUUSION ; Pass. Agent. Sco those $9 toilet sots in Burns' front windows , formerly $14. Dr. Sussdorfft tionts successfully all dibeases of the kidneys , bladder and rectum. 1601 Furnambt. Seaman's carriages best and cheapest. A Meteor in the AVnfji > " . Mr. Johnson 'Whlttakor , of near Oregon gen Bond , Ky. , was driving homo tlio other night , when a meteor Hashed ncross the ncavons , and the next instant n huge btono , measuring about 8 feet In diameter , came through tlio air , and with terrific force crushed into tlio bed of the wagon directly behind him , gnu- ing the seat ho occujIed ns it foil. The horses wore wild with flight , but the heavy stone pinned the wagon to the earth , and as they could not break the heavy chain tiaces tlioy wore unable to runolT. Mr. Whittakor says ho hoaid the meteor whiz/ing through the air , but had no idea what it was until ho was joltotl out of his seat bv the crash. A number of sight-beers visited tlio spot nud inspected the vvondoiful lock. HAVDKN IlllOS. Forced Snlo on CarpM * . Positively the lowest prices over known on carpets. Heavy Ingrains , wear guaranteed , 35c , 40c and 60c , worth 50c to 7f o. Government standard extra super G.JO , C3c , 08c and 7Cc , worth 76o to $1.2,5. Fine ttvjwstrles in elegant designs 05c , 70c , 76o and bOc , worth bOo to $1. Sujwrlor body brussels 8.5c,00c,0oonnd $1 , regular jrlcos 81.15 to S1.2o. Complete line wlltonolcts nnd mo- quotts. L.ACC . CURTAINS AND DRAPERIES. Forced sale on nottlngliam , Swiss , Irish point and tamnour lace curtains ; also bilk curtains ami portlots. Special low prices on dotted Sw isa and silk diapci'lca. A sitlondld line fringes and upholstery trimmings. Window shades made to order , SolfactlngHpilng roller Holland shades in all colois at IDc. DOLLS1 DOLLS ! DOLLSI Grand special sale on dolls of every do- facrijHion. Sleeping dolls , Dressed dolls. UndiesbCtl dolls , Ranging in price from 5c up to $1 , Avould bo cheap at $2. The values aio certainly unapproach able. able.Toys of all kinds go in this bale at un heard of low pi ices. Special low jn-iees on furniture , chairs , tibles , mattro'-scs , etc. , etc. RIBBONS1 RIUBONS1 RTBHONS1 Striking baigains in ribbons , luces , embroideilcs , liandkoichicfs , ruchings and tilmmings. HAYDEN BROS. , Dry Goods and Carpets. JEWELRY DEPARTMENT. Special sale of gent's rolled plate nnd onyx link cutT buttons : worth $ i.00 ! , $2.30 and $3.00. On bale Monday at < J5c. Roger knives and folks SI.23 per sot. Ladies' line lolled pinto shirt button0 , with chain attached , 35c jior sot. Sjiccial bargains in solid gold and gold filled watches. Elgin , Sjilngfield ) or Waltham watches in boiovv cases $3.50. HAYDEN BROS , Dry goods and Jewelry. N'otlco to Taxpayers. The Sjiecial committee appointed by the board of equali/.ition to equalise tlio taxes to cover tlio coats of the various streets as advertised , have made their icpoit. Any ono interested can sco the snmo by calling at city cleik's olllco. E. S. MoitnAitry , Chairman of Boatd. Look Here. Pianos used but little , boino nearly now , vyliich wo olTor at a gicat sacrifice for this week , are the best bargains. Go see them at A. Hospo's music store 1513 Douglas st. Try Schoelply's S3 Shoos , 1415 Douglas btroot. Pretty NVllv's Tree. Standing alnno in a peaceful section of Prospect ptn k is a big oak , sajs the Now Yoik Morning Journal. It is Known as "Nelly's Tree" and an inquiry of any of tlio blue-coated policemen will elicit its history. Fifteen years ago the tico was -visited by the joung gul after whom it was named. The spot at which it is located , Battle Pass , is n historical one. Hero a shoit but decisive engagement between tlio American and Biitish ti oops occurred dining the war for independence. Tacked on tlio side of the trco facing the roadway , blackened nnd tarnished by time and the elements , is a nickel plate. Delicately engraved on this is ono simple word : NEI.LV. A scoio of yeais ago n society belle , n member of ono of tbo best families on the Heights , was the victim of consump tion. All ono summer she was dying. Day after day , when her strength and the weather permitted , it was her habit to go out to Prospect j > aik and sit under the grateful shade of the noble oak. A short time after her death her father fastened the slhor pl.ito to the tico in memory of his beloved daughter. Garllcld LScnch on Great Suit Ijukc , Utah. The famous health andjileasuroresoit , Garliold Beach , on Great Salt Lake , Utah , 18 miles from Salt Lake City , and readied only via the Union Pacific , "Tlio Overland Route , " is now open for the season. This is the only real sand beach on Gic it Salt Lake , and is one of the finest bathing and pleasuio resorts in the west. Gicat Salt Lake is not a sullen , listless , sheet of water , beating idlyonthoshoio , but on the contrary is as beautiful a sheet of water as can bo found an j where. It is 21 per cent salt , wliilo tlio otcan is only 3 per cent , and the w ator is so bouy- ant that a person is sustained on its sur face indefinitely without the least olTort on his part. Expoi ionco has proven its gicat hygienic ollcets. Owing to tlio stimulating olTcet of the brine on tlio skin , or the balino air upon the lungs tlio appetite is stimulated , and after n bath , tbo bathers are icady for a hearty meal and feel greatly 5nigoratcd. . Fine bath-houses , accommodating 100 pcojilo , have been erected nt Gnrfiold beach , in connection with whteh thorois n liist-clnss restaurant nnd a largo danc ing pavilion built out o\or the lake , all of these aio run by the Union Pacilic , who guarantee u first-class resort In every lospoct. The Union Pacific has made low rates of faro for tboso desiring to visit Salt Lake City and Gariield beach. For complete doscrijilion of Garfield beach or GieatSnlt Lake , send to E. L. Loma'c , genoial passenger agont,0innhn , for copies of "Sights nnd Scones in Utah,1' or "A GlimpbO of Grcnt Salt Lake , " or II. P. Douol , city ticket agent , 1H02 Farnam st. , Omaha , Neb. Gray's jihotograph gallery has always been known to bo a urst.elnss gallery ; it is n known fact that when n poison has photos taken at Giay's they can depend ou their work. Open all day Sunday. Everybody ronmiks upon Gray's ele gant cabinet work at $1 per do on. Open all day Sunday. A Io ) > c < > " n Miojelo. A pretty night of ton soon on St. Cluulcs avenue , Now Orleans , is a little boy ilding a bicycle , \vltli his black-and- tan dog htandlng behind him. The dog holds on by resting his front paws on his master's nook , and appears to have no fear , rib matter how rapidly they travel. The i'ieayuno says that the other day the dog grow weary of the bj > oit before the boy , MI , without any ado , lie tucked his head down on the boy's shoulder and went to bleoj ) . Dr. Sussdoiff makes n bpecialty of dis- ctibcs peculiarto women. 1.501 Farnam at. Giay , the photographer , iil.'t N. 10th , guainnteoh every do/on cabinet jihotos ho makes ; trv a do/on of his unexcelled cabliii-ts at i > l jtor do < son. Open all day Sunday. $1 per defer Gray's flno cablnots , 213 N. 10th open all day Sunday. HA.YDI3N IIItOH. ForchiB the Snlo on Hntnmcr Drcsn On Monday mornlnp wo will force down the price on linen'lawns to 15o yaid. Tills includes all linen lawns in our store , plnln whlto , whlto ground , fancy figured ; black gtound , whlto fig ures ; nnvy blue ground , fancy figured ; plnln black , ote. Every ytud of llnon lawn on Monday at Huj dons' ' forced down to 15o ytud , foimor price was 20V , 25c nnd 35o jurtl. Wo have the largest stock of Ameri can lawns in Oninhn , ISc , 31c , 5c , 71o and lOcynid. llostjilnln black Pacific Inwns nt IJny- dcns' on Monday only 10o ytud. 30inchwide Unrner'u best batiste , nlso largo nssoitnient of plain colors and fancy fnyal batiste all foiced down to lOo ytud. Uluek ground , neat whlto figures in challies only Tjcyuul. Hliick giound , largo figures , latest st.vlcs out , onlj lOe jurd. L''ino black ground organdie lawns foiced down to 12jcn yaid. Have you scon thobO llanneloltcs at Ilnydens'which are forced down to lOo a j aril ? Outing flannels 0c } and So a yaid. Johnson's cream colored minklcd bocr- sucker now 5o a ynid. Brown nnd blue strljied seersucker , woith 12Jc , foiced down to OJo n jard. You can't afford to pass Havdetis' if you wish to siuo money in buying stim- uicii diobs goods. Gray drc-is linen just iccelved tit lOe , 20e and 2oon yaid. Our slock of miibllns and sheetings IB well assorled ; all tuo to be void at foiced pi ices ; it will pay jou to investigate. Ilajdcns'are forcing down the pilccs on whlto die s goods. Ha j dens'will stall on Monday morn ing forcing down the pi ices on blankets. Now is the time to buy your blankets. Wo iceelv od a lot from Into Now York auction tmd shall foico thum at pi Ices that will sell them quirk this hot weather. IIAYDEN HUOS. , Drj goods and carpets. Open to lj\cilnly. On Augu t G to 10 inclusive , tlio Chicago cage , Milwaukee A , St. Paul railway will sell loiuid trip tickols to lloston , Mass. , and return foi $31.75. Good to return until Sojitombor 30. The cheajiost ox- cm sion of llio j ear. Don't fail to take it in. For fuithcr information apjily at Union ticket olllco 1501 Fainam fall cot. J. E. Pmib-iox , F. A. NASH , Pass. Agt. Gen. Agt. Wo guaiantcc our 7oo ] > crdo/.cablnots equal to any $1 woik made in tlio city. Pi'teiscn , llio jhotogiajlKr , 1012 Far nam , second lloor. Try Schoclply'b ? " Shoos , 1115 Douglas faticct. On a Very IJDVV Dusts. Round tiiji tiekols to all touiist points cast and not th via the Chicago & North- weblcin Ry. City ollice , 1101 Fainam St. The fast trains leave daily diiect fiom the U. P. depot in Omaha' Get prices on lots in East Omalia from Potter & Geoige Co , 10th iV Fainam. The only railroad tinin out of Omaha run oxpiessly for the accommodation of Omaha , Council Blulls , DCS Moincs and Chicago business is the Rock Island vestibule limited , leaving Omaha at 1:15 : p. m. daily. Ticket olllco 1002 , Sixteenth and Farnam sts. , Omaha. Gioat sale of linens nt Falconer's. U. P. and 15. it M. exclusion , ono faro for iound trip from all Ncbtaskii points tothogient Wyoming Statehood Celo- brnlion at Cheycno , July 23d. Tickels sold on July 21st , good for four days. Falconer s linen sale fatlll on. Monej loaned on diamonds , jewelry , etc. , Fred Mohlo , cor. Faiinun & llth. " MADDKXKI ) JJV 1U2AV. A Tliiilllnc m io of PasHcimers lie- Iilnd a Cia/.y l iiunian. Ono bundled pnssongors Ihundercd toward death on the Chicago & North western Green Bay oxpiess , noith of Janesville. "Wis. , the other da v. Over swilclios that were changed b.iroly in time to keep the train from destruction , along stretches of tiacks where other trains were rushed into sidotiackn and out of dagger by frightened trainmen , who reali/od soniolhing was wrong , and past depot platforms , whcio people watched in wonder , the tiain sped with out a pause. On the lloor of the tender lay Engineer Sloven Ilotelling , a man of massive build , powerless in tlio grasp of a maniac , sa > s a ulspalch to the Globe-Democrat. The insane man , his face blackened by coal dust , his body bent in the llfo-and-death struggle and hisshouldois covered with blood , brandished a heavy wrench which ho had grabbed from the engine tool box. Both his m ins were in tlio grasp of the desjniliing man beneath him , but those on the depot platfoim at Clyman , the town tin ough which the tiniii shot , could bee that ht > had nearly fiecd him self , and that in another moment , unices help should como , the muidoious blow would fall. The maniac was Engineer Ilotolling'b fireman , C. L. llabtings. Near Waloh- tovvn ho stopped fiom the cab. Ho did not return and Engineer ITotolling pulled aside tlio cab curtain and looked out. As the curtain moved Hastings bounded in fiom the tender. There \vas in his c ) ea a look -which could only bo likened to that of a wild beast. Ho clutched the engineer by the throat and thievv him headlong to the swaying foot- boiiid. There the two men struggled. Engineer Holelling could do nothing moio than lo save himself from llio blows of the insane man. The engine rushed on nt a rnlo that could mean nothing less than H fen if ill tragcdj at the Ihstbwitch loft unturned. As the train swept jiast Clyman without stopping , how over , passengeis and tbo train ciovvicalizcd something was wrong Hilda nirty hurried forwiud. Writh ing and hti uggllng among the blocks of coal on the tender tlioy caw the onglni-or and his maniac assailant. Hastings was o\orjowoied and taken to the baggage car. A moment afterward ho fainted. Consciousness did notioturnunlil Iwelvo hours lalor. The Intensely hot weather. made moro trying by the toniporaturo of the cab , had diivon him itibano. Thuio tuo feai that ho cannot live. llio AVorlil Do Mm P. And no do the elegantly appointed ttaliiH of the Burlington route. By this fnvoritu line , selected by the U. S. gov- oimnont locariy thofiibt mail , you have the choice of tin eo daily trains for Chicago nnd the east ; two for Kansas City and the south ; two for Denver and the west. The Hmlington No. 2 Fast vostlbuled throughout , equipped with elegant 1'ullnian cars fuinibhoil with well bolecled libraries , loclining chair eais ( seats f roe ) , and dining car leaves Omalia li ! ( ) j ) . m. . arrives Chicago Ha. m . bcrving break fast before arrival. No. 0 , the fast mall , leaves Omaha 0:10 : p. in. , arrives Chicago 1 j ) . in. , equip ment and dining car borvico up to the highest Htandaid. Tiekot ollleo , 1223 Furuani Bt. W. F. Vnill , agent. KEllET , STICER & CO , Sweeping Reductions on Lnccs , Emlroitleff ics and Hamlkerchiofk , Our Hntlro Stock of Imco anil Drnpery NCH ( nt Orently Kelt uuoil Prices to Clem- Up Stock , r rino point gage , point do gene , chnn * tllly , fedora , iintliiuo val and ornamental laces at lOe , 12Je , lee , 2. > o , 35o and 50o a yaul , worth almost double the price. Ho.il torchon and tnodiel hues at Sic , 12 jo , loc , 120o and ! 2')0 a yard , woith al most double the price. 13-iuch Swiss ombioldored shillings at [ lee , $1 , 1.15 , $1.2oaml $1.60 a yaul. 15-Inch while litmisUtoliod India lawtt bkli tings 'tflo , woith COo. Ladies' white lti\\n \ Imndkotvhicfc , withoo lines di.nvn work , only fie > v worth H'e. ' . f" Ladies' whlto and printed II. S. borilof sheer lawn Immlkorehioft at Sic , worth loe. Ladies' \\hlto and colored embroid ered lawn handkerchiefs nt ilOc , reduced from JtOnnd 35o. Wool ohnllics In now designs at IGjo , woi th i.5e. Fiench sateens at lOc , reduced from 35c. 35c.Black Black India fellk , 7 inclies wide , 75c , worth $1.00. Black smah , 20 inches wide , 75c , rcg * ular piieo .He. KELLEY , STIGER & co. Oiauil i\cur.slon ; to YrllowNinno .National 1'nrlv and Other Western KcsoitM. The Union Paoillc , "Tho Overland Route , " proposes to inn , on July -0 , n giand e\cuibion ftoni Onuihato Yellow- Htwio National 1'ark , Grout Shosbono Rills , Idaho , Option , Salt Lake City , Gariield IJoioh , Denver , Clear Creole Canon , the famous Lioup , and other i points of intoiest. Tlio Union Pacific- " - will fuinish six hoiv-o Concotd coaojios , wlileli will carry the patty f loin Heaver Canon , Idaho , to tmu through Yellowstone National p.ulc. Those coaches will also bo taken to Sho- bhono flltition tiiul used for tlio lido to gieat Shosliono fallH. At each stopping place , atioh as Ogden , S dt I/iko City. Chcycnno and Denver , the coaches will bo unloaded , and the tourists convejcd fiom the depot to tlio hotels. Afterward ti lido to nil points of intoicst in each eitvlll bo taken. * Fi om Beaver Canon to Yellow stone ) national puk , the liip will oceum tlnco daj H going , tluco days returning , and eight days will bo spent in tbo paik. Excellent tents and good equipment for evmping out will bo furnished bv thq Union Pacific , oniouto fiom lieavet ? canon to the park , and whiloin the park the tourists will bo quartet ed at the various hotels. The \ cry low rate of $221.00 per pas- sengei has been made fiom Omaha. This rale includes raihoad , Pullman and. blago faro , meals and hotel billb fiom tlio time of leaving Ouulm until the ro y tmn of tbo excursion , in all ! )0 ) daj.s. Only thlity passengeis can uq accom modated , and as accommodations nro limited , early application for b.imo should bo made , no onu being accepted after July 20th. Unless (20) ( ) tickets ara bold by July 20th , tlio excursion will b abandoned , and piucliabo money to- funded immedlatoly. In 01 dot ing tickets Mind money for same by express , to Harry P. Douol , city ticket agent , U. 1' . lly. , 1302 Tar. nam St. , Onitilm , Nebraska. While ehlldion will bo allowed on Jhis trip , still It is advisable not to ttiKu them. Tor fin th or information relative to thia c\etiit > ion nnd llinenirv , apply to E. L. LOAIAX , Gon'l. Pabs. Agt. OMAHA , NJII. : The Noilh Biitish Mercantile insur- aneo Lomiiany of London and Edinburgh having opened its "Oinahti Branch" at 210 South Thiiteonth bticot now sollcita a liberal p.itionago fiom Omaha eltl- 7en& . Fiio insurance written tit r Kites and lossus adjusted from this of fice. II. \VOOD.IlotfidoiitSouiotaiy. . How can O uiy , the photographer , 213 N. 10th , do such elegant woik lor $1 do/.en ? Because ho has less o.xpe than any other place 4 the kind in Mia city. Open all day Sunday. nnd tlio I'ooplo. It Is tbo nrovaillng belief among the people of the United States that the donate does not now eoimnonlj r cllect the will nnd vihhcs of the groatbody of the people of the fcovoud states , wiites Congicssinan Hendcrhon in the Illus- tinted Amorie.ui. A few circumstances contiibuio to give uurrenoy to this belief , The honato is believed to bo the wealthiest roproentatlvo assembly in the world , and the sonatois thombulvoa are uupposcd very imlmnlly to look with moio favor upon the wealthy chibfats of tliu community than upon tlio tolling mass-os and the tillers of the toll , lu Bomo of the htates o ( the union the practical lesult is that none but million- nrios are eligible to the botiiito. Tlio bcnato SIB now constituted and I do not vvibb to Hpctilv ana ] > utban ! Is not biimo body itvould bo if voa ( . eliminate from its membership sui'h of the fecnatot.s as hold their boats b Itgal tccbnlcallties nnd substantial Injustico. Civil liberty is now on trial in thia republic , anil I admit that the house of lopicsontathes in many 'espec-lb IB as h id as the senate thuio being one gicat ( listliigulBhingeliiiracteriHtle , and that ia that the house is direitly and imincdl * atoly ainoaablo and iesponniblo for iti publio acts to the people of tlio I'nlted States , wliilo the wnato is not. Inn , deinocratlo govoiniiu'iit like ours ainln- deniocratie , if not arihlocratic , bod.v like the American bonato hagoutlhed its iiHofiiliu-bS , and I believe the thno will boon coino wli n the juopleof the United btatos will demand that the power to ole < t the Hftiators Hhall bo ttiken awny f torn tlio logiHlatmosi and given to the peoilo | of the slates. Qrand ' 1 hno M.-litJ caminuiiclnit 1 rl'lny ' July 'J'i iiiul hnt. u nlu ) MMIIIILO lanililiiiiiiuiir popular jrlc w li B.'c. nnd Mil Wm.G. Brady's "After Daik with tlio river of ronl wntiT nnl c nlo nclJ nncH , llolibr Uiiylur , 'llio Irili I'nnilciiii Kully V Mii llin uxlilbltlon boxou In Iliu Cuiictfl llu 1 n llox hliLctupun 'lliiirnliiy . c.iml ( ! iirnpnsils will li rc-M-lvul t tha ollhuofA II. Hvor , ( VNiiIll No. July Sltli. lr-Mi , at niioii , for ( iirulsliliu iniiliitnl and . l.ilMir iiiutxsiio forllio .iruflliiu aiiiU-ouitilc. t Ion of M. MIIIJ'H Auiilitiuy. ucoonlliu t opium mill Nwilllctilloiis to tin HOUI lit llu ( iiiialm hliiliMinil Itoillntf Co. Diiiiilin , Nil ) AttrtN llfiluhi'ilc forWWiu must uicoinpiiiiy Mcn bid mill llio uimii'llU'u ' iohti\u tliu rlKlit teA A , II. Dvi n. Ari-lillt'Ot. Notloi ) 10 < "mit motor" Illilf ) will txi lot'chi'il liy the 1'nrk roininlfr BlitiutiM. t lly of OniiiliH fur tliu Htu'llim ota " ' , " l.'o'cloclt | iii\lllon In "HiiiiHuiMi I'urU iipto noun tin'-T ' > tli day uf Julv. lh'"l. ' I'litiiH , ilutiillx itnil Hit ( llk'iitidiisdin ho noca lit llioolllii of MHMIII .v lliiuiKinlk , archttCDUii ItooniM Oi)7 ) itiul uw N. V. l.lfn Itullillni ; . 'll > 4 iiiniU'ilonurj ruuirvo tliu iljlit lu rujiit uuj uiiuius. jicat