THE OMAHA DAILY BE- TUESDAY , JULY 15 , 1800. SPEGIRL NOTICES , A MVKtlTlfiKMF.NTH for thoM column * will _ be taken until fSiDp. in. , for the evening ollt Inn and until H-nn p. in. , far the mornlnK edition un < l."UMiAr DISK. rPBHM3--Casli In nUranre. TJATr.r * Advertisements on tills pnjte will bo J > clinrKcil for at tlio ruto of 1'4 rent per won ! ( or Dm II r < t Insertion ami I cent per word for each iliibfwuent Insertion , mill l.M ! per line ertnontli. iSoaiUcrtUoiiirnts taken for less ill an 21 rents for tlio first insertion. INITFAIA nfurei , ymUots , etc , , count each J nsnno word. MlJIfSE n'liprtlsemcnU ' must run consecu- 1 tlvi'H and under no will tlioy lie taken or discontinued by telephone. > A Itri ii < ml virtlnrlnK In these column * nnd 1 . hnrlng their answers addressed ton "nuin- Icredlett-r" Incaroof TUB IJPB w II receive ni iiinberrd cltcclc tncnnulo tlirm topotlliolr letter * . Answers will tic ilcllvcrcd only tin jiresenUtluilof tlitfi cheek. Kncloso answers In omclois | pro ( orljr addressed. / nilirttlsonifjnti under thn head of AMnilirttlsonifjnti " 'pcolnl rsotlceVoro published Inliothlho itiornlnir nnd mcnlnijedlUoiiHof TUB KKK. tlio circulation nf which iiKitrefrntcs ninro tlian S < M rai ( inner * ilnlly. nmrRlvpB the advertiser tlio V cnclll not only of llin Iti ivo circulation of Tin : HBK 'iiOninlia. liutnl o In Council UlulTH , 1 Incoln unit other cities nnd tow ns In the nest. SUN'l > i\V HAM' ' 11ATKH. A VniiTIsnMKXTfi for situation * or for limit ) or female licit ) , not exccedlnir. 21 lmiri' In'ortcd InTiitiHt'NUAY IIFr. nthalf rntiM during thn months o [ July nnd August , The rezulnr rates will In ehnrced for ouon nildlt'onnhvord u'mve'Jl ' words at well us for 'iitlio Insertion * . BRANCH OFFICES. for thi > sn columns wlllhotnkon rn tlie u'ovi condition" , at the following liuolno'8 IIOIIHOI who are imtlorlrol to take npi elul not < . nt tlio Hnmo rates as can Lu liad nt the im > In ofllfc. ' OM'AIIA oii'idn-No. iyoi'Tir HUANCMI - . O wsi N Hrcet , I.Istnr Illo-'k. AV.1IELU riiarmuelst , 830 South Tenth Htic6t. /"IllASK A..EIIV. ) Ptafonon and Pr.'ntors , 111.South Jfith Street. WT.I I ItOIins , I'liarm.iolM.KJI North ICUi Stroot. GKO. W. 1'AUH , Iharmnclst , 1713 Leaven- \\oi \ th Street. rs1 l'HAUMAOY,2ltliand 1'arnam. SITUATIONS \VANTK1) . For ifllw , tic , . v lop nflnl column on this Half mte on W ANTKI * 1'osltlon ' In a country elevator by u young married mini of experience. 407-14 SITUATION wanted to do chamber work. Address J (0 , Itccolllce. 413 IS * WANTHD Situation by fireman. Can run Stenm e'lislno t ( j. 8 yiars' expcrlonce. Address .f 61 , lleo. JWii-lt * W ANTKI ) 1'osltlon as Janitor , watchman ; inference , Klvo bond if required. 0. II. , : Ull ) 1'a mam st. 1M9 10 * to merchant tailors Position 1 < wanted by flrsl-chiss cutter ; refcienem Klvcn. Addron II. ) , lleo olllpo. fi.r.lJy2T > * \ViVNTUIl-OIAMO HliLl' . Fur titc , tic. . Meop / nf flnl column oil thti jxiae. Half i-dlM iti ' WANTED Kcllnblo men as canvassers. Oood opgnlnir for man with horse and wagon. Cull 1H19 Howard st. 11981G * \V , 'ANTED A coed barber. Call atMclcholr llro-i.IIir rarniun Ht. 41 MO WANTED Oood stout hey with city refor- euefes to take care horse and cow and work around houso. Enquire 1723 Dodge. 40514 A C3KNT8-Onohundred and tldrtv-slxorders JV ; scoured In Licking county. Ohio , by ono agent In ten days for Murk 'i'waln'H latest book , "A Yunlico In King Arthur's Court , " If you wiintu fast Holllng book , exoluslvo con trol of t errltory.and all t ransjiortutlon charges paid , address Charles L. Webster , t Co. , pub lishers , : i Hast I'ourtocntli street , New York city. ail'14 W ANTHfJ Teamsters and laborers on Hook 11 uid crude , fourteen miles south nf town. Wngus J1.75 per day and IZi per inniitli , Apply on work , to J , A. Ware & Son , contract- or.s. 422-21 * WANTHO A flrst class hhickf bo an A No. 1 horse sheer , nt b-l H. 7th at , 40U-U * WANTED A competent butcher to go In louii. Must bo .sober. Industrious nnd able. Kefetunco required , Address J 6.1 lice olllco. 401-10 WANTIin An nctlvo man for each peotiou salary 975 to HOO , to locally loprcsent a nucopssful N. Y. company Incorporated , to supply dry Roods , clothing/ shoes , jewelry , etc. , to consumers at cost. Also a lady of tnclsalary * to , to enroll mcinboisibO.wOiiow enrolled , liuo.doo paid In. ) Koferonces ox- chnngod. Kinplro Co-Oporatlvo association credit well laled ) lock box 010 , N. Y. WANTED A first class holler maker ) Kood wnRes for the right man. Addreos L. 0. " " ff. DondwooU , B. I ) . 41118 * jnO A first class cream man to work ' In cnndv factory ; must ho steady. Gho references. Address 1' . O. box&ii2 , O dcn.Utah. 410 17 * T717ANTED On U. & Cj.rallroadcon-itruotlon > > at I.oill. O. , semper foremen , scraper teams anil ouUlts and contractors for light rtwork. Androws. Warner & Co. 350 U * ' \\TANTED Salesmen on salary or coiiiinls- T i slonto hnndle the now patent chemical InkcniBhiK pencil. ThuRieatest solllmr nov elty ever pioduccd. Knisc'S Ink tlioroushly In t wo secondsno abrasion of paper , 200to500 par cent | > rollt. Ono audit's sales amounted to liCOlu Hlxdays : another * .ci In two hours. Wo want one oncruotlo general uncut for each ntateunil teirltory. Sample by imiHMcK For terms and full particulars address the Monroe IlrasorMfgCo. , Iu Orosso , WIs.UM15' UM15' \VANTii-A : Rood bnker at once. Enquire T at l.M. > Harney btreet. 340-l.V \\rANlTn-A few experienced solicitors. > lad v or gentleman , for hometliliiK new , no books. Apply at room COl N. Y. Life. 255-15 * AKALKSMAN wanted , wan to soil line of clRiirs ; nbiry and oxpeiiM" ) paid. Address , with stamp , ( Jlobe Uigur Co. , St , Louts. Mo. SH 15 * _ \\7 ANTKn-Auents and dealers. Every i Cntliollo household wants an altnr. Our homo anil family altar f-oll-i nt slulit. i-ome- thliiR nuw , Hainploaltiir free. Address mnn- ufiicluiurs for Illustrated description. Itoston MtK.Uo.j&ro Waslmt. . llHjloii.MuM. 3J2-15 * \\rA"NTKIJ Sonic ono to liulld two cinta''os < > nnd take Rood lots In part pay. CoUutli , Jojiiison & XiOVgren , touui U , Chamber of Com- zrj iu x\rANTED-.Sovtral : ( rood city eanvas rs. TT Korp.ifllouluis adili-ess Hox''G ? , Omului , \ \ rANTr.IIinnicdlatelv. . nrst-cluss baker ; > i iiornuiiient situation * ll per week , ( lu- llok'a liukery. Lincoln. Koh. i.'iU \ ANTHn A talker to sell incdloluo > \ on thu street. Cull at Oli S..10th bt btSCllC * _ \ VANTED-1,000 men for railroad work In - . * ' WyuniliiK. Dnkotu , Utah und Nevada ; written * 13 to tJ.50 ; stonily work. Albright's Labor Agency. 1120 1'arnaiu t. aoOai \\rANTED Three first olnss men to ropro- T > sent ( ho Omaha llooln nnd out of thoelty , Culliiv tliu spuolul olllco of Onuilui Doe , corner 17th and rimmtn , giound lloor. 077 "WANTED Men to truvpl for our Caii ndlnn i nunurles.Stonc.lWellingtonMadUon VIs \VA' < T1 ! > " " 'rhorouihly reliable , energetic , limbing man , who Is Milling to work , do- slres to make money and will travel , can Und oponlnjtliy uddrcsalui ; JuwcllU l5 Dearborn ntrcet , Chicago. : tC.ll | * VANTl.U-Two encrsetlo yoitiiK men to > I tiim-1 : must bu wllllni ; to worlc on small nalnry nl llrst. Address , with btamp , Loclc- Itox l - ' ( , I'olumhus , Neb. M-Il * AOKNTS- outflt on DO days * time. JlW,00 ! prolit In t weeks or no pay. Add. with tlarnp : JnrtU& Company , ItuclncVU. . 771 at 175 per month sal- ry unil erjiensca to sell a llnnuf silver- ) > late < l MII re , unU'lios. etc. . by sample only ; lionto und team fitrnlshetl freu ; write at om-o for lull particulars nnd sannilo case of coeds free. tiunUtirU Silverware Co. , lloston , Mats. 77J AC1KNTH wanted , 1C now specialties , nil fiiH sellers : UQ experience necessary : MX money i sample frco. Address , 10. Ilruwhtor , i lolly. Imch. _ 51iijyll ) SA liALKSMK.N lo FollHpoclultlw to merchants liy ttaniplei kalnry paid to coed men ; sam ples furnished ; fctcady situation ; Model Mnu- iig Co. , toyth lleml , Jiul. laborers for oxtrs road Aiplr | to P. U. Johnson , II. ft M. paisenrer depot , Omuh.i. < S8 CiTONKMAfONS wanlea nt Norfolk and VJlluulrlco. OooJ wuitM paid. H.T. Murphy ANTED A ( joe < l Bcnoral blacloiinltli. J. 1 % 1'iwior. Fullflrton , Xeb. IBl-ltl * _ _ _ VV AI < TETT-l.iierBntl men nnd women for a VV srntcol tiUHlnrM iitTlngMi wi kly iirortt nnnler than VO monthly otherwl n ) _ . iinnpcessnryi per mil ne lit position nnd exclu sive titrltory assured : H namplcJ frcfll Inves tigate our mniipyninkliiK business. Address ) with stum it. Merrill Manufacturing. Co. . 11 Kt , Fur ratet , etc. , iff tnp nf frrt column on tht * ] * HJ , lltilf rates on Sunday. \\rANTED-A nurse Rlrl. Oood wnRos to < ' right party , ti , K. cor. Uth and Jones. .90 Iff T\rANTUI-A ) Rood woman cook. Call ntino > > N 1.1th. llnypi& Co.driinBtoro. 'JfiA \ * " \\rANTED-ABo6d alrl fiiroccunct work and > ! plain . oiBWliig.isa317tligt S41 _ _ _ _ _ "V\rANTKI-n\i ) | ) > rIoncol alrl for iretifral 11 hoiiKowork. two lu family. 111' ' South 10th. 102 "I WI I.L pay liidlus a salary otlli ) per wcok Ale work foi'inolntlialrlocntltyiitliiiinp.lUlit work , peed tiav for part time. Write with stamp , Mrs. II. tf. l-'arrlnston. box 70J " " \\rANTni-ninlng-rooin ) ulrls ut Wlndior > ' Hotel. , \\rANTBD A. jouiiu woman to ntlciid on T . 0ilfat.MM. Klmball'n. l.KKJ S.Tthnvo ; 417-1C' r ANTKll"A Rlrl'for general housework at " \ \ ? ANTKI ) A iiurso girl. Good wiigpt. 403 > V N. 2'Jd bt. i'J3 AWANTCITlirco ) c.xpcrlcncd dining room Kills ut.tlio llarl < cr hotel. 7T4 DHKSS.MAHINT. . Tnrinlti > , tif.ffe. l ji n/ flint column nnif ( / * jnite liNTStortodicHsriiiikriiBrii fanil- solicited. MlssStitrdy. KH S'sth ave JCOIt 3U2NT 1IOUSUS. Fur lain , etc. , rrr tujtof fimlenlnmn nn tlttx "I710H KENT fi-ro'itn furnished house ; refor- JL'cucis reijulred , Hi'jy. 10th st. 4JO-10 * "ITIOIt UKNT Desirable. 8-room housn , nil JL modern Imtiro oments : excellent location , snndcil ynrd front and rear. Convenient to ' district nnd now union ilppot. Good location for physician. Apply Ilia S 10th st. 400 Um UKNT-IlMldonceson Hninoyi all the latest iuipKMcmunts , at lowest possible rental , Puul , 1UOU Fiiriiain , 4:3 : XT 0-rooni liOusp , collar city water , . sewer , 1WI ! N 5tli St. ! 4-room lieu ell : ) \Vnolworth vc. iHl 15 * ( VKOOM brlclt house , centrally locatcct. full /of roomer * nnd boarders ; rout rcasoiialilo ; lirlco of furniture , f oO , * 1W ( cash nnd balunco T 'iporinoiilh. Co-Uperutlru hand nnd Lot Co. . a N IGth st. " 171OK UKNT 13-ronm modern hrlck. Fnrnnni J. motor line , very clicaii. Wolshuns Jt Mc- Oulloch , west end K\ position bld'g. ill" 1C * " 1J1OIJ linNT- iilno-iooin honiu In good rc- J pair , nil modern conveniences , at 2v'0' ) Knrn urn st. Apply to W. 0. lonnu/it.r > N. Y. l.lfu hullilliij ; . JUG It _ TTlOlTu ENT-7-iiom house. ain ) LPUVOII- J- worth , niudorn Inipiovuinuiiti , Imnilronuxt door east. ' 1 ItHM'-Tlio brlclc corner moro JlTiiTd J.1 L'lthsts. , b'oiith Oinaluu can bo rentuil by ti Rood party at lo.wmiiljlo terms. Splendid lo- rntlon for ciocery or bakery. Apjily to K. JlacU , I'JOi i'arnuin street. 4'J-IJ * T71OU UKNT Those oloRant stone tesldenco ! ) U on Georgia live. , S. "Oth Ht. , bet. iNIason nnd I'.icllli ! sts. See owner for IOIIK tlino lease. 11 , II. llondeison , room 4UO. 1'iiMou blk. TTiJ TTlOIl KENT A double bnlldlnjr.O roomscach , JJ lUtliunilMiiHon. ill ) pornioulli. 1) "T71OHHENT 5-room lioiise , city water and JL1 scicuns , at a bargain torcsponslhlo pintles , yjO" 1'arker bt. Apply 511) . I'uxton bloclc. 1.1 ! 1J1OK KKNT 8 room liouse , : Ord nnd Cuminc JJ sts. , . per month. 0. 1' . Harrison , Oil Mfo. 015 _ TJ1OH KENT a line pressed brick houses , east -I ? f ronlH on Ouoiulu avo. , just north of J.euv- cnwortli St. , 0 roolus , bath , furniico , sewer con- nectloni , ullooiivenleneesj will icnttorcspon- slblo parties for $50. M. A. Upton Co. , 10th and rarniun. 777 "TTIOU'HENT House. 10 rooms , nil modern Im- JJ provcmcnts , lar o yard , $ . per month. Commission to agents. Dexter L. Tlioiuui. _ 778 II' YOU \tUli to rent a house or store sco n. K. Cole. Continental .block. 770 T7IOU IirST Outsldo flat In LInton block , JL' No. .113 B , Htli st. corner Mason St. , ft rooms , newly papered and In Rood repair. Kent $27 per month. Inquire , ut No. U17 in the block , John Ilamlln , 210 8HOOSI nut with steam heat , Ifith st. near Jones. Thomas P. Hull , all 1'uxton block. 781 TJIOIl KENT IB-room house , 2107 Uouglus. In- JL1 ijulre 2111 Douixns. Tfvi FINi : residence , modern Improvements , 2403 fet. Jlnry's nve. . SfiA per mouth. Inquire at premises or nt A. Heller's. 1114 Partum. 7SI "lilOK KENT 5-ioom'house. peed repair , nlco JL1 ynrd , cistern water , icut * 22. Apply to 1400 South 7th n > oorto Jno. \ \ , Hell.dtuggtst.JOth 787 T71OH KENT 7-room house with l > attinotn- -L tnal rent to good party. 0.1' . Harrison , Oil N. Y. Life. 111 TTHJUNISlirn house on 1'arnam st. for rent. J lunulroUermati-Amcrtuan Savings hank , rrj\ 171OH ItENT Oood 10 room bouse , sewer , JL1 water , gas , hath , barn , furiiuce. In elezant shape , cheap. 1) ) . V. Miolca Co. , 213 rirst Nat'l bank. . ' & ' [ VOll UKNT UCO IS FUltNISIIUD. I'ur ratct , etc. , srt top nf flrtl column on t/if / * paoc , IjlOK'HENT A front parlor with board fo J. two Rontlunion. Also hack room with hoard for two Rcntlcmen. Call at 1712 Capitol ave , Everything IIrat class , Mrs. J. W. llieon. 401-10 * "T7IOH IlENT Suit of rooms' for party of gen- X' tloinrn. with llrst class hoard. Family room. IKiN. Sjlhst. 402-11. * Iliou KENT TiiirKO room In rear of second JL1 story 1.IOS I'arnnm St. , Ktiltablo for llnht mnnufacturliiK purposes , also several ollleo rooms on same floor.ory loasonable. Imiulre I.KW I'arnnm St. , at clear More. 424-15 ) OOM und board cheap for two m private I family. ! S18 Hurt street. 11813 * room for ircntlctiirn or man . .1anil wife In pilvato funilly , lUthlmth loom. 5U S. Sitli UVO. ail-J-ll * rooms , inoclcrn liiiDroveincnts ; IS''l Karjiam street. : X ) nicely furnlsliod lar o front moms , with Illst-clas < jloitnliu7 ! A 17th st. ail IS' GENTLEMAN and wife or two gentlemen can obtain room and hoard at te.isoiiiiblo prlee In private ( unilljr. No other hoarders k'l Clark st. 37.VU * TT OK KENT Nice furnished room * , with JL1 board .VJS1 Ilodgost. s Ml ) * "VTIOI'LY fnrnlslieil rooms ; moat pleasant -L > locution In the city. ISU Capital avenue. XT ICELY f uriiUlicd rooms , I'arnam. IN ai : rp\VO nlcdy ftirnlslied rooms for two ROntlo- .1. nieii nr mini and wife ; board If doMrinl. b'JTS 'nd , one-ualf bloulc from Loavenvtorlh motor , ALAUGK front room for rent. W1211 arnoy at i8S 17 * rpAVO front rooms , elcKantly furtiUhco , with JL all inoclerii Improv eini'iits , at T05gS. Kith bt. R OOM for single gentleman , Siii lodso. ST. OJ.AIU Kuropcun hotel , Mlthdlulngroom , lyth-Uodgo. " bpoclal rates by week or mo. T71OUNIS1IE1) rooms , liouaokeepln ? . ECKM JL1 St. Mury'a U\P. _ af > 17 * AHOK fiont and rear room , half block from motor , fe to tl5. 717 a liHli Ht. , all convenlenaes , Iil9 Daven- Ii7.ia * " 1 > OOMS to rent , f itrnl.slird nnd nnfuriiUlicd. XVAnpiy at the Merrlum for partleulai-s , SSth and DodKc , lul 1U inUKNISUKu roonn , with board ; nnwly fur- Jnlshfd thi-ounhout , with hot and cold water bjitlu1017lhHlKe : U57-17 * DKSIUAHLK roonn with bo.inl. 15J2"chleago st. 881-15 * Tnoil Hr.XT-1'urnUlitxl room * . 1000 Doujjlas J Tba 171OK ItEXT-ruriiUhodrounu ; Ba -U bteaiu , 1519 Howard. T71OK KENT Nicely furnished room.ull mod- J- era convenience * , UU S 17th at. 7UO NKWLY furnished n > ems und board fursov- cral pnrtlf * ut iNIJ Ilurney st.i two min utes'walk from center of liuslnes * . and cool uluco for summer. Mlaa C'avlnls & WulUrldyo. 673-JyXJ * roil lir.NT-STOUKH AND OI-TIOKS Fur ratff , tte. , M top of fnl futiimii/m / _ tM * ixitf * . ' Tenth. 1'our doors fromdotxit. for fruit orclunr Hlore. Apply ticket ollleo , Wkmtn 10th. ' STOIlllslit 70 ! ) S inth , raxfiOeaeh. InrgnMiny window * , oleiirn heat furnl'hcd , Tlio' . K. Hall. Jill 1'a x ton blo-'k. 7HI _ OIt KI.NT-Tliol-story brlek Imtldlnz.wlth JL1 or without pott or. formerly Decupled bj the lleo I'ubllshliiK Oo. , lllil 1'iirnam st. Tlio build- ln hnH n HrepriHif content ba cmoiit. complete ftteaiu heatln. ) ll.xtnros , water on nil the floor' * . Ras , ete. Apply at the olllco of Thulleo 1UJ ftnNT-Kln conicr"i tor ? , IBtn nnd -L1 Jones tCO ; low rent. Rood location nnd get ting better every day. UeorgoClouspr.701 S. icth HOTEb 28 rooms "II eonvenietieoi" , brlclf , 2 blka from 1' . O. II. It. Ircy , N. V. l.lfc. - "T710II KENT rniPHtorcrooiii in Norfolk , Neb. JL' Shelved ailltahle for clothing li electric lights , heat , etc. . Aildic O Slant. 57i $ FINK olllen m small figures on ground Hour , In lloyd's opera house. Inimlro of Ameri can l''iiell'o.'Jlja. LHlist. 1M "iriOK ItTlNT HncK "warehouse , two stories JU and basement,27,000 square feet , with IB ) feet of double truck on u. I' , railway , south 20th and I'lerco streets. Address a ' Uniaha , Nub. ItKNTAn AGKNOV. frrntf , ttr. , ixc ( of flint roluiniiou l/il / ixi/ ( / . GiO. : .t , I'Allli , 1XO ( rnrnnm , houses , stores and Huts for iiMit , rents collected , reliable Uio Insurance. Money to loan. 21. " \IOUTON'Srental : ugcney.Sl ? 1'axton block. 1 1 7UI HE. COLK , rental nuent , Continental hllc. , 77U & M'CulloobV. . end i\iwd- : tloii bids. ' KB-uS EJ. 1UEY , rental agent , 200 N. V. Life. 700 Fnrfntct , cir. , ten ( o ) > of flrxt colMmn on thtu . . hall , newly fitted up. ut -till No. I5ih. Dcst meals In the city at low rates , furnished rooms upstairs. 1'etorJIu- tiulrc , piop. IBI IB * Alili parties knott Inz themselves to ho In- ( lubted to M. II. Powell , druggist , will please cull ntul soltlo the same with the Moud In vest ment Co..442 lice bulldlns. 287 15 llN workroolnsspoutingvalloys ( , atc.Roo < l workanu low prices. U. Savutel018 Cnmliig. C O a I * \ VANTKDXO IJUX. For ratct , ttc , , tee fop of first cdlninn on this " \\7 ANTEn-To buy ( Irst class farm j must bo ' cheap for cash. Addre s Western K\- O companyColumbus , Nob. n05-ll * "V\rA > 'TKD-A house 4 to 0 rooms to move. TI Oolsetli , Johnson & Lovgren. room 0 Chamber of C'omnierco. 24S 14 * ArsTED-Good commercial pupcr. Ne braska Mortgage LoanCo.BlttI'uxton jilk. TjlHUMTtlUE. household goods , etc. Illchest Jt ? cash price. 317S.iath. 7HO uriiimKijLiAs iikrAius J-JTC. I'ur intea , tie. , fee TTM iltnLTiAScpialred ; cxm-rlcksinth U key Ultlng utllcllln'd gnu shop .110 N. lIHh. "OAltASOLS , umbrellas nnrt wacon umbrel- JL las covered nnd repaired. Walking canes icpalreU. 11. llulor , 1515 Douglas ; basement III ! ) Fiirrata , etc. , tee top oflift column on this payc. "i\rASSAOIUreatmentolectro.tlicrmalhaths. J-'I-sculp& hair treatinent.manlciiie. chlrou- odlst. llw. Post , r20-i'l ' , Wlthnell blk. 8lV.-a7 * _ riAIIE Indian doctor Ruarantccs to euro all JL kinds of piles m ten days ; ale all diseases of the throat and lungs In the same time , Tape won as taken out In six hours without louvlnir olllco ; and all diseases , that are curable. 01 , S. 10th St. U.lll and see him. _ ( E.4Jy24 * fEMOVAI/-Mrs. Dr. Daylms fitted up elo- JLi Kant bath rooms , No. 1403 Podgo St. . tbo crounil tloor , and Is now prepared to give Hot Springs baths with electricity. All Buffering from rheumatism , lu crlppo , paralysis or dropsy will do well to call upon her. ! M8jyl3 I'KNSION A.GKNCY. For rates , etc. , see top of frst column on t/ifu TDHNSIONS Now pension law ; ever 10 3ro.irs' -L oxperlonco In tbo prosecution of pensions nnd Kovornment claims ; have secured over : i,000 pensions for .soldiers In Nebraska and Iowa , their widows and heirs ; latest decisions ; latest laws ; no advunco fee ; new blanks and cirviilurs free ; consultation always free. HlrnniA. BtunH'S , tiyt Crolghton block , next south of 1 * . 0. Omnhu. KbS.ilO * "VTEW law ; pensions for almost all soldiers ; J-i fathers , mothers , widows and minor chil dren of soldiers. Claims pushed by E. N. ClliiKimin.1 ! ) and 21 Frcnzor blk. 15 years expe rience. Only pension olllco In Omaha. M7 JT. 1'ATCll. exclusive pension nnd claim attorney ; over 13 years' oxporieneo ; have all the latest laus and decisions. Olllco re moved froiiiFrenzer block to Chamber of Com- inerce , rooniM , Omaha. _ 700ya ) * BXOHAGlJ ! . For rates , etc. , sec top of first column on thtpage. . TotAOK-For merclmndso "iimuniiuirir' cold storairo and fieczlng ; trackage. D.ivld Cole. 815-317 Upward t.t. 278 _ rpUAOICAOi ; storage at lowest rates. AV. M. JL Itn.shman , 1 11 Luavcnworth. 70S ( OTO11AOE-U ranch k Co. , 1211 Howard. 10 800 LOST. Far 'ijrlen , etc. , see tnp of firtt cp'iin l onUita , I OST Sunday evening , July Gth , a pold Jliondcd para&ol ; reward for Its return. 1000 lllunoyBt. 410-15' LOST Lady's small gold watch , diamond -totting In ease. Liberal reward at Pnxton hotel news stand , -410-17 * LOST Strayed from ITith and L streets , South Omaha , n hay mare , two years old , with \\hltu spots ono H lu of fuco red , the other white , IIv Idle feet. A liberal reward for her return. J. K. Conklln. " " 4'0-1 > LOST A small purse on North 10th or Chl- caen f > ts. Iteturu same to U. .M. KmlT- : iiuin , 71 ! ) Soutn 17th st. , and ( 'ot reward. J-'l-l. , * IOST OoUl watch , plaincaso with diamond Jstnr sottluc attached to fob. Uewaid It re- tuined to II , I * . Droxcl , 5th and Jones , ItKi IOST I'ockottmok on Lowe five , between rarnam nnd Hnuillton. 1'luder jotyiiidcd at 10X1) ) Cap. avo. 4.W KOUNll. For rate * , etc. , tee top of firft column on tlitt i > agc. rpAKU 10th st. motor to Lake st. nnd see J. those elcKiint brluk 8-room. houses \ \ 1th o\ cry modern convoulenco for rent to yearly tenants ut I'M month. Inquire 3I > Lake. aa 14 * roil SALK Hor.aiisi\VA < 3ONS ITC. ; I'ur rates , etc. , see top of flrst column on I/if / * fage. * 10 head mule- , easy terms , I'art llphttlilv- 'lnjt mules sultablo for all delivery business. llalancu work mules. W. L. Bcloy , r''a , Ixiard trade. _ itg 1J1OH SA LH Good snan work horses , liurness JJ and wugon ; wulght l.MO ; cash or time. Ola I'axtonblk. 1)73 ) TPEAM work horses , will tnko buggy as part JL pay. K. Ill , lio.ird ot trailo. _ 7IJ HOUSESLlpht drivers , nansain. The late 11 ro hasmada thorn cheap. II. E. Cole , Oou- tlncnlal block. ' b03 _ rpEAM Medium hlzeil horses ehonp. Found JuiindKood work team. J1W. W. li. Solliy , r U , boajiljtraduj _ - ' . ' 7 TT Oll SALISpan younsr mules , cwt. nliout JL1M \ each , coml wiiKnn and liarness , cash or time. J. J. Wllklnt.oii.ol8 1'nxton bin. U71 rp\VO SPAN heavy and two span lUtit mules JL for sale , on tnuycars'tlmo at7 per cent In- with tlrst or eocond mortxiiKO Omaha leal estate security , or other approved rcutt- ity , Selby , room 13 , Hoard Trade. 01. ! TTIOltS.VLB 1 platform sunns leather top J. carrlngo nlmost now , 1 buckbourd new , 1 double huxgy or oarrlnRo harness. Apply ut ! \Vebstorstreet , ( Jinalm. fffl ) . _ GOOD -work t.iam for 1140 ; also ono slnclo driver for W3. 1 T. Williams , 205 N 10th. 31S-U ' Kxtru larue heavy horses. W Ij. - clby , r IJ. board trade. 2.7 171OU8ALK A peed black horse , wall broken X1 to the city. 1S. . 17th st. Uttl _ OIt id tM and up. U. E. Colo. 130 / _ WANTKJ ) I'O 11KNT. IVr rolrn , tte. , fee top / l ( column nn tlitf p ANTHD-TWO Toni roonn with , mothrr nnd daughter , near car lino. Ad- ilrrss J iKI lice ofllCc J iTI' ' Tor rate * , tte , , M ( i > poQr t column on ttiii FOirSAI.E Furnls)3iin ) of la room lintel , * < IOO. Term * easy , I'top. must go rust on business * Address Aroulh Ouinha , Net ) . iCl-lt * "TTIOlj PAIjE A flno oliitio nnd n few pieces of J-1 f urnltuio nt a bu/Kvlu. / islO Dodge st. . . 7MI * 1J1OU SAIiB-On npeount offnlllni ; hcalt JU the now and oUKIrtU furniture of u Si- room house , occupants Hrst-olasA. income nearly 11.000 per month , finest location hi the city. Address J SU lice olUce. 97.-M H 'OUSEHOLl ) furniture at private sold , very cheap by piece or lot , 13111'allforilla street. 4rlT * 'OH RALK I'nrratfs , ttf * , tec top of fitl column on thhge. \ . T71OIS SALE-A choice library. M3 vol . . hls- JU toy ; , blosmphy. llctlon , poetry , cto. Oood us new. Will trade for coed upright piano , Also , a burglar-proof tafo with time lock. In coed order.YI11 sell cheap , llox Ut'olum - bus , Nub. - ; r > 3-ir > * GOOD clear lake lee for sale In larso qiinntl- tles. The Nebraska leo Co , Kearney , Ne braska. ; ci7nll T71OU SAM/-A fresh mlleh cow. Apply , 3114 -U Webster st. XH ) II * ELKTKKTII-Ocnnliifl ; : cents ! sele W cents. A. 0. Shaw. Valentino , Neb. TTIOK SAI.E--Xow Slolnwnv It Son piano ; best JL ? make ; party leiivhicclty ; part cnslu 1ml- unco time it desired. Imiulre at Oli I'uxton bile * FOH SALE-Ono now Dlcliold llro and bnrKlnr-jirXf ( three-ton safe with Harjoii .t Oreenleat time look , bank cnunter and Ut turcs. ( JltUeus'bank , bhelhy , la. 21111 * MUSIC AUT AM ) LANGUAOB. Forratrs. etc. , tee top ofrut column on thlx jxii % BKI'OHB huylnz a piano examine the now sculo Klmbull piano. A. Hospel. > lU Douglas SIC , GKO.F.OELI.r.NIUX'K , teacheruf the banjo , with Hospe , 1513 Douglas. -J1 ! ) BIONKY TO LOAN. For rat , etc , , ace top of frft column oil fftb jmye. ONE V to loan In any amount from $10 to M tlO.nooforanytlmofrnm 1 tofl months. Loans miidn on household KQudsplunnsliorscsiuulc3 , wugons. houses , leases , etc , , In fact on any available security lu any amountut thulow- cst possible rntas without removal of propeily. Payments cnu be made at any tlmu reduelne both nrlnclpal nnd Interest. \ on pay Interest only for the time you UMJ the money. If yon owe a balance on jour property I will take It up and carry It for j on. Money always on hand. No delay. Ko pub licity. No removal. Lowest rates. It. 1' . Masters , Uoom \Vltlinell \ block , IJtli and Harney sts , T OANS C'lty and farm loans , mortsaso pa- 4-Jpor boHL'lil. MuCiiKUv Investment Co. 800 B 1IILDING loans innilo at lowest rates. W. M. Harris , room 0 , 1'ivtuer hlk. , opt ) . P. O. 27. > REAL ESTATE Loans-fash on hand. Globe Loan & Trust , t'a { ! 07 S. Kith s.t No delay. No extra charges. Houses for lent ; good list. MONETo loiti'on , Omaha and South Omaha real estate. No delays or expen ses. Money on hand at all times. Hates , Smith & Co. , Commercial National bank hldg. 1 UVJ-ai : MONEY loaned at lowest rates , Ions time on Improved Omaha real estate , no "extras , " no delay. CJlobo Loan & Trust Co..U07 Si. 115th. j 807 . . . . , . . . , . , . , , . f \i a J * ' * vj. IU.A.I ? , u yu iiv-i v t iti. , .u Jtlonal ohnreas forcotntnisslonor attorney's ies. W. . aiolklc , First National bunk bldR. 808 FIIIST and second inortsuges on vacant and Improved city property. County warrants bought. Money on 1/and. F. Al. Klchurdsou , b8 X. Y. Life. ' . 1)00 ) _ E ABTEUN prlvntq tiiouoy to loan reasona- hlo. Address. jiOt : co onico. _ S18 ONEV TAWorOOdHysonfurnlturc.ptanos , horses , houses , cto. J. 4 , Wilkinson , G1S I'uaton blk. 803 _ / 11IATTEL loans nt lowest rates : business VAonfUlcnUal,5li ( I'a.xtoa blk. J , II. Enilii 810 /"lOMMKHOIAI-i nnd Konoral short tlino paper 'bought ; also reRUlar live-year loans niado Improved property. Geo. F. Uhist & 0o. , SOJ 811 SECOND nio'rtRaKO loans. Second inortsasjos bought. Loans on vacant lots. Heed & Selby , room 13 , Hoard Trauc. 81U KEySTONE Jlortisaso Co. Loans of JIO to 11,000 ; Ret our rates before borrowluK und save money ; loan on horses , furniture or nny approved security without publicity ; notes bought , for now loan , renewal of old and low est rates , call U 203 , Sheely hlk , 15th & Howard. _ _ _ 814 FIRST tuortzaro loans at low rates nnd no delay. D. V. Sholcs Oo. . 210 1st Nat.l bunlc. _ HI. ) Gl'EU OHNT residence loans , 153,000 to $10.000. HulldlnK loans ut special rates. The Mead Investment Co. . Itco bldg. _ 810 MONEY" to loan on 'horses , wagons , mules , household goods , pianos , orKans.dlaiuoiids , at lowest rates. The first orsanlzoa loan of- llcoln thoelty. Maka loans from uO to 305 daygwhlch can he paid In part or \ \ hole at any time , thus lowering ; the principal und Interest. Call and see us when yon want money. Wo can assist you promptly and to your udvantiiKO without removal of property or publicity. Money always on hand. No dolav In mukliii ; loans. C. V. Kcod & Co. , 310 S. 13th .st. . over llliihani | { & Hens. 817 TTNUSUAMA' low rates UOf Interest on llrst inortsaResof Improved real estate for the next OD d. yn by the Kansas ( ! lty Investment Co. , Uoom 3(1 ( Hoard of Trade. J. II. 1' , manager. _ BSD MONEY to loan on any security for short time at low rates. Lowest rates on personal property. The Henderson Mortgage Investment Oom- pauy , room 400. l'i\Uin blk. _ HIS WANTE.n--KIrst-clnss Inside loans. Lowest lutes. Call and HOC us. Mutual Invest ment Co. . I'i04 rnrnam. 810 ' cuMern money OIlHAl' I'hlladeliilila AIortRiiRO and Trust Co. , always ready to loan and pay promptly ; flrst morteiiRCS wanted. ( icoise\v. 1' , ( /'oates , rop- rchentatlve. room 7. Ho.ud of Trade. 8J1 T ASTKUN money to loan on elty property ; llmortgusop.isor bought. llll.IreyNV.Ufo. CJIIOUT time loans on vacant lots. Selby & O&Ueeil. III. Hoard of Trado. _ tKI IJHI VATn money to loan cheap. O , I' . Har- rNon.Ull N. V. f.lfo. _ 8li PHIVATK funds to loan on cholco city prop erty .it lowest rates. Klmball. Ohninp & Hyan. VM Karimm st. _ 7uS-3y LT Hank , 310 H. 1.1th st. will loan you v-/inoncy on chattels nt biink rates. Call 410 SHOUTHAXO Fur ratet , etc. , tcr. tup vf/JIrst rniumn on l/i / ( pnyc. Tl'0 ' spedfal ( Summer session of the classes In penmurWItlp nud shorthand will coiiiiueiieu Monday , dulyJI. Glasses will beheld held In tlio mornfniinfiernoon and ovonln ? . I''ill on or nddrehs fv/j nforiinitloM , Standard Shorthand lltisliH s.-Oyllegt ) , Now York Life bulldhiB , Oniahii. Xo'Jig. M ECONirilAND-Clillrfruphs , Ilammoiid and ItemlnKtons. .Toimill. Comes C'o. Latter llles und olllco Hpechilt.U/f , IlnniKu bldR , . HJ7 Formttt , etc. , fee tnp ff'first column on l/itu / MUS. 1)K. ) IIDDY ' 1'ky distinguished trance clairvoyant , Inlet M lloston. While en tranced will jovcal Mwy hidden mystery In life. 1'repares KgyptUK tullsinun wfiluh will OM'reomu your rlinjiles , remove family troubles , restore lostjoa flections , unites the separated , helps all In troublv , etc. I'ec , $1 and upnarils. N. 11. Perfect sallstuetlon guaranteed by mall. Hcnd htump for Illus trated circular. Mrs. Dr. Kddy , 1C I N. 13th st. , Unialiq. liSVnll T OOFAII Massage Mndamo Dol/lor , the JJyoiini , ' maitnetlst , H SQlenced In the cele- hiatcd Indian lootuh massage. Parlors over on ) a. lath. IUI-H * DH. NANNIi : \VAHltr.N. . clairvoyant , medical and business miMllum , remnlo diseases u specialty. 11U N.H3I list..rooms 2 nnilM. IIUSIXESS CllAXOEsi Fur ratit , etc. , tee tup of Jlnt column on Uda jiyje , "ij"USISES8cYinheo--l\ir"SttYc : TiioVtocVuna JJ lease of thu \ \ ludsor hotel bar , with or without fixtures : dolug a itood biihliiexs ; reu- hon forktillluit , hotel proprlutors cannot irlvo their time to same. JL'il II TjAOU HA LU-1210,00 cakli will buy one of Iho J- best cigar and nonibtands Inulty , ( . 'nil on oruddrusH at once , us this opportunity will not lust long , to 318 S.lJtU. 4U-lli * In llr t.elns.s location , rent $ . " 'por month , jirlco nf furniture , t. ' < nO ; Mock will Invoice nliout II.'JOO ) partciiHh , A first- class rrstnunint for fw > . Al o u it-room ! hotel , centrnllv located , prlcn , Co-OporAllvo Land & Ixit Co , , a .N. Kith st. UU U M1O r.XritANClU-A nn * n-niom ca t front J-cottaKuoti N Tth st foritoml clear lot , will pay MOIIIU cash It desired. U. II. 1'ayne , 1301 rarunni Ht. un Id i 4 BANK I'art les wHhhm to sell country bank orlncreaso cnpllnl. Addicts Lock llox ISO. Sioux City lown , IW-ll * a IKAN Mock of general merchandise , con- slstlngof dry goods , groceries , hoots und shoes , will Imolca about W.fOO. will take r..OKHii cholco Nehr.isknland , balnnce C.isn. Address llnx SOS , llliif Mill. Nob. 210 II * . It SATIS Thu oldest lml < cry mVahoo Neb. , county seat , about -4.00) ) Inhabitants , tasy lei-ins. J , W. Johnson , \Vahoo , Nob. SS IK * POIt SAIiliAnlcocleaustockof dry goods , boots , shoes , iud tuitions about J < , ( X ) > : half cash , balance imliiotiml'ereil land , Address ook bov "I , " Central t'lly. Neb. al-U * FOH HALKA good lumbur yard nt Cerosoo Neb , ; only yard there ! excellent territory tributary ) Kood prosiiects for trade , but other business Interests compel the s.ito ; however , will not sell the stock without the real estate and Improvements. Address W. .1. Miller & Co. , C'erescu , or U. 'V. Lyman , Lincoln. Neb. 2 10 riVERY for sulp a coini'lcto H\ory stock , JOoniprWnir hulhllnRt. horsi > < , linrnt" * , car- lnsi" * , otc. , nil In llrtt-clats iondltl ! < in , lust lo cation lir to\v n.itood t ratio al toady ustitbllilu < d , prlcoiinil torimruasoiiablc. Aildrusi llov 11V > , Uuthciibinx. Ni'b. DIM' . * DHIUI store , widow lady wIslitM to soil ut oncohcr Into luisbandi linlf Intorott In 'cood paylitR drtts liuslncs * . Invoicing about K.OOO , In liiindor. Wvo. . nt slio wlshu-t to RU cast. Addrev-i .Mrs. J.V. \ . Sullivan , I > titlor Wyo T71OU SALE On easy terms , fli-st class JL' rtstaurant ntul MxUmM nnd No. 1 location , Knqulre ut CIS I'axtou block. 23) ) " 171OII SAMA nlcoch-nn stock of dry J- cloaks mid notloiHboloiiKlnK to the lalo K. lor , I'lnn location and a p > od trade already citiihlUheU. L. Uurlor , 1OM 1' street , Mncoln , Neb. SMVl-lO 171OII SAMC llnlf Interest In an cstnbllsluMl JL'meat market dolnx a good business. Itnu- nhur two vriiKons. llookscnu ba iii\cstlsnted. Address J 01. lice. 403-14 * HOTEL 2S rooiiK , all conveniences , new , brlok. 2 blocks from I' . O. 11.11. Irey. N. Y. Life building. W HOTEL for s.ile. Two-story brick ; Is one of the best hotels , dolm an excellent Kood business , on one of tlio bust corners In the city , Address Cpmmcrclul Hotel , ItroUon How. ' Nob. TJ > OH SALK A stock of drucs , atoro ll.xturos JL1 anil it tine soda fountain , located In u pros perous county seat In Nebraska.- Everything Hot the best. The town Is n U. It. division statlonund the K. It. shops nro located thoro. 1'or full particulars call or aildrt-ss II. II. lion- derson , room iUO , I'uxton block , Omaha , Nob. FOH KXCHANOK. Fktrratti , tte , , tectoptif first rofiimn on thhtpaoe. "ITIOU stock ceneral JL' indso ; w111 take real estate , cattle , horses and money , llox 76 , FranUfort , Ind. 40U 20 * MOKTOAOKS Notes , cash loaned , etc. . for clear lots. Cixu use qulto u numbur. W. J. 1'aul , IGOOl'urium st. 412 "V\7ANTKD Vacant-lots or acres for two of ' the finest and best paying blocks la the city. Will glTo IIK ! deal If made soon , with bomocash. J Ul , lice oillcc. 413 WILL trade new' modern 9 room brick for unlncumborcd lots. F. A. Smith , 214 lleo bulIdhiK. 'lTfl-15 WKSTHHN Nohraslcn land to ovclmmr for astoclcof incrulmndUo. llo.x fi" , North I'lattc , Neb. 2 > > 7 U * FOUEXOHANOE-Oood farms , city proper ty and wild lands In Neb. and Iowa for good cen'l m'd'so ; property olear , title perfect. Ad dress Lock ltoxU.1 , Kromunt. Neb. 82) rou SArjis-moAij KSTATK. I'or iciic * . tic. tee ( ojiof Jiral CO/IIHIU / on Uit pnae. FOH SALE One-half lot with 7-room cot- tajc , near22nd nnd Lcavouworth ; K1.200. C. V. Harrison Oil N. Y. Life. 413-10 POIISALE Four Rood lots In Walnut Hill , GOxl.'iO eaoh , on prado. 1'rleo $ .V)0 ) each , worth double the money. Stringer & 1'enny , Douglas block , IGth and Dodgo. 400 FOUSALE Kast front In block 111 , Ilnnscom 1'lace , BOxljO wlthS-nxiiu cottaRo , * .J,200 ; very cheap. U , F. Harrison , Ull N. Y. LITo , 415-10 AN acre lot In Falrvlew , only $ . " > 00. A few nrres In Solomon , each Woo. Other aero property correspondingly low In price. A liouse , n rooms and corner lot with east front , not far from business , on easy terms ; J2.200. Colsotb , Johnson & Lovsrcn , room 0 , Chamber of Commerce. 27214 A SMALL payment down nnd 815 per month will buy u 4-room house and lot on 10th , 2 blocks from motor ; llrst-elass chatico to iic- nulro a homo on easy terras. Apply to II. K. Cole , Continental block. KW LINCOI/N I'lnco and Carthage lots , price 11,000 , M clown , balance * 15 monthly. W. L Belby , room 1:1 : , Hoard of Trade. Ell OU HALE 100xL feet , south front ; nt n. w , corner ot the park. Speelul ptlee , $7.500. U. F. Harrison , 1)11 ) N. Y. Llfo. 415-1B " \TTAKKup und buy a homo on monthly pay- TV ments. Cholcoof seven different bouses , south fronts on Farnam st , Every con vnnluiicc , Including furnace nnd cas. I'lans ean bo Roon nt my olllco. Call In. li. V. Sholea Co. , 21111st National bank. tU5 FOR SALE Good homo ntI3rd nnd Cumins st. 8 n > om modern hoiifo , 8-1,000. C. K. llarilson.Oll N. Y.LIfc. 415-10. T71OU SALE Aflno now ! > -room rottugo neat * JL1 electric ear line on N , 27th st. Will ko us parl ot cash payment a Kood horse or horse nnd phaeton. 1' , 1M1 Furnam st. K.I2 5-HOOM cottages , tlBOO each. $100 cash down , balance $15 per month. Thos. V. Hull , ail 1'q.xUia block. ( 5 FOK SAM : 150x180. Corner of 1itlrd and Pop- pluton. $10.010. Easy terms. 0. V , Harrison risen , Oil N. Y. LI to. 415-10. "YyAUOH&Wcbtcrflold.rcalcstiitc.S.Oinaha. COTTAOE homes In most any addition for sale ut from ll.lioiup.on easy monthly pay ments. 1' . K. Darlliip.4,1 HurUor hllc. 83J "TjlOK SAlllv Nlcn 7 loom house ready to JU move Into with full lotS2,2JO , J200 cash. C. V. Harrison , till.N. . . Y. Llfo. U2 II' YOU Imvo anything to cll or o.xchango call at OIS LMxton block H15 FOU SA LE-I-ot ClxlOfl , so. front , faolns on Woolwoith avo. , north of the park. tJ.5 ; . Choice situ for home. 0. F. Hatribon , 1)11 ) N. Y. Life. 41.V10. fTlOK SAIih Mew business block on 10th JU street , rents are 10 per cent of jirlco asked $20WM cnsh. tiiilnncn longtime. Will been the niarkotonly a few days. Address 11 72 , lleo. FOH SALE-Onohalf lot with 5room cottugo near I ho lilKh school , SJ.500. 0. K. llaril- son , Ull N. Y. Life. . 415-10. jiOK SAI.IJ Now modern 8roombrlelfon : r > 0 1 foot lot oneusj-terriH ; > yjll ho 11 verycheap. l-'riuik A. Hniltli , 'JH Hco liulldliii ; ' 78-13 IIAVn for sale cheap ana on easy totii\s > very deslrnlilo houses , run-in } ? in n\u \ from 7 to 0 rooms. They aru In all icsiJOCtH modern with usual coiivi'ii'iniu'cs. Lots I0uxl.'i. ' > . 1'ilces raiiKO from * - , r > OU to J8.0JO. The 1'atilck Ij.ind Co. . lioo building , XU-15 > olleo to Contractor * H. 11.o kto Let : i,000OCOotililo yards earthwork. feet It. M. tlinher work , ir > 0uoo llntiel feet tilling , wn\Worois \ ties. 1,500 acres eloarliiRs. This work Is located In the extern pait of Louis iana , between Columbia , on the Ounuhltn river , and Alexandria. This Hue runs through a hln [ > dry , healthy , rolling plnu country. No swamps ; uxcollent sprlui : water and clear ruimhiK btruamx. free from all malarial or swamp , lnlluence ! < , sandy , loamy soil , light uloarlni ; , ete.j llrst class scraper work. Cou nt met Ion rules from any paint on Missouri I'uelllu railroad to thu work. 1'rollles , speci fications , and other Information can Iju t > eon atouroMlco , Uoom M , Gay lliillillnc. corner I'lno and Third strcots. Ht. Louis , Mo. , or al olllen on work , ut Columbia. La. j34iotjj iiKNitY roiotnsT & co , FOR RENT' EXCHANGE' ! roaSALE- S- wiaRBB1"1 > ri Vft , * f ty.t * j UwLS/ WE Ik "MANHOOD" W C. li ± iL Ailnu ItCUJUlK JHTUV , J 1 0 Ar 1 1 8 TI llILl M. , XT. _ TO WEAK IV8EN Bufferlnit from Uio rarctm iif youtliful < rrure , yarly rircajr. wutliu vrcnknrM. lost niAnlion < , % , Mnil .t valuable trcollso ( K-aloll c.nt lnln < full purtlrulan for home curr , fllKK or charge A plfndlilmwIlcMwdrlei thoulct l rrsit lur o * ry nian wh U porvoun ami ilvlillUntcit. Aoclreu , I'rof. V , C.l'OWliICll.raooUm.Couili Mutton ol the Rlttuiunftln Hty Conn oil AN n Hoard eriC < | iinlUntinn. To the nwnem at loU anil liituls nbiiHInR on ornillacent tomrcclH , allejs" or avenues. lt- naleil In wholoor lu part within nny of ( ho dl < lrlctilierelimflcr nninedi Von nntl eneh if you are hereby notlfled that thoultri'oiinell wllloltasn tmnittof rqunllm- tloii at thn dtlle < i of thn elty clerk , ut the nouBla oounlr court lumto , on Thursilny , the 17th day of July , | tix ) , f rotnli o'clock nm. to. % o'clock p. tn. , for the purpo < n e < maIiiliiR tlio tiniiHMiul lery of special taxe.s nnd nvsetS- mcnts. and eorreelliiR ny errors therein , and of hpnrliiff all comnlalnts Hint tlio owners of the property HO to lie taxed and assessed may maUe. Salu special tuxes und assessments being Itn led iieeordltif ; lu law to cover the cost and expense of I'AVINO 8th street from Fiirtiamto Dough * streets , In Paving ilNirlot Nil. r. , I'opplolon nveiuin from 2'th street to 3)th ) a > entte. In pAvliu district No : iM. Ith street from Yinton ctnct to "A" street lu pavlns district Xo. ' . ' .v > . CUIIIItXO th street from Knriiam to Donfflas street- * , lit piivliiR district Mo.Wi. lihHtrit't fiom Vlntou street to "A" street , lu pavlni ; ( INtrlfl No. S.V > . "Olh street from Vlntou street , to Vim Camp nvonm1. In pavlujr. district No. 231. Jtlth street from Snnulillrrr street to Amos avo- mio , in pavliiK illstrlct No."il. 1th street from .Maholns to Clark stteots , In pavlnR district No , "is. Oth street from llrlstol toSimulultiK street , In -Jth street from Jauksou to lltokory street , In paving dlstrlut NO. 281. IHIAPINfl tlnney street frtin inth to''lth streets. .athropstrtetfroiu lllth to lIHh rtienti. Uth street from \Vlrt to llmmi't streut , Olh street from \Vlrt to Mmtnet street. 1st street from Vlrtto Kmmol slrcets. Ciniiiot sticrt fiom Slieriiuui uveiuio to 21th stn-et. ? peneer street from Shernnu a\cnuo to 21th street. Orehnid street from T.owo avenue to I'luasnut street. .owe tivonuo from Hntnllton to Johnson streets. Garliehs street from Lowe avenue to Pleasant treot. 8KWKII CON3TIHJCTION a sewer dlstrlet Xo. 07. u sewer district No. 101. n sewer district No. Irt. ' . nscwordlstrlet No. 1C4. fcTUEKTOPKNINfl , KXTESDI.NO. On VttlKKI > 0 ark avenue from Kast avenue tu Spring street. ilnd sit ect from Paul street to boutli line K. V. Smith's addition. Olh streut from north line Harlinan'a addi tion to Center street. 3th street from old county road to south city limits Callfointa street from Lowe ti\enue to St. Lawroiicoavenno. lurt street In Hillside addition No. S. 1th street through tux lot 2 , sue , -1.VI3. . rth street j hth street i-nodlokPark to Bristol street sth avenue I Walnut street through T. L. 13 , see. 23-lVin , 27tli street from llrlstol street to N. U Hawcs' addition. Syth avenue from Half Howard street to I ur- nain street. And no It further resolxed. Tliattho elly lerk Rive notice of such slttlne at least six lays in lor theiclo In three dally papers of the elty. And uo It further resolved. That unless for Rood and stilllclonteansn It may bo otherwise inlered iiiiddetcrmtncd that Mild cost or part eost bo so ass sscd pro tata , aeeoidlni ! to foot frontage upon nil the lots and leal estate In said districts lespeetlvoly , or ndjncent to or ibuttlii ? the line of said Improvements , ac cording to llio iHiuil hcallnv back process us lerctofore adopted and followed liy said council In the assessment of special ta.xei to co\er thu eost of silil wiirlc , t -\rll : One-third ot sild pro r.ila lost upon the one-sixth pait of whole iiiiiountof moimil to ) e assessed , first almltlnir , iip.iii thu utteut Inu alotiK sutil IniproMiments. Uiiu-llfth part of such nni rataeosttipon the second one-sixth part of the whole amount of s'lld ground adjoluliiK thereto. One-sixth part of Hiich pro rata cost upon .ho third one-sixth part of whole amount of said Kroundiiuxt adjacent , and Throe-tenths ot sueh pie rata cost upon the idjacent or icnialnlnj ; one-half part of the \\holeofsald croiind. You and each of yon are hcrrby notified to ippcar before said board of eiiiall/.itlon | at the time and place above specified to mnko any complaint , statement or objection , jou may deslro concornlns 8.ild proposed levy anil asses-smeiit of speelul taxes. Cmalia , July Oth , 18'JJ. ' J itkint _ JOIIK Onovr.n Oltv Olerlc. D rs.Merrill & Merrill SIM2CIAMS1S IN Chronic , NcrrouH. nioodnml SurRlcal ilUcni * ; , and dlsouse * of the Kjrc , Kur , No.'o , Tliroit nnd Uhost. Special Att-iitiou to Ii ensca ofVo - moii nnd Chlltlrnn. Tlio doctors hnvohnd years of Cxpcrlcnco In the hrnpllnlt of Iliookljrn nml Now York , nnd lire nmoiu the most suctossf ul mul widely known Bpcclnlliils lu tlila country , 'loYouiiK nnd .Mlildlo-Acod Men. Ix ) t Jlnnliood , Nervous Ixiblllty , Siiormntorrliio Somlnnl IX > SIIM , Pliyslcul Decay , urlslnj ; Iroin liulls- crotlon , I ) oiluclnKiluoplc.isiiUfn , ilojponcleiicy , pliu- Iilca on llio I nee , uvcridon to society , eimlly dUcuur- niC < 1 , l.ifk orconlldcncu , itnll , unlit furstinljrur busi ness , nml finds llfun bunleii.aafcly , iiuruinnontlyaud spvcdlly cured. lUddil and Skin Dlsnnisos. Syphilis , n ( llncnio most dreadful In Its results , complutriiy urndlcnlod * Ueiiiio-Urlnnry iirgery. Gonorrlun , ( ilent , SyplillH , Hyilrucole , Vnrlrocclo and ijtrlUuro rndlcully loid > ululy on roil without pain ordotontlou trom Luslnois. AIIHoxuul Dufur- niltlos unil Imiieithuunts to marrlngu sueccjsfullv ro- luovcd. All niic.t < oii nafoly nnit pcrninnontlcured. . Hours ! > u. in. , tillU | > . m. Humlays , 10 till It. K. II. IVrfloits unnblato vUlttis nmr butrufitnl at tliclr homus by curroapondoncu. Mnillclno ) mid In- elruttlinis Hunt liy express. Uvnsultutlon frco. Bund 4 cents In stamps tu Insiiru rut > ly. lilH l-'llieentli bt. , UnixHito Ili > yd'B Operfi HIIIIHIOinaliii , N"b ERRORS OF YOUTH. SUFFERERS FllOM ATrrroua Dclilllly , Youlhrul InJIucriHIoni , I.oit Manhood. Ba Your Own Physician ! : M iymn ( from the rfTrcts of youtliful ' Imprudence , hnre brought atiout a tflt < ) of i 1 VfaLnfji that lm reductnl the ceneuU nj ; i torn so much a * to Imluco atmoit uTiry ; other disease , ana thu real CHUW of tin * ' , > irouMuEcarc ly ever IwlUK Bupju-fted , they . ale doctoral fur everything but Hit * right ! ; one. NotwUhxUniting the many Taluablo ' i rfmodlni ! ttmtmitdlcAlscleriru httuproducid i fur thurultLf of thlnclajw of pAtltmla , none , ' ; o { the onlluary mcxJrvuf trcntmtnt tlferta ; ! , > ltAl practlcowo hare ezpfrlmrotrd with ; anil dl < oorornl n w ami content rat * i re mo- ; ( IIs. Tli ttcfonii > * nj'lnir prescription I off - , ; f rod * i a rtTlnlti and uprrdy rtir M ; > tundrw-tcof C&M * in our practlotiliaru Itrcn I restored torfrfiTt hrnlthbTlU use after ' . 1 all other remttliVsfaUiHl , rerf ctlypuroln > ' creOlenti must IMJ uwJtu tbo rt'i ratlouof ; II Krythrorjlon coca , 11 drachm. Jt'rulH-bln , 1 a draclun. lletoitiasDIolco , 1 SUnchiu. OclMintn. 8 ft rains. KitJcniautD * mrxrmnroholclfrrLJnj ! ! ) KiL luntandra , S icruj Ivs. Olyrerlno.o . Mir. . Make 60 pi Hi. Take 1 pill at S p. m , unU another - other on tfolntrto ld , lniomoea i U will ! to nocewary fur the tintlentto take two pil I * ; nt bedtime , making the numler thrti ) n tUy * ! ThLiiemwlr la < lai > l tu every condition of I nerYou def > 1lltrAnlweakne"lif > Uberiix. ! d riiH-cUU/ Uioeo covei revultlnv from , . . .jpruui'nco. The rcrup rfttlTe powt-ri of ; this refctnratlTOfiro truly niton I aft In if , an 41 ta > uwi enntlmiod for n ihort time chnnjrf the ! | an ulJdublliUUKl , iirrrclpf * comlltlun to i oUBOf lenewM llfoand rliicr. Kt wdftrnconitantlr In receipt of letten of . rjuiry rolntlrtt to this rtmcdy.wo would my tolhOMO % ho would pnfvrtn obtain It of I ui. bjrremittlntr 91 AkerurtlyAealMl pack- i ja contAlnlntf CO pill * , earefully com * E iHjundfilwlll bo nnt by itturn mall from our prlTAte lof orfttory , orwo wlllfurnlih Q . , vtM or call on Hew England Medical Institute , 2 I Trcmont Hour , Ilimlnn , Main. ff Cooyrlyht IK * ? , br V , II. HHI.SH. NO Permanent Alignment bPEED , Strength. Sold Under a POSITIVE GUAR ANTEE. GEO. H. SMITH & CO. , General Agonti Nebraska and Iowa. 01OS. 10th St. , - - Omului ALLAN LINE OCEAN STEAMERS fmngelo nnd from Rreat Bilhlnindnll partt of Europe. MonlrealLlvcrpool route , by thj water * ol SI. Lnwronc * . ihorlHt olll. Uliwcow tu llonton , to rhlUJolphl.t. Liverpool to nni ( from llnlllmoro , Thirty "Steamers. Cln s oxtelslor. nninrpa * d. W * U salllnaf , ALLAN A 4:0. . ( Jon W * t.AK'tA. C. J. Simdcll. n.n.i . m I.n fnlla St. . ChlCfigo , III i I.itrpr > l. F lr l nn.l Vint" ' . In llioViirlJ. . NEW YbnkV'ioNDONDVnRY' OLASOGW. A.M'IIOHIA , July 19. I KI'llSKHSIA , AliR.3. iilllOriA , July SO , I DKVOMA , Ang u. New York , Quccnstown mid Liverpool. Thi > CVInhmtiHt I JllljiCth. C1TV W IIUMK. I Axi . J.M , HIM t Milt SALOON , SECOND-CLASS AND STEERAQE , rftlc * nit inwriltrmuto ntul from tit * prlmliwtl SCOUR , ERCLISHi IRISH AND UL CORTHKITAL fOIRtt KTfun > lo tlckU rMiic * l , mnttn avnllabto to rvtum liy < ithvr tit * | iictiiiYi * < iutfClr iU > , KlvvrJtUney , North or Puuthnriii'Uml NupU-iioi'lllhialtrtr. CIRCULAR LETTERS OF CREDIT AND DRAFTS nt lonitt current rntm Ari'tv ' l < Any of our local win , or tu HENDERSON DROS. , ChlCOfro. Local naiaits nt Omulm : Hurry K.MIMIM Chiirli-s Slim - , \V. ! ' . Vnlll , U , I" . louol ) , Clll rcu 9 Hunk , Olio Wolf. TO GLASGOW , LONDONDERRY , BELFAST DUBLIN , LIVERPOOL & LONDON. FIIOM NI5W VOIIK KTKItYTlItllSIUy. CabinPasia'ge$35to$50. nccorillng to location ol sUtoroom. Eicunlon $05 to $95. Btccrago to nnd Irom Kuropo nt Ixiwot Union. AUSTIN BALDWIN & CO. , General Agents , G3 Broadway , NEW YORK. Jno. Illcigon. OcnoriilVo tom Acont. ISO Itniidnlnlinttoot , Cliloivgo. lluriy h. Mo ru Thus , Uiiniio. Denver Lottenj Denver , Colo. * Capital Prize $7,500. TicitR'irs no IVT.S ; ii/vcus. $26,370 PAID liACII MONTH. BANK OF COMMERCE PAYS ALL ARIZES , Address , 1UUUIODUS , DENVER COLORADO. , - - - . DEt. ELECTRIC BELT 0 IIKIIIIITATklMluoutt. Ik. .IK (1VAI1vlfVlV'U ( rmin C2CJ3E-C.lill.TlhU Niv. IMPROVEOp lOtltCTIllC ! BttT AHO SUSMIlSDIir crRiri Ml vVvTT > NIIMKT , H .la for lfcll | e0c ! pur. | ioteCur ol ( Ifnvrilhe MrBkn , , Klvlog Irrrlj , 91IU , Hoolh * ln , Cnullnuou. Iurrrnti ° < klrrlrlrllr Ihronili ill WK\K 1'AIITS. ru.uirllis them lo IIKAI.TI1 Mrt tlUIIIIOI S 8TIIBMI III. Klr lrte ( uriYiil Irlt IniUrillf , or we rorlall JS HW In caib. Ukl.T nid Hup o err Complf Ir t A. nA up * M ortt CMCS Trr * nanfHllv I ur il In Oir mo&tli , . tialra pn | iblt > r fl. BAMDEMELKOTKIOCO. . . , teABB.Ut. | | | n/lHV / CARRIAGESI HAD I DELIVERED I . . . U any | > lu li. lltt UniliHl buivi. Alio , 1. . . ' uinn , Hleyclai. b4fctlri iu.1 Ulili * Tric ) * ] . One or mora it hoUA ) t rlrv utiit a 0. I ) , tllnrt from I. . II Spr.tcr1. I , - lot ) , ! tl W. M Ji.Hi St. , Clit | i > . t.1 U 110 uvtd. h nd tc. vlamp Tor ntw r U * lofttc. Tb Urcfit rt torj : In tht world. T11I3 UNOEIl TAKKIIS' CONVENTION IiidltTcrcnco of Ilnllrnnds JTny R nt Omnlm Out ol'It. The undertakers' ' associntloa has icccivcd no communication yet from tlio maungura ot Chicago roads In regard to tlio ratca raiuoatod for the nniuial convention. It trould appear as though the companies intended nllowlu the matter to BO by default. Their desultory action is Hablo to cost llio city tlio convention , unil the inomlxji's of the board of trade , who have boon iiitproatod in getting the association to hold Its aiimml con vention here , nnd the undortnltefy' ussoelii- tlon , leel hlglily Incensed nt the \vny tlioy have been treated by the Chicago roads. Slpcplcssncss. nervous prostration , nervous dyspepsia , dullness , blues , cunid by Dr. Milns' Worvino. Sainiiloa free at Kuliu & Uo.'s , 13th and Dousla-s. ' It-IjOOlCH SlIRpiuIOIIH. Last Thursday Mrs. Mary Mmtln was before - fore County j\gcnt Mnhouoy with n bnby and ntaloofwoo. The latter was to the effect thntasaho was coming to the city from Weeping Water n Indy entered the train nnd uiuiacd ner u uaoy , witii tuo bho hold it n moment. The baby was held , but the mother not roturniiiir , the llttlo ouo was brought to tbls city and a visit pild Mr. iMuhoncy , who proinlscd'to afford relief. Yesterday afternoon a Mrs. Mnlone , n col ored woman who resides at Nineteenth nnd Harnoy , was nt the count } ' agent's olllco with the same baby , Tlio story she told was that Thursday afternoon the mother drove up to the premises lu n hack , und , alighting , fil tered the house nnd snid , "I want to do u llttlo shopping und if you wllltalto euro of my babv for n couple of hours I will pay you ta. " The nionuy was paid nud sltieo that tiino tlio baby has boon with Mrs. Miilouo , but the mother hus tailed to return. Mr. Mahouoy Is of tlio opinion that somo- thlng is wrong und ttiut Mrs. Martin Is lu thu business of disposing Illegitimate- uinvol- come infants , and that this Is ono of ( hu courees she pursues In carrying on her frado. Hoadncho , neuralgia , dizziness , jiorvous- ness , npisms , slccplcssnoss , curud l > y Dr. Alllos' Norvlnc. Samples Iroo ut Jvuhii fa C'o.'s ' , IDth und Douglus , Sir. Dowoy'H Condition. C-AV. I. Klcratcad rctunicd yesterday from Bnttlo Creek , Mich. , where ho went last week to visit Mr. C. II. Dcwoy. Mr. Kler- stcad reports Mr , Dowoy's condition as prac tically unchanged , but that ho is growing weaker day by day. Mr. Dewey Is full ot liopo ami coui-.igo , and scorns to think that u chaugo for the butter will slioitly occur , when ho will reg.ilu his health and gtrougtli. Mrs. Dewey und u professional nurno aru constantly nt Mr. Dowoy's ' bedside , Mr. K. Li. Stone is nt present with Mr. Dewey , Are you a lover of clinmpagnol Do you wish nsu pet lor nrtlclol Try Cook'h Kxtra Do1 Iiopurlul Champngno. It 1 $ line , The deputy United States marshals brought in prisoners at a lively ruto Sunday , Collln Mullen of Napoiieo was brought in by Spe cial Deputy Jackson for rofustnir. to ( mswcr thn questions of n census enumerator. rruiik Abbott of Killo ostortoj to Ihu city by Deputy JIcpHngcr for tuiiplying the noble red iiiuu with lire water. \Vehtgnto of Armour traiiKrcsscd the Ju\v by ( .ciKlliig ohsceno und threatening p < H- talcurils thTOUf-'h the mall and was gathered in hv Special Deputy Handolph , All those men p vo bonds for their appear * anco ut the Novt'inbcr term of court. Kv-.Srmitnr Uliurloi II. Von Wyck \V111 nddt'ORH the farmers' tilUunco moot" in ut Waterloo , Nob. , on Tuesday. July 16. These who dcblru to uttona tlifa ineotliif , ' can Iciivo Omaha at 10:20 : a. in. , arriving nt Waterloo at 11:40 : a. in. , roturnlntr. leave Waterloo nt U:01 : o 8:0'l : i , m. , arriving nt Oinahit at 4:25 : ow 00j ; { i. m. This la a hnlondld onpor- tunlty to hoar Mr. Van wyck spoalc unil enjoy a day's outlnj , ' nt tlio boautlful \Yutcrloo picnic grounds.