THE OMAHA DAILY BEE , OISJDAY , JULY 14 , 1890. A "SOBER APPEAL TO TIMC mi Shall the Commercial and Industrial Pros perity of the State be Sacrificed to a Delusive 'JSentimentalism ' ? The State Da niters , Merchants nnd Manufacturers Organize for Mutual Protection Agnlnst the Prohibitory Amendment to the.Constituticn , In Order to avert the Blight that Always Followsjin the Wake of Prohibition. We , the Undersigned Easiness Men of the State Of Nebraska , In vie\v of the results apparent from the attempts heretofore made to enforce prohibition in neighboring States , believing that prohibition is not a true aid to temper ancc , do assert as a business proposition that the incorporation of a prohibitory amendment into the Constitution of the State of Nebraska Avill be inimical to the best interests and material welfare of the people of the State , by retarding its development , depressing real estate values , producing a disastrous stagna tion of commerce and stoppage of immigra tion ; Therefore , for our mutual protection and the maintenance of our trade interests , we clo hereby organize ourselves into an association to bee o known as the State Business Men's and Bankers' Association , with headquarters at Lincoln , Neb. , and auxiliary branches in the cities , towns and villages throughout the State. And we do hereby advise and urge our friends to work and vote against said prohibitory f amendment at the election to be held Novem- ber 4 , 1S90 : OMAHA. First Notional bank by F. II. Davis , cashier. Merchants' National bank , oy t'miiK mur phy , president. William G. Maul , vice president Commcr- clal National bank. Coinnu clul National bank , by Alfred Millard - lard cashier. National Bunk of Commerce , by J. N. Cornish , president. United States National bank , M. T. Bar low , cashier. Citizens' bank , by W. G. Tomploton , cashier. Union Notional bunk , by Charles B. 1 ord , cnshlor. E. L. Blerhower , cnsh'r Nat bk of Com'co. Gcorgo 13. Barker , "V , P. Bank of Com'co. A. P. Hopkins , Pros. Com. Nnt'l bank. Omaha Savings bunk , by L. M. Bennett , co-president. Aincr'n Snv's bank , by A. V. Powell , ch'r American Loan & Trust Co. , by O. M. Car ter , president. H. W. Yntcs. Omahat ( ImntReflning and Smelting Co. , by Guy C. Barton , president. A. U. Wvinnn , ex-treasurer U. b. J. II , Mlilard. Sloan , Johnson & Co. , wholesnlo croeers. Blake , Bruce & Co. , wholesale drugs. U. M. Stcelo & Co. , wholesale growers. Charles A. Coo it Co. , wholesale boots and Ahocs. Mcegan it Harding , wholesale brokers and commission. McCord , Brady it Co. . wholesale grocers. Richardson Drug company. Bonds Onialm Bag Co. , mfgrs. bags Max Meyer it Co. , wholesale Jewelers. Allen Bros. , wholesnlo grocers. Leo. Clarke , Andrecsen Hardware1 compa ny , wholesnlo hnrdwnro. Kirkendall , Jones & Co.wholesale boots nnd shoos. Gate City Hut Co , , wholesale hats , raps nnd gloves. Gilmore & Uuhl , wholesale clothing. Darrow & Logan , wholesale hats and caps. Joseph Onmenu Cracker company. Max Meyer & Co. , wholesale cigars nnd no tions. American Hnnd Sewed Shoo Co. Tlio Baum Iron Co. , iron and steel. Schneider it Loomls , wholesale notions. M. E. Smith & Co. , wholesnlo dry goods. 1'eycko Bros. , wholesale commission. Wedelos & Co. , wholesnlo leaf tobacco. Farrell & Co. , rotliiers and Jobbers of syr ups and molasses. Milton Kogors & Sons , wholesale house- furnishings. Samul Bums , wholesale qucenswaro. " D. M. WcltyVelty it Guy , wholesnlo sad- llerj- . Con taut it Squires , wholesale coal. A. J , Poppleton , city attorney. L. A. Garner , supt. American Express Co. 13. M Morsoninn , supt. Pacific Express Co. Goodman Drug Co. J , 1) . Harrison , F. C. Ayer. A. P. Ely. John U. Unite. Tlio Omaha typo fouudy by II. J , Pickering , lleos Printing Co. McCInrg Cracker Co. Fred NV. Gray , wholesale lumberman. Cninu Co. , wholesale steam and water sup plies , by II , T. Lnlly , manager , Omaha mbl cr company. C. Itosso it Co. , wholesale fruits. C. A' . Gallagher , contractor. Voogelo it Dinning , wholesale confection ers. ers.N. . B. Fttlconor , wholesale and retail dry foods , Consolidated coffee company. Meyer it Haiipko , wholesale grocers , Byron Heed. Thomas L. Klmball , Phil Stlmniel , wholesnlo seeds. Bnrkulow Bros. , wholesnlo nows. C. 1) ) . Woodworth & Co.whols'o contract's ' , Henry & Coats worth Co. , whols'o lumber. J. J. Johnson it Co. , whols'o coal nnd I lino. S. P. Morse k Co. , retail dry goods. Nebraska Fuel company. C. B. Hnvcnsit Co. , wholesale coal. William A. Paxton. Piutou .t Gallagher , wholesale grocers. Paxton it Vierllng , Iron works. Booth Packing Co. , by T. A. Fry , nianag'r. ' M. II. Bliss , wholesale quccuswaro , 3. M. Edwards. Jcfl Bedford wholesale coal Fowler Elevator Co. , by C. II. Fowler. Joseph Barker , capitalist. James E. Boyd , capitalist. John Hush , city treasurer. Omaha. Churchill Pump Co. II. Brandenburg it Co. , wholesnlo leather. I. Oberfeldcr & Co. , wholesale millinery. Kopp , Drclbus & Co. , wholesale confee crs. G. .W. Holdrego.gcneral manager B. & M. W. V. Morse & Co. . whols'o boots it shoes. Consolidated Tank Line Co. A. L. Btrang & Co. , steam and water sup- dlics. Isaac E. Congdon , attorney ntlaw. John A. Krng & Co. , wholesnlo grocers , Bates it Co. , wholesale commission. G. J. Hunt. U. S. Wind Engine nnd Pump company , steam nnd water supplies. P. Kocco , Bro it Co. , wholesale fruits. Dr. George L. Miller , Omaha paru commis sioner. James M. Woolworth , nttornoy nt law. F. B , Konnnrd , Kennnrd Glass it Paint Co. T. S. Clnrkson , real estate and loans. Thomas II. MolTat. Kilpatrick-ICoch dry goods compiny. Dewey it Stonn furniture company. Charles Sldveriek it Co. , wholesale furni ture. Montgomery & Jeffrey , attorneys at law. Adam Snyder , wholesale meals. S. H , Johnson , capitalist. St. A. D. Balcombo , chairman board of pub- lie works. Hulbcrt & Blum , wholesale coal. M. L. Koedor it Bro. , insurance. Browning , King it Co. , clothing. Erllch & Langstadter , wholesale cigars and tobbacco. Gcorgo P. Bends , capitalist. II. AV. Civmer , capitalist. Gcorgo Hoyn , photographer nnd photo graphic supplies. Kobcrt L. Garllchs. capitalist. J. J. Brown , capitalist. C. E. Yost , general manager Neb. Tel. Co. John F. Goad , capitalist. Miller & Gunderson , Pluunlx foundry and machine company , bv ' Donald Hobcrtbon. Frank D. Muir. Muir it Gnylord. H. 13. Guylord. Charles C. Georgo. Howell it MeShano. 1'otter it Georgo. , Bowman , Williams it Cross. Will II. Cadv. AVilllam J. Klerstcad. Kobert 1'urvia , wholesale commission. J. Brandies & Sons , The Fair. J. Bamberger. J. T. Kinsler , wliolesalo druggist. James Casey , Arcade hotel. John C. Drexel , C. A. W. MoLaughlln. M. 0. Maul. Dewey it Stone furniture company. Simon Trosstlor , wholesale cigars. Mcllugh it Mockber , wholesale commls- ion. ion.David David Brown , grocer. A. Hiddel , wholesale produce. M. H. Gross. Ackermnn Brothers it Helntzo. W. F. Cornell , inannger Great Western typo foundry. Klrschbruun it Sons , wholesale commis sion. sion.Crane Crane elevator company , by W. C. Bed' man , manager. Hubert Easston. SOUTEfoMAHA. South Omaha National bank. E. A. Cudahy , ylco president nnd general manager Armour-Cudiihy packing company. The G , II , Hammond company , by IL H , tMeday , manager. James Vlles , Jr. Wright it Baldwin , clothiers. Charles Slngor , dry goods. C. A. Melchcr , drugs. William Denytz , cigars. C. H. Sobatker , cigars. J. Cohen , merchant tailor. Mnnlyu Sowskl , clothier.- II. Hoymau , clothier. S. Levy , grocer. Brlggsit Dare , hardware. Theotloro Volz , merchant tailor , Jacob Joskolek , manufacturer cigars. H , Robert , Jeweler. H. B. Mencfce , hardware , AkaferCarey , Bruce fKtarpcntor , express. E. Diamond , clothier , P. H , Toner , saddlery nnd harness. Crill , Brown it Denny , live tock commis sion. Paddock it Gosney. live stock commission , Murk Chlttcnden , live stock commission , T , C. Shelly , live stock commission , George Burke it Fraztcr , live stock com mission. Halm < t Itcdlngton , livestock commission. Martin Brothers , live stock commission , Al Powell , livestock commission. Waggoner , Bhiloy it Co. , live stock com- nilssion. Spelts , Hitchcock it Co. , live stock com mission , J. D. Perrinc , live stock commission. Palmer , Blatichard it Co. , live stock com mission. Wood Brothers , live stock commission. Gcorgo S. Brown , live stock commission. William Daily it Co. , live stock commis sion. sion.Parkhurst Parkhurst , Hopper it Parker , live stock commission. Hycrs , Brothers & Co. , live stock commls. slon. BEATRICE. First National bunk , by S. C. Smith , cash ier. Beatrice National bank , byD. Cook , cash ier. German National bank , W. A. Wolfe , cash ier. ier.C. . ( J. Dorscy , president city council. J. O. Wlelc. lumber merchant. George W. Illnklo , real estate. Thomas Yule , abstracts and loans. I * . 13. Walker , member of council. Kilpatrlck Bros. & Collins , general railway contractors. Beatrice street railway company , Dy J. D. Kilpatrlck , president. I. N , Mi'Connell , it > al estate. Jaeob Klein , dry goods and clothing. Charles Moschcl , capitalist. Einll Sang , wholesale nml retail grocer. M.S. Wolbach , dry goods and clothing. Salmon it Kainey , druggists. J. 1' . Beck , harness anil suddlery. 1C. .1. Kodcrick , merchant nnd stock raiser. G. S. Cole , architect nnd builder. S. K. Spencer , real estate. Beatrice real estate and trust company , M. M. Ilminbuch , president. South llcatrlco street railway company , by S. K , Spencer , secretary. F. S. Maulove , dry Roods. B. F. Taylor , photographer. Charles K. linker , loan broker. M. A. Motze , Dally Express. Nebraska fnrm nnd improvement company , by J , D. Kllpatrlch , president. Express publishing company , by Kilpatrlck Bvolhcrs. Beatrice canning company , by II. W. Parker , president. Charles M. Uigg , postmaster. A.S' . Ilradt , city treasurer. .Tnmes Kldston , real estate. John Ellis , banker. W. F. King , banker. E. W. Clancy , druggist. Scott Brothers , furniture. S. K. Davis it Co. , grain. Dcutseh Brothers , clothing. J nines 0. Sadd , stock raiser nnd owner of "Counsellor. " P. < t. Meyers , stock raiser. Beatrice starch company , by , E. J. Kod- eriek , president. Warren Cole , banker. Samuel IJhocns , capitalist. Tord Lewis , capitalist , W. II. DufTott , President Beatrice Brick company , S.V. . Wadsworth , jeweler. Anthur Dole , secretary anil manager of the Beatrice dining company. W. 1'Vyett , cattle dealer. N. N. Bnnnbaeh , real estate , G. II. Johnson , merchant. Smith Bros. , Loan and Trust Co. , by J. K. Smith president. OliverTown.scnd , clothing , S.mnders & Sherman , real estate. Samui'l E. Higc , druggist. Woodward Bros. , loan brokers. Scott Bros. & Cook real estate. HASTINGS. 13. C. Webster , treasurer Nebraska Loan it Trust company. A. Yeazel , cashier ExchaiiRC National bank. J. M. 1'VfKUSon , cashier City National bank. II. Bostwlck , pi-esident Western Loan & Investment company. M. A. Hartigandirector City National bank. C. H. Deltrlch , president Gorman Nat. bank. M. L. Elsmorc , president Board of Trade. G. H , Pratt , vice president First National bank. bank.Win. Win. ICerr , president Adams County bank. 0. G. Smith , cashier Adams County bank. Oliver it Boston , lumber dealers. H. C. Havcrly , city clerk. J. 1) . Mines , city treasurer. V. B. Trimble , wholesale grocers. Hosting Grocery company , by G. E. Langovln , president. Hastings Dry Pressed Brick company , by M. L. Elsmore , secretary nnd treasurer. Hastings Business Men's Protective asso- clnton. by H. A. Fylor , president. liurger Alexander Hardware company , by M. L. Alexander , secretary and treasurer. Passy ft Wilkin , general insurance agents. Oswald Oliver , director First National bank and Nebraska Loan and Trust company. U. II. Dietrich , vice president Union Life Insurance company. F. J. Benedict it Co. , grocers. J. II. Ilnnoy & Co. , wholesale harness. A. J. Nolan , grocer. Merrill it Crceth , editors Dally Ncbrnsknn. Atlas Lumber company , by II. A. Barr. Jacob Thomas , meivhant tailor. Poycko Brother * company , commission. J. W. Davis , merchant. Enterprise Building association , by O. Oliver , secretary. Gazette-Journal Publishing company , S. P. Hounds , Jr. , proprietor. Hockmnn it Kirapp. butchers. J. Boyco , news denier. W. M. Vnstine , member city council. J. C. Idiison , books and stationery. Falk it Bloom , clothiers. Pickens it Ilanna , dry goods and carpets. Barnes Brothers , clothlnsr. Dallas it Fitlon , hardware. J. . .lame.groceries. ? . II. L. Edward * , coal and ice. Gumreau .t Son , groceries. F. 13. Wilkinson , lunch rooms. Hastings iron works , by William Morltz. L. 0. Klnucy it Co. , wholesale confec tioners. E. W. Themnr , grocer. John Feenoy .t Son. marble nnd granite. Cramer & Kohrer , abstractors and loans. Kiloy Bros. , loan brokers. C. N. Dietz , lumber , per M. L , Elsmorc , manager. Bollard it Hider , butchers. Hcmier Printing tionso , lienncr Bros. Jacob Fisher , bakery. S. C. Dillcy , ladies' furnishings. J. 13. Bruce , queenswnro. W. M. Lowmau , real estate. Fred Dower , saddlery. M. Reed , furniture. Charles Cameron , dry goods. Wolbrach it Hnch , dry goods and clothing. II. A. Fyler .t Co. , dry goods ami carpets. Mimiuis Bros. , hardware. Charles II. Kipp , grocer. Leopold Halm it Bro. , furniture. C. II. Paul , county tren.iiircr. McTaggart & McKcehan , cigars and to bacco. Thompson it Brown , publishers. S. M. Thompson , Howard it Worth-Jewel H. C. Hanson , farm machinery. 13. K. Fowler , loan broker. Burges it Co. , harwaro. L. II. Guernsey , jeweler. George A. Kent , boots and shoes. A. Junnn , dry goods. J. J. Uocppner , grocer , Kant it Klndorspaohcr , butchers. A. C. Lambert , bakery. J. U. Hllev , Insurance. O. C. Xlnii , Jeweler. Mark Levy , clothier. W. T. Shacliclford , grocer. Snyder & Brewer , cigar manufacturers. T. C. Hunt it Co. . druggists. Alison & Pratt , plumbers. William M. Lowman , vice president Ger man National bank. Hastings Electric Light and Power com pany , by George B , Johnson. A. II. Farrens , druggist. J. J. Cououghy , ngent B. & M. GEAND ISLAND. S. N. Wolbach , president First National bank. Grand Island banking company , by G. B. Bell , cashier. Citizens' National bonk , by Henry A. Koo- nlg , president , Grand Island street railway company , by A , H. Baker president. United States indubtrlal company , by O. R. .Thompson , secretary. Oxnnrd Bcot sugar coinpany , C. Kennedy Hamilton. Jr. , secretary. Bank of Commerce , byJ. D. Moore , cash- ler. ler.Grand Island creamery company , by. J , II. Withers , treasurer. . . . . George Bolenback , ngfcht , Consolidated tnnk line company. George Bolenback , 'proprietor , Opera house. ' ' Grand Island cigar manufacturing company , per II. Abraham. Grand Island grocer company , per F. O. S. Grand Island Improvement company , per J. D. Moore , vice president. Second National banky by II , .1 , Palmer president. . . Council it Osborn , wholesale fruits. Frnnlln Sweet , Keg. U. ? . L. C. Wiley Brothers , clothing. Louis Veil , grocer. George II. Moshcr. hardware. Jnmcs Founer , butctier. Hobert Frohbcrg , merchant tailor. John Haydon. general merchandise. John Alexander , merchant tailor. Henry Vleregg , soda water manufacturing. F. C. Phillips , contractor and plumber. Koss it Brlnlnger , real estate. W. H. Plntt , mayor. Henry Schlotfcldt , councilman Third ward. H. 11. Horth , city attorney. George Kootenbacb , councilman Second ward. William Geddes , president council , Second ward. J. H. Mullln , police Judge. C. W. Brlnlnger , city clerk. 13. L. Eno , Palmer house. John Kiss , grocer. C. Stoltcnberg , harness merchant. William ICurkn , tailor. Huper it Lunge , hardware. West it SchlotfeUt. real cstato brokers. Charles Wasmor , real > state. C ! . Helntz , ocricultural Implements. Charles A. Wcebe , dry good * . Henry D , Boydem , druggist. N. 11. Colin , cigar manufacturer. J. II. Wnldran , pumps and windmills. A. A. Abbott , attorney. George H. Andrew , capitalist. Tucker it Brown , druggists , George A. Morestccker , secretary board of education. iiion uoic , cuuor S. P. Mobloy. manager Independent. J. U. Mullln , stationer. Olney Meyer , jeweler. George D. Iletzel , hardware. M. L. Dolan , grocer. IX Urorhlleld. auction liouso. S. N. Wolbacli , dry goods. Thummel it Platt , real estate. \Vithcrs & Kolls , dry goods , Albert Geyelr , druggist. Grand Island company , by Ilieh Goerlng manager. Woblstcnholm & Sterne , clothiers. Koem it Co. , grocers. Henry Mayer , Mayer music emporium. Merchants' Transfer line , II. A. Bartltng , president. II. C. Held , Jeweler. J. H. Michelson , Jeweler. Charles Spcctnian , stationer. II. F. Estes , manager express company. Ily Schlotfcldt , cigar manufacturer. Horth .t Kvun , attorneys. N. B. Falconer , Mitchell it Thomas , dr goods. D. W. Smith , B. and L. manager. K. II. McAllister , hardware. A. C. Lcdcrman , hardware. D. Kankln , manufiicturer. F. S. Ilnyiird , druggist. J. II. Yund , grocer. Charles F. Itollins , miller. Al McAllister , livery. H. L. McMcans , awnt Union Pacifle and St. Joseph it (3 ( rand Island. George Bolenback , wall paper , paints'and A. Blunk , miller. , Eisner lleosch , grocer. Boston Store , dry goods. John Wnllichs , furniture. Charles A. Peterson , miller. N. Watts it Co. , meat market. F. F. Fodder , grocer. Fred Nobel , bakery. Henry Stratman , implement dealer. Fred Hodde , Independent. Charles ICloss , Doniph'an brickworks. Grand Island Light nnd Fuel company , by Iloywnrd G. Leavitt , president. F. G. Lockwood , proprietor Workman. George E. Minn , contractor and builder. P. James , Nebraska btiite Medical and Sur gical institute. Charles L. Haux , groceries. C. L. Howell , cigars nnd confectionery. Hooper & Son , iron founders and ma chinists. Henry Glade & Co. , Grand Island roller mills. ' Benjamin Berry , contractor. Adam Windolpho , stock dealer. Hchnlco Do Lohmnun , contractor and builder. A. B. Harrison , morehnu t tailor. Schmidt & Kirscliko , brick manufacturers. K. Schlrk , attorney etc. Charles Guenthcr. contractor nnd builder. Fred Wlggers , agricultural Implement denier. W. II. McAllister , money leaner. T. A. Hathaway , real estate agent. Fred Stehr , butcher and cattle dealer. 1) . A. Finch , dentist. J. K. Mocller , photographer. W. B. Thompson , agent B. & M. railroad. A. Egger , real estate. Gcorgo Loan , jr. , water commissioner. George P. Dean , city marshal. George W. Olark , street commissioner. James L. Kourke , councilman First ward. Charles Kief , councilman Third ward. W. - \ . Heimberger , loans and insurance. John Allen , clerk district court. Henry Allen , iloputv clerk district court. Charles Kief , president board of education. Hugli MeNny , deputy sheriff. A. U. Mayer , clerk in county treasurer's oOIce. David Ackorman , county clerk. 13dward C. Hockenberger , county trcas- uwr. William Cornelius , deputy county troamrcr PLATT8MOUTH. C. W. II. Gushing , cashier Citizens' bank. Dawson it Penrco , milliners. II. II. Vnnacmnnti , proprietor Hotel Kiloy. Joseph V. Wcckbach it Son , dry goods. Wcckbach it Co. , groceries. J. R. Dcmson , restaurant. A. Clark , grocer. Peterson it Larson , grocers. Joseph FcUer , boots and shos. Fred Gordcr , farm machinery , L. E. Skinner , real estate. Phillip Kraus , grocer. Fred Uoos , proprietor City hotel. Ed Threlkeld , restaurant keeper. Gcorgo Lee , proprietor laundry. Ed Stumm , cigar manufacturer. P. J. Hanson , grocer. George B. LchahoiT , stationery and no tions. J. C. Peterson , meat market. George Sltziimnn , proprietor Burlington house , Hermann Spies , cigar manufacturer. B. Elson , clothing merchant. IJ. A. McElwaln. Jewqli.T. C. W. Holmes , liveryman. Giovanni Schlaggacassc , confectioner. D. M. Jones , contractor nnd builder. F. Herrmann , merchant. Jonathan Halt it Co.-.nicnt market. Frank Morgan , clothier. S. it C. Mayer , clothiers. Gering it Co. , druggists. Gcorgo E. Dovoy. mcrcliant. J. M. Selincllba-ihcr , wagon mnnufacturer. Gcorgo Polsall , contractor. H. M. Soenniechsen , meivhant. Julius Pcpperberg , cigar innnufncturer. Oliver & Hamgo , meat market. A. H. Snyder , pharmacist. L. B. Sklldman , druggist. Hobcrt Sherwood , boots nnd shoes. A. Cohen & Co. . dry goods. Weidemnnn < t Brother.hardware. J. P. Young , bookseller and stationer. Bennett it Tutt , grocers. J. 1. Mo-nsch , furniture dealer , F. MiCjart , merchant. F. ( } . Frieko. drugeist , O. M. Sti-eiglit , llverymnn. J. M. Johns , superintendent gns company , S. M. Shunkcr , pumps and windmills , W. II. PIckcns , contractor and builder. William Neville , contractor and bridge builder. Joseph Stein , clothier. T. J. Hicks , proprietor Paeiflo houso. J. Pioxlnngo , furniture dealer. F. S. White , merchant. J. V. Ezmbcrgor , jr. , baker , Hichey Brothers , lumber dealers. Henry Bocckfurniture. NEBRASKA CITY. Nebraska City Nntlonol bank , by W. L. Wilson , president. Kobcrt Payne. H. F. McCoinus. . i S. H. Slorrlsou , Jowcler. OPaul Schmlncko it Co. , miller and grain dealers. Merchants' National bank , by H , W. New ell , cishler , W. A. Cottcn. presulcut. 1) . Maccauig , capitalist. Fnink P. Ireland , innyor , Nebraska City. 13. Keibcr , dry goods and gents' furnishing house. Li. Wcssel it Co. , dry goons nnd carpets. Blrkley it Boivheifj , dry goods. D. P. Itolfe , lumber. F , L. Fauna it Co. , grocers. Alex Calmclot , watchmaker. It. Lorton it Co. , wholesale grocers. Nate Adams , implements. L. Envnrt , banker. J , W. Butt , furniture. W. D. Sloan , druggist. Nebraska City banking company , by A. Heller , manager. William Bishop , hardware. Chicago packingnnd provision company , by P. Huonsler. M. Denim , agent B. it M. railroad com pany. Union stockyards company , Fred Heller , assistant secretary. F. W. Kodcnbeck , merchant. FrocliHoh &Sholdenrouimlsson , ! merchants. Lcldlgh it McComas , commission mer chants. II. Harrow it Brother , commission mer chants. E. A. Brown , Nebraska City Press. C. M. Ilubncr , editor Nebraska City News. C. Chnpinnn , F.V. . Kodenbcck , H. IXThlclc , C. W. Hoge , City Council. Joseph F. Welch , II. II. ICrcsser , M. Baumgnrtcn , Fnink L. Fauncc. William C. * Liunbrcth it Brothers , dry goods. William Gllsteln it Co. , clothing. John C. Watson , president Nebraska City board of trade. Nebraska Staatz Xeitung , Jacob Bcntler publisher. Rudolph Noack , editor Nebraska City Staatz X.eltung. Wllhclmy & Overtoil , hnrdwaro. J. A. Barr , merchant. H. II. Foss , merchant. H. J. Ewing. clerk. Henry Welding , capitalist. P. Smith it Sou , commission merchants. Claude Watson , physician. Charles 13. Swift , boots nml shoes. John H. Price , dry goods. M. Ticrnay , boots nnd shoos. Nelson Brothers , boots nnd shoes. M. Pylo it Co. , grocers. John Hver , dry goods. II. C. Freeman it Co. , druggists. Morton it Stafford , commission merchants. . C. W. Seymour , United States coinmis sloncr. Nebraska City water company , by J. S. Kennedy , manager. Nebraska City electric light company , by J. S. Kennedy. F. H. Brunei * , register of deeds. Smith it Hcuhcr , grocew. M. S. Campbell , clerk district court. II. H. N. Homer , county treasurer. J. Polk Hill , deputy county treasurer. II. M. Boydston , mil estate ngent. N. P. IXikun , county commissioner. Jos. Corlin , county commissioner. J. Sterling Morton , capitalist. C. II. KorlT , marali 1. Thoj. E. Thomson , real cstato. John Stclnhiirt , merchant tailor. Fred Fass. merchant. Norltlngit Myer , Hardware. C. N. Ai'asteifurniture. , . John J. I'Vlln , city clerk. K. II. Dickey , druggist. /Ceiinmer , Jeweler. Godfrey I. Bluodorn , editor Staats Demo crat. crat.Dunn it Colemnu. grocers. 0.0. Korss , grocer. E. Mnnii. S. Goldberg , clothing merchant. H. Bauhlcr , grocer. Carl HojIUnger , insurance agent. II. Airel it Co. , hardware. FREMONT. L. M. Kcenc , president Fremont National bank. Henry Fuhrmnn , capitalist. C. II. Toner-ay , vice president Nebraska mortgage nnd Investment company. Fremont savings bunk , by W. 11. Harrison , cashier. J. E. Shcrwin , mayor. Theo Huctte it Son. , wholesale hardware. W. C. Brady it Co.dry goods. Himlon & Gannon , retail grocers. Gus Schr.ige , hooks and stationery. C. II. Storm , contractor. S. Prutom it Co. , grocery. Find W. Vnughan , lawyer. J. W. Love , lands , IO.UH and live stock. Jay Koynolds. C. Christiansen , grocer. John Hauser , books nnd stationery. John Thlolcn , harness. W. G. Severance , agent Fremont , Elkuorn & Missouri Valley road. 13. C. Blakesen , jeweler. Gamble & Smith , livery. II. A. Pratt , jeweler. J. E. Frick , attorney at law. Gcorgo F. Wolz , bakery and restaurant. Fremont continuous kiln company , by E. Schurinnn , vice president. Warehouse and factory company , by E. N. Morse , president. N. W. Smalls , editor and publisher of the Fremont Herald. W. M. Jones , general agent Sandwich manufacturing company. John Herman , general merchandise. M. II. Mlunean , furniture and undcrtnk- Charles II. Winshlp , stocuman. J. B. Hickox , broker. Dodge tailoring company. Marshall Brothei-s , wholesale Jewelry nnd notions. Stainy it Lcnsch , crockery. Singer manufacturing company , by F. C. Wright , agent. E. F. (5 ray , attorney. John Bunt , president Fremont carriage manufacturing company. Fremont foundry ana machine company. C. W. Hyatt , editor Flail. AV. Do L. Freeman , insurance agent. L. J. Abbott. M. D. C. Hollcnbech , attorney. George W. Davy , abstractor. Charles Balduir , Ice dcalu. * , J. Goldyeaber it Bro. , dry goods and cloth ing.D. D. C. Pcttlt , confectionery. Patrick Hcekoy , tailor. Globe Cornice Works , by Charles T. Durkee. Henry Durmanshoemaker. George M. Osborn , veterinary surgeon. Gcorgo J. Barrett , proprietor Star livery. James J. Sinoy , blacksmith. John D. Markov , blacksmith. Pilsbury , Ven Ji ) it Co. . hardware. Fiuinont gas and electric light company , by C. ChrUtonson , vice president and manager Morse it Unman. Fremont ice company. DC. F. Hern , merchant tailor Adolph Peterson , shoos. E. HolTmeUtcr , photographer. John Miller , contractor. 13. W. S. Pratt , Jeweler. J. F. ICcndrick , market. > Bruce E. Smith , stockman. P. IJ. Cumndngs , manager telephone. E. N. Morse , president Fremont street railway company , 13. Schurinnn , president German American bank. O. D. Harris , implements , Sutton it Clapp , cigar manufacturers. Martin Nelson. William Huwe , hotel. Brcitenfcld & Muurcr , cigar inauufoctur crs. crs.H. . II. Sterner , cigar inrnufacturcr. O. Fredeiickson , restaurant. W. C. Cameron , baker. William J. Wadz , lunch counter. John ICncchtcl , general merchandise. E. P. Monteith , F. E. it M. V , lunch coun ter. ter.W. W. O. Mercer , blacksmith. A. Hork. cigar manufacturer. Jumns Murray , Hour and feed. Ncsblt & Kogew , hardware. NORTH PLATTE. First National bank , by T. C. Patterson vice president. T. J. Foley , dry goods and groceries. A. D. Buckworth , president North Platte National bank. AVilllam Grady , general mcrchandlso. M. Obcrst , county commissioner. Frank E. liullard , Union Pacific railway. George Q , McKay , dry goods , II. C. Kcniiio , dry goods , Thomas C. Patterson , real estate and loans Louis D. Thoolccko. watchmaker. H. Otten , boots and shoos. W. L. McGee , real estate. Leslie Wells , real estate. H. B. Keith , hardware and furniture. IClcnk & Gat word , butchers. Samuel Ooozco , assistant cashier N'ort IMntto National bank. Orntly it Egau , general merchandise. C. Ii. Wood. William II. Mullano , publisher Current , David A , Baker , sheriff Lincoln county. C.F. Iddlngs , lutnbor , real anil grain. North Platte waterworks , by James Wilson , superintendent. S.V. . Viui Dornn , councilman. Max Einstein , clothing. North Platte Luinbor company , lumber and coal. coal.Q. Q. T. Field , real estate and loans. Wllllnin Neville , Inwycr. II. S. llonl , real estate ami loans. C. P. Dlk , city treasurer. J. W. Ulxlcr , eltv nttornoy. L. A. Stevens , editor of the Tribune. T. Nicholas ) , coundlimm. 1 * . II. Sullivan , board of education. 11. M. Weber , clothing. F. II. Langley , physician ntid druggist. J. F. Schinalzrlcd , cigar manufacturer. F. Herman , contractor and builder. W. G. Doguo , board of education. John 1C. Otlensteln , real estate. C. M. Duneiin , M. D. George Nnunlnn , justice pence and council man. man.Wllllnin Drown , real estate nnd loam , F. D. Newell , stock mid hay dealer. C. S. Clinton , jeweler. M. C. Keith , stock grower. C. 13. Osgood , county treasurer and stock rower. John Keith , stock raiser. John Dratt , stock grower. John Ilawley , Justice pence. Joseph Ilorsnoy , farm Implements. Henry .lost , saddlery nnd harness. C. A. Sherman , hardware. W. W. Blrge , lumber. J. Q. Thnekcr , druggist. A. F. Stivttz , druggist. J. C. Ferguson , agent Union Pncllle. 15 Blockonburg , harness nnd saddlery. A. 1' . Carlson , merchant tullor. Victor Van Gortz , grocer. George. T. Snclllng , county Judgo. KEAKNEY. W. C. Tlllson. cashier , Kearney Nat'l ' bank. Lew Uobertson , president , Farmers' bank. J , A. Hovd , cashier , Farmers' bank. John J. Bartlett , president Kearney Na tional bank. F. Q. Uobertson , president First Nat'l ' bank. Koss ( Jamble , president Buffalo County Na tional bank. A. T. GamVle , cashier Buffalo County Na tional bank. Augustln Frank , second president Hand- cock Land and Investment company. John. J. Osborno , secretary Kearney opera house company. 15. II. Goodcll , president Fanners' and Merchants nt Elm Creek. Ira Johnson , manager Kearney Horse nnd Lund company. Metenlf Cracker company. It. Coddingtoii & Sons , wholesale grocers. 11. L. Downing , president Kearney Milling nnd Elevator company. M. 13. Hunter , president Kcarnoy stone works and manager Kcarnov brick company. Ij. N. Mowry , secretary Midland land com pany. F. II. Tilcrcst. harness and carriages. C. B. Finch , dry goods. - Olney & Illggins , hatters. F. J. Carpenter & Co. , dry goods. T. C. Phillips , plumber. Crocker , Finch it Co. , clothiers. J. D. Hawthorne , jeweler. J. 11. Holllngswortli it Co. , crockery Hubbell lU-os. . hardware. J. F. Daniels , Jeweler. N. II. Johnson , grocer. F. N. Decker , grocer. V. E. Willson , grocer. llosinn One Price Clothing house. Warren Pratt , attorney nt law. COLUMBUS. First Nnt'l ' bank , by O. F. Hocn , cashier. Herman P. 11. Oehlrieh , vice president Commercial bank. Columbus Land and Investment Co. , Gco. P. Moore sccrctarv nnd manager. Columbus Motor Hallway Co , , George Leh man president. Jngge < t Schaubnd , Elevator Roller Mills. Miller Bros. , dry goods , mj clothing. J. P. Bicker , Heal Kstoto Imp. Co. J. 13. North , coal , lltno , etc. Abts & Calto , oils , salt nnd coal. Columbus Milling Co. , G. S. Shroedor , manager. Columbus Planing Mills , Huntsman Bros. F. II. Kuscho , saddlery. Win. Sander , groceries. Tilcman Baumgart , boots nnd shoes. Samuel S. Bcckloy , butcher. Hoffman & Marty , butchers. Carlson & Thomas , barbers. Henrv Iliiirutz. crrocor. J. B. Dclsman , general merchandise , Green Bros. , boots and shoes. George Fallnman , city clerk. C. E. Morse , stock dealer. George Lehman , wholesaler , C. A. Newman , cashier Commercial bank J. II. Galley , dry goods. W. F , Slater , dry goods. August Ttoettcher , hardware. Bayard Fuller , land agent. Borowlck Bros. , general merchandise. O. L. Baker. A. Dusscll , plumber. II. Hughes , lumber dealer. P. W. Hcnricii , real estate and Insurance. William Schilz , boots mid shoes. E. IX Fitzpatrlck , books and stationery. J. A. Snow , harness nnd saddles. Mnurico A. Mayer , clothing. J. A. Barber it Co. , dry goods. Charles Sehrocder , plumber. J. L. Sturgeon , stock dealer. Honrv ' Gnss , furniture denier. P. H. W. DIcblehcr , grocer. D. H. Smith , confectionery. E. I'ohl , grocer. Henry Luess , contractor. H. II. Margrave , salesman. Charles F. Ellas , packing house. A. Hoilkompcr , cigar manufacturer. J. H. Magher , agent U. P. H. H. J. 13. North , real estate. A. F. II , Oohlrich , grocer. C. U. Stillimm , druggist. Daniel F.mcott , harness and saddlery. Julius Knstnussen , grocer. Theo , Friedhof , dry goods. Fred Nnylor , grocer. J. M. Honnhan , shoo dealer. A. J. Arnold , Jeweler. ' Ed S , Strecter. C. K. Pollock & Co. , druggists. John StaulTer , cashier State bank. Gus G. Hcchor & Co. , real cstato and loans. Israel Gluek , loan agent. L. Phillips. Ernst it Sehwurhardware. . Murkus Vogel , bakery and restaurant. L. North , cattle dealer. Elston & Newman , stock dealers. J. II. Wurdcumn , grocer. Louis Held , blacksmith. J. F. Slmffroth , agricultural implements. Sam Gass , furniture. J. H. Dclsmnn , city treasurer. Martin Orleans , merchant tailor. J. S. Kchols , painter. D. S. Knvannugh , insurance agent. Fred J. Hunter , barber. Leonard Hold. G , W. Phillips , county clerk. ' W. A. Hensloy , county 1uJge. G , B. Spcico , clerk of the district court. F. BroJfuhrer , watchmaker and Jeweler. .lames Fruzier , stock dealer. Frank Taylor , stock dealer. Otto Honor , insurance agent. O. Shannon , abstractor , O , W. North. Insurance agent. Ferdinand Flcislier , minister. Carl Shubert , gunsmith. J. C. Caldwc'll , sheriff IMntto county. Leopold Platt , pumps and windmill * . Albert Stengel1 , stock r.iiser. D. Slbbcnsen , deputy county treasurer1. 1C. H. Chambers , insurance agent. F. Siegentbnler , cigar manufacturer. NORFOLK. Norfolk National bank , by N. A. Ilalnbolt , president. Citizens' National bank , by C. A. Must , president. Chicago lumber company , by II , T. Cndy. Gcorgo L. Ha , cashier Chicago lumber company. Norfolk real osuito nnd Improvement com pany , C , A. Mast , president. Norfolk building and loan association , C. A. Mast , treasurer. Wide-Awake clothing company , by II. O. Whyinnu. Vice-president Queen City real cstato end improvement company , 0. A. Murquardt , real estate. Klkhorn Valley Investment company W. W Mnrplo , president. H. A. Stewart , cashier Norfolk state bank Norfolk street railway company , by 1C , A. Stewart , president. Rl.vardt MeCulloch hardware company * W. A. Emery. 11. Brinnmiind , publisher Antolgor. Edgcwntor park company , by IX A. Bear. Morris Mayer , dry goods , clothing , bootl nnd shoos , I ) , Dixsinond , police judge. Dlnhind trust company , C. B. Ulnlnnd , vic < \ president. Augustus Settle , attorney nt law. E. 0. Morton , livery. B. N. Jones , grocer. David .1 , ICocnlngatcln , druggist. C. P. Eisebv , linrdwim\ W. 11. llucliolz , cashier Norfolk NntlounJ bank , Norfolk roller mills. Blrehnrd Bridge company. Norfolk planing mills , by T. W. Whentonj proprietor , 11. A. Pasowalk , Implement denier. 1) . H. Daniel , wall paper. W , II. Lowe , real estate. F. M. Clallln , editor Norfolk Herald. T. B. Kail , boots and shews. Baum Brothers , dry goods nnd clothing. The Control drug stoic , August 1C , LcniueU O. II. Carmen , Atlantic hotel , William G. Berner. E. J. Schoolggo. C. J. Miller , contractor. C. F.V. . Mnrqunrdt. jeweler. Norfolk brick and tile company , by G. II. secretary , 13. II. Tracy , books nnd stationery. E. T. Dnrland , cattle dealer , Ferdinand Pasowalk. real estate. C. W. Branson , coal , grain and live stock. II , 13. ( Ulssmanii , butelier. A. B. Tai-ljeon , M. 13. Charles Hiulnt , ngent for Deerlng binders llermnn Gerecko , mavor. J. L , McClnroy , merchant. Weasel .t Isenmn. dry goods. John Dcsterllng , harness and saddlery. Otto Hrnkel , blacksmith. Albert Degncr , hardware , Carl Asmaivf , general meivhnndlso. W. 11. Wldamon , posmuster. Alexander Hear , M. 1) . Frank L. Hull , Paeltle hotel. H. II. Hake , cattle dealer. Henry Seinmler , butcher. F. A. Bryant , M. IX , drugs. John Gleizer , county superintendent. Louis Mlttclstadt , lumber. Charles Thnyer , elgnr iminnfnctory. S. L. Gardner , chief of police. Mapes it Llcoy , attorneys. P. J. Uonahue , agent Union PacillcnndSt , Paul it Minneapolis railways. H. F. Teal , furniture. C. IJ. Durlnml , Insurance. L. Tollcy , superintendent Norfolk clcctrU light company. A'orfolk Steam Laundry , W. II. Doxtcrt proprietor. J. II. Hnydcn. Charles Hudat , grain dealer. jNt'COpK. First National bank , George Hockncllprc9i , Idcnt. Frank Harris , president McCook Co-opern- tlvn Building and Saving association. McCook loan and trust company , E. C. Hal low , iniimigcr. 0. M. Noble , grocer. James II. Patterson , stock dealer. F. E. Stock , stock dealer. Nebraska loan and building company , C. Ii Shaw , president. Joseph Mcnnrd , general merchandise. J. Albert Wells , dry goods , August Oppcnhelmcr , dry goods. Champion cigar factory , James IConzcn- stein. stein.McCook book and stationery company , by L. W. MeCornell. S. P. Hart , register United States lauU ofllco. Pndo it Son , furniture and undertakers. 1) . IX Smith , livery. S. II. Koonoy , contractor. II. Lnwler , general merchandise. A. G. Bump , bliort order house. IJ. F. Olcott , stock dealer. W. C. La Tom-otto , hardware. G. II. Dwyors , cigar manufacturer. D. J. Smith , stock dealer. J. C. Allen , general mcrchandlso. Lytlo Brothers it Co..hardware. F. II , Fowler , general merchandise. 0. P. Smith , druggist. Potter it Kastcrdiiy , Hour and feed. James M. Cottie , butcher. Huddlcston lumber company. Wright. L. Lowninu it Son , merchants. O. M. Knlppo , bakery. The Frees it Hochnell lumber company , Gcorgo Hockiiell , partner. W. Ashvlllo , editor Gazette. A. Camphin , superintendent B. it M. roll * road. road.H. A. Coupe & Co , , butchers. J. W. Ti-ammell , proprietor B. it M. eating house system. J. II , Bennett , chief of police. J. S. Lcliow. attorney. Anderson it Bartholomew , propritors whit * Line transportation company. Jacob Steinmetz , recorder United States land olllce. J. E. Kclloy , attorney. C. T. Brewer , stock dealer. J. S. MoHroycr. dray mid liouso mover. M. Krmnn , cattle and horse business. C. W. Knights , clothing. McCook Electric light company. S. II. Colvin , real estate agent. Frank Cnrmth it Son , Jewelers. Samuel Itahncr , contractor , Bowen & Lnycooh , boots and shoes. II. P. Sutton , Jeweler. T. W. Nichols , piano tunor. S. T. Smith , windmills and Implements. A. J. Thompson , implements. S. Seaman , giocer. 1' . Jilatt , bottling works. Kendore Clark , painter. M. 13. Horncr. confectionery. W. C. Bnllnrd , mayor city of McCook. E. Undsnor , stock dealer. W. C. Bull & Co. , lumber. A. J. Welch , agent B. .t M. railroad. S. L. Green , M. D. , capitalist. Willoy & Walker , druggists. QEETE. J. 1 ! . Johnston , president State bank. T. H. Miller , capitalist. George D. Stevens , cashier State bank. L. 13. Fuller , banker. Henry C , Belirens , general mcrchandlso. Fred Stllcko , general merchandise. Hev. Em. Ant. Bousku , Catholic priest. EdJ. StPidl , drugs. G. II. Gsisscr , lee dealer. E. O. Stebbins , stationer. G. W. Havlicek , Jeweler. Jos Schultc. furniture , > J. II. Shnry , druggist. ' John Bathcn , of Bullion ft Ucilomaclicr , lumber dcnlers. Wm. Kerst , contractor and builder. H. G. Wollago , dealer lu pumps , wiiid- mllls and piping. Frank Overcash , editor Democrat. C. DUIIM , hardware. r Frank Nedeln , druggist. I Frank Trcka , harness and saddlery. Jos KoitttzUy , jeweler. W , Aksamit , blacksmith , Thco Heden , general merchandise , Jacob Schiniunck , farm linplemuuta , I. T. Stoidl , harness maker. Fred Ilookel , meat market. J. II. Derse , boots and shoes. % ilcrm. Schmeda , barber. < Stoklasa it Klein , general merchandise. Fred Meyer , general merchandise. Hollman it Hocuolcor , general incrchandLso. F , J. Hadeirnchcr , furniture and carpets. Sidney L. Willson , stenographer. J. A. Grosscup , dealer In buggies. v > , J. S. Atwood. Htoam laundry. " * ) IJredla & Jellnek , barboi-s. O , P. Hettlor , cigar manufacturer. J. Muncoy , feed and grain. Hugh MeCnrger , Implements. J. J. Brabec , blacksmith. * Frank Veleua. tailor. l John Ilrj'son. blucksmlth. / F. L. Vanderburg , carringo manufacturer. Andy PfliTnor , meat market. II , Ilulmiinn , clothing. Charles A run , tailor , A , Smith , photographer. C. M , Hurliot , real estate agent. "W. 13. Urock , hotel keeper. Fred Laders , livery. A. Conrad , physician. 1) ) . J. F , Itced , city meat market. ' J. H. Hahncr , grocery. 13. Eckert , Insurance ngent. II , McICco , grain dealer. It. W. Sherman , veterinary surgeon. H. Hyath , livery and food , T. Putz , real estnto. J , Buck , grain nnd live stock. Frank Durrlo , railway agent , , J. O. Cioodwin , city treasurer , F. Wltto , meat market. 13. Fraud , painter. Josef Adauick , wugonmnkcr. J , E. Harrow , jr. , merchant. J , D. Doyles , llvu stock. J. B. Ucrkloy , restaurant. W. T. Buchanan , auctioneer. Continued < / t'ljlh I'utic.