1 -8 TUB OMAHA DAILY BEET THUKSDAY , JULY 17 , 1890. THE CITY , The bunk rlcnringn yesterday amount- eu to 1060,031.01. Fourteen bales of tobncco vrcro re ceived tit the custom lioiuo from the ln ! t Indies for Wcdelcs & Co. .1. S. Phillips ntul Henry Emerronlmvo mvorn out wnrrnntH ngairmt Theodore OnlliiKhurforiuisiiuUinir them. t J. K. Illley , 1'atrick MoIIugli nnd John F. Hnycl have ptirchtiFcil n control ! * In/ / , ' Interest In the Dully Democrat. The funonil of the tlnupliter of R. S. Hose will tnho plnco July 17 at . ' 1 o'clock from the 7Aon IJaptist chu-ch. Friends urn invited. Police Ulllcor 3Ilkc Drummoy 1ms eo fur rcuorcrud from the effects of the bullet wound ho received thruo or four weeks titfo ttato resume his duties ua n ] ) iitn > linan. Articles wore filed yesterday Incorpor ating thu Onmha Tojilcd with a cnpitnl btoHc of $10,000 , divided Into sharca of tlOOcnuli. The Invorporntors nro Fred Nye , Jnboph Uarneau , jr. , and 1'lerro Garneau. In thoprobabo court William Cole was yesterday appointed adintnistrator of the t'Htuto of Itobcrt W. Uuluhor , do- ceabud , and Swan Strand as administra tor of Clmrlos Strand , the man who w.is recently drowned in the reservoir ill Florence. iitNXO.t i , i : i it A < sit. 1 1'iin. ? Mhs IliUtlo Morrison of Dubutiuo la. , is I visiting Mrs. Conway 1 liusscll Harrison nn < ] wlfo loft for New- York yesterday nfttfrnoon on the Huillngtou llycr. President Underwood of the American waterworks coiiip.my II.H returned from his western trip. Mrs. Thomas Sivobo nnd her oldest son Kliliru liave tfono to spend the balance of the hcntecl term at Sjililt I.ako. Jlr. .7. Evans of London is vlsltlnf ? Ills brother , Mr. II. I3vnn , at IMHi llurilctto street , Ho v 111 remain In inu city for a few weeks. O. N. Davenport Btewnrd of the Millnril and Dwlpht Swobo have gene on n three weeks' vacation to Hot Springs , South Dakota. Mrs. Paul Wnaek and sitter Mis * Hattlo Malms liavo left for Europe , stoupliitf at lioeliesler. New York to visit their mother and fricmls. Thomas A. Fry inanaRCi * of the Booth Ojstor coniiny | , and General Mana-tT J. Kccil of Kansas City have gene west on a mouths pleasure trip. ljitior ( | to fio. John Handy of Crawford was brought in by Deputy United States Marshal Showaltcr for selling" lliior ( | to the Indians and Volket JVInnot of Johnson was arrested by Deputy Emery for not having n license. Both w\vo bonds. _ _ Tull)4 Died. John Tabus , tnoeolorecl man who foil from tlio new 1'r.itt it'Towlo warehouse being erected at litl'J llaruey street. Monday after noon , died at his residence Tvvonty-sevi'iitli and liunlcUo streets at Uo'eloolc yesterday morning. _ Thonisoof Ncu and Oldcrman , the men charged with stabbing . Matthias llenner- lie fer , was to liivo boon tried hi the polleo court yesterday , but was postponed asNeu wns uii.ifelo to appear , cnvln ' to Injuries sustained in a motor collision. Ilendnehc , iicuralpu , dizziness , nervous ness , sn.isnu ) , sh'Oplc".sncss , cured ' by Dr. Miles' ' Nervine. Samples fi-eo at Kuliu i CO.'H , 15th and Douglas. Judge ShioUls issued the following mar riage licenses yesterday : Name and address. Age. ( Joseph Axman. Omaha 25 I Uarriu Tiala , Omaha It ) I Sivcu Wicklinm , Omaha 2 $ I Augusta Borglund , Oiiinha 20 Attention , Itulcpunlant < ? . There vlll bo a mass nicotine of repre sentatives of farmers. ' alliances , Knights of Labor assemblies and tr.uics unions to ills- cuss the Independent political movement held in Green's hall , Hl.'i Furuam street , Saturday evening , July 10 , IbOO. JOHN C. Tuiiscr. J. II. 15I.AKE , Committee. _ _ _ Dr. Birnoypractico llmitoil to catarrh- nl dlbeabos of nose and tliro.it. Boo bld | ; . A Pastor lulled. The Southwest Presbyterian church at Lcarcnvi orth and Twontlotli has tendered a call to Rev. Fiededek Campbell of the Rox- bury church , Uoston , and the reverend gen- tlcinim will bo hero on Sunday moinlng to loolt over the ground and preach his llrst s > er- inon. Mr. Campbell Is very highly recom mended by Dr. Ilerrlck Johnson , whoso Judgement is very highly regarded and who Is very chary with his recommendations , lie has not ) ct accepted the call and the church is anxious that ho should bo greeted with a largo congregation. 1'eurs1 Soap Is thomostelcganttollctadjunct Anplialt for KcptUrn. C. E. Squires said yesterday that the statement made by Cbntrmnn BlrUhansor to the city council , to the effect that the Barber asphalt company used old material in making repairs to streets , was true. They did use old material , but It was rc-mixcd with asphalt anil oil until it was considered as good as new. Jlr. Squires said when the committee of the council called on him he should show them EOino extensive impairs which had been made Boniu time ago , which wore Just as good as new. new.Tho company did this in order to lie able to nialio extensive repairs as quleldy as possible. It wu.s to their interest , Mr. Squires said , to repair the streets with good material , as tlioy wi'io obliged , under their contract , to keep tlio st reels la good condition , and If they only used poor material they would only have to rvplacu It in a short time. Nerve mill Wvor Pills. An important discovery. They act on the liver , stomach and bowels through the nerves. A now principle. They speedily euro bllHousniMS , bad timte , torpid liver , piles and constipation. Splendid for men , uonien and children. Smallest , mildest , surest. ! ! 0 doses for ' > cents. Samples free BtKuhn &Co.'a 10th and Douglas. Dlstrlot Court. Ellsworth Willis has became tired of his wlfo , Mary , or , In other words , Mary some time ngo tired of Ellsworth and wont with n better looUIng man. The long and short of Iho whole matter Is that Ellsworth has tiled n petition In the district court praying for a divorce. Ho alleges that ho and 'Mary wore married during the month of March , IS JO , pnd that for seven years ho was loving and true ; that on August 1 , bS7 , Mnry left his bed and board nnd went to live with otto Bandy Sellers. This , the husband , alleges , continued until last December , when his wlfo formed the acquaintance of ono Donnli Anderson , nnd shortly after went with him to Kansas City , where she is now living lu open adultery. Victor Langtry yesterday commenced suit to recover from A. F. Wollt the possession of a tract of land tdtuatod near Florence , and which was originally obtained through the old Mormon grunt. Smith Ill-others & Musgrovo hnvo brought suit lorocovor fl.OIU.10 from Sloimm Broth ers. The plaintiffs allege the amount Is duo as attorney fees. County Court. In the county court yesterday the follow ing Judgmentsjvoro rendered : II. Boudo vs 13. S. Bradley , SttU-U : E , A. Damon vs Fred Drexel , &IO.M ; K. A. Dcnson vs Fred Drexel , f310.Hl ; First National bank of Bchuylervs Van ( illdcr , $ y.UOS ; Homo Jn- lur.weo company vs M. L. Jiiyucs , $17Ud. ; I'latt's Chlorides U a DUInfcetatit pnccliilly prepared for household use , AOI2NIH ON TIII2VAItlMTiI , ltd 11 road OlTltliilH Still Jancllni : Over Ijrtlilun TlukctH Oilier Notes. The general passenger agents of western roads nro having so much tronolo among themselves that serious remits may follow as a consequence of their deliberations in Chicago cage this week. When charges were made to Chairman Ooddurd of the association against the Union Pacific nnd Burlington In which they were accused of patting their Knights of Pythias tickets Into the hands of scalpers the longest , loudest , most desimrulo howl ever licnrd went up from Messrs. Lonux nnd Francis. They denounced their accusers so vigor ously and In such forci'.ilo language that Mr. Ooddnrd hardly knew for three or four days what he was doing. Holinnlly raoocred his conllibrlum , , how ever , nnd iwked the two road' In question fern n statement showing the number of Pythian tlcKots sold bv them In Colorado nnd Ne braska. Tin-so have lpn furnished , and the showing inadu hardly indicated enough busl- nes-j to Jmtlfy nny one in suiiiiosliii- that the scalpers did very much even though they may havoh.ul tickets In their possession. Both roads took less tlian one bundled dele gates out of Denver , . Tlio Union I'aeitU' fel lows admit that three or four of their tickets were seen in the possession of a scalper , but they got there legitimately. On the other hand It Is said that these Jobbing dealers had bloelts of'J.V ) . [ UK ) and MX ) marked "Uurllng- ton , " Issued to them direct from the printer tickets th it hnd never been purchased by any body. While that sort of n story Is given current circulation among tbo representatives of other line ; ' In Chicago , it is not only denied hero but looked upon as being too absurd for respectful consider ation. There is no questioning of the fact , though , that Mr Eustfs took up quite u goodly number of scalped tickets , Burlington Issue , and p.dd for them. "It Is asourcoof belt-congratulation to me , " said ono ofllchdthat I haven't the reputa tion like some men of being smart , hvery tlmo nnj thing goes wrong west of the Mis- souil river J. F gets all the blame for it. If some road , no matter whether It Is the llock Island , Union I'neltle , Northwestern , Santo Fo or Burlington , cuts a rate or does something It should not do the gang in Chicago get together nnd say , 'Well , Jnck Francis Is sit the bottom of that. ' The trouble is Mr. Francis Is u lit tle too swift for the whole outllt. Ho knows his business and downs the fellows who are Jealous of him every time. "No , I hardly think this row will precipi tate another r.ito war. There's nochnnco for such nn outcome of the inuddlo unless these wills that nro nlways finding fault with somebody else deliberately kick over the traces and'demoralize rates. " Tlio Other SUhof It. There Is another side to the story of Marcus Mayer's alleged shabby treatment by the Bur lington people in refusing to run his London Gaiety company special from Omaha to Chl- c.igo last Tliui-bdiiy. According to the rail road company's version Mr. Mayer had been Informed before his arrival hero that the reg ular train leaving at 9 o'clock would get him Into Chicago the next day two hours before ho could depart from there for Now York. "Wo had advices , " savs John Francis , "that the Grand Trunkwould under no consideration give him a special train out of Chicago. \Vhat sense would there hnvo bcpn in our incurring the additional expense of running him special from Omaha for the Mike of land ing him nnd his company in Chicago at 10 in stead of 1 o'clock , when he couldn't lenvo there before : i p. in. Thu ftitmicit thing about the whole business was Mayer's declaration to a crowd over at the transfer that as soon as ho reached Chicago ho would go Into 1' . S. Euatls' olllec , twUt that gentle man's nose and walk out. " A "Miiuli Needed Itiiln , Division Superintendent Campbell of the B. < S ; M. tolegrapliud General Manager Holun'go from MeCook yesterday thnt the southwestern part of Nebraska had a good rain Tuesday night one that will help out the com crop In great shape. IIo says that it rained from Halgler to Hastings , also along the Obcrlin and St. Frances branches , liko- \vlsethoChoyeunolinoa3 \ fur \veat as Grant station. Still Under Consideration. The difllculty among Union Pacific conl miners at Hock Springs Is still waiting to bo adjusted. The mines there have been shut down entirely nnd the miners are taking life easy , but everything is quiet nnd peaceful , They deny all rumors of a strike. The com mittee appointed to prepare a schedule of prices on tlio screened basis has not as vet reached a conclusion and thcro is no telling when It will. A New Assistant Acut. . G. W. Little has been appointed assistant ticket agent at the Webster street depot to succeed J , W. Flrcboy , the popular young man who VMS there in that position n long time. Mr. Firoboy gous to Coviugton as agent of the Chicago , St. Paul , Minneapolis & Omaha , and Mr. Llttlo comes from Lyons , where ho has been stationed for the past seven or eight yean. IIo arrived hero Tues day nnd took chih'go of the olllco yes terday morning. Notes niul 1'crHoimls , The Missouri Pacific will take a Swedish church excursion to Weeping Wuter today. General Superintendent Dickinson nnd Di vision Superintendent Hathbura of the Mis souri Pacific nro in the city. J. G. Mitchell , agent of the Blue line at Kansas City , Is visiting his Omaha friends. "W. C. Price , n representative of tha Cen tral railroad of Georgia , is hi the city. E. E. Tomllnson and A. Elliott of the Con tinental Fast Freight line , Kansas City , came up yesterday morning to see a llvo town. What 'Does it Mean ? " 100 Doses One Dollar" means simply -that Hood's Snrsuparilla is the most economical nicdlcino to buy , because it gives moro for the money than any other preparation. Each bottle contains UK ) doses and will avcr.igo to last a month , while other preparations taken according to directions , nroiono \ in n week. Therefore , bo sure to got Hood's Sarsaparllla. the bebt blood purifier , A IlllUTAL FATHER. Ho Abuses Ills Clilhlfii niul li avcs Tli'mto _ Starve. If tlio story of LafrcU Laboucho Is to bo credited , much sympathy has been bestowed by the good people of. Omaha upon au un- wni thy object. Lastsuminor none armed sailor nnd his three daughters , one of whom was lame , used tostng.thu "Spanish Cavalier" nnd similar ballads in front of the business houses ef tbo city. The singing was wretched but for charity's sweet siko the people stool it and the llttlo tin cup passed by the smallest of the three Kirls was iillod nnd retlllod many times a day , The nwn was the stepfather of the children , their mother having married n second time , The man's name was Steve IJogers. As long as the mother lived affairs wont along smoothly enough , but she died last May , nnd misery soon followed for her child ren. The oldest girl , Lnfreta , who com plained of the matter to the police yesterday , says that bur mother had not been dead n week before her step-father began to abuse them. After her mother's death she would not go out upon the streets nny moro , but re mained at homo attending to household duties. A short tlmo ngo her father decided to nmka a visit to Lincoln , us ho thought ha could make money by giving street concerts there. Ho then persuaded. Lafreta to goulth him. She claims ttuit two or three times while there ho en- deavoYed to compel her to submit to his basest desires , and that 11 imlly , fearing lest ho should nceompllbh hie purpose sooner or later , the girl run away from her unnatural step father nnd went to West Point where iho secured employment. llolng anxious about her llttlo sisters she returned homo yestciilny. The children saw her wining as she drew near the house hi which they llvo and ran towards her nnd nt on co begun begging her for something to cat. She says that the children wcro actually starving. Tlio authorities arc looking Into the matter. JUSTICE MlM-dlK'S JAUNT. It U FrnlllcHu us Par as Omaha Husl- ne.s.H In Conucrnetl. Justice Miller attempted to hold court yes terday morning , but asa usual in tulsreglw , ono sltlc or the other In every case called was not ready for trial , so nothing was done. Judge Dundy was disgusted nnd expressed himself to that effect very freely. Ho said the Justice had been expected1 for some tlmo nnd the attorneys should hnvo been ready , It is probable that Judge .Miller . will not make another attempt to hear any cases dur ing his stay hero. Young Graham of Fremont , tbo "preen goods" man will have his preliminary hear ing this morning before Judge Duntly. Hot Weather anil Acclilcnta. Take no chances on headaches or sunstroke This hot wrather Is fearfulbutlf you will tnko n few of Krauso's Headache Capsules each day you will Hnd the tomparaturo will bo reduced - duced and the likelihood of sunstrolm or prostration absolutely counteracted. For sale by all druggists. a ho Solid South Is solid on tbo groa "German Homed } * . " Telegrams nnd letters are received every day during this heated term for Krauso'H llend- neho ( 'npsules. The people from that section sny they reduce the temperature nnd prevent sunstrokes und headaches. For sale by all druggists , Sun Stroke. Now is the tune , the accepted tlmo , to pre vent sunstrokes , headaches , etc. lly reducing the temperature nil those distressing evils will bo prevented. Krauso's Headache Cap sules uro the thing. Ono or two ICr.iuse's Hcadisho Ccipwlo taken during tlio day will pwvont nny ho.il ache , also attacks of sunstroka. All druggist ) isourn OMAHA xnn's. 'Iho School Hoard Fight. SOUTH OMAIH , Neb. , July 10. To tlio Ed itor of Tun Bni : : An unfortunate contest In the school board nt South Omaha is the source of much annoyance and bitter feeling. At.tho last election J , C , Carroll was declared elected , but Kobcrt Funstoii contested his seat nnd the courts decided against Carroll. Mr. Carroll , who ha'd been acting as secre tary of the board , thereupon gave up his scat on the board nnd tccognlzed Funston ns his successor. The latter was also elected secre tary and assumed the duties of his office. In the meantime Carroll consulted with Ids friends , especially Father Morlnrity of the Catholic chinch , and within the tlmo allowed by law for filing notice of appeal , did appeal , after once giving up the contest. This , of course , completely dlsorgnnl7cd the hoard pending n dedsion of the distilct court. Just at this time Itvis important that the board should bo In a position to do business , us the hard-worked teachers had not been paid their wages , nnd many of them had laid their plans to spend their vacation among friends nt a distance. As their warrants could not bo properly signed o\vlntr to Presi dent Person's rolusal to recognize Funston ns tlio lawful secretary , the teachers were de prived of their money , wcro obliged to give up their cheiishcd plans for recreation , nnd are also held In suspense with re.'ard to posi tions for tlio coming vcar. With n view to relieving the situation , a petition asking the court to take up the ques tion nnd decide It at once , was circulated and bigncd by nil the best citizens , but when pre sented to tlio court it was met by the infor- tion that Carroll's friends hnd demanded a Jury tilal and the matter must , bo deferred to the September term. Superintendent lun- roe then sued for Ids salary and kind hearted members of the bonril ( not Carroll or Ids friends ) advanced money to some of the teachers. At each meeting of the board President Persons has Insisted upon recognizing Can-oil and doing no business. The consequence Inus been a walkout at each nicotine. At the last meeting , however , Mr. Funston , who Is a treiithjmnn , proposed to stop out of the light for tbo time being if Car roll would do the same nnd thus permit the board to cheese n secretary and transact business. Uarroll refused In tno most pro fane terms , swearing ho was there to stay. A PATRON or mu SCHOOL. U. O. T. It. Graiul Lodge. The grand lodge of tbo state of Nebraska of the United Order of Trcu Bund met In the Ancient Order ot United Workmen hall Tuesday afternoon to hold its quarterly meet ing. Delegates as follows were present : No. 4T of Omaha , Fritx J. Frcltajr , Charles Fraj- bel and FiIU Mlttcriucht ; No. 51 of Omaha , August Schrccder , Ernst ICrcff and AVIlhelm Bush ; Nofi2 of Plattbinouth , G. II. Thomps ; No. Kl of South Omaha , John Frey , Hudolrili Hnrtz and Jacob Jnsknlck ; No. tfl of Omuhn , August Schirrbach and Joseph Bochln ; No. 59 of Bluffs City lodge , Jotm JI. Lo'.nke. August Schirrbach , grand sccrctiuy , re ported that the grand lodge . was organized April 13 , lbS9 , with llvo subordi nate lodges , which hnvo memberships nnd treasury funds as follows : Omaha of Omahn , No. 47 , M 15.1.10 North Omaha of Omaha , No. O. 71 241.T2 I'lattsmoiith of IMattsmnuth. No. r > 9i" : . . . 20HfIT youth Omiiliti f youtli Omaha. No. : > : ) , ( A : r > -4.'r Central of Omaha , Xo.5J.4S 313 U llluIts City of Omaha. No.59,18 21.00 The ofllcors of the grand lodge are : Grand grand secretary , August Schnrrbach of Cen tral Omaha lodge. No. 154 ; grand treasurer , Hudolph Hart * of Sguth Omaha lodge , No. 53 ; grand guide , G. H. Thomps of I'latts- moutU lodge , No. r > 'J ; errand watchman , John M. Lemk of bluff City lodge , No. 50 , of Omaha. Ntcs About the City. A llttlo fine work on the part of Captain McMnhon arrested the notorious Edward Flt/gcrald for breaking Into cars and robbing cars of iron and bras * , attachments , Inas much ns Mr. FiUgerald has been in several questionable transactions Judge King lined him $ ! ) . " ) and costs nnd committed him to jail in default of payment , The drain corps will meet at John S , Mul len's , Alorlght , Thursday evening. Mr. and Mrs. Edward Corrigan's baby is quite sick , Dr. J. 11. Kelly , who his been visiting his old homo , Ottawu , Cnnudn , lias returned. Mrs. Glasgow , wife of Dr. J. M. Glasgow , and daughter. Miss Gertrude Glasgow , have gone to visit friends in I'cru nnd Auburn. An Acknowledgement from Itradslmu * Tin : Unu has received from N , M , Fergu son , treasurer of the Bradshaw relief fun < laro cclpt for 10 , the balance of the contiibutlous received slnco the last acknowledgement. ItssuperlorcTcellencoprovcnln tnlllloinof liomoi foriiinrollmnnquirtcrof a cciiturjHI' ute < l liy tlio united Stntut ( Jcucrnincnt. Dutcirioil ly the lic d of llio Kri'nt unlrprnltlei ni tlio Slrunpcxt , IMrL-at nncl .Mo t lloiltliful. Ur 1'ilco'n Croiiu link. Inif I'owdor ilojs lutcout.iln omiuoula.lliuo or alum bolil unlr In can * , nilC'H HAKI.NTi I'Ort'nKIt CO. . J OHYdrk. . ChlcnKO. Uiin Kranclico , gtIxtil < DRINK ROOT HIRES' BEER. The Purest ami Ben Irlnt ! W the Appetlilztng , Delicious , 'Sparkling and the 13est DlooU PurlQer and Toulc. A l'aul < ugu [ lliiulil ] SCic , iuol > cs 3 fulloiis. EVERY BOTTLE Gunrnnteed. No Trouble. rafrlly Jlaile. Try It Ask your Druggist or Grocer for It nnd tuVo nuolliur. Hud Unit you get IIIKK.V , THE ONLY GENUINE. MaUo liy C. t. HlUCS 'hlluaclvUIu , 1'cim. Both the method niul results -wlicu Syrup of Pigs is taken ; it is plenumt and refreshing to the taste , and nets ccntly yet promptly on the Kidneys , Liver nnd Dowels , demises the sys tem effectually , dispels colds , head aches and fevers nnd cures hnhitunl constipation. Sjrttn of Figa is the only remedy of its kind over pro duced , pleasing to the taste nucl no- ccptahlo to the slonmch , piompt in' its action and truly beneficial in ita effects , prepared only from the most healthy nnd ngreealilo substances , ita nmuy excellent qualities commend it to all and have inado it the most popular remedy known. Syrup of Figs is for Kilo in OOo and 81 bottles by nil lending drug gists. Any reliable- druggist who may not haveit on hand will pro cure it promptly for nny one who wishes to try it. Do not accept any substitute. "CALIFORNIA FIG SYRUP co , SM FPMCKCO. CAL. 'OUHHIIU.E. KY. NEW YORK. H.Y. Physicians , Surgeons anil Specialists , M.OO DOUC.IAAS STR.IHET OMAHA , NEU. The most widely nnil fiivornlrir known spec ialists In the Unit oil Status. Tlit-Ir lontox- licrlencc , rcmniltnhluslclll niul universal suc cess In the tri'itnient anil umuof Noivuus Chronic nnd SiirRlvnl I ) sjnso * . unllllo tlioo Jinlui'iit pliyslcl.uis to tin ) full eoiilUU'iicu of the ullllistou every wli ro. They Kimr.'iiitco : A. CKHTAIN AND I'OtUTlVK ( JUKI ! for the awful ctToctt cit c.irl v vlco and thu iiumui- oiis en IN tliut follow In its train. I'KIVATIJ. 11,001) ) AX ! ) SKIN DISEASES speedily. completely mid pornniiiMitly cured. XEuvotis iiiiiiarv : AN lUiS yield readily tothclr skillful trout- inont. I'llJtS , nSTUIjA. AND KEOTA1 , UUJCItS Rimrantced cured without pain or detention Iroin business. llYDltOL'KIjr AND VAUIOOOEfjE perma nently : ind Biicevs-jfiilly uurod In every case. SYl'lllUS. UONOItllllKA , Hhiii' : ; , Spur- inatorrhcn , SoinlnulVoulvm \ > - > s , Lost .Manhood , Mjjlit Emissions. Decay til Kiuultlcs , Fem.ile Weakness Had nil delicate disorders peculiar to either so * positively cured , as well us all functional dlsordors that result from youth ful follloior tlio excess of iniituroyciiis. TNIf'TITI l Oniirnntced nornmnuntly u 1 IMVs 1 U 1\U a tired , niiuoal eonwlotc. without cutting. cuustla or dllnt-itlon. Ouros affected at liuniu by patient without u niu- meat's pain or annoyance. a TO YOUNG AND MIDDLE-AGED MtN. A ITITJ fill ? ! ? Tll ° awful cTo2ts ! of /V oUi\U UU1\.I > , . ! Viy , vlco which brings ortranle weakness , dcstiMjIiiK lioth mlirl tnul body , with all Its drc.idod ills , pornianonty cuicu. II 1 ? nPTT ? AiUlrcsi those who hiivo 1m- U1\O. ULi 1 IO paired themselves by Im proper Indiilgenou nnd solitary lublts , which ruin both in I ml nnd body , unfitting them for business , studvor muirl.iRO. MAUUinU MEN or those entering on that happy llfe.awaroof nhyslcnldobllity , quickly nbslbted. OTJB SUCCESS Is based upon facts , l-'lrst 1'rnctloal experi ence. Second Every CHHS Isipcclnlly studied , th\is Htartlng rlfjlit. Tlilid MoJiulucs niu prcpired In our Inhor.ilury . evii'ily to suit eacliea&e , thus efTec" ting cm es without Injury. Drs. Betts & Betts , 1409 D6UGLAS STREET , OMAHA. NEB. Perkins , Gateh $ LaUman , Crockery and Glassware. PERKINS , GATCIi & LAUMAN , 1614 Farnam Street. NO RIBBON Permanent Alignment SPEED , Strength. SoldUndera POSITIVE GUAR ANTEE. GEO. H , SMITH & CO. , Ooncral Agents Nubraska and Iowa. 01OS. 18th St. , - - Omaha CARRIAGES DELIVERED touiytltt9 lo ttie Uuttt'i ' Mti Alto , t irit H.cfcUi , bMie § rJ Girli Incyfr ! * . Outer D.r l holMl * irir rt C. ft I > dimtrrom I. (1 ? ? ' I- tori l V , U.d.un St. O'irifu. ' f3 14 RY MOT Is interested in our clearing sale of Boys' ' Clothing , which we commenced last week , We have done a very large husiness this season in our Boys' ' Department , carried an immense stock , and in consequence have more odds and ends left than usualVe propose to wind up this most successful spring season with a grand sweeping sale , and no matter how low the prices wcro before , they will be cut still more in order to accomplish our object. "What we offer this week are the remnants of our best grades. Suits made from the finest qualities of cloths and finished as careful as the most expensive garments in the market. In the early part of the season only' ' the rich can afford to buy such suits , but now the prices arc cut so that they arc within the reach of everybody. You can have now the finest suit for your boy , providing you can find a fit , foi as little money as you paid early in the season for a medium grade suit. In our Shoe Department we have opened to-day another invoice of 25 dozen fine Patent Leather Shoes , of same quality as we advertised a few weeks ago at $2.50. The first lot of these shoes went off lilce hot calces , and was sold out in a few days. We were at first reluctant td handle them , as the manufacturer docs not guarantee patent leather , consequently we could not guarantee them to our customers. But we have not heard of a single complaint about them , though we have made it our business to find out how they wear. They seem to give good satis faction in fact , some customers told us they are as good shoes as those for which they formerly paid $6.00 and $7.00. Try a pair , air ! indulge for $2.50 in the luxury of a patent leather shoe , They are a nice thing for the summer , do not need blacking , and always look dressy and neat , Corner Fourteenth and Douglas Streets. Our store closes at 6:30 : P. M. . Saturday at 1O P. M. UK , J , B. McftRSW , THE { SPECIALIST. The Doctor Is iinsurpniscd 111 the treatment of nil forma of I'rltntuDlxiwca. mnrceucct'xfnl and none In * hail stronger endorse ment. A enrols guarnntcul In llio my vorst cnses In f rom1 ! to 5 c'.nvsltliout the Iocs of nn liourV lime. TliOhC who luno been aider malroAlmcntfor strlcttiroorclinicnllyln liu tbo bladder , prononncu Ita ino-l wonder ful eticcem. A cninplcto euro Inn few diijflUiout pain , InVrnnu'Mls ur lost of linio. timidity or ncrvoiipneje , In their vorst forms and most ilrc.itlfil results nro absolutely cured. lllJ&S & iHSEASEsT cured IKH < W n ) ; jloml ) without iii'trumctits. A wonderful runtilr. 110U118 for I ullc * fiom 2 to J ONLY. ft TF F3 ( 75 l3 B ! find nil Dlfcnscs of the Skin , 8 M B ? flli B Illood' . IIc"rtLlu'r - Kld' rfsi imuauaua ncj.s nnij ] | | jiiilcr Hired. ? Bf * Cured In 30to .0 days. The SWt5iySB Hoi mo trapideafe Bud effect- Q H HBbBaDW Ho trcalmcnt known to the medical prnfosslon. E\cry Iraco of the illseoto re- 'iioioil ' frnmthn blood : it complete ctira guaranteed. Si W 6 * t'or " " " 11 * " r ' womnn" , i-ach lOc ( slnnips ) . Treiitmi'nt by corre- Bpnndcnco Stnmp for reply. Er5 ° B/rar / ? N. 1 Cnn.Hrn AND FAHVAVST. Open from 8 A. M. to 0 I' . M. 1 Kutrancn on Fnrnnm or 14th St. , ERRC5RS GF YOUTH. ; SUFFERERS FllOM Acrvoni Dcblllly , Youthful Indlncrellona. Lout Mauliood. Bo Your Cwn Physician 1 Many men , from the cfTccU of youthful Imprudence , hn\ & brought about a atalo of wiaknesB that hai roilucid the ceneral ays- toni 10 much tw to Induce almost erury other disease , and thu nnl cauBo of thu I rouble scarcely ever beln > r sucpt > ct.M , they are doctored fur exrythincr but the right ono. Notwltfistandlnfr the many valuable reinedlt- that motllcal sclonro hu * prutlueed Cor tliorelief.of thU claim of patients , none of theonllnary modes of treatment clTtctn cur . During our citonitrocolleo and hos- l > ttnl prtcttc we bftro experimented with ami dlooorered newand concentrated re me- ftlen. The aceomr nylnir prescription Is of fered as a certain nndflpeedy cure , as hundred * o ( i-ast lu out pmcllca hnvo been rntorcd to | H-rf- henllh bTlti tiso after alt otlicriowilcsfnilct ] , I'erf&tly rnro In- ureditnts nui t bo ust > U in the prcparatloa of tnls t > rcscripiion. II Erjthroiylon COCA , 1 3 drachm , JeruJjoblii , 1 1 drachm. llclonlai Diolca , l Uio Cclsemtn. S praln . Kit. tunutfw ! &mitrnalcohollcltcr&lDi { ( } it. Icitnndra , SBcruples , Olyccrlnc , n t. Kir. Mnkc60.llls. | . Tncelpll1at3p.m..anaan- ) other on coin * to t ect. lu pome CAit'j U HI tn neccsi-ary for the patient to take two pllli nt lK'jllinoni\kiiir ( lhonumlwrthi > eada.T. Thla rcmodrti adapted tr > every condition of ntrTOUsdeiiltitvaml wcaknesiluetttiersoi , I nn J especially in tliose cases resulting from f Inpruilenco. The rectiptfrfttlTo i owcn of 1 \ this reitorittrearotrulyastonl hriifanl , III ' . use continued for n short tlmerhanffcs the ' ' languid. debilltAtcdtrirrrelcri condition to 1 I ono of loncwnl llfo amiKOT. . . . t Aiweareconstantly Inrocclptof letlersof ; t Inqutiy iflatlro to tlili remedy , wo would ; * iy ttthonowho oulitpr fertoobtftlnltof . us , by icmlltlnff (1 a securely waled pack * ; a o containing CO pills , carefully com- poun Jed , will bo fcnt by ivturn 'nail from ) ( itiriutVAto lahoratoryor wonlll furnUh 6 ; M or call on England Medical Institute , Si Treinout How , Iluklon , * iln > i. C/nyrluht , 189. t > r lII. . HIUKK. NERVE AND BRAIN TREATMENT : Bpeclflo for 'lyil < > rl , ninlnOTn.FIts. l.mmlgla , W l-o- < ulnc . Mental Inipriuilon.HoftcnlliKot tie llrnln , ro- tulllniT In In/anltyn J Uaillntrto mliery denv and ileith. Prcrniiuro Old ARC , Hirrcniicu. Ixinuf 1'owor In either BOX. Inrolnntary LOBHCP , nnil hp rmntorrtcci& cauietl br OTer-oxertlo of tlio brain , relf-fcl.uie or orer-lrulnlsenrc. Karl ) box contains ono monlL'a treikU ment. 0laliox , or * lx for 3\ rent liy mall prepaid. AYila c f l ordfr for nix lioxr- , will cml purctiater puarantro lo rrfnn.l n-uney Idha ( rottnirnt fnlti to cub * ihi t ni * t n ! I * UIMUMIII | tri vLv GOODMAN DRUG CO. , 1110 Farnuui Slrcut , - Omiilin , Neb A Talking Parrot for $7 I RECEIVED A NEW LOT OF VERY FINE YOUNG PAR ROTS , Which I am gain ; : lo sell tlio next Kculv ut $7 Each. With a Guarantee to Talk Itlsmro clinnoo to not n talMnu imrrolfor 1111 oxtru- nrcllmiry clioii price. Do nut iiilssyuui culture. MAX GEISLER , A17 S. lBth St. , Omnhn. CX/DIJII | .Q Can 1 lU'illi-cl In SO to CO O I r rll l-IO ( la K bvusonf tlituiuir * ulotis Miiflu | Ki'iti dy. f. Jtl.tMjfor iicuholl ) vlll Hi.t euro. OAUTION Ui | ! ut the Kdillliiti loin- uily. Write or call on K. 0 , Jo.lyu , 'AU liar- oey Struct , Omuhu , v- ' The Omalaa Medical and Surgical Institute For the treatment of Ml CHRONIC AND HnrtOICAL DISnASKS. UncoAppllinces for naformltto * , an ( I'ruiaoc. lieu Kncllltloi , Appar.itus nnd llemcilloj for aucccssful troitment ot nvurr form of rtbenio ro nulrlnRlIcilloilorflurBluiit Trcntmcnt. NINI5TV lU'O.MH KOIl I'A'lllIN'lS , Ilonnl nil ! nllonrtnnco. llosl rcommoilutloi a Wtat. Write for circular ! on Dofc-niltlci nnd llrnoe.i. True oi , Dub Kci't , Curvature ol Bplno , i'lloa , Tumor * , fancir , Catirrh , Uronchltlj , Inhnlntlcn , Klrttrlcity. rnrnl ) * ! * . . ] { | ilci | r , Kldnoy. lllmldor , Kyo , Knr , bklnnnil Uloc.il , and nllmirplaal ojiorntlons. II9IA3'S ! : Ol' IVOJIKN specialty. Uooit. 11 of Women 1'rcc. Wo lia\e lately nddcd a l.J'liiK-ln l > cj > irtuium \Yomonclurlntf GmHneuiorJV ( Btrlctly 1 I'rlvnte ) . Only Uellnbla Medical liistltiito rnaklnir a speclnlty of _ rniV/TI2 lISiA ) I.S. All Illood i'liiofiio * Biiccosifiilly treated. Syphilitic poT'on'removdl from trig sy-U'm wltlTout mercury , Now Ite-toriUUo TH atinont for Loss of Vital I'o-.Tcr. l'irtlrs unnliloto vl > lt us may liu trralcil at home bj correspondence. All ( umniunlrntlonn conllrtontlal. Meilklno or Irntnuncoti tent by niiill or oipic * * , ne. curtly lacked , no marki to Indlcntfl contciila or sonOcr. One personal Intcrrlcvr prefrrrcil. ( 'nil nnil cojisnll us or send lil toryof your cruo , nnd no will send In pliln wrnppor our IIOOIC TO MKN I'llUM , iipon 1'rlvatr Special or Nervous Dlncn'cs , Impotency , Sri'lillU , Uioct an > l \ arliocclu , wltli iiuustlon list. Aildrtii ' Omaha Medical and Surgical Institute , Corner Oth and Harney SLs. , Omahn , Neb. Grand Lottery of Juarez , Under the Management of the Heilcan International Banking Co. , Concessionaries. INCORPORATED BY THE' STATE OF CHIHUAHUA , MEXICO , FOR CHARITABLE PURPOSES * GRAND MONTHLY DRAWING Will take place In publlo at the CITY OF JUAKEZ ( formerly Paso del Norto ) , WEDNESDAY/ JULY 28d , 1890. Under the personal suporvlsfnn ol GEN. JOHN 8. MOSBY , and Mil OAMILOROtj EifB3 , the former a gentleman of micli prominence In the United St.-Uos tint his urcsonco alone li ' sutncluutuuiiiaiitceto the imbllo tlmt thu drawln ; * will be heM with strict honesty and 'ivlrJ ness to all. and the latter ( the Supervisor of the aluxloan ( lovormuuu'j Ji of oaual staiiUlaf auU latenrlty. CAPITAL PRIZE , $6OOOO. Only 60OOO TicketsI Only 6OOOO TiclcetsJ WHOLE TICKETS. $4 ; HALF TICKETS. 12jJUARTER L.IST OK PI1IZE1S. 1 Prize of $60,000 $ $60,000 , 100 Prltoi of Approximation ( to oncn Prlzos. asa . 'rlre of loan ioux ) IK ) Prize * of HO o-icli 1 Trlioof BOW & , 1W I'rlios of SA ouch 3.UM 8 rnro. of 1,00 ! ) cscb K , ' J Tarinlnal Prizes. 10 rrlzesof AX ) curh 2.IICJ rrOTcrmlnili lo MJ.'XWl'rUoof til each tf. I'rlcoiof 100 encb 6.0 ( ) toy Tormliul ) lo IW.UW I'rUouf ( ID uacb 100 rrlzcsof 1C each MM ) UO I'rliuJOf UU cacl ) , 'JM 101-1 Priz83 nmountlus to $120,070 Wctlin undonlitnoil hereby certify that tlie llnnco If nn ticket rtrixwln ? a l > rlto li ent to tliotinrlor ; S'nclonal of Mexico In Clillmnliun han on depoilt iBned , iti fjco viluo will bo oollcctcJ and rouiUtfll from Iho Mexican Internutlonal lltmkln ? Compuny * lo tlio owner ttierjnf free ol ill \tt . ,1 the necessary fuiula to nuarantco the pirmunt of all KixiAlt II. llnovtoy , < - * Iho prize- drawn In the ( ! i ami I-uUury of .1 unroz. President Kl l'ajo National 11 ink. Kl I'aio , Tor. f \Ycfiirtliercertlty tlmt no wlllsuiorvlso nil tlio ar- AOIiMTH W/i.NTian. rnn cmcnti , unil In person ninn 7o and control all KorcluUritoj , or nor otlior Inforinutlon. wrUn tj lliuclrattingii of tills Lottery , niul that Iho BJ-IH are the uiiler l nuJ , ntntru > 'n'ir mtilrou cloarlr. wllij mi with honeity , falrnois and In noocl fulth Btute , Counlr , Strest an I N imbcr. Moro rnpl'l mill rda nil iKirUi'n , ilcllterr will bmmurol l > y r"ur cncloilng naonvtl * OOim Q. M090Y. Commlsslonar. ope bsurlru your full ntilroM. , . . , , , rv. . f , CAMII.O AutiUKr.i.r.s , JlUXICAS ItlrKHSATIOXAIHANIINJlOO. Bupcrvlsur for Ibo Uovornmont. I Oily of Juiirui , Moxloa Send remlttnnet" ) for tlckcti by ordlmry Ifttor , contalnlniMniioy Orcl i ] | Issued by all Hvpu'iis CoiuDiinlos , Now York Kxchango , UauU Uraltor I ostai Note. Address all ruglslorud lelU'is lo MEXICAN iNTElRNA-TIONArA BANKING CO. . Olty ofJuarez. . Mexico , via El Paso. Tex , Great Slimmer Bargain Sale -I JV- MAX MEYER & KRO. , Je\velers and. Silversmiths , SIXTEENTH AND PA UN AM STREETS , - - OMAHA , NEB Bargains in Bargains in Watches. Nickel wnUlioi from l..Z/l upwnrdi. Diamonds. SllviT wntchua from (1 iiiiriir.li | , . I.IKIIH' | | KOld urntcliui from Hi iiiivrnrdi , Milloiutu'i void vrotclieifruiu ( . ' 0 uptrard ) . Diamond rlnc > from ( Z.'O iipnnrdii , I3argains in Jewclery. lilamunil ttillnr button * fnimM uim Diamond rnrf pirn Iromlu upwnnli , Wccnrr ; n full line of Jcwelcry Inclncllnic Diamond cut ! tmtlon from f < i uinvurili. hathiolldKOliI arm line lullt-J pl.Uo rind , Dlani'ind nturts trum t M il"irJ | < . plni , cnrrlnvii lucictx , tlialni , brnculuti , Illninoncl laio plnn from III ) niwnrdt. | iictktncoi , cunand rulliir LuttoiK. tto Ar * lilarnund our rlnxi ( rorullJ iiiiminH. tlcluiiictnully iiurtlitl nuiollut Ule to "Jc , Dlcinoml brucolcti fromtl.'i iiiw.irili. | nndiill other ouiM nru ol < liit Ilia anil ) pru * Dlnmond pt'nilnntM fruml tipwnrcli , portion. Hco our ihuwnnduitt. . Sou uur Dlntnondnvtklncoi IromlM upward * burgnln prlcoi. Watches , Clocks and Jewelry Repaired at Reasonable Prices. Greatly Reduced Prices en Silverware , Clocks , Lamps , Umbrellas , Optical Goods , Etc.