Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, July 17, 1890, Page 4, Image 4

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E. UOSEWATEB , Editor.
Dally nnd Htindny , Ouo 11000
MX Illlllltlll , ,1 ( XJ
1 lite > nuiilln i. . . 2 M
Miiitlny I'l-n. ( Inn Vunr t 03
Wtekly lit r. Unit Vour 1'J5
Onnha.Tlii * I'oo Hntlillng.
HiiiiIJi ( MI ill i , Corner X ami Streets.
C.iuiiflt . Ifti N , UirourlStieot-
( hlc.'iKiiUlllciv'llTC'limnlicrnf Cnmniorco.
NI/W Vork.lCixiniHUU niul nTrlbiuiullillldlng.
\Viisliln loiiJia 1'ouitci'titliatic't.
* " All cpiiiiiimilt'atlnnt rnlitlnu to now ? ami
nlllor nliiiiitlur .slii.tild bo nddaiwed 10 tlio
KelllorJnl IJci.iitiiicni | ,
All hiHlMi'M li'tle-rVaml n in tt'incoi slioulcl
l > uii < l'lH"tM . < | torllii > IUo I'uliiiMhlinr Com nitty ,
Oliililiu Dilfls oliccl.i mil poitolllco ordora
ti lie nude piyablo tu thooHkr of tlio Ojin-
I nny.
Tte lice 1'ublislilng ' Company , Proprietors ,
Tlio lice H'ld'tf , rarnain and i-tnontcoiilh Sts
H\\OUN \ STATIMU : > T or u
feU'cnf KctiinHk.1. I
C tinly ot Honshu , f "
l'iorri I' . T/scbtiL-U , Hfirolary of The ll < % c
riibllshliu Unin ti in v.ili < ! " Huli'tiinly swi'iirlliat
Hill Iictunl ( .llClllllltlllOf 'IIIK HUI.Y IlKF for
Iliu nt-ik e-iullii Jiilyi \ , J wi , vn ai follows
Sniiiliiy. .July 0 'SKVI
Vnnilay. July 7 l' ' . .in
'I u iiiy. ! , lulyn l'un '
Tiuii-diy. July ) . . [ . ' ! . ' . " ! " ! ! . ! ! ! " . I'v'wi '
1 rlilny , July II r. li.t-'J
b.ituuliy , July 12 iM.iitt
Average V5O,011) , )
i oni to before mo nnd mljicrllioil In my
pus mo this ix'lb flavor .Inly. A. I ) . , I8f0
( nl.Al.1 . N. P. I'l u , , Notary I'ubllc.
Mite nf N'ti'ir.iski , I
Ciiuntyut Dnujtlis. J
Dcuritu II.T/Afliuck , being clnlv sworn , do-
pws : nnl MIJH ill it lie Is MM roliu y of Tlio Ht'c
I'lilillrhliiK Unnii | my , Iliul the .ii'tml a\t'rii'-c
dnlly elic-iiliiliiiiut Tun DVIIV llm for Vho
Tiiimltiof July , liivi. H.T.'H copliM ; fur August ,
iM'l ' , ] < ip.- > | ciiiilnt ; for Hi'iiloin'icr. ' KMi. 18.710
eojilus forOutolur. 1W , UliUT loplii' , for No-
vimbor , 18W , lit/no unplrn ; for I ) rumbpr IfisU ,
SOIMt ( ) | ) , for Januiiry , I KIM. 10Vi5 fOils | ,
fi.r Toliriinry IHW , HI.II | cnpli's.for JKroli. IM ) ) ,
> eniili" ' ! for April , IMJ , 20W io | > l > s ! for
Ijjo , W.ltO eejiili't : fur Jinn1. ISDO , "O.nui
UKinini : It. T/ifnuci .
r nn t I o'oro mo niul H iliibo I In my
jirusi ni'c tliH guild ay of .Inly. A. I ) , Jh'O.
IHK . , . ] N. 1' . Km , , olary 1'uMlu.
Tun jail jol ) refuses to down. It Is too
fctrongnnd juicy to o.xplro ut the behest
of the combine.
Mo.VTiir.V lopoils of rjiiliOul ! Gainings
in tlio west persistently icfutu the cor-
poratlon plea of pin-oily.
TUB dentists of Ainoi-ic.i will fill an
lu'hinjr cavity by haviiifr n jfcat dental
icunlon at thu world'H fail1.
Tun dispatch of horses and mules In
pair.s forcibly illustrates the electrocut
ing power of the motor whcs.
Tin : onler of tlio interstate commerce
commission directing a reduction In
western grain rates insures a howl all
along the uoiporntion lliii's.
CYCIOXIS : , motor c.irs and heat liavo
culled ninny men to their long- homos
the past fe\v days , but the number of
CJindhlates for governor 111 Nebraska
luis not decreased.
Tin : chief justice of the supreme court
of Iowa lecoives a salary of four thousand
a year , vhiloa prohibition constable of
averngo ability gathers In fiom live to
ton thousand a year.
U St. Paul & Omaha road promises
to build a branch to Ynnkton and close
the gap between Omaha and South Da
kota. The projected Mb&ourl Pacific
extension servos a good purpose.
"Wmi Fanner Butler cultivating the
alliance and Fanner llowo coddling the
prohibitionistfl , the era of reform for
revenue only is blooming iii the verdant
precincts of Nomahn and Pawnee
has been increased from four thousand
to flvo thousand dollars a year. And
all the homesteaders thoroughout the
country will not begrudge Lira a penny
of it.
vanin , though defeated by the Pattlson
forces. Is too good a democratic patriot
to Milk in Ills lont. In fact , lie hns folded
his tent and hurried of ! to Uuropo for a
four months'campaign.
DmtlN'o the first fno months of the
year the Union Pacific's not earnings
amounted to fi-\o and a half million dol-
larn , nn increase of ono hundred and
oighty-ono thousand the
over correspond
ing period of 18S9. Hut the cry of pov
erty haw become a second nature with
the company.
, the gritty capital of Mon
tana , which boasted twenty thousand
people , hobbles into line with a census
roll of olovcn thousand six hundred. The
decay of the vigilantes of Last Chance
is evidenced by the fact that the enu
merators nro permitted to livein the
TiiJioxtoiiBion of the Santa Fo road to
Omaha is tthnply a question ot timo. The
fact tlint tlio company lias practically re
covered from Into financial reverses anil
Isjn prlmo condition tooxpiiie miikosit
more than , probable thut the line to
Omaha will bo undertaken at an early
ilny. As iv business venture the line
would provo profitable both to the com
pany nml to Oiunha. Both the "Union
Pueillo and Rock Island hnvo bosorlously
cut Into the Snnta Fo territory thut the
hitter must Insolf-ilofcnso extend north
ward Into Nolnislta.
of Kiumas , in a brief lovioiv of the curse
or prohibition , points out the trnln of
evils ( lowing- from outlawry ami frou
whisky. Under Jlcoiuo and regulation ,
moral suasion nnd temperance wont
lianel in hnnd. Now the policeman's '
club la the moral ngont , intenoranco has
tisurjwd the place of reason , bigotry anil
mob law Is substituted for exnmucm SOIIBO.
"It has boon fashionable"says Mr. Rob
inson , "for the hut ton yours to Ignore-
facts nnel deny the existence of saloons ,
but they exist all the sanio , and while
good men have slept and ijjnorod tlio
situation , the young raoii anil boya have
become tipplers in club rooms and covert
drinking' places us never before in tlio
litstory of the town. " It Is in order for
the hlrod agitators to denounce the
truth-telling' ox-fovornor as a "mouth-
piocoof the ruin power. "
Tlio elaborate arguments of Chairman
Walker of the Interstate commerce rall-
wny association , and other attorneys of
the railroads , against tlra jurisdiction of
thointorstito commerce commission in
the matter of ordering a reduction of
transportation rates on pr.iln between
the west and the distributing centers of
tlio cnst , failed to carry conviction to
the minds of the commissioners , and
they have decided to older a re-
duetivjn. It appears Hint they wore
unanimous in reaching this doc Ision
and the fact that the distinguished law
yer who IB chairman of the commission ,
and whoso conservative tendencies are
well known , believes the co.nmlbsionhas
juilsdlction will have great weight with
publioopinlon. JudgoCooloy would not
assent to nn action of thii kind , obvi
ously of tlio very greatest importance as
affecting the interests both of the public
and the r.iilroidwithout ) the fullest
conviction thai it is authorized by tlio
Uuv and justified by the circumstances.
With regard to the latter no fair-
minded .mm funllhir with the situation
enn entertain a doubt. The report of
the commission inido to the tscnatu last
month most clearly and conclusively
demonstrated that existing rate * to Chicago
cage from the Missouri rbur and points
in Nebraska and ICnnsas west of the
river are uxccssito. The figured anil
arguments since picsonted by tlio
rallroids have not In the wcakoned the conclusions of
the commission reached after a most
cireful and exhaustive Investigation.
1'ho ' circumstances , therefore , fully
justify a reduction of rates. But with
iv < jard to jurisdiction the decision of
tlio comnilbsion nay not boflml. It un
doubtedly will not bo so regarded by tjio
railroads , They will resist the order
and vlll make as Ugorous and prolonged
alight as possible against the authority
of the commission. The iluleimini-
tlon to do * this is clearly sliovn
in the position they havd id-
ready taken in denying that the com-
misbion has jurisdiction. In the elabor
ate protest submitted by Chairman
Walker it was declared that the pio-
pacJ reduction of rates would take from
the railroad compmie ! ) , without hearing
or tiial , a greater hum of money than
has been awarded by any court In any
monetary judgment sineo the world
began , and ho suggested that such
a piocecdiiig would bo regarded as
In cITect taking prhato property
for public usewithout coin-
pcjnsition. This is tlio ground , un
doubtedly , upon which tlio railroads
\villcoiitest \ the order of the commis
A prolonged controversy in thocouits
is consequently probable , the conclusion
of which will detui-miiie whether the
Interstate commerce commission has tlio
authority to order a icductlon of rales
whiih It flnds to bo excessive , or
whether , as Chairman Walker contended
for the railroads , its functions are
anomalous and uncertain , though for
the most part purely administrative. It
is time the status of the commission wcro
Bottled , and this Issue regarding its juris
diction will very likely have that result.
If it shall bo determined that the func
tions of the commission are merely ad
ministrative , that it is in fict nothing
moio'than nn advisory board , as the rail
roads in otfoct claim , there will bo an
urgent popular demand for the enlarge
ment of its jurisdiction and powcis which
congress will not fall to heed.
The far reaching wisdom of William
II. Seward in acquiring Alaska at a
price which Las already been several
times repaid , the country has
been repeatedly congratulated on ,
and no other event In the career of the
distinguished statesman has contributed
more largely to swell his fame. But it
is quite possible that the few millions
paid toRu slaar but a small part of
what Alaska will ultimately cost this
country. Tlio question of our rights
and juiisdiction in the waters that wash
the shores of that Inhospitable territory ,
and over the creatures that abound in
those miters , is not only still in contro
versy , but presents a more complicated
and threatening aspect than perhaps at
any time since It was raised , Doultlo&s
nobody regards the situation as parliou-
huly dangerous , and jot no ono is war-
runto'diii baying there is no danger.
The correspondence on tlio subject of
the Uohring sea controversy called for
by the house of representatives may bo
sent to that body any day , , uhon the
public will bo given official information
as to the status of the dispute and an
opportunity to judge of the cliuiccs of a
settlement. Meanwhile it appears that
MItlnlno not only insists upon the
right of the United States to exclusive
jurisdiction in the enters of Behring
sea , but has put forward the additional
claim that all seals swimming
in its waters , no matter how
winy hundred miles from shore , nro
the property of tills government and its
lessee , the North American commercial
company. It will bo well to await the
olllclal correspondence before giving
Credence to the latter statement , af-
"though there appears little reason to
doubt that It was given out by official
authority , If tno government his in
fact thus enlarged Its claims an addi
tional complication has boon Introduced
into the controversy which renders
it moro sorlous than over be
fore. Wo can hardly expect that
nny maritime nation ulll con
cede a claim of this kind , and yet It ap
pears entirely consistent with the claim
of exclusive jurisdiction. If the waters
nro ours every living thing that swims
In thorn holongs to us , Can wo reason
ably liopo to sustain such ft position if wo
should agree to submit this question to
arbitration , mid If wo decline recount )
to that moans of settlement Is It not
highly probable that we should have to
fight to maintain ourcla'.m ? It is obvi
ous , therefore , that this controversy Is
not wholly free from danger.
There Is reason to believe tint the
temper of the Uritlsh government re
garding tills matter Is not altogether
amiable. Canada is undoubtedly very
much In earnest In demanding the Inter
vention of the imperial government for
the protection against soUuro of Cana
dian seniors in Bohrlng sea , and all the
Indications are that the imperial gov-
oruiuout Is well disposed to respond to
the demand. All advices are to the
effect that Lord Salisbury favors an
aggressive policy , tilid Inlow of the
feeling which our proposed tariff policy
has aiousod in England ho would prob
ably bo sustained by ptibHo sentiment.
The correspondence to bo sonl ( o con
gress may show this matter In acat \
threatening aspect than now appears ,
but the possibility of oxiltinif events
growing out of this controversy Is not to
bo denied , and such events may not bo
rou .1 cii < ixan.
In the cainpalgnof 1690 the third pirty
in Nebraska will bo known as the "peo
ple's Independent" party. Its1 prlmo
movers are , for the most part , flat money
ngltators and nationalists \\lio \ luivo liu-
Ijlbedtho Usionary doctrines enunciated
by Bellamy in his "Looking Backward. "
Its mainstay Is the Farmers' Alliance ,
ulth ( ioncral Discontent as commander-
in-chief ot all Its forces , The campaign
battle cry Is "anything for a change. "
Tlio llrut convention of the now party
has just bce-n hold atColuinbiH , and a
candidate 1ms boon nominated to repre
sent the Third congressional district in
the national legislature.
When iimin presents himsollas acan-
dldato for congress the question
naturally asked would bo : Is lie
comiutonl ? Has ho any experi
ence as a Luvmikor ? In this
convention , however , the candidate's
ability to formulate laws was scarcely
"considered , lie is a farmer and has
raortsagcd ills homcstojul That was
sutHtlontto insure Mr. Kcuun's nomina
tion. Now George Washington was a
( armor , and s > o was Henry Clay and sav-
oral other very eminent statesmen. But
they all served their appiontlcoshlp In
state legislatures before they wont to
congress , ami were thoroughly equipped
for the vorlc of national law making.
Tirn BKI ; has no disposition toilispirago
Mr. Konnn or any other Jioncst farmer ,
but 11 stillcosus that a man vho wants
to represent a district with half a mil
lion population in congress should at
least haio some crude ideas about the
duties and responsibilities of the posi
tion , otliorwlBO lie will utterly fail to beef
of any practical use to his Immediate
constituency or the slate at largo.
So far as wo can loniu Mr Kcinm's
only/experience hi public life lias been
acquired in the position lie now holds as
dep.ily . trciibutor of Caster county.
He Is doubtless honest and in accord on
leading Issues with the piuOucers , but ho
InHiS experience and ability , and these
nro , in our opinion ,
for the position to which ho
has been nominated.
The proposition to extend the charter
of the Ameilcan "Waterworks company
twelve jcnw bejond the limit of ILs pics-
ent tenure bhould bocarefullyconsldoiod
and weighed in all its bearings.
Under the prosoiitehniter the city will
ha\o the privilege of puichnslng the entire -
tire plant within thirteen years. Sineo
that contract was made the population of
the city has Incioased ono hundred thou
sand and its area has been ovtendod
from iilno to twenty-five square miles.
The hydrant rental for a city of thirty-five
thousand population was rcisonablo at
eighty-four dollars par year but the num
ber of hydrants has boon increased liom.
two hundred to eleven hundred and the
water tax has reached dimensions that
almost absolutely pioclnde the planting
of additional hjdrants.
The company now proposes to put in
four hundred additional hydrants sit a
yearly rental that will not exceed the
amount now paid for the eleven hundred
hjdrants , providing the city will extend
the franchise twelve years.
This proposition should "bo considered
purely from a business standpoint. The
question is , will four hundred additional
hjdrants offset the reduction that wo
shall Inevitably got , not only for the city
but for private consumers , by the lime
the present charter expires ,
This is a proposition of such grave
moment to all classes of our citions that
no hasty notion would be justified. In
any event no ordinance granting such
nn extension should bo enacted without
submitting the proposition to the voters
of Omaha for latilication.
Tin ; democratic campaign buroivu
glories in luiid columns of figures ,
doubtless believing that tlio avcr.igo
voter sticks to the old saw : "Figures
won't lio. " But under the Inspiration of
this btirem flguies are made to do
valiant service tor the catiii ) , regardless
of truth. A. recent publication pretends
to gho the number of depositors in the
various savings banks of the states , and
the conclusion is drawn that the nine
leading nunufacturingstatcs of thooast ,
having throe-fifths of the depositors , are
prospering under piotectlon. at the
expense of tlio remaining thirty-five
states. Eight western states are named
in tlio list as linving no depositors.
Among the number is Nebraska , a fact
which shows the table tobo apolitical
document manufactured for effect. The
number of savings baulcs in the state is
not nt himd , but one fact is sufllclont
to prove the falsity of the democratic
cITu&ion. In Omaha alonothoro aie ten
savings banks , with deposits aggregat
ing two and a quaitor millions. In
Colorado , Kansas , Montana and "Wash
ington , the dumojratlo lltarary bureau
can find facts oqu illy stubborn showing
the financial thrift of the people. "Toll
the truth. "
TllK killing of two horses on Sixteenth
street furnWios ample proof of the
deadly power of the motor railway cur
rent , The accident suggests the neces
sity of frequent thorough inspection of
all clectrlo light and motor wires. The
city regulates and Impeola the erection
of buildings , provides and enforces rules
against defective plumbing , and has lu
operation a ilgid system ol-sanltary reg
ulation. All those tre designed to en-
banco public Bafcty-amLu'calth. Vet no
provision hns been imtdp to protect the
public from the deadly 'electric wires.
Forming a network over the main thor
oughfares of the city and practically
covering the alleys in tlio business sec
tion , they are a con&tnnt menace to life.
Measures should be taken atonco lookIng -
Ing to a thorough daily examination of
wiics camming high eurrenh. Public
security demands that the \\orlcshould
not bo left to the discretion of the cor
porations. tJntll stops nro tiilcen to
place thoA hca underground , It istho
duty of thJcSuiicll to employ a compe
tent inapij&cjl' and tax the cost on the
rtivtus should bo no delay in congress
in passing yC5 bill providing a pension
for Mis. IVjuiont. Democratic opposi
tion to thS''measure li tobo otpoctoil ,
notwithstanding the faol that the widow
ofGenoralJ'fomont Is the daughter of
ono of the Jjij atost loaders the demo-
cintioparty p-\or had , but this must not
ba allowed \nterforo with the prompt
perfoimanc df an act of justice to the
vldo\v of ono of the most useful men the
country has produced. The pi-anting of
npomlonto Mrs. Fro moti twill not bo n
matter of goneiDsity , but the discharge
ofa duly Imposed by the iumluablo bor-
vices which General 1/icmout rendered
the nation.
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
DKJIOCIIA.TJO organs in Louisiana
fiercely assail the governor for vetoing
the lottery bill , lie Is denounced a-i n
'usurper ' , " a " 8pllt-lmlrodmoraltst"tind
a narrow gauged olllcinl who attempted
"to Mcrllk-o the vital interests of the
state for npplmsoof the labblo. " The
country , however , admires him for the
enemies ho has made.
Otm Cliauncoy lipped digits with the
queen. The peace of lluropo is assured.
To lie Hun ' llll I'oi-Ijlil.
Kanmw t'HjJmmiif. .
Wnntcd-Bviloniocratlo ncwspipcn , par
ticularly In the southern stales , a few hun
dred new mljoctlvca to apply to the federal
elections law.
Overshadows \Vntcriiu-lon. .
Clittauv Xcwa.
Down In South Carolina the split In tlio
democratic ranks has become so serious that
oven Iho amenities of the watermelon season
are being neglected.
The Immortal Ilnllot.
Cliltuuo Ikrali.
A Paris paner asks how it is that ballet
dancers llvo tosuchcxtieme ajjcs mid never
dlo. Posjlbly It's because tha foielgu bullet
dancers tuo tianslatcd to America ,
Tims to fe < r\i > o Oll'tli i f > am ncles.
Tlio repablican ( urtyls a grand [ Jorgnnl-
zution , but itsprogpss is poucptlbly impeded
by the bnrunclcs which have fastened them
selves toils sides. The people A111 \ make a
mighty effort to scrape some of tk" o oil this
year ,
One Side of It.
Fnmaitt Flail.
The llcensa payers are publishing the
\vxiplo debate a ( Beitrico on SiHuidnj. 'Jlio
prohibition subsidies uro printing tlielr oim
sldontulriaCoaUiistho other side , This niiy
niivlfo votes for them , but it Is piobable they
have umlerrtUed. the intelligence of the uvcr-
ngo leader.
Wlmtlllliyx.'niHllclnoy Would Signify.
Hill la not nopular throughout the country
and his endorsement hy Tammany n111 not
help him In the'.ostliuatloii of honest men. Ho
audit stnnel'for corruption'oppression , fraud-
and general uuqloauiicfts. Let the lopubll-
< -.ui l > nrt.v nominate a decent man nnd ap.i-
trlnt Ithus plenty of tlieiuiwallablo-anellts
triumph la tlw campaign oflSP U assured.
Trying toOojiportluj < Vco.
Jnjfniwpolh Joirnril. '
Tivo years ajjo the elcmocuts of Rlcliinond
Va , hail the iiamos of hundreds of colored
voters stricken from tlio registration lists on
all sorts of fraudulent pretexts. Now they
are soliciting funds to lm\o the census lists
enlarged by tbo addition of every negro big
enough to ho counted.
Ijess Beer , IMoreV
M'ashtitQton J'osf.
Llko moat impnctical refortuors , who are
ever prone to bolster up their unreliable the
ories -with untrustworthy llyuros , the prohi
bitionists show ndispoiltiouto plaooan undue
rollauco on oiie-sidod statistics. Thus the
New York "Voice , the organ of the prohlbitlpu
party , In a recent Issue publishes a great
array of flguros to show that in Iowa and
Kansas the present consumption of boor has
greatly decreased from what it was In those
states ten years ao. This decrease isclalmod ,
nodouotwlth perfect aocuiacy , to bodircctly
due to prohibition.
But this-chltn , well cstabltslioil though it
may be , fails so furnish a satl.sfucLoryausivcr
totuc question , "Dooi prohibition iiroUibil. ? "
Itfailsto show thatrthoro Is lesiclrinkingaiid
druulccnncss hi the proUlbltion statoa than
there were at tuobe mnin , ' of the dosaile , It
idnot dlfllcnlt tosco that a prohibition U\v ,
which would change llconwil saloons intoso-
omt and iirespjnslUu "spoalt oislos"anil :
turn drag stares practically into liquor shops ,
"would , In the very nature of things , dimmish
01 , Indeed , entirely do an ay with the moro
bulky potations of beer , -while It might drive
bcer-dilukeis into the moio cuilly concealed
and far more pernicious habit of wblshy
That , In tbo several prohibition states , thla
lias been the precise result seems catnblMicd
by abundant testimony. A few months ago a
lcidingclerb'yuiia at Portland. Mo. , stated
publicly that ho had seem far inoro deplorable
cases ot utter inebriation and a greater num
ber of thoniof them la Portland In ono day
the previous fourth of July than ho had
soon iiiMilwaukoo during tuo whole week of
Ills attendance attlionutioual encampment of
the Grand Army of the llopublic , although
boor -was abundant on every side anil nllsortt
of liquor could bo had openly. The evidence
of reliable citizen a of ICnnsns audio wals to
the o fleet that in every city , town and NilliiRO
throughout thcrso stnles whisky mny bo had ,
though for tbp taoit part of Inferior nnd dun-
gerom quallU- ; that because it must bo taken
nbulk thotc.i7itacyls ! to excessive drinking ,
and tlio drualcumesi resulting is of a particu
larly violent u niallgnunt t.jpo.
If this statement of the matter in some
measure npp' & tmatos the truth , how cna
prohibition bejipld to bo success full What
gain Is it that l or drinking his Iwon dimin
ished or even driven out if it has been re
placed bywhUkj-drlnlring under secret , il
licit , cownnllynSd utterly demorallzinj cli-
cumstuucosl jWTiI&ky contains 50 par cent of
alcohol , \\hlloje3r ( has only ! 5or 4 per cent
Thorols moi > JJpiloiRi and ralscnlof-pioduc-
Ing drunbcntKwin ono gallon of i\uiskythan \
in \\holo kj SCT beer. Where , then , Is tlio
advuntagoordtprhijout the moro harmlcji
bovcragc.ln a arato whlcli the Volceboastj
that proldblUoii has Inr0'oly diminished its
consumption !
If , therefore. . It is true thnt in prohibition
states thoilifUculty of oWaiulng heer leads to
an Inrreaio of secret whisky drinking , at
onconegradlngto the man ana demoralizing
to the clthm , iniiylt not bo Justly claimed
thpt prohibition is In a great measure charge
able with so dlplonble and dangerous a ro-
suit )
After n JUlllminlro's TVIonoy ,
HH.BNI , Moat. , July 10. Tlio suit otor the
appointment ohm administrator oftheostuto
of Judge Ia , vho died March hst In
Hutto , loivitig impcrtr uluod at over
10.000,000 , bet'au to lay. After the opening
address lyoneof thocouaselcouitttdli.'i-iicii
until the JotU.
XKlt'S * TllK
The Grand Island 7lnio.i will branch out
about Augwt I M wornlng tlally.
On July 9 J Bonliloinnn will votoontlio
qni'stloa of bonding the elty Tor witor-
Mi'Vhorson county is twnty-four In
tucnt.v-slx miles squara anil ham tiopulitloi
Scotln anJ Grvly Center nro nboiit on thee
o oof n county seat stiugplo that will bo
very bitter ,
Twenty-four soldiers of the regiment nt
Jvoit Sldncr hmo deorttid dutlnn the past
sh months. Tlio entire rogiraoot should bo
Mr. Adams of Auburn , who wns charged
\\lth soductlon , has been caught ntVnUon ,
islo. The | ) olico huro Ijecu looking for him
since Apt II last ,
The four Icon-jcnr-oia son of Thorais Dawson -
son of I.yoni is asetnltivoyoung fellow. His
father tuld him thut ho must not abuao the
team , nnd the kid leftliomomidraniiot bo
Last Sunilnytho people o ( Bcrwyn nnd
vldnily niipolutod 'lliui-sday evcitlnir to meet
nnd pny for r.ilii. Tlio meeting was hold
nnd on the next day that section had ngood
rain , vhile tlio balance of the countiy got
only inhoucr.
At ( Ir.ind Islaiul nstock oorapanv hns been
owanl otl with $10,1100 , cash i-apltnl , tobo
Idiownns the Ilulskunp Cyclonumeonipxny ,
nndlll build a poimiiimit b-iUdlng for the
exhibition of tlw bittlo of Oottysburg , In
tonncitlon with the sugar palit'O company.
John Pctpr .0,1 , n faun hand In Sarpy
Bounty , attempted to rnpo Anna Muiult ,
eight years old. Peterson was nrivsted ,
tiled , iiloiidpullty , nndvis \ on his vay to
the pcnltentlar\ servo u tlireo jetra'torm '
nil in fort ) eight hours. Tlicro ww iiolon'
delay In that.
At a recent school niPotliifr nt Muoity a
resolution was UnnnlniouMy adopted to or-
pan ioa high school nt this place , and a reg
ular high school course of Htudy Mill bo
adopted by the school boird. Tlio following
tc.uhcrscro \ elected for the ensuing \enrj
I'riiulnal , G. B. M. Will ; second g'tado ,
\\illK. \ \ Cunningham ; third trrado , Jcunlo
K.Vjniora \ ; primary depirtuicitt , Miss
In the recent In alas to the leptiltyof tlio
petition ofr . . I1. Ulster of Ubcttv , asking
that llccnsi bo grunted him toconuuctn sv
loon at thil i lvo during tlio present rcnr ,
Ihn illavrolonra d Ulcd tint the petition
was legal , ntidnliceimpuus granted nceorJ-
Ingly , But the null license proplovotu not
ntihlied nnd nn appe il was taken from the
OecMoii of thoboard. and tlnyill ask that
a writ of umidiimn bo Issued and the saloon
dnscd , Tlio nnti-llfciiso people use every
effort to defeat the ] > otitlon offered t > v liisscr.
lioth paitlcs are determined tobolJ thilr
point , but nt present the license clement
holds svvny ,
Tlicro nro ten original paclcngo houses at
Attimtic. .
'Pliero ha great scarcity of sonant glrlsat
TheKurclca ere imcry company of Hobiiis.
Litineounty , hia incorporated Avltli a capitil
stork of $10,0' ) ) .
1'ho Methodist ministers of DCS Mollies
rontemplnto oigaiil iii ; ; a social club and
will give a banquet In September ,
AVhllo digging a well nojr AVIota imturnl
gas ufts struck nt aitoirth of 100 foot. It Is
not jet hiiowiuvhit it will amount to.
A three yum old child found In the
woods near Castann the other ihv. It lud
Ixjon deserted aud Its cries attracted atten
An eastern svmtlc.itols negotiitlngfor the
purcbasoof tlio to\ut slto of Peru , Dubtiouo
county , with the intention of locating amauu-
faotuiiitK plant.
Sajs the Atlantic Telegraph : OfthoIKO
who signed the plcJpo nt thoiVIurphy meet
ing at Adalr. thorowuroa do7Oii or so vho
belonir to the category of old soaks. They
are sticking to It , toa.
T. B. Bell , colored , representing himself to
be a missionary of the .African Methodist
Episcopal church , has como to grior &t IDiv-
cnport. Ho collected money for the ostensi
ble purpose of buildlmjchurdics , but In real-
itv his collections went mainly to the support
of Jiljdnal paikoRo houses. Ho Is held on a
chmgo of obtihiing nwuoy under false pro-
Elejrant tinltatlona have been issued for
the commencement exorcises of the western
normal eollojjo at Shcnimdoih. Tlio cxorokes
open on Sunday iiettA\ith the the baccalaur
eate addicss by lion. W. Jt Mcr and con
tinue over Thursday , dosing with tlio alumni
baniiuct There mo Ji'iT graduates , divided
ns follows : Sclentlllcs , 15 ; normals , 40 ; music ,
5 ; commercial , IHT ; sliort hand , ) . " ) telcp-
rapliy , 17 ; sivciul penmanship , U\ \ hand and
orchestra , Ifi ! civil cnttinocriner , ! .
1'rosident Crapoof the Commercial club of
Burlhifrton lias issued n circular offcrinp aro-
vvnid of r > cents for tha name and address of
every inhabitant misled by thq povcrnnient
census enumerators nnd also n row-aid cf SJO
to the person reporting the largest number ,
providing it exceeds fifty , TbooHuInJ ren-
s\is , it is undorstootl , Rives Burlington loss
than tnontyono thousand , and It is thought
sovcrnl thousand inhabitants have Icon
missed through Incompetent enumerators.
At a mcotlnpr of tlio city council inDu -
bunue the other day a drunken alderman
miwc n"holj show" of himself , according to
IhoTirnes , i\hicli snyi : "He presented the
appearance of nn Intoxleatod spnlnx. Houn-
corked an immense quantity of 'oriRinnl paclc-
aKO1 oloquenco. The coundl would l > ave ( jot
ihrouKha Krcnt deal inoro work If lie had not
been unchained during the day. Tlio volleys
of drunken oatliswhich ho hurled at the
mayor were disrastinfj and Insultlnp , nnd
Mivor Stewart displajod more patience than
wKdomlu not ordering the drunken member
deposited in tlie cooler. Once or twice the
mayor was obliged to call on the marshal to
keep otdor.
I' . P Qulnn , a well knovn musician of
Dubuquo. had a remarkably close shave for
hhllfotho othordiiy. lie , in ( oinpiuy with
a m.m namol Uurkc , was blastliiK a cistern
with Kiint powder. A deep hole vas loided
nnd tlio fine lit by Qulnn , who was tlion
hoisted to the surfncoby bis itaitiicr , Bnrlco.
On roachiiig the mouth cf the well Qutnn
stumbled and fell headlong to tbo bottom on
top of the bin niiiu fuse. Tbo full icndercd
him nlraoat unconscious , but -\\lth wonderful
presence of mind , though seriously injured ,
hofrraspcd the rope which had been lowered
n second tiino and was quickly hauled to the
surface , Just in time to escape n frightful
uoith uomtlio explosion , which followed a
moment later. Ills spluo was badly Injured
and his bead cutby the fall , but ho is ex
pected to recover. _
There la not on empty house or room in
A building and loan association baa been
organized at Evanston.
The North .American rattle company and
tbo Frontier cittlo company of Wyoming
have dlssohed business.
The Union Paciflcdopot at Medicine Bow ,
uhichwtu recently destroyed by lirewill bo
rebuilt at once at a cost of JS5,000. ,
The DouglasWillan Sartorls comiiany , do
ing business InAUianv county , has increased
its capital stoclt from KiiJI.OOO . to SI , 000.000.
The Iron orcek oil company of "VVeston
county , with hoadquarton at Newcastle , l w
Incorporated \vlth a capital stook of $3,000-
O. II. Plapg , knovn throughout Wyoming
stock circles us "Jack" FlajrR , wont on a con-
imblnl round-up on tt'odnosday and roped a
fair iiridoln the person of Mrs. P. I. Tavlor
of this city. . , ays the Buffalo Echo , ' TJie
liev. McColloin tied the nuptial knot with
tntvcoand dispatch , and two more souls are
inido happy.
A party of Chcyenno prospectors , while
traveling la the mountains thirty mllessouth
or that city , found seine remarkable speci
mens of pjrltosof Iron. The nuggoti talw
various forms. Ono Is o perfect acorn : an
other a nut within a burr ; a third a head of
cabbage. One piece is a murblo with flat
tened lurficea. If Itwere not Impossible ,
ono vould assert that tbo latter hud been
Accord iiiff to the Bonnnya Ruitlor seine
Imafjiiiatho cowboy has been amusing himself -
self during the past week by reporting In
dian outbreaks utariouj ranches between
Bonanza and ItongU where u tovr timid
woman aio loft alonodurlnp the absence of
the iu < > n on the ranges. A peed thumping Is
m store for tlio rascal , should ho Ixs caupht
reporting his Imolcss stories which are cir
culated niPioJyfora mallcIoLi pwposo and
h.0 riohljdosorvoH IL
This -week six freight loads of machinery
and supplies vero loucied for tbo Bear river
country , savs tlie Hnvllns Republican. A
diamond drill was lutho outfit and will , bo
u&od In prospoctliiK for ronl In that country.
Tlio Tnylor Brothers reccntlysoldionwlaniis
on Bear liter for 31,000 , snd another saloli
now pending Aihlch runs away -up into the
thousands They dalmtho cnal Isof an ex-
collciit q. l'ty ' nnd found lu Urso auantltlw.
The Kansas , Nebraska & Djkoti Rnllroad
Oompauy Incorporated ,
Albert Chall Ilniinel CHrr farSlonl -
IIIK ULs Uiiclu'w llcmo NO-MI
tfiom tlio Btdtc llouso
and City.
LINCOLNNob.Tulj-10-Special , , to THE
IJpK.-'riic ICan'.is , Kcbmski , < c IXilcoh mil-
road eompaiy Ins lllcd articles of Incorpora
tion with tlio secretary of shtc. The pro-
pwcd route is fiom Howton , Kuii.ln nnorth-
MObtotly direction tliroupli Ncbraskn to seine
Itointontho iioith line of the slatP , Ihonco
north through tlio stiles of South nnd Noith
Dikoti tea point near Devil's ' Ii1celii , the
latter ituto. Tlio Icngthof tlw propose 1 rovl
is 1.00J miles ami the capital stock-JS.tiW.OW.
'J'lio oftlueN arc ns follows ; S U. 1'otor.t ' ,
Ji'exvtoii , Knn. , prcildciit ; OllxciJ. . \Voit \ ,
I\'c\vt \ n , Km. , vice president' , " \V.D.To\ir- \
tlllott , Nc\\tonICan \ , , Kooonel vlco jic-csideiit ;
Cliurlcs U. MeLiiii , N'ovtonICutitreasurer , }
} \ ' . 'J' ' Itoed , ICtinsis City , ICiin , sccroUiry.
'Iho illroclors m-o M follows Ull.Doi-soy
of U'nheio , Neh i C C. Moullon of Poiilkton ,
b.lJ. , Thomas A. IJHsonof Larlmori ; , N. D.
in : KNOUS TiuniriiDvitiiit.
Colonel ton R comity clerk of r-ancrislor
e'ouiitjvhoso foriner homo MOS : it ( ; : utbaii ) ,
111. , vnsM nrnualnteJvilli Cliaeli'V Gor
don , mills lel IN'elllio \ \ has been scnteiuoil
to bo hanged ntOtnilia for tbo muidcrof Blr.
and Mi-s. Allan Jones , ( Jolone ; ! UOIIR sivs
thnt the Cordons were highly mspocUiils ,
mill tlio head of the family was tbo lend IHR
UL-iiioirat of the county. Clurlov , liusays , Is
ranch older than holooltsnnU Is no > tnenty- -
clKhtor tlilrtyjenwoiel Ho knew hlnii u
boy nnd yoiiiiRiiianniul , iiitlioiiKtni vlld and
soiiienbat illsslpatod young fcllaw , lie vus
novoi known ID do mithing ) Unit \\ta con-
nldoivd ciiiniuil. Tlireo or Jour yciw ago
Cliarloy's father RIHO lilinu imipiilfliscnt fin-in
of KM aura near Jluriisido that v-js worth
probibly $100 per nero , \Vliat ho lias elono
with this U not known.
VIM. in : Miiiniri ) sum roi- .
Tilllo TiL-lolicl , who posed us tbo Ucrolno of
n ncuspapcr story ayoaratro , ha\liif dlscov-
eieel on Hie eve of lier inirrlugo Lho
iirospoctiio Kiwiu , viis n miuried itina vho
hail .1 wife with two children , will tonioriow
cveninif bo muiiiodsiiro and ccrtii.iii Hits
liineherehoicols Jolui Lonthohl , f rmcrly n.
divinity student , but Inter dovntoO to tbo
Miilcsof thu iiilutiug fraternity. Siobaf mi
allldavit fiom I.eiitliohl Unit ho is single. Tlio
lirido's Hist lo\e \ , mentionednbovowasC. AV.
McClclliiii , a rontr.ietor , who ski pjwd out ,
soon nftcr the [ in Ulioatiou ofliis liitoiulc-d WK-
ninoiis action , MClclUii was iiL'tcrwuaU
brought b.iclt from Denver on r uiu'iiiiit
sworn out by Tllliaubar inglilnnvLthim un-
montioiinblo erliiic , But vhcii ho mis nr-
mifjned lier loio o\crcanm her deslro for 10-
\etip \ ) and bhorefused to testify against him.
MueJi to tlio illiRust of tlio olHcow tlio felloir
wasrole.ued and lie immediately IcEt lor uu-
Itnouii puts.
The r.ait Chimce minlnp coinpaijjoCKo -
bniska City lus Hied tiitielcsof incorporation
with the s > o.rotuiy of sMto. Tlio u
stock is | lJoO,000 ! , mid the object of the com
pany is to reduce and Mneltores CTho incor-
lorators are 11 P.McComas.M.L.aiavwird ,
Uolxrtl orton , W.L. Wilson , Hobert Payne ,
O. S , Ljfordand Alexander ICon * .
Charles Lomls nnd G.V. . IlcnJricks vero
nrrcitod today by O nicer Malone nnd Cap
tain ( Jnnlcr on suspicion of belag the ones
who entered S. Schwab1 ! house Monday
niKlitniid.stolo9.jSIn money , Nonius hncl on
n pair of woman's shofs which innSohU footsteps -
stops us a cut's. ' The solos of otio of the fahoea
wuscuttopiwontitseroaWng and the sole
of this Blioo llta pcifcctly vlth that made In
theeoftinud near Schwab's porch Monday
night. His also found to bo the match Jor a
footprint in the mud near 1'lslio's tiouo
whlih burglaw attomiited to cuter the saiao
City EnRincor Townloy has the plans nn < l
specifications for the outlet to Antelope
vnlley scwericady. The lOiuluit111 \ start
from tlio present terminus , Twcnty-llrsfninl
V streets , extend north on Twenty-first to Y
west to Seventeenth , north totuo railfoul
trucks , thcnco in a nortlnvestcrni alrcction
puiit the west s > ldo of the fuirffi-ouiids to
Suit crack. The extension Is just iimlloanl
a quarter in length , and will cost $ S 1,000. ,
The wemliers of tlio council are kidtlog-
about tbo bill of & 2.50 presented bo them by
the publishers of the Now Yoilc World , for
advertising the sale of the Xlncoln pnvluff
bonds. The ndtertlsement ivas i nscrtcd for
two weeks nnd the members of the council
expected that Sir ; orwould pay the bill.
They think the bill -presented Is exorbitant.
In a communication to the cltv council last
evening Mayor Ornham urged the discon
tinuance of Iho present vholasalo letting cf
pmlng contracts , Ho declared thut the uoii-
tracts should not bo let any faster than the
material can bo furnished and tbo Arerlc done.
With tbo excoptlon of the stixicta about tlie
cupltol building , bo asked the councilnicn to
discontinue letting any contracts for paring
in the I'esidcnco portions of the city tbo ines-
noitsn minr noivn .
Albeit Clall , the nineteenearold tough.
wliostolo Imumlo's horse near " \ Vuverlic& \ -
tculay morning and win captured near
Cieto still in possession , of It , was
aiuilgncd thin moininir. It developed
in tbo trial tliat the uncle's name wns A.s :
Ujncrand that with his \\\o \ \ howas on liii
way from Sewmd county to South Dcnil.
Chall asked poimlsslou to nctoimnny them
and yciterihy inwiilag vlillo M r. and JIrs
Kjncnvoro asleep hcHtoleone of the
and SIVSS ium thru lit out. lijncr iva.s
anukencct nnd slart < jiliii pursuit birchcadeil
nnd baiofocted on the other liorso , but Ihnilly
lent all truce of the thief until bo was cup-
turcd by Jailor MlkoMoonoy. A. ilojir cnso
Ivas made ajalnst Chill and hovvEnputundoT
i300 bonds to appear bo fora the dish let court.
Emina L , VanEtten of Onmbn aslcs the
supreme court to reversetlio decision of
Judge Wulieley awarding Justice l > ividJ.
Scldon ? ! ) , : us fees.
AttorneyOoncral Leeso is far from the
nuddintf politician1 ! ignoble strife and is en-
Joylngtliocool brcc/es of Spirit Lake.
The next session of tnodlstilcb court vlll
commence Scptemhcr 15.
\Villliun P. A. .Ullriclc , alnil of twe-nty
living near Cortliind , apiiliod at the county
clerk's oflltc i ted ly foru llconso tomnrjy Miss
j\nnuK. \ C. Lueko of Princeton , arouuirlady
of nineteen. As the joun fellow lutd u
\\ritten \ permit from his father consoiitliij. lo
the niitch the llcons'i ' was granted
Thostato convention of the prohibilloubts
has been ullcdto meet In LiueolnAufUstJil.
Luxuries become oonvonlcncos and < on-
> cuicncos hocomo necessaries us dvilivatlon
advances. When the lirst cncydixrdia , ivai
puhlishcxl Itvasa luxury for tlia ilc1i < Tlio
orlginil edition of tbo Di-It-aiinlc.i , prepared
vlth vast labor and expense , was sold at { ( in
volume or (150 ( for the set. Ai ilcton's ) < o t
JI20 , and as a set could not bo complete wit 1i-
out tbo nnnuuLi to data , the cxponso vras In. a
. 'ew jears greater than that oftlioBritannlcn.
Itwiua heavy tax onallcxccpt the vcryilah
but the incalculable usofulnow to all literary
workers nad others who dcslmd avnllalilo information -
formation thatJSl.OW.OO ) has boon sent e > ut
of this country for tbo Ilrltannlca
Slnoo the publication of thu Diltannlca tn-
vcstijatlons have discovered so muiiy now
facts and chnngud old ones t3iat it can no
longer bo trusted to contain a complete sum
mary of practical Knowledge , lulta orlfilnal
form It ww not enough for this country alnco
a great deal of its Information , consisted of
details nlwut obscure Ilrltlsh places an < l Iti
treatment of American topics was very
superficial ,
No now compilation of u full cncyclop-cdlo
nature has been made recently except ttiut
which 'Ina DEE has secured for lu suu-
The puUkhirs of this American.
heel llncjelopuilh Ttiltannlra hnvo preserved
served nil the valuable ) fr iitnraiof Ino orljy-
Innl , ivhlihw Tuicttiestlonnbly the groat-/
cat work of the kind over rniulo , nnellmvorc'
moeleleel It toiuittho latest rosearebt's anil
partliuliuly to snllsfy American bujcrsivho
ulilibutono fncjelojimllft. t
Ait oncjelojiOMlli ! bns become ) necessary In/
oil oJucalcel fiiniillc/3. Tlicro has been feW
jcnrsn ilcmniiil for work whleli would tu f- . nil tint tlio Erltnnnlci ellJ , with aSiH.
tlona lo date , nt n jrlco wliloh would cmblo
fumlllo of moderate moans topurcha o.
To use the nncrcLonueliu Brltnnnlcn i n
basts for an improved niul cheaper work is
ciultoas honorable ) tote print and sell copte *
of Dickon ) , Scott , V'letor HIIRO or Duimm.
31 is part of the vrtilU'i stock of hnowledRO
opeutotlio American j'johc. Cooper , Lonn-
follow and \Vhlttl.-r hnvo beoiiropitutcd In
upland In thosnuo way.
The publishers of lie Anicrlcintzoil Kncy-
clopadlallrltiinnlonlimo cniployceltlio best
talent ami tlio lilghost Iniowleiliro to edit ,
siiniMiil anil llll out the woik. To bring an
instance liomott uuy Iwstutoel tlmtlhoy re
quested , iiliontho itvWonvna In progress ,
llMt Tun UBU designate the bust autliorllj i
Omaha towrlto uliitoiy of tlio city , Otla r
ilt'ei wcio loolccJ after with tlio same care
anil llbor.illty ,
Soon aflor tlio niuiounconwntof tlio uiulor-
lalclngTin : I3n : Inostlguttd It thoroughly ,
and decided tliatllio noritcount bo inalu a
.grout boon to sulsr rlbers. Papon like ) the
Chicago Jlernhl , SUI'aul 1'lonccr PH'HS , San
i'raiidscoICxniiilneraiul Denver Kopubllcnn
uerogliularUT UK sumo o > jiniimttoito ! rntor
Into an niningonifiit , for exclusive control ot
tlio i\ork \ , The publishers nelnilttcelonly the
lending nnd best juper in emli city. Tin :
HHU , Iho leading papci of Omiha , e-onlrol.s
tlio work in Nebraska ami vestcrn Iowa
It can bo otUiined la that terri
tory only through TnullKr.Aftortho enor
mous value oftho Asiierlcnnlzcd J3ncyelopt'-
dla Ilrltauiiicahcciiiao known thowva n
rush of papers foitlio prhllcKO , Hut only
the \\croaelitilltcdtmdlt \ \ Isnatural that
the Inferior papers show their resentment UjT
Iliullug fault niththo use of the Urltiinnlcu's
material ,
'J'ho copy for tlilandJItlonwrn all maelo up
originally. 1'lvo roluuiea of the .Atnoilcan
i/cdaro Issued atnl tlio other Iho 111 bo out
lusiJo of fourinouths.
Tim 13i t : refers lo tlio opinions of m
loading luofcMlonnl und litcrarj- worker * in
Omaha vbo lavocruinlncdtho woilr. Tin :
Uiu.nlso iiiltcs tvreij'hody to compare it ,
toplo by topic , witli the English edition.
TlioAnictleaiiitecl Uncjelopn > diii Uiitaii-
nlcnls niniifjnlllaiiC und vilmiblo iiosse'ssluu
for ever ) housclidd. Itpii'snnis for
time a complete ivfi.vrciieo llbraiit a | irico
and oa termswlttla. icacli of iivciy family
thatowin a Ionia ,
3Mr. Eorscy to tlio iicoplo's ciiiidielate : "Oil ,
ICeimu oltl"
IVlr. Connell's ' n [ > polntincnt of Gero in Lan
caster and Uclvyln Otoo , to the lositlon of
postinaatcr in their roipocllvo tltim , alicady
seems to bear fruit , Hero heads tlw Laiic.ia-
torcountj- delegation , and Council win endorsed
dorsod by Otoo couiLty , If Bill Campbell can
do up Judge Apiclj ) , ' tla Johnson , mid Sena
tor Linn can b qutotal ill RLhanlson ,
It would fcoeni that to far as n nom
ination Is eonceiiicL Connell \vould hnio no
trouble. The recent Caw county appoint
ment voulel seem to indicate thnt Judfo
Chapman will not l > o In the race. . . .
Report conies tint. J.StcrlinuMoitonwaiit ?
the nomination for congress from tlio Bln'
first onthodemocriUlo ticket and that youiij ;
Mr.Drjnn A\lll \ not sland the chnnco lie ex
pected to of boiiinominated by ncclanntion.
Charley nro vii ot thlj city , \\liovould lilij )
to have a nomination for something this falliS
will , it Is salj , ycboutof the wiy for thiisuh'i )
of Arbor Lodfo. Tliis complicates tlio donio-
crats apln , and ilovo it all vlll bo seen tlw
ghost of tbo oUtirao
Drown mlsuudcislanding.
7ho Kearney Hub givcsthis as the situa
tion In the midway county : "Uuftalo county
is probihly focUnato in Im-ing sovornl
'favorito sons' tltat. she can furnish for high
plaeos , and while they cannot all pot phuo
anilpovor In o great state HkoNobraski ,
andthoro is no probability thnt moro tlmi ono
will he crdledjout at ntiino , there b no reason
why the fair thing should not bo done by ull
or any ot them. Goncralponnor , havliiff con
cluded to ask for tlio Buffalo county elolci
tion as a canilidato Xorgovornor , will have . . „
turn the coning MOOK. Ills selection would
honor the state moro than ho would bo
honored by the nomlmxtloii. ft he does not
secure It Buff.Uocouuty Jias honored Itself
presenting his na.ino , and wn at QJICO turii .
that other fiivorecl son , Judjo Tlanier , who
hiiscontluelcd to liy Ills castor into tlio ron-
Broislonid ring , Thin wo will all bo Ilaimr
men , ueeauso lie1 , lee , will bo worthy of our
strletc'st and most eanicsi sup
port. "
The Lincoln Cnll , nlonirwlthits prohibition
work , Is boomliij ! H. V. HiirJan for con RUSH
in the Second. Jii the ineiintline Ji. K.Momo
Isrutimiif ; for .scuatotla Lanustei. Wr.
HloorcelonbUcs ? Einaifincs tbat lie Is alivlnij
example of tb at broad and generally luc--iitwl
proposition that trutli cms.licd tocaith-
rlso agiln.
Mr. Ifomm of t"ho Tlilrel district stated to
tlio convciitlon lliutho liad civcna inortfjatio
on his homestead of M,551) ) . Ho elld not htato ,
howe\er. vhctlcr Jlr. Dowey's loan und In
vestment loinpuiy held the moitfra ei. In
times lilco thcaasaculaforinntlon U poitincut.
JudfoT.O. C. Harrison ot tba Ninth ju
dicial district ft In. the iauo for ( oiiRicts In
the Third. Ho ivill RO into the convention
* mh Hall county nt hii back , andiiorhips
otborcountlodloatnrt with , Governor Ani
tx > ttofCirandl4l.tnd is of the opinion tbnlf
no will bo nominated.
? A icpoit comes to Kearney to tlio offee't
thut Goncr.d . A. II. Connor has wilbelniwii
from the iTuteriinlorlnl rueo nnd that tbo
county will gosolitl for Jack MncColl.
It issaid that Guy C. nnrnumof PUtto , O.
11. Van Vycknnd John Powers , president e > f
the fanners' alllxna1 , will KO heforo the inde
pendent coinuition asking the nomination
lor povoinor. So It is upr > aront that the nu
merous republican candidates are not alouo
In tbtlr jxrploclty.
ft'hrn Habjr tvaji jtclr , wo g&vo her Cwtorla ,
When si m won C tlJ , shocrleJ forCoatwIa ,
WheosliebexMTO Mte , Him climn tx ) Crvstorlo.
\Vhen \ sliohaactilLUrea , sitcavi thciu Ctutoti/i ,
iuhicrlbdl nnciauaruiilocdOupltal. . S..MOOl
'aid In eJapiui . : tnMi
lluys and soils slixjlcaaiKlbonils : ncKOtlnt H
oininor < ; hl [ ) , ii > or | rouilvci itnci fX < % iuu-
rnsls ; acln ni ( rani f 'ra ont and trnstoo < > (
nrimratlnriH , UJtcs clur o of iiroputy , col-
c _
O m alaaE-.oari & Trus tCo
S.E. CornerIQtlinncl
I'alelln Ciniltil . . . * " v - .
heilxorllioU an < | OuiiratitcodOniltul | . Ui'fji fHI
61'cr Ccui Mleiiii.trul'l on Ic'i Hlt f
_ . 3 < * 1IA.NIC J. J/ANOh. UBhlrr 1
OfllfOrsiA. IT , IVymuii.iirftliluiit , J J lliuwn ,
vlio-ijrchldout , W. T\Vyinuiitr , 'i iir < r . _
DlnotoH-A , 17. Wyinan. J. II. JllllunU. J"k
JlfOMru.CJiij | J. lUrton , KV. . Nuali , TliuniJ. * I
J.Iwlujbu I.Oourio UIjukfc "