Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, July 17, 1890, Page 6, Image 6

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    o THE OMAHA DAI1YY BEE , .ffHUUSDAY , JULY" 17 , 1800 ,
tx-Oongrmnuu Herr Dalivora an Address
on the Labor Question.
trim Court lllituM * IWonis
\ \ eildlim TOIIIIK Deuuicjr.its
Ol ( { .111 1/15 I'ufSllll.llH.
was \\lniHi Imoun as KCCOK-
nltloiMluy utttieChniiliiiiii ( | Tlic morning
enturtuitiintmt consisted of rm address by
ex ( JoMKiwsmin Herr of Michigan , who
ftixikc upon the labor qucUloii Mr. Herr
1ms : iiiiulnt | way of di'.iliiiK with ( itioitioiis ,
wlihli , In the hands of otlion of no km
ability , HIU ofLon mwlo very dry nntl mi-
Intoicstiiife' . No ono -will forget tholalmii-
lablov y in ivlilih , itftcr stating n [ iropo-
sltion to ulildi hotukcM exceptions , lie pi Is
on Unit i0'illir ! fii"ml OKprusMon and s.iys :
"Th"K' otiu trouble ) with thut sUtcincnt.
'J ho trnulilu h ItIsn't lino. " Then every bo ly
nnd ovoryboily womlcisvliy tlioy
' 1 hen IKJ ROOT on , using homely lllus-
tnitloiiH. whlih niako his meaning m pluhi
ns dnjlltrht He entertain * , but ho deus
inoru tlnin tint No one can lieu * Mr ll'irr
without run-yuicr n v.iy . innny tbitijrs which
liosiyi Ho teni'lios us well us tulle * , Itltu
matter of coiitfiattil itlon tlnit the niniuga-
inonl t' ( mini him to ( Iclhcr today Ills
rc'k'liiiitc'il lecture of "Aro ] l.iUboni Our
Cousins i No. "
Tlio SclmlRit qiiai Ictto g.iva so mo moio of
their t-x < client tnuskjoalenlny
Another most coinuiuiuliiblo fiutuio of the
proB'r iinmo ycstonluyvu the Icctura by
I'rof DoMottc , on "SouncH " Ills lectiuus ,
though itlvnllllu , nio brought down to the
understanding of the ho.inir of onlinurj In-
U'llliiciuv , unit m.ilo very Interesting , rvcn
fusclmitlnc ' , , by the oxporIin.iiUimd ! Illustr.i-
tlom which nc'cninpmy them. ITo Icetuii's
again IhU evening , Ills subject hoinv'iio loss
iittnic'tl\o thiin thu ono on which ho spoke
The loilowlnt ? Istho pro i.iunicj for todiy :
110) in. -'tiiic ) , "I'lmr.iotur.vv. \ .
Stephen I'heliH ' , I ) I ) . .Council Illiills , la.
! ! : < U | > in Miiilc-alc. Ilio loen Iwnil
U : fi | . ni.--l'c > tiiiLil It U. llori , Arult iboouw
Out ConilnsNo. . "
lxii. ( | in Tliu u'-scuilily lilbli t-turty. Ho.m
A. Arlrflit , D.I ) , "I'l.MilifcyMil. . xxv.
r.oi\i \ in. c. rs r. Kjiinii tuiiio.
7:00 ji. -t'liorm iclicui s il
rt : ( l | > MI. Uftnii' . "Tins lleiuea ( | IllNormid
tlm\i < . ant , " Dr .I.H , I ) , ; Miiltc. Illusli iti < l
l > y iimU'i'l IniiMiiml uMwrliiii'nti , conducted by
Sir I' S Ablmtl.
Clni's With Ci'.iok Cnlo7iciN.
'Whoilo jou suppDin t siw In town the
other dayl" us Iced'.c Cii'iUlt yestcuil.iy.
.lack knows 11101-0 ciooks thiin nlinoHb any
man In tlio city , hii IOIIK sur.'ic'o on the police
fono having given him : i p'fin ut in my of
them. Sollwis not mil oh of n surprise ulion
hos.ild , " .I ncl < Itoich" It will bo icincin-
boioil tint there \MIS i thno wliun overhodj
was voiy anxious to see , F.i < Ic Uo.ich In Coun
cil ' .Uutts "Tliroo-riiicforcil .hclt , " .is ho is
c.iiU-d , on account of u iluforiulty in onu limcl ,
was badly mixed up In the .itTiih * sit the old
Union .Avenue1 hotel , when Mijor Willl.ims
shot and killed a fellow named Hughes ,
Thcio was a lively seuch fox- Williams ,
Hoich uud Matt Oaiioll , who wore sail to
liuvo been tlio trio \\lio slimed In the ulfiilr.
They were cmight ut llluh' , but Ito.uh m.idu
n .sensational Jump from the second stoiy of
the hotil ntnl niuilo coed his escape. Can oil
also pot away , ami Williams , on being tried ,
win acquitted for liu-lc of witnesses , only to
bo nfteiwiiuh tried nnd sent to the pcnlten
tinry in New Yoik for killing a nmn theio.
Hoacli bus licenshndy until the alTnlr hav-
lii ( , ' bloun OVLI ; It Is now safe for him to bhow
up horo. '
That lenilmled Shei iff O'Neill. ' "Df you
remoinbor n follow named Mnlior , who was
hcntenu'd a few terms ate for turning a con-
fUlencoirntnahcrol Well , whin bilug-
Ing him fiomthocouit i-oom to the Jail , ono
dny during his tihilhu , wns lacking , us bo
nlwnyp was I nshod him what ho
wiu kicking about. 'Well,1 ' said
ho , 'Unit ' juiy has no bu.s-
ness toilndino KidUy. It don't ' iniko any
dUIcrcni'o whutber 1 turned that , tilck or not ,
they haven't ( jot the ovldcnco nnd they
oughtn't ' to convict mo. ' Then I uilced him
whut dllToivnco It made to him whether the
convicted him or not ! 'That's a funny imcs-
tlnn tonakmobut ; do you nicani' 'I mean
lust this : It is a tfood deal better for you to
bo tiled for larceny than tuba tried for nun-
dor , Malt. ' Ho looked all broke up when I
called him 'Matt.1 ' Then sajs I : 'I know
you , Matt Cm-roll ; I know > our folks , too
They arc nice , respectable folks. They live
in Dubiuiuc , and are well llxeil and well edu
cated. ' lie denied nt llrst that ho was Mutt
Carroll , but bu wiu , just tlio samo. He Is
scivhij ; a tcim now In tuu pen Hlght uf tor
the shooting ho sklppod out , and bo went to
Kuroponud traveloil nil over , IIo couldn't
keep away , though , nnd coming back bore ho
Kot pliaboil. Thosii tbrco wcro the fellows
who Icllloil Ilujfhos ; that's sure ; though It
couldn't ' ho provoil as to liiuh lln-j tbo
sliots. ' '
x l'rovont-4 aVc 1 < 1ln - .
Extensive arraiiRCiuents wore nudu for tlio
murlugo of Miss Crane anil Mi- . Cunning , at
tbo homo of tbo brides' parents , Mr and Mrs ,
GcorgoJ. Cruuo , yeatouluy .iftcnioou. The
guests had began iibsoiiibllnt ; , tlio clcrgj mini ,
Itov. Mr. Crofts , was on hind to perform the
ceremony , when tlio expectant bildo
tukon so seriously 111 us to ina'to ' it
tn postpone the event until aoino indcllnito
tlmo in tbo future. Miss Crane Ims been In
vciy poor heiilth for two weeks or moio , but
the day pteeodiiiR that het for thocoro.iiony
HwasthouKht that with c.iro she would bo
ublo to o tlu-ough tlio ceremony. In eider to
husband her stivnidith shoioatcd tlitouKh-
out tbo dm- , avoiding all possible excitement ,
until evening , when she Joined with tier
bridesmaid in m.ikiiiK some nccessarv nr-
rniiBvmunU for the next ilny. She appeared
to bo feeling jiiiieh bettor , anil It Is thought
that she overexerted , foi when moin-
liitf cuino she was nimble , to ilso fi-oni her bed.
Her physlol in still thought that by afteruoou
she would Inivoiveovoied suftlclent stieiiKth
for the ceroiiiony , hut when the hour came It
\\-iW Impossible , and the event liiul to be post-
jwiicd. It \ \ > is u dlsapiwintiaunt to all con
cerned , ami there are henrd many anxious
vlsbcs tbnt her condition may ho lapldly
bettered. Mr. Cunning Is from Indianapolis ,
mid is accompanied by several of his Kentle-
men friends. MHs Cnmo was somewhat
ovtlor last ovouliiK , but hori'ondltlon Is still
an KOilous that no probable tliuu can bo named
for the ceremony.
Th Voiins Hem leralu to
There was nn ntteiidmco of about llfty
younK democrats at the adjourned mooting
of the youiiK democrats' club t .Marcus hill
Tuesday evening. The com ulttoJ on organ
ization reported in favor of Euvnott Tinloy
for temporary chalrm in and Nlek O Briou
for temiwniry secretary , and the report was
adopted und the persons named took their
places. Tinloy In taking the chair muilo n
low reiuiuks to the effect that ho was very
much surjiribed atbelng chosen 'and O'Hrlcii
illil not s.iy iinvthlng. A coiniuittoo consist
ing of Slio.1 , AVhlttlesoy and Cooper was a | > -
jioluted to draw up u constitution und by
laws , In Uou of n committee forimrlv up-
pointed which WM not them to report , After
Hiveeches by John Abies , J. J. She.iund J. J ,
Frulnoy tlio mcctliK udjouincd to meet in ono
week at the Hume idiico ami the executive
commltU.Hj appolutml ut n former meeting vas
inatrueted to see what could bo done towards
prociulitKH permanent plueo for the meeting
of tbo club ,
StcnniHlilp Artiviilu.
At Quccnstawii Tliu Alaska , from Now
York for Mvoixol |
At I.iziuilI'.isicil : The Suovia , from Now
York for Hamburg.
At LiulpituTho Hill , from New York for
At Now Voik \VcsU'iland ' , from An
twerp ,
Mrs Wlnslow's SoothliiK Syrup for chil
dren teething produces uulunil , quiet bleep.
JI3 cents u bottle.
T/II : .v
I'nrlc Itnoo ,
C'nir ino , .luly Irt. Sutuintry of Washing
ton I'ark rui'os
Maiden tMo-voir-olds , Jlvo nil longs -San
.Juun won , Liugbtcr second , Walnut third.
Thno-LOTftf ,
Three-ypar-olds nnd upwards , 0110 mile
JocUourtnuv won. Nc\ndt second , 1'ltkup
thud. Tlmo-ll : .
Diiirlrani handicap , sweepstakes , for tlircc-
year-ohli , mllu ami ono fmlotiR 1'ilueo
'onso won , Dr Nnvo second , Jed third.
[ "lino I'W'i
Tnree-ycat olds and npuimK mlle mid
onouiiarter Al Pnrww won , Almont see
end , Teuton third 'Jlmo-'itO'l
TnteoenioUls anJ up.vurdi. mlle nnd
oventy yards Senu won , ICbutton second ,
at Shcedy third Time -lt'l' : ' | .
J. , July II ! . [ Special Tele-
grain to Tin ; llinj.Summary of today's
aces :
rive-clnhths ; of n mile Qulbblcr won ,
) a\e \ S cc < md , Xomnd third. Tlmo 1 W .
rive-clRhths of a mlle Woodcutter won ,
Cvinpin Pilli Hciond. Paiolino tbltd. Tlmo
- 1 li t'4
Tive-ilKliths of ti mile iTtm Giay won ,
riclo second , Matibntuu third. Time
: ( ) !
Ono nnd one-uuurtcr milesOcnerul Hou-
anger o , Vigilant second , Littles Hell third ,
Timeli.lJ'f. .
One mile Anstmlltwon. . Hustcul second ,
lutTlei thiid. 'Jlino-l MJf. )
.Seven eighths of u mllu I'lgln won , Count
Lunu sc'LOiiO , Keilliglit tlilid. Time l.Jl j
July 10. [ Speelal Tele- to Tin : Dcc.J Sumniniy of today's
aces :
rivc-clghllm of a mile King Arthur won ,
Vowbuig second. 'Ihoou thtril. Thno
: ( U' ' , .
'ihrcc-fouilhs of a mile Renobla won ,
She-Xa Van second , Scuoli third. Time
1:1S'4- '
Scven-elglitbs of a mlle \Viullke won ,
'ilnco Howard sicond , Hiirrison third ,
J'imoliM : ! ,
Klovcn ! ) l\tceiitlis of a ratio Tnnnpr won ,
Sumourscond , King Crab third. Tlmo
One mile Tattler von , 1'iiz.ilo second , Slg-
laturo third Time -1 . J.IJf.
Steeplcebiso , full course -Will Davis won ;
Vnnclusu bi'eoud , Only two llnlsbed. Thno
-5.j' ; ' > i. Sanfoid fell nnd broke his ued : .
Ton .Much . .JojkuyV. . rk.
Cuictoo , July U5.--fSpwlal Tolo to
I'm : lin : ) The Washington Park races fuc
coming Into illsnpute , "We nroyttlng tired
of thisortof biisiucis , Mr Itauklns. This
n nul out running of tbo Chicago stiblos
anuot continue It hurU thoieputitlon of
tbo Washington Paik as-bociatlon , and it has
got to bo stopped. "
The romurltvis male In tbo most direct
mil emphatic way by a lea Itnp executive
jlllclul \Viislilngton 1'uik to tbo owner of
S.mtolcno , after gelding hail been
ircvuntcd fuitn wlimiin ; the last r.ien of
Washington I'urlc yesterday. It was not evi
dent tint tlio hoiso lud boon inillcd ho had1
simply been "Jockeyed" in the Interest of bis
controller * } ami had undo an elegant second
lie hid also nvido the public mad ,
mil likewise the judges , and the talk ,
which is seldom complimentary to tbo
Jhlc < io stntilo's WIIJB , was pixtty hot against
CJeorgc V. llanUlns Through ring , giniiil
btiind ami club grounds the espres-siou was
ill thijsame. Ilycn In the jinlaes' stand tbo
wave of hiillgii > itioii was rampant. Them
WJs not a bor-.o hi the cro vd that could "ho'd
a eandlo" to Santiilcnc He had htarted at " >
to ! on , and five out of every six bitting men
at the track had laid thcs odds on bis chances.
Everyone kuous the icsiiH , Ho loit the
rneo. IIo uas not pulled , neither was ho rid
den. Ho Jujt gave a piescnt of the race to
Attlcus , a horse whose icccnt peifornmnccs
liad evidenced all the cbaiacteristicsof a
"plater. " Attleus v.u a 10 to 1 shot ami tbo
r.u.0as simplj given to him.
The Sncrccl Heart acudomy for day
pupils , sitituted on St. ilurj''s avenue
and Uitli hi. , is an iiistltutlou ilovutcd to
the moral and intellectual education of
young girls. The couino iimludos ovory-
thinpfrom an elemental y dopnrtmont to
unniblicd clalssical education. Bunicloj
the oulinary ncadumical course , music ,
printing , il rawing mid the hinguagos am
taught. French is included in the ordi
nary cour o. DilToronco o ( religion is no
obstacle to the rocolviiiff of pupUs , pro
vided tnoy coiifonn to Iho general ropu-
lations of the school. The seholaHtlo
term commences the first Tuesday in
Soptombcr. Classes basrin at 0 a. in. ,
and pujiils are dismissed at 3:30 : p. in.
Death from III Tro Union t.
TOIIONTO , Out. , July -Special Tele-
ginm to Tim T3ci"i ! Some of the er'.u'ofn
\\hlchracjntlyarrhed In poit , tbo uano
of which Is withhold , bavo made b voru
statements itecuslnc the captain o [ tno vessel
of haUng caused thy death of a sailor at sea.
Ihoy allofjo tint tbo sailor in question was
compelled to work ulion 111 with dropsy Tlio
deceased left a luitton stiteuicnt to the
effect tlint his death was hastened by the
treatment ho i ei el veil This statement Is In
the possession of tbo uttoinev general of the
province , who will Investigate tbo matter.
OMUI\ , July lfTo the Kditor of Tin :
lieu : - - Will you please answer in your paper
the following questions pertain nut to coubll-
tutional iimundincnts and obllgo several
leaden , of youi paptr :
1. Doobit reimlro a t'\o-tbhds vote of the
pcoplo to cany an amendment to the stile
constitution of either Iowa orXcurasUi
- . Was not the prohibltoryinnendincnt sub
mitted to the people 01 Iowa twice on account
of homo oirov of tlio leglslutuie at iiiMI
: i. Mus.tconstltutlonul amend incuts bo sub
mitted to the people at special elections in
either Ioi\a \ orNobiaskal
1. .No.
i ! . No. The constitutional amendment vas
submitted once andcariicd , but declared \old
by the stain supreme couit Piohibltion in
Iowa is statutory , not constitutional.
a. NO , _ _
This ovonlnpr , at 7.30 p. m. ,
thoio111 bo a mootinj , ' held at the
residence of M. V. Gannon , 11010 Shor-
miin iivoime , for the nurnosu of orgtiul/-
Injf a now parish In tlio northern part of
the city. . All Catholics living north of
Luke sticot are loiiuostod lo alleiid.
Velraslii , [ own ami Dakota Pensions.
WvsiiiMirov , July 10 [ Spoclal Telegram
to Tun HIR ] Nebraskans were granted
pensions today : Original ( special net ) John
McCool , Majors ; Martin llrott , Tecumseh ;
Charles K. IMiillips , deceased , niulr ; Cor
nelius I. Mcehan , Cambridge ; William p.
Sliafer , Stubeit ; Aaron Tilton , Omnha. la-
cioaso Orrln Squires , Sciviird ; OcoigeVV.
( 'ox , Lliu-olii ; David Stinaut , O'Neill , Frank
Thompson , Central City ; Charles N. Corneau ,
Cuulson ; Cyuis 1) , Clnpinm , Archer ; Will-
lam II. Wells , Ua\id \ City ; William T. Drake ; ,
Stralton ; MurquN P. David , Wllcox ; Will-
lam T. Harding , Orleans ; Uufus U. Lull ,
Alnswoilli ; William II. D''nlbon , Stephen-
son. Oilidnul widows Muethu \\idowof
Churles K. Plillllp , Hlalr.
Iowa : Orlijliiiil John E. Cooksoy , I'ltts-
burt,1 ; John C. Hlekab.mgb , Cedar Uaplds ;
Snowdcn MeHunoy , HumbolutVilllam ;
McJcnklns , ICeokuk ; William Hastings ,
NIraVllliiiiuII : De.irdorll , ISmtport ; Is > iac
No\\ell. Marshnlltovn ; John Toulkes ,
Cusriulo. Ucstoi-atioa and inci ease-
Henry NCMMOU. TAceMor. Ineivaso
John Kopsl , Iowa City ; Jacob P.
1'faff , Oehydcn ; ( Seorgo II. Hrdl. Xc\\cll ;
Low is W. Kichiirds , Ottumwa ; William
Ingilla , Ottumwa ; John Q A. Patterson ,
Mount Ayr ; James B. Moirow , Talloy-
mnd ; John Casey , Cherokee ;
( icoigo M , Ehtcs. Lludcn ; Samuel
( luiiu , Keokukj Io3e 1) , Thomas'
Noith English ; MorltzTscliaspo , Port Madison -
son ; Hiram Wheeler , Dccoruh ; Jamus A.
Dn\is , Hnuljvllloj Aixhlbuld P Culbertson ,
Seymour ; William Qlllesple , Mount Voruou ;
Jauii'3 Allison , Condon ; Hamuel On4ut ,
Marysvlllo ; Ucorgo K. Jvlttams , 1'rcsrott ;
Joseua Boyle , Vuukeo ; Samuel S. Petty ,
Dnmxiith ; l-'rlcdllno Iteum , Deionibj
Wlllliim Al. OnriH'iilor. Editcwfiol , John
O Plt-kiinl HniiKhton ; John AlnHhows.Now
ton ; NVilllac'C UodforJ. Wall Liilto , > fathan
W Dean , ( lra\ltv ; LittletonV Huston ,
Ktokukt John r Hltthcoik , Illglipolut ;
SaimiL-1 II. Parr ) , Waverlyj John A Yountf ,
WaihlnKton : L Ooodrlcb , MaiUokeUii [
Wlllurd D. Cnrpciitor , Charlton : Henry 13.
Fenner , Kcatoiur ; volny Henry , Vcnioni
Tlioums 1' , Juslln , Ua\ls ; Thomas
O KIluird OM , Lander ; Isaac Scott , Chirks ,
vlllo : David.I. Miller , Eagle Urovo : David
F Mnrce , Monttccllo : Joicph Calhoun ,
Washlntton : U.iniel W. InK'er ell , I'olk
City ; .lobni1. WINon , Mt. I'leasnnt ; John
L Hall , Wood ; C/raHalter. Dennis : James
Morrison , HctUUck , navy , John E , Ilamren ,
CorrectloiiNHie ; William It. Moore , I'crry ;
Kobcrt Mllllken , Keokulc ; Andrew J E >
belt , Mehwo ; Simon Shaulls , Waterloo1 ,
John I1 , Shrove , Ottumwa. Kcissue-Alex
.1. Powell , Mondainln. Iels { im nnd Increase
John Tuimey , Kollcrton. Oiigimd vldows
Amy W. , .widow of I'eltr Hosteller , ( Men-
wood ; Heka , widow of Chinles Kpr.ilnrdt ,
Sioux City ; Catherine , widow of Arthur M
Miller , Centervlllo.
South Dakota : Original-Henry Stone ,
Oweola , Incic.wo-Louis Bertram , Hush-
inif. Oiighml Lafijetto Vniidoimuii. Ited-
Held ; Justus Dodge , Dcsnicti Scth Winkle-
plcck , Coleman. Increase Amen Tlyte ,
i'einbmku ; Henry H Avoir , llrooklugsi
Peter Gray , Huriisldo ; WashliiKton 13ddy ,
\Voousockct ; Tliouns M. ICendrlc-k , Plnnken-
ton. Reissue August Slebrecht , Ucbati.
Oiltflnd vtdows , etc. Ar.unluta t'1. , widow
of Daniel K. Cumpboll , lliooklngs ,
rorbeautv , for comfoit , for itnpro\cmcnt
of thoc'ommoxinn , use only Poironi'ii Pow
der , there's ' nothing equal to.
Killed ly ! A\t \ cliew.
Oi our , A. T. , July 10 [ Special Telegram
toTur Bui. ] Infjjnnntlon was received hero
lastniifht of the dlseovciy of the dead body
of ( Cdtvnrd Dakcr at his cabin In the Stcua
Aneha mountains forty miles north of Globe ,
supposed to IIIMO been murdeiedon July 14.
Some doubts aio expressed us to whether
the deed was committed by Aptchcs
or white rustlers , but the fact
that tbo Ixwlw had been mutilated
about the head points to killing bv Apaches.
A number of horses was stolen and the cabin
looted Citl/om from Salt river nnd SheillT
Thompson with n posse loft jostciday for the
sec-no of the tragedy. Troops and scouts
fiom San Carlos and buiixmndlng posts mo
ulso cnrouto.
An Imp irliiut "U UN ion.
LONDON- , July 1(5 ( [ Special Cablegram to
Tin : Ilci : . ] The niantloof Kir L Simmons ,
as negotiator of the Vatican , is supposed to
bavo descended to the shoulders ol Slv Adrian
Diugll , who , as advocate of Malta , was for
many yeais of jjreat iafluenco. Sir Adiia. . is
n strong Catholic , nnd , although the ostensi
ble object of bis visit to Home is to see his
only son. who is a pupil In the Jesuit school
of Mnmlr.itfonp , it is an open secret that ho Is
charged seml-olllcially to discuss several mat
ters of grcit impoittmcowith Leo XIII und
his udvlseis.
Itioters liivpoiscd.
Ciuut.r.vro.v , S. C. , July 10. A dlspalch
fiom Illockvillosajs : The white people of
ttirnwcll county have prevented any further
troublont Kcnrco settlement. Most of the
detachment of military who went lo Keaieo
hive depaited. Their captain nid today :
"I luuo not the slightest doubt that thcro
would have boon very seiious trouble at ,
Keano had our scpiad not arrived piomply
on the Held. The notous negroes \vcro dis
persed , yomoof them will bo anostud. "
O. A. n. Uriinloii i Pilley.
WiMom , Neb , .Tuly It ) . [ SpecialTelegram
loTurBir. ] Tun BUR cot respondent -
Ited Tilley today and found the committee
iraklng o > tcnsvo ! pioj > aiations for the Grand
Aiuii of the Hepiibllo reunion to bo held
thcioon Jul > 28l ! , 30 and ill , They havoa
splendid prove , larjro enough to accommodate
10,000 people , together \ \ 1th tents , etc. , within
two blocks of the depot ; In fact , It is In
mr.ny lespects superior to the Chautnunua
grounds at Beatrico. Pipes are being laid to
supply tbo camp with water and the commit
tee aw milking every possible arrangement
for the comfort of their puests.
I > yrr Has Itesljncd.
S \iTLMiP , Utah , July W. [ Special Tclo-
gram to Tun Bnr. ] IVauk H. Dicr , ro-
cclvci of the rhurci. of Jesus Christ of Latter
Day Saints , has reslgi.ed and Henry L. W. has been nppo'nted. ' Djor resigned
mi account of other business Lawienco is an
aprstlo Moi'uon and the ualnts are not in
s\mpilhy with the action of the supreme
court. Tlio Deserct , the organ of the church ,
denounces Iho action "a disuraco to civiliza
tion and to the government. "
Itopudlatc tlio Settlement ,
Nhw Yoitic , July 10. The striking cloak
makers this morning refused to abide by tho.
terms of settlement reached yesterday and
declared this morning that they would not
letum to work unless all the non union clo ik
maker * nro Immediately discharged. This
the nmiinfuctuicrs refused , so the cloak
opei.itors still remain out , while the cutters
and contiactors , having slcncd tbo ngtce
ment , returned to work. The latter \htually
gained all tho'r ' demands.
Afialn this Original Pneknge.
\ \VASIIIMITON- . , July 10. [ Special Tele
gram lo Tun Bnr , ] The police authorities
laided tbo four original package houses hero
last night and bound the proprietors and em
ployes o\er to court. Tbo charges against
them uro selling liquor without license and
to men of intemperate habits. The houses
wore all nourishing nnd the pioprietors say
ihoj will continue lo tell pending tbo court's
IlindliiT TiUuo Will Advance.
Mivxrurons , Minn , July It ! The burnIng -
Ing of .VJ'i tons of binding twine jcsterday
caused a sharp advaiuo in the price of thut
article , especially ns the stock represented
seven-eighths of the entire stock on li.ind in
the twin cities. The tmst claims that twtno
has sold at n loss and this Is a sulllcient pretext -
text for an advanco/ull along the line.
Imp rU and Ilvporls.
Pvni" , July 10. [ Special Cablegram to
Tni'Bnp , ] Hetuins issued by tbo board of
trade show that during the mouth of Juno
Imports Increased lUTii,000 ) francs and that
expoit.s decicased ' .t.air.ort ) iinncs , as iniu-
p.ucd with t ho coi responding month last ) car.
Tlnee. Killed by M ! itnlng.
AViN.NiiTO , Man. , July Irt. Henry Baltcl ,
nn old and respected fanner near Moose Jaw ,
his ten. ) ear old daughter and Herbert Mc
Lean , aged twelve , son of Hov. Dr. McLean ,
weio instantly killed whllo at the supper
table laH night by a Miokoof lightning.
- ; * -
Inclined to He Intoi-Uewd.
r.w Oiu.riss , La. , July Irt. [ Spoclal Tel-
cumin to THE BIT. ] lion , W. S. Pcndlcton ,
major of Fort Worth , Tev. , who recently
married Miss Addle Cullcn , the beautiful tel-
( ilhono girl , returned here with his bride this
afternoon and Is stopping at one of Urn pimcl-
pal hotels. Ho decllnod to bo interviewed ,
A Stonm Sov llurnml ,
CIIICAOO , July 10. The steam scow Two
Henrys , a frelghl boat , was burned in the
Inko off this city thin afternoon. Her crow
of four men was rescued by a tug. Loss ,
I lioniau and llnlccmaii Killed.
lUi.-riMOHF , Md. , July 10 T ) , A. Wendall ,
fliviiuin , and A. L. Burr , brakcman , on a Bal
timore .t Otilo freight train , were killed in n
collision lastulght ucvir Hearford sUtlon ,
Hroeky t jnllli
Coi.tni in' * , O. , July U ! . ( iovcnior Campbell
has Just respited "Brocky" Smith , who waste
to bo hung tonight , in 01 ler that the tmptomo
court inla'ht look Into an lillegcd error in the
Mother "nil I'liiir Cbllilroii P rlsli.
Yu.i'iuviso , Ind. , July 10 , The residence
of John Himlot , noir here , burned this
.norniiH' . MIM. ilumlot atul four chlldron
Tito Death Itiill.
FAiuniui.T , Minn. , July 10 , Cornelia Ward
Whlpple , wife of Bishop Wuipplo of Minnesota
seta , died tbls
I'CMI mil N'on-'PITrlUmi .
Dvuvnmr , la. , July -fSpecial Tele-
pram to TIIC DMA ] meeting of the Scott
County Itir n.ssocl.i on w.w held hero this
afternoon at which r vjlutlons were mtopted
repudiating the action of the bir delegales In
dropping Iho present Judges of the Seventh
judicial district of lowtumd nominating new
men , and this evening L. M. rishcr , the
least objectionable ftt the nominees , declines
to run. This leaves th < i rcnomlnntlon of tlio
proHonl iuilgos W. ! ' . Hriinnon , Uhurles M.
Waterman and Andrew Howatt a matter of
certainty. Feeling has been intense In the
matter , and this action Is a result of upcticral
uptislng thioughout Iho distilet. A similar
meeting was held at Clinton today andotheas
will likely follow in Jaekson and Mtiscatlno
counties , whew the sentiment i gainst Iho
work of the bar convention is equally strong.
An Intel- | n { I'roblcin.
Dnj.Moisns , In. , July K ) ( .Special Tele
gram lo TUB Bn-Tho ] bright olllcials In the
governor's depirtmcnt uro In n quandary.
1'iioh has tried a problem with vnrj Ing re
mits , A convict was committed to the penitentiary
itentiary ut Tort Madison on December " ,
1ST. , for a term of sU years. Under the law
at that time for thollr. ljcarho received fitly
d lys "good lime , " and cich succeeding
sixty days. Tlio now law went Into ollcct
July 4 , Ih'K ' ) , and allows ono mouth "good
tlmo" for the llrst > car , two months for tbo
second , three months for the tliiul , lour
monlhs for the feutth , and six months for tno
sixth Tliicodillcials have llgui-ed for the
date of the expiration of tbo convict's ou-
tonco. One lives the date the latter pait of
November , another some time in August , and
the third would have dlschaiped the piisoncr
eight days ago. Governor Doles has not jet
passed upon the question.
The Hivcr Ijntul Scttlerw.
PoiiT 13oi ) i , In , July li ! [ Special Tele
gram to Tin ; UM : . ] At n meeting of the
ilvei land settlers'union at Horaer last Sat
urday charges were made against Secretary
Heffncr for conveitlug Iho union's funds to
his own use and continuing needless river
land lltigitiou. II resulted In tbo deposing of
Hoynton and Ileffner. George Iloystcr was
elected ns Iho now pioslde'it and Hlehard
Pleicosccietnry. A resolution to abandon Hie
litigation and ask congress for indemnity
passed unanimously , and u committee to
draft a bill was appointed toiopoit ut a meet
ing lu Lehlghoa S.ituuiay.
I-'oril \oneratcd. l .
CtnmllviMDs l.i , July 10 [ Hpoeial Tclo-
gi-am toTunlJKnl The Conductor , just is
sued , contains a lengthy itrtlclo vindicating1
General Passenger Agent B. A , Ford of the
Pennsyl\.iniii lines , from the cbargo that ho
once said , "It Is bad policy lo keep n passen
ger conduclor hi that capacity for more than
three or four \cars " The story Is tiacod dl-
icclly lo BY-urauil Conductor Wionton.who ,
it nppcurs , fabricated the whole story. Mem
bers of the oulei can verify the stiteincnt
that Mr. Wheaton spread this report by rcfcr-
i ing to his ciiculur for Iho month of. boptcin-
The Steno < ; rnilicr | < ) .
TDisMoivi : " , la , July III [ Special Tclo-
gr.imlo Tin : Hr.n. ] The stito convention of
Iowa stenograpbets to lay elected following
ofllccrs : Prcsldont , W. S. Hilggs , Ottumwa ;
vice presidents , C L. Uablborg , DCS Moncs ;
C. L Bailey , Carroll ; T. R. Daring , Mar
sh illtown ; C. .T. Smith , Keokuk : secretary
nnd tieasuier , Carrie A. Clarke , Dos Moincs ;
Hbr.uian , C. 1) . Sllnker , Dos Moincs ; oxeu- : [
tlvocommittco. T. M. Vunpolt , Walter Iilsh ,
UesMoinos ; W. D.Cody , Sioux City : B. O.
Biunliigtou , Atlantic.
A Runners' Allia ion Conl'erenoc.
DisMoiNiis , la , July 10 [ Spaehl Tele-
grain to THE HUB. ] President A. K.
Wiight of tbo Woodbnry county farmers'
alliance has called a meeting at Sergeant
Bluffs on Saturday , July 20. All the subor
dinate nnd county alliances ara requested to
send rcpiescntativcs to this mcdtlng for Iho
puiposo of consldciinglhe feasibility of form-
Ingadistiietorgani/.ution thopwsciitand
future good of the alliance movement.
A Itcport oil Grain Iliites.
CIIICACO , July 10. The committee ap
pointed to submit a plan for the readjustment
of freight r.iles from Missouri river points to
Chicago , ropoiled to the general managers
today a list of sweeping advances on every
thing except A wheat , which was reduced
2 } cents and corn reduced ! i cents lo 17 , It
also recommended a reduction of the wheat
rate , from the Missouri river to the Missis
sippi ri\er to 15 cents and other grain to 13
cents ; that ralos from Kansas and Nebraska
poinls to the Missouri liver willbe so reduced
us to preserve a difference of 3 cents between
the through rotes and the sum of the locals ,
except that no advance shall bo made at pres
ent in the through rate on corn. The general
muuageib deferred action until tomorrow ,
Sevro Storms in Mliiiienotn.
MiVNEM'oiif , Minn , July 10. Very severe
stoims throughout the southoaslern porllon
of Minnesota tonlghl prostrated vires nnd
cut olt communication many points.
Since Sunday's experience everybody hero
has been uneasy over storms and sensational
reports were quickly current that the city of
Stillwatcr bad been devastated by a cyclone.
After a time wires wcio gotten up to Still
watcr and found very litllo damage done
Iheie. Then came a lopoit that at Marine ,
Anoka and other points tbcio had been gieat
damage , Ala hue hour tonight , however ,
nd\ Ices from all points reported In trouble
show that while the storm was very severe
and great damage to farm propoity and light
buildings generally there were largo casual-
The Ij-iki Front ' 1 cnilcrod
Ctucino , July 10. An ordinance granting
the use of the hike fiont as paitof the site for
the woild's fair was passed by the city coun
cil , Amendments requiring thousoof no less
than Hill nciej tlrero , involving tbo filling in
of at least 100 acres of the hikofreoof ex
pense to the city , werondoptol. In some
quarteis it Is predicted that the amendment
will prevent the use of tbo lake front and thai
tbo fair will bo held ontirelv in Jackson park ,
six miles from Iho cenlar 01 the city.
World's fair Work.
Puninnii'iin , Pa , July 1(1. ( The sub
committee on the permanent orgiinl/iitlon of
tbo world's fair commission , held Its llrst
meeting this morning at 10 o'clock nt the
Continental hold. Ii | response to au Invita
tion sent out Thouiiu Coehran , who was
chilrniin of the llnanco committee of the
centennial exhibition , gave the bandit of his
expcrienca In that undertaking.
KimsiiN Toiupoi'ineo Lea Mie ,
TOITKV , ICan , , July. 10. Pivo thousand
delegates atlondodQ convention of the
state temperance league called to express
an opinion on the original package decision
of tlio supreme eouiU Encrgotlo speeches
\\eio made and insolations adopted condemn
ing the decision and demanding of congress
the passage of the bill to place tbo enforce
ment of prohibitory laws entirely with the
states nnd hojond the interference ) of the
national government.
SocroHt tu Ilo Koniovcd.
L. O. Socrest , who has been 1 .singat the
Merchants' hotel for Uio past four weeks suf-
lei ing from a fall from u third stoiy window ,
through which ho was thrown by n room
mate , will bo removed today to bis homo at
Hebron. Sccrcst's condition was much im
proved last livening , and it is noweoulldenlly
expected that holll recover. Ho will bo
tiiKcii west over the H. & M. . leaving hero at
Tlio FiMiilcfort Jniirniil Interview.
Bum iv , July 10. [ Special Cablegram to
TIIK HUE. ] ThoHnmhuifrorNaclirlchtcn , In
spired by I'rlueo UUmurck , seeks to modify
the statements useilbed to Piinco Bismarck
in the Fnmkfoit Joutnnl Interview. The
IS'nchilchtcn denies ihut Ilismarck Initiated
the Interntatlonal labor conference. Ho
considered tbo International protection of
labor u chimera. Ho did not oppose the con
ference Ixvauuo ho hoped that it would tend
to convince tbo emperor that labor meosuics
M uro of doubtful wisdom. Ho uppro\os leg
islation securing workmen ugalust old age ,
accident and Illuots , bat not a measure inter
fering with the Independent relations bo-
AVCCII mm and their emplo\ors. Ho inaln-
alns that social pMco wo'ild nol bo soc iw 1
) > giving way to the cjvoto.u spirit of
woikmen ,
Tlio Conucll.
Tlio council held a brl f Hcsslo'i last nlsrht
to take ucttoit on in liters connected wlth.tho's pivlng woik.
Contracts wore approved i With Hugh Mur-
: ihy for pivlng parts of Twenty-second ,
Sherman avenue , Jonea , Fifteenth , Com nor-
clnl. . Seventh avomioM \ rod Colorado sandstone -
stone ; with J. 11 , Smith & Co. for mvlng
[ ) .uts of Lalk , Twcnty-lblrd , Twentieth ,
Twenty-second streets with vltrliled btlck ;
with Barber usphull company for paving
Twentieth street from Center to Vliiton and
paiLs of IHgutcenth , , IVanklln , 1'aclllc ,
Thlrty-iirst , Uinncy\Vcbster , Lowe , Twenty-
ninth nvciiuo and Thlrty-Jlrsl stix-et with
sheet asphaltum.
Ordinances were pissed : Creating n pav
ing dlslrlct on Ninth street from i'leico to
Pmlile ; ordeilng the paving of Fourteenth
street \\lth Sioux Falls granlto fiom Web
ster to Nicholas ; reestablishing the curb
line on Twentieth street from Luke to
Nicholas ; entering the curbing of stteels
that nro to bo paml ,
The waterworks proposition was not pre
sented ns was expected.
The Ilchrliig Sa I'ollcy.
LOVDOV , July 10. [ Special Cablegram to
TinIJnr. . ] Tlio Times says : "Tho United
Suites ( 'oveiiimontdlspla\8 tbo dignity and
good sense to be expected from It by revertIng -
Ing lo its Hehrlng sea policy of 1SN . It
would bo absurd to Involve * two and
friendly nations Inn e-oursdof petti luprlsnls
in a sordid dispute. It mav bo hoped that
America will tacitly lecognl/o that no nation
possesses the right to extend Us Jurisdiction
by a municipal enactment over hundreds of
miles of open sea "
A ICuiiHns Original Ptiekn'o
Toi-iiM , July 10. Judge Tostcr in tlio
United Slates District couit today lendorcd
an impoitant decision In tlio oiiglnal package
litigation , Trunk MeOuIw of Lyons , ICan. ,
leiclveda wooden box containing llfty hollies
of w lilskey , each bottle in a pisteboard box
IIo opened the \\ooden boxandsolda number
of these bottles , and Judge Foster holds that
in opening the wooden box ho bioko the orig
inal package.
Ijost ill Ij ke
CiurAno , July 10. The ciipliiln of Iho pro
peller Puritan reports seeing the wrecks of
two yachts in midlako. From oilier in forma Iho pusons
from Chicago were lost with these vessels in
the bigstoim a collide of days ago.
Another l'n < { llsh Syiidlunto I'uruliiiHc.
roUTDomiu , la , July 10. Today an Eng
lish syndicate bought all the elevators owned
by Gregory it Son , one of tbo largest grain
bujliiKlirms In the noilhwcsl. The elevatois
are located all through noith western iowa.
'I lie Daniibo OverlloA\s.
VIINN v , July 10 [ Special Cablegram to
Tim Br.i.l rpho Danube ovciflowed its
banks near this city. Several bridges have
been destroyed uud river works near Picbs-
burg bavo been swept away. Tbo villages on
Scliutt island are inundated.
Fight liftwccn Strlkcri ami Troops.
Lovnov , July 10. Advices received "hero
today fiom Chill state thai the strikers lu the
Nltra district number 7,000. A conflict oc-
cuued between a number of rioters mid a
bodv of troops , in which fort > of the former
were Killed or wounded.
Itapid Trip Aerows tlio Ocrnn.
Nr.w YOIIK , July 10 The \Vhito Star
steamer Teutonic arrived this morning , hav
ing made the passage from Qucenstown in 5
days , 21 hours and 50 minutes. This places
the Teutonic second among ocean lacers ,
BIjBtcrlouH Ilobbcry Cleared Up.
CIIICAOO , July 10. It is understood that the
mystery of the robbery of $10,000 in gold bnis
fiom the United SUitcs express company last
fall has been cleared up , and that a teamster
named John Bchcrt is under arrest.
WASHINGTON' , July 10. Supciintccdent Porter
ter tonight lecclved a message from tbo cen
sus supervisor of Chicago stating that bis
count makes the Chicago population 1,101,20. . ) .
This puts Chicago ahead of Phlladelpia.
Ohio Miners * 1 roubles.
COI.IMIIUI , O , July 10. Tno executive
board of united mlno workers this oveniiiR
reform ! the difllculties in the Illinois district
to President ICano of that state , nnd Presi
dent lien of tbo executive committee.
A Prominent Clnciinmtl Man Dead.
CINCINNATI , O. , July 10. John W. JTnit-
well , for many jcars president of the Enter
prise insurance company and at one time
president of the chamber of commerce , died
this evening.
Seven Negroes Kill d.
VicKsnuKa , Miss. , July 10 Uellablo per
sons arrived from Dastrop , La , today sav
seven negroes were killed and six wounded In
tlio affair near Merrougo. told in ycsteulny's
" \Vill Kscnpe an IJIrotrle Death.
Ai.iuxr , N. Y. , July 10. Governor Hill
has commuted to imprisonment for life the
sentence of Joseph Chaplcm , a mmdcier ,
sentenced to bo electrocuted during the week
commencing July Ul ,
Another AsHlstnnt Trounury Sccietary.
WA'HINOTON , July 10. The president to
day sent to tbo senate Iho nomlnalton of
Alluied B. Nettellon of Minnesota to bo nn
assistant secretary of the treasuiy.
The QIICOII Regent.
MMWIP , July 18. [ Special Cablegram to
TIIU DII : : . ] The queen legent has slutted
fiom Sansebastcii and il Is reported that the
piinco of Wales will visit bet Iheio.
A Itoyal He roth a I.
MUNICH , July 10 [ Special Cablegram to
Tin : HII : : . ] Princess Louise , eldest daughter
of Pi Inco Ferdinand of Orlems , has been be
trothed to Prince Alpons of Havana.
Drown MVhllc
NOHFOI.K , Va , July 10. Thomas Truxton ,
the tlihtcen-ycar-old son of Iholato Coin-
mamler Tmxton. U. S. N. , was diowned this
aflcinooti while bathing.
A Philndcphtn Fire.
PiuiADHi'iiiA , July 1U , Judgments wore
entered today against tliomamilaetuilng firm
ofF. B. Copo& 13ros. Linblllllos , i lOJO , ;
asscls , $ .75,1)00. )
Tcnn Hseo Driiioeriitn.
NASiivni.n , July 1(1. ( The democratic con-
icntlon today look several ballola
for govci nor and adjourned until tomoriow.
Keller the Poet Dead.
Xuiticn , July 10 [ Speclil Cablegram to
Tin : Bisi' , ] Gottfried Keller , the poet , died
In this city yesterday.
Appointed Asslsfuil Natnl Secretary.
Wisiu.NdTov , July 10. Prof , James U.
Soloy has been appointed assistant secretary
of the navy.
J. G. nixby , steam heating , sanitary en
gineer , Ull Llfo building , Ouulu ; ' 'Oi Alor
rinm block , Council Hlult's.
Dr , IJow era' ofllco moved to'JON. Main ,
Mandel& Klein uro offering great Induce
ment to housekeepers during these hot dujs.
Wo are itcclvlng now goods dully und can
offer greal bnrRiilns in carpels , bedding , cook
Hlovcs , etc. Wo wish to in ilto room for our
fall klock.Vo woulil bo pleaded to have jou
llguro with us for cash or on tbo installment
plan. Wo wilt ship all goods free of charge
within u radius of 100 miles. Kemombor.
MAMIKI. & Kim.v ,
.SO Hroadway.
Dr. U.S. West , poixclulncrovii andbrldfo
work , No. 12 Peart ,
roil TIMSVIIK. ; : .
At tlie Ttoxtoii Hlore , Council
eons is r COVKUM.
Now line corset covei-s , all sizes , Ineo
trimmed , birgulns U.c and ! UU' .
I Up to I .
Cheapest goods ut.Mlc to ftSi1 , tucked only.
In divinises'JV , ! Wc , 80c , r > 5i % , STu , Me to
Dnirtei-s to in itch nil the ubnvo.
coitsivr LIST.
Llp'it ' weight s.itecn corsets ( gooil
value ) .W.
Our'l'o\Mi Talk e'orsot ( lup li.u-U ) "oo ,
t'roni'h iMiitll e-oi ot hi dr.ib , white mid
ecru , TSo ( tiwc-Iil price ) .
Our ONl : DOU.AH LIST , Warner No.
fVH , Cor-iline-.TutupUo. MiidainN'oM , Duplex ,
Hull's II 1'
WaincrNNo. lit ntSl'i1. .
KiUi'iluo ! Iic-ultli coiset nt $ t Ti.
Wuiiiei-'t heallli ouvict ut ? l.'JTi.
Misses' wiist 4'ie' , , Vcnnd ) 7'ic- .
llliult cy > rptsl.i.t , : to $ J. " > 0. fust bluck.
l.iKllea'ulsts ' il.cU.
\ \ ( Winner's ) . .
I aclles' waists ( H.i'l's ' ; tl.yv
\Vo are showing cuer sovcnty-llvo ilifTerent
styles of corsets at pivsont. Ho cenvlucc'il
\\d can suit you hi any kind of u f oriet
Council liluffs , la.
J G. Tlpton , mil estate , , vr Hi o.ul\Miy.
Wo close our store nt 0 p in audiij ? warm
weather. Mueller music eoi'iii.inv , lOJMnlii
A peed lioso reel free with every 100 feet of
hose purchased nt lllxbv's '
The Manhattan wl Ing luMilqimrtci-1 , IIS
If you \\lsh to sell\rnii1 , property oillon the
Jndit & Wells Co , C. U. .luild , pi-'esiaent , UK )
IJio.uhv.iy ,
\\ntO'sjMiilol heloiiRliig to one of the
fashionable and \ve.iltliv ladles of the city
jumped into the b.islu of tie ! Unllsi p.uit
fountain yesterday to cool off. 'J'hls shooiccd
the old paik pollecinan nnd be ga\o the dog.i
DPI vans slioek bv billing him on the
\\lthlilsclub. Theiv > nult upon hei-pel clog
\lole-ntly.slioe-ltc'd Iho sensibilillc.s nf the lady
nnd she In tnui shocked eveijbodj hi the
pule by ll.\nifr al tbo pallccunin and endeavoring -
ing lo te.u his ilub uwuy trom him.
Aeiiultt d on IIU li'onrtii trial
Gnu 100 , July 10 Tim fourth tilal of
James \V \ bykci foi issuing fiaudu'ent waie-
house receipts icsultcd In a vlctorv for him
today The lail c-onvlclloa was icveracd by
Iho supreme couit on a to < hiiicality
With your name nnd address , milled to
tie Swift Specific Co. , Atlanta , Go. , Is
necessary to obtiln an interesting treat
ise on thu Llootl and the diseases incident
Jolt ,
Skijfl Eruption CStired.
Ono if my custcmcrj , Tilfthiy rcepcctal .md
influential citizen , but who ! muv absent from
Ihccity , hasutejfiwlfl'n bpcclflcvlih osccllont
rceult. Hcfnj-B itcurcdhlmof n eLIn eruption
lilt ho had bci n tomicctedilh for tlilrly years ,
onil had rceletcd tbo cutatlvc qualities of ru 117
CLKOO , Droisr , Fnlln Kty , ITcb.
Many Families
In this city are now -willing to
give evidence that the com forts of
housekeeping will never be thor
oughly appreciated until you
provide yourselves with a Gas
Cooking Stove.
Many people thought we were
going into thostove business a lit
tle steep when we bought such n
stock of stoves , mere than 1OO
patterns. Realizing , however ,
that the people oi' this clty know
how to appreciate a good thing
when it was rightly presented ,
we fully deteemined to make the
Our sales during the month of
June fully justified our efforts in
introducing the best . loves that
are manufactured in the United
These stoves , we have been , ore
now , nnd propose for the balance
of the season , lo sell at cost price ,
set up and connected
A separate meter is set for1 each
Gas Stove.
The price of gas for slovo pur
poses having been reduced lo the
very low lilgureofI.5Operthou-
sand cubic feet , we guarantee the
economy and efficiency of every
stove sold.
Call nt Merrlam bullUing nndse-
lect such stove as wlll meet your
requirements , and will put them
in your house on a month's ' trial.
Architects and
Itoom-V ) Mi'irtiini Illoc-k , fnuncll MlnnX ( own
Hooin 010 N. V. Ufo llulltllng , Uiiiahii , Nub.
I11OH H.MjK Or will trade for a coed roul
JL' tonn. Ktitllloit No. HrH rtvlstered In Wnl
hiee. Hy Dr. Aix'blbihl , ( bun ! > y Kentiickr
t'liiyftyoirs i > ld. Apply to l r. > iaerne.
WAN'lT.D-diKMl Klrl bv Mrs , A. 1' . Ilnn- -
ehett , 120 fourth "tieou f
' | < 1CU iJE.N1 -Two coo I TiKxTerii lionsos. \VT \ '
JjV. . lllliicr. ! M i'cari Mtcot.
TOOK SAM ! or Ilpnt-Omlpn Intnl. with
JL1 house * by J. U. Uleo. lui Mivln st. . Council
A V7HV piy rent wnenini . cnu buy n liomoou
i > HIP sainu terms , and hi e.i o of \ our ilit.itli
lit any tlmo lei\o : your fniiilly the homo clear
on the folliiwliu lormst
A luinio worth fl- . . . ij | per month.
H..W ) nt IS ' Illdlltll.
A Inline worth ri'i' iw > j IH'f iiiiMit-iu
A Inline worth J..W ) lit til pi'C iiiiiiith.
A homo ( irti.Uv ] at li pit month ,
A homo uortli JI.OU at fn l * l iininm.
Ollic-r priced lioinn nn Iho suno lerm . Tin }
nlmvo nuiiitlily p ijinoiils Inuluili ) pruelinl
nnd Inleren. I'nr fu'll ptttloul.irs e.ill nil HP
iiddrtxstlidJii 111 Aolh Co. , ujj llmidw.iy ,
Ciniiioll UlulTs. 11.
It HRSr Tim store room , No. I * , froiilinj
in I'earl MV 0. J nines , _
T.IIAVHsoNpril tiiMUttfiilmoliirnliJ 10
i T ( hut wo will t r.ido f or mi 'iimln'M.l v.i i inlet
lotIn Om ilia or t'ouiiPll Mil IN. Tlio Judil f
Wells Co. . Council lllutTX la.
Surgical Institute
- * % \
Private Hospital ,
Cor. Hroadway nnd iMth Strcot.
Counull HiulK la.
Toi tbetioiilineiiUit allsiiiiiU'iilandcliionlo
'INcasis mid dKt'UM-s of Hie hit od
Prluitoillseii'.i's fllii' uiliiary and spMinl
orgimi , us ' .yiilillli , stilctuic , O'-litls spcr-
iiiatoiniliii.i' . hi < l in iiihtiiiil , soMiul liiipoteneo
ando iltiiuvttnMitid siiece fdlly
raitleiiliu iitluiillon paid lo ( INe ises of Iho
lunj--i us Astlinia , coniiinilitlon. lluneblls
Cut m ib. i'.lc. I'uialjMls Klilnoi ( Hsi.ivcs as
IHnlioles llil ht's DIso.ivo. Illieuiiiatlsni , l'll ( .
1'iincor. Varlneele , HjdioeiUDionsy , 'In-
IIK r III iMsesof tliite.M'sind eur C'luli fut.
Siliiileuivatino | and ulldlsci'-eiof tin1 bones.
\Vi-hii\pa clip irlment deMiled o\eliiMl\ely
10 tlHI lll'lltllllCt f U toil III ) ( IKHUM'S
> l illehip soul securely p.ieKud nnd frco f rom
ubsurMitlon. . ,
Coni'vii'iidtMiee ' nmlhk ntlal , Address :
DR. BELLINGER'S Intitule anl i'riv.itc ' . Hospital.
< \r lluiulwny iimlgUliil , Ciiiincll llliiit < , In
C OO. ,
ht ANCIIUU iinil1st ht.
Sash , Doors and Blinds
Hand nnd eroll S iwliic. Ilu "inviim and
Pliinliiir. , n\hiK of all kinds I'oreli Mr.ioKds.
Klndl n ; \ \ ( oil JJ.7) ) per loud delhc'io I Ulein
siwihislby tlm biriol , 'J" e , All work to bo
111 st eluv. Tulepln'iio 'M.
Over 0. II JWiiiemlu ) & CO'N Jewelry Btor .
DR. J- JACKSON , Dental Surgery.
All kinds of work clone You con H ivo OIIP-
hiilfon jour itnld and Ml\or Illlliii ; liy 01111111,5
. Council Oliills
ut loom JJJ Menlam blojk.
F. M. Ellis & Co. , .
And Bud line cupo intendonts
Itooinslll and II ! llco Hnlld iu' , O''u'Wt ' . '
Neb , and Uoiims ! 41 and JIO Miiiliiin Hhielf.
Council Hlults , la ( oriospoiidunco.ollelted. .
J. I ) , 1'roi K I * riui'iitliT , Vice | ) rea
s K 1 1 INS AN. Ccitlilcr
Of Ooiu "it UlitfH.
Paid up Capital . $15OOOO
Surplus and Profits . CO.OOO
Liability to Depositors. . 30O.OOO
Dli i-cioitsi-I A MllleT. 1' . O. ( .louson , II , It.
Slni"iii I. I" . I' Hait.J I ) Kdiiiuiison , clnnlcs
cj lluiiimii. I'riiiisaotBUiioiHl iMiilcliiK lm l-
ne"s I/.uK'it iiipltil and suiiilu1. ( if any
UxnU InbuulliiMibtuiii Iowa ,
Cornc'r Miilnonml llrundwnjr.
Drillers In tin fln ? and floiiu-stlo nxobiiiilfo.
Ciilloe-tldiis liuilo and InUlust p.ilu u " '
Electric Trusses , Bolts ,
Chest Protectors , Etc.
Affints Waited. Dr. O. O. Judd.
606 Hroadway , Council Bluffs , la.
/ IJydrault and Snnitary IIuLfineor. I'lnns , Estiinutos ,
. iniuiiiMiim Spool llcivtioiiB , nn 1 SiiporvlHloii of Public Work. IJrcnvii
Muudn |
Justice of the l oaco. Olllco over American Uxpross , No , 000
Broadway , Council Ululls , loiui.
9r Oimn Altornovs at Law. I'ructico in the Stiito iiua Keclotal
( X DllIlu Collrt9' " " "ws ? and 8 SliULjart-Uoiio liloulc , Couiiuil
t 1O\V II *
- \MuilcsuIuaiitl \ ltetill Dculun hi- 2
. _
Urxciit Stock and I/cmest I'rlcdi. DualcrM , umcl for Cutaloituo.
Noa. 05 and 207 li road way , and " 04 and 200 Tlcrco Street , Uouacll Huffs , 1