Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, July 18, 1890, Page 7, Image 7

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    03LAHA. DAILY Blfffa FBIDAY , JUI MS , 1890.
AnVHtTIPKMKNTO for lhrv > columns will
be tak n until 13,1) ) p in for the evening
million nnd iintlln 'I'p m , for the morning
edition nnd MJMIAV II KK.
rPKHMS- Cash In advance.
1JATH Ail vertUptornts nn this page will bo
Jlihargrd for ut tliorntnof ISient per word
for the llrst IliM-rtlon ami I cent per wo id for
V rach suliKeotiotit Insertion , and fl.rv ) per line
X IK r mouth. No advertisements taken for less )
than -Jl cents for thu llrnt Insertion.
"INITIAL , figures , sj mbols , etc , , count each
Jl ti s fine word.
rpllf'M. iiihrrll ctndit 'rnil t nin con pcu-
J tlvelv mid under no cln mustanies will
tlicy be l-iUeii orillscoutlmicd hy telephone.
1 _ ) A U PI n. " ad vi rUsclng In thcso columns anil
J liuvlna their ansvvcis nililtosscd tiia' um-
lien ( licit r' In care of Tin : Urn will roiclvo
n miniLuri d check toi-nahlc them tn pot their
letters. Ansivors will ho dolhcred only on
jirisentiithtnof this check I ncloso unswerii
in cnvclopM properly addressed.
, advertisements undr-r the honil of
AM iieclal > otloi-s"aro published In both Iho
morn Ins ami eveulns odltloi.s nf TUB III i. the
I'lrcnlal'onof which iiKcrcsates more than pIUM | dally nnd gives the mlvortmcr
Iho ' fuel11 not only of the I irsc circulation of
'llii ; IIKB n Oiniilui. htitnl'olnCoiiiicIl ItlutrH ,
lliirolu and other cltliH and townsln thuncst ,
A nVKUTfl'MKNTi'i ' for situations or for
Jmilrior fern do iii'lp , not cxi ceding 21
vvorls ire Inserted lnTiiK t'Miv llrKntlmlf
rate durli g the months of July andAugiist.
'Urn tptfiitnr rales will In oh irJed for each
nddlt oiial word ahovo'-'l nurds us well as for
iciiso utUo Inseitlons.
Artvoillschig for these columns wlllbotitki'ii
ru tin a eve condition' ' , at the following
btislnP si iniscs who ate authorised to take
Hii-clal i ot'ieat ' tlm name rates as eau bo
1ml at the m iluofllrc.
( JOllIt OMAHA IIUANdi OlTIOi-No : ,
n a ,33 N Street. I.lsler Hln 1 > .
TOIIN W. lliiI. : , . I'hariuuelst , S2U fcouth Tinth
O strict.
Usi ; .V r.DDV. .sfitoiiBt-s and Printers ,
0 lllfroiuh 10th Street.
\\r-J m OH Erf , I'h.irmiclst.cai North 10th
btrei t.
/11.D W I'Altlt , Iharmacist , ITH Leaven-
\ I W01 III stHUt. ! .
TTrOIIKS' I'lIAUMACY , 24th and runiatn.
I'ur lalct , itc. , ret lop nf futt rodinin on thtt jiaae ,
lltilf niki on Kuiulau.
T\H\ \ -ttruiliintti rhllailelphla Colleu'e of
J-'ririrmaoy nnd .lelTnrsiiii Colli-tfi'S
O\LT 1. ' juius expeilinco In ilriif ; hnslnoss In
ciipt ani\ \ vest ; nun iled : opoii for position by
AilRiist , piofor wcstor noitliiM'st : best of ref-
Address , i.J. 11A'l ( Vine , 1'hlli. I'a.
\\7'AN'l'ii : ) Position In small fninlly to ilo
' ' ucneral liomo orlc. Call 01 address K .1 ,
Hop otlk'e. _ W.l'i ' _
\ \ TANTii-f-ltuiitlnn : by aslil ( Snedd ) who
U not nviiuiilntud with the Ainerleini
iliiKUilKe. hi a small family. I.n llsh or Amor-
lu.ui prefeired. Address 1C 8. Hee. fill-ID *
\\7 A Vnil-Situation foraOnrnnn girl who
TT ein't speak Cngllfth , H a very line cook
and laiindiess. Mrs. llturi , Hli ! b. 1Mb
r > D"i 17 *
' j > o i ill In a town not loss thin II vnhun-
, . ilreil Utuatlonasgiiin huyer and man-
ugerof station by a competent man ; hest of
rufen iices fin nlshed : 0 je irs experience. Ad
dress l.ouk HoJS , Kilttiir , Neb 4 Vt-X ) '
VV/ANTH ) Situation as hooUKoeper or
T ti.illns h.ili'siiiniii Ilrst-chiss tefer-
PIICCS : List tiltcn four jears , la built Ail-
drer-a. ) Ii7. lleo Ulllcu. 4 H7 *
N'OTIcn to merchant tnUopi Position
wantulby flrsMilnss cutter ; rufouinecs
cl\en. Addri'Hl II. ty ) , lleo olllto. iSljyjj *
I'orialc * , ctc.ftftitnf ] flitt column on 17il i > auc.
llulf mil * on
\\J ANTHDVo need at oneo 100 w.ilters.also
' W ) enoUs to till placis of stilkhiK cooKs
and palters. Steady cinplojmc'iit to Rood
htjlp. Apply tolhubt Louis Hotel and Ki's-
tani mt unsocial Ion ; A , h. Andruns , I'ns.
JooiiisC5-57 ! ninlllu b'ld'g , Oth and Ollie. St.
Louis. SI2 2
WANT.KI ) A stenographer and typewriter ,
ellhui gentle-men or l.uly , who will bo
willing to mike tlieiiihohes geneially useful
about the otlleo , furnish their own machine
and \Mirk c-he.ip. Addiuss with turnu lock box
KiTMIiiilon , Neb. 4VJ-17
\\7 ANTK1) Shoemaker to work on repairs
T > mostly. Slust bo .olicr and Industrious.
Llddlcolt's Phoo Store. , rlie. Neb. 50.J IS *
\\7ANTED Galvanized Iron cornlro
ITS ; steady worlf , tined UIIRUS James A
Miller .V llio. , l.'i ) and lilt fc'outh Ullnton st. ,
Chlcniro. 4ro--i , ;
, \\7ANTni ) linmeilliitely , ollrst-olass meat
T cook nt Udell's dlnliu hall , Lincoln , Nub
. , ,
T 47r IS
"W ANTI'.n-lOO moil for It. It. work In DiiKo-
VV la. * I73 to JJ.54 fteo fare. Jits. ltro a ,
314V5 b. run. 5UO Itt *
\\rANTr.D Itoy or elderly man for two
TT hoisesiind buggy and to miku himself
generally useful about jnomUes. Apph to IJr.
I ! . I loll man. 5til S lUtlt st. 4I > 1 17 *
. NTED Acctils of either si"c In uxery
i utility lu Missouri , Iowa , Kansas and
Nebraska to hell LOIIC'M tolld mucllnca ponell ;
o\uliibt\o tuiillory fieo. KM'iy poison \\lio
uses muelliiKo needs one , b.implo hv mall - " >
cts. Solid for clroulars. L' U. Soileii , ( ion'1
A t , 010 \ \ landotto bt. , Ituotu 3 , Kansas City ,
\Mp. _ 415-17'
W ANTED With a largo corporation , an A
I entry clerk , must ho quick and aceuiatu
nt Inures. Uoo4 ) losppcts for d\anccment
to oxpui lent cd man. t.ilnry { 13 to begin 1th.
Aildre- _ .1 M. lieu olllcu. _ 4M-17'
WANTI" ! ) A leshlcnt apnnt lno\ory town
In Nphr.isldi and Uolorndo , "Lilly or
puntleman" forsonlethlnK new rorputlc'ii-
lars address with Htamp , 'J hi > fin lliu' Fluid
Co. . iiKim iiOI. N. V. Mfo , Omaha. > 'eb. 4I8-1S *
CAlM'I M'KIt'i. pi utereis. painters , masons ,
luhoiers , oto. , ete. , can cot uork and apply
ns llrst p.uinent on lot , balance t > l.jears
Win .1. Pnul.JMWJmmiii. . _ 411
MILKKIJ and Cowninn Wanted Wnses } ii
and Li ) ud ; must he an eMi.i Kood man.
Apply J. 11. Wood , Omaha National bank.
* \ \ TANTiiToninsteis nnd luhoiers on Itoolc
T T Ishuid Kindo , foiirtoen miles t-outli of
town Wa es 11.75 per day and i-"i pur month.
Apply on worn , to J. A. Ware & bon , contiact-
01 s. 4 J-J- > 'l *
\\7AvT7n-A : llrst class 'boiler m-iUer ;
' T wn es for the rljsht man. Addreis L. G.
Hauling. Do.vlwood. S. 1 > . 4111s *
TAN'rill ) A first class cream man to work
IT in i aiidv factory : must ha s-lu.idy. Oho
rufoieivceb. Address 1' . O. bov DW , O den.rtah.
4IU 17 *
WANTKn Pomoonoto build two cottages
and tnku good lots hi p irt p ly. Ciilseth ,
Johnson V Lev ruu , looiut ) , t/'hamhur of Coiu-
\\7AM'IM-S-ovi'ral good city cam isscrs.
VT I'or ii.irtleuliirs udtlic'sj loii7 ! ! , Omaha ,
Nob. 27liiil >
\\r"i N I'KD-lmimdlutelv. Ilist-ulass hakor ;
T jic-im ment situation Hi pot week , liti-
UckV Inker y. Lincoln. Nob. iiftl -
\\TAN1T.I ) l.CKX ) men for tallioid work in
> > Wjomlng. Dakota , L'tah and Tsovuili ;
' * -vsI.7 > to JJ.ftO ; steady \\orlc. Allirlght's
Labor Agency. ir.Mrariiain st. q
\\7A.N riri ) Thrio"ilrstcTassmen to icpro-
T T Rent HID Oiualir. lleoln and outof tliuclty tlm speolaliilllconf Umah.i Hue , corner
171 h and r.iiiuiu.gtiiumljloor. 077
\\rANTin : Men to trivel for our Oiinadlan
T T ilvirsurlc-sbtoiiei.Wellington.Miullsoii.NHs
/rtM.N rs . on , days' time. * IVI 00
Jpiullt In 4 weeks or no piy. Add. with
Company , liuului'VU. .
C. . . _ _ _ T *
i \\rAM -huli'siiioii at * ; , " > per month ttai-
'f ' T urj-jmd i\iieu ) es to sell a Him of sllver-
liilated vv uu.itches , etc. , Jiy b.unple only ;
liot > e kid ) team furnished free ; writentoneo
for full Pii I IculiiM and suuplo case of goods
freo. bttuidard bllvcrvvaro Co , , Huston , Mass.
i A (1KM ( > wanted , 10 new wpiclultliM , all fist
.T-bi-llon ; no cxpcrlencu . necessary ; IU
monuy : KtmpIo free. Atldless U o. llrovvstor ,
illy. Mich.
ij Al < l > M | M lo.ell ( specialties to merchants
T5 hyMiinploj salary paid togood men ;
jiloi fuiiKMhcd ; stindy situation ; Model Mun-
vifucturlri ; Co. , r-outh llend. Ind. 4M1J > --0'
V\7ANTl.I rVOI labori-V5 for e\tri road
Ajiply to I1 , 11 , Johnson , 11 , & M.
ilepol. Unuiha. _ 4sd
JTuNKMAsO.N k > wanteit at Norfolk and
Oll lcatilce. Good wugcs paid. Jl.T. Murphy
rAM"ii-A : Roott pcncral blaoksmltli. J ,
y\ 1 . I'ostor , rullerton , Neb. 3-J1-16'
WAXTlII.Ki.ttAiIO : | IIKM' .
I-Vr lul' * , tie , , tee fnji n/ first codiinii iiu tliUhae. \ .
llalf nttt * oil .Sniulau ,
\VANTiU-A good Klrl , call ut oncoi ( ) i > r-
. ' T mun preferred. .Mro. J , W , Cralt ; , t'-'I'J So.
Oltlforhnuseworlcntoiu-c. . Oiiod
vjyv Pililt'ullSWTOaltfoiulubt. . MO-
) nornmnBlrl a'tout 1.1 year * old
WAJiTRI take litre ol children. MM Julius
NajjKOIo. . IJthjt. < U
" \ , \ A > Tni-A ) ( TltitiiKrotini clrl nnd Inuii-
Vt die's nt once at City Hotel , cor. loth nnd
llnrnojr , 4W 17'
_ _
\\rANTMl-A stlrl for Bcnerat hoiHi-worlf ,
_ * > .iicj. * * . iitii 11. ire i ;
\\rAMlTrPAllrntKlrl for the kltehen. Ml * .
VIV. . K. VAuglinn , ar < 7 I'opplotnn avc.
VVAM'KD-A uur- clrl. Guild IIJJIM to
VI right party , tf. K. cor. Kth aud Jones.
"A coocl woman cook. Call nt.'IIO
N nth. Hayes fc Co drug store. Xl H *
\\JANTRD-An evpirloncid sill foruenoral
i housework ; German preferred. I'M ' DOIIS-
Inist. -Kl-lfl
\\rAiNTI5H riM | rlrm'r l slrl for Keneral
it lioii"ewnrk. two In fninlly. 1113 South 10th.
ire :
\UANTni-IInltiB.rooni ) gills at Windsor
II Iltl ) 1 Cl.
\\'ANTrn A lrl for general hoii ciMrli at
T 1711 Dodxo Ht , , lft is'
\ UAM'iiThree ) pxperlened dlnliu tonin
> Kil it the llarVuhotel. . 7l
Vir rtifrx , etc. , tec ( op nf til t inhtmii nn till *
solicited. MlMSluidy , 5iS STith uvo
its iv'I'
tain , etc , , frrtunof fiixlcitliunn on llita fine.
rpo ItnNT-IIouse coiner SHlh and Wool-
J worth , $10 pur month. 0 I' , llatrlsnn 'III N.
Y Ufu 510 U
Oiiootn hotel , newly papered ; rnnt $7" , tur-
nlturo costing ovr tlnu ) for fio. T.VI cash. $ n
per month. If "ctuilly Is pood. Co-operitKo
I/ind and Lot Co , LU'i X IClh st 41)1 ) 10
"I71OH KEJsT firootii rolt-igp'S ' block from
-I1 motor. 81-t. b Sd ! nt , S04 L"J *
K > T 7-rcoinhousemodi-rn Imnroi'o-
incnts ; fnrnlshidor unfurnished , -"Ml N ,
21th. 4HI to *
3J"iOUIinNT ( J-room hoii'C , cellar city \v iter ,
bower , linn N ' 5th st.i 4-room housollll
MoolVMirthave. 49120 *
IjlOU Kl'.NT To rcsiHinsllilo imilU's only ,
JL thosu Him now brick und utmio houses on
Georgia IIM-IIUC ; llftccn rooms and alcoves )
tnoro foii\eiileiiecs nnd lictter llnlslied than
any bouse for lent In tlie city. U. H. llender-
hun. lOi ) 1'avton block , city. 4GO
TTIOIl'UEXI' 7-roomi'd house , hath , wash
JL tiihs , IfiiKO pn\ed cellar , and stahlu If do-
slrpd,2\J7 ruinkllu ht. Apply , UM ) Merchants
Isntlonal liink. 4V y ?
"I71OH Kn.S'r Houses. larn'e and small. ,1. H.
-I1 r.vans. you N Y. Mfc. 4C9 18
IJ1OK IUNT Two 2-story hilok houses ; C
JL rooms and hath ; all modern Improvements.
Apply , Colt lleo Inilldhm' . 4 l
TI1OH ] frNT 7 > es1i.ihh' fi-ronni lioitto , all
J model n hiipii\ctncnt.s ! , c.\ccllent location.
sodded yanl friint and tear. C'omenleiit to
Mholcsnle dltl rlet and now union depot. Oood
loeatlcit for iih nlulnn. Apply 111" & luth st.
" 171OIIKKNT Pppt. 1st. cott fie , all. modem
1 Improvenionts , 1MI t-hcrnian ivo 4V5-S1 *
"inou KKNT TtcshToncoson Harm-- nil the
JL' latest iinpioM'itiFiitt , at lowest possible
leiital. I'atil , KM I'lmiam. 4 ! ' . '
iflOK KENT A ilouhlo bulhllnsr.n roomse leh ,
' lUth and Mason. 810 per month. "J
l OICUyr--.Viootn ( ] linusp. tlly water and
L MMoens , nt ahu iln torcspiiuslhlo Tiaitles ,
: cj07 1'arkei St.- Apply CUU'.ixtim hloult. 1.11
1T1OH UI'NT 8 room hou-e , .THrd and fuming
J1 sts , U' per month. O. I' . Harrison , Ull N. Y ,
l.lfe. W >
iflOl ! UnXT-a line pressed brick house" , cast
fronts ( in ( luorKluiue. , just north of I.DIIV-
inwoilh st..O looms , hath , furnace , sewer con
nections , all coinenlcnceilll ! tontto nspon-
< dhloiuitlcsfoiJO. Jl. A , Upton Oo.lOthand
I'arnam. 777
"ITtOll UHNT Hiiuse 10 looms all modern Im-
J. provunients , InrKO yaid , $ ! " > iier month ,
Commission to tigonti. IJexter U ihoinas
I"F YOU wish to rent a house or store sco II ,
L } : . Cole , bloek. . 770
T71OH UI'M' 10 room house , 2107 Douglas In
JL' quire 2111 Donlgas. 7csl
"inINK icsldejiee , modern Improve/incuts
JL' bt. MUIJ'H avu. . fi. > per month. luiulrn | at
promises or at A. Heller's 1114 I'liriiim. 734
7I1O11 HOT 5-ioom hoiisu , peed repair , nlco
J- yard , cistern water , rent KB. Apply to 1400
fcouthith ave.orto Jno.f. . Hell , dtut'glst , loth
FOll KENT 7-room house with Darn ; noin-
Inil rent to good party , C. 1' . Harrison , Ull
N. Y.LIfe. Ill
homo on Tarn un st. for rent ,
luqulin German-American bavlugs hank.
IT1OH KI.NT ( iooil 10 room house , sewer ,
JL' wnlor , gnu , I ) ith , harn , furnace. In eloirant
shape , cheap. 1) . V. Bliolcs Co13 1'Irst Nut'l
hint ; . : .SI
I'ur talcs , etc. , fee tnp nf ftnl foimil on this
O KLnOANTJA' furnished inonis for rout
Cool andsliady. Choapf > OT N .Mthst. 40"i 17'
F Oil KENT Newly furnished front rooms ,
41 j S IDlliHt. 40C191-
fCr.lA" furiildhed rooms fiom $ S to IIS , 1E2
N. Titlist. 40J lot
110.1 N. - " > th st , two largo olecintly furnished
rooms ; hot and cold miming water ; other
dcstrahlu rooms , Tahlu and appolntmeiils the
host. Accessible via Ihrco lines of cats. Table
bo.udeis accommodated. 4M-1U *
| 9i'llodcost. ) DollRhtfully cool rooms , most
L charmingly fiunlahed ; board next door.
"IjlOlt HUNT 2 rooms and an alcove fur *
JL' nlshed for light housekeeping In pilvato
family , and uood nolKhliorhood ; only milt t
people wunlod. Address , J 70 , It co. 471 18 *
"OOOM and hoard , S.1..V ) . SiniiGors stieot
1\ restaurant and umploymont utllco. iui :
NiSlthst.nn llitli st. motor. 4-d-ls. * _
IjiuilNISIIEn rooms fonent. llUl'ticlflcst , .
J-1 half block fiom llth ht , molor. 411-n *
HKXT Nuwly fiirntblicd looms with
day houiil. Mil Hume ) hi. 4M 21
I HAVH apultnt east front moms for rent ,
J-unt\pcetodly vacated. Them .no no hand
somer moms to ho found west of tlio Missouri
river The Merrluiu , Como quick , 2 * > th and
Dodge , 44i-13 ) *
'IDIjUA'SANT rooms , mcdcin linurovompiits ;
JL l3Jt 1'ariiam hticot. \AM \
nicely fiunlshed largo fiout looms.
with ih-st-cl iss boaiililU7 . 17th st. .lulls'
F8S HUNT NIce fuinlshc'd rooms , with
board , .1IU1 PoilKUht. l iM'J *
TIOELY furnished looms , 1SJ1 Kainiiin.
A LAHUi : fiont room for lent. ! ! lj ) | llnrnuy M
rp\\O fiont looms , elcsnntly fiunlshed , with
-L all modern hnproc'liicnts , nt 7u5 > . Hith bt.
JJJd is *
R OO.M for hlnslo gontleia.ui-M-T ltolalO l *
ST , CLAIK I-airopeanliotol.wlthdlnlnKrooni
JJth-Dod o. bpcclal rates , by weeKorino
JT t'ltrsISIini ) looms , lioiibcUoonlii,1. L'OW
1 .St Miip'-t uvc. . < i.It'
N'11'K lontiiB , all conveniences , 1710 Iliivcn-
.porjjtj lii-lu _
13ODMS to tent , furnished ami unfurnished.
iVAmily ut the Merrill in for p irtknilius , ' . ' . "itli
and Dodge , 101 lit"
iflUIlNIhllKIi rooms , with boirdt nn ly fur-
nlshed throiuhout , Avlth hot and cold nut r
bath Hi I' Uoilgu. UT > 7I7 *
-rurnlshed rooms. 1000 Douglas
FOU lMXT--rm-ii ; ! hediooiMj gas.biithanil
t-le tin , 151U llonnl. . 7bU
HKNT-xc'ily funiMiid nio
urn coinenluiii-es. gl-ir 17th st. VX )
\n\\ ; \ LY fiimlshid ro < ) ma anil boiird forhe > .
- > iral putlesut 301,1 lluiney st.j two inln-
tues1 walk c-entor of business , and eixi
place for tummcr. Mlsa Cavlnls A. Walbrldgo
- *
, etc. , rte top of finl rouiii o
"I71OH KENT Twn Imiidsonio connoctlnf ;
-J. rooms , on ( .proud lloor , iiorllioastaiiiliioutli-
i-iit uxposiiie , mostdCalrihlo looalltv. central
ly located , unfiiinMied or pirtly lurnlshi'd
with hoard ; ccMitlemunnndlta iiri-feri .d
refereuccs UMhungcd , AdclrOas K 1 lion ollleo
4S3 18 *
rou itixT-sTours ; ANO OFI-HOKS
Murntm.rfe. , i fojiofnteoluinnon tlittjxmt
"IJ1OI5 KENT -Tlio brick rornpr utoro M am
-L 1'llh sis , Moutli Onmlia , uan be ) iciited hy a
Rood putty nt teiisonable terms , splendid In
catliu for ciooury ur liiUury , Applv lo K.
Muck , 1JUS street. 177-UJ-
FOH IlFNT-TliPl-mory brick Inillillns.-Tlth
or without IHIWIT. formerly oc iMilih d l ) > the
Hep I'uhll'hlim C < > . , llttl Kiiriiaiii .si. U'heliiilld-
hiKlins a llrr-linxif ri'tnent ba i incnt.rninpleta
Hteam hentliiK llxtiiri i , water on nil the lloor .
Ka . . etc. Apply at the oniee of Tlie Hoc IMS
VJTOItLS nt 70 ! ) a intli , ) i-ai-li , lurse Him *
> 'nlncinwK , Rti'iitn heat furnlshcdi 1'lios , 1.
Hall , iltl I'nxtun bloi-k. Tin
"I710II 11ENTrino corner store , ICth nnd
JU Jones , fcoi low rent , good locution niul set
ting better usury dny. tliorgoClonit'r.TUlJ-.lMIt
HO rr.I2S rrotus , all i-onventcnees. brick , 2
blksfroin 1' . O. II. II. Irey. > . V. Life.
"I710H HI'.NT-riiifl storeroom in.Vorfolk. Neb.
JL1 SliiUi-d Ktilt.lblo for elolhlni hnvlness ;
i-lectiloll ht' . HtoJiu luat , etc' . . Address < .A.
TIIN'R olllee ni Minnll lUiii-oson sroiind lloor ,
J In Itoyd's opera house. Inijtilro of Ainirl-
nn I ttcf Co. . 'r ' > t * . IJtlt st. I'M
T1 U HENT llriclf warehouse , two stories
> - mid Imminent , -.OK ) BOiriru feet. Ith 103
ept of double track on tf I' , railway , south
Othand I'lerco streets Addn-ss O. Oskaini | ,
Oinah.i. Neb M : !
Tnrrataictctte tap oiMt / loliimiion ( / / (
Hi : , CO Li : , rental ngont , Contlnuntiil blk.
i 77U
"IKO. .1.1'AllL , MM ) rnrnain , houses , stores
VJniiil II its ( or rriit , rents lollceted.rell iblo
Ito Insurance , aionoy lo losii. 217
MOUTON'-Srentil asencj-,517 ; , I'axton block.
7l l
\\rr.LSIIANS A. M'Cutloeh , W. ena IXpusI-
Vtlonhldg. \ . Utl-uJ
EJ. lltEY , rental ugunl , OO N. V. 1,1 fe.7W
7W !
"or rater , etc. , tec tnp of fir < t nilunin on l/ifn /
Mnt'IUIVSillnliiK liill , newly Dttcd up , at
III ) No. l.'lh. Uest meals In the city at low l
ralis. Put nlshed rooms upatulrs. I'derMu- '
inlre. prop. _ : cil 18'
riIN work.rnoiliin.spoutitiK.valloys. ele.iood
J work and low prices K. fcavaKe.iOlSl'iiinltiB.
CM ) til *
furtnfw , etc. , fee top ot first ( oliiinn on IAN jmye.
\\rA STKI > Oixid eoniniorelal paper. Iso-
11 braska Mortgage LouuCu.,5l'J I'axloii blk.
7t'J '
\\7ANTRD A thin oiiKhbredSt.llernnrd pup.
Tf Addro'sforthreedays , with prleo. mom
„ ! , New I'aclllo Coiincll llluirs. 4fO-lT
I UUNITUKK. hoiisi'liold goods , etc. 7Whest
Jcasli price. . ' 1178. iilh. : 7W
7V ratu , etc , KX : ( ) ) of fit At colujmi on l/ifai /
TTMHULLhAS repaired ! export
U key fitting atllcilln's gun sl.op .I13N. llith.
-Kill ,
PAKA'-OLH. ' uinbiolliis ami
InscoNuud mid npilred. \ > ilkliu emeu
rep ill ed , II Baler , 1'ilJ Douglas ; ' '
: WJ
Foi i alts , etc , fee lop oj first column on l/ifs / JKIJC.
j\rASbAGltieatmenti'Iectio.thoriiialbiths. !
-i ilsealp h ilr triMtiiientmaiilc-iini > 1uhlrop-
odl t. Jhs. 1'os.l ' , rXO-'l , AVlthiicblK. ! ! .
rpHK Inillin doc-tor guai ititees to cure all
J kinds of piles in ten dajs ; abe iillillsi'isos
of the throat aiidluiis | ! In tlio sumo thin * . Tipo
unrins taken out In sk hours without Iea\lnc
ofllco : and nil diseases that are c-tirihlc. b7
S 10th ht. Call and see him. WIJy.4
for rattf , etc. , tec ( ; i of first coliiwii on thin IKIIJC.
IinXSIONS New pinslon law ! ever 15 years'
o\pcrloiao In the pi osicutlim of pensions
and KM eminent claims ; havesecMired ever
: iWO ( pensions for boldleis In Noliiisi ! : and
loi\a. their uldous and heirs ; latent decision's ;
latest li\\s ; no advance fee ; nen blanks nnd
ehciilnrs fiee ; consultation nl\ui\s fiec.
lllraniA. btun.1'S , Hj ! Urelghtoii blmj'k , next
south of 1' . 0. Omaha. aflilU *
"VTKWlawi pensions for almost all soldiers ;
Jfatiets ! , motliei's , widows and minor chil
dren of holdlera. Olaltns pushed by J N.
( JlhiKinan.KiancU'l Kicn/ei blk. l' > vcirs uvpo-
rlcnce. Only pension ollleo la Oinahi. t. 7
JT. I'A TCI I. exclusive pension nnd cliliu
attorney ; oicr l."i years' oxporienei1 ; Imvo
all tlid hite-t laws and decisions. Otllioie-
inoed ft otn Tron/cr block to Uhambcr nf t'oiu-
niurco , tooinfll , Omaln. 709 jy 2 ! ) *
T 'or rot , etc , ec lop of flrxt roliimn on this
STOltAOl ! For tnereliandlsoand furnltnie.
cold stoniiio and freezing ; Viaikago. Divld
Colo. 8ri-bl7 flowird .st. -7d
rilKAOlv AOL storafro at lowest rates. W. M ,
JL Huslinian , Kill I.eaieiMvorth. 7lM
S1 11 ranch i Co. , 1211 Howard.
2'or rnM ( , etc. , see loj > of flrnt column
T OST A 1 idles' tun colored jackijt H , tiiri\
JLJto " 507 St , Mary's a\o and rec'Olvo reward.
. 597 1'J '
_ _ _ _
JOsl htrayed from yrth nnd li strcots ,
J South Omaln , a. biy nniro. two j cm s old ,
with white spots , ono Hide ( if faoo rod , the
other whltr , II white feet. A liberal rowatdfor
her return. J. U Conklln. JJU-JT
" 1 O& I' Lady 'H snnill gold wutclr. diamond
Jl Vsettlnw In case. Liberal rowaid at I'axton
hotel newsstand. , 41G-1I *
TOST Gold watch , plain case wltli dlaiiina d
Jstarf-ottlnit attached tofob. Howard If ro-
ttiined to II , I' . J > ro\el,5thandJonc4. 100
1'or rnlc , rtf. , we lop nf flitt column on Hits
JL1 room ( i 1' . S. ftjtt'l liuiik hullilliiLr. . 474 , U _ _
)0 head mule ! , , easy terms , r.irt light drlv-
'Ing mules sultahlo for all delivery Imslness
II daniootk mules , W. L. bclDy , r M , houd
t' ' ' " ' i'T
rpHAM woik horses , will take huggy as part
J. pay. HJ t , _ bo ml of trade. 710
HOltSESLlglit dilveis , naigain. The late
I in ) liasnmdo them cheap. 11 , 1 > . Cole' , Ccm-
tlnental block btti
rpEAM Jledluin si7ed hofses cheat ) . ? nund
1 u ml good work team. $150.V. . IS -lliy , r
1J , bo.uii trade. ' . ' . ' 7
rp\VO Sl'AN heavy and two sjnn light mules
J-for bale , on twa years'tlino at 7 per cunt lu-
tirest with llrst or neond moitKivo Uinnha
leal estatesecurltv , or other approved iLiita-
ltv. _ H'lhy.niom lit. lloitnlTraili' . MI
IjtOltr-A M. 1 tilitt foi in fiiiring leither tofi
Jcanlago nfmost 1 huokho'aiil
- canlago now , new ,
1 double hu gy or cairlago harness , Aiiply
at 2-J15 Webstorstreet. Omaha , Ktl.
rpEAM Kxtra largo heavy lior&c-s. W I ,
belby. i U. board trade.
1T OlltilaiW and up. 11 i : . Colo.
SATJ : i-'uiiMTUiui : ITO. :
for i ate , etc , , itec toj i njit at cull jiiut oil th ts juje.
" 171OU SAUI ln account of fillliu hmU . . .
Jthe now and elegant f - .
loom lion1 ! , oci-upints llrst-o'.ass. iiiconio
ne.irly JI , ( IO porinniilh , llnost location In tlio
city. Address J a ) , lleo ollko. D7J-.i !
ITHTltXITI'KKnnetlon.l'ei ' Cass st , : :
ibaturdaj. . K. Wells , Auetloneor J 7 18 -
I.TOlsnoLl ) fninltuio ut prluitiBale
I Lvcry clieap-by piece or lot , lolll'nllfornlu
stieot , 4J.V1T *
Knr jiilc * . fie. , srco ( ; > uf Jliil column
GOOD clear lake IPO for silo In laro riuanLl-
ties , U'ho Jxcbraska KoCp. , Kodrnoy , No-
biasKa. . ai'ail
BOAKOING llotifco Tor t-ulo Ono of the
most I'entrally loeattd lM > anlliu house il
the elty forh-ile. Income. 41,010 tier iminth
ln Iliat i-lnss. Ill hcnltli eiuiso o ;
Address K. 7 , Heoolllu' . f < W-aj
IIIOUSAliK > ow fatt'lnwny . t'on pianoshest
-L' make : parly leavingeity , iiarteush , hul-
anco time If dollied , liKjnlio at 018 ! 'atmi blk
I'orratcf , tic. , 6 ( opn ; Jirrt coJiiiim on thit\xijr \ (
rATN | or"lJ room flat , central louatlon. T. * \
J KhiK. 1 < I01 Pariiain st. 4-"B 17 *
fur ii ( . etc. , net fop ofirtl column
A YQl.'J < 0 lady recently from the best can
surtntorlv-iot innslo In Kurupo wlnhea to
teach the piano , tcWb.Zldht. 4iM 1 <
iron SAl.K HKf piano , ono year In use. fo
-L if.'icusli. I.eok A. ton , Now York , tilukors
Call or udtlreu , 1J-1 b. 17tU i > u 438 Ut
' 311'OIIE buylnz a Tirnnn Dx.-xmlnn the new
J > fcilo : Kltuball platiiAlloipo,15tJ IMncllJ
4" I s * _
fi V.O r tKM-ENIlKiiK.t ) MclieroftlichanJo
J with iiosije nuiiim-Mns t
torraterrte..tKt topof"t
\roXnY to lonn hylll r MasterIn any
IT | . ntnnmit from tlUT\VJ0.0 < W , and for any
lime from one tosh inMhfis.
IjiiaiiH inado on limit hold good * , pianos ,
oic ins. liornes , mulesi rtiilse < , U HOM. ware-
hou c receipt * , etc. utithe ' loviett jux-Ililc
rittiM.wliliuiitptibllcltji'trr letnuval of prop
erty XJl
IAI-UIS fonrriiiRrdtliW Jouean milfoil puy-
nieiit tit nny time and reduce both principal
and In to it's u YoupayilMeresi only for the
tliiioyouu utlip moiiey-i If > ou OHO a hnlaneo
on jour iiroierty | or luvo n Iciui vou vvlMi
i hanged , I will pay It oil and en ry It for
I do not nihi'ilUo tn loin you monoytt
hank rates , but ennllilently elalmto fsho you
lov\er nili" and easier terms thane in bo ob
tained Hsevvhero In the ell v.
Moneviilvva > soiiliaiid. Isodi < lay. No pub-
licit ) . I.ottcstratiii.
llooni \Vlthnellbile. . , 11th iii'd llai'ne"sts
OiltVATi : loan cheap O. I' , liar-
L rlxon.lill X V. l > lfo. . cm ) lu
_ _
and flirin lo-ms.
rOANS-City ninrtsigc pi-
J\r \ Ixjinrht. McC'ii-ruti Imestment Co < J ( )
B IIII.DINa loans innilc ut loivost rail'V. \ .
M. Harris , room 20 , I'lciucr blkoub 1 > . O ,
RKAI KSTATH I mm-C'iisli on hinil. Ololic
lonnX Trutt. Co Mt ! S. luth s.t No ilolny
No u\tiucliiaL"4. llouisfoi rent , good list.
MONKTo loin on Oinnhn niul Sutitli
Uinnlii ii'tl I'sliito. > io delays or nvpi.n
Ms. Money on liund nt all times. I In UN ,
binltli &Co. , ConiiiiurclulNuthiiinl bunk bid' .
MONTA' loini'il 'it lowi'st riti- * , lone tlmonn
Inirivo ] < l0inilia mil t-itiliMio vvlrm , "
10 duliis. Glubu J.uuu.V riu > tLu,10T .s Kith.
BriLDINO loans 0 to Tprrpiit ; tin uilill-
tlotinli'li.irisp fiiri'oininliiloiinr iitturni'j't
fees.V. . II. Jlellcloriist National bank bldfi.
IfllKSTtinilRoconil inortKninxf on viicint nnd
linprmofl ilty pionrty. | County wtrranH
louitht. Money unliund. 1' M. UlclniiKon ,
b8 N. V. l.lfi' . IfW
EASTKUN prlvnto lOiiei to loan reasou.i-
bli' . AOilnst , J.M. llt'O
MONT.V : tOfflor)0lnjsoiiftiriiltiirvimtio' ! ) | ' < .
liorsi'H , hoiison , ctu. J. \\llkliison. . GIB
Paxtoii blk. bUJ
at lowest rates ; liimtnpss
l,31tl I'axton blk J , II.
/ 10MMKUCIAIj nnd gcnernlshoit time paper
v/bimgit ! ; nlvi regular llve-vo-ir loam ni.idc
on In proved property. Geo. I IHust A I'o.'J.l
Hanuo lildtr. Sll
SlTOMliiinitKiuo loin * , ' uocinil tunitKap < <
hounlit. l.oniisoii Micant lots. Itceil &
Solby , tciiirn II , Itoiril Tr.iin 8IJ
KKYhfONB MmU.lRt' ' rii-l.iuitm of } 10 to
} IQJO ! net our r.itus bofoio tioiiovliiK and
MHO money ; loan on liorsof , furnltuiu or any
npprovcd i'curlty wltliout imlillulty ; nolis
bought , foi ni'\ " loan , rcitow il of nlil nnd low-
K 'Mi , blucly blk.intli Ac llow.ird.
| rillST ! niiiitnapi' IO-UH nt low rat os n nil no
dulay. U V. blioles Oo. . Jlu 1st Nat.l bank.
_ _ _
4IOsLY to loan on lipii' ( ) < w icons i
- I1 liousihold K < id , jihiHjs orKn
nt lo eit i all's. 'HID Hist nr inl/cd of-
lli'oln tlioulty. MnKo Innns fiinn II ) to ; u > T
( lajs.u lilcli I'nn bi'paliUu pint or wlioli'iit nny
I line , I hui louvrliij tl | ) , Ipalanil Intoiest.
I'nll niij n'oiis Inn ji u moni'yVotiit
assist you ) iloniilly ) and tooiii iKluiul i 'O
ullliout roino\alot proputy or publicity.
Money alvtajs on lianii.i' I\oili liy In making
loans. C r lU-eU & Co. , J10 b IJthht. . OM.T
lUnP'hitm& . Fnis. , 817
' . low mti <
01 tntoiest on first mot tRiResnf Imiiroictt
ii'nlostato for the nu\iiV < ) j < l I > M liy lliu Kiinsis
C'ltv liiustinuit Co . lioomJU Itoiicl ofTiadu.
J. II. 1'oisii ) , iniiiiii'r. | 8S'J
WONKV to loan mi any Win Ity
for tOioi t imiu at low
r.iti" . . Lowt-ht ratn
nn pirsonnlpiopi'ity.
The Henderson JUirt ice luvcslmcnt Com-
linny , loom 400. I'.ixtou blk. 618
WA.KTUn--rirst-olis ( nililo loans lowest
rates. Call mill hCo tra. Sliitual Itivcst-
nicnt Co. 1501 rhrllnin.t1' , " , " 819
' oiiitorn inonoy
riilliulolplilii MoitpaEfl and Trust Co. ,
always ri'aily to loan and pny promptly : first
\\iintuil. . 1iorjiow. 1' . ( ? o.ites. rcp-
. loom ? . Ito ltd of Tr. ! o.
EASTMtN inotipy tnloanon city property :
nioitgagcpascr bought. y.Vl.lfo. .
Hf-r ?
SHOUT tlino loans on vncnnt lots. Holhy &
A. Itccil. m Hoard of Trade. 8S1
P HfVATE money to loan cliuap. O , r. Ilar-
tlson.DUN. Y.l.lfo 84J
PHI VATI3 funds to lo in on cbolco elty prop
erty at lowest lalo. Klmball , Chaini& |
Kjan. l.U" Kirnamst. 703-Jy 7
OlIA.TTKrrriaTikil'J : S. l.Mh st. wlllTn.myoii
inoiipv iiiichattcls at bank rates. Call 44U
S1IOI'.T1IAX1 > AM )
Z'or i at a , etc , fee top o/ li t roliumion
The special HUtnnier Session of the
classes In penmanship and Micrlli.uul will
coniiuunco Jlondiy , July U. Classes will bo
livid In tlioinornfiiR , aftoinoon and moiling.
'allonor address for Information , Standard
Short bund lluslni'ss CollLve , Now York Life
building , Onuha. Neb 1)83 )
r.C-ONI ) HAND-ClalU-raplis , Hiimniond and
HeniliiRtons. John II. forms Co Lcttor
Hies and olllti ) specialties , ll.iumo hid ; . S.7
Forrufw , etc. , fee lop of firat fiiliiinn nnlhts
LV.lli Ulajlon , clalnojant and maiiiotlo
liealor. L'ati by lur wonilorfiil will power
Bruit any ruitieit. WHS. IMh. 4Vo ) *
A DAli : 'l > ii//.IKKOiimlia'n only tlior-
oiuh iiMssa u andiiia0'nutljti > arlors < i\oi
( HOS. illtli t. 418--J1'
Y TlTo distinguished tnlnco
lilalrvo\ ! . late of lloston.hlln \ i-n-
1 1 nn coil lll eu'iy lildikn imsti'iv In
llfu. I'lpnnii's I > iptlin tnllsinin Nthlolilll
o erconio jour eniinles , toimivo family
tionblii , ri'htoro lost atTietlons , unites tlio
sepir.'itul , helps .ill In tumble , etcI'ee , SI
and npwaids. . II I'erfi'Ot satSfuillon
Kii.tranteed hy mall , hend sf.nnp for lllti'-
ti.ited Uicuhf. Jlis , Dr. Iddy.IKl N IStlist. ,
Umalin _ > ' > -all
DM. NA3MK \\AHKnN. \ . ulalrioyniit ,
incdlunl and buslni'ss nicdliini. Tenmlo
dNcibt saspculalt } .
For rattH , ett. , sc < ; ( op ofirt totumn on tliln f me.
' lii-st location In Omalin. Uest of reasons
for soiling. Address Kllei \ _ 4'O ' 19
T\RlJ < r stole , widow lady wishes to bell at
Jvon elitsr late husbinds half Interest lit
Kood pijlnK dm,1 busliuiis , iniolehu about
$7,000 , In Linili'r , AVii ) . , : is she wishes logo
ciiat. Address Alii. J. w.Suillviiii , Lander Wyo
. . - York balterv.
' 1917 Clark st. ' . " " 4,17111 *
1 lOTHI'Jit rooms , jilt , eomenlenciit , now
I 1 brick. 2 Moults from I' . U. II. II. Iruy. N. Y
I foJjiilUlliii { . 7tC ) _
TjU Tr > A \ , \ ' . A tNo. 1 Mirpirsbop ; teed ; loril
-JL' tlon ; dolnrf lirst ela s UUSIK | > SH ; owner le iv-
liU' oil ) ; II.IH oilier liufi ; pait cnsb , hul
thin' . Addles.171 Hifolllci4'Vi it *
TjlOKSAJd ! 1 Mtt hlfinvimltli and vvagon-
JL' makers tool * nnd MiH'k ot inateilal. deed
location ( inod trade jfiimo .simp IM\IO. lUut :
cheap , Leo Applc ate , ? \cliawka , > eb.
IilOU SAIiE Tlio oldcat.ibaUcry in \Va hoe
1 .Veb. , county eut , aliWtit 4.03.1 lull ihltaiitd i ,
l-.asy terms. J. w. Joliuwm , Walmo , .Nob.
-L dnliiK food biiHlwif HBawin for hollln
other Lmslnoib to uttiiiulo. Addiu s.l T'J lieu
, _ 4"Q ill *
1 ! ortrailu. lor Una and htiond
J inoitia is , theinoslNvoiidiu fill sfllln urt I
olnuvi'ron tlu > jn.irlvQt. Address orcall. inou
L'flbl. C'lilrhntol , Ml 1'Jf '
"IJ1OIS hAIiR On msy tunns. Hist clus
O.1 ri'staiirnnt and ( I\turos anil No. 1 location
inqulroutblS : I'axton hloi'k. iW )
HO'11,1 * for aliTwohtory tirloki Is onu o
tlio best hotels , iloln an excellent KOO <
buslniis , on ono of tint best corners In tlio elty
Aclilrtsa Commercial Hotel , llrokou llow. Nub
Fur rain , etc , , ( fcfoji o/ first roliimu on tilt * paac
-L' iniUe ; will tiikn real cstuto. rattle. her e
anil inniioy. Itox70 , fninktort , I nil. 4JU 'JO
rpo KXcTlANilr Oood work team for inllo
L cowb. O. I'.Hrowster , 4004 Hamilton st
Omaha. 4U 17 *
irOP. PTCliaiiBP riofow | nt ami Ii0ti" > ecto ,
- forRixxl Ciums or IntuU.S. \ . J , rani. ItJJJ
'nrinin. 411
PO KXCMIASriE I-ot \Vaiiiiit HlTf wortli
L Utvo.niul lot Inllltcheock'i vnrth JI.OOO
or IniiMi * nnd lot. Will ntMiinoiUifrrctirc. C.
' . llorrlooii.UllXi Y. ltlte ,
prclIAMin Moo clean stock of dry
J minds and notion * . Imnlco SS.4W. for Rood
eul CKtato 011 which il.ltW oan bobormwcd
.I. . A. I'pton I'o _ teA 17
PO EXCMIAM1K Out of town pnmert7 for
I Uniiilu binlneii property \\lll piy or
Hsuiiio lltlcon tlioiismd dollars dllTeri'nd' . 0 ,
' lliirrlson , 1U1N. Y l.lfi' . MX-I" .
MOIlTOAJK.- ( > * . cmhUmk etc. . for
cle'u lot * . Can mo qulto a number.V. . J
'atll , UiO.i larintn st , JL'
[ \7AN1 KD Vncmit lotH or aetos for two ot
> T the limit nnd best ptvliiR hloiks In the
II y.Vlil Rlvo liljdoiil K undo soon , with
oino cash , .1 vlleo \ olllee. 4IJ
TcKKXt'ltAMIK ( lovfiiriiiH. olty proper-
J- tyanilflld htidsln Nib. and ln.ta forgiHjd
Ctrl ni'd'so ; iiroperly oleir , t Itlo inrfoet Ad-
roH.sIK'k lloxKi. I'niniDiit. Nil ) . S"J
rou s
'nr tut , etc mc.ti > i > uf Jiitt ( ulitmn on t > il. < i > itje.
iflOl ! 5AI.UAn S-rooin Immn with Dim uti
i Cnpltol 'iM'iiue. neaf.iitli. nnly f.\lX > i
A iixy cott iji1 , U looms , beddti laritc hath
lid stoio roiiiiH.w. , r. nntcr nndsouer.abtind-
n t , Inruc closets. I'.ast fint. . In llansuom
'laeo ; terms ens > . * , IIK ) .
AcroiiRi1 , north , west and south.
Oloir pioperty foriAoluiiK * '
J II. Kinn--M3 N V. Mfc.
4M ( 13
[ riOIl . AIn-Cholu' corner lot. M foci east
I fiont. lilcb 'ind bUhtlv , notliliiti fluei In tlio
Ity. A iMidiilu nt { . ' ,51)0 Ames , 1V)7 ) r.itiiam
t'A-H niul M. per inontli forhouio anil
full lot at fiom * OJ to JI..VJO etioliY
. I'niil. 1UCI rnrnain 111
[ OTicis.'lJ , 10-iooiii hou-.e , neir S. yilh si
I'motor line. Deslrnhlofor N ) Omalin husl
uessiniiii1.700. ; O. t' . ll.irrUoa , Oil N. Y Life
IjlUllhAlin Fast front lot on fJimjjh ave
I next lo Diesel's I'lnci1 , atn loff pi-lie. C ,
' . Hirrlson , JU1N. Y. l.lfe iJOU-li ) .
WHY don't j on catch oil to TIMID of that
South Oni.ina proper ! v Miutbof Q street ,
in Sllh ? Dent you know the "Kock I-l.uid"
s in Hie field ? Si. A. Upton Co. 4.'S 17
IT Ult SAI.H ( lood bitlMlnsslto In Iltniseom
JL1 I'l.iro.t..UPO ' ; no cash miulri'd lfpurt > 111
build l.a house. C. Hnrrl-on.'JlUV. . Mfo.
FOHSAIit1'our KiHxIlotMln iliittt Hill ,
fiOxl.V ) ejoh , on RRiilo. I'rlco ' WOO e.icli
\orthdoiililo tin * money. Slilujor & . IVnny ,
) ouilas ! bloeK-,10th md llotlKP. 400
moil SAI.H-2 of the hest lot * , on SUIftoa
L1 lilll rorl,7lO. ( O. I' , lliirlbou , OIIN. \ l.lfe
500-1 ! )
| 1A\0 iflri > lionsesnnd lots In Aniblorl'hiec ,
j-81.300 cibb. M. A. L'ptnii Co. 4 j 17
SAIiK S tooni lonsuoi ) ruiiiliis tt ,
J' nnjioslte Munis pjrKiliolii ; nelshburliooil ,
J1.MW CM' . HillIson , 1MIN. Y.l.lfo. BW-1U
ASMAId < piyment di ) n andlj permoiitli
will lti ) > a l-iooui hoiiM' null lot on loth , J
ilovks fiom motor ; lltsl-i'luu chinee to ac-
iiiliea home on ea y torins. Apply to II. K.
Coll1 , hloi'lc. S.H
1710K SAliK Splendid S-iooin house , lot COv
J ? H > H. III lainoiiio L-a h. balanoe ijool lots ,
) rIceWnuO , O. T. JLirilsoii , till N. Y. llfi .
COl ) 10
LINfOIiN I'lnco and Ciirthnito lots , prleo
} | ,0l)0. ) $ 'H ) down , liilancc if fimonthly. \ \ . li
belli ) , UMIIII ii : , Hoard of Ttaile , 8.11
r A'iT front lot on 43th st , Just north of
i Dodge. Ivllby 1'lnee , only Sl.OjO. M. A.
Upton : Co. 42s 17
" \X7AKriiip und buy a lininuoti monthly
T T inonts < holeeof seven dlirorent house ? ,
south fronts on I'arn un st , Hvt ry conv * nlomo ,
hieludlng fin nice and pis ' ' lioseen
at my ollleo. fall In. D. V. fholc-J Co.,2ii , : 1st
National Imili , U.t >
POIl SAIiK A fine nowS-room inttago noir
elect ilo car line on N.2th st. Will ko is
pat I of c ish piyincnt a good horsu or huiao
and phaeton. 1' , 1501 Karnam st. 6.U
LOOK at this I/it l\i . R-ioom house nn
lurbyst. Jiiit otstof bherintin au-.only
$ .M00 ; , must bohiiapucd up qulclc at that price
M. A. Upton Co. 4.'J17 '
-nviu.u lOttages , Jl.Wlilcacli. ? I03 cash down ,
- bahinco * 15 pur mouth. Ihoa. 1' . IIill. ail
Itu.Mon hloel ; , 8-T
" \71TAUOII & - , , . .
homes In most liny nddltlon foi
visile at froiiiSl.Miipiin ) i-isy monthly ay-
ntonts. P. K.lUrlliiK.-t-lUurkur blk. MJ
TQlOU SALK-Mcp 7 room liouso reidy to
JJ inovo Into with full lot , JJ.20J , $ M cash. 0.
T. Harrison. 911 N. Y. Life. U2
IV VOU haio anything to soil oroxcliatigo
call at018 I'axton block 815
FOIC SAI.K-lNiMV business block on ICth
street , lents arc 10 pereijntof prleo askcii-
820,000 cash , bal.mcolong than.SIII boon tlio
markutOnly u tovf days. Addrcsb 11 7 : . ' , lleo.
Matter of ApHlIcatlon of ArlliiRton D. Itroivn
for penult to sell liquor as a dmtiKlst.
Notice Is heieby glM'n tint Arlington I >
Itioun did ti | > on tlio Uth dny of July.
A. I ) , ilgoj , file his nppllrntlon to Ilin boird of
fire und polUo coniml-sloners of Uniahii ,
foi poimll to toll m lit , spirituous.ind vinous
Honors , as n ( jrilKKlst , for moilluiiul , inechanl-
I'til and clK'mli'al purpnsos only , at Ko. : WI1
Ames Avenue , Sixth Waril. Omah i , Neb , fiom
the 1st d-iy ol.Ianuary , Is'JO , to the 1st day
of January. 1691.
If thoio bo. no objection , romonstnnco or
piotest Hied within t\\o ueoKs from July fllh
A. I ) . 18110 , thobald pei mlt \ \ lllho granted.
. 1) ) . HIIOIVN
.1-10-17 AIIIINOTON , Vpplleant
Dr.i'AKTM wy or THI : i rKitiou-wasii-
InRton , .Inly i , IbOO. beakd iiropostU for
furnishing all the material mid labor uquliid
In Iho coinplc'llon of the I'nlted Stntu penl-
tuiillarynt'rialt l iko Ully. I tali Territory. us
u ell as In thneonstriictlon otastoeUado v. all
( ptovlded wltli entrance and bi'iitry bn\cslo )
I'ticlnso aliouttTCOieiesof lunil of the peni
tential v Ion , will bi'ioc-phod nl this
doinitment until 1 o'clock p in , Thursday ,
Jul ) .11 , 1W , when they will bo opened Kids
on the whole uorU only u 111 bit considered.
I'Inns and s ] > culflc-ntlons , IiiHtriietlons lo 1)11-
deis etc. , inuv lie seen at tblidepiilinint mid
at tlm olllcu of thosox ernor of tlio terrltor )
ntbalt LiUo Ulty , JohnW.
Notlco to Sewer Cnntrnetiirs.
ClTYl'NlllM.til'SO IICK I
S. Omaln , Nub , July Ulli. 181) . |
Seiled ptopoials will bo iereleil by the un-
derslKnid , at this olllee , until t\Ml\i > o'cloik
noon , of July IMh , ISUO. for fiiriitslilii all tlio
material and dolni ; all the work neci" > i try lo
complete tnofollonlimcltv liupro\einintsiU
C mist nualii , ' a twenty- four huh storm
wati i sewer. In "Q" st net. ulso milting In a
pile hulk liuail and approach to the \\est \ end
of ' ( ) " htieet viaduct. 1'laiH nnil spulllei-
tlons inny bes"inand ! all Iiiforiiiutloa icli-
tlM'to tlieorl , obtained at this ollleo
Iso piopos ils f nun an ) eoiitrautnr I/i dnfaiilt
\\Ilh thoi-lty on any picvlouicontnictwlllbu
No iiroposal from any onntractor will lie
considered unless acronipnnled by a cert Kiel
chicle for Ihu bundled dolliritiOO.OO ) to bo
leliirned on all bids not accipted ,
'llio rlitlit U icsirvcd to reject atiyor all
pioposals ; work tobo cotupletu within sixty
Approxlinnto estimate Is 5TO feet twent\-
foui iiu'li plp < IIH1 foot Iw'i'ho Inih pipe All
bldsmust boon blanlvs fiirnlshud by llio city
uiu'lneer ,
Il > order nf the coiino'l Comnilttno on
stnets nnd alloys , ] CU.NNKUiV.
.ll'xll-t _ Chairman ,
Notion to dm i motors.
lllds will horeerlved by t'io Koirnoy Opi-r.i
IIoiiso to to build an open (1011,0 ( and b ink
bulldiinat ICearnoy , el > , up to July : ' , . In ) ) .
H/eof hull Ihu 75UtJ'i : ' foot and IKostorlus
hUh. I'laiiaimd ( .poclfliutlons miy bohuon at
onrollli o In Kiainoy on and after. Inly 17th ,
Lbl ) Itluht toroleit aiivaiulall bids rtiur tin !
jlliJt _ KtAIINLV UI'KIt VjlOL'IK Cl )
.Noticisio 'nnt rnoriirH
llldw will ho lecelved by the 1'irlc Commis
sioners , City of Omaln. for Ihu i reullon of a
pa\llion In "Humcnin 1'iiik , " up to l.'u'ulock
noon thu ' . ' 'ith day of J ulv. Ih'U. '
I'luiH ' , details and ho t-oeu
at the olllee of Maxon Itoiirifi-ols , ari'hltt'ils ,
ItooniH Uir and ( M N V Life llnlldlii'Iho
coininls-lonorsreairotlio ! rUhtlo iiiju-t auy
or till bids. Jlflil7t
+ O/AAHA / , *
RiUUlU niw ferlilti to a Jiy cr money r >
fuiuli- lly ra ll W Sfcurc-ly imalod float o ! > *
ictvatloa. C'UU/C KKMKIt 1 t'U. , Omaha , Nib.
klipri k. r4 < l.ll. > llj. HuforuUt.
Operated tinder n twenty jrnr's cmtrnft by the lutcrmilloiml Improvement
( Irnnd Monthly ilrivvini , JuKI In the Moroniin
rnvlllun In ttin Ahmvilnl'iirk , Cltynf Metlro.nmt
I'UlillcljconiliicloUy ' iTsin'rlum'iil ultli-lnli npiiolnt-
il lor the jniri'Oiwtijr thoSuctcturj uf the luiulur
tnl tho'i'rcnf.irr.
will bo licld lu the CITV OK MEXICO.
AUGUST 7th , 1890
SO 000 Tickets at } l , SO 000.
I'rlco ' of Tickets Ainnrliv.n Money.
I HT Ol1 IMlt. K3.
K'niiltnl I'rUo < > HJI.UII . li 5 fflOOO
U'niillnl 1'rlio i > f JiUtl ) . l < ! Mnr >
irniiltnl Prlioof lO.UM . l < Iimm
ICr.uM I'rln of S.IXIO . l < 20UO
I'rliu i > t II OKI . nro 8IXX )
I1'N7 ! < 1 of ftv ) . UFO JoOU
SUl'rlznof SIM . nro um )
loill'iltMof no . irn Moon
: illl'rlif of N ) . sro H.IWI
5,1 1'l lies of ail . arc ii.uso
Al'I'IIOM VIlTlns. I-III7F * .
IVI'rlf orfiVntiiTiixliimlliiiilnfiOOiM pilm OMO
1'01'rlrcaof ' .ruiiirivlinjl'tiyt ) > lou prim 7.VXI
rflPrliM < f Wnpiroxliimllnuti OCW | irl/o
T.'jroimlnaliof J.1) ) Uudik-it lij tOOOJ prlio
37i ! I'rlic * Aninnnllnit lr . . tHHra
All I'rlri'i noKl In Ilia tnltvl Main full ? palj tit
U 3 Currunrf.
| P ron Cit'H mrrs , or i\r\j \ other Infnriiiitlcin
doMroil wrllo It-ulliljr w tlio unclcrnUttidl. clour I r
"InlliiKjourriMhli'iico. with nnt , count v , lrpolnnit
nuinlii-r Mom rtiplil ntiirn mill ilollvory % > lll lie
nMuicilby > our oiulonlntfuti involoiM ) liLiirln yuur
Juli uJJruas.
Ailtla-ss. II. llASSKlTr.
Uitr or Muxtro.
Or to Gil AS II SUVTI tr , To. , Itooin 4'J1 ' XV.
hlfo Building. Ilinuh I , Nib.
! ) > iHilliuirr totter , uontntnlnit SIOS'KV OltHKIl
MIILM ! by nil nviri'Hs ( Oinpunlos. Now Vorh Kx-
rntlor 1'u-itat .Noto.
lly torm' ofioiilnct tuocomiiiny inn * t deposit the
nni ofnll prill's Imhnii I In tlioscliimu h'formoll-
IrmiHln lu ticket , niul noulvothu lol onliiR olllclil
( iruitt
' \ -Ihornby corllfr tint tlic Itink of
liuiulon nnd Mexko hns t n iH'pO'lt the ncoiitnry (
funds to Kiuiraiitt'Clho I'lynient ' i f nil prizes drawn
tf tlio UHorli ill1 U llt'iicllruntlA I'uMlcn.
Aloi iivit c'Aurn in , lutcrvonir.
lurtlior tlicroinimnv hioqiilri'il toillitrllmtulirty-
ftlptUKMit. . of I ho vii 1 up of tilt the tlckrKIn piho-i
nliritcr pin lion thnn Ix Uvuii ly iuirntlivM ] < itt < > rr
Iliiully , tliaiiuinlioi ufllcl.t'lJ In Ilinltcl to SUIUI
.liieo IPM tlimnruiuld by oilier lullurlm ualn.'llio
MU110 BlIlCIllO
Ihl U to rortlfr tint tlio II ink of Commerce ,
.YHlivlllo , 'I'uin. , nlll pnriill | irljii In ubimt
tins. I ! in SCAN CiMi'er. '
SCENERY. ( Any one may compote )
1ST l'KIX.F-A linllronl T cliot , gooil otcr tlic cn-
llrnltnoot tlo Ooiuor aid Ut > linmlu Uallrcfiilttir
< nu vli ilo > cir rho liulilnr uf llio HIIIIIU tun ) rlilu
cicr > ilnr In the ji'nr Ml ltli It , wlicno\i > r unit
wlicroar lie ! 'H'naj < , without any axpuiisj wliatui or
( or i.illri'.ul fire
Jl ) I'ltl/.IO A llckot , Rood for > lx incratha over
the llnonf tlioDcMirur niul llloir.inlc ( Knllin nl 'I'lio
loltU'rof HIP H'\ino inny Mi'loit nity W T < OII of tliu
ji'ir , lint inii't HilrulK coiHCCiillviunntlii nnil
timy rlJe IIH oflon BH lie | > luni > H. Kiilni ; unJ coining
whenever niul nlnrovir li inny vl-li iliirlnii any
si tir ti 1 o itifOf utlru MIT immtlit < > t'io ' > rnr 18' ) ]
,11) I'lllX. I' Klkllunil witli l.nrvo Aiilk-rn < liixr > < !
iciily for xlilpnunt. If BO I | IILM | | | Tin % niini H
nOJ ) , nnd Hiuulil winiur prefer. UO In cu h n 111
to pall liintui.l. untlciiuinil
4 I'M I'lliyi , Acnlonil llinttiKr.ih | of thofiiidon
D [ ( mils unclf fniinol. tlnMuvlln tlinlm t
in ) Hll > li3iniinnor. Mzi . Ulnulici luni. - ! " > liuhuilil li
I'hotoxrnplicil by \ \ ' . II. JuukS'jii.uuulconinioiLliil '
TDliiK nOI
DTIll'ltlWC. OnoTlinHnnnilMltcJourney tlirotmh
tlm llo Uurt-Aiouiid tlie Cliolo Ticket , viilnuf Ui )
'lliln tlcki'tvlll Ijcircoa any tliuu between Juno 1st ,
nnd October lit , 1811
bl'll 1'lll/li A Colored I'liotnempli dlzo 2'ixlO
lncho < ) of'Iho Jlonntiiln of Iho Jloly Croi , lijr \ VII
II .iMCk.iuii , IrmiMuni'lr fiamoil Aitial commur-
cht vuliiit. ti)0 ) ( > If ilo'lruil , pirly niuy select miy
other BUbjcttol lucky .Mountiln icotiury , of name
? TiiBTriiTriANn toTir pitizrs win bo riioto-
Kripln by \ \ It. Jnek-on. liiiidtoinoly fmiuciliiiid
nnUlic. ! Hlu > , 'J.ivJ ) InolioH Ailuiil coruiimrclnl
Talno. 110 ( Xlc.lcli 'Ilia winucrnf iniyof thuto juUiis
limy BOk'Ct any aubjoct oC ituiky .Muuiitnln ucuiory.
ON1 WHICH ponwfi ir uin : IIITTEV.
Colorado. Utuh I'.iliuor l.iko Mnnltou
liirclonof thoftodi HoynlflorK"
I'lko'il'onk Slnrmlllnnci Toltco Gorge
* otI I'a s. fjrcit Snltlmko Ourny
CHIT llwullcrs Cuitlo Uatu IIIick Canon.
Currlcantl Needle Sit Holy Cross
Iho Cnnoii of thoflratnl lllvor Mnralmlll'uaM
AnluiajCnnon ( Tlio Ulvor of Lost Souls ) .
Mt. Abratii tTollllouil MasonWhocl ( ! ! Xi
ThowrlterM ntllbortyto rhoosohtn own tltlo , but
Iho t'oi'lil niuit boon ono of tlm ubovo Hiibjorln
Any pomin tuny conniutu fur nny or nil | irlzoa
nUt'rcil Uucli author lll roulru duocrcJIt , on pub-
1'ormns nut fiiralllnr with Hiihlprhnn which 1'oc-nn
nro iloslrcrt will IwfurnWiml with lllu trntel dcirrlp-
tire mutter by null , roitpnld , upon le.ulpt of 10
tciitHiiiy nero iniiio uniiiMaiuicsor uinnua
l'rlz will not lorhnniji'il liiiinrcntn for unyono
It IsillMtliidly turned iind umlorsto'il Hint nny
I'ooin nl > iultU'il It Iho proiorti' of 'liil ! ( .HK.vr
PIVIDE I'uHUhlnn Co , wlnithur tlm nauio wins a
No IVonifcin compct" linvlntr nny Mnl of ndTiir-
ll'i'iiunt uf any inlliuud , but nnr other thciuu li
I'otmi tuny lie tent at onfo , anl nny tlinountil
lii'ooinbpr llltli Ib' ) nn I credit ihlo onoi ulll Iv pub-
llihiMimch month bcKlnnliiuln thoSupUnibi'rNsiia
of Till liiUAl UltiiiK > n > tf ) on wMi to
( onipilo torprl/tt , } nu may dn uo ut otico , and nund
nn many us joii pit ; 130
In TincaHOiMiiMU 1'oi'ni rontnln morn linn 40lines ,
but tliN number of litirn inny bo | iit lnh > namiiiy
MTNCHIIS you dus re , ortlio coiuplUD 1'ocui ma ; con
tain n lets number than IU line * .
Thnlnn t > m > may lioslt ito to compote plon'ooh.
urvu Hint tlnipHUty. plnln thoiuliti In runmni < i
mill nun ! picture * portnlnliiK to HocUy Muuiitaln
Sionity urupaitUuluily dushtd.
SAMl'M-'lOl'Vof Tin : rUKATlivniB , lOccntij
ycarl ; aubictlptlon , 11UO
3 JUDGE3--3
To fli'ddo which Pimm nro thft host wllllm Delected
frt in Iho Culoradi liuai , linirii'dlatuly nltor Deconi *
tinr III Ib'iQ nnil I'rlrn I'ouinVHincr.s nllt In ! pub.
llilicdln tlio Iniinaiy nnuilitror Till ClirAT invmi
iiiul Duiivurl'.ipors 1'tUutpnld In January , l.i | .
lloniroiml wrllo your nnmo on ouch I'ocm you
ion < lclvlnuiiiirfnll iililrnsion oacli t'oam ork'ttor
All Icttorn fur tillscunloit niustbuiiliitnlymldrcoud
CuroTHLdltUAT IJIMIIi : t'fll CO ,
Ii.s\Lit ) \ , CoruitAlio.
[ copvitiniiTi'.iilS''O |
A Talking Parrot for $7
Which Iain ( minito soil the
no\t\souK at
$7 Each.
With a Guarantee to Talk
U Is nro ( hanio to get a
talking pan ut for nil e\ti-i-
ordinary elieap prleo D )
nut niUs j out chum o.
S. ISlh St. , Omnlm.
y lueltilU LIIIU a i uie * AU % Jut/
irv Hifjctw , b frltr * on I ( iirli Trie/-
In Onttr ntireit * ) iuli ul.t jnt tt\ \
t1 0 , I > . drtetfr n l < d hpcnrtr * * Mo.
tor ( 1 W MMdmn hi tinny i , 9 * ? [ < i
( iditwil K-n < 1itc iini | > | V > r r w ca'i '
l fiubiUr l UL"U in tbi worlJ.
M ? * > "
- - . - . - . - - - - . . .wui J IlrMii l'i red mlUn
txitvi valtlwitlit'lut ' rlUgO , 'lu\ni nn other *
H-nJ Ir. ( nj'O fnr pfttUeuUri arr ) "Ittllcr tur
l dl-ffc"li | ttlt fty \ rrturii ittll. Aan /
hocund In ? ) toft
davt hyusiiof thoinnr
v lous Miik'lo UniiiMy. ( .WO.Uifor ac IHU It , wll
liotcurn , OAUTfO.V tORi-t tlm sjinu nu reni
edyVtlto orcalloa 1' U. Jd-ilyn. 'Mli Uur
uuy Street , Oinahu , Nebraska.
TS vltxoD.1 on roconl Jitrl
lU'ottrratiillitt hntiilto S T 1'ottvr ,
lol - " . iinnlilc , \v d . , S.DJO
T Pot lor nnil Iff lo A S rot lor , lit lot
ft. lrUn& ! ! ! luac'tadd , w d . . , . , 4OiM
'etir I. ' < K l < i ell and wife lo Amlro\f \ Ucr
lur.fitlixift in Mititlu'itHt curnor tut
! MilU l.'l. South ( iinitlin , w d . . 1.000
, UM Ai.ili'r on lo Mary Monu'it. lot SI ,
lllckot } I'nrli.v il . . . . a,30
nnd II Kountr. toi'iirnli ' liiintiurlot II ,
hlktl.l'liilntlcw.wil . . I.JDO
V 1'TuUi'j et nl t iJ U .Mason , lot J , blk
ts Cllf ton Illll , xve . . 1,000
UirlRlit hind and lot ooniptniv to i : II
Illleklii. loll , tilk I. miboriilk . \ At-
brluht'Hc'holie. vd. . . X )
onlli OM.ihulaiu ! eonipinj to Mlioit
X.liiuiiot , lotlJ , blk , hoiilh Oiniilii ,
\ d . . . . . . . (10 (
T I'JnoltMin nnd xilfo ton llHoiul lot i ,
lilkut. .MittliDninhii , \ \ d . , | 0i >
* Allemon and xvlfutoj II I'lnliu.l rue
tee. loll ' 'I , S and VSI blk U. llrlKm'
I'lnco. d . . . ftWO
iar ) Kiles and hu > h.itul to Anniv llo\M' ! ,
lull ) I tn4. lilklU Arhorl'liue. xvil . , .1i\X )
M Ii > li and wife so II U Hint ulolc , lot
1' ' , blk U-i. .Ninth Dinnhiivvil . NO
) C Ill-lilt n el nl to Mary MnHintl.louS
andl ) . Mk 1'JVLM ' , | Kiul , xd . . HOW
1 MMaMiall andnlM to HO ( lillTon ,
lot II. lilU 4Siiiunilt Iti'wnc , xvil UVOOO
MlirlKht hind and lol c'Diiipant to \
Illloy it nl , lot 8 , lilk It' , AlbilKhts
liofc'i' , w d . . . . 30,1
I'llolfriitti'ln to\\'xvlli-o n. nnd S of
H'I ' lot III. lilk IS. ! ' , V Mult II'H mil. i { ml IV )
"t-nnU Hit naiil and \\lfo to John 1 1nn ,
vM ft lot si run' 5. ink I. 1st mid lo
Ninth Onmlii , wil . . . . 1VO ,
I A I'oiuicU ) and hiKhaiul to I.tuiU
Croncble , lof.M , Ilk II. Multiho Illll , xvd WO
I'ci-nilt- ) ,
U'ho follovvlnc ; iiniiiltMVOi-o isjiiod by tlm
> itildincmsxvtot ] yortti'i-diij :
t. C. t'i , hlntf. lith-k birn , 1VI.T bouth
Tueiiti-lirihaxiinio . t 1000
toirpo 1 Olli-mi. ono and ( iiic'-fout tli-
sioiv duellliiK. Id" North IwenljHist
slii'ot . 1000
M ll-iiiillton , om'-Mory fruuo ilnoll-
Im ; . | 'liln-lhlnlaiHl I'liitl ''lH. JMJ
UntOlsiin. tnostinxframe ilwilllnii ,
'r eiil-nlnlli ) .snoot and IViiipli-Uiit
aieniie . . 11)0 )
v.A lonti , one tinilniu'-hnlf-stor } fianio
( lui'lllni ; . . .MMiaillilnMiu'l.JW (
\ V. I'rineh ono niKlnno-foiit tli-stttrr
fiaiue d\M llhi } ; , I'rineh stioit ami
limU-ruvoniio . 1 IV )
Its M. II Diitton one nnil uiir-liiilt-
stni v fnuiiiMlu oiling , I'ucnljllllh and
\varilitriet- \ - * . I'M
"li illes Mot , txio and one-hnlf-storv
fiiiiuo iludlltm , Juik-on stint nnd
YlrjjlnK axeiuie . 7'iiX )
"our minor in nulls . 4T.r
V lutill ! of liihifttiiitlonM to IJeKlh'il
Tills IXiit-iiliic *
Tlio ion of nppilust Iho on tlio part of the Medicil soilotj ot
Ithc-itj tins croutcil n feeling of roust o un
ion among- those nialnst whom the light li
iiecteil Tlio ag'ii'.ssl\o ( iiic'dU-shavopliuod
lieinattei- the lunch of an uttoi-ncj , iinJii
> atih ot ten informations Mill bo lllod till- *
loiuingus astmtei" . So Infurlatcil liivuthu
uieks bi'cono o\or the attempt to siippiesH
.him . Hint thcv h.uo brgun to suul tlii-uulrn-
tt ( ! letters to the physicians \vlio arc tultlnff
hctnostnc'tlio put In tlio pioioc'iitloti , in
oino instances thii'iitoiilii poroiuil ilolumo.
Duo ph\slri.m yislet-day ucehul u loller
roni n , lentil filend In a citjvhoio ho for-
luilv livt.-d infiuniinj , ' him that a coft.ilii .
J > in inn quack h.ulviltto.i to tut ottoiuey
hire nskiuVif : inafllili\it lOtihl not IKS so-
tiiod i-onnoitliiBtliu pliysiiiuii with soineal-
CRc'il abortion CMSO , said allldavitto ho tiseil
isaolub to loinpil him to iliMHthi liU light ,
ifralnstthesouiiiitlnolpled knaves ,
Several ol the pliyblcliinsnoii ) SOPH , mid
1 ley stUed Unit Ihoy h.ul iiiuiuur.iled the
lj'ht anil intended to sou it tluougli. feiild
onoot tlieui
"Vos , the death of Mrs L.CIIIOII at llio
lands of nn ulleijeil scientist Is
\\hat llnullj biouKht insitters to n locus.
\Vo jifojiobo'to put u stop to tlio imposition
hut thcso peopluhikvolicun practicing on the
iiilillc. The state law is not \\hat ItsliDiild
totmtlno , tUU UytoBoouro tlia pMtiKOdC
noio stunmnt Iws In this respect andsu-
cim ) If possililo the cic.itiira of u bttitu boird
of health. Uiidcrthe present Imv sill thnlis
iciossiiry is for tlio would-bo pnutitiimur
oiCKister at the court tiouso , ami lie ia not
cijuired to show any diploma oi imjthiiiKoI
.hokitid ; in fact , seine of thuso sdeiitisUs ,
i ah doctors , niiigiiotlo hcalui-s , ctilulmlt
, hnt they IIO.AO no diploimw bocatwo
lone lira { jivon in the lines lu
which tliey profess to bo skilled.
't will bo nccoasnry to show In oourt Unit
these puticsiirouotiiualilled to act as phjtU-
ci.nis , and that Ishat no propose to do.
riiero nro scoiosof them in the city , nnd wo
will get after them nil 'J'ho roimtablo physi
cians , both allopathic nnd lioinaoiml'itc ,
imo unitocllii tlio innltoi" , and am contrlut- | (
nir money with vhioli to conduit tlio piiwo-
cutioii If thcso fellows whom wo nro uftor
It y pcrsoiiiil violence hi the expectation of
stopping the prosecution tleyl \ \ \ find tliciu-
achoi sadly mishkoinis tothuiesult"
A Choice Ijlst ol'Suinnior Ilcsorts.
Ill the lake ro ions \Vihcoiihln , I\Iln- \
ncbotn , Iowa and tlio two Dukotiis , tliot-o
nro hundred's of dini'ining localilios po-
omptoiily fitted for butuinar lionms.
Amotir { , tlio following' solcctucl listiu-o
names fiinilliiir to miuiy of our t-oiidur.s
JIB Iho porfoctiou of nortlun-n Busiiinor ro-
, lr i .11 I'll. . ttr * l _ . - _ _ _ ! . _ * _
faints. iNoniiy nn i mo u IHCOHHIII poinm
of iiitoiostitt-o within n Hhort ilibtiiimo
ttoin Chlctgo of Milwaukee , itnil none
of thorn moho far tmayft'oin the 'Mmsy
nui'tsof clvilimtioii" Unit tlioj ciiimot
bo rcuchoil in a low liotus ol tia\ol \ ,
l > y fforiuent trains , ever the UnosL loiul
in the north vest Iho Cliicngo ,
MiUvaulcco & St. ljatil iiiil\uiy :
Oconoinoxvpe. AVIs. Clear I-ake , Iowa.
Wis. LaltoOkohoji , Iowa.
li , U'ls. Spiilt Ijaku , lowii.
PolmvraYls. . lYontonui1 , Minn.
T4iiia.Ii iwlt Ignites , Luke MiKiietonlcu ,
Wis Minn.
r/ikeslJo , AVls. Oi-tonvillc , Minn.
Kllhoutn City , WIs. , Prior Iv.ite ,
( Dolls of the WlsMilto Hear I.Vto ,
cousin. ) Minn.
Heaver Dam , I5iy Stone Lake , Dn-
ISlailisou , AVIs. Unlit.
POP detailed Infoimutinn , apply U tlcKpt
onico. ; 15U1 rarnam stiect , Ilafkcr Block
if , A. NASH , GOII. '
J. II PIICSTO.V , 1'usa. .
Tlio "XV. . T. U ,
Mf3 C. II , nonuoLtiifoslilud at tharojjiilar
inoutlily meeting ot tlio AVomm's Christian
Tempcrancoutilon lnlil Intlio Vouiirf
Christlui assooiitlonlcuttiro i-ODi
iiftcrnoon uml Ain , M II. llhoilo' * actTl 111
fcerotaiy. 'J'ho meeting \vm led by the
Lcavitt union , niul all of tlio tunipui mo ' or-
fcMnUatious in tliociUvcioropicsciitoil
A icsolutiou was adotod | ) ilucl.iilnKtliut
the local bunch of the AVoimu's Clirl'tlun
Tempcwnco union was not in favor of lilcjh
license , and did not heliovi ) in llcumliiii et-Il
in any way Ono inemborvn vu-y nuclx
oxorclsoil because it luul boon sUU1 1 that *
tlioy vero opposed to piohiblllon , mid she
\\anted the union to KO uniuooril uaopp'-ilny '
hlKh llcomo
Itvas dcciilolto liokl n convention ol nil
the tc''O oivntibnllout ) In tlio cauitty
smno ( line \\ltliln a month ItUH su isU'd
tlntnnoffoit 1) nmlo lo secure llio ( lood
'Jcinphrs1 tent for that puiposo It was
stau-il It would bo iieoesHiry tolioliltlio
coiiveiitlun ni'xt week If the tout \vai so-
LUiuil , hut no dctlnito notion u is tnken.
Mrs T. K. btuwss roail u piper on
'ChrUtlan Kdue.itiou in the Homo School
and hociolj " The nuhjoit was ilUinssM by
Mesdimes Wliltu , Clut-U , CmellVooilund \
llhoailo ? .
'rhoronnliiderof tlio niootin , ' wn dovotoii
loan Infoi mal dincusilon of mutters lo bu
presciitud bkifoiu tliiicoinentio'i.
No\cr iiofjloit 11 constlpiitcJ cniiilitlori ot
tlm bovvuls , or serluiu rusului sut-ely follo > v ,
such u.i piles , Impure ulool nnd many cluouio
Burdock lilood Ititteis b tbo
Judpo Shields litsucil the follovlngr mar-
rl.ifjt . ) llconso ycit4)rilay ) :
Namoimil uildicsi. Ate ,
llnr ly M. Hurt , Oimhn . 21
IlldUoao Hulotl , Onuha. . It
Mrs Wlnslfiw's Hootliliiff S/rup for dill- -
drc- 1 tcothliiK producus natural , qulot iloop ,
" . " ) cents u bottle.