THE ( BIAHA DAILY BEH&l 3IONDAY , JULY 14 , 1890. 8PBB1HL NOT1GK. " UVKIlTHHiiMEriT'J for tlipTo roluimTvrili S bo tiilitn until 13 HO p. in. , for the ronln ( fill ! Ion and until 8 no p.m. , for the ulltlcn and UUIOAT HKE rpnitMB-Cnshln idrnnce I\c1iarccl ( fornt Ihoralnof M cent per won ! for the flMt Infertlon nnd 1 cent p r word for ( noli guinea unit * Inforllon. nntl tlM per line per month. No ndvirllsoment taken for loss than 21 cents for llm tlrst Insertion. TMTtAIB. figures , s > tilxld , , etc. , count each J nmiilo word. rnilfsn adx-rrttRcmonls mint run consccu- JL tlrnly nn l under no olreiinutnncis will tlnybo l ftUon or discontinued by to 1 e pip no. r > AUTItS ni ! ortWiiK In tlicso colutHs nnil J. liavliiK tlirlr iiniwersnddicssod to ft"nuin- bcr-d lotlnr" In care of 1 tir. IlKiivrlll rccolvo ( i numburod rlircktofinblothftn to Ret their letters. Ansnnrswlll liu doll \crcd only on presentation of. this chick. Kncloso answer * In iMivolopei proprrly ndilrened. iilvprtlnenient ( uniler tlio lioad nf ALL ( otle < t" urn publlslit < l In Uith llm inoihliiKnnrt otcnlnecilltloiisof IIIKIIKK. tlio elrcvilat Inn of which nRSruilf 1 morn than SD.UOJ paicrs dally , nnd sixes tlio ndvertHer the I ( nt lit not only of tin largo circulation of Tiri'lli i , In OinnIinbiitHls < iln round UlulTs , Lincoln nnd ollioreltlm nnd towns In the \vt t SUNDAY HAM-1 UA.TiS. ADVrUTISFMKNrHi for Hltuntloni or for ninluor fcmnlo lidp. not cxccnllns 21 ttorilsnrolnsirli'dln Tilbhi sitATltcnnt liilf r-itcs r'urlin ? the inontln of July nnd August Thn regular rntea will ho churned for .ILI ! addition d word ulxivo "I words as troll as for ton "nitlInsertions. . BRANCH OFFICES. AdvorlMnn for thoseeolutnn" will bo tnken on the nbovo condition' , nttlin following husl- noMhoiitiM who nro tuithorlml totakOBpoclal notlc ( s. at tlio same rates us can had ut the /niiln ollion. f OI'Tll OMAHA IJItANOIt Ol'KlOK-No. O SOJt : N Htrtot , Mster Illojk. JOHN Vf. HELL , , I'harmaclst , KJSouth ! Tenth Hi let. & KDDV , BtatlonurB and Printer * , O II ) SouthIfithstreet. s IT. rAU7tSWOUT.II , I'harmaclst , SI15 Cum- i Inistreet. J. HUGHES , riinrnincUt , (24 ( North 16th Btroot. / 1PO. W. 1 > AKit , I'hnrinnclst , 1718 Loarcn- v , o rib street. TTUaTlES'l'HAKMAOy. 51th and Vtirnam. l"orralci , ctc.fft tui > nf hlg Half title * on Sunilau. \VAM'ii-Hltiiatlon ) by ( liemin. ran run TT utiiim on lno too ti jcurs'experience Aldt ( > s4 1 111 , Hoc. .IM1-14 * "WAMII-A : ) position of tiustby a Nn. I busliiemniMii lii the linidwaie trade , llos of rcfoiLiicoand security. Address .1 40 Hee "VS7 A JsTnn Position ns j in I tor.vitoliman > tefoioncc , K'VO ' bond if rtqulriil. 0. II Olson. : illlMaminist ] _ , _ -"HI ! ( > ' N OTJCI2 to meicliint t.illots-l'ofltloi : wnnledby ( Irst-eluss cutter ; rcfiiiiiiuun Artdnss II. no , lleo ollleo. ' \VA.\TII ; ) - rnr niffj , < ; tc , nee ( up of fit ( column on I/its / jiaof- llttlj tatt * on Mind i// / . " \\rAM\KD-Tlils _ . > o""C , Unp books , Jdlh July UiiilOlO Now Vorl T.lfo huluilii. , ' . .110 U * " \yANrni ) Two active boyH fronu acliSuti- l dni school Jn thucltv In cull nt room 10(11 N.Y. J , hldg.utl o'clock Sitiinliy. IllVU * AdIJXL'S Unulitindrcd and tlll t slx orders Htdiiod In Idul.liiK county , Ohio , bj one nqciit lu tin ( lii > s fin Milk Uvaln's litest lionk , "A Ynnkooln IvhiK Aitlnir'H Court" If j on w i'il n fast helling book. cxeliisHo con- 1 iol of ten llory.and nil t r.insportatlon olni ( jinld , nildress Charlis lj. Webstei ACe , iiub Ushers , II Kist lourtiontli btnot , Nmv Yoik city. IEM.U " \\TAN ri5D An uotho man for onch siction TT biliary J7. , to 8100 , to locally leprescntn Biid'OMfiil t\ , Y , company , Incorporated , to Biipply dry goods , clothing , shoes , Junolry , cite , to consumers nt cost. Also a Inily ol tnit , salary } -lt > . to enroll monib rshOixniiov ( ( Miiollul , $ IGn.Ui ) ) pilil In ) Itofcrencis ox- uluuicul. Kniplio l'o-Oieratlv | association cudlt well rated ) lock box 010 N. V. \\7ANTnii-On It. A. O.rillrond construction nt Lodl. O , Bcraper fon-men , crup toiniHiind outfits nnd contractois for Hwh mirk. A n drew \Vnrnor A. Co. _ iiM II * WANl'IIII balesinon on tmlnry or commls slun to hiindlo the nuw piteiit oliemlon ink IM i slnx pencil. The Rreutst aelllnif nov elty MM i iiroducod. Krascs Ink thoroUKldy In t no seioiuU ; noabrasloii of piper , "ixitoWU percent piiitlt. Ono aRont's sales ninountort to KiJO luslx dajH ; [ mother J.CJ lutuo houn M \\iint ono cnorKotlo general iiKont foroadi state nnd territory , bainplo by mail .l' > cts , l-'or tornm and full partlculam nildrcss the MoniouKrasor Mfg Co , LaCrossc , ttls.XA XA r * " \ \ 7"ANTiD ; A Rood hiiUer atonoo. T3nqulro * ' * _ nt l.-iniliirnoytttrea. _ : < 0-l.v \\7"ANT1I ) A few oxpoi lonce'i solicitors , IT lady orcontloinan. forhometlilng now , no lxHiUn Aily | ) nt loom UOIN. Y. Llfo. JH-I A i3iVLR'fA"wiiiitccl. ' ! . man to sell line J VclKirs ; s ilniy and O\POIIM S paid. Addicss , Vlth Htump , Ulobo Uigur Co , SI Louis , .Mo. \7 ANTl I ) A0tits | anil dealers. E\ory i' dithollc luni'.clinlcl wants an nltar , Our liomu and fnnilly ulliir Mils at Hlcbt. t'oino- tliliiKnmr , b ample alt nrfieo Address ninn- iifuutiuersfor Illustrated description. IloMim Mftf. I'a , rq Wnsli Ht . Boaton. MUM JI2-1V * 'ANTJ.D Soinooiio tobullil twocoita ea nnd tnko KiKxl lots In pint pay , Colsoth. Johnson & Lovgron , room I ) , Clmmbcr of Com- iiiorc-o _ CT 11) ) W AN't'l'D fcuverd seed dty piiimissers. I'ur inrtkiihii3Hlilri'sallo\'i)7 : | , Onuilii , I\c h. WAN n.D Imnuilhitilv. llrst-clans baker ; , mi innmiiit situation } 14 per week. Clu- lluk'Mbiikry. Lincoln. Nib. ! MI ANT1.1) ) AKOOI ! talker to Holllniedlolno on the street. Call at ( .17 8. lUth st aa-in * _ * \\f ANTH ) iooo men for ralliind work ! n TTUoinlni ! . Duliotti , .lltali nnd jMivndi ; viiKCill.7.ltu9. " > 0 : stoncly work. Albright's ] ubor Agumy. ll2l'iirn _ _ ( _ ni at. .MU7 * Y\rANTIrl ) 'Ihroollrstcliisimcn fo ropro- Ti sent the Omuhn lleeln nud out of tbucltv. dull nt the special olllco of Oni ihiillco. inuier mid I'linum. ground lloor. 077 \ \ f A N T'l'l ) Mou tn ti.nnl for our ( ' 'an ud Inn T T imiaerles.itoiic&\Villli ! toii.Madlson.JMH ) \\7" ANT hi ) 'llioioiiKldy lollublo , eiurse tlei T ? iiusliln man , wlio Iswllllmi to worl , do- flreslo make money und \\lll trinol. can Und opoiiliiK bynddrobsliig J ollaja- , Deaiborn stree-t , fliicaKO : k'.14 | * "VlTATT'l. ! D Two ( noreello JOIIIIK mon to T truel ; must bu w lllliiR to work on Hinull Film ) ut tlrst Addre , with btamp Lnelc- llox lijl. t'oluiiilnis. iV'b : u.VI I * 11 \ " AN'll.D A KtHid Kdinral bliioksinlth. 3 ; _ t V I1. K aster , I'lilliTloii. Xnb iftl-llt * A ( jl.T'P- < - | Sooutllt onlUiIiys * tlmo tlAJOO iirolltln4veoka or no tuy. Add , with ( tamp : Jarvld& . Company , Hiiclne , WIs. WAN'l'TTn Sulesiueii ut"Ji5 per month i\T- ary nnd oxpeitnos to sell n Him of blt\ir- plntcdviiro , watches , otc. , by t > atnplo only ; iitu iiiiidlunin furnished frto ; wiitentoiuu for full pirtlenlurs nnd simple case of vroods freo. stanilardh < ll\er\vuro Co , 1 to-ton , Muss. -A iKX'l S wanted , 111 new speclnltlei , nil fiist wllorsj no experience iiiHessiiry ; bl mom1) ; snmplu : free , Address li 0. Uruwsior , Holly. Mlilu _ f > lUJyl ! > * _ LjAIl.ts.MiN : tosellspe-clnltles to nurchants t'l > j sainplu ; salary pnlil to good men ; ) iliHiirnUlicil ( | steady Mtiiiillon ; Model M m- _ Co , r-iilh llend. Ind. Tv/AS'lCl > AHl labori'rs for cxtrii roul T T Knnus Apply to I1. II , Johnson , II , ft JI. Mtmt r depot , Uinuliii. wunTiil at Norfolk nud Oooduiges paid. 3I.T. Miuphy. 1IH 'r ' yru KncrRotlo men nnd woniui for a KUijU'ol business iKiyhiKKl ) wuakly profit ensltMiiuViJw'iiVoMhlymli rwlsbroxi'orVeiico luuifccssiry ; pe-rninnent iMMltlon nml oxclu- slttiirllory assured ; II samples free ! Imes- tlKiitoour moiipy-iiinklnif huslniM. Address Wlthstainn. Jiorrlll aiauufuoturlii Co , 1153 , \ > \vxrii : > rtJM Aiin HiTia\ tatctf , ttc. , tet tup ofrut column nn ( fib ' ' - ' ' ratai on \V7AN"ir.l--A Rood wumun cook. Call ut 310 T _ fJJ-'llli > _ lLll > os.yOo driiK Htoro. _ ! CHlj > * \\AN'lii-UliTi ; : to stltiii nn ladles' shoo upv r . Ihoso halns nxpurlencuon M W- Injr iiiaoliliios preferred.iV. . Morsn V Co. , 1 llli nml Oo lining. _ _ ju7 18 \S/AN1 lLUocxl ! Klrl for Kencial IUIU.MI- TT work ; must furilbh reforoiices f .ill ut , C04So.J10th st _ K4 _ 1J _ \\7AKl Kl-Jlrl ( or nomnu for TT , homework. Mi South fflth st. 2.v ) 1. " * VVANint-A Kdod plrl for socona MorKiiucl > plain Bowliig. VJaSlTthHt _ : . ' 4 | _ \\7ANTCD-An7ntclilcant youn oniaii > i rompotODt totulcocuieot ab.iby nnd n - flut lth soc'ond Mork , Mrs. Italpli II. Uay- JordL1040Soiitli 20lli bt , _ _ 1S8 _ \ VANlhlKxiorloniod ? | slrl for"nenonil > kouiuwoik. two lu fumily , 11U feouth 10th. "t ! TVMI.iI. pnyhdlc * n silaryof 110 per week to work for me In their locality ntlioinc.lliilit work , ( fixxl piv for pirt llmo.rltowlth stamp , Mrs. II , P. rarrlnstotii Ixix Tea Chicago \\7ANflT : > Blnhu-rooin girls atlniUor \ TT Hpti-1 _ T13 \\7ANlTo--A Klrl for general liouHimorTnt > T mi Dodge U ! B IS * | ANTED A nurse girl. Good wugos. 408 N. Zid t. 'r > 8 WANTED-Tliroo oxporlciicd dining room gltUnt tlio Unrltntlmtil. 774 DUKSH IAKING. \jrrntot , ttc. , tee top of frat fnJumnnn till * fmnl- eullclUd. Mis.sSturdy , OS5H. Uth u\u krliS. It. f. ? ansomc.GI4 S Ilitlloy HiStoui ron IUNT ; HOUSIS. 'or tatct , ttc , , tec tupnf fil ciiluinn un thin i TllJf iTf-rtMinV d wol fiTie Tlfi vn S7 * . A lie , 8-ruotn ilwelmiir with } iinl. JJ3. 0 nn l 10-ninm dwellings , Wi to WO binuatun & Allen , ItXTJ ! , , 1 urtiini st. liJ Jy 13 dfiOH UnNT-G-room lieu o , cell ir clly wnter. w or. t ! > Jl N 2'ith st.i - wm ho\i oJll iV'oolunrih IUP. inn IV VKOOMbilik linimo ci-nlriilly locitod , full ' -'of loiiiiu rsnnd bo-itders ; rt-nl juisonulilo : jirlcu of furniture , t' > 00,1100 cash nnd halunuu J. > | M'r nioiitli. Cu-Oi .ruthu Land mid Lot . o.SttMfltli s . Ill'i-ll 71011 1IKNT l.l-rnoin modem lirlclf. Turn un - motor llnpoty elio ip. \ViI haiis & Mt- C'ulloch , west end Exposition lM'i ? . al ? 10 * TjlOIl Itl'NT A. nlno-rootii lionso In Rood rt -t. | ) ilr , nil inoilcni comcnli MU-S. tit ' . " . ' 01 iirniiniRt. Apply to\V.U. lo.inefil" ) X V. Llfuhullillti ? . T710U 11KNT-T-r om house , Ml J Lc.itun- JL1 north , inoilernlmpioxomuiits. liniilruno\t | : looreaU. ill ! < "T710U lll'N f Tlioso oleKiint tonn rcsldcneoi JU on Gior lt u\c. , f. swill st , bet. Mason nnd I'uclllo sts fcoo ownorforloiiR tlmo Icise. II. II. Ileiidirson , room 401) I'nMim lilk. 77ft .lull . ItKrs'l Adouhlo roomscich , ' 19t hand Ma-ton. $10 per month. .I ) "I710U Hr.NT 5-rooin house , city water and Jv hprcens , at u hirftaln toresponslblo liartles , gUffl'urkui st. Apply MO , l'uton block. IM TfilOIl ItHNl' 8 room house , aird mid CumlnK -i ? ftx.U > per mouth. 0. 1' . Harrison , Oil N.Y . Llfo. IM1 j\OH \ UKNf 2 ( Ino pressed brick houses , fionts onDeorBhi a\o. . Just north of Lo iv- ( nworth St. , 0 rooms , b itb , furn ice , sewer eon- iKctlons , allconionlinces ; will u'nttorcspon- nlblu p irtlcd for K * ) . M. A. Upton Oo , 10th and l < "urnuiii , 777 "IjlOllltnNr House. 10 roomsall inodoinlm- J1 proveinents , l.irpo yard , * H ji r month. Commission to agents. JJoxter L. Thomus tl'YOU wish to rent ft house or store &co II. II. Cole , t'oiitlnentiil block. 779 171OU HUM' Outildo tilt In Llnton block , - - ' No , ,111 fa. Uth st. coiner Mason st.rt looms niwly p ipcrcd nnd In goml tiinlr Kent if.'T per iniintli Innulro ut No. W7 in tlio block , Johnllimllu U 8 IUOOM Hit with stcim heat , llth Ht. near Joncj ; Ihoinas llill.JU 1'axton block.Tti Tti L J1OU KHM * Hi-room house , L'107 Douglas Tn- "irUNrrchldencc , modem Improvements , 103 Jfct. ' . Mail's : i\c. 3u"ipet moiilb. Imjulro nt prunlsis or ill A. lU-llm's lilt I'limim. 7SI TfJIOH KHM' 3-ioom lieu f. iwod repair , iilco J-1 j iinl. eWennv.itir , nut ftS Apply lo II" ) bonth 7th u\eor to Jno. M. Hell , diu glst.JOtli IJIOH HUM' 7-iooin house with liirn ! noni- J Iniil rent to good p irty. 0.1' . Harrison , Oil K. Y. Mfo. Ill "irUIKMSIiniJ bouse on I'lim un st. for rent , -L IniiulroGerinaii-Amerlcnii & > a\hus bank. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 7V > I71OU Itl.NT ( ! oo < l 10 1001 n house , sewer , J.nler , KIIS , bith. bit u , fin n ice. hi elcKaut shipe , cheip. I ) . V.fchoHs Co , 213 llrslNat'l hink. .HI I'Oll ItllNT KOOMS rUllNISHIOl ) . I'or rrilw , clc. , zee lop of Jii it column on tlttt ) OOM nml TibiVd che ip for two In ifamlly. S-JltJliurtsttcct. , IW TIiyilNlSHED room for uoiitloini'ii or man J-1 and ifo 111 private family , wlthhnth room. fiUS.ffilth n\o. JU2-14 * . . rooms , modern Imuroi ements ; 18J1 rnrnani street. Jti rilNVO nicely furnished largo front icoms , J. with tiist-olias board ; 107 s 17th st. JII Ib GnM'LI'.MAN and wife or two gentlemen cniiobtain room nnd board at ren.soimblo pilco In prl\ ate family. No other boirdeis lOJI Claric bt. a7r.-14 * EOH ItrNT Nlqo f mulshed rooms , with boaid JuaiDoilKOgt. Us.-iu riCELY furnlahed looms ; most pleasant I location in the city. 1S11 Capital avcnuo. Ml-14' " \T10ELY furnlshod rooms , 1821 Farnuin. rp\VO nicely fuinlshod rooms fortno gentle- Lmen 01 man nnd wife ; board If dcslrul , ii 22nd , one-hill f blouKfiom l.eavciivorth motor. . ' 1 ! > AlARGi ; front loom fur xcut. C012 Harnoyst ssu 17 * en rT\\0 front looniB , elCKintly furnished , with J- all modern lmpiovenicnt.s , at 705 > . lUth st. J i 18 * ROOM for Blnglo gcntli.maiil'J42'inodBe. 284 ilO * ' 909 , ST. OLAIIt Huropcnn hotelwithdlnlnsroom , l tli-UodKo. bpcclul in I CM by wcuk or mo. 791 PlIltN'ISUni ) rooms , liousokeepln ? . MOM bt MIIQ'H nve. Jtft 17 * JAUUK front nnd rourrooin , half block from motor , US to W , 717 S 10th St. SiW ? J L Alton ploasiint front room for tuo pontlo iiiuu , all com onltuces. ll''l ' Ulilc.iKost. L'OO IS * .AKGI2 front room , SlU. bOO 8. 22nd. 819-12 * 71OU ItrXT rurnUlua rooms , ut 17. . ' Oupl- - ; tel u.\ ( . ' . N ein rooms , nil conveniences , 1711) Iu\ii- ) poi t st. 1J7-10 * KOO.MH to i cut. furnlsbed null iiiifurnlslidl Apply nt tlio Miirluni for particulars , -Jtl nud Odd KO. 104 U ) * 17IIIKNISIIK1) ) rooms , with boird ! newly fur- Jnlslicd tliroiiKhout , with hot and eold water bath Ki' DI sIKAULi ; rooms with board , bt. Ni-l' ! > * r-riiinlslica rooms. IbOO DOIIK ! is FOU lirNT I'mnNliMllooms ; gas.hnthund nil am , 1110 Unwind. 7s' ' ) "ITIOIl HKN'T Nicely furnished looin.ixllinod- JL ? oincoiiM-nlcnei-s. OIS S 17th st. 71X ) "VJl.WM" funilsluil rooms mil board forsov- -L ( nil inties ) at .SOLI lluiney st , ; t\\o nilii- tues' \\nlU fiom center of buslmss. und coo ! place for summer. Miss Uuviuls & Wnlbrldgu , I'Olt ItKNT S'lOltKS I\iriate # , ttc. , nc < oj ) of firl column on IMx JJ.IIK. lOKll.M'-1lho4-stori ! brlek bulldln- , \\lth Jor without power , formerly oceimltd bj tlio lice I'tibllshlii ) ; Oo , Old rnrniim st , Thu bullil- hiKlus illrepmof coinint bisoment , complete steam l.catlm ; fixtures , water on .ill the Moors gas , cte. Apply at Iho olllco of Tlio Bee _ 1)1' ) S'KfUl.H ut 71W b Uith. a\Wcnvli ) , lur-'oshow \vlndouH , steam heut furnished , Ihos V Hall , iilll'ixton block. _ 7U.I FOH HUM Finn corner store , ICtn anc Jones Kul ; low tent , good lountlon and pet ting Licit tir o\ try day. Gi 01 go ( Jlouscr.701 b.jotl HOTKIj-M rooms , nil conveniences , hi Iclf , S blUb Irom 1' . O. H. U. Irey , K , V. Life. POH ItKNT 1'inostoreroom m.Noi-foll ; . r\ Shehod eultahlo for clotlilnj ; business clodilo lights , stejiu heat , utu. . Addruss ( I.A. Sl-ist. r > 7ll I71INK olllco ; u sin ill figures on Rrounil lloor , -L In Itouf.s unorn hoine. Inrjulru of Ameri can 1'nof Co. . . ' 11 S ? 15th st. 1 ! 1710K linNT-llriciv vsnreliouio. t o stono- JLJ andbaseiucnl.ST.OOO squiirp fi'ut , fllthlOJ fpotof donhlo track on li 1' . rilluur , south Wtliiuul I'lfrcu btrects Adilrubi O. Oskump , Onnlia. .Nob. OU ITlOlt IIP.NT Small store mom. * S i-onth JTenth. . 1'ourdoors from depot , bultihlo for fruit urolzur utoio. Apply ticket ollico , M)7hutntuth ) ( LU AC3KNOV. lr rate * , ttc. , tee toy of frit ciiliiiini on l/ifa / G FO. J. 1'AUL , 1000 I'urinini. douses , oroa and Huts for r > nt , rents collected , rolhiblu llro lnauranc ) , Money to loan. 217 jVfOHTON'b rental U8cuoy,517 I'uxtoo hlook H ] , K. COLE , rental agent , Contliieutnl ilU blk VlLSIIA b & M'GulIooh , W. end Kxixisl- - 1 T tlou hldy. KU-uJ n J. I11EV , runtal agent , AXJ KTfTnto. -J > 700 * r rntc * , tie , , ttt fop of frtt column nn tht * root m > wor lithol or wood and Iron. A lilrcssJr.lJlleeo Uo , _ PZ { OK more reliable mon worllnc ( iniid iry v'for hlK ror | irutloii.niitiiropofllloim for pciirlug homes In Mitnirbs nn inontlily piy- iients. Addiess Billing location , otc , I f > ? lleo. 'OIMUE'Plining lull , newly fitted ur , Ht . ' 111 > o. ir > th. IN st meals In t ho city at low rates. 1'iiniWiod rooms upstairs. 1'ctcr.Mc- Utilrc , prop. X'l 18 * ALIj pirtlcs knowlnz tlienmclici to bo In- ilohlid to.M. 11,1'owell.drnsBlit. will plciso en 11 nnd set tic the sumo with the .Mend Inest - iU'iitto.4t'Jlleo Inillillnu. 'JH7 J1 j 'PIN work.roonntr.spoiitinK.vnlleyM. ctc.vood Juorkunu low prices. K. & ivnKe.lOlflc'nmlus. C.-O nl" AVAN'lliU TO IJUV. for rnii , etc. , tfr tup of flrrt column on till * ) Tg . " \ \fANTnn To buy first class fnrmi must bo IT cheap for eish. Address \\oslcrti Kx- cliaiiKocompiny , t'olutnbus , Iscb. UW-H * -A bouso 4 too rooms to tnrno. Colsotli , Johnson 4. Lo\gren. room 0 Chamber of Commerce. "IS II * \7AJiTni ) Good cninmeiclnl p-ipor. NoT - T br.isk.i Moi tgaxo to in C'o.,519 L'uMon blk. lUIlMTt'lin. ' lionsoholdgood * . etc. lllttbcst cash price. : J17 S. l.lth. V.n ! u3i mMii\s : insi'Aius r/ro. i i-atctetcf etui > nf flft wlumnontliti TTMIIKKLLAS ropnlrod : export locKsmlth Ulvcllttliij ntllullln'sgun slop .II'J ' N. liltb. 4 a .1 ylJ . umbrellas nnd wiitfon timlirol- Ins covered nnd repiilieil.ulklni \ ; nines , II lliilur , 1515 Douglas ; liasoincnt I'oi trttf , etc , fee lei ; oj fit * ( roltonii oil (7i/ ( ) > < 70c. MAS:8 A OK trcntnientelci'tiotliermiilliths. ) scilA. : | liilr truutmcnt.manicuretluhlrop- odlst. Mis. I'Ost , i 'JO . ' \VltliiKll 1 bile.b . b -n7 * iAlin Indlnn doctor ( juirantccs to euro nil JLI.Indsof piles in tin dn > ; .lisa nil ilNc isui of the throat nud liltiss In tliosiino time. Tnpo norniH tiiKi'ii out In sK hours without U"iInit olllco : nnd nil tlKeii'-cs tint nro curublc. 017 b 10th st. 0 ill nnd wo him. U4)v2I ) EHMOVAIi Mrs. Jr. ) Dnv hns nttcdupele- Kintbith rooms , No 1403 Dodgost. the Krouiul tloor. nnd Is now proimrcd to gholtot baths with electricity , All HUlTerlnH from rheumatism , li crlppe , pnnilysls or dropsy wlllilo ell toe ill upon her , I'KNSIO.V AGHNOV. 7'ormfc , rtf. , * f ( oj ) of firt column on tlitn " 15 H N si o" ? < S XoVlsl h 6 i InTo t o "Vi ijij'"imd ) er J now luw. { 'Ircnlnr fhnwlnglio sire tltltd sent fieo All holdlors. their nnd dependent patents should address Tall- niiidirc ' 1 illmnde ( , attoruejs , Uliloutro , 111. mid Washington , I ) . 0. 747-12 * P NS1O S New pension laws oicrlO jcais1 i'\ierlunco | In the prosecution of pensions mid K < > > onimiMit clilmsj ha > e soc'Uied o\ei .IOiX ) pensions foi soldiers In NohrusKii and liittii. thulr widows nnd litli ; l.itcstilei'lslons : 1 itc'qtla\ ! no advance foe : now liliinlis and eliculais free ; con iiltiitlon uliMijs free. Hlr.iniA. bturffcs , Sli Cielghton hloulf , next bouthof P.O. Oniahi. KC. ilO' "VTH\\ law , pensions for almost nil JLx fathers , nuitliots , n ( flows and minor rhll- dion of soldiers , rlalins pustied by r. TV , aud.'l 1 ren/cr blk. lr K'Hrse\p < - rluncp. Only pension olllco In Oniahii. bb7 JT 1'A 10ll.o\oliisUo ienson | nnd claim attorney ; o\rr 15jenrs' oxpotieneo ! hnxo all the latest la s iiul decisions. Ollltori- moed from rrtnzut blouVtOChainlior of Coiu- iiien-o room fU. Oninln. Tli'liv. " ! * bTOUAUK. l\ir rate * , etc. , see ( op of first column mi tlili STOISAOB I'or incrcliaiulloo and fninltuio. colil stnniso intl frco7lng ; Ir.icUn u. 1) ivld Cole , 8H-S17 llow-ird st. 27H mKAOICAOlstpi.igo at lowest intcs. \ \ ' . Jl. liushmin. 1.111 Luivenwoitli. JTOUAGE llraiich A. Co , 1211 Howard 800 LOST. For ratai , tie. , tter top of Jlnteobtmn on thli pay * . "I Obi Gold \vutcli. piuln c.iso with dl unond JUstarsettliiK nttacbod to fob l o ard If re turned to II. I * . Drcxel. 5th and Jones. IDG LObT--l > ookcttook on Lown a o. between Tiirnam and Hamilton. Under regarded ntllWlUap ave 430 1-'OUM > . I'or tales , etc. , n < e ( op of first column on this ) > a < ie. rilAKE 10th st. motor to Lnko st. and pee JL those olegint brlok 8-r < Hm houses with 01 ory modern con\cnlpoco for rent to jcurly tenants utftO montli. ImiuIro l JLaUiv K5 J4 : TC. I'or nitcs. tie. , see top of first column on this FOU SAhn 1'lnemddlo bay horse. I5hui high , cheap Acldies > s J 4lllcoolllee. , . " 3S l ! ? OO mules , easy terms , Part light drlv- "InX mules suitable for nil delivery business , llnlancu noik mules. W. L. belD ] , r U , board trade. L"- ? FOU SALE Plrst class llht road wagon , Ilolbiook. 2-'i ) S. 17th Nt. . IKo bulldliiR. I > J ITIOH bALE Good spun wotk liorsos. Imr Jand UIIROII ; weight 1,100 , ; cash 01 time. 013 I'llxton blk. trni flMIAM work horses , will tate buggy ns part ipiy. . It 1.1. Ixiaiil of trade 71o HOUSFS-LWit ilrUori , . lUMtiin. The late lire hasiniido them cheap II. K , Cole. Cou- Un e nt a I bloc h feOJ ri EAM Medium sized liorses cheap , hound JL mid jrood uoiktuum flM. W. ii. Sclbj , r U. boaid trade 9 227 FOU SATjK bpnn younir mules , cw t. about 1J eich , uixxl HUKOII and lianu'ss , cushor tliim J. J Wllkliiboii. ( its I'axlon blk. d't rp\\J \ ( SI'ANbeiiNj and two span llt-'lit intiUs JL for sale , ou two j ears'time at 7 per cent ni ton st with ilrst or second mortKiiKO Omnlii real estate securltj , or other appro\ed cenrs- Ity. fcolby , room 11 , Hoard Tr ido. bl'J "ITtOK SAI/F 1 iilitform siirin louther top JcarilnKO ulmiHt nou , 1 liuekhonid nan. 1 donblo liu fi or cunlaRo harness. Apply at2il'ohster _ _ \ street. Onuili i. My. GOOD wink team foi 1140 ; UM > ono sln.'lo driver for 8o5. It. T.V111I \ HIM , , .V > .N IRth. TITTAM K\tri I.IKU bea\y horsu- , \ \ h. JL fri'lby , r U. bouiil trade. g- * ? 1710U SAM : A Rood blick horse , wollhroU'ii JJ to the city. 1.-J - , . iTtli st. .iOO TJOKfefid * JO and up. H. E. Cole AVANTIM ) TO UK.vr. I'or r fr * , etc. , fee top or fittculinnnon \\TA1STKD Two cool rooms with bonrd , T > niotber und d inghtcr , near car Hue. Ad- drcss J aillooolllce. .ii't V\rAXri'I > TwohoiiM's , "or 8 rooms each , > ' conveniently located , \\ltli modern Improvements - provoments , Applyat 1'ieylmn and h'ulm. NU b. lit list , Wl I'Olt SAljK FUltXtTUHK lU'C. , tic , , trc top of fimt column on thli iriOR SALK I.Tuiso and furniturnof 10 room JL ? brick house , 1'iinilture sold us a uliolc or In pieces. S\ [ folding buds , piano , couclifis , oiisj chuhsehol and hi ussels cirpets. Very cheap for.i few da ) j. ! . ' ! Ous at. UIG la * OK SVLK-runilshlnB of 18-room hotel , ( < iOO. Tuinisoaty. I'rop. must go east on business' Address A , bouthUmalid , ? sch. - TTlOlj SAT.n A line nluno and n few pieces of J- furniture at a burgnln. 1S1U Dodge st. 714 _ " 1710U yALK-Oii nccoitnt of falling hoalt JL ? the nuw nud eleKiint fiirnltun * of a 'Jl- room bouso , occuiiints tlrst-c'ii-ss. mc-oiuo imarly Jl.tXX ) per month , Hunt locution In tlio city. Address J a ) , olllco. 9aa I'orratct , ttc. , tee ( oi of flrtt tnluinnnnllta ' ' " ' l-'A'"i'troc'o brnry , 5UO % ols. , hls- JL ? toy ; , lilo'.Tiiiliy. llctlon , poetry , otc. OIMM ! ns nun. Wllltiadu for Rood upright plino. Also , a Imrglar-proof biifo with tlmo lock , In Rood order , \\lllkollcliuap. \ Hex U3 C'ohuu- bus. Null. 'eU-lS' _ GOOD clear hike Ice forhido In I irgoqunntl- tl s. The ubraskalc o Co. , Kcarnoy , hu- Mull _ 1710H SALE-A fresh milch cow. A plyMH ! JUobstorst. . : ! 501t E : : n eonts : cauct ! 00 I cents. A , li. bluov. Valentine , NvbKO10 KO-10 * 171011 SALE-Now btelnwjty A. ton piano ; In-st -L. mnkc ; party li'iivlnt ? city : pirt cawh , bnl- uueo tlmo If deslml. IiKjuIru at HIS I'uxtou blk ion PALt-Ono [ rtpV ricbold flro and liurRlnr-tirpof thrUm Orceillcnf tlmo locuKlrink counter nud flx- C'ltlzfiis' ; iMUJj ftlmllif. in. Sll 14 IU3IO AUT A.YJU 1AXOUAQC. n > rmtcittc.ttre topofflrft totumn on t/ifa / i > ig < . BF.FO1IK buyIn * H nhinnoxanilnoUio nonr scaleKiinbnll piano A. llospc.lMJ Douglas GKO. r.nniXnMinciv , trnchcror the banjo , wlthllospe. l.'ill Uouslns , LM'J ' fllONKV Tt > LOAN. . ? ' " VloNTlV' to iofin fn liny unionitt from * 1T ( to 1 > 1 10WU ) forntii tlnio from l to0 months. Loins mndo on lion wliolrt uio 1lior csiiuilt" ' . wagons , homes. lcnso-s , . U > , , In fnot on any ivnllnblo seutrlty In liny nmouiit ut tlio low est possibles r lies without n movnl of property. I'ayments c 111 he inndo at any tlmo reducing lioth prlnclpil and lute-ri-st. \ ou pay Interest only for the tlmo you USD the money. If yon owen hilumeim jour property I will take It up nnd em ry It for you. .Mono ) always en hand. No delay. No pub licity. No removal. Ixwosl rates. 11 1' . Jlnstors , Room 4 Wltlinell block , loin and Hurnoy sts. LOAIX1 * City nml fA"u loins. morUnsopu- per liotiglij.Mct'iiitii lllMstinent Co. 800 ) UIIIIN ) ( ! lonns mndo nt lowest rites. \ \ . ) M. Hun Is , room 20,1'renzer blk. , opt J' . O. * . 13 TJKA Ii KSTATi : Loans-C-ish on hand. Olobo JLll.omut 'I rust , Co . 7 S llithn.t ISO delay. No extra uliarpcs. Houses for rent ; good list. lUi "TVfONI'.V To loin on .Onialrn and South J--lOmilia lenl ( state , No delays or expen ses Montty on hand at nil times. Hates , binlth & . Uo , Commercial I > illoml b ink Mdg. I\J lM.V lo ini'd nt lowest lutes , Ion ? tlmo ou JJlimprovid Oinahii rial istate , no"oxtri9 , " iiodelay. Uloho LO.III& Trust Co , U)7S. Ibtb. . K)7 ) Tnt'ILDIMMonns. tlto 7ercent ] ; no nddl- IJtlonil eliirKcsforconuiilsslonor nttoinev'a is. \ \ . II.Mulklo : , First bank HN illHfaT and second niortjtiKes \acantnnd 1 Improv od ultj property. Count v nnrranta oiiKlit Money on hand. 1. M , lUcliardson , AblLltN prhnto nionty to loan reasona ble. Address jiO : Heo ufllcc. 18 MONKV ai.OOorOOiliyson furnlture.planos. IKIMOS. housis , clo. } , J. Wilkinson , Old I'axtoiihlk. 809 / HATTKMoans lit lowest rites ; business V-/coiitllunllulS10 / Paxton blk. J. U. Kniliigor. H10 COMMlHtOI ATi nnd short tlmo paper bought ; also reRiilar ll\e-v oir lo ins nmdo nnlinpro\od oropcrty , Geo. I' , lllusti. Co , 20J _ till ' SncOND'niortEiiKO lonns fceeond uiortgneos hought. Lonns \aeint lots. Hood & golby. room 1.1. Uo irdTraiie. _ HU KK\feTUM3 Mnrtituro Co. Loans of } 1 to JIKK ( ) ; ( jet our rates biforo lioriowlng nnd sa\o money ; loan on horses , finnltiiro oriiny nppr < cd security without publicity ; noil's bought , for now loan , iciunal of old nnd low est rates , cill UJ03 , fchcoly lllt , Pith i. llonnrd. 814 , . _ . _ mortpazo loins nt low rules and no ! delay. U. V.Bholes Oo. Jlo lat ISat.l bink. Ml OI'I-.U C'l.NT nsldinco loins , joi to 810 uoa llulhllnj ; louinat j.ecliil i.itcs. The Jluad Iu\ eMinent Co. . lleo lililp. Sib \ fOMto : loin on hories , wagons , inulos , -i'l.lHiusobold Roodspianos , orR.ins.dl.iinonds nt lowest lates. The llrst oi anl cil loan of- tlcu In th ilty. Makqivloins fiom ,10 to : u > J < l ij .s.wlilull be pnlu , Inp irtor uliolunt any time , thus low erlnji the prfnelpil and Intcicst Call and S MIS Mben > ou want money , \\ocan \ nsslstyou promptly.find to jour advnntiiKO Mlthout iiiu\iil of propeity or publicity , Jlonc'i alwnjs on hiind. No ( k'lay In iniiklnK lo ins C. r. Heed A. 'Co , J19 a. Uth St. . o % er llliit-'hain APons 817 TTNIIfatJALIA lowniujs U Of Inteiest on first moitsazos of Improved rnl ( "itiitofor the next UJilnj s by tin ) Ivans is 1 Itv Inestment Co , Room Hi llo.ird of 1 rude. J. 11. I'onHe , nuin iiror M ) M1 ONKV to loin on my hcoiirlty for ihortitliiio at low rates. Lowest rates on personal ptivpcrty. The Hcndcrsuii Mortnugu. lincsttncat Com- pan ) . nxmi JtXI , 1'axton blk. 818 WAVrji"l ; ) lr-t-ilass Insldo loans Lowest i ites. Call andsco us Mutual litest- incut Co . IVlt I ! o HI ! ) OHVAI' i.istcrn money riillndelphli. J\Ioit \ l'o | and Trust Co. nlwnjs ready to loan and pay promptly ; first rnortciijesn anted. OcorzoW. 1 * . Coates. rep- rcsontritl\e. room 7 , lion nl of Trade 8J1 EAhTKltN money to loan on city property ; moitgugopugcr bought. H.Il.IicyN\.Lltc. B.JIIOHT tlmo loniisnn vacant lota , bolby . t Kucil. 1.1. llo-ird of Tmdc. igl PUIVAin money to loan ohoup. 0. 1' . Har rison. Pll N. Y. ilfe. & 1J T > UIVATR funds to loan on cliolco city prop : J-orty at lowist , r. tc s. Klinbiill. Oliainp s Uyan , 12 ( ) . ' > I'ariium st. 703-Jy 27 flllATTEL Bunk , 110 S r.thst. will loan you v money on chattels at liiiUrnto < Call 449 T OANb-Moncy on liuiid , low rates. Omnln Ulleiil Fatito& : Trust Co , iU ) 3. 17th st , Bee bulldln ? 005 _ . BilOKTH.VM ) AND For ratc , etc. , fee tv } > of flirt cotiimu on thta page. "VTOTIOII Tlio special summer session of tlio JLi clnssos In iraiiiiuin-ililp and slicrtliniiil will coninionuo Mondiiy , July 14. Olusws will uo lield In tlio niornfni ; , afternoon und o\onlnrr. Call on or address for information. Standard Shorthand Business College , Now Vorlf l.lfo building. Oninha. Ngb 083 SECOND 1IANU Callpr.iphs , llainmond nnil HoinlnKtons. John II. Coinos L'n. Lottur lilos and olllco spool iltlea , KIIHIRO lildK. HIT ? CI.AIKVOVANT. For rate * , ttc. , sc top uf first column on this ptme. MI13. DIl.KDItr iiisiotiuiioil. TlioionowiiL'd clalr\ovant Is the BOMiith daiiKlilcr ot the sovunth ( Inushtcr , born with veil nnd ( treat proihotloKlftofbinnd lKht. WhllucntMiiociI wlllrovealiohcr piitronsovtiry hidden inystury In Ufo. HUM Ions boon pronounced In Kurojio mid America the cnntcat living wonder of tlio prcsint IIRO. Uiidorst.inds thu scleucu of the ' I'orslun und lllniloo inaslc. " or undent rharin worKInkMiiid iiropuo * Esyptlan tails- mum wlilrh will ovoriomo your cnoinh'S , roinovcs family troulilos , restores lost mrectlons , innkes mnrrl mo with the ono von love no failure , Kcmovos evil In fluences , had li iblti. euros wllehory , IILH , nnd nil Imi gt.indlii' ; and inysturlnus dlse-is s. reetl.WnndMjlioiirsflu.iii to8p m. , strlut. t-cnt ! " .tiiini ) for Illustr.ili'd elrculiir. 1'uilors ISl NoitH l.'ui - > Aluaysut Inline. ' - MIIS. 1)11. ) r.nOY-Tho dlstliiRiiUhiMl trauco claii Miyinit , late of Boston. Wlillu CH- trauccd will iu\ual oiy hidden in\ story In llfo I'rcpuics E jptlnn talNman hloli lll oNorioinu jour nu'iiili'h. rcnioio fnnilly troubles , restore lost alToctlonH , unlti'S tlio sop iratcd , helps .ill In trouble , etc. 1'ee , HI und upunrds B r-l'erfeut satlsfniitlon Riiar.inticd b-inall. Feud Mump fur Illus trated circular , ilrs. In. Ldily , il N. nth st. , Omaha. : ! 8"nll LOOI'AH JlnssiiRi Slndumo Dol/lor , tlio joiiiuniiiKni'tlst , ! Bolenced In tlio crlo- liiuted InUlaii loofah massive. 1'ai lors o\c'r OKi &JJtli 101-11 * DK.A"NMr. V. WAKItiN. : chilruiyaut , inedlciil nnd busli ess inuilluin. J'omilo H'.I.N.HitlibtiooinsJiilid.l. t HJS IHJHIN'lIbS 'Cf ' lANOKS. 1'or 'rate ' * , etc. , tee top of jyt column nn thlt i > 'itfg. B Clinnic--rut bale The stock nnd of thu Windsor hotel hur , with or without fixtures ; doliUAJjood business ; tci- son for H'lllnif , hotel prpprlutors c.innnt slu tholrj.lnio to miuu ) " _ , m 1J _ O 10 All store In Ilis-t-elnss locution , rent pti per month , prlcii of furnltnro , k. Ml ; htock \\llllnvolc-u about ll. li ii ut eisli. A llrst- forttiV , Also 11 ( U-rooni hotel , centrally located , prli1 * fl.UOO , Co-operative r.and & Lot Co. .in N. li h st. _ .III J4 _ rpo KAOHAXOKAIrlO / 5-rooni front -LcottiiBo \27tlist foKgood cleurlot , will nu > somuc.ish if debit id , , U. II , 1'uyno , 1501 ' * - "ITIOU bALr-Tho olilr-it uiUery in Wuhoo JL. cb.county seat , utijilt 4 oooinhiihltanta , tusy terms. J.V , JohlWln , Walioo , Noh. JJI1 iisl-17 * OI.KAiN htoik Of KcncfUl inereliaiidlne , con- sIstliiRof dry sioods , cnn'crlcs , boots und . lll Imolto nbont $ ) , .vio. will taKe ti.OK ) In cholcn Noliraskn luiiil , bilancii ciun. Illuo Illll. .Sol ) . iilU 14 * FOR PVI.H A nloo elptn stockof dry Koods , IIOOIM shoes und notions , nbont { ( , ( ) ) : hnlf " bnlnni'o unlni'iiinl'orril luud. Addieaii I ock hex "I , " Centrul llty. .Neb. SUMS * FOlt SAI.H-A Rood lumberyanl atCorosco Xt'l ) . ; only j nrd thc'iu ; oxcellout territory trll utur ) i irood iirivtprcts for trade , hut other bllNluOSshlUMCHtHColllpOl tllU HUlO ! llO e\L'l , ullliiotkull tlio stook. vrlthout the real cstitto and linironi | nts Aildtvst W , J. Miller A. Co. , Curcaco , or U , ( Y. I.yinan , Lincoln. Xeb . ' 77 10 T IVKHV for sain a complete livery Mtnck , ' -'KiiiiIirNliiK hullillni , ' . horses , liuriuss , i ir- rliiBi-s , etc. , nil In llrnt-class condition , lio-.t lo cution In to\Mi.ROxl t r.ulu already established , prlru aim terms reasonable. Address llox 11)5 ) , uulhunliuri ; . Neb. 01M5' BANK 1'nrtlen wUhhu to soil country linnk or Increase capital. Addrcsi Loafc Hex 1KJ , Sluux City Iowa. 170-ll Btll'O.Mor * . wlitoTf lady tflnnci tO ! olliit nncolicr Into hu bind's hnlf Interest In rood ( myhiK dniR binlnC Involctin nbout I7.0CO , In Imiulor , Wyo , nl ho wishes IORO cast. Address Mrs. J. .Sulllvaii , Lander Tmull SAijV On cnsy terms , first elim JL' rcstnurant and fixture * nnd No. 1 location , Enqulro nt 018I'mlou block , aao U OL'Klr-'s roomnil ! coiiM > nlences , neiv. bMck. 2 blocks from 1' . O , H. 11. Irey. N. V. Life 1m lWI _ I\B. Tuc. HOTI'.h forsirlo. Two-story V rtck ; H ono of the best hotels , dolns nn excellent good . . .slues * , on ono of the best corners lu the city , Address Commercial llotol , llroken Hoir. Nob. ( > V > T710H \UC-Astwkofdruzs. . sturo llxtWM -i-1 and nllno soda fountain. locutt < il In a pnn- iiorous county scut In r obr.ukn. Hvirvtlilnit k of the best. . Tim town is a It. It. ill vision station nnil the It. II. nlmp * ixrn locntoil tln'ro. I'or full particulars cull or nddns-i II , It. Hen derson , room 400 , rnxtuti block , Uiualia , Neb. Ill von ux /'or ntlft , ttf , , tt top of frst cnfuiwi on l/il / * jui/r. HO Ml , on rrunUIn and ,14th sti to rxuhnnuu for Mioiiiit lots or farm I mils , worth * .l,8uO. U.l' . Harrison , till N.YJilte. AM U LAKOK roomy liouw with Rood lot near \ \ est 1'iirii un St. , will tuko ono or two good ( its lii put LXchuiiRu. 0. 1' . llnrilson , Oil N. \\nijlitrinlotjow model nO room bilch for TT uiilncumheicd lots. 1' . A. Smith , " 4IIIeo building. UTil-r > " \\TKSTIJltN Nobrnsln , land topxrlmnir for I u Block uf luurcliiiiillsi ( ) . Hot ( > " > Noilli I'l itto. Nob. ai7 14 * Foil FM.MIANG13 I loiir 1 Hid In Iowa nnd Nolmska to oxcliiiiiffo for Oiniilin or South Dnmlin. uicnnt loM ; w 111 assume small onoum- lirnnoo. M.d. Sluigtou , Koom 1J. Ho.ird of Tnilo. IT ! 17\OHi\'CIIANOE \ ; Good firms city propor- J H'mid wild lands InNob. and town forKooel ccn'l inM'so ; property ilenr , title per/out. Ad diess Lojk HuxWi rromont , Neb 8.M KOIl SAJjH-lllLVIi 1CSIWTB. 'm > atti , etc. tec fop of just column on this jvigc. AN"ncr6 lot In I'ulrvlew , only 8-Viii A few acres In Solomon. otuliSwO. Other uoro property coripspondliusly low In price. A house , fi rooms ami corner lot with cist front , nut fin fiom business , on o.ny terms ; ? -JVOO. Colsdh , Johnson & l.o\gron , room I ) , Ulmmhorof rommoree. . ' ? 11 A If MA Inpayment down und Jl" > ptr month will liny u4-room liotiso and lotou nth. 2 blocks from motor : lliiit-clnss iluinti ) to ni- ( ) iilt-o ulinnio on eisyteims. Apply to II. U. Cole , Con I Incut til liloek. _ 8.11 LINCOLN I'liico nnd Cnrtliino lots , prloo 11,010 , KHMlonn , balance Jl" niuiithly. W. L Sdby , room 1J. Hoard if Trade. _ 811 " \yAlvi ; up and buy a homo on monthly piy- ii mints Cholco of HOVIII clllfurcnt houses , Houth fronts on I Minium HtIorycom Mlcncc , Includliii ; furniicoiinil KIIS 1'i.uis uin lie icon iitmyofllco Uu.ll In. D. V. Sholcs Co. , 'Jlllst Nation il hunk. _ SITi T71OU BALK A line nnw Vrooin pottuiciii > .ir J-1 nloctrlo cii line on N. 27th st Will ko ns pirt f uash pnymuntn Rood horao or lioi so n 1111,1)11101 011. 1 * . 1VH 1'urnuni M. _ SO 5-ItOOM cottHsris , il WO uiich. $100 $ onsh down , Imlnncn ifl'i pt-r mouth. Thus. 1\ Hull , rill I'lMo-i liloik M"i M"iMO MO OOTTAOTI homes In most any addition for salon ! from ? l ( K)3 ) up. on casj monthly pay- minls P. 1C. l > nrlln 4i llarUi r blk Nil ' 1J1OK t < ALK ISliu 7 room House ready to J1 ni ( o Into with full lot,200 , WOO ca-li U I' Huirlson Oil X. Y. Llfo. IB IT YOU lu\o inythbiK tobcllorexchiiiso t ill atOlSl'axlon blocl ; kl\ \ "i\l CSr bo sold to oloso an estate- Light J.'L eholco lots In bunndcrs . < i lllniebiiu irs addllliin-at lessthcnthoti woith. Ifholdsoon Omaha Itcal Kstato ATiuat Uo , J bo. 17th st Ili'O building. r > Hil bALl < AOW business liloclt on Idtli striet. rents nro lOpor cuit of nrlco asked , ( W uish.h ilanco IUID ; tlmo.v 111 he on tlio nmrkctonly a few daa. ) Addicss 11 ? i , Poo. TTlOHSALK Now modern 8 loom brick on 50 JL' foot lot on eusv twins ; will soil Aeiy cheap 1'r.inUA. * lleo bulldlm ; . aW-l.r " \\7K 1IAVI2 for silo ( heap and on easy II tcims several \ory dcslralilo houses , ringliiR In slro1 from 7 to U rooms , 'limy are la nil ICSJK ct8 modern with usual romcnlcncci I ottflOJxui 1'rloos ranjjo fiom J5.3KI to 88OuO 'Ilio 1'ulrlck Land Co. Itco bulldliiR. OT-15 "IjlOH hALb ( Jrtriuln , t ? od tmilier claim la -L' KobiasKa. VIllKochuip. Address. I llllne , Lal'llttc , Neb 210 1U T\7'ANTrI ) 'lco pl.ico In the-west pirt of IT town for 2 good uicant lots. O. V. lluril- son. Oil N. Y. Llfo. KO-U . CHOlai , lotwnt Cillfornl.iand I'lonsint or ' 'Wtlist. Cumotbo Improved forslnhtly ln- < it Ion. f-,500 , c lob. O. r. Ilurrl&on , tillN. Y. Life. am-lg BEAIJTirnCTiiTlldlnB Blto f.ielnj ? south on Kaiibcom park , OU100 , t.WW CM' , Harrison. Oil N. Y. Llfo. COX1V ) east front with 5-rooin cottage In OhlocklB. llaiiscom 1'laco , Ki,500. O. P Har- rlson.Oll > . Y. Llfo. _ Sf > T 13 TT1OK KXJJHANah-rorRenoral inorobandlso JL ! orlmrdnnic , , > ncies of fiirmlni ? land In Kock Co , Mcb. , with ! hoid of cattle nnd JO head of horses nnd the farming toot ) . Ilonur Ur.ino. bluatt. llolt Co . Isuh. _ L'CO-1- FINB homo near Hameom park. Jtodoin house of eight looms. JI.OCU. 0. P. llanl- ( .011 , mi N. V" . Llfo. _ best thine I otter Isn largo 8-room house , all model 11 ana Ilonils' Turk. 11,000 , easy terms. 0. V. IlariUon , 011 N. V. Llfo. L'WIU rpni ; elcctrlo llno lll makoWst rarnam JL pimutty ( good. Ih aono choice lot to oiler cheap. U.i' . Uiirlson. till N.Y. Life. io.lii Notice to Contruutois R. B. AYo.klo Let : iIXWoro cuhlo yards earthwork. S.WO.OOO f ct II. M. timber woik. IVJ.dOO Ihmel foot iilllii' ' , ' , i')0KX ( ) cross ties lrM acres clearings. This uorkli lot Uedla tlio western part of Louis iana , between Columbia , on the OuaohlU rl\er , and Alexandria. 'Jlils line runs through i high , dn , ho ilthy , rolling pine country , ho sw.unps ; excellent bpilni ; water and oluir iiinnlng streams , free from all malarial or hu.iinp Inlltiences. D indy. loimy soil , llplit clearing , etc. ; firstclnsssoiapor work ( Jon- M met Ion rates from any point on 'Missouri 1'aclllo ralho id to the work. 1'roUlos hpocl- fleatliins. ind other Information cm bu soui it onrollhn , lioom 51 , tiny llullillnir. eornir 1'lno nnd Ihlrd Htreuts bt. Louis , Mo , orat olllcoon work , at Columbia , Li. jjdiotu iiijNitv rouursr ice , D InKton I , .Inly 7 , WK ) . be.ilcd jiroposils foi fiiinlsliln all the nntorlil anil lalKi iuiilnd | In thocoinplotlim of the United "tat s penl- tc'iitliiy at "mil LakoUIty , Utih 1oitlnryaH ( \\ell is In the construction of u stookadu will ( piovlded with ontriiiicoand bcntry boxeslto ( iiulosu about two nci os nf land of the pcnl- tcntliry lescnatlon. will bo iucul\cd at tills department until 1 o'clock p in. , Tliursda.v , July Jl , IhW , when they will bo opened lilils on the w hole unite only will bo consldoivl. Plans and spcilllcatlons , Instructions to l > lil- dcrs.etc .inaybohuen at thlsdepiitmcnt nnd al tlio otlli oof the ( 'ovoinoi of the territory , at bait L iko City , John W. Nohlo , seen InrV lJ-lfl-17-ia-Sl TYPEWRITERS FOR RENT- EXCHANGE- FOR SALE- : LV1AMHOOD RESTORED. "SAN'ATIVO , " the imdrrful tlpanlih Til Hi mud ; , IB Bdld wllh Tila u Written Gunrnn- U-oto cine illNtn- g \Seak Slemorj , Lois [ < ifllraliil'i\virllu d- > , . , , , , - - - 1 acljeVnkofiilncff , Doforo& After Use. L ° t Manhood , Nay l'linioir ) Tied Iroui JAlu. oimieHK. LnBtltudo , nil draiinnuU hbs ofpo-.verol iho GencritUo Or L'nuiln ilther ( ex , enured by ovcr-oicitk.n , yoiutt- fill luUlucrcttoni , or the oicef Hive IKC of tobacco , opluu , or Htlinnlnnls , which ultimately lead to luflrmlty , Uciuiiimptloa tntl Inmnlty. rot up In convenient form to tnrry In ttiuvest jiocUtt. 1'ilcii Sin packacu. or II lor 3"V Itb ever ; $ " ) order MCI Htvoa itrlttftit yiiartinteii to cure or ri < "J tlif tnnwy. buntby null to nuy adili in. tlr- enlir fr v. Mcnttou tlili paper. Addrw MADRID CHEMICAL CO. lUnth Ofllco for U. S.A 417)l'M'li ) rnSlri' t C'lllPAUO , II L. MIS BALK IV OMMIA , M II , l l ICulm i fo , Cor. 15th and Dousln strrots. J , A. 1'iillor A Concur. Uth ind Donshs Hi A. I ) . I'o ter & Co. .Council illulTH , loun t l , iliio < IVrluillral 1'ilU ' tlio triiiKlironiuilr , net on Iho nuintriml Mjrilc'ru and euro mippnulun frum wli > iover en IHO. t'ro nmta niuiutruittlun. ' ! ! iooi > lll iboult not ! ) tnkaa ilur- \nx \ iiruunnncjr. Am. I'll ! Co , Kojralty I'rupi , Hpen- cur. Llajr lo , In. ( iunulno bf SliiriuuiuV MiOunnell , IKjrtiioiit .noiir I' C .Oumlin : O. A. .Mulohur , Hgutb Uoinlia , M r. iil ! . council IlliHi . ' or.I fur ti ( ilMt ill It * Un ted butt * tl o , liby i ri , UuycU , tUMUtintl O rli * Trlf * > k Omtr iiot * l hol iUrlc | liil C. 0. n dirtit Irom I. u Hpir'l > o- lori.tllW , M l n SU Clntiiu. DM nmp for rnw rilft- rilftU. . Notice ot ttio SlttinR of tit * Cl y Conn ell AS n HoHrd of Krtinllr.illnn | , To ( lit owners c ( lot ) nnd lands nkittlnR on r nd lucent to streets , illoys or n\cnue , slt- iitod Inwlioloor In jiirt within nuy ot tlio Istrlc-tiliordnnflcr iiiunndi \on und ouch of you tire liorelyr notinoillhnl ho cltv council vlllsltas n bonrd ofequnllra- Ion at the olllci ) of , the city clerk , nt tlio louKliiiciiiinty eiHirtlious , onThiirailuy , thn 7th diiT of July , 1W ) , from l > o'clock a. in. to J 'clock n in , for the pnrposo niunluliiK tlio irnpotcti levy of peelal taxis ami IISSC-HS- uenti. nnd forroctlniiRnj'ori-eirs thircln , nml f lioiirlnff all coninlulnts that thaovrnors o ( lic'proiiorlyDO to bo taxed and n * < < p . od tuny iiiikeSuhl speclul tiixiM nnil n < t e tiiutiii 'olni ' ; Itithul npcordltiR to liw to cox cr tlio cost nduxiionsoof IMMSCI UiMrcft from rnriiiinitu nougln strocU , in I'nvliiif itutrloti No. SO.1. 'opploum n\oi\ua from ! Hth street to 20tli nicimo. Inp ivln district No M. 4th strict from Vinton street to "A" itroct iu paving district 2sn. 2.V > , UUIIIllNll Hi street from Fnmiini to Douglas streets , In im % IIIR dl.slrlot No. sti } . 4th tiiet from Vliilou ntreot lo "A" street , lu pavlni ; district Nn. ' . ' .Vi th t not from Vinton street lo NnuCnuip m ii me , lup.ivlnjt < llstilct No , ' - > ! . TOth strict from Si iiildlnt : street to Ames a vc- nun. In pntlniT illstrlct Iso.21 Ithst net from Mc'holns to C'larUstiocN. In luvliutillstrlciNo. ! H. Oilistnot from llrlstol toSpnuldlnj street , In SOilmtnut fmtn I lehion to Illckoiy street. In Vi\lnjllstrlutNo..SI. llniu > i street from inth toSHliitreeti. . .itliroiiHtnctfroni lOlh to Hlthstioots. Olh strict from ttlrtto Knmu-t street. OIliHtnot from \\lrt \ to Kniliietstfiet. ' 1st stuot fiom Wlitto Kmmul Nti eels. ' -niiiiotstiict fiom bliuniiiui U\CMIIIO toSltli strcol. Sjieucer street from Sliorman ii\onuo Io2ltli street. Orelmrd street from I.owonvcimo tol'leiiant stieet. J.'juo uvenuo from Hninllton to Jolm on streets. irllclusticot Jrom I.owonvcnito to Pleasant Htreet. : u sewer d i i let N'o. 1)7. ) n Miner disti let Xo. 101. nsowcrdlstrlo o.lO' . ' . In sow i r ( list riot No. Id. HTIll IT OHNIMI , BXTUNDINO , Oil WIOl'MNO ni k nteuuo fiom Hist uvcnno to bprlii ; utroi I. 22nil street from Paul .street to smith line D. V. feinlth'middltloii. 01 li street , from uoilli line llirltiriu's addi tion to Ucnler street. : > lh street fiomold county road to south city limit * 2idlfornla Mroct from lowe nrcnuo to bt. hiwroneouvciuio. Hurt street In lllllsldo nddltloi No . ' . 1th street tbrou jh tax lot - ' , sio , 15 15-13. 27lb stieet JMh utreot j-IteilloltVarli to llrlstol street. tli a\enuo ) \\iilnutstridt throiiRh T. li. 11 , see 28-li-m. J7lh street fiom lit Ibtol streetto N , It. Ihiwca' nddlllon. J9th incnue from Hnlf Howard Htieot. lo Tnr- niunstriHt. And Uo It further resolviM. Tliit tlio city clerk Uo notion of sueh slttlnn at Ivist U Inys prior thereto lu three dally pnpori of tlio elty. Aniluu Itfurthor rosolied. Thnt unless for Kuod and sndloleut cause It may In ot lii-rwlso oideiul and doleniiluod Unit .tlil cost/or purl ciut bo so nsscMSid ino intn , nccoiilln to foot friintiiito upon .ill tlio lots nml if il eslutolii sild tllstrlits i-cspevtholy. or nilju-ont to or abutting the line of H iM linpi-o\emunts , : ic- cordliiK toiho usunl sialln imck piciecssns lieictuforo udepted anil followed by salil council in the assessment of spechil tu\etto cinerlhe cost utsildwork , to-wlt ! Onc-tliliil of hiild pro nil.i cost upnn thn ono-sKth pirt of whole amount of Kioundto ho a'1-.e-vsed , first ubiiUliu upon the sliett line alonxsiild Improieiiiuiits Onu-llfthp.irtof such mo tali cost upon tlio second ono-slxth part of Iho vhole iiiuountof mill Kroniid adjoining theieto One-sixth part of such pro rata costuiinn the third one-sl\tli pirt of holc iiiiioniitof .ild . Krimiid no-\t adj icnnt , and Thiio-tuntlisnf such pro rntn cost upon 11 o iidj.icuit or i t'lnalnliiK one-half pai t of the ) wholoof Hiild ground. Voiinndiuchof jon mo hereby notified to beifoio Slid bond of cijuiill/atloii at Iho time und place uboui specified toninko liny coniiililiit , sUitoment or objection , joil niiiv deslro eoiii'i-inliiK said piopobid luty nnd iissi'ssmiiiitof p0 'lll ta\0 ! > . Ciiinhii. July Dili , m ) . JlOdOt JOHN anoM.s , City Cleric. RfflLWRYTIMKOflRD Irf'UVOS I CllliJ.XdU , Ut ] Arrlvn OmiUia. | DupotlUth aiuBonnlrocU. I Omaha dm 's OO it in tu' > nm , Chlciuto 1 tprcia O.0 p in UK ) pm U V ) a m 6 . . . . . . .l lilpfll ? ! ! IiflfHl. . . . . . . . . 8 Or > m nbn-vM | uuui ijfiTro.v .t MO KIUIK. "ArrTvof Omiilia. | Depot 10th nnrt Jlaaon atrncu Omiiha. ll"l.r ) > am . Denver Hay nxirc : > s . . . . 4 03 p m 1015 BIU Donrcr Kxprosj ( U5 p m C.40 pm 015 iv m 8 ID in Lincoln Local 1)00 ) p m K O.bT. J AC. It Arrliui Oiurtba. DopotlOthaml il on troot * Oinnlj * . . 9" 5 nm nnfU City Jiy ) Kiproai. . . . l > 10 p in II45 pm K C. NlKlit hi | . Tli > U. I' . Trnns < > 4 % a m UNION Arrlv Oninha. Popot lOtliancl ilarcr atrcctn. Omiili 2.O p m OverlandHjror 005 B m TTO p in 1'nclllo Kipros 10JO am . . .Donver J'lprom 5 00 n In . . .Knnnm Cll ; JCxt > n.'ji . . .iJin Iriiclil Kxp. ( exc ' | it .sun iOAiioTin A I ACIOTC : rArTfu ( ) mnh . u i' . depot , loth and Mnrcr dtH.Oinnl | i. C15 p m . . .NlKUt 1 xproM. . II ( ) ' , a in 9 15 a m . . Atlantic Kjtpro < ( > M t m _ 415 p in . . .Voillbiilo Limited. . I ) 45 in TjOllYOi T7i 11V' v Cl i ' I' t * " " A l JM it' ' 1C. \rrlroT Uinahn . dopot. llHh ami Murcf His Uiualin. 715 i i.- Cltr r'usBCiiKor. . . .115 Ht. Paul 13xprc . . . . 1(10' ( , n m "I7c a us T HloTJX" iTTv in TArrTfcI Diiuilin I Depot 15th anilVoti tor 8H. | Oma : . IMW JMI I. I'anI l.lmlloil iritlC'AliO Jt.S'Olllll lWrilll.N. Arrlro < I U 1' . ( U'l'Qt. IQUi unit MnrcrHU. Omaha. I ) lr > a m l2Op ! m < . ' 0 p m VoHtlbule I.tniltnit. . . . 9 Ml a m G 15 p m . . . .loirn Accommodation , 7 01 p m JMO pm KaiUjrn Flyer 245 | > ixsnves ICU1UAOU , ) ! ! ! > . , fc 81' . 1'AtJI . Arrived Uimilm. | U I * , depot , lUlli and Marcf S Oiiialia. V 1ft a tutcwi IMall ( oicuptBuntlay ) . I , DJ | i in 100 p in ! l 43 n , m BIO p m 2TOi | in J.onieJ OMAHA jtsr. I.OUIB I Arrlvos Oiiulm. U I * , depot , lOlh nnd MnrpjrSt Omnlm. . . . .ht IxjuU Cannon Hull . . MJ | > m 1 on ox I13 t MD V.VUi'J V. Arrlroi Oinnlii. Dapot l' t'i ' un 1 Wnbitar Hti II ( JO iv m . . . ( Hack IHlll Kxil | in UOOa ni II.nllnK l.r [ ) ( Kx.i A 30 n m A 10 | ) m \Vulioo A I.lncoln " lO'JIIu m ' - mm m - Kn m - A O Omnlm. I Depot 15lh nnil Wolmor Sti. | Onmhii. 1) 0.1 p i 1 'W p m OJlin ra /X5HTUH ifxra'nj Arrlrot Otualm. t Iiitlijin I WolHtor jti ) _ Oiiulin. 10 ln ml .St Ixiiili .tit C fliircn 4 .M | > n mlml K. O. r prc . I , . ) It H UN10S l'ACIHO" HtllllJltllAKTrtA N-i Tliete Irnln.s ulao Blop nt Utli , 17th , 20lh nl3Ui ttroett , Hiluiinlt un < l H'lTlduo tromlnir.Vorklna - mom tralni ilonut run SunJur , Trnns- Shod y fur Omaha bU- Houth Albrl't CllIulU Depot llojiut lion Onmlin Depot. A M i M , S4'i II 15 nil ) B a , RC7 i , S 4S 0 IT HU ) r 40 u ( . .27 701) ) li 16TOr > 7.0 7 45 7 40 8ur > 7.20 8 12 e.5 P4r. s.r , s.n 1105 H IS OS7 10 lu 15 I'M I'll aw . . . 4 ( Jj 4 IS I 1- 107 tit SK , If. 440115 4K Gib D 156 K'J 11.10 6 45 1 , G ISO 12 HOT 5V OJU (14' , 70Ti 7.15 . . . . 707 GVt "ix'UVM I OlllOA.0"Tt T. A 1'Alfl'lC , Arm o Trnii ti'r | Union DipoM oiuicll Illillfi. Triiuafoi b K ) p in Mulit KxpruiH I u 15 n in 0 .10 a lu Atlantic Kiirutm I & 5J p in & 00 p ni .Vmlllinln I.lmltixl . . .J lOfln in I Arrives Trmnftrl Union II. pdl Cunncll lllnltM "o 4iTir T ) | riii r , ( J ) p in .Vcitltiula l.liultiHl . Otl u in 10 II ) p in . . . 1-nsHrn Klur. ) . , - JIJ [ I ID U ( II ji ni . . . Atlnntla Mall. . , 7 il u in l arui ILfirr VtlO , AUlIT * HI" . 1'AlJk ) Arrlvtx 'JTiiiinferl _ tInloii IMixil Council llliii' [ Trannfir 1) ) tt u in .CliknuuMiill ( xcciiHuuctny | ) . I li II p m U H p in .UilcnKO Kxirom . OIS u in 10 (1) ( ) | > in . .Clilcneo Kxjirtint . , | aim p in 'lA vi T 1C. ( IBl'.JOM'i cJ.ll - | Arrival Traiuift-rl Union lvix ) > t. Council llluITt | Trmi tir 10ir u ml . . ( Itr DIIJ h j f , II p in lu 21 pin ! hiimni rit/NlBlit ' ( li ) it in "IrfavHs | ONlAllA k hi' l/UMr I Arrivui 1 raM fi-'r | _ Unlun llfixit Lounull Illul I'lniiircr 5 Ui p nil . uU > iiljiutun 1'all" ll'JIJ p in I nvot lLlllUJ0.lTtJllf.'N ( A - Tramftrl Union Dopol , ( 'oiincll HIiitTi riraniirer It din in ( lilrniio Kipr (1.JU p ra 10U ) p raj ( Iilentil ) Kiprn , . . , , Sl'l a m 7JOp ml ( r i > ton laical 113) ) n in TransferI JUnlori Depot Cquncll lllurf 7(5 ( a m.HlouxClfy ] Acoommotlatlon . .I tua m 6.tO p ml . . . . . . . St. I'aiil lirtirtBB . , . . , , _ [ JW p n The now olllrog of the pi oat Rock J * Innd rnuto , lt )2 ) , Sixteenth und F.irrmm Htroot , Omahii , are tlio linesl in tlio city. Cull und HOQ thoiii. TlukuU to till points cast ut lo OBtnvtoj A VANKUIf ; IN AMKUSON'Vlt L.I ! , AVIrziuultho Ilorrlblo In tlio I'rlsim 1'on. From nn illustrnttnl nvllclo by Dr. T. II. Mann , in the Century for July , la tnkontho following : Itns \ \ ncnrnoon of Mm20 , 1SOI , Hint our Irniiicnuio totv htop. In n clcnrlni ; ot tlio plno forest. " \\'o \ Ind loon nil npedatiim for nn hour or moi'o , strnlnlnj , ' OJIKOI * eyes to I'liUli Homogliiiip oof our stopiilngplaco. . It vn lioro before u < , I < ooldnjj from our position upon the rnllronil towuiil-4 tlio eoutlionst , nt the exlrotno cml of th ulcnrliig , sonic Ihroo or four Inuulvoil jarilgtvwny , n cloud of snioko wsweurl- iiif1 tipwnul ftoiw n roctunjjiilnv , BubHtim- tliil liKlcliiR iwii. Upon Inquiry MO wont told , "that's vhoio jou Tunlts will intt \ ipl"Y \Y < s hnd lltllo tlinp for thought before a raiml-nhotililoied , blustoilii ) ? llttlo limn upon a vhltohoiso rode Iho lonjjth of the trnln , nnd ulth iiuiny cui o nntl out Ti ordered us nil out. During1 our c < clt froui the ole o , cranipoil qvtrtcn \\o \ hid occupied to Uuip n fresh ptmul came , lu the \rlli1ost \ oonfusloii anil im- mlUtnry order , from Ilio tllrocllonof thu smolio , nnil nftor ninth Miistorlnjf iiml lnjr Yore formed Into two llnoii , frh'- too in for us to piiHsbutveon , four ducp. jUturaoino uioro sweniin thoollleor m ho A\liltohoi \ u plucitl lilmsulf nt the icad of the column juid ordcied us to iiareh. ThUas \\rlr/ \ \ , our prlyoii- ooiwr , nnd vmhnppil ) our llwt Intto- ittctlon lo him not our last. Upon oachlnjj the cnilodtito vo hnltcil \ \ hllo i pait of ( wriiuuiborvoro \ foinuulintoa lotnelunont , anil the niaaiiulot wuo irdoied to ho plaoed upon tlio mils of ho older detachments iihviuly In the ) . I linvohcsllntcil thus ftif toi > renounce hovoul Andof&onvillo.vo \ know oUilng-or lud lioanl nolhlti . of the ilaco , so wo had not n moment's notlco f tlio lifo woucii } alwtit to oiitoi upon. 'hoso in my joais after , the wonln - lorsoiivillo"t < xrltos tlto svnio curiosity did biforowo entered upon tlio nonth otHufforlug tint cntinol bo told. This , then , vas Aadotsotivlllc ; or , its It as called bj thopusifd , "Ciuap Suinp- , or.'o cntorcil itby ns\vlnpitij ) door r pntc , luryo , hutvily iioned , nnd uaiiloil , As wo ixissod within the dooisvero lohed boh iinl nml ho.ivil bariod clo < oil ; pen mo for five lon nionlliH , ami upon no-half our nuinbor for Ufo. Ourhoiuta Ickcnedns vo first looked upon the niis- ry before our oyc * . Thu nttunptto iloturo our incntil depression aso \ took a , vlth ono quick , t lft glance , the coa- "Itiou of thojo who luuluntuiod before is Aiouhlbo fatilo. \Vo jolnod Insldo the iiiflosuvo 1R,000 f our coinnulcs In aims , but tlwy0ro lo bo ituogtiixeil. Tliov Hucined ix .ilTciontnuo . of the huiinn fumily , nnd tustly inoro squnllid than anj I o\or \ hud icon or lion id of onncliucd forms , lialf iuinui nnd half spectral , black with Uith indsmolco , nnd s 'aunln0' with wnila. i\s no voro driven llko sheep into Iho itockado tiny eioWdcd nhouttiH , inalflnr- , nquirios fabler than llioj eould bo r.ii- Economy : "lOOilosn for one dollar. " Mcilt. "I'cciillir toll-self. " Puritj ! Hood's Stole > Iotlur's I'lctiire. A cruel f nthor WIIH In the Iltulom no- icocouit tlio other morning nnd tiled , fory bird to have histlfteon-jear-olil diuyhter ooininlttod to sonio iiutltittloii Ijonubouho had stolen licr inothcr'a io- tO. tO.Qho follov told a bag1 tale of woo to Juilgo Dully othnu badly hit ; diildioii "nul trcitcdliiiu , HIIJS the Now "Voi-Ic Motainj Journal. Ho cUlinod thoyhacl broken up Ills homo , nis vlfo dlodhut two yc.irs nye and a few months nftor "lor death lie married a second time. Qho father accused tlio child of stoal- ng the picture of Ills Histllo. , . Judfjo Dully called the child nnd got her ulory. The child is nery pretty girl and her largo blue eyes III led with toaravhon Hhodonled the charge of hot father , who did hia best to have his offspring tan t Lawjor Harry Tlmmpson hotrd the case and iminidintoly took the child's part. The i'irl said her Hlstor stolotho iiirturoiind that nineo the father had 'nstrried the utepmothoi'lindinndo tilings : is disiffrccalflo as poteiblo. Lavyor Thomjhon made the case pretty bad foi' the father nnd Judyo Duffy gave the old tyumtu good Inyiiijf-out. In order to Riinrd nffidnst rnulU utterly subversive ot health , Ills nbaolutelj essential tint thoKi'.ind thorough fans oravoruo ol the system , the bowels , should bo lo-opeacd us spcoiltly as possible ivben they bccoaio ob- stiuotod. It thoynronot , the Mlo Is inlscli * retted Into tlio blood ; tlio liver becomes tor pid ; viscid tllllow matter gets In to tlio slonv uch mid produces indigestion ; hoiiihchos ensue - sue nnil other symptoms tuo produiod , which u prolongation of tlio oidting cause only tends to iiKgiiivnto. Iho aporleufc propoitioi of Ilostrttci'H ' Stonmdi Bitten constitute u niot useful njjoiit in ovcrcoinlni ; cnnstiictlon oftho lioweh ami promoting n I'o ulnr liublt of the lx)0 y. Itii inflniUly siiporlor to tlio diastic catliartln fnqucntly UHOI ! for tlio pinpososimo It does not , like tlioin , net violently lently but i > iodutcs , piinless ofTect , \vhich does not Impair the tonoof thooMeun- toiy oiiiuas , wlikh it lnvljor.ites ( Insteid of weiUcnintf. Tlio stoinucli and llvor , also , In * drod tlio ontlie sjatoiu , is strengthened and leuulated bj it. Nn 13'us ( liir C/ar Alrxuntlrr , Thodibiveiy ) was undo roctntl that an ofjjr could Citsllj bo poisoned by the insertion of a thin wirothat would lon-vo no nini k on thoHlull , tn.ya n SI. Pitora- burg dlHiJutch to the Sia IVanelseo Ex * Until tlion the pnr hnd ctton hen fiuit vlthubsolutoHouurltj , bullion' tlm ga are neat to tlio paltvco foi Aloxan * dtr'sbioulifaatln all sortH of inyHttriou ) rccoptaclcs sometimes in hatbosfaami they ut'o lioilcd orcon > ci'UilitilooinoleU intliokitihonconllgiioiiH to the c/.ar'a ' Htudy , ] Ioro the 1'aiiHliui cook mined Itoynnud opeuitos under the pc'r onnl Huporlntendonco othoe/.arlnnwho ( goes in and out of the kitchen at all hours nnd elton nro litres a dish with her O\MI Intidn , Uno tar novtr entH thick noupi or thick MUCCB. llin food IB meat boiled or broiled , but the broth or giavy inuit ulwajs bop3rfoctly clear. Yop-ctablcs ate Bel-veil whole nud tut beforohim willi UHiUcr knife , ThoHUfjnr which ho oats with his frulfc is albo i > oundcd In his tight , and lilri salt ) is the common gray salt in laijjo Lriali , ylth which It would bo impossible to mix niBonlc , w could bo done with the line table bait , My physician snid I could nnt ll\e \ , my liver out ol order , ficnticatly vcuiitcd grconlsli mucous , nklii jc'llo\v \ , uniill drj liuinorson lap , stomach -would not ictila food I3ur- dook Illood Hlttoi-s cured me Mrs. .Adelaldu ti'Hiloa , aJ Kxchunt'o bt. , ] lulTuto , K , Y. A I'oiii'lii-IIiuul Conch llace. A four ln-lnnd coach nice lately took jilaco from "Vionna to 1'rcHburg. ' Tht liiit'tlclpimts were ainotif ; tlio ellto of Austrian nristociacy. Count \Vlmpf ol'a team was the winner , o < norlng the dln- tunco In lhr .a houi'H , The lli'bt prlzo was 1,000 guidon and n trold modal ) a gold modal \\aatlii \ ) Hccond pil/o. Vienna nad I'losbur ) , ' nocjcty tutnodoutidmoat rn raiiHso lo MO the nice , und the rondn between Iho two cities ivoro thronged " \Vlmt Is inoro nttractlvo thaa a prtty face 'with a fiwli , Irlubt coninloxlonl Kur it USA 1'oizoni's l'oJur. .