THE OMAHA DAILY BEE TWENTIETH YEAH. ( XMLAHA , THURSDAY JULY 17 , 1890. NTJjVIBBB 29 , iMit ; , Tie Semto Again Takes Up the Sundry Oivil Appropriation Bill. < ORE MONEY FOR PUBLIC LAND SURVEYS. flic fiidltin Appropriation Hill lle- | KPi-tcd from Committee 1 lie AilJoittMiN Alter \Vnlt- ng Tor u Qiiorttin , , July 10. The senate nt 1 D'clock avent Into executive session and con- Qrmeel the lUo appraisers of merchandise i-e- contly appointed by the president under the customs administrative bill. Mr. P.isco offered n resolution , which was refcireel to the committee on foreign rela tions , calling on the secretary ot state for In formation as to the atrest by the Spanish authorities m Havana of A. J. lUa ? , an American cltl/en nnd n inintnorof tbo gospel. Mr. 1'owcrolTcied a roaolutlon , which was grced to , calling on the secroUiry of the In terior for Inform itlon M to the personnel of the geological auivey , Its duties , compensa tion , etc. The icsohitlon oTVrcd yesterday by Mr. Cnllomns txj the tmnsportatlon of goods In bond between .Atlantic nnd 1'aclllc polls of the United States over the Canadian Pacific railroad was agreed to after being amended to extend tbo scnpo of the imuiliy to the Li ran el Trunk road. Tbo senate hill extending the. time of pay- mcnt to piuchnserrt of land of the Omaha trlbo of Indians In Nebraslnas passed. Mr.'fulltT Introduced a bill giving n pen- slon of ? JOOTa to Mri. Jessie rrcmont. Ueferrcd to the eoninilttco on peiiblons. Mr. riowcr Intioducod a bill to establish n limited postal nnd telegi.iph service. lie- fcnoil. 'Iho senate went into executive session and nttlio lo-opculngof the doois iiasscd a bill to c&tnbllsu a niitlonnl military park at the bat tlefield of Chickumuugim , The senate then resumed consideration of the sundry civil npproprintion bill and adopted tbo pondingnmtmmumt IneTonsingtlio appro priation fen suneyiugpubllc lands fiom f-'OO- 000 to ? GCO,000. The next amendment that provoked dis cussion was oiu1 Incn nsltitf the Item fortcle- i-aphlcbuneys iioni0itXi ( , ) ) to , WO,0iO ( and adding these words : "One-half of which sum shall bo expended west ot the 101 meridian nnd so niucli of the act of October " , ISsS , en titled 'an act mailing nppioprinti.ins for bimdry civil cxiivnsL's of the govoinincnt for the llvcal I'liditig Juno UO , 1 % ' . * , ns pro- Aides for the selection and location of lesor- \o\rs \ nud e-amils upon public laiuls and the , rc"iur\iitlon of inigablo lauds" Is hereby re pealed ; piovielcd that tbu K'scivoU'J and tjiinls , us heretofoio located , ahull remain tepivgated and uservcit from entry 01 settle ment until othei wise provided by fiw. Mr. Spgoner announced his Intention to vote for the amendment reported by thu coin- inltteocn appropriations. I'lio cost of irn- tntion Hurvoys had been placed , ho wild , ut (7,000,000. ( , , His ouu oiiiiiSou wns that if it vvns to go Mi the cost would bo iieaier tTO- 000,0000. Under the construction given to tbo nctoflbSSby the interior department ( nnd which construction ho endorsed as correct ) , Jnnels had been vlthdruwn for settlement „ rovoilng two fifths ot the area of the United States , comprising IKMIXXJ : squuro miles , or i 10,000,000 acres. For what and for iiow long these lands withdrawal In order thnt t'io ' government might have rescivolr tiles and equals as marked out forlrilgatlon. The Lord only Icnoavs how long It would tnlso to carry out that plan. Ho thought congress mndon grave mistake when U appropriated a single dollar for Irrigation survovs , and the sooner it retracted the step the better It would Lo for the people. Mr. Davves , fiom the committee on appro priations , icpoitcd the Indiiin nppiopiiution bill , carrying nn appropriation of j7,15)bSt. ) Dlscimslon was resumed and Mr , LMntt argued In support of tbo amendment and In pcncrul dcfc'iiso of the desert land law , the swamp hind law and other land laws of the United States. llo favored a repeal of the Irrigation law , said Its retention meant that not n staple aero of puhllo lands nfTcctcel by - It woulel ever bo entered by nnj homestead bottler , and charged that that was the object contemplated by the shrewd mun who drew up that piovlslon In tbo conference commit tee. tee.Tlio discussion was continued until 0 o'clock , vvhon the scnato adjourned without ' lion on the pointing amendment. House. IN , July 10. In the house today , the Journil having been read , Mr. Brechen- ildgo of Kentucky objcotol to Its approval nn el the nnd nays were oidcred on the question , "Shall the journal bo approved ! " It was agreed to. Mr. Owens of Ohio called attention to the colloquy which occurred yojtordvy between the gentlemen from Illinois nnd Tonnessco ( Camion mid Honk ) , ilui lug which , ho said , In their anger they had told soiao truths , which were entirely omitted from the Hec- ord. Ho wanted to Itnow whether the demo crats could do the sumo thing. The Speaker The eh dr Is unable to re spond. The house then went Into committee of the vvholo on the land forfeiture bill. After a bilef descussion the committee Tvlr. Svvenoyof Iowa presented the confer ence report on tbo bill authorizing the con struction of bilelges ncioss tbo Iowa river at Wnpollo , In. On uuieelng to the report Mr. llogers of Arlmiibiis rnlscd n point of no quorum and a cull of the house was ordered. Only 112 niem- beis - less than a quorum responded. On motion of Jlr. Mclvlnh y , a resolution was adopted directing the to bring to the bar of the house such incin- beis as were absent without lo.ive. After waiting nn hour nnd a half for a quorum to appear , Mr. Brecklmldgo moved that all leaves of absence lie revoked. Mr. I'etors ell crcd mi iimcudinout excent- iu * those members absent on account of Hl- Lo&t. Tending n vote on Mr. Ilrceklnrldgo'H motion .Mr. DUss of Michigan moved an ad journment , nnd the house ndjouincd. . \rgdinent. July 10 , Hepresentatlvo niicUimldgoof made on argument in Ids own be-half toelny before the house com- mlttoacii electlous , long bilef pre- paivd by ox-Attornoy 0 irlnud. This . per attacked the sub committed which visited Arkansas for failure to take testi mony preferred by Hreeldiirldije , as , for In- Btaueo , In the case of the billet boxes , where tlio count wns impugned. It'set forth further that tbo record fdlod entirely to show that lireoklnridgo was not elected , but on the con trary , It showed th'it ho wns elected. Kcjpectlng Clayton's murder. It was pifeotly clear thnt nothing mow could have been done to find the murderer than hadbc-en done by thoofllcers and people of the state , " \Vheu ho had concluded the biicf lUxvkln * rldgo proceeded to supplement It liv a long btntonicnt. Ho Iind known Claj ton for tventy jvcara. They luul been nelglib.u and friend : ) , Thcv canvassed tbo district togeither. Their rclnilons dcmonsti-atoil limt tliei-o was -ing In the charges made by Judgu kCluro of the republicans In bis ilisirlct. Claj ton's death bad iK'cn as fearful u EVirprlso to Ihvcklnildgo an it waste to all the decent people of Arkansas. llo believed the Hugged ballot box vvna btolen by the republicans , The appnixmt ol > je , t\\n to hliiKO UIMJII the stenllng ca o in The house of ivpre > ciitutlve3. lircckinildge , In the course of his talk , turnixl his attention to Jueko McClure nud scoivd that gentleman Bcvorcly. Judge McClure closed the urfumcuts lira brief sprech devoid of | > emonalltlcs nnd treating nlmost alloifetlier of the legal aspect of the caw. Ho awied , in brief , that iu the evldenro show eel that the ballots really cast were not preserved , It was competent to go behind them nnd take proof of the vote. rosy.itmitv. : . t'ost- Olllue. " \VAIIIS-OTOV , July 10. The statement of theoperations of the oflleoof the Hut assist ant postmaster general for the fiscal year ended Juno 'JO , Ib'J. ) , shows thnt the total number of transactions In the appointment division were 2l-Mltui | average of nearly 2,009 per month , or 80 per diy. O f this num ber there were 4tW : : postollleca es tablished , 1,0.21 discontinued and 1,579 changes of name and site. In fourth elnss postollh'cs thcrovvpre'.ljOyinppohitnionts on account of resignations , 5,0yo on account of removals and ( > W on account of eleith of postmasters In presidential ofllcos theie nn ni nninit , nf tlons , i"9 on account of cvplritlons of coin- missions , firm on account of icmovals , III on account of dc.ith of postmasters nnel 133 on accountof oftlces becoming presidential. Of reinovnls of classes ubout 1KK ) weio undo on reports ot Inspectors. The whole number of postotllcos In operation July 1 , 1890 , wns tl'-VOO , against 6S , ' . i ) In 18b'J. ST m In 18b8 , -l57 In IsS * and M.tril In ISW ) . Tlio iticrcaso dining the lint jour Is the largest in the his tory of the country. ATHiie J < 1 CK THE II tl'l'Elt. Ilurrililo Muril 1:1and Mntilatlun ol * n Girl in N'ortlt riiiolhiu. OnHIOTTP , N C. , July 10. ( Special Tele gram to Tin : line. ] Noith Carolina has a .Tack the Ripper nud the people of Itoblnsou county nro hunting every nook and coiner of tint section for him. Unlilio the funous ripper of London , the mine of the llciidls known and desciIptlons ot him nio posted nt many places. Ho is Simon Ward , a man of notorious reputation , whoso record is stained \\ltliciiino. The story told hero Is that last Sunday ho murdered Maiy Sellew near Mat- ton , bho was impaired to bo inirricd ton > oung man named Crawfoid , but M'.ird Is thought * * to have had n secret passion for her. Sumlay morning Crawford and the girl started to vv.alk to chinch. They had gone only u short distance when Winel lamooutof some bushes near the roadside and oidcicd C'r.iwford to leave tbo gitl. Ctawford protested , but wns Jlnally dri\en nvvav. Iloetlel not go fur , but scitcd himself In the bushes near by , Fiom his hiding place Ur.rtvford could see and hear passed between \Vurd and Miss Hellen. vV'arilwiuileel tbo glil to goto dmrch with him , nnd whensho lofused ho pleaded \\llh her. She was determined , however , anel " \Vard \ becoming enia edsworo hevvoulel cling her there. She tinned nnel btmtedto mn away from him , Ward , now fully enraged , drew a razor from his pocket und made ) a lunge at her , scndlng fcliurp blade deep into her tlnoat. Mln Scllorj fell to the ground. Warel ponnied upon her and began to sever the head from her body. This ghastly work ho accomplished , nnel picking up the lieidvlth tbo blood dtipplng fiom It , ho viewed Itvith a fiendish look of delight. Thcu , tossing It tisielo , lie walked leisurely away. Crawfoid , behifj uiiunncd. was afr.ild to m.ikohls presence kiiouu , and stood and saw the woman bo expected soon to inukohls vvlfo butilicrcd like a dog. llo rushed off nud gave the alarm , and noon a mob was scouring the \voods and swamps for the mur derer. So fur lie has succeeded la avoiding capture. Ho will be lynched assoouas he is captured. AT OS THK HHHI SEAS. Attempt to Capture a freneh Vl.sliluij Ui-U by an Uuglisli CrulHcr. H \UVATT"N.'S : ; July 10 [ Spochl Tele gram to 'Jim BEB. ] It Is rumored hero today that there has been fresh tiouble , the most serious yet reported , between the French and English on the Newfoundland coast , It Is said the Newfoundland cruiser Fiona , which bad been recently put into commission to patrol tire coast for tbo purpose of cifordng the bilt net , has had a conflict -with n French fishing brig from St. Mnlo , Trance. The story is to the effect tint IViday the Fiona discovered the Frenclimm In North Bay 011 the coast securing btilt Immediately on sec- Ing the Fiona the frenchman made sill. The schooner followed and n IHely chuso ensued. The Frenchman refused all signals to Ho to , and as a consequence tbo rioni llrodja shot across her bow. The rVenchman still paid no attention nud finally escaped in the Little Mirnteton. As the story conies flora n French source In St. I'louo , may bo greatly ex aggerated , but color Is lent to thostoiy by the hurried departure this morning fromhore of the British steamer Bcllaphoa , the Hag- ship of the North American squadron , and two other tncu-ot-wnr from St Johns , New foundland. The French consul hero has had no official Information yet of a French ship being fired atou the high sea. Frjo to IJIiiluc , \VAsnivc.Tov , July 1(5. ( Senator Frje , in reply to Secretary Blaino's letter , has writ ten him , saying , in parts "I assume thut your views aio contained invhatls known as the Halo amendment ; that jou know , for Instance , whit the luitlnrepublics will receive - ceivo of ours free fi-om duty in compensation for free sugar. I assume thnt the amend ment vas the icsult of thoiough Investl- gntlon. Thodtniculty about it is this : The amount of sufjar to M leceived from these states would bo comparatively small and the consumer of sugar would receive no benefit of It. Your letter to nio emends this Idc.v of reciprocity to Cuba and 1'orto Hieo. I admit that If sugar Is admitted free from these Islands as well us the Latin repuh- lies , thopeoplovouldbo benetltteel and sugar woulel bo mMotlcally fieo. Uut will Spain ad mil into those islands frco from duty the list of nitides iinined In that amendment ! Of course , wo could not cunct a law more f ivor- nblo to Sp iln than to the lopublles , IM von know vlnit Spain woulel exchange for free sugar uml can you glvo a list of the iiitlelw she woulel rx'ceivej' j Appropriations and Homines. AVAbins'eiTo.v , July HI. Mr. Cannon , chair man of the house appropriation comirlttcc , emphatically denies that the appropriations of this session for the currant fiscal year will exceed the revenues. Ho ostlin ite * the ap propriations at fJoOMv , ) , < XK ) , and says : Tlio ordlnniy revenues of the government for the iHciil jttir ended Juno ) , Ib'O ' , uro reported bj the treasury at $ I02ON,0W. ) ( Under the existing lavs there is no reason to anticipate a less sum from ordluaiy revenues during ISj'Jl. ' The postal revenues for Ib'Jl ' are esti mated bv the iwstmaster general at ftil , 11- ! 000 , making.i total of 540r,4'j,000 ; , LVdiut- ing thoaggrogatoappiopiliit ions { S.IO.OOO.OOO There \\ill bo a smplusof ll'-Wf'.CKW , which Is more than ample to meet the ro- qulruiiient-s of the new pension law nnd tlio rtHluctlon of taxation from the enactment of the MeUltiley bill , estimated at * 00,000,000. , ' The "XVoatlmr Koreoait. Tor Omaha nnd vicinity Showers , followed by fair , Tor Nebraska Pair ; \\ostorly winds ; wanner la eastern ; cooler In western. Tor Iowa Fair , followed by showers 5 southerly winds ; warmer. Tor boutU Dakota Fair ; cooler ; winds shifting to northwesterly , No Ono \Vils Hurt. Oincuio.July . 10.-A late dispatch from Burlington , In , in regard to last night's ' dispatch about the accident to the "Kll" train on the Chicago , Burlington & Qulncy railroad sa\s the cngliio nud bagg.ipo car \\ero thrown from the track and daninijed nud that several ftx'lghtcai-a were wrecked , hut no one wiu hurt. N'o Ituiul O W IIISOTOS , July IS. fSpeclil Telegram to THE BKB.J No bouds were ( ffcrcdunto li o'clock. A IF.RITK T < XWT.TR ! Tto Secato Will Discuss the Tariff Bill for Six Weeks or More. IT MAY EQUAL THE MILLS MEASURE , Ilio Threatened AVnr lit Cciitml America OflVrs n Gooil Oppor tunity to Slitm How Aibl- tratloiiVorln. . Biiinju'Tiir OM Hnnc , 5ijrouiirKHMii ; STHIUT , " \VASIIIWTOV , B , G. , July 10. Democratic wul republican senators nio calculating upon debating the tariff bill sk VCOKS or more , although no agreement his jet boon reachcl on that subject. The tnrlft Is a great question , and It Is 0110 in widen nil tlio ] icoplo nu Interested. There Is not likely to bo uny uttompt inuilo to itish the bill through until Its provisions Imvo boon care fully serutlnbed and explained. The Mills bill , of tor being delated by the senate finance , committee , wai discussed until Octobers , 1888. It will bo remembered tint -while It was pending the republican senators held frequent caucusses and resolved to pass a bill before consenting to an adjournment , rinally Senator Allison announced that the republicans were tired nntl wanted to go homo nnd moved to postpone the further consideration of the bill until the following December. That motion prevailed , nnd , although the presidency bad been decided , the senate occupied moio thin six weeks discussing tlio Wll in the second session of the 11 tticth congress. Under tlio circumstances thcro is every icnson to bo- llova that the debate on tlio pending tarlfT bill \vlll \ bo equally protracted. The present bill differs in many respects from the Allison bill , and thcro is much in it needing full explinntlon. VmiOVnAV73 \ THE nAIlTir. It leaks out tint cx-Seimtor Mnlione , nt the recent nicotine of the icpublican state committee of Virginia In this city , ottered a resolution eo.idemiitiig the policy of the ad ministration In the distribution of patronngc , but after a discussion ho was peiswided that It \\is iinpoliile tomalto such a. declaration. The resolution was then withdrawn nnd overvbody agreed not to su ) an ) thing about It. The tiouble with Qonoml Mihono Is that the president has appointed to olllco several of the members of the faction that is opposed to his leadership of the republican p.uty in Virginia nnd has not given a sufficient num- borof phcesto his trlends. The purposoof the administration bus been to deal with both factions nnd accept the ad vice of the leaden In mailing appointments iu the localities In which they llvo It wns only the other any that one of Mahono's ' active licutcxi nits most was ap pointed consul general to Centr.d Ainoilcn , but ho will never bo satisfied until ho gets ovciytblng that is to bo had. llo Insisted that bin faction is the genuine organisation luul that the national lepubllcnn convention hail no ihjht to admit bis opponents to seats , * but the president , lius only followed the prece dent of the convention and lias endeavored to bring about harmony. Mahono , himself , was offu-cd the consul generalship to Paris , but did not consider that olllco of sullldcnt dltr- nlty for nn ex-senator and declined It vith- out thanks. lie has been suggested for appointment as minister to Brazil , but the president does not consider him qtnillflcd > tOcillltbut ! position ; and will not make the tender. The adminis tration wants to send to Bia/ll along-headed , cool-brained , Judicious , constitutional lawyer to advise that , young rcpuulio in its efforts to organize and maintain a goveminentand General Mahono does not answer that de scription. AN OITOHTUSITI- AIUHTHATION' . The threatened war in Central America of fers a good opportunity for the test of Mr. Blaino's plan of arbitration as adopted tit the international A mencan conference. Uoth the government of Salvador ami that of Gua temala have consented to the plxn und signed the treaty nnd declared In solon a resolutions tint war on the continent sliould bo no inoro , but so far as known neither nation has signified Its doslro or even its willingness to submit the difference to arbi tration In fact there is no actual tlitTou'inco to arbitrate , The affair is 11 ro\olutlon rather than a war. The Into president of Salvador was a firm bellow In and ndvocato of the union of the Contra I Ainciican republics and signed the trc.vtyof coalition , which was also sinied by Guatemala nnd Honduras. In fact the congress which decided upon the union met at Salvador and the treaty was celebrated there. Buttho antlunion p.uty in the llttlo republic broke out in rebellion , assassinated tlio president and took possession of the gov ernment. The action of Guatemala in aid of the union pirty and to assist in the restora tion of the legitimate government to power. ' .The only question to arbitrate , thorefote. is whether a portion in one republic bus the right to call upon foicigiiuid against another faction. The United States iniiilstei , Mr , Mlzncr , has been instructed to iibo his good ollees to preserve the peace and scttlo the difUoulties. OHIO i\i > ITX : SYIYU\IA ro mc . Major McICintoy is In Washington nnd Is not worrying himself in the loist nbout what For.ihcr , his n\al , Is doing in Cleveland. IJo slid today that ho .should not uttuid the re public in convention and did not think lie had any business there. Ho was satisfied that the republicans of Ohio thcio represented voulddo v hut was light , and bo AMIS vllling to ubido by the losults of their deliberations llo was not struggling for the loulorship of his party , but was attending to his congressional dutios. It was Ills Intention toim.ho his usud canvass for re-election to congress this lull , although tlio democratic legislature of Ohio hud put him into a district whore tliero Is about three thousand democratic majority lie hopes to lo elected , houovci , and would malij his fight en the prohibition Issue , lie believed In the pending tai ill bill , should defend It aid unsillingto ilso or fall with that Issue. After ho hid undo Ills canvass for congress ho should let the future tnlto c.iro of It self. McICinlcy is looking forward to tlio presidential canvass in IMt. ' anil will boa tandidato beiforo the next republican noinlna- ting convention The si tuition in Pennsylvania is described by dlslntcipsted observcis to bo inoro fiivoin- bio to Senator Quay than was expected. It was thought tint if he forced the nomination of De'laimitcr upon tlio puty there would bo decide 1 opposition and nn Independent re publican ticket put in tlio field. In this re spect his ( iiiemles have been disappointed. Them has been none and there Is no probability of such n movement. There will doubtless bo a great deal of vest pocket voting and ninny of the lead- lug republicans in the s t.ito vUH continue ) openly to oppotu tlio ticket , but the pros. poets now aw that Senator Quay will win a victory and retain hli posltloa ns the lender and the boat. of his party In Unit btuto. iOUHTII CLASS POSTM 13TKIIS AI'10IS7tD. Th9 following fourth class postmasters were appointed toduy ; Kcbr.uka FroM , Dcuel county , A. F. Frotd. vlca H , 1 . Llnd- grast. deceased ; Eifleld , Lincoln county , Mrs. M. II. Ilolstcen , vice E A. ( Jury , retignul ; Staik , Hamilton county , C. Uyd&ou , vice E. M. Uurke , resigned , Iowa Tvncr , Polk county , S , D. Wood , ricoJ , II.Voods , resigned. South Dakota Stanley , Stanley county , D. Bruch , vice C , A. Smith , deceased. In the senate tills afternoon Mr. Stock- brldiro of Michigan , as anticipated in a I3ifK special , called up the now and corrected bill extending the time to purchasord of hnd , on the Omaha Indian reservation in Xcbrasbi , which was passed without objection. Jlr. Dorsoy told TUB HKB corrosponilent this af- tynoon that lie would ask the house to tnko / 1 bill of the speaker's table tomorrow and pass It , und ho hail no doubt of success. Tlio name of the postefllcc , Ha koye , Dhon countv , has been changed to WntcrborouKh. Mr.'Dorjoy Introduce * ! n biutodty to piy John llrcttlfngof Fremont § i 3 for rations vhlcli ho furnished soldiers at Camn ICVrk- \\ood \ , In. , In ! ) . ' . 1'cunva HUTU. Till : < IIIAI ItnilrnntlMvii Io N t Ix > o1c Scilously nil the Proposed Ktductlon , Cuicvocvfuly UJ. [ Spccliiltelpgminto TUB Ilr.c. ] A local railway neui bureau sajs : Not nraflroad man In Chicago taltos seriously the alleged forthcomlngorder of the Inter state commerce commission reducing grain ntcs from the west to Chlenjo. Said Chair man Wnlitcr of the Interstate Comnicivo Kalhuiy assochtion today : " \Vo have re ceived no onictnl nnnouncemcnt the rates are to bo red ueed by the commission , and for my pait I shall borrow no trouble , until It is received , " Mr Walker still refused to tell what the coin-so of action would bo If the order -was made , but tliero Is no question but that the rallroJds will fight the reduction in every possible ay , as they can not spend ono hun dredth part M much flghtinfr as the reduction would cost. It U gene rally believed now tint the report of the contemplated reduction wis simply a KUOSS on the part cf one of the Washington , rorrcspondeiiU. They will Stick It Out. CHICAGO , July 10. iSpeilal Telegram to TUB Due. ] As was evpsctod , the general managers of western ro.ids have practically agreed torcmiln In sessional ! summer rather than adjourn , having accomplished nothing. On the piinciplo tliat "thcwuy tp ranmio is to resume , " tlio comtnltteo today reported in favor of advancing only those ralesbicUhad been reduced Of course this net the united opposition of the lines ending nt the river , as they hadru- the rales tooqutllza iiialtcrs botwecn thomsehcs nnd the roals hwiii ! } lines vest of the ri\or. \ The meeting will rosuino cou- sidcmtionof the ute question tomouow. A. Syiiillciito llridgc. CHICAGO , July 1(5. ( [ Special Tologmm to Tun BiE.l A steel arch Inldgo with a draw ofHO feet will soon bo built cross tlio Miss issippi ilvor at Wlnonn , Minn. It will bo used Jointly b > the Culeno , Burlington ft Not them , tlio WinonaSs Southwestern and the Qrccnbay , Winono & St. P.uil. The con tract calls for tha completion of the Iridgo by Muieh 1,1801. , A ItJUfAltK I it 1,12 C.ISE. \ . 1'ricst Shoots ll\i \ li'iirnicrljovo tvGunCmif. [ fojmi tr/lilisoobu James Oi/nton / ncnnett. ] PiuisJuly 1C. fNcw York Herald Cibla Special to Tin : Br.E.l Keen eyes are watching every uiovomont of AbboCourtial at Kodez , wlio shot Rlmo. Callnot dead intho street \\lth n gun , The priest passlorf- utely protbats his Innocence , aul declares ho simply Intended to tap the vounjj woman on the shoulder , The people generally believe that his love for his victim , resisted after her marriage , was the motive for tie crime. 'Jho prisonqr forgot ona important thing when he accounted : for the discharge of the gun cane the ferule , which served to close the end of the woipon. The doctor who made the autopsy on the body of Muio. Cnllnct cannf * , find any trace of the ferule , whicU Jjnst Inevitably limo penetrated the botly hnd it boon In Its' right place , but it thofcrulo was oil thoc.ino when the priest wised it , ) vlicvtoOtit ! o" ( and for what purpose ! Wo ; uiwo of the ferule caa bo discovered , at 'tl'lta'plac ' o v % rotbo ' ' * " " ' . - 'sliootinifbccilricd. --fti The abbo has been examincil at length in prison and ho sticks to his original story. Ho knew thut the gun -was loaded , but did not suspect that It was cocked. His friends must have cocked It. Hoio Hio examining ingis- trutoarncd the priest that Ids defense was improbable , and that unlit more cUdcnco in his favor was produced the authoiltlesmust look upon him us a murderer. At this the pilsoncr burst Into tears nnd so'ibed So ncnous and excited is the slayer of Mine. Calinet now thnt the governor of the prison removed from his reach ciory- thing that might help him to commit suicide , c\eu the walstcord of his priestly cossaek. , A cniofuloxamiiKitlon will bo undo tomor row of the priest's nrmrtincntvldch ww seized upon Saturday. The police hmo nn idea that they willfind Important letters bearing on the moth o for the crime , as the piisoncr when arrested begged strongly to bo allowed to go home and put his papers in oidor. This rcmarkible case piomlscs to furnish an oxtriordinuryiuUrdor trial. There me a few people who regard the piisoner as an innocent man.but the public us aruloha\o no doubt as to Ills guilt. It is known that he was nn Intlmato asso ciate of the woman ho Wiled , but when she was married recently shei resolutely turned her buclc upon him. The abbo has a poor reputation and his bishop had so Httloconll- dcui'o In him that forycais hohas had no clerical post of duty. Amorion 11 rrcemasonH In Tiondoti. SOl > uJttmn dnnlan JJuiiiutf.l s' , July 10. [ Now York Herald Cablo-Speclal to Tun Dni-yi I tan across a couple of ropicscntitivo Araericin Freemi- sons nt the Victoria hotel John \V. Vrooman , grand master Jlason of the state of New "York , and 13. B. Harper , president of the hoird of trustees of that body , nccom- pinlcd by another Masonic otllcijil , 1' It Buchanan. The thrco gontlcinon are In Loncfon toinvcstignto the English system of Masonic liotnes and schools , preparatory to irectlng such institutes at Utlca , N. "Y , "AVo have been on the go e\cry miniito slncowo pot lme"sald Mr. llaiper , leading the \\&y to his room. "I v is just going to dress for another banquet given us this evening by the Anglo-Saxon lodge. Hero Is ono of the insignia I shall wear , " ho re marked , holding up a soi t of nnpkin shaped article of lamli's ' slim , decorated withpurplo and pold. "The ledge is going to give us cer tificates and honoi.iry membership , besides presenting us uith joxveled bulges. 0,1 like this job liist-rato. " Tlio I'opo Ili [ Oipi/rti/ht ifK)1 > tJnnr * UOMI : , July 18. [ Now VTorlc Herald Cable -Special to TUB -Simultaneously with the approval by the clumber of deputies of SIguor Bough's ' resolution uvorlng Iiiterna- tlonnl arbitration , the popoU worlcinu assid uously on nn Important document which treats of the wchil cpicstlojinnd contains a grand project for papal arbitration. Ills holi ness passes his dnjs in tbo clialetof Plus IV. and has suppressed every foim of ante chamber fervlco. Ju tnowho does not allow any ono to eotno near him but his secretaries , who are high ofllclils , and In whoso filth' " - ness ho has < absolute conQdenco. ( JMof amonp those uro Mgr. Boccah rtnd Alav Batclll. , _ _ A IJilel' latoivicnlt' \ LONDOV , July 10. Wo S pedal to Tun HER-- } iw x.4auncc > y Dopew this afternoon rcgaf 4np a dispatch published In this morning , .iVrald to 'tho ' effect that Dcpow and th y underbills had lost control of the union stock yard * , Clijcajjo , being checkmitod by ft l > enni ylfu'ihj > fi\ndl- cato , Depow , shrugging ; iH.s itiourt lots , in ' nns\\or \ snidj i "This' dispatch Is all noii , Bcnso. Neither Vandcrbilt or myself ever I hail uny Intention of getting control ot the union stock jurds , I don't underwUnd the pleasure some people seem to llnd in betting up n straw man simply for the sake cf knockIng - Ing him over. Good evening. " - * - The J'roirh Wore Routed. Pui8JulyJO.ThoOaulols , ays on en gagement has occurred between the natives and a ProuchoxpUltloti to the upper and the Trench wore routed. Procccfliig3 ! of Their State Ooavcntion at OUvclaud Yesterday , THEPLATF03M ADOPTED AMIDAPPLAUSE. Sporctary oCStnfp , Suprctiio Judge nnd .Aleiabur e > ( * Hoard ( if L'ubllo U'ojks .Voiiilna ted .Min nesota Tanners , CirVEiAvnO. , , July 10Tlio republican .tato . convention -was called to order nt 11:30 : tils inoinlng by .A T. Brlimnalo , chairmiii f the stito contril cominlttco AVhcn ox- Joverncr Foialtercnino uiwn the sttRO with Colonel Ihlusmado ho was greeted ivltli pro- ongoil nnel cntliwlastlc cheering. Thoox- ocnior was Introduced and delivered nn address Forahcr s-ild : "I want to talk itikfly about the cnnip.ilgn iiptnvhlch wo arocnUiinp , but ! have a few words to say II rst concerning thut of did lotcomooutof the list contest very well. Wo lost the Rovernoishlp , the general as- soir.bly , the United btates semitoisblp-tho thieo great objective purposes of the canvass and later , as n consequence , wo lost also the lieutenant governoiship , the control of state institutions , nnd only tlnw nnd the next election can tell how many representatives to congress. Tiom now for- wniel let every republican look to the Iront , The last campaign should bo remembered only so far ns It teaches lessons of benefit for the future. AH connected with it that maybe bo the cause of ciltlcism or bitterness of feel ing should bo foigottcn , but If thcro bo those who must have a victim , those who o minds nroso constituted tint thev cannot be sitls- llol without dcllnltolv llxing the fault , to all such 1 liuvonn appeal to nmkc. M > Is that you plneo th ) blame \ipoii me. Whether It bo just or unjust for you to do so , I sbill not stop to qupMlon , neither shall I enter a word of complaint , hut on the century be.irmost gladly all tint tbo bitterest enemy can ever iimcnnons appropriate to bo laidiipoimj shoulders if thereby lean In the slightest degree promote the geol of our ce > mmon causo. Whit happens to me or uny other in dividual is of no consequence , in n political sense , to anybody , but whit happens to the gicat republican party is of the highest con cern of all. No matter , therefore , what inaj li'ivo been the causes , no matter who maj huvo b'en nt fault ; no matter what republi cans in iv have voted for the eleinoi ratio can didate , It Is nil of the past , nnd only heart buiuings and dissensions can ho the result of clierisliliig such recollection. .Awaythonvvltli , , bitterness , away with animosity , away with piojudlco , away with rivalry , awaj with e\cryttdiig that stands bet\veen our partj and oui p.uty's triumphs " f ho goveuior then refcired to tin1 adminis tration of Governor Campbell nnd pointed out instnntcs In vhlchlt bad violated its pledges mudn on the stump The siwakei loudly applauded. The convention took a recess until 2:30 : o'clock. When the convention rcassc'iiblcdthc ' com- mltteo on permanent organization named Governou Toralier for permanent chairman Ho declined , however , nud Congressman O , Thompson was selected. Noinluatloua'vv'oro then quickly made ns fdllovvs : Secretary of state , DaniclJ. llyan ; silpremo judge , Thtwldciis A. Mln shall ; mcrn- bereft : Jitoard of . .nubflovorlc3 , Frank J , * ' substance as rollows : - It reifllrms the national platform of ISSSj endorses 1'rcsldont Harrison's administra tion : endorses the action of the republican nipmliora of both houses of congicsa la ful filling the pledges of the party ; the thanks of the country are duo the republican con gress anel Spcikor Ilccd for their action In amending tlio lules of the house ; the demo cratic ) claim that numbers inny bo absent inn lurilaineutary ECIISO for defeating a quorum nnd at the saino time physlcnllj present to further obstruct public Iraslnoos is denounced as rovolutlonim. 'Jho platform coidiully en- elorses the administration of Governor For- nicer and denouncoa the democratic legislature for , corruption , extravagance. nnel partisanship. Instancing extrav agant appropriations , gerrymander of < dlattlets , violating the rights of local self-government by leglblatlvo reoi- ganiyation in numeious towns and cities for solel ) partisan purposes ; it violated tl.o sacred rights of the majoilty when under the mask of pretended contest It lobbed the people of a lieutenant governor and a citl/eu of an ofileo towhich ho had been legally elected ; pietendingtq boa pa-ty nnd repio- fccnt.itivoof tlw poor , iteleoteel to the United States senate a Now York speculator and railroad magnate , \vaosooiily entitlement to tlio otllco was liberality in contiibutiiitf money tj conupt polities nnd vvholo resi dence In Ohio was for olllco only , Tim plat form further warmly commends the Melt In - ley bill und denounces tlio attempt of the ' nations of the old world and the democratic part ) to destroy our manufacturing suprem acy and degrade our labor as an unholy alli ance which should bo resisted by oveiy citi zen who loves his country. The disability pension hill as passed Is heartily cndorscel nnd a declaration made hi favor of a Just and fair service pension. It reifllrms itis tlio duty of congress to faithfully nnd fully carry out the declaration of the national con vention of 1S33 , of the lepublicnn convention thutit will providoa fair and impirtlil elec tion law for a fixso and honest popular ballot la every congressional district in the United States sous to secure to any citizen , rich or poor , ratlvo or foreign horn , white or black , the right to cast ono free ballot and have it duly counted. 1'rotcctlon is demanded for the \\ool Industry e < imil to that mcorded the most favored manufacturers of wool , so that in duo time American \\ool \ growers \\l\l \ \ supply wool of oviry kind required for con sumption In the United States. Legislation by congress and the states Is favored to cn- couiagei Iu every puutleaoloinnimor the In- teu-ests of ngilcultiiro in all Its departments. The protection of labor and the right of la borers Is among tlio tlrst ooligutionsof the government. Sotrow Is expicssed at the death of General rrcmont. The platform was adopted amid prolonged nppliuseundthe convention adjourned. Mlnnesoti runners' Alliance. ST , PAUL , Minn. , July 10. The special meeting of the farmers' nllianco win called to order this morning. President Hull , in an nouncing thopurp&j for which the conven tion was called , silted thnt the farmers'of ' M Innesota had assembled for the purpose of deciding upon taking some Inuepondont ac tion , The convention had been called upon the urgent dOTianl of sub alliances through out the state , "You delegites , " said Prcal- " { oi't ' Hall , "lavo a grcit work iiheadof jou. This means the b lniilug ot a now political tmity , and I hope you \\lll return to jour homes with the knowledge that your work is well elJnej " ' K- . , p.u _ , ( lunathur Iim ) rHyi jojiJifaesJ ud s _ ' Ho said the dowsl-jccrs hurt clmr'gcd thnt h < J was Hcl mliur ajntns'tth fdllaWo , ttc. TIT win false , , il".s oiiOi [ > e'd to being a " " elate foi ( fpVtr1" and would support the njui * noinlu.'Htedi'jomQ . dy ; thatl-o < ituiyed icf caiiHO two ycais iio. I want tORaylhtitl V ( jr-t11 ntlpn .u < iotn-mootliurv f'tho' * } en'nN ( .fliico. were only , t. * ft e'ci tl .i-o.- f ifidritrL want tbo pVultlcu thi ) n < it ! fijup and 1 Pitttcrfolfffnlnst ity. IffeptvA uut told them tliat inoitt-y-hrid to bdrnlu JleUu fray expenses. It vus not done and my friends oskcil mo to get off the track. I tell von , gentlemen , 1 mil not puichnso'ible , I have worked for ) ou for eight years and I have never nsltod or ivcoi\c < l n ( out , " Little was accomplished at thu afternoon session , At tlio ovcnlnf } session n motion to decide whether thOLOiiventtoii Hhoulti plaeu uitato ticket in the ) fluid brought out n hot elh-cuislon on the u jjwt ot Independent political action , to iv huh turova3 consldurublo opposition , A motion to tnlso Independent political action hovcver ; was finally c irrlcd by nn ovcvvheliu Ing vote , Tin : .s.t WIMJ JHSASTXK. , Total .Number of Itotllc1 * Itecavou'd Now lleauhcs Ono Iliindrvd , Urn \Vi\o \ , Minn. , July IC.-Tho doleful tolling of church bells Is still to bo heaivl In this oily today , the list of the recovered from tlw disastoi having boon grcitly In creased stnco ycjtcrday. lllght bodies \\ero brought In lids morning , hi the afternoon sixteen more Wcio brought upand ono vvns sent over to Late City and tonight another boat load urilvcd. TbU svells tlio list of le- eovcivddoad to 10J and It Is ttiotghtiibout a dozen bodies still lie ) iu the lake. Ube scene at ttiolaUo shoic , the disaster having oe'cuuvd two miles this side of Liilio City , in Goodhuo county , is a sad one. When the lint bulk's were discovered Kuu- y niKlii and Mondav iiianiing the faces were calm and peieoful nud shovvod lit tie or noslgnsof hivinif como to a iiiddcu doilh. Xot so theiso founel last nlisht and todiy. All these wiw bliu niul blae'lteiieel beyond rcrtignltlon , so that clothing , Jovcls and papers wow tlio only \vny for filenelsto their dead. The waim v\outlier mid nllovin'st , together with the fact that wv- end big BtOiiinon sen1 up heavy swells today as the passed \ip the river , brought tbo bodies to the sin f ice verv quickly. Patrol ling row boils toived the bodiesnshoiewhere they \\cixj iilc'iitillcd und as soon as possible , boxed mid shipped to Ibis city. llnglneor Sp nks of the Se\i Ivlng tonight elite-red an cmpliitiu denial of the report that ho. thoeiiptaln ornnj of the crew had been dunking. The friends of SpnilisatnlCaptilM \Vcthcien me also millennia at thoehtifgoof dnmkenaeas. The ivpoited arrest of Captnln Wctheivn Is not false. A man who CMIIIO tonight from Uiunond Blnir , whew the I'liptain's homo is situatcil , snvs the sheriff took \Vetheren to St. Paul this alternoon , having urrc3tedhltii at the lust unco of United States olllelals. > roni llnill llpoovrr ! , MIXM : M'OLIS , Minn.Tuly H-Thieo ) bodies ot victims of the Lake Gorvnis cyt-louo were found this inornmef. I'liej weioe'low togeth er In a marshy portion of the haka ' . ' 00 feet from shore Tlio bodies of Charles Heliur- tncleririd liev. M fnpjle vvcioconsidoiibly mutilate ; ! , bit tint ofMrj. J. 11. Schurinelor v\as not Twelve Killed Jinil Voiirlccn Othei's It.ully In.liiieMl. CI CINVATI , O , July 10. The following is a list of the killed in the isposloii at King's power mills ycstcrduj : Jlra. James Deacon , Ilenr liejnoldj , Sunuel Stephens , Mrs. Jaincb Moss and child , Mrs. Fied Keller nnel child , William Franoy , lirnkcmnn , llilpli AVilliums , llaby Elstlue. Nlclt Snjdor , an unknown mail. Fouiteen people lO'eivcd injurioj moio or less serious , 13ui Celllns , his skull ciushcd , and Mrs. nibtliie , Internally in- juied , will die. Joseph 1'ioctcr , nvvcll known resident of Columbia , 0.vlio vas \lsit ing a fiiouelncar the mills and who was an eyewitness of the affair , gave n wry \lvldaceount of the ex plosion , lie had left the mill and was stand ing ona hill by and saw tlio frclghttiain switching to a side track. "I saw a brakeman - man , " ho said , "on eno of the cars ns they shot on to the siding nud ha vas waiving his hand to some one on the train , As I looked I saw two detached civs bump against what I sup posed was nn empty car. jVn instant Inter there was a mmUlinc nolso and then the A Cry ground seemed to open. I saw a ruff of 'a ? s33ieLt later by another the station and ' .vuivjutiTfmujuv > iiriieiutflmi LtuvJv"uw. ' J.JWIA J dense Voluin * or nra'S * aSd Brmk cilnui ! pouring from the doors and windows of the cartrllgo factory nnd I saw incu , women anel children tcailng at each other in their fwntlocndcavow to cscnpo. I saw n number of women tome out nnd some cor- Uinly perished hi the flumes. A dwelling house near byas \ blown from its foimehtiou and dished to tHe ground. A. mother and child lost their lives IfrttuN building. AVe got to work as soon us possible and I know wo got fully n elozen men nnd vomcn from tbo powder hoaso. To add to the terri ble scene , there was a constant snipping of cartridges and the rescuers weio in danger of being lolled utany time. I don't want an other such experience anil I hope I may never again bo u witness of such a catustiopue. " I . xiir itm 141 Mf AL * > J.ili * v ? . A. Tilattcr AfTccllnjj Seniors on the Reservation , CiUMiiEiiLAtv , S. D. , July 10. [ Special to' ' TiiKlliii : . ] A decision that Is of much Im portance to tbo original settlers on the Crow Crock and "Wlanebago roscivatlou has Just been rendered by the general ofllco ofll- chils "When that icscrvntlon was opened to settlement in 18S5 , George I'rltchnrd , with hundreds of other settlers , selected claims In the newly opened. lands , Upon the reserva tion being withdraw n fioni settlement a few months after it was declared open , Prltchurd and many others who bad secuied claims there , refused to leave and hnvo since 10 malned upon the land. When the rcierva- tioii wns npalii ; declare 1 a part of the public domain by piesldemtlal procla mation of February 10 , IbOO , the original sottlcra vvoro ( 'U'cn ninety dajs" " priority over liter suttleis torofilo upon the claims upon which they located in ISM. About six weeks 1150 Piltulmel attempted to make linal inoof. believing that the Jlvo yean ho had lesleled upon the land would inuio to Ida benotlt , but the land olllce de cision , In this connection , siys : "All resi dence during tlio iiendeiicy of the reservation is In the natnio of a trespiss. nnd cannot lauro to the bLiincflt of a sottlor" In other words , these settlers who located upon the Grow Cicejc nndVlnnotao ( ; nservatlon In the spring of 1SS5 must m.iko anothui' illlnc ; on their Undand bjgintholrresUoneoancw , and at the end of llvo je.irs , orln Ib'J'i ' , they will bo permitted to nitiko final pioof and secure title fiom the government for their land. _ IIinoii lollllc-i. IIuuov.S. . D. . July 10. [ Special Telegram to Tnn DEIS. ] The Scandlmvlan republican league , loprcscntlng all paits of the state. Is In session iu this city today , The following olllccrs wore elocteel for the ensuing your : President , P. Gesloy ot Codlngton county ; vice president , Judge Thomas Thorson of Canton , secretary , L Norvold ; treasurer , Albert ITncgcr. Executive commit tee : Ocorgo Gilbert , O , S. Sweubon and 13.11. Lira. Trance Hal.'OH 1'Aius ' , July 10 fSpoclal Ciblogram to TiiEBpp.J The Temps says tint in return for the British protectorate over Zaiuibur , Pranco'domaiiels that Kngland shall express ly recognize lY.uico's right to giant cxecnm- turs to foreign consuli In M idig.iseir nnd give Franco liberty Of action Iu the Nlfer 'N ; also franco's light to terminate the flVi't'Jan treatIn W.K ) . and to deal vjy > wlth tieaty. ' 1 * Tiicjr UvcsVlillf I'atlila - . . AsCul | , July -Lieutenant Don- t'loTvvcutyfouith United St.itos if tuujitTyKtrttorud at Fort Grant , j\iU. , anil Ww. L'AtUJ ijjiuigcon , Aquirhtcr of W. II. SpuiVfeo * .wtKurAnn cf thoSpearmun county boird otsupervliors , vvcro drowned yester- dnv at N'owport beach , a pleasure report nluo miles from hore. Miss Spargeon got beyond her depth and tlio lieutenant loit his life trv- ing to rcjcuo bet , Both budlua wore rccov- cied. In hcne'gul Tritiiiill ( | , , July 10 , A bomlolllc'Ul note was published this afternoon denying the reports roe'clvcd from Senegal. Tbo note says every thing Iu that vicinity U tranquil i\N \ OLD JUAN'S ' AfffllL CRIME . I mj.Hairotl Ihuk Hall Mimlors His Wife and Attotupts Sulciil * * OEED UNEQUALLED IN BRUTALITY , \ li Ills T/ll'i ) Illond Onslihg Prom i Slnslioil 'C.irtnii tlio IMiinlerov llc'.lps A\vI'uI CiifMtN on Ills Dying U'll'c. Inalitlto thi-oo-roomed cottage numboivil 2Uoa the aide of Logan street , \\Uhlu Ilftyfeotof tlu Second I'rosbyterliiu ihun'i ' at Cumuli JllulTs , was einctod a fuirful tragedy iitfioMockjastirdavmoriilng. Honty Hall , or "Ilanlt , " us ho Is fiimlllai-ly called , shot und hilled his nlfo , nt tempted to murder Guoigo llotui tt , nnd then lipped hli O\MI th re it ulth n poc-hft-kiilfo. Hill is an oil resident of the rjlnftsnnd Is uellkno\\n \ , hiving hndcliiugo oflho stnvt carbarn of the old horse cir cnnpany for nmiiy yens. His vlfoas nfainlliav ihar.w- tcrnround the court house , \\horosholus \ m- uNtcd intho ] ml tor work fern long time , and was known as nn honest , hu-d working ; \vouinapi ) ! i-slstoitappllcaiit forthe pilvilopo , of cleaning ofllcos ami scrulibliijst ireiooins about tliocity. 1'our months n > ; o the family mo\c'd \ into the lltllo collage lufcirod to , nnd Hall wont to work us n teamster for " \\lioelcr \ it HciMld Mliuru was 11 family uf four otill- drcn , tliieo duifditoiM , xho oldest sixteen years old , niida l > ov four yo IN of ago Tiulr iicighboiskuiiv litllo of ttioui , only tint they had frequent quaiioU and the wife \MH ofteihciul to say tint she "uould 'lavoto ' leiuotlioold In ute or ho uouht kill hor" L.iibt SUIIIIIKM , on actvunt of this nlU'Kcd abuse , sin ) did leave him , and maintained tier family for several months , und thi-y only suc ceeded in patching ui > tliolr dllllcullles anil aguelngto atrucoa short tlmu befuio they moved into tlio l iyan stin oti-ottigo. 'lucsdiy c\cnlngat 7 10 oMorklho woman entcied the with her nuns full of groceries Her husband hid riturmd from his worksoino time pilor nnd ho was lu-iutl nbudng her for not lieing1on hnml lo huvo his supper ready for him \\lien ho returned. The \voin in c\po-tulatwl , and \\.is liinnl ns- buiiug him inn shuh id not left her vvorli ut the court liousountiiiiftor 7 and had gotten her Rioccue.s nnd walked the sixteen blocks ntiiuiddy as possible. vvoodsstnied up mow anger , and Ilio < liliiircUiilniiiiuted at V o'clock in thowoiiiui bendhi'oiiool } the children to call anolllcvr. O Ulcer Noins , whoso belt Is on Upper lliouUvay , itspondod.iuid went lo the house. The woman told him that Hall was drunk and had been tluotit ning to hill her and wanted him ti'con ' Intel custody. The olllccr s.w the mm was Intoxicated. nnd after talking to both of thoin awliilo con cluded that It on li , a llttlo fnniilj dllfer- eiuo tint could best bo settled by themselves left them with the admonition that lie would intent them both if there wns any moio trouble , The iifcsonco oftho olllcer had infuriated Hall ton , tcnlblo dogice , and the wotniii. feiringilaiiRcr , uittiLMvet uphuichililiun and went to the lesUknco of Ciiorgo Dennett , liv ing in an aeljoiniug house. Hull tliieatencd to ionic over theie and kill the vvholo outllt , but finally vent nwuy , Beinuettfolt positive the inan would do some great Idjui'y to Ida w Ifo if ho g-ot nn epportuiiitv , and persuaded her to remain with her children at lib house allnlglit. JVt a late hour Hall caino liomonnel went jnto his Louse , . and notliliitJ raoro was beard from during the night. At 5 o'clock ' jestcrday niorn- Ipg Jlrs. Hall went to tie ) window ofbcr bedroom r.nd sawlicr husband l\bir \ | , on the bed apparently nslcep. She rotum * > il and toldBcunettthatSh61would4.sljn ( nd K t his breakfast for hiin iiirdJEloav 'iuclt' avvnkenlng him , nuel vvhen shecamoho- night she might hope to llnd him inn butter humor. Shodidso , nnd spicadhis breakfast on tlio kitchen table. She was afniidto build a lire lest slio would awaken him , ' and nndo tbo codec at Bennett's iiiul took it , over a few inlniites nftcrft o'clock , A Bciond utter she entered the house a shot -was lived. Itonnott ran over to the house but vvns met at the door by Hall with a smoking revolver in his luiid. "My Oed , Hall , at o you trying to kill vour \vifo ( " "Von getoutof hero , you - , or I'll kill jnu. I'll do it anyhow , you - - , for enticing my wifotiwny. " The weapon was Instantly llisbijl In Dennett's face and tired. Dennett tluawp Ids hinds nnd dodged , and the lull pis ed thioiigh his hiiidb , sovcilng tlio middle linger on liislott hind. Hoiinett , who is a full old man , tinned and tan , miel Hull fired a .second .shot at him wluiouteiVoct. llo pursue 1 UeiinoUinul endeavored to shoot ngiiln , but the Veipoti booutof order and ho could not iho it lie then n. turned to Ins house. and llennctt took a cliciiltoas route ) niicl Tcachid lirondv iv to call the police. llo founel Olllcors No is nnd unit Iloldonnnd they vent to the scono. Dennett met them nt iho doorvvltlithu revolver liihlshuiidund threatencel to kill them if thuin attc'iniitod to enter. Ho had the appearance ofu miniau und they did not wish to use violence to overpower him. Onoof thorn watched the place while the other wont to the icsleloacu of G , It. Wheelerono of hisomiiloycis , to obtain his assistance in subduing the old man. Wheeler responded and advised the olllcers to keep out of bight and he entered the house alone A teirlbio sight met hlsfra/o. On a pile of quilts In the front room laid the old man. kionthhiK heavily and clutching his throat with Ills rlifht hand , his long \vhltobeaidand thin vvhlto locU nutted with blood. The floor from ono side of the room to the other was coveud with bhod. The old man was still clut'hiiig his revolver with hlslefthanel and on the top of a llttlo heatlncf steve by his s'.do lulel a bloody knife. In another room ad joining , used asu kitchen , laid the body of the voiniin , her feet projecting through the doorway nnd her held usting almost under the table where she had Mircad the morning meal'or the man who hail niuiderul her " \Yliat docs all this mean , Jlankl" Wheel , cr inquire I. "This ins been comlngon n longtime , " tha old nun gurglel , as the blood spurted from an awful wounl In his iiuk. vvhccler took the pistol fiom the weakened grasp ot tbo man and enlledfor the oillccrs. An examination was made , The -woman had been shot in the top of the head toward the left Hide. The bullet bad punttiatul the left lobo of thabralu , causing Instant uncon sciousness , and she had fallen on the ilour without miking a sound , It was evidently the Intention of Hall to- kill himself with the revolver , but the ap pearance of Bennett before lie could aecoin. jdlshlt , drew the only two shots that could bo discharged from the weapon before It got out ot order. When Ucnnottlmd gone for tlio police Hull Bought other means of taking his life. 11 Is wife had two bottles of some Kind of liquid which he Imagined was iwlson , and bo dianktlm contents of both , \vlioii tbo of- llceis nrilved ho had felt ho effects of Iho po. lion , nnd vvhon they withdrew togot assist- nncotiupriosing ho was simply a mnd inun who In his frenzy had atU'inotcl to shoot Henneitt , ho lufllcU-d the awful gash In hli throit. Ho hill used un olel fauh- loncd oiiO'lluded pocket luilfo with a dceihorn handle. The blaao was narrow , nnd nearly four Inches , long and very dull I lo had plunged this forinlil.iblo weanon Into his neck In front of the right Jugular \cln und then by imln Ntrentjth had worked It around to the opimltosidu , The handle ) hud turned la liU haiiei nud the inir- row blalo cut a Ig ag , nigged gush. Jt missed both of the largo urteu-les , hcverlng onlyonoof tbo branch nrtorloa on the right side , The How of blood from this was terrl * biobut not BUIHclciit to cause deith. After inlllitlngtho wound lie walked backward undforvviirel across thu center of the room und over the boly ot his wife , leMvlnjju river of blood from ono wall to the other. Irs ) , Cook nnd Laoy vvoro huinmoncd , nnd the patrol wagon biouulit upUhietC'urey und a number of uddltloiial oftle-trs and Coroner Wuttcrinan. A corelon of jiolico was thrown around the cottage to loop back the crowd thnt soon gathered , The \voinan wiw still ullve when tlio plijglulaus urrlvcd. A peel of lloodai laik'o us a