Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, July 18, 1890, Page 6, Image 6

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    G THE OMAHA DAILT B ] $ ] , FHTDAY , JULY 18 , 1800 ,
Ilelhwrt by < 'nrrlir Itmny p-irt of the City
IliulnisiOniie , No II.
Nlr H Kdltot.No.ZI.
N Y. I' Co.
Counrll Dliiffi TvuinhprCo. . coal.
Tonltfhtli tlio regular nicotine of the Scot-
llsh Kite bodies.
Tim city jail Is mnpticd out dally ami still
Uio KtiiyhiOKS scorn to escape thu flood.
The Wislum lumber mid supply company
jesteiday Hied a lien on ttio Kpworth ihnpcl
Hnrry Klusi and Ml < ts Macplo Coidon ,
both of Omulin , wire tniriinl yesterday lit
the iiiiilinco of Itcv Ur Uooley
Inthu siiK'iIor [ court jistciday the iaso of
Maiikcr UiMllnj , ' was still on trl il anil will
not lo L-oiiiliiilfri until OHIU time today The
argumenti 'ii' bc'lnt ; innUo > osti nlaj nf tcr-
Tlicro ns nvi-tj laicc attendance nt the
band concert In Ki'ilrmmmt park ye-ttcida )
nftoriioon llonly rc-iuire-4 ( a Hlciisant dav
onil tlio aimouncf-niont that DalheyN hnnil
n 111 piny to brlnn mroud amu-lnro
Tlic coininl1to on sttut lltfht unit water
works , with the iniiyot and cit\ i-iij.'lne-ei ,
went ( liun to the watmvorks imini ) linuso
jostoidav iiftirnooii to examine the ic-sci-
volr Tfuy nlw took H trip lo tlio toicKini , '
The imslduit of thu mhool boaid his
railed u sHlil | inwtlni ; for the purposeof
OJK.-IIIIK | bids mid awiiidlnjr contract forbullil
Ititf the- six room school liaililliiK1 on Cochran
tia < t and fni the uleitlou of tc loiters and
Janitors for thccnsiiltiiijcar
\V I ) Kirliltnil , whoso tint ntthoChnu-
tatiiini | burm-d the other da } , scouts the idu
that IWJH pli\liiK with matches \\.is the
cause of thu me. lie has h\ careful c'xamia-
ntion bcioino Mt isllcd tint thu rajs of the
Minn Ikituil from n llttlo inlirii stinted thu
II. lines Itutliur novel , but he Is coiilldc-iit
of It
Komo of tlio business men arc talking of
nrimifilntra sifotj th-poiit vault , to uoiun In
rotucrtlbii with onoof the Innks , to pinvido
lor the uciouiiiKxIutloii of these who de-she
some safe tiliHO iuhUh to lenMi Miluablu
papers and iwsoiiiil proic-it ) of that niituio
It is iM-lIcu-dlliutiuch an tnteiiuisc would
liny hui < !
'I wo sicriiili-nrs | < iinioln OMJI- the Huillng.
ton last icnliitf uuoiitu list Thej wcio
the Central Pacific's Tmnclsto' and thu
New V'oik Olilo A , Western's : ) , ' and wuo
ocitipledby 1'iesiclciit IVmVr of the latter
uoinp < iiii road , hissonln-lmv , Ml Dunnlnn ,
who was bringing the dead body of his \\ife
f i out San KViinrlsio fin bm III in New Voik
Justice 13inni-tt illsihniKol the dufcndcnt
In the llrupK-Wltsou assault and battery
i-ase 1 ho costs of the c.ise , which Include
the fees of two attoniLjsLIO snllltlent to
puj for thu onstiuctloii of too ot thiio wells
and foitj acixs of bin bed wlio fine-Ing , and
the dispute and iarnaii.i > enl ) o\er one
llttlu jMiicl of feme and a single hole In the
Ki ouiid
'Ihu tnrantiihi fuml ! } captured seine tlmo
fifcoby HitilOoIjOiiKatul purchised by W
1 * Ayluiw 01 th are now road ) for exhibition
Tlio yonntr ones , inunb"iini , ' about UK ( ) , hu\o
hatched out , but soon bei line so numerous Mr. A jlosoith was obliged to kill a
latKO ninnboi of them The old one , mid tlio
icimilnliitf.vounjj which aio Kiowint ; ilncl ) ,
and u ill soon be on exhibition
'Ihu iiclieeolllccrs , the police Jndiroaudall
eomi-inul aniftrcitlj puledith thotiamp
question The iiumuoi ol those uiiested us
variants continues tolncicaso boinoof these
tiiktii In arc simply out of link , others aio
uvidcntli piofcssloiiiildo-iiolhlncs , others are
cioolts air.iinit vhoni no ildluito rluigu can
bcpiovcd , and still tbo.\ \ sum in It is no e.isy
inattor to sft | them out , mid still hudcrto
piwido for thoiti when thej uro sifted out.
"Tho liuelt business hiis all gcno wioin ; , "
lemarksoneof tlio oldest in the lino. "It's
all duo lo thu motor.Vo don't cot a quuitcr
pnit of thcs hniliiiK fioin the depots that \\o
Ubcd to IXeijbodj bs his j-iip and
roines uptown 01111 motor. If a fellow bus
tfot too much biiKiniKU to do this then ho Rets
u buck , but even itiuu ho often sends a bi -
K ( \vuifoii upylth liU trunks , hud rides up
on the motor. There's ao more inonej in tlio
hai.lf business. "
"Untie Billy , " the inepresslblo daikoy
% vho hasao IOIIK lived back of the Ogilcii
house. Issotiipplcd by rlicuiiiatlsintliiit ho
Is no longer able to follow c\tm his usual oc
cupation of picking : up the rubbish to bo
found in the allejs , and draining the beer
kens. He laujrhs as loud as over , though ,
and tolls mmiy funny n'inlulscviiics of Coun
cil muffs thirty ycais npo , w hun he ita > t
ciiino hero us a cook lie is now soventy-
tlnee jcars old.
AldciiiinnCasjicr bis suu ceded in laisln
$ .Mi ( ! towards dofmying the expenses of the
meeting of the national farmers congiess
hero next month This is only n small put
of the miiount loiiniivd Tlio leutal of the
hull and the mush ? will cost * 7.'iO for the ses
sion , bosltlis the rontJl of tlio opera house.
The board of tiiulo \ \ ill boiisltod to contribute
f.VH ) . 'Hint organi/ation ( 'ivo Ji50 to the
Crcston palace , anil It will bo expected to
nelp out as iniicb ns possible now.
C. A MldiiH , nmniiircr of the teleiihnno cx-
ebaiiKi' , nnel a iiumbei of kindled spults , have
oi K.inlml a mandolin club That ill-formed
but succt-tutiuil Instiunieiiuvlll predoininito ,
but % % lll not rciKii supivino. Besides the
nnndollii phuoisaio tlio Noftluuibi ; others
and i : S. Stephan , ( -Hltni-s ; C. .A Atkins ,
iMiijoiluo ; IJd Morchouse , banjo nud Vic
Deno , lluto. J oino very plensunt sinnniei
nlrlit ( conuils and beicnadcs ma > bo ox-
jMited from the now bund \ \ hen the young
nentlemeii li.ivo had a llttlo moro prattieo.
Uholr lirst cnUitainnieiitwas ghcnatthu
i-fldcuio of III Baiid a few ovcnlngs since.
Soniochniiifes.iio beinMiiadoia ( the police
imtrol house hwhlih tberowill bo moro
innvenlonco and conuoit for both ini'ii anil
horses Stivens Inuo been put In nil around
to keep the Htcs from tormcntliiK tbuhorsus.
Uho liar p.nt of the building Is bohifj trins-
foiincilliiton , eoinloitiiblOhtablo foi the
leepln'of ( the ehlof'slioi-so and \\.igon. It
Isiiciiuso for cointneiit to notice that while
screens nro plau-d In the \\iiulowi of the
ilty's stable to keep lllas tiwayfiom tin mo none at tlio windows of the
Jail to keep thu tiles off the pilsoncis. O
toniNO the police headquaiti'rs need no
beivoii ) , lor thcro am no Hies on the police
J. C Rlbito.un hoatliiK , sniiiturv on-
plne.01 , 1M.I I < ifo btilhllnir , Omiilw 'Oj' Mer
> l.un block , Council IllutTs.
Dr. Ioeis' ) oftlco moved to JO N. Main.
J'KItliUX 11 * I'.Ut.l'llN.
Captain .1 II. Claik has concluded to | KisU
jono his proposed Kuropoim tilji until nex
Mrs Cbiilos Bleiworth and dnuuhter
MKS | Anltii , will visit hei father In Osku
loosu for a few weeks ,
Itov. Mackoy , pustopof St. Paul's chinch
and lili boj c'hoii Inuo i-etunied from Spirit
l.ukowhew , they have been camping 0110
wcolc. They ivportaa splonelld tlmo.
MlssCJraio Vutsyof Pulls City , Nub. , who
lias been Hponelhiir the pant tv\o wee'ks witl
Miss Armour of Cherokee anil Miss Patter
sou ofthlsilty , lotuineelto hei homo yester
day morning.
T. rileklnpen w lib bis sUtei and bis fainllj
loft lust o\Milni ( ; for Independence , In , to
there \ Isit friends and relative's. Ho \ \ 111 remain
main but ashoil time , but his family wll
probably ix-iiiaia two months.
Miss Mjm Crane , whoso illness caused a
postponement of hei wedding , was ruportvi
jcstiiilay as beliiK Soinowbatx\orse' , and he
mends are ( Uiltoalurnietl at bur condition
Mr. Jiuncs Canning of IndlanupolU , tlio ox
iK' bridegroomIs still hew , aoioimimle <
by his frlciuls , A. H. Smith. O. 0. liallard
mid W , J.Mllltr. 'Ihoywlll ivmain u fe\
days uwnltlng the do\elopment of Mis
Crane's condition , hoping that that there may
bo sofa voi able a changoas to allow the cuto-
wor.j to be perfornud.
The Mii'iluittan bporttng lieadciuartew , 411
HroiuUvuy , _
Miuide'l iV KUin am olTorlni ; gix > at Induce-
inont to hoii'iekoopcrii during these hot days
Wo nro recol\ \ lug now goods dully and ca
offer great bargains In oar | > ets , beduing , coo
stoves , o.teVo wlsli to make room for ou
fall block , \Vo would bo pleaded toliu\oyoi
ilguro with us for cash or on the limtalhnou
pluii. Wo will ship ull coodJ five of cliargo
radiuiof 1UO miles. Heinenibcr.
, it Kuiv ,
& 0 Broadway.
lie Blood-Stained Jlall Ecsidenco Still At
tracting Large Crowds.
Jlu1 rouble the IHII Poster * ' Ordl-
naiico Clonlnt ; Day of
the Chaiitaii < | uii 'Dull ) IllnllV *
Invents IN-riiiiiinl Notes.
The blood stained ootta o nt ail I-ognn
slicot , w hero the terrible tt.igoJy of Tuesday
win enictod , continue ! to attraot
onds. It was vlslUsJjcsteulay by
thousands , mid although tbo curtains were
closelj ihawn and the doors elo ed Mind
locked by iiolleodlrc-ttlon , the \isltor-i hung
iiouiul and enileavorod to peer Into the
plooin ) Inside , whorotbo lllo-.wcre swarming
nor the nussosof eoigulated blood. During
thed tlia blco 1-st il no 1 belolotlio * and
wcarliiK app nvl bjlomjliiK to tbo ol 1 wo n in
weio pllc'dolt-slilo and put in ilniryoof Mr.
Dennett , tbo o\vmnr of Iho bouse , and tho-ti-c-
nml sutlorcrfiom the brutdlty and vlcioiis-
iess of the murderer1 Hill. Iliiiidro.h of
leoplcelitnbcd up on the bluiTi aero4 < Iho
stioe-t on the west and gazed Idly down on
tlio little- roll igo for hourj , appirontlv find-
ng some stiango fuse-in ition In the closed
doors and darkened windows , of thonaiiow
btagotipon which was cnaeted 0110 of the
most vicious erlmes In the annals
of tbo city Ilie building Htnnds
in striking contrast with these
that suiiouml It , wboio the doois mid win-
lows are open to ulr mid sunshine , and whoi o
; ho meiryolco of cluldien atpla > miii'loin (
sw eel barniony w ith the chirping of bii ds and
the iKifuinoel bieatb of Iho ( lower guidons
; lmt adorn the fiont jnrds. The house is tin-
.nlnted . and weather stained , and looks fiown-
ng and dink in eontiast with the dar/llng
white walls of the peaceful little mission
church b'-sldo it
The ghastly pools of blood on the lloors
lave been ptrtlnlly hidden by plentiful mmn-
iltlesof dij cintli tint haxobcea shoveled in
fiom the btioot The tallo still stands with
the untasted food inwii it which the faithful
wifepic-piiod for liei'binlal luul , and all the
little furnitnioiemnlin In tbo house. The
polite made u thoroiiifh scwh for valual-les
bofoi'O leaIng the house A f ( w llttlo tiniU-
cts , a breastpin and one c irrlng and -11 eents
In nionoj was all the ) found. These ailloles
woiolalcen to the btatlon , md will be
tinned o\ei to tlioso who should have the i at
the pioperllmo
Tbo neighbors n round the place have re-
lovc-iwl fiom their flight , itiiii tbo tongue of
Itosslp , but not Mtinilcr , his boon loose-lied
It is an e.wN matter now for the reporttn to
( -et all the little details they want of bow the
fiiinil ) Ihcil , and the cruelty mid iicroeoutions
thej suffered at the bands of the lonscicnco
less bru to who should hmo oien their
ami pioteitor The fact was iloailv e-itab-
lisliul that Mrs Hall provided nil the coin-
foils and punhionsthe funlh enioyed and
that about all the t-aiiiiiiRS of the husband
and father , and fieqnontlv these of his wife ,
weie consumed to satisfy his thiist for
liquors litno and again ho forced bet to
give up her umniiigs foi that puiposo , and
used i rut 1 meims to accomplish it Wllldns ,
Iho jmitor at the court Itou-jV , and the oiih
plo\crol the old woinm , states thnt ho
came to nlm ficiiuently and asked for an ad-
\ainopament of her wages so that she
could gi\o It to her hnshind when ho came to
the court honso for that purpose , and at onetime
time a few clajs ago she obt.iineil $1 and gave
It t < i him.
The fact was also developed thnt the quar
to ! which ended in the tiagcdy bcKini Mon
day night \\lien Hall bioutfit home t\\o
bottles of beoi lie was elrunk and \leious
nndcoaccUcdthu Insane Idei tint his little
foui-jcarold daughter should iliiiikono of
the bottles Ho had ficiuontly | tiled to com
pel the mother and tbo two cluldien at homo
to drink the beer , but his efforts to "diench"
thorn with itnuido them sick und turned
them ngalnst It. On Alonday nlrlit he drew
the cork from a bottle , pi led open the baby's
month and \\iisbontoii pouting thoeiitn-o
contents downhci throat. The child was
noaily Htiaugled w hen the mother snntched
it ftom the brute. Heat oneo How Into a
toriiblo lago anil threw tbo bottloatthe
mother. On Tuesday night bo eame home
with another cargo of boor in his stomach
mid in his arms and m.ulo auothei attempt to
drown the baby by pouring tbo liquid down
its tin oat wbilo ho hold Its head biolc. Again
the mother si\ eel it and again n tcuible scene
followed , dining which the demon inadoa
desnerate oftort to kill the woman and her
uhildien , nud she only escaped by llyinjr from
the bouse and taking lefugoin the homo of
the Dennett family , where she remained all
night. 'Iho ne\.t moining , the morning be-
forothe tragedy , the quarrel was renewed
and the woman was diivcn fiom thohouso
with fearful impiccatlons without her
"I could le.un the d d biats to di ink beer
if it wasn't for you , " i\as a icinark lie was
hoard to frooucntlj address Ids wife.
OnTuesda ) nijilit her iicighbois suv her
when she retuinoil from her work , bho np-
pe.ued so weary nnd taint , hu\ing eaten
neither btvakf.tst nor dinnei , th it Mio could
scareoly walk , and stopped to icst ttticr-In
going tioin the coiner of Hen ton to Logan
street , a distance of two blocks. She had her
arms full of gioccrlis , union ) ; them < i beef
steak and a box of beulcs , for tbo evening
meal bbu piepaied u splcildld supper , after
fourteen hours of the drudgery at the comt
house. The steak was nicelv cooked nnd the
Uiblospioid when Halliinnoin with Ids beer
and made the attempt to foico a quait of it
down tbo ot his biby. When the
mother snatched tlio child fiom him and was
dii\cn from Ibo house , the w retell giitbeied
upthofood fiom the table and throw it down
tbo bill In the icar of the cottage1 , tablecloth ,
dishes and all , and with It ono of the bottles
of the beer ho had bt outfit homo. The neigh
bors ycstoidiiy weio exhibiting the wreck ,
the nicilj cooked heofstoak , the sc.tttoicd
bculcsund the broken dishes
YesUiday morning at 10 o'clock the coroners
ners iiumest was hold. Thcro weio only n
few witnesses examined , and thov included
the ph3ale.hins.Cook and L ley.and the ncitfi-
boi Bennett. Thobatteiedbillet that hid
been taken out of the brain of the inutdeied
woman at an autopsy held dining the night
was piesented in evidence. The doctors ex
plained the lourse of tbo bill und how It
caused death No other facts concerning the
killing'bun these that appc-are-d in Tin : lin :
ycstoiil.iv wore elicited. After a brief con-
feieiicc tins Juiy returned tbo tollowing vcr-
dkt :
That tbo h tld Finlly Hull , now Ivlm ; drad
In foru us , u.niiitohoi dentil by uplstol nound
Inlllotco by Iici liiisli.ind. Henry Hall , with
Intent to commit murder.
\V. II. KoiiiMinv.
* I'oicliian.
.T. W. Monsp.
Attest ! U.G Duitu.
J , O.WATKIIMAN , Coronor.
Iho aiiaiiBeinoiits fur the funeral littvo all
been made and it will occur nt 10 o'clock this
moruiiiB from the undeitakcr's. The inter
ment will bo made in Falr\low.
A repoitoi for Tin : lhn : hid nn interview
with thomurdeieryesterdnvatSt. Bcuianl's
haspital , Ho seemed to bo suffering tl o
greatest mental depression. lie was appir
ently suffei ing but llltlo from the effects of
his self Inllietod wound , and if it were not for
tbo feai fill loss of blood that ho had sustained
ho would bo physically as strong as ho e\or
was. His face \\as pale and pinched , and
\\heiitlaiHiibji-ctof tno innrdor was intro
duced his fe'iittii-cs palnfull ) i-ontractod ,
"What mndo jou commit that nwful crime ,
HunkC'TiiK Bi. man Inquired There was
no answer.
"Aro jon fully conscious of tlio results of
your actions , und do jou have n cletr i-ccol-
lectlonof all the events thut trunspiiedcs -
The old man slowly turned and looked at
the reporter and uskcd with a peed deal of
spliit , "Dojou mean to ask If I was Insane
when I killed the old nomani" The reporter
nodde < f his head.
" \Vell , then , I wasn't. "
" \VIiydidyouklllbcrP1
"HocausOjl wimted to. "
"What wns there between you and her that
would intilio jou commit such a toriiblo
"No ono knows what was between us but
she and me , 1 ought to ha\o killed tier long
ayo. "
"Won't jou tell what It was I1' '
"It's nobody's business. "
"If jou stood where you did twenty-four
murs ago would jou dons jou have tlonol"
"KlUhcrt Vou bet I would ; and more ,
" \Vonlclyoti hao killed jour chlldfon if
" \Vs , nt Icist omo of them , nnd that old
Io\ll , ncnnctt. "
"Do you want to ) ? ot wi-H now or tlio I "
"I don't ' care n il-n which. "
The tmiixlc'rcr 1 < clotcljKUtitilcil by two
oflliers. The In formation iliarglmt him with
nurderwas tiled InJustlco Itiu-nett's court ,
ind ns soon us t lull can bo mou'd without
itiiluololeiuo to liiiiii.inlty ho will lie taken
from tbo hospital and arraigned. < tlo will
irohtbl } wul \ c examination and goat once
o the comity Jail to await his trial for mur-
Overseer ot 1'nor Hardln aiinonnccd jcs-
.eulay that he had succeeded In securing
rood homes for tlio two jounjfer children.
I'ho llttlo baby Is it sweet-faced llttlo thing ,
o\ln > * and tender , and mounts oonstantlj-
ler mother. It M'ems impossible that she
should IK ) tbo offspring of such juronts
A paper was In ellculatlon j-cMtoidity sollc-
tlni ; funds to tflvo the motlicr n decent
luitiil , or rather to sa\c her from a pauper s
lurial , and enough w.u raised to sceuro tbo
object of the charitable poopto who stalled It.
The iloiuithan .lonos Cnnc.
Jonathan Jones nppcued at the court house
vestorday to sign his aaino as a witness to
some pension papers. Jones' case is n peeii-
inronc Ho has been trloJ tlms and iiRilu
fornniiJcr , and his case has been to the su-
ucmu com t at Ipiwt twice .lust now IIP Is
waiting for the cjnestion of his sanity to be
letcrn.liicd. Twoyenrs or moio ago , on ono
of his numeious tiials , ho wns found guilty ,
indsentonco wasstaj-cd until this question
could bo dotermincd. The Stealing upon the
luestion has been put off from tlmo lo tlmo ,
mil ho Is still nt lingo , with prcttj- good
i > rospe ts of rein da Ing so Just how much
vnluo his iiaine Is as \\ltncsstflpcnslon
iiiiK-rs | i an Imullj be deteiniineil. His rou-
litioa. Judging from bis appeatanco jcster-
duy , his change 1 none slnco his lust tilnl.
I lo still HI-US us if ho had no interest what-
o\cr in what is going on about him , and
semis to justify the claim that ho is in a
state appioachliiK Imbecility , Colonel S < ott
: ms been defending him for jears , nnd hits
maimgcd to keopldm out of thepcnltcuthiiy ,
wlnniii ) ; many a liard bittlo for him.
spnciAij rou THIS ; WKCIC.
At the Uoston Stole , Council ItlnfTH.
Now line coibet covon. all sl es , lace
tiimmed , b irffiilns 'JSo and " 9c.
A full line of better good * In all si/esat Oc ,
5c , ( > 'lc and Toe- .
Night dresses SOe , TK87c , 9"c to 4J 00.
Skirts , all ttiuimod and tucked , OJc , 75c ,
8'Jc , $1 ( W up to ir5.
Cheapest goods at "iOc to 't'c , tucked only.
In chemises 'J3c , IJ'Jc1 , fiOc. 5be' , STc , O.'c to
SI Ml.
Drnwura to match nil thonbo\c.
cousirr LIST.
Light weight bate-en corsets ( peed
value ) r > 0c.
Our Town Talk corset ( lap back ) "c.
rioneh cintil corset in diab , white and
eciu , Tie fspccial price ) .
Our ONb DOLLAIt UST. WaincrNo.
3H , Coialine , Tmnpico , MnJamNora. Duplex ,
Hall's H. P
\Vainc-rSXo. 411 at1.2) .
Kquaiino health corset at $1.'J. " .
Winner's health corset at S1.25.
Misses' waist 4"io. .Vic and Tiic
Illack corsets , ? l. ! l to § J rM , fust black.
Ladles' waists ( Warnei's ) 5.1 00.
Ladies' waists ( Ball's ) * l.- ! . " > .
We me- showing : o\er se\enty-flvo different
stjlcs of coisots at prosent. 'Ho convinced
we can suit jou In am kind of a coiset.
Council Blmls , In.
It 3nkcs ! Trouble.
The no woidiiianco licensing and icgulating
tbo bill posting business in Councfl Ulnffs
makes a heap of trouble for everjbodj but
the single ; individual who has taken out a li
cense. The roster of offenders nt tlio central
police station has about as many dally ontiics
upon It of offenses against it as the organic
law Unit ttclinesand punishes \ngrancy.
Thoio were four arrests for its violation
jestcidaj- the dally average is se\eral.
The orders to the police are to nrrest all per
sons found distributing and posting bills wuo
cannot show Unit they have a legal right ac
quired by the purchase of a $25 license to dose
so , and it Isn't much trouble for the boys in
blue to find a fellow almost any hour. There
were four arrests yesterday , and four fellows
were tinned into swearing machines and are
still earnestly nppstrophiying that ordinance.
Ono was EV. . Dent , nn employe of the Hock
Island railway loinpiny , who wns caught in
the act of distributing railway ad-
\crtislng. Uojal Gcppnerand G. P. Hood
weio found pasting up pretty pictures and
distributing u lot of fine little books and
pamphleUs advertising Hood's sarsuparilla ,
and they were biought in by the patrol. Ono
of them , Hood , claimed to bo deaf and dumb ,
but when tbo pitrol wagon landed him at the
station and the flow nlng bastllo greeted his
sight ho became very much excited und found
his tongue , nnd gave it to the otllcors and
evorybodj- in largo slices. Ho exhibited
a penult signed by T. Mulvihlll , tlio Omaha
billposter , giving him the right to bill Council
Bluffs , Omaha , South Onnhn and Lincoln ,
and it took a good IOIIR while to convince him
that Mr. Mulvihlll did not own Council IllulTs ,
and must bo satUlied witb the proprietorship
of the tlucc last naucd villages. The other
mifoitunato was M H. Walker , nn attache
of a loial emploj incut agency , who was ills-
covcied iu the act of scattering hand bills.
Besides these cases thcio arosevcinl others
pending and undisposed of , among them the
Distiict te'egraph ' company , whoso boj-s weio
attested for dlstlibutliiK bills while the Soils-
Unnctt chcus was in town. Tbo manager of
the company cldmsto h.uo allcunso for that
purpose , and that tbo pilvllego is a put of
the charter of the company , and they piopoao
to tcot the validity- tbo Into ouilnnnee in
the coui ts , and a prominent attorney has been
let allied foi this pin pose
The phnso of the oidimuico that uttincts
the most public attention Is that which pro
hibits the business man dlstiibutiii < ; his own
chcnlaisot tilling boji > to do it for him. It
is probable thnt none of these cases will bo
settled or the recent ones will bo continued
without bond until the district case is adjudi
Dr II. S. West , poicclata crown and biidgo
w ork , No 12 Pc.u 1.
A peed boso reel free w Ith every 100 feet of
hose put chased ut llixby's.
If vou w Ish to sell j'our property call on tbo
JudiLl WellsCo. , C. B. Judd , piesident , COO
Bro idwuy.
Closing the Cluiutiimpin.
Todaj * is the closing ono of the Chautauqui
asseinblj- , which has been in session slnco the
1st of July The success which h is attended
tbo utrangemcnts this j-car has ciused the
manngenicnt to docldo to inako btlll moro at
tractive foituros unother set'oii The pro
gramme this joir bis boon an excellent ono ,
and the iitteadinco has been such ns to en
able the management to in jet all the ex
penses of its piesentntlon. This Is fortunate ,
for had it been other wise thcro would hiuo
been much discouragement mid a consequent
diillculty la seeming by supscrlptlon the
necessary fuiuls to pro\ldo for u deilclt. As
It is , such a success resultant from the second
j car of the cnterptlso is proof that there uro
htlll greater possibilities for It another sea
son. The Clnutauijuu Is no longer an ex-
perlmoiit , and tbero will bo llttlo diillculty
now hi its securing all the support nocossiuy
to insure its do niton *
> elopmcnt reallj na-
tlouitl usse-nibly.
Lust season there wcro slxtj- tents occu
pied. "Ibis jear there were o\cr two bun
dled. Lust season the recclpUs did not pay
much o\er Inlf the expenses of tlio pro
gramme. This year the receipts will paj- for
thoprogrannnoln full , und help eomewhat In
meeting tbo other oxpc'iises. At this tate of
rapid Increase another season will sco a sur
plus to bo used In v lying for the funded
debt und In making needed improvements ,
The management lias done well , urn I tlio
critical period in tlio history of the Chan
tamma b is been safely passed.
'Jim following is the programme arranged
for this , tbo closing day , it being known as
'children's day. "
II110 u. m. Uilldieii'K ihiy i ire .41 u in me , con
ducted liy Uo\ , John \V. ( loluii.
- ' . ( ) p. m. Muslenlo The Ho/crs Imtul ,
'MO p. in , Uotuio "What uro our Kju and
Ears for } " Ur.J. U. Motto. .
4.00 p.m. llualassemblyblblostudy Dean
A. A. Wrlitlit , l.t ) . T iiilf. " > lv tcry"-l. Cor.
xx..Wvi,24 . | { tv. xxll. I'J. .
ftOJp. : m. t . I , , s ( ' Hoiind Tublf. ,
T : : p. in I'Miml urmld poiiu-rt Cotutiiutiil
iv I'rnf. ( M' , CHKI. VhuaHsvuiliIj chorus , I he
wmirH Imiul , Mrs : Jr (1. Aliulsworth. and
iiiislciil nr/anlr itk > n < Vnim Oniiiliaand Conn
ellMlhirTs will piriol.ntc. | |
. . *
a i j iii ii.
J. 0. Tlptou , real estalo , ftJ * Bividwuy.
juts. I'f wJiKrJi.v AW. t ,
Hlie Intends to Stand llolilly Uy Her
TOUT WOIITII , Tex. , July 17. [ Special
: 'clegratn to Tin : BII. ] Mrs. I'cndleton
Vo. 1 nrrho.l licio tonight with her two llttlo
gitls. She was mr-t nt the depot by Hon.
Jeoigo K I'emlleton , boothcrof her recreant
iusbiiiilnnd her brother , John U' . Sholton.
She was driven Itnmn Jlutoly to her old home ,
\horo sie at once rutli-cd. She h.ts bec-n too
iiillsposi'dtoimdoigo anlntervtowln fuel , ho
ins spoken but llttlo to auj * one slnco her nr-
rlvnl , But her brother irlvos it cut that she
tatid tohlmposltlvolj that slip know notn-
tig about the divorce , never suspected that
uch a document existed , and whoa she de-
i.irtid from Tctniessci ) a fortnight ago her
itisband ptrUd from her most atfcotlonntely.
Pcndleton will not return to Fort \Vorth \ ,
uch Is tlio import of a telegnim reccl\cel lulu
onlght iromaguntU-mnn In Now Oilcans , who
lasbeon wired bj I'endlcton's fi lends from
'oil Worth to urge upon him tlio danger ho
vonld be I-i if bo c imo to this city.
The city council has decided to take no ac-
iou In premises lool.ingto tlio inipciuh-
nontof tbo inavor until the next reguhr
neetlng of the board on next Tnesdij' . A
lisp itch from I'cndleton iwohcd In Foit
Worth today states thut bo will start on his
otiiin to this city from New Orleans toinor-
ow nud It cioatod Intense excitement Peo-
> lc rushed from group to group oif tbo sldo-
valk The comnients wen * that either Pen-
lleton wns etU7j' or ho luul icmarknblo none ,
or ho hnd a terrible resolution to make on his
an luil bete.
Kansas Corn In lluil Condi t Inn.
KVsCiTi , Mo , Julj * 17. Adlspatclito
in cloning piper fi om Kansas sij-ss 'llio
condition of corn grows worse dijby iliy.
lot winds blew j'esteniaj' and todaj * , I'.iuslng
great damage In those sections which hn\e
10 lain. In seine sections fannora hi\o :
tbout given up hopes of hnuestlng any ciop
it nil. At best tbcie is not moivtlnui half of
.ho state that Is oven falilj well watered.
11 nun j' sections fanners tuoimuketiiig hogs ,
'eaiiug thoj- will have no corn to feed them.
Lovnov , July IT. [ Special Telegram to
I'm BLP ] At thoNeiunaikot second July
meeting today , the race for the Chtwtcrtleld
stakes , live furlongs , was won by J. "li.
rlouldswortli's colt Orvlcto' ; M. M. 13.
Slano'seolt-l'iotcndant was the only other
stmtcr. The i uce for the inldsunnner plate
) f l,0Ksoveielgns ( , se\en fmlongs , was won
) j'tho dukoof 1'oitland's ' colt bt Self , Loid
[ -'c-nricbeii's colt Ordatus sei-ond and Union
deLaiue's lllly Dearest tlilid. Thtro veie
eight starters.
Kteani-r ( Struck I'y a Storm.
llnisToi , Pa , July r > Tlio steamer Cohim-
Jin was struck bv a storm on llio IJelaw ire
this evening. All the awnings were carilcd
away and most of tbo fancy colored plnss In
Lho windows demolished The pussengeis
wcio tcrrlllc'il/but were paellled bjtbo cap
tain w ith much elilllculty.
C B. Mooio Sc Co , have been appointed
w holosnlo airents for tbo celebrated water * of
Excelsior SpiIngsMissouii
Tcirlblo Crime of a Hoy.
As VA , 111. , Julj ir. A talc of j outbful de-
pi u\itjf hard to bc-llirvoconies from Oore\lllc ,
a small town la tlio wqstcia poitlon of John
son countj * , remo\cd fiom railways ami telc-
giaph stations. Monday night tbo slxtcen-
j'cii-olJson of farmer Morris Sulllum en-
lered the bcdioomof his pironts and fatally
stabbed them. He Is now In jnll. Tbo
reason ho glcs for the deed was that ho was
tired of waiting for the property.
An Original 1'aekngo Victory.
TOPIKA , Kan. , Julyl"Judgo Phillips has
banded down an elaborate decMou in the
oilguinl package case argued before him ro-
ccatljHo granted nil iajunction to the
agents of tbo blowing firms in St. Louis and
Milwaukee who had engaged in business in
this place against County Attorney Welsh
and Sbeiiff Wilkc'rson icstrainlng them from
furthei iuterfcrcnce with the plain tills * busi
The Padrone Sy.stein.
WASHIVOTOV , , Julj-17 The bouso commit
tee on Iminlratlon heard a statement today
by Dr. Verdi of this city , himself a native of
Italy , upon tbo subject of the padrone sys
tem. His statement was mainly in refuta
tion of these in.ido by preceding witnesses
respecting the existence of a system of Ital
ian slave labor in this country"
Nominal innN.
WASHINGTON' , Julj-17. The president to
day sent to the senate tno nominations of
Edwiitd P. Seeds of Iowa to be associate
Justice of the supiomecouit of Now Mexico.
Postmasters : Illinois James A Pro\ost ,
Pecatonici ; Lawtcnco F. Tramly , Shawnco-
town. Wisconsin Alfred L. Uucker , Beiltn.
At King ii-oii-tlic-Illiliif.
BKIII i v.Tuly 17. [ Special Cablcgrun toTni :
Bin. ] The Ameticin lillomen ariived at
Hlngenlast night from Oberlohsteln. De-
splto tlio drencblng thunder storm that was
piovaillng when theyuui\ed , nn enthusiastic
ciowd was waiting to welcome them. The
city was decorated und illuminated in honor
of the Amcilcans.
Tlic llcntli Hull.
HiciiMOM ) , Va , July 17. Major Thomas
W. Dflswell , the oldest tuifnnm in the United
States , died heio toil.iv.
iMiivViioiiInd. . , Juh 17. A special says
tlio business petition of Homer , 111. , was
wiped out by Iho tnls morning Loss about
, .
IIoTSi-uiNos , Ark , July 17 , Two blocks
of buildings in tbo business portion of the
cltj- burned last night , entailing a loss of
$50,000. _
Headache , neuralgia , olz lness , nervous
ness , Bpasins , sleoplcssncbs , cured bjDr. .
Miles' Neivlue Samples fieo at Kubu &
Co.'s , nth und Dougl is.
Trainmen rntully Injured.
LI\I\OTOV , Ivy. , July IT.-Wtillo James
Moran , n conductor , nnd CJ. H. McKeolun
nnd George Hanson , brakeinnn , on the Cin
cinnati Southern road wcro under tbo tracks
repairing a drawbar at Sidiovlllo todajKn -
ginecr Smith bickcHlthe engiiio , sttikingtho
car and fatally lnuriilg ] , the tbrco men.
Ulll Quit the Iliicln-c
htt YOHIC , July 17. John H. Sbtilts , the
mllliomiiro baker and hoi so owner , who owns
the Pailu llio farm , on Cono\ island boule
vard , announces thnt ho will shottly sell all
Ids trotting horses und have his oxtciisho
farm and tiotthig ti.wk cut up into building
lots. _ _
Tlio rinocl In India ,
CICUTTA , July 17. [ Special Cablegram
to THE In-Heavy ) ] rains pro\all In the
Dar Jecling district and part oftbo county-
Is Hooded. Bridges have been carried away
In ninny places mid the onlj- means of com
munication between the planters , Is by boats ,
'llolicnor'N Snc'CQhsir Appointed.
WASIIINOTON , July 17. The piesldcnt today
appolnte < l O L Sp.ddlng of Michigan assist
ant secret irjof the treasury1 , vice Gooigo C.
Tlchenor , i-c-signcd Ho was toimcilj- mem
ber of congress and Is now u special agent of
tbo tix-asuiy.
Killed AVIiiln Duck > hnotiiiT.
Dun. IN , July 17 , [ Special Cablegram to
TUB Ur.i. ] Count Conrad Stolbcig , htir of
one of the richest land owners in ( Jerm.uiy ,
nixs accidentally shot and killed \vlillo duck
Hank .Votes at Tacit Vahi" .
MOSTKMOKO , July IT. [ Special Cablegram
to Tun Bic. ] Tticfluan.'lul situation hero Is
calmer. Many traders accept bank iiotts at
tUch face viUuo ,
The UnLtypy Plight in Which a Lincoln
Druggist I'inds Himself.
Thnjor OT ( M a
Tor the Arrest H'ilolin Ktinpp
on tlie Charter of Mur
der UUj Xc\\n.
LINCOLN , Neb , July 17 [ Spoolil to Tin-
Dm : ] John Slmotz , the portly driiuglst nt
Twelfth mid 1'stiee-ts , figures as the hero of
a romance In u niannor thut Is entirely dis
tasteful to him and the afTalr lias set tbo
tongues of nil the gossipi xx-agglng .lobti Is
a ixMiderous speoliuin of htnninit ) , weighing
at least IXi pounds , und Is a p usably good
looking bucholoi of thlit-tlxc. Ho has bi-en
boarding nt the Hond hotel and at the sumo
hostelry Is a chin ruing widow minud Mis
lludford , who Is einployid as thaniberin dd
The tx\o be-c'iiino umpirelitlycry nnuli
swttteti with cnch other and it was c-om-
inonly thought the afTalr would ptovo a
mauh , although no announcement had been
made of nay engagement On Mnnda ) i-vcn-
Ing Mrs. Hond and her guests x\oro \ aston
ished when the ) iltuggist Introduced the
chambermaid to them us Mrs Si-hue-t/ Con
gratulations iimncdl itc-ly followed and the
maiiitgo was generally ac-c-c'ted | ) as u fact ,
Mrs Hond felt lather hurt Mis
Ucilfoul should gel mm i led without Inform-
ng her as she hid bc-fiiendcd the
ady when she bad to len\o her n lathes and
ho tno hid been more like slstirs thin om-
iloji-r and employ e DutiiiKthccai Hirstugo
if biliultr' comtship. Mrs. Hod foul hid told
Mrs Bond c.\ur > thing conic-inlng Schull/1
ulx-ances including the little hquccvos of the
mild anil the naughU llttlo stolen kisses
. .aUr , however , Hhcgtew letlcontconioining
ds attentions mid Mi's Hond xvas astonished
ii-n the ehainboiinaid blushlngU ueknoxU-
edged on Momlax uvcnlui ; that she \\iis
Schnlt/ ' wife 1\ ; or ) thing pissed nlong
swimmingly until jestoulav whoa tlieieiMino
i siuldcn change over the diuggist and ho be
ta n to grow cool toward the woniiin ho hnd
tailing ! ) ptoclalinid as Mrs SehultOJolng
loxxn to the oilleo josteiduy whoio a miniber
of the benders weio lounging ho inloi nie'd
them thnt the nmiiingu slot ) was nil a hoax.
ThU i cached thoe.irsoC Mis llond and she
called her late clianibeimuld to hei and nsKtd
tor If the scandalous u-port thut the ) xx'eic
lot mariied was true ISIis Di-dfoul ac-
cnowlc-ilged with tears In her e.xcs tint theio
mil been no iitarrlugo leioinony , but hei taste
\\edded life u-as so blissful she declared
, liat shu woulil Insist on hnving the woids
said that xx ojild make the union complete.
Sehuet/ objected to this nnd the c-hanib"t-
tiaid sought n promjnent attoinc ) connected
xx-ltli the Union Paeitlu railway eonipmy and
asked him if the fac-t that SchuotpnblicH
iittodiiclnpr her as bis wife did not cointituto
i legal eoiiimoa Itw marriitge. TltolaxvMT
, n foi mud her that she \ \ as tight and ic-.ulto
tie-r sections of the rcUsod statutes of Me-
.ir.islta which shox\ that the inttoductioii of a
woniiti us ouos xxlfo- and a gcniM-il public- an
nouncement of the same- , constitutes a bon.i
lido maiiinge
Aimed with the legal citations tbo lailv
lias gone to Schuot/ , but ho is still mul
ish nbout the niittei and insists nn cill-
inir his \\ifo Mrs. Deilfoiil. The liulnie.m -
xvhllo insists that sbo Is Mm Slinot/and she
leclaies that ho shall never \ other
ix-oman unless ho tlrst gets ndlx-ouo Irom
tier and sbo will see. . toil thnt he will ni-\er
ret an ) excuse for a legal sepu.ition.
Scliuet ? Insists tb it the xxholo lift all was a
ohe , but thol.idy Is teuibl ) in earnest and
.ho attjilr has cientec ! n profound bens ition
III.\\AK1) toil 7IIP Mllim Itl.ll.
Todaj ( loxeinor Thn ) c-r ofllcl illy offc-ieda
exMirel of WOO foi the mresl of John Kniipp ,
xvho murdered Albeit l.lppach ill ( ic-ring ,
Scott's HlttlTioiiulv , on Juno 'W The mur-
ICT isabout thitt-ll\o yeius old , of light
complexion and \\e.ivs a mustache Tbo
shciitt of the county also olTois a icuardof
Till HOOK Adi NT riVIl ) .
Mr. A. P. Bauni , the old army X'etcran who
xvas arrested anil jailed for takins orders for
nooks -\\Ithout first securing a license , "was
linully tried In the police court today , the
case ha\Ing bung lire for tuoor tlueo"ilnxs. .
The old man has been honicstcadlng n farm
n tno neighboihood of Chtuhon and meeting
xx-ith hat d luck came hot o to make a litlle
money soiling hooks. Ho was not auaio a
icciiboua-s necessary and xx'as aina/ed to
lind himself landed in jail. No oppoituntty
xx-as gixe-ii him to cominunii-ato xxltb Mr.
llawiej of the Peoiia house , xx-ith xxhom ho
xx-as stopping. Toiluj the old man xvas lined
Sl'J and costs The ( Ir.nul Army of the Ku-
publio men becumo x-crv iniligiunt o\er the
matter and c-iused uxilt of habeis coipus to
be Issued for bib relcaso The iir.ttcr ix-ill if
neccbsaiy bo taken to the upper cottits.
I'l Itisill I ) 1KOM TIIIIIST.
A man named McDay was arro- > ted last
- jxcningbxHealth Oflieei Bai tram on the
ehnrge of cruelty to animals. The otllccr
s > aH thnt MeDny had txx-o olc\ blind horses
xx-bose nreets of usefulness being ended the
felloxx- i nud them out in tlio higlixx-ny to die.
Onoofthi-m polished yestcrdn\ from thlist
and thoothct ono was found sufteiing by the
olllccr. The other nniniul x\-as soweulc It
could not xvalk.
XXOUMJ NOT 'iri-OIlT 111 U.
Mrs. Margin ot Johnson vvants n dix-oreo
from her husband James. The to b tx i- been
inntried for nine ) enrMrs. . Johnson says
thnt her husband Is a building conti ictorand
is capable of earning largo sums > of money.
Despite this fact she biijs that ho lias eme-
lessly und ciuclly refused nud neglected to
TAirr.n TUB TIM ,
Some thief broke into notelllng's grocery
store on O sticot during the night , an en
trance being effected tluongh the cellur. All.
the rash in tbo money diawet xx-as taken
thcio being about W in dimes , quarters ,
nicklesand pennies. The diuxxcr xx-as opened
by somebody that knew tlio combination , as
there xvoro no signs of x-ioleacoboinifuscd to
get at tbo contents of the box , Mr Hotel-
ling has his suspicions us to xx-ho is the thlof ,
but hns not jet caused tholsbunnco of a
Samuel II. Bobst is a caipc .tcr contractor
xxho has been building seine cottages for Gen
eral AIcB ride on Thirtieth street , 'llio strue-
tmcs hax-o been completed fortxx-oor three
xeoks and Hobst's emplo ) cs iiroclainoi ing for
their pay. Money bus been a little bind to
g"t and the geneial xx-as slow In pa ) Ing
Uobat the * JW < uoFinall ) the , contractor
grexx-nngry at the constant dellnquenc ) of
McBrldo and list cvonlng xvhoii ho xvas
iiBiun put oft Indefinitely , ho whipped out his
icxolxerand shox-ing it in Slcfirido's face
threatened to blow bis bialns out If ho did
not como to time 'Tlio general has faceJ too
many muskets and cannons to bo afraid of
mi ordinalroxolver , and hu ulnn-d a teirlllo
bloxxnt Bolist's face \ \ ith Ids fist. The con-
tnictor dodged and then lied. The general
caused his nricst iindhowus arraigned before
JusttcoCochtan toduy , found guiltx and bold
to the district court In the sum of JoOO.
FuriiKMi : COUIIT.
Gcorpo II McGee nnd other incmbors of
the boird of supux-lsors for Antelope county
hax-o tiled a petition in the supreme court
asking for the lux'orsnl of the dccroo of tlio
district coutt of that county , In which tlio
North American cattle company asked for a
reduction of their taxes and secured the
Sarah J. Denaty , as guardian of Sullivan
Denaiy , has appealed to thu supreme court to
set asldo n victory'von ovci her bj Iluiry
1C M'urren la the dlsttlct coint of Hurt
county. The controvors\ , o\er a quit tor
section of land In township IM of th it county ,
which formoilj belonged to Charles S Oo-
nary , but ho falllni ; to pay the tuxes the
woperty was sold by the county tioaturcr
Inls77to niy ttio biune , Waiion bolng the
jiuichaser f\cr slnco that tlmo Warren has
paid Ihii taxes.
P. Hillings , who was sent to the county
Jail for assaulting hit draj-'litci , llnlshed servIng
Ing his term toduj and was rearrcstod for
dia\vlng aiovolver on Walter Millck , the
pluok\ \ son of the marshal deputized to ai-
rest him.
Mia. C 12 Duekii got off with pajIngTll
for her assault on Mis Sprtgg > with a kiiifu ,
The Independent and Lincoln hu rosso
teams will contest for the championship ol
the state tomorrow ctcnlng.
P. A. ClIftOD , a professional hotel beut ,
was nn-estcd today on complaint of S. 0.
Hoover of the West Mncohi hotel.
Mrs. Auun Hlborc , w In ) llvos at the foot of
J ctrcet , has gone lnsan and was tbU after-
noun I'xainlned and sent to tluumlum.
Dan Shnrp has been aircstcd on e-uinpbilnt
of U. 0. Young on the elmrgoof disposing of
mortgaged Piopeity.
SnsjioctSheim in , who Is being hold In de
fault of bonds to auswor the charge of IIOIMO
Mealing before the- district court , 1ms mini-
agid to Mi-euro a bondsman ami he will proba
bU beieleasedfroini'iistodv this ou'iilmr.
It Iscoinmonly reiHiited that Chntlov Hull
will beonoof the candidates of tbo alllaiicu
for the h-ijlslatiii-0. Mr Hull Is a stuiiie niitl-
mononollst ix-piihllcan and bus n host ot
n lends ' 1 ho m in ho will oppose is Mr. Oak-
All-it N. '
llnrt'H n\iciloii | > c \\llli n
< ouplioCXon I'ound Pi loiulH.
Albeit N llait Is ntnotcoii joar old and
cxtremeleidaut He hulls from Cameron ,
Mo , and Is on his way toColoiado la senuh
of woik Hu stopped o\cr In Oiimlm to see
the sights , howexer , and wbll" eiiKageu In
this pleasant occupitlon .M'stotilav fell In
\ithacouploofvei.\aguviihlo mid aeioin
inodatiiig strangers Thej visited a nnmbei
of saloons , unit llnalh oii < of the stiangois
ronimked that bo had a 'de-ad i-usj thing ,
but Licked the cash to . out 'if Albeit
would lend him u few dollar ) ho would en
pgo a sucker In a game of high-ti\o. win nil
ho had , and dludo tlio inoe-oeds Albeit saw
\lsions of wealth and \ iclik-dun all thomono >
ho had * IJ and a gold watch As soon us
tbo stianger got the money he'somewhat sur-
ptlscd thoMissouii joiith Dv kicking him out
of the saloon The-police-aio looking for the
men , and in the iiiuantiiuo Halt is ooonpi , ing
a cot at the central station , de id bioke '
T\vi , Hoi SON ( rcmiil d.
A birn and sliPdn belonging to Tom Cum
tilings and located on Shei limn acnuo , adjoin
ing the fair giounds , weio ilestrojod bj liic-
atanearlj hour this moiniiur , together'with
two horses , a heifer and n lot of tools U'bu
damage will amount to nbout 8150.
A lot of caitiidpes that w010 In the bain
exploded In the Humes , but did no damage
Tui'lU'ht mutcilul of thu shod made a big
bm/u , miclgiuo It
the nppcniaiicoot nn e\-
teiibl\u conllugiiitiun
I'luldlciH in a Mrlko.
Tiiisros , N J. , July -Kight hundred
pnddlers , lougboi-s nud hoatois omplo.\ocl b.\
Cooper , Hewitl Si Co stiuok tonight liccauso
of a lofus il to ndvnnco wages The mill was
cmploUng , OOJ hinds and will shut down
Kepudlatu the Scllloincni
Ni w YOIIK , July I * . At a mnss meeting of
striking cloak operators tonight it win re
solved to lopudhtto the aireemont iniulo b\
tboircominltteo with the inamifa.tuicis and
continuo the stiikc
Tnillau Ti-ii-itory .Sunday lelioolis.
VISIT\ T.luh 17.Tho - an
nual coiucntion ol the Indian teuitory Sun-
da v schools is In sossiou at this [ dace Amnn
those In attend moo from a distance Is Prof
William Hoynolds of Peoun , 111 , and Suudnj
school workoid of national reputation.
. -
An Impending Strike.
I Mil \MI-OI I- , I ml , Julj IT A eoafeicneo
botwion the Dig 1'our suppilntendc'iit and
employes began eailv this moining and 1 istecl
until 11 .10 tonight w I' bout reaching a sutis-
faetoiy loncluslon Tioublo is fcuecl unless
an ugiecmentis icachodtomoirow.
- * -
( old nt n I'll I'rcininni.
BLI xos Ai m s , Julv IT. 'ibo piesldcnt has
sent a mcssngo to the house ot d' ' putles ask
ing it to tbo issue of $ lUnUUU , ( , In
small paper uirre-ney This mo\o nlnimed
tbo monej mmket. Gold is atti 01 piemiuin.
Illg Fho in .Vllo jhcnv City.
PiiisiiLiin , Pa. , July IT. A Iho in Alle
gheny City tonight destiojed tbo Pittsbmg
box fnctoiy. National llmo tiiut cement works
and two lumber y.uds. The Iho co\cicdnu
urea of moio than an acre. Loss , foO.OOO ,
Another Hodj Itoco\oioil ,
LIKI : CITY , Minn , July IT Olio body was
found this inouiing , th it of a little gill named
Uoslo Kahdur. This mikf-s 101 bodies ic-
covcicd and it is believed Unit all aio out of
the wutcr.
Flint OlahH AV. rk Mfl.
BAi.TiMoar , Mel , July ITTho national
com cation of the Hint glass woikori union
brought Its labois to n close today and ail-
jouincd. William J. Smith of Plttsbuig , wits
elected president for the ensuing j car.
Now Yoik'n ronulatlon.
AVASinsorov , July 17. Superintendent
Porter of thotonsns oflico today completcclnn
ofHcial rough account of the population of
New Yoik. Tbo icsult shows l-il.r , > 01.
G run ill 11 1 i or and Grandson Drounod.
Toiiovro , July IT Willlun Unflln , eighty
yoais of age , and his grandson , aged six ,
weio drowned in thoilver at Bolton village
ted ly.
Clmruh and Roii'nty Houses Hurried.
Bun v 1'ryrn , July IT At Ho eiinn , Iliin-
gaiy , today the Parish church , synagogno
and seventy bouses woiu binned
llrcmen woiolajuied.
Katnl Kxploslon ol * Gnu.
Joiix-srow \ , Pn , .fill ) 17. By an osploslon
of gas In blast finance No. 1 of the Cumin 1. 1
iron woiks this afternoon , four men were In-
jiued , two Jatallj _
Adv inco in silver.
AMSTII.I , Julv -Special [ Cablcgiam
to Tiu HIM J The piiooof silver has ad-
vunccd hero fiom 81 to s guilders psi kilo.
Cholera la Hiissla.
Si. PnHiisnuaii , July IT Cholera in piev-
alent in Kownohoand Vilna and is s pic. , id
ing. Many cases ns icpoited.
A Ijllier I X'lol oi1 } ,
Loxnos , July IT. MrVilson llbeial , has
been returned to piiliiuunt fiom Mid Dur
ham by a inajoutj of . ! , OiH )
( Jolil I'm Kiuopo ,
Nnw Viuih , July 17FIvo hundred thous
and dollars In gold bus weio'urdeicd for
shipment to Uuiopo today.
Breeding Dogs 1'otW ill' II iintlii ; .
Canniliiiu fanners , liuvlnj , ' boon liou-
bled boreslj for in my icain by wohes
and coyotes , mo taking dotuiinlnud
stops lo\vai d ridding tlicmisolvi'sof tlioso
posts , BajH tlio ( 'hle'ii'O ( , News. Tlio
C.uiadian wohos uro not particuilmly
foiorioiib , but tlioy nio Biilllclontlj bold
to bo a constant nieumco to tlio Hooks
-nml lierdH , Do'f } hao boon utlli/ud for
tlio piotci-tioii of the Hhoop and rattle ,
but it remained for bli1 John LIntur-
Knvo to Import a number of Mul Iim ,
Fioncli and Scotch hounds for the
special purpo-.o of liuiitinc and oxtor-
inlnatiri the wohc-f. . The oxporimunt
lias boon attoridod with fair miocohs , but
itiH dlbcoMiied thai moio ollostunl cor-
vleo would bo done If the dort ; woio
oapiiblu of groatuiHjx'iil. . With a view ,
therefore , of insuring tbo desired Ikot-
ness , Mr. Dan ( Joidoa ofOttawulms
bought two of the fiihU'8t nud best Ined
iolmundB In IIiiKluiid , and ho oxpeotH
to heeuro , by mcsans of jiulioIouH crossing
of bretilu , splomlld dogs for wolf hunt
ing , Tlio wolf ' nulsamo in Canada is
moro feorlou'ri than wo fcupposo , in 0110
day bovonteon of tie ) btithtrt woio killed
by u p.uty of tlueo moil who scouted
o\nr tlio Coclinino ranch. To Hnesla ,
howinor , tuiixt wo goto Hud wolves ot
Hinguliif foroolty iiml In largo iiiiinlwrs.
tiovonty thonsund woio Ullk-d In llio
Vologda and I ' .wan dilrk-tn last your.
It IH ollli-lnUy csllin'itod Hint 170.000 are
Htlll niniiliig at largo In Hussln , und
they multiply ou-eedliicty fust.
A Ijightiilnl'i - i
IV-rluipH the most plioiioniotuil fi-onlc
on reOoi'd oe'i-urivd at Durnngo , t'olo. ,
tlio otlii'r tlav. A iiumbor of niun In u
tlo - too'i ' from rain
i-atiip refuge u ntorm
tiiulor the pluo IK-OS , Aiiunig thoni
WHS a Mo\lcan. Ono of the trees was
ilnu'k by lightning , ooiiiplotuly strlpplnp
it of braiiulios und tondliig tlio trimlt
fiom top to about sl\ fool of tlio roots ,
wlion the e'lii-ivnt loft thotteoatul stitic-lc
tlio o\ican on the ho.ul , i tinning down
olio side of his faro , nun * tlio shoulder ,
tninsxofsolj lu'i-o-s the bicasi , down
tiiound DUO log and out through the clioo
top. His fuco was b.ullj biniu-d and thu
oours.0 of the i-uiTont o\or him
wns iiuukoil b > a ic-d hrntid.
Ills olotliL-s woio lorn fiom him ,
and the nekof the shoo uoiupk-toly
torn olT. Ho Iny appim-nll } dond. iiml
wns left bj his ooiupaiilons nt thnt iilaoo
until tlio htol'iu wns o\or. After ) {
in Iho rain for two hours huwus ro-
su-i-ltutod , and walUnl into oaiup , mid
tinotiui ovoiiliij ; was on the stu-ots
boat-ing thefilghtful o\iib-nco ot his
wonde-ifnl osonpo tli-is toihii anoll \
us oor , .uo for tlio bum.
ITlOIt svu-Oi : will trade for n goo I nud
1tinn. . st illlnit Vo UIFI 11'-hti'icil In \\il-
bue. II ) III Aii-lilhtlil. ibiin liy Ifotitinky
clay , f > ) c-ars old Applj to llr. Mneiiie
\U ANTii : > dmiil itFilTij"MM . \ lrllanT
' ehelt , 1--0 I om tit sit -i-t.
J/lOltfiHM' rnogdol iiintii-m lionsosvT
JV Illlncr "s is ail slit-in.
. . . STi ; oi Unit Oirduii land , nitli
bouses , by J It lllco. IW Xlaln si , ( 'oiiiiolt
"l\ril\ ly it-lit lun you can buy i IIOIHIKHX
T tin same ti-iuis , and In cusi ofoiii di nth
ut mi ) time Iu i\u ) out family tbo homo
cm tlin follow In , ' tin in *
A liiiinusni tli M mi at ti ; poi moiilh
A Inline- HOI th tl.Mi nt f IS pt-i inontb
A Inline- neil lit'.on at ll ! pot month
A home win Hi * . ! , ' ) at * lt pci moiilh
A homo \MII th M 01) ) ut } H per inoittli
Utlicriulceil IIOIIK-HOII the s uno terms TlM
iilxixo monthly piymcau hu-liulu prlnc'liil |
mid Inlentst I'm full iiaillc-ul irs i all nn or
iiililrrss-lho In Id A.ells CJo. . bJJ Iliu ulwity ,
toiincll lllulls. la
lilOlt UP.M' I'lie store iixi-ii No IS , fronting
JL ( in I'IMII ! ntV ( _ ' Jaiai-s.
ll IIVK sm r il tii > nit I fill HID lorn hiiisa
tlmt vc n III tt.tfli'f u rn 'UiiihiT ! I vu < in
lots InOin ih nil Cfinm-11 "iliHTs Thu Judd ft
Wells Co . ConiiLil Klnir > . la
Surgical Institute
Private Hospital.
Cor. Broad way and UOtli Street.
Council Illiifls , la.
rortliotiPiitmrntiif iillhiirfflc-nl nml I'lnonlo
tlNuases nml dlsi'iiM i of ( litlili oil.
I'l Unto dlsi-ii-i s i f tbo inlnuiy and si Mini
oi iins , us MyphllK Htililtirc- - \ stills , siii-i-
iniitiiriolini' . ln t inanliDoil , soMial Iniiiiitcnco
and nuikm-ss tii-atul sui-i-esifiilly
raitk-iil ir atti-ntlmi paid toillM-ise'S nf tbo
lungs us Astlinin , ( onmiiniitloii. lln nilillis
Ciilarib. I te. I'ai.iljsls Klilm-v illtoa-i s .n
Dlalietrs. llrlglit's DIC.IMKin iiiniitlsin , riles.
Ciinei'i. Vinlocililljihocolo , Droiisy , Tu-
IIIIM. Dlsi.isi of tliiioyiiniiil I'll. Cluli ffc-t.
fcpln il uiiiMitmi' and nllill'-i- isi-.of ) tboliimc'S.
\Vcli.i\c a di pirlmcnt iloxiitetl o\clusUuly
to HID lii-iitmi-el nf I li-iIno diseases
iMtiileliicsc-nt huc-nioly paukiil and fieefiom
( Joni-ii ! inili'iieei i onlldi ntliil , Aildn-hs ;
Surgical In.titutc anJ Private Hospital.
Cur llioiulwny iiiul 3 Hi st , Council IllitlN , li > .
Ivt Avcniio nml 'Ifl'-t
Sash , Doors and Blinds
n-inil and Si-nill ' iwhtrf ltoSuvln and
IM mini ; Siwliu of all kinds Porch Iliae-kuts.
Kliull nt * i-oil tJ VI pi-i In id dill vi 10 I ( 'loan
SlWllllStlli III ! lllllcl , I'C. All ttlllk 10 1)9 )
IliM class Telephone
"Yotm 1'Ai'itoN
Architects and
IJoomSIOMrir nn Illocl , . Comii-ll HlulTH Iowa
Itoom lilO N \ I If" Halldlru Oiiinbii. > n n
I1U. J. D. JACKSON , Dentil Burger/ .
All Klinihiif nmk ilonu Von eon SIM- IJHI- *
hulfon join siilil iiiulHllioi Illlln , ' bv cillnu
lit loom'-Vi Men lam lilo-lc toiincll lilnirs
F. M. Ellis & Co. ,
And DnlUins Siiporintunilent" .
Itooiiib 4 HI und 4 Hi n Iliilld UK. Omabii ,
Null , and Itooins 'II and Jl Moirliim H < > < ,
L'onnc-ll lllnlfH Iu < urii-MiiiiHli'i.iu '
J D KDMI snsOs. l-rni K I. Hni'dAiir \lto pro
CM Mum II HAVN\N ( "nulilcr
or ociiiiu u
Paid up Capitol . $1OOOOO
Sui'plus nnri Profits . . . . BO.OOO
Liability to Dopositot-s. . 3SO.OOO
nin.i-TouH. i. A Miiiu r o. ( iiciiMiii , i : h.
hlumnit , I' . 1' Hint. . I II KdiiiiniMin , ( 'lmilui
O Iliinii in. lnuiUltiK liu t-
nris I , in HI si < .uiltnl | and surplus of any
bank In Sjutliwi Mom Iowa ,
Corner Miilnuuml Ilronilnur
Dculors In fuinlKii anil ( lonu'htlo uxehaiiKo.
Colloetlons undo and Inlcieat paid on tlmo
duposltu ,
- \\liuU \ sale nnd Ilotall Dr.ilorH In
fetiick and lowest Prloci. Do.ilrrs , send for Catalogue.
. 205 and 1107 liroudway , und 201 und iUO ! i'lorco atroot , Council Bluffa ,