THE ORUHA. BAJbT BIB , MONDAY" , JULY 14 , 1SOO , 1 THE COmiERCIAL 1RAVEIER , s Interest for the Moa Who Carry the Samples. WHAT WILL BE DOHE on DRUMMERS' DAY ? ) ? rciiiont'fi Travelers' Club In n Dad tt'iij A. MK I' nko Protecting 2lielrrnlrNnmcs-Hnipy | sNotes. . AVImt will 1)0 ) dose onDrunmcn1 day ! The flrofilherjMtcrdaywnsiuch oa to preclude &ny very ol > cr consideration of any question thotolutlnn of which demanded cither physi cal or mental exertion , bat a number of tlio local knMits of tliOBripfjoton the shady side of a liotcl yesterday nf ternooti and spent sev eral houn discussing n plan for lUo regular jncctlriK tli'a ' fall. The boys arc in coma doubt na to bow they Bhould proceed. It has been customary for them to ( 'lvo a jnrado during monhunti' \vcclc niul to form otto feature only of tlio \vcclt' attrattton. Tbli year soiuo of llio more ptilliuslastienplrlls fmor irolnt ? Into tlio cotnlntrmoctlnp onu bit ? stale Tlioy don't ' know just what they WIT .1 grand bnmiuctiindball are mcnti ing tlio t > os blo features of the prop . . Tnvul- lnginonwlioliavonnys\ijgi.'stliiM to make concerning the mccthip art ) Invited to send them toTuiiUii : . It li not too early lor the cons ! Icmtion of the aruiiKcmcnU iiucssary to malic the meeting a big lacccis. to the Denver Road $5,000 , lias been collected by the managers of tlio Louis vlllo Traveler for the ccntul board scbcmo \vhlcli It is fathering. The money wn-s col lected from jobbers , inanu'ctnrcrs nntl raer- cliants throughout the eait under a misrep resentation and thould borctuiucd to them. d'ho central board scliomo Is aprivato snap Kottc-n up to miiko money for its originators. tVIirchnuta cvorjvvhcro are warned to steer clear of them. 'Hie tr.ivellng men's ossoila- tlons favor federation , and early in October tlio diJIeront associations vlll meet and txr- ; fcct the federation. When this is done the federal board will represent oicr two hun dred thousand organised traveling men , backed up by the mouliants , job- IMTB and manufacturers of this country. The Tcdcrtil hoard hnsii plan on font for rnilu.iy concessions calculated to bonollt the mor- cliunts , jolibers and tnainifucturcis and vliluhwlll lonrcicnt no piolit to anyonohut tbo inacaiilllo world Wo tlicroloro tike pleasuio In most hcaitlly d g the porsonnl profit schoino of the central board iiMimgers ho am sondliicout paid etniss.u-ies to bog nionuyn fron tno incrchants iind Jobbers. IJon't have uny t'liUB to dowlth tlio central board until tbo pirn of federation Is com pleted , If the fitlcrntlon docs nut suoceol in ulriiiKyou greater bcuollti for half the ux- IICMSU then jou cm tluowyour niil and oa- couraguuiOiit to tlio Louls\lllo ( cllo\vs. I'rr tfl tliiff Tlioir I' The traveling men of Indiana hold an inter esting mid lively meeting at Lafajcttohist \\cck. \ Thomost Important action taken , por- Inps , was that ot endoi-slng the Uiiruth bill , now inndiii ? in congress , authorising tboex- cmptlon of the drunimera from the operation of tholntorstatocotnmerccaot and permitting the granting to Ihomot special concessions on latcs and liaggago. 'Ilia resolution instructed tlio wiltliiKQf n latter to each member of con- press fiom Indiana , In tlio natno of the state association , requesting tlioin to support the 1111vlieiv it cjmo up fornction , fortborca- sOns assigned. , Mr. Charles Talk of Fort AVnyno brought up thCHUloot ) ] of Place , tlio JS'cw Yonc editor , vhosc case has already attained soiuo pit b- Ilolty. In the umrso of nn article Buggestcd by BOino local aeandal in tbo courts of Os- vcgo , Mr , Plnco nmlo seine very wholesale nnu wijuHiuinbio rcilections upon traveling men Mil chss. The all rent \\as taken up by the traveling men of Now "York , and Waco Icing tin applicant ( or Iho appointment ol post m later , they mndo formul protest , which was Jllod , In thoriiiino of nil the Hew York traveling men , because of the gratuitous In sult to trmcling men of tvhlih ho liadbcon gullti. The cJltor Rot his upjwlntmont , notwithstanding , whereupon tUo Troy post ptiascJ very strong resolutions denouncing mis appointment nsim Insult upon all travel ing ini'ii. Mr. Folk Introduced the following resolution upon tlio subject , uhlch was adopted \\ltliont opposition : Wild-can , Jolm A.l'laic ' , tlio editor of the Oriwrgo Dully 'llincsIn nticdltorlalpulillshud In tlint pii | > iir on Murch ,1 , itj'.w , Hinted that : ' TliotiTiiiilrunimor liasboconio synonymous wlHi lluitot rule , prolllBnto. innHliir. sodiicor , They an to a city nnd when iilnht rollovos thonidt tluslr duties tliulrtlmolsHpimt In look- IIIR upwoiilc u lid foolish t'lrln. who tie fooled by tliolr Urn , pleased by Iliulr nttrntlniuutid become anousy proyto tlielr msslons ; " und Wlierniii , Thoprosldontof tlio United Mutes 'v mid MMtiiuistcrRuncriil appointed said John > , A. I'lieo iiostimatoruf. tliooltyof OawuKO. N. V. . wlthnut regard to tlin furinalprotcHt ot 0, trnvclunof tills countly ; Itcsolvol , Tluit wo , thuinonibi'raof the In- flliiiiaU UIoiiiTriuolors11'rolcetlvo asioola- tlonof tlinllnlti'd btatosla iinnunl conven tion iiB-i'inbl < H ] , do < luolnro tlio : ibuv iluto- luenlby Mr. I'hco M 1111 un\vni ranted ( , Uso- liood , unit wo do liorolijr oiidorsutho rcfolu- t loin In tliH Jiiittorns ailoiitcd hy the t'oin- lucriliil 'li.ivelura1 Jlutiul Aiuldcnt ussoulii- tloiiot Aniorlcii in oiniuiil uonventloa iibsuiu- bind lit I'tlua.N. ' Y.on .MarolilO. HJO. Itvsolvtil , Tint vo uiiuslilir tiio nppolnt- muiitor Jli. 1'liico ton poHltlnnof trustiis an lii.nlt t i ovis'y uuuunurcliil travilor In tlio United Stilus. Uotolvril , That it copy of tlicso roiolntlnns bo for\Mii < Kil to the pioslilont of tlio United btiitu , tothu ] and lo roc- orilcil In tin ) Jiilimtnof Hits incutInj. AlousiirKiimoiitoccuiiiod much tlino over tlio notion of Mr. L > ot\uld of Indianapolis , Who , In liU rcitorttothoconvcntloii.castancli nn unhiitillnwo slur upon the novvtpapcr press by sajlii that tlioy refused to do justiio to the traveling mon. nnd would not insirt anything roliocUng upon tlii ) railroads , n statement wholly unwarranted In fact and uratultom. Lowala , Jk It seems , hnd tnken it uiion himself , -\\itliout ' nnyvnrmnt from tlio proper nntliority , to on- doi'su in the nnmo of the association nn ox- cur < lon ruto of thoChienuo A Alton road , ami jiroiiiro for tlicui the moiioRWiu seal of the as sociation for use on the advertising inatUr for the tmvcllnpr men's excursion to Denver. Itvius developed in the discussion that LoAtuld , the last tlmu lie went as a tvavoling men's ' dolcgnto , had sold his return tliliot tea a scalper : and , In short , tlio comeatioii "aat dovti on tilui" nnd on the Alton roml nnd voted logo by the Atotilsoii road , which has always been \oey friendly. Has'JOm Iliul. * * The Denver Fioad is still liarphig on Hie un- pleasantries of the Into Travclors1 Protocvl\o oasoolatlon convention , Hero Is the lost epiuiii : We've elected Mcttrcw And histrciuurortoo : And wo'vo ' moved to St , Lou. Whut i\lll poor Ktopnian do , And Sllvoratouo too , . \Vbon they got tlio hooJoo From the boys inBU Lou. There Is poor Danson Myow \Vlio sliiwirtly dcslros To huitd houses nnd tires ITor kids without sires , But the St. .Louis crycrs Killed Myers' dcslren , To with such linn As poor Dawi ou Myers. Cracker DiMiiniiprn Next , TUo Cracker Saleamen's Association of the central [ compact mot nt tlio Geneseo house * Buff.ilo , liistwoelt , I twos the tegular half- yearly meotlnp. Onlccrs were elected nnd the next : nettliiK plucodecIdod upon. Tlfo lusoolatlon la composed of traveling Bnlcsinin forcrackor inmufacturors in towns nnd cities of western I'eimsylvanln and part of Ohio , lluffalo Is not Included In tbo cen tral compact , but used to bo , nnd the mooting ivns held thera because of tbo central loca- tlCa. Uruiuinern. Soulhorn Traveler1 association ot Macon tins taken on now llfo. The conven tion , which was bold In Atlanta recently , toiitrUiutod greatly toward reviving Interest in the aisoclatlon , and nlnrt tlio tlocpntos have mturnod to Macon ncwi BW Iwon ro- cclvod which IIM filled Iho hfnrt of ovcry travcllnf ? man wllli Joy. Mr , Charles Branan , chulnnan ol the railroad committee , It the cauao ot thopencral joy. Ilo reporta that ho II.M secured /ronnocnl / roads nrcdiMlonof tlio clurBoa on oiccas bijr , io ( ol from Ifi to SJlwrccnt. This mavis a nut su'Inffto the wcrchauta ofMncon oliromt. > ,0X , ! ) toJ.T,0)0 ) n year , _ _ _ _ _ _ i J 3)nn't ) Do It. Some Prcemonl ontlmslasu nro urging the organization of n trailing inon's ' club lit the Badgocounty capital. If they want to know vhnt kind of a vrhlto elephant they are get- tinp on their UanJ1 ? let them xvrito to C. 0. T/bcclcof the Into luincntcdOimtia C'oininer- clal Men's club. Btiinplct , Whit has become of Ilelphrcyl Oi-oiijo Ilos1 ? isunpilvlngColorado dealers ivlth Koeh-ICilpitriekilry goods. Gcortjo Hunter , representing a lljj Cln- clnnntl clothing house , is in thuilty. K. It. Cook roststored at Albion Triday. Ilo reports business f-ood In his line. George I1 , Moore ofColumbuihas becnclr- cnlutlntf nnionjjUio boy fora fen * days. P. W. Smith , with' ( . T. Llndioy , t Co , la list ting with Ills family atS ibothn , Kun. , T. 11. NcditM workin ? trailo in Scrlbnor Monttoy for thoOniata bnnlwnro company. W.V. . Jlnyscnt , rcpresentltiR the Council Bluffs Crjstal mill , THIS selling flour In Car roll , la. , lait Thursdiy. S. N. IColm , vlth the Koch-Kilpntrlclc dry goodtcomiuny , was In yutordiy from usuc- cosslul South "Dakota trip , A pretty Rltl up town says tint the cholcrn I ? lilwii tiavolhj ; man , brciiuso It never gees anyvhoro without Itup'ip D. S. Scli anil C. jHann nro in the city waiting for the bloclcado occnsloneJ by the ordoH for the ICocli-lCllputrlck cliy goals compmy to bo raised. O roi go Kudlo , the well known soap man , U homo from n trip to the I'.iclllo mt , and Is lookingiu line us silk. Atiout the loth "iliuly" Roes vest ajaln. II. H. Grottoiniulo the Scrlbncr branclilast wecltiindtookannmbor of orders for his houso. Uiottc bnotaprolilbltionistliitheory , hut Is In practlco. Ilo ne\cr drlnlca anything stronger than seltzer water. Will K , Carr , who soils clR-urs fpr Da\cn- \ porthouse , Is : i\vholo circus in himself. Ho can make more fun tlmii any three men on tlio road. Ilo U a believer In the Dmvlnnlan theory nml paits his hair with a towel. A tmuling man named Brunson was robbed of $ , ! 00 whllo aslscp on a train west of Lincoln on Saturday. Traveling men will never Ret over the habit of carrjlnjj thuir monthly oxpcnso allownnco in their pockets. Al'lttsbnrBilruinmer wont into a Cleve land shop to talk steam eiiBines to the pro prietor. A pictty llttlo wo'iinn cntoieil nt tno same time , iiiul tlio drnnimor , supposlupr It , l3 the proprietor's daughter , stepped nsido anil nUnved her to pass. Ho was nmaredHhen she opened the conversation by Inquiry nftor the health of hisstcnin Rauijos , niul ho nearly had n stroU of apoplexy when shotooltan order for n lot of steam llxtuips. She smiled viry pleasantly on the other drumtnor as she ttlppcU out and made him wish bo vas dead. At the Slot els. AtthoMlllard I1. S. Henson , Chicago ; C. W. Hatch , Boston ; J , Levy , Now Yorlc ; H. V. MeAdort. Kansas City ; J.V LudtrlcU , Now Yoilt ; 0 , H. McrtF. . L. Drake , Chi- case ; J H. Jucobson , Now Voik ; F. B , Montgomery , St. Loulsi S. J. Ifullor , Now Yoilc ; I II. Haiiltiul , JV. . Scott , F. II An- ilei-aon , Clneno | : Lewis Mejor , Kew York ; II. S. AIcrvIn.T. K , Vnllm , Chicago ; 0. W. Iliuuiltou , Toledo ; John A. O'Neal , Burling ton. ton.jt the Jtlerchants J , W. Henderson , Topolca : , T. Liuhim , Orot".Nolif. . M. Tajlor , Hailcy , Neb.V. ; . II. Morons , Chi- cngo ; C.F. Ugffo. OrandIsland , IS'ob. ; L. Ij Sciirlos , Oxfoid , Nel ) . ; 0. J.ICinR , Lincoln , Nob.V. ; . Ogden , Chicago ; 11. D. MclJvoy , Adilr , la. ; i-MIuliborton , Cedar llapids , la. ; S. H , P o , Kelson , Neb. ; Chnrlci P. Moth , Giand Island. Neb. ; A. II , Kidd , Iniar , Neb. ; 1) . II. Martyn , St. Louis , Mo ; D. M. Ure , Alioghany , Pa. : GcorfjoJ , Olarlr , St. Kihvanls , Neb. ; l""red Campbell , Genoa. Nob.II..IlcarickGales- ; bui | ? , 111 , ; P. A. Footo , llurlinRtoii , In. ; J.V. . Uuuis , Aubtirnt IS'ob. ; P. A Haines , Storm Ijti'to ' , la : .T.C. Ilutchlnson , Kcd Oak In. ! \V. II. 'J'iilbnll. Eurlinirlon. In. - . n. T. n l. lows , AYcepIng Water , Nob. ; Dr. C. L Snyder - der , l-'rooport , 111. ; T. 13. Herd , Central , Nob. i S am uolJ ( lover , Aillngton , Kcb. At the Pu n John IJonnlilson , St. Louis ; KlmorJU. Ustlck , DCS Iilolnes ; O.V. . Mood , Boston ; A. jMmtihoinicr , Now Yorlt ; IsIJoro Jaiolw , Now YorltV. ; . U.ICahn , Cincinnati ; Tliomns ICorr , J. C. Bennett , Now York ; A S. Hlrschbuin. Philadelphia ; .T. U. Oroon , Clilcujjfl ! II. C. Slavcnslvnn < ; as City ; A. II. Amos , Chicago ; AV. II. Aliller , Detroit ; A. VV. limits , II. A. Knslfjn , Chicago : A. G Bwinjr. Clinton , la. : A , J. Kynett , Phlkdcl- pliia ; IS ! B. Cott n , 1'eorinj P. B. Christie - tie , Philadelphia ; II.V. . Adams , Chicago cage ; S. 1C. Graham , St. Joseph ; Nat II. Binfiham , Chicago. At tbo Murray rJliompon , Dayton ; W. IVoolf. St. Louis ; J. II. WhitUkur , Now Vork : II. G. Lelchhanlt , Chicara ; D.V. . Stadelser , Cincinnati ; Cl.u-kW. Hatch , Boston - ton ; M , C. Noyes , New York ; M. Dullook , Chle.\fco ; John W. YounR , Uow York ; L. D. Green tlclcl. Now Vork ; I3D. Snnonds , To ledo : 13. W. Blatchford , CliicaRo ; Frank M. Johnson , Gloucester , JIass. ; W. II. Ilaskoll , Cliloaso ; Paul Meyer , Chicago ; A. A. Uffen- doll , ls'o\v Yorli : Lee Levi , Chicago ; Nat Jncobson , Philadelphia ; Charles P. Miller , Chicago ; li.Goernur , St. Louis ; J. Mayoock , Buffalo ; E. S. Androut , St. LouU. A. Clio ice Ijlst ol" .Suininor Hcsortn. In the hvKo rojjionsof "Wisconsin , Min nesota , lovn und the iwoDiiltotiis , there nro hundreds olcliiirtninj , ' localities i > ro- omptorily ilttod for guminor homos. Amonif tlio following1 selected list nro names familiar to nuuiy of our leaders na thoporfootion of nortliorn summer ro- sorts. Nearly all of Iho Wisconsin points of interest nro within n short distance from Chicago or ! Mil\vnulcoo , and none of them svro HO fur n\vay \ from the "busy marts of civilization" that they cannot bo reached in a few liours of travel , by frequent trains , ovortho finest road in the 1101 th west the Chlcujjo , Jllhvaukeo A St. K-uil railway : Ocononiowoc.Vis. . Clear Lalto , Iowa. Alliioopin , WIs. LakoOkoboJI , Iowa. " \ ViiuliC3bnVis. \ . Spirit Lube , 1 on a. 1'ohnjroVU. . Fi-ontonae.Mliin. Taniahawk Lultea. Lake Mimietoiika , Wis , Minn. Lnkcslilo , "WIs. Ortonvlllo. Minn. Kllbouni City , "WIs. , Prior Lalto , Minn. ( Dells of the ViaVhito Ucar Lake , cousin. ) Minn. He-xvcr Dam , WIs. Blfr Stone Lake , Da- JliiilisonVls. . koU. For doUilled Information , njiplv at tirjLet ofllce , 1501 Parnam sticet , lUrkcr Dloek. P. A. NASH , Gen. Agent J. E. PJIHSTOK , 1'usn. O AS A STATUE. Thn Terrible Ilffeet ot'Clironto UIiou- matlNiii in ft Voiortin ol'tlio War , A jommlvablo story comes from Con- ronl , Mtu > 9 , , of the sull'orings of Jnmoa Molvlnlo has for twelve years lain upon 11 bed without chunking his posi tion , writea a Boston lorrospojidont of tlio'ow \ York Sun , Tlio osseous portions tions of his body have uiiltod in ono iileuo , and from , the crown of his licnd to the soloa of his foot there IB not n jointroBpmsho tohls ulll. Every bono in hU inmo hits proivii Into the adjoining1 bono. liven tliobonos of hh nock und spinal column are united llrtnly into ono nnd nro us rigid an n bar of iron. The ribs are joined 0110 to another Ly tholr connecting tissues , nnd tlio chest Is nothing more nor less than a box of Iwno. It Is utterly Incapable of expansion , nnd breathing Is possible onlybocausa of the comparative froo- domof the dluphium nnd the pliability of tlio mu3olo3 of the ivMomon. HuumiiIngenuity could hardly dovlso a uioro oltoctl-o nrrangomont of Iho HmlH as a means ot torture. Botli lilps are dUjolntodnndtho lower legs have boon drawn ulinrply to the loft eldo of the body and thus hold through thoos- slllcntion of tlio liimo joints. The loft log crosbcil under the right and Iho loft heel Is prosscil so ( Irmly nernlnst the rijjlU hiiithatlt iaoaly bv the use of oonsldornblo forcothatd strong person can draw them ( innrtsuHk-icntly to insert a thin plcco ol cloth. The upper nrms are pressed close to the sides of the body , whllo the foroanru rest upon Iho abdomen , the flng > < t9 , upon the ends of which are hrgo chalky formations , pointing downward , The head Is turned a quarter to the lolt. 1'ho jnws are tlxod and food may bo administered in liquid form only through nn aperture mndo by Iho extraction of several tooth. The muscles of the lace and throit nro in Kood condition and tire the only ouos in the uholu body tint a removable , Three years a jo ho boeaino blind. Chronic rhoutuatlm Is the cause of his nllllctlon and the disease \vas \ con tracted in the army. Ho is man-lot ! and has a daughter soiotiteon years of a < 'o. His wife , who lias not boon out of his presence nn hour at a time for all those fifteen jcurn , with the exception of a vacation of two months which lior phy sician deemed necessaiy to restore her failing1 health , na\8 that ho never uttora a word of complaint. Never neglect n constipated condition of the boxveli , or serious results surely follow , such us piles , Impure lilooil anil many clironlo complaints. Jlurdock Blood Bitters Is the NOT XVJliVO ! IT VA.S , A.II Olcl'Tlmo "VVcstprner Blioulccd to I'hul Tli tit Times lliivc CJiMiK01'- ' iS'ow YorlcTrilmno : "Tho vcstuln't what it used to be , " ho said , looking darkly out the window between a pair of boots which were resting1 on tlio window sill , "It ain't wlmt it used lobe and it was a terrible shook to me , Y"ou seol'vo just got bicl : { , Hadn't seen it for oyor twenty jcars nnd BotncthiiiL' kept uiginp nio on to go there again. I couldn't rest until I vent. "Well , I went and I vlsh I hadn't. "It was just alter the U. 1' . Union Pnclilc was opened that I lef t Ililllnrd. Hllllard ain't ' wliat it used to ho , by the wny. The lioys came down to the track to BOO mo oil and wo wcio standing on the platform , " 'I'll bet ten to ono , says Jim Qulgloy. that the colonel Is biclc In six months. " 'I'll take thulor any other bet If you make the odds bly enough , ' says Charley - loy Blown. Clurloy wns a Rambler from iK'cktio to bpura and would liot on an } thing1. " xPut up your ten or a hundred , ' snyi Charley , 'and I'll co\or \ It with ono or ton. ' " 'Wo don't need to put it up,1 says Tim. 'When ' ho comes back you pay. If ho don't come In six months ! pay on the lafat day , ' " 'Xo , you don't ' , * says Charley. " 'Ain't I good ? ' uys Jim , quick 33 the bnnp of n trigger. " 'I wouldn't trust no man on gam bling1 , 'says Chniloy , nnd two six-irtioot- on were out logothor. Then they boron to pop just us my train pulled out. I loaned over the platform and saw them diivinj ? away. Jim was on his knees , winded totnewhoro , but fpimo , nnd they were bin/ling away the last I saw of them. That's ' the way I left the west. "Thoro ain't much loft of Hlllinrd. I found that out as soon as I struok there Inst month and I pulled out at once for Einnston. Things didn't look just right there either. I'hero was too much paint and tlio houses wore nov and soiuo of them brick , I wont up to the snloon where BUI Jurvis had the awful fight o\or flvo aces and plunlcod throe men before they btuok a knife through Ills heart. " ' hero's old Kit Billings ? ' says I to the crowd. " 'Great Scott , man , where did you como from1 ? BOino ono said , 'He's ( lend. Happened in ' 82. wasn't it ? No , ' 81. ' " ' \Yho8hot hlmV saja I. 'Ho must have boon a freed one. Kit was pretty , . ii'\- sit. sit.Vu3n.'t " ' \Vu3n.'t shot. 1'hoy hanged him. ' " ' \\'hatl' \ ' ' " 'Thoy hanged him , ' ho said. " ' "You are joking. They wouldn't hang the tat sheriff thh county over had , a imn that -\vont out alone after llvo horso-thiovos and biought them all back to bo burled. Why , Kit had a ro- corn of &o-\ontcon men. ' " ' . " ' \Yoll , they hnngod him just the 8imo for shooting a horso-thlof that ho caught holding out cards. ' " 'Kit Hillings hanged. ' says I. I couldn't ' holiovo it. 'Say , tlnoes linvo haven't ? " changed , they "Must a llttlo. ' ' "Bid a Jury convict him ? ' " 'j\ jury did it. ' " "That settles it. Who is that follow looking at mo over thoro'i" " "That's ' a deputy sheriff. " 'What time dooa the next train leave for the onstV sajs I , for I didn't know how long tliat bhorill's mcmory was. Boeing ho- times had changed I felt nervous myself. Sol qulotly got on the next tram. But you don't know how broken up I was over it all. Terrible shock to n man. The vest ain't what it Ubod to bo , "Bundy ? ' Yes , thank you , I TiiA.r > n Hoiv Poor Stoclc Is 3Indo Valuublo niul Returned to tl o I'ubllc. Wo doiil In eggs , buttoi- and lard , nnd I am an export in testing and grading all throe. There la much fraud in the butter business. Wo print a , great deal of tub butter. The contents of flvo or ten tubs are dumped out on n big table , said a Philadelphia dealer to the Phila delphia. Inquiror. The outsldo has become - come strong and dirty. This wo scrape off und sell to tholnney calco bakorsat from5 toll cents a pound , according to Its condition. The balance Is reworked , rcsaltod , made into pound prints and sole ] as the best print butter. Quito a quantity of whut Is ] < nownns mill or paJdlo-worked huttor comes from the west. Small farmers there whohavono ice , get ton or fifteen pounds of butter on hand in rolls and aftoi awhllo it becomes strong , There are linns in Chicago that have men out al ! the time buying up this runcid butter. It is put Into u machine something lilco an old-fashioned paint mill andgrount up , nftor which it is worked , colorec with Danish butter coloring , undo into prints and sold as "fresh cieamcry hut- tor. " There is not a dairyman in the state of Pennsylvania that does not use butter coloring of some sort. Wo sol thousands of pounds of the Danish color Ing every year. Soiuo large dairies buy It by thobariol. A great many farmers in Bucks nnc Chester counties buy ton , flftoun aud some of thorn us high as 300 tubs of out old strong butter , for which they pay ubout 15 conts. They take It liomc , rework work and rosalt it , mix in fresh buttei in the propoitlonof about one third color it , make it into jirinU and sell i In the markets for So cents a pound doubling their money by the transaction Farmers frequently como to us on Frl day night , buy tub butter at 25 cents a pound , print It up and sell it the nux day for dairy butter at 33 cents , There is not much adulteration li lard , but ono pound of the country artl clo Is worth two of the roilnod , from which all of the oil has been extracted You can dibtlnguish between the two b a simple tost. In warm weather countr , lard will beconio soft nnd run to oil That which 1ms been ro lined always remains mains hard. For Colds , Croup , Asthma , Ilroncliltls am Sow Tliroat use Dr. Tuomw' Electric Oi and set the genuine , SOBER APPEiL 10 THINKING HEX. Coi.ltnMeJ/roni T/ilrtl Joseph Muff is , Co. , , iw dealer. AEivK blJcksmlth. Ij Smith , veils aiKVjjumps , .Tosof KuiH'S shocmnker. Joseph b dlncolt , stonecutter. ( JeorgoVhltacvO , Any , James S. Hilton , iivy oods. AV. O Mi-Ombcr , Uury. 0 .7. llowlby , reil ost'ite. ] ! . Frantn. clgnr ninnufiuturcr. J , M Unllahor. agentMo. . Pacific Ry. Co. Dhoushe , bilcktjiiker. .1 , J. Atwnter , inarstil. C. T. Umdr , pastorEpiscopal church. Joseph Thibodcau , llvd stock. C. I. . . Trovltt. InvyccanditcnoBrnphcr. .August Segelkc , mnimfiicturor sods wntor. 'Ihonra Drdln , shoomiker , Kov. It. ilubcr.Gcrnimi Lutheran. rmnkUulin , tiwlerln lumber. John Lnubiim , brick lunnufacturcr and contractor. _ WAJIOO. W. H. Dickinson , PITS. Stnto bank\Vnlioo. , Charles Perkoy , Pm Kir t Kut'l bank. 1'ctor Atidcn > on , cashier rirstN'iit'l ' bank. II. H , Doiioy , c.whlerSauiiders county Na- tioiuil bank. J. J. Johnson , assistant cashier Slanders county National liink , J. Crawfoul , builder. Josuph & Orafo , general merchants. , T. C.F. Bush , M. D. 0. C , Tarpcniiliiff , countyJudgo. 1) . AV , Miller , Job printing. lien D. Ituff , M D.druggist. J. Llndeiuampik Co , huiness. Tiiuik fc Allen , moat nuiiket. Trod Homing , Jowcler. \Vnhoo \ AVatorworks company , L. Itotoin , Jo\\elor \ , 0. J" . Carlson , ac'l Impleraonts , Kllllin Bros. A Co . gcii'l meichanillso. Johnson APoiry , livery JohiiF. Shonnia , AVuhco Democrat. Johul ) . llvan.sheilff S.wndcra county , Lovtlv & Dodge , druggists. JohnLovIn , Jeweler , JohnSlmiaon , dry goods. 0. J , MOUK , creamery. Frank Grass , meat market. 0. W Copp , attorney at law and capitalist. F. "V , ICratkyInsuraaccnndfarniloans , fi. E Collier , wnfottlonery. W. J , I chn , county commissioner , 0. Til Smith , livery , John Winter , merchant. U. U. Morton , M. 3) ) and druggist Sctiuo < t Harilsoti , fnrnlturodealers. U. AY. RoUigood , stiitlouor. I'erry McIClnuoynll \ vuiorand decorator. Horace M. Clink , louiitj olorlc. T. ALoltor , travolliiK1 agent. Oeo.A. llivclt , deputy county clerk. Jaines O'Donncll ' , builder. G. 1 Miner , deputy recorder of deeds , Gco P. IViibh , deputy county treasurer. \Vnhoo electric light company , C. JI. Adams & Co , pruln niul coil. O. I1. Lowroy.B. &Nl.r.dlvay ngcnt , J3. E. Stovy , P. , E A : M V. rallvay ngcnt. Gcorb'o T Lnko. liotcl. John S. Wodo , dentist. J. C , Hamilton , nlistrador. Jensen & Printer , tonsorial artists. Anderson , Collins & Co. , ical estate and loani. Charles Ivorson , tin shop. N. B. Bcrgocn , stock tlcaler , S. N. Jcned , county trcasuiicr. Sonmiuut Rlorrison , piinters. C. A. Stailcs.nut Wells Fargo Go's Exp'sa , Stinus & Tombllsou , tullora , George Elblinr ; , J. Dokiiell , boots nud bhoos. Louis J" . ICudina , city clerk , AVllson & Perry , Enterprisomachlnow'ks , Jones &Dunlap , meat maruct. .Tolin Bnlldo , bnkcry. Jolm 3J1. Hale , pros. J P. Halo milling Co , II. A. Ifisuer , pruhi and stoik. Galliglo & Culbre , tonsorial artists. Ostcnbcrg &Co. , coal and grain dealers. N. HasonRren. register deeds , f. P. MtCutchan.collectionngont. WEST JOINT1. \Vcst Point National bank byrllliam Stoufor , jiresldent. First Natlonil haul : 1 > y D. C. Crawford , vlco president\V. ; A. Black , cashier. Nchraslw State bank ly R.F. Kloko , presi dent ; L. Itoscnthalcashier. Tt. (3oldsmith. ( merchant. William Gllern aud Idolm Jcrman , mer chants B. Mannefeld , merchant. A. Fischer , jeweler. M. 0. Geutzke , publisher. 1s1. K. Krause , city clerk. "William Bolircns , mercltant tailor. Jacob Unofllin , gunsmith. Chat-lea Unrtols , htrdMaro. Charles Hoscnthal , merchant. Tliompsoa Erotlici-s , druggists. John l03pcshll , restaurant. JLindalo So Smith , grocers. Sonnetnchoia & Valentino , real wtnto broltsrs. E.J. Komig , grocer. A. Hoiduk , merchant tailor. F. B. .Alderman , granite and marhlo dealer. Psota < i Nellgh , coal merchants , Wobig&Sivnrtz , W. P. foundry and ma chine shoj ) . D. W. Clancey , real estate brotor. J. Drnhn , Baddlery. Korb Drothers , liardvarc. Hahn & MclsteiImplements. , . F , J. Fosaniacht , merchant , 'J. E. Shnircr , saddlery. Kcoho & Schwartz , furniture. .Theodore Schwind , tinner , Conrad Flirsehuiau , furrier. Jean Cordano. Anton Lnnger , photoffrnplior. II , Hunker & Bio , lumber. Biker & Mcleher , grain , lumber and hnplo- ments. C. Kupp , horse dealer , , Koah A Danck. clRars , . .TohnVeldie , livery. .Daniel 0. Glffert , grain dealer. If miilc Horold , butcher. \V. E. ICrause , banker , N. J. Hughes , stock dealer , P.M. Moodlo , attorney. Charloa H. Carstcn , carpenter. Fred Tlieeto ] , butcher. C , D. Rtocltman , baker. Joseph Tuunnand , barber. J , F. Ix > sch , attorney. H It. Munay , manager "W. P. & L. Im , Co. M' . T. S. Nellgh , real estate. Charles F. ICadid , dmggist. Eirl 1it/.o , harbor. IM , McUiushlin , attorney. I'.J.Vionior \ , butcher. J , C. Crawford , attorney. "NVllliam Steufor , attorney , Dr. Charles Oxford , druggist. T. M. Tratiso , nttornsy ntla\v. John D. Nellgb , mayor. \lex II. Sims , city marshal. " "West Point Kcpubllcan , A. Y. Grant , printer. IZmil Heller , clerk district court. II , P. Law , f Joseph \Vittmna \V.C.\Vitlman \ , Henry Wlttman. W , S. Hnrwood , I * Moor ) & Co. i 0 , W.Moshor. " \V. \ II , Hallor , JIcQuarriOitVisoniaa. . T P. II.Matthlesen.T S , B. Taylor. Hundreds of buslndu men throuKhouttho state are enrolling in tiio ran 1 of anti-pro hibition organization , and tholr names will bo placed on the membership record of the association. HnlHtracl on tlio "Watermelon. Ilorols llurat Halstend'a conclusion to a lrlcf ) dissortntion on the luclous south orn product the wuterrnolon "Tho Goorgluns say , and it Is discourai ? ing , tliat the very host melons grown in tlio state are BO f rugllo they can not be transported , nnd that thoao who woulc onjqy the toj ) ilowcw o ( this wonderfu pioanct ol the sun and nund must go where the oxqulfclto sphcros plitton among the Jowy loavosof tlio generous vlnon whoao muiMolom cllstlllmont o Bvrootno&B la the dainty dlallnctlon of a favored lona. " Dr. Blrnoypractice limited tocatarrh nl disciibca of nose and throat. Hoc 'lias been cshblhhcd in I/sndon IOO YEARS Loth as. a COMPLEXION and aj a SHAVING SOA.P , has obtained 10 INTKRMTIOXAI. AWARDS , and is now sold in every city of the world. Jt * s the purest , deanest , finest Who tnnst economical , and tJicrcfora 'Jlhe test ami most popular of till sorrjis for GENERAL TOILET ruRroscs ; nnd for use in tlic NURSERY it is recom mended by thousands of intelligent mothers throughout the civilized world , because wlille serving as a cleanser and detergent , its emollient properties prevent the chafing and discomforts tovhich itt/mts arc so liable. PEARS' SOA.P can no\v be had of nearly all Druggists in the United States , BUT BE SURE THAT iou GET THE ciNui.NE , aslficreanivorthlcss fmilit/foiis. Tn lnntly < toiwtliomnstnxeriiflntlntr pitnij nnvcr fnlli tofflvnfisoln tliosufloror. Tor PAINS , HliUISI'3 , IlAOICAUlin t'ONOKSTIONS , IMT AMMATIUN . Hlir.UMATISM , > rr.UKAUUA,8CIATHIA. , HIIAUAClIr' , TO01MIAC1IK , or imy other L'AIN , a few apl'llea- ' oiis urullkumiiKlr , ciiinliiiIlio inln to Instantly stoi > . A CURE FOR ALL BOWEL COMPLAINTS. Intfrnally tnkoti tn < lo o ? of from thirty to sixty dropIn alinlf tinnUor ofvnler will oiiro In a few inlniitosUramp , hpinlm , SonrStoniuoli , Colic , I'lntnlenco , lU : irtl > nm. Cholort Miirbus , IJycntrjr1 Dlnrrliaui , Slik Ilcidncho , Nttmoi , Vonilllm , Ncrvotunosi , tfloeiilussiioss , Muliirla , and nil liiterntl pulns iirUliijfroiucliaiigu olillutor utur or otlior 0111104. BO cents abottlo. Sold by nil I. De TURK'S CALIFORNIA A1MD Ziiifandel ChoicestProduction. : . HY FillC r Bros. , Wliolcsnlo Dillon & Co. , 'Liquoi' Dealers. F. Dellone &Co. , ieJ/lA Heimrod& Hanson Grocers and & & & jtib Henry Pundt , Liquor Dealers. DoTiirks"/.lnfn.n < M" 1mi nppornmong Ameri nrsni can \ VIiies.lillo \ It on mils the bcsthiiporttdchuots. Sffl If a corset is perfect in other respects and has the usual metal eyelets , the laces will break at the most annoy ing-times ; for the eyelets cut them. There is a better eyelet ; made of loops of corset lace ; soft eyelet \ve call it. It costs no more , is neater , more such as a woman -would make for herself , besides the conveni ence of not wearing out or cutting the laces. The Ball and Kabo corsets are eyeleted \vith it. Tou can get these corsets and wear then two or three weeks ; and , if you do netlike like them , return them. The makers pay the merchants to sell them so. Cuiaao consn Co. . cuicago and Now tort. DRINK ROOT HIRES' BEER. Tlie Purest and Best Erlnli In the "World. Appetizlzlng , Delicious , Sparkling and the Host Wood Purifier and Tonic , A 1'acUgo [ llcjulil ] 25c , moles 5 gallons. EVERY BOTTLE Guaranteed , No Trouble. Easily Mailo. Try It Ask your Druggist or Grocer for It nndtuko no clliur. Sco that you got 1111UCS' , THE ONLY GENUINE. Mndo byO. E. ITIUES.l'lilltiilolplila. 1'cnn. ! COIJ.KOK SWAHT1IM01U 8\VAIiril.MOnK , I'A. Opens Oth month , SHIi , isyo Tlilrtf nlnutoi from Ilroad St. Station. I'nlh. Under euro of Frlendi Full collculatu couraei for both soxoi IciulInK to Clnitlcal. KiiKlnoorlnir , Hclontlila nnd l.llcrnrr < Iu- Erciij lU-nltlidil location , oMenilto Brniulils , bullillne , inaulilno nliops , Ijborttorlui und libra- rloa , 1 nrfull partlouliM ntllruatf WJ1 II. I'lM tTyN.rh. ll.ProiliIont STEPS ! * rOR . YOUNO _ . . _ . _ _ . M . . l nl Art iu luhe&loriTerT | st 7mrrKan I'liroiwan Tochcrt ) Knni ermiutU , new luiltlnes. UAtel Iv hot wntrr , AdJie.i Wev.T.W.UAiaElT. Ire. .COLUMBIA , MO , ) . Hoard Inn Br * UMonraiiPnrWncnrCliloajo . Kor M cuulotraanadreis < * .THATKIt.Wj. I ) , iiorganrarltlll..ofi7McJlBuniiruot1Clilcaso. Ill FEMALE ACADEMY Preparatory nnd rnllrtlnta cmir ' , lllernlure. lanzuiiett , niailc. art. fc.y.Uumuo , lltoelinl.JoctiuDvlllt , 111. ILtJIirCOlUOEandBOHJERVATORt. " choolll Tiich < irtirrylil > o .illuua ' " ' ltMnfcr'o"Mo' Uoriran I'urb , ILLINOIS MILITARr ACADEMY , lillidU. Circular of I1KNBV J. BTKVKN : , A. II. Prln , \ YOBK MILITARY ACADEMV. NE\V 0. J. WrightU.S.A-.H.CornwnllN.V. Hi * WIlO nu l B J1IXRVOV8 DUJlLITYl r ftI I tSJW | | > ! uiBMOf Body uJKiad , t'ifecU lilUillSiUorErrorBcrExetiuaiiOldorYoait Ull. l HOODrcllrk.lo , , < . lit. loVi'.rf. ifl atMlalrll Mfdlltr Mimi ! 1BI1THUT llmtnti U djj ! iMtll ; fr io tQ SUMuul r nlalt < > iislrl . Wittt tbii. KMwHplli * Hook , fxvluAtloaUd pnN nifclUd ( > * iUdrr ) * . Mnu ERIE ME&ICAb CO. , OUTfALQ , N.T Denver , Colo.3 Capital Prize $7,500 , Ticicrvrs , BO CKNTS i\cii. : $26,370 , PAID EACH MONTH. BANK OF COMMERCE PAYS ALL PRIZES Address B.1J , EIIODUS , DENVER , - COLORADO. SIIEOEDER & DEAN , GRAIN , Provisions and Stocks. Basement First National Bank. SOB South 13th Street , Oma h. li H 0 > WANTED Bfil PS G H ISSUED DY CITIES , fi.ll (1 ( IJ O COUNTICB.SCHOOL < ? ' M B V BS' W DISTRICTH , WATER CorreipondcnccoHcltcd. COMPANIiai tTC. HVHARRIS / aGoMPJlHY.Banliers , , IOJ-IS3 Doorborn Street , CHICAGO. "JO Stoto Street. BOSTON , PRINCIPil POINTS EAST , V/EST , NORTH and SOUTH 13O2 Pnrnam Street , HARRY P. DEUEL , City Passoagor and Ticket .A-gont , JOSEPH GILIOTT'S ' STEEL PENS. GOLD MEDAL , PAFU3 EXPOSITION , 1889. THE MOST PERFECT OF PEHS. QVPHII 15 Cim no cured In 9) ) to M Oir I11U1O clayHliyusonf tlioinur- volousMiiKlo Jlptnoilir. SVW.tKJ for nonsuit will not euro. 0 < VUTIt > Xto ynt tlio Koniilno rain- cdj' . Wrltoorcull on K.U. Joilyiii-013 Uur- nuy Sireut , Onului. MANHOOD Erlf ! > * < * } and Abu * , lujMtf IM . , . nn. irrM t > r > arrnr < i.fii > Hint TrxiUo Miit frw ud ttluj in Irli niti. o u m miiun fci , B.T. OOMMblllOIALv National Bank Cnpltm , - $ AOOOOO Surplus , - 40OOO omoon unit DlrcclorK. . M MoricmiiR , O. > l Itilicock , .1i rph ( Inrnonu. Jr , A. HrtuT , 19. M . inlcr on , Wlllliitn ( I. Mnul. tlop-iHMklonl , ! . II Wllllnni , A. I' llopklii' , proMilonf A. MlllUta caalilcr ; K. H. lltyanl , n ahtnntomhlor. NEBHASKA. National Bank U. 8. DEPOSITORY. OMAHA. WEB Cnpltnl , - $4OOOOO Surplus Jem. 1st , 1890 , - 07.OOO OfllrcM niul lllroclon Henry . Yitr , ( iriKlilentj T.o U M.llootl , vlco ilrolitont | JiinmVf biiyi < o\v | V Morse.Johns. Collins ) II. 0 Ciuhlnx. J N. U I'alilcki W. 11. t ) . Iluiiliuj , c-iHliler. TI-IlTv 1ROX IJ.AN3C. Corner Ullintut farniini Slrci'ti. A General llauklag Gmaha ManUfaotUPBrs , HontM und , JOrtlCS ! e CO Wholesale Manufacturers of Hoots & Slices -AfOliUfor lloMcill HiiM.crSliooC. ) , llt > 7. 1101 lUIilllOl llnrncj' ' htrcit , Ctu.ilm , Nob. HrcworH. STOIIZ & ILEU , Lager Hcer Brewers , 1M1 .Vtrth ISth Plrciil , Oinnlin , Neb Coinlco. EAGLE COKNICK WOHK8 , Manufactiircrs of Galvanized Iron Corniw \Vliuloircnptanil mi < lnlla > k ) lliht * . Jnlin llcnnctor , ( iroprlotor 1W mi II1U Houth Wtli Mivet , Arllstn' MntcrlnlM. A. HOSPE , Jr. , Artists' Materials , Pianos and Organs , 1313 Doiiglan Flri'Ol , Omnlin , Neb Oonl , Coke , ICtc. OMAIIA COAL , COKK AND LUtV : CO. , Jobbers of Hard and Soft Coal. B. IS Cur. lull nml UuiiKliis Struol * , Onului , Neb. NEBuASKA FUEL CO. , Shippers of Coal and Colic , 'USoiitlilSlllSlrocI Om ilm , Neb DEAN , AKWSl'llONO & CO. , > YhoIcsalc Cigais , < Q3N lUiiStft'ct. "Hollol" nil Jry ) ( iooil'i anil Notluim. M. E. SMITH it CO. , Dry Goods , Fnmislilng Goods and Notions Cornorlllli ami Jlun.inl BlrooU. KILPATRICK-KOOII DHY GOODS CO. , Irapwlers and Jo'obcrs ' in Dry Goods , Ucntj'l'urnljlihuflocxl" ( "ornor lltlt and llnruaj blroets , Oninliii , Nob. Ji'itrnltiirc. & : STONE Wholesale Dealers in Furniture , J'amnni Struct , Oiunlm , Nobrnskn. CIIAHLES SHIVEIUCK , Furniture. Oinnli.i , Ncbrn kn Grocorlcs. McCOttD , nKADY 4c CO , AYliolcsale Grocers , luthand Ixjnvciiworth Btrccts , Oraiihn , Nn 0.V. . DOUGLAS & CO , Dealers in Hani wood Lumber , r .nl 1310 N , Kith St. . Pnialm. JOHN A. WAKEFIE1..D , Wholesale Lumber , Etc. , Etc. Imported and Amorlcim 1'orllaml Oomunt. Htatu a oul for Alllivnukoo Hydrimlla Cuiuont , and tjulriiy Whllo J.lmo. CHAB. n. LEE , Dealer in ILirdwood Lumber , Wooil carpet * nnJ imrquct llooi Ing Uth nnd Donglu Btrcctn , Oiniiha , Nubruka. FRED W. QREY , Luinter , Lime , Cement , Etc , , Etc. Corner 9th and Poiipla.1 Streets , Oniulia. Millinery nnd Notionu. 1. ODEEFELDER & CO. , Importers and Jobbers in Millinery , 203 , 210 anil212 Houlh Uthsticot. KotlniiH : Wliolcsale Notions and Ftirnisliing Goods , 1121 Hnrm'y atrcnt , Oimlm. Oils. CONSOLIDATED TANK LINE CO. , Wholesale Mined and Lubricating Oils , .Axlo L'tcnso , cto. , Omaha , A , II. lllaliop , MunnRor , 1'ajipr. _ . _ _ - - - - - - - - - - - - - - jXjin lj-JXJ-U JTJXXXMrij-ij--Lr-ijLfT ! -uT-JT-rxj-LTij-Lrxj-i-ritx-i-f JXJXJXTUXJT-f CARPENTER PAPER CO. , Wliolcsale Paper Dealers. Cnrrr n nlco stock of iirlntlnsr. nrapplnR nnd wrlllng l > npor. biHilul uttontlou tflvon to card jmpur. SnfcH , Kto. " A. L. DEANE tc CO. , UoncrnlgcTiuf.jr Halls' ' Safes , 321 anil i1 Boutli 10th St. Omnlirv. ToyH , Ktc. I . HARDY & CO. , Jobliors of Dolls Albums Goods Toys , , , Fancy , Ilouau Kurnlalilnti ( ioodn , Clillilton'H CarrbKiis. 1231 l'ornini : itrcot , Oinnlia , Ncl > . AV'nlor U. S. V/IHD KNQINE & PUMP CO. , .Steam and Valcr Supplies , Ilallldar wliid inllli. ! )19aml WOJonci nt. , Oainlik. 1 CI. V. Iton , itlnu Manaivr. lion WorkH. and Cast Iron Building Work , brnnwoik , ncncrnl foiirnlrr , ni.vlilnonnj kBliillli work. Ulllco and wurkJ , U. 1 * . llr , and Uth itriiut , Umtlrn. OMAHA SAFE It IHON WORKS , Kanf'rs of Fire and Ilurglar Proof Safes , Vaults , lull work , Iron iliittton unit II ro oarnpoa. U. Aiilrcc.niirop'r. Cor. lull umljnckum ttti Hnxli , Doors , Kto , _ t& co. , \Yholuialo inanufncturunuf Sash , Doors , Blinds and Mouldings , Ilruncli oOlco , ISttinnd Irani trouti , Omaha , tfoY o t.t tli O m eli a. . UNION STOCK VARDB CO. , / Of South ( Mia Limited.