TJrlJil UMA11A DAJJUg THE OMAHA JOSE CCUNCIL BLUFFS , OPP1CK , NO. IS ! PEARL ST. Delivered by t'urrltr ' liiiiny port of tlieCltj , 11. Mi. TH/l'OX , JIANAOElt. TKLGIMIUNESi Nl lit' .JZIXfttt JIKX'JTHtX , W , V. ) ' . O , Council Bluff * I timber Co. , conl , J'mnitlo wcdivM yesterday granted to I ) . J. lliirlcxk otTliayir. Is'cb. , nnd V. A , Mont gomery of rtounujf Bin IT ? . Ui'Kulnrcniiinirifilc.iMtnorniu-nClt.y ' lodRC. I' ' , A , IT. & A M , , Urn ovennijr , Ml \i \ tnrutnr iM.HoMiii'flliiviU'd. . Hy i > nlerV. . M. Dled-Of cliok > raliifmt\unJuk : itAmclla : C.llvo month * old , diui | > hu > ref CliriftU'otir- HOII.NO.l. . UIBonlh Tenth street liurlalln Kuhvlowut : ip. m , todiiy. 'J'lm complaint iijnilnstCfCrapncliur forkc'tp- Intfii million upon Sunday inoriilnir wis illi- initsud jwU.'Wny , It ajiiiciirliiB tluitlio simply opened thu pliu-ofor tno purpose of scrub- biiir | out unit that liu dlil not Bull Anything. ' 'I'Jiuro never lim been such a hc-atcd term with * o few M.sunlltlc.i wllhln my recollt'o tlon , " wild a citl/cn ycsteruny , " 7lic fact Unit Uicru uruso few nit lit bo tiilicn mil irowl indication tliat wcnre n very tumporato pcdplo tcmiH.'ratoln till things. " .An Omahainun driving n biijwy on Lower Dmdwiiy SimdityuvenliiRcolIiiKd with another - other 111:111 : rilling horscbiick and killed the liittcr'.s horse. Tlio abaft ofhts bu y l > io trnted thu 11 wit uftho aiilinal mid itilllutoJ u xvuuiul that caused death In n few hours. Frank Johnson , n Ind llvliif * on Seventh struct , wus MttiMiby nviolaus dos hut night , unil severely Injured. The dog was owned by Mrs , V'uu At-Jeii. Dr. Harjto'.v drudsed tlio liul'jvounds ' , which were lorn ted on thu arms titid face , 'flic doj w killed by the neighbors. Kntisas City sends mossnjo.s of condolence to Council IlluM'sniid desires in return u.sblf ? cliniik.sof sympathy sucatibu sent ilinvn on n flat car. The ix-nsus return ? IC.IVQ her 80KM ( ) smaller than Hho was bo fore tlio ununi- | eratloiipomnit'iiri'd ' , ami slio wants to lean on our neck and wocp with us. ' The best plan lo follow to Ucq > cool , " said Dr. Miurao yesterday , when risked for n. cem- cral hot Mather prescription , "I * toiro iitout your business. It's tlio idle people who liavo tlii ) most complaints to inako about the vvcnthcr , U'ho limn that's got plenty to do and fjocs to wo'rlfiiiul does It hasn't got time toicullzo hmv hot it is , " The fli-cincn utNo. 3 hose aw conKi-ntula- tlnp themselves Unit the llro committee in tlic council really bad no sinister motives nnd dnrlc designs upon their lives , for they were niToeaoly surprised yosterd.iy by the receipt ota new steel tire to talco the jdaco of tlio lirokun ono en tlio hose cart thut 1m licon tlircutcuini ; death to the riders fornlon tlmo. Them ivos some uneasiness ninonp the frjoadsof Jllss Kuto Wicldiiun , the popular teacher , wlio went as a delegate to the na tional touchers' association at St. Piml. Sev eral of the tcuchcrs returned yesterday from St. t > npl niiil staled that Miss Wiekhain had slatted on Saturday for the locality devas tated by thotuvnblo cyclone on Sunday even- Ing. Ing.Mrs. Mrs. E. W. Hurt ws thrown from her car- TOKO by u collision near tlio pumping station ofthowntcrworks on Sunday uveuiiigand quite severely Injured. The misehiuf wus mused by imm.uvuyhorso attached to arar- li.iKOtontalidiiga man und twowomcn. Mrs. Hurt's carrluKowns overturned and she was tliro\vn with , a good deal of violence against tlm curhinx , The board of education did not hnvo u incutliig last nlglit. The leason wm thnt the MI ties wlio KHVO tlm vcwsn.ipcn the in formation that an ininofttiut meeting was to lo held obtained their authority for the ( tntcmcnt from their iiiinginntlons , Several members , however , appeared , but tlio board rooms were neither Ugh ted up nor unlocked , The regular mcrtliijMvill occur on Monday night and thoi-o will bo u. special nicutiiiL' on Saturday tight , C. P. jWanis , nn omployo of the Council Bluffs paint and ail mummy , 1ms ( wi-fected a very simple , cheap i i l otlectlvo mailbox , that can Iw gotten up and furnished at an ex pense ot less than SJ5 cents. 1'ostinaster rroynor's attention was eulled to it yester day , and ho udvlscd the inventor to send u modd to Postmaster General Wnnuiuniilccr. who Is vciy anxious to scuura u cheap mall box that tlio departmental ! ! mnUo und fur- nlsli to the people without cost. If Air , Adams' box shoidd bo adopted the few hours t required to develop tlio idui andnuilio the box will prove the most proiltablo in hU life , The park commissioners , city council and others interested have bncn insittutiiig the Fairmount pluITolcctrio mot r linn. It is a well known fart that a rlilo over the line h not ns Rontlo m it nilRhtbo , and that tlo cars do not run na smoothly over this part of the line as they ( loovurolhcrnorllnns. Tlio dif ference is laid to the lighter rails used for tlio nark line , AresuUof the investigation hns been ix movement to require the motor com pany to take \ID the llirht rails nnd lnv iloivn heavier. This has brought n strong protest from the residents of tlio Htwet , who claim thatahcavierrnil will obstruct the street mow , and thov thi-mton to resist the alleged Iniprovcint'iitm the courts If necessary , The city council and u number ot reporters went down to the pumping station of the waterworks ycsUmluy afternoon for the pur pose of Inspecting the primary sulnidary roscrvoir.whieh . has been emptied ami cleaned out. The inspection was asked by the water works people , who desired the city ollieinls and the uawHpunor representatives to see the bottom of thebiK1 basin bofora it wns relilled. It vus found to belli excellent condition anil well cleaned. There nad been removed ap parently hundreds of tons of tlio silt and mudthat hud boon pumped into it with the river water. The last analysts nude bv the company's chemist shows that there is thirty pounds of silt to every 1,000 pounds of water us It comes from the river. Tlio greater part of this is settled and lodges In tlio Hrst reser voir , U'lio ' second subsldary reservoir will bo cleaned next 'iho reservoirs of the com pany have never liad a more thorough clean ing than thut plvon them this spring , and tlio turbid condition of the ivatct about ivhlch thuro has been soiuneh kicking Is duo to this. Arrantfonients for the commencement of this vorlc on the now subsidary ix > sorvolr nd other proposed improvements uro about joinplotcil. JV jjood hose reel f reo with every 100 feet of hose purchased atUlxby's. J , C. lllxby , steam heatlnir , sanitary en gineer , m Ute baildlnff , Omahii ; 80/Mcr rluiu block , Council Blurts. If you wish to sell your property call on the luJdVolls Co. . C. 11. JuJd , president , UOO BroacUvuy. _ _ M'KKtiOXAL J'.t / . 1(1 il.i I'll ti. K. 11. Fonda is on the sick list ngn\\\ \ \ . J , G. lllxby is in Burlington en a business ailsslou. Hob Westeott was overcome by the heat in rxiiming down an Item for tlio Konpareil. Miss Doll llrooks of the Boston store left st ovenlug for \Voodblnc \ , la. , on a summer mention. Miss Lena Fonda has Just returned from Paw 1'uw , 111. , after an ubscnea of three ivcoks , L. B , Gorhntn nnd fiimily leave tonight for a summer trip iu the ltocl < les. Mrs , Uorlmtn and child will ivnudti in Salt Lake Cltv twd tlio head of thu family vlllgoto Idah'oand faclllo coast points. Bcotla Stevenson of Aliuloy , Nob. , n prom inent lumber merchant of thut place , and one of the brotbcrs of the enany Scotch family who uro rutinint , ' the Council Ilium lumber coinpnay bere aiut a lurgo yartl in Omnlui besides numerous other places , wiis u lilulTs visitor yesterday , Mrs , M. M. Mnrsluill vlll Icavo tomorrow for a summer visit with her husband's rela tives in Chama , N. M. Major General Mar shall will let the Kiel house pcoplo look lifter Ms personal commissary while ho devotes all the time ho can ipare from the "Q. " business to thoouorous duties of hlsotllclal position. Mandel A Klvln am olTerius great induce ment to housokoopon during tnesohot dnys , " \Vo \ nro nvolvlnff now goods dally and can offer great biiraalns Iu carpets , bedding , cool : steve * , etc. Wo wish to make room for our fall stock. We would bo pleased to have you ItffUiM with us for cash or on the installment Dlun.Vewih ship till modsfi-eoof cliurtjo \vlthinuradiusof lUOmllos. Uemeinbcr , 1 JT. Q , Tiytcm , real estate , 5 713 road war. m\ \ § ABOUT THE BLUFFS. An Unknown M\n Supposed to Have Been Thrown Into the Elver. SIGNS OF A DESPERATE STRUGGLE , ( .Irc'iimstnncjs Which I'oltit to Tlic lidleJ'Ttnit n Dark Crime IIus lleon CoimnltlRtl Ren- crnl NolOH. The Missouri river seldom gives up its dead or reveals Its secroti , but It g.ivo up a tccrt'thistnlglit that may lead to the discovery - covory of a dark crime , hy which a Council Bluffs man lost his life. AtS o'clock last night U e mounted patrol * million duty nttho bridge discovered seine clothes lylnj ? on the sndhar on this sldo of the river hcnwth the trustlo on the eait end of the motor bridge. Ho wiitehvd them forsomo time and noted the fact that thcro was no person near. The clothes looked as If they had just been taken nit by some one prepara tory to taking a plunge In the river. Know * hiK the dangerous chrnctcr of the current at thut point , ami ho wearily n man might bo drowned there , ho concluded to iiiiiko nil in vestigation , nnJ Olsiuomitod and went down to the point. Only n Jnrk hat and a gray coat could bo found , iitul they were not lying together. Both were nearly new and of fine material , Ho brought tlio clothes up to the bridge nnd mounted his horsoand proceeded on his beat. .AtU oVloL-kho met another patrolman und reputed the circumstance. The tacts were telephoned to the central station , nnd tlio patrolmen were ordered to make a cloicr In vestigation. They returned to the locality , but by tills time It wus too dnrk to see dis tinctly and n lantern was procured. 'They made n startling discovery. At tlio point where the clothes laid there were a luiye number of tracks on the damp sand , ami mixed up In great confusion , indlmtitif- thntn strugtrlo bad taken place. One set were the truelts of a barefooted man nnd the other were these of a man with n heavy pair of boots or shoes on. They led to the cdga of the river , where n desperate struirgle had ap parently tukcn place. Hut the waters guvo no sltfu of the secret they concealed. Tlio boot trades led back into the willows , but the barefoot tracks did not retura from the water's edge , lly the aid of the lantern aeloscr examina tion wilt made and a heavy gold watch was found l.ilng on the sand , apparently as If it had dropped from n vest that wus being loosely carried. It VMS found hesldo the tracks that led Into the willows. The watch , the partial raiment of a man , the tracks und the struggle that hail apparently taken pluco all Indicate the fact that a murder has been committed for the purpose of robbery and the body of the victim thrown into the river. There nro no means ot identifying the clothes or the watcn , and \vlio the imfortu- iinto owner 'was could not be determined. There was no mark on the watch , but whether thcro were any papers In the coat pocket that would reveal the identity of the owner h us yet only imown to the oflieprs. The fact Unit ho went Into the water from this side is the only evidence that ho was a Council ] 31uITs nun. Dr. U.S. West , porcelain crown and bridge work , No. 12 Pearl. Tliotity Council. A special meeting of tlio city council was held ycstordav afternoon with the mayor and nil the uldermen present. It was called for the purpose of receiving the report of the po lice committee concerning the erection of a second story on the patrol house , to bo used as a police headquarters and for police pur poses. Thecominlttco reported in favor of the addition , und iho report was received and concurred In. The committee was then In structed to engage an architect , to prepare plans nt once and have them i-eady for sub mission to the council ut the meeting next Monday night. The city clerk was instructed to advertise for bids for tiiu work , to be re ceived up to Monday night , when they will bo opened and the contract let. The proposed addition will cost nbout § 3,000. Tlio police committee reported in favor of allowing the police department some extra facilities in thu way of u horse and bugcy , und the report wits concurred In. This price to bo paid for the outfit of was fixed at $300 , and u warrant for that amount was ordered to bo drawn In favor of the mayor and to be paid the owner when the chief of police suc ceeded In Hading the animal and vehicle thut would suit , D. J , Hutchlnson & Co. submitted the plat of Wilson's Terrace , a new addition to the city composed of a portion of 1'almcr's grovo. Heferfcd to the city engineer to draw an ordi nance and report at the next meeting. Alderman Wind called the attention of the council to the fact that the lease on the uutld- Ing now occupied by No. 2 hose company had expired and submitted a report from the fire committee that the lease bo not renewed and that better quarters bo provided. The mat ter was i-cferrcd'to the lira committee with Instructions to secure a better building. The city scavenger matter wns called up and the committee recommended that no more scavenger licenses bo issued , and in lieu thereof thnt all common carriers bo permitted to do scavenger work upon their carrier li censes If they lilod a proper bond with the city clerk to comply with the requirements of tha ordinance , which provides for covered ves sels and ticht boxes. The iviMipt , wns rnn. currcd'tn. This practically settles a question that has ridden the council like u nightman ) and riven inoro trouble than the weightiest problem of municipal government. Alderman Casper called attention to the violation of thoordlnanco licensing hucltstoi- ' * . The ordinance was adopted n , year ago and was designed for the protection of tlio local dealers against the outside fruit nnd decayed vegetable dealers who soil commission con signments in the residence portion of the city , The ordinance provides for nn annual llcenso of ? M and specifically states that this licoiiso must bo talien out on July 1 for the entire year , Uobert Huntlngton , for M. Doquotto and others , showed that Omuhr. hucksters and commission men had hccngcttlng licenses hy the month , and would take out the neces sary permits only during the fruit and preen vegetable season. The marshal and chief of polieo were instructed to see thut the ordi nance was enforced , and the clerk was ordered to Issue 110 inoro monthly licenses to anybody. The council adjourned to meet next Mon day night , "Want Personal Damages. In the superior court yesterday the trial of a peculiar case was commenced. It is en- tltlttl George Muntor vs Hugh Dowllng. The casocomes hero from Neoln. The I'ltiiiitllT ' claims that ho wns at work on Dowllng's farm , and had some diniculty in getting his pay , At last ho _ sued , and on the very day when ho should have been in Xeola to attend to the case ho found himself in tlio tanilo county jail , on a pretense that ho was insane. It is claimed that Dowllng was the 0110 who cnrno hero and tiled an information charging thut Minitor wus crazy , A warrant was Issued and a deputy sheriff was sent out to bring him In. He'was locked up in jail until the commissioners could bonotillcd , and wlicu they examined into his cuse they promptly discharged him , Such were the facts onwhlch ho brings thU suit for dam ages , claiming of the dcfeudaut thu sum of $1UUOO. , A llrohcii I .eg. An accident occurrol at the residence of Deputy Sheriff William Curry In CVesceut township Sunday evening , by which his eldest ton , Joseph , aged twenty-one , suffered a severe fracturoof tho'rlBhtnnklo. The y ouiiR man was going away from homo , and was mounted on a frisky young colt. Ho rtxle up to bid his mother good bye , am ] the colt stiled nt something near the gate , The rider was throwi violently npiinst a corn crib , nuil received the injury stated. A year ago the unfortunate young man had tlio satno foot almost severed from his body by u blow from nu axe while chopping wood. , Cliautauqua Attractions. Tuo IntcrcstntChautauqua continues. The variety of the programme , and the high aver- ugo of IU merit being recognized , the crowds continue to RO nnd come. TheyRo with great expectation * , and they come away with the expectations met to their satisfaction. Yesterday the great event was the concert given by the Schubert quartette. This com bination Is by no menus unknown in Council I31ufTs. Several seasons ago they gave a con cert here , in the opera house. Last season Uicy npncnrcil on the Clinutiiuquii grounds , iintl iiKdiii this season. Vi'ltli e.ieh reappear ance they seem to create Increased enthusi asm. The prolso duo this ijxtartctto cannot bo too strongly stated. Their musical novel ties cntch the public and their more artistic renditions cntcft the musical critics. Last evening Dr. lienson again lectured. It wiis , like his other lectures , unllko tluno given by my duo cl e. His strong Individ uality , his qualntncss , his funny Illustra tions , clear points and uncommon common sense gain for him the verdict of being ono of the most entertaining speakers on the plat form of Utiautauiiuu. The following Is the programme for today ; II a.m. Assembly bible study. Dean A. A. 2 i > . Hi. Hand concert. Stiitin. m.-Ijoi'tiiro. Dr. .Tobn H. I-einotle. Thu I'illo40i ) > hy of Music , with a scries of brilliant scion tlfiu experiment1) ) , 4 p.m. Sow testament Utook. Dcm : A. A. WrlKht. " > p. in. * Cliautaiiinia Literary and Scientific clruli ) round table. T i > . in. Chorus flu" . 8 p. in' . t'onof rt. The Schubert quartette. A IVoiilliiiAimiuvlt. . John Dunn denies that the saloon near the Hcvcro house had it ) furniture seized by the olllccrs. All that they took in tlmt line was a beer faucet , which was afterwards re stored. They took some kegs and bottles of beer , some Jugs of whisky , etc. In further explanation of the affair the following lather remarkable aflldavit , for prohibitory Iowa , 1 given : I.John Dunn. jr. , hcliiit first duly sworn. upon oath say , that I was thu proprietor of the saloon neiir the Ilevoio house , on llroad- way , In the city ot Council MliilTs ; thnt I have always paid my monthly line to tin ; olllccrs ot wild city : tlmt for MID month of July I tun- dorud und offered to ] iuy mild olllceis tlio line , anil that thu oily cli'i-l ; lofuscil to tuUu the said lino. JOHN DUNN , .nt. Subscribed and sworn tnbufoit : mu by John Dunn , Jr. , July la , 1HH ) . A. L. UKMIUICKR , Justice of the I'cnee. SPECIAL VOK THIS WI2KK. At the lloMtim Store , Council Itluift. LADIES' MUSLIN UNIJERWEAU. COHSET COVEHS. New line corset covers , all sizes , lace trimmed , bargains 'J3c and Jiflc. A full line of butter goods in all sizes ut 50c , fiSc , C'Jc und "e. Night dresses 50c , 75c , 8"c , Ooc to $ ' { ,00. Shirts , all trimmed and tucked , o'Jc , 7."c , S9c , $1.00 up toSU.7. " ) . Cheapest goods ntuOc to 5Sc , tucked only. In chemises Me , IWe , 5'Jc ' , 5Sc , S7c , Doc to Sl.S'J. Drawers to match all the above. COHSBT LIST. Light weight sateen corsets ( good value ) i > 0c. Our Town Talk corset ( lap back ) 7" c. French cantlt corset jin drab , white nnd ecru , 7f > c ( special price ) . Our ON13 DOLLAR LJST , Warner No. H.T5 , Ooralino , Tampico , Madam Nor.i , Duplex , Ball's II , P. "Warner's No.HI at ? l.25. Equalino health corset at 31.25. "Warner's health corset at ? i. ' 5. .Misses' waist 4. > c , iiOoand 75c. Black corsets , $ l.ii : : to S'J.ftO , fust black. Ladies' waists ( Warner's ) 1.00. Ladies' waists ( Ball's ) 5l.'J5. MTo are showing over seventy-five different styles of corsets nt present. Be convinced wo can suit you in un v kind of a cornot. BOSTON STOUE , Council Bluffs , la. How to lllnff a Telephone. "I wish the people of Council Bluffs could learn ono little bit of a thing , " said Manager Atlilns of the telephone exchange yesterday. ' 'The little thing I would hnvo them learn is not any more dlfllcult of acquirement than was the n b , ab , of their primary school days , but there uvc 5,000 people In the city who constantly use telephones who will not or cannot learn it. It is simply to follow our printed Instructions , tlmt nro printed in a dozen places in every telephone book they over saw , concerning the methods of ringing up central and calling the subscribers they want. When they want central the instruc tions are to give one short ring , and only one , and xvhcn the operator at the ofllco conn < 3ots them with the phone they want , wo have bogged , and prayed and besought them to ring that'pliono by giving two short , sharp , brisk rings. Nine times out of ten they will jingle the 'phono once nnd then wait a long time and jingle it again. This loaves the op erator in iloubt us to what they want , and according tohor Instructions she should cut in and aslc them what number they waut. If slio docs this they roar , and tolt her to keep out , or they will try to smash the tymnnn of tho'phono by shouting the inquiry why in summer weather she didn't give them the number they called for. She will meekly apologize to them when she perhaps feels like strangling them. Then when they got through talking to that subscriber they will want another connection nt once , and they will give their usual little Jingle of the bell. The operator is afraid of being killed if she cuts in , and she naturally lets them ring awhile. "It's n trying position the telephone girls have to fill. Their duties could bo lightened and thosorvlco rendered much more satisfac tory if the public would fully follow our in structions about ringing up. It certainly is notdiftlcuU to recollect tlils : C.ill central with one ring ; call the subscriber you want with two rings.11 Dr. Bowers' office moved to 20 N. Main. Dear Tongue. A colored man was arrested near the Chicago cage & Northwestern depot charged with vagrancy. When ho came up before Judge .McGco thcro seemed hardly spfllclent evi dence to warrant his being convicted , but it * -as deemed Dost to hold htm nntll latein the day for further investigation. As bo loft the presence of the judge some ono asked him what wns done in his case and ho answered in a very contemptuous , referring to the Jrdge in so vile an epithet that the court con cluded that oven if ho was not a vagrant ho wns guilty of contempt of court , and that $50 line might cause him to have a little better control over his temper nnd his tongue. Judjjo Dnemoi-'s Condition. It was expected that Judge Ueemer would bo able to bo hero yesterday to attend tlio dis trict court , but ho sent word that his wound bad broken out afresh , nnd was troubling him to greatly that bo would not bo nblo to bo hero before Thursday , to which time ho or dered that court bo adjourned. The Manhattan sporting headquarters.118 Broadway , A Cliolcn l.lst. of Summer Itosortn. In the hike regions of Wisconsin , .Min nesota , Iowa and tlio two Dukotns , there nro hundreds of charming localities pro- omptorily tilted for summer homos. Among : the following selected list nro mines familiar to many of our readers as the perfection of northern summer re sorts. Nearly ull of the "Wisconsin points of interest uro within a short distance from Chicago or Milwaukee , nnd none of thorn nro bo far away from the "busy marts of civilization" that they cannot bo reuchod In a four hours of travel , by frequent trains , over the llnost road in the northwest the Chicago , Milwaukee ifc St. * Pnul railway : Oconomowoo. Wls. Clear Lake , Iowa. Minociiua , WIs. I.nlto Okoboji , Iowa. WiiukcshnVls. . Spirit Lake , Iowa. Palmyra , wls. Frontcnac , Minn. Tiinmlmwk Lukes , Lake Minuctonlca , AVls. Minn. Lakeside , Wls. Ortonvlllo , Minn. Kllbourn City , Wls , , 1'rlor Lnko , Minn. ( Dolls of the WlsAVidto Bear Lake , cousin. ) Minn , Beaver Dam , Wls , Big Stone Lake , Da- Madison , Wis. kota. Tor detailed information , apply nt ticket office1501 , Karnnm street. Darker Block. R A. NASH , Gen. Agent. J , E. PliESTON , Puss. Afont. * 'PUBLICANS OF LANG Their County OonVtntlon of Yesterday iv Ono , MOORE ANp EGGLESION FOR SENATORS , Oakley , Olllllati , Cornlsti , Multosscu nncl Sovcrliie Chosen as Hcprc- Hcnlallvcs1'iilcH of Altttrl- nionlnl LINCOLNNeb. . , July II. ( Special to Tun Uii.j : : Tlio gtcut political struggle tlmt has been In progress uinong the republicans of Lancaster eounty for several weeks cimo to n head this afternoon In tlio county conven tion held ut llohnnon's hall. At 2 p. in. 290 delegates , nil In their shirt sleeves , gathered nttlio place of rendezvous und though the hunt -was sweltering the enthusiasm was none the less demonstrative nnd the delibera tions were curried on among un ocean of flut tering finis. Th-3 meeting was culled to order by W. S. Hamilton , who announced the objcet of the convention. On motion A. M. Trimble was chosen temporary chnirinnn and M. I. Aitkin secretary. On taking the chair Mr. Trlinblo niailo u strong speech upholding the soldier clement und paying a warm tribute to the record of the republican party. After approving the credentials of the various delegates , Mr. S. J. Alexander was chosen permanent chairman. M. I. Aitkin wns chosen permanent secretary und K. D. Si/or nsslstiint sivrot-iry. Oa motion of Jtr , Trimble It was decided that each delegation should cast the vote for Us absentees. On motion of Mr.Voodv.ud It was deter mined to oppose proxies in the stuto conven tion. tion.Mr. Mr. Woodward also moved that no nom inating speeches be nllowoil. Although tills sentiment was opposed hy cverv man cocked and primed for a speech , nevertheless It pre vailed. The convention then proceeded to place candidates In nomination. On motion of ClmrlcJo. Whodan , Mr. U.E. Moore wiis unanimously chosen ns candidate for the ponltion of stnto senator from the city. Amid loud iicelumations Mr. Moore came for ward und thanked iho delegation for the honor accorded him. The following gentlemen were placed in nomination for the position of senator from the country precincts : S. W. Dcnrdsley , , r. J ) . Woods , C. M. Branson and George W. After the first vote was polled the result was as follows : Uc.mlslcy.JS : ! ; Woods , IU ; Branson , , Ej-glesloii , 01. Thu stolid was as follows : Beardsloy , lM ; Woods , ! iU ; Bran son , 51 ; Egglcstou , I'Jl. The friends of Woods lost courage at this juncture und withdrew his name from the contest. Tlio third ballot resulted as follows : Beardsley , 114 ; Branson , ( I ; Ejwleston , 170. Mr. Lggloston wus declared the nominee. The following nominations were miido for the positions of representative , there being five places to be tilled : John J. Oillilan of the Fifth ward , K. II. Oakley of the Fourth , Charles Severino of Budn precinct , A. J. Cornish of the Fourth ward , John 0. P. Me- ICosseii of Middle Creek and Byron Bcal of South Puss. Bud Lindsay of the Third arose nt this Juncture nnd declared thnt he had withdrawn from the race on account of thu hitter op position of certain papers und for the good of the purtv. A motion was then made by Mr. Hathawnv thut Uillihin , Oakley and Cornish bo declared the unanimous choice df the city. This raised a howl from the country dele- Bates and Mr. Hnthawav withdrew the mo tion. tion.Mr. Mr. Cnldwcll then' ' moved that Gtllllan , Onkloy and Cornish ho elected by acclama tion and nn uyo und , ny , vote by precincts hemp called for , the motion prevailed and the gentlemen were declared the nominees of the convention. By this time the delegates were worked up to a fever heat of excitement , und it wus with dlfllculty tlmt they were made to sit down or become quiet. . When order wns restored the convention proceeded to vote for representatives from the country precincts. The first ballot resulted as follows : Sev- crine.L'00 ; McKcsscn , 370 ; Bcnll , l'l. ' } MclCesscn and Soverino wore then declared the nominees and amid shouts they proceeded to the stage to thank the convention. Both RIelCesseu and Soverino attempted to multo speeches , but the delegates cried.them down. This ended ull attempts at speech making. Nominations for county commissioners were next in order. In the Fhyt dlstrfct the following gentlemen were placed In nomina tion : Captain W. W. Cnrder of the Seventh ward , M. E. Churchill of the Sixth. George W. Winelnnd of Lunc.istor , John H. Travis of Wuverly nnd F. 0. Evcrson of Hock Creole , After the second ballot Captain Carder re tired from tno contest in favor of Mr. Churchill. Mr. Everson's mime wus also' withdrawn. The final ballot wns as follows : Churchill. HV2 ; Wlnelund , HI ; Travis , 114. Churchill was declared the nominee for the First district. In the Fourth district Joseph McGrnw and John Fnms were presented and resulted in n victory for MeGruw on the first ballot. The vote was : McUmw , 189 ; Frans , 114. Thomas J. Dicksonwas unanimously chosen us candidate from the Fifth district. The following gentlemen wore' named for county attorney : D. G. Courtney , J. G. Johnston and 1) . F , Johnson. The llrst ballot was us follows : Courtney , 180 ; Johnston , 53 ; Johnson , 55 ; Strode , 1. Mr. Courtney was declared the nominee. An old man named J. J. TCclloy then arose and after making a speech highly compli menting Tom Benlon , state auditor , ho miido a motion that Mr. Bon ton bo allowed to se lect his own delegates to the stuto convention ns Mr. Benton was desirous of being re- elected. The motion was carried with n thunderous shout , although there were several votes against the proceeding , A motion was then made that Charles H. Gere bo given the authority in conjunction with H committee of ilvo to name the dele gates to the congressional convention. This was carried , although u good many voted against it. Mr. W. H. Woodworth then moved that the gentlemen chosen as delegates for sena tors nnd representatives bo Instructed in cose of election to cncourago and vote for the Australian ballot system. Gore chose the following persons as dele gates to the congressional convention : Or II. Gere , W. II. Woodwanl , F. M. Hull. A. D. Burr , H. M. Uicc , H. W. Orr , C. E. Aloxau- Smith , J. D. Laner , W. C. Aus tin , H. B. Vnil , James Steven son , James Mnlionoy , E. 1 > . Holmes , II. C. McArtluir , S.M.Mohck , J. M. Cotton , W. B. Bennett. O. V. Eaton , W. .T. Marshall , It. B. ( Jrahimi , J. H. McClay , D. C. A'nn Duyn. 0.V. . Huxie , J. Ij. MeConnell , Al E. Ewun , S. J. Dennis ' ' M. B. Cheney , Jesse D. Mooro. - - - After the nppoin'tlnbnt of a republican county central comtnlttoo the convention ad journed. ronnci.osiN'o TiiKiit MoninAor.9. The Meud bond nui ) trust company of York has commenced action la the district court to foreclose a mortgage on .lot . 41 of Davis' sub division to the city of Lincoln , given ns se curity on n note for S'oO. The sumo company Is also after lot 10 of block ! l in Grant's addi tion to the city of Lincoln on which a mort gage was given by Frederick S. Ellis to se cure a loan of SiSO. The company also wants lot ( J ot bloclc ! ! In Irvin's addition to Uincoln , which was mortgaged by Mrs. Emmu B. Wllhclm forU0. ! John L. Miles and James Thompson have their eyes on lot 1 of block 4 , in the Lincoln driving park company's second subdivision , on which Mr. and Mrs. S. H. Wright have a mortgage to secure the payment of VI'iOO. , The note specified that In case there wns any failure to pay interest or principal promptly the \vholo amount of the note would become Immediately due , although the bulk of It wus not in reality duo for ilvoye.irs. Mr Wright has been sick lately and was unublo to pay the Interest the lust time it became duo. He will therefore lose everything that ho has already paid. OVKHCOMI : nr Tim HEAT. John Dunz , a tcatustcr in the employ of. Henry Velth , was overcome by the lioat while nt work this afternoon , When dis covered ho was lieing dragged iilongl * street near Eighth , with the lines wrapped around his wrist. Ho wns taken to his homo on (3 street , between Seventh mid Eighth , lifter regaining consciousness. Ho will recover , m : corr.nx'r STAND ntosrnniTrT' " Mrs. Aimlo Malay , who was wedded to her husbnnd , Thomas , thirty years ago In old Ireland , now begs tlio court earnestly for a separation from him. Mrs , Muloy says thut during the three decades she hiw been mar ried to him she Buffered the Inconvenlcncca of emigrating to America , endured the priva tions of pioneer life nnd has assisted her once poor hushicd to accumulate a fortune of fl7,400. But Mr. Muloy , lllcu many other men. could not stand pro'perity , and of late his \vlfo says ho 1ms grown so arrogant , drunken ami brutal that there is no living with him. Several times of lute ho hits knocked her down and in other ways abused her , and called her vile names besides. She further claims that ho has clutched her throat nnd threatened to kill her. She asks for a fair share of the property thnt she has helped to accumulate. James Knittlo uxks for a divorce from his wife , to whom ho hiw been married for twenty-four Mr , ICnlttlo Is a nnn of good reputation und ho claims that ho has throughout his marital career always tie- ported himself ns a faithful On February IB of tlio present year Jho suys ho wns astounded by discovering thut his wife , who Is nearly fifty years old. had become untrue to him. This was followed with "n shocking array of subsequent sins. He can no longer hear the disgrace ot being tied to such a woman and ho praya for a legal separa tion. A TOUOII PA MI , Noah Cushlngbcrry and T. Eddlngs , both well known to the police , were arrested to day charged with stealing n lot of chickens last night f win a farm near Walton. Thu tcll-tulo evidences wore found about tholr houses in the bottoms. Cushlngberrv Is the paramour of the notorious Jennie Adams , who , though but a little over 11 f teen years of age , has gone Inevitably to the bad. Hers Is n cnso of hereditary eusscdncss. AN INDIGNANT HUSHANI1. II , L. Spencer has for some time boon sus picious of the attentions paid to his wife by one George Kelloy. and yesterday ho In formed his wife that ho would not bo homo until today. Instead of going out of the city , however , lie disguised himself nnd remained here to watch her. Shortly after a o'clock this morning his worst fours were realized and liis first impulse was to shoot Kclley. Uut instead of doing this ho resolved to publicly dlgraco him nnd hunting up a pollcoimn ho caused the arrest of the guilty pair , and the two passed the re mainder of the night In the city Jail. Mrs. Spencer affects great penitence and assures her husband that if ho will withdraw tlio prosecution she will always bo trim and faithful to him hereafter. It Is said tlmt Spencer Is bent on getting a divorce and also intends to punish Ids guilty wife and her par amour to the lullcst extent that the law will permit. Mrs. Spencer's father i n well-to- do farmer named Spcrry aud ho lives near White Cloud , Kim. BTATi : HOUSR NKWS. Secretary Cowdcry and Treasurer III11 went to Kearney this morning to inspect the now building on the industrial school grounds. The National wntch company of Red Cloud has filed articles of Incorporation with the secretary of stuto. The capital stock Is $100,000. David A. Campbell , the newly appointed clerk of the supreme court , filed bonds with the secretary of state this morniiiR in the sum of $ IUOUO. Thijy were signed with the names of Kobcrt B. Windlmm , W. H. Newell , Frank Gnrrott and John W. Barnes. The bond has boon approved. Campbell has also filed 810,000 bonds for the position as reported und they are signed with the names of John H. Becker , J. N. i'utterson , C. II. Pnrnialco nnd W. II. Kcwnl. Kcwnl.Cl Cl TV NEWS AND XOTKS. The following colored gentlemen were each fined f 10 and costs this morning for being hi a gambling den : Frank Mitchell , David Weldon - don , Solomon Walker , William Hobinson. liiehard Johnson , John Jackson , Ben Cornea ! and J. M. Downing. There has been a no ticeable lack of arrests of white gamblers , however , of late. John J. Rcnfeldt , n butcher , slapped James Keneully for coining Into his shop drunk und using Improper language In the presence of ladles. Keucally caused his arrest on the charge of assault and this morning ho was fined i and costs. The iudpo assured him that personally ho admired his manly action , but the spirit of the ordinances necessitated a fine. Jim Daily , who bit oft a portion of J. Kitchen's thumb In a light Saturday night , was fined only SI and costs this morning , as it was proven thut Kitchen aud his brother provoked the attack. Kitchen was also fined SI and costs , The police \vcro called hurriedly this morn ing to Tenth and O streetx , whore it was re ported that Lou Glblcr had killed Abraham Bayliss. On arriving on the scene it wus dis covered thut Bayliss was not dead , but dead drank. An insulting romaric made by the inebriate - obriato to Giblcr had caused the latter to knock Bayliss down. As ho was too intoxi cated to move it was thought at first tlmt the terrible blow had killed him , but It had merely stun'ied him instead. Giuler" was urrcstcd und mulcted to tlio extent of $11. Mlna G. Metcalf asks the uld of the courts to collect $300 from C. P. Cadwalladcr. o A Html Crowd This. Flo Audrey , alias Omalm Jack , the toiigh cat woman in town , went out to Cut-Oft is- Innd with a disreputable male habitue of bawdy houses and § 19. Out on the island they mot two other women and they all got drunk , "Jack's friend" deserted her for the other women and n light ensued , in which VVIll bo paid to any competent chemist who vriii Und , on ttmlyBia , a pirtlclo of Mercury , Potash , or other poisons iu Swift's Specific ( S. S. 8. ) 'AKEATIHOSORE ncodct on , Tcr. , Aug. S3 , 1839. "For clgh. tccn months I bad no eating sore on my toners I was ( rented by the best local physicians , but obtained no relief , tlio eoro gradually grovrlog worse. I concluded finally to try 8. S. 8. , and was entirely cured after using a few bottles. Tou have my cheerful permission to publlnh tha bovo statement for the bcncflt of thcto BlmUarJ ; ffllctud. " c. B. McLKUoim. HendcraonTcz. Treatise on Dlood and Skin Dlscuerwnnlledfroc. THE BWIFT SPKC1FIO CO. . Atlanta , do. "It Diaagreeu A common rcimirk. If you lake Tutt JMlls you cillloat iinj tiling you lllir , lill < lfr ; nobi < l effect ) . They net Kiieclllcully un tin Jlvcr , KtnmnfU Rinbowoln , ruunlnR : a fret flv ofgastvlo Jiilve , ivliluli Irf omciitUl to good digestion und regular bowvU , Don't Fea.r Itcr. It. IturtH , Jluimlu , Fin. , sAy t "TutO l'lll are linlil Jn lileli rcjil1 te a * n I.Ivnr K 'K- ulatur. 1 linnlly know how vii fiiuld irt ulonif vrltliout them. Chilli uiiil fever IIUM > lint tlirlr < Our jioople tuUo 0110 or t wo Uo.fH fif th TlllH , and follow It with flfloini Kinlns of < iiilnlnn , illvlilcil in threa ilo i > dur * Itilt th ( lay. The chill Hover returns , " Tutt's Liver Pills CURE CHILLS AND FEVER. Ttlcv ? Bo. Office. 39&41 P--fcPlnp- . Y. GRAB'S SPECIFIC MEDICINE MMt < K TIIK ( IMKAT I KAOEMAII * KNOI.IHII liKii- KIIV. Anunfull. limcuro for Hum * InulVi'lknr : i , H iiertnitnrrlri'i. liti | > ntuiic/ . unit nil > lliui < o < tliat foIUiw ai a 8 * quen of Keif- BEFORE TAKIHQ. omturto , Wtt TAH B. 1'uln In tlio Hack , Dlinnimuf Vliliin. 1'roinoturo Ul < 1 Aire , and uiinir dtliiT ill ua" ' tlmt luail lu Iniuiillr or rnnsiiiuiitlun nn I u | > runiatur | [ ruvu , ttrKiilliinrtlculitrtln uur pnuiplilel , wlndiwo de- Irulunoiut fri'iilmull to erury ono. If1h3 bpo- title nicilliMiKi ImnMal ( I | > ur | uicknw , or ill pncli * nuv > for K , or will l > o font trvo by mall uii th j roe l | > t of Hie iiKJiicy , by Hlilremln < THK GOODMAN DHUO CO. , 1110 FAIINAM STKKKT , OJIAHA , Nint. Oil account of counlcirfoln ne UUTU uUoptoil tbo jcUaw wrapper , the on/ ] all hatul * l wk n yart. "Jm-k" ainnshcMl a couple of mirrors mid n fo\v beer plnjscs mid smttcrcii conildcmlilo gore , but win finally ovcriwwcruil mid badly slinhod wlthnknlfo. J txtor slio'M picked up lyliiKln the roiul loiuiliifr from tlio Islitiul unconscious. Slio wns tnticii to tbo stntlon , mill yMtoiilny nrnilKiicil upon n chnrKo of bolnjr drunk. Slio Imil been so bndly puiiUbcJ , bowovcr. tlmt . . She lost hop Jll ) , nnd assorts tlmt the RftMtcr part of It wus stolen by her coinmu- Ions. Both the method 'and results -\vlicn Syrup of Figs 13 tnkcn ; it Is pleasant ami refreshing to the tafto , ntul nets Rcntly yet promptly oa tlio Kidneys , Liver and Rowels , cleanses tlio sys tem eflcctually , dispels colds , head aches aud fevers and cures Imhitual constipation. Syrup of Figa is the only remedy of it.s kind ever pro duced , pleasing to tlio tnsto nnd ac ceptable to the stomach , prompt in its action and truly beneficial in its cflects , prepared only from tlio most healthy and ngrceahle substances , it many excellent qualities commend it to all and have made it tlio most popular remedy known. Syrup of Figa ia for sale in 50c and $1 bottles by all leading drug gists. Any reliable druggist , who may not hnvo it on hand will pro cure it promptly for any one wlio wishes to try it. JDo not accept any substitute. CALIFORNIA FIG SYRUP CO , SAN FRANCISCO. CKL. E. AT urv "THIS is AN AGE OF APOLLINARIS WATER. " IfiiUerVfianl , Apollinaris "THE QUEEN OF TABLE WATERS. " The fiUing at the Apollinaris Spring ( RAenisA Prussia ) amounted to 11,894,000 , lollies in 1887 , 12,720,000 , bottles in 1888 and 15,822,000 1TOTIOE The welUiKKon Yellow Laltli of the Apollwarii Company , Limited , art protetted fy Perpetual Siyiiiictioiit of the Supreme Court , BEWARE OF IMITATIONS , 01TICER & PU SKY , BANKERS. Corner Main and Ilrnudway. COUNCIL BLUFFS , IOWA. Doalorsln fnrolgn und Domestic TCxclmngo Oollcctloiia inadu and Interest p.ilil on tlmo uuposlts. Gas Stoves MANY FAMILIES In this city are new wiling to give evidence that the com forts of housekeeping will never be thor- oroughly appreciated until you provide yourselves with a Gas Cooking Stove. Many people thought we were going into life stove business a little steep when we bought such a stock of stoves , more than 100 patterns. Realizing , however , that the people of this city knew how to appreciate a good thing when it was rightly presented , we fully determined to make the at tempt. Our sales during the month of June fully justified our efforts in introducing the beststoves that arc manufactured in the United States. These stoves we have been , are now , and proposs for the bal ance of the season , to sell at cost price , set up and connected. A. separate metre is set for each Gas Stove. The price of gas for stove pur poses having ; been reduced to the very .low figure of $1.30 per thou sand cubic feet , we guarantee the economy and efficiency of every stove so'ld. STOVES SET OiN APPROVAL. Call at Merriam building and select such-stove aswill meet with your requirements , and will put them in your house on a month's trial , COUNCIL BLUFFS Gas & Electric Light Co , " NOTICES COUNCIL BLUFFS. 1710U8AtiR-.Orwlltlr.iilu for "n M > | road JL1 U'imtalllim : No. tlWJ , rctMoriMl in Wnl- liico. llyDr. Archibald , dum by Kentucky Ulur , A years old. Apply lo Dr. Mncruu. \V ANTKn-nmMl clrl by Mrs. A. I1 , llniu > T elicit , 120 Fourth Htroot , USt"T"Two itT > o7r iiiodorii \V \ , iMUer. a I'uurl utroot. SAIjR nr Kent -diir.lon liiiul , wltli FOIt . ' , by J , U. Hloo , Iff } Muln St. , Council llluirs. " \VANTKD-A poiltlonl oniiKlvtfliostof r f- 'i oi-oiieiiHi itntiiliorlonco | Inirroccrv und Rcnoml | IIHIU'I.I ; iiNo iHuikkoinilnt ; . Address it i > , iioo i > niiHuuituuii iiiuirs. \V"V pay rout vdiou you can buy u homcon T T llio Jiuunlorim , iiiid In ca < o otyour dcntU at nny tlmo leave your ( utiilly tlio lioino clear on tliu fdllowlni ; tonns : A homo worth tl , ( n txtM2 | > cr tnoilth. A homo worth JI.VIJ aHIS IHT inoiilii. A home wcnlli J..iXK ) ut i't iwr nuintli. A homo north MtiM iittut | ii r iiiunlli. Aliomo worth f4WO at MS ir tiiontb. Othur prlcml lionu't niitlioftum toriii < . Tlia nlxivo inniitlily payiinints hioluilo iirluolpnl unillutorcst. Vordfll iinrtlciiliiri unit on or lulilrosi the .Tii'ld ' AVolU Co. . 0 > 1 llru.iiUvay , UoiiimltH I u fT . In. _ ITIOUlJENT-Tlinitorflriwrn , No. 18 , ( rontma U nn Ivurl U NY. U. Jiuiius. V\rR ll.VVKsovural bMiitltul inn lurn liouiu TI Hint wo will tmilo tiir ( iuiitnl ) rjti va'i in lotijliiOmiibiiVtiincllbliiiTs. : ) ! Tliu Judd * Wells Co. . l onnull limit * . In. DR. BELLINGER'S Cor. Broadway and sntli St. , Council Blufi's , la. Tor tlictrentiiirntof nil surijlcal amlehronto dlsea o * anil diHis\sot ; the blood. I'rlvato dl > oa c i of thu urinary and sexual organ * , us syphilis. itrU'tuioi'y 1llls , i.piir- niatoiiolioca , lost nnhond , v.wuul Impotuucti and NM'iiU'nfS * tioatuil Miivi Hfiil-y. I'lirtlcnliiMitioiilliiii paid to disuasiH of tha liinK4. as Asthma. Consumption , llroncliltH , Catarrh , Elc. Paralysis. Kidney dl-uiM : > s , as DliilietuH. lliliihl'H Dlirtiso. UliiMiiimlltiiii.l'llos ' , O.mccr , Varlocclo. llydioselc. Dropsy , Tu- jaur-1. Dbo'iHci of thu eye and ear. Club fict. Hplmtlcurvnturoaiilull diseases of the bnni's. \Vo have a depart incut devoted exclusively to the t refitment of IHorliut dlioascs. Medlclnosoiitiecuri'Iy ' packed and freofrom observation. Correspondence eonldonllnl. Addrnss : 1)K. ) IIISI.MNOKK'.S Surgicaltnsllttiio and 1'rlv.ito Hospital. Cor , llniaihviiy nnd 'Jith stCouncil lllulM , in. . The J. A. Murphy MANUFACTURING CO. , 1st Avenue andSlHtHt , SashDoors and Blinds Hand and Scroll Sawtnir. Ue-Sa\vtn unit Plaining , S.iwliu' of nil kinds. I'uroli ' Hnu'kots , Klndlliii ; uood } . ' . . " 0 pur load ddlveicil. Clean snwdnst by thu liurrel..c. . All \vork to bo Urht-dnss. Telephone M. "V'OUU IMTUOXAGR SOLICITED. " MAXON & BOUEQEOIS , , ,1 Architects and Superintendents. Pine Interior Decorations. Ttoom " 50 Morrlnni Hlnck , Council BluHs. T KOOIII WON. Y. I-lfa Uulldlng , Onmbn , Neb ALL , WORK WA.RRA.NTED. DR. J. D. JACKSON , Dental Surgery. All kinds of worlc ilono. You con sivo ; one. liulfonyiiiir cold nnd silver lllliiiKby cnlllni ut room -'it ; Alurrliini block. Counull BliuVi. F. M. ELLIS & , CO. , ARCHITECTS And Building Superlntandants. Rooms Hi ) : ui'.l 4'ti llco Hulldlns. Onialiiv NoU.uiiilHooiiH'JII uiiil SI'J Murrliuu Itlook Council lilulT'i , lu. Ooriospontlonco Holloltuu J. D. UUJHiNDSON' , Pre . II Jj. BnuaJIHT. Vlco-prcj ClIAHI.KS U , IIANNAN , CnHlllor. CITIZENS STATEBANK OK COUNCIF , HLUKKS. Paid up Canittil * l.-j,000.00 ( ) Surplus nnd Prollts 50,000.00 Liability to Depositors 350,000.00 , Ilur.crnnfT. : . A.MIllor , I-.O. Oloasiiii. K.Jt. Slmsart , K. E. Iliut.J. I ) . Kdiiiiiiwin. Chiirlcs O. llniiiiuii. Trims lot KUiiorul liiinUlns biibl- iioss. i uuustouiiUul ami mirplnsof any baulc In SoutlnvestiTii Iowa. INTEREST ON TIME DEPOSITS. Electric Trusses , Belts , Chest Pcotectors , Etc. Aconts Wmtoil , D.O.B. . Judd , 606 Broadway , Council'HIuffs , lar 27 MAIN STUEET. PROFESSIONAL DIRECTORYr Hydraulic "nd Sanitary Knplneor. Plans , Kstiinntcs , / h I Kill . lllln sloclflonllo"9i ) " 1 Supervision of Public Work. Brown . .LSII uiu.uu Building , Council Bluffs , la. JuUlcoof Iho Pouco , Odlco over Ainorlcun Bxpross , No. 000 N. Shur . Broadway , Council Dlulls , lown. CfATin JPr ClTYin Altornovsnt Law , Pnictico in the Slate ana Federal uLUilu ( V IJllllu"Courts. Kooina 7 and 8 Shugurt-Hono LJloolc , Council vy v v . IW UAW 111. . , , . , jowa > Wliulosiilu mill UeUll Dealers In- FURNITURE. r < urb'ostStook und Lowest Prices , Dealers , tend for Catalogue , Noa. 205 and 201 Broadway , and liOl and 200 Plerco Street , Council UlulTs , I