8 TJEE OMAHA DAII/Y BEE : TUESDAY , 15 , 1890 , THE CITY. TliohnnkclcixrlngsyoHtcrdny amounted lo $1,128,881 .60. J. II. VivnClostor IR preparing to build a row of six llutHtit Tlilrtluth nnd Pacific rtrcote. The cost of the saino will bo 130,000. .TufljjoWukoloy's court wn In session ycstdrdny morning for the purpose of IionrlnR the lant of the nrgmnonls In tlio cnBO of Hitrbudi vs the Omaha street railway company. Aimer Peeler was brought in from Lo- hlRli , In. , yostordny nftornoon by a Unltud States deputy. IIo la cbarged with pns.siii ( ? countoffelt inonoy upon Dou lns Whlto. The county comnilBHioners will begin the regular July Hcs ion at 10 o'clock tills morning' . The principal bust- ness to coino before the Ipoard will bo the awarding of nome grading contracts. Tlio willHof IMorrh 121 utter nnd Wll- lliim M Wright were probated In Judge Bhlold'Bcotirtycstonlay morning. In Iho former ChiirloaS. Klgutlor is named as administrator , and In the latter Lucy E. Wright will act an administratrix. JIlhH Miry Ferris , a sinter of tlio young mimvlio WUH drowned at Milwatikuo wlillo attending the Knights Pythiaa conularo at Milwaukee , was In the elty yesterday onrottto to the Cream City. She hsH boon gieatly prostrated by the sad ulTulr. L. R niocdol , wlio keep * a saloon on Out-Oil Iwland , very vigorously denies the report nubllsheil In a morning paper that hw snloon was the bceno of a row and robbery Sunday night IIo Bays that ho has never baa any disturbance of any kind in his place. IIo says : "I do not harbor robbers , but would prefer them to liars. " While II. L , . Burkett WIB talcing a combo to the Union Paclllo depot yen- tenuiy afternoon onoof the wheels of the wagon wufl caught In a car track at the corner of Sixteenth and Jackson streets. The liorsca became frightened and in turning mound throw the driver , Mr. Bui'kt'tl , to the ground , npralnlng his ankle and bruising hltnqulto severely. T lI JM / J , II , Chniimnn Is in Kansas City. 1.1. . Doran of Detroit la nt the Murray. 11. J , Leo of ITrumont Is n Murray guest. 11. II. Smith of Tcknmnu Is nt tlio Casoy. A. C. Cotton of Chicago Is tit the i'uxton. J. 1j. Mullcr of Lincoln Is'titthoMcrchnnU. ' T. M. Vulllns was lu Kans.a Uity on Sun- flay. It. II. WaUKh of Peorla , 111. , Is at tlio Cusoy , Chnrlcs 0. Hunt of Ilcmingfortl Is at tlio Paxton. It. C. Ilughcaof Sidney Is stopping at the Murray. M. U. Welch , Lincoln , Is registered at tlio Murray. C. K. Poitor of St. Louis Is registered at the Casey. \V. T. Moore of Rushvillo is a guest at tlio J. A Wuro of Topeka Is In the city at the Ilerelmnts. E. W. WlUonw of Boston Is In the city at tUo Murray. B. P. Slmpo of Lewiston , 111. , Is stopping at the Paxtou. II. 0. Umhum of Milwaukee la In the city et Ihol'axloii. G. W. IIopp of St. Joseph was at tlio Paxton - ton Inst.nifc'lit. E. P. UciTtman of Lincoln was at the Cnsey lost night. Mnrrus KixvimiuiRU of DCS Molnos Is in the cllv at thel'iixUm. F. P. Kmwer of Jamestown spent the night nt the Casey. M. P MnUicnoy of Chicago Is a Cnsoy guest this morning. O. M. Anderson was at the Sherman la Chicago on Sunday. J. B. Kimliill was a Sunday guest nt the Treinont lu Chicago. CJcorgcM. McCormick of St. Paul was a Puxton guest last night G. H. Movers of Droomfleld w.is registered attlio Mcrciinnts last night. \V , J. Miller , A. II. Smith anil O. 0. Bal- laril of Incllannpolts nro nt the Murray. 11. V. Ferris arrived from Red Cloud last nlgljt and Is stopping at the Merchants. Mr. Kussell Harrison airlvod yesterday. IIo canio up from Texas , whoiV ho loft the excursion train which the Frank Losllo News paper Is running throughout that stuto. C. S. MeMonles of the Armour-Cudahy clerical force , after paying n two weeks' visit to friondi In Ontario , Is ngiilu nt his old post. Two of his cousins. Miss Delia Little of Hamilton and Miss Lou MoMonics of Wutcrtown , accompanied him and are delighted - lighted vrltti this city. Colonel Hohort 11. Bcath , supervisor of the census for Philadelphia , Is In the city for a few days , stopping at the Paxton. Yester day ho spent n greater portion of the dny In dm Ing about the streets , and at night re turned to his hotel fully convinced that Oinalia 1s OHO of the best cities he has over visited , ' The Norfolk Kxprcss Rubbery. IhoVells Fargo people are very reticent with their facts , If they have any , regarding the express robbery committed at Norfolk last Saturday. Superintendent Andrews Is there making a vigorous investigation Into the matter , but \vhothor ho has been able , as yet. to discover anything more than was re potted In TUB Dii : : dispatches Sunday morn ing Is not known. _ Mortuary. Charles B. Evans , nu old mnn , eighty-six years of nge , died Sunday night nt his resi dence , 29111 Ginntstrect. IlofollSumlay morn ing and recei veil a severe shock , but did not seem to suffer. Ho was able to ho about as usual , but last night ho commenced sinking , and soon passed away. The funeral will Uiko plnco this afternoon at" o'clock. Inter ment at Prospect Hill. Mr. nnd Mrs. J. A. Carpenter , of 1714 North Twenty-sixth street , are mourning the loss of their IHtlo daughter , Agnes Hazel , aged four mouths , The fuuorul will bo from the resi dence at 2 o'clock tday. Drbnto The complete short-hand reports of the I Beatrice debate which have appeared In TUB i 13HI ; will all bo majo up into a supplement for the convenience of those who may \vimt to preserve the arguments. No other papar attempted to make n perfect , verbatim report of the great debate. Dally contemporaries contented themselves with gnibled nnd un satisfactory attempt * to report the debate , wlillo prohibition stiocta gave only their side of the argument. By printing precisely what was said on both sides Tuft Btfc debate supplement will bo In demand with all classes. Orders will receive urompt intention. Uortla Meadows' Tomptitlon , Bortl ? Meadqws , the little e.tsh boy who vras arrested Saturday for stealing it watch from the coat of a cleric in S. P. Morse's store , named B , P. Ilaxtcr , was arraigned In tlio police court yesterday morning. Mr , Maxtor appeared before the court and ealit that lie thought ho himself was partly to lilamo for leaving the vrntoli where it woulO tempt the cash boy , Bortto , ho'sald , was one of t ho best boys In the store and ho though ) liad been assailed by temptation in a moment of weakness and had yielded. Judge Helsloy thought the same way , Dcrtio was present wito his father , nnd call ing the boy , tlio Judge spolto very kindly la him. Ho impressed on the boy that ho should to llvo that hla father and mother should bo proud of him and not have to hang their tends In slmmo for his actions. If ho led a pure life ho might attain honor among men. out If ho persisted in talcing property Urn ) did not belong te him , disgrace could be the When the Judge finally told Bertie that ho could go home , both bo and his father were crying. Flatt's Chlorides , a True Disinfectant. AJI odorless liquid , very cheap imd cfUeicut. Y NIUOHIIOIIH. Tlio Ancient UrlnVornOlelilliatton * ( ! ( Breaks Out A alti. Tlio Drlffcorns and JIcElhattons are neigh- ran on the bottoms. Mrs. McEllmlton weighs about 250 pounds and Mrs , DrllTeorn half as much. They didn't llvo happy as neighbors , these wo fntnlllei. Tlio women male faces nt each other over thfl back yard fence and the men dt'Ja't speak as they went to am\ from heir work. There wcro no open hoitilitlcs lowever , until ono day about a year ago. Jpon that occastnu MM. Mclllhatton met dm. Drlftcorn on a narrow planli thiitbrldRod a sower. Neither would go back , there W * lot sufllelont room to pass each ether and omcthliw had to give way. MM. Drifleam vns the light welglit nnd she went Into the ewor. Thereafter tlio war was waifdl openly nnd ill manner of epithets wcro hurled bade anil orth from yard to yard. Ono dry Mrs. Mc- Cllmtfoii's cow got Into Mrs , Drlifcorn's ( far- Ion nnd then there win a splen I Id row , Mrs. Jrlffcorn bcltboraJ the cow with a clnl and vlM. McIJlliatton walked over and pulled a lumber of shreds of hilr from Mrs , Drllt- corn's head. A Ilu'ht followetl and each had .he other arrested. Both wera fined. Tlio amplnlnts continued And finallvMrs. DrllT- cdin had MM.Mcl > lhntton placet ! under bonds 0 keep the pence for six month , These bonds an out last Thursday , nad In the evening Mis. McHlhattou arrayed hcr.self In her war mint and went nfter her old time enemy. A Iglit followed la which two women , an axe md a dog wore- the predominant features. Joth women were arrested. They made onsiderablo trouble in court , but finally their case was set for Wednesday , ( Saturday old man Mel-jlliatton ran across JrllTcom and proceeded to punch his ho.iU and Drlffcom Imd Mclllhatton in-rested. The utter was arraigned In the pollco court cstcrday and plead not guilty. He was ro- lucstedto deposit$10for his appqaraucolato n the week , IIo didn't have $10 $ but ottered 1 lot on a sand bar near the pumping station as security In lieu thereof , His wife went out to look for the money , wlillo he accepted , ho opportunity to swear out n warrant for DrlfTeorn's arrest on a charge similar to that ircfencd against himself. Judge Ilelsoy Is getting mlgnty tired ottho 3rllTcnms and Die MuElluittons nncl the vhole outnt will probably wind up la Jail , Ilio I'arcFt null Iist ! Articles known to medical science nro used in ) repixrlng Hood's Sawapu-illa. Kvory iti- jredlcnt Is carefully selected , personally ex- unlned , and only the host retained. The iicdiclno Is pi-cparcd under the supervision of thoroughly Competent pharmacists , and every step In the process of manufacture Is carefully watched with a. vlowto securing In load's Buisaparllla the best possible rtsult. aiiVYUlt WAS 3I.V11. Ie Kascs Ills Ml ml u.y Writing a Ijett r lo Tlio lire. Marcus U. Mayer , as has boon mentioned , vas very warm uiulor tbo collar when he passed through Omaha last Thursday. The cause of his perturbation was set forth nt some length in Tun SUNDAY Uuu. The fol- owing letter failed to reach TIIC Ben in line for that Issue and ii herewith given nt Mayor's urgent rcnticst. Hosails todaj ror f-ondoii : COUNCIL BI.UITS , la. , July 10. To the .MltorofTnn Dnu : I clcsiroto ask 11 little space la your valuable paper to plnco bcfoio ho public the press Injustice served ino and , ho London Gaiety company by Mr. P. S. Instls , the Rcacrul passenger agent of the Jhicago , Hurllngtoiut Qulncy railroad , The Condon Gaiety company , numbering sixty- wo persons , arrival this day from Cullfor- ilu , and throueh the courtesy of the Union , 'aeillc railroad we arrived by special train at n : " 0 p. m. , making the run from Evanston , o Council Bluffs In twenty-live hours. On arriving at Council Bluffs I naked for the C. B. < Ss Q. representative mid after sotno dittleulty found a sub-agent who could glvo no no information. On my asking for an engine to convey my sixty-two per sons who occupied two Pullman coaches , and n addition my two car loads of baggage , I was Informed that ho ( ttio agent ) would ho compelled to see the supeiintendeiit , On : olcgrnplilnir to him at Crcston , la. , I was .nformed that wo would bo compelled to wait till the 10 p. ni. train. I aslcof you , Is It not an Injustice of a cornonitloti to refuse a party ) f sixty-two the privilege of an engine , -wo laving our own "equipment , and also being compelled to reach Nnxv York In time to take .ho steamer of Tuesday , the Ifitb Instant , for 2urono. As Mr. Bustis has nl.iced us la this losltlon wo will bo compelled to reach Now xorknowon Sunday next , and with but ono day's ' rest ( after a long ride from California if six days ; take the steamer for Kuropa. Yours truly , M.VJICUS It. MUCH. Hot Wcatlicr niul Aeeldeiits. Take no chances on headaches orsumfroko This hot weather is feiirful.butif you will take i few of Kmnsu's Ileadacho Capsules each day you will Had the temperature will bo ro- luced nnd the likelihood of sunstroke or prostration absolutely counteracted. Tor saloby all druggists. The Solid Soutli fs solid on the gro-\t "German Remedy. " Telegrams and letters arc received every day during this heated term for Kruuso Ilcau- \cho Capsules. The people from that section say they reduce the temperature and provcat sunstrokes aud headaches , For sale by all druggists. Sun Stroke. Now 1 ? the time , the accepted time , to pre vent sunstrokes , headaches , etc. By reducing tbo temperature all these distressing evils will bo prevented. Krauso's Headatho Cap sules urn tUo thin ? . One or two Krauso's Houlncho Capsule taken during the day will prevent any hood ache , also attacks of sunstroke. All druggUts is HUSUA.VI > . Keliols Asks tio-Police ! for I'ro- tcuth n rrnin Her \i\oao \ \ ljunl. Two years nnd a half ago Mrs. Holland , n widow living at Crete , maided at that place Raymond U. Echols , Mrs , Holland ha.1 n son and daugtitcr and a llttlo inonoy and property bequeathed to her by .her first hus band , but the latter was not sufficient for her suppoitnml the education of her children. \Vhoii ICchols sought her hand she told him that she could h ivo but ono object In marry ing again nnd that was to bettor her condi tion. She would marry only n man who had money and this she would do only for her children's sake. This didn't abwli Echols In the least. IIo said ho was satisllcd and that ho had both money and property and succeeded lu gaining the widow's consent and they wcro maided and moved to Huttings. Here , Mrs Echols says , she found tlutt her husband not only had no money to speak of but that ho wnsuii- ( luulillcd to gain a livelihood for himself uiul family , Ho coon after sold all the household furniture und went to Denver. Iliswlfethon determined that she would not live with him again but ho returnol to Harvard , Nob. , anil wont to work and finally succeeded In i > or. suading her to join him. They lived together for avhllo and again separated. Hocuum to South Omaha und went to work for Swift & Co. and she ciiino to Omaha and took In sewing. She claims that her husband began living with another woman , and h6 becameJeilousot her associations with a man named \Vilbon , conncUed with the llrm of Bates & Co. During tbo past few days MIM. Echols has received letters from bur husband , written on Murray hotel letterheads - heads , threatening to kill her unless she re turned to him , and Sunday ho called on her personally nnd succeeded la gaining ad mittance to the house In which she lives. Ho found her In the basement antl told her that she must dccldu today whether she would llvo with him or dlo. Yesterday she discovered tlmt ho had taken up his abode in the house mljoin- Ing hers and was lieeplng a watch on all her movement. In sumo way thn tcrrllleJ woman mannccd to pot away from the house and to the police station where she told the assistant city attorney of her trouble. A warrant was issued for Echol's arrest. Pears' Soap Is thomostelegant toilet ndjuiut Toachors' Institute , The teacher1 Institute of Douglas county will bo held nt the High school Aug. 11 tel l Inclusive. The instructor * who tiwa been engaged for the work are ; Goo. B. Longanof , Kansas City schools j Sarah. 0 , HUey , of Lincoln schools ; 0. n.Itathbunof , Oinahi business college ; M. (1. Kohrbough.of Omaha com mercial college. The subjects to bo reviewed nro nrlthmo- Ic , grammar , civil government , didactics , history , physiology nnd hygiene , drawing , icnnianshlp and bookkeeping , Sessions will bo held dally from 8:30 : to 1 : .10 a. in. anil from 2 to * > p , m. In his nrospcctus on the coming institute bounty Superintendent Matthews says : "The demand for really competent teachers vas never more emphatic In Uouelas county ban It Isnt the prciontllnio. The teacher vho Is Interested In his work nnd desires to m prove , need not bo iirtfed to attend , The icnnlty for iioa-attenduace lined not bo re- tented here , because AVO all know what Ills , f the iiulltiitc Is dull and uninteresting to yon , It Is because you are dull ind milntcr- ! Stlng to the Institute. Tulw apart nnd boa Ivo member , then you will find pleasure nmt irolHiii Attending. Tim will bo given each lay for tlio discussion of Important subjects under the head of uhidactlcs , and for state eliool law ntulcourto of study , , Arrange- nonts will be made for Ici'tures'Uy stnto su- loilnteivlent and othcH. Teacher. * who do mt attend and are not excused by the county uierliiU'ndcnt | , will bo counted among those vho are dropped from the ranks. " Mrs Winslow's Soothing Syrup for chll- ircn teething produces natural , quiet sleep. ' 3 cents a bottle. A UKVLiKK I.VtJlliaU.V" GOOI > 1 , B. P. ( Jraliain ol1 I'rciuniit Charged \VltIi 0 untfirfoltlng. E. P. Graham of Fremont was brought to ho city Saturday evening by Deputy United States Marshal Showalter , chirgcd with using the mnlls to sell counterfeit money. Graham ha been operating on an cxtcn- I ve scale and It Is supposed ho lit * defrauded lumlrcds of gullible grangers. His'plan vase o send out circulars , settlmj forth his easy vay to got rich and asking for n eoufldcutlal cply and a remittance , When bo wis nrrcstcd ho bad a number of cttcra on his person from confiding rustics vho were possessed of a desire to suddenly acquire wealth. Ono of thrso letters was from Al Payne , a jutchcrln rorteivillo , Cal. The wilting of his was wretched and the spelling infinitely voi'se. IIo cald ho had been fooled two or tnreo times , but If Graham had an agent nnd would send him to Poitervlllc , 1'ayno would pay his expenses , or lie would meet Graliiun ituiy place designated. If these sugges- .icns diil not meet Graham's approval Payne told him to send him $ " > 0 > ) or $1,000 $ by cx- wss. The writer described himself as bo- inr twenty-nine cars old , weight IS'ipounds , height tlvo feet six inches , sandy moustaeho and pock-marked. Another letter was from B. F. Gnrrett of NorrisCity , 111. , In which ho said ho would send Sill fora "bill of goods. " Ho also niado nrnngcmcuts to go to Fremont and sco Graham to get more money. William Phillips of Don Cltjla. , . , said ho hail scut S3 for n sample of the goods , George Thomas of flay City , Mich , sent an intercstlnRlettcr , as follows : DUAII Sin This will introduce to you Mr. James B.Vilbcr , an old fiicnd of mine and nn old man on the queer. I recommended aSIr. Frank Smith , some time ago , but if you need 1111 " 0.1C. " man to represent your ( X nml "V ) goods in liny City flud the Saginaws nnd an expert In the business , I can cheerfully ieeommcinl Mr , Wilbur. I am on the square now aud do not buy horses. An swer Mr. "Wilbur at 20. > Third street , Bay City , Mich , lucmain , truly yours , 6ionon Tuosus. ( Formerly from Chro county. ) P. S. Send him price list. B. I. Btvdders of 5DJ Woodson street , St. Josopli , Mo , sent a letter explaining why ho bud delayed In. loniitting and promising to scnd ? "i in a few tluys. Another letter was from the Scott stamp and coin company of Now York city , enclos ing tventv-two10 confciloiwtfl bills. It is supposed these are the bills Graham disposed of as "green goods. " Graham Is In the county jail where he will romalu until ho is arraigned. COLU5IUU& GOINC AHEAD. Still Porclti-j to the Front Another House nmlLiotto be Given Away. The Columbus hind nnd investment company hns only sixty-ono lots left in beautiful Highland park addition , only five blocks from tlio business center of Columbus , Neb. , and in order to stimu late the upbuilding of Columbus , have decided to erect nnd glvo away to the purchasers of the remainingsixtyone lots , another house nnd lot , a duplicate of the ono given away July 4th. Colntn- bus enjoys tlio reputation of being- live city , and is rapidly forging ahead , and Highland ntvrk is ono of the most toauluul additions to the city. Within six months it will contain as many fine residences as any other part of the city without doubt , and at the prices lota are being-sold at in Highland Park , property cannot but ad vance very materially \vlthin a short time. The officers of the Columbus Land and Investment company are : LeandorGor- rard. president of the company , also president of the Columbus State bank ; J. } j. iNorth. tieasurer ; Jonas "Welch , vice president , nnd George P. Moore , secretary and intongor , olllcoG02 Flem ing hotel block , Columbus , Neb. It will pny readers of this article to oxnmlno the prices in thoadvortibcmcnt of this company on the 5th page of this issue. You can secure a lot by mail as well as if you wcro nt Columbus in per son , by fciimply naming the price you wish to nay alter looking ? over the nbit on tlio 5th page. There isn't ' a binglo poor lot in Highland park. Pnltl for Tlirstr Fun. "Ed Walsh and Dick Galvin got funny yes- tsrdny afternoon and started out to enjoy themselves in their own peculiar stylo. At Tenth and Howard they kicked over an Ice cream freezer belonging to the proprietor of a fruit stand , and when the owner remon strated , assaulted him with knives and lists. They were taken m. HJIlcs' Nerve nnd I/Ivor PI 111. An important discovery. They act on the liver , slomaih and bowels through the nerves. A now principle. They speedily L-uro billiousness , bad taste , torpid liver , piles and constipation. Splendid for men , women and children. Smallest , mildest , surest. BO doses for * H cents. Samples free atlCuhn.Sc Co.'a 15th and Douglas. 31'MliodlNt Hospital. Tbo people Interested in the Institution of a Methodist Episcopal hospital nncl nurses' training school in Omaha are to hold a meeting - * ing In the First M. E. church , Twentieth and Davenport streets , tonight at S o'clock. Ad- diesses will bo delivered by Hev. A , .T. Kynott and Hev , li. K. Youn , both of Phila delphia. Its superior excellence proTtn In mlllloniof bomei lor nioru thnu miuartorot n conturr. II ! uipit t > jr thn lnlto ! > l Btntsi Coterninent. i : dor > i' l bjr tlio hradii of the un'iit unlrcmltles i tliu Mronie t , Purest nnd Mont IIo vltliful. U.I'rlco's Cruam link. Inn 1'owilurdoas not cvnUIn atumonlrt. Hue uraluui. Hold onlr Inrnni. I'liit-KnAKixo rowmu ca , New York. CUlcatcg. tiau t"ruoil co , StLouli FtOR ( Insect3Stings i Sore Efties * * i Eruptions Sore Ffeeb [ Sorenessj Chafinj Catat , Bru Spj BeT Cuts .Piles Female Complaints Mosquito Bites Sunjfrur.n J L Inflammation REFUSE SUBSJITUTfSl WITHBUFFWRAPPER LOOKS LIKE/THIS f AWUFAtniHtOONLYOY POND'S . EXTRACT COMPANY , r6FIFTIIAVE.NEWVDRrl. Drs/BetlsiBetts -fliysicians , Surgeons and Specialists , 140Q The most widely n.nd fn.vorn.blr known spec ialists In the Unltotl States. Their lon { ex perience. rcmarlinblosktllaucl iiulvcrsalsuc- cess In the treatment und Guru of Ncnnus , Chronic and Surgical D ! senses , entitle Iliu'su eminent pliy pUns lo tlio full confidence ot tlio utlllcteu everywhere. Thuy guurruitco : A CERTAIN AND POSITIVE CORE for the awful i'11'eetsof early Ice mid the numer ous u lls tliat follow la nstraln , PRIVATE , 1UOOD AND SKIN" DISEASES Sfioocllly. completely nncl pnrtninoiitly cured , .N'EJtVOUS nnilUTV" ANDHUXIJAiniS- OltUKllS yluld icudlly totholr skillful treat ment. 1'IL.ES , VISTULA. AXD RECTAL UTVCKRS fiuarnnteed.cuiid without pswln or detention from business. II VimOcnM3 AND VAIlICOOELn pcrmn. nentlynml successfully cured In cxerycasc. SVWIlLiIS. GONOKltllCA , OI ECT , hpor- innH > rrhei , Seminal Woalnoss , LostMunlmod , Mglit Emissions , Decnycd Fmultks , Kcmiilo Weakness nnd all cldlcato disorders peculiar to either posltlMily cured , as well us all functional disorders tnat result from joutli- fill follies * the excess o ( inaturo jciti a TIirTIIIl < Ouiranlced porwanontly Jl i\iu l Ui\.l/ cured , rpinmal complete , without cuttliiR , caiHllo or dilatation. Cures affected nt homo by pnllont without a mo ment's pain or nimojRiice , D TO YOUNG AND MIDDLE-AGED MtN. awful cfTcts of vco ! wMoh lirliim ortianle weaklier , OcstroyliiK both mini and body , with all Its dreaded ills , pcrmunoiity cured. Hk1 RPTTS Addresithoso whohnvo Irn- L/1XO. DliL IJ paired thoiusol > es by Im proper Indulgence : nul solitary U iblts , which riilii.botlimlntl and body , unllttlnj ; them for busliio s. study or mirrlnga , MAUHIKI ) J1KN or tlioso ( nterlns on that h'ippy llfoawaroof , physical debility , quickly iisslblcd. OUR , SXJOOESS Is linscd upon facts. First 1'ractlcal experi ence. Second Kvcir case Is bpuc'Isilly studied , thus starting riRliF. Tlilrd-Mcllulncs are piepareil In our laboratory exactly to suit each case , thus olTectliismrcs without Injury. Drs. Betts & Betts , 1409 DOUGLAS S.TREET , - OMAHA. NEB. -\WiLffESJ COLLEGE , ! _ . . 3 I Ine Dllinoml 10 B wvJS'awAVatchcs. Irucs 1C.'I Tn Ait Ucp t. HI- Fine croiiniln nml l > ulM- _ _ 'inn. lilt-dill ! MKIH I Ikuten , < ite. < lait Year. JlKXilO , .no. vflgfgjyy inn female Allege Ejablneo | , A nrl.ijol for the liiK > > tr ecliieatlonof WOVKN. An unusually nnecorriiiri'rDfeKiiorR rorU9O-l. X.lt ra taro. Art anil Uluilo-bj tpoclallsti Locitlon Col unitila.Slo. , Iniaoicro pirk juit north of city llmlti Toreet trtea abound. bin * ( trans , in abundance of ipaco III outdoor exordia. lhml-om < - lulldlnn. Jlorn tons of iclioolnccllrtit , A ClirUtUn horn with 1 ttt frodloiu iml nil the ife ( nurdi ol . vtll orlired flomo. IVrltefornlMoRiiF. AJ.treei , W. A.OLD1UM. 1'rfkldint. COI.UU1U , 110. MONTICELLO , NowBullaings , KffwFurnlture , New Pianos New Equipments ; DerrjtlfulS.tuation. OpcnsSept. Jil. Full andiiipcrlor 1 acuity , Tlcpnrt nifnn for KnjIUh , I.ntln. ( .rn'k , liorinnn. Krcncli bclcnco , Music , Art , etc. bondfor InfonnntUinlo MISS II. N , HASKKM , , Principal , ( join HEV , II.I.IMII.H _ \VAIlTltMOItK \ TOI.T.KaK. S bW.Vm'IIMOIIK. PA. Opena till month , Mh , liUJ. llilrtr uilnutoi from llrinul fct. titiitlon. 1'iilla , Under ciru o ( l-'rioirli Full c'lllck-lulo couriod ( or l > uth veies londliu t < Cli lcal , UniilnuorliK. ScloiltHo ail'l ' I.Hfruij do Krivi. llcullbful loc.illon , extvnilvu Krouddi bulKllnitJ , uinildiio ill Jin , laboratorltia ana libra- rl . Kurfulln.irtlculiiriailtlrois Wl. H.Ai'1'LBTUS. Pli. ! > . . I'realilont. U Girls nn > l Younv ladlea , E maloirue niWro tJ. ailAVMC , U. D. , " Morcm 1'ati , 11 l.or 77 Madlmn btrect. Clilcutio , III. " .CONSERVATORY . , . . OFWUSIC All dintrtmrntiior Mwlral Initnirtlori. Uodern Liuv iVtaeAruetc. , LI'.UCUJ.UBJockiJuvllla . , ' : HILITARY ACADEMY , ff Clrcalarcf UiiKIlY } , STKVli.NS4. . 11 1'xln. JYMO 4 Is interested in our clearing sale of Bojs * Clothing , which we commenced last \ vcclc.Ve have done a very large business this season in our Ho s' Department , carried an immense stock , and in consequence have more odds and ends left than usual. We .propose lo wind up this most successful spring season with a grand sweeping sale , and no matter how lo\v \ the prices wcro before , they will be cut still more in order to accomplish our object , \Vhat\veoiTortliis\vccIc \ \ are the remnants of our best grades. Suits made from the finest qualities of cloths and finished as careful as the most expensive garments in the market. In the early part of. the season only the rich can afford to buy such suits , but-now the prices arc cut so that they are \vithin the reach of everybody , You can have now the finest suit for your boy , "providing you can find a fit , for as little money as you paid early in the season for a medium grade suit , In our Shoe Department we have opened to-day another invoice of 25 dozen fine Patent Leather Shoes , of same quality aswe advertised a'fc\v weeks ago at $2.50. The first lot of these s.hoes went off like hot cakes , and was sold out in a few days. We were at firjt , reluctant to handle them , as the manufacturer does not guarantee patent leather , consequently we could not guarantee them to our customers. But we have not heard of a single complaint about them , ihougli we have made it our business to find out how they wear. They seem to give good satis- 'action in fact , some customers told us they arc as good shoes as those for which tliey formerly > aid $6. oo and 57.00. Try a pair , and indulge for 42.50 in the luxury of a patent leather shoe. They are a nice thing for the summer , do not need blacking , and always look dressy and neat. Nebraska Clothin Corner Fourteenth and Douglas Streets , Our store closes at 6:30 : P. M" . Saturcl ny at 1O P. M. fin : I'zaUKi ! . " The ugurodn our dales will mnko n long toy. No mail or womnn now ll\lng vlll ever Unto a document -\\lthoutuslug the Ogure 0. It stands In the third phcoln 189) ) , where It will remain ten jciro tnd then move up to kccoud placa In 1000 , where It will rest for ono hundred years ? There Is nnother"9" vhlchhas nUocomo tojtny. Ills unlike the figure Ola ourdatis In the respect that Ithas already mo\cj upto first place , -\\hcrt Itwillpcrrnancntljr remain. It liculkil lho"Ko. B" HIcli Arm Whiiclcr A Wilson Sewing Machine. The "No. 9" was endorsed for first pheo by the eipcrtiol uropont tlio Paris Exposition odbSO , \\hcrc , at tern sii\frocontust with Uio Icadluj ma chines of the world. It wn inurclod the only Grand I'rizc given to family jewing innehlnci , all fillers on cihlbit having received lower awards Cf gold nicduSs , etc , The Frotich Government also recognized ItHupcrlorllyby the decoration ol Mr. Nathaniel Wkcler.l'reslJentof tliocoiniiany , nllh the Cross of the Legion of Honor. Tbo "No. 0" is not an old machine Improved upon , but 13 an entirely new michlno , aul the CranOPrlzoat Pans vns awarded It , as tlio grand est adrancolu ri'ulriKmucliinc ineciiniiUin of the ngo. Those wlio buy It can rest a aurud , tuero ( ore , ot Ua\luc the very latest uuj butt. , & WIISON JI'FGr CO. , 180 nnd 187 V/abaah Ave , , Cliicago , P. E. FLODMAN & CO. 220 North Sixteenth Street. GRA.TEFUL-COMFORTI1XG EPPS'S COCOA BREAKFAST. "By K tliorouph knowledge of tlio ntitiml lain vhlcnpovernthooperntloiiaof digestion and mitil- lion , ind bjacuretul application of thotlno proper * ties ofwclllclcclccl Cocwi. Sir.Kpps has provided our brenkfiiHt tables with a delicately flavored beverage uhlcliuiiiYiavo in many heirjr doctors' bills , It Ii by thejucllcloun n o ot nuch nrtlrlcs of dtot tlmt a countltutlon mny Uo Krndunllr built up until tlronjf enoimh to rc lst cvorj teiidonc to dlteixio. Hundreds - drods of aubtlo raalaillei lire doatlm ; nround 111 readr lo uttnck uhcroner thcro Is a weak point. Wo inif ctcapo inanr u fotnl Mnft bjr kcoplnic ouraQUes well fortlilcJ with pure blonil anil a propcrlr uourlslicil frnmc. " ClTll Sorrlcadazclto. Mnilo Blropljvrltli bolllni ; wutorcrmllt. Bold onlj" I In half pound tins , by croperSt labeled thus : I l'PI ' > 1strn HomuiopatliloOhcmlit ] , ' I LI I. OttJV , | London , Eugluua ' BE , J , S. MCcGREW , THE SPECIALIST. The Doctor Is nnturpiMied In tlio ircutmuiit of nil forms of 1'rlvntuniKenic * . No treatment Iniaever Utn more kuccaif ill and none haa linil stronger endorse ment. A curel > t ; > uranted Intliocry \\orxt ciscs Intrnni Uo5 iu ! : a wltlioiittlio loss otnn hoiir't * tlrnc. Tli'xo vliono \ been miler liu Irciilmcnt for Strlctiuoor illfllcullylu relic vln ? the bladiUr , pronoiinco It a riiottunn'lcr- fiilniccixj. Acini | > lctotiirolnn few Unja without pain. Im'riitrrulH or loHiif time. tlmlillty or rurvoutncss , In ttiolr vorct furrna and mo t drc.nlfil refiilts ro alitoliitrly cnrcil. 1 A " 1 H FKMAI.F. , UISCASCS enrol iifc homo without Iiulruininla. A. vanclcrfal uractly , 1IOUHS for from StoIONIA' . rmlallDI cr.CgofthoEkln , lllood , Ili-nrt. I.lur. Kid u y und Illndilcr cured C'iireilln33ntOtl | ys , The nn t isiml.ijfo ul ( odcrt- Ito treatment knmtn to the C\cry \ tmco of lliu ditento ro- blcod : icrniplctocure guiranteed. i- ( Ham in ) . Trcntment by corro- eponilfncc Stnnip for rcpl ) , N K CPU. Km AND F RKA Sr npt-ii frpin SAM l It 1' M Eutrsnr * no Knrmm * H EB S C iTn E D * r Tetvirn. isMilKuriUBUl.ll IAI CUSHION MTV siilTonn } from Jlfoot " ' 'of I.oht jMauliuotl Votitli f ul Krror * . IniUlcnoy | ) und ll-ciscsnf : Men can bo cured | irrmnncntlr ml ( .rlrnielr tijrour tcxtial8i > e. cine. Ki'nt bjr mall ford , liouk font HeaU'il ) for etimp. lloacuiiMcJIeul Coni'uny ' , liZ trcct , Bustvo , Mail. Summer -11V Jews 1 ers and Silversmiths , SI2C1BBNT1I AND FAHNAM STIU3ETS , - - OMAflA , NEB Bargain's in Bargains \Vatchcs. \ . Nickel notches from f..Wupwnnls. IDiam Hllier natclio < fn n"i niinnrils. cads. . l.n'llun ' * uold ntcluu Irciiuf l.'i tipivnnls. 'ii'K pulil natchi'jfruin ' SW upiranli. Diamond rlnsi from J2'0npinrcl % in Bargains Jc\velcrr. lilniuonil collnr 1-iiitonifroniM upiv.irUs. } Jilnmuml Kcarf plni fr < imf. > iinvnru. | Wocniry u full line of Jon-elory Inoliulliu lilnmoml culllnittons iruni t i iipxvardi. belli bollit KolJ nml llnu rulK'il ' plulo rind , ] ! loinoml tiiils fioiii frT.NIiip irtl % plus , cnrrlii.'J , liickuta , cliiilua , liricelcli , lhmon ) < l Incc plmfrotiiIO $ itpivard * . n cklacei , cutTrtnil tnllnr huttotis. ( to. Ar- lilninoiul otirrlnusfroiiitl'J iiiiwardi. lltliH ! actually uortli ft wo soil it Me to ; jo , Dlntiiowl hrncelets fromf 15 iiitvnnli. | miliill oilier soudaaro sclit at the same | > ru- lllninoiul poiulniitsfroinK.'i i purllun. Sou our thuw windows , tluo our Watches , Clocks and. Jewelry Repaired at Reasonable Prices. Reduced Prices Silverware Clocks Greatly en , , Lamps , Umbrellas Goods Etc , Optical , , Grand- Lottery of Juarez , Under the Management of the Uotlean. International Banltlus Co. , Conoesslonnrlon. INCORPORATED BY THE STATE OF CHIHUAHUA , MEXICO , FOR CHARITABLE : URP03t3 G-RAND MONTHLY DRAWING Will take plnco In Dublin nt the OTTT O" .TlIAUE/ , ( formerly I'.iso ' ilol Norto ) , Moiloo WEDNESDAY , JULT 23d , 1890. Cnder the personal stipcrvlsfon ol GEN , JOil.l S , MOSBY , anJ M OAJ11L.O AUntI3U/E3. the formon Kcntleinm ot such prominence In the TJnltotl Stntoi tli.it Ills pusom.'o iilono U sufficient Rtmrnnteoto tliepubllo tlmt tliu iluuliusslll bo liulil with strict lioncsty auufilr- 1 toall.imcl thi httorltho Suiwrviaor of thu Moxloan Guvoruiuuity ll of cijuul statwluu and Intojf rlty. CAPITAL PRIZE , $6OOOO. Only 60OOO Tickets ! Only 6OOOO , Ticlcots ! WHOLE TICKETS , $4 $ ; HALF TICKETS Ji2 ; QUARTER TICKETS. . $1. $ OP 1 nize of SliO.OOO $60,0001 w PM , WSS ? " " I . 10,000 10,000 ] ( ) IMres ot 30 unch 8OIO i Priieof 6uui . . 6u 100 I'rkoi ot cnrh . 2.01 X I'rlip-of 1UO ) each . . , ' 3TO ( Terminal Prizes. 10 Prizes of uuo each , . . . . , , . . . , , . . . . „ . . . . 2i < )0 ) . . - - to ! MOJOI'il/.oof J cnoh . ' ' K Prlies ol 100 enrb f..t ) j U > Terralnali to Illl.OJOl'rliOof $ U caoii , . . . 6'M 100 I'rlicd o ( K cnch i. . . 6nn i 'TT e U ) Pjlieu of H ) ncli TWJ I 101 1 Prizes areoujltius to $120 , 970 Wo the nnderalimeil herobr certify tint thoHanco If nnr ticket rtrswlns * prim In tent to thnun > ar < Knclonnl of Moilco In Clillmniiua hai on ilopoilt ilgnoJ , lt laea voliio nlll bo cullerted ind reoiUM ) ! from tbo Mexican Inltrnntlonnl Hanklnz Compaur , to OKI owner thereof frno of clmrio. Iho ncccsBtrr fuids toniinrinteolhu pirmontof ill KDOAIl U.1IIIO. > 1.V , Uio prlrus dravrnln theUrund lottery or Ju&roK. 1'rcsldcnt Kl I'mo Natlonil llnnk , 151 Paso. Tor. Wolurtberoortlty tlmtrowlll surcnlsu ulUlio sr- AGENTS -WA/NTIAU. rmiKtmontinnd In person iniimjo nml control all Korclub r t s.cr nnr other Information , yrllo w thodriwlngiof tills lottorj , nnd tliottho ( imo nro Iho uwlerslnnoil.itntlni your nlre * elo irly , wllli conducted wltli lionoslfalrnaai and la goad fallli flRte.Counlir . , Slreot mil Number , Morornpla mail tonarda nil partial. deliver ? will bo anurol l > y jour enclosing imouv il' JOIIJM B. JUOSn'iT.Oornmlsslonor. opo l > p rln rour full nldruH. OAMII.U Aiifii'tr.re-i ; , iHrEiixvrnvtAr. nxNitiNni Co. , Oiiporvlsorfor tlio Uorurutuont , Oltyof Juarez , Mexico. Bcnilromlttnncci for tickets by ordlnnrj' UUor.cont Inlnn Jlon . ] ssuoi ( byall EvprrM ooinpanles , New York BxcliinKO/UunkUraft tfoi . AdJrcsi nil rcKtstorod letters to BdELXIOAN INLTHlRNA.TIONALx BANK1NQ OO. . Oity of Juarea. Iwlexloo , via 151 IPaso , Tox. The Omalia Medical and Surgical Institute Korthe trentnifnt ofall CnnONIO NO flDHOIOAT * DIHBASKS ni r , ApplUnc * * for Tlirormlllca.in * Truiie * . IletlKiiollltlai.Aiiparitmiii * llenuoill for Biicco nful tr tment oJovur ; form of < 1lii'n r - qulilnn Jlodlonltir HurgloilTrcilmont. NINK'fir 1100.MS KH I'ATIBNT.H. JloiM dud nttcndarco. lleff Accommodation ! \Vrltoforcliciilanon \ Dofc-mltlpi anil llram. Truaid , Cluli L'oct , Curtnturiol Bplno. l'lle , Tumorii Cincor , Cut.nrli , Bronfhltl , Inlulatlon , Klfttrlclljr. I'lrulynli. KHlcpny , Kidney ) HUrt'lerKje.Knr. ' Siln nod llloucl , ami nlllurKllnl cporntloilB. 1)IHIU8K3 OK WOMK.V n ipeo.nllr Hooi of Dlfonni ofVoutTi \ I'Vre. Me tiara latrlr ndded I.Tlticln Department for Women during CiinfluoDiiQi ' . llellnbla MeillculInstitute ' ' ' KH. ( Strictly l'rlv l ) Only rarilnuinpeclultyof I'lllV'A'IIJ DISKA All llloort Mseaie uere lally ttontoj. Hrplilllllo polion rlmovM from tbi nyMcra viltho\ilmerciirj' Keir Hoilonitlro Trtatment fcr l.oaiof Vital 1'onor. 1'uttlen unablatu vlilt umaiy It trnnled nl hiiui M cone > p < i < lonra.AllcotimunlrUloni condduntlol. ModKlna or liiHtrutiiciti m > ut brniull or eipre Mif cuuly iuckod.no mrkn lo IniHcatncnnlnntii oriondrr , One perionnllntorrl * v tiniforrerl. ( 'nil unit ooniul tuor nonl ) il tory < jf ro'u cans , and o will land In rliln wrapper ourltoOK TOM UN HIHF , ujiou 1'rlrut * Bptclal or Norioua Dfaonioi , Inpoteocy , Hnihllli , O.oet aul \ arliocele , with iuoillon Hit. tUilrcu Ornalaa Medical and Surgical Institute , CornerOth and Horncy Sts.Omoha , Neb. In I o toltodtti , < l. IIS J. FEMALE AUoluttlr rollible. | * rfrctlr u > f < .ino l puwertul tut iilo inriilatiirlno n > neirr fnllt t'i alx.i i timll i otn IMX * ' Vl U/l f N TM ( OCAFNKBVIS C * U ( ' O * t ocflflLETrcvtn. cotns , MEA81E8 , CATAnftH , AC. BY TMI o lorT r IN VIII VIC SOUNDDISC riUe nublnii. 7' < um ! / Toni i < jjlii > r lU " . fuilllltl/lv ( Turn Monl * viLl.ault ifM.vii